Nomenclature 命名法
DEL | Damage equivalent load 损伤当量载荷 |
DNN | Deep neural network 深度神经网络 |
MOGWO | Multi-objective grey wolf optimizer |
MAE | Mean absolute error 平均绝对误差 |
RMSE | Root means square error 均方根误差 |
WT | Wind turbine 风力涡轮机 |
WF | Wind farm 风电场 |
Jm 米 | Rotor moment of inertia (Kg/m3) |
Je 杰 | Generator moment of inertia (Kg/m3) |
Tm 温度 | Mechanical torque (N·m) 机械扭矩(N·m) |
Te 特 | Generator torque (N·m) 发电机扭矩(N·m) |
Ts 时间 | Main shaft torque (N·m) 主轴扭矩(N·m) |
Ksp 钾 | Main shaft elastic coefficient (N·m/rad) |
Kvi Kvi | Main shaft damping coefficient (N·m/rad) |
ψ | Torsion angle (°) 扭转角(°) |
Ngaer 恩加尔 | Gear ratio of the gearbox |
ωr ω r | Rotor speed (rad/s) 转子速度(弧度/秒) |
ωe ωe | Generator speed (rad/s) 发电机速度(弧度/秒) |
Ft Ft | Aerodynamic thrust (N) 气动推力(N) |
h | Height of the tower (m) |
Mt 吨 | Tower base bending moment (N·m) |
v | Wind speed(m/s) 风速(米/秒) |
λ | Tip-speed ratio 叶尖速比 |
β | Pitch angle (°) 桨距角 (°) |
Ct CT | Thrust coefficient 推力系数 |
ρ | Air density (Kg/m3) |
R | Radius of the blade(m) 刀片半径(m) |
σ | Stress amplitude 应力幅值 |
nj | Number of cycles of the amplitude |
M | Total number of |
ε | Weight coefficients of DNN |
b | Bias vectors of DNN DNN 的偏差向量 |
χli χ | Input of the i-th neuron in layer l |
φli φi | Output of the i-th neuron in layer l |
Nl-1 Nl -1 | Number of neurons in layer l-1 |
Φ | Activation function of the DNN |
Y | Vector of the output variable of the DNN. |
ζl | Partial derivative of the loss function of layer l |
Pe,i 裴 | Active power of the i-th WT |
DELTs 删除T | Drivetrain DEL 动力传动系统 DEL |
DELMt 德尔山 | Tower DEL 塔DEL |
Pwf 功率 | Output power of WF WF输出功率 |
Pmine,i P最小e,i | Minimum power of the i-th WT |
Pmaxe,i P最大e,i | Maximum power of the i-th WT |
ηi ηi | Weighting coefficient in objective function |
γ | Penalty coefficient in objective function |
Ini 伊尼 | Initial population 初始人口 |
Lok 洛克 | Logistic map at the k iteration. |
Chk 查克 | Chebyshev map at the k iteration |
Introduction 介绍
In Recent years, the installed capacity of wind power generation has been increasing. With the development of wind power, its impact on the grid has become apparent. As a result, many countries such as Denmark [1] have placed additional requirements on the grid connection of wind power, such as the need for WFs to have the ability to track the active power commands of the grid [2], [3]. However, this will increase the fatigue damage of WTs and have an impact on the economics of WF operation.
近年来,风力发电装机容量不断增加。随着风电的发展,其对电网的影响日益显现。因此,丹麦等许多国家 [1] 对风电并网提出了额外的要求,例如需要WF具有跟踪电网有功功率指令的能力 [2] , [3] 。然而,这将增加水轮机的疲劳损伤,并对水轮机运行的经济性产生影响。
Unlike thermal power generation, wind power generation does not cost fuel, so the maintenance cost is one of the most critical factors of concern for operators [4]. Some researchers have chosen to start with the fatigue load of WTs since reducing fatigue loading leads to less damage, which is an important means of reducing maintenance costs [5], [6]. In research and engineering applications, the standard deviation of stress [7], [8] and the damage equivalent load (DEL) [2], [9] are widely recognized as the typical WT fatigue indicators. However, the standard deviation of the stress cannot fully characterize the fatigue load [10]. In contrast, the use of the rain flow counting method [11] and the Palmgren-Miner [12] method to calculate the DEL allows for a more accurate assessment of fatigue. However, due to the complexity of the calculation method, DEL is generally only used for post-assessment of fatigue loads [8].
与火力发电不同,风力发电不需要燃料,因此维护成本是运营商最关心的因素之一 [4] 。一些研究人员选择从WT的疲劳载荷入手,因为减少疲劳载荷可以减少损坏,这是降低维护成本的重要手段 [5] , [6] 。在研究和工程应用中,应力的标准差 [7] , [8] 和损坏等效载荷 (DEL) [2] , [9] 被广泛认为是典型的WT疲劳指标。然而,应力的标准差并不能完全表征疲劳载荷 [10] 。相比之下,采用雨流计数法 [11] 和帕尔格伦矿工 [12] 计算 DEL 的方法可以更准确地评估疲劳。但由于计算方法复杂,DEL一般仅用于疲劳载荷的后评估 [8] 。
If a simpler and more effective method for calculating DEL could be available, it would be of great help for online optimization of load suppression. To achieve this goal, Zhang et al. [13] produced a table with wind speed and power as input and DEL as output, and estimated DEL by a look-up table. However, further research shows that there are many parameters that affect the DEL, such as rotor speed, pitch angle, etc. The above table look-up method is too simplified. For such a multi-parameter system, the machine learning algorithm is more effective. The machine learning represented by the deep neural network (DNN) has good performance in data prediction and data fitting [14], [15]. However, there is no research on DEL modeling based on machine learning.
