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Mechanics of Solids Lab

Torsion, Bending, and Buckling of Struts

Location: JO 23.221 (Only for students enrolled in Joondalup Campus)
地点: JO 23.221 (仅适用于在君达乐校区就读的学生)

Read and understand this documentation before your lab session.

Bring this documentation to your lab session.

A group-report based on the template should be submitted online by due date/time.

Laboratory Safety

General safety rules that will be strictly enforced.

All laboratory work will be conducted in Room JO 23.221 (only for Joondalup campus students), or via teaching website (only for off-campus students)
所有实验室工作将在 JO 23.221 室(仅适用于 Joondalup 校园学生)或通过教学网站(仅适用于校外学生)进行

A short safety induction session will be conducted in front of the laboratory room at the beginning of your first lab session. Students must review the safety materials on the teaching website at least 1 day prior to your Lab 1 session.
在您的第一次实验课程开始时,将在实验室前进行简短的安全介绍课程 。学生必须至少在实验 1 课程开始前 1 天查看教学网站上的安全材料。

Please arrive in front of the laboratory room at least 5 minutes prior to your laboratory session. Those students who arrive after the start time of the lab session may be refused entry to the lab and this may result in receiving zero mark for that lab.
请至少在实验室会议开始前 5 分钟到达实验室前。 那些在实验课程开始时间之后到达的学生可能会被拒绝进入 实验室,这可能会导致该实验得零

All students should wear long-sleeve shirt, long-sleeve trousers, fully closed footwear, and safety glasses (all students should prepare your own safety glasses), which is the safety requirement to enter the laboratory.
所有学生应穿着长袖衬衫、长袖裤子、封闭鞋、安全眼镜所有学生都应自备 安全眼镜),这是进入实验室的安全要求

Student who does not follow the safety induction is not admitted to conduct laboratory work. Examples of appropriate and inappropriate footwear are shown below
遵守安全指导的学生将不被允许进行实验室工作。 合适和不合适的鞋类示例如下所示

Examples of acceptable and inappropriate footwear

No food or drink is permitted in the laboratory.

Long hair must be tied back.

Students should immediately report faulty or damaged equipment encountered to the lab demonstrator.

Accidents resulting in cuts, bruises, etc. must be reported to the lab demonstrator.
导致割伤、瘀伤等的事故 必须向实验室演示者报告。

General Guidelines

Type of work

For on-campus students: This lab requires group-based work. Each group will contain about 3-4 students and each group member should contribute properly during the lab work and the corresponding laboratory report. If your contribution percentage in the lab work is different for each group member, the contribution percentage of the lab work for each group member should be indicated and signed on the lab report. Please note in circumstances that any member of a group is not cooperative, she/he will be assessed individually. Each group member should well understand the lab, be well prepared for the lab work and well contributed the laboratory report.
对于在校学生该实验室需要基于小组的工作。每个小组大约包含3-4名学生,每个小组成员应在实验工作期间做出适当的贡献并提交相应的实验报告如果每个小组成员在实验室工作中的贡献百分比不同,则应在实验室报告中注明并签署每个小组成员的实验室工作贡献百分比 请注意,如果团体中的任何成员不合作,他/她将接受单独评估。 每个小组成员都应充分了解实验室,为实验室工作做好充分准备,并做好实验室报告的撰写。

For off-campus students: This lab requires students self-learning online and prepare the corresponding laboratory report as mentioned on above

Students must neatly write your names, student numbers, contributions, date and time of their lab session, and your group number on the report template. You must sign the attendance sheet when you have submitted your report as evidence that it has been submitted.

The lab marks will be announced on the teaching website when available.
实验室标志将在 可用时教学网站上公布

Marked reports will be available for review within 2 weeks after releasing the lab marks
标记的报告将在发布实验室标记后的 2可供审查

Laboratory Attendance Guidelines

Duration: 2-hour session (actually maximum work time is 1 hour 45 minutes). The Lab will start strictly on the designated start time at your session. All work must be completed during the work time; no time extension is allowed. Any uncomplete tasks before the end of the lab session will be marked as unfinished, and the whole group may lose up to 40% of the mark of that laboratory session.
持续时间:2 小时会话(实际最长工作时间为 1 小时 45 分钟)。实验室将严格按照您会议的指定开始时间开始。所有工作必须在工作时间内完成; 不允许延长时间 在实验会话结束之前,任何未完成的任务都将被标记为未完成,整个小组可能会损失该实验会话的标记值,最高可达 40%。

Below are some guidelines on lab attendance designed to assist students to successfully complete the lab component of the unit.

The students should arrive the lab venue (in front of the lab) 5 minutes prior to the scheduled time to meet the group, discuss the activity and exchange contact details.
学生在预定时间前 5 分钟到达实验室场地(实验室前), 与小组会面、讨论活动并交流联系方式。

You must attend the lab sessions that you have enrolled.

