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钾肥包销协议Potash offtake agreements


(KL280 区块)

加拿大金圣钾肥公司Canada Golden Saint Potash Fertilizer Company


化工集团限公司China Potash Chemical Group Co., Ltd

英文补上English should be supplemented


202410282 024-10-2-8


氯化钾potassium chloride

合同编号Contract number


本协议于2024年 1028签订,签约方为卖方加拿大金圣钾肥公司和买方化工集团限公司。 This agreement was entered into on January 28, 2024 between the seller, Canada Jinsheng Potash Fertilizer, Inc., and the buyer, China Potash ChemicalGroup limited companies.

生效日期:2024111Effective Date: January 1, 2024


公司名称Company name

加拿大金圣钾肥有限公司Canada Jinsheng Potash Fertilizer Co., Ltd


300-402 21st Street East, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0C3 300-402 21stStreet East, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0C3






注册信息Registration Information

加拿大萨省注册Registered in Saskatchewan, Canada

公司代表Company representatives

Huang Weiguo

证件信息ID information

以下称为“卖方” hereinafter referred to as the "Seller"


公司名称Company name

化工集团有限公司China Potash Chemical Group Co., Ltd


上海浙桥路289No. 2, 8, 9, Zheqiao Road, Shanghai






注册信息Registration Information

中国注册Registered in China

公司代表Company representatives

魏金Wei Jincheng

证件信息ID information


以下称为“买方” hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer"

卖方和买方以下合称为“双方”或各自称为“一方”The Seller and the Buyer are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties" or each as a "Party"

术语定义: Definition of Terms:

卖方:指加拿大金圣钾肥公司,以下简称“卖方”,其为本合同项下的产品供应方,负责按照合同约定向买方交付氯化钾。 Seller: means Canada Golden Potash Fertilizer Company, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", which is the supplier of the products under this Contract and is responsible for the delivery of potassium chloride to the Buyer in accordance with the Contract.

买方:化工集团有限公司,以下简称“买方”,其为本合同项下的产品购买方,负责按照合同约定向卖方支付货款。 Buyer: China Potassium Chemical Group Co., Ltd., hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer", which is the purchaser of the products under this contract and is responsible for paying the seller in accordance with the contract.

氯化钾:指由卖方在加拿大萨斯喀彻温省钾矿生产的钾肥产品,具体包括标准级白钾、标准级红钾及颗粒级红钾,符合合同中规定的质量标准。 Potassium chloride: refers to the potash fertilizer products produced by the seller at the potash mine in Saskatchewan, Canada, including standard grade white potassium, standard grade red potassium and granular grade red potassium, which meet the quality standards specified in the contract.

CFR(成本加运费):指一种国际贸易术语,卖方承担将货物运输至指定目的港的费用和风险,而在目的港卸货后的风险由买方承担。 CFR (Cost and Freight): An Incoterm in which the seller bears the cost and risk of transporting the goods to a named port of destination, and the buyer bears the risk after unloading the goods at the port of destination.

SGS:指国际独立商检公司,负责对卖方交付的产品进行质量和数量的检验,并出具相应的质量证明书。 SGS: refers to an international independent commodity inspection company, which is responsible for inspecting the quality and quantity of the products delivered by the seller and issuing the corresponding quality certificate.

提单(B/L):由承运人签发的货物运输凭证,证明货物已装船并规定运输条款,作为买方提货的依据。 Bill of Lading (B/L): A document issued by the carrier to prove that the goods have been loaded on board the ship and stipulate the terms of carriage as the basis for the buyer to take delivery of the goods.

质量证明书:由认可的独立商检机构出具的文件,证明交付产品的质量符合合同约定的标准。 Certificate of Quality: A document issued by an accredited independent commodity inspection agency certifying that the quality of the delivered products meets the standards agreed in the contract.

包装:指货物的包装规格,合同中规定为每袋1000公斤(吨袋或大袋),以确保运输和装卸过程的高效与安全。 Packaging: refers to the packaging specifications of the goods, which is stipulated in the contract as 1000 kg per bag (ton bag or big bag) to ensure the efficiency and safety of the transportation and loading and unloading process.

交货时间表:卖方与买方商定的货物交付的具体时间安排,确保合同履行的顺利进行。 Delivery schedule: The specific schedule for the delivery of the goods agreed between the seller and the buyer to ensure the smooth performance of the contract.

不可抗力:指超出双方合理控制范围的事件,包括但不限于自然灾害、战争、罢工等,导致合同无法履行或延迟履行的情况。 Force majeure: refers to events beyond the reasonable control of the parties, including but not limited to natural disasters, wars, strikes, etc., resulting in the impossibility or delay in the performance of the contract.

违约金:因一方未能履行合同义务而需支付给另一方的赔偿金,通常按合同总金额的一定比例计算。 Liquidated damages: Damages to be paid to one party for failure to perform their contractual obligations, usually calculated as a percentage of the total amount of the contract.

信用证:由买方银行开具的支付保证,确保卖方在交货后能及时收到货款。 Letter of Credit: A payment guarantee issued by the buyer's bank to ensure that the seller receives the payment for the goods in time after delivery.

税费和关税:指在合同履行过程中,买方和卖方各自需承担的所有相关税费和关税。 Taxes and Duties: means all relevant taxes and duties for which the Buyer and the Seller are respectively liable during the performance of the Contract.

装箱单:列明货物装运数量和规格的文件,通常由卖方提供。 Packing List: A document that lists the quantities and specifications of the goods to be shipped, usually provided by the seller.

保险单:由保险公司出具的文件,证明货物在运输过程中的保险覆盖情况。 Insurance Policy: A document issued by an insurance company that certifies the insurance coverage of the goods during transportation.

