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What is Montessori method

What is Montessori? 7 Principles of the Montessori Method
什么是蒙台梭利?蒙台梭利方法的 7 条原则

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Montessori is growing in popularity.

Every day, the parenting websites, mommy YouTube channels, and Instagram influencers are re-discovering this 100-year-old educational approach.
每天,育儿网站、妈妈 YouTube 频道和 Instagram 影响者都在重新发现这种有 100 年历史的教育方法。

And it’s great they are. The Montessori method, although old, has a lot to say to modern parents.

What is Montessori? 什么是蒙台梭利?

The Montessori method is an educational approach developed by Italian physician Maria Montessori. It has been popular all over the world for over 100 years.
蒙台梭利方法是意大利医生玛丽亚·蒙台梭利 (Maria Montessori) 开发的一种教育方法。它已经风靡全球 100 多年了。

The approach focuses on independence, hands-on learning and a thoughtfully prepared environment that allows the child to grow in all the main developmental areas.

Maria Montessori was born in 1870 in Italy. She was one of the first women to graduate from the University of Rome Medical School.
玛丽亚·蒙台梭利 (Maria Montessori) 于 1870 年出生于意大利。她是第一批从罗马大学医学院毕业的女性之一。

After her studies, she worked with mentally impaired children, observed them, and noticed that they can learn many things that seemed impossible if provided the right environment, practice, and materials.

Thanks to the results her educational approach was bringing, she was soon given the opportunity to test her methodology on healthy kids. The first Casa dei Bambini – The House of Children – was established in 1907 in Rome.
由于她的教育方法带来的结果,她很快就有机会在健康的孩子身上测试她的方法。第一个 Casa dei Bambini – 儿童之家 – 于 1907 年在罗马成立。

Maria Montessori with children
Maria Montessori with children in London, 1951. [Photo: © Jack Esten]
1951 年,玛丽亚·蒙台梭利 (Maria Montessori) 和孩子们在伦敦。[照片:© Jack Esten]

Her method became popular all around the world and she spent the rest of her life establishing new schools and teacher training centers, lecturing, improving her method, and writing.

She traveled widely and spent six years in India during World War II, where she established many schools. Montessori education is very popular in India to this day.

Maria Montessori died in 1952.
玛丽亚·蒙台梭利 (Maria Montessori) 于 1952 年去世。

Her legacy is being carried on by the Amsterdam-based Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) as well as many other educational institutions, childhood development experts, authors, teachers, ethusiasts, and parents.
总部位于阿姆斯特丹的国际蒙台梭利协会 (AMI) 以及许多其他教育机构、儿童发展专家、作家、教师、道德家和家长正在继承她的遗产。

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The principles of Montessori education

Let’s take a look at the 7 most important principles of Montessori education. These principles can be used both at Montessori schools and at home, by Montessori parents.
让我们来看看蒙台梭利教育最重要的 7 条原则。这些原则既可以在蒙台梭利学校使用,也可以在蒙台梭利家长的家中使用。

The principles of Montessori education

1. Play is work 1. 玩乐就是工作

We should take the play very seriously as it is the way the child expresses himself.

Maria Montessori believed that playing is the ultimate way of learning and that children have a natural desire for knowledge that should be supported through the right tools.
玛丽亚·蒙台梭利 (Maria Montessori) 认为,玩耍是终极的学习方式,孩子们对知识有一种天生的渴望,应该通过正确的工具来支持这种渴望。

“Play is the work of the child.”

– Maria Montessori – 玛丽亚·蒙台梭利

2. Prepared environment 2. 准备好的环境

The prepared environment is an essential part of the Montessori method. It should be an environment of beauty, where children can move freely and act independently.

The Montessori environment should also be structured and have the order. It may seem counter-intuitive to the “freedom of movement” but the truth is – toddlers love order and routine. It helps them to navigate the world they live in.

If you want to know more, read how to create a Montessori playroom at home.
如果您想了解更多信息,请阅读 如何在家创建蒙台梭利游戏室.