如果能够有一种更简单、更有效的DEL计算方法,将对负载抑制的在线优化有很大帮助。为了实现这一目标,张等人。 [13] 制作一个以风速和功率作为输入、DEL 作为输出的表,并通过查找表估计 DEL。但进一步研究表明,影响DEL的参数有很多,如转子转速、桨距角等,上述查表方法过于简化。对于这样的多参数系统,机器学习算法更为有效。以深度神经网络(DNN)为代表的机器学习在数据预测和数据拟合方面具有良好的性能 [14] , [15] 。然而目前还没有基于机器学习的DEL建模研究。
The DEL estimates obtained by machine learning avoid complex mechanism calculations and can be quickly calculated and used to suppress fatigue loads on WTs online. However, a WF usually has dozens of turbines and multi-objective optimization is complex. There are many optimization algorithms similar to Non-dominated sorting genetic (NSGA-II) [16], multi-objective particle swarm optimizer (MOPSO) [17], [18], multi-objective bat (MOBA) [19], multi-objective differential evolution (MODE) [20], multi-objective grey wolf optimizer(MOGWO) [21], [22], etc. To solving multi-objective nonlinear optimization problem. Wang et al. [23] applied the MOGWO to wind speed prediction and compared it with the MOPSO and multi-objective water cycle algorithm (MOWCA). The results showed that the optimization effect of MOGWO is better. Yang et al. [24] proposed that the MOGWO has the advantages of easy implementation and fast convergence. Lu et al. [25] proposed that MOGWO has the disadvantage of low diversity.
通过机器学习获得的 DEL 估计避免了复杂的机构计算,可以快速计算并用于在线抑制 WT 上的疲劳载荷。然而,一个WF通常有几十台涡轮机,多目标优化很复杂。类似于非支配排序遗传(NSGA-II)的优化算法有很多 [16] ,多目标粒子群优化器(MOPSO) [17] , [18] 、多目标蝙蝠(MOBA) [19] ,多目标差分进化(MODE) [20] 、多目标灰狼优化器(MOGWO) [21] , [22] 等来求解多目标非线性优化问题。王等人。 [23] 将MOGWO应用于风速预测,并与MOPSO和多目标水循环算法(MOWCA)进行比较。结果表明MOGWO的优化效果较好。杨等人。 [24] 提出MOGWO具有易于实现和快速收敛的优点。卢等人。 [25] 提出MOGWO具有多样性低的缺点。
Based on the above research status, a data-driven coordinated fatigue suppression model for multiple WTs is studied in this paper to reasonably allocate the active power of WFs, so as to achieve fatigue suppression of the whole WF. The main innovation points are as follows:
Machine learning modeling of DEL is implemented. A DNN is designed to calculate DEL using easily measurable parameters such as wind speed, power, rotor speed, and pitch angle as inputs to achieve fast and accurate estimation of DEL.
实现了DEL的机器学习建模。 DNN 旨在使用风速、功率、转子速度和桨距角等易于测量的参数作为输入来计算 DEL,以实现快速准确的 DEL 估计。Improved power scheduling algorithm for WFs. MOGWO was improved, and the improved algorithm is used to achieve optimal scheduling, suppressing the fatigue load of the whole WF and reducing the negative optimization of WTs.
改进了 WF 的功率调度算法。对MOGWO进行了改进,利用改进算法实现最优调度,抑制整个WF的疲劳负载,减少WT的负优化。
This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the mechanism model of the fatigue load is introduced. In Section III, a DNN for fatigue load modeling is proposed. In Section IV, an improved MOGWO is used for optimization and real-time scheduling. In Section V, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified. Section VI is the Conclusion.
本文的结构如下。在 Section II ,介绍了疲劳载荷的机理模型。在 Section III ,提出了一种用于疲劳载荷建模的 DNN。在 Section IV ,采用改进的MOGWO进行优化和实时调度。在 Section V ,验证了所提方法的有效性。 Section VI 是结论。
Fatigue Analysis and Modeling of WT
WT 的疲劳分析和建模
Many mechanical structures of WTs are subjected to fatigue under the action of external loads. In this section, the mechanism of structural fatigue of WT is analyzed and the calculation method of DEL is introduced.
A. Fatigue Analysis of the WT
A. WT 的疲劳分析
Due to the complex structure of WTs, fatigue load analysis generally focuses on the main structure. According to the results of [13], the drivetrain is one of the failure-prone structures and has a greater impact on the WT which has a greater impact on the WT. And the damage of the tower will bring the most serious economic loss. Therefore, in this paper, the fatigue loads of the drivetrain and tower are selected for analysis and modeling. The model schematic of the transmission system and the tower is shown in Fig. 1.
由于水轮机结构复杂,疲劳载荷分析一般集中在主体结构上。根据结果 [13] ,传动系统是容易发生故障的结构之一,对WT影响较大。而铁塔的损坏将带来最严重的经济损失。因此,本文选择传动系统和塔架的疲劳载荷进行分析和建模。输电系统及铁塔模型示意图如图所示 Fig. 1 。
1) Drivetrain 1) 传动系统
The drivetrain can usually be simplified to the two-mass model shown in Fig. 1. The unbalanced torque on both sides is the cause of the fatigue load. The characteristics of the drivetrain can be expressed as follow:

传动系统通常可以简化为如图所示的两质量模型 Fig. 1 。两侧扭矩不平衡是产生疲劳载荷的原因。传动系统的特性可表示为:

2) Tower 2) 塔
The main source of tower damage is the aerodynamic thrust Ft driving the rotation of the turbine, which is related to the wind speed v, pitch angle β, and tip-speed ratio λ. Since the mechanism of the tower is similar to the cantilever arm shown in Fig. 1, researchers usually consider the fatigue load of the tower base as the fatigue load of the whole tower and use the tower base bending moment to evaluate the fatigue load of the tower. The expressions for the force and bending moment of the tower base are shown in (2) and (3).

塔筒损坏的主要来源是驱动涡轮机旋转的气动推力Ft ,它与风速v 、桨距角β和叶尖速比λ有关。由于塔的机构类似于图中所示的悬臂 Fig. 1 研究人员通常将塔基的疲劳载荷视为整个塔的疲劳载荷,并利用塔基弯矩来评估塔的疲劳载荷。塔底受力和弯矩表达式如(2)和(3)所示。

B. DEL Calculation Method
B. DEL 计算方法
DEL is defined as the amplitude of a sinusoidal stress that produces the same damage as the original signal at a constant frequency f for a time T and is calculated as follows:

DEL 定义为在恒定频率f下持续时间T产生与原始信号相同损伤的正弦应力的幅值,计算公式如下:

