这是用户在 2024-6-19 22:42 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/word/ 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?


一、Single Choice

1.  _B____ refers to a company's ability to maintain and gain market share in its industry. 
1. _B____是指公司在其行业中保持和获得市场份额的能力。

A. Outsourcing B. Competitiveness
A. 外包 B. 竞争力

C. Self-service D. Empowerment
C. 自助服务 D. 赋权

2. The selection procedure usually begins with__D______  .
2. 遴选程序通常从with__D______开始。

A. employment tests   B. a medical examination  
A. 就业测试 B. 体检

C. a supervisory interview  D. completion of an application form
C. 监督面谈 D. 填写申请表

3. ___D___consists of the processes used to identify, encourage, measure, evaluate, improved, and reward employee performance at work.
3. 用于识别、鼓励、衡量、评估、改进和奖励员工工作绩效的___D___consists流程。

A. Compensation
A. 赔偿

B. Training and development
B. 培训和发展

C. Job design and Job analysis
C. 工作设计和工作分析

D. Performance management and appraisal
D. 业绩管理和考核

4. The two principal criteria for determining promotions are D .
4. 确定晋升的两个主要标准是 D .

A. seniority and salary B. knowledge and skills
A. 资历和薪资 B. 知识和技能

C. seniority and knowledge D. merit and seniority
C. 资历和知识 D. 功绩和资历

5. HR planning is____B____.
5. 人力资源规划is____B____。

A. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a job
A. 一种识别工作关键方面的技术

B.the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to 

achieve its strategic goals

C.the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing 

comprehensive plans to achieve these objectives

D. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm
D. 确定公司主要方向的过程

6. For which of the following jobs is direct observation not recommended to collect data used in a job analysis? C
6. 对于以下哪些工作,不建议直接观察以收集工作分析中使用的数据?C

A. assembly-line worker B. accounting clerk
A.流水线工人 B.会计文员

C. engineer D. receptionist
C.工程师 D.接待员

7. Assessing the degree to which what employees learned during the training program is translated into enhanced employee performance is known as C .
7. 评估员工在培训计划中学到的知识在多大程度上转化为提高的员工绩效被称为 C。

A. results evaluation B. reaction evaluation
A. 结果评价 B. 反应评价

C. behavior evaluation D. learning evaluation
C.行为评价 D.学习评价

8.The changing environments of Human Resource Management include the following except__D______.

A. work force diversity
A. 劳动力多样性

B. technological trends
B. 技术趋势

C. globalization
C. 全球化

D. great changes in the nature of work force

9. Performance appraisals are used most widely as a basis for C .
9. 绩效考核最广泛地被用作 C 的基础。

A. determining training needs
A. 确定培训需求

B. discharging decisions
B. 解除决定

C. deciding compensation
C. 决定赔偿

D. directing performance improvement
D. 指导绩效改进

10. Which of the following isnt a form of performance-based compensation? C .
10. 以下哪项不是基于绩效的薪酬形式?C .

A. piece-rate B. profit-sharing C. minimum wage D. lump-sum bonuses
A.计件工资 B.利润分享 C.最低工资 D.一次性奖金

11. Rebekah was hired soon after graduation and assigned to complete a management trainee program. She will move to various jobs each month for a nine-month period of time. Her employer is utilizing the __A___ form of training.
11. 丽贝卡在毕业后不久就被录用,并被指派完成管理培训生计划。在九个月的时间里,她每个月都会换各种工作。她的雇主正在利用__A___形式的培训。

A. job rotation B. understudy
A. 工作轮换 B. 替补

C. coaching D. special assignments
C.辅导 D.特殊任务

12. Which of the following compensation systems does not focus employee efforts on outcomes that are beneficial to both themselves and the organization as a 
12. 以下哪项薪酬制度没有将员工的努力集中在对他们自己和组织都有利的结果上。

whole? __C______.

