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China's Role in a Shared Human Future: Towards Theory for Global Leadership (Globalization of Chinese Social Sciences) Paperback – 2018年 4月 9日
中国在人类共同未来中的作用:迈向全球领导力理论(中国社会科学全球化)平装本 – 2018年4月9日



This book is about China's role in the world to come and includes the author's recent explorations of China's readiness to assume a global leadership role. The book effectively links the study of Max Weber, an important Western theorist during the global transformation of the nineteenth to twentieth centuries, with the study of Xi Jinping's thinking during the global transformation from the twentieth to the twenty-first century. According to the author, on the one hand, Western classical theory can still provide the core ideas for rethinking today's global cooperation. On the other hand, Xi Jinping's 'The Belt and Road' initiative, though only a very recent attempt to show how China as a new player in the world can help to heal its divisions, has as its foundation Xi's thinking on the governance of China, which has demonstrated that the initiative will serve as a means to promote global peace and cooperation rather than strengthen great power rivalries. The author believes that we can shape global ethics in the process of rediscovering the deep roots of common civilized values that will underpin the global cooperative recovery. This book will be translated and available in Chinese. It is expected it will help a wider readership from China and other countries and regions to understand China and how it can contribute to the shared human future.

Professor Martin Albrow is one of the foremost sociologists in the English-speaking world and one of the greatest experts on globalization, perhaps the most significant driving force of our times. In his pioneering work The Global Age (1996), written when the term "globalization" itself was quite new, he set out the main dimensions of the profound changes that had begun to transform world society. In its most fundamental meaning, "globalization" refers to the intensifying interdependence of individuals, institutions and states across the globe. ... In this book Albrow does a remarkable job of shedding light on these extraordinary changes and on the pivotal role that China is likely to have in shaping their further evolution. As the United States pulls back from its former global role, China not only can, but must, assume a pivotal position in shaping world society for the better. ----Professor Lord Anthony Giddens, from Preface of this book
马丁·阿尔布罗教授是英语世界最重要的社会学家之一,也是全球化方面最伟大的专家之一,全球化也许是我​​们这个时代最重要的推动力。在他的开创性著作《全球化时代》(1996)中,当“全球化”一词本身还是一个相当新的词时,他阐述了已经开始改变世界社会的深刻变革的主要方面。从最根本的意义上来说,“全球化”是指全球个人、机构和国家之间日益加深的相互依赖。 ……在这本书中,阿尔布劳出色地阐明了这些非凡的变化,以及中国在塑造这些变化的进一步演变中可能发挥的关键作用。随着美国退出其以前的全球角色,中国不仅可以而且必须在塑造世界社会变得更好方面发挥关键作用。 ----安东尼·吉登斯勋爵教授,摘自本书序言

What is the process of incorporation of Chinese ideas and thinking into a transcultural public social science? Is the Belt and Road project the successor to Western economic globalization? Is Asia going to be the continent that works through the dilemmas of sustainable modernity? Martin Albrow is one of the very few social scientists who has the authority, experience and ambition to give us the answers, in this rich collection of essays. ----Professor Sam Whimster, Editor, Max Weber Studies
将中国思想和思维纳入跨文化公共社会科学的过程是怎样的? “一带一路”是西方经济全球化的接班人吗?亚洲会成为解决可持续现代性困境的大陆吗?马丁·阿尔布罗是极少数拥有权威、经验和雄心的社会科学家之一,他可以在这本丰富的论文集中为我们提供答案。 ----山姆·惠姆斯特教授,《马克斯·韦伯研究》编辑

Professor Albrow's book provides a fascinating counterpoint to Western-centric notions of China as a 'rising power'. It is unique in providing a globalist view of how China understands its new role and how its leadership is already fundamentally reshaping the architecture of the world in the 21st century. China is becoming a global nation and this book explains how. In the process, sinology and global governance scholarship just got more properly global. ----Associate Professor Olaf Corry, PhD, University of Copenhagen
阿尔布罗教授的书对以西方为中心的中国作为“崛起大国”的观念提出了令人着迷的反驳。它的独特之处在于提供了全球主义视角,说明中国如何理解其新角色以及其领导力如何从根本上重塑 21 世纪世界的架构。中国正在成为一个全球化国家,本书解释了这一过程。在此过程中,汉学和全球治理学术变得更加全球化。 ----Olaf Corry副教授,博士,哥本哈根大学

