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Accounting, Technology &
Competitive Aspects of the
Emerging Industry

Principal Sponsor: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
Co-Sponsors: CSC Index 合办方:CSC 指数
NYS Energy Research and Development Authority

Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy Series

Michael A. Crew, Editor

Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University
Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A.

Previously published books in the series:

Crew, M.: 船员,M.
Competition and the Regulation of Utilities
Crew, M., and P. Kleindorfer:
船员,M.和 P. Kleindorfer:
Competition and Innovation in Postal Services
Thompson, H.: 汤普森,H.
Regulatory Finance: Financial Foundations of Rate of Return Regulation
Crew, M.: 船员,M.
Economic Innovations in Public Utility Regulation
Crew, M., and P. Kleindorfer:
船员,M.和 P. Kleindorfer:
The Economics of Postal Service
Crew, M., and P. Kleindorfer:
船员,M.和 P. Kleindorfer:
Regulation and the Nature of Postal and Delivery Services
Oren, S. and S. Smith.:
奥伦,S.和 S.史密斯。
Service Opportunities for Electric Utilities: Creating Differentiated Products
Kolbe, A. L., W. B. Tye, and S. C. Myers:
科尔贝,A.L.,Tye,W.B.和 Myers,S.C.
Regulatory Risk: Economic Principles and Applications to Natural Gas Pipelines
Pechman, C.: 彼奇曼,C.
Regulating Power: The Economics of Electricity in the Information Age
Gordon, R. L.: 戈登,R.L.
Regulation and Economic Analysis: A Critique Over Two Centuries
Blackmon, G.: 布莱克蒙,G.
Incentive Regulation and the Regulations of Incentives
Crew, M.: 船员,M.
Incentive Regulation for Public Utilities
Crew, M.: 船员,M.
Commercialization of Postal and Delivery Services
Abbott, T. A.: 艾伯特,T. A.
Health Care Policy and Regulation
Goff, B.: 戈夫,B.
Regulation and Macroeconomic Performance
Coate, M.B. and A.N. Kleit:
Coate, M.B.和 A.N. Kleit:
The Economics of the Antitrust Process
Crew, M.: 船员,M.
Pricing and Regulatory Innovations Under Increasing Comptetition
Crew, M., and P. Kleindorfer:
船员,M.和 P. Kleindorfer:
Managing Change in the Postal Delivery Industries

Accounting, Technology & Competitive Aspects of the Emerging Industry

Edited by 编辑者
Shimon Awerbuch 西蒙·阿韦布赫
Energy Finance and Economics
Alistair Preston 艾利斯泰尔·普雷斯顿
University of New Mexico
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The virtual utility : accounting, technology & competitive aspects of the emerging industry / edited by Shimon Awerbuch and Alistair Preston.
虚拟公用事业:新兴行业的会计、技术和竞争方面 / 编辑:Shimon Awerbuch 和 Alistair Preston。
p. cm. -- (Topics in regulatory economics and policy ; 26)
页,厘米 -- (监管经济与政策主题;26)
Papers presented at the Symposium on the Virtual Utility, 1996, Saratoga Springs, New York.
1996 年在纽约州萨拉托加斯普林斯举行的虚拟公用事业研讨会上提交的论文。
ISBN 978-1-4613-7827-3 ISBN 978-1-4615-6167-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-6167-5
ISBN 978-1-4613-7827-3 ISBN 978-1-4615-6167-5(电子书)DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-6167-5
  1. Electric utilities--United States--Congresses. I. Awerbuch, Shimon. II. Preston, Alistair. III. Symposium on the Virtual Utility (1996 : Saratoga Springs, N.Y.) IV. Series. HD9685.U5V57 1997
    电力公用事业--美国--国会。一。阿韦布赫,西蒙。二。普雷斯顿,阿利斯泰尔。三。虚拟公用事业研讨会(1996 年:纽约州萨拉托加泉)四。系列。HD9685.U5V57 1997
333.793'2'0973--dc21 97-6293
333.793'2'0973--dc21 97-6293 的翻译结果是:333.793'2'0973--dc21 97-6293
Copyright by Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York in 1997 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1997
版权所有 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 由 Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York 于 1997 年首次出版 平装重印版 1997 年第一版
All rights reserved.  保留所有权利。
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photo-copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
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Printed on acid-free paper
To Erich and Lilly Awerbuch
给 Erich 和 Lilly Awerbuch


Sponsors and Participants ..... xi
赞助商和参与者..... xi

Contributors ..... xiii 贡献者 ..... xiii
Preface ..... xxi 前言..... xxi
第一部分 引言..... 1

Editor's Introduction and Reader's Guide to this Book ..... 3
编辑介绍和读者指南 ..... 3

Shimon Awerbuch 西蒙·阿韦布赫
第二部分:历史和战略视角:从垄断服务到虚拟公用事业..... 17

1 Consensus, Confrontation and Control in the American Electric Utility System: An Interpretative Framework for the Virtual Utility Conference ..... 19

Richard F. Hirsh 理查德·F·赫什
2 The Virtual Utility: Strategic and Managerial Perspectives: Welcoming Address ..... 43
虚拟公用事业:战略和管理视角:欢迎辞..... 43

Andrew Vesey 安德鲁·维西
3 Being Virtual: Beyond Restructuring and How We Get There ..... 57
3 虚拟化:超越重组和我们如何实现 ..... 57

Karl R. Rábago 卡尔·R·拉巴戈
第三部分 虚拟公用事业:规划和战略投资分析..... 69

4 The Virtual Utility: Some Introductory Thoughts on Accounting, Learning and the Valuation of Radical Innovation ..... 71
虚拟公用事业:关于会计、学习和激进创新的一些初步思考..... 71

Shimon Awerbuch, Elias G. Carayannis and Alistair Preston

5 Justifying Capital Investments in the Emerging Electric Utility: Accounting for an Uncertain and Changing Industry Structure ..... 97
在新兴电力公用事业中为资本投资提供合理性:考虑不确定和变化的行业结构..... 97

Raj Aggarwal 拉吉·阿加瓦尔
Discussion ..... 127 讨论..... 127
Richard S. Bower 理查德·S·鲍尔
第四部分 风险管理、选择和虚拟公用事业的合同..... 133

6 Integrating Financial and Physical Contracting in Electric Power Markets ..... 135
将金融和物理合同整合到电力市场中..... 135

Chitru S. Fernando and Paul R. Kleindorfer
Chitru S. Fernando 和 Paul R. Kleindorfer

7 Capacity Prices in a Competitive Power Market. ..... 175
7 个竞争电力市场中的容量价格。..... 175

Frank C. Graves and James A Read, Jr.
弗兰克·C·格雷夫斯和詹姆斯·A·里德 Jr.

8 Managing Risk Using Renewable Energy Technologies ..... 193
使用可再生能源技术进行风险管理..... 193

Thomas E. Hoff and Christy Herig

Discussion ..... 215 讨论..... 215
Mark Reeder 马克·里德尔
第五部分:工业组织、技术变革和对解除管制的战略应对。..... 221

9 Monopoly and Antitrust Policies in NetworkBased Markets such as Electricity ..... 223
9. 在基于网络的市场中,如电力市场,垄断和反垄断政策..... 223

William Shepherd 威廉·谢泼德
10 Services in an Unbundled and Open Electric Services Marketplace ..... 249
在一个非捆绑和开放的电力服务市场中提供的 10 项服务..... 249

Shmuel S. Oren and Dennis J. Ray

11 Technological Change and the Electric Power Industry: Insights from Telecommunications ..... 275
11. 技术变革与电力行业:来自电信业的见解..... 275

Bridger M. Mitchell and Peter J. Spinney

Discussion ..... 297 讨论.....297
Jan Hamrin 简体中文:Jan Hamrin
第六部分 网络架构和标准化..... 305

12 Interconnected System Operations and Expansion Planning in a Changing Industry: Coordination vs. Competition ..... 307
12 个互联系统运营和扩展规划在不断变化的行业中:协调与竞争..... 307

Marija D. Ilić, Leonard Hyman, Eric H. Allen, Roberto Cordero and Chien-Ning
Marija D. Ilić,Leonard Hyman,Eric H. Allen,Roberto Cordero 和 Chien-Ning

13 Rules of the Road and Electric Traffic Controllers: Making a Virtual Utility Feasible ..... 333
13 条道路规则和电动交通控制器:使虚拟公用事业成为可能..... 333

Fernando L. Alvarado 费尔南多·L·阿尔瓦拉多
Discussion-The Walrus and the Carpenter: Two Views on Network Services for Virtual Utilities. ..... 357
讨论-海象和木匠:关于虚拟公用事业网络服务的两种观点。..... 357

Hyde M. Merrill, Ramón Nadira and Steven J. Balser

第七部分 从垄断服务到虚拟公用事业..... 369

14 The Future Structure of the North American Utility Industry ..... 371
14 北美公用事业行业的未来结构..... 371

Michael Weiner, Nitin Nohria, Amanda Hickman and Huard Smith

第八部分 视角..... 391

15 The Bottom Line: A Summary and Analysis of the Virtual Utility Conference ..... 393
15 底线:虚拟公用事业会议的摘要和分析..... 393

Leonard S. Hyman 伦纳德·S·海曼
16 The Virtual Utility And Environmental Stewardship ..... 403
16 虚拟公共事业和环境管理..... 403

Carl J. Weinberg 卡尔·J·温伯格

A Volume of Papers from the Symposium on The Virtual Utility Saratoga Spring, N.Y., March 1996
纽约萨拉托加泉虚拟公用事业研讨会论文集,1996 年 3 月。

Advisory Committee 咨询委员会Richard Bower, Ph.D. 理查德·鲍尔,博士Tuck School, Dartmouth College
Paul Kleindorfer, Ph.D. 保罗·克莱因多夫博士Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
William A. Wallace, Ph.D.
Decision Sciences and Engineering Systems
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Michael Crew, Ph.D. 迈克尔·克鲁博士Rutgers University 罗格斯大学John Shank, Ph.D. 约翰·尚克,博士。Tuck School, Dartmouth College
Jane Weissman 简·韦斯曼Photovoltaics for Utilities,
Interstate Renewable Energy Council

Principal Sponsor:
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation,
Syracuse, N.Y.
CSC Index
NYS Energy Research and Development Authority
Other Sponsors:
Edison Electric Institute Technology Transition
Solarex \bullet AstroPower \bullet US Department of
Energy, Boston Office Robert O. Anderson Schools of
Management and The School of Public Administration,
University of New Mexico
Hosted by:
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Department of Decision Sciences and Engineering Systems,
Troy, NY


Raj Aggarwal, holds the Edward and Louise Mellen Chair in Finance, John Carroll University and specializes in strategic analysis. and international business. Dr.

Aggarwal is the author of twelve books and over fifty scholarly papers, serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Economics and Business, Financial Review and Journal of International Business Studies, and is the editor of Financial Practice and Education.

He has been an officer of the Financial Management Association, Financial Executives Institute, Eastern Finance Association, and the Academy of International Business, of which he is also a Fellow. Dr.

Aggarwal is a former Senior Fulbright Research Scholar and is listed in Who's Who in Finance and Industry.
Fernando Alvarado, is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison.

He is a Fellow, IEEE and an affiliate of the Power Systems Engineering Research Consortium His research involves transmission costing/pricing, power system operating limits, computational problems associated with large power systems, electromagnetic transients, voltage problems and the use of indices for the direct evaluation of system performance. Dr.
他是 IEEE 的会士,也是电力系统工程研究联盟的成员。他的研究涉及输电成本/定价、电力系统运行限制、大型电力系统的计算问题、电磁暂态、电压问题以及使用指标直接评估系统性能。

Alvarado also developed the partitioned inverse method, an important contributions to parallel computation.
Shimon Awerbuch is an independent economist (Nashua, NH) specializing in energy/regulatory finance and economics and a former member of the finance faculty at U.Mass-Lowell where he taught Corporate and Regulatory Finance and the Finance of Manufacturing and New Technology. Dr.
Shimon Awerbuch 是一位独立经济学家(来自新罕布什尔州纳舒厄市),专攻能源/监管金融和经济学,并曾任教于 U.Mass-Lowell 的金融学院,教授企业和监管金融以及制造业和新技术金融。

Awerbuch has authored or contributed several books and numerous articles in leading journals including the American Economic Review and the Journal of Regulatory Economics, and was the guest editor for a recent issue of Energy Policy devoted to the valuation of renewables.
Awerbuch 在多本书籍中担任作者或贡献者,并在包括《美国经济评论》和《监管经济学杂志》在内的主要期刊上发表了许多文章,并担任了最近一期《能源政策》的客座编辑,该期刊专门讨论可再生能源的估值问题。

He testifies in regulatory proceedings and recently presented his research to the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development.
Steven J. Balser received his BSEE, MSEE, and Ph.D. degrees in 1969, 1972, and 1974, respectively, all from Purdue University. He is the President of Power Technologies, Inc., Schenectady, New York. Dr.
史蒂文·J·巴尔瑟于 1969 年、1972 年和 1974 年分别在普渡大学获得了电气工程学士、硕士和博士学位。他现任纽约州斯克内克塔迪的 Power Technologies, Inc.公司总裁。

Balser specializes in the modeling, simulation, control and instrumentation of electric power systems. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.
巴尔瑟专注于电力系统的建模、仿真、控制和仪器仪表。他是 IEEE 的高级会员。
Richard S. Bower is the Leon E. Williams Professor of Finance and Managerial Economics Emeritus at The Amos Tuck School of Business Administration,
Dartmouth College. He has published nearly 100 papers on finance and regulation and recently contributed to the 1995 Handbook of Modern Finance.
达特茅斯学院。他在金融和监管方面发表了近 100 篇论文,并最近为 1995 年的《现代金融手册》做出了贡献。

He has been a Commissioner of the NY PSC, editor of Financial Management, President of the Financial Management Association and has testified extensively in regulatory proceedings.
Elias G. Carayannis is Assistant Professor at the School of Business and Public Management, George Washington University where he specializes in Strategic Technology Management. Dr.
Elias G. Carayannis 是乔治华盛顿大学商学与公共管理学院的助理教授,专攻战略技术管理。

Carayannis consults with Sandia National Laboratory's Alliance for Technology Entrepreneurship and other technology-based organizations. His Ph.D. in Technology Management and MBA in Finance are from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Carayannis 与 Sandia 国家实验室的技术创业联盟和其他技术型组织进行咨询。他的技术管理博士学位和金融硕士学位均来自伦斯勒理工学院。
Chitru Fernando, is a financial economist specializing in financial markets, international and corporate finance, public utilities and the energy sector.
Chitru Fernando,是一位专注于金融市场、国际和企业金融、公共事业和能源领域的金融经济学家。

He is on the faculty of the Freeman School of Business, Tulane University and has carried out research on the design of market-based mechanisms, focusing on issues such as privatization and incentives.

He has consulted with US and foreign power companies on pricing, regulatory and institutional issues associated with restructuring and privatization and has been an advisor to the World Bank on issues of global environmental financing.

He has published in the Journal of Regulatory Economics and the Energy Journal.
Frank C. Graves is a Principal at Brattle-IRI (Cambridge, MA). He has assisted in the design and implementation of major investment and contracting decisions, pricing policies, and planning models for major gas and electric utilities, and governmental and regulatory agencies.

He has published, testified and consulted extensively on capacity expansion risk analysis, transmission network modeling and marginal cost estimation, design and pricing of new services, the economics of unbundling, market entry, and new services.

His recent work focuses on lessons from the unbundling of natural gas pipelines. He has an MS with a finance concentration from the MIT Sloan School.
Jan Hamrin is a Principal with the Center for Resource Solutions/HMW International in San Francisco and formerly a Principal with Hansen, McOuat & Hamrin, Inc. Her research focuses on integrating renewables into the utility system.
Jan Hamrin 是旧金山资源解决方案中心/ HMW 国际的负责人,曾是 Hansen,McOuat&Hamrin 公司的负责人。她的研究重点是将可再生能源整合到公用事业系统中。

She is the Research Director for the National Council on Competition and the Electric Industry, where she oversees research related to restructuring. Previously, she founded and served as Executive Director of the National Independent Energy Producers' Association. Dr.

Hamrin co-authored two books for NARUC and has served with the California Energy Commission. Her Ph.D. (UC-Davis) is in Ecology with emphasis on public policy, environmental & energy programs.
Hamrin 与 NARUC 合著了两本书,并曾在加利福尼亚能源委员会任职。她在加州大学戴维斯分校获得生态学博士学位,重点研究公共政策、环境和能源项目。
Christy Herig is a Senior Utility Engineer at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory where she provides analytical and project management support for both the utility and state programs. Previously, while at Florida Power Corporation, she

provided special project management in all aspects of utility operations and successfully implemented programs in photovoltaics, electric vehicles, power quality, power electronics and interruptible service.
Amanda Young Hickman is Vice President in CSC Index's utility practice, where she focuses on competitive strategy, business growth and organizational transformation. Ms. Hickman has managed engagements in the US, Canada and Europe dealing with re-engineering, process centered management, strategic process redesign, product portfolio management and profitability drivers for telecommunications firms, public utilities and Fortune 100 manufacturers.
Amanda Young Hickman 是 CSC Index 公用事业实践部的副总裁,她专注于竞争战略、业务增长和组织转型。Hickman 女士在美国、加拿大和欧洲管理了与重组、过程中心化管理、战略过程重设计、产品组合管理和电信公司、公共事业公司和财富 100 强制造商的盈利驱动因素相关的项目。

She holds an MBA (Harvard Business School) and a BA from Princeton.
她拥有哈佛商学院的 MBA 学位和普林斯顿大学的学士学位。
Richard F. Hirsh is a Professor History of Technology and Science & Technology Studies at Virginia Tech and has been a Research Fellow at the Harvard University graduate School of Business.

He is the author of numerous papers as well as several books, including Technology and Transformation in the American Electric Utility Industry (Cambridge University Press, 1989), which describes the technological, managerial, and cultural reasons for the industry's problems of the 1970's.
他是许多论文和几本书的作者,包括《美国电力公用事业行业的技术与转型》(剑桥大学出版社,1989 年),该书描述了该行业在 20 世纪 70 年代出现问题的技术、管理和文化原因。

He is currently finishing a new book dealing with the utility system's further transformation since the 1970's.
他目前正在完成一本新书,讨论自 1970 年代以来公用事业系统的进一步转型。
Thomas E. Hoff is a Ph.D. candidate in Engineering-Economic Systems, Stanford University.

His dissertation, Investments Under Uncertainty, demonstrates that option valuation, dynamic discounted cash flow, and decision analysis must yield the result in the same value when applied to investments that are spanned by market traded assets. Mr. Hoff is a Principal, of Pacific Energy Group.
Leonard S. Hyman, is Senior Industry Analyst, Smith Barney Inc. and a widely recognized expert in the economics/finances of energy & telecommunications utilities.

Until recently he was head of the Utility Research Group and First Vice President of Merrill Lynch, where he supervised equity research on foreign and domestic utilities. Mr. Hyman has written and spoken widely on utility finance and deregulation; he has testified before Congress and has served on advisory panels for the OTA and NSF.
直到最近,他担任公用事业研究小组负责人和美林证券的首席副总裁,负责监督对国内外公用事业的股票研究。Hyman 先生在公用事业金融和放松管制方面有广泛的写作和演讲经验;他曾在国会作证,并在 OTA 和 NSF 的咨询小组中任职。

He is the author of America's Electric Utilities: Past, Present, and Future, co-author of The New Telecommunications Industry: Evolution and Organization and editor of The Privatization of Public Utilities.
Marija Ilic is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT and has been actively involved in teaching and research on large-scale electric power systems at three major universities.
Marija Ilic 是麻省理工学院的高级研究科学家,一直积极参与三所主要大学关于大规模电力系统的教学和研究。

She is a member of the MIT Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems and the MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research. Her interests are in the areas of control and network theory applications to large scale power systems.
Paul R. Kleindorfer is the Universal Furniture Professor of Decision Sciences and Economics at the Wharton School, holds an MBA from Wharton, with

concentrations in strategic management and decision sciences. Dr. Kleindorfer is the author or co-author of 10 books and over 100 research papers in the areas of managerial economics, quality and regulation.
战略管理和决策科学方面的专业集中。Kleindorfer 博士是 10 本书和 100 多篇研究论文的作者或合著者,涉及管理经济学、质量和监管领域。

He has consulted with regulated telecommunications and energy companies and has been a consultant on privatization and commercialization of state enterprises in Turkey and Eastern Europe. Dr.

Kleindorfer is Co-Director of the Wharton Center for Risk Management and Decision Processes.
Kleindorfer 是沃顿风险管理与决策过程中心的联合主任。
Hyde M. Merrill, Power Technologies, Inc. (Schenectady) specializes in power system state estimation, power plant maintenance scheduling, least-cost planning in the presence of conflicting objectives and uncertainty, and transmission access and wheeling. Dr.
海德·M·梅里尔,Power Technologies,Inc.(斯克内克塔迪)专注于电力系统状态估计,发电厂维护调度,存在冲突目标和不确定性的最低成本规划,以及输电通道和轮换。

Merrill has taught at MIT is a Fellow of the IEEE, a registered professional engineer and Executive Chairman of the 1995 Power Industry Computer Applications (PICA) Conference.
梅里尔曾在麻省理工学院任教,是 IEEE 的会士,注册专业工程师,也是 1995 年电力行业计算机应用(PICA)会议的执行主席。
Bridger Mitchell is a Vice President and Director of Charles River Associates Palo Alto office. His professional activities have focused on competition, pricing, and interconnection issues in telecommunications and the regulation of cable TV.

He has written four books, dealing with telecommunications competition and pricing, a comparison of European and US regulatory policy, and lessons from European peak-load pricing for US energy policy.

His previous work in network economics, measurement of technological change, estimation of multi-product cost functions and the assessment of market penetration rates after divestiture has direct relevance to current electric power issues.
Ramón Nadira received the degree of Electrical Engineer (with highest honors) from Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela, in 1979, and the MSEE and Ph.D. degrees in 1983 and 1989, respectively, both from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.
拉蒙·纳迪拉于 1979 年从委内瑞拉卡拉卡斯西蒙·玻利瓦尔大学获得电气工程学士学位(最高荣誉),分别于 1983 年和 1989 年从俄亥俄州克利夫兰凯斯西储大学获得电气工程硕士和博士学位。

He is currently a Senior Engineer in the Competitive Resource Planning Unit of Power Technologies, Inc., Schenectady, New York. His principal area of current interest is the strategic planning of modern electric power systems. Dr. Nadira is a Senior Member of the IEEE.
他目前是纽约州斯克内克塔迪的 Power Technologies 公司竞争资源规划部门的高级工程师。他目前主要关注的领域是现代电力系统的战略规划。Nadira 博士是 IEEE 的高级会员。
Nitin Nohria is an Associate Professor at the Harvard Business School and serves as a consultant to numerous firms. Professor Nohria is the co-author of Beyond the Hype: Rediscovering the Essence of Management, and author of Building the Information Age Organization, which examines the role of information technology in transforming organizations.

He also co-edited Networks and Organizations: Structure, Form, and Action, which deals with the emergence of network-like organizations.

He is currently investigating the dynamics of organizational change through downsizing, strategic alliances, and the impact of total quality management and re-engineering.
Shmuel S. Oren is Professor of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research at UC-Berkeley. He holds an MS from the Technion, and a Ph.D. in EngineeringEconomic Systems from Stanford. His research and consulting focus on the design
Shmuel S. Oren 是加州大学伯克利分校的工业工程与运筹学教授。他拥有以色列理工学院的硕士学位,以及斯坦福大学的工程经济系统博士学位。他的研究和咨询专注于设计

and analysis of pricing strategies in private and public sectors and regulated industries.

He has co-authored several journal articles and EPRI reports that lay the methodological foundation for product differentiation and unbundling of service attributes in the electric utility industry and has also published extensively on numerical optimization, nonlinear pricing, incentives design, IPP bidding and transmission pricing.
他与其他人合著了几篇期刊文章和 EPRI 报告,为电力公用事业行业的产品差异化和服务属性拆分奠定了方法论基础,并在数值优化、非线性定价、激励设计、独立电力生产者竞标和输电定价等方面发表了大量文章。

He has consulted with NEES, Niagara Mohawk, New Zealand ElectroCorp. and PG&E.
他曾咨询过 NEES、Niagara Mohawk、New Zealand ElectroCorp.和 PG&E。
Alistair Preston is Associate Dean and Professor of Accounting, Anderson Schools of Management, U. of New Mexico. He holds a Ph.D. from the U. of Bath, England. His areas of expertise include accounting and control systems, and management information systems. He has published in professional journals including Accounting Organizations and Society, Accounting Auditing and Accountability, and Accounting, Management and Information Technologies. Dr.

Preston has consulted to a variety of organizations including Sandia, Mobil Solar, & Lovelace Medical Center.
Karl R. Rabago has recently joined the Environmental Defense Fund where he will manage utility restructuring and renewable energy activities. Previously, Mr. Rabago served as Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, US Department of Energy, and as a Texas Public Utilities Commissioner. Mr. Rabago has also served as a professor of environmental & criminal law, Houston Law Center and as an officer, US Army, where he graduated the Airborne and Ranger schools and served on the West Point faculty. Mr. Rabago has been a prosecutor and defense counsel and an armored cavalry platoon leader.