In terms of parameter selection, Tf = 1, and m = 4.
参数选择方面, Tf =1, m =4。
Based on the definition in (4), the calculation of DEL requires specific information about the original signal. It is necessary to convert the complex load history into a load reversal set that affects fatigue based on the rain flow counting method. And calculate DEL based on the Palmgren-Miner method [26].
根据(4)中的定义,DEL的计算需要原始信号的特定信息。需要基于雨流计数法将复杂的荷载历史转换为影响疲劳的荷载反转集。并基于Palmgren-Miner方法计算DEL [26] 。
In the DEL calculation of WT mechanical structures, DEL can be calculated based on bending moments rather than stresses because the main shaft, tower, etc. can be simplified to a bending uniform section, that is, the fluctuations of Ts and Mt can be used to calculate the DEL [27].
在WT机械结构的DEL计算中,可以根据弯矩而不是应力来计算DEL,因为主轴、塔架等可以简化为弯曲均匀截面,即T s和M t的波动可以用于计算 DEL [27] 。
According to (4), the calculation of DEL depends on the accurate measurement of Ts and Mt. And the calculation process of rain flow counting is complicated. These conditions make it difficult to apply DEL to the online control of WTs.
根据式(4),DEL的计算取决于T s和M t的准确测量。而且雨流计数的计算过程比较复杂。这些条件使得DEL难以应用于WT的在线控制。
Deep Neural Network For DEL Calculation
用于 DEL 计算的深度神经网络
Based on Section II, the mechanism calculation method of DEL is relatively complicated and difficult to be applied to the online control of WTs. This section attempts to realize the fast calculation of DEL by constructing a DNN.
基于 Section II ,DEL的机理计算方法相对复杂,难以应用于WT的在线控制。本节尝试通过构建DNN来实现DEL的快速计算。
A. Parameter Selection For DNN
A. DNN 的参数选择
In order to use a DNN to calculate DEL, this subsection begins by selecting the parameters related to DEL as the input to the DNN. The input should be easily measurable, not conventional torque data. According to (1)–(4), the easily measurable parameters related to DEL of the drivetrain and tower include wind speed, rotor speed, pitch angle and active power. Therefore, this section constructs the input of DNN based on the above parameters as shown in Table I.
为了使用 DNN 计算 DEL,本小节首先选择与 DEL 相关的参数作为 DNN 的输入。输入应该易于测量,而不是传统的扭矩数据。根据(1)-(4),与传动系统和塔架的DEL相关的易于测量的参数包括风速、转子速度、桨距角和有功功率。因此,本节根据上述参数构造DNN的输入,如下所示 Table I 。
According to the definition of DEL, the magnitude and fluctuation of pressure are two important dimensions that affect DEL. Therefore, the metrics constructed in this paper are in the form of mean and standard deviation. In practical application, the above nine indicators can be obtained from the data in the SCADA system by simple calculation, which is easier to obtain compared to torque.
B. Data Preparation For DNN
B. DNN 的数据准备
In order to characterize the coupling between the above parameters and DEL, a Monte Carlo experiment based on SimWindFarm [28] is designed in this subsection to generate the operational data. The experiment was conducted on a simulated WT, the NREL 5MW, which is widely used in research in this field and developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Parameters such as wind speed and power have been artificially designed in order to simulate different working conditions. The WT parameters and experimental parameters are set as shown in Tables II and III.
为了表征上述参数与DEL之间的耦合性,基于SimWindFarm进行了蒙特卡罗实验 [28] 本小节设计用于生成操作数据。该实验是在模拟WT(NREL 5MW)上进行的,该模型由国家可再生能源实验室开发,广泛应用于该领域的研究。风速、功率等参数经过人为设计,以模拟不同的工况。 WT参数和实验参数设置如图 Tables II 和 III 。
In Table I, the mean of wind speed, turbulence intensity, and mean of power are preset by SimWindFarm. A total of 480 sets of working conditions are set at equal intervals. The standard deviation of power and power fluctuations cannot be preset. In this paper, a range of variable random numbers are added to the power set values in the simulation, and there are a total of 100 sets of random numbers. Therefore, 48000 different working conditions were constructed for the experiments in this paper. A total of 48000 sets of data were obtained for training DNN. In the acquisition of experimental data, each group of data is calculated for 300 s with a sampling interval of 1 s. That is, the mean, variance and other parameters are found for the data of 300 time points.
在 Table I 、风速平均值、湍流强度平均值和功率平均值由 SimWindFarm 预设。等间隔设置工况共480组。功率和功率波动的标准差无法预设。本文在仿真中将一系列可变随机数添加到幂集值中,总共有100组随机数。因此,本文构建了48000个不同的工况进行实验。总共获得了48000组数据用于训练DNN。实验数据的获取时,每组数据计算300 s,采样间隔1 s。即对300个时间点的数据求均值、方差等参数。
The above nine indicators are obtained from the equations in Table I. DELTs and DELMt are calculated by the MCrunch code [26]. DEL is also calculated as the other parameters mentioned before, using the data sampled over 300 s to obtain. After data collection, the Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) are shown in Table IV.
上述九个指标由式子求得: Table I 。 DEL Ts和DEL Mt由 MCrunch 代码计算 [26] 。 DEL 的计算方法也与前面提到的其他参数一样,使用 300 s 内采样的数据来获得。数据收集后,皮尔逊相关系数(PCC)显示在 Table IV 。
The numbers in Table IV indicate the correlation between the data. The higher the number, the higher the correlation. Negative (positive) numbers indicate negative (positive) correlation [30]. In this paper, the six sets of data with the highest correlation with DELTs and DELMt are selected as input, DELTs and DELMt as output for DNN training. Six sets of data with higher correlation with DELTs are I,
中的数字 Table IV 表明数据之间的相关性。数字越大,相关性越高。负(正)数表示负(正)相关 [30] 。本文选择与DEL Ts和DEL Mt相关性最高的六组数据作为输入,DEL Ts和DEL Mt作为输出进行DNN训练。与DEL T相关性较高的六组数据是I ,
C. Model Structure of DNN
C. DNN 的模型结构
DNN includes an input layer, several hidden layers and an output layer, as shown in Fig. 2. The first layer is the input layer, the last layer is the output layer, and the middle layers are the hidden layers. All neurons between adjacent layers are interconnected. There are forward transmission and backward transmission in DNN. Forward transmission initially builds a neural network, and backward transmission optimizes the neural network.
DNN 包括一个输入层、几个隐藏层和一个输出层,如图所示 Fig. 2 。第一层是输入层,最后一层是输出层,中间层是隐藏层。相邻层之间的所有神经元都是互连的。 DNN中有前向传输和后向传输。前向传输最初构建神经网络,后向传输优化神经网络。
1) Forward Transmission 1)前向传输
Each two neurons of adjacent layers have different weight coefficients bias


