Study on China's Financial Institutions Helping Rural Revitalization I. Taking Agricultural Bank of China as an Example
2020 级金融工程(金融统计与决策)专业学生李亚楠
Yannan Li, 2020 Financial Engineering (Financial Statistics and Decision Making) student指导教师朱品品 Instructor Zhu Pinpin
摘要: 党的二十大报告提出, 要全面推进乡村振兴。乡村振兴是中国特色社会主义伟大事业的重要组成部分, 是实现全面建设社会主义现代化国家的战略任务。党的十八大以来, 金融支持乡村振兴的力度越来越大, 相关的惠农政策不断出台并完善, 支农涉农的考核力度和监管力度不断加大。在乡村振兴过程中, 金融机构是重要的支撑力量, 中国农业银行在其中发挥着不可忽视的作用。中国农业银行作为国内最大的农村金融机构之一, 在乡村振兴中具有重要地位和作用。金融是实体经济的血脉, 也是巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果与推进乡村振兴的重要支撑。本研究以中国农业银行为例, 探讨金融机构如何助力乡村振兴, 并为其它金融机构提供借鉴和参考。采用数据分析法讨论包括中国农业银行在内的金融机构助力乡村振兴建设的方式及成就, 总结研究结果并分析过程中出现的难题, 据此提出相关的建议及解决措施,为中国农业银行助力乡村振兴提供有针对性的金融支持方案。
Abstract: The report of the twentieth CPC National Congress proposes to comprehensively promote rural revitalization. Rural revitalization is an important part of the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and is a strategic task to realize the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the financial support for rural revitalization has become stronger and stronger, the relevant agricultural policies have been introduced and improved, and the assessment and supervision of the support for agriculture and agriculture-related policies have been increased. In the process of rural revitalization, financial institutions are an important supporting force, in which the Agricultural Bank of China plays an indispensable role. As one of the largest rural financial institutions in China, the Agricultural Bank of China has an important position and role in rural revitalization. Finance is the bloodline of the real economy, and it is also an important support for consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and promoting rural revitalization. This study takes Agricultural Bank of China as an example to explore how financial institutions can help rural revitalization and provide reference for other financial institutions. Data analysis is used to discuss the ways and achievements of financial institutions, including the Agricultural Bank of China, in contributing to rural revitalization, summarize the results of the study and analyze the difficulties in the process, and then put forward relevant suggestions and solutions, so as to provide targeted financial support solutions for the Agricultural Bank of China in contributing to rural revitalization.
关键词:乡村振兴 金融机构 中国农业银行 “三农” 问题
Keywords: rural revitalization, financial institutions, Agricultural Bank of China, "three rural" issues