編輯評論  编辑评论


Professor Martin Albrow is one of the foremost sociologists in the English-speaking world and one of the greatest experts on globalization, perhaps the most significant driving force of our times. In his pioneering work The Global Age (1996), written when the term "globalization" itself was quite new, he set out the main dimensions of the profound changes that had begun to transform world society. In its most fundamental meaning, "globalization" refers to the intensifying interdependence of individuals, institutions and states across the globe. ... In this book Albrow does a remarkable job of shedding light on these extraordinary changes and on the pivotal role that China is likely to have in shaping their further evolution. As the United States pulls back from its former global role, China not only can, but must, assume a pivotal position in shaping world society for the better. ----Professor Anthony Giddens, from Preface of this book
马丁·阿尔布罗教授是英语世界最重要的社会学家之一,也是全球化方面最伟大的专家之一,全球化也许是我​​们这个时代最重要的推动力。在他的开创性著作《全球化时代》(1996)中,当“全球化”一词本身还是一个相当新的词时,他阐述了已经开始改变世界社会的深刻变革的主要方面。从最根本的意义上来说,“全球化”是指全球个人、机构和国家之间日益加深的相互依赖。 ……在这本书中,阿尔布劳出色地阐明了这些非凡的变化,以及中国在塑造这些变化的进一步演变中可能发挥的关键作用。随着美国退出其以前的全球角色,中国不仅可以而且必须在塑造世界社会变得更好方面发挥关键作用。 ----安东尼·吉登斯教授,摘自本书序言

What is the process of incorporation of Chinese ideas and thinking into a transcultural public social science? Is the Belt and Road project the successor to Western economic globalization? Is Asia going to be the continent that works through the dilemmas of sustainable modernity? Martin Albrow is one of the very few social scientists who has the authority, experience and ambition to give us the answers, in this rich collection of essays. ----Professor Sam Whimster, Editor, Max Weber Studies
将中国思想和思维纳入跨文化公共社会科学的过程是怎样的? “一带一路”是西方经济全球化的接班人吗?亚洲会成为解决可持续现代性困境的大陆吗?马丁·阿尔布罗是极少数拥有权威、经验和雄心的社会科学家之一,他可以在这本丰富的论文集中为我们提供答案。 ----山姆·惠姆斯特教授,《马克斯·韦伯研究》编辑

Professor Albrow's book provides a fascinating counterpoint to Western-centric notions of China as a 'rising power'. It is unique in providing a globalist view of how China understands its new role and how its leadership is already fundamentally reshaping the architecture of the world in the 21st century. China is becoming a global nation and this book explains how. In the process, sinology and global governance scholarship just got more properly global. ----Associate Professor Olaf Corry, PhD, University of Copenhagen
阿尔布罗教授的书对以西方为中心的中国作为“崛起大国”的观念提出了令人着迷的反驳。它的独特之处在于提供了全球主义视角,说明中国如何理解其新角色以及其领导力如何从根本上重塑 21 世纪世界的架构。中国正在成为一个全球化国家,本书解释了这一过程。在此过程中,汉学和全球治理学术变得更加全球化。 ----Olaf Corry副教授,博士,哥本哈根大学

作者簡介 作者简介

In a career in sociology spanning over 50 years, Martin Albrow PhD (University of Cambridge) held the Chair in Sociological Theory in the University of Wales in Cardiff before becoming Professor Emeritus in 1989. Since then, he has held visiting positions in numerous institutions, including the Eric Voegelin chair in Munich, and chairs in the London School of Economics, State University of New York, Stonybrook, and the Beijing Foreign Studies University. He has been Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC, and the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Studies, 'Law as Culture', Bonn University. He is now based in London. Currently a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in the UK, in the past he has been President of the British Sociological Association, Editor of its British Journal of Sociology and founding editor of International Sociology, the journal of the International Sociological Association. His first visit to China was in 1987 on an observational tour with the State Family Planning Commission and in recent years he has contributed to the annual Symposium on China Studies with the Academy of Social Sciences and the Ministry of Culture of the PRC.
在 50 多年的社会学职业生涯中,马丁·阿尔布罗 (Martin Albrow) 博士(剑桥大学)曾担任卡迪夫威尔士大学社会学理论系主任,并于 1989 年成为名誉教授。此后,他在许多机构担任客座职位,包括慕尼黑埃里克·沃格林教席、伦敦经济学院、纽约州立大学石溪分校和北京外国语大学的教席。他曾是华盛顿特区伍德罗·威尔逊国际学者中心和波恩大学凯特汉堡高级研究中心“法律作为文化”的研究员。他现在居住在伦敦。他目前是英国社会科学院院士,曾任英国社会学协会主席、《英国社会学杂志》编辑以及国际社会学协会期刊《国际社会学》创始编辑。 1987年,他首次访华,随国家计划生育委员会进行考察,近年来,他为中国社会科学院和文化部举办的年度中国研究研讨会做出了贡献。

產品詳細資訊 产品详细资讯

  • 出版者 ‏ : ‎ Global China Press (2018年 4月 9日)
    出版商 ‏ : ‎ Global China Press (2018年 4月 9日)
  • 語言 ‏ : ‎ English
    语言 ‏ : ‎ 英语
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 218 頁
    平装本 ‏ : ‎ 218 页
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1910334340
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1910334348
  • 商品重量 ‏ : ‎ 1.05 Kilograms
  • 尺寸 ‏ : ‎ 16.99 x 1.17 x 24.41 cm
  • 買家評論:
    买家评论: 4.6 3 个评分

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