2) Back Transmission 2) 回传
The purpose of backpropagation is to complete the update of the weight coefficient


To complete the update of the weight coefficient


The updates of
Based on the above data and DNN, a fast calculation model for DEL can be obtained, as shown in following formula:


Active Power Dispatch of WFs With Improved MOGWO
Based on the data-driven model constructed in Section III, DEL can be quickly calculated using readily available data for real-time fatigue load suppression. Based on the above modeling results, it can be seen that the DEL of the drivetrain and tower strongly related to the active power. Active power is an important target for WF control considering grid friendliness. Therefore, in this paper, the active power output of each WT is treated as a decision variable. Fatigue load reduction is achieved by adjusting the power output of all WTs within the same WF. In this section, the active power distribution with DEL as the optimization objective is mathematically modeled.
A. Objective Function Settings
The optimization algorithm in this section is used for active power control. Therefore, the power requirements of the WF and the upper and lower limits of each WT need to be satisfied while achieving the objective of fatigue load suppression. Without loss of generality, it can be formulated as a minimization problem as follows:


To deal with the constraints in (14) in the optimization process, this paper adds it to the objective function as a penalty function by adding a penalty coefficient


The upper and lower bound constraints in (15) are easy to handle in the optimization algorithm.
(15) 中的上限和下限约束在优化算法中很容易处理。
In the above model, the WF output power needs to meet the power grid control requirements (e.g., frequency regulation), while minimize the aggregate of DEL of all WTs in the WF, through optimizing the power command value of each WT under different working conditions.
B. Improved MOGWO B.改进的MOGWO
The problems mentioned above are non-linear and non-convex. Considering the application effects of multiple optimization algorithms, a MOGWO algorithm [22] is improved and applied in this section. The principle of MOGWO can be found in [22].
上述问题是非线性和非凸的。考虑多种优化算法的应用效果,提出MOGWO算法 [22] 本节对此进行了改进和应用。 MOGWO的原理可以参见 [22] 。
1) Optimization of the Initial Population
The improvement of the initial population uniformity is also an important way to improve global convergence, avoid falling into local optimal and reduce negative optimization [32]. The traditional MOGWO uses a random function to generate the initial population, which has poor population uniformity. In this section, the chaotic sequence [33] is used to generate the initial population to improve the diversity and traversal of the population. To obtain better uniformity, this section uses the chaotic sequence obtained by mixing Logistic and Chebyshev. The ratio of the two mappings is set to 0.5.

初始种群均匀性的提高也是提高全局收敛性、避免陷入局部最优、减少负优化的重要途径 [32] 。传统的MOGWO采用随机函数生成初始种群,种群均匀性较差。在本节中,混沌序列 [33] 用于生成初始种群,以提高种群的多样性和遍历性。为了获得更好的均匀性,本节使用混合Logistic和Chebyshev获得的混沌序列。两个映射的比率设置为0.5。

Where δ is a certain coefficient, the value range is [04].
2) Optimization of the Weight
In optimization, DELTs and DELMt are not in the same order of magnitude. Therefore, an appropriate weighting factor between them is needed to make the optimization more balanced. The Pareto front is used to optimize the weights in this section. After the Pareto solution set is obtained, the weight coefficients are obtained as follows:

在优化中, DEL Ts和DEL Mt不在同一数量级。因此,它们之间需要一个适当的权重因子,使优化更加平衡。 Pareto 前沿用于优化本节中的权重。得到Pareto解集后,得到权重系数如下:

