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希腊油轮 Sounion 载有 100 万桶伊拉克原油



由于伊朗支持的也门胡塞武装同意允许救援船只接近仍在关键贸易咽喉点燃烧的希腊油轮,8 月 29 日对红海重大漏油和新的航运中断的担忧有所缓解。

伊朗常驻联合国代表团在 8 月 29 日通过电子邮件表示,在“多个国家向安萨拉(胡塞武装)提出请求,希望暂时停火,以便拖船和救援船只进入事故区域”之后,将允许访问“MV Delta Sounion”号原油油轮。“考虑到人道主义和环境问题,安萨拉已同意这一请求。未能提供援助和防止红海漏油事件的发生,源于某些国家的疏忽,而非对可能遭受攻击的担忧。”

联合国驻纽约代表团的一位发言人表示,这一声明是在五角大楼于 8 月 27 日发表评论后作出的,该评论称第三方试图派遣两艘拖船协助打捞油轮,而胡塞武装威胁要攻击这些拖船。

苏伊士型油轮 Sounion 在运输从伊拉克前往希腊的 100 万桶 Basrah 重质原油时,于 8 月 21 日遭到多枚导弹袭击并失控,一旦石油泄漏,将面临严重的环境灾难风险。胡塞武装发言人穆罕默德·阿卜杜勒·萨拉姆在 X(前身为 Twitter)上证实,在胡塞武装联系了包括欧洲在内的多个国际组织以拖走燃烧中的船只后,将允许其通行。

欧盟红海海军任务 Aspides 报告称,8 月 23 日船只主甲板多处发生火灾,疑似胡塞武装的爆炸物所致。

对于 Sounion 可能解体并引发重大泄漏的担忧,源于美国国防部 8 月 27 日的评论,称该船似乎"正在漏油"。此前,英国海上贸易行动组织也曾表示,附近一艘船只报告称该油轮"据信正在漂流"。

但 Aspides 在 8 月 29 日重申,尚未从该油轮上看到任何漏油情况,并且该油轮仍处于锚泊状态,并未漂移。

Aspides 在 X 上的一篇帖子中表示:“欧盟通过外交努力和接触,在协助 MV Sounion 的救援工作中发挥着关键作用,”并补充说,“正在准备与欧洲当局和邻国协调,采取任何必要的行动方案。”


该公司副总裁 Petros Tzannetakis 在 8 月 29 日的财报电话会议上表示,这艘油轮正为位于希腊南部的 Motor Oil Hellas 180,000 桶/日科林斯炼油厂运送原油。


Tzannetakis 在电话中赞扬了“多个国家施加了大量国际压力”,并确认拖船和救援船只已被允许接近该船,开始打捞作业。

标普全球大宗商品洞察旗下的普氏能源资讯于 8 月 29 日评估伊拉克巴士拉重质原油的现货价格为每桶 74.01 美元,较伊拉克官方对该原油品级的销售价格溢价 41 美分/桶。该评估使得 Sounion 的货值约为 7400 万美元。

自 10 月 7 日以色列与哈马斯战争爆发以来,胡塞武装已对红海及亚丁湾周边的 100 多艘船只发动攻击,导致两艘船只沉没。

包括 BP 和 Frontline 在内的主要能源及航运公司已改变航线,绕行非洲以避开胡塞武装的攻击,这一发展导致吨英里需求和燃料消耗增加。

普氏能源于 8 月 29 日评估,从波斯湾至英国大陆运输 14 万吨原油的苏伊士型油轮运费为每吨 21.58 美元,较前一日下跌 2.9%。





  • 红海袭击事件令石油市场持续紧张

  • 印度港口工会罢工迫在眉睫

  • 亚洲动力煤贸易或受影响

  • 挪威开始进行天然气维护期

  • 德克萨斯州电力项目可能获得补贴贷款

  • 加拿大铁路罢工或影响北美供应链




行业领袖将于 8 月 26 日至 29 日在挪威斯塔万格举行的北方海上会议期间,挪威官员可能会讨论旗舰油田 Johan Sverdrup 和巴伦支海的展望。

在亚洲,韩国炼油商准备继续保持强劲的美国原油进口,得益于运费激励措施延长至 2027 年 12 月。




同样,8 月 22 日在加拿大发生的铁路罢工本周仍可能对北美供应链产生影响。


随着大规模计划维护的开始,挪威天然气产量面临急剧下降,可能在九月中旬影响该国 55%的产能。

在美国,德克萨斯州公共事业委员会将于周四讨论一份发电容量新增推荐组合,该组合可能获得高达 50 亿美元的融资,以激励燃气发电厂的建设。

我是 Maite Perez,感谢您在周一开启新的一周时收看 S&P Global Commodity Insights。

SPGCI 第七届新加坡农业与食品论坛

  • 10 Oct 2024 | 00:00 UTC

LME CFR Turkey scrap futures annual trading volume hits all time high


Annual trading volumes exceeds 8 MMt

LME eyes 15 mil mt volume total for full-year 2024

Year-to-date trading of CFR Turkey scrap futures contracts on the London Metal Exchange reached an all-time annual high after reaching 8.32 million metric tons, accordig to the latest data to Aug. 28.