Labs are a compulsory part of the unit and students must attend every lab session and actively participate in the experiments to be eligible for passing the unit.

It is expected that students would be able to complete all experiments in all lab sessions.
预计学生将能够完成所有实验课程 中的所有实验

Students are supposed to carefully read and understand lab instructions, relevant lecture notes, and watch the online video to know the experimental procedures before attending each lab session. The lab instructor cannot help students on implementing the experiments but might ask questions to ensure that you are well prepared for the laboratory work. The questions will be either from lab instructions or relevant lecture notes. If any student in the group is not well prepared, the whole group may lose up to 40% of the mark of that laboratory session.
学生参加每次实验之前,应仔细阅读和理解实验说明相关讲义,并观看在线视频以了解实验程序。实验指导员无法帮助学生 实施实验,但可能会提出问题以确保您为实验室工作做好充分准备。 这些问题将来自实验室说明或相关的讲义。 如果小组中的任何学生没有做好充分的准备,整个小组可能会失去该实验课程的 40% 的分数。

This document must be printed out and the student must have a hardcopy of it when attending the lab. At the end of the lab session, you need to submit a hardcopy of your experiment data to the lab instructor before leaving the lab (another copy for your group to prepare the report).
该文件必须打印出来,学生在参加实验室时必须拥有该文件的硬拷贝。 在实验课程结束时,您需要在离开实验室之前向实验教师提交一份实验数据的硬拷贝(另一份副本供您的小组准备报告)。

If a lab session is missed without a legitimate reason, or if the student attends the lab late, they will fail the unit with an FI (Fail Incomplete) mark.
如果无正当理由错过实验课程,或者如果学生迟到他们将以 FI(未完成)标记未通过该单元。

If a lab session is missed due to a legitimate reason, the School will NOT arrange a make-up lab session.

Laboratory Report Writing Guidelines

A lab report template is provided on teaching website for you to prepare your lab reports.

The intention of the following pages is to provide students with some guidelines on how the reports will be marked. Do refer to the relevant information on the lab component of the unit, and also other related resources on how to write a professional report for more details.
以下几页的目的是为学生提供一些关于如何标记报告的指南。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 有关该单元实验室组件的相关信息,以及如何撰写专业报告的其他相关资源。

Marking of the lab report is based on:

content of the report and the knowledge of the topic that is reflected in the report;

on the structure/formatting of the report;

appropriate formal language and punctuation;

whether the requested and/or relevant graphs/sketches have been provided;

all the questions (provided in your instructions and/or asked during the activity) have been answered properly.

Do not include in the lab report
不要 包含在实验室报告中

The details of how to conduct the experiment, which has already been provided (lab instructions).

The lab report needs to have

A cover sheet signed by ALL of the group members;

A cover page with an appropriate topic, group number, group members, etc;

The body of your report, which may have different sections and subsections, which should be numbered so they can be referred to in the text, if needed; e.g., Introduction, Aim of the lab, Lab report questions and answers of each experiment (must answer in order), Brief discussion of the lab work, and Conclusion
报告的正文,可能有不同的部分和小节,应对这些部分和小节进行编号,以便在需要时可以在正文中引用红色内容; 例如,引言实验目的每个实验的实验报告问题和答案(必须按顺序回答)实验工作的简要讨论结论

Tables and figures

They must have an appropriate caption.

They must be cross-referenced in your text, i.e. each and every table/figure that is included in the report must be explained before they appear in the text.

Example: The student would write: "A sketch of an Abney level is shown in Figure 1.", and then the actual Figure 1 with an appropriate caption will be demonstrated, which in this case would be: “Figure 1: Abney level”.
示例:学生会写:“图 1 中显示了 A bney 水平的草图”,然后将演示带有适当标题的实际图 1,在本例中为:“图 1:Abney 水平”。

The caption of a figure usually appears at the bottom of the figure.
图表的标题 通常出现在 图表的底部

The caption of a table appears on top of the table.
表格的标题 将显示在表格的顶部

All the numbers, axes, etc. in the graphs and/or tables must have an appropriate unit.


Page numbers must be included throughout the report.

Language/writing of the report

Use an appropriate word processing program.

Use formal language (most of the time in passive format).

Example: instead of "I measured the distance" the student would say: "The distance was measured”.

Don’t use short forms such as “It’s, isn’t, ...”, but instead write “It is, is not, ...”.
不要使用诸如“It's, isn't, ...”之类的简短形式,而应写成“Itis, is, not, ...”。

Use appropriate technical terms.

Be specific and “quantitative”.

