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Linus Torvalds Is Doing More ARM64 Linux Testing Now That He Has A More Powerful System

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  • Linus Torvalds Is Doing More ARM64 Linux Testing Now That He Has A More Powerful System
    Linus Torvalds 正在做更多的 ARM64 Linux 测试,因为他拥有更强大的系统

    Phoronix: Linus Torvalds Is Doing More ARM64 Linux Testing Now That He Has A More Powerful System
    Phoronix:Linus Torvalds 正在做更多 ARM64 Linux 测试,因为他拥有更强大的系统

    Linux kernel and Git creator Linus Torvalds is known for his current use of an AMD Ryzen Threadripper workstation as his main system after years of using Intel hardware. The past few years he's also been doing more ARM64 testing now that he has an Apple MacBook using Apple Silicon that serves as a nice travel device and for routinely compiling new ARM64 Linux kernel builds. More recently, his ARM64 Linux testing has increased now that he has a more powerful AArch64 system to complement his collection of routine gear...
    Linux 内核和 Git 创建者 Linus Torvalds 在使用 Intel 硬件多年后,目前使用 AMD Ryzen Threadripper 工作站作为他的主系统而闻名。在过去的几年里,他还进行了更多的 ARM64 测试,因为他拥有一台使用 Apple Silicon 的 Apple MacBook,可以作为不错的旅行设备并定期编译新的 ARM64 Linux 内核版本。最近,他的 ARM64 Linux 测试有所增加,因为他拥有更强大的 AArch64 系统来补充他的常规装备集合......

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    Phoronix、Linux 硬件评论、Linux 硬件基准测试、Linux 服务器基准测试、Linux 基准测试、桌面 Linux、Linux 性能、开源图形、Linux 操作方法、Ubuntu 基准测试、Ubuntu 硬件、Phoronix 测试套件

  • #2
    Where are Qualcomm brothers? Please follow Ampere's example and honor your promises.


    • #3
      I wonder how many companies / state-level actors send Linus hardware with a backdoor in it. If I were him I wouldn’t trust any hardware I didn’t buy myself from the next town over.
      我想知道有多少公司/国家级参与者发送了带有后门的 Linus 硬件。如果我是他,我不会相信任何不是我从隔壁城镇购买的硬件。


      • #4
        I was gonna yell RISCV but it got mentioned at the end XD
        我本来想喊 RISCV 但最后提到了 XD


        • #5
          Originally posted by EphemeralEft View Post
          最初由 EphemeralEft 发表 查看帖子
          I wonder how many companies / state-level actors send Linus hardware with a backdoor in it. If I were him I wouldn’t trust any hardware I didn’t buy myself from the next town over.
          我想知道有多少公司/国家级参与者发送了带有后门的 Linus 硬件。如果我是他,我不会相信任何不是我从隔壁城镇购买的硬件。
          If hardware has a backdoor it's not going to matter where you get it from, the backdoor will exist in all the hardware produced.

          Unless you mean that someone sent him a specially compromised system but even that wouldn't matter.

          Want to know why?

          Because I doubt the systems he uses for development work and testing are constantly connected to the internet and even if they were I would think he probably has his router configured so they can only access certain sites, like git.
          因为我怀疑他用于开发工作和测试的系统是否始终连接到互联网,即使是这样,我也认为他可能配置了路由器,因此它们只能访问某些站点,例如 git。

          The whole backdoor, compromised hardware and software angle is way overblown, most workstations are air-gapped or the network is configured to allow only certain IP addresses and certain ports in or out.
          整个后门、受损的硬件和软件角度都被夸大了,大多数工作站都是气隙的,或者网络配置为只允许某些 IP 地址和某些端口进出。


          • #6
            Originally posted by gfunk View Post
            最初由 gfunk 发表 查看帖子
            I was gonna yell RISCV but it got mentioned at the end XD
            我本来想喊 RISCV 但最后提到了 XD
            me too, but let's be honest riscv isn't quite to 1.0 yet, and it it IS just as fragmented by IP blocks as ARM.
            我也是,但说实话,riscv 还没有完全达到 1.0,它和 ARM 一样被 IP 块分割。

            BUT most of the riscv people seem to be aiming to mainline while ARM vendors only recently became serious about that, and it was the primary producers of ARM SoCs that blocked mainline in one way or another until recently... hello qualcomm, broadcom, etc. and then let's introduce the same(or similar ip blocks) in riscv vendors and their blobs that require EOL kernels...
            但大多数 riscv 人似乎都瞄准了主线,而 ARM 供应商最近才开始认真对待这一点,直到最近,ARM SoC 的主要生产商才以某种方式阻止了主线……你好,高通、博通等然后让我们在 riscv 供应商及其需要 EOL 内核的 blob 中引入相同(或类似的 ip 块)...

            EDIT: MAYBE later this year there will be some riscv 1.0 hw that can mostly be mainline... I went on the milkv oasis ticket line myself... hoping for modularity and something decent v. typical ARM stuff... e.g. slotted RAM, decent SATA, thought out PCIe(although it seems like a single slot right now although unfortunately the SoC is still apparently in flux...)
            编辑:也许今年晚些时候会有一些 riscv 1.0 硬件,主要可以是主线...我自己也上了 milkv oasis 票务专线...希望有模块化和一些像样的东西。典型的 ARM 东西...例如开槽 RAM、不错的 SATA、经过深思熟虑的 PCIe(虽然现在看起来像是一个单槽,但不幸的是 SoC 显然仍在不断变化......)