He holds post-doctorate Master of Laws in Environmental Law (Pace U.) and in Military Law.
Dennis J. Ray is Assistant Professor and Co-Director of the Wisconsin Public Utility Institute, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison and formerly served with the Wisconsin PSC. Dr.

Ray has published numerous papers in such journals as Journal of Regulatory Economics, Utilities Policy and Transactions on Power Systems, and has contributed to several books.

His current research focuses on issues emerging from the restructuring of the electric industry and include Principles of Value-Based Power System Operation and Mixing Price and Reliability Signals for Efficient Power System Operation.
James Read is a Principal at Brattle-IRI (Cambridge, MA). His practice emphasizes the application of financial economics to corporate planning and management. Mr. Read is the author of Option Pricing for Project Evaluation: An Introduction (EPRI) and co-author of Utility Capital Budgeting Notebook (EPRI) and The Cost of Capital: Estimating the Rate of Return for Public Utilities,(MIT Press).
詹姆斯·里德是布拉特尔-IRI(马萨诸塞州剑桥市)的负责人。他的实践强调将金融经济学应用于企业规划和管理。里德先生是《项目评估的期权定价:简介》(EPRI)的作者,也是《公用事业资本预算笔记本》(EPRI)和《资本成本:估计公用事业的回报率》(MIT 出版社)的合著者。

He was formerly the Director of Financial Consulting with Charles River Associates. Mr. Read has a BS from Princeton and an MS with concentrations in finance and statistics from MIT's Sloan School of Management.
他曾是查尔斯河关联公司的金融咨询总监。Read 先生拥有普林斯顿大学的学士学位,以及麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院金融和统计学专业的硕士学位。
Mark Reeder, is an economist and Manager of the Regulatory Economics Section, New York State Public Service Commission. He has testified on issues of marginal cost, avoided cost, rate design, regulatory incentives, and policies concerning independent power producers. Mr. Reeder holds bachelor's (University of Florida) and master's (Brown) degrees in economics.
马克·里德(Mark Reeder)是一位经济学家,也是纽约州公共服务委员会监管经济学部门的经理。他曾就边际成本、避免成本、费率设计、监管激励以及独立发电厂商政策等问题作证。里德先生拥有佛罗里达大学的学士学位和布朗大学的硕士学位。

Prior to joining the Commission in 1979, he was at the Public Utility Research Center, Gainesville, Florida. Mr. Reeder has published papers and spoken widely on topics in the field of regulatory economics.
在 1979 年加入委员会之前,他曾在佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔的公共事业研究中心工作。Reeder 先生在监管经济领域的主题上发表了论文并广泛演讲。
William G. Shepherd is Professor and Chair at the Department of Economics, UMass-Amherst. Dr. Shepherd is the General Editor of the Review of Industrial Organization, and past president of the Industrial Organization Society.

His textbooks include The Economics of Industrial Organization, and Public Policies Toward Business. He has also published numerous joint volumes and some 80 articles and chapters in other books.
他的教科书包括《产业组织经济学》和《对企业的公共政策》。他还出版了许多合著作品,并在其他书籍中发表了 80 多篇文章和章节。

He has testified in a number of antitrust and regulatory cases, particularly on defining markets, assessing the degree of competition, and evaluating possible anti-competitive actions.
Huard G. Smith is a Managing Associate with CSC Index and a member of its global utility practice.
霍尔德·史密斯是 CSC Index 的一名管理合伙人,也是其全球公用事业实践团队的成员。

He has managed projects with major utility clients involving large-scale transformation efforts that include the design of operating strategies to guide these firms through the transition to a deregulated industry. Mr. Smith is coauthor of "Preparing for Industry Upheaval: Why America's Utilities Must Reengineer" (Electricity Journal, August, 1995) which is included in Leonard Hyman's The Privatization of Public Utilities.
他曾管理过与主要公用事业客户合作的项目,涉及大规模的转型工作,包括设计运营策略,引导这些公司过渡到一个去监管的行业。史密斯先生是《为行业动荡做准备:为什么美国的公用事业必须进行再造》(《电力杂志》,1995 年 8 月)的合著者,该文章收录在伦纳德·海曼的《公用事业的私有化》一书中。
Peter Spinney is Director of Resource Planning and Demand Management at Charles River Associates where he has directed resource planning projects for utilities and state regulatory bodies. Mr. Spinney is the architect of CRA's several electric power modeling tools.
彼得·斯皮尼是查尔斯河协会资源规划和需求管理部的主任,他负责指导公用事业和州监管机构的资源规划项目。斯皮尼先生是 CRA 多个电力建模工具的设计师。

He specializes in the application of advanced analytical techniques to quantify and understand the effects of uncertainty on utility generation and other capital budgeting decisions.

He has worked extensively in DSM program planning and evaluation, and developed and managed the Washington State Energy Office's resource evaluation team.
他在 DSM 计划规划和评估方面有丰富的工作经验,并且曾开发和管理华盛顿州能源办公室的资源评估团队。
Andrew M. Vesey is Vice President of Transmission, Entergy Corporation, New Orleans and former Vice President for Power Delivery, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation. Mr. Vesey is Chairman of Board of the Utility PhotoVoltaic Group, and a member of: The Director's Council, Lighting Research Center, EEI's Engineering and Operating Standards Advisory Committee, The Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation Utility DSM Liaison Group and the ASME. Mr. Vesey holds a BA, a BSME and an MS. He has spoken widely about restructuring, competition and the role of new technology.
安德鲁·M·维西是恩特吉公司(Entergy Corporation)的输电副总裁,位于新奥尔良,曾任尼亚加拉莫霍克电力公司(Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation)的电力传输副总裁。维西先生是公用事业光伏集团(Utility PhotoVoltaic Group)董事会主席,并且是以下组织的成员:照明研究中心(Lighting Research Center)董事会、EEI 工程和运营标准咨询委员会、亚太经合组织公用事业 DSM 联络组和 ASME。维西先生拥有学士学位、机械工程学士学位和硕士学位。他广泛发表关于重组、竞争和新技术角色的演讲。
Carl J. Weinberg is the Principal of Weinberg Associates. He previously managed PG&E's R&D program which focused on the introduction of renewable/efficiency technologies. Mr. Weinberg's interests are focused on sustainability issues and the

impact of technology on restructuring. He is a member of the Regulatory Assistance Project and serves on the Boards of the American Solar Energy Society and the American Wind Energy Association.

He has published in numerous journals including Scientific American, and was recently named Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Renewable Energy Policy Project, Univ. of Maryland.
Michael A. Weiner is Senior Vice President, CSC Index and head of the firm's global utility practice. He has worked with many major utilities in strategic analysis and re-engineering their core business processes.
迈克尔·A·韦纳是 CSC Index 的高级副总裁,也是该公司全球公用事业实践部门的负责人。他曾与许多主要公用事业公司合作,进行战略分析并重新设计其核心业务流程。

Prior to joining Index, he was a senior officer with John Diebold & Associates, a New York based management consulting firm. Mr. Weiner has a master's in business administration from Columbia University and a bachelor's in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
加入 Index 之前,他是纽约一家管理咨询公司 John Diebold & Associates 的高级职员。Weiner 先生拥有哥伦比亚大学的工商管理硕士学位和 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 的电气工程学士学位。


In the winter of 1996, after 4 years of planning and research, the Symposium on the Virtual Utility was held in Saratoga Springs, New York.
1996 年冬天,在经过 4 年的规划和研究后,虚拟公用事业研讨会在纽约州萨拉托加斯普林斯举行。

It was sponsored by Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, Co-sponsored by CSC Index and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and hosted by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
它由尼亚加拉莫霍克电力公司赞助,由 CSC Index 和纽约州能源研究与发展局共同赞助,并由纽约特洛伊的伦斯勒理工学院主办。

The symposium sought to identify new areas of inquiry by presenting cutting-edge academic and practitioner research intended to further our understanding of the strategic, technologically-driven issues confronting the electricity production and distribution process.

The program sought to offer new insights into rapid changes in the utility industry, in part, by examining analogues from manufacturing and telecommunications.
In addition to identifying new research areas, the symposium yielded a number of important findings and conclusions.

This volume contains the presented papers of the meeting, the discussant reports and two special papers prepared by the meeting rapporteurs who performed superbly in analyzing, synthesizing, explaining and generally bringing a cohesive perspective to the interesting yet complex set of ideas presented at this unique meeting.
We would like to acknowledge the people and organizations that contributed to this effort. We thank Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation and Albert Budney, its President & Chief Operating Officer for sponsoring this project, and Andrew Vesey, Vice President, whose vision, support and championing made this project possible. Mr. Vesey helped define the context for this effort and coined the term Virtual Utility. We thank our principal co-sponsors, CSC Index and NYSERDA and our other sponsors for their generous financial support.
我们要感谢为这项工作做出贡献的人和组织。我们感谢尼亚加拉莫霍克电力公司和其总裁兼首席运营官阿尔伯特·巴德尼为赞助这个项目,以及副总裁安德鲁·维西的愿景、支持和推动,使这个项目成为可能。维西先生帮助定义了这个工作的背景,并创造了虚拟公用事业这个术语。我们感谢我们的主要合作赞助商 CSC Index 和 NYSERDA 以及其他赞助商的慷慨资金支持。

We also thank our advisory committee who assisted in programming and manuscript selection, and William A. Wallace of Rensselaer for hosting the Symposium.
We are indebted to Jane Weissman, National Director of Photovoltaics for Utilities and Executive Director of the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, a longstanding colleague and friend, who contributed enormously to this project beginning with its inception in 1992. Finally, we thank Maryteresa Colello, Jennifer LaFrance and Paula Popson, all of whom attended to thousands of details and problems in order to make this volume possible.
我们对简·韦斯曼(Jane Weissman)表示感谢,她是公用事业光伏能源总监和州际可再生能源委员会执行董事,她从 1992 年开始就对这个项目做出了巨大贡献。最后,我们感谢玛丽特蕾莎·科莱洛(Maryteresa Colello)、詹妮弗·拉弗朗斯(Jennifer LaFrance)和宝拉·波普森(Paula Popson),她们处理了成千上万的细节和问题,使这本书得以出版。
Shimon Awerbuch 西蒙·阿韦布赫
Alistair Preston 艾利斯泰尔·普雷斯顿

Part I 第一部分

Introduction 介绍



Shimon Awerbuch 西蒙·阿韦布赫
Energy Finance and Economics


The Context: What Is the Virtual Utility?

The current transformation of the US electric utility industry is not dissimilar to the significant changes undergone by US manufacturers over the last two decades.

During this period the industry has changed radically by abandoning previous massproduction protocols and adopting flexible, computer-integrated or "just in time" manufacturing. A considerable body of literature has investigated this transformation. The virtual utility (VU) is a flexible collaboration of independent, marketdriven entities that provide efficient energy service demanded by consumers without necessarily owning the corresponding assets.

The VU becomes a metaphor for lean, flexible electricity production/delivery and flexible, customer-oriented energy service provision.
VU 成为了精益、灵活的电力生产/供应和灵活、以客户为导向的能源服务提供的隐喻。

The VU construct provides a context for examining the issues surrounding the current transformation of the industry in part by adapting and using important concepts developed in the "new manufacturing."
VU 构建提供了一个背景,用于审视当前行业转型的问题,部分原因是通过改编和使用在“新制造业”中开发的重要概念。

Background-Towards a Virtual Utility

New technologies, including solar/renewable resources and other modular options coupled with improved telecommunications capabilities suggest the possibility of fundamental changes in the electricity generation and delivery process.

These changes, which reflect the declining minimum scale of production facilities, involve a transition away from traditional, vertically integrated central-station sources to more flexible operations consisting of distributed generation, conservation and power purchase/futures arrangements.

Interestingly, these changes may be similar to those in manufacturing, where new information-based processes led to a shift away from mass production to more flexible, computer-integrated manufacturing often involving novel arrangements with other producers and suppliers.
The distributed-utility (DU) concept is a first step towards the broader virtual utility idea.

The DU integrates solar and other technologies into a network of "smartsubstations" that may more precisely meet demand for particular types of electric energy thus providing better flexibility and demand-supply balance than previous massproduction-based generation concepts which rely solely on large-capacity, inflexible, central station generators characterized by high transactions costs and irreversibility.
DU 将太阳能和其他技术整合到一个“智能变电站”网络中,可以更精确地满足特定类型电能的需求,从而提供比以前基于大规模生产的发电概念更好的灵活性和需求供应平衡,以前的发电概念仅依赖于容量大、不灵活的中央发电站发电机,其特点是交易成本高且不可逆转。

While under ideal conditions the central-station system may be able to provide power at lower average cost, an increasingly dynamic energy market calls such perceived advantages of this system into question.
While the DU offers a more flexible supply concept, it is not sufficiently broad to properly characterize the emerging utility organization.
尽管 DU 提供了更灵活的供应概念,但它并不足以充分描述新兴的公用事业组织。

The virtual utility (VU) idea, by contrast, seeks to shape an electric generation and delivery process that fully avails itself of the special attributes and complementarities of modular generating technologies thus representing a re-engineering effort in the sense of Hammer [1990] which seeks to design production around the new technology, as opposed to merging the technology into the existing processes.
虚拟公用事业(VU)的概念则试图塑造一个充分利用模块化发电技术的特殊属性和互补性的电力发电和传输过程,从而代表了一种重新设计的努力,即像 Hammer [1990]所说的,设计生产过程以适应新技术,而不是将技术融入现有流程中。

In order to reorganize around these new technologies utilities will need to develop new skills and capabilities. The reengineered utility may be a supply and distribution network that involves many smaller, minimum-cost corporate entities.

Some of its assets may be intangible, involving futures delivery and other contractual supply arrangements which, along with telecommunications support, combine to create a set of capabilities to meet specific customer energy needs.

It remains to be determined whether control of such a diverse organization leads to more or less centralization as compared to current dispatch control procedures.

Evaluating the VU's Benefits
评估 VU 的好处

Our ability to understand and evaluate the benefits of the virtual utility is impeded by several factors including the use of accounting-based cost definitions such as avoided cost and busbar costs which tend to ignore many of the risks and cost-drivers of utility generation, especially in competitive markets.

The benefits of newer renewable generating technologies, in particular, are not well understood. Potentially, these technologies

present a set of marginal cost and risk-return opportunities considerably different from those traditionally experienced in electric utility regulation.

In addition they present a variety of complementary benefits in the sense of Milgrom and Roberts, [1990] and, potentially, a set of capability options for service delivery in the sense of Baldwin and Clark [1991].
此外,根据 Milgrom 和 Roberts [1990]的观点,它们还提供了各种互补的好处,并且潜在地提供了 Baldwin 和 Clark [1991]所说的服务交付能力选项集合。

However, as is frequently the case with new technology, the full range of complementary benefits is precluded by existing organizational "threshold" structures [Baldwin and Clark, 1991] and production processes.

This leads to the problem that current evaluation methodologies, which use accounting schemes based on traditional generating technologies, ignore some of the broader benefits of solar and other modular technologies when they are deployed in an organizational setting designed to fully exploit their benefits.
The current utility resource evaluation process relies on present-value revenue requirements . For a given capacity addition, those technologies that meet the load with the with the lowest projected cost per are selected to the exclusion of others. Yet the largest single cost factor-generally fuel-is also the least predictable. The procedure is therefore roughly equivalent to buying stocks on the basis of which ones performed well yesterday.

Moreover, the current capacity selection process ignores some of the most important cost drivers and transactions costs, such as the likelihood of supplydemand imbalance (i.e.

excess capacity) attributable to a particular technology choice or the administrative costs of clean-air compliance.
Understanding the so-called "distributed-benefits" of modular generating technologies requires an evaluation of their particular attributes.

Some of the attributes already identified and, to some extent, evaluated in the literature, include: modularity; investment flexibility and reversibility; reduced or avoided transmission and distribution needs, and, for renewables, an absence of fuel-price risk.

Some of these benefits, especially those pertaining to avoided transmission and distribution costs, have been examined in the context of previous distributed utility analyses, including the Kerman Station Analysis [Wenger and Hoff, 1994].
其中一些好处,尤其是与避免传输和分配成本有关的好处,已在以前的分布式公用事业分析中进行了研究,包括 Kerman Station 分析[Wenger 和 Hoff,1994 年]。

Modularity/flexibility issues have also been studied in the context of the Kerman Station [Applied Decision Analysis, 1993] as well as more generally, [e.g.: Pindyck, 1991; Kaslow and Pindyck, 1994; Trigoris, 1993].
模块化/灵活性问题也在 Kerman Station 的背景下进行了研究[应用决策分析,1993 年],以及更一般地进行了研究[例如:Pindyck,1991 年;Kaslow 和 Pindyck,1994 年;Trigoris,1993 年]。

Limitations of Existing Accounting

The experience in flexible computer-integrated manufacturing, however, suggests that there exists another set of benefits which have not been examined. Some of these are difficult to evaluate given the traditional cost-accounting procedures used by utilities.

These procedures do not properly capture and reflect overheads and transactions costs as a function of technology and/or customers.

For example, solar-based generation may reduce fuel purchasing and inventory requirements and yield potential reductions in overhead and working capital.

In addition, it may enable the utility to more readily provide new or specialized differentiated services to meet specialized customer needs.
It is nearly impossible to evaluate such issues without revised accounting systems, such as activity-based-costing (ABC) which i) map costs to various utility outputs, as opposed to current systems, which view the utility as producing only one generic output-kilowatt-hours, and ii) capture overhead and transactions costs as a function of various technology choices.

For example, the planning and execution of large, central-

station resources entails significant cost-mostly in the form of overheads. Decentralized sources are more incremental in nature thus simplifying the planning process.

In order to understand this difference one need only examine the process by which local telephone companies upgrade and expand central office equipment; as compared to the planning of a large power plant, these are routine, low-level decisions made on an ongoing basis.

Purpose of This Book

Experience in manufacturing suggests that traditional engineering and accountingbased approaches to valuing radical innovations such as the VU are limited in that they fail to consider the full spectrum of benefits that new technologies may yield when fully exploited in a new production process.
制造业经验表明,传统的工程和会计为基础的评估方法对于评估像 VU 这样的激进创新是有限的,因为它们未能考虑到新技术在全新生产过程中充分利用时可能带来的全部益处。

The purpose of this symposium is to identify new areas of research by presenting new academic and practitioner research intended to further our understanding of the strategic, technologically-driven issues confronting the electricity production/distribution process.

This volume seeks to address a number of specific questions including:
  1. What models or experience from other industries (such as manufacturing) help us predict or better understand the nature and the ultimate benefits of flexible, decentralized generation under the virtual utility concept?
In the case of manufacturing, new value concepts were created in order to analytically understand some of the benefits of flexible, computer-integrated process technology including: i) the value of flexibility, ii) the cost quality, iii) the importance of throughput and iv) the value of strategic options.
在制造业的情况下,为了分析性地理解柔性、计算机集成的工艺技术的一些好处,创造了新的价值概念,包括:i)灵活性的价值,ii)成本质量,iii)吞吐量的重要性和 iv)战略选择的价值。

Similar concepts may be needed to value the VU.
可能需要类似的概念来评估 VU 的价值。
  1. What are the information and telecommunications requirements of the virtual utility? Does the VU increase or decrease the amount of central control and information processing needed?
  2. What organizational changes are needed to accommodate and fully exploit new technology under the VU concepts? What capabilities must be developed? Does the virtual utility have the potential of linking minimum-cost production facilities in an efficient manner?
    为了适应和充分利用 VU 概念下的新技术,需要进行哪些组织变革?需要开发哪些能力?虚拟公用事业是否有潜力以高效的方式连接最低成本的生产设施?
Experience suggests that new technology cannot be fully exploited absent significant organizational restructuring.

For example: the early 1960's office could not fully exploit word processing, which was originally installed in the office 'typing pool' and perceived simply as a better typewriter. It took nearly two decades to learn how to fully exploit word-processing technology. This involved significant value changes within the office.
例如:20 世纪 60 年代初的办公室无法充分利用文字处理技术,这项技术最初安装在办公室的“打字池”中,只被视为一种更好的打字机。需要近 20 年的时间才学会如何充分利用文字处理技术。这涉及到办公室内部的重大价值变化。
  1. What performance and other characteristics strategically differentiate flexible generation? What does the set of performance measures look like?
Photovoltaics and other modular technologies are conceived of and valued as simple substitutes for conventional, fossil-fired generation, much as the word-processor was conceived and initially used only as a typewritersubstitute.

The early 1960 's office relied on intermediation-secretaries and stenographers. In this environment it was not easy to imagine executives and professionals "keyboarding" themselves and sending messages directly through E-mail.
20 世纪 60 年代初的办公室依赖于中介人员-秘书和速记员。在这种环境下,很难想象高管和专业人士会自己"键盘输入"并直接通过电子邮件发送信息。

Indeed the formality of business communication of the era would have made the notion of E-mail-which affords direct informal access to virtually anyone-almost unimaginable.
In similar fashion, current efforts at valuing flexible generation and other new electricity production concepts conceive and value these in engineering terms, as substitutes for existing generation and distribution systems. This fails to incorporate new capabilities and strategic options that may be afforded by the VU.
同样,目前对灵活发电和其他新的电力生产概念的价值评估都是以工程术语来构思和评估的,将其视为现有发电和配电系统的替代品。这未能纳入 VU 可能提供的新能力和战略选择。
  1. Do existing accounting measurement systems favor traditional, central station technology over renewables?
Traditional cost-accounting systems, with their focus on direct costs, failed to identify some of the important benefits of new manufacturing process technologies such as computer-aided-design and computer-integratedmanufacturing.

It may therefore be reasonable to presume that utility accounting systems, which were largely designed to insure careful accounting of rate-base additions versus recoverable expenses [see: Awerbuch, Preston and Carayannis in this volume], are inadequate for understanding the ultimate benefits of the VU and its potential for reducing excess capacity, and reserve requirements.
因此,可以合理地假设,公用事业会计系统主要设计用于确保对基础费用增加与可收回费用进行仔细核算[参见:本卷中的 Awerbuch、Preston 和 Carayannis],对于理解虚拟化设施的最终效益以及其减少过剩产能和储备要求的潜力是不足的。
  1. Can the VU enhance the information-content of electricity thus producing fewer, "smarter" higher-value kilowatt-hours?
    VU 能否增强电力的信息内容,从而产生更少但更智能、更高价值的千瓦时?
Peter Drucker argues that global competitiveness in manufacturing has reduced labor and material content while raising the information content of manufactured products which creates greater value for consumers. Is there an analog for the VU?
彼得·德鲁克认为,制造业的全球竞争力降低了劳动力和材料的含量,同时提高了制造产品的信息含量,为消费者创造了更大的价值。VU 是否有类似的情况?
  1. What new capabilities and strategic options, if any, does flexible generation provide especially towards the provision of enhanced or differentiated services?
  2. What does the set of distributed benefits look like and how do we value these?


Part II: Historic and Strategic Perspective:
From Monopoly Service to Virtual Utility

1. Consensus, Confrontation and Control in the American Electric Utility System

Richard Hirsh sets the historic perspective for the works presented in this volume. His paper explains why the monolithic utility industry of the past can no longer function and why a highly diverse industry with distributed control makes sense.

Hirsh shows that, beginning with Edison and Insull, utility executives were able to manage and control new technologies, successfully incorporating them into the electric production/delivery system. The industry's growth, he finds, has always been tied to control over technology.

Beginning in the late 1960's, however, utilities began to lose control of new technologies so that for the first time new technology became a threat to the industry: technology made it possible for new suppliers to provide energy at lower costs than the traditional utilities.
从 20 世纪 60 年代末开始,然而,公用事业开始失去对新技术的控制,这是新技术首次对该行业构成威胁:技术使得新供应商能够以比传统公用事业更低的成本提供能源。

This sets the stage for a diverse industry with many participants and stakeholders including independent power producers and environmental activists.

2. The Virtual Utility: Strategic and Managerial Perspectives

The transformation in the utility industry is not dissimilar to changes in other industries as firms move from mass-production to the information age.

Andy Vesey argues that traditional utilities (and manufacturers) were mechanical-view organizations that efficiently operated mechanical conversion processes which transformed raw materials into finished products using energy and labor.

This fundamental process, which was the basis of the mechanical-age firm, is supported by deeply rooted organizational, accounting and management ideas.
The virtual utility, or indeed any other information-age firm, will be challenged by rapid changes in markets and technology.

In this environment information gathering and processing become highly important capabilities and, argues Vesey, firms that can best process and synthesize new information to develop market opportunities will be the "winners." 4 This information environment requires new cognitiveview organizational structures which can capitalize on emerging information and market opportunities.
在这种环境下,信息收集和处理成为非常重要的能力,并且 Vesey 认为,能够最好地处理和综合新信息以开发市场机会的公司将成为“赢家”。这种信息环境需要新的认知视角组织结构,能够利用新兴的信息和市场机会。

Here success is not measured in terms of traditional engineering input-output efficiency, but in terms of the speed and quality of decisionmaking.

3. Being Virtual: Beyond Utility Restructuring and How We Get There
3. 虚拟化:超越实用性重组及其实现方式

A number of rapidly converging trends, including growing global electricity demand, deregulation, dematerialization, the information explosion, environmentalism, population growth and technological innovation are shaping the utility industry's future.

