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Your Guide to Artela Renaissance Campaign

May 20, 2024


Dear Artelians,

The long-awaited Artela Network’s most extensive points campaign is here! We’ve named this event “Renaissance,” symbolizing our hope to bring everyone back to the golden age of crypto days. For more insights on the origins of this campaign, check out our founder Jerry’s blog, “Road to Renaissance.”

This blog will explain key terms and guide you through participating in the Renaissance Campaign.

Link to Renaissance: https://artela.network

About Renaissance

Renaissance is a large-scale incentive testnet campaign before the Artela TGE. It aims to unite community users, developers, and influencers to lay the foundation for the Artela ecosystem. The name “Renaissance” reflects our ambition to build an ecosystem using EVM++ technology to impact the next generation of crypto applications. The Renaissance Campaign is divided into three stages:

Stage 1: Cornerstone (May 20th to the end of June)

Stage 2: Enlightenment (early July)

Stage 3: Renaissance (early August)

In each stage, we have different themes and tasks to engage you with the Artela Network while you earn points. During the Renaissance stage, there are two types of points: On-chain Interaction Points (Stone) and Social Points (Crystal).

On-Chain Interaction Points: Stone

As the name suggests, Stone records user contributions to the Artela Network dApps. You can earn Stone by interacting with specific dApps during the Renaissance campaign. Stone is relatively scarce, with fewer opportunities and more challenging tasks. For example, here are the example for the ecosystem project ArtexSwap:

Step 1: Go to the “Cornerstone Quests” and find the task board for different ecosystem projects.

Step 2: Find ArtexSwap and click “Contribute.”

Step 3: You will see 2–3 sub-tasks for ArtexSwap. Complete them and click “Verify” to earn the corresponding Stone points.

Complete more on-chain interaction to gain more STONE points.

Social Points: Crystal

Crystal points are awarded for tasks related to promoting the Artela brand and community engagement. For instance, interacting with Ai Vinci daily, inviting new users through your referral link (5 Crystal, and following Artela Network on social media can earn you Crystal points.

Excited yet? After learning the basics, click on the website to start your journey! Here are a few tips from Ai Vinci:

  1. Stone and Crystal are independent point systems and cannot be exchanged.

  2. Initially, points are recorded in a centralised system and will not be on-chain. Detailed redemption processes and ratios will be announced later.

New Gameplay: Two Camps Competition for More Rewards

Wait, there’s more! Ai Vinci wants to introduce a new gameplay for the Cornerstone stage. Each participant will have a brief conversation with Ai Vinci in the Renaissance Vision mode, answering three questions to determine your trading style. Whether you’re analytical like Ai Vinci or a long-term believer like Michextralooong, there’s no right or wrong camp — just see who wins and earns more rewards!

How to Join a Camp?

After the trading style quiz in the Renaissance Vision mode, your wallet address will be tagged with your camp name until the end of Cornerstone. At the end of Cornerstone (expected by the end of June), we’ll tally the scores of both camps and the winning camp will receive a larger share of rewards.

Contribution Metrics:

1️⃣ — 30%: Number of wallets tagged with the camp name. 

2️⃣ — 40%: Total Stone & Crystal points contributed by all camp members. 

3️⃣ — 30%: Social media contributions, including but not limited to: the total number of hashtags (#AiVinci and #Michextralooong) on Twitter and the number of messages in the respective Discord channels.

We’ll publish the data for both camps weekly on Twitter during Cornerstone and announce the final results at the end.

Additional Rewards:

There will be extra rewards for camps, but we’ll keep it a secret for now🤐. Look forward to the team rewards for camp members!

Ready to start? Join us on this journey by following us on Twitter and joining our Discord community! Stay tuned for more exciting announcements!