Example: If two forces or reactions are compared, for instance, the increase/decrease in that specific quantity should be mentioned in percentage; it is not enough just to say the reaction increased or decreased. The student would write “As the result of a 20% increase in load, the normal strain at point C was observed to also increase by 19% which shows a good match with the predicted values.”
例如:如果比较两种力或反作用力,则应以百分比表示该特定量的增加/减少;仅仅说反应增加或减少是不够的。学生会写道:“由于负载增加 20%,观察到 C 点的法向应变也增加了 19%,这与预测值非常匹配。

Support observations by relevant equations, graphs, theoretical knowledge, etc.

At the start of each section include at least a sentence or two to introduce what is going to be presented in that section.

Include conclusions based on results.

Laboratory Report Submission Guidelines

For on-campus students:

Each group should online submit ONLY one group-based report (only one WORD file) for each laboratory work through the link provided on the teaching website by due date/time. Please write neatly and legibly and print your answers in the spaces provided so that the lecturer will be able to give you the maximum mark possible.
Each 小组应在截止日期/时间之前通过教学网站上提供的链接为每个实验室工作在线提交一份基于小组的报告(仅限一个 WORD 文件)。 请写得整齐易读,并将您的答案打印在提供的空白处,以便讲师能够给您尽可能高的分数。

Multiple submissions will cause a 10% of total original mark reduction for every additional submission (e.g. 20% of total mark will be applied for a total of 3 submissions), and the report will be marked by randomly selecting one of the multiple submissions.

All of the group members must indicate your lab details, clarify the contributions (if different), sign, and date on the first page of the report template before submitting your report. In your lab report, please do not include any student who has not participated in that lab session.
在提交您的报告之前,小组成员必须在报告模板 的第一页上注明您的实验室详细信息、澄清贡献(如果不同)、签名和日期 在您的实验报告中,请不要包含任何未参加过实验课程的学生。

All group members must be present at the time of submission to sign the Contribution Table and explicitly state their contribution on the first page of the report template, and double-check the right copy/version of the report is submitted. No complaints from any individual student on any errors on submission will be considered after the report is submitted. Hardcopy submissions will be disregarded.

Any group member whose signature on the report template and/or their contribution on the first page of the report is missing will receive a zero mark, regardless of their attendance in the lab, and therefore fail the unit.

A fair (equal) distribution of the work is expected amongst the members of a group. All group members are responsible for the quality of the whole report and not the individual sections prepared by them. If you do not have a fair contribution, you may receive a mark well below the mark assigned to the report.

After the lab groups are formed, students are not allowed to change groups and should keep in the same group throughout the semester.

For off-campus students: All the laboratory reports are assessed individually. Each student should submit ONLY ONE individual report for each laboratory work by due date (which will be announced in due course).
对于校外学生:所有实验室报告均单独评估。 每个学生只能在截止日期前为每项实验室工作提交一份个人报告(将在适当时候公布)。

Marks of Lab Report: 100 marks (include 80 marks for the questions, 10 marks on discussions, and 10 marks for the report structure, i.e. the introduction, aims, and conclusions) for the lab report, and equivalent to a total of 20 marks in the unit
实验报告 100(包括问题 80、讨论 10 分和 报告结构 10引言、目的和结论相当于该单位共计2 0


1.Please use the provided report template to write the report. (Your lab report will not be marked if not using the template)
1.请使用提供的报告模板撰写报告。 (如果不使用模板,您的实验室报告将不会被标记)

2. Your report should be typed in the right format and length (Font: Times New Roman; Font size: 12 pt; Line spacing: single; Length of document: a total of 25 pages maximum).
2.您的报告应以正确的格式和长度输入(字体:Times New Roman;字体大小:12 pt;行距:单行距;文档长度:2 页,最多 5 )。

3. All lab reports will be checked for plagiarism. A penalty mark will be made for those lab reports that are found to be excessively similar to others.

4. A penalty mark is given due to late submission according to standard university policy.

5. The questions for lab activity must be clearly answered by order in the lab report.
5. 实验室活动的问题必须在实验室报告中按顺序明确回答。

Lab Instructions
Lab 结构中


The fabrication and use of materials depend in large measure on mechanical properties such as strength, hardness and ductility. Numerical data describing these properties may be obtained from standard types of tension, compression, hardness, impact, bending, creep and fatigue tests. The results of such tests may be used to give the designer helpful information on the suitability of different materials for particular applications. They may also be used as a measure of quality control. This lab will conduct the experiment of torsion of circular section, bending stress in a beam, and buckling of struts.
材料的制造和使用在很大程度上取决于机械性能,如强度、硬度和延展性。描述这些特性的数值数据可以从标准类型的拉伸、压缩、硬度、冲击、弯曲、蠕变和疲劳测试中获得。此类测试的结果可用于为设计人员提供有关不同材料对特定应用的适用性的有用信息。它们也可以用作质量控制的措施。该实验室将进行圆形截面的扭转、bbeam 中的 b 端部和支柱的屈曲实验。

Lab Session A (consisting of 2 experiments, i.e. torsion and bending)
实验环节 A包括 2 个实验,即扭转和弯曲

Experiment 1: Torsion
Experiment 1: 扭转


This guide describes how to set up and perform experiments on the torsion of circular sections. It clearly demonstrates the principles involved and gives practical support to studies.