The trading volume of LME CFR Turkey scrap futures for the year up to August totaled approximately 831,745 lots, or 8.32 MMt, and the highest annual trading volume since the contract was launched in November 2015. This was up from 8.08 MMt for the full-year 2023.

The LME CFR Turkey scrap futures contract settles against the monthly average of the physical Platts CFR Turkey premium HMS 1/2 (80:20) assessment.

The average daily trading volume over 2024 to date totaled approximately 48,926 metric tons as of Aug. 28, up from an average of 31,219 metric tons recorded throughout 2023.

"Average Daily Volumes for the LME Steel Scrap CFR Turkey (Platts) futures are up almost 60% in 2024 to date -- this growth rate is extremely encouraging given the unusually subdued price volatility of the past five or six months," Alberto Xodo, product specialist (Steel & Nickel) at the LME, said. "As volatility returns to the market and a strong pipeline of new participants are onboarded to trade, we expect to see liquidity growth accelerate, and hope to see volumes for the year cross the 15 million tonnes threshold."

July registered the lowest monthly LME CFR Turkey futures contract trading volume in 2024 at 845,180 metric tons, with market sources reporting that low price volatility in the physical scrap market during the month had reduced interest in scrap futures trading. However, the trading volume for July 2024 was still higher than ten of the 12 months in 2023.

In July, Platts assessed Turkish import HMS 1/2 (80:20) prices within a tight range of just $388-$390/t CFR throughout the month, as the physical market demonstrated remarkable price stability amid finely balanced market fundamentals.

"The surge in LME Turkey scrap futures volumes reflects not only the increasing demand for recycled materials but also a broader shift towards sustainability and resource efficiency. As the market adapts to these changing dynamics, the unprecedented volumes underscore the evolving role of scrap in meeting the world's metal needs," Robert Belcher, head of steel at broker Freight Investor Services, said.

"The use of hedging and futures is mounting with bigger liquidity which makes derivatives an effective tool to hedge risk and to ride market trends when activity in the physical market slows down," Marco Micciche, CEO at steel and raw materials trading house Eusider said.

"The LME also allows physical traders to exploit some arbitrage between the forward curve and physical prices -- for example when futures are in a steep backwardation or contango versus the daily Platts assessment -- and their market view predicates the chance to speculate on the spread," Micciche said.

Platts, part of S&P Global Commodity Insights, assessed the LME September contract at $366.50/t on Aug. 28. The October contract was assessed at $366/t, while the November contract was assessed at $368/mt on Aug. 28.

Spot prices for physical imports of premium heavy melting scrap 1/2 (80:20) stood at $363.50/t CFR Turkey on Aug. 28, as sources reported improved adjacent market sentiment and a firmer sell side largely expectant of a continued recovery in prices, sources said.

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México es el primer país en ratificar el T MEC

Pittsburgh — El Senado de México aprobó el miércoles el Tratado entre México, Estados Unidos y Canadá (T-MEC), lo que lo convierte en el primer país en ratificar el acuerdo comercial actualizado.

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Estados Unidos, Canadá y México alcanzaron en noviembre un acuerdo para sustituir al Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte, pero los legisladores de Canadá y México deben dar su visto bueno a un acuerdo final.

Los productores de acero de Estados Unidos han expresado su apoyo al acuerdo comercial renovado, en particular a los cambios realizados en relación con la creación de nuevas normas de origen y procedimientos de origen, incluidas las normas específicas de productos para vehículos de pasajeros, camiones ligeros y componentes.

"Felicito al Senado mexicano por votar la ratificación del T-MEC de manera casi unánime esta tarde", expresó en un comunicado el representante Kevin Brady, presidente de la Comisión Presupuestaria de Recursos Financieros de la Cámara.

"La medida de hoy, sumada a la aprobación de la legislación laboral histórica de México a principios de esta primavera, demuestra el sólido compromiso de México con la creación de un comercio más justo a través de una reforma seria y nuevas reglas estrictas. Ahora le toca al Congreso de Estados Unidos aprobar el T-MEC lo antes posible para dar lugar a los beneficios de este acuerdo para los trabajadores estadounidenses y nuestras empresas nacionales".

-- Justine Coyne, justine.coyne@spglobal.com

-- Editor: Tom Balcerek, newsdesk@spglobal.com

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