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Managing My Motivation, as a Solo Dev
One of the biggest sticking points of being a solo dev is maintaining motivation. I’ve been keeping a journal entry about how to hack my motivation, what works and what doesn’t. Here are the things that have worked.
Convert external sources to motivation 将外部资源转化为动力
I’ve always known that I’m more extrinsically than intrinsically motivated, so I have a couple systems that help to give me bursts of external motivation. For example, the Money Bots, which pop up every time someone subscribes.

I’m a push notification ascetic, but these pop up right on my home screen. It’s a small burst of motivation every time. There’s a bit of a hedonic treadmill effect; initially a single new subscriber was a massive hit of dopamine/energy, and that’s reduced over time, but they still fuel me.
In a similar vein, I signed up for a service that notifies me whenever someone mentions Chessbook. This is simultaneously useful for marketing, since engaging on socials can help a lot, but it’s also motivating whenever I see people talking (hopefully positively) about the thing I’ve built.
同样,我注册了一项服务,只要有人提到 Chessbook,它就会通知我。这同时对于营销也很有用,因为参与社交活动可以有很大帮助,而且每当我看到人们谈论(希望是积极的)我所构建的东西时,它也会激励我。
There’s also a #pump-up
channel with a feed of milestones we’ve hit, like $X MRR, 2,000 discord users, churn rate <6%, motivating stuff like that.
还有一个 #pump-up
频道,其中包含我们所达到的里程碑的提要,例如 $X MRR、2,000 个 Discord 用户、流失率 <6%,等等。
Leave tasks unfinished 留下未完成的任务
I can’t overstate how much this one helps me. I try to leave a task 90% finished at the end of a working session. It feels slightly worse than closing out the work, but it makes starting the next day 10x easier. Having a quick win when I start coding is a massive boost, and it immediately gets me into the flow state. It can’t be too easy though, if all I have left is to run git commit
, that’s not enough. Ideally it’s something where I know exactly what I need to do, that will take 5-10 minutes.
我无法夸大这个对我的帮助有多大。我尝试在工作会议结束时让任务完成 90%。这感觉比结束工作稍差一些,但它让第二天的开始变得容易 10 倍。当我开始编码时快速获胜是一个巨大的提升,它立即让我进入心流状态。但这也不是太容易,如果我只剩下运行 git commit
,那还不够。理想情况下,我确切知道自己需要做什么,需要 5 到 10 分钟。
Use the thing myself, as much as possible 尽可能自己使用这个东西
I try to use my own product as much as I can. When someone submits a bug report about some jank, sometimes it’s easy to classify it as a small issue. Then I run into it myself, realize that it really affects the experience, and go fix it right away. Felt pain is way more salient than communicated pain.
To digress, this also gives me way better product ideas, the best ones I’ve had didn’t come from sitting down and thinking about what people may want, they came from realizing what I myself want.
Address the pain, instead of pushing through 解决痛苦,而不是坚持下去
There’s always some parts that suck. A neglected area of the codebase, dealing with third parties, releasing new versions of native apps, etc. If I know I’ll have to deal with one of these as part of a task, it can feel much harder to motivate myself to get started.
The trick, is that you can almost always make these less painful.
For example, recently I felt a lot of friction starting a new task because it needed 4+ new endpoints, and that always involved a lot of boilerplate. I have to write the types on the backend, write the same types on the frontend, make sure I get the payload correct, make sure I get the path correct, and nothing is type-checked so usually it doesn’t work the first time. So before starting, I found a RPC library called RSPC, which generates types for me, and makes writing and calling a new backend function from the frontend almost as easy, and just as type-safe, as calling another async frontend function.
例如,最近我在开始一项新任务时感到很困难,因为它需要 4 个以上的新端点,而且总是涉及大量样板文件。我必须在后端编写类型,在前端编写相同的类型,确保我得到的有效负载正确,确保我得到的路径正确,并且没有任何类型检查,所以通常它第一次不起作用。因此在开始之前,我找到了一个名为 RSPC 的 RPC 库,它为我生成类型,并使从前端编写和调用新的后端函数几乎与调用另一个异步前端函数一样简单,并且类型安全。
Not only did this remove the pain point, but I was actively excited to use this new system. I converted a source of friction into a motivation multiplier.
This is one that’s easy to forget if you’ve worked in bigger companies where you can’t address the pain points of day-to-day development. You’ve probably acquired a sense of futility in trying to address these things. There’s either deadlines to hit, or people to get sign-off from, or you need to write a technical doc on your approach before you get to try it. Being able to just go fix and improve whatever you want is one of the greatest points of being a solo dev, so remind yourself that you can take advantage of it at any time.