A. profit-sharing plans B. employee stock ownership plans
A.利润分享计划 B.员工持股计划

C. hourly based pay systems D. skill-based pay systems
C. 按小时计薪制度 D. 按技能计薪制度

13. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are known as .C
13. 有时,组织会为被解雇的员工提供服务,帮助他们弥合旧职位和新工作之间的差距。这些服务称为 .C

A. downsizing programs B. “headhunting” assistance programs
A. 裁员计划 B. “猎头”援助计划

C. outplacement assistance D. employee assistance programs(EAPs)
C. 再就业援助 D. 员工援助计划(EAP)

14. Strategic HR management includes all but one of the following. Name the 
14. 战略性人力资源管理包括以下所有方面,但其中一项除外。将


A. Financial planning
A. 财务规划

B. Training and development
B. 培训和发展

C. Performance management
C. 业绩管理

D. Recruiting talent
D. 招聘人才

15. ___D_____is an important factor affecting how and why people choose to work at one organization over others.
15. ___D_____is影响人们如何以及为什么选择在一个组织而不是其他组织工作的重要因素。

A. Safety B. Training
A. 安全 B. 培训

C. Performance D. Compensation
C. 业绩 D. 薪酬

16. The job specification describes job requirements relative to __B______.
16. 工作规范描述了与__B______相关的工作要求。

A. skill and physical outputs            B. skill and physical demands
A. 技能和体力输出 B. 技能和体力需求

C. age and physical demands           D. experience and physical description
C.年龄和体质要求 D.经验和身体描述

17. . Key jobs have all of the following characteristics except __D______ .
17. .关键作业具有除 __D______ 之外的所有以下特征。

A. they are important to employees and the organization
A. 它们对员工和组织都很重要

B. they vary in terms of job requirements
B. 他们在工作要求方面有所不同

C. they are used in salary surveys for wage determination
C. 它们用于工资调查以确定工资

D. they are likely to vary in job content over time

18. Questions contained in structured job interviews should be based on __A____.
18. 结构化求职面试中包含的问题应基于__A____。

A. job analysis  B. job design  
A.作业分析 B.作业设计

C. job specialization   D. job utilization
C.工作专业化 D.工作利用率

19. __C___ is the procedures through which one determines the duties associated with positions and the characteristics of people to hire for those positions.
19. __C___是确定与职位相关的职责以及为这些职位雇用的人员特征的程序。

A. Job description B. Job specification
A. 职位描述 B. 职位要求

C. Job analysis D. Job context
C. 工作分析 D. 工作背景

20. Performance appraisal methods can be broadly classified as either _B____ , _____ , or _____ approaches.
20. 绩效评估方法大致可分为_B____法、_____法或_____法。

A. trait, behavioral, judgmental

B. trait, behavioral, results

C. behavioral, judgmental, results

D. behavioral, judgmental, attitudinal

21. Cultural environment includes all of the following except __C___ .
21. 文化环境包括除__C___以外的所有内容。

A. education/human capital
A. 教育/人力资本

B. values/ideologies
B. 价值观/意识形态

C. corporate structure
C. 公司结构

D. religious beliefs
D. 宗教信仰

22.___B___makes use of four means of changing behavior, labeled intervention strategies. The four strategies are positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, and extinction.

A. Immediate Confirmation
A. 立即确认

B. Behavior Modification
B. 行为矫正

C. Reinforcement
C. 加固

D. Intention to Learn
D. 学习意向

23. The ___C_____plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by 
23. ___C_____plan应包括吸引优秀候选人的计划

ensuring that the organization will become an ‘employer of choice’.

A. outplacement     B. evaluation
A. 再就业 B. 评价

C. recruitment     D. training
C. 招聘 D. 培训

24. The examination of the attitudes and activities of a companys workforce refers to C .
24. 对公司员工态度和活动的考察是指 C .

A. environmental scanning B. performing a trend analysis
A. 环境扫描 B. 进行趋势分析

C. performing a cultural audit D. behavioral modeling
C.进行文化审核 D.行为建模

25. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an 
25. 在确定培训重点时,应

examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is 

known as ___B___.

A. task analysis B. organization analysis
A.任务分析 B.组织分析

C. resource analysis D. skills analysis
C. 资源分析 D. 技能分析

26. If your primary objective for a performance appraisal is to give employees developmental feedback, which of the following appraisal methods should you use? C .
26. 如果你的绩效评估的主要目标是给员工发展反馈,你应该使用以下哪种评估方法?C .

A. trait method B. results method
A.性状法 B.结果法

C. behavior method D. attitudinal method
C.行为法 D.态度法

27. The aims of human resource planning in any organization might be the 
27. 任何组织人力资源规划的目标都可能是

following except___C_____.