C. Overall Architecture of the Optimization Algorithm
C. 优化算法总体架构
In this section, the objective function and constraints to suppress fatigue loading are determined. Combined with the data-driven model proposed in Section III, MOGWO is improved. The active control flow chart of fatigue suppression combined with the improved MOGWO is shown in Fig. 3. In the next section, the simulation results of the problem proposed in this paper will be displayed and analyzed.
在本节中,确定抑制疲劳载荷的目标函数和约束。结合中提出的数据驱动模型 Section III ,MOGWO得到改进。结合改进MOGWO的疲劳抑制主动控制流程图如图 Fig. 3 。在下一节中,将显示和分析本文提出的问题的仿真结果。
Case Study 案例研究
A. DNN Training Results A.DNN 训练结果
To test the performance of the DNN, this paper divides 48000 groups of different working conditions into 45000 groups and 3000 groups. Among them, the 45000 sets of data are set as the training set, The rest are set as the test set. After getting the data-driven model, root means square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) are used to evaluate the performance of the model. In the prediction of DELTs and DELMt, RMSE are both close to 0, MAE between the predicted result and the actual result are 13.67% and 15.47%. In terms of computational resource usage, a computer with Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-12600K CPU @ 3.70 GHz processor and 32 GB RAM is used. It takes about 12 minutes to train DNN with RMSE at a reasonable level. The predicted data can basically fit the original data, as shown in Figs. 4 and 5.
为了测试DNN的性能,本文将不同工况的48000组分为45000组和3000组。其中,45000组数据设置为训练集,其余设置为测试集。得到数据驱动模型后,使用均方根误差(RMSE)和平均绝对误差(MAE)来评估模型的性能。在DEL Ts和DEL Mt的预测中,RMSE均接近于0,预测结果与实际结果之间的MAE分别为13.67%和15.47%。在计算资源使用方面,使用配备 Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-12600K CPU @ 3.70 GHz 处理器和 32 GB RAM 的计算机。将 DNN 与 RMSE 训练到合理水平大约需要 12 分钟。预测数据基本能够拟合原始数据,如图 Figs. 4 和 5 。
The results show that the data-driven model can be used to calculate the fatigue load of the drivetrain and tower with simple data such as wind speed, power, pitch angle, rotor speed, and so on. Further, to demonstrate the sensitivity of the DNN to the training data, a portion of the work conditions are artificially removed from the training set. By varying the proportion of the training group data to all the working conditions in the dataset, it is demonstrated that the DNN is sensitive to the training data, i.e., when the working conditions of the training data become significantly incomplete, a certain degree of degradation of the model accuracy occurs. The working condition settings and test results are shown in Table V. It can be seen that the reasonable selection of the working conditions used for modeling will be an important direction to improve the accuracy of DEL modeling in future research.
结果表明,数据驱动模型可以利用风速、功率、桨距角、转子转速等简单数据计算传动系统和塔架的疲劳载荷。此外,为了证明 DNN 对训练数据的敏感性,人为地从训练集中删除了部分工作条件。通过改变训练组数据占数据集中所有工况的比例,证明了DNN对训练数据的敏感性,即当训练数据的工况变得明显不完整时,会出现一定程度的退化模型精度发生变化。工况设置及测试结果见 Table V 。可见,合理选择建模时使用的工况将是未来研究中提高DEL建模精度的重要方向。
B. Optimal Dispatching Simulation of Active Power
B. 有功功率优化调度仿真
A WF model based on SimWindFarm is built in this case. The simulated WF contains 12 NREL 5 MW WTs, which are arranged in the form of 4 × 3. The distance between each WT is 500 m, as shown in Fig. 6. In the simulation, the wind speed fluctuations are shown in Fig. 7. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, the proportional distribution algorithm (PDA) commonly used in engineering [34] and the fatigue load representation method (FLRM) based on the look-up table [13] are used for comparison. Both the FLRM and the proposed method used the improved MOGWO algorithm as the optimization method.
本案例构建了基于SimWindFarm的WF模型。模拟的WF包含12个NREL 5 MW WT,以4×3的形式排列,每个WT之间的距离为500 m,如图所示 Fig. 6 。仿真中,风速波动如图 Fig. 7 。为了验证所提方法的有效性,工程中常用的比例分配算法(PDA) [34] 以及基于查找表的疲劳载荷表示法(FLRM) [13] 用于比较。 FLRM和所提出的方法都使用改进的MOGWO算法作为优化方法。