合同编号:本合同的唯一识别号码,用于标识和引用该合同。 Contract Number: A unique identification number for this contract that identifies and references the contract.

目的港:买方指定的货物卸货的港口。 Port of destination: the port designated by the buyer to discharge the goods.

起运港:卖方发货的港口。 Port of Origin: The port where the seller ships the goods.

交易价格:买卖双方约定的货物成交价格,通常以市场价格为基础进行调整。 Transaction price: The transaction price of the goods agreed by the buyer and the seller, which is usually adjusted on the basis of the market price.

原产地证书:证明货物来源国的文件,通常由商会或相关机构出具。Certificate of Origin: A document certifying the country of origin of the goods, usually issued by a chamber of commerce or a relevant authority.

以上释义旨在确保合同条款的清晰性和可执行性,减少未来可能出现的争议。 The above interpretation is intended to ensure the clarity and enforceability of the terms of the contract and to reduce possible disputes in the future.

鉴于:卖方和买方分别拥有完全的公司权力,声明、陈述并保证能够履行本合同的要求,并能够在约定条款和时间内分别提供本合同所指的产品和资金;WHEREAS: the Seller and the Buyer each have full corporate authority to represent, represent and warrant that they will be able to perform the requirements of this Contract and will be able to provide the products and funds referred to in this Contract on the terms and within the agreed time, respectively;

鉴于:加拿大金圣钾肥公司一家加拿大萨省的钾矿企业。该公司在萨省位于世界上钾矿储量最大和产量最高的 钾矿商品化开采上,拥有KL280和KL282两个钾矿开采权区块目前KL280 区块已完成所有详勘工作, 在该区块内的第一期80多平方公里面积内的勘探结果显示区内钾矿资源量超过了60亿吨,原位氯化钾储量为8.68亿吨,是全中国储量的十倍以上。项目所处的矿区运输条件好,水、电、气等配套供应设施十分完善,是世界钾肥生产成本最低的地区,具有极高的开采价值和巨大的资源储备战略意义,有条件建成中国境外特大型优质钾肥生产供应基地。Whereas: Canada Jinsheng Potash is a potash mining company in Saskatchewan, Canada. The company owns two potash mining rights in Saskatchewan, namely KL280 and KL282, located in the world's largest and most productive "Potash Commodity Mining Belt". At present, all detailed exploration work has been completed in the KL280 block, and the exploration results of the first phase of the block in an area of more than 80 square kilometers show that the potash resources in the area exceed 6 billion tons, and the in-situ potassium chloride reserves are 868 million tons, which is more than 10 times the reserves of the whole of China. The mining area where the project is located has good transportation conditions, water, electricity, gas and other supporting supply facilities are very perfect, and it is the area with the lowest potash production cost in the world, with extremely high mining value and huge resource reserve strategic significance, and has the conditions to build a large-scale high-quality potash fertilizer production and supply base outside China.

化工集团有限公司China Potash Chemical Group Co., Ltd. is

基于卖方在加拿大KL280区块建设钾肥工厂的各项准备工作已就绪,双方同意加快推进加拿大金圣钾肥项目发展的前提下,共同签署本十年期包销合同:每年交易的溢价以中国在加拿大钾肥谈判进口确定集采市场价格折扣为基准,以CFR交易模式为基础,基于不同交货的目的港和市场变化,交货目的港部分另行确认。Based on the fact that the seller's preparations for the construction of a potash plant in the KL280 block of Canada have been completed, and the two parties have agreed to accelerate the development of the Canada Jinsheng Potash Project, the two parties will jointly sign an offtake contract for this ten-year period: the premium of the annual transaction will be determined by China's negotiated imports of potash in Canada Based on the CFR trading model, the destination port of delivery will be confirmed separately based on the destination port and market changes of different deliveries.

鉴于:本合同为一项为期十年的期权交易合同,自签署之日起立即生效。买方需在完成供货准备前两个月确认【包销采购协议】SPA具体交货条款与条件。Whereas: This contract is a ten-year option trading contract and shall be effective immediately from the date of signing. The buyer is required to confirm the specific terms and conditions of delivery of the [Underwritten Purchase Agreement] SPA two months before the completion of the supply preparation.


鉴于本合同中包含的双方相互的承诺、协议、约定、利益及条款(双方之间严格保密),以及其他有价和有价值的对价,其利益在此得到确认,双方在此约定、同意并承诺如下: In consideration of the mutual commitments, agreements, agreements, benefits and terms contained in this contract (strictly confidential between the parties), as well as other valuable and valuable considerations, the benefits thereof are hereby recognized, and the parties hereby agree, agree and undertake as follows:

钾矿信息Potash information

本文中的氯化钾指加拿大金圣钾肥公司位于加拿大萨斯喀彻温省钾矿生产的产品,该钾矿信息如下:矿区信息:The potassium chloride in this article refers to the products produced by Canada Jinsheng Potash Fertilizer Company at the potash mine in Saskatchewan, Canada, and the potash mine information is as follows: Mining area information:

1号矿区地址:KL280,隶属加拿大金圣钾肥公司,矿区面积约为170平方公里; 2号矿区地址:KL282,其属性隶属加拿大金圣钾肥公司。No. 1 mining area address: KL280, belonging to Canada Jinsheng Potash Fertilizer Company, the mining area is about 170 square kilometers; Mining Area 2 is located at KL282 and its properties belong to Canada Golden Saint Potash Fertilizer Company.

预计投产产能:分别为1号矿区金圣项目总规模300万吨/年,2号矿区:300万吨/年;投产后卖方可进行销售的产品共计600万吨。 Estimated production capacity: 3 million tons/year for Jinsheng project in No. 1 mining area, 3 million tons/year in No. 2 mining area; A total of 6 million tonnes of products can be sold by sellers after production.