3. Independence 3. 独立性

Montessori education leads to independence. It encourages exploration and teaches toddlers to take responsibility for themselves, their belongings, and the environment. The Montessori schedule often includes practical activities like sweeping or personal care.

The golden rule of the Montessori approach is:

“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.”

– Maria Montessori – 玛丽亚·蒙台梭利

boy with a glass water pitcher

4. Hands-on learning 4. 动手学习

Children learn through experience. From birth to the age of 6, the child is able to learn new things effortlessly and unconsciously, just by being in the right environment and having the opportunities to explore.
孩子们通过经验来学习。从出生到 6 岁,孩子能够毫不费力地、无意识地学习新事物,只需在合适的环境中并有机会探索即可。

Maria Montessori called this concept the absorbent mind. It means the child is able to “absorb” new information like a sponge.
玛丽亚·蒙台梭利 (Maria Montessori) 将这个概念称为吸收性思维。这意味着孩子能够像海绵一样 “吸收” 新信息

“The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to age six. For that is the time when man’s intelligence itself is being formed.”

– Maria Montessori – 玛丽亚·蒙台梭利

5. Observation 5. 观察

Raising children in the Montessori philosophy means observing them carefully and noticing what they are interested in.

There are certain periods – called sensitive periods – when the child is very interested in one kind of activity. It can be climbing, transporting things, focus on small details or language.
在某些时期 - 称为敏感期 - 当孩子对一种活动非常感兴趣时。它可以是攀爬、运输物品、关注小细节或语言。

By observing the children, we can provide appropriate activities and create an environment that will support the development of the skill they are currently focused on.

6. Freedom within limits 6. 限度内的自由

Freedom doesn’t mean children can do whatever they want. It means we give them the opportunity to choose freely from the options we approved and that are good for them – whether it’s the activity they want to engage in or the dress they want to wear.

Montessori teachers and parents are guides (or, as Maria Montessori used to say, gardeners). We can provide the right conditions and point in the right direction, but we show respect to the way our children decide to go.
蒙台梭利老师和家长是向导(或者,正如 Maria Montessori 过去所说的,园丁)。我们可以提供正确的条件并指明正确的方向,但我们尊重我们的孩子决定走的路。

Which brings us to the last principle…

7. Respect 7. 尊重

The Montessori method is about mutual respect between the child and the parent.

It also means that we understand that each child is a unique individual with his or her own needs, capabilities, and way of learning.

Frequently asked questions

What age is best to start with Montessori?

The Montessori concept of absorbent mind that refers to a period of “sponge-like” learning in young children applies to kids from 0 to 6 years old. So the Montessori principles can be incorporated by parents from birth. The Montessori pre-school programs usually start at the age of 3.

Are Montessori schools better than standard schools?

We shouldn’t jump to hasty conclusions about Montessori schools being better than other schools, as there may be various levels of quality among both types of schools.

However, many studies suggest that children educated in Montessori schools have an advantage in terms of academic, social, and emotional development.

Can Montessori be taught at home?

The Montessori method is not just a set of specific activities taught at school, it can be perceived as a way of life. As such, it can be promoted by parents at homes from the early ages of the child’s life.

What are the best Montessori toys?

There are some typical “official” Montessori toys (e.g. pink tower, cylinder blocks, broad stair, etc.) used in Montessori schools. These are usually referred to as “Montessori materials”. Other than that, there’s a wide variety of toys that are in accordance with the Montessori principles.

You can check our list of best Montessori toys for inspiration.

Is Montessori religious?

Maria Montessori was a devout Catholic and her teachings reflect some Christian concepts, such as the intrinsic value of human life. However, her method is universal. There are Christian, Jewish, or even Islamic Montessori schools and there are Montessori schools that are not bound to any religious belief.

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5 thoughts on “What is Montessori? 7 Principles of the Montessori Method”

  1. I was going through the article and it is mentioned Maria Montessori was born in 1970 but actually it is 1870.
    It is wonderful article with a lot of great information.

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