The simulation in this paper verifies the fatigue load optimization effect of WF during constant power and power ramp-up. The power reference value of the WF is set as follows: In the first 400 s, the power reference value is 12 MW. In the 400 s to 700 s, the power linearly climbs to 24 MW. In the last 300 s, the power remained at 24 MW. The WT start-up process exists in the first 100 s of the simulation, which is an unstable operation process, and the algorithm in this paper requires 300 s of continuous stable operation state parameters for the data-driven calculation of DEL. Therefore, the traditional PDA is used for the first 400 s of the simulation, and the comparison of different algorithms is performed in the last 600 s. The power tracking results of the three different algorithms are shown in Fig. 8. Based on the simulation results, the MAE metrics of PDA, FLRM and the proposed method in tracking WF power commands are 0.18%, 0.21% and 0.25%, respectively. It can be seen that the use of the optimized algorithm hardly affects the power tracking effect, and the tracking errors of several methods are acceptable.
本文的仿真验证了WF在恒功率和功率爬升过程中的疲劳载荷优化效果。 WF的功率参考值设置如下:前400s,功率参考值为12MW。在 400 秒到 700 秒内,功率线性攀升至 24 MW。在过去的300秒里,功率保持在24兆瓦。 WT启动过程存在于仿真的前100 s,是一个不稳定的运行过程,本文算法需要300 s的连续稳定运行状态参数来进行DEL的数据驱动计算。因此,前400 s使用传统PDA进行仿真,后600 s进行不同算法的比较。三种不同算法的功率跟踪结果如图所示 Fig. 8 。根据仿真结果,PDA、FLRM 和所提出的跟踪 WF 功率命令的方法的 MAE 指标分别为 0.18%、0.21% 和 0.25%。可以看出,使用优化后的算法几乎不会影响功率跟踪效果,几种方法的跟踪误差都可以接受。
Although all three methods can track the commanded value of active power well, there is a big gap between each method in terms of fatigue load suppression. WT 1# was selected as an example to compare the main shaft torque and tower bending moment controlled by the three algorithms, as shown in Figs. 9 and 10. In the last 600 s, three different algorithms were used to control the WT 1#. It can be seen that after the optimization of the proposed algorithm, the fluctuations of the main shaft torque and tower bending moment of WT 1# smoother and the amplitude are reduced, which is a sign of load reduction. To further quantitatively evaluate the optimization effect, MCrunch [26] is used to calculate the accurate DEL of all WTs under the control of the three algorithms. The results are shown in Tables VI, and VII.
虽然三种方法都能很好地跟踪有功功率指令值,但每种方法在疲劳负载抑制方面都存在较大差距。以WT 1#为例,对比三种算法控制的主轴扭矩和塔架弯矩,如图 Figs. 9 和 10 。在过去的 600 秒内,使用了三种不同的算法来控制 WT 1#。可以看出,经过本文算法优化后,WT 1#光道机主轴扭矩和塔架弯矩的波动幅度均减小,这是载荷降低的标志。为了进一步定量评估优化效果,MCrunch [26] 用于在三种算法的控制下计算所有WT的准确DEL。结果显示在 Tables VI , 和 VII 。
From the calculation results in Tables VI and VII, it can be seen that both FLRM and the proposed method reduce the total fatigue of WTs compared to the conventional PDA, due to the fact that both methods take the suppression of DEL into account during optimization. It can be seen that the goal of fatigue suppression can be achieved even without using an accurate model of WT.
由计算结果可知 Tables VI 和 VII ,可以看出,与传统的 PDA 相比,FLRM 和所提出的方法都减少了 WT 的总疲劳,因为这两种方法在优化过程中都考虑了 DEL 的抑制。可见,即使不使用精确的小波变换模型,也能达到疲劳抑制的目的。
It can also be seen that the optimization of the proposed method in this paper is better than FLRM. This is because the conventional FLRM algorithm only considers the linear coupling between the DEL and the operating parameters of the WTs, and the nonlinear relationship between the parameters is ignored. In contrast, the method in this paper provides a more accurate modeling of the DEL, so that the fatigue of the WT can be more accurately described in the optimization, which can guide the optimization algorithm to find a more optimal solution.
C. Comparison of the Improvement Effect of the Optimization Algorithms
C. 优化算法的改进效果比较
In this section, the effect of different optimization algorithms is compared under the same simulation settings in Section IV.B. The conventional MOGWO (C-MOGWO) and GA are compared with the proposed improved MOGWO (I-MOGWO). The comparison results are shown in Figs. 11 and 12.