产品 products

2.1 卖方将对买方提供以下氯化钾,并确保货物的品质符合中国及国际市场要求。2.1 The Seller will provide the following potassium chloride to the Buyer and ensure that the quality of the goods meets the requirements of the Chinese and international markets.

标准级/精细级白钾(K20 ≥62%,水分≤0.5%,白色)标准级红钾(K20≥60%,水分≤0.5%,红色)颗粒级红钾(K20≥60%,水分≤0.5% %,红色)Standard/Fine White Potassium (K20 ≥ 62%, Moisture ≤0.5%, White)Standard Red Potassium (K20≥60%, Moisture ≤0.5%, Red) Granular Red Potassium (K20≥60%, Moisture ≤0.5%, Red)

2.2货物可自由流动且不含有害物质。货物质量由买方认可的国际独立商检公司出具的质量证明书证明。2.2 The goods are free to flow and do not contain hazardous substances. The quality of the goods is certified by a quality certificate issued by an international independent commodity inspection company recognized by the buyer.

包装 wrap

本合同项下的所有产品应按每袋1000公斤包装(又称吨袋或大袋)的规格进行包装,确保运输和装卸过程的高效和安全。All products under this contract shall be packed according to the specifications of 1000 kg per bag (also known as ton bag or big bag) to ensure the efficient and safe transportation and handling process.

为应对运输过程中可能出现的袋损或袋破,每艘船除正常货物外,需额外提供2%的空袋,以供更换使用。这些空袋的提供将有助于确保在任何情况下产品的完整性和包装的替换便利性。In order to cope with the possible bag damage or bag breakage during transportation, each ship needs to provide an additional 2% empty bag in addition to the normal cargo for replacement. The availability of these empty bags will help ensure the integrity of the product and the ease of replacement of the packaging in any case.

定价计算方式 How pricing is calculated

本合同的钾肥价格将以中国在加拿大市场的集中钾肥进口谈判成交采购价格为基准,该价格由双方认可的第三方市场研究机构提供。 每年,双方将根据市场情况对基准价格进行评估,The potash price under this contract will be based on the purchase price of China's centralized potash import negotiation in the Canada market, which will be provided by a third-party market research institute recognized by both parties. Each year, the benchmark price will be evaluated according to market conditions

买方需提前确认交货目的港,以便卖方根据目的港的市场情况进行价格调整。 The buyer needs to confirm the delivery port in advance, so that the seller can adjust the price according to the market conditions at the destination port.

卖方在价格调整时应提供市场价格变动的相关证明文件,并提前通知买方【以2024年中国进口钾肥大合同价格cfr集采价格为例】集中采购价格(加拿大主要港口)为:港口名字xxxxxxxxxxx The seller shall provide relevant supporting documents for the market price change when adjusting the price, and notify the buyer in advance [CIF at the contract price of potash imported from China in 2024r Centralized procurement price as an example] Centralized procurement price (major ports in Canada) is: Port name? xxxxxxxxxxx

4.4供货方折扣后价格(加拿大主要港口)为:按照钾肥进口谈判确定价格每吨优惠26美元/4.4. The supplier's discounted price (major ports in Canada) is: determined according to the negotiation of China's potash importsThe price is discounted by 2 6 US dollars per tonne.

买家要求以CFR交货方式需提前确认目的港,卖方负责将货物运送至买方指定的国际港口,并承担至该港口的运输费用The buyer requests a CFR delivery method that requires the advance confirmation of the port of destination, and the seller is responsible for delivering the goods to the international port designated by the buyer and assuming the cost of transportation to that port


5.1 加拿大萨斯喀彻温省 5.1 Saskatchewan, Canada

起运地和目的地 Origin and destination

起运港:加拿大主要港口 Port of Origin: Major ports in Canada

目的港:买家确认交货目的港 Port of destination: The buyer confirms the port of destination for delivery

某些目的地由于政府或国际贸易禁运或物流限制可能无法实现。买方可更改、新增或取消目的港口,前提是须在装船出发日期前至少三十(30)天通知卖方,因自然灾害致使港口无法作业的情况除外。买方保证产品不会直接或间接与任何被联合国禁止的国家、实体或目的地进行贸易。 Some destinations may not be possible due to government or international trade embargoes or logistical restrictions. Buyer may change, add new or cancel the port of destination, provided that Seller is notified at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of departure of the shipment, except in the event that the port is unable to operate due to a natural disaster. The Buyer warrants that the Products will not be traded, directly or indirectly, with any country, entity or destination prohibited by the United Nations.


7.1.本合同项下的交货基础为CFR,买方将提前确认目的港给卖方。7.1. The basis of delivery under this contract is CFR, and the Buyer will confirm the port of destination to the Seller in advance.

7.2.在卖方确认启动供货通知给买方后三(3)个工作日内,卖方和买方应商定一个提货时间表。确保一个或多个装货港能执行本合同是卖方的责任。如卖方通关遇到问题,卖方同意延长卖方的交货期限。7.2. Within three (3) business days after the Seller confirms the notification of the initiation of supply to the Buyer, the Seller and the Buyer shall agree on a delivery schedule. It is the responsibility of the seller to ensure that one or more ports of loading are able to execute this contract. If the seller encounters problems in customs clearance, the seller agrees to extend the seller's delivery period.

7.3.在买方支付保证确认后开始交付,考虑到日常和通常的紧急情况,时间表可能有轻微和合理的变动,交付期为120个月,除非本合同续签。7.3. Delivery begins after confirmation of the Buyer's guarantee of payment, taking into account the daily and usual emergencies, the schedule may be slightly and reasonably changed, and the delivery period is 120 months, unless this contract is renewed.