Description of the Apparatuses

Figure 1.1 shows the Torsion of Circular Sections experiment. It consists of a backboard with chucks for gripping the test specimen at each end. The right-hand chuck connects to a load cell using an arm to measure torque. A protractor scale on the left-hand chuck measures rotation. A thumbwheel on the protractor scale twists specimens. Sliding the chuck along the backboard alters the test specimen length.

Figure 1.1 Torsion of Circular Sections Experiment
1.1 圆形截面扭转实验

Caution: The maximum allowable torque is 0.7 N·m (a force reading of 14 N). Never exceed this reading as the equipment could be damaged
注意:最大允许扭矩为0.7 N·m(力读数为 14 N)。 切勿超过此读数,否则可能会损坏设备

Experimental Procedure

Turn on the computer, log on and start the TecEquipment program.


Make sure the right-hand side chuck is loose.

Reset the point arm (this means that the black knob on the back should be at the bottom position in the movable range)

Connect the equipment to the software and set it on a “Variable Force.
将设备连接到软件并将其设置为 “变量 Force”。

Click on the “calibrate” button and follow the instructions on the screen (use the thumbwheel).
单击 “校准”按钮,然后按照屏幕上的说明进行操作(使用指轮)。

After calibration, bring t back to zero angle (use the thumbwheel).
A校准后,bt 回到零角(使用拇指轮)。

Tighten up the chuck.

Ensure that the force channel in the software is the same as the force inputs” channel and display input channel on the force display panel. For example, if the force inputs channel and display input channel are set to 2 on the force display panel, the force channel in the software must be changed to 2! (If not sure, please ask!).
确保 软件中的力通道与力显示面板上的力输入s”通道和显示输入通道相同。F或例如ample,如果力显示面板上的力输入通道和显示输入通道 设置为2,则必须将软件中的力通道更改为2! 如果不确定,请询问!

Wind the thumbwheel until the force meter reads 0.3 N to 0.5 N.
缠绕拇指轮,直到力计读数为 0.3 N 至 0.5 N。

Zero the force meter by twisting the “set zero” knob on the backboard, and zero the angle scale using the moveable pointer arm.

Zero both load and angle on the software.

Wind the thumbwheel, so the force meter reads 5 N and then back to zero. (If the angle reading is not zero, check the tightness of the chucks and start again.)
缠绕拇指轮,使力计读数为 5 N,然后返回零。如果角度读数不为零,请检查卡盘的松紧度并重新开始。

Take readings of the angle every 1 N of force: you should take the reading just as the reading changes. (Take readings to a maximum of 5 N of force)
每 1 N 力读取角度的读数:您应该在读数变化时读取读数。(读数最大为 5 N 的力)

Release the load and preload (not zero reading!), then loosen the chuck.

Experiment 2: Bending Stress in a Beam


This guide describes how to set up and perform Bending Stress in a Beam experiments. The equipment clearly demonstrates the principles involved and gives practical support to studies on the subject.
本指南介绍如何设置和执行梁实验中的弯曲应力。这些设备清楚地展示了 所涉及的原则,并为有关该主题的研究提供了实际支持。

Description of the Apparatuses

Figure 2.1 shows the structure’s frame for the beam experiment.
2.图 1 显示了用于梁实验的结构框架。

Figure 2.1 Bending stress in a beam experiment in the structure's frame
2.1 结构框架中梁实验中的弯曲应力

Figure 2.2 shows the Bending Stress in a Beam experiment. It consists of an inverted aluminum T- beam, with strain gauges fixed on the section (the front panel shows the exact positions).
2.图2显示了梁实验中的弯曲应力。它由一个倒置的铝制 T 型梁组成,应变片固定在截面上(前面板显示确切位置)。

The panel assembly and Load Cell apply a load to the top of the beam at two positions each side of the strain gauges.

Loading the beam in this way (rather than loading the beam at just one point) has two main advantages:

It allows a gauge to be placed on the top of the beam.

The constant bending moment area it creates gives better strain gauge performance and avoids stress concentration close to the gauge positions.

2.2 Bending stress in a beam experiment
2 梁实验中的弯曲应力

Strain gauges are sensors that experience a change in electrical resistance when stretched or compressed.

Strain gauges are made from a metal foil formed in a zigzag pattern. They are only a few microns thick so they are mounted on a backing sheet. The backing sheet electrically insulates the zigzag element and supports it, so it does not collapse when handled.