本节将在第 IV.B 节相同的仿真设置下比较不同优化算法的效果。将传统的 MOGWO (C-MOGWO) 和 GA 与改进的 MOGWO (I-MOGWO) 进行比较。比较结果如图所示 Figs. 11 和 12 。
Based on the DNN-driven DEL model, the three optimization algorithms all reduce the total fatigue of WTs. For the sum of the DEL of all the WT drivetrains in the WF, the results obtained by the GA, C-MOGWO and I-MOGWO are 19.41 MN·m, 17.46 MN·m and 16.50 MN·m, respectively. For the tower, the results obtained by the three algorithms are 674.69 MN·m, 639.02 MN·m and 629.67 MN·m, respectively. The results show that MOGWO has stronger optimization ability than GA, and the improvement made in this paper further improves the optimization effect.
基于DNN驱动的DEL模型,三种优化算法均降低了WT的总疲劳度。对于WF中所有WT传动系统的DEL之和,GA、C-MOGWO和I-MOGWO获得的结果分别为19.41 MN · m、17.46 MN · m和16.50 MN · m。对于铁塔来说,三种算法得到的结果分别为674.69 MN · m、639.02 MN · m和629.67 MN · m。结果表明MOGWO比GA具有更强的优化能力,本文所做的改进进一步提高了优化效果。
Further, to verify the stability of the optimization capability of the improved algorithm, 30 independent replicate experiments were conducted for I-MOGWO and C-MOGWO based on the above simulation WF and experimental setup, and the comparison results are shown in Table VIII.
进一步,为了验证改进算法优化能力的稳定性,基于上述仿真WF和实验设置,对I-MOGWO和C-MOGWO进行了30次独立重复实验,对比结果如图 Table VIII 。
In Table VIII, “Average global optimization rate of WF” indicates the average optimization ratio of DELTs and DELMt for all WTs compared to PDA during the replicate experiments, and “Maximum negative optimization ratio of single WT” indicates the maximum negative optimization ratio of single WT during the replicate experiments. The results show that I-MOGWO is more effective in suppressing DEL, while the optimization search process leads to less extreme negative optimization of individual WTs. It is of interest to optimize the initial population using chaotic sequences to improve the optimization capability.
在 Table VIII ,“WF的平均全局优化率”表示重复实验期间所有WT相对于PDA的DEL Ts和DEL Mt的平均优化率,“单个WT的最大负优化率”表示单个WT的最大负优化率在重复实验期间。结果表明,I-MOGWO 在抑制 DEL 方面更有效,而优化搜索过程导致单个 WT 的极端负优化较少。使用混沌序列来优化初始种群以提高优化能力是很有趣的。
Conclusion 结论
In this paper, a data-driven model is constructed to calculate the DEL of WTs and applied to active power control of a WF and fatigue load suppression of WTs based on the improved MOGWO.
In the data-driven modeling section, the fatigue load of WTs is modeled based on DNN. Parameters that can be easily measured during WTs operation (e.g., active power, rotor speed, etc.) are used as inputs to the DNN, and the DEL in WT structure is used as output of DNN. After evaluation by MAE, the final WT fatigue fast calculation models with 13% and 15% prediction error for DELTs and DELMt were obtained. Based on the proposed fast calculation model for DEL, the fatigue load is effectively suppressed in the active power control of a WF based on the improved MOGWO. Compared with PDA, the proposed optimization algorithm helps reduce the total DEL of the WT drivetrain by more than 28%, and the DEL of the tower by more than 24%. Further, the proposed algorithm also exhibits 14.0% and 17.9% advantages over FLRM in terms of DEL suppression for drivetrain and tower due to the advantages brought by accurate modeling of DEL.
在数据驱动建模部分,基于DNN对WT的疲劳载荷进行建模。 WT运行期间可以容易测量的参数(例如,有功功率、转子速度等)被用作DNN的输入,并且WT结构中的DEL被用作DNN的输出。经过MAE评估,最终得到了DEL Ts和DEL Mt预测误差分别为13%和15%的WT疲劳快速计算模型。基于所提出的DEL快速计算模型,基于改进MOGWO的WF有功功率控制有效地抑制了疲劳载荷。与PDA相比,所提出的优化算法有助于将WT传动系统的总DEL降低28%以上,塔架DEL降低24%以上。此外,由于 DEL 精确建模带来的优势,该算法在传动系统和塔架的 DEL 抑制方面也比 FLRM 表现出 14.0% 和 17.9% 的优势。
The contents studied in this paper can provide a good basis for improving the flexible and economic operation of WFs. In future research, it is planned to improve the data used for modeling to the values obtained from actual measurements, and to investigate the effect of noisy data on model accuracy during real measurements and the problem of model updating on longer time scales, so as to promote the practical use of the proposed algorithm.