A. Attract and retain the number of people required with the appropriate skills, 
A. 吸引并留住具有适当技能所需的人员数量,

expertise and competences

B. Reduce dependence on external recruitment when key skills are in short supply 
B. 在关键技能短缺时减少对外部招聘的依赖

by formulating retention, as well as employee development, strategies

C. Neglect the problems of potential surpluses or deficits of people
C. 忽视潜在的人口过剩或赤字问题

D. Develop a well-trained and flexible workforce, thus contributing to the 
D. 培养一支训练有素、灵活灵活的员工队伍,从而促进

organization’s ability to adapt to an uncertain and changing environment

28. ___B_____aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.
28. ___B_____aims通过将人员从一个工作转移到另一个工作或从一个部门转移到另一个部门来拓宽经验。

A. Job analysis   B. Job rotation
A. 岗位分析 B. 岗位轮换

C. Job satisfaction   D. Job involvement
C.工作满意度 D.工作投入度

29. Human capital of a firm include the following except D .
29. 公司的人力资本包括以下各项,但 D 除外。

A. the knowledge of a firm’s workers B. skills of a firm’s workers
A. 公司工人的知识 B. 公司工人的技能

C. the expertise of a firm’s workers D. the behavior of a firm’s workers
C. 公司员工的专业知识 D. 公司员工的行为

30. In most instances, who is in the best position to perform the function of 
30. 在大多数情况下,谁最有能力履行以下职能

appraising an employee’s performance? __B______

A. someone from the HR department
A. 人力资源部门的人

B. the employee’s supervisor
B. 员工的主管

C. the employee
C. 员工

D. co-workers
D. 同事

1.  B 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. B
1. 乙 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.B

6. C 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. C
6. C 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.C

11. A 12. C 13. C 14. A 15. D
11. 一个 12.C 13.C 14.一个 15.D

16. B 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. B
16. 乙 17.D 18.一个 19.C 20.B

21. C 22. B 23.C 24. C 25. B
21. C 22.乙 23.C 24.C 25.B

26. C 27. C 28.B 29. D 30. B
26. C 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.B

二、True or False

1.  Companies have historically looked at HRM as a means to contribute to profitability, quality, and other business goals through enhancing and supporting business operations. F
1. 公司历来将人力资源管理视为通过增强和支持业务运营来促进盈利能力、质量和其他业务目标的一种手段。F

2. The amount of time that the HRM function devotes to administrative tasks is decreasing, and its roles as a strategic business partner, change agent, and employee advocate are increasing. T
2. 人力资源管理职能部门用于行政任务的时间正在减少,其作为战略业务合作伙伴、变革推动者和员工倡导者的角色正在增加。T

3. Advances in technology have allowed HR services to be offered more on a self-service basis than in the past. T
3. 与过去相比,技术的进步使人力资源服务更多地以自助服务的方式提供。T

4.  HR functions related to areas such as employee development, performance management, and organizational development are outsourced most frequently. F
4. 与员工发展、绩效管理和组织发展等领域相关的人力资源职能最常外包。F

5. A core competency is a unique capability in the organization that creates high value and that differentiates the organization from its competitors.T
5. 核心能力是组织中创造高价值并将组织与竞争对手区分开来的独特能力。T

6.Jay Barney and others have focused on four factors that are important to organizational strategic accomplishments are: value, rareness, imitability and competitive.F
6.杰伊·巴尼(Jay Barney)等人关注了对组织战略成就至关重要的四个因素:价值、稀有性、可模仿性和竞争力。F

7.HR forecasting uses information from the past and present to identify expected future conditions.T
7.HR 预测使用过去和现在的信息来确定预期的未来条件。T

8.Companies are now more and more interested in using intangible assets and human capital as a way to gain an advantage over competitors. T

9. Stakeholders of a company are shareholders, the community, customers, employees, and all of the other parties that have an interest in seeing that the company succeeds. T
9. 公司的利益相关者是股东、社区、客户、员工以及所有其他有兴趣看到公司成功的各方。T

10.There are three levels of challenges for HR managers are : environmental challenges, organization challenges and individual challenges.T

11.  A company would select a defender strategy when it is competing in a stable market and has a well-established product.T
11. 当一家公司在稳定的市场中竞争并拥有成熟的产品时,它会选择防御者策略。T

12. Companies that adopt a prospector business strategy are likely to choose the bureaucratic organizational structureF
12. 采用探矿者业务战略的公司可能会选择官僚组织结构。F

13.Self-managed teams are responsible for producing an entire produce, a component, or an ongoing service . T

14. Job enlargement is an approach to job design that directly applies job characteristics theory to make jobs more interesting and to improve employee motivation. F
14. 工作扩大是一种直接应用工作特征理论使工作更有趣并提高员工积极性的工作设计方法。F

15. This is best done through job analysis, which is the systematic gathering and organizing of information concerning jobs .T
15. 这最好通过工作分析来完成,这是系统地收集和组织有关工作的信息。T

16, Job Duties and Responsibilities is a short statement that summaries the job’s duties, responsibilities, and place in the organizational structure.F

17. A logical extension of organizational commitment focuses specifically on continuance commitment factors, which suggests that decisions to remain with or leave an organization ultimately are reflected in employee absenteeism and turnover statistics.F
17. 组织承诺的逻辑延伸特别侧重于持续承诺因素,这表明留在或离开组织的决定最终反映在员工缺勤和更替统计数据中。F

18. The term that is currently used to refer to diversity management is diversity. F
18. 目前用于指代多样性管理的术语是多样性。F

19. The main complaint from female and minority employees is that they lack career growth opportunities. T
19. 女性和少数族裔雇员的主要抱怨是她们缺乏职业发展机会。T

20.Supervisors need to learn new skills that will enable them to manage and motivate a diverse workforce.T

21. On-the-Job training is by far the most commonly used form of training because it is flexible and relevant to what the employee is doing. T
21. 在职培训是迄今为止最常用的培训形式,因为它很灵活,与员工正在做的事情相关。T

22. It may be necessary to evolve information providers if the subsequent actions are highly interdependent and require coordination with the people providing the information. All three components (data, evaluation, and action) are necessary parts of a successful feedback system. T
22. 如果随后的行动高度相互依存,需要与提供信息的人进行协调,则可能需要发展信息提供者。所有三个组成部分(数据、评估和行动)都是成功的反馈系统的必要组成部分。T

23. The basic compensation that an employee receives, usually as a wage or salary, is called benefits. F
23. 雇员获得的基本报酬,通常以工资或薪金的形式,称为福利。F

24. The data or information that managers receive on how well employees are performing their jobs can be of three different types : Trait-based information; Behavior-based information; Results-based information. T
24. 管理者收到的关于员工工作表现如何的数据或信息可以分为三种不同的类型:基于特质的信息;基于行为的信息;基于结果的信息。T

25.There are three key components in developing job-based compensation plans : achieving internal equity, achieving external equity, achieving individual equity.T

26.Most human resources practices have little relevance for line managers. F

27. The division of human resource responsibilities for line managers and staff managers varies from organization to organization. T
27. 各组织对直线经理和人事经理的人力资源职责分工各不相同。T

28.Because HR managers function in a support role, their job knowledge needs to focus primarily on HR issues rather than the operating goals of the company. F

29. Conducting the job analysis is the sole responsibility of the HR specialist. F
29. 进行工作分析是人力资源专家的唯一责任。F

30. Job specifications describe the duties, tasks, and responsibilities performed on the job and therefore play a key role in performance appraisal. F
30. 工作规范描述了在工作中履行的职责、任务和责任,因此在绩效评估中起着关键作用。F

1.  F 2. T  3. T 4.  F 5. T
1. F 2.吨 3.吨 4. 女 5.T

6. F 7.T 8. T 9. T 10.T
6. F 7.T 8.吨 9.吨 10.T

11.  T 12. F 13.T 14. F 15. T
11. 吨 12.F 13.T 14.女 15.T

16. F 17. F 18. F 19. T 20.T
16. 女 17.女 18.女 19.吨 20.T

21. T 22. T 23. F 24. T 25.T
21. 吨 22.吨 23.女 24.吨 25.T

26.F 27.T 28.F 29.F 30.F


Job rotation 轮岗

Apprenticeship 学徒制度


Labor shortage 劳动力短缺

Critical Incident Technique 关键事件法

Embryonic stage 酝酿阶段

Environmental scanning环境扫描

Paternalistic culture家长式文化

Contingent worker临时工

Telecommuting 远程办公

Organizational structure 组织结构

Prospector strategy 探索型战略

Boundaryless organizational structure无边界组织

14.Job characteristic theory工作特征理论

Core competency 核心竞争力

Positive reinforcement正向强化

Involuntary absenteeism 非自愿缺勤
非自愿缺勤 非自愿缺勤

Sexual harassment 性骚扰

Panel interview 小组面试


labor shortage 劳动力短缺

Job rotation 轮岗


Retirement 退休
退休 退休


任务丰富化job enrichment

病假sick leave

结构化面试structured interview

标杆培训benchmarking training

强制分配法forced distribution

平权行动 affirmative action

任务丰富化job enrichment

任务分析job analysis.

自我管理团队 self-managed team

完全敌对的downright hostile

职场层级job hierarchy.

多方面评估multisource feedback

病假sick leave

39.工作满意度job satisfaction.

裁员 layoff.

绩效薪酬merit pay

组织承诺organizational commitment


Please discuss the elements of job description讨论任务描述的要素p37

identicationo information.
Identicationo 信息。

[2]job summary

[3]job duties and responsibilities.

[4]job specifications and minimum qulficatons

2、Please describe the methods of gathering job information.描述收集工作信息的方法。






⑤internet-based data collection

3、Please discuss the methods of job design工作设计的方法(p33)

①work simplification

②job enlargement and job potation

③job enrichment

④team-based job designs

4、Please discuss the use of job analysis.职业分析的作用(p35)



③performance appraisal


⑤training and career development

5、Please discuss the components of external environment in HR planning.请讨论人力资源规划中外部环境的组成部分。(p19)

①government influence

②economic conditions

③geographic and competitive concerns

④workforce composition and work patterns

6、Please summarize the processes of HR planning请总结人力资源规划的流程(p18)

7、Please define what diversity is in workplace 定义工作场所多样性(p51)

①race enthnicity and sex

②biological constraints and social roles

③a male-dominated corporate culture

④exclusionary networks

8、Please discuss the content and levels of training evaluation请讨论培训评估的内容和层次(p89)
8、Please discuss the content and levels of training evaluation请讨论培训评估的内容和层次(p89)





9. Please discuss the approaches of training.请讨论培训方法

[1]Onthe job training


[3]Cooperative training

[4]Classroom and conference training

10. Please demonstrate the hiring process 请演示招聘流程 p61




11.题请讨论选择面试的类型。 P69

1. Structured Interview
1. 结构化面试

2. Situational Interview
2. 情境面试

3. Behavioral Description Interview
3. 行为描述访谈

4. Nondirective Interview
4. 非指导性面试

5. Stress Interview
5. 压力面谈

6. Panel Interview
6. 小组面试

Please describe the definition of performance appraisal (PA) and who conduct in PA.请描述绩效评估(PA)的定义以及谁在PA工作
Please describe the definition of performance araisal (PA) and who conduct in PA.请描述绩效评估(PA)的定义以及谁在PA工作


Performance appraisal (PA) is the process of evaluating how well employees performt heir jobs when compared to a set of standards, and then communicating that informati on tothose employees.
绩效评估 (PA) 是评估员工与一组标准相比如何完成继承人工作的过程,然后将这些信息传达给这些员工。

Supervisors rate theiremployee.

Employees rate their superiors

Team members rate each other

Outside sources; Employee self-appraisal.

Multisource (360 ) appraisal.
多源 (360) 评估。

13. Please summarize the methods for appraising performance 总结绩效评估方法
13. Please summarize the methods for apprating performance 总结绩效评估方法


①category rating methods

②comparative methods

③narrative methods

④behavioral methods

⑤management by objectives(MBO)

14Please discuss the key components in developing job-bases compensation plan 以工作为基础的薪酬计划的关键组成部


①types of compensation

②base pay

③variable pay


⑤typical compensation responsibilities

15Please discuss at least 5 challenges when adopting pay-for-perfomance system.采用绩效薪酬制度的至少5个挑战。
15Please discuss least 5 challenges when adopting pay-for-perfomance system.采用绩效薪酬制度的至少5个挑战。


①the do only what you get paid for"

②unethical behaviors

③lack of control

④difficulties in measuring performance

⑤psychological contracts

⑥the credibility gap

⑦job dissatisfaction and stress

⑧potential reduction of intrinsic drives