7.4.只要在提单日期后二十一(21)天内且在金融工具有效期内提供的航运文件均为有效。7.4. Shipping documents are valid as long as they are provided within twenty-one (21) days after the date of the bill of lading and during the validity period of the financial instrument.

7.5.发票目的的价格应根据经检验确认的净重确定。提单重量允许正负零点五百分比(+/-0.5%)的重量误差。7.5. The price for the purpose of the invoice shall be determined on the basis of the net weight confirmed by inspection. The weight of the bill of lading allows a weight error of plus or minus 0.5% (+/- 0.5%).

7.6.产品的交付应根据双方商定的提货时间表进行,每月使用尽可能多的船次或船舶以交付本合同要求的数量。7.6. The delivery of the Products shall be carried out in accordance with the delivery schedule agreed upon by the Parties, using as many ships or vessels per month as possible to deliver the quantities required by this Contract.

7.7.卖方应为每次装运向买方提供第11.2节中列出的文件。装运提单(B/L)日期应视为该装运的交货日期。7.7. The Seller shall provide the Buyer with the documents listed in clause 11.2 for each shipment. The date of the Bill of Lading (B/L) shall be deemed to be the date of delivery of that shipment.

7.8.卖方应至少在装货开始前五(05)天指定每艘船的装船时间。7.8. The Seller shall specify the loading time for each vessel at least five (05) days prior to the start of loading.

9.买方应至少在预计到达卸货港前五(05)天指定卸货港的船舶代理。9. The Buyer shall designate the shipping agent at the Port of Discharge at least five (05) days prior to the expected arrival at the Port of Discharge.

质量和数量评估 Quality and quantity assessment

8.1.卖方和买方在此同意,按本合同规定在装货港和目的港由SGS或类似权威机构负责评估产品的质量和数量。8.1. The Seller and the Buyer hereby agree that SGS or similar authorities shall be responsible for evaluating the quality and quantity of the Products at the port of loading and the port of destination in accordance with this Contract.

8.2.买方可以自行决定并自费在目的港进行额外检验,由上述权威机构负责。卖方有权自费监督这些检验。8.2. The Buyer may, at its own discretion and at its own expense, carry out additional inspections at the port of destination, which shall be the responsibility of the above-mentioned authorities. The seller has the right to supervise these inspections at its own expense.

8.3.在装货港和目的港进行的质量和数量评估应始终严格遵守评估当日生效的国际标准和程序,并且对双方具有最终约束力。如果在任何时间和任何情况下装货港和目的港的检验结果出现分歧,双方在此同意通过仲裁来做出适当的裁定,并接受其约束。 8.3. The qualitative and quantitative assessment carried out at the port of loading and the port of destination shall always be carried out in strict compliance with the international standards and procedures in force on the date of the assessment and shall be final and binding on both parties. In the event of a discrepancy between the results of the survey at the port of loading and the port of destination at any time and under any circumstances, the parties hereby agree to make an appropriate determination and be bound by arbitration.

保险 insurance

9.1 保险公司 – 双方共同认可的资质能力足以承担交易风险的并且有应对国际业务保险能力的公司。 9.1 Insurance Company – a company that is mutually recognized by both parties as having sufficient qualifications and capabilities to bear the risks of the transaction and has the ability to insure international business.

9.2 保险价值 - 保险金额应不低于发票金额的10%,包括运费(如果运费在装运时应付或在任何情况下应付),无论船舶和/或货物是否丢失,并包括买方需支付的任何战争风险保险费。 9.2 Insured Value - The insured amount shall not be less than 10% of the invoice amount, including freight (if the freight is payable at the time of shipment or in any event), whether or not the vessel and/or the cargo is lost, and includes any war risk insurance premium payable by the Buyer.

9.3 运费应急条款- 当运费在货物到达或真实交付时应付且保险不包括运费时,卖方应根据类似条款办理保险,该保险将在运费应付时生效,保额为运费加10%,直到上述条款中规定的风险终止,并确保其保单措辞,使买方在发生特定或共同海损索赔时,处于与从装运时即按CFR价值加 10% 投保的相同位置。 9.3 Freight Contingency Clause - Where Freight is payable upon arrival or actual delivery of the Goods and the insurance does not cover Freight Charges, Seller shall be insured on similar terms and such insurance shall be in effect at the time Freight is payable in the amount of Freight plus 10% until the termination of the risk set out in the foregoing clause and ensure that its policy wording puts Buyer in the same position as if it were insured at the CFR value plus 10% from the time of shipment in the event of a specific or general average claim.

付款及付款保证 Payment and Payment Guarantees


双方同意使用一年期循环信用证或备用信用证,作为支付信用保证。循环信用证将根据交货计划批次自动循环,确保每次交货的款项及时支付。 The parties agreed to use a one-year revolving letter of credit or a standby letter of credit as a credit guarantee for payment. The revolving letter of credit will be automatically recycled according to the delivery plan batch, ensuring that the payment for each delivery is made in a timely manner.

10.2银行付款安排 10.2 Bank Payment Arrangements

卖方在完成每批货物装运并提交相应单据后,买方的银行应在三个工作日内支付该批次货物金额的100%至卖方指定账户。 After the seller completes the shipment of each shipment of the goods and submits the corresponding documents, the buyer's bank shall pay 100% of the amount of the goods to the seller's designated account within three working days.

提交的单据包括但不限于装箱单、提单、发票和其他合同要求的文件。 Documents submitted include, but are not limited to, packing lists, bills of lading, invoices, and other documents required by the contract.


a银行支付延误:若银行未能按时支付货款至卖方指定账户,卖方有权暂停发货,并保留追索违约金的权利。 a) Bank payment delay: If the bank fails to pay the payment to the seller's designated account on time, the seller has the right to suspend the delivery and reserves the right to claim liquidated damages.