            As long as they do NOT give me fifty USBA ports, decent PCIe, SATA Ill be happy... they can keep the USB...
            只要他们不给我五十个 USBA 端口、像样的 PCIe、SATA 我就会很高兴...他们可以保留 USB...
            Last edited by cutterjohn; 14 May 2024, 10:21 PM.
            最后编辑者:cuttjohn; 2024 年 5 月 14 日,晚上 10:21。


            • #7
              Originally posted by sophisticles View Post
              最初由 sophisticles 发表 查看帖子

              If hardware has a backdoor it's not going to matter where you get it from, the backdoor will exist in all the hardware produced.

              Unless you mean that someone sent him a specially compromised system but even that wouldn't matter.

              Want to know why?

              Because I doubt the systems he uses for development work and testing are constantly connected to the internet and even if they were I would think he probably has his router configured so they can only access certain sites, like git.
              因为我怀疑他用于开发工作和测试的系统是否始终连接到互联网,即使是这样,我也认为他可能配置了路由器,因此它们只能访问某些站点,例如 git。

              The whole backdoor, compromised hardware and software angle is way overblown, most workstations are air-gapped or the network is configured to allow only certain IP addresses and certain ports in or out.
              整个后门、受损的硬件和软件角度都被夸大了,大多数工作站都是气隙的,或者网络配置为只允许某些 IP 地址和某些端口进出。
              It's anyone's guess how well his computer security is. But when a person has a high level of influence, hacking attempts can be much more sophisticated and targeted. It would definitely be a good idea to be cautious with any equipment that's received for free.


              • #8
                Originally posted by sophisticles View Post

                If hardware has a backdoor it's not going to matter where you get it from, the backdoor will exist in all the hardware produced.

                Unless you mean that someone sent him a specially compromised system but even that wouldn't matter.

                Want to know why?

                Because I doubt the systems he uses for development work and testing are constantly connected to the internet and even if they were I would think he probably has his router configured so they can only access certain sites, like git.
                因为我怀疑他用于开发工作和测试的系统是否始终连接到互联网,即使是这样,我也认为他可能配置了路由器,因此它们只能访问某些站点,例如 git。

                The whole backdoor, compromised hardware and software angle is way overblown, most workstations are air-gapped or the network is configured to allow only certain IP addresses and certain ports in or out.
                整个后门、受损的硬件和软件角度都被夸大了,大多数工作站都是气隙的,或者网络配置为只允许某些 IP 地址和某些端口进出。
                nice theory. But in practice that level of paranoia helps nothing if your attacker also controls the router and bypasses your fancy whitelist.

                Even airgapping helps little against a state level attacker, as we saw with iranian nuclear centrifuges selfdestructing. Only staying isolated from the world will keep you safe.
                Last edited by varikonniemi; 15 May 2024, 12:09 AM.
                最后由 varikonniemi 编辑; 2024 年 5 月 15 日,中午 12:09。


                • #9
                  Now how long until there is a powerful RISC-V system that attracts Torvalds' interest?
                  现在多久才会有一个强大的 RISC-V 系统引起 Torvalds 的兴趣呢?

                  Not long.  不久。

                  Milk-V Oasis with 16x SiFive P670 and 8x SiFive X280 is expected to ship to enthusiasts this year, significantly faster than any available ARM SBC.
                  配备 16 个 SiFive P670 和 8 个 SiFive X280 的 Milk-V Oasis 预计将于今年向爱好者发货,速度明显快于任何可用的 ARM SBC。

                  Otherwise, the (very powerful, competitive with AMD/Intel) Ventana Veyron V2 and Tenstorrent Ascalon are due this year.
                  除此之外,(非常强大,可与 AMD/Intel 竞争)Ventana Veyron V2 和 Tenstorrent Ascalon 将于今年推出。

                  SiFive has announced its P870 but seeing it on chips will take longer.
                  SiFive 已经发布了 P870,但在芯片上看到它还需要更长的时间。

                  Many others including Rivos and Qualcomm are working on their own very high performance implementations.
                  包括 Rivos 和高通在内的许多其他公司正在致力于自己的高性能实现。

                  RISC-V is inevitable.
                  Last edited by ayumu; 15 May 2024, 12:41 AM.
                  最后由 ayumu 编辑; 2024 年 5 月 15 日,中午 12:41。


                  • #10
                    All of the leading companies building to the different ISAs should really be providing systems to Linus, Greg, and probably several of the subsystem maintainers (or reimbursing them). In the grand scheme of things it would be an absurdly cheap investment for them to help with the quality of Linux on ARM / RISC-V / POWER / etc.
                    所有构建不同 ISA 的领先公司实际上应该向 Linus、Greg 以及可能的几个子系统维护人员提供系统(或向他们提供补偿)。从长远来看,对于他们来说,帮助提高 ARM / RISC-V / POWER / 等上的 Linux 质量将是一项极其便宜的投资。