Karl Rabago explores the "convergence zone" of these major trends and finds that "virtualness" is indeed consistent with more innovative, customer focused service which delivers less energy with more information content.

Rabago outlines the regulatory agenda for "getting there," which includes: i) proper cost allocation for stranded investment, ii) restructuring regulatory institutions, iii) addressing the public-goods aspects of the utility system, iv) instituting industry structures that ensure technological progress, and v) addressing market imperfections.

Part III. The Virtual Utility: Planning And Strategic Investment Analysis

This chapter examines the investment valuation procedures used by utilities in light of the recent changes in manufacturing where the industry has moved towards flexible, information based process technology.

American manufacturers, however, were late in adopting new technologies, in part because traditional project valuation analyses generally found that these were not cost effective-a result that, with hindsight, was incorrect.

The manufacturing experience therefore offers important lessons regarding the valuation of radically new technological and organizational options in electricity production and delivery.
Awerbuch, Preston and Carayannis (APC) observe that traditional project valuation (capital budgeting) tools proved to be relatively useless in helping manufacturers understand the true benefits of new production technologies and processes, in large measure because the valuation tools focus on direct cost savings in labor and materials.
Awerbuch、Preston 和 Carayannis(APC)观察到,传统的项目估值(资本预算)工具在帮助制造商理解新生产技术和流程的真正好处方面相对无用,主要是因为估值工具侧重于劳动力和材料的直接成本节省。

While this cash-flow approach worked reasonably well for the previous half century, new passive, information-based production technologies often do not provide direct cost savings and hence do not lend themselves to this type of valuation.

Rather, their benefits are in the form of reduced overheads and better quality.

In addition, such technologies usually enhance flexibility by enabling rapid response to fast changing market conditions and customer preferences.

Finally, the new technologies often produce strategic capability options which allow firms to invest in subsequent technologies at a lower cost, or to develop capabilities to serve new market and customers not previously envisioned.
Raj Aggarwal explicitly incorporates such strategic option values in an enhanced technology valuation model and provides a highly readable and useful review of theoretical issues affecting the valuation of new technology.
Raj Aggarwal 在增强的技术估值模型中明确地纳入了这种战略选择价值,并对影响新技术估值的理论问题进行了高度可读且有用的回顾。

His paper thus gives us an analytic framework for valuing non-traditional benefits.

APC, by contrast, argue that such benefits are nearly impossible to measure because traditional cost accounting does not recognize or record the cost (or activity centers) dealing with outputs such as "added capability," "flexibility" or "quality." Indeed new computer based manufacturing technologies were fully understood only after accounting and other concepts were created to explicitly express these benefits.
相比之下,APC 认为这些好处几乎不可能进行衡量,因为传统的成本会计不承认或记录与“增加能力”,“灵活性”或“质量”等输出相关的成本(或活动中心)。事实上,只有在创建用于明确表达这些好处的会计和其他概念之后,人们才完全理解了新的基于计算机的制造技术。

Drawing on these lessons APC and Aggarwal both suggest qualitative approaches and further research to better understand such benefits.
借鉴这些经验,APC 和 Aggarwal 都建议采用定性方法和进一步研究,以更好地理解这些好处。

Part IV. Risk Management, Options and Contracting for a Virtual Utility'

6. Integrating Financial and Physical Contracting in Electric Power Markets

Chitru Fenrnando and Paul Kleindorfer explore a novel aspect of this issue: can new electric options and futures help short and long run decision-making in an open-access transmission grid.
Chitru Fenrnando 和 Paul Kleindorfer 探索了这个问题的一个新颖方面:新的电动选择和未来是否可以帮助开放式传输电网的短期和长期决策。

The VU idea requires that large numbers of power producers be able to access transmission and possibly distribution networks, and that an independent system operator (ISO) will be responsible for ensuring that the network functions properly.
VU 理念要求大量的发电厂能够接入输电和可能的配电网络,并且独立的系统运营商(ISO)将负责确保网络正常运行。

Concurrently, increasing availability of financial options and futures in electricity markets creates new possibilities for managing both short and long term power needs on the grid.

Fernando and Kleindorfer demonstrate that currently conceived structures which charge the ISO with short and longrun responsibilities, have poorly thought-out incentive structures for extending or enhancing the network.
费尔南多和克莱因多夫证明,目前构思的结构将 ISO 赋予短期和长期责任,但对于扩展或增强网络的激励结构考虑不周。

As a result the contemplated market structure will lead to better management or use of existing assets rather than to decisions to improve the network.

7. Capacity Prices in a Competitive Power Market

Frank Graves and James Read Jr. tackle the value of capacity and demonstrate that energy and capacity, which have long been held to be two distinct concepts, are indistinguishable with the availability of well functioning electricity futures and options markets.

Graves and Read find that the traditional distinction can no longer be sustained since in the new environment a contract for future delivery of power incorporates both a commitment for energy as well as capacity.

Their findings are based on an options valuation approach: they argue that a competitive market implies that capacity must be a derivative asset which provides an option for generating/delivering electricity in the future.

It's value, therefore, is a function of the value of the electricity it will produce over its remaining life. The paper, which is accessible to those not familiar with options theory, develops illustrative capacity values under a variety of assumed energy futures.

Capacity values are shown to vary with energy price volatility and asset remaining life.

8. Managing Risk Using Renewable Energy Technologies

Tom Hoff and Christy Herig deal with risk, although in a broad sense their paper deals with the issue of whether there is a role for renewables in a competitive, bottom-line driven world.

The paper contributes to the recent literature which argues that renewable technologies posses financial risk characteristic that can enhance a portfolio of generating assets.

One approach to risk management therefore, might be to identify various arbitrary (unsystematic) risk factors and deploy technologies that cost-effectively manage such particular risks.

Hoff and Herig examine a number of renewable technologies and develop analytic approaches to estimate their potential value in mitigating diversifiable risk.

Part V. Industrial Organization, Technological Change and Strategic Response to Deregulation

9. Monopoly and Antitrust Policies in Network-based Markets such as Electricity
9. 垄断和反垄断政策在基于网络的市场中的应用,如电力市场。

A number of states are pursuing deregulation strategies. William G. Shepherd uses an industrial organization perspective to assess how quickly regulators should deregulate. His engaging paper offers powerful, yet surprisingly simple and direct policy recommendations.

Shepherd finds that deregulating too early will simply create an entrenched, dominant single firm: the former regulated utility.

Ironically, therefore, aggressive deregulation which fails to incorporate industrial organization issues can significantly undermine progress towards competition. Several regulatory issues are embedded in this paper: i) We don't want deregulation that allows incumbents to entrench themselves; ii) Regulators must make sure there are enough players in the generating game and must not allow existing distribution companies to become, by default, the dominant VU's.

iii) Regulators must assure that the committees that control ISO's do not make decisions in order to simply preserve the value of assets owned by the majority of the committee members.

For example, certain members would benefit if their ISO does not make transmission investments which might bring additional generation into the market.
例如,如果某些成员的 ISO 不进行可能引入额外发电量的输电投资,他们将受益。

10. Services in an Unbundled and Open Electric Services Marketplace

A flexible VU-based industry structure most likely requires that services be unbundled so they can be efficiently rebundled for sale based on consumer needs and preferences. The idea is to give consumers choice and to let them decide when and how much bundling they want.
灵活的基于 VU 的行业结构很可能需要将服务解绑,以便根据消费者的需求和偏好进行高效的重新捆绑销售。这个想法是给消费者选择权,让他们决定何时以及需要多少捆绑。

This raises several important policy issues about efficient unbundling/bundling policies. Shmuel Oren and Dennis Ray present a very accessible and interesting analysis of the economics of unbundling.
这引发了关于高效拆分/捆绑政策的几个重要政策问题。Shmuel Oren 和 Dennis Ray 对拆分经济学进行了非常易懂和有趣的分析。

They illustrate the welfare implications and show when bundled goods and services make economic sense for customers with different preferences. Their paper analyzes the circumstances under which monopolists might want to bundle goods into a single product.

The approach developed by Oren and Ray can be directly used by public policy makers to test the types of unbundling and rebundling that should be required or encouraged under industry restructuring.
Oren 和 Ray 开发的方法可以直接被公共政策制定者用来测试在行业重组下应该要求或鼓励的解构和重构类型。

11. Technological Change and Industry Structure: Insights from Telecommunications

Telecommunications deregulation presents an obvious case study for electric utility restructuring. Bridger Mitchell and Peter Spinney present an excellent industrial organization-based analysis that explores the differences and similarities of the two industries.
电信行业的解除管制为电力公用事业重组提供了一个明显的案例研究。Bridger Mitchell 和 Peter Spinney 提出了一个基于产业组织的优秀分析,探讨了这两个行业的差异和相似之处。

Mitchell and Spinney define a number of distinguishing characteristics between the two industries including: product diversity, rates of technological change, geographic barriers to service delivery, entry costs, capital intensity and externalities in order to determine what lessons from telecommunications are applicable.

Generally their findings indicate that: i) technological change affects industry structure; ii) customers accept unbundling/rebundling; iii) Disaggregated or broken-up firms approach the world differently and see markets in new ways which gives rise to new services; iv) cross subsidies ultimately get squeezed out, and v) with technological change certain products and technologies can simultaneously be both substitutes and complements to existing products and technologies,

Part VI. Network Architecture and Standardization"

12. Interconnected System Operations and Expansion Planning in a Changing Industry: Coordination vs. Competition

Much attention is currently focused on stranded costs, which are estimated in the range of billion and more. These estimates are all static and accounting based, i.e.: they are the result of comparing current book values to market values based on continued use of assets as they are now being used.

Marija Ilic, Leonard Hyman, Eric Allen, Roberto Cordero and Chien-Ning Yu (IHACY) show that restructuring and competition may drastically alter electric rates and the way in which generating assets are used.
Marija Ilic, Leonard Hyman, Eric Allen, Roberto Cordero 和 Chien-Ning Yu(IHACY)表明,重组和竞争可能会大幅改变电力费率和发电资产的使用方式。

For example, transmission constraints to certain regions (which Mark Reeder calls load-pockets) creates a special need for local generation.

The transmission is lacking in such regions because it is too expensive to site and erect, a situation, IHACY find, that significantly enhances the value of older inefficient assets with higher operating costs.

While these assets do not generate at the lowest cost consistent with the marginal-cost principles of economic dispatch, they are extremely valuable in that they can serve as the low-cost method for voltage support and other system enhancements.

Extending the results, it may be possible to argue that market-based solutions might be used to substantially mitigate the stranded cost problem.
IHACY raise some interesting and important questions regarding the effectiveness of reasonable pricing systems in providing appropriate incentives for support services.
IHACY 对于合理定价系统在提供支持服务方面的有效性提出了一些有趣且重要的问题。

The paper forces us to wonder whether it is always possible to rely exclusively on market forces to keep the network running during highly congested periods. The network pricing literature suggests mechanisms for dealing with congestion, etc.

These are similar to traditional congestion pricing such as setting tolls on a bridge to minimize peak-hour delays. There are some crucial differences however. A properly designed bridge toll will minimize congestion most of the time.

Occasionally traffic will be higher than expected, but the result is not catastrophic: there is congestion, drivers have to wait in line, but the bridge does not collapse.

By contrast, IHACY find that relying on such pricing mechanisms to operate the power network is risky: when loads exceed expectations the results may be catastrophic system failure-the bridge may indeed collapse.
相比之下,IHACY 发现依靠这种定价机制来运营电力网络是有风险的:当负荷超出预期时,结果可能是灾难性的系统故障-桥梁确实可能坍塌。

13. Rules of the Road and Electric Traffic Controllers: Making a Virtual Utility Feasible

The VU concept presumes interaction among multiple suppliers and customers all of whom need access to the transmission grid. This raises numerous grid or net- work-related security and other concerns.
VU 概念假设多个供应商和客户之间的互动,他们都需要接入输电网。这引发了许多与电网或网络相关的安全和其他问题。

Fernando Alvarado focuses on the idea that the VU is always dependent on the transmission network. His paper gives us an excellent set of insights into the problems that will be incurred in making the system accessible to a large number of suppliers.
费尔南多·阿尔瓦拉多专注于 VU 始终依赖于传输网络的观点。他的论文为我们提供了一系列关于使系统对大量供应商可访问所面临问题的深入见解。

These concerns range from continuously maintaining system voltage balance under dynamic conditions to avoiding overloads which can quickly cause the system to become unstable and possibly collapse.

Alvarado's paper gives us the basic systems engineering concepts and develops specific ISO responsibilities in response to particular system interactions for three specific operational time frames: instantaneous, intermediate (short) and long time frame.
阿尔瓦拉多的论文为我们提供了基本的系统工程概念,并针对三个特定的操作时间框架(即瞬时、中间(短期)和长期)对特定系统交互的 ISO 责任进行了详细的发展。

He also shows us how to formally measure and quantify various interactions among virtual utilities and customers; each of these interactions affects system losses and other conditions and thereby has an effect on all users.

The openaccess grid that underlies the VU idea therefore requires solutions to a number of technical and economic problems such as appropriate pricing to properly signal congestion and other grid costs.
开放访问的电网是 VU 理念的基础,因此需要解决一系列技术和经济问题,例如适当的定价以正确传递拥塞和其他电网成本的信号。

Nonetheless, some congestion, somewhere along the grid, will be an ongoing state of affairs. This means that the electricity market will not be homogeneous, but rather, will always have individual sub-market areas at any given time.

This underscores the need for flexible distributed capabilities.

Part VII. From Monopoly Service to Virtual Utility

14. The Future Structure of the North American Utility Industry

Michael Weiner, Nitin Nohria, Amanda Hickman and Huard Smith (WNHS) provide us with an expert look into a future in which the traditional electricity value chain will be divided among different firms and "value networks." The paper yields a very useful definition of "virtualness." In WNHS's world, energy firms will have to decide on strategies, i.e.: on what sort of business they want to be.
迈克尔·韦纳(Michael Weiner)、尼廷·诺里亚(Nitin Nohria)、阿曼达·希克曼(Amanda Hickman)和休尔德·史密斯(Huard Smith)(WNHS)为我们展示了一个未来的专家视角,即传统的电力价值链将被不同的公司和“价值网络”所分割。这篇论文提供了一个非常有用的“虚拟性”定义。在 WNHS 的世界中,能源公司将不得不决定战略,即决定他们想成为何种类型的企业。

They will have to think in terms of value disciplines and concentrate on what they do best in order to define where they fit in the divided value chain..

Part VII: Perspectives

The reports of the symposium rapporteurs, Carl Weinberg and Leonard Hyman, raise a number of important points:
  1. Competition will lead to new products via virtual utilities; new generation of customers, familiar with information technologies, will have few problems making energy choices that today seem too complex.
  2. Renewable technologies do not stand a chance without VU's.
    可再生技术没有 VU 的机会。
  3. The price of energy will decline.
  4. The right solution to the stranded cost problem emerges with the proper pricing of all services.
  5. Regulated pricing will distort transmission issues.
Nashua, NH, June, 1996.
纳舒厄,新罕布什尔州,1996 年 6 月。


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Part II 第二部分

Historic and Strategic Perspective: From Monopoly Service to Virtual Utility







Richard F. Hirsh 理查德·F·赫什Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Abstract 摘要

The turmoil in today's electric utility system can be understood by examining the changing nature of political and economic power held by various parties.

Early in the 20th century, Progressive-era politicians and power company managers came to a consensus that established the structure of the monopoly market and the vertically-integrated industry.
20 世纪初,进步时代的政治家和电力公司经理达成共识,确立了垄断市场和垂直整合产业的结构。

With other stakeholders supporting the broad terms of the consensus, utility managers obtained effective control of the system, including domination over supposedly independent regulatory commissions.

But the stresses of technological stasis, the 1970s energy crisis, and rise of environmentalism challenged this control.
但是技术停滞、1970 年代的能源危机以及环保主义的兴起对这种控制构成了挑战。

By the early 1990s, regulators, legislators, independent power producers, free-market advocates, and environmental organizations gained status as political "elites" who questioned whether the utility consensus still made sense. As
到了 20 世纪 90 年代初,监管机构、立法者、独立发电商、自由市场倡导者和环保组织成为质疑公用事业共识是否仍然合理的政治“精英”。

the newly empowered participants in the utility system jockey for influence, a new consensus appears unlikely.


Today's electric utility system is in turmoil. Once-monopolistic power companies compete against other regulated power utilities and unregulated independent power producers for sales to large customers.

At the same time, energy services firms and other companies offer "negawatts" instead of kilowatts and reduce potential sales from all power suppliers.

To deal with competitive pressures, some utility companies have begun merging with others, while other firms seek to buy parts of deregulated power companies in foreign countries.

Meanwhile, imaginative thinkers suggest transforming existing power firms into entities that create alliances with various companies and broker supplies and services from a host of competitive providers.

This last approach constitutes the model for the "virtual utility," the subject of this conference.
Of course, the utility system has not always seen such flux. In fact, until the early 1970s, power company managers and their customers enjoyed a happy consensus concerning the industry and market structures of the utility system. The consensus gave centralized and vertically-integrated, investor-owned utility companies the right to sell power in a non-competitive market-the complete antithesis of the virtual utility model-while requiring them to pass along the benefits of monopoly in the form of low-cost electricity and good service.
当然,公用事业系统并非总是如此变动不居。实际上,直到 20 世纪 70 年代初,电力公司经理和他们的客户对公用事业系统的行业和市场结构都达成了一致共识。这个共识赋予了集中化和垂直整合的投资者拥有的公用事业公司在非竞争市场上销售电力的权利,这与虚拟公用事业模式完全相反,同时要求他们通过低成本电力和良好服务的形式传递垄断的好处。

Customers, on the other hand, accepted the legitimacy of utilities' unusual market status and agreed to pay rates high enough to sustain their financial viability.

State legislatures, meanwhile, established regulatory commissions to ensure that utility companies and customers enjoyed the proper exercise of their rights and fulfilled their obligations to each other. For decades, the arrangement appeared to work wonderfully.
This paper provides a broad interpretive framework for the virtual utility conference. It will explain how concepts such as the virtual utility could emerge in a util- ity system that was once characterized by consensus and later by confrontation.

In the first sections, the paper will describe the origin of the utility consensus as the result of negotiations between "elite" representatives of interest groups and politicians.

It will further detail the means by which power company executives quickly became the controlling parties within the utility system.

Next, the paper will detail how events external to the system, such as the energy crisis and passage of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, combined with the emergence of technological stasis and technological novelties to dethrone utility mangers and set the stage for confrontation among a new set of elites.
接下来,本文将详细介绍系统外部事件,如能源危机和 1978 年公共事业监管政策法案的通过,以及技术停滞和技术新奇性的出现,如何推翻了公用事业经理人的地位,并为新一批精英之间的对抗铺平了道路。

The paper concludes by noting that confrontation still characterizes the system today, with old and new participants seeking to gain control as they debate the new industry and market structures of the utility system.

The erosion of the former consensus and lack of a replacement creates an environment in which the virtual utility and other novel concepts can gain (and lose) currency.


The consensus that established the unusual market structure of the electric utility system emerged during a period of economic and political change at the beginning of the 20th century.
电力公用事业系统的非常规市场结构的共识形成于 20 世纪初经济和政治变革的时期。

Losing influence since the conclusion of the Civil War, Adam Smith's decentralized market system, in which prices established through competition brought the efficient allocation of resources, gave way to a flourishing corporate-based economy.

Large multi-level companies exploited the power of new communications and transportation technologies to manage production and distribution of quantity-produced goods, thus dominating the formerly prevalent familyowned and operated businesses.

To deal with overproduction and ruinous price competition, managers of companies merged with former rivals or created trust agreements with them.

By 1904, only one percent of companies in the United States controlled nearly half the production of manufactured goods (Eisner 1995, 99). Railroad companies took advantage of similar techniques to enlarge their control over the market.
到 1904 年,美国只有百分之一的公司控制了近一半的制造业生产(艾斯纳,1995 年,99 页)。铁路公司利用类似的技术扩大了对市场的控制。

Though literally the economic "engine" of the post-Civil War economy, the railroad industry became despised by much of the public.

The companies frequently consolidated with erstwhile enemies, discriminated in their pricing among customers, provided often-poor and unsafe service, and cultivated political favoritism and corruption.
When first established, electric utility companies did not seem to be in the same class as the hated interstate railway conglomerates or their local cousins, the urban streetcar companies.

After all, when Thomas Edison established his Pearl Street, New York City power station in 1882, he used direct current at about 110 volts to illuminate lights within a radius of about one mile from generators.
毕竟,当托马斯·爱迪生于 1882 年在纽约市建立他的珍珠街电站时,他使用直流电以约 110 伏特的电压点亮了距离发电机约一英里的范围内的灯光。

Distribution of electricity beyond that radius incurred huge power losses, which suggested an industry structure characterized by a host of small stations scattered about cities com-

peting for customers (some of whom generated power themselves) within restricted circles of service.
But technological innovation changed the relatively benign character of the electricity supply business.

Overcoming the distance limit imposed by direct current, alternating current equipment produced by the Thomson-Houston and Westinghouse companies distributed electricity at high voltage through the use of newly available transformers in the late 1880s and allowed firms to build large, centralized plants that produced power for expansive networks.
通过直流电所施加的距离限制,汤姆森-休斯顿和西屋公司生产的交流电设备在 19 世纪 80 年代末通过新近可用的变压器以高电压分配电力,使企业能够建造大型的集中式发电厂,为广阔的电网提供电力。

The growing use of compact steam turbines as prime movers, replacing bulky and noisy reciprocating steam engines, further encouraged centralization as the new machines offered tremendous economies of scale.

In other words, as the turbines produced larger capacities of power, the unit cost of electricity declined over a wide range of output.

Serving as a model for other electrical entrepreneurs, Samuel Insull, the British-born secretary to Edison, embraced steam turbines and alternating current for his small Chicago Edison Company.

When he took over the firm in 1892, Chicago sported 20 competitive electric supply companies.
1892 年接管该公司时,芝加哥有 20 家竞争的电力供应公司。

By 1907, Insull employed the new technology to consolidate all of them into the renamed "Commonwealth Edison Company" (Insull 1915, 54).
到 1907 年,因萨尔利用新技术将所有公司整合为更名为“康威尔爱迪生公司”(Insull 1915, 54)。
During the "Progressive era" in American politics, a period lasting from about 1896 to the beginning of World War I, the notion of unrestrained and powerful monopoly was attacked on several fronts.
在美国政治的“进步时代”期间,大约从 1896 年持续到第一次世界大战开始,无限制和强大的垄断观念受到了多方面的攻击。

Federal law makers and state legislators dealt with railroads and huge companies-the primary objects of popular scorn-by passing anti-trust laws.

Congress also passed new laws in the early 1900s to bolster the ineffective Interstate Commerce Commission, created in 1887 to end (in theory) abusive behavior of large railroad companies.
国会还在 20 世纪初通过了新法律,以加强无效的州际商务委员会,该委员会成立于 1887 年,旨在(理论上)制止大型铁路公司的滥用行为。

At the same time, state leaders dissatisfied with the status quo instituted a series of reforms that irrevocably altered the political system. They passed laws for direct election and recall of political candidates (and amended the Constitution to allow direct election of U.S. Senators); they introduced the referendum; and they created regulatory bodies that would control, for the public good, the operation of companies providing essential services.
To deal with the monopolies that came to call themselves "public utilities," such as urban streetcar companies and electric supply firms, two models of action dominated.

One consisted of city ownership and operation of the firms, while the other allowed the companies to remain in private hands with some form of government regulation.

Debate over the different models became a policy issue because utility companies appeared unable to operate within the traditional competitive market environment.

These firms required construction of capital-intensive facilities that limited the number of rivals to just a few who could secure financing, while competition among the firms had already led to efforts to bribe officials for franchise rights.

To avoid destructive competition that would erode profits by competing firms, moreover, the utilities made efforts to consolidate, gain economies of scale to reduce costs, and increase profits.

At the same time, academic political economists had been developing the notion throughout the late-19th century that these public service businesses constituted (rightly or wrongly) "natural monopolies"-i.e., that they that could provide services most efficiently and at the lowest cost only if they remained free from competition.
同时,学术政治经济学家们在 19 世纪末开始提出这样的观点,即这些公共服务企业构成(无论对错)“自然垄断”——也就是说,只有在没有竞争的情况下,它们才能以最高效和最低成本提供服务。

Municipal ownership seemed to be an obvious so-

lution for obtaining the benefits of monopolization without suffering the abuses of a privately-owned monopoly. Indeed, many cities had already established municipal water and gas systems. By 1907, cities already owned more than 1,000 electric networks ("Municipal Electric Systems" 1949, 15-16).
获得垄断的好处而不遭受私人垄断的滥用的解决方案。事实上,许多城市已经建立了市政水和煤气系统。到 1907 年,城市已经拥有 1000 多个电力网络(《市政电力系统》1949 年,15-16 页)。
While government ownership of electric utilities had its advocates, it also had its detractors.

Critics argued that city-run utilities would remain subject to the same corrupt political machines that the reformers hoped to eliminate, while others feared municipal ownership constituted a step toward socialism and the end to free enterprise.