Do nothing 没做什么
I get sucked into high-tech Skinner Boxes all the time. Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, etc. The best way I’ve found to get out of this is to do it in two steps. First I go from Reddit to doing nothing, then I get to work.
我总是被高科技的斯金纳盒子所吸引。 Reddit、Twitter、YouTube 等。我发现摆脱这种情况的最佳方法是分两步进行。首先我从 Reddit 转到什么都不做,然后开始工作。
Going straight from Reddit to focused work is very hard, but doing nothing is much easier, and eventually your brain calms down and it doesn’t feel nearly as hard to start writing some code.
直接从 Reddit 转到专注工作是非常困难的,但什么都不做会容易得多,最终你的大脑会平静下来,开始编写一些代码也不会那么困难。
I really mean doing nothing; I’ll just sit in front of my screen for a few minutes and as if by magic, the consumption-fueled dopamine-overload fog will lift, and I can get excited about creation and problem-solving again.
Update my users 更新我的用户
This is a two-for-one, I can both update my users, and motivate myself by looking back on progress. I often reach the end of the month, and find myself thinking “did I even get anything done?”, but then you can write your update for the month, and see that you did get a lot done.

Obviously this cuts both ways though, if you really didn’t get much done you’ll see that too, but facing the truth that you’re not getting enough done can be motivating too.
Get a partner 寻找合作伙伴
This may seem contradictory to the title, but I only said solo dev. I have a partner, who’s way better at everything product/design/copy/etc.
I won’t list all the benefits of having a partner, but I now believe they’re essential, and in any future projects I’ll be making sure to find a partner that complements my skillset while being aligned on the problem. It’s a night and day difference.
The motivation piece here is mostly around accountability. It’s the same reason that people have gym partners, just having someone that expects you to show up can be powerful. Also if you have a weekly meeting and find you have nothing to talk about, you’re probably not getting enough done, and it’s a salient reminder.
The other piece is that your motivation and your partner’s motivation will ebb and flow, and it won’t happen in lock-step. It’s very helpful to have someone else still motivated about the project, when you’re not.
No zero days, to avoid listless guilt 无零日,避免无精打采的负罪感
Some days when I’m not getting anything done, I’ve got this lingering guilt that I’m having a “zero day”. This prevents me from fully enjoying whatever activity I’m doing. I’ve tried just giving myself permission to enjoy whatever I’m doing, but it just doesn’t work. Ostensibly I’m taking time off and recharging, but it doesn’t feel like that at all – it feels like pushing through. This can lead to a negative feedback loop, where I’m constantly trying to recharge, but just getting more tired.
I’ve found the only way is to get some good work done first, then I can be fully immersed in whatever fun slacking-off activity I dive into.
If I’ve got it, use it 如果我有的话,请使用它
Sometimes I’ll be going to bed thinking about a problem, and get the motivation which comes in the moment of figuring things out. I could write it down and get to it in the morning, but most of the time I’ll just get up and work until 4am instead. This is also one of the great parts of being a solo dev. I don’t need to be up at 9am to be available on Slack, so I can use my motivation whenever it strikes me, even if that’s in the middle of the night.
有时我会在睡觉前思考一个问题,并在解决问题的那一刻获得动力。我可以把它写下来,早上再写,但大多数时候我都会起床工作到凌晨 4 点。这也是作为独立开发者的重要部分之一。我不需要早上 9 点起床才能使用 Slack,因此只要有灵感,我就可以发挥自己的动力,即使是在半夜。
This probably doesn’t generalize, but again this is more of a journal entry adapted into a blog post, than it is advice. I’ve always done better with the looser approach of trying to maximize the opportunities for flow state work, than forcing myself to work 9-5 every day, rain or shine.
You have ADHD, getting yourself to work shouldn’t be this hard 你患有多动症,让自己工作不应该这么难
True 😄 真的😄
谢谢阅读!如果您有任何问题、意见或只是想打个招呼,请发送电子邮件至 me@mbuffett.com。在网上,我最活跃的是推特。
If you're into chess, I've made a repertoire builder. It uses statistics from hundreds of millions of games at your level to find the gaps in your repertoire, and uses spaced repetition to quiz you on them.
Samar Haroon, my girlfriend, has started a podcast where she talks about the South Asian community, from the perspective of a psychotherapist. Go check it out!.
我的女朋友萨马尔·哈龙(Samar Haroon)开设了一个播客,她从心理治疗师的角度谈论南亚社区。去看看吧!