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Contents Page 内容页面
内容页面 内容页面

Foreword … iv 前言……
前言…… iv 前言……

Introduction … V 引言……
引言…… V 引言……

1 Scope … 1 1范围…1
1 范围… 1 1 范围…1

2 Normative references. … 1
2 规范性引用。… 1
2规范性参考文献。1…… 2 规范性参考文献。1……
3 Terms and definitions … 2
3 术语和定义 … 2
3术语和定义 3 术语和定义
4 Abbreviated terms and notation … 4
4 缩略语和符号 … 4
4 .缩写术语和符号 4. 缩写术语和符号
4.1 Abbreviated terms … 4
4.1 缩略语 … 4
4.1缩略语 4.1 缩略语
4.2 UML Notation … 4
4.2 UML 符号 … 4
4.2 UML符号… 4.2 UML 符号…
5 Conformance … 5 5 .一致性
5 .一致性 … 5 5 .一致性

6 Conceptual Framework for BIM to GIS mapping … 5
6 建筑信息模型(BIM)与地理信息系统(GIS)映射的概念框架 … 5
6 BIM到GIS映射的概念框架 6 BIM 到 GIS 映射的概念框架
6.1 General … 5 6.1总则……5
6.1 总则……5 6.1 General … 5

6.2 Conceptual overview … 5
6.2 概念概述 … 5
6.2概念概述 6.2 概念概述
6.3 Mechanisms … 6 6.3原理描述……6
6.3 原理描述……6 6.3 Mechanisms … 6

7 BIM to GIS perspective definition … 9
7 BIM 到 GIS 的视角定义 … 9
BIM到GIS的透视定义 BIM 到 GIS 的透视定义
7.1 General … 9 7.1总则……9
7.1 总则……9 7.1 General … 9

7.2 Mechanisms … 9 7.2原理描述……9
7.2 原理描述……9 7.2 Mechanisms … 9

7.2.1 Data view … 9
7.2.1 数据视图 … 9
7.2.1数据视图 7.2.1 数据视图
7.2.2 Logic view … 10
7.2.2 逻辑视图 … 10
7.2.2逻辑视图 7.2.2 逻辑视图
7.2.3 Style view … 10
7.2.3 风格视图 … 10
7.2.3样式视图 7.2.3 样式视图
8 BIM to GIS element mapping … 11
8 BIM 与 GIS 元素映射 … 11
8 BIM到GIS元素映射 8 BIM 到 GIS 元素映射
8.1 General … 11 8.1总则……11
8.1 总则……11 8.1 General … 11

8.2 Mechanism … 12 8.2 机制 … 12
9 BIM to GIS LOD Mapping. … 13
9 BIM 到 GIS 的 LOD 映射。… 13

9.1 General … 13 9.1 一般 … 13
9.2 Mechanism … 14 9.2 机制 … 14
Annex A (normative) Abstract test suite … 16
附录 A(规范性)抽象测试套件……16

Annex B (informative) B2G EM and LM example … 18
附录 B(信息性)B2G EM 和 LM 示例……18

Annex C (informative) Instance example using B2G PD … 20
附录 C(信息性)使用 B2G PD 的实例示例……20

Annex D (informative) CityGML LOD model and mapping … 21
附录 D(信息性)CityGML LOD 模型和映射……21

Annex E (informative) LOD mapping rule description example … 23
附录 E(信息性)LOD 映射规则描述示例……23

Bibliography … 24 参考书目……24
参考书目……24 参考书目……24

Foreword 前言

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
国际标准化组织(ISO)是一个由国家标准机构(ISO 成员机构)组成的全球性联合体。国际标准的制定工作通常通过 ISO 技术委员会进行。每个对已成立技术委员会的主题感兴趣的成员机构都有权在该委员会中获得代表。与 ISO 保持联系的国际组织、政府和非政府组织也参与这项工作。ISO 与国际电工委员会(IEC)在所有电气标准化事务上密切合作。
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives).
本文件的制定程序以及后续维护的程序在 ISO/IEC 指令第 1 部分中进行了描述。特别需要注意的是,不同类型的 ISO 文件所需的不同批准标准。本文件是根据 ISO/IEC 指令第 2 部分的编辑规则起草的(见www.iso.org/directives)。
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents).
注意到本文件的某些元素可能涉及专利权。ISO 不对识别任何或所有此类专利权承担责任。在文件开发过程中识别的任何专利权的详细信息将包含在引言中和/或在 ISO 收到的专利声明列表中(见 www.iso.org/patents)。

Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see www.iso.org/ iso/foreword.html.
有关标准的自愿性质、与合格评定相关的 ISO 特定术语和表达的含义,以及 ISO 在技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)中遵循世界贸易组织(WTO)原则的信息,请参见 www.iso.org/ iso/foreword.html。

This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 211, Geographic information/Geomatics.
本文件由国际标准化组织技术委员会 ISO/TC 211 地理信息/测绘编制。

Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete listing of these bodies can be found at www.iso.org/members.html.
任何关于本文件的反馈或问题应直接向用户所在国家的标准机构提出。这些机构的完整列表可以在 www.iso.org/members.html 找到。

Introduction 介绍

Building Information Modelling (BIM) contains rich information related to building elements such as doors, walls, windows, MEP (mechanical, electrical, and plumbing) and others. In addition, BIM models may include information about other features than buildings, which are relevant to GIS. From the viewpoint of GIS, there are many benefits related to using BIM information in GIS applications. Some examples are:
建筑信息建模(BIM)包含与建筑元素相关的丰富信息,如门、墙、窗、机电(机械、电气和管道)等。此外,BIM 模型还可能包括与建筑无关但与地理信息系统(GIS)相关的其他特征的信息。从 GIS 的角度来看,在 GIS 应用中使用 BIM 信息有许多好处。一些例子包括:

a) Indoor service implementation such as emergency management (routing, evacuation path finding under fire situation).

b) Outdoor - indoor linkage service, such as seamless navigation.

c) Effective facility/energy/environment management considering objects related BIM based on GIS.
有效的设施/能源/环境管理,考虑基于 GIS 的与对象相关的 BIM。
Although there have been some attempts to harvest the rich information contained in BIM models and use it in GIS, there is no established way to map the information elements between the two modelling worlds. A proper mapping method is clearly required. Before the implementation of the information mapping, however, mapping mechanisms for linking appropriate information elements from BIM to GIS need to be clearly defined. In addition, for the mapping mechanisms to work together, a conceptual framework for the mapping process based on open standards between BIM and GIS needs to be established.
尽管已经有一些尝试从 BIM 模型中提取丰富的信息并将其用于 GIS,但在这两个建模领域之间映射信息元素的方法尚未建立。显然,需要一种合适的映射方法。然而,在实施信息映射之前,需要明确界定将 BIM 中适当信息元素链接到 GIS 的映射机制。此外,为了使映射机制能够协同工作,需要建立一个基于开放标准的 BIM 与 GIS 之间映射过程的概念框架。
This document provides the conceptual framework for BIM to GIS information mapping and required mapping mechanisms.
本文件提供了 BIM 到 GIS 信息映射的概念框架和所需的映射机制。
A brief explanation of each mapping mechanism follows:
  • BIM to GIS Perspective Definition (B2G PD): supports perspective information representation depending on the specific requirement such as the urban facility management (UFM). “Perspective” depends on the use-case. For example, to manage the urban facilities, the required data should be collected from the various data sources, including BIM model, and transformed to represent in user-specific perspective. PD defines a Data View to extract the data required and transform the information from the various data sources.
    BIM 到 GIS 视角定义(B2G PD):支持根据特定需求(如城市设施管理 UFM)表示视角信息。“视角”取决于使用案例。例如,为了管理城市设施,需要从各种数据源收集所需数据,包括 BIM 模型,并转换为用户特定的视角。PD 定义了一个数据视图,以提取所需数据并从各种数据源转换信息。
  • BIM to GIS Element Mapping (B2G EM): supports the element mapping from BIM model to GIS model. As the BIM and GIS model schemas are different, B2G EM requires a mapping rule specifying how to transform from a BIM model to GIS model element.
    BIM 到 GIS 元素映射(B2G EM):支持从 BIM 模型到 GIS 模型的元素映射。由于 BIM 和 GIS 模型的架构不同,B2G EM 需要一个映射规则,指定如何将 BIM 模型转换为 GIS 模型元素。
  • BIM to GIS LOD Mapping (B2G LM): supports the LOD mapping from BIM model to GIS model. LOD (levels of detail) in GIS is a deliberate choice of data included/excluded from a model to satisfy certain use cases including visualization. The relevant geometric and other information for the LODs required in the target GIS model need to be extracted/or queried from the BIM model. This can be defined by the LOD mapping ruleset.
    BIM 到 GIS LOD 映射(B2G LM):支持从 BIM 模型到 GIS 模型的 LOD 映射。GIS 中的 LOD(细节级别)是对模型中包含/排除数据的有意选择,以满足包括可视化在内的特定用例。目标 GIS 模型所需的相关几何和其他信息需要从 BIM 模型中提取或查询。这可以通过 LOD 映射规则集来定义。
This document is applicable to information query services such as urban facility management operation. BIM object visualization in GIS and other application services that require query processing depending on the relationship between BIM and GIS objects, either in the real or virtual world, will be able to use the mechanisms defined in this document for mapping the required information elements between the two systems. Although this document describes mapping information elements from BIM to GIS in general, the primary concern of this document is mapping BIM models to GIS models for visualization.
本文件适用于城市设施管理运营等信息查询服务。BIM 对象在 GIS 中的可视化以及其他需要根据 BIM 和 GIS 对象之间关系进行查询处理的应用服务,无论是在现实世界还是虚拟世界,都可以使用本文件中定义的机制来映射两个系统之间所需的信息元素。尽管本文件一般描述了从 BIM 到 GIS 的信息元素映射,但本文件的主要关注点是将 BIM 模型映射到 GIS 模型以进行可视化。
The conceptual mapping mechanism defined in this document uses existing international standards such as Geography Markup Language (GML) (ISO 19136-1) and Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) (ISO 16739-1). The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)'s Land and Infrastructure Conceptual Model Standard (LandInfra) (OGC 15-111r1) defines the information model of infrastructure such as roads. As LandInfra has been designed with a common conceptual model between the BIM and GIS communities, transferring information from LandInfra BIM models to LandInfra GIS models should be reasonably straight forward. This document, therefore, concentrates on mapping from BIM models not based on LandInfra.
本文件中定义的概念映射机制使用了现有的国际标准,如地理标记语言(GML)(ISO 19136-1)和行业基础类(IFC)(ISO 16739-1)。开放地理空间联盟(OGC)的土地和基础设施概念模型标准(LandInfra)(OGC 15-111r1)定义了基础设施(如道路)的信息模型。由于 LandInfra 是以 BIM 和 GIS 社区之间的共同概念模型设计的,因此将信息从 LandInfra BIM 模型转移到 LandInfra GIS 模型应该相对简单。因此,本文件集中于映射不基于 LandInfra 的 BIM 模型。

Geographic information - BIM to GIS conceptual mapping (B2GM)
地理信息 - BIM 到 GIS 的概念映射 (B2GM)

1 Scope 1 范围

This document defines the conceptual framework and mechanisms for mapping information elements from Building Information Modelling (BIM) to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to access the required information based on specific user requirements.
The conceptual framework for mapping BIM information to GIS is defined with the following three mapping mechanisms:
将 BIM 信息映射到 GIS 的概念框架通过以下三种映射机制进行定义:
  • BIM to GIS Perspective Definition (B2G PD);
    BIM 到 GIS 视角定义(B2G PD)
  • BIM to GIS Element Mapping (B2G EM);
    BIM 到 GIS 元素映射(B2G EM)
  • BIM to GIS LOD Mapping (B2G LM).
    BIM 到 GIS LOD 映射(B2G LM)。
This document does not describe physical schema integration or mapping between BIM and GIS models because the physical schema integration or mapping between two heterogeneous models is very complex and can cause a variety of ambiguity problems. Developing a unified information model between BIM and GIS is a desirable goal, but it is out of the scope of this document.
本文件不描述 BIM 和 GIS 模型之间的物理模式集成或映射,因为两个异构模型之间的物理模式集成或映射非常复杂,可能导致各种模糊问题。在 BIM 和 GIS 之间开发统一的信息模型是一个理想目标,但超出了本文件的范围。
The scope of this document includes the following:
  • definition for BIM to GIS conceptual mapping requirement description;
    BIM 到 GIS 概念映射需求描述的定义;
  • definition of BIM to GIS conceptual mapping framework and component;
    BIM 到 GIS 概念映射框架和组件的定义;
  • definition of mapping for export from one schema into another.
The following concepts are outside the scope:
  • definition of any particular mapping application requirement and mechanism;
  • bi-directional mapping method between BIM and GIS;
    BIM 与 GIS 之间的双向映射方法;
  • definition of physical schema mapping between BIM and GIS;
    BIM 与 GIS 之间物理模式映射的定义;
  • definition of coordinate system mapping between BIM and GIS.
    BIM 与 GIS 之间坐标系统映射的定义。
NOTE For cases involving requirements related to Geo-referencing for providing the position and orientation of the BIM model based on GIS, there exist other standards such as ISO 19111 and the Information Delivery Manual (IDM) from buildingSMART on Geo-referencing BIM.
注意:对于涉及基于地理信息系统(GIS)提供 BIM 模型位置和方向的地理参考要求的案例,存在其他标准,例如 ISO 19111 和来自 buildingSMART 的《信息交付手册》(IDM)关于 BIM 的地理参考。
  • definition of relationship mapping between BIM and GIS;
    BIM 与 GIS 之间关系映射的定义;
  • implementation of the application schema.