Perhaps the greatest exponents of private ownership were the executives of utility companies themselves. Clearly, their interests lay in maintaining autonomy in operating the power companies, though they also realized that public opinion and politicians viewed monopoly as evil.

Consequently, some of the more politically adept "elite" utility leaders understood that they would need to form a consensus between them and powerful progressive politicians on the state level so they could avoid municipalization.

Creation of consensus among elite groups of politicians and representatives of resource-rich special interest groups was becoming more commonplace during the Progressive era, despite the opposite (and popular) view of power being disseminated to the public at large. The agreement the utility and political elites had in mind would share with their customers the benefits of monopolization (such as lower-cost power arrived at through use of large-scale equipment) in return for legal sanction as non-competitive companies.
To ensure that the terms of the deal would be fulfilled, some executives advocated regulation by state-created commissions.

The greatest expounder of such an arrangement was Samuel Insull, who as early as 1898 argued that government oversight through regulatory commissions would confer legitimacy to a utility as a monopoly and would end (or at least reduce the number of) calls for municipal takeovers (Insull 1915, 34-47).
最伟大的解释者是塞缪尔·因萨尔,他早在 1898 年就认为,通过监管委员会进行政府监督将使公用事业垄断合法化,并将结束(或至少减少)对市政接管的呼声(因萨尔 1915 年,34-47 页)。

Moreover, Insull observed that regulation would allow utilities to reduce their cost of financing. "Acute competition necessarily frightens the investor," he warned, "and compels corporations to pay a very high price for capital.
此外,Insull 观察到,监管将使公用事业公司能够降低融资成本。他警告说:“激烈的竞争必然会让投资者感到恐惧,并迫使公司为资本支付非常高的价格。”

The competing companies invariably come together, and the interest cost on their product (which is by far the most important part of their cost) is rendered abnormally high, owing partly to duplication of investment and partly to the high price paid for money borrowed during the period of competition." The answer, he suggested, was monopoly control and franchises.

"In order to protect the public," Insull noted, "exclusive franchises should be coupled with the conditions of public control, requiring all charges for services fixed by public bodies to be based on cost plus a reasonable profit (Insull 1915, 44-5; McDonald 1964, 114.)." Over the next few years, Insull pressed his views forcefully, and by 1907, the bulk of utility managers viewed regulation by expertly-trained men as the means by which the companies could achieve legal monopoly status and avoid the threat of municipal expropriation.
为了保护公众,英萨尔指出,“独家特许经营权应与公共控制条件相结合,要求公共机构确定的所有服务费用都应基于成本加合理利润(英萨尔 1915 年,44-5;麦克唐纳 1964 年,114)。”在接下来的几年里,英萨尔坚决表达了他的观点,到 1907 年,大部分公用事业经理都认为由经过专业培训的人员进行监管是公司实现合法垄断地位并避免市政征收威胁的手段。
Several Progressive politicians also saw regulation as the means by which a satisfactory arrangement could be devised to deal with utility companies.

Leery of the municipal corruption he had seen early in his political career, Wisconsin governor Robert La Follette preferred state regulation of public services over city ownership.

As a first step, he pushed through his state's legislature a bill in 1905 to create the Wisconsin Railroad Commission, which had jurisdiction over rates, schedules, service, construction, and maintenance of the state's railroad companies (Commons 1905, 76-9; Maxwell 1956, 75-7).
作为第一步,他在 1905 年通过了一项法案,成立了威斯康星铁路委员会,该委员会对该州的铁路公司的费率、时刻表、服务、建设和维护具有管辖权(Commons 1905,76-9;Maxwell 1956,75-7)。

Though he had become a U.S. Senator at the end of 1906, La Follette in 1907 still had influence with the state legislature, which extended regulation to electric utility companies in July 1907 (Commons 1907, 221).
虽然他在 1906 年底成为美国参议员,但在 1907 年,拉福莱特仍然对州立法机构有影响力,该机构在 1907 年 7 月将监管范围扩展到电力公用事业公司(Commons 1907, 221)。

Meanwhile, another Progressive politician, Charles Evan Hughes, came to the public's attention because of his investigation of pricing abuses of gas and electric companies in New York City in 1905. Elected governor in 1906, Hughes pushed through legislation, signed in June 1907, creating a strong regulatory body for railway and utility companies (Wesser 1967, 154-69). Support for regulation came from other elite groups, such as the National Civic Federation, a reform-minded organization whose membership included of a diverse set of corporate heads, labor leaders, lawyers, advocates of public ownership of utilities, and university professors.
与此同时,另一位进步派政治家查尔斯·埃文·休斯因其对 1905 年纽约市燃气和电力公司价格滥用的调查而引起公众关注。休斯在 1906 年当选为州长,推动了立法工作,并于 1907 年 6 月签署了一项法案,为铁路和公用事业公司创建了一个强有力的监管机构(Wesser 1967,154-69)。其他精英团体,如国家市民联盟,也支持监管,该组织是一个改革倾向的组织,其成员包括各种企业领导人、工会领导人、律师、公用事业公有化的倡导者和大学教授。

Soon after Wisconsin and New York created regulatory commissions, other states followed. By 1914, 45 states had established some form of apparatus for regulation utility companies (though not always regulating electric power companies) (Sharfman 1914, 3-5).
威斯康星州和纽约州成立监管委员会后不久,其他州纷纷效仿。到 1914 年,已有 45 个州建立了某种形式的公用事业监管机构(尽管并非总是监管电力公司)(Sharfman 1914, 3-5)。

The regulatory model appeared to have won the day.


Though originally a consensus that established the relationship between utility companies and their customers, other groups of stakeholders broadened the base of support for the agreement as the market structure benefited them as well.

Investment bankers, for example, became party to the consensus as they profited from funneling money into the highly capital-intensive industry.

They also helped create holding companies, which offered operating firms access to both financial resources and professional management expertise.

Other stakeholders included manufacturers of electrical equipment, along with their research and development laboratories, which stood to gain as utility companies expanded and required more advanced technologies.

General Electric Company and Westinghouse, for example, became early suppliers to the growing industry as well as manufacturers of appliances and other end-use equipment. As the utility networks expanded and as customers consumed more power, their businesses flourished.

And to train utility executives and middle-managers, universities such as MIT and Cornell "enrolled" in the consensus as demand for trained electrical engineers exploded.

Utility customers in the cities, meanwhile, appeared happy, as the benefits of electrification gave people greater choice (in terms of living conditions and entertainment, for example) and as a culture of electricity emerged that equated lower cost power with material and social progress (Hirsh 1989, 26-35).

In other words, a variety of other social groups implicitly supported the terms of the utility consensus.

While not participating in creation of the consensus, they saw that their interests could also be served well through operation of a system that the agreement helped establish.
As support for the consensus broadened, utility managers quickly took effective control. They did so partly because of the absence of leadership demonstrated by other participants involved in the consensus' creation.

The elite politicians and civic reform groups of the early 20th century, for example, simply became indifferent to utility affairs after the initial fervor of Progressive reform had ended.
20 世纪初的精英政治家和公民改革团体,在进步改革的最初热情过后,对公共事务变得漠不关心。

With their careers and millions of investment dollars at stake, on the other hand, utility managers maintained interest.

Moreover, as outside attention flagged, they used extensive public relations propaganda campaigns after World War I to maintain the image that they served their customers' to the best of their abilities. Under the guise of "education," Samuel Insull and a host of other utility executives distributed information, hired college professors as consultants, and endowed faculty fellowships so the educators would spread the good word about utilities and so they could influence the "coming generations of bankers, lawyers, journalists, legislators, public officials, and the plain, ordinary 'men in the streets.' (Parker 1923, 29)"6 The committees also campaigned against public school textbooks that represented the utility industry in a bad light, and they directed propaganda to authors and publishers.
此外,随着外界的关注减弱,他们在第一次世界大战后进行了大规模的公关宣传活动,以维护他们尽力为客户服务的形象。塞缪尔·因萨尔和其他一大批公用事业高管以“教育”的名义分发信息,聘请大学教授作为顾问,并设立教职奖学金,以便教育工作者能够传播有关公用事业的好消息,并影响“即将到来的银行家、律师、记者、立法者、公职人员和普通的‘街头人’(帕克 1923 年,29 页)”。这些委员会还反对将公用事业行业描绘成负面形象的公立学校教科书,并向作家和出版商传播宣传资料。

They published literature for use in elementary schools and addressed women's groups. As another means to encourage positive feelings toward utilities, they successfully campaigned to sell utility stock to customers (Gruening 1964).
他们出版了供小学使用的文学作品,并向妇女团体发表了讲话。作为鼓励对公用事业产生积极感情的另一种手段,他们成功地向客户推销了公用事业股票(Gruening 1964)。
The growing power of utility managers quickly eclipsed the control exerted by regulators.

Fulfilling multiple functions as quasi-legislators, administrators, and judges, state commissioners had a sworn duty to enforce the agreement that supposedly benefited customers and utility companies alike.

But beyond this official reason to be supporters of the consensus, regulators generally wanted to retain (and strengthen, if possible) a bureaucratic system that gave them control over elements of society.

Besides seeking financial resources from state legislatures to perform their duties, regulators hoped to augment their place in society by winning the good graces of the press and public.
But by the 1920 s, regulators had already begun to lose the element of prestige and control they enjoyed during the formative years of regulation.
但到了 20 世纪 20 年代,监管机构已经开始失去了在监管形成阶段所享有的威望和控制力。

For one thing, the enthusiasm for reform movements had faded as the Progressive era before World War I turned into the "Roaring Twenties" of the post-war decade.

The thriving business activity of the period appeared to please state legislators, who balked at expanding the authority of regulatory commissions. Urban customers also seemed happy as rates declined while their incomes rose (Troxel 1947, 72). At the same time, state regulators did not perceive the public relations and holding company abuses of utility firms and the need for augmented powers.
该时期蓬勃发展的商业活动似乎让州立法者感到满意,他们对扩大监管委员会的权力感到犹豫不决。城市消费者也似乎很高兴,因为价格下降而收入上升(Troxel 1947, 72)。与此同时,州监管机构没有意识到公共关系和控股公司滥用公用事业公司的问题以及增加权力的需要。

"The decade [of the 1930s] was nearly finished" observed Emory Troxel in his 1947 book on public utility economics, "before both the legislatures and commissions seemed cognizant of holding-company practices, irresponsible issuance of many securities, careless accounting practices, and excessive earnings of many companies (Troxel 1947, 72)." And even if they had been aware of utility problems, state regulatory commissions would have been hard pressed to do much about them given their absence of authority over the interstate activities of holding companies.
"在公共事业经济学的 1947 年著作中,埃默里·特洛克塞尔观察到,几乎在 1930 年代结束之前,立法机构和委员会似乎都没有意识到控股公司的做法、许多证券的不负责任发行、粗心的会计实践以及许多公司的过度盈利(特洛克塞尔 1947 年,72 页)。即使他们意识到了公共事业问题,州监管委员会也很难对此采取行动,因为他们对控股公司的跨州活动没有管辖权。"
The lack of prestige and support for regulators contributed to the loss of whatever real control they exerted within the utility system. But utility company managers could not afford to watch regulation be weakened to the point that it was perceived as being totally ineffective.

After all, the existence of commissions legitimated in the public's eye the industry's special market structure and the standing held by utilities as natural monopolies.

Hence, the utility industry and its allies deliberately gave regulators excessive credit in their advertising campaigns for the work commissions performed in providing cheap and reliable electrical service to customers.

When contesting the legislation leading to passage of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, for example, utility leaders warned that new federal oversight would destroy state regulation and all the advantages, such as low-cost power, that it had already made possible ("Utilities by the Fireside" 1935, 1177; "State Regulation has a Future" 1935, 2670).
例如,在对导致 1935 年公用事业控股公司法通过的立法进行争论时,公用事业领导者警告称,新的联邦监管将摧毁州级监管以及已经实现的诸如低成本电力等所有优势(《炉边公用事业》1935 年,1177 页;《州级监管有未来》1935 年,2670 页)。

Even if regulatory control were largely a fiction, then, it was a fiction needed by utility companies to ensure that legislators would not return to the policy-making arena and upset the system that clearly benefited the power companies.
Utility managers consolidated their control over the utility system by "capturing" the state regulatory commissions.

According to one school of thought, regulators became captured by the interests they supposedly oversaw because of their need to gain political support after the fervor of public outrage subsided.

Regulators struck an implicit bargain with industry because the legislators and executives who once excitedly worked for regulation became impassive after their success in creating commissions, leaving the industry as the only source of political power.

By giving the utility industry favorable treatment for construction plans, rate-base valuations, and rate reduction requests, which served as a form of competition against other fuels, regulators by the 1920s had already been co-opted, captured, and controlled by utility managers.
通过对公用事业行业的建设计划、资产评估和降低费率请求给予优惠待遇,这种做法在 20 世纪 20 年代已经使监管机构被公用事业经理所利用、控制和掌控,从而形成了对其他燃料的竞争。

Regulators still performed an important function in the utility system, however. Because of their supposed oversight of utility actions, they helped legitimate the industry's market structure-i.e., the special standing held by utilities as natural monopolies.
Finally, utility managers retained control and their dominant position by encouraging "conservative" inventions, i.e., creation of new technology that preserves the existing system.

As described by Hughes, the electric utility industry made good use of academics and professional inventors in its early years, from 1870 to about 1920, to help create a technological superstructure that remained essentially intact for another 50 years.
正如休斯所描述的那样,电力公用事业行业在其早期的年份(从 1870 年到大约 1920 年)充分利用了学者和专业发明家的才能,帮助创建了一个技术基础结构,这个结构在接下来的 50 年基本保持不变。

As perhaps their greatest achievement, these system builders developed steam turbine-generators, whose incrementally improving efficiencies and scale contributed so much to the industry's productive growth (Hirsh 1989, 40-4).
作为他们最伟大的成就,这些系统构建者开发了蒸汽涡轮发电机,其逐步提高的效率和规模对行业的生产增长做出了巨大贡献(Hirsh 1989, 40-4)。

At the same time, the system's controlling stakeholders-utility managers and their allies in the research and development arms of the manufacturing firms-attempted to stifle radical invention, which often originates outside the system and which might otherwise have initiated competing systems. Utility company managers viewed radical inventions outside this engineering realm as inimical to established financial and intellectual interests.

Radical inventions would disrupt the technological hegemony managers wielded over the system and would possibly lead to stranded investments-i.e., capital expenditures whose usefulness had passed before they could be fully amortized and bring a satisfactory rate of return.

Consequently, the power companies came to rely more heavily on the conservative output of corporate engineers at the big manufacturing firms, who were perhaps more fettered by entrenched ways of seeing problems, than on free-spirited individual inventors (Hughes 1987, 56-62; Hirsh 1989, 26-35).
因此,电力公司更加依赖大型制造公司的企业工程师保守的产出,他们可能受到根深蒂固的问题看待方式的束缚,而不是自由奔放的个人发明家(Hughes 1987, 56-62; Hirsh 1989, 26-35)。
In short, utility managers succeeded in influencing much of the environment in which they operated. They won dominance relatively early in the 20th century over a system that could be considered "closed" by Hughes.
简而言之,公用事业经理在他们运营的环境中取得了很大的影响力。他们在 20 世纪相对早期就在休斯看来可以被视为“封闭”的系统中取得了主导地位。

In other words, managers created a system that effectively no longer felt the outside environment-a situation in which "managers could resort to bureaucracy, routinization, and deskilling to eliminate uncertainty-and freedom (Hughes 1987, 53)." The fact was not lost on the editors of the Electrical World as early as 1921. "The electrical industry," they wrote:
换句话说,管理者创造了一个系统,有效地使外部环境不再感受到——这是一种“管理者可以诉诸于官僚主义、例行公事和技能降低来消除不确定性和自由的情况(休斯 1987 年,53 页)”。这个事实早在 1921 年就没有被《电气世界》的编辑们忽视。“电气行业”,他们写道:
stands in a wonderful position. It has economic stability. It has already, though young in years, gained a scope and volume that indicate a future staggering to the imagination.

It is organized on a high intellectual plane to which the inventive mind, the scientific mind, the engineering mind and the financial mind have contributed the background and the machinery for progress. It has prestige. It has prosperity.

It has strength and power ("The Unique Economic Position of the Electrical Industry” 1921, 1347).
它具有力量和能力(《电气工业的独特经济地位》1921 年,1347 页)。


Despite setbacks in the 1930s, when holding company and propaganda abuses spurred Congress to establish restrictions on power company financing and organization, utility managers retained their power and dominance until the 1970s.
尽管在 1930 年代遭遇了挫折,当时控股公司和宣传滥用促使国会对电力公司的融资和组织设立了限制,但公用事业经理们一直保持着他们的权力和主导地位,直到 1970 年代。

They did so partly by encouraging manufacturers to develop conservative inventions-a step that should not be underestimated. Conservative development of steam turbines and generators, for example, brought huge scale economies and cost reductions as the machinery "grew" from of output in 1905 to in 1965. At the same time, manufacturers employed new metal alloys and higher-temperature and -pressure steam to increase the thermal efficiency of power plants. Edison's 1882 Pearl Street station converted about of the energy contained in fuel to electricity, while by 1960 , the best power unit converted about of raw energy into electricity (Hirsh 1989, 4-5).
他们这样做的部分原因是鼓励制造商开发保守的发明,这一步骤不容小觑。例如,对蒸汽涡轮机和发电机的保守发展带来了巨大的规模经济和成本降低,从 1905 年的 增长到 1965 年的 。与此同时,制造商采用了新的金属合金和更高温度和压力的蒸汽,以提高发电厂的热效率。爱迪生 1882 年的珍珠街电站将燃料中的能量转化为电力的比例约为 ,而到 1960 年,最好的发电装置将原始能源转化为电力的比例约为 (Hirsh 1989, 4-5)。

Combined with the use of high-voltage transmission systems and reliability-increasing interconnections between power plants of different companies, beginning during World War I, the use of improved power generation equipment boosted the industry's productivity dramatically.

Between 1899 and 1953, productivity grew per year, a rate higher than seen in any other American industry (Hirsh 1989, 83 note 6). The greater efficiency in producing and distributing electricity meant that costs-and rates to customers-declined precipitously. In 1892 , residential customers paid about 92 cents per , in adjusted 1967 terms. That price dropped to 13 cents in 1927, 10 cents in 1937, and 4.6 cents in 1947. By 1967, when rates hit bottom, residential customers paid only 2 cents for the equivalent amount of electricity.
1899 年至 1953 年间,生产力每年增长 ,这一速度高于美国任何其他行业(Hirsh 1989, 83 note 6)。在生产和分配电力方面的更高效率意味着成本和向客户收取的费率急剧下降。在 1892 年,按照 1967 年的调整后价格,住宅客户每 支付约 92 美分。这个价格在 1927 年降至 13 美分,1937 年降至 10 美分,1947 年降至 4.6 美分。到 1967 年,费率达到最低点,住宅客户只需支付 2 美分即可获得相同数量的电力。

By lowering prices, utilities stimulated demand, which bounded upward at a annual growth rate from 1900 to 1920 and at a 7% annual rate from 1920 to 1973 (Hirsh 1989, 82-3 notes 2 and 3).
通过降低价格,公用事业刺激了需求,从 1900 年到 1920 年以及从 1920 年到 1973 年,需求以 年均增长率上升了 7%(Hirsh 1989,82-3 注 2 和 3)。
Power company managers remained in control of the utility system also because they retained support from the traditional backers of the utility consensus.

Manufacturers and consulting engineers clearly profited as construction of new facilities accelerated, especially after World War II when power companies tried to meet the exploding demand by industrial and residential customers.

R&D units and manufacturing facilities at GE, Westinghouse, and other suppliers to the utility industry kept busy increasing the scale of power generation equipment and making other advances in associated technology, while consulting engineering and construction firms maintained full work schedules.
GE、Westinghouse 和其他供应公用事业行业的供应商的研发单位和制造设施忙于增加发电设备的规模,并在相关技术方面取得其他进展,而咨询工程和建筑公司保持着充分的工作安排。

And customers clearly appeared to enjoy declining rates, even though they usually compensated for lower prices by consuming more electricity, thus keeping their bills from plunging altogether.

At the same time, regulatory commissions luxuriated in a long era after the 1930s of little controversy and relatively easy work.
同时,监管委员会在 20 世纪 30 年代之后的一个漫长时代里享受着少争议和相对轻松的工作。

After all, utilities continued to provide electricity at declining real rates, countering the general trend of increasing costs for other living necessities.

What could be better? As the chairman of the West Virginia commission noted in 1972 , the improving productivity of utility companies "made
什么能比这更好?正如 1972 年西弗吉尼亚委员会主席所指出的,公用事业公司的生产力不断提高

the job of the regulatory commissions the relatively simple one of approving rate reductions (Hallanan 1972, 3)."9
监管委员会的工作相对简单,只是批准降低费率(Hallanan 1972, 3)。

STRESSES OF 1970S 1970 年代的压力

The charmed lives of utility managers did not last forever. Starting in the 1960s, they encountered a series of "stresses" that challenged both the utility system and the executives' control of it.
公用事业经理的幸福生活并没有持续太久。从 1960 年代开始,他们遇到了一系列挑战公用事业系统和高管对其控制的“压力”。

Technological change (or lack thereof) combined with the energy crisis to spur a re-examination of the utility consensus that had appeared to benefit all stakeholders.

As new stakeholders gained political standing, regulators awoke from their decades-long stupor to re-establish their positions as mediators of the consensus or to create new roles as facilitators in the formation of a new consensus.

At the same time, politicians reasserted themselves as policy makers in the system, further diminishing the power held by utility managers. By the end of the 1980s, power company managers found that they had essentially lost control over the utility system.
同时,政治家们重新确立了自己作为系统中的决策者的地位,进一步削弱了公用事业经理所拥有的权力。到了 20 世纪 80 年代末,电力公司经理们发现他们基本上已经失去了对公用事业系统的控制。

Instead of dictating policy, managers constituted one of many parties trying to create a new consensus.

They watched as the monopolistic market structure dissipated and as a host of novel elite powers began negotiating a new industrial organization for the utility system of the 1990s and beyond.
他们目睹了垄断市场结构的消散,以及一系列新的精英力量开始为 1990 年代及以后的公用事业系统谈判新的产业组织。
As the first stress that challenged power executives' authority, the utility industry in the 1960s and 1970s encountered technological "stasis," the apparent end of productivity-enhancing technological improvements.
作为首次挑战权力高管权威的压力,20 世纪 60 年代和 70 年代的公用事业行业遭遇了技术“停滞”,即似乎没有能够提高生产力的技术改进。

Thermal efficiency gains in traditional steam-turbine-generator technology seemed to reach a plateau, as metals could not be manufactured that would reliably withstand the higher-temperature and -pressure steam needed to achieve thermodynamic gains.

Meanwhile, economies of scale in building power plants appeared to dissipate. Utilities ordered everlarger steam turbine-generators, but after a point-around 600 to -their complexity and reduced reliability contributed to higher unit costs. The once-hopedfor savior of the industry-nuclear power-also suffered from the effects of technological stasis.
与此同时,建造发电厂的规模经济似乎消失了。公用事业公司订购了越来越大的汽轮发电机组,但在某个点上(大约在 600 到 之间),它们的复杂性和可靠性降低,导致单位成本增加。曾经被寄予厚望的行业救星-核能-也受到技术停滞的影响。

Instead of producing power that was "too cheap to meter," nuclear plants also suffered as unit size increased.

And with safety concerns intensifying, especially after the 1979 accident at the Three Mile Island unit, nuclear plants grew increasingly complex and expensive, thus adding to - rather than reducing - the cost of ge.ierating electricity.
随着安全问题的加剧,尤其是 1979 年三里岛事故之后,核电站变得越来越复杂和昂贵,从而增加了发电成本,而不是降低。

Because costs of producing power could no longer be brought down, as had occurred for decades, stasis nullified the value of traditional utility practices.

In particular, it meant that continued use of growth-oriented strategies would no longer yield benefits to all stakeholders (Hirsh, 1989).
特别是,这意味着继续使用以增长为导向的策略将不再给所有利益相关者带来好处(Hirsh,1989 年)。
Next, the energy crises of the 1970s focused attention on the wastefulness of American energy production and consumption.
接下来,20 世纪 70 年代的能源危机引起了对美国能源生产和消费的浪费性的关注。

With long lines at gasoline stations and fuel prices that escalated by several hundred percent in just a few months after the oil embargo of 1973, some Americans realized that growth in electrical consumption-the approach that previously contributed to lower-cost power-had little merit.
随着 1973 年石油禁运后几个月内汽油站排长队,燃油价格上涨了几百个百分点,一些美国人意识到电力消耗的增长-之前降低成本的方法-几乎没有任何价值。

In the political frenzy of the decade, the crisis led to passage of innovative pieces of federal legislation that diminished the control held by utility managers.

Perhaps most important, the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) of 1978 unintentionally challenged the utility consensus and the market and industry structure of the power business.
也许最重要的是,1978 年的公用事业监管政策法案(PURPA)无意中挑战了公用事业共识以及电力业务的市场和行业结构。

With the stroke of President Carter's pen, vertically-integrated utilities lost their privilege to serve as the monopolistic supplier of power within a region.

Now, a host of small, non-utility companies that produced excess power as part of industrial cogeneration processes-and with thermal efficiencies greater than those attained by utility plants-could sell electricity through the grid created and maintained by power companies.