10.4违约金:违约金按逾期金额的每日0.05%计算,由银行或买方承担。 10.4 Liquidated damages: Liquidated damages are calculated at 0.05% of the overdue amount per day and shall be borne by the bank or the buyer.


买方应在每次付款前,向卖方提供银行付款确认函,确认款项已被转入卖方指定账户。 The Buyer shall provide the Seller with a bank payment confirmation confirming that the money has been transferred to the account designated by the Seller prior to each payment.

卖方在收到付款确认后,需在两个工作日内向买方提供装运单据的副本,以便买方进行后续的清关和接收安排。 Upon receipt of payment confirmation, the seller is required to provide a copy of the shipping documents to the buyer within two working days for the buyer to make subsequent customs clearance and receiving arrangements.






付款应以卖方提供的有效发票为依据,发票金额应根据经检验确认的净重确定,允许正负零点五百分比(+/-0.5%)的重量误差。 Payment shall be based on a valid invoice provided by the Seller, the amount of which shall be determined on the basis of the net weight confirmed by the inspection, allowing for a weight error of plus or minus 0.5% (+/- 0.5%).


所有款项应以合同中约定的货币支付,若需转换货币,买方应承担相关的汇率风险和费用。 All payments shall be made in the currency agreed in the contract and the buyer shall bear the associated exchange rate risks and costs in the event of a currency conversion.

交易流程以及所需文件 The transaction process and the required documents


买方和卖方:同意并签署十年期的包销协议,并将购销协议分别提交给各自的银行。 Buyer and seller: Agree to and sign the ten-year underwriting agreement and submit the purchase and sale agreement to their respective banks.

买方:指示其银行签发金融工具以保证购买。 Buyer: Instructs their bank to issue a financial instrument to guarantee the purchase.

卖方:指示其银行验证金融工具的有效性和真实性,并发出接受通知。 Seller: Instructs its bank to verify the validity and authenticity of the financial instrument and issue a notice of acceptance.

卖方:按照CRF价格(FOB+运费)条款。 Seller: According to the terms of CRF price (FOB + freight).

卖方:向买方的银行发送一个月供应量的氯化钾的货权证明(POP)。 Seller: Send a Certificate of Title (POP) for one month's supply of potassium chloride to the buyer's bank.

买方和卖方:同意在生产工厂和仓库进行现场检查。 Buyer and seller: agree to conduct on-site inspections at the production plant and warehouse.

买方:发出装船书面授权。 Buyer: Issue a written authorization for shipment.

卖方:装船并进行SGS检验,向买方发送完整的文件以供核查,并向买方开具货款发票。 i) 买方:根据条款11.2中描述的文件清单支付每批发货的货款。 Seller: Ship and SGS inspect, send complete documents to buyer for verification, and invoice buyer for payment. i) Buyer: Payment of the purchase price for each shipment in accordance with the list of documents described in clause 11.2.

j) 卖方:开始交货。 k) 买方:接收货物。 j) Seller: Commencement of delivery. k) Buyer: Receives the goods.

11.2. 卖方保证并证明,下列原始文件将在装载完成日期后的十(10)个银行工作日内由卖方银行通过快递方式寄送至买方银行:11.2. The Seller warrants and certifies that the following original documents will be sent by courier to the Buyer's bank by the Seller's bank within ten (10) banking days after the date of completion of loading:

三(3)份正本提单及三(3)份副本提单,标注“船上清洁”和“运费预付”。 Three (3) original bills of lading and three (3) duplicate bills of lading marked "Clean on Board" and "Freight Advance".

一(1)份正本质量和数量证书及三(3)份副本证书,由SGS或类似权威机构出具。 One (1) original certificate of quality and quantity and three (3) copies of the certificate, issued by SGS or similar authority.

一(1)份正本产地证书及三(3)份副本证书,由原产国的商会出具。 One (1) original certificate of origin and three (3) copies of the certificate, issued by the Chamber of Commerce of the country of origin.

三(3)份签署的商业发票正本及三(3)份副本,标明合同编号、货物描述、单价及总价、毛重/净重、运输条款(CRF)、海运提单编号。 Three (3) original and three (3) copies of the signed commercial invoice indicating the contract number, description of the goods, unit and total price, gross/net weight, Conditions of Carriage (CRF), ocean bill of lading number.

一(1)份装箱单正本及三(3)份副本,载明发货数量(±5%)。此装箱单不应交付给任何外部方。除了卖方发票外,第三方文件对双方均可接受。 One (1) original packing list and three (3) copies of the packing list showing the quantity to be shipped (±5%). This packing slip should not be delivered to any outside party. In addition to the seller's invoice, third-party documents are acceptable to both parties.

一(1)份保险单正本及三(3)份副本,保险金额为净发票价值的百分之一百一十(110%),涵盖所有风险。 One (1) original and three (3) copies of the insurance policy with an insured amount of one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the net invoice value, covering all risks.

一(1)份船公司声明正本及三(3)份副本,确认船龄不超过二十(20)年,且船只在劳氏船级社注册并获得LLOYDS 100-1 A或同等标准的船级认证。 One (1) original and three (3) copies of the carrier's declaration confirming that the vessel is not more than twenty (20) years old and that the vessel is registered with Lloyd's Register and certified to LLOYDS 100-1 A or equivalent.

以上每份文件应包含一(1)份正本用于收款,三(3)份不可转让的副本通过一流快递服务寄送至买方。Each of the above documents shall consist of one (1) original for payment and three (3) non-negotiable copies sent to Buyer via a first-class courier service.

