Representative statements | Encode procedure |
| 初始概念 Initial concept | 子范畴 Subcategories |
不够圆滑,面对领导不会说话 Not tactful enough, unable to speak in the face of the leader | A1不够圆滑 The A1 is not sleek enough | B1个人性格 B1 Personal Character |
因为我自己本身不太活泼,做事的时候有点失控 Because I'm not very active myself, I'm a little out of control when I do things | A2个人不活泼 A2 is not lively | |
对工作时常感到枯乏无味 I often feel bored and bored at work | A3工作枯乏 A3 work is dry | B2工作环境 B2 working environment |
不喜欢工作内容 I don't like the content of the work | A4厌倦工作 A4 Tired of work | |
工作复杂繁重,自身的时间规划没有安排好,让我觉得内心非常的烦闷 The work is complicated and heavy, and my time plan is not well arranged, which makes me feel very bored | A5工作繁琐 A5 is tedious to do | |
工作难度比较大会有一种孤军奋战的感觉,然后有时候焦虑的时候会睡不着 The work is more difficult, there is a feeling of being alone, and then sometimes I can't sleep when I am anxious | A6工作难度大 A6 is difficult to do | |
工作要求高、量大、时间长,没有合理规划时间,增加了工作的紧张感和疲劳度 The work is demanding, large, and long, and the time is not reasonably planned, which increases the tension and fatigue of the work | A7疲于工作 A7 is tired of work | |
经常会特别忙,主要可能因为这个工作特性的原因 It is often very busy, mainly because of the nature of the job | A8工作特性 A8 operating characteristics | |
每天上班很早,要上九到十个小时,然后每天对着电脑,眼睛都累了 I go to work very early every day, I have to work nine to ten hours, and then I am tired from my eyes every day in front of the computer | A9工时较长 A9 has longer working hours | |
住的地方和上班的地方离得很远,每天上下班来回要两个小时,路上很堵 The place where I live and the place where I go to work is very far away, and it takes two hours to commute back and forth every day, and the road is very congested | A10通勤时间长 The A10 has a long commute | |
因为目标遥远有时就会很累 Because the goal is far away, sometimes it can be tiring | A11目标遥远 The A11 target is far away | B3个人能力 B3 Personal Ability |
个人能力不足、技能不娴熟 Lack of personal ability and skills | A12能力不足 A12 capacity is insufficient | |
不擅长工作,工作需要注意力高度集中,很消耗自己的精神 Not good at work, work requires a high degree of concentration, very draining of one's spirit | A13消耗精神 A13 consumes spirit | |
领导会施压一些工作任务感觉很累。 Leaders will press some work tasks and feel tired. | A14领导施压 A14 leads pressure | B4上级压力 B4 Superior Pressure |
身上背着很多别人的期望 I carry a lot of other people's expectations | A15肩负众望 The A15 shoulders the high expectations | |
处理事情的效率不高,顾虑比较多 The efficiency of handling things is not high, and there are many concerns | A16顾虑较多 A16 has more concerns | B5心理建设 B5 Psychological Construction |
自身的工作能力不够强,环境竞争的压力也比较大 Their own work ability is not strong enough, and the pressure of environmental competition is also relatively large | A17竞争激烈 The A17 is highly competitive | |
很多东西都自己亲力亲为而感到很累 I feel tired of doing a lot of things by myself | A18亲力亲为 A18 is hands-on | |
自己的付出没有得到应有的回报时,会感到非常的很疲惫,力不从心和很失落 When you don't get the due reward for your efforts, you will feel very tired, powerless and lost | A19劳而无功 A19 worked in vain | |
我的努力没有达到和我的收获没有达成正比,会觉得很累 If my efforts are not proportional to my gains, I will feel very tired | A20事倍功半 The A20 does more with less | B6严苛自己 B6 is himself |
会以比较高的标准去要求自己 I will hold myself to a higher standard | A21眼高手低 A21 eye high hand low | |
自己身上的责任比较多,需要完成的工作和生活中需要处理的事情都比较多 I have more responsibilities, more work to complete and more things to deal with in life | A22责任较多 A22 has more responsibilities | |
上级和自己都会给自己压力,自我压力、社会压力和家庭压力 Both superiors and oneself will put pressure on themselves, self, social and family pressures | A23外界压力大 A23 is under a lot of pressure from the outside world | B7绩效考核 B7 performance appraisal |
部门的组织绩效考核指标非常多,为了达成各种各样的绩效指标,需要开不同的会议 There are many organizational performance indicators in the department, and different meetings are required to achieve various performance indicators | A24组织绩效考核 A24 Organizational Performance Appraisal | |