In effect, PURPA deregulated the generating sector of the utility business and invalidated part of the utility consensus.
实际上,PURPA 解除了公用事业业务的发电部门的管制,并使公用事业共识的一部分失效。

Meanwhile, PURPA also motivated technological innovation on small-scale and renewable technologies among people not normally associated with the utility industry.
与此同时,PURPA 还激发了与公用事业行业通常不相关的人们对小型和可再生技术的技术创新。
At the same time that PURPA deregulated part of the utility system, it also empowered state regulators and gave them increased control over events dealing with power companies.
在 PURPA 解除公用事业系统的一部分管制的同时,它也赋予了州监管机构更多的权力,并增加了他们对电力公司事件的控制。

The legislation required commissioners to develop specific arrangements and pricing mechanisms by which non-utility generators would produce and sell their electricity to regulated utility companies.

In some cases, utility managers howled as regulators mandated that the new class of "PURPA producers" earn rates that equaled the highest "avoided costs" incurred by utilities if they had to produce the power themselves.
在某些情况下,公用事业经理们对监管机构强制要求新一类的“PURPA 生产者”获得与公用事业自己发电所产生的最高“避免成本”相等的费率感到不满。

So unpopular were these arrangements that some utilities challenged them-albeit unsuccessfully-in cases brought to the Supreme Court (FERC v. Mississippi 1982; American Paper Institute v. American Electric Power, 1983).
这些安排非常不受欢迎,以至于一些公用事业公司对其提出了挑战,尽管最终未能成功(FERC v. Mississippi 1982; American Paper Institute v. American Electric Power, 1983)。

The cases reflected the unease of power company elites who saw regulators playing new and more active roles after passage of PURPA, a law that appeared to have the dual effects of deregulating and "hyper-regulating" the utility system (Serchuk 1995).
这些案例反映了电力公司精英们的不安,他们看到监管机构在通过 PURPA 法案后扮演了新的、更积极的角色,这个法案似乎既有解除管制的效果,又有“超级监管”公用事业系统的效果(Serchuk 1995)。
As a third stress, the modern environmental movement gained increasing popularity and stridency during the 1970s. Long-established groups such as the Sierra Club railed against excessive consumption of finite energy resources.
作为第三个压力,现代环境运动在 20 世纪 70 年代日益流行和激烈。像塞拉俱乐部这样的长期存在的团体抨击对有限能源资源的过度消耗。

They were joined by groups such as the Environmental Defense Fund and the Natural Resources Defense Council, which used the legal system to press their values onto utility managers and other stakeholders.

As a result of activities pursued by environmental advocates, formerly counter-culture values of conservation and energy efficiency became incorporated into innovative legislation and regulation that restricted utility managers' pursuit of previously accepted business strategies.

Regulatory commissions and legislatures, which had complaisantly approved of utility managers' practices for decades, for example, began harmonizing in the 1980s with environmentalists who argued that conservation techniques could displace the need for constructing expensive new power plants.
监管委员会和立法机构在几十年来一直默认公用事业管理者的做法,例如,从 20 世纪 80 年代开始,他们开始与主张节能技术可以替代建设昂贵的新电厂的环保主义者达成一致。

Regulators, who had been trying un-

successfully to balance the needs of customers with those of utility companies under the terms of the original consensus, sometimes found these new approaches appealing.


Throughout this period of stress, utility managers struggled desperately to shape conservatively these frequently interacting policy and technological innovations.

While prevailing in some of their attempts until the mid-1990s, the outlook for further success in retaining control is unclear.
在一些尝试中取得了一定的成功,直到 1990 年代中期,然而进一步保持控制的前景并不明确。

At the same time, regulators, environmental advocates, and other players also see an uncertain future as some freemarket notions threaten to undermine their newly acquired authority.
Attempts to assimilate windpower technology and demand-side management (DSM) exemplify utility managers' efforts to maintain control of a stressed utility system.

Both windpower and DSM emerged on the scene after the 1973 energy crisis wreaked havoc on the energy infrastructure and as environmental values gained ascendancy in American culture.
在 1973 年的能源危机对能源基础设施造成严重破坏之后,风能和需求侧管理(DSM)开始出现,并且随着环境价值在美国文化中的崛起。

And both were viewed more than skeptically by the utility managers who claimed that these approaches might be useful sometime in the distant future. In the 1970 s, however, they remained visionary and unattractive measures carrying anti-establishment baggage. Despite this resistance, managers ultimately digested the potentially radical threats, though with various degrees of success.
然而,这两种方法在公用事业经理人中被视为持怀疑态度,他们声称这些方法可能在遥远的未来有用。然而,在 20 世纪 70 年代,它们仍然是具有远见卓识但不受欢迎的措施,带有反建制的包袱。尽管遭到抵制,但经理人最终消化了这些潜在的激进威胁,尽管成功程度不同。
A technology having origins in the tenth-century, windpower flourished in the United States after passage in 1978 of President Carter's National Energy Plan (Serchuk 1995).
风力发电技术起源于十世纪,在 1978 年卡特总统的国家能源计划通过后,在美国蓬勃发展(Serchuk 1995)。

Responding to the economic dislocations caused by the energy crisis, the plan contained several elements supporting windpower.

The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act provided unexpectedly strong encouragement to small-scale non-utility generators, while companion legislation offered a variety of tax advantages for renewable energy systems. Under the leadership of Governor Jerry Brown, a spirited crusader of values espoused by the growing environmental movement, the state of California offered windpower advocates further benefits.

The state's Public  该州的公共
Utility Commission, which had become imbued with environmental values through Brown appointments, encouraged windpower development by requiring utilities to offer lucrative "Standard Offer 4" contracts to PURPA qualified facilities, for example. Largely as a result of these incentives, the state became host to of the world's wind powered capacity by the end of the 1980s (Weinberg and Williams, 1990, 147).
公用事业委员会通过布朗的任命而充满环保价值观,例如,要求公用事业公司向 PURPA 合格设施提供有利可图的“标准报价 4”合同,从而鼓励风能发展。正是由于这些激励措施,该州在 1980 年代末成为全球风能容量最大的地区之一(Weinberg 和 Williams,1990 年,147 页)。
Though windpower was sometimes portrayed as a "soft-path" technology (Lovins that conformed with decentralized and "hippie" lifestyles, utility managers ultimately gained partial control of the potentially destabilizing technology.

It is true that PURPA ended utility managers' almost absolute control over new technology introductions by eliminating the barrier to entry in the generation sector.
PURPA 的确通过消除发电部门的准入壁垒,结束了公用事业经理对新技术引入的几乎绝对控制。

But utilities bought power from entrepreneur-owned windfarms just as if they had obtained electricity from their central generating plants or from conventional power sources owned by non-utility companies.

Since windpower-generated electricity flowed into the California grid, to be transmitted and distributed on utility-owned lines, most customers had no idea that some electrons flowing into their homes had environmentally privileged origins.

In other words, windpower turned out to be transparent to customers and little different than other forms of power purchased by utilities.

It became part of the modified, but still relatively traditional, structure in which utilities sold power from large central stations to customers.

Windpower, in other words, had been largely co-opted and turned into a conservative innovation by the power elites within the traditional utility industry.
Somewhat less successfully, managers retained control of energy efficiency. Evolving from efforts in the 1960s to "save the earth," energy efficiency became a sophisticated and mainstream business concept by the early 1980s.
在能源效率方面,管理者的控制力稍微弱一些。从 20 世纪 60 年代的"拯救地球"努力发展而来,到 20 世纪 80 年代初,能源效率已经成为一个复杂而主流的商业概念。

It emphasized the value to consumers of energy services, such as heating, lighting, and mechanical motion; previously, many customers viewed electricity as an energy commodity measured in kilowatt-hours.

Moreover, energy efficiency won legislative and regulatory support from federal and state governments as part of integrated resource planning efforts. In the early 1980 s, energy-efficiency programs pursued by utilities earned a new name-"demand-side management." It became part of an arsenal of weapons employed by increasingly activist regulatory commissions for dealing with apparent boondoggles in power-plant construction that caused rates to escalate.
此外,能源效率得到了联邦和州政府的立法和监管支持,作为综合资源规划努力的一部分。在 20 世纪 80 年代初,公用事业公司推行的能源效率计划获得了一个新的名字-"需求侧管理"。它成为越来越活跃的监管委员会应对电厂建设中明显的浪费问题,导致电费上涨的一系列武器之一。

But utility managers still resisted DSM, since it challenged standard practice that had been ingrained in regulatory rate-making procedures, namely that utilities profited only when they sold power.
但是公用事业管理者仍然抵制 DSM,因为它挑战了已经深入扎根于监管定价程序中的标准做法,即只有在售电时公用事业公司才能获利。

Moreover, DSM refuted managers' previouslyheld, though implicit, prerogative to build ever-more power plants at will.
此外,DSM 否认了管理者以往隐含的特权,即随意建造更多的发电厂。

And DSM flatly repudiated cultural norms, built up over almost a century of service, suggesting that greater power consumption led to higher material standards of living.
DSM 坚决否认了几乎一个世纪以来建立起来的文化规范,暗示更高的能源消耗会带来更高的物质生活水平。
Nevertheless, utility managers in some states accepted DSM as a way to mollify interventionist regulators.
然而,一些州的公用事业管理者接受了 DSM 作为缓和干预主义监管机构的方式。

In the late 1980s, utility managers in New England and California began participating in "collaborative processes" with environmental groups to forge DSM programs offering financial incentives to companies that previously had only disincentives to "un-sell" their product. The transformation emerged as managers realized that regulators would not abate their efforts to push more energy efficiency. Moreover, they recognized that they could gain important benefits by embracing DSM.
在 20 世纪 80 年代末,新英格兰和加利福尼亚的公用事业经理开始与环保组织参与“协作过程”,以制定提供财务激励的 DSM 计划,以前只有不利因素来“取消销售”他们的产品。这种转变是因为经理们意识到监管机构不会减少推动能源效率的努力。此外,他们认识到通过接受 DSM 可以获得重要的好处。

For example, utilities won positive public opinion for developing popular environmental programs-a form of capital that could be spent in other battles with potentially hostile regulators.

Perhaps most importantly, some critics contend that utility managers used DSM programs to limit competition with non-utility generators on the supply-side of their business.
也许最重要的是,一些批评者认为,公用事业经理利用 DSM 计划来限制与非公用事业发电厂在业务供应方面的竞争。

Since DSM programs displaced the need for new power capacity, utility executives could argue that regulators should reject applications for non-utility generation projects-whether they be alternative or conventional (Morris 1992, 6-9).
由于 DSM 计划取代了对新能源容量的需求,电力公司高管可以主张监管机构应拒绝非公用发电项目的申请,无论是替代能源还是传统能源(Morris 1992, 6-9)。
In other words, utility managers may have used DSM to maintain at least some control over their traditional generation business.
换句话说,公用事业经理可能使用 DSM 来至少在一定程度上控制他们的传统发电业务。

But they paid a price by submitting to what appeared to be increased regulatory oversight of DSM programs while at the same time elevating the stature of environmental advocates.
但是他们付出了代价,因为他们似乎接受了对 DSM 计划的增加监管,并提高了环境倡导者的地位。

Previously dismissed by managers as troublemakers, environmental activists became accepted as potent political forces in some regulatory hearing chambers and in the decisionmaking conference rooms of utility companies. In this fashion, utility managers digested the potentially radical and system-altering innovation of DSM, though they also empowered other elite participants in the system.
以前被管理者视为麻烦制造者的环保活动人士,如今在一些监管听证会和公用事业公司的决策会议室中被接受为有力的政治力量。以这种方式,公用事业经理们消化了潜在的激进和系统改变的 DSM 创新,尽管他们也赋予了系统中其他精英参与者权力。


Utility managers may not be so successful in assimilating more recent innovations within the system, however.

Unable to control or assimilate the latest technologies, managers may have little say in the industrial organization of the utility system in the future, setting the stage for the competition of novel organizational schemes such as the virtual utility.
The technological threats attack the former industry and market structures of the utility system from several fronts.

First, the development of small-scale generating equipment - of which windpower and gas combustion turbines are two examplescontinues to erode the utility consensus rationale for natural monopoly (and hence the need for regulation).

Challenging the logic that legitimated exclusive retail franchises early in the century, the success of small-scale non-utility generating facilities points to the fallacy of the assumption that only monopolistic utility companies could produce power at the lowest resource costs to society.

As recent experience has shown, independent power producers can often generate electricity for considerably less cost and much higher fuel efficiency than utility companies. The new technologies alone, in other words, may justify abolishing the monopoly market structure of the utility industry.
Perhaps more potentially menacing to utility managers' control over the power system are emerging location-specific residential and commercial generation technologies.

Extremely small-scale electricity production units, such as proton exchange membrane fuel cells and photovoltaics (Williams 1994, 9-12), have the ability to alter fundamentally the relationship between utility and customer-i.e., the existing market structure.
极小规模的电力生产装置,如质子交换膜燃料电池和光伏发电(Williams 1994, 9-12),具有从根本上改变公用事业和客户之间关系的能力,即现有市场结构。

Capable of producing power and selling it to the utility at favorable rates, especially during peak-demand periods, consumers in such a "distributed utility" network may make the traditional one-way production and distribution system obsolete.

It may even allow homes and businesses to be disconnected from the grid altogether or connected with neighbors to increase reliability through diversity.

Such a scenario becomes more feasible when considering the flourishing of "smart" electronic technologies used for communications, monitoring, energy transfers, and energy efficiency - technologies whose costs are declining exponentially (Newcomb 1994, 36-8).
考虑到用于通信、监测、能量传输和能源效率的“智能”电子技术的蓬勃发展,这种情景变得更加可行。这些技术的成本呈指数级下降(Newcomb 1994, 36-8)。

As described by Carl Weinberg, former manager of research and development for Pacific Gas and Electric Company, the era of "constructed energy" coming out of large power plants that took advantage of supposed economies of scale, may be over.

The new system may be characterized by "manufactured energy" from technologies exploiting economies of mass production rather than economies of scale.

The technologies may continue the trend begun by PURPA producers that makes outmoded the existing (largely) centralized system of electricity generation and distribution.
这些技术可能会延续 PURPA 生产商所开创的趋势,使现有(主要是)集中式的电力发电和分配系统过时。

In short, the use of new technologies by recently empowered actors may erode the rationale for the original utility consensus and the control held by utility managers.

And as power company executives lose control, the entrepreneurs who develop these new technologies earn a say in the creation of a new market and industry structure. In other words, they emerge as a new elite group themselves.
On the regulatory front, the existing utility system is further threatened. Hyperregulation on the state level in the form of mandated DSM programs and set-asides for alternative energy technologies may give way to deregulation.

The impulse is spurred by positively viewed efforts to deregulate and de-monopolize other businesses, especially those in the telecommunications industry.

Before 1984 , for example, American Telephone and Telegraph maintained control over a monopolized market structure in a way similar to that of electric utility companies.
1984 年之前,例如,美国电话电报公司以类似于电力公用事业公司的方式维持对垄断市场结构的控制。

Just like power company managers, telephone executives had effectively captured their regulators and had carefully managed conservative inventions so that they could exploit their special market privileges.

Rapid and radical technological change altered organizational structure of the industry, however. As microwave and satellite transmission of signals eliminated one rationale for natural monopoly, the business that once enjoyed special status became much more competitive.

At the same time, the products or services it sold became less distinguishable in the marketplace, making business success more dependent on how to innovate, manufacture, package, and sell products and services that deliver true value to customers.
As the idea of deregulation continues to become more fashionable, with telecommunications industry restructuring and the fall of centrally-planned Communist economies serving as motivators, advocates of the free market are effectively challenging the notion of regulated monopoly franchises. John Anderson, head of the Electricity Consumers Resources Council (ELCON), an association of large industrial consumers of power, for example, argues persuasively that technological change has eroded the rational for special market arrangements, such as natural monopolies, to allocate society's resources.

The free market, he (and others) argue, can do this job better.

In California, Michigan, and elsewhere, state commissions have responded to high prices and a general dissatisfaction with the exiting utility system by investigating deregulatory schemes that employ competition (through retail wheeling) to industrial and residential customers.

Cherished by utilities because it erected a formidable barrier to entry against competition while also guaranteeing a sound financial foundation (at least until the 1970s), the retail monopoly franchise may be on the verge of disappearing.
受公用事业公司珍爱的原因是它建立了一道强大的竞争壁垒,同时也保证了稳固的财务基础(至少在 20 世纪 70 年代之前),零售垄断特许经营权可能即将消失。
These technological and regulatory innovations are arriving so quickly and have such force, spurred by continuing impact of industry stresses starting in the 1970s, that utility managers are having trouble digesting them.
这些技术和监管创新以如此之快的速度到来,并且具有如此强大的力量,受到从 20 世纪 70 年代开始的行业压力持续影响,以至于公用事业管理者难以消化它们。

Though most would like to maintain some control over the current system, their chances for success appear poor.

In an ironic twist, some environmentalists and advocates of renewable power and energy efficiency have taken relatively conservative positions and have allied themselves with utility managers who oppose the idea of retail wheeling because they worry that a competitive market will neglect environmental protection.

After having stimulated so much change themselves, some of these newly empowered activist elites now seek to retain political standing with regulators and legislators so as to achieve their goals.

While advocating the use of market forces in a few situations, they argue for retention of some regulatory apparatus to preserve environmental gains that would possibly be lost if free-market principles reigned. Commission-endorsed programs that set aside a certain amount of power capacity for renewable energy technologies and energy-efficiency, for example, provide guarantees (and some would say subsidies ["ESCOs, Environmentalists" 1994, 9]) to advocates of non-traditional resources, and they naturally want to keep those benefits.
在提倡在一些情况下使用市场力量的同时,他们主张保留一些监管机制,以保护可能会在自由市场原则下丧失的环境收益。例如,委员会支持的计划为可再生能源技术和能源效率保留了一定的电力容量,为非传统资源的支持者提供了保证(有人可能会说是补贴)["ESCOs, Environmentalists" 1994, 9],他们自然希望保留这些好处。

In a largely free-market environment, however, such guarantees would vanish.


By the early 1990s, the utility consensus created early in the century had been effectively shattered. The monopolistic market structure that the consensus established was challenged on several fronts during the 1980s.
到了 20 世纪 90 年代初,早期形成的公共事业共识已经被有效地打破。在 20 世纪 80 年代,这个共识所建立的垄断市场结构受到了多方面的挑战。

First, implementation of PURPA opened up the generation business to non-utility generators and therefore ended the special privilege the arrangement gave to utilities as the exclusive supplier of power for a region.
首先,PURPA 的实施使非公用事业发电厂商有机会进入发电业务,因此结束了该安排赋予公用事业作为某一地区唯一供电商的特权。

At the same time, the development of small-scale power technologies whose costs declined dramatically during the 1980s suggested that perhaps the original rationale for natural monopoly made less sense than it did early in the century.
与此同时,20 世纪 80 年代成本大幅下降的小型电力技术的发展表明,自然垄断的最初理由可能不如本世纪初那样合理。

After all, the greater efficiency of a single supplier of power constituted one justification for the existence of natural monopoly.

If wind turbines, gasfired combined cycle turbine-generator sets, and distributed technologies built in tiny increments (compared to the sizes of centralized behemoths) could provide power for less cost, then clearly the rationale for the utility monopolies no longer exists.

William W. Berry, President of the Virginia Electric and Power Company, summarized the situation in 1983. "As in so many other regulated monopolies," he observed, "technological developments have overtaken and destroyed the rationale for regulation.
威廉·W·贝瑞,弗吉尼亚电力公司总裁,在 1983 年总结了这种情况。他观察到:“就像许多其他受监管的垄断行业一样,技术发展已经超越并摧毁了监管的理由。”

Electricity generation is no longer a natural monopoly (Berry 1983, 3)."
电力发电不再是自然垄断(Berry 1983, 3)。
The examples of commercial small-scale successes under PURPA also questioned other arguments for maintaining a consensus that gave utilities natural monopoly privileges.
PURPA 下商业小规模成功的例子也对维持给予公用事业公司自然垄断特权的共识提出了质疑。

The high capital expenditures needed to offer service to customers constituted a supposed barrier to entry, for example, which helped justify utilities' non-competitive status.

But the experience of PURPA demonstrated that such barriers may not be so high after all, at least in the power generation sector.
但 PURPA 的经验表明,这些障碍可能并不那么高,至少在发电行业中是如此。

Entrepreneurial companies, such as the scores of cogenerators and small power producers, successfully raised funds and managed financial risks to build their plants.

And they did so without relying on an arrangement that promised sufficient profits, under regulation, to guarantee a power company's financial wherewithal (though they benefited from the existence of ironclad agreements with regulated utilities that, under PURPA, shifted some risk to monopoly ratepayers and shareholders).
他们这样做,并没有依赖于一项承诺足够利润的安排,以确保电力公司的财务实力(尽管他们受益于与受监管的公用事业签订的坚不可摧的协议,根据 PURPA,将一些风险转移给垄断的费率支付者和股东)。

The barrier to entry, therefore, no longer proved to be such an impenetrable barrier after all.
As the utility consensus shattered, so did power company managers' control over the utility system. Regulatory bodies, for example, constituted a newly rejuvenated elite group that always held a modest amount of infrequently-wielded power.

But given greater authority and resources by federal and state legislatures beginning in the 1970s, they took on seriously their role as mediators of the existing consensussomewhat modified by PURPA, of course-partly by adopting values and solutions proposed by environmental groups.
但是,从 1970 年代开始,由于联邦和州立法机构赋予了更大的权力和资源,他们认真履行了作为现有共识的调解者的角色,当然,这种共识在一定程度上受到了 PURPA 的修改,部分原因是采纳了环保组织提出的价值观和解决方案。

A period of hyper-regulation resulted, even at a time when PURPA started the process of deregulating the generation sector of the utility business.
超级监管时期的到来,即使在 PURPA 开始对公用事业业务的发电部门进行去监管的过程中。

Becoming empowered by regulators, these special interest organizations constituted still another elite group that held political and popular support.

At times contesting utility managers' previously-held values about growth, the advocates sometimes joined forces with the executives to argue for retention of some form of regulation.

After all, the newly forceful regulators now championed the environmental cause (to some degree), and the advocacy groups enjoyed the power they held to alter utility policies.
But while regulators, utility managers, and environmental leaders may have hoped to retain vestiges of the old utility system, with regulators still playing a significant role, other vocal interest groups sought to destroy the utility consensus further.

Advocates for complete deregulation and the total employment of free market principles gained status as an elite group by leveraging the changes wrought by PURPA and by riding the wave of deregulation sentiment in other industries.
倡导完全放松管制和全面采用自由市场原则的人士通过利用 PURPA 带来的变革和其他行业中的放松管制情绪的浪潮,获得了精英团体的地位。

Buttressed by academic supporters (such as MIT's Paul Joskow) these deregulation protagonists hoped to benefit their large industrial clients with surplus power generated outside the traditional service area of regulated utilities.
The disintegration of the utility consensus and the end of control held by power company managers suggests that the traditional model for the industrial and market structure of the utility system cannot survive.

With radical technological change eliminating scale economies and advantages of centralization, the late 19 th century
随着激进的技术变革消除了规模经济和集中化的优势,19 世纪末

principle of natural monopoly and the progressive faith in expert regulators no longer retain validity or popular support.

Vertically integrated utility companies that operate as monopolies in protected franchise areas simply make little sense in light of the stream of technological innovations that challenge the fundamental assumptions of that earlier model for utility system organization.
Perhaps the elite players in the utility system are beginning to understand the new free-market nature of power generation and marketing.

Electricity, which to many consumers for decades was an undifferentiated commodity necessary for business and home use, is now being marketed by some companies in different forms that add special value in certain applications.

Power is sold to some customers, for example, with high degrees of reliability and power quality.

Some companies offer "standard" reliability but also the information and technical know-how to install energy-efficient equipment that would benefit both the customer and the power supplier.

Perhaps more importantly, many companies have begun forming alliances with others to provide these value-added services to customers.

Still-regulated utilities serve as brokers to unregulated power suppliers (which include renewable power producers) while working with energy services companies to provide energy efficiency work within customers' businesses and homes.

In short, as the perception of electricity as a differentiated product evolves in this new environment, the variety of participants in the utility system may realize that they need to make alliances with others to provide services.

As companies make more of these alliances (and as they shift them), the former industry structure of monopolized and vertically integrated utilities falls further into disrepute.

Meanwhile, the concept of a virtual utility-one in which partnerships and joint ventures flourish to add value to customers' use of electricity-grows more acceptable.
This new conception of the utility system still has far to go before it becomes universally appealing. Confrontation between elite groups still characterizes the utility system today, with old controllers of power and new ones wrestling for dominance.

While some elites, such as utility managers, regulators, and environmental advocates, appear willing to give up extreme positions and negotiate a new consensus, others remain adamantly opposed to creation of any institutional framework that impedes the employment of free market principles.
The power elite framework proposed in this paper may help explain the turmoil in the utility system. First of all, the system currently is populated by a plethora of what can be considered "elite" groups holding various degrees of power.