11.3. 文字和排版错误以及银行出具文件之间的差异不应使这些文件无效,只要从上下文中能够明确理解其意图。 11.3. Typographical and typographical errors and discrepancies between documents issued by the Bank shall not invalidate these documents, provided that their intent is clearly understood from the context.

12.税费和关税 12. Taxes and Duties

卖方应全权负责本合同在装货国所产生的所有费用和支出,包括但不限于所有税收、港口费用、出口关税、滞期费等费用,且严格遵守ICC国际贸易术语解释通则(2020 版及其最新修订和修改)。 Seller shall be solely responsible for all costs and expenses incurred under this Contract in the country of loading, including but not limited to all taxes, port charges, export duties, demurrage charges, etc., and shall strictly comply with the ICC Incoterms (2020 Edition and its latest amendments and modifications).

买方应全权负责本合同在卸货国所产生的所有费用和支出,包括但不限于所有进口税、征费、关税、商业发票、其他适用税、领事费用、海关费用、进口清关费用、卸货港的滞期费等。买方应确保遵守所有相关法律法规,并承担因未遵守而产生的所有后果。 Buyer shall be solely responsible for all costs and expenses incurred under this Contract in the country of discharge, including, but not limited to, all import taxes, levies, duties, commercial invoices, other applicable taxes, consular fees, customs fees, import clearance charges, demurrage charges at the port of discharge, etc. The buyer shall ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations and shall bear all consequences arising from non-compliance.

买方必须具备所有必要的进口许可证和许可文件的书面档案,并在第一次装运前以及这些文件有任何更新和变更时将其副本发送给卖方,以确保卖方在交货时不面临任何法律风险。 The buyer must have a written dossier of all necessary import licenses and permitting documents and send copies of them to the seller prior to the first shipment and in the event of any updates and changes to these documents to ensure that the seller is not exposed to any legal risk at the time of delivery.

买方必须确保所要求的卸货港能够接收任何货运量,并提前确认该港口的接收能力,以防止到达船舶的过多滞期费和/或延误。 The buyer must ensure that the requested port of discharge is able to receive any volume of freight and confirm the receiving capacity of that port in advance to prevent excessive demurrage and/or delays arriving at the vessel.

滞期费应由主要商业发票确定且在合理范围内,并在此同意为五(5)个工作日,具体计算标准为每延误一天支付的金额为xxxx元。 Demurrage shall be determined by the Main Commercial Invoice and within a reasonable range and is hereby agreed to be five (5) business days, calculated at an amount of $xxxx for each day of delay.

产权和风险 Property Rights and Risks

已交付产品的所有权在相关风险根据《2020年国际贸易术语解释通则》(INCOTERMS 2020)CFR 条款及其修订版中规定的转移至买方之前,仍归卖方所有。已交付产品的所有权在相关风险根据《2020年国际贸易术语解释通则》(INCOTERMS 2020)CFR 条款及其修订版中规定的转移至买方之,归方所有Title to the delivered products remains with the seller until the relevant risks pass to the buyer in accordance with the provisions of the Incoterms 2020 CFR clauses and their amendments. Title to the delivered products shall remain with the buyer after the relevant risks pass to the buyer in accordance with the relevant risks set out in the terms of the C FR of the Incoterms 2020 and its amendments

任何在运输途中因船只原因造成的产品的损失或损害,必须由一级保险公司承保,保险公司将承担并支付所有此类损失和损害。Any loss or damage to the product caused by the vessel in transit must be covered by a Tier 1 insurer, which will cover and pay for all such loss and damage.

如果在卸货时接收港口造成产品的任何损失或损害,相关损失和损害应由买方承担In the event of any loss or damage to the Products caused by the receiving port at the time of discharge, the relevant loss and damage shall be borne by the Buyer.

不可抗力 force majeure

14.1.若因不可抗力导致无法履行或延迟履行本合同,即因《国际商会国际贸易术语解释通则》(ICC 14.1. In the event of impossibility or delay in performance of this Contract due to force majeure, it is due to the ICC Incoterms (ICC

2020版及其最新修订和修改)规则和法规中定义的超出双方合理控制范围的任何情况发生的任何事件,包括但不限于由于天灾、罢工、火灾、洪水、战争(无论是否宣战)、暴乱、材料破坏、不利天气导致的收中断、禁运风险、事故、任何政府当局(包括配额、征用、配额分配和价格控制)的限制等原因引起或导致的失败或延迟,任何一方均不对该等失败或延迟负责。2020 version and its latest amendments and modifications) rules and regulations as defined in any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the parties, including, but not limited to, due to acts of God, strikes, fires, floods, war (whether declared or not), riots, material damage, adverse weather disruptions, embargo risks, accidents, any governmental authority (including quotas, requisitions, quota allocation and price control), neither party shall be liable for such failure or delay.

14.2.任何一方在发生不可抗力事件时,应以书面形式告知另一方,描述事件的性质及预计持续时间。14.2. In the event of a Force Majeure Event, either Party shall inform the other Party in writing describing the nature and expected duration of the Event.

如果此类不可抗力事件持续超过通知日期后的三十(30)天,则卖方和买方应通过双方协商,同意暂停If such force majeure event continues beyond thirty (30) days after the date of the notice, the Seller and the Buyer shall, through mutual agreement, agree to a suspension

或取消本合同,在不损害各自责任、权利和义务的情况下终止履行,且不需就可能存在的损失进行赔偿。or cancel this contract and terminate the performance without prejudice to the respective responsibilities, rights and obligations, without compensation for possible damages.

