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Google SGE Organic Traffic Impact Divided By Verticals [Data Study]
Google SGE 自然搜尋流量影響按行業劃分 [資料研究]

Explore the impact of Google SGE on organic traffic in different business verticals. Gain insights into triggers and patterns that influence generative AI in search results.
探索 Google SGE 對不同業務垂直領域中自然搜尋流量的影響。深入瞭解影響搜尋結果中生成式 AI 的觸發因素和模式。

A stylized illustration showing a person with a beard, using a large magnifying glass to closely examine a computer screen displaying Google SEO search engine interface.

We analyzed 500k queries to find patterns and triggers enabling SGE results.
我們分析了 50 萬個查詢以找出啟用 SGE 結果的模式和觸發因素。

We started to research SGE in June 2023 and have conducted bi-weekly scrapes of 100-500k keywords along with data analysis from our R&D team.
我們於 2023 年 6 月開始研究 SGE,並進行了每兩週一次的 100-500k 關鍵字抓取以及我們研發團隊的資料分析。

From this data, we have in-depth findings about SGE development and ranking factors.
從這些資料中,我們對 SGE 的發展和排名因素有了深入的瞭解。

While verticals are not the only aspect that affects whether we’ll see generative AI in search result pages or not, the vertical’s topic is the strongest of all the factors we’ve measured.
雖然垂直領域不是影響我們是否會在搜尋結果頁面看到生成式 AI 的唯一因素,但垂直領域的主題是我們測量的所有因素中最強的。

Although Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is not showing up for all of the user queries, the rollout of SGE will have a different impact on your organic traffic acquisition, depending on the vertical in which your business operates.

Let’s start with the statistics and what we found.

Vertical vs. SGE answer dataImage from author, April 2024
圖片來自作者,2024 年 4 月

As you can see above, the verticals differentiate significantly. This is a key data point when starting your SGE optimization journey.
如您在上面所見,各個垂直領域有顯著的差異。這是開始您的 SGE 優化之旅時的一個關鍵資料點。

While most verticals seem to be in the 80-90% range, the financial vertical is a strong outlier, with 47% SGE coverage compared to the beauty industry, which has 94% query coverage.
雖然大多數垂直領域似乎都在 80-90%的範圍內,但金融垂直領域是一個強烈的異常,其 SGE 覆蓋率為 47%,相比之下,美容行業的查詢覆蓋率為 94%。

Before I dive into more exciting findings from our research, I wanted to stop for a second and address the elephant in the room: Google SGE and YMYL & E-E-A-T.
在我深入探討我們研究中更多令人興奮的發現之前,我想停下來片刻,並解決房間裡的大象:Google SGE 以及 YMYL & E-E-A-T。

Google SGE, YMYL & E-E-A-T
Google SGE、YMYL & E-E-A-T

Google began to hold websites to a higher standard around 10 years ago, and the guidelines for so-called “Your Money, Your Life” (YMYL) content became stricter year after year.
大約 10 年前,Google 開始對網站提出更高的標準,所謂的「你的錢,你的生活」(YMYL)內容的指南年復一年變得更加嚴格。

Two of the verticals (health and finance) with the lowest Google SGE coverage fall into that category. However, what came as a shock for me is that despite it being one of the lowest-covered categories, health-related queries were covered almost 80%.
在 Google SGE 覆蓋率最低的兩個垂直領域(健康和金融)中,健康類別屬於其中之一。然而,令我震驚的是,儘管它是覆蓋率最低的類別之一,與健康相關的查詢幾乎有 80%的覆蓋率。

Google SGE presents AI-generated answers to queries like [cure for cancer].
Google SGE 提供了對諸如[癌症治療]之類的查詢的 AI 生成答案。

The image shows a Google search results page for the query "cancer treatments" Screenshot from search for [cure for cancer], Google April 2024
從搜尋[癌症治療]的截圖,2024 年 4 月 Google
Not only is Google SGE using AI to cover YMYL queries, but our research suggests that Google’s AI search results will be present more often in the future.
Google SGE 不僅使用 AI 處理 YMYL 查詢,我們的研究表明 Google 的 AI 搜尋結果將來會更頻繁出現。

Google SGE Will Cover More Queries Over Time
隨著時間的推移,Google SGE 將涵蓋更多查詢

Our early Google SGE research on July 1, 2023 revealed that the finance/investing vertical was only 22% covered. Our check in April 2024 showed 47% coverage of the same group of queries.
我們早期在 2023 年 7 月 1 日對 Google SGE 的研究顯示,金融/投資垂直市場僅覆蓋了 22%。我們在 2024 年 4 月的檢查顯示,相同查詢群的覆蓋率為 47%。

We have been tracking Google SGE coverage since its inception and observing Google’s efforts to increase SGE coverage month after month.
自 Google SGE 推出以來,我們一直在追蹤其覆蓋率,並觀察 Google 每個月努力增加 SGE 覆蓋率。

Based on these trends, my prediction is that we’ll see more Google SGE results as soon as Google gathers more data, allowing for a higher certainty of high-quality results with lower chances of AI hallucinations.
根據這些趨勢,我的預測是,只要 Google 收集到更多資料,我們很快就會看到更多 Google SGE 結果,從而允許更高確定性的高品質結果,並降低 AI 幻覺的機會。

Understanding The “Generate” Button And How You Can Use It To Prioritize Your SGE Optimization
理解“生成”按鈕以及如何使用它來優先考慮您的 SGE 優化

If you’ve been using Google SGE for a while, you’ve seen this button multiple times. In some cases, Google will show a “Generate” button rather than showing Google SGE results by default.
如果您已經使用 Google SGE 一段時間了,您已經多次看到這個按鈕。在某些情況下,Google 會顯示一個“生成”按鈕,而不是默認顯示 Google SGE 結果。

Screenshot of a Google SGE search results page for "trek bike," displaying various models of trek bicycles available for purchase, with price information and customer ratings. A red arrow points to the "generateScreenshot by Gyazo.com from search for [trek road bike], Google April 2024
Gyazo.com 的螢幕截圖,搜尋「trek road bike」,Google 2024 年 4 月。
After looking at the ratio of the default Google SGE layouts compared to the ones showing the generate button, we realized that this ratio is different for each of the verticals analyzed.
在比較了預設的 Google SGE 佈局與顯示生成按鈕的佈局比例後,我們意識到這個比例對於分析的每個垂直領域都是不同的。

How Often Does Google SGE Is A Default SERP View?
Google SGE 預設的 SERP 顯示頻率是多少?

The ratios of auto-generated Google SGE compared to the ones with the generate button depend on the vertical you are in. The graph below will show you the ratio for your set of queries.
自動生成的 Google SGE 與點選生成按鈕生成的比例取決於您所在的垂直領域。下面的圖表將顯示您查詢集的比例。

AD 公元

Why is this important? Auto-generated Google SGE results don’t require any action on the user’s end to cover the whole viewport on both mobile & desktop.
為什麼這很重要?自動生成的 Google SGE 結果不需要使用者採取任何行動就能覆蓋移動裝置和桌面裝置上的整個視口。

Based on this SGE behavior, I expect auto-generated SGE views to disrupt the search experience, effectively pushing the “traditional” Google SERPs down. To be exact 905 px down (average height of Google SGE response in our research).
基於此 SGE 行為,我預計自動生成的 SGE 檢視將會干擾搜尋體驗,有效地將“傳統”的 Google SERPs 推下去。精準來說是下推 905 像素(我們研究中 Google SGE 回應的平均高度)。

Vertical percentage of auto-generated Google SGE resultsImage from author, April 2024
圖片來自作者,2024 年 4 月

The health vertical is shockingly an outlier, with 68% of queries returning Google SGE automatically and only 9% showing the generate button.
健康垂直領域驚人地成為一個異常,有 68%的查詢自動返回 Google SGE,而只有 9%顯示生成按鈕。

On the other side of the spectrum, hotels, and entertainment have only 4% to 6% auto-generated Google SGE pages, with 77% of Google SGE queries showing the generate button for each of these verticals.
在光譜的另一端,酒店和娛樂業的自動生成的 Google SGE 頁面僅佔 4%至 6%,而 77%的 Google SGE 查詢顯示了這些垂直領域的生成按鈕。

The impact of Google SGE will depend on multiple metrics, with SGE coverage being one of them.
Google SGE 的影響將取決於多個指標,SGE 覆蓋範圍是其中之一。

However, we can assume that the queries with auto-generated AI responses will be affected sooner than the ones returning the generate button.
然而,我們可以假設自動生成的 AI 回應的查詢會比返回生成按鈕的查詢更早受到影響。

Let’s see how you can use this data to prepare your business for this shift.

Data Over Time 資料隨時間變化

We’ve tracked the manually and auto-generated rations for a diverse set of queries since June last year, and the rations changed in the following way:

  • June 2023: 58% (auto) – 13% (manually).
    2023 年 6 月:58%(自動)– 13%(手動)。
  • November 2023: 48% – 31%.
    2023 年 11 月:48% – 31%。
  • March 2024: 46% – 27%.
    2024 年 3 月:46% – 27%。

How To Use This Data?

Estimating Google SGE’s Impact On Your Brand
估算 Google SGE 對您品牌的影響

Prioritization is key to estimating Google SGE’s impact on your brand.
優先排序是估算 Google SGE 對您品牌影響的關鍵。

Looking at the data above, the health industry will be impacted quicker than any other in the list as users will be automatically presented with Google SGE response.
從上述資料來看,健康產業將比列表中的任何其他產業受到更快的影響,因為使用者將自動獲得 Google SGE 的回應。

Hotels, entertainment, real estate, and food verticals will have more time to prepare, with 4-12% of queries returning Google SGE automatically.
酒店、娛樂、房地產和食品行業將有更多時間準備,有 4-12%的查詢將自動返回 Google SGE 的結果。

Action Point #1 行動要點#1

  • Gather Google SGE data for queries that cover 80-90% of your search volume (you can use a free demo of ZipTie.dev to run mass checks of Google SGE coverage).
    收集 Google SGE 資料,以覆蓋您 80-90% 的搜尋量(您可以使用 ZipTie.dev 的免費演示來執行大量檢查 Google SGE 覆蓋率)。
  • What percentage of your traffic and queries comes from queries returning auto-generated Google SGE vs. manually generated SGE?
    您的流量和查詢中有多少百分比來自返回自動生成的 Google SGE 與手動生成的 SGE?
  • Is there a pattern between these two groups?

Query-Based Google SGE Impact And Prioritization
基於查詢的 Google SGE 影響與優先排序

SEO teams all around the world are shifting their efforts to encompass Google SGE optimization.
全球的 SEO 團隊都在轉移他們的努力,以包含 Google SGE 優化。

Dividing your queries into auto-generated and generated after the click allows you to focus on auto-generated Google SGE queries first and tracking this ratio, as our research shows that Google SGE is covering more queries automatically.
將您的查詢分為自動生成和點選後生成,可以讓您首先專注於自動生成的 Google SGE 查詢,並追蹤這個比例,因為我們的研究顯示 Google SGE 正在自動覆蓋更多查詢。

Action Point #2 行動要點 #2

  • After dividing your queries into two buckets – auto-generated and manually generated SGE – focus on optimizing the queries in the auto-generated bucket.
    在將您的查詢分成兩個類別 – 自動生成和手動生成的 SGE – 之後,專注於優化自動生成類別中的查詢。
  • Track Google SGE’s coverage in the manually generated bucket (over time, Google will show more auto-generated SGE SERPs).
    追蹤 Google SGE 在手動生成的桶中的覆蓋範圍(隨著時間的推移,Google 將顯示更多自動生成的 SGE SERP)。

Once you have a clear set of optics for your queries and know SGE’s impact on your brand, it’s time to look into the sources.
一旦您對於查詢的視角有了清晰的瞭解,並知道 SGE 對您品牌的影響,就是時候去研究來源了。

Spoiler alert: The number of Google SGE sources also depends on the vertical.
劇透警告:Google SGE 來源的數量也取決於垂直領域。

SGE Sources And Why Hotels May Get Up To 40% Fewer SGE Clicks Compared To Other Verticals
SGE 來源以及為什麼酒店可能比其他垂直領域少獲得多達 40%的 SGE 點選

You can only get organic traffic from Google SGE when users click on the source of the AI-generated content. This is where it gets interesting. Depending on the vertical you are in, the number of sources varies from three to five.
您只有在使用者點選由 AI 生成的內容來源時,才能從 Google SGE 獲得自然搜尋流量。這就是有趣之處。根據您所在的垂直領域,來源的數量從三到五不等。

This 40% to 50% difference will make Google SGE optimization more difficult, especially in the finance or hotel vertical, where Google SGE shows an average of around three sources per query.
這 40% 到 50% 的差異將使 Google SGE 優化變得更加困難,特別是在金融或酒店垂直領域,其中 Google SGE 每次查詢平均顯示約三個來源。

The data below shows an average number of Google SGE sources quoted on the search engine result page.
下面的資料顯示了搜尋引擎結果頁面上引用的 Google SGE 來源的平均數量。

Interestingly, some of the queries do not return any sources (Google is generating the answer based on its internal database).
有趣的是,有些查詢沒有返回任何來源(Google 是基於其內部資料庫生成答案的)。

Average number of SGE sources per industryImage from author, April 2024
圖片來自作者,2024 年 4 月

SGE results that mention fewer content sources have a higher chance of generating traffic due to higher average CTR (click-through rate). At the same time, these queries will be more difficult to optimize for due to limited real estate.
提到較少內容來源的 SGE 結果,由於平均點選率(click-through rate)較高,因此有更高的機會產生流量。同時,這些查詢由於有限的可用空間,將更難以優化。

This makes queries with a limited number of sources a bit more complex to track and strategize.

Google SGE Will Not Show Any Sources For 5% of The Queries
Google SGE 將不會為 5%的查詢顯示任何來源

Our research shows that 5% of the queries will return Google SGE results with no external sources quoted.
我們的研究顯示,5%的查詢將返回沒有引用外部來源的 Google SGE 結果。

This topic is one of the most interesting and also quite complex in our research due to the risk of Google taking over a ton of traffic, but also because Google seems to be using different logic for zero-sources SGE for different verticals and types of queries.
這個主題是我們研究中最有趣且相當複雜的,這不僅是因為 Google 可能會接管大量流量的風險,也因為 Google 似乎對於不同垂直領域和類型的查詢,使用不同邏輯來處理零來源 SGE。

We are still running checks & experiments; however, to understand this feature, we need to track it over time and spot more queries that went to the zero-sources bucket. I’ll keep you posted.


Carousel Rankings – To The Top Left
輪播排名 – 至左上方

We are all used to aiming for the top of SERPs. Google SGE results with more than three sources will come with a challenge that’s new to us SEO professionals: horizontal scrolling.
我們都習慣於瞄準搜尋結果頁面的頂端。Google SGE 的結果若有超過三個來源,將會帶來一個對我們 SEO 專家來說全新的挑戰:水平滾動。

Being included within the first three sources (counting from the left to the right side) will mean that your URL is visible without scrolling horizontally, leading to higher CTRs and more impressions.

Action Points 行動要點

  • Track the number of SGE sources for all of your queries.
    跟蹤您所有查詢的 SGE 來源數量。
    • Prioritize your SGE optimization efforts for queries with the least amount of sources (higher returns from higher CTRs).
      優先處理您的 SGE 優化工作,針對來源最少的查詢(從更高的點選率獲得更高的回報)。
    • For queries with more than four or more sources, track carousel positions and aim to be included in the top 3 sources to gain better visibility and boost CTRs.
      對於有四個或更多來源的查詢,追蹤輪播位置,併力求被包含在前 3 個來源中,以獲得更好的能見度並提升點選率。

Google SGE Sources Vs. Traditional Rankings
Google SGE 來源與傳統排名比較

Google SGE operates on a brand-new algorithm, and your current rankings will not translate to Google SGE one-to-one.
Google SGE 採用了全新的演算法,您目前的排名不會一對一轉換到 Google SGE。

Shockingly, these data points are also completely different when analyzed per vertical.

% of SGE sources not ranking in Top 10Image from author, April 2024
圖片來自作者,2024 年 4 月

Industry winners 行業贏家

While analyzing our study, we found that Google SGE seems to favor a few specific domains per vertical. In many cases, the key factors driving these outliers were lean technology combined with content structure focused on answering the query in a concise and clear manner.
在分析我們的研究時,我們發現 Google SGE 似乎偏好每個垂直領域的幾個特定域名。在許多情況下,推動這些異常值的關鍵因素是精簡技術結合了專注於以簡潔明了的方式回答查詢的內容結構。


Final Thoughts 最終想法

With Bing rapidly becoming a co-pilot rather than a search engine and Jeff Bezos threatening Google’s Perplexity, the SEO industry needs to adjust to this never-before-seen pace.
隨著 Bing 迅速成為一名副駕駛而不僅僅是一個搜尋引擎,以及 Jeff Bezos 威脅 Google 的困惑性,SEO 行業需要適應這種前所未有的變化速度。

I believe that navigating this change without overwhelm and chaos is only possible with a proper set of optics and wisely chosen battles.

I hope the data I shared in this article can help you prioritize and make better strategic decisions. We are going to share more insights into each vertical over the next few months here on SEJ.
我希望我在這篇文章中分享的資料能幫助您優先考慮並做出更好的戰略決策。在接下來的幾個月裡,我們將在 SEJ 上分享更多各個垂直領域的洞察。

If there’s anything else you’d like to know or understand about how Google SGE is reshaping organic search, reach out to me, and I’ll do my best to get the data needed to help our industry during this time of transition and change.
如果您還有其他想要瞭解或理解的關於 Google SGE 如何重塑自然搜尋的內容,請聯絡我,我會盡我所能獲取所需的資料來幫助我們的行業在這個過渡和變革時期。

Happy optimizing! 快樂優化!

More resources: 更多資源:

Featured Image: BestForBest/Shutterstock

Bart Goralewicz  巴特·戈拉萊維奇 Founder & Head of Innovation at Onely
創辦人兼 Onely 創新負責人

Bartosz Goralewicz has been a staple in the SEO industry for over a decade and a thought leader in the ...
Bartosz Goralewicz 在 SEO 行業已有十多年的經驗,並且是...

Google SGE Organic Traffic Impact Divided By Verticals [Data Study]

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