Because of the stresses of the 1970s and 1980s, utility company executives lost their dominance over the system, ceding power to environmental advocates, regulators, state and federal politicians, and leaders of consumer organizations.
由于 20 世纪 70 年代和 80 年代的压力,公用事业公司高管失去了对系统的主导地位,将权力让给了环境倡导者、监管机构、州和联邦政治家以及消费者组织的领导者。

The day has long past when utility elites could forge a consensus about market and industry structures simply by dealing with just one or two other groups, such as state politicians and civic advocacy organizations.

The proliferation of these elite groups makes it hard to arrive at any consensus, especially when each one jockeys for position by trying to influence public policy or regulation. Moreover, even within individual groupings, elite representatives rarely speak with one voice.

Early in the century, Samuel Insull could be viewed as the pre-eminent spokesman for utility interests, and he strove to develop the original utility consensus with politicians. But today, some

utility executives (especially those with low cost structures) welcome the advent of competition while others shun it. At the same time, even those parties that once supported the former utility consensus have shifted positions.

While equipment manufacturers such as General Electric still produce machinery for utilities employing the central station paradigm, they also design and sell small-scale gas turbine-generators and other hardware for the increasingly lucrative and competitive independent power market.

Finally, customers who once supported the consensus because of continuously declining rates no longer retain monolithic views.

Groups representing large consumers of power lobby for open competition in the retail markets while small-consumer groups worry that their constituents, having little market power, will be stuck being served by high-cost utility companies.

In short, the demographics of power within the utility system no longer are as simple as they once were. A profusion of elites fights to gain supremacy in a high-stakes contest.

When viewed within this power elite framework, one can understand why no consensus is immediately forthcoming.
To be sure, some order will ultimately result from the confrontation of interests and ideologies.

New technological opportunities will certainly play a critical role in realizing that order, just as utility executive elites took advantage of technological options early in the century to advocate a consensus that gave them a monopolistic industry structure.

But just because new technologies provide opportunities does not mean that technology will determine the outcome of the current system debate.

Because of the nature of the power structure within the utility system, the different actors will view technological opportunities differently-either to enhance their positions or to subvert them.

Ultimately, through a socio-political process of negotiation, the parties will have to coalesce around one or another means for producing and distributing electricity.
But even this conclusion may be too narrowly constrained. Perhaps the politics of electricity interests will be such that no single consensus results from the current debates. Rather, one can imagine a variety of approaches for producing and using electricity.

Some customers may rely on central power stations while others may draw power from local sources or from self-generation. After all, why should there be only one "solution" for everyone?

Do all people use the same heating and cooling hardware, computer operating systems, or transportation networks? We have come to believe that everyone requires electricity (as a basic "right" almost). But who is to say that everyone must obtain it through the same means?
In short, this study suggests that the politics of power in the electric utility system has become so complex, due in part to technological problems and opportunities, that a single vision of the future may not be possible.

But perhaps, this is where the notion of the virtual utility may fit into the scheme of things.

The concept of the virtual utility offers the benefits of increased financial flexibility along with the provision of electricity services without depending on the former paradigm of a centralized management and technological system.

As a result, companies employing the virtual utility model (once it is more fully developed) may be able to exploit the new small-scale technologies used in a pluralistic and decentralized marketplace to provide electrical services in a way that yields economic and environmental efficiencies.

Time, and the efforts of people at this conference who pursue the virtual

utility concept further, will tell whether this vision of the future will replace the consensus that ruled the utility system for so much of the 20th century.
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Andrew Vesey 安德鲁·维西Entergy Services, Inc. 能源服务公司


My presentation attempts to provide a brief overview which is intended to put the issues surrounding this Symposium into an organizational context.

Fundamentally, what I would like to say is that organizations exist in a certain environment, and that as these environments change, organizations must change as well.

We've been talking about the external forces that shape these environments, technology, regulation, markets, and economics. It has also been suggested that these forces also become the drivers of change.

For organizations to continue to be successful, they must continually reform themselves. However, experience shows us that as things change, as the balance of forces change, organizations, unfortunately, do not.

It has been said that the one thing bred by success is failure, because as we become good at something we tend to continue doing it, regardless of how the environment has changed.

Now I would argue that there are really only two drivers of change: one is technology and the other isn't, and when we discuss the virtual utility concept as a new business concept for the electric utility industry, we are really talking about organizations and organizational change in response to a shift in the dominant technology paradigm.
I would like to use a framework called the Seven-S or the Happy Atom Framework [** CITE **]; it was presented in Search for Excellence [**Peters, Waterman, In Search of Excellence, Harper & Row, 1982 (pgs 9-11) **] as a means of analyzing organizations.
我想使用一个叫做七 S 或快乐原子框架的框架[**引用**];它在《追求卓越》[**彼得斯、沃特曼,《追求卓越》,哈珀与罗,1982 年(第 9-11 页)**]中被提出作为分析组织的一种方法。

The framework reflects the thought that organizations, even though they are depicted in terms of hierarchical charts, etc., are actually collections of capabilities or skills which have been created to deliver certain competencies to execute the organizational strategy (Figure 1).
该框架反映了组织的思维,即使它们以层次图等形式呈现,实际上它们是为了执行组织战略而创建的能力或技能的集合(图 1)。

In other words, given the Strategy, an organization has to deliver a series of high-level corporate Skillsthings it must excel at to be successful. The organization itself is broken into five dimensions or " ' ":
换句话说,根据战略,一个组织必须提供一系列高水平的企业技能,这些技能是它成功所必须擅长的。组织本身被分为五个维度或“ ' '”:
Figure 1. Organizational Strategy.
图 1. 组织战略。
a. Structure-which is what we think about when we talk about the "wiring diagram" of an organization, how individuals and functions relate to each other;
a. 结构-当我们谈论一个组织的“接线图”时,我们考虑的是个体和功能之间的关系。
b. Systems-which during this symposium we've collectively coined "processes"; that is the way work is done; and information flows;
b. 系统-在本次研讨会上,我们共同创造了“过程”这个词;即工作的方式和信息的流动;
c. Staff-those are the skills that individuals in an organization possess;
d. Shared values and style-collectively this is often called the "corporate culture," where shared values are those values which are important in an organization and style is the way management tells its employees what is important.
I would like to talk about some of the changes we are discussing during the symposium-from the traditional utility to the virtual utility-in terms of these dimensions, so we can begin to identify the things-the new competencies and new capabilities - that these new organizations will have to be particularly good at in order to be successful.


I have suggested that the real driver of the changes we are facing is technology, and that the big change is the so-called information technology revolution.

I see this as a change from the traditional mechanical view of the world in which the value producing processes consisted of the input of raw materials, the performances of mechanics to create end products, to what I call the cognitive paradigm (Figure 2).
我将这视为从传统的机械观世界转变为认知范式的变化,其中价值创造过程包括原材料的输入、机械的表现来创造最终产品(图 2)。

Shimon Awerbuch talked about this-about why accounting is designed to value the output of screw machines but not computers. Traditionally, everything we did was based on a mechanical view of the world, on mechanical processes, but now this is no longer helpful.
Shimon Awerbuch 谈到了这个问题-为什么会计是设计用来评估螺丝机的产出,而不是计算机的产出。传统上,我们所做的一切都基于对世界的机械观点,基于机械过程,但现在这已经不再有帮助了。

The power of technology paradigms can be seen in a shift within the mechanical process itself which occurred when the manufacturing industry was first electrified in the late 1880 's and early 1890 's.
技术范式的力量可以在机械过程本身发生的转变中看到,这种转变发生在 19 世纪 80 年代末和 90 年代初制造业首次电气化时。

Electrification of manufacturing was probably the type of radical architectural innovation being talked about at this symposium [see Awerbuch, et. al.
制造业的电气化可能是在这个研讨会上讨论的那种激进的建筑创新类型。[参见 Awerbuch 等人。]

in this volume]; electricity didn't merely enable industries to do the same things faster and more cheaply; instead, for the first time, it allowed them to rearrange their processes, relocate equipment, change the size of factories, develop whole new manufacturing processes, and improve the quality of the product.

By electrifying, by moving from water or steam power to electricity, firms were able to fundamentally re-engineer or reinvent the work process. Pretty powerful stuff!

This advancement, as significant as it was, took place in the mechanical paradigm of the raw materials-tasks-products cycle which remains the conceptual basis of everything we do today in the way we measure and even the way we talk; indeed our vocabulary in organizations and businesses is based on this mechanical view of the world.

For example, we still use "efficiency" as the fundamental figure of merit-how much product we made based upon how much raw material and labor comes in the front door.

With all else constant, the more efficient firm wins, so, we design our organizations to be very efficient in that mechanical conversion process.

Imagine how powerful, how significant the innovative power of moving from the mechanical to the cognitive world view might be.
We are now in the information age where, as opposed to automating, we are informating . Instead of mechanical leverage to eliminate human labor we are using information. Products, for example, have increasingly greater information content.

Shimon Awerbuch talked about this: by increasing the information content of generated electricity a "smarter" kilowatt-hour may have more information value than energy value-or-the value of a kilowatt hour may be higher in information than in energy.
通过增加所产生电力的信息内容,Shimon Awerbuch 谈到了这一点:“更智能”的千瓦时可能具有比能量价值更高的信息价值,或者说千瓦时的价值在信息方面可能比能量方面更高。

Thinking about this is difficult, because we don't have the right vocabulary; we don't have the right measures. We are operating in the information age with mechanical paradigm tools.

This is a totally different world view, and when we think about the virtual utility, we have to think about the cognitive paradigm.
So a good place to start is, what is the appropriate figure of merit, what is it that we design our organizations to be very good at in the information age, within the cognitive paradigm. I would suggest that we must design for the quality of the decisions made.

The firm is now a decision factory, with a process that converts data to decisions to actions (Figure 2) and we want to measure and talk about and design our organizations to make good decisions.
该公司现在是一个决策工厂,拥有一个将数据转化为决策和行动的过程(图 2),我们希望衡量、讨论和设计我们的组织以做出良好的决策。

Good decisions are a function of two things: the quantity of information we can get our hands on and then the speed at which we process it, i.e.:
Figure 2. Mechanical/Cognitive View
图 2. 机械/认知观点

Mechanical View 机械视图

Cognitive View 认知视角

The answer, of course, is that with all else constant, the organization that can gather more information and process it quicker wins.


What is the information that we need, a quantity of what? It comes in four "buckets":
  1. Task: information around a specific job operation or function;
  2. Interdependencies: information concerning intra-organizational, interdepartmental or cross-functional activities. Such dependencies between organizations have been essential in process re-engineering.
  3. Enterprise: information concerning the goals and objectives of the organization.
  4. World: information concerning external influences such as competitors, suppliers, technology and customers.
When we speak about the speed of processing, we are talking about how quickly an organization can take data from the four buckets and act on it.

Figure 3 illustrates the way information is processed in an organization: the top of the organization has the wisdom; the data is at the bottom. The wisdom in most organizations resides with the senior management.
图 3 展示了组织中信息的处理方式:组织的顶层拥有智慧,数据位于底部。大多数组织的智慧都驻扎在高级管理层。

Whenever something happens in the competitive marketplace, information goes all the way up and decisions come all the way down. That is information processing in an organizational context. This takes time, and time is a luxury that competitive firms do not have.

As a result the important idea in speeding up organizational information processing deals with "de-layering." De-layering is often taken as a code word for work force reduction; as a means to get people out.

However, you eliminate people not just to lower costs, but to speed up information processing. This is not just de-layering but disintermediating.

An important implication for the virtual utility, therefore, or for any organization that is going to play in the information age, is to flatten and streamline the organizational structure.
The power of this new organization will stem from having the four buckets of information in the hands of people best able to act on it, and act on it quickly.

We hear the term "mass customization:" imagine working on an assembly line and knowing exactly which customer will get a particular product and what that customer will do with it.

Imagine that worker knowing what that customer's individual needs were, and being able, on the assembly line, to customize that product to that customer.
The issue then is: where is the needed information within the organization? We use the term "empowerment" frequently; we have all heard it. Many of us are probably in organizations that practice it: that "empower" employees. Why?

because those employees have all the task information; increasingly managers say: "They know their job better than I do, so let them make those decisions." Imagine how powerful a competitor your firm would be if your employees had information from all the buckets...not just the task bucket.

Empowering employee means driving this information down the firm, which should suggest to us that our new organizations should be structured to get as much information down as far as possible.


We hear about organizations built on convergent knowledge networks. That is what speeding up information processing is all about. This brings us to another one of the "S's" I wanted to talk about: Structure. What are the implications of the changing

paradigms of organizational structure and how do they relate to the change from the mechanical-based to the cognitive based process? Figure 4 examines organizational attributes as the firm changes from the mechanical to the cognitive paradigm.
组织结构的范式是什么,它们与从基于机械的过程转变为基于认知的过程有什么关系?图 4 研究了企业从机械范式转变为认知范式时的组织属性。

Clearly organizations adopted particular attributes to accommodate the mechanical view: to support the processing and conversion of raw materials into products.

The attributes are not necessarily bad-they are bureaucratic; they form a cumbersome chain of command, but all of this may have been appropriate for what the organization was trying to do in the environment in which it was operating, and for the environment it was operating in.
Figure 3. Hierarchy of Information: Organization Segmentation
图 3. 信息层次结构:组织分割
But now we are making a giant leap to the cognitive paradigm, and there are a lot of new words and concepts, although these are already familiar, e.g.: global approach-markets are now global. In a mechanical world they were local because they dealt with local resources.

In the information age, they are global.

Flexibility and speed, cultural diversity-when a person's contribution to the workplace is information, the diversity of experience and background become critically important, not because it is politically correct, but because it is important to competitiveness.
The culture issues are also indicative of the magnitude of the needed changes. Let's examine the words: learning, collaborative, facilitative management approaches in place of bureaucratic command structures; shared accountability in

place of the parental management of the mechanical world. These are the cultural issues surrounding the new information age organization.
Figure 4. Attributes of Organizational Paradigms.
图 4. 组织范式的属性。
Attribute Paradigm
Mechanical Cognitive
Socio-Economic Environment
Environment regional global
Strength efficiency flexibility & speed
Demographics assimilation cultural diversity
Power, Planning & Purpose
Governance chain-of-command self-management
Planning operational strategic
Power hierarchical value added
Organizational Focus scientific management competitive advantage
Task Design simple & sequential concurrent
Organizational Culture & Leadership
Culture bureaucratic learning
Interaction command roles collaborative
Management Approach systematic facilitative
Management/Worker Relationship parental shared accountability


Let me now turn to the systems or process aspect of change, an aspect which centers on the concept of "informating." The central issue here is how to use information to improve systems and processes.

Figure 5 lists several levers or actions [Process Innovation-Reengineering Work through Information Technology: Thomas H. Davenport, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA,.
图 5 列出了几个杠杆或行动[通过信息技术重塑工作的流程创新:托马斯·H·达文波特,哈佛商学院出版社,马萨诸塞州波士顿市。

1993, Page 51] to enhance existing processes in the virtual utility or any other new cognitive-view utility com- peting in the information age.
1993 年,第 51 页]为了增强虚拟公用事业中现有的流程,或者在信息时代中与任何其他新的认知视角公用事业竞争。

The levers (Figure 5) have direct implications for the virtual utility: automational, informational, sequential, tracking, analytical, geographical, integrative, intellectual and disintermediating; we heard about this last one yesterday.
杠杆(图 5)对虚拟效用有直接影响:自动化、信息化、顺序化、跟踪、分析、地理、整合、智能和去中介化;我们昨天听说过最后一个。

Shimon Awerbuch used the term in relation to the introduction of word processing which essentially eliminated the traditional secretarial role and other intermediaries from the written communication process.
Shimon Awerbuch 在提到引入文字处理时使用了这个术语,这实质上消除了传统秘书角色和其他中介在书面沟通过程中的作用。

These levers will be discussed again when we look at the behavioral style or processes that will be needed in a virtual utility system.
Figure 5. Levers for Process Innovation.
图 5. 流程创新的杠杆。

Impact 影响

Automational 自动化的
Informationa 信息
Sequential 连续的
Tracking 追踪
Analytical 分析的
Geographical 地理的
Integrative 综合的
Intellectual 智力的
Disintermediating 去中介化

Explanation 解释

Eliminating human labor from a process.
Capturing process information for purposes of understanding.
Changing process sequence, or enabling parallelism.
Closely monitoring process status and objects.
Improving analysis of information and decision making.
Coordinating processes across distances.
Coordination between tasks and processes.
Capturing and distributing intellectual assets.
Eliminating intermediaries from a process.


The cognitive paradigm requires us, as individual employees, to undergo what is generally a skill-shift from traditional quantitatively-oriented decision skills to a more qualitative, open ended set of skills suited to the information age.

My sense is that employees who will succeed in the organizational environment of the cognitive paradigm we are discussing are going to be skilled at synthesizing, extracting meaning, dealing with open open-end questions and uncertainty of all sorts (Figure .
Underlying this skill-set are some important ideas which distinguish the behaviors and style of individuals who succeed in the traditional mechanical-oriented world as compared to those individuals whose skills will be needed for sound deci-

sion-making in the cognitive world. For example, using a Meyers-Briggs approach to assessing personality, my experience suggests that most good policy makers and managers in the utility industry today are introverted, sensing, thinking, judgmental types.

There are no negative connotations to this; it is merely a classification of preferred behaviors.
Figure 6. Skills Shift.
图 6. 技能转变。

Quantitative 定量的

Amount 数量
Measure 措施
Hypothesis 假设
Eliminate Uncertainty 消除不确定性
Confirms 确认

Qualitative 定性的

Essence 本质
Meaning 意思
Open-Ended Questions 开放性问题
Welcomes Surprises 欢迎惊喜
Explores 探索
Interestingly, one of the four Meyers-Briggs dimensions-the thinking-feeling dimension-has a strong gender bias and feeling aspects, which underlie some of the qualitative skills, will be much more important in the new cognitive-based organization.

Shimon Awerbuch talked about this issue yesterday, in describing how these new organizations are going to have more of a feminine quality.
昨天,Shimon Awerbuch 谈到了这个问题,描述了这些新组织将具有更多女性特质。

My point therefore is that cultural diversity and the ability to work in these uncertain, qualitative areas (Figure 6) become important and represent a general skill shift that we are going to have to see in our employees, a shift that enables them to process and internalize less structured data, to synthesize and understand the essence and meaning and to explore open-ended issues in a manner that leads to innovative products and solutions.
因此,我的观点是,文化多样性和在这些不确定的、定性的领域(图 6)中工作的能力变得重要,并代表了我们将在员工身上看到的一种普遍的技能转变,这种转变使他们能够处理和内化较少结构化的数据,综合和理解本质和意义,并以一种能够导致创新产品和解决方案的方式探索开放性问题。


We have been talking about organizations that are changing from the mechanical to the cognitive view; the change process is the transition or dynamic through which firms must pass as they adapt from the current to the future state (Figure 7).
我们一直在谈论从机械视角转变为认知视角的组织;变革过程是企业在适应从现状到未来状态的转变或动态过程(图 7)。

The transition state itself is similar to an airplane flight that encounters turbulence: you know you can only get to your destination by flying through it.

The transition through the turbulence is necessary, but you want to get through it quickly because it is clearly not comfortable.

The transition state (Figure 7) is marked by i) low stability, ii) high emotional stress, iii) high, but often undirected energy, iv) loss of control, v) a return to past patterns of behavior which now become highly valued, vi) anxiety, vii) increased conflict, and, viii) fear; what a wonderful place to be.
过渡状态(图 7)的特点是:i)稳定性低,ii)情绪压力高,iii)能量高,但常常没有方向性,iv)失去控制,v)回归过去的行为模式,这些模式现在变得非常重要,vi)焦虑,vii)冲突增加,和 viii)恐惧;多么美妙的地方。
Figure 7. The "Change" Process.
图 7. "变革" 过程。

Characteristics of the Transition State:

Low stability 低稳定性
High emotional stress 高度情绪压力
High, often undirected energy
Loss of control 失去控制
Past patterns of behavior become highly valued
Anxiety 焦虑
Conflict increases 冲突增加
Fear 恐惧
Adapted from concepts developed by Kurt Lewin and Richard Beckhard.
改编自 Kurt Lewin 和 Richard Beckhard 提出的概念。
While change is discomforting, it is going to continue and most of us are going to spend our careers in large organizations that are in the transition state.

Indeed, change will be a characteristic of the cognitive organization, because information changes which affect all aspects of corporate decision making, are so rapid.

If firms are going to mass customize with continuous improvement, continuous innovation and continuous leap-frogging over competitors, then they must be constantly reorganizing.

Moreover, employees are most likely going to spend the remainder of their career in a continual state of change so that managers of the new organization will have to develop skills that enable them to manage employees in the transition states.

These skills (Figure 8), were less valued in the steady state, unchanging mechanical-view organization.
这些技能(图 8),在稳定状态、不变的机械观组织中被较少重视。


Richard Hirsh [see Hirsh in this volume] suggested that the current utility organization has been essentially unchanged for 50 years or more.
Richard Hirsh(见本卷中的 Hirsh)认为当前的公用事业组织在 50 年或更长时间内基本上没有改变。

By contrast, I will offer the idea that in the future, new utility organizations are going to change on a rapid and regular basis and that this will require a set of skills or competencies which are quite essential, but which do not exist and are not highly valued in today's relatively

stable organizations. Figure 9 presents this new set of skills that management must adopt. They represent additional examples of those small " " skills.
稳定的组织。图 9 展示了管理层必须采用的这一新技能集。它们代表了那些小的“ ”技能的额外示例。
Figure 8. Management Skills Inventory.
图 8. 管理技能清单。
Informing Self-Confidence
Listening Self-Acceptance
Communications Personal Adaptability
Conflict Management Motivating Others
Stress Management Group Skills
Human Relations Skills
Staffing, Coaching & Developing
Innovation & Resourcefulness
We have already talked about structure in terms of de-layering systems and informating; we also talked about shared values and style. The new competencies can evolve only from developing those aspects of the organization.

An organization cannot simply wish for these new competencies and then build those other skills 'backwards.' The organization comes first; it delivers these things.

I would therefore suggest that new utility organizations, whether virtual or just slowly moving toward change, have to acquire the new competencies:

- Strategic resource allocation: This is contrast to what we do today, which is budget control. Utilities are very good at budgets and managing to budgets and controlling by budgets. However, what we must excel at is strategic resource allocation-achieving competitive advantage.

- Market-driven management: This is a change from the traditional engineering-driven management, as Shimon Awerbuch mentioned yesterday. Firms used to focus on greasing things, tightening things, maintaining things and if there was time left over, they might look at the customer.
市场驱动的管理:这是与传统的工程驱动管理不同的变化,正如昨天 Shimon Awerbuch 所提到的。公司过去通常专注于润滑事物、紧固事物、维护事物,如果还有时间,他们可能会关注客户。

In the new world, utilities will have to be good at market-driven managementunderstanding what market wants and needs and delivering it.

- Portfolio management and asset management: These competencies replace traditional rate-base management which we used to call "field of dreams" management: build it and they will pay for it. That's what asset management
Figure 9. New Competencies.
图 9. 新的能力。
Strategic Resource Allocation: Apply capital, , and non-financial resources to achieve competitive advantages consistent with strategic objectives.
Market-Driven Management: Manage operations to develop, market, and deliver products that create customer and shareholder value.
Portfolio Management: 投资组合管理
Develop and manage a portfolio of owned and non-owned supply and demand resources which achieve market segment, operating, and financial objectives.
Asset Management: 资产管理
Manage individual capital assets to create economic value in excess of the cost of capital employed.
Process Management: 过程管理
Develop and manage business processes linked directly to the utility's outputs to focus resource allocation priorities, improve quality and control costs.
used to be all about. The new focus must be on asset and portfolio management with the objective of creating wealth.

Amazingly, firms still don't use appropriate valuation measures for managing their assets; they still use the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) to value investments and strategies. This is critical and will have to change.
  • Process management: This is in contrast to functional management, where leverage is gained by understanding the whole process, by acknowledging the interdependencies that exist; efficiencies can be acquired because information flows along process, not functional lines.
  • Management Reporting: This is very different from the FERC-based accounting and reporting we are all used to as Alistair Preston indicated quite clearly yesterday.
    管理报告:这与我们所有人昨天阿利斯泰尔·普雷斯顿明确指出的基于 FERC 的会计和报告非常不同。

    Resource allocation involves applying resources to achieve competitive advantages consistent with objectives which is clearly different from budget and control.

    Traditional managerial reporting has little to do with managing and paying attention to opportunities that create value.
To me, these are the important competencies that new organizations must have. Now we can look at the other "S's" and determine what is needed in terms of structure, systems, and staff in terms of organizational redesign to be effective and deliver the needed competencies.

For example, market-driven management aims to develop and deliver products that create value.

We have all gotten quite comfortable with these words, yet I would suggest that if we decided to pursue such a capability as a firm, nobody would say: "Okay; now how do we re-organize to accomplish that?' In other words, in formulating new strategies, firms generally forget the organizational changes needed to implement and deliver them.

This omission leads to declining, dysfunctional organizations; the harder they try to improve performance, the more they practice their old organization behaviors, the more their actual results deviate from the desired.

These firms should be moving their employees away from those old patterns of behavior yet they tend to do the opposite: force employees di-

rectly back into those behaviors. The important message here is that making change, whether it is introducing empowerment or customer marketing, requires widespread organizational realignment in order to succeed.

