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Mendelian Randomization

  1. Ewan Birney

+ Author Affiliations

  1. Deputy Director General of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and Director of EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Cambridge CB10 1SD, United Kingdom
  1. Correspondence: birney@ebi.ac.uk


Mendelian randomization borrows statistical techniques from economics to allow researchers to analyze the effects of the environment, drug treatments, and other factors on human biology and disease. Taking advantage of the fact that genetic variation is randomized among children from the same parents, it allows genetic variants known to influence factors like alcohol consumption or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels to be used as instrumental variables that can disentangle the effects of these factors on outcomes such as pregnancy or cardiovascular disease, respectively. There are caveats to analyses using Mendelian randomization and related techniques that researchers should be aware of, but they are increasingly powerful tools for solving problems in epidemiology and human biology.
孟德尔随机借用统计技术,从经济到允许研究人员分析的影响的环境、药物护理和其他因素对人类生物和疾病。 利用事实上,遗传变异为随机中的儿童同父母,它允许基因变异体已知的影响等因素的酒精消费量或低密度脂蛋白(低密度脂蛋白)一级被用作工具变量,可以解脱出来的影响,这些因素对结果(如怀孕或心血管疾病,分别为。 有警告,以分析使用的孟德尔随机化和有关技术的研究人员应该意识到,但他们越来越强大的工具,为解决问题的流行病学和人类生物学。

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Richard Sever interviews Joan Brugge