因为想得到领导赏识、升职加薪,而焦虑、累 Because I want to be appreciated by the leader, promoted and raised, I am anxious and tired | A25焦虑升职 A25 anxious promotion | |
自己定的目标比别人要高而更加努力 Set yourself a higher goal than others and work harder | A26不甘后人 A26 is not to be left behind | B8个人要求 B8 personal requirements |
自我要求相对比较高,时常感到累 Self-requirements are relatively high, and I often feel tired | A27自我要求高 A27 is self-demanding | |
工作中的分工和职权不明,一个人需要除了完成自己本职工作之外,还承担非常多其他工作 The division of labor and authority at work is unclear, and a person needs to take on a lot of other tasks in addition to his or her own work | A28职权不明 A28 Mandate is unclear | B9管理困难 B9 is difficult to manage |
因为学生不听话,然后带两个班级,每天课程太多,导致就非常累 Because the students are disobedient and then lead two classes, there are too many classes every day, which leads to very tiredness | A29管理困难 A29 is difficult to manage | |
公司其他年纪大一点的同事经常会委托我帮助他们处理他们的工作 Other, older colleagues in the company often entrust me with their work | A30管理体系混乱 The A30 management system is in disarray | |
骨头里挑刺的那种感觉,所以就是每次遇到这种情况就很烦很烦 The feeling of being a thorn in the bones, so every time I encounter this situation, it is very annoying and annoying | A31挑毛拣刺 A31 picks and picks | B10标准严格 B10 standard is strict |
工作要求越来越精细化,标准越来越严格 The work requirements are becoming more and more refined, and the standards are becoming more and more stringent | A32标准严格 A32 standard is strict | |
注意力过度集中,从事一些需要注意力比较集中的事情所导致的短期的一种困乏 Excessive concentration, a short-term sleepiness caused by engaging in something that requires more attention | A33短期困乏 A33 Short-term fatigue | |
基本上事情要拖到最后面才会去做,很多事情都积压在一起 Basically, things have to be put off until the end, and a lot of things are piled up | A34临阵磨枪 A34 grinding gun | |
经常会加班,还是在晚上加班,眼睛对着电脑,眼睛特别的累,然后心也特别的累 I often work overtime, or at night, my eyes are on the computer, my eyes are very tired, and then my heart is also very tired | A35熬夜加班 A35 stays up late and works overtime | B11工作加班 B11 work overtime |
大年三十还在加班,就觉得很不开心,然后年后一下子加上来很多工作量 Chinese New Year's Eve was still working overtime, and I felt very unhappy, and then a lot of work was added at once after the year | A36假日加班 A36 overtime on holidays | |
每到年底的时候是最忙的时候,在回家之后,照顾小孩子方面也是非常忙 At the end of the year, it's the busiest time, and when I get home, I'm also very busy taking care of the kids | A37照顾家庭 A37 takes care of the family | B12兼顾家庭 B12 Balance the family |
既要照顾家庭,又想在工作上有所成就,所以就很忙碌 I have to take care of my family and want to achieve something at work, so I am very busy | A38兼顾家庭 A38 takes care of the family | |
在工作的过程中重复着,实际意义对我并不大的机械劳动,导致我时常麻木、疲惫 In the process of work, I repeated mechanical labor, which did not have much practical significance for me, and I was often numb and tired | A39机械劳动 A39 Mechanical Labor | B13机械工作 B13 mechanical work |
非常机械式的日复一日的工作会感觉非常累 Very mechanical day-to-day work can feel very tiring | A40机械工作 A40 mechanical work | |
工作的特殊性,医务人员的工作中的变动性很大,不能够完全的懈怠 Due to the special nature of the work, the work of medical personnel is very volatile, and they cannot be completely slack | A41工作特殊性 A41 work peculiarities | B14工作特性 B14 operating characteristics |
工作任务繁重,在企业中要处理大量的工作,比如说完成报告、数据分析、项目管理 The workload is heavy, and there is a lot of work to be done in the enterprise, such as completing reports, data analysis, and project management | A42工作任务繁重 The A42 has a lot of work | |
主要原因就是工作量特别大生活中就没有很长时间去满足自己的兴趣或者休息 The main reason is that the workload is very heavy, and there is not a long time in life to satisfy one's interests or rest | A43兴趣匮乏 A43 Lack of interest | B15缺乏兴趣 B15 lacks interest |
面对将近五百人的下属,分配工作方面总是很疲惫,没有时间休息,甚至有时接近崩溃 In the face of almost five hundred subordinates, it is always exhausting in terms of assigning work, there is no time to rest, and sometimes it is even close to collapse | A44缺乏休息 A44 lacks rest | |