Knowing how to reorganize may, in fact, be the most important new skill cognitive organizations need. They are needed to open markets and to develop new products. Now I would also offer that today's utility organizations generally do not have these skills.
So, I think that our challenge here as we move forward is to look at organizations, to look at their competencies and to keep in mind the organizational dynamics of change.

In the transition to the virtual utility we are dealing with collections of human capabilities as well as technological capabilities. So I wish us luck as we move forward and hope that this presentation provided a context in which to explore the issues of the virtual utility.

Thank you. 谢谢。


Peters, Waterman, "In Search of Excellence," Harper and Row, 1982
彼得斯,沃特曼,《追求卓越》,哈珀与罗,1982 年
Davenport, Thomas, "Process Innovation: Re-engineering Work Through Information Technology,"





Karl R. Rábago 卡尔·R·拉巴戈Environmental Defense Fund


The word virtual suffers from a recent spate of immense over-use. To add clarity to my own thought, I consulted a dictionary. My old edition, not edited for current usage, says:
Virtual - existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form or name. From medieval English—virtual - effective, powerful. From Latin - virtus-capacity, virtue. [American Heritage, 1973]
虚拟 - 虽然不是实际事实、形式或名称,但在本质或效果上存在或产生。源自中世纪英语 - 虚拟 - 有效、有力。源自拉丁语 - virtus-能力、美德。[《美国传统词典》,1973 年]
Not much help, perhaps, or maybe lots. In the virtual utility, only the essence remains. The virtual utility should be effective and powerful, should have the capacity of and the virtue of the utility; a utility in everything but fact, form or name.

The virtual utility is nimble and fleet of foot, less encumbered with physical assets, exploiting its intelligence and capabilities, embracing change and delivering outstanding customer satisfaction. Not a bad place to go.


First the mundane. It seems that any agenda to get to the future and past the next ten years of transition will require attention to at least five issues:
i) Allocate Costs-Since by definition there is little we can do to mitigate stranded costs, we must set about the allocation process immediately.

In Texas, where investor-owned utilities are committing millions to denying the trends, they have invented a new name for stranded costs-excess costs over market-or ECOM. Mere name changes will not suffice.
在德克萨斯州,投资者拥有的公用事业公司正在投入数百万美元来否认这些趋势,他们为滞留成本(超过市场的成本)或 ECOM 发明了一个新名字。仅仅改变名称是不够的。

While we are about it, we need to begin the cost allocation process for fully unbundled utility services.
ii) Restructure Institutions-Our regulatory institutions and the artifacts of their processes will need dramatic changes.
ii) 重组机构-我们的监管机构及其流程的工具需要进行重大改变。

From the boring but essential process of culling through mountains of tariff filings, to the critical task of remaking regulators as siting and market power overseers, these tasks, too must be begun immediately.
iii) Address Public Goods-Despite the theoretical and rhetorical wishes of the most fervent free-market talking heads, the public goods aspects of the utility system must be addressed, and in some form preserved. Strandable benefits need not be stranded.
iv) Ensure Technological Progress-Technology drives basic economic form. We instituted the current model of utilities and regulation because of the limits of available technology. Only new and different technologies can enable a different future.

Washington, D.C., the states, and the utilities must unfreeze from the headlights, and resume the march forward.
v) Address Market Imperfections-As I already suggested, there are no perfect markets. The subsidies to conventional technologies and fuels ensure that. The perfect need not be the enemy of the good.

We can make progress, and must, in improving market efficiency by addressing all true costs associated with production, transmission and consumption of electricity.
There is much detail to be worked out in this or any suggestion. For now, there is value in establishing a context with some framing concepts.


We should start with what we have. What we have is a huge pool of physical plant. We have an electron delivery system that has been called a "service" industry. But for most residential and small commercial customers, it is not.

The only contact most have with actual people at the "Light Company" is a telephone call to establish connection and a similar call to terminate it when they move. We do not shape the

character of our subscription except by the volume of our consumption. We do not try out new "services," or take advantage of "specials" or engage with sales staff in service reviews.

We do not hear stories of powerful and creative business leaders emerging from within the industry. We do not seek advertising about product "rollouts." We do not shop by phone.
We do know that somewhere at the other end of the wire there is a generating plant. We know it is part of the pollution problem, and that it employs some workers that we have never met. We know that on the rare occasion when the power goes out, someone will be at work.

We know from the book covers in grade school that electricity is dangerous. We expect to have electricity whenever we want it. And we know that it will be there, at least in varying degrees, for the of the world that has electricity. But for all the success with which electrons are delivered, electricity has not really been a service industry for individual Americans since sometime after the Edison method gave way to the Insull model.
Alternatives to the extant model have been available since the start. The remnants of now unused district heating systems can be found in many of our larger cities. Wind energy provided much of the original electrification of the rural West.

Working solar thermal systems have been around for nearly one hundred years. But one by one, these systems and technologies have faded before the relentless economies of scale epitomizing the days when we really did think electricity could become too cheap to meter.
In the last twenty years, however, distributed gas generators, renewable energy and energy efficiency have begun to emerge as technology and service options capable of truly moving the industry toward the service paradigm.

The electricity industry has not been very friendly to these alternatives.

The exceptions are noteworthy, and their existence reassuring, but of late too many utilities have withdrawn from efficiency and renewable energy, from forward-looking research and development efforts, and from real competition in generation.
The utility industry is now preoccupied with a visage of competition on the horizon. By and large the notion has paralyzed rather than invigorated the electric industry, though the conference industry is doing quite well.

One can almost see the utility accounting offices, lit bright with too many incandescent bulbs, with clerks bent stoop-backed over the ledgers, accounting for the pennies of stranded costs and calculating to the mil the rates to be charged and the period of collection necessary to make the company whole.

The concern is not a minor issue; industry estimates range around billion for stranded costs-the value of plant and regulatory assets rendered uneconomic by competition. All concern is focused on a promise to allow a reasonable opportunity to earn a reasonable return-arguably meaningless in the competitive paradigm.
关注的问题并不是一个小问题;行业估计的滞留成本约为 亿美元,即由于竞争而使工厂和监管资产的价值变得不经济。所有关注都集中在一个承诺上,即允许有合理机会获得合理回报-在竞争范式下可以说是毫无意义的。

And amidst this concern over costs that cannot be mitigated, many are forgetting the strandable benefits that need not be stranded.
Focusing on stranded costs and positioning for competition are transition tactics. Beyond the transformation lies a future where the electric industry will likely delaminate into a commodity-based electron generation market and a common carrierlike transmission system.

At the distribution level, however, the electric industry can undergo its most profound change-from a monopoly-based, central stationconnected mechanism for the collection of rents into a vital service industry that rebundles pure electron delivery with value-added options not yet imagined.

The distribution sector can drive the growth and change of the entire industry, and operate in a convergence zone where major trends promise to change virtually all the old assumptions about and even the essential character of the industry.

Getting there will be one of the most exciting changes to shake the sooty foundations of electricity in quite a long time.
The electricity industry is moving inexorably into a convergence zone where several major trends can and will profoundly shape the industry's future.

Growing global demand for energy, deregulation, the information explosion, environmentalism, population, technological innovation and other forces will combine with the trend toward competition to provide new opportunities for value added services and true customer choice.

The information content of electricity will increase in importance. The separation between information, matter and energy in electricity will disappear.

Though the concern about stranded costs has naturally led to an emphasis on the commodity-based generation sector, the very success of the utility industry in almost universally connecting citizens in this century has laid the foundation for the next major shift-away from the central station model to the high-efficiency, high value of the distributed system.

[See Linden, et al., 1995].
参见 Linden 等人,1995 年。
Environmentalism-Concern about the environment is pervasive, both in this country and throughout the world. In the international community, especially, there is great concern for global issues such as climate change and ozone depletion. As many are pointing out, several of our fiercest economic competitors are positioning their industries for market domination through strong domestic environmental standards.

[See Moore, 1994] This trend favors technologies that are inherently environmentally sound and will disfavor the costly and efficiency-reducing end-ofpipe controls necessitated for conventional technologies.
[见 Moore,1994]这一趋势有利于那些本质上环保的技术,并不利于传统技术所必需的昂贵且降低效率的末端管控措施。

Even critics of the present approach to dealing with global climate change recognize the importance of alternative generation technologies. All the environmental regulation the most ardent regulator could imagine will, in the end, only control pollution.

New generation technologies, efficiency, and other electrotechnologies have the potential to eliminate pollution associated with electricity production entirely-in our lifetimes.
Telecommunications and Computing-As noted in a recent article in Wired magazine,
More Americans build computers than cars, more make semi-conductors than construction machinery, more work in data processing than petroleum refining. Since 1990, US firms have been spending more on computers and communications gear than on all other capital equipment combined.
更多的美国人制造电脑而不是汽车,更多的人制造半导体而不是建筑机械,更多的人从事数据处理而不是石油精炼。自 1990 年以来,美国企业在电脑和通信设备上的支出超过了所有其他资本设备的总和。

Software is the country's fastest-growing industry. World trade in information-related goods and services is growing five times faster than trade in natural resources. And so on and so forth. [Heilemann, 1996]
软件是该国增长最快的行业。与自然资源贸易相比,信息相关商品和服务的世界贸易增长速度快五倍。等等。[Heilemann, 1996]
Several commentators are beginning to seek lessons from the information revolution that can be applied to an electric utility industry facing increasing competition.

[Rábago, 1996] A good place to start is with Marshall McLuhan's oft-quoted first principle-"The Medium is the Message." Let's start with what the message is not.
[Rábago, 1996] 一个好的起点是马歇尔·麦克卢汉经常引用的第一原则——"媒介即信息"。让我们先来看看信息不是什么。
For all the speed and savings inherent in the new information gathering capabilities of the web, the net, and other aspects of the information revolution, mere efficiency is not the message of the Internet.

For all the cultural necessity to "get with it" through a company home page, new billboards is not the message of the Internet. And executive access to documents routinely retrieved by the legal staff is not the message of the Internet.
The message of the information revolution is distribution of intelligence, function, and interactivity. The message of the Internet is transience, choice and acces- sible technology.

It is about a world and a way of thinking that is profoundly at odds with the model dominating our perception of the electric power industry.
The Internet has reached phenomenal use in this country not because it is an information resource, but because the information is now within easy reach of many homes and businesses in this country. On the net, information is no longer limited by its physical location.

The Internet does not operate from a single central computer; no central station model of computer intelligence could have created it.

The network of networks is an interlaced and interconnected web of distributed computing power connecting millions of sites, each with their own native or potential intelligence.

Hypertext links connect the desire for information with its availability at precisely the moment sought by the user and interoperability is the premier protocol.
One message of the new information media is that truly revolutionary growth in the ubiquity and use of information came only with decentralization and nearly unfettered interconnection.

If this message has an analogue in the electric utility industry, it is the distributed utility model.

The installed base of electric generation connected through the one-way central station-to-transmission-to-distribution model we know today is significantly larger and more pervasive than the mainframe computer systems of a few decades ago.

But stranded cost recovery and accelerated depreciation will eventually eliminate this difference.

After that, further argument for the central station utility model could sound remarkably resonant of the misguided business strategies of IBM, Wang and other mainframe computer giants.
此后,对于中央站点实用模型的进一步论证可能会让人想起 IBM、Wang 和其他大型主机计算机巨头的错误商业策略。
The Internet and World Wide Web have not skyrocketed in the public consciousness because they produce attractive images, because they are "neat," or because they are "high tech." While appearance attracts, content, choice of content, and interoperability rule.

Go where you want, stay as long or as little as you like, dig deep or surf, the choice is yours. Through the power of Moore's law and the constant drive for usability, the process is getting easier all the time. Less than ten years ago the only way to interact with a computer was through the arcania of disk operating system commands, painstakingly typed on a keyboard.

Less than twenty years ago, one had to use keypunch cards. Technological progress has not only enhanced the range of information and information processing choices one enjoys, but also the ease with which those choices are made.

The code behind the program is absolutely irrelevant to the ultimate consumer of computing and information technology. What sells is the ability to be where you want to be, do what you want to do, when you want to do it.
For the electric industry it would be wise to look for the places where the electric equivalent of Moore's law may lie. Examining the efficiency improvement curves of large central scale generation technology suggests that their best days may be gone.

The learning curves of renewables, computer-driven energy management technologies, fuel cells and small scale gas turbines offer much greater promise (See Figure
1). With their small size also comes environmental superiority, flexibility, and that most important competitive attribute-adaptability to customer desires.

With improvements in small scale generation, from sub-10 MW biomass gasifier/turbine systems to photovoltaic roof shingles, and in storage technologies, from advanced batteries to superconducting flywheels-all managed by an interactive, intelligent interface with the distribution grid-the newer energy technologies offer the greatest range of choice for customers.
随着小型发电技术的改进,从 10 兆瓦以下的生物质气化/涡轮系统到光伏屋顶瓦片,以及储能技术的进步,从先进电池到超导飞轮,所有这些都由与配电网交互智能的界面管理,新能源技术为客户提供了最广泛的选择范围。

Because of their small size and their relative independence from much supporting infrastructure, the technologies of the distributed system offer the broadest and most flexible menu of choices for satisfying customers.

The companies that become expert providers of that choice will satisfy, at a handsome profit, the needs, wants and desires of future markets.
Figure 1. DOE Cost Projections.
图 1. DOE 成本预测。
The future will likely include an electric industry strongly influenced by customer choice and an expectation of interactivity, by the computing, telecommunications, and information revolution, and by the progress of innovative technology.

The power of the technological innovation does not lie in doing business-as-usual in a different, even more efficient way. The heartbeat message of the future is fundamental change.
As more and more households and businesses expand their use of telecommunications technologies, they will also be installing some of the infrastructure for new energy services.
Many alternative generation technologies, such as photovoltaics, are also wellsuited to supplying remote telecommunications requirements; is an ideal power supply for the milli-watt microcells of the new personal communications network systems. Intermittent energy sources have more value to users when combined with communications between generator and user.

Load control systems and "smart houses" rely on telecommunication for their effectiveness. Two-way telecommunications coupled with two-way energy flow and distributed generation, storage, and management systems could convert every home or office into its own virtual utility.

The ability to network users and generators of electricity and to manage energy use

interactively offers potential for saving energy that could more than pay for fiber to the curb.

Home or building scale systems comprised of generation, management and storage technologies would allow off-peak purchase from the grid and on-peak sale to the grid, all driven by price signals communicated in real-time to the building and managed through a simple computer interface.
Electric systems are essentially geographically based.

New geographic information systems (GIS) technologies, involving clipboard computing, digitized mapping and data retrieval systems offer potential for reducing time and labor-intensive costs related to operations and maintenance of the distribution infrastructure.

These technological improvements-essentially the digitizing of the distribution system-may also be an important course for ensuring continued reliability in the face of recent industry trends to reduce service staff and close local offices.

Developments in information technology already make the deployment of renewable energy generation more practical and less expensive. Computing power increases the value of the information content of electricity.
Knowing where customers are, how they use their electricity, and their collective impacts upon transmission and distribution systems means valuable markets for providers of load-control technology, small-sized supplemental generation systems, and even high-efficiency appliance marketing.

Rather than the brute-force solution of adding a new power plant or expensive transmission upgrade, the careful targeting of modular and flexible efficiency or renewable options offers least-cost options to enhance service quality and reliability.
Energy Demand and Population Growth-Global population will probably double by the middle of the next century. Energy demand will nearly quadruple. Population increases directly drive demand for the services provided by energy.

Renewable energy, now the marginal energy source, will inevitably provide a greater portion of overall energy demand as depletable resources are depleted and the value of local resources increases.

[Lamarre, 1995] In a similar fashion, as demand for services provided by energy increase, the value of energy efficiency also increases.
[Lamarre, 1995] 随着对能源提供的服务需求的增加,能源效率的价值也会增加。
Population growth, especially in developing countries, means an expanding market for all kinds of energy solutions. Today some two billion people are without electricity.
人口增长,尤其是在发展中国家,意味着对各种能源解决方案的市场需求不断扩大。如今,约有 20 亿人口没有电力。

This growing demand will stress the ability and question the desirability of sinking massive levels of scarce capital into traditional energy options.

A truly conservative energy policy will likely rely upon the modular, flexible, and scaleable nature of distributed systems, renewable energy and energy efficiency. Even more important in this calculation is the long term trend in fuel supply.

Long term solutions must recognize a likely reduction in availability of fossil fuels, due to both limited supplies and growing greenhouse concerns.
Deregulation-The past two decades have seen complete or partial deregulation in many U.S. industries: airlines; trucking; stock exchange brokerage services; rail- roads; buses; cable television; oil and natural gas production; long-distance telephone services; natural gas transmission and distribution; and banking. This trend has reached the electric industry, and is in many respects a global phenomena. In many nations, governments are privatizing formerly state-run electric systems. In some cases, these nations are leap-frogging the U.S. model.
A first and narrow glance at the battles between coal and gas, between utility generation and IPPs, and at the brooding presence of nuclear investments seems to have led conventional thinkers to suggest that competition disfavors distributed resources.

These new options have benefited from preferential, though erratic, regulatory treatment, to be sure. But they are not dependent upon that treatment.

The modularity of alternative generation resources and the ability to diffuse them throughout the distribution system enables them to provide high value services that offset high prices for delivered electrons.

The many currently cost-effective applications identified point the way to even greater opportunities in more open and competitive regimes.

A new institutional structure, occasioned by deregulation and competition and centered on the distributed utility model will be facilitated by improvements in telecommunications and information technology, and will exploit the modularity and efficiency inherent in small gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Dematerialization-"Dematerialization" refers to the process of doing more with less material-it is the process of reducing material, labor and energy content while increasing information content to develop a better designed product.

Today a single CD-ROM disc can hold tens of thousands of pages of text and graphics. Fiber optics and faster, more powerful chips move and process orders of magnitude more information in fractions of the space used just ten years ago.
今天,一张单独的 CD-ROM 光盘可以存储数以万计的文字和图形页面。光纤和更快、更强大的芯片可以在比十年前使用的空间的一小部分中传输和处理数量级更多的信息。

Today's cars are lighter and use less material than their predecessors. The weight of a electric motor has declined from 418 pounds in 1930, to 380 pounds in 1951 , and to 190 pounds in 1987. Dematerialization has resulted in smaller production units and often more local production.
今天的汽车比起它们的前辈更轻,使用的材料更少。电动机的重量从 1930 年的 418 磅下降到 1951 年的 380 磅,再下降到 1987 年的 190 磅。去物质化导致了更小的生产单位,通常更多的本地生产。

Already adapted to the idea of mini-mills, the steel industry is now looking at micromills, designed to target markets as small as cities instead of regions.
In the electric utility industry dematerialization can be seen in the economies of manufacturing scale in smaller generation technologies. Dematerialization can also be seen in fuel sources.

The original trend toward ever more dense energy sources, epitomized in nuclear power, has carried a significant materials burden in construction materials, fuels and waste disposal.

The trend now is toward less dense fuel sources, with natural gas as today's the fuel of choice and hydrogen-powered fuel cells on the horizon.

The ultimate in dematerialization in fuel sources is solar based, such as photovoltaics, solar thermal and wind generation technologies.
Dematerialization is what renewables are about, as abundant, diffuse energy is collected and applied to tasks without matter-intensive conversion intermediaries.

As manufactured, rather than constructed technologies, renewables improve efficiency through engineered dematerialization, or what Jun Miyaki of Japan's MITI calls "entropy engineering." Thin film and thinner silicon wafers have improved the cost performance of photovoltaics, membrane heliostats have improved solar thermal costs, and lighter components are key to improved longevity and greater performance of today's and tomorrow's variable speed wind turbines.
作为制造而非建造的技术,可再生能源通过工程化的物质减少来提高效率,或者正如日本经济产业省的 Jun Miyaki 所称的“熵工程”。薄膜和更薄的硅片提高了光伏技术的性价比,膜式平板太阳能热能系统降低了太阳能热能的成本,而更轻的组件则是提高今天和明天的可变速风力涡轮机寿命和性能的关键。
To generate electricity from coal, materials are assembled into large machinery to extract solar photons-energy-concentrated from plants into coal in a process taking millions of years.

This concentrated energy source is transported using equipment assembled with more materials to a plant in which more materials are assembled in order to construct feeders, boilers, turbines, generators, and waste collection facilities.

The heat energy of the coal is released and converted into mechanical energy, which in turn is converted to electric energy. The waste is sent to the land and to the air, almost devoid of the energy quality or any other beneficial quality it contained.

Assembling all these materials loads the process with costs and inefficiencies. All this process is designed to reveal and produce an electrical product that in a photovoltaic cell is produced directly from the solar photon.

Similar comparisons apply to superconductivity, fuel cells, hydrogen energy systems and energy efficiency.


The relevance of all these converging trends lies in the forces they will exert on the electric industry. The significance lies in the convergence itself.

As the components of technology and society converge, they affect each other, just as forces occupying the same field interact.

What was once an electricity world neatly divided into its material, energy and information components will be a swirling mass where movement along one vector inspires the movement of another.
In the convergence zone, when electricity service meets telecommunications, electricity will not become "digital," but electricity service can become interactive.

In converging with information technology, electricity service can become intelligent, replacing the dumb electron delivery system of the central station model. Fewer, smarter, kilowatt hours will displace the electrons of those old systems. [Awerbuch, 1996] As population and environmentalism converge upon energy we will not need less energy, but more, better, better-timed and better-suited energy sources and services.
Deregulation and increasing reliance upon markets for the allocation of private goods aspects of energy will lead to increasing customer focus.

After the dust settles on the stranded cost problem, the key to success will lie in product differentiation around expectations of choice, environmental soundness and technological innova-

tion. The strategic thinking will focus on the forces in the convergence zone. Strategic thinkers will look beyond uneconomic generation and new access rules for transmission systems toward a truly competitive battleground for customer satisfaction.

Combining the value-adding attributes of renewable energy and efficiency with electron delivery will offer a ready arsenal of options for keeping and attracting customers focused not just on reliability, but also qualities like environmental soundness, price-stability, modularity, flexibility, intelligence and empowerment through real choice.

The future is a convergence zone; those who would be profitable there will exploit every aspect of the new reality. They will be-effective, powerful, existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form or name. They will be virtual.


American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, New York: American Heritage Publishing, 1973.
美国传统英语词典,纽约:美国传统出版社,1973 年。
Awerbuch, Shimon, E. Carayannis, A. Preston, "The Virtual Utility: Some Introductory Thoughts on Accounting, Technological Learning & Valuation of Radical Innovation," Proceedings of the Symposium on The Virtual Utility, (1996), p. 37.
Awerbuch, Shimon, E. Carayannis, A. Preston,“虚拟公用事业:关于会计、技术学习和激进创新估值的一些初步思考”,《虚拟公用事业研讨会论文集》,(1996 年),第 37 页。
Heilemann, John, "It's the New Economy, Stupid," Wired, Vol. 4, No. 3 (March) 1996, p. 70.
海勒曼,约翰,“这是新经济,笨蛋”,《连线》杂志,第 4 卷,第 3 期(1996 年 3 月),第 70 页。
Lamarre, Leslie, "Renewables in a Competitive World," EPRI Journal, Vol. 20, No. 6 (November/December) 1995, p. 16.
Lamarre, Leslie,“竞争世界中的可再生能源”,EPRI 杂志,第 20 卷,第 6 期(1995 年 11 月/12 月),第 16 页。
Linden, Henry, D. Oleson, C. Tedmon, A. Roeder, T. Casten, R. Fri, "Technology: Change Agent in Global Restructuring," Electricity Journal, Vol. 8, No. 10 (December) 1995, p. 54.
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Part III 第三部分

The Virtual Utility: Planning and Strategic Investment Analysis





Shimon Awerbuch 西蒙·阿韦布赫
Energy Finance and Economics
Elias G. Carayannis 伊利亚斯·G·卡拉亚尼斯
George Washington University
Alistair Preston 艾利斯泰尔·普雷斯顿
University of New Mexico


This paper examines the problems associated with the application of traditional capital budgeting practices to the valuation of radically new processes and technologies in an environment of rapid technological change.

It focuses on a restructured utility industry, and the possible emergence of the Virtual Utility.
Different types of technological innovation are discussed. The paper then illustrates how capital budgeting, by virtue of its accounting orientation, often fails to identify important benefit categories associated with emerging technologies.

Finally, the paper offers suggestions for enhancing the capital budgeting process by making

qualitative assessments to better understand the benefit implications of architectural innovations such as the Virtual Utility.


"The US electric utility industry is in the midst of a dramatic restructuring. However, it is unclear what kind of industry will emerge.

A patchwork of unfolding national and state deregulation has put the restructuring in motion, but there is no defined end-point." (Navarro, 1996: 112).
American electric utilities are undergoing significant regulatory, market and technological changes.

In order to rise to the challenges of the new, competitive environment utilities will need to enhance the manner in which capital investment (capital budgeting) decisions have traditionally been made. This paper examines the problems associated with the application of traditional capital budgeting practices to conduct benefit-cost analyses of radically new concepts and technologies in an environment of rapid technological, market, and regulatory change.

The paper explores different kinds of technological innovation and illustrates how capital budgeting may fail to identify important benefit categories.
This paper does not propose a new set of algorithms for this changing environment; indeed they may become obsolete before new projects are brought on line.