The T-beam has strain gauges bonded to it. These stretch and compress the same amount as the beam, so measure strain in the beam. Look carefully at the equipment and notice that there is another set of strain gauges. These are called dummy gauges. The dummy gauges, and how the way they are connected in the electrical circuit, help reduce inaccurate readings caused by temperature changes and thermal expansion.
T 型梁上粘有应变片。它们拉伸和压缩的量与梁的量相同,因此可以测量梁中的应变。仔细观察设备,注意到还有另一套应变片。这些被称为虚拟仪表。虚拟仪表以及它们在电路中的连接方式有助于减少由温度变化和热膨胀引起的不准确读数。

The Digital Strain Display converts the change in electrical resistance of the strain gauges to show it as displacement (strain). It shows all the strains sensed by the strain gauges, reading in microstrain.

Figure 2.3 shows the beam loading and reaction positions (W = applied load), and beam nominal dimensions and strain gauge positions.

Figure 2.3 Beam set up and schematic
2.3 光束设置和示意图

Figure 2.4 shows an example of the software control page.

Figure 2.4 An example of the software control page
2.4 软件控制页面示例

Experimental Procedure

Turn on the computer, log on and start the TecEquipment program.

Choose the “BENDING STRESS IN A BEAM” test.

Connect the equipment to the software.

Ensure the beam and Load Cell are properly aligned, and the thumbwheel is loose (no loading).

Ensure that the force channel in the software is the same as the force inputs” channel and display input channel on the force display panel. For example, if the force inputs channel and display input channel are set to 2 on the force display panel, the force channel in the software must be changed to 2! (If not sure, please ask!).
确保 软件中的力通道与力显示面板上的力输入s”通道和显示输入通道相同。F或例如ample,如果力显示面板上的力输入通道和显示输入通道 设置为2,则必须将软件中的力通道更改为2! 如果不确定,请询问!

Ensure that the 9 strain inputs channels on the strain display” panel corresponds to the strain channels in the software. For example, the default strain channels on the strain display panel should be connected in the ports 1 ~ 9, if the channel 8 port is empty and channel 16 connected, the strain channel 8 in the software should be changed to channel 16. (If not sure, please ask!)
确保应变显示”面板上的 9 应变输入通道 与软件中的应变通道相对应 例如,应变显示面板上默认的应变通道应连接在端口1~9中,如果通道8端口为空且通道16连接ed,则应将软件中的应变通道8 为通道16。 如果不确定,请询问!

Zero the Load Cell by twisting the “set zero” on the force display panel.
通过扭转 力显示面板上的“设置零”将称重传感器归零

Turn the thumbwheel on the Load Cell to apply a positive (downward) preload to the beam of about 100 N;
转动称重传感器上的拇指轮,对梁施加约 100 N 的正(向下)预紧力;

Zero the Load Cell by twisting the “set zero” on the force display panel and zero the load and strain values in the software;
通过扭转力显示面板 上的“设置零”将称重传感器归零并将软件中的 负载和应变值归零;

Fill in the “0 N” column in Table 2.1 with the zero strain values (it should be zero or very close to zero because you have done this in the previous step);
填写表2中的“0 N”列1 应变值为零(应为零或非常接近零,因为您在上一步中已执行此操作);

Increase the load to 100 N using the thumbwheel and records all 9 of the strain readings;
使用指轮将负载增加到 100 N,并记录所有 9应变读数;

Repeat the previous procedure in 100 N increments up to 400 N. NEVER APPLY EXCESSIVE LOAD!
以 100 N 的增量重复上述步骤,最高可达 400 N。切勿施加过大的负载!

Gradually release the load and preload (not zero reading! Thumbwheel should freely move!).

Lab Session B: Buckling of Struts (consisting of 2 experiments)
实验课程 B:支柱的屈曲(包括 2 个实验)


This guide describes how to set up and perform experiments related to the Buckling of Struts. The equipment clearly demonstrates the principles involved and gives practical support to your studies.

Figure 3.1 Buckling of struts experiment
3.1 支柱屈曲实验

Description of the Apparatuses

Figure 3.1 shows the Buckling of Struts experiment. It consists of a back plate with a load cell at one end and a device to load the struts at the top. There are five aluminum alloy struts included in a holder on the back plate. Printed on the equipment are a number of equations and pieces of information that you will find useful while using the equipment. Figure 3.2 shows the Euler Buckling of a Column experiment in the Structures Test Frame.
3.1 显示了支柱屈曲实验。它由一个背板组成,背板的一端有一个称重传感器,顶部有一个用于装载支柱的装置。 背板上的支架中包含五个铝合金支柱 设备上印有许多方程式和信息,您在使用设备时会发现这些方程式和信息很有用 3.图2显示了结构测试框架中柱的欧拉屈曲实验

Figure 3.2 Buckling of struts experiment in the structure's frame
3. 2 结构框架中支柱的屈曲实验

Carefully zero the force meter using the dial on the front panel of the experiment. Gently apply a small load with a finger to the top of the load cell

mechanism and release. Zero the meter again if necessary. Repeat to ensure the meter returns to zero.

Note: If the meter is only ±1 N, lightly tap the frame (there may be a little ‘stiction’ and this should overcome it)
注意如果仪表只有 ±1 N,请轻轻敲击框架(可能会有一点“滞留”,这应该可以克服它)

Experiment 3: Buckling Load of a Pinned-End Strut
实验3 销钉端支柱的屈曲载


Compressive members can be seen in many structures. They can form part of a framework for instance in a roof truss, or they can stand-alone; a water tower support is an example of this.

Unlike a tension member, which will generally only fail if the ultimate tensile stress is exceeded, a compressive member can fail in two ways. The first is via rupture due to the direct stress, and the second is by an elastic mode of failure called Buckling. Generally, short wide compressive members that tend to fail by the material crushing are called columns. Long thin compressive members that tend to fail by buckling are called struts.

When buckling occurs the strut will no longer carry any more load it will simply continue to displace, i.e. its stiffness then becomes zero and it is useless as a structural member.

In this experiment, we will load struts until they buckle investigating the effect of the length of the strut. To predict the buckling load, we will use the Euler buckling formula. Critical to the use of the Euler formula is the slenderness ratio, which is the ratio of the length of the strut to its radius of gyration (l/k). The Euler formula become inaccurate for struts with a l/k ratio of less than 125 and this should be taken into account in any design work. The struts provided have an l/k ratio of between 520 and 870 to show clearly the buckling load and the deflected shape of the struts. In practice struts with an l/k ratio of more than 200 are of little use in real structures.
在这个实验中,我们将加载支柱直到它们屈曲,研究支柱长度的影响。为了预测屈曲荷载,我们将使用欧拉屈曲公式。使用欧拉公式的关键是细长比,它是支柱长度与其回转半径 (l/k) 的比率。对于 l/k 比小于 125 的支柱,欧拉公式变得不准确,这在任何设计工作中都应该考虑到这一点。提供的支柱的 l/k 比在 520 和 870 之间,以清楚地显示屈曲载荷和支柱的偏转形状。在实践中,l/k 比超过 200 的支柱在实际结构中几乎没有用处。

Figure 3.3 Experimental layout (pinned ends)
3.3 实验布局(固定端部)

We will use the Euler buckling formula for a pinned strut:



Pe = Euler buckling load (N);
Pe = 欧拉屈曲荷载 (N);

E = Young’s modulus (N/m2);
E = 杨氏模量 (N/m2);

I = Second moment of area (m4);
I = 面积的第二矩 (m4);

L = Length of strut (m).
L = 支柱长度 (m)。

Experimental Procedure

Turn on the computer, log on and start the TecEquipment program.


Connect the equipment to the software and set it on a “Variable strut length”.

Ensure that the force channel in the software is the same as the force inputs” channel and display input channel on the force display panel. For example, if the force inputs channel and display input channel are set to 2 on the force display panel, the force channel in the software must be changed to 2! (If not sure, please ask!).
确保 软件中的力通道与力显示面板上的力输入s”通道和显示输入通道相同。F或例如ample,如果力显示面板上的力输入通道和显示输入通道 设置为2,则必须将软件中的力通道更改为2! 如果不确定,请询问!

Referring to Figure 3.3, fit the bottom chuck to the machine and remove the top chuck (to give 2 pinned ends). Select the shortest strut, number 1, and measure the cross-section using the vernier provided and calculate the second moment of area, I, for the strut.
请参阅图 33、将底部卡盘安装到机器上,然后取下顶部卡盘(以产生 2 个销钉端)。选择最短的支柱 1,并使用提供的游标测量横截面,并计算支柱的第二个弯矩面积 I。

Adjust the position of the sliding crosshead to accept the strut using the thumbnuts to lock off the slider. Ensure that there is the maximum amount of travel available on the handwheel thread to compress the strut. Finally, tighten the locking screws.

Carefully back off the handwheel so that the strut is resting in the notch but not transmitting any load; re-zero the force meter using the front panel control.
小心地从手轮上后退,使支柱停留在凹槽中,但不要传递任何负载; 使用前面板控制器将力计重新归零

Carefully start to load the strut. If the strut begins to buckle to the right, “flick” the strut to the left, and vice versa (this reduces any errors associated with the straightness of the strut). Turn the handwheel until there is no further increase in load (the load may peak and then drop as it settles into the notches).

Record the final load in Table 3.1 under ‘buckling load’.
在表 3 中记录最终负载1 在“屈曲载荷”下。

Release the load of the struts after the buckling load has been reached otherwise the struts will become permanently deformed!

Repeat previous steps for the rest struts (adjusting the crosshead as required to fit the strut).
其余支柱重复上述步骤 根据需要调整十字头以适应支柱)。

Take more care with the shorter struts, as the difference between the buckling load and the load needed to obtain plastic deformation is quite small. Try loading each strut several times until a consistent result for each strut is achieved.

Experiment 4: The Effect of End Conditions on the Buckling Load

Experimental Procedure

Follow the same basic procedure as Experiment 3, but this time remove the bottom chuck and clamp the specimen using the cap head screw and plate to make a pinned-fixed end condition.
遵循与实验 3 相同的基本步骤,但这次取下底部卡盘并使用帽头螺钉和板夹紧试样,以形成 固定端部条件。

Record your results in Table 3.2 and calculate the values of 1/L2 for the struts.
将结果记录在表 3 中2 并计算 支柱的 1/L2 值。

NOTE: The test length of the struts is shorter than in Experiment 3 due to the allowance made for clamping the specimen.
NOTE: 由于为夹紧试样留出的余量,支柱的测试长度比实验 3 中短

Now fit the top chuck with the two cap head screws and clamp both ends of the specimen, again this will reduce the experimental length of the specimen and you will have to calculate new values for 1/L2. Take care when loading the shorter struts near to the buckling load.
现在用两个帽头螺钉安装顶部卡盘并夹住样品的两端,这将再次减少样品的实验长度,并且您必须计算 1/L2 的新值。将较短的支柱装入靠近屈曲荷载的位置时要小心

NOTE: Do not continue to load the struts after the buckling load has been reached otherwise the struts will become permanently deformed!
注意: 在达到屈曲载荷后,请勿继续加载支柱,否则支柱将永久变形!

Figure 3.4 Experimental layout for pinned-fixed conditions
3.4 固定条件的实验布局

Figure 3.5 Experimental layout for fixed-fixed conditions
3.5 固定-固定条件的实验布局

The followings only show the questions that should be answered in the lab report. Please use the provided lab report template to write your report.
以下仅显示了应在实验报告中回答的问题。P lease 使用提供的实验室报告模板来编写您的报告。

Experiment 1 Lab Report Questions
实验 1 实验室报告问题

(2.5 marks) Fill all the relevant data in Table 1.1. To convert the load cell readings to torque multiply by the torque arm length (0.05 m).
2.5 分) F 不包括表 1.1 中的所有相关数据 要将称重传感器读数转换为扭矩,请乘以扭矩臂长度 (0.05 m)。

Table 1.1 Results for steel rod.
1.1 钢棒的结果。



Torque, T


Angular deflection, θ










Note: the length of the specimen is 500 mm, θ is the angular deflection.
注意:试样的长度为500 mm,θ为角偏转。

(4 marks) Use torque (Nm) as x-axis, and angular deflection (°) as y-axis:
4 分) 使用扭矩 (Nm) 作为 x 轴,使用角偏转 (°) 作为 y 轴

Plot torque versus angle and include it in your report. (Comment on the shape of the graph.)
绘制扭矩与角度的关系图,并将其包含在报告中。 关于图表的形状

What does it tell us about how the angle of deflection varies because of an increased torque?

Name at least three applications or situations where torsional deflection would be undesirable.

(5 marks) Take a look at the formula on the backboard that predicts the behavior of the rods.
(5 分) 看看篮板上的公式,它预测了杆的行为。

What would happen to the stiffness of the rod if the diameter were increased from 3.2 mm to 4.2 mm?
如果直径从 3 增加到杆的刚度会发生什么变化2 毫米至 4.2 毫米?

How would your graph change if the rod was made of brass knowing that its shear modulus of elasticity is about half of that of steel. (plot on question 2(a))
如果棒是由黄铜制成的,并且知道其剪切弹性模量约为钢的一半,您的图表会如何变化。 (关于问题2(a)的图)

(4 marks) If the diameter of the rod is 3.2 mm.
4 标记) 如果杆的直径为 3.2 毫米

Calculate J value using the formula on the backboard of the equipment.
使用设备背板上的公式计算 J 值。

After the test, fill in Table 1.2 to establish values of TL and Jθ. Remember you must convert your angle measurements from degrees to radians (2π radians = 360°).
测试后,填写表 1.2 以确定 TLJθ 的值。请记住,您必须将角度测量值从度转换为弧度 2π 弧度 = 360°)。

Table 1.2 Calculated values for the steel rod.
1.2 钢棒的计算值。

Diameter of steel section, d

3.2 mm
3.2 毫米

Polar moment of inertia, J
Polar 转动惯量,J

× 10-12 m4
× 10-12 4

Length, L

0.5 m






Jθ × 10-13
Jθ × 10-13







Note: J and Ip are the same, it may labelled on equipment differently
注意J Ip 相同, 在设备上的标签可能不同

(4.5 marks) Use Jθ × 10-13 as x-axis, and TL as y-axis:
4.5 分) 使用 Jθ × 10-13 作为 x 轴, TL 作为 y 轴:

Plot a graph of TL against Jθ.
绘制 TLJθ 的图形

Examine the torsion formula and say what the value of the gradient represents.

Does the value compare favorably with typical ones?

Experiment 2 Lab Report Questions
实验 2 实验报告问题

(8 marks) Fill all the relevant data in Table 2.1 and Table 2.2.
8 分) F 不包括表 2.1 表 2.2 中的所有相关数据

Table 2.1 Results from the bending stress in a beam experiment.
2.1 梁实验中弯曲应力的结果。



Load (N)
负载 (N)















Table 2.2 Average of strain readings against bending moment in the beam.
2.2 梁中弯曲弯矩的应变读数平均值。







Bending Moment (N·m)
弯矩 (N·




2, 3


4, 5


6, 7


8, 9


(4 marks) Use strain as x-axis, and bending moment (Nm) as y-axis:
4 标记) Use 应变为 x 轴,弯曲力矩 (Nm) 为 y 轴:

Plot a graph of strain against bending moment for all 9 gauges (on the same graph).
绘制所有 9 个规格的应变与弯矩的关系图 (在同一图表上)。

Discuss how these graphs would change if the beam material had a modulus of elasticity of one-third of that of aluminum.

(6 marks) Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams of the beam.

Locate the neutral axis and calculate the second moment of area of the beam.

Predict the bending stress and strain at the location of strain gauges and indicate where they are positive or negative. (Hint: Plot strain vs. position (mm): use strain as x-axis, and position as y-axis)
预测应变片位置的弯曲应力和应变,并指出它们为正或负的位置。 (提示:绘制应变与位置 (mm):use 应变为 x 轴,位置为 y 轴

Discuss any discrepancies between your theoretical and experimental results.
讨论你的理论结果和实验结果之间的 任何差异

(2 marks) What do you notice about the strain gauge readings on opposite sides of the section? Should they be identical? If the readings are not identical, give two reasons why.
2 分) 您注意到截面两侧的应变片读数有什么变化?它们应该相同吗?如果读数不相同,请给出两个原因。

Experiment 3 Lab Report Questions
实验 3 实验报告问题

(5 marks) Fill all the relevant data in Table 3.1.
5 分) F 不包括3.1 中的所有相关数据

Table 3.1 Results for experiment 3
3.1 实验3的结果




Length (mm)
长度 (mm)

Buckling load (N)
屈曲荷载 (N)













(2 marks) Examine the Euler buckling equation and select an appropriate parameter to establish a linear relationship between the buckling load and that parameter (Hint: remember π, E and I are all constants)
2 分) 检查欧拉屈曲方程并选择一个合适的参数,以建立屈曲荷载与该参数之间的线性关系(提示:记住 π、E 和 I 都是常数)

(6 marks) Use 1/L2 (m2) as x-axis, and buckling load (N) as y-axis:
6 分) Use 1/L2 (m2 为 x 轴,屈曲荷载 (N) 为 y 轴:

Plot a graph to prove the relationship is linear, compare your experimental value to those calculated from the Euler formula by entering a theoretical line onto the graph.

Does the Euler formula predict the buckling load?

Experiment 4 Lab Report Questions
实验 4 实验报告问题

(4 marks) Fill all the relevant data in Table 3.2 and Table 3.3.
4 分) F 未填写3 中的所有相关数据2 表 3.3.

Table 3.2 Results for Experiment 4
表 3.实验 4 的 2 个结果




Length (mm)
长度 (mm)

Buckling load (N)
屈曲荷载 (N)













Table 3.3 Results for Experiment 4
表 3.实验 4 的 3 个结果




Length (mm)
长度 (mm)

Buckling load (N)
屈曲荷载 (N)













(20 marks) Use 1/L2 (m2) as x-axis, and buckling load (N) as y-axis:
20 分) Use 1/L2 (m2 为 x 轴,屈曲荷载 (N) 为 y 轴:

Plot separate graphs of buckling load versus 1/L2,
绘制屈曲荷载与 1/L2 的单独图

Calculate the gradient of each line (fill the results in Table 3.4), establish ratios between each end condition (taking the pinned-pinned condition as 1, and fill the results in Table 3.4)

Table 3.4 Comparison of experimental and theoretical ratios by end condition.
表 3.4 按最终条件比较实验和理论比率。




Experimental gradient

Experimental ratio


Theoretical ratio


(3 marks) Examine the Euler buckling formula for each end condition and confirm that the experimental and theoretical ratios are similar.
3 分)检查每个结束条件的欧拉屈曲公式,并确认实验比和理论比相似。