不知道一天自己在忙啥,总是感觉工作时间不够用,很累很累 I don't know what I'm busy with in a day, I always feel that I don't have enough working time, and I'm very tired and tired | A45漫无目的 The A45 is aimless | B16迷茫随众 B16 is confused |
我在生活中觉得比较累,感觉人生没有方向,不知道自己在忙什么 I feel tired in life, I feel that I have no direction in life, and I don't know what I'm busy with | A46缺乏方向 The A46 lacks direction | |
现在的这种生活和工作,其实对大多数的人来说应该都是盲目的 In fact, this kind of life and work should be blind for most people | A47盲目跟风 The A47 blindly follows the trend | |
在工作时想着兼顾生活,而在生活的时又放不下工作,无法平衡两者的关系,容易本末倒置 When you want to take care of life at work, but you can't let go of work when you are living, you can't balance the relationship between the two, and it's easy to put the cart before the horse | A48难以平衡家庭和工作 A48 has difficulty balancing family and work | B17家庭琐事 B17 Family Trivia |
时间分配不平衡,经常的加班与家人和朋友之间的相处时间减少,而产生矛盾 There is an imbalance in the distribution of time, frequent overtime and less time with family and friends, resulting in conflicts | A49时间分配不平衡 A49 There is an imbalance in the allocation of time | |
孩子很小,家庭需要照顾,老人也比较多,双方父母都需要照顾,工作也比较累 The children are very small, the family needs to be taken care of, there are more elderly people, both parents need to be taken care of, and the work is more tiring | A50家庭琐事 A50 Family Trivia | |
我的工作和生活它的界限并不是很明确,导致下班的时候,同事和老板还会找我 The boundaries between my work and life are not very clear, and my colleagues and bosses will still look for me when I get off work | A51没有明确界限 The A51 has no clear boundaries | |
工作不轻松,在家的时候休息的不好,睡眠时间不够,导致白天精神状况不好 The work is not easy, the rest is not good when I am at home, and the sleep time is not enough, which leads to a bad mental condition during the day | A52睡眠不够 A52 doesn't get enough sleep | B18内卷严重 B18 involution is severe |
看到别人努力,自己很焦虑,大家用了大量的时间来加班、内卷,留给生活的时间就很少 Seeing others working hard, I am very anxious, and everyone spends a lot of time working overtime and involution, leaving very little time for life | A53内卷严重 A53 is seriously involuted | |
效率不够高,或者是自身掌握的知识有限 Not efficient enough, or you have limited knowledge | A54效率低下 The A54 is inefficient | B19欲望太多 B19 Too much desire |
欲望太多,我在意的东西比较多,总是想取得更好的成绩。 There are too many desires, I care more about things, and I always want to achieve better results. | A55欲望太多 A55 has too much desire | |
自己在接受到一个新的任务的时候,总是拖延不想去做 When I accept a new task, I always procrastinate and don't want to do it | A56严重拖延 A56 is seriously delayed | B20焦虑拖延 B20 Anxiety procrastination |
最近在备考这个考公考编,然后每天还要上班,身心都有很大的压力 Recently, I was preparing for this public exam, and then I had to go to work every day, and I was under a lot of pressure both physically and mentally | A57考公考编 A57 Public Examination Edition | |
瓶颈期很焦虑 The bottleneck period is very anxious | A58焦虑瓶颈期 A58 Anxiety bottleneck | |
与同事之间的配合会存在着勾心斗角,还有上下级关系处理不当,也会让人在工作中觉得很累 There will be intrigue and intrigue in cooperation with colleagues, as well as improper handling of the relationship between superiors and subordinates, which will also make people feel very tired at work | A59勾心斗角 A59 Intrigues | B21人际沟通 B21 Interpersonal Communication |
跟同事、朋友、房东的人际关系的相处,让我觉得很累,天天要戴上面具去迎合他们的喜好 Getting along with my colleagues, friends, and landlords makes me feel tired, and I have to wear a mask every day to cater to their preferences | A60人际沟通累 A60 Tired of interpersonal communication | |
工作中的琐事沟通不顺畅,还有就是生活中的一些小事情 The trivial things at work are not well communicated, and there are some small things in life | A61工作沟通不顺畅 A61 work communication is not smooth | |
生活上比较穷困以及和朋友的关系没有处的很好,在工作上经常会受到老板的指责 I live poorly and have a good relationship with my friends, and I am often blamed by my boss at work | A62经济紧张 A62: The economy is tight | |