Rather, it examines the potential benefit of revised capital budgeting approaches that are sensitive to the limitations of the underlying accounting information and the positive impact of technological learning in the valuation of new technologies.

The paper concludes with some suggestions for improving capital budgeting by making qualitative assessments to better understand the benefit implications of architectural innovations such as the Virtual Utility (VU).
Dramatic industry restructuring is not unique to electric utilities.

Nearly every institution or major sector of the US economy has, or is currently, undergoing similar dramatic change: manufacturing underwent similar striking changes in the mid 1970s; the financial service industry did likewise in the 1980s; health care, which began its restructuring and, in the late 1980s, continues to undergo changes today.
几乎美国经济的每个机构或主要部门都经历了或正在经历类似的巨大变革:制造业在 20 世纪 70 年代中期经历了类似的显着变化;金融服务行业在 20 世纪 80 年代也是如此;医疗保健在 20 世纪 80 年代末开始重组,并且至今仍在经历变化。

Of course, these are not the only cases; telecommunications, natural gas and even government provide additional examples. The forces driving restructuring differ in each case.

In manufacturing, for example, market forces and new process technologies drove change; in health care, the transformation was driven by regulation, which in turn created a radically different market environment for health care organizations.

In the case of electric utilities, the forces driving restructuring represent a complex interplay of radical regulatory, market and technological changes.
While differences exist among these industries, there are commonalities as well and utilities stand to learn from the survivors of change in other industries.

Indeed, learning is an underlying theme of this paper and if the experiences of other industries are an indication, utility decision makers (engineers and managers) will need to learn:
  1. To re-conceptualize the way in which electricity is generated, transmitted, distributed, marketed, metered, paid for, and conceived as a product;
  2. To change the manner in which they conceive and measure performance;
  3. Re-conceptualize the way they view their relationship with customers, other utilities, non utility generators and independent power producers, regulators and different components of their own firms (e.g.

    generation, transmission and distribution) that previously defined them as utilities.
  4. To learn new ways to gather and record information, plan and control the use of resources, organize and make decisions.
The scope of these changes is obviously enormous and this paper focuses on two of the aspects: i) the need to learn enhanced capital budgeting (i.e.
这些变化的范围显然是巨大的,本文重点关注其中的两个方面:i) 学习增强的资本预算(即

investment analysis) processes in the forthcoming environment of radical innovation, and ii) the need to learn new ways to monitor and control the costs of generating, transmitting and distributing electricity. Both of these will be needed in the new utility environment.
The structure of this paper is as follows. First we introduce the idea of the "economic engineering mentality," a view that has dominated utility capital budgeting and cost control throughout this century.

Second we examine the notion of the Virtual Utility (VU), arguing that a new mentality or way of conceptualizing capacity investment and cost control problems are needed.

The third section of the paper examines the problems of traditional capital budgeting or benefit-cost procedures as applied to radical new concepts or technologies in an environment of rapid technological, market, and regulatory change.

This section explores technological innovation and illustrates how capital budgeting may fail to identify important benefit categories.

The final sections discuss the limitations of traditional utility accounting systems and outline a different approach to understanding and controlling maintenance costs for fossil generating stations.

The paper concludes with suggestions for improving capital budgeting and cost control processes in utilities.


A comparison of manufacturing, health care and electric utilities suggests that in each of these industries a particular type of "expert mentality" rose to dominate the way in which problems were generally conceptualized and solved.

For example, in the case of manufacturing, it was the efficiency expert, trained in the F.W. Taylor School of Scientific Management, that emerged as the dominant expert [Loft,
例如,在制造业的情况下,受过 F.W.泰勒科学管理学校培训的效率专家成为主导专家。
1986]. The "efficiency expert mentality" shows an early preoccupation with cost and capital budgeting which ultimately yielded the most highly evolved system of cost controls (including operations budgeting, standard costing, and financial analysis of capital investment.
1986 年。"效率专家心态"显示出对成本和资本预算的早期关注,最终产生了最高度发展的成本控制系统(包括运营预算、标准成本核算和资本投资的财务分析)。
In the case of health care, by comparison, the physician emerged as the dominant "mentality" with the view that medical treatment could at any one time justify any cost and investment in new technology.

This convincing position swept aside early cost control initiatives in health care and resulted in little concern with capital budgeting [Preston, 1992] so that the dominance of the physician led to a decisionsupport system removed from cost or profitability considerations.
这个令人信服的立场摒弃了早期的医疗成本控制举措,并导致对资本预算几乎没有关注 [Preston, 1992],以至于医生的主导地位使得决策支持系统与成本或盈利考虑脱离了联系。

As a result, traditional health care accounting systems evolved into a mere calculus for third party cost reimbursements: instead of cost control systems, hospitals developed "cost finding" and "cost charging" systems. It was not until the 1980s that hospitals began to establish internal cost control and capital budgeting systems. This transformation coincided with the ascendancy of a management mentality in health care that eclipsed the dominant physician.
因此,传统的医疗保健会计系统演变成了第三方成本报销的简单计算:医院不再发展成本控制系统,而是发展了“成本发现”和“成本收费”系统。直到 20 世纪 80 年代,医院才开始建立内部成本控制和资本预算系统。这种转变与医疗保健管理思维的崛起同时发生,这种思维超越了主导地位的医生。
Finally, in the case of utilities, an "engineering-economics mentality" emerged as the dominant approach to cost. Engineering economics is
Body of knowledge devoted to the systematic evaluation of the net worth of benefits resulting from proposed engineering and business ventures in relation to the expenditures associated with those undertakings.

Accordingly, economic analyses that primarily involve engineering and technical projects commonly are called engineering economy studies (DeGarmo, et. al. 1984, 4).
因此,主要涉及工程和技术项目的经济分析通常被称为工程经济研究(DeGarmo 等,1984 年,4 页)。
The engineering-economics mentality reveals a decision focus almost exclusively preoccupied with justifying investment in bigger and better central generating stations with the aim of improving the engineering efficiency of the generating process.

Hirsh (1989) has demonstrated that every ten years, generating stations increased tenfold in size and became ten times more efficient.

What is important is that the decision models for the economic engineering mentality could readily be met with relatively simple benefit/cost measurement and capital budgeting processes (such as the revenue-requirements model).

In addition, the argument (and demonstrable proof) that larger, more efficient stations resulted in lower -cost needed only simple, aggregated cost accounting systems: costs could simply be recorded as Fuel costs or Operation & Maintenance (O&M) costs and these could, in turn, be divided by output to yield a simple average cost per . In a regulated environment with low rates of technological change, where costs could be shown to decline by further investment in larger, more efficient central generating stations, there was no need to develop sophisticated cost control systems.
As a result relatively simple capital budgeting and cost control systems proved reasonably adequate for the first three quarters of this century.

However, as fossil technology reached stasis in the early 1970s (Hirsh, 1989), the relationship between increased size, increased efficiency and lower cost no longer held. As technological stasis emerged so did the specter of deregulation and competition.
然而,随着化石燃料技术在 20 世纪 70 年代初达到稳定状态(Hirsh,1989),增加规模、提高效率和降低成本之间的关系不再成立。随着技术稳定出现,解除管制和竞争的幽灵也随之出现。

It was at this point that the economic engineering mentality, the traditional capital budgeting process and the accounting systems which had evolved in their support began to lose explanatory power.

The engineering way of thinking became less convincing and useful, thus setting the stage for a shift. The new utility environment, as discussed in the next section, requires new approaches to capital budgeting and accounting in utilities.


The VU can be conceptualized as an entity or model for organizing power generation and distribution by minimizing non-value-adding activities such as excess transactions and excess generation capacity and providing appropriate quality energy on a just-in-time basis.
VU 可以被概念化为一个实体或模型,通过最小化非增值活动(如过多的交易和过多的发电能力)并提供适当质量的能源,以实现电力的生成和分配。

The VU could be a virtual organizational entity, which owns few assets, but rather is comprised of an alliance of various power generation and distribution entities (e.g.
VU 可以是一个虚拟的组织实体,拥有少量资产,而是由各种发电和配电实体(例如)组成的联盟。

non-utility generators-NUGs or independent power producers-IPPs) that utilize a variety of supply options including passive, modular power generation and telecommunication technologies. Moreover, the VU can be conceived as a producer of high-value-adding intangibles embodied in fully masscustomized electric services.
非公用发电厂(NUGs)或独立发电厂(IPPs)利用各种供应选项,包括被动、模块化发电和电信技术。此外,VU 可以被看作是生产完全个性化电力服务中所体现的高附加值无形资产的生产者。
The VU, with its modular generating technologies, its capabilities to deliver specialized new services and its flexible supply arrangements enabled by new financial instruments such as energy options and futures contracts creates a set of benefits that may differ considerably from the traditional direct benefits usually examined in capital budgeting.
VU 凭借其模块化发电技术、提供专业新服务的能力以及通过能源期权和期货合约等新金融工具实现的灵活供应安排,创造了一系列利益,这些利益可能与传统资本预算中通常考虑的直接利益有很大不同。

For example, while particular generating technologies may or may not demonstrate lower busbar costs, it is the synergism of the VU organizational structure that produces cost reductions in a manner similar to the way flexible process technology reduced total costs in manufacturing, even though direct costs were not always lowered.
例如,尽管特定的发电技术可能或可能不显示出更低的母线成本,但是 VU 组织结构的协同作用以类似于灵活的工艺技术降低制造总成本的方式产生了成本降低。即使直接成本并不总是降低。
Busbar cost comparisons coupled with relatively little attention to cost control may have been satisfactory in a previous technological era, when output was sold to an essentially captive market and utility resource alternatives were technologically homogeneous, consisting largely of fossil fired options which had essentially the same mix of operating, overhead, capital, transmission and distribution costs.

The current environment, however, offers both a considerable range of technological options, including capital intensive solar/renewable such as photovoltaics (PV), and Demand Side Management (DSM) alternatives which have fundamentally different overhead, operating, and capital transmission and distribution costs than traditional central generating plants.

Given these differences it is no longer sufficient to select resource options on the basis of their busbar or direct costs alone and it will be no longer possible to pass on inefficient resource utilization to customers.

Capital Budgeting and Innovation

The traditional economic engineering mentality is of limited use in conceptualizing the nature of newly emerging technologies in the VU. For example, the absence of a mechanical conversion process in PV-based generation renders the deeply rooted engineering model of electricity production, its related notion of efficiency, and the economic engineering performance measures typically associated with fossil generation (i.e.
传统的经济工程思维在概念化新兴技术在 VU 中的性质方面具有有限的用途。例如,光伏发电中缺乏机械转换过程使得电力生产的根深蒂固的工程模型、相关的效率概念以及通常与化石燃料发电相关的经济工程绩效指标(即

the busbar cost measure) of limited value.
The task of developing new capital budgeting processes for passive technologies requires more than simply reconfiguring analytical routines; it requires a change from the economic engineering approaches that have held sway in the utility industry for so long.

This task is all the more problematic because of the scale and scope of technological change in the VU environment. Electric utilities were accustomed to incremental innovations in generating technology for much of this century.
由于 VU 环境中技术变革的规模和范围,这项任务变得更加棘手。电力公司在本世纪的大部分时间里习惯了发电技术的渐进式创新。

These exploited the potential of established designs and improvements in the existing functional capabilities of steam powered technology which yielded relatively small improvements to performance, safety, quality, and cost-the value-adding attributes of central station generating technologies (Betz, 1993: 20-21).

Newly emerging generation technologies, however, often represent radical innovations.

These introduce new concepts that depart significantly from past practices hence creating technologies such as fuel cells and PV which are based on a different set of engineering principles and often open up entirely new markets and potential applications (Betz, 1993: 20).

In addition, radical innovation can change the way system components are linked together.

These system or architectural innovations [Henderson and Clark, 1990] may alter the traditional components used to manufacture electricity thereby altering the nature of the product in a fundamental manner.
这些系统或建筑创新[Henderson 和 Clark,1990]可能改变用于制造电力的传统组件,从而从根本上改变产品的性质。

Although arguably the product still consists of electrons, their creation, availability, quality and delivery options are sufficiently altered to produce benefit categories not previously understood or conceptualized.

While traditional economic engineering decision tools were useful for valuing incremental innovation in generation, they are not always work well when applied to radical innovation.
Additional architectural innovation might ensue from the realignment between technology and organizational structure in the emerging VU.

For example, the traditional technological components of the electricity generation and delivery system include: i) inflexible, central-station generating facilities with non-zero marginal costs, coupled with ii) inflexible distribution systems marked by high sunk costs.
例如,电力发电和输送系统的传统技术组成部分包括:i)具有非零边际成本的不灵活的中央发电设施,以及 ii)具有高固定成本的不灵活的配电系统。

Such a system requires significant organizational support and incurs significant overhead and transactions costs (Williamson, 1975).

Traditional technology is predicated on hierarchical organizations with broad operational support capabilities and agglomeration (scope/scale) economies.

New modular technologies, however, may alter this situation just as technological progress has eliminated agglomeration economies in other technology-based processes including diagnostic imaging and health care delivery.

The typical hierarchical structure of an electric utility may dissolve under the VU and re-emerge as a modularized structure operating in a decentralized market economy rather than an agglomeration economy.

Traditional capital budgeting techniques which rely exclusively on revenue and expense flows fail to even consider organizational costs let alone the potential organizational synergies of enriching the mix of generating technologies.
Radical and architectural innovations require new sets of organizational skills and knowledge and thus create problems for existing firms: since it is difficult and costly for them to readjust their skills and knowledge base, such firms face distinct disadvantages in the adoption of the new technology (Henderson and Clark, 1990) which partly explains why radical new technologies are often diffused through new ventures or start-ups.
激进和建筑创新需要新的组织技能和知识体系,因此给现有企业带来问题:由于调整技能和知识基础困难且成本高昂,这些企业在采用新技术方面面临明显的劣势(Henderson 和 Clark,1990),这在一定程度上解释了为什么激进的新技术通常通过新创企业或初创企业传播。

Because of this requirement for continual renewal and upgrading of organizational skills and capabilities, organizational (Argyris and Schon 1978; Fiol and Lyles 1985; Senge 1990; Teece 1990; Garvin 1993; Dodgson, 1993) and technological learning (Dodgson, 1991a, 1991b; Carayannis, 1994, 1995a, 1995b, 1996) become important.
由于对组织技能和能力的持续更新和升级的要求,组织学习(Argyris 和 Schon 1978; Fiol 和 Lyles 1985; Senge 1990; Teece 1990; Garvin 1993; Dodgson, 1993)和技术学习(Dodgson, 1991a, 1991b; Carayannis, 1994, 1995a, 1995b, 1996)变得重要。

Further, we argue, resistance to technological innovations may in part be explained by entrenched, dominant "mentalities"-ways of conceptualizing business practices, decisions and strategic options-which have given rise to deeply rooted capital budgeting and other organizational processes.

And, while enhanced capital budgeting processes provide the foundation for change, a corresponding change in the entrenched mentality requires organizational learning.
Argyris and Kaplan (1994) note that successful implementation of new processes and technologies requires three interrelated characteristics of learning.
Argyris 和 Kaplan(1994)指出,成功实施新的流程和技术需要学习的三个相互关联的特征。

First, the "technical theory" supporting change must be demonstrably valid; in particular, its internal consistency and external validity must be established.

Second there must be an educational process often characterized by repetition and experimentation through which organizational participants are convinced that the new processes and technologies are valid and useful.

Finally, there must be sponsorship of the new technical theory in the organization.

Combined, these three characteristics represent the collective process of organizational learning, which, through repetition and experimentation, enables new ideas, opportunities and technologies to be identified and accepted and new decision making processes be performed better and quicker (Teece, 1990).

Organizational learning is focused on uprooting established notions about decision models and technological change.

It involves the development of insights, knowledge, and associations between past actions, the effectiveness of those actions and future actions (Fiol and Lyles, 1985); it is a process involving the detection and correction of error (Argyris and Schon 1978).

Learning is both an individual and an organizational process which occurs not only through the imitation and emulation of individuals, (e.g.

teacher-student), but also through joint contributions to the understanding of complex problems so that it requires common communication codes and coordinated search procedures (Teece, et al 1990).
教师和学生之间的沟通不仅仅是通过传授知识(即单向的教师-学生关系),而且还通过共同努力来理解复杂问题,这需要共同的沟通方式和协调的搜索程序(Teece 等,1990 年)。

This paper seeks to demonstrate the validity and stress the necessity of a enhanced approaches to capital budgeting and cost control in electric utilities.

It attempts to contribute to the educational process necessary for the introduction of new ways of thinking in organizations.


The Revenue Requirements Method (RRM) and EPRI-TAG concepts used by utilities to evaluate alternative options can be traced back to the beginning of this century, although the procedures did not mature until the post World War II era (Awerbuch et al., 1996).
收入要求方法(RRM)和公用事业用于评估替代选项的 EPRI-TAG 概念可以追溯到本世纪初,尽管这些程序直到二战后时期才成熟(Awerbuch 等,1996 年)。

These procedures were conceived in a different technological era, and, as appliea, no longer work well.

Generally, discounted cash flow procedures (and their utility derivatives-RRM and TAG) were developed for manufacturing and generating technologies with specific characteristics: they were active, expense-intensive and possessed a finite durability. The technologies were active in the sense that fuel, labor and overhead inputs were consumed by mechanical processes and converted into measurable outputs.
通常,贴现现金流程(以及其效用衍生物-RRM 和 TAG)是为具有特定特征的制造和发电技术开发的:它们是活跃的、费用密集型且具有有限的耐久性。这些技术是活跃的,意味着燃料、劳动力和间接费用输入被机械过程消耗,并转化为可测量的产出。

The continual input of resources, as well as the maintenance of the mechanical processes were, from a financial point of view, expense-intensive.

The characteristic of finite durability ensured that each day of using machinery required increasing operating/maintenance costs and falling returns thus bringing the ultimate replacement of the complete mechanical process that much closer.
In addition, utility generation technologies were marked by relatively low rates of technological progress. This has several implications.

First, in such an environment, the useful life of a particular asset can be conceptualized as being driven by the rate at which that asset wears out.

Since technology remains essentially constant, an asset with low wear on it will be worth a relatively high proportion of its original value. This does not hold when rates of technological change are high, e.g.

computers, where the value of a used asset has more to do with rates of technological change than with how much "wear" it has had (e.g. how many hours it has been used).

Moreover, low rates of technological change suggest that a new machine will have only incremental improvements to it.

For example, while the traditional "new" milling machine may have had better speed control and somewhat higher slew rates, it was essentially unchanged and therefore did not require major changes in the way the firm produced its product.

As a result, overhead and other support costs did not change much from what they were with the previous machine. This illustrates that the replacement decision, and, for utilities, the capacity addition decision, was at one time well supported by the existing accounting.

Indeed there was little need for intuition: "intangible" benefits, if any, were small.
The attributes of activeness, expense-intensity and finite durability could be found in most traditional, process-oriented technologies, whether the product was screws, or kilowatt-hours.

However, the nature of technology has changed: new process technology, whether CIM (computer-integrated manufacturing) or renewables, is frequently capital-intensive which creates important accounting measurement issues since sunk costs are not readily dealt with by the traditional accounting model.
然而,技术的性质已经发生了变化:新的工艺技术,无论是 CIM(计算机集成制造)还是可再生能源,往往是资本密集型的,这就引发了重要的会计测量问题,因为沉没成本在传统会计模型中无法轻易处理。

In addition, new process technologies are often passive, i.e.: there is little distinction between its state of being "in-use" versus its state of being "idle" or "off"; costs are virtually the same, which suggests a marginal cost function radically different from what utility economists and planners are used to seeing, These characteristic also make it harder to allocate costs to output: the personal computer, for example, loses value not in relation to the hours it is used, but as a consequence of technological progress in the industry. Finally, passive technologies possess essentially infinite durability - their actual use contributes little to their "wearing out." Indeed, given today's shorter manufacturing life-cycles and high rates of technological change, technology becomes functionally obsolete before "wearing out" in the traditional sense.

Characteristics of passive, capital-intensive technology are not consistent with the ideas underlying the economic engineering mentality which attempts to reconfigure and mold the attributes into a traditional capital budgeting model with the consequence that it fails to appropriately capture the true costs and benefits of passive technology.
The investment decision for passive, capital-intensive technologies is considerably more complicated, and accounting information no longer provides adequate decision support. This affects the valuation of the VU which is based, in part, on passive generating and telecommunications technologies that radically alter the manner in which electricity is produced and delivered.
As suggested at the beginning of the paper, there is much to learn from the experience of other industries that have dealt with the limitations of traditional capital budgeting techniques in response to rapidly changing environments.

The following section explores the inherent limitations of traditional capital budgeting and accounting measurement.


The shortcomings of capital budgeting as applied to the evaluation of CIM and other new passive process technologies have received considerable attention (see for example: Kaplan, 1986).
资本预算在评估 CIM 和其他新型被动工艺技术时存在的缺点已经引起了相当大的关注(例如:Kaplan,1986 年)。

In addition, traditional capital budgeting has been criticized as underlying the myopic investment strategies of American firms during the last two decades (Hayes and Garvin 1982; Hayes and Abernathy 1980).
此外,传统的资本预算被批评为在过去二十年间美国企业的短视投资策略的基础(Hayes 和 Garvin 1982; Hayes 和 Abernathy 1980)。

Indeed, it is suggested that traditional capital budgeting techniques have a dismal record in identifying promising new technologies, and have failed to see the important benefits of such major innovations as computers, CIM, computer-aided design (CAD) and robotics (see Awerbuch, 1993a).
事实上,有人建议传统的资本预算技术在识别有前景的新技术方面表现不佳,并未意识到计算机、CIM、计算机辅助设计(CAD)和机器人等重大创新的重要好处(参见 Awerbuch,1993a)。

In a similar vein, we would argue that RRM and EPRI-TAG models have failed to fully recognize the value-adding benefits of passive, distributed generation alternatives because of their myopic focus on direct cost.
在类似的情况下,我们认为 RRM 和 EPRI-TAG 模型未能充分认识到被动式分布式发电替代方案的增值效益,因为它们过于狭隘地关注直接成本。

In this respect, we argue that the benefits of new process technologies in electricity generation can be fully understood only through the use of more robust capital-budgeting techniques based on more powerful accounting vocabularies.
In short, newly emergent technologies have distinctly different benefit/cost attributes which must be captured by enhanced investment decision models. We contend that traditional capital budgeting techniques constitute an impediment to learning.

They are rooted in the mechanical concept of production whose attributes coincide with the deeply entrenched economic engineering mentality of the electric utility industry.

New, more robust approaches must recognize, if not quantify, the atypical benefit/cost attributes of new technologies. The next section discusses some of the "atypical" benefit attributes ignored by traditional capital budgeting.

The Attributes of New Process Technologies in Manufacturing

A fundamental capital budgeting lesson to be gained from the experience in manufacturing is that new technologies provide an indivisible bundle of benefit/cost attributes which invariably will differ from those of the conventional technology (Figure 1).
从制造业的经验中可以得出一个基本的资本预算教训,即新技术提供了一组不可分割的效益/成本属性,这些属性与传统技术的属性必然不同(图 1)。
Figure 1. Evaluating New Technology.
图 1. 评估新技术。

Technologles Provide a Bundle of Benefit-Cost Aftributes

Most Attributes Have No Direct Accounting Measure

This was not generally the case in previous technological eras, where, given low rates of technological progress, a new machine may have differed only incrementally from the previous vintage.

Although the differences between new and existing technology choices are generally multidimensional, traditional analyses tend to focus on only one attribute-direct cost-both initial and operating. It is easy to see why this happens.

Most of the important attributes of new process technologies have no direct accounting measure and are therefore easy to ignore or to relegate to the "intangibles" category.
The traditional focus on cost ignores other important technology attributes such as throughput, and quality which in some cases are the important cost drivers. Other attributes which drive cost relate to the way in which new technologies affect project risk, reversibility and flexibility, all of which have by now been widely recognized. For example, we may be able to estimate a set of expected manufacturing costs for a capital-intensive CIM process and compare them to the expected costs under the current labor-intensive process although the two are not directly comparable: a labor-intensive process is subject to the vagaries of the labor market while the capital-intensive process presents a set of known, up-front outlays coupled with very low annual operating costs.
传统的成本关注忽视了其他重要的技术属性,如吞吐量和质量,这在某些情况下是重要的成本驱动因素。其他驱动成本的属性与新技术如何影响项目风险、可逆性和灵活性有关,这些已经被广泛认可。例如,我们可以估计资本密集型 CIM 过程的一组预期制造成本,并将其与当前劳动密集型过程的预期成本进行比较,尽管这两者并不直接可比:劳动密集型过程受劳动市场的变化影响,而资本密集型过程则需要一系列已知的前期支出以及非常低的年度运营成本。

Barring implementation problems, the costs of capital-intensive processes are known with near-certainty.
The flexibility attributes likewise play an important role in electricity generation.

Conventional, fuel-intensive technology is inflexible: it requires the firm to commit to the construction of large, irreversible, central-station plants, such as coal, some ten years prior to completion of the plant.

The construction period is fraught with uncertainty-environmental and siting permits, various local, state and federal approvals, etc. Assuming the project survives these hurdles, it must operate per the original forecast, by now, easily ten to fifteen years old.
In contrast, