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Discovery and Settlement
Colonial America
The Revolution & Confederation
The Founding
Early Republic
Expansion and Sectionalism
Civil War and Reconstruction
Industrialization and Urbanization
Progressivism and World War 1
The Great Depression and the New Deal
World War II
Cold War America
Contemporary America
Expansion and Sectionalism
Excerpts from Ratification Documents of Virginia a...
June 26, 1788
Ratifying Conventions>New York Ratifying Convention
House Approves Seventeen Amendments
August 24, 1789
The Congress Sends Twelve Amendments to the States
September 25, 1789
Annual Message to Congress (1801): The Barbary Sta...
December 08, 1801
Thomas Jefferson
Marbury v. Madison
February 24, 1803
John Marshall
Inaugural Address (1805)
March 04, 1805
Thomas Jefferson
On Opening a School for Poor Children
Isabella Graham
Voter Qualification Law
November 16, 1807
New Jersey State Legislature
Speech of Tenskwatawa
A Modest Proposal
October 11, 1808
James Monroe
Address to the Osage
War Message
June 01, 1812
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper
September 14, 1814
Thomas Jefferson
Resolutions Adopted by the Hartford Convention
January 04, 1815
Hartford Convention
Letter from Thomas Jefferson to William Torrance (...
June 11, 1815
Thomas Jefferson
Annual Message to Congress (1817)
December 02, 1817
James Monroe
Petitions of Cherokee Women
Annual Message to Congress (1818)
November 16, 1818
James Monroe
Speech to Congress
February 15, 1819
James Tallmadge Jr.
Speech to Congress
February 15, 1819
James Tallmadge Jr.
McCulloch v. Maryland
March 06, 1819
John Marshall
My Call to Preach the Gospel
Jarena Lee
Missouri Compromise Act
March 06, 1820
Henry Clay
Letter from Thomas Jefferson to John Holmes (1820)
April 22, 1820
Thomas Jefferson
An Address…Celebrating the Declaration of Independ...
July 04, 1821
John Quincy Adams
An Address. . .Celebrating the Declaration of Inde...
July 4, 1821
John Quincy Adams
Annual Message to Congress (1823): The Monroe Doct...
December 2, 1823
James Monroe
Letter from John Ross to John C. Calhoun (1824)
February 11, 1824
John Ross
Inaugural Address (1825)
March 04, 1825
John Quincy Adams
Selected Dispatches
March, 1829
Joel Poinsett
Annual Message to Congress (1825)
December 06, 1825
John Quincy Adams
An Address to the Whites
May 26, 1826
Elias Boudinot
Thomas Jefferson to Roger Chew Weightman
June 24, 1826
Thomas Jefferson
Southern Runaway Slave Notices and Our Peculiar Do...
Annual Message to Congress (1828)
December 02, 1828
John Quincy Adams
Chapter 11: The Nullification Crisis
Commentaries on American Law
James Kent
Inaugural Address (1829)
March 04, 1829
Andrew Jackson
Address to the Colonization Society
July 04, 1829
William Lloyd Garrison
Annual Message to Congress (1829)
December 08, 1829
Andrew Jackson
CIRCULAR: Addressed to Benevolent Ladies of the Un...
December 31, 1829
Catherine Beecher
The Webster-Hayne Debates
January, 1830
Daniel Webster
On the Nullifying Doctrine
April 03, 1830
James Madison
Indian Removal
May 17, 1838
Address to the People of the United States, by the...
July, 1830
John Ross
Letter from James Madison to Edward Everett
August 28, 1830
James Madison
Annual Message to Congress (1830)
December 6, 1830
Andrew Jackson
Letter from William Lloyd Garrison to the Public (...
January 01, 1831
William Lloyd Garrison
Editorial Regarding Walker’s Appeal
January 08, 1831
William Lloyd Garrison
Fort Hill Address
July 26, 1831
John C. Calhoun
Religion and the Pure Principles of Morality: The...
October, 1831
Maria Stewart
Annual Message to Congress (1831)
December 06, 1831
Andrew Jackson
The Indians: The Ten Lost Tribes
William Apess
Force Bill of 1832
March 02, 1832
Worcester v. Georgia
March 23, 1832
John Marshall
Veto of the Bank Bill
July 10, 1832
Andrew Jackson
Veto Message Regarding the Bank of the United Stat...
July 10, 1832
Andrew Jackson
Speech on the Presidential Veto of the Bank Bill
July 11, 1832
Daniel Webster
Lecture Delivered at Franklin Hall
September 21, 1832
Maria W. Miller Stewart
Lecture Delivered at Franklin Hall
September 21, 1832
Maria W. Miller Stewart
South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification
November 24, 1832
South Carolina Convention on the Subject of Nullification
Annual Message to Congress (1832)
December 04, 1832
Andrew Jackson
Proclamation Regarding the Nullifying Laws of Sout...
December 10, 1832
Andrew Jackson
On the Constitution and the Union
December 29, 1832
William Lloyd Garrison
On the Constitution and the Union
December 29, 1832
William Lloyd Garrison
Epitaph for the Constitution
Lyrics to Jackson and the Nullifiers
Correspondence Between Anthony Butler and Presiden...
October 30, 1833
Andrew Jackson
Inaugural Address (1833)
March 04, 1833
Andrew Jackson
Annual Message to Congress (1833)
December 03, 1833
Andrew Jackson
American Anti-Slavery Society, Declaration of Sent...
December 06, 1833
William Lloyd Garrison
Speeches on the Removal Power
March 07, 1834
Henry Clay
Constitution of the American Anti-Slavery Society
December, 1833
William Lloyd Garrison
Commentaries on the Constitution of the United Sta...
Joseph Story
Message to the Senate Protesting the Censure Resol...
April 15, 1834
Andrew Jackson
Message of Protest to the Senate
April 15, 1834
Andrew Jackson
Annual Message to Congress (1834)
December 01, 1834
Andrew Jackson
Speech on the Appointing and Removing Power
February 18, 1835
Henry Clay
Annual Message to Congress (1835)
December 07, 1835
Andrew Jackson
Letter from William Lloyd Garrison to Thomas Shipl...
December 17, 1835
William Lloyd Garrison
A Plea for the West
December 31, 1835
Lyman Beecher
The Nature, Importance, and Means of Eminent Holin...
December 31, 1835
Edward Beecher
Report on the Necessity of Jewish Education
Rebecca Gratz
The Nature, Importance, and Means of Eminent Holin...
Edward Beecher
Letters and Journals from the Oregon Trail
June 27, 1836
Narcissa Whitman
September 26, 1836
Lowell Factory Girls Association
Annual Message to Congress (1836)
December 05, 1836
Andrew Jackson
Appeal to Christian Women of the South
Angelina Grimké
Speech on Abolition Petitions
February 06, 1837
John C. Calhoun
Speech on Abolition Petitions
February 06, 1837
John C. Calhoun
Farewell Address (1837)
March 04, 1837
Andrew Jackson
Inaugural Address (1837)
March 04, 1837
Martin Van Buren
Annual Message to Congress (1837)
December 05, 1837
Martin Van Buren
Letters on the Equality of the Sexes and the Condi...
Sarah Grimke
The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions: Ad...
January 27, 1838
Abraham Lincoln
The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions Add...
January 27, 1838
Abraham Lincoln
Letter from Abraham Lincoln to Mrs. Orville Browni...
April 01, 1838
Abraham Lincoln
The Right of the People, Men and Women, to Petitio...
June 16, 1838
John Quincy Adams
Declaration of Sentiments Adopted by the Peace Con...
September 28, 1838
William Lloyd Garrison
Annual Message to Congress (1838)
December 03, 1838
Martin Van Buren
The Great Nation of Futurity
November, 1839
John L. O’Sullivan
Annual Message to Congress (1839)
December 02, 1839
Martin Van Buren
Annual Message to Congress (1840)
December 05, 1840
Martin Van Buren
Disquisition on Government
John C. Calhoun
Balloting for President
Inaugural Address (1841)
March 4, 1841
William Henry Harrison
Speech on Assuming Office of the President
April 09, 1841
John Tyler
Song of the Spinners from the Lowell Offering
April, 1841
Hon. Francis O. J. Smith to Secretary of State Dan...
June 7, 1841
Francis O.J. Smith
Debate on the National Bank Filibuster
June 30, 1841
United States Congress
Annual Message to Congress (1841)
December 07, 1841
John Tyler
The Temperance Address
February 22, 1842
Abraham Lincoln
The Temperance Address
February 22, 1842
Abraham Lincoln
Annual Message to Congress (1842)
December 06, 1842
Special Message to Congress (Tyler Doctrine)
December 30, 1842
John Tyler
Record of the Organization and Proceedings of The...
Address to the Slaves of the United States
June 02, 1843
William Lloyd Garrison
Address at Inter-Tribal Council at Tahlequah
June 19, 1843
John Ross
Annual Message to Congress (1843)
December, 1843
John Tyler
Letter From Henry Clay to the Editors of the Natio...
April 17, 1844
Henry Clay
Letter from John C. Calhoun to Richard Pakenham (1...
April 18, 1844
John C. Calhoun
Annual Message to Congress (1844)
December 03, 1844
Cary v. Curtis
January 1, 1845
John McLean
Inaugural Address (1845)
March 04, 1845
James K. Polk
July 30, 1845
John L. O’Sullivan
Letter from Abraham Lincoln to Williamson Durley (...
October 03, 1845
Abraham Lincoln
The Ten Hour System
February, 1846
Sarah G. Bagley
Annual Message to Congress (1845)
December 02, 1845
James K. Polk
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An Am...
Frederick Douglass
Massachusetts Lawmakers Investigate Working Condit...
State (Colonial) Legislatures>Massachusetts State Legislature
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An Am...
Frederick Douglass
Special Message to the House of Representatives
April 20, 1846
James K. Polk
Special Message to Congress on Mexican Relations
May 11, 1846
James K. Polk
Debate on the Constitutionality of the Mexican War
May 12, 1846
United States Congress
Special Message to Congress on Mexican Relations
May 11, 1846
James K. Polk
Veto Message on Rivers and Harbors Bill
August 03, 1846
James K. Polk
Letter from Abraham Lincoln to the Illinois Gazett...
August 11, 1846
Abraham Lincoln
Annual Message to Congress (1846)
December 08, 1846
James K. Polk
Letter from William Lloyd Garrison to Webb (1847):...
July 01, 1847
William Lloyd Garrison
American Slavery
October 22, 1847
Frederick Douglass
Market Speech
November 13, 1847
Henry Clay
Annual Message to Congress (1847)
December 07, 1847
James K. Polk
Great Speech of Clay
John L Magee
Speech on the War with Mexico
January 12, 1848
Abraham Lincoln
Speech on the Oregon Bill
June 27, 1848
John C. Calhoun
Speech on the Oregon Bill
June 27, 1848
John C. Calhoun
Declaration of Sentiments
July 19, 1848
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Address Delivered at Seneca Falls
July 19, 1848
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Seneca Falls Resolutions
July 20, 1848
Women's Rights Convention
An Address to the Colored People of the United Sta...
September 29, 1848
Frederick Douglass
Annual Message to Congress (1848)
December 5, 1848
James K. Polk
Conquest of Mexico
John C. Calhoun
Inaugural Address (1849)
March 05, 1849
Zachary Taylor
Uses and Abuses of the Bible
November 04, 1849
Lucretia Mott
Annual Message to Congress (1849)
December 04, 1849
Zachary Taylor
Civil Disobedience
Henry David Thoreau
Compromise of 1850
January 29, 1850
Henry Clay
A General Review of the debate on the Compromise B...
July 22, 1850
Henry Clay
Annual Message to Congress (1850)
December 02, 1850
Millard Fillmore
Religious Experience
Sojourner Truth
Letter from Abraham Lincoln to John Johnston (1851...
January 12, 1851
Abraham Lincoln
Ain't I a Woman?
May, 1851
Sojourner Truth
Remarks at the Women's Rights Convention
June 21, 1851
Sojourner Truth
African Colonization--By a Man of Color
July 03, 1851
Augustus Washington
Letter from Abraham Lincoln to John D. Johnston (1...
November 4, 1851
Abraham Lincoln
Letter from Abraham Lincoln to John Johnston (1851...
November 9, 1851
Abraham Lincoln
Letter from Abraham Lincoln to John Johnston (1851...
November 25, 1851
Abraham Lincoln
Annual Message to Congress (1851)
December 02, 1851
Millard Fillmore
Time Table for Lowell Mills
Caution!! Colored people of Boston
What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?
July 05, 1852
Frederick Douglass
What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?
July 05, 1852
Frederick Douglass
What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?
July 5, 1852
Frederick Douglass
Eulogy of Henry Clay
July 06, 1852
Abraham Lincoln
Eulogy on Henry Clay
July 16, 1852
Abraham Lincoln
Baconianism and the Bible
August 11, 1852
Benjamin Morgan Palmer
Annual Message to Congress (1852)
December 06, 1852
Millard Fillmore
Emigration of the Colored People of the United Sta...
Martin R. Delany
Means of Elevation
Martin R. Delany
A Glance at Ourselves — Conclusion
Martin R. Delany
Things As They Are
Martin R. Delany
Inaugural Address (1853)
March 04, 1853
Franklin Pierce
Letter from Frederick Douglass to Harriet Beecher...
March 08, 1853
Frederick Douglass
The Destiny of America, Speech at the Dedication o...
September 14, 1853
William Seward
Annual Message to Congress (1853)
December 05, 1853
Franklin Pierce
Appeal of the Independent Democrats in Congress to...
January 19, 1854
Nebraska Territory
January 30, 1854
Stephen A. Douglas
Address to the Legislature of New York
February 15, 1854
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Speech on the Kansas-Nebraska Act and Racial Hiera...
February 24, 1854
R.M.T. Hunter
Fragments on Slavery
April 01, 1854
Abraham Lincoln
Kansas-Nebraska Act
May 30, 1854
Fragment on Government
July 1, 1854
Abraham Lincoln
Speech on the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise (P...
October 16, 1854
Abraham Lincoln
Speech on the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise (P...
October 16, 1854
Abraham Lincoln
Speech on the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise (P...
October 16, 1854
Abraham Lincoln
Speech on the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise
October 16, 1854
Abraham Lincoln
The Ostend Manifesto
October 18, 1854
James Buchanan
Kansas: To Those that Desire that Kansas Should be...
November 22, 1854
Annual Message to Congress (1854)
December 04, 1854
Franklin Pierce
An Act to Organize the Territories of Nebraska and...
Garrison’s Defense of His Positions
William Lloyd Garrison
Sociology for the South, or The Failure of Free So...
George Fitzhugh
Martin Van Buren
Marriage Protest
May 02, 1855
Henry Blackwell
June 15, 1855
William Lloyd Garrison
Letter from Abraham Lincoln to Owen Lovejoy (1855)
August 11, 1855
Abraham Lincoln
Letter from Abraham Lincoln to George Robertson (1...
August 15, 1855
Abraham Lincoln
Letter from Abraham Lincoln to Joshua F. Speed (18...
August 24, 1855
Abraham Lincoln
Annual Message to Congress (1855)
December 31, 1855
Franklin Pierce
Democratic Party Platforms of 1856 and 1860
June 18, 1860
June 09, 1856
San Francisco Vigilance Committee
Annual Message to Congress (1856)
December 02, 1856
Franklin Pierce
Forcing Slavery Down the Throat of a Free-Soiler
John L Magee
Inaugural Address (1857)
March 04, 1857
James Buchanan
Dred Scott v. Sandford
March 06, 1857
Roger Taney
Dred Scott v. Sandford
March 06, 1857
Dred Scott v. Sandford
March 06, 1857
Benjamin R. Curtis
Dred Scott v. Sandford
March 6, 1857
Benjamin R. Curtis
Speech on the Dred Scott Decision
May 14, 1857
Frederick Douglass
Reply to the Dred Scott Decision
June 26, 1857
Abraham Lincoln
Speech on the Dred Scott Decision
June 26, 1857
Abraham Lincoln
Reply to the Dred Scott Decision
June 26, 1857
Abraham Lincoln
Annual Message to Congress (1857)
December 08, 1857
James Buchanan
Letter from Abraham Lincoln to Lyman Trumbull (185...
December 28, 1857
Abraham Lincoln
Free & Slave-holding States and Territories
A. K. Johnston
Cotton is King
March 04, 1858
James Henry Hammond
Mud Sill Speech
March 04, 1858
James Henry Hammond
Mud Sill Speech
March 04, 1858
James Henry Hammond
Dred Scott and Disunion
March 12, 1858
William Lloyd Garrison
House Divided Speech
June 16, 1858
Abraham Lincoln
House Divided Speech
June 16, 1858
Abraham Lincoln