3.由一个公认的有权机构出具的原始证明应视为声称的不可抗力及其持续时间的充分证据。3. An original certificate issued by a recognized authority shall be considered sufficient evidence of the alleged force majeure and its duration.

适用法律 Governing Law

15.1.本合同适用中国法律解释管辖应根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(UN Convention)进行解释和适用。15.1. This Contract shall be construed and governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China or shall be construed and applied in accordance with the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (UN Convention).

15.2.如果本合同与《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的条款存在不一致,则本合同应优先适用于《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》第39条。合理的解决期限应被视为五(5)个工作日。15.2. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of this contract and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, this contract shall take precedence over article 39 of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. A reasonable settlement period shall be deemed five (5) business days.

3.本合同进一步应按照中国法院的解释进行3. This contract shall further be carried out in accordance with the interpretation of the Chinese courts.

争端与仲裁Disputes and Arbitration

16.1.凡因本合同引起的所有争议,应首先通过友好协商方式解决。16.1. All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall first be settled through friendly negotiations.

16.2.如果无法达成友好解决,则争议应提交中国新加坡仲裁机构解决。本合同中的任何内容均不得解释为阻止任何法院对根据本条启动16.2. If an amicable settlement cannot be reached, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in China or Singapore. Nothing in this contract shall be construed to prevent any court from commencing action under this section

(或即将启动)的仲裁发布禁令、扣押令或其他类似救济。仲裁机构作出的裁决可以在任何有管辖权的法院登记。(or about to commence) arbitration to issue an injunction, garnishment order, or other similar relief. The award rendered by the arbitral institution may be registered in any court of competent jurisdiction.

3.即使发生争议并进入仲裁程序,双方均不得拖延履行其根据本合同应尽的义务。指定仲裁机构的裁决无上诉可能性,对双方有最终约束力。 3. Even in the event of a dispute and arbitration proceedings, neither party shall delay the performance of its obligations under this contract. The decision of the appointed arbitration institution is non-appealable and is final and binding on both parties.

16.4 争议应提交至中国或新加坡仲裁机构仲裁解决16.4 Disputes shall be submitted to arbitration in China or Singapore

违约金 Penalty

17.1.如果一方未能履行本合同中规定的义务,则另一方有权获得违约方支付的相当于合同总金额百分之二(2%)的赔偿,该赔偿应在违约发生后立即通过电汇支付给受损方。17.1. If one party fails to perform its obligations under this Contract, the other party shall be entitled to compensation paid by the breaching party in the amount of two percent (2%) of the total amount of the Contract, which shall be paid to the injured party by wire transfer immediately after the occurrence of the breach.

17.2.如果违约在十五(15)个日历日内未得到补救,受损方有权根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(第61-65条)对违约方采取法律行动。17.2. If the breach is not remedied within fifteen (15) calendar days, the injured party shall have the right to take legal action against the breaching party in accordance with the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Articles 61-65).

3.尽管有上述规定,受损方有权对迟延支付收取利息,并且不中断其因未付款而终止合同的权利。 3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the injured party shall be entitled to interest on the delay in payment without prejudice to its right to terminate the contract for non-payment.

项目进度告知条款 Project progress notification terms

18.1 卖方有义务每个季度向买方提供关于工厂建设和项目进度的详细报告。该报告应包括但不限于以下内容: 18.1 The Seller is obliged to provide the Buyer with a detailed report on the construction of the Plant and the progress of the Project on a quarterly basis. The report shall include, but is not limited to, the following:

工厂建设的当前状态和进展情况; the current status and progress of the construction of the plant;

预计的完成时间和任何可能的延误原因; estimated completion times and any possible reasons for delays;

相关的财务支出和预算执行情况; related financial expenditures and budget implementation;

其他与项目进展相关的重要信息。 Other important information related to the progress of the project.

买方有权随时要求卖方提供与工厂建设和项目进度相关的额外信息,并且卖方应在合理的时间内予以响应。 The Buyer shall have the right to request additional information from the Seller at any time relating to the construction of the plant and the progress of the project, and the Seller shall respond within a reasonable time.

卖方应确保所有提供给买方的信息真实、准确,并及时更新,以便买方能够充分了解项目的进展情况。 The Seller shall ensure that all information provided to the Buyer is true, accurate and up-to-date so that the Buyer is fully informed of the progress of the project.

买方应采取合理的措施保护保密信息的机密性,确保其员工、代理人和顾问也遵守相同的保密义务。 18.4 除非法律要求或政府机构的要求,买方不得在未获得卖方事先书面同意的情况下,向任何第三方披露保密信息。 Buyer shall take reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality of the Confidential Information and ensure that its employees, agents and consultants are subject to the same confidentiality obligations. 18.4 Except as required by law or required by a government agency, the Buyer shall not disclose Confidential Information to any third party without the prior written consent of the Seller.

18.5 本条款的保密义务自本合同签署之日起生效,并在合同终止后继续有效,直至保密信息不再被视为机密信息为止。 18.5 The confidentiality obligations of these Terms shall commence on the date of execution of this Contract and shall survive the termination of the Contract until the Confidential Information is no longer considered to be Confidential.


19.1.双方在此互相承诺不规避、避免或绕过对方以及任何和所有的中介,直接或间接。双方进一步同意本合同及其内容严格保密,并应以此方式对待。19.1. The parties hereby undertake to each other not to circumvent, avoid or bypass each other and any and all intermediaries, directly or indirectly. The parties further agree that this contract and its contents are strictly confidential and shall be treated as such.

19.2.双方在此接受并同意《国际商会保密协议》中的条款,适用于涉及本交易或后续交易附加条款、延期、续期、第三方转让的所有各方,并相互遵守。19.2. The parties hereby accept and agree to the terms of the ICC Confidentiality Agreement, which shall apply to and comply with each other by all parties in connection with the Additional Terms, Extensions, Renewals, Third Party Assignments in connection with this Transaction or subsequent Transactions.

19.3.除代表该方的银行官员外,任何一方如与另一方的银行进行任何未经授权的接触,该接触应被视为对本合同的干扰,并且在受损方选择下,可以作为终止本合同的理由。受损方有权对干扰方提出法律程序,要求因该干扰而造成的损失和损害。19.3. Any unauthorized contact between any party and the other party's bank, other than a bank officer acting on behalf of that party, shall be deemed to be an interference with this contract and, at the option of the injured party, may be used as a ground for termination of this contract. The injured party has the right to institute legal proceedings against the interfering party for loss and damage caused by the interference.

19.4.双方同意,本第十八条的条款自本合同签署之日起十(10)年内有效19.4. The parties agree that the terms of this clause XVIII shall be valid for a period of ten (10) years from the date of signing this contract


20.1. 买方保证,它已经并将继续尽最大努力避免任何可能有损卖方在本合同谈判、执行和履行过程中利益的行为。20.1. The Buyer warrants that it has done and will continue to do its best to avoid any actions that may be detrimental to the Seller's interests in the negotiation, execution and performance of this Contract.

20.2. 本合同包含双方之间的全部协议,将完全控制本合同中产品的购买和销售条款,并取代双方之间所有先前的口头或书面承诺、谅解、陈述、保证和协议。任何购买订单、合同、销售确认或任一方的其他文件中任何相反、不同或增补的条款均为无效,不具任何效力,本合同应优先于任何此类文件。20.2. This Contract contains the entire agreement between the parties, will have full control over the terms of purchase and sale of the Products in this Contract and supersede all prior promises, understandings, representations, warranties and agreements, whether oral or written, between the parties. Any contradictory, different or additional provision of any purchase order, contract, sales confirmation or other document of either party shall be null and void and shall have no effect and this contract shall prevail over any such document.

20.3. 本合同一经双方签署并通过传真/电子邮件传输或任何其他电子文件传输执行和交付,即具有效力和可操作性。接收方应视此类交付为文件的正本。双方同意通过传真/电子邮件签署的副本应具有与正本同等的法律效力。20.3. This Contract shall be valid and operable as soon as it is executed and delivered by fax/e-mail transmission or any other electronic file transmission by the Parties. The recipient shall treat such delivery as the original of the document. The parties agree that the copy signed by fax/e-mail shall have the same legal effect as the original.

20.4. 本合同的任何修改和补充,只有在以书面形式并由双方授权代表签署后,才有效。20.4. Any amendments and additions to this Contract shall be effective only if they are in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of both parties.

20.5. 没有另一方的明确书面同意,任何一方不得将本合同转让给任何第三方,但可以转让给该方的关联公司。20.5. Neither party may assign this Contract to any third party without the express written consent of the other party, but may assign it to that party's affiliates.

20.6. 本合同的所有文件和服务应使用英语进行,最终合同以英语版本为准。20.6. All documents and services of this Contract shall be conducted in the English language and the English version shall prevail in the final Contract.

20.7. 本合同编制为四(4)份硬拷贝正本,每方各保留两(2)份。20.7. This Contract shall be prepared in four (4) original hard copies, two (2) copies to be retained by each party.

20.8. 本合同适用于双方的所有子公司和关联公司,并包括和保护作为经纪人的中介公司。此外,本合同中包含的买方和卖方的任何信息将被严格保密,任何违反行为将导致本合同立即取消,并处以合同总价值百分之二(2%)的罚金。20.8. This contract applies to all subsidiaries and affiliates of the parties and includes and protects intermediaries acting as brokers. In addition, any information contained in this contract between the buyer and the seller will be kept strictly confidential, and any breach will result in the immediate cancellation of this contract and a fine of two percent (2%) of the total value of the contract.

20.9. 以下签字人已获得充分和合法的授权,代表方签订本合同,对各方具有约束力。20.9. The following signatories have been fully and legally authorized to enter into this contract on behalf of the parties and shall be binding on the parties.

20.10. 本合同规定、要求或允许的任何和所有通知或其他通信应以书面形式进行,并应在通过航空快递服务、挂号或注册邮件发送至本合同中所列的方地址后的第十(10)个银行工作日视为已充分给予并生效,或者按任一方不时以相同方式书面通知另一方的地址发送。在收到完全执行的硬拷贝正本之前,电子邮件形式的通知应为操作性文件,视为正本,且对方及其各自的法律代表、继任者和受让人具有法律效力和约束力,并应在任何与本合同相关的程序中作为证据。 20.10. Any and all notices or other communications provided, required or permitted by this Contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given and effective on the tenth (10) banking day after being sent by air courier service, registered or registered mail to the addresses of the parties listed in this Contract, or at the address notified in writing by either party to the other party from time to time. Pending receipt of the fully executed original hard copy, the notice in the form of an e-mail shall be an operational document, deemed to be the original, and shall be legally valid and binding on the parties and their respective legal representatives, successors and assigns, and shall be adjudicated in any proceedings relating to this contract.

21. 签字

21.1 双方共同希望执行本合同,本合同将根据谈判并完全执行的合同的管辖法律,对双方及其继任者和受让人具有约束力,并使其受益,且合同条款和规定在此达成一致。21.1 The parties wish to enforce this Contract in common, which will be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties and their successors and assigns in accordance with the governing law of the Contract as negotiated and fully enforced, and the terms and provisions of the Contract are hereby agreed.


加拿大金圣钾肥公司Canada Golden Saint Potash Fertilizer Company



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化工集团有限公司China Potash Chemical Group Co., Ltd


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