2 Normative references 2 规范性引用

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 19103, Geographic information — Conceptual schema language
ISO 19103,地理信息 — 概念模式语言

ISO 19107, Geographic information — Spatial schema
ISO 19107,地理信息 — 空间模式
ISO 19109, Geographic information — Rules for application schema
ISO 19109,地理信息 — 应用模式规则

3 Terms and definitions 3 术语和定义

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
ISO 和 IEC 维护用于标准化的术语数据库,地址如下:

application  应用程序
manipulation and processing of data in support of user requirements

[SOURCE: ISO 19101-1:2014, 4.1.1]
[来源:ISO 19101-1:2014, 4.1.1]


application schema 应用程序架构
conceptual schema for data required by one or more applications (3.1)
一个或多个应用程序所需的数据的概念模式 (3.1)

[SOURCE: ISO 19101-1:2014, 4.1.2]
[来源:ISO 19101-1:2014, 4.1.2]


class 班级
<UML> description of a set of objects (3.9) that share the same attributes, operations, methods, relationships and semantics
<UML> 一组共享相同属性、操作、方法、关系和语义的对象的描述 (3.9)

[SOURCE: ISO 19103:2015, 4.7, modified — <UML> domain has been added to the entry.]
[来源:ISO 19103:2015,4.7,已修改 — <UML> 域已添加到条目中。]


complex feature 复杂特征
feature (3.6) composed of other features
特征 (3.6) 由其他特征组成

[SOURCE: ISO 19109:2015, 4.3]
[来源:ISO 19109:2015, 4.3]


element 元素
<BIM> component including geometry, property, method, and relationship in a BIM or GIS model (3.8).
<BIM> 组件,包括几何、属性、方法和在 BIM 或 GIS 模型中的关系 (3.8)。

EXAMPLE In BIM, site, building, wall, door, and room are examples of elements, whereas in a GIS, site, building, wall, room with infrastructure such as road, and bridge are examples of elements.
在 BIM 中,场地、建筑、墙、门和房间是元素的例子,而在 GIS 中,场地、建筑、墙、带有基础设施如道路和桥梁的房间是元素的例子。


feature 特征

abstraction of real-world phenomena

Note 1 to entry: A feature composed of other features is called a “complex feature” (3.4).
注释 1:由其他特征组成的特征称为“复杂特征”(3.4)。

[SOURCE: ISO 19101-1:2014, 4.1.11, modified — Note 1 to entry modified.]
[来源:ISO 19101-1:2014,4.1.11,已修改 — 条目注释 1 已修改。]

level of detail  细节水平

alternate representations of an object (3.9) at varying fidelities based on specific criteria

Note 1 to entry: The levels of detail concept of CityGML is widely accepted by the market and by the scientific community. The term “LODX model” ( X = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } ) ( X = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } ) (X={0,1,2,3,4})(\mathrm{X}=\{0,1,2,3,4\}) is frequently used to address the complexity of existing city models (3.8) and their suitability for specific applications (3.1). Buildings are represented by non-vertical polygons, either at roof or at footprint level. In LOD1, volume objects such as buildings are modelled in a generalized way as prismatic block models with vertical walls and horizontal ‘roofs’. In LOD2, the (prototypic) roof shape of buildings is represented, as well as thematic ground, wall, and roof surfaces along with additional structures such as balconies and dormers. LOD3 is the most detailed level for the outermost shape of objects. For buildings, openings are added as thematic objects. In LOD4, interior structures (rooms, etc.) are added to the most accurate outer representation, which is called LOD4 but almost identically to the LOD3 outer surface.
注释 1:CityGML 的细节层次概念在市场和科学界得到了广泛认可。“LODX 模型” ( X = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } ) ( X = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } ) (X={0,1,2,3,4})(\mathrm{X}=\{0,1,2,3,4\}) 这个术语常用于描述现有城市模型的复杂性(3.8)及其在特定应用中的适用性(3.1)。建筑物通过非垂直多边形表示,可以是屋顶或基础层。在 LOD1 中,体积对象如建筑物以一般化的方式建模为具有垂直墙壁和水平“屋顶”的棱柱块模型。在 LOD2 中,建筑物的(原型)屋顶形状被表示,以及主题地面、墙壁和屋顶表面,以及阳台和天窗等附加结构。LOD3 是对象外部形状的最详细层次。对于建筑物,开口作为主题对象添加。在 LOD4 中,内部结构(房间等)被添加到最准确的外部表示中,这被称为 LOD4,但与 LOD3 的外部表面几乎相同。
Note 2 to entry: It is important to note the distinction between the term LOD (levels of detail) in GIS usage and the term LOD in BIM LOD (Level of Development). LOD in GIS is a deliberate choice of data included/excluded from a model to satisfy certain use cases including visualization. LOD in BIM refers to the maturity of the planning process of the real-world object modelled.
注释 2:重要的是要注意 GIS 中 LOD(细节层次)一词与 BIM 中的 LOD(开发水平)一词之间的区别。GIS 中的 LOD 是对模型中包含/排除数据的有意选择,以满足包括可视化在内的某些使用案例。BIM 中的 LOD 指的是对建模的现实世界对象的规划过程的成熟度。

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 18023-1:2006, 3.1.8, modified — Notes 1 and 2 to entry modified.]
[来源:ISO/IEC 18023-1:2006,3.1.8,已修改 — 条目注释 1 和 2 已修改。]

model 模型

abstraction of some aspects of reality

[SOURCE: ISO 19109:2015, 4.15]
[来源:ISO 19109:2015, 4.15]


object 对象
<UML> object entity with a well-defined boundary and identity that encapsulates state and behaviour
<UML> 具有明确定义的边界和身份的对象实体,封装状态和行为

[SOURCE: ISO 19103:2015, 4.25, modified — <UML> domain has been added to the entry.]
[来源:ISO 19103:2015,4.25,已修改 — <UML> 域已添加到条目中。]

package  包裹
<UML> general purpose mechanism for organizing elements (3.5) into groups
<UML> 用于将元素 (3.5) 组织成组的通用机制

[SOURCE: ISO 19103:2015, 4.27]
[来源:ISO 19103:2015, 4.27]

3.11 perspective  3.11 视角
<BIM> definition of the necessary data and behaviours for the use case context
<BIM> 用例上下文所需数据和行为的定义

Note 1 to entry: perspective in the construction industry in general, and construction modelling in particular, is more like the common dictionary definition: “the art of representing three-dimensional objects (3.9) on a twodimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth and position in relation to each other”.
注释 1:在建筑行业中,尤其是在建筑建模方面,透视更像是常见词典的定义:“在二维表面上表现三维物体的艺术,以便正确地给出它们的高度、宽度、深度和相互位置的印象。”
Note 2 to entry: the use of ‘perspective’ in this document is similar to the BIM concept of ‘model view’, where ‘Model View Definition’ is “A specification which identifies the properties and specifies the exchange requirements” - i.e. what the customer wants/needs in the model (3.8) at that stage.
条目注释 2:本文件中“视角”的使用类似于 BIM 概念中的“模型视图”,其中“模型视图定义”是“识别属性并指定交换要求的规范”——即客户在该阶段所希望/需要的模型内容(3.8)。


runtime 运行时
<BIM> element (3.5) consisting of code and data produced by the compilation of a source element
<BIM> 元素 (3.5) 由源元素编译产生的代码和数据组成

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 1989:2014, 4.168, modified.]
[来源:ISO/IEC 1989:2014, 4.168,修改版。]

system 系统
applications (3.1), services, information technology assets, or other information handling components [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 29134:2017, 3.13]
应用程序(3.1)、服务、信息技术资产或其他信息处理组件 [来源:ISO/IEC 29134:2017, 3.13]

system property 系统属性
customized system (3.13) settings used when automatically creating a model


4 Abbreviated terms and notation
4 缩略语和符号

4.1 Abbreviated terms 4.1 缩略语

B2G EM BIM to GIS element mapping
BIM 与 GIS 元素映射
B2G LM BIM to GIS LOD mapping
BIM 与 GIS 的 LOD 映射
B2G PD BIM to GIS perspective definition
BIM 到 GIS 的视角定义
B2G CM BIM to GIS conceptual mapping
BIM 到 GIS 的概念映射
BIM Building Information Modelling
BIM model BIM 模型 Building Information Model
B-rep B-代表 boundary representation 边界表示法
ETL Extract/Transform/Load 提取/转换/加载
FM facility management 设施管理
FK foreign key 外键
GIS Geographic Information System
GIS model GIS 模型 Geographic Information System Model
GUID Globally Unique Identifier
OBB oriented bounding box 定向包围盒
PD perspective definition 视角定义
PK primary key 主键
PSEt property set 属性集
UML Unified Modelling Language
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
XML Extensible Markup Language
B2G EM BIM to GIS element mapping B2G LM BIM to GIS LOD mapping B2G PD BIM to GIS perspective definition B2G CM BIM to GIS conceptual mapping BIM Building Information Modelling BIM model Building Information Model B-rep boundary representation ETL Extract/Transform/Load FM facility management FK foreign key GIS Geographic Information System GIS model Geographic Information System Model GUID Globally Unique Identifier OBB oriented bounding box PD perspective definition PK primary key PSEt property set UML Unified Modelling Language URI Uniform Resource Identifier XML Extensible Markup LanguageB2G em bim到GIS的元素映射 B2G lm bim到GIS LOD的映射 B2G pd bim到GIS的视角定义 B2G cm bim到GIS的概念映射 bim建筑信息模型 BIM模型建筑信息模型 b -rep边界表示 etl提取/转换/负载 fm设施管理 fk外键 地理信息系统 地理信息系统模型 guid全局唯一标识符 面向obb的边界框 pd透视图定义 pk主键 pset属性集 统一建模语言 统一资源标识符 可扩展标记语言| B2G EM | BIM to GIS element mapping | | :--- | :--- | | B2G LM | BIM to GIS LOD mapping | | B2G PD | BIM to GIS perspective definition | | B2G CM | BIM to GIS conceptual mapping | | BIM | Building Information Modelling | | BIM model | Building Information Model | | B-rep | boundary representation | | ETL | Extract/Transform/Load | | FM | facility management | | FK | foreign key | | GIS | Geographic Information System | | GIS model | Geographic Information System Model | | GUID | Globally Unique Identifier | | OBB | oriented bounding box | | PD | perspective definition | | PK | primary key | | PSEt | property set | | UML | Unified Modelling Language | | URI | Uniform Resource Identifier | | XML | Extensible Markup Language || B2G EM | BIM到GIS元素映射| |:——|:——| | B2G LM | BIM到GIS LOD映射| | B2G PD | BIM到GIS的透视定义| | B2G CM | BIM到GIS概念图| | BIM |建筑信息建模| | BIM模型|建筑信息模型| B-rep;边界表示 | ETL |提取/转换/加载| FM设施管理 外键 地理信息系统 GIS模型|地理信息系统模型| GUID |全局唯一标识符| OBB |定向边界框| | PD |透视定义| PK主键 属性集| PSEt UML统一建模语言 URI |统一资源标识符| XML扩展标记语言

4.2 UML Notation 4.2 UML 符号

In this document, conceptual schemas are presented in the Unified Modelling Language (UML). The user shall refer to ISO 19103 for the specific profile of UML used in this document.
在本文件中,概念模式以统一建模语言(UML)呈现。用户应参考 ISO 19103 以获取本文件中使用的 UML 特定配置文件。

5 Conformance 5 符合性

This document defines the requirements classes in Clauses 7, 8, and 9.
本文件定义了第 7、8 和 9 条中的要求类别。

6 Conceptual Framework for BIM to GIS mapping
6 建筑信息模型(BIM)与地理信息系统(GIS)映射的概念框架

6.1 General 6.1 一般情况

The BIM to GIS conceptual mapping (B2G CM) is the conceptual framework for object mapping from a BIM model to a GIS model which includes the transform ruleset related to class elements, LODs, and geometries.
BIM 到 GIS 概念映射(B2G CM)是一个概念框架,用于将 BIM 模型中的对象映射到 GIS 模型,包括与类元素、LOD 和几何形状相关的转换规则集。
B2G CM considers the following:
B2G CM 考虑以下事项:
  • The way for users to design, predict and check the results of model integration explicitly.
  • The way for users to define, connect and integrate the data they need from a user perspective.
  • The way for users to exclude unnecessary data and determine the amount of data needed.

6.2 Conceptual overview 6.2 概念概述

Figure 1 presents a conceptual overview of B2G CM as defined in this document and presents the relationship of the mapping mechanisms.
图 1 展示了本文件中定义的 B2G CM 的概念概述,并呈现了映射机制之间的关系。
  • Perspective definition for data view. Perspective information representation depending on the specific use-cases such as user facility management. “Perspective” is dependent on the use-case to extract the needed data. PD consists of three mechanisms to extract the external data needed.
    数据视图的视角定义。视角信息表示取决于特定的使用案例,例如用户设施管理。“视角”取决于使用案例以提取所需的数据。PD 由三种机制组成,以提取所需的外部数据。
  • Element mapping from BIM to GIS model. To transform the elements from BIM model to the GIS model, it is necessary to define the element mapping mechanism that transforms the BIM to GIS model elements. Element Mapping describes the mapping requirement definition related to the element mapping mechanism from the viewpoint of specific use cases.
    元素从 BIM 到 GIS 模型的映射。为了将 BIM 模型中的元素转换为 GIS 模型,有必要定义将 BIM 转换为 GIS 模型元素的元素映射机制。元素映射从特定用例的角度描述了与元素映射机制相关的映射需求定义。
  • LOD definition and mapping from BIM model to GIS model. The LOD models define a visualization mechanism. However, there is no LOD schema in BIM objects defined in the BIM model, ISO 16739. To represent BIM geometry in a GIS, LOD information can need to be extracted from the BIM model.
    LOD 定义及从 BIM 模型到 GIS 模型的映射。LOD 模型定义了一种可视化机制。然而,在 BIM 模型中定义的 BIM 对象中没有 LOD 模式,ISO 16739。为了在 GIS 中表示 BIM 几何,可能需要从 BIM 模型中提取 LOD 信息。
Figure 1-B2G CM Conceptual Overview
图 1-B2G CM 概念概述

6.3 Mechanisms 6.3 机制

Using the mapping framework defined in this document, it is possible to query the information from the linked database that utilizes the BIM information. Figure 2 shows use cases of querying information from an integrated database that includes both GIS and BIM information elements.
使用本文件中定义的映射框架,可以从利用 BIM 信息的链接数据库中查询信息。图 2 展示了从包含 GIS 和 BIM 信息元素的集成数据库中查询信息的用例。
Figure 2 - Link database and integrated query based on B2G CM use cases
图 2 - 基于 B2G CM 用例的链接数据库和集成查询
B2G CM supports BIM model-to-GIS model mapping under the BIM and GIS model requirement scope in Table 1. The geometry of the BIM and GIS models should be able to define the B-rep by referring to ISO 19109 GFM (general feature model) and ISO 19107 spatial schema, as shown in Figure 3.
B2G CM 支持在表 1 中 BIM 和 GIS 模型要求范围内进行 BIM 模型与 GIS 模型的映射。BIM 和 GIS 模型的几何形状应能够通过参考 ISO 19109 GFM(通用特征模型)和 ISO 19107 空间模式来定义 B-rep,如图 3 所示。
Figure 3 3 3-3- BIM and GIS model requirement
3 3 3-3- BIM 和 GIS 模型要求
The minimum information requirements for BIM model-to-GIS model mapping by model package are defined in Table 1.
BIM 模型与 GIS 模型映射的最小信息要求按模型包在表 1 中定义。
Table 1 - Package Requirements
表 1 - 包装要求
Package 包裹 Requirements 要求
BIM model BIM 模型

BIM 模型应定义以下对象信息。BM1. BIM 元素:定义建筑组件的运行时、几何、属性和关系的能力。BM2. 运行时:识别 BIM 元素类型的能力。这些类型是建筑信息组件,如墙、门和房间。BM3. 几何:包含基于 GM_Solid 的边界表示(B-rep)的实体信息的能力。B-rep 信息必须包括拓扑,如顶点、边、环和面。BM4. 属性集:对 BIM 元素的属性进行分类并定义{name, value type, initial value}对的能力。此外,属性信息的系统属性应被定义。系统属性在创建 BIM 模型时自动生成。系统属性包括 BIM 元素名称和 GUID。BM5(可选)。关系:包含 BIM 元素之间关系的能力。这些关系遵循 UML 关系。本文件涵盖的关系有关联、依赖和泛化。
A BIM model shall define the following object information.
BM1. BIM_element: capability to define the runtime of construction components, geometry,
property, and relationship.
BM2. runtime: capability to identify the types of BIM element. The types are building in-
formation components such as walls, doors, and rooms.
BM3. geometry: capability to contain the solid information including B-rep (boundary
representation) based on GM_Solid. The B-rep information must include the topology such
as the vertex, edge, loop and faces.
BM4. property_set: capability to categorize the attributes of the BIM elements and to define
the {name, value type, initial value} pairs.
In addition, the system properties of the property information shall be defined. The system
properties are automatically created when creating a BIM model. The system properties
are the BIM element name and the GUID.
BM5(Optional). relationship: capability to contain the relationships between the BIM ele-
ments. The relationships follow the UML relationships. The relationships covered in this
document are Association, Dependency, and Generalization.
A BIM model shall define the following object information. BM1. BIM_element: capability to define the runtime of construction components, geometry, property, and relationship. BM2. runtime: capability to identify the types of BIM element. The types are building in- formation components such as walls, doors, and rooms. BM3. geometry: capability to contain the solid information including B-rep (boundary representation) based on GM_Solid. The B-rep information must include the topology such as the vertex, edge, loop and faces. BM4. property_set: capability to categorize the attributes of the BIM elements and to define the {name, value type, initial value} pairs. In addition, the system properties of the property information shall be defined. The system properties are automatically created when creating a BIM model. The system properties are the BIM element name and the GUID. BM5(Optional). relationship: capability to contain the relationships between the BIM ele- ments. The relationships follow the UML relationships. The relationships covered in this document are Association, Dependency, and Generalization.BIM模型应定义以下对象信息。 BM1。BIM_element:定义建筑构件、几何、 财产和关系。 BM2。运行时:识别BIM元素类型的能力。这些类型正在建造 形成组件,如墙、门和房间。 BM3。几何:包含实体信息的能力,包括B-rep(边界) 表示)基于GM_Solid。B-rep信息必须包括拓扑结构,例如 作为顶点,边,环和面。 BM4。property_set:对BIM元素的属性进行分类和定义的能力 {名称,值类型,初始值}对。 此外,还应定义属性信息的系统属性。该系统 属性在创建BIM模型时自动创建。系统属性 为BIM元素名称和GUID。 BM5(可选)。关系:包含BIM元素之间关系的能力 差事。这些关系遵循UML关系。其中涉及的关系 它们分别是关联、依赖和泛化。| A BIM model shall define the following object information. | | :--- | | BM1. BIM_element: capability to define the runtime of construction components, geometry, | | property, and relationship. | | BM2. runtime: capability to identify the types of BIM element. The types are building in- | | formation components such as walls, doors, and rooms. | | BM3. geometry: capability to contain the solid information including B-rep (boundary | | representation) based on GM_Solid. The B-rep information must include the topology such | | as the vertex, edge, loop and faces. | | BM4. property_set: capability to categorize the attributes of the BIM elements and to define | | the {name, value type, initial value} pairs. | | In addition, the system properties of the property information shall be defined. The system | | properties are automatically created when creating a BIM model. The system properties | | are the BIM element name and the GUID. | | BM5(Optional). relationship: capability to contain the relationships between the BIM ele- | | ments. The relationships follow the UML relationships. The relationships covered in this | | document are Association, Dependency, and Generalization. || BIM模型应定义以下对象信息。| |:——| | BM1。BIM_element:能够定义建筑构件、几何、构造的运行时 属性,关系。| | BM2。运行时:识别BIM元素类型的能力。类型正在增加 墙体、门、房间等构成构件。| | BM3。几何:包含实体信息的能力,包括B-rep(边界) (表示)基于GM_Solid。B-rep信息必须包括拓扑结构,如 作为顶点、边、循环和面。| | BM4。property_set:对BIM元素的属性进行分类和定义的能力 |{名称,值类型,初始值}对。| |另外,需要定义属性信息的系统属性。系统| 属性在创建BIM模型时自动创建。系统属性| |为BIM元素名称和GUID。| | BM5(可选)。关系:包含BIM元素之间关系的能力 |。这些关系遵循UML关系。本文所涉及的关系 它们是关联、依赖和泛化。|
GIS model GIS 模型

GIS 模型应定义以下对象信息。 GM1. GIS_element:定义运行时、几何、属性和关系的能力,这些是 GIS 模型组件。 GM2. 运行时:识别 GIS 元素类型的能力。类型包括场地、建筑和房间,这些是相同的建筑信息组件。 GM3. 几何:基于 GM_solid 包含 LOD 和实体信息的能力。B-rep 信息应包括拓扑,如顶点、边、环和面。 GM4. 属性集:对 GIS 元素的属性进行分类的能力,并定义{name, value type, initial value}对。此外,属性信息的系统属性应被定义。系统属性在创建 GIS 模型时自动生成。系统属性是 GIS 元素名称。 GM5(可选):包含 GIS 元素之间关系的能力。这些关系遵循 UML 关系。本文件涵盖的关系有关联、依赖和泛化。
A GIS model shall define the following object information.
GM1. GIS_element: capability to define the runtime, geometry, property and relationship,
which are the GIS model components.
GM2. runtime: capability to identify the types of GIS element. The types include the site,
building and room, which are the same architectural information components.
GM3. geometry: capability to contain the LOD and Solid information based on GM_solid.
The B-rep information shall include the topology such as the vertex, edge, loop and faces.
GM4. property_set: capability to categorize the attributes of the GIS element and to define
the {name, value type, initial value } pairs.
In addition, the system properties of the property information shall be defined. The system
properties are automatically created when creating a GIS model. The system properties are
the GIS element name.
GM5(Optional). capability to contain the relationships between the GIS elements. The re-
lationships follow the UML relationships. The relationships covered in this document are
Association, Dependency, and Generalization.
A GIS model shall define the following object information. GM1. GIS_element: capability to define the runtime, geometry, property and relationship, which are the GIS model components. GM2. runtime: capability to identify the types of GIS element. The types include the site, building and room, which are the same architectural information components. GM3. geometry: capability to contain the LOD and Solid information based on GM_solid. The B-rep information shall include the topology such as the vertex, edge, loop and faces. GM4. property_set: capability to categorize the attributes of the GIS element and to define the {name, value type, initial value } pairs. In addition, the system properties of the property information shall be defined. The system properties are automatically created when creating a GIS model. The system properties are the GIS element name. GM5(Optional). capability to contain the relationships between the GIS elements. The re- lationships follow the UML relationships. The relationships covered in this document are Association, Dependency, and Generalization.GIS模型应定义以下对象信息。 GM1。GIS_element:定义运行时、几何、属性和关系的能力; 它们是GIS模型组件。 GM2。运行时:识别GIS元素类型的能力。这些类型包括场地, 建筑和房间,它们是相同的建筑信息组成部分。 GM3。geometry:基于GM_solid包含LOD和Solid信息的能力。 B-rep信息应包括顶点、边、环和面等拓扑结构。 GM4。property_set:对GIS元素的属性进行分类和定义的能力 {名称,值类型,初始值}对。 此外,还应定义属性信息的系统属性。该系统 属性是在创建GIS模型时自动创建的。系统属性如下 GIS元素名称。 GM5(可选)。包含GIS元素之间关系的能力。re - 关系遵循UML关系。本文中涉及的关系有 关联、依赖和泛化。| A GIS model shall define the following object information. | | :--- | | GM1. GIS_element: capability to define the runtime, geometry, property and relationship, | | which are the GIS model components. | | GM2. runtime: capability to identify the types of GIS element. The types include the site, | | building and room, which are the same architectural information components. | | GM3. geometry: capability to contain the LOD and Solid information based on GM_solid. | | The B-rep information shall include the topology such as the vertex, edge, loop and faces. | | GM4. property_set: capability to categorize the attributes of the GIS element and to define | | the {name, value type, initial value } pairs. | | In addition, the system properties of the property information shall be defined. The system | | properties are automatically created when creating a GIS model. The system properties are | | the GIS element name. | | GM5(Optional). capability to contain the relationships between the GIS elements. The re- | | lationships follow the UML relationships. The relationships covered in this document are | | Association, Dependency, and Generalization. |GIS模型应定义以下对象信息。| |:——| | GM1。GIS_element:定义运行时、几何、属性和关系的能力 为GIS模型组件。| | GM2。运行时:识别GIS元素类型的能力。类型包括site、| |建筑和房间,它们是相同的建筑信息组件。| | GM3。geometry:基于GM_solid包含LOD和Solid信息的能力。| B-rep信息应包括顶点、边、环、面等拓扑。| | GM4。property_set:对GIS元素的属性进行分类和定义的能力 |{名称,值类型,初始值}对。| |另外,需要定义属性信息的系统属性。系统| 属性是在创建GIS模型时自动创建的。系统属性为 GIS元素名称。| | GM5(可选)。包含GIS元素之间关系的能力。re- | 关系遵循UML关系。本文所涉及的关系是 关联、依赖和泛化。|
Package Requirements BIM model "A BIM model shall define the following object information. BM1. BIM_element: capability to define the runtime of construction components, geometry, property, and relationship. BM2. runtime: capability to identify the types of BIM element. The types are building in- formation components such as walls, doors, and rooms. BM3. geometry: capability to contain the solid information including B-rep (boundary representation) based on GM_Solid. The B-rep information must include the topology such as the vertex, edge, loop and faces. BM4. property_set: capability to categorize the attributes of the BIM elements and to define the {name, value type, initial value} pairs. In addition, the system properties of the property information shall be defined. The system properties are automatically created when creating a BIM model. The system properties are the BIM element name and the GUID. BM5(Optional). relationship: capability to contain the relationships between the BIM ele- ments. The relationships follow the UML relationships. The relationships covered in this document are Association, Dependency, and Generalization." GIS model "A GIS model shall define the following object information. GM1. GIS_element: capability to define the runtime, geometry, property and relationship, which are the GIS model components. GM2. runtime: capability to identify the types of GIS element. The types include the site, building and room, which are the same architectural information components. GM3. geometry: capability to contain the LOD and Solid information based on GM_solid. The B-rep information shall include the topology such as the vertex, edge, loop and faces. GM4. property_set: capability to categorize the attributes of the GIS element and to define the {name, value type, initial value } pairs. In addition, the system properties of the property information shall be defined. The system properties are automatically created when creating a GIS model. The system properties are the GIS element name. GM5(Optional). capability to contain the relationships between the GIS elements. The re- lationships follow the UML relationships. The relationships covered in this document are Association, Dependency, and Generalization."包需求 BIM模型“BIM模型应定义以下对象信息。 BM1。BIM_element:定义建筑构件、几何、 财产和关系。 BM2。运行时:识别BIM元素类型的能力。这些类型正在建造 形成组件,如墙、门和房间。 BM3。几何:包含实体信息的能力,包括B-rep(边界) 表示)基于GM_Solid。B-rep信息必须包括拓扑结构,例如 作为顶点,边,环和面。 BM4。property_set:对BIM元素的属性进行分类和定义的能力 {名称,值类型,初始值}对。 此外,还应定义属性信息的系统属性。该系统 属性在创建BIM模型时自动创建。系统属性 为BIM元素名称和GUID。 BM5(可选)。关系:包含BIM元素之间关系的能力 差事。这些关系遵循UML关系。其中涉及的关系 它们是关联、依赖和泛化。” GIS模型“GIS模型应定义以下对象信息。 GM1。GIS_element:定义运行时、几何、属性和关系的能力; 它们是GIS模型组件。 GM2。运行时:识别GIS元素类型的能力。这些类型包括场地, 建筑和房间,它们是相同的建筑信息组成部分。 GM3。geometry:基于GM_solid包含LOD和Solid信息的能力。 B-rep信息应包括顶点、边、环和面等拓扑结构。 GM4。property_set:对GIS元素的属性进行分类和定义的能力 {名称,值类型,初始值}对。 此外,还应定义属性信息的系统属性。该系统 属性是在创建GIS模型时自动创建的。系统属性如下 GIS元素名称。 GM5(可选)。包含GIS元素之间关系的能力。re - 关系遵循UML关系。本文中涉及的关系有 关联、依赖和泛化。”| Package | Requirements | | :---: | :---: | | BIM model | A BIM model shall define the following object information. <br> BM1. BIM_element: capability to define the runtime of construction components, geometry, <br> property, and relationship. <br> BM2. runtime: capability to identify the types of BIM element. The types are building in- <br> formation components such as walls, doors, and rooms. <br> BM3. geometry: capability to contain the solid information including B-rep (boundary <br> representation) based on GM_Solid. The B-rep information must include the topology such <br> as the vertex, edge, loop and faces. <br> BM4. property_set: capability to categorize the attributes of the BIM elements and to define <br> the {name, value type, initial value} pairs. <br> In addition, the system properties of the property information shall be defined. The system <br> properties are automatically created when creating a BIM model. The system properties <br> are the BIM element name and the GUID. <br> BM5(Optional). relationship: capability to contain the relationships between the BIM ele- <br> ments. The relationships follow the UML relationships. The relationships covered in this <br> document are Association, Dependency, and Generalization. | | GIS model | A GIS model shall define the following object information. <br> GM1. GIS_element: capability to define the runtime, geometry, property and relationship, <br> which are the GIS model components. <br> GM2. runtime: capability to identify the types of GIS element. The types include the site, <br> building and room, which are the same architectural information components. <br> GM3. geometry: capability to contain the LOD and Solid information based on GM_solid. <br> The B-rep information shall include the topology such as the vertex, edge, loop and faces. <br> GM4. property_set: capability to categorize the attributes of the GIS element and to define <br> the {name, value type, initial value } pairs. <br> In addition, the system properties of the property information shall be defined. The system <br> properties are automatically created when creating a GIS model. The system properties are <br> the GIS element name. <br> GM5(Optional). capability to contain the relationships between the GIS elements. The re- <br> lationships follow the UML relationships. The relationships covered in this document are <br> Association, Dependency, and Generalization. ||包装|要求| |:——:|:——:| | BIM模型| BIM模型应定义以下对象信息。< br > BM1。BIM_element:定义构建组件、几何、
属性和关系的运行时的能力。< br > BM2。运行时:识别BIM元素类型的能力。这些类型是建筑内部构件,如墙、门和房间。< br > BM3。geometry:包含实体信息的能力,包括基于GM_Solid的B-rep(边界
表示)。B-rep信息必须包括顶点、边、环和面等拓扑。< br > BM4。property_set:能够对BIM元素的属性进行分类,并定义
{name, value type, initial value}对。
为BIM元素名称和GUID。< br > BM5(可选)。关系:包含BIM元素之间关系的能力。这些关系遵循UML关系。这个
文档中涵盖的关系是关联、依赖和泛化。| GIS模型:GIS模型应定义以下对象信息。< br > GM1。GIS_element:定义运行时、几何、属性和关系的能力,
是GIS模型组件。< br > GM2。运行时:识别GIS元素类型的能力。类型包括场地、
建筑和房间,它们是相同的建筑信息组件。< br > GM3。geometry:基于GM_solid包含LOD和Solid信息的能力。
B-rep信息应包括顶点、边、环、面等拓扑。< br > GM4。property_set:对GIS元素的属性进行分类并定义
GIS元素名称。< br > GM5(可选)。包含GIS元素之间关系的能力。re-
The BIM model class structures reflecting the requirements defined in Table 1 can be expressed in UML as shown in Figure 4.
反映表 1 中定义的要求的 BIM 模型类结构可以如图 4 所示用 UML 表示。
Figure 4-BIM model conceptual diagram in UML
图 4-BIM 模型在 UML 中的概念图

Similarly, the GIS model class structures reflecting the requirements defined in Table 1 can also be expressed in UML as shown in Figure 5.
同样,反映表 1 中定义的要求的 GIS 模型类结构也可以如图 5 所示用 UML 表示。
Figure 5 - GIS model conceptual diagram in UML
图 5 - UML 中的 GIS 模型概念图

Package relationships for the B2G CM are shown in Figure 6.
B2G CM 的包关系如图 6 所示。
Figure 6-B2G CM package relationships in UML
图 6-B2G CM 包关系在 UML 中
To perform the mapping function each package shall meet the requirements specified in Table 2.
为了执行映射功能,每个包必须满足表 2 中规定的要求。
Table 2 2 2-2- B2G CM package requirements
2 2 2-2- B2G CM 包装要求
Package 包裹 Requirements 要求

从用例的角度来看,外部数据关联和视图需要支持 BIM。B2G CM 所需的外部数据应能够唯一链接到 PK(主键),例如 BIM 元素 GUID。数据视图应定义一个外部数据项,以链接到 BIM 模型元素。关联数据项的值应能够转换为可用于用例的格式。该操作符的更详细定义在第 7 条中。
External data associations and views that require BIM from a use case perspective
shall be supported. The external data required for B2G CM shall be capable of being
uniquely linked to the PK (primary key), such as the BIM element GUID.
The data view shall define an external data item to link to the BIM model element.
The value of the associated data item shall enable change into a format that can be
used in the use case.
A more detailed definition of this operator is defined in Clause 7.
External data associations and views that require BIM from a use case perspective shall be supported. The external data required for B2G CM shall be capable of being uniquely linked to the PK (primary key), such as the BIM element GUID. The data view shall define an external data item to link to the BIM model element. The value of the associated data item shall enable change into a format that can be used in the use case. A more detailed definition of this operator is defined in Clause 7.从用例的角度来看,需要BIM的外部数据关联和视图 应得到支持。B2G CM所需的外部数据应能够 唯一链接到PK(主键),如BIM元素GUID。 数据视图应定义一个外部数据项,以链接到BIM模型元素。 关联数据项的值应允许更改为可以的格式 在用例中使用。 该操作符的更详细定义见第7条。| External data associations and views that require BIM from a use case perspective | | :--- | | shall be supported. The external data required for B2G CM shall be capable of being | | uniquely linked to the PK (primary key), such as the BIM element GUID. | | The data view shall define an external data item to link to the BIM model element. | | The value of the associated data item shall enable change into a format that can be | | used in the use case. | | A more detailed definition of this operator is defined in Clause 7. ||从用例角度看需要BIM的外部数据关联和视图| |:——| 应得到支持。B2G CM所需的外部数据应能够被验证 |唯一链接到PK(主键),如BIM元素GUID。| |数据视图应定义一个外部数据项链接到BIM模型元素。| |关联数据项的值应允许更改为可以|的格式 在用例中使用。| 对该操作符的更详细的定义见第7节。|

以下映射运算符将用于元素映射。可以使用预定义运算符创建映射规则。根据使用案例,映射规则可以进行不同的配置。 EM ( E B E G ) EM E B E G EM(E_(B)rarrE_(G))\operatorname{EM}\left(\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{G}}\right) 其中 E B E B E_(B)quad\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{B}} \quad 是 BIM 的一个元素, E G E G E_(G)quad\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{G}} \quad 是 GIS 的一个元素。该运算符的更详细定义在第 8 条中。
The following mapping operators shall be defined for element mapping. Predefined
operators can be used to create mapping rules. The mapping rules can be configured
differently depending on the use case.
EM ( E B E G ) EM E B E G EM(E_(B)rarrE_(G))\operatorname{EM}\left(\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{G}}\right)
E B E B E_(B)quad\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{B}} \quad is an element of BIM
E G E G E_(G)quad\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{G}} \quad is an element of GIS
A more detailed definition of this operator is defined in Clause 8.
The following mapping operators shall be defined for element mapping. Predefined operators can be used to create mapping rules. The mapping rules can be configured differently depending on the use case. EM(E_(B)rarrE_(G)) Where E_(B)quad is an element of BIM E_(G)quad is an element of GIS A more detailed definition of this operator is defined in Clause 8.应该为元素映射定义以下映射操作符。预定义的 操作符可以用来创建映射规则。可以配置映射规则 根据用例的不同而不同。 EM (E_ (B) rarrE_ (G)) 在哪里 E_(B)quad是BIM的一个元素 E_(G)四边形是GIS的一个元素 该操作符的更详细定义见第8条。| The following mapping operators shall be defined for element mapping. Predefined | | :--- | | operators can be used to create mapping rules. The mapping rules can be configured | | differently depending on the use case. | | $\operatorname{EM}\left(\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{G}}\right)$ | | Where | | $\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{B}} \quad$ is an element of BIM | | $\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{G}} \quad$ is an element of GIS | | A more detailed definition of this operator is defined in Clause 8. |为元素映射定义以下映射操作符。预定义| |:——| 操作符可用于创建映射规则。可以配置映射规则 根据用例不同。| | $\operatorname{EM}\left(\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{G}}\right)$ | |在哪里| | $\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{B}} \quad$是BIM的一个元素| $\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{G}} \quad$是GIS的一个元素 对该操作符的更详细的定义见第8节。|

以下映射运算符应为 LOD 映射定义。 LM ( L B L G , LOD name ) LM L B L G , LOD name  LM(L_(B)rarrL_(G),LOD_("name "))\mathrm{LM}\left(\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}, \mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}\right) 其中
The following mapping operator shall be defined for LOD mapping.
LM ( L B L G , LOD name ) LM L B L G , LOD name  LM(L_(B)rarrL_(G),LOD_("name "))\mathrm{LM}\left(\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}, \mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}\right)
L B L B L_(B)\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}} is the LOD of BIM
L G L G L_(G)\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}} is the LOD of GIS
LOD name LOD name  LOD_("name ")\mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }} is the name of LOD
L_(B) is the LOD of BIM L_(G) is the LOD of GIS LOD_("name ") is the name of LODL_(B)为BIM的LOD L_(G)为GIS的LOD LOD_(“name”)是LOD的名称| $\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}}$ | is the LOD of BIM | | :--- | :--- | | $\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}$ | is the LOD of GIS | | $\mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}$ | is the name of LOD || $\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}}$ |为BIM的LOD | |:——|:——| $\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}$ |为GIS的LOD | $\mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name}}$ |是LOD的名称|
A more detailed definition of this operator is defined in Clause 9.
L B L B L_(B)\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}}是 BIM 的 LOD
L G L G L_(G)\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}是 GIS 的 LOD
LOD 名称 LOD 名称  LOD_("name ")\mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}是 LOD 的名称
L_(B) 是 BIM 的 LOD L_(G) 是 GIS 的 LOD LOD_("name ")是 LOD 的名称L_(B)为 BIM 的 LOD L_(G)为 GIS 的 LOD LOD_(“name”)是 LOD 的名称 | $\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}}$ | 是 BIM 的 LOD | | :--- | :--- | | $\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}$ | 是地理信息系统的 LOD | | $\mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}$ | 是 LOD 的名称 || $\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}}$ |为 BIM 的 LOD | |:——|:——| $\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}$ |为 GIS 的 LOD| $\mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name}}$ |是 LOD 的名称|
该运算符的更详细定义在第 9 条中。
The following mapping operator shall be defined for LOD mapping. LM(L_(B)rarrL_(G),LOD_("name ")) Where L_(B),is the LOD of BIM,L_(G),is the LOD of GIS,LOD_("name "),is the name of LOD A more detailed definition of this operator is defined in Clause 9.应该为LOD映射定义以下映射操作符。 LM (L_ (B) rarrL_ (G), LOD_(“名字”)) 在哪里 L_(B),为BIM的LOD,L_(G),为GIS的LOD,LOD_(“名称”),为LOD的名称 该操作符的更详细定义见第9条。| The following mapping operator shall be defined for LOD mapping. | | :--- | | $\mathrm{LM}\left(\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}, \mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}\right)$ | | Where | | $\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}}$ is the LOD of BIM <br> $\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}$ is the LOD of GIS <br> $\mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}$ is the name of LOD | | A more detailed definition of this operator is defined in Clause 9. |为LOD映射定义以下映射操作符。| |:——| | $\mathrm{LM}\left(\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}, \mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}\right)$ | |在哪里| | $\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}}$为BIM的LOD
$\mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}$为LOD的名称| 对该操作符的更详细的定义见第9节。|
Package Requirements B2G PD "External data associations and views that require BIM from a use case perspective shall be supported. The external data required for B2G CM shall be capable of being uniquely linked to the PK (primary key), such as the BIM element GUID. The data view shall define an external data item to link to the BIM model element. The value of the associated data item shall enable change into a format that can be used in the use case. A more detailed definition of this operator is defined in Clause 7." B2G EM "The following mapping operators shall be defined for element mapping. Predefined operators can be used to create mapping rules. The mapping rules can be configured differently depending on the use case. EM(E_(B)rarrE_(G)) Where E_(B)quad is an element of BIM E_(G)quad is an element of GIS A more detailed definition of this operator is defined in Clause 8." B2G LM "The following mapping operator shall be defined for LOD mapping. LM(L_(B)rarrL_(G),LOD_("name ")) Where L_(B),is the LOD of BIM,L_(G),is the LOD of GIS,LOD_("name "),is the name of LOD A more detailed definition of this operator is defined in Clause 9."包需求 B2G pd“从用例的角度来看,需要BIM的外部数据关联和视图 应得到支持。B2G CM所需的外部数据应能够 唯一链接到PK(主键),如BIM元素GUID。 数据视图应定义一个外部数据项,以链接到BIM模型元素。 关联数据项的值应允许更改为可以的格式 在用例中使用。 该操作符的更详细定义见第7条。 B2G em“应该为元素映射定义以下映射操作符。预定义的 操作符可以用来创建映射规则。可以配置映射规则 根据用例的不同而不同。 EM (E_ (B) rarrE_ (G)) 在哪里 E_(B)quad是BIM的一个元素 E_(G)四边形是GIS的一个元素 该操作符的更详细定义见第8条。 B2G lm“以下映射操作符应定义用于LOD映射。 LM (L_ (B) rarrL_ (G), LOD_(“名字”)) 在哪里 L_(B),为BIM的LOD,L_(G),为GIS的LOD,LOD_(“名称”),为LOD的名称 该操作符的更详细定义见第9条。| Package | Requirements | | :---: | :---: | | B2G PD | External data associations and views that require BIM from a use case perspective <br> shall be supported. The external data required for B2G CM shall be capable of being <br> uniquely linked to the PK (primary key), such as the BIM element GUID. <br> The data view shall define an external data item to link to the BIM model element. <br> The value of the associated data item shall enable change into a format that can be <br> used in the use case. <br> A more detailed definition of this operator is defined in Clause 7. | | B2G EM | The following mapping operators shall be defined for element mapping. Predefined <br> operators can be used to create mapping rules. The mapping rules can be configured <br> differently depending on the use case. <br> $\operatorname{EM}\left(\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{G}}\right)$ <br> Where <br> $\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{B}} \quad$ is an element of BIM <br> $\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{G}} \quad$ is an element of GIS <br> A more detailed definition of this operator is defined in Clause 8. | | B2G LM | The following mapping operator shall be defined for LOD mapping. <br> $\mathrm{LM}\left(\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}, \mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}\right)$ <br> Where <br> $\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}}$ is the LOD of BIM <br> $\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}$ is the LOD of GIS <br> $\mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}$ is the name of LOD <br> A more detailed definition of this operator is defined in Clause 9. ||包装|要求| |:——:|:——:| | B2G PD |支持从用例角度需要BIM的外部数据关联和视图
。B2G CM所需的外部数据应能够
该操作符的更详细定义见第7节。| 为元素映射定义以下映射操作符。预定义的

$\operatorname{EM}\left(\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{G}}\right)$
$\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{B}} \quad$为BIM的元素
$\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{G}} \quad$为GIS的元素
对该操作符的更详细定义见第8条。| B2G LM |为LOD映射定义以下映射操作符。
$\mathrm{LM}\left(\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}, \mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}\right)$
$\mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}$为LOD的名称

7 BIM to GIS perspective definition
7 BIM 到 GIS 的视角定义

7.1 General 7.1 一般情况

B2G PD supports the method for perspective information representation depending on the specific use cases. To define the information perspective for binding and using BIM, GIS and external data sets, B2G PD includes the methods specifying:
B2G PD 支持根据特定用例的信息表示方法。为了定义绑定和使用 BIM、GIS 及外部数据集的信息视角,B2G PD 包括指定的方法:
  • what data is needed related to BIM model use cases,
    与 BIM 模型用例相关的数据需要哪些?
  • how to extract and integrate the data between BIM, GIS and external data sets, and
    如何提取和整合 BIM、GIS 与外部数据集之间的数据,和
  • how to represent the integrated information.

7.2 Mechanisms 7.2 机制

The methods listed in 7.1 have been divided into stages of information processing such as DataView (7.2.1) according to perspective, LogicView (7.2.2) for information conversion, and StyleView (7.2.3) for information expression in order to acquire information view per perspective.
在 7.1 中列出的方法根据视角被分为信息处理的阶段,例如数据视图(7.2.1)用于信息获取,逻辑视图(7.2.2)用于信息转换,以及样式视图(7.2.3)用于信息表达,以便从每个视角获取信息视图。

7.2.1 Data view 7.2.1 数据视图

The data view expresses the data needed as BIM object properties. Properties are combined with BIM objects and defined with a PK such as a GUID. Properties are expressed by Formula (1). The property to be extracted is formalized into category, property name, property value, and property type using
数据视图将所需数据表示为 BIM 对象属性。属性与 BIM 对象结合,并通过 PK(如 GUID)进行定义。属性通过公式(1)表示。要提取的属性被形式化为类别、属性名称、属性值和属性类型。

metadata and scripts. The category is used to represent similar properties in group. Types are defined as integer, real, and character string.
Property = {Category, Name, Value, Type }  Property = {Category, Name, Value, Type  } " Property = {Category, Name, Value, Type "}"属性={类别,名称,值,类型"}\text { Property = \{Category, Name, Value, Type }\}\text{属性= \{类别,名称,值,类型}\}

7.2.2 Logic view 7.2.2 逻辑视图

The logic view extracts and converts data and is applied using an ETL concept. To process BIM-based FM data, the aggregated FM data in the dispersed database must be extracted, converted and stored in a form that can be easily used. This process is carried out using an ETL platform. Through extracting and refining data from various geospatial data sources, converting data and storing it in the database, the extracted property data can be used to extract or analyse information that supports perspectives per project stakeholder. Extracted data shall have a defined PK such as GUID to be combined with BIM objects.
逻辑视图提取和转换数据,并使用 ETL 概念进行应用。为了处理基于 BIM 的 FM 数据,必须从分散的数据库中提取、转换并存储聚合的 FM 数据,以便于使用。此过程通过 ETL 平台进行。通过从各种地理空间数据源提取和精炼数据,转换数据并将其存储在数据库中,提取的属性数据可以用于提取或分析支持每个项目利益相关者视角的信息。提取的数据应具有定义的主键,例如 GUID,以便与 BIM 对象结合。

7.2.3 Style view 7.2.3 风格视图

The style view defines the formatting method in which the data is displayed on a user interface. Formatting can be expressed in the XML form (refer to Annex C).
样式视图定义了数据在用户界面上显示的格式化方法。格式化可以用 XML 形式表示(参见附录 C)。
Table 3 describes the class requirements of B2G PD style view, data view and logic view class.
表 3 描述了 B2G PD 样式视图、数据视图和逻辑视图类的类要求。

Table 3 - B2G PD class requirements
表 3 - B2G PD 类要求
Class 班级 Description 描述

PD 应管理逻辑视图(PD_logic_view)、数据视图(PD_data_view)和样式视图(PD_style_view)。
PD shall manage the logic view (PD_logic_view), data view (PD_data_view) and
style view (PD_style_view).
PD shall manage the logic view (PD_logic_view), data view (PD_data_view) and style view (PD_style_view).PD负责管理逻辑视图(PD_logic_view)、数据视图(PD_data_view)和 样式视图(PD_style_view)。| PD shall manage the logic view (PD_logic_view), data view (PD_data_view) and | | :--- | | style view (PD_style_view). || PD管理逻辑视图(PD_logic_view)、数据视图(PD_data_view)和| |:——| 样式视图(PD_style_view)。|
PD_data_view PD 数据视图

PD 数据视图类似于数据过滤器,定义了数据集将与哪个 BIM 元素链接并从外部数据库导入。PD1. 映射到数据视图的元素应具有 GUID。为了将外部数据与 BIM 元素连接,需定义数据绑定的 PK。
The PD data view, similar to a data filter, shall define which BIM element the
data set shall be linked with and imported from the external database.
PD1. Elements, which are mapped into the data view, shall have a GUID. To con-
nect external data with the BIM elements, PK for data binding shall be defined.
The PD data view, similar to a data filter, shall define which BIM element the data set shall be linked with and imported from the external database. PD1. Elements, which are mapped into the data view, shall have a GUID. To con- nect external data with the BIM elements, PK for data binding shall be defined.PD数据视图,类似于数据过滤器,应该定义BIM元素 数据集应与外部数据库链接并从外部数据库导入。 PD1。映射到数据视图中的元素应该有一个GUID。con - 将外部数据与BIM元素对接,定义数据绑定的PK。| The PD data view, similar to a data filter, shall define which BIM element the | | :--- | | data set shall be linked with and imported from the external database. | | PD1. Elements, which are mapped into the data view, shall have a GUID. To con- | | nect external data with the BIM elements, PK for data binding shall be defined. |PD数据视图,类似于数据过滤器,应该定义BIM元素 |:——| 数据集需要与外部数据库链接并导入。| | PD1。映射到数据视图中的元素应该有一个GUID。To con- | 将外部数据与BIM元素对接,定义数据绑定的PK。|

PD 逻辑视图应定义如何从外部数据库导入数据集。 PD2. 外部数据源应定义为外部数据源的 URI。 从 URI 提取数据并将其加载到 BIM 的 Pset 数据库中的操作模块的执行路径在 ETL_module 中定义。
The PD logic view shall define how to import the data set from an external
PD2. An external data source shall be defined as the URI of the external_data
source. The execution path of the operation module that extracts data from
URI and loads it into the Pset database of BIM is defined in the ETL_module.
The PD logic view shall define how to import the data set from an external database. PD2. An external data source shall be defined as the URI of the external_data source. The execution path of the operation module that extracts data from URI and loads it into the Pset database of BIM is defined in the ETL_module.PD逻辑视图应该定义如何从外部导入数据集 数据库。 PD2。外部数据源应定义为external_data的URI 源。提取数据的操作模块的执行路径 URI并将其加载到BIM的Pset数据库中是在ETL_module中定义的。| The PD logic view shall define how to import the data set from an external | | :--- | | database. | | PD2. An external data source shall be defined as the URI of the external_data | | source. The execution path of the operation module that extracts data from | | URI and loads it into the Pset database of BIM is defined in the ETL_module. |PD逻辑视图应该定义如何从外部导入数据集 |:——| |数据库。| | PD2。外部数据源应该定义为external_data |的URI |来源。从|中提取数据的操作模块的执行路径 | URI并将其加载到BIM的Pset数据库中,该数据库在ETL_module中定义。|
PD_style_view PD 样式视图

PD 样式视图应定义如何格式化数据以增强理解和意义。 PD3。 PD 样式视图应包括旨在从用户角度转换数据值形式的格式化操作,以及单位。
The PD style view shall define how to format the data to enhance understanding
and meaning.
PD3. The PD_style_view shall include the formatting operation designed to
convert the data value form from the user perspective, together with the unit.
The PD style view shall define how to format the data to enhance understanding and meaning. PD3. The PD_style_view shall include the formatting operation designed to convert the data value form from the user perspective, together with the unit.PD样式视图应定义如何格式化数据以增强理解 和意义。 PD3。PD_style_view应该包含格式化操作 从用户的角度转换数据值形式,连同单位。| The PD style view shall define how to format the data to enhance understanding | | :--- | | and meaning. | | PD3. The PD_style_view shall include the formatting operation designed to | | convert the data value form from the user perspective, together with the unit. |PD样式视图应定义如何格式化数据以增强理解 |:——| 和意义。| | PD3。PD_style_view应该包含格式化操作 |从用户角度转换数据值形式,与单位一起。|
PD_category PD 类别

如果在 PD_data_view 中要连接的元素被定义,它应具有像 GUID 一样的主键。
If an element to be connected in PD_data_view is defined, it shall have a PK
like a GUID.
If an element to be connected in PD_data_view is defined, it shall have a PK like a GUID.如果在PD_data_view中定义了要连接的元素,则该元素应有一个PK 比如GUID。| If an element to be connected in PD_data_view is defined, it shall have a PK | | :--- | | like a GUID. |如果在PD_data_view中定义了要连接的元素,则该元素必须有一个PK值 |:——| 像GUID一样。|

通过在 PD_data_view 中映射的属性定义,可以定义一个类别来对相似属性进行分组。类别具有名称。PD4。类别在 PD_element 中映射时应具有唯一名称。
With a property definition to map in PD_data_view, a category to group similar
properties can be defined. A category has name.
PD4. Category shall have unique name for mapping within PD_element.
With a property definition to map in PD_data_view, a category to group similar properties can be defined. A category has name. PD4. Category shall have unique name for mapping within PD_element.与PD_data_view中要映射的属性定义、类别到组类似 可以定义属性。类别有名称。 PD4。类别在PD_element内的映射应该有唯一的名称。| With a property definition to map in PD_data_view, a category to group similar | | :--- | | properties can be defined. A category has name. | | PD4. Category shall have unique name for mapping within PD_element. |在PD_data_view中有一个属性定义映射,一个类别到类似的组 |:——| 属性可以被定义。类别有名称。| | PD4。类别在PD_element内的映射应该有唯一的名称。|
PD5. Properties shall have unique names for mapping within categories.
PD5. 属性在类别内应具有唯一名称以便映射。
PD5. Properties shall have unique names for mapping within categories.PD5。属性应具有惟一的名称,以便在类别内进行映射。| PD5. Properties shall have unique names for mapping within categories. | | :--- || PD5。属性应具有惟一的名称,以便在类别内进行映射。| |:——|
PD_propery_style PD_属性_样式

Astyle 视图可以包含属性样式。当定义属性样式时,需要定义类别和属性名称,以便能够识别该属性。PD6。在这种情况下,格式化操作符被描述为表示属性值,作为格式化操作中的用例视角。
Astyle view can include property styles. When a property style is defined, the
category and attribute name need to be defined so that the property can be
PD6. In this case, the formatting operator is described to represent the property
value as the viewpoint of use case in formatting Operation.
Astyle view can include property styles. When a property style is defined, the category and attribute name need to be defined so that the property can be identified. PD6. In this case, the formatting operator is described to represent the property value as the viewpoint of use case in formatting Operation.样式视图可以包括属性样式。定义属性样式后 需要定义类别和属性名称,以便属性可以 识别。 PD6。在这种情况下,描述格式化操作符来表示属性 值作为格式化操作用例的视点。| Astyle view can include property styles. When a property style is defined, the | | :--- | | category and attribute name need to be defined so that the property can be | | identified. | | PD6. In this case, the formatting operator is described to represent the property | | value as the viewpoint of use case in formatting Operation. |样式视图可以包含属性样式。当定义了属性样式时 |:——| 需要定义类别和属性名,以便属性可以被定义 |标识。| | PD6。在这种情况下,格式化操作符被描述为表示属性| 值作为格式化操作用例的视点。|
Class Description PD "PD shall manage the logic view (PD_logic_view), data view (PD_data_view) and style view (PD_style_view)." PD_data_view "The PD data view, similar to a data filter, shall define which BIM element the data set shall be linked with and imported from the external database. PD1. Elements, which are mapped into the data view, shall have a GUID. To con- nect external data with the BIM elements, PK for data binding shall be defined." PD_logic_view "The PD logic view shall define how to import the data set from an external database. PD2. An external data source shall be defined as the URI of the external_data source. The execution path of the operation module that extracts data from URI and loads it into the Pset database of BIM is defined in the ETL_module." PD_style_view "The PD style view shall define how to format the data to enhance understanding and meaning. PD3. The PD_style_view shall include the formatting operation designed to convert the data value form from the user perspective, together with the unit." PD_category "If an element to be connected in PD_data_view is defined, it shall have a PK like a GUID." "With a property definition to map in PD_data_view, a category to group similar properties can be defined. A category has name. PD4. Category shall have unique name for mapping within PD_element." PD_property "PD5. Properties shall have unique names for mapping within categories." PD_propery_style "Astyle view can include property styles. When a property style is defined, the category and attribute name need to be defined so that the property can be identified. PD6. In this case, the formatting operator is described to represent the property value as the viewpoint of use case in formatting Operation."类描述 PD“PD负责管理逻辑视图(PD_logic_view)、数据视图(PD_data_view)和 样式视图(PD_style_view)。” pd_data_view“PD数据视图,类似于数据过滤器,应该定义BIM元素 数据集应与外部数据库链接并从外部数据库导入。 PD1。映射到数据视图中的元素应该有一个GUID。con - 将外部数据与BIM元素对接,定义数据绑定的PK。” pd_logic_view“PD逻辑视图应该定义如何从外部导入数据集 数据库。 PD2。外部数据源应定义为external_data的URI 源。提取数据的操作模块的执行路径 URI并将其加载到BIM的Pset数据库中,该数据库在ETL_module中定义。 pd_style_view“PD样式视图应该定义如何格式化数据以增强理解 和意义。 PD3。PD_style_view应该包含格式化操作 从用户的角度转换数据值形式,连同单位。 pd_category“如果在PD_data_view中定义了要连接的元素,则该元素必须有一个PK 就像GUID一样。” 与PD_data_view中要映射的属性定义、要分组的类别类似 可以定义属性。类别有名称。 PD4。类别在PD_element内的映射必须有唯一的名称。” PD5 pd_property”。属性必须有唯一的名称,以便在类别内进行映射。” “样式视图可以包含属性样式。定义属性样式后 需要定义类别和属性名称,以便属性可以 识别。 PD6。在这种情况下,描述格式化操作符来表示属性 值作为格式化操作用例的观点。| Class | Description | | :--- | :--- | | PD | PD shall manage the logic view (PD_logic_view), data view (PD_data_view) and <br> style view (PD_style_view). | | PD_data_view | The PD data view, similar to a data filter, shall define which BIM element the <br> data set shall be linked with and imported from the external database. <br> PD1. Elements, which are mapped into the data view, shall have a GUID. To con- <br> nect external data with the BIM elements, PK for data binding shall be defined. | | PD_logic_view | The PD logic view shall define how to import the data set from an external <br> database. <br> PD2. An external data source shall be defined as the URI of the external_data <br> source. The execution path of the operation module that extracts data from <br> URI and loads it into the Pset database of BIM is defined in the ETL_module. | | PD_style_view | The PD style view shall define how to format the data to enhance understanding <br> and meaning. <br> PD3. The PD_style_view shall include the formatting operation designed to <br> convert the data value form from the user perspective, together with the unit. | | PD_category | If an element to be connected in PD_data_view is defined, it shall have a PK <br> like a GUID. | | With a property definition to map in PD_data_view, a category to group similar <br> properties can be defined. A category has name. <br> PD4. Category shall have unique name for mapping within PD_element. | | | PD_property | PD5. Properties shall have unique names for mapping within categories. | | PD_propery_style | Astyle view can include property styles. When a property style is defined, the <br> category and attribute name need to be defined so that the property can be <br> identified. <br> PD6. In this case, the formatting operator is described to represent the property <br> value as the viewpoint of use case in formatting Operation. ||类别|描述| |:——|:——| PD将管理逻辑视图(PD_logic_view)、数据视图(PD_data_view)和
样式视图(PD_style_view)。| PD_data_view | PD数据视图类似于数据过滤器,定义
数据集应该与哪个BIM元素链接并从外部数据库导入。< br > PD1。映射到数据视图中的元素应该有一个GUID。为了将外部数据与BIM元素相连接,需要定义数据绑定的PK。| PD逻辑视图将定义如何从外部
数据库导入数据集。< br > PD2。外部数据源应该定义为external_data
URI中提取数据并加载到BIM的Pset数据库的操作模块的执行路径在ETL_module中定义。| PD_style_view | PD样式视图应定义如何格式化数据以增强对
和意义的理解。< br > PD3。PD_style_view应包括用于从用户角度
转换数据值形式的格式化操作,以及单元。| 如果在PD_data_view中定义了一个要连接的元素,它应该有一个类似GUID的PK
。| 通过在PD_data_view中映射属性定义,可以定义到组的类似
属性的类别。类别有名称。< br > PD4。类别在PD_element内的映射应该有唯一的名称。| | | PD_property | PD5。属性应具有惟一的名称,以便在类别内进行映射。| style视图可以包含属性样式。定义属性样式时,需要定义
标识属性。< br > PD6。在这种情况下,格式化操作符被描述为将属性
Figure 7 presents the B2G PD concept.
图 7 展示了 B2G PD 概念。
Figure 7 - B2G PD concept diagram in UML
图 7 - B2G PD 概念图(UML)
Table 4 is the class member definition related to B2G PD.
表 4 是与 B2G PD 相关的班级成员定义。

Table 4 - B2G PD class description
表 4 - B2G PD 类别描述
Class 班级 Member 成员 Description 描述
PD name: CharacterString 名称:字符字符串 PD name PD 名称
BIM_model_destination: URI
BIM 模型目的地:URI

指向用于集成外部数据的 BIM 模型目标的 URI 字符串
URI string pointing to a BIM model destination for inte-
grating the external data
URI string pointing to a BIM model destination for inte- grating the external data指向BIM模型目的地的URI字符串 光栅化外部数据| URI string pointing to a BIM model destination for inte- | | :--- | | grating the external data |指向BIM模型目标的URI字符串 |:——| 对外部数据进行光栅处理
PD_style_view PD 样式视图 - PD_property_style object container
PD_property_style 对象容器
PD_data_view PD 数据视图 - PD_element object container
PD_element 对象容器
PD_logic_view external_data_source: URI
URI string pointing to an external data source
指向外部数据源的 URI 字符串
ETL_module: CharacterString
ETL 模块:字符字符串

可执行的 ETL 模块名称,可以通过使用 PD_data_view 将外部数据转换为 BIM 模型目标
Executable ETL module name that can transform external
data to BIM model destination by using PD_data_view
Executable ETL module name that can transform external data to BIM model destination by using PD_data_view可执行的ETL模块名称,可以转换外部 通过PD_data_view将数据导出到BIM模型目的地| Executable ETL module name that can transform external | | :--- | | data to BIM model destination by using PD_data_view |可执行的ETL模块名,可以对外转换 |:——| 使用PD_data_view |将数据传输到BIM模型目的地
PD_element objectGUID: GUID 对象 GUID: GUID PK to combine with BIM object
PK 与 BIM 对象结合
PD_category PD 类别 name: CharacterString 名称:字符字符串 PD category name PD 类别名称
PD_property name: CharacterString 名称:字符字符串 PD property name PD 属性名称
value  PD value PD 值

类型: { {{\{ 整数,实数,字符-字符串 } } }\}
type: { { {\{ Integer, Real, Character-
String } } }\}
type: { Integer, Real, Character- String }类型:{整数、实数、字符- 字符串}| type: $\{$ Integer, Real, Character- | | :--- | | String $\}$ || type: $\{$整数,实数,字符- | |:——| | String $\}$ |
PD value type that can be Integer, Real, CharacterString
PD 值类型可以是整数、实数、字符字符串
PD_propery_style PD_属性_样式 category: CharacterString
PD property style category name
PD 物业风格类别名称
property: CharacterString
PD property value that is displayed on a user interface
在用户界面上显示的 PD 属性值

formattingOperation: Charac-
formattingOperation: Charac- terStringformattingOperation:水资源- terString| formattingOperation: Charac- | | :--- | | terString ||formattingOperation: 字符- | |:--- | |三连串 |

在用户界面上格式化操作以表示 PD 属性值
Formatting operation to express PD property value on a
user interface
Formatting operation to express PD property value on a user interface上表示PD属性值的格式化操作 用户界面| Formatting operation to express PD property value on a | | :--- | | user interface |表示PD属性值的格式化操作 |:——| |用户界面|
Class Member Description PD name: CharacterString PD name BIM_model_destination: URI "URI string pointing to a BIM model destination for inte- grating the external data" PD_style_view - PD_property_style object container PD_data_view - PD_element object container PD_logic_view external_data_source: URI URI string pointing to an external data source ETL_module: CharacterString "Executable ETL module name that can transform external data to BIM model destination by using PD_data_view" PD_element objectGUID: GUID PK to combine with BIM object PD_category name: CharacterString PD category name PD_property name: CharacterString PD property name value PD value "type: { Integer, Real, Character- String }" PD value type that can be Integer, Real, CharacterString PD_propery_style category: CharacterString PD property style category name property: CharacterString PD property value that is displayed on a user interface "formattingOperation: Charac- terString" "Formatting operation to express PD property value on a user interface"类成员描述 pd name:字符串pd名称 BIM_model_destination: URI“指向BIM模型目的地的URI字符串 光栅外部数据” pd_style_view - pd_property_style对象容器 pd_data_view—pd_element对象容器 pd_logic_view external_data_source: uri指向外部数据源的uri字符串 ETL_module: characterstring“可执行的ETL模块名,可以对外转换。 使用PD_data_view将数据传输到BIM模型目的地。 pd_element objectguid:与BIM对象结合的guid pk pd_category name:字符串pd类别名称 pd_property name:字符串pd属性名称 pd值 类型:{整数、实数、字符- " pd值类型,可以是Integer, Real, CharacterString pd_propery_style category:字符串pd属性样式类别名称 property:字符串显示在用户界面上的pd属性值 “formattingOperation:水资源- terString" "表示PD属性值的格式化操作 用户界面”| Class | Member | Description | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | PD | name: CharacterString | PD name | | | BIM_model_destination: URI | URI string pointing to a BIM model destination for inte- <br> grating the external data | | PD_style_view | - | PD_property_style object container | | PD_data_view | - | PD_element object container | | PD_logic_view | external_data_source: URI | URI string pointing to an external data source | | | ETL_module: CharacterString | Executable ETL module name that can transform external <br> data to BIM model destination by using PD_data_view | | PD_element | objectGUID: GUID | PK to combine with BIM object | | PD_category | name: CharacterString | PD category name | | PD_property | name: CharacterString | PD property name | | | value | PD value | | | type: $\{$ Integer, Real, Character- <br> String $\}$ | PD value type that can be Integer, Real, CharacterString | | PD_propery_style | category: CharacterString | PD property style category name | | | property: CharacterString | PD property value that is displayed on a user interface | | | formattingOperation: Charac- <br> terString | Formatting operation to express PD property value on a <br> user interface ||类|成员|描述| |:——|:——| | PD | name: CharacterString | PD名称| | | BIM_model_destination: URI |指向BIM模型目的地的URI字符串,用于集成
外部数据| PD_style_view - PD_property_style对象容器 PD_data_view | - | PD_element对象容器| | PD_logic_view | external_data_source: URI |指向外部数据源的URI字符串| ETL_module: CharacterString |可执行ETL模块名,可以通过PD_data_view |将外部
数据转换为BIM模型目标 | PD_element | objectGUID: GUID | PK与BIM对象结合| | PD_category | name: CharacterString | PD类别名称| | PD_property | name: CharacterString | PD属性名称| | | value | PD值| | | type: $\{$ Integer, Real, Character-
String $\}$ | PD值类型,可以是Integer, Real, CharacterString | | PD_propery_style | category: CharacterString | PD属性样式类别名称| | | property: CharacterString |在用户界面上显示的PD属性值| formatingoperation: character -
terString |在

8 BIM to GIS element mapping
8 BIM 与 GIS 元素映射

8.1 General 8.1 一般情况

To transform the elements from the BIM model to the GIS model, the object mapping mechanism that transforms the BIM model to GIS model elements shall be defined. B2G EM can describe the mapping requirement definition related to the object mapping mechanism from the viewpoint of specific usecases.
要将 BIM 模型中的元素转换为 GIS 模型,必须定义将 BIM 模型转换为 GIS 模型元素的对象映射机制。B2G EM 可以从特定用例的角度描述与对象映射机制相关的映射需求定义。

8.2 Mechanism 8.2 机制

B2G EM defines the ruleset used to transform elements such as building, floor, wall, window, etc. from the BIM model to the GIS model. It is described in Figure 8.
B2G EM 定义了用于将建筑、楼层、墙壁、窗户等元素从 BIM 模型转换为 GIS 模型的规则集。它在图 8 中进行了描述。
Key 钥匙
W1 Wall #1 W1 墙 #1
D2 Door#2 D2 门#2
F3 Floor #3 F3 楼层 #3
R4 Roof #4 R4 屋顶#4
Figure 8-B2G EM-based element transform mechanism concept diagram
图 8-B2G 基于电磁的元件变换机制概念图

Table 5 requirements shall be met for B2G EM.
表 5 的要求应满足 B2G EM。

Table 5 - B2G EM class requirements
表 5 - B2G EM 类别要求
Class 班级 Description 描述
EM_rule EM 规则
EM1. The following mapping operators shall be defined for element mapping. Predefined operators
can be used to create mapping rules.
EM1. The following mapping operators shall be defined for element mapping. Predefined operators can be used to create mapping rules.EM1。应该为元素映射定义以下映射操作符。预定义的运营商 可用于创建映射规则。| EM1. The following mapping operators shall be defined for element mapping. Predefined operators | | :--- | | can be used to create mapping rules. || EM1。应该为元素映射定义以下映射操作符。预定义操作符| |:——| 可用于创建映射规则。|
{fc0ad4b8f-f08b-44b2-bc9d-a3a01691c237} EM {f673e8e96-4ad0-464d-8287-366fcafe636f}
EM1. 以下映射运算符应定义用于元素映射。预定义运算符
EM1. 以下映射运算符应定义用于元素映射。预定义运算符 可以用来创建映射规则。EM1。应该为元素映射定义以下映射操作符。预定义的运营商 可用于创建映射规则。| EM1. 以下映射操作符应为元素映射定义。预定义操作符 | | :--- | | 可以用来创建映射规则。 || EM1。应该为元素映射定义以下映射操作符。预定义操作符| |:——| 可用于创建映射规则。
Class Description EM_rule "EM1. The following mapping operators shall be defined for element mapping. Predefined operators can be used to create mapping rules."{fc0ad4b8f-f08b-44b2-bc9d-a3a01691c237} EM {f673e8e96-4ad0-464d-8287-366fcafe636f}类描述 EM1 em_rule”。应该为元素映射定义以下映射操作符。预定义的运营商 可用于创建映射规则。{fc0ad4b8f-f08b-44b2-bc9d-a3a01691c237} {f673e8e96-4ad0-464d-8287- 366ffe636f}| Class | Description | | :--- | :--- | | EM_rule | EM1. The following mapping operators shall be defined for element mapping. Predefined operators <br> can be used to create mapping rules.{fc0ad4b8f-f08b-44b2-bc9d-a3a01691c237} EM {f673e8e96-4ad0-464d-8287-366fcafe636f} ||类别|描述| |:——|:——| | EM_rule | EM1。应该为元素映射定义以下映射操作符。预定义的操作符
可用于创建映射规则。{fc0ad4b8f-f08b-44b2-bc9d-a3a01691c237} EM {f673e8e96-4ad0-464d-8287-366fcafe636f} |
To implement the transformation of the elements from the BIM model to the GIS model, a LOD mapping method needs to be considered. For example, a wall in the BIM database can be mapped to a wall in LOD2 or LOD3 of the GIS model depending on specific use cases. It is necessary to consider the LOD mapping method to transform LODs from BIM model to GIS model, as the LOD representation of the element can vary depending on the use case.
为了实现 BIM 模型到 GIS 模型元素的转换,需要考虑 LOD 映射方法。例如,BIM 数据库中的一面墙可以根据具体使用案例映射到 GIS 模型的 LOD2 或 LOD3。必须考虑 LOD 映射方法,以将 BIM 模型的 LOD 转换为 GIS 模型,因为元素的 LOD 表示可能会根据使用案例而有所不同。

B2G EM concept can be represented by using UML as shown in Figure 9.
B2G EM 概念可以通过使用 UML 表示,如图 9 所示。
Figure 9 - B2G EM concept diagram in UML
图 9 - B2G EM 概念图(UML)

Table 6 is the class member definition related to B2G EM.
表 6 是与 B2G EM 相关的班级成员定义。

Table 6 - B2G EM class definition
表 6 - B2G EM 类别定义
Class 班级 Member 成员 Description 描述
EM_rule EM 规则 name: CharacterString 名称:字符字符串 Element mapping rule name
PSet_operation: {Replace, Append }
PSet_操作: {替换, 附加}
Element mapping operation

1) 替换:在元素映射时,映射目标被映射源替换。
1) Replace: when element mapping, the mapping desti-
nation is replaced by the mapping source.
1) Replace: when element mapping, the mapping desti- nation is replaced by the mapping source.1)替换:当元素映射时,映射的目的- Nation由映射源替换。| 1) Replace: when element mapping, the mapping desti- | | :--- | | nation is replaced by the mapping source. |1)替换:当元素映射时,映射desti- | |:——| nation被映射源替换。|

2) 附加:在映射时,映射源被添加到映射目标。
2) Append: when mapping, the mapping source is added
to the mapping destination.
2) Append: when mapping, the mapping source is added to the mapping destination.2) Append:映射时,添加映射源 到映射目的地。| 2) Append: when mapping, the mapping source is added | | :--- | | to the mapping destination. |2) Append:映射时,添加映射源 |:——| 映射到映射目的地。|
EM_ruleset EM 规则集 name: CharacterString 名称:字符字符串 Element mapping ruleset name
description: CharacterString
Element mapping ruleset description
BIM_model_source: URI BIM 模型源:URI BIM model source URI for mapping from BIM to GIS model
BIM 模型源 URI 用于从 BIM 映射到 GIS 模型
GIS_model_destination: URI

BIM 到 GIS 模型映射的 GIS 模型目标 URI
GIS model destination URI for mapping from BIM to GIS
GIS model destination URI for mapping from BIM to GIS model用于BIM到GIS映射的GIS模型目标URI 模型| GIS model destination URI for mapping from BIM to GIS | | :--- | | model ||用于BIM到GIS映射的GIS模型目标URI |:——| |型号|
EM_source element: CharacterString 元素:字符字符串 Source element name for mapping
EM_destination EM_目的地 element: CharacterString 元素:字符字符串 Destination element name for mapping
Class Member Description EM_rule name: CharacterString Element mapping rule name PSet_operation: {Replace, Append } Element mapping operation "1) Replace: when element mapping, the mapping desti- nation is replaced by the mapping source." "2) Append: when mapping, the mapping source is added to the mapping destination." EM_ruleset name: CharacterString Element mapping ruleset name description: CharacterString Element mapping ruleset description BIM_model_source: URI BIM model source URI for mapping from BIM to GIS model GIS_model_destination: URI "GIS model destination URI for mapping from BIM to GIS model" EM_source element: CharacterString Source element name for mapping EM_destination element: CharacterString Destination element name for mapping类成员描述 em_rule name: character string元素映射规则名称 PSet_operation:{替换,追加}元素映射操作 1)替换:当元素映射时,映射的目标- Nation被地图源所取代。” 2) Append:映射时,添加映射源 到地图的目的地。” em_ruleset name: character string元素映射规则集名称 description: character string元素映射规则集描述 BIM_model_source: URI BIM模型映射到GIS模型的源URI GIS_model_destination: URI“BIM到GIS映射的GIS模型目标URI” 模式” em_source element: characterstring映射的源元素名称 em_destination element: characterstring映射的目标元素名称| Class | Member | Description | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | EM_rule | name: CharacterString | Element mapping rule name | | | PSet_operation: {Replace, Append } | Element mapping operation | | | | 1) Replace: when element mapping, the mapping desti- <br> nation is replaced by the mapping source. | | | | 2) Append: when mapping, the mapping source is added <br> to the mapping destination. | | EM_ruleset | name: CharacterString | Element mapping ruleset name | | | description: CharacterString | Element mapping ruleset description | | | BIM_model_source: URI | BIM model source URI for mapping from BIM to GIS model | | | GIS_model_destination: URI | GIS model destination URI for mapping from BIM to GIS <br> model | | EM_source | element: CharacterString | Source element name for mapping | | EM_destination | element: CharacterString | Destination element name for mapping ||类|成员|描述| |:——:|:——:| | EM_rule | name: CharacterString |元素映射规则名称| | PSet_operation: {Replace, Append} |元素映射操作| | | | 1) Replace:当元素映射时,映射目的地
国家被映射源替换。| | | | 2) Append:映射时,将映射源
添加到映射目的。| | EM_ruleset | name: CharacterString |元素映射规则集名称| description: CharacterString |元素映射规则集描述 BIM_model_source: URI | BIM模型映射到GIS模型的源URI | | | GIS_model_destination: URI |用于BIM到GIS模型映射的GIS模型目标URI | | EM_source | element: CharacterString |映射的源元素名称| | EM_destination | element: CharacterString |映射的目的元素名|

9 BIM to GIS LOD Mapping
9 BIM 到 GIS 的 LOD 映射

9.1 General 9.1 一般情况

B2G LM defines a method to transform LODs from the BIM to the GIS model, if required. In the GIS model, there may be a LOD schema for representing the LODs which are used to support a wide range of GIS use cases, including information visualization. In order to support the use cases, the geometry in the BIM model should be sufficiently complete.
B2G LM 定义了一种方法,将 BIM 中的 LOD 转换为 GIS 模型(如有需要)。在 GIS 模型中,可能会有一个 LOD 模式用于表示 LOD,这些 LOD 用于支持广泛的 GIS 用例,包括信息可视化。为了支持这些用例,BIM 模型中的几何体应该足够完整。
Visualization can work at various LODs, but other use cases require information that can only be represented in higher LODs. If this information cannot be extracted from the BIM model it needs to be sourced from other data. For example, an early stage “visualization” BIM model cannot have geometries that are complete enough to support flood modelling or have sufficient information about textures to support noise modelling.
可视化可以在不同的细节层次(LOD)下工作,但其他用例需要的信息只能在更高的细节层次中表示。如果无法从 BIM 模型中提取这些信息,则需要从其他数据中获取。例如,早期阶段的“可视化”BIM 模型的几何形状可能不够完整,无法支持洪水建模,或者关于纹理的信息不足以支持噪声建模。
The GIS model LOD schema supports various LODs to represent the geometry information depending on an object on GIS. The LODs define a visualization mechanism and information which is similar to the B-Rep structure. However, there is no LOD schema in BIM model. To represent BIM object in the GIS, LOD information needs to be extracted from the BIM model. It can be defined by the LOD mapping ruleset.
GIS 模型的 LOD 架构支持多种 LOD,以根据 GIS 中的对象表示几何信息。LOD 定义了一种可视化机制和信息,类似于 B-Rep 结构。然而,BIM 模型中没有 LOD 架构。为了在 GIS 中表示 BIM 对象,需要从 BIM 模型中提取 LOD 信息。这可以通过 LOD 映射规则集来定义。

9.2 Mechanism 9.2 机制

Before mapping LODs from the BIM to the GIS model, a mechanism for generating LOD information from the BIM model’s geometry should be considered. B2G LM defines the mapping rule to transform LODs from the BIM to the GIS model.
在将 BIM 中的 LOD 映射到 GIS 模型之前,应考虑从 BIM 模型的几何形状生成 LOD 信息的机制。B2G LM 定义了将 LOD 从 BIM 转换到 GIS 模型的映射规则。
Table 7 requirements shall be met for B2G LM depending on the use case.
表 7 的要求应根据用例满足 B2G LM。

Table 7 - B2G LM class requirements
表 7 - B2G LM 类别要求
Class 班级 Description 描述
LM_ruleset LM 规则集

LM1. 以下映射运算符应为 LOD 映射定义。 LM ( L B L G , LOD name ) LM L B L G , LOD name  LM(L_(B)rarrL_(G),LOD_("name "))\mathrm{LM}\left(\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}, \mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}\right)
LM1. The following mapping operator shall be defined for LOD mapping.
LM ( L B L G , LOD name ) LM L B L G , LOD name  LM(L_(B)rarrL_(G),LOD_("name "))\mathrm{LM}\left(\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}, \mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}\right)
LM1. The following mapping operator shall be defined for LOD mapping. LM(L_(B)rarrL_(G),LOD_("name "))LM1。应该为LOD映射定义以下映射操作符。 LM (L_ (B) rarrL_ (G), LOD_(“名字”))| LM1. The following mapping operator shall be defined for LOD mapping. | | :--- | | $\mathrm{LM}\left(\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}, \mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}\right)$ |[qh]应该为LOD映射定义以下映射操作符。| |:——| | $\mathrm{LM}\left(\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}, \mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}\right)$ |
Class Description LM_ruleset "LM1. The following mapping operator shall be defined for LOD mapping. LM(L_(B)rarrL_(G),LOD_("name "))"类描述 LM1 lm_ruleset”。应该为LOD映射定义以下映射操作符。 LM (L_ (B) rarrL_ (G), LOD_(“名字”))”| Class | Description | | :---: | :---: | | LM_ruleset | LM1. The following mapping operator shall be defined for LOD mapping. <br> $\mathrm{LM}\left(\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}, \mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}\right)$ ||类别|描述| |:——:|:——:| lm_rules set | lm_rules set应该为LOD映射定义以下映射操作符。
$\mathrm{LM}\left(\mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{B}} \rightarrow \mathrm{L}_{\mathrm{G}}, \mathrm{LOD}_{\text {name }}\right)$ |
To generate a BIM model LOD, we should define LOD information and transform it to a LOD of the GIS model element. This LOD information definition method can be a ruleset including simple solid operators such as extrusion, projection, and others such as B2G LM ruleset operator.
要生成 BIM 模型的 LOD,我们应该定义 LOD 信息并将其转换为 GIS 模型元素的 LOD。此 LOD 信息定义方法可以是一个规则集,包括简单的实体操作符,如拉伸、投影,以及其他如 B2G LM 规则集操作符。
Figure 10 shows the UML class diagram that defines the LOD mapping (LM) rule.
图 10 显示了定义 LOD 映射(LM)规则的 UML 类图。
Figure 10 - B2G LM concept diagram in UML
图 10 - B2G LM 概念图(UML)
Table 8 shows the operator required for the definition of the B2G LM ruleset. LODs, extracted from BIM, are created from the perspective of the LOD required for GIS, using the LM ruleset operator.
表 8 显示了定义 B2G LM 规则集所需的操作符。提取自 BIM 的 LOD 是从 GIS 所需的 LOD 的角度创建的,使用 LM 规则集操作符。
Table 8 - B2G LM class definition
表 8 - B2G LM 类别定义
Class 班级 Member 成员 Description 描述
LM_ruleset LM 规则集 name: CharacterString 名称:字符字符串 Ruleset name definition 规则集名称定义
LM_rule LM 规则 footprint(el: element): geometry
足迹(el: 元素): 几何

返回建筑元素 e l e l ele l 的占地几何形状
Returns the footprint geometry of Building
element e l e l ele l
Returns the footprint geometry of Building element el返回建筑物的占地几何形状 元素厄尔| Returns the footprint geometry of Building | | :--- | | element $e l$ ||返回建筑物的几何足迹| |:——| | element $e $ l$ |
OBB(el: element): OBB OBB(el:元素):OBB

返回建筑元素 el 的 OBB(定向包围盒)
Returns OBB (oriented bounding box) of
Building element el
Returns OBB (oriented bounding box) of Building element el的OBB(定向边界框) 建筑单元平面| Returns OBB (oriented bounding box) of | | :--- | | Building element el |返回|的OBB(定向边界框) |:——| 建筑元素el

投影(el: 元素, base: 枚举 平面 { XZ , XY , YZ }) { XZ , XY , YZ }){XZ,XY,YZ})\{\mathrm{XZ}, \mathrm{XY}, \mathrm{YZ}\}) : 二维几何
projection(el: element, base: enum plane { XZ , XY , YZ } ) { XZ , XY , YZ } ) {XZ,XY,YZ})\{\mathrm{XZ}, \mathrm{XY}, \mathrm{YZ}\}) :
projection(el: element, base: enum plane {XZ,XY,YZ}) : geometry2D投影(el: element, base: enum plane {XZ,XY,YZ}): geometry2D| projection(el: element, base: enum plane $\{\mathrm{XZ}, \mathrm{XY}, \mathrm{YZ}\})$ : | | :--- | | geometry2D ||投影(el: 元素, 基数: 枚举平面 $\{\mathrm{XZ}, \mathrm{XY}, \mathrm{YZ}\})$ : | | :--- | |二维几何 |

返回映射到参考表面的二维几何(geometry2D),该表面指定了枚举平面类型中建筑元素 e l e l ele l 的几何形状
Returns the 2D-geometry (geometry2D)
mapped onto the reference surface that
designates the geometry of Building element
e l e l ele l in the enumeration plane type
Returns the 2D-geometry (geometry2D) mapped onto the reference surface that designates the geometry of Building element el in the enumeration plane type返回2d几何图形(geometry2D) 映射到参考表面 指定建筑元素的几何形状 枚举平面类型中的El| Returns the 2D-geometry (geometry2D) | | :--- | | mapped onto the reference surface that | | designates the geometry of Building element | | $e l$ in the enumeration plane type ||返回2d几何图形(geometry2D) | |:——| |映射到参考曲面上 |表示建筑元素|的几何形状 枚举平面类型| $e l$

边界(g: 几何, base: 枚举 平面 { XZ , XY , YZ } { XZ , XY , YZ }{XZ,XY,YZ}\{\mathrm{XZ}, \mathrm{XY}, \mathrm{YZ}\} ): 二维几何
boundary(g: geometry, base: enum plane { XZ , XY , YZ } { XZ , XY , YZ } {XZ,XY,YZ}\{\mathrm{XZ}, \mathrm{XY}, \mathrm{YZ}\} ):
boundary(g: geometry, base: enum plane {XZ,XY,YZ} ): geometry2D边界(g: geometry, base: enum plane {XZ,XY,YZ}): geometry2D| boundary(g: geometry, base: enum plane $\{\mathrm{XZ}, \mathrm{XY}, \mathrm{YZ}\}$ ): | | :--- | | geometry2D || boundary(g: geometry, base: enum plane $\{\mathrm{XZ}, \mathrm{XY}, \mathrm{YZ}\}$): | |:——| |几何2d |

创建 2D 几何 g ggg 在基准面上指定的边界,并返回几何 2 D 2 D 2D2 D
Creates the 2D-geometry g g gg boundary on
the reference surface designated in the
base, and returns the geometry 2 D 2 D 2D2 D
Creates the 2D-geometry g boundary on the reference surface designated in the base, and returns the geometry 2D在上创建二维几何边界 中指定的参考面 ,并返回几何图形2D| Creates the 2D-geometry $g$ boundary on | | :--- | | the reference surface designated in the | | base, and returns the geometry $2 D$ ||在|上创建2d几何$g$边界 |:——| 参考面在中指定 | base,并返回几何图形$ 2d $ |
Class Member Description LM_ruleset name: CharacterString Ruleset name definition LM_rule footprint(el: element): geometry "Returns the footprint geometry of Building element el" OBB(el: element): OBB "Returns OBB (oriented bounding box) of Building element el" "projection(el: element, base: enum plane {XZ,XY,YZ}) : geometry2D" "Returns the 2D-geometry (geometry2D) mapped onto the reference surface that designates the geometry of Building element el in the enumeration plane type" "boundary(g: geometry, base: enum plane {XZ,XY,YZ} ): geometry2D" "Creates the 2D-geometry g boundary on the reference surface designated in the base, and returns the geometry 2D"类成员描述 lm_ruleset name: characterstring规则集名称定义 lm_rule footprint(el: element): geometry "返回建筑的空间几何 元素el” OBB(el: element): OBB "返回对象的OBB(定向边界框) 建筑元素el” "投影(el: element, base: enum plane {XZ,XY,YZ}): 返回2d几何图形(geometry2D) 映射到参考表面 指定建筑元素的几何形状 枚举平面类型的El "boundary(g: geometry, base: enum plane {XZ,XY,YZ}): 上创建二维几何图形的边界 中指定的参考面 ,并返回几何图形2D”。| Class | Member | Description | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | LM_ruleset | name: CharacterString | Ruleset name definition | | LM_rule | footprint(el: element): geometry | Returns the footprint geometry of Building <br> element $e l$ | | | OBB(el: element): OBB | Returns OBB (oriented bounding box) of <br> Building element el | | | projection(el: element, base: enum plane $\{\mathrm{XZ}, \mathrm{XY}, \mathrm{YZ}\})$ : <br> geometry2D | Returns the 2D-geometry (geometry2D) <br> mapped onto the reference surface that <br> designates the geometry of Building element <br> $e l$ in the enumeration plane type | | | boundary(g: geometry, base: enum plane $\{\mathrm{XZ}, \mathrm{XY}, \mathrm{YZ}\}$ ): <br> geometry2D | Creates the 2D-geometry $g$ boundary on <br> the reference surface designated in the <br> base, and returns the geometry $2 D$ ||类|成员|描述| |:——:|:——:| LM_ruleset | name: CharacterString |规则集名称定义| | LM_rule | footprint(el: element): geometry |返回Building
element $e l$ |的占位几何 | | OBB(el: element): OBB |返回
建筑元素el |的OBB(定向边界框) | | projection(el: element, base: enum plane $\{\mathrm{XZ}, \mathrm{XY}, \mathrm{YZ}\})$:
geometry2D |返回映射到参考曲面上的2d几何(geometry2D)
$e l$的几何 | | boundary(g: geometry, base: enum plane $\{\mathrm{XZ}, \mathrm{XY}, \mathrm{YZ}\}$):
geometry2D |在
基底中指定的参考曲面上创建2d几何$g$边界,并返回几何$ 2d $ |
Table 8 (continued) 表 8(续)
Class 班级 Member 成员 Description 描述

挤出(g: 二维几何, v: 三维向量, height: 实数): 几何
extrude(g: geometry2D, v: vector3D, height: real):
extrude(g: geometry2D, v: vector3D, height: real): geometry挤出(g: geometry2D, v: vector3D,高度:real): 几何| extrude(g: geometry2D, v: vector3D, height: real): | | :--- | | geometry || extrude(g: geometry2D, v: vector3D, height: real): | |:——| |几何|

返回 geometry2D g ggg 到几何体的突出部分与高度相等,使用向量方向 v v vv
Returns geometry2D g g gg to the geometry
protruded as much as the height, using
the vector direction v v vv
Returns geometry2D g to the geometry protruded as much as the height, using the vector direction v返回几何图形的几何体 凸出和高度一样多,使用 矢量方向v| Returns geometry2D $g$ to the geometry | | :--- | | protruded as much as the height, using | | the vector direction $v$ ||返回几何图形的几何图形| |:——| |凸出和高度一样多,使用| 矢量方向$v$ |
exterior(g: geometry): geometry
外部(g: 几何): 几何

提取仅外部表面的几何体 etry g ggg,然后返回到几何学
Extracts only the outside surface of geom-
etry g g gg, then returns to geometry
Extracts only the outside surface of geom- etry g, then returns to geometry只提取geom-的外表面 然后再回到几何| Extracts only the outside surface of geom- | | :--- | | etry $g$, then returns to geometry |只提取geom的外表面 |:——| | etry $g$,然后返回到geometry |
interior(g: geometry): geometry
内部(g: 几何): 几何

仅提取几何体 g g gg 的内部表面,然后返回到几何体
Extracts only the inside surface of geometry
g g gg, then returns to geometry
Extracts only the inside surface of geometry g, then returns to geometry只提取几何的内表面 G,然后回到几何| Extracts only the inside surface of geometry | | :--- | | $g$, then returns to geometry |只提取几何体的内表面 |:——| | $g$,然后返回到geometry |
VOID(e: element): element
VOID(e: 元素): 元素

仅返回建筑元素的 VOID 类型元素。VOID 类型元素指的是窗户、门和其他开口。
Returns only the VOID-type elements of
the Building element. The VOID-type el-
ements refer to the windows, doors, and
other openings.
Returns only the VOID-type elements of the Building element. The VOID-type el- ements refer to the windows, doors, and other openings.的void类型元素 建筑元素。void类型的el- 元素是指窗户,门,和 其他空缺。| Returns only the VOID-type elements of | | :--- | | the Building element. The VOID-type el- | | ements refer to the windows, doors, and | | other openings. ||只返回|的void类型元素 |:——| 建筑元素。void类型为el- | 元素指的是窗户、门和玻璃 |其他开口。|
union(g1: geometry, g2: geometry): geometry
联合(g1: 几何, g2: 几何): 几何

返回并集操作的结果 几何的 g1 g1g1g 1 g2 g2g2g 2 到几何学
Returns the results of the union operation
of geometry g 1 g 1 g1g 1 and g 2 g 2 g2g 2 to geometry
Returns the results of the union operation of geometry g1 and g2 to geometry返回联合操作的结果 几何g1和几何g2| Returns the results of the union operation | | :--- | | of geometry $g 1$ and $g 2$ to geometry |返回联合操作的结果 |:——| $ g1 $和$ g2 $的几何|
subtract(g1: geometry, g2: geometry): geometry
减去(g1: 几何, g2: 几何): 几何

返回几何 g 1 g 1 g1g 1 的结果 和 g2 g2g2g 2 减法运算到几何中
Returns the results of the geometry g 1 g 1 g1g 1
and g 2 g 2 g2g 2 subtraction operation to geometry
Returns the results of the geometry g1 and g2 subtraction operation to geometry返回几何图形g1的结果 还有g2的几何减法运算| Returns the results of the geometry $g 1$ | | :--- | | and $g 2$ subtraction operation to geometry ||返回几何图形$g 1$ |的结果 |:——| $ g2 $对几何图形进行减法运算|
intersect(g1: geometry, g2: geometry); geometry
交集(g1: 几何, g2: 几何); 几何

返回几何 g 1 g 1 g1g 1 的结果 和 g2 g2g2g 2 交集运算到几何
Returns the results of the geometry g 1 g 1 g1g 1
and g 2 g 2 g2g 2 intersection operation to geometry
Returns the results of the geometry g1 and g2 intersection operation to geometry返回几何图形g1的结果 和g2的交点运算到几何| Returns the results of the geometry $g 1$ | | :--- | | and $g 2$ intersection operation to geometry ||返回几何图形$g 1$ |的结果 |:——| 与$g $ 2的交点运算到几何|
OBB x_direction: vector3D x_direction: 三维向量 Member that defines OBB's X axis
定义 OBB 的 X 轴的成员
y_direction: vector3D y 方向: 三维向量 Member that defines OBB's Y axis
定义 OBB 的 Y 轴的成员
extent: vector3D 范围:三维向量

定义 OBB 的宽度、深度和高度的成员
Member that defines OBB's width, depth
and height
Member that defines OBB's width, depth and height定义OBB的宽度和深度的成员 和高度| Member that defines OBB's width, depth | | :--- | | and height |定义OBB的宽度、深度的成员 |:——| |和高度|
vector3D 三维向量 v[3]: Real v[3]: 真实 Defines the 3D vector elements
定义 3D 向量元素
Class Member Description "extrude(g: geometry2D, v: vector3D, height: real): geometry" "Returns geometry2D g to the geometry protruded as much as the height, using the vector direction v" exterior(g: geometry): geometry "Extracts only the outside surface of geom- etry g, then returns to geometry" interior(g: geometry): geometry "Extracts only the inside surface of geometry g, then returns to geometry" VOID(e: element): element "Returns only the VOID-type elements of the Building element. The VOID-type el- ements refer to the windows, doors, and other openings." union(g1: geometry, g2: geometry): geometry "Returns the results of the union operation of geometry g1 and g2 to geometry" subtract(g1: geometry, g2: geometry): geometry "Returns the results of the geometry g1 and g2 subtraction operation to geometry" intersect(g1: geometry, g2: geometry); geometry "Returns the results of the geometry g1 and g2 intersection operation to geometry" OBB x_direction: vector3D Member that defines OBB's X axis y_direction: vector3D Member that defines OBB's Y axis extent: vector3D "Member that defines OBB's width, depth and height" vector3D v[3]: Real Defines the 3D vector elements类成员描述 "extrude(g: geometry2D, v: vector3D, height: real): geometry" "返回几何图形的几何体 凸出和高度一样多,使用 矢量方向v" external (g: geometry): geometry“只提取几何体的外表面” 诗歌,然后回归几何。” interior(g: geometry): geometry“只提取几何的内表面 G,然后回到几何" VOID(e: element): element "只返回的VOID类型的元素 建筑元素。void类型的el- 元素是指窗户,门,和 其他空缺。” union(g1: geometry, g2: geometry): geometry "返回联合操作的结果 几何g1和g2到几何" subtract(g1: geometry, g2: geometry): geometry "返回几何图形g1的结果 还有g2的几何减法运算 相交(g1:几何,g2:几何);返回几何图形g1的结果 和g2交点运算到几何" OBB x_direction: vector3d成员,定义OBB的X轴 y_direction: vector3d成员,定义OBB的Y轴 定义OBB的宽度,深度的成员 和高度” vector3d v[3]: real定义三维矢量元素| Class | Member | Description | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | extrude(g: geometry2D, v: vector3D, height: real): <br> geometry | Returns geometry2D $g$ to the geometry <br> protruded as much as the height, using <br> the vector direction $v$ | | | exterior(g: geometry): geometry | Extracts only the outside surface of geom- <br> etry $g$, then returns to geometry | | | interior(g: geometry): geometry | Extracts only the inside surface of geometry <br> $g$, then returns to geometry | | | VOID(e: element): element | Returns only the VOID-type elements of <br> the Building element. The VOID-type el- <br> ements refer to the windows, doors, and <br> other openings. | | | union(g1: geometry, g2: geometry): geometry | Returns the results of the union operation <br> of geometry $g 1$ and $g 2$ to geometry | | | subtract(g1: geometry, g2: geometry): geometry | Returns the results of the geometry $g 1$ <br> and $g 2$ subtraction operation to geometry | | | intersect(g1: geometry, g2: geometry); geometry | Returns the results of the geometry $g 1$ <br> and $g 2$ intersection operation to geometry | | OBB | x_direction: vector3D | Member that defines OBB's X axis | | | y_direction: vector3D | Member that defines OBB's Y axis | | | extent: vector3D | Member that defines OBB's width, depth <br> and height | | vector3D | v[3]: Real | Defines the 3D vector elements ||类|成员|描述| |:——:|:——:| | | extrude(g: geometry2D, v: vector3D, height: real):
geometry |使用
矢量方向$v$ |将几何体
凸出与高度相同的几何体返回geometry2D $g$ | | external (g: geometry): geometry |只提取几何体的外表面-
etry $g$,然后返回到geometry | | | interior(g: geometry): geometry |只提取几何
$g$的内表面,然后返回几何| | | VOID(e: element): element |只返回
其他开口。| | | union(g1: geometry, g2: geometry): geometry |返回geometry $ g1 $和$ g2 $的联合运算
对geometry |的结果 | | subtract(g1: geometry, g2: geometry): geometry |返回几何$ g1 $
和$ g2 $减法运算的结果到geometry | | | intersect(g1: geometry, g2: geometry);geometry |返回几何$ g1 $
和$ g2 $交集运算的结果到geometry | | OBB | x_direction: vector3D |定义OBB X轴的成员| y_direction: vector3D |定义OBB Y轴