我处理各种关系的时候就感觉特别累,因为人是社会人,不可能独立存在于社会之外 I feel very tired when dealing with various relationships, because people are social beings, and it is impossible to exist independently of society | A63疲于处理关系 A63 is tired of dealing with relationships | |
课后跟家长沟通,偶尔沟通比较无效的时候,其实也是会感到比较心累的 Communicate with parents after class, and occasionally when the communication is more ineffective, you will actually feel more tired | A64无效沟通 A64 Invalid communication | |
有时候和一些年轻人的人打交道,会让人感觉很心累,因为人际社会当中学会人情世故是难免的 Sometimes dealing with some young people can be very tiring, because it is inevitable to learn about the world in the interpersonal society | A65人情世故 A65 is sophisticated | |
工作中经常感到很累,这是因为工作压力太大了,生活节奏变快 I often feel tired at work, this is because the work pressure is too much, and the pace of life has become faster | A66生活节奏快 A66 is fast-paced in life | B22生活节奏 B22 Rhythm of Life |
我能经常感受到很忙很累,因为现在社会的生活节奏太快了,变化速度太快了 I can often feel very busy and tired, because the pace of life in society is too fast, and the speed of change is too fast | A67发展速度快 The A67 is developing fast | |
现在的压力非常的大,特别孩子还在上学,生活的成本每年都得增加,物价上升 The pressure is very high now, especially when the children are still in school, and the cost of living has to increase every year, and the price of goods has to rise | A68生活成本增加 A68 The cost of living increases | |
现在的节奏比较快,什么都追求效率,所以我必须高效的工作,所以会显得很累 Nowadays, the pace is relatively fast, and everything is efficient, so I have to work efficiently, so it will be tiring | A69追求效率 A69 pursues efficiency | |
大环境不好,之前上班的单位破产,需要重新去找工作,现在身上的债务令人感觉特别累 The general environment is not good, the unit I worked in before went bankrupt, and I need to look for a job again, and now I feel very tired of the debt | A70债务压力 A70 debt stress | B23外界压力 B23 External pressure |
现在大部分的就职要求是二十岁到三十五岁之间,我这个年纪有点大 Most of the job requirements now are between 20 and 35 years old, which is a bit old for me | A71年龄压力 A71 Age Stress | |
感觉生活和工作很累的原因是因为压力,生活压力,工作压力,各种压力 The reason why I feel tired from life and work is because of stress, life pressure, work pressure, all kinds of pressure | A72工作压力大 The A72 has a lot of pressure to work with | |
晋升岗位的原因导致自己需要很多时间 The reason for the promotion is that it takes a lot of time for me | A73晋升岗位 A73 promoted to a position | |
我从事宣传工作,宣传视频的剪辑及会议图片的后期工作,时间压力比较大 I am engaged in publicity work, editing promotional videos and post-production work of conference pictures, and the time pressure is relatively high | A74时间压力 A74 time pressure | |
面临期末考试、考专业证书、考研、课程压力较重,感觉很忙、焦虑、压力大 Facing the pressure of final exams, professional certificates, graduate school entrance examinations, and courses, I feel very busy, anxious, and stressed | A75学习压力大 A75 is stressful to study | |
因为学习而工作的压力太大,或者环境因素造成的。 The pressure of working because of studying is too great, or it is caused by environmental factors. | A76环境压力大 The A76 has a high environmental pressure | |
生活和工作上感到很累,还是从自己身上找原因,跟自己的性格有关系 I feel very tired in life and work, and I still find the reason from myself, which has something to do with my personality | A77自我内耗 A77 self-internal friction | B24内耗严重 B24 has serious internal friction |
因为我是i n f g,非常容易内耗,再加上被老师每天迫使学习,所以精神压力就会很大 Because I am an i-n-f-g, I am very prone to internal friction, and I am forced to study every day by the teacher, so the mental pressure will be very high | A78精神压力大 A78 is stressed | |
心里会比较焦虑现在所在的岗位能否支持我的生活,完全足够我用 I will be anxious about whether the position I am in now can support my life, which is completely enough for me | A79陷入负循环 A79 is stuck in a negative loop | |
因为我的心态还没有调整过来,还有自己的时间分配不太合理 Because my mentality has not yet adjusted, and my time allocation is not very reasonable | A80难以调整心态 The A80 struggles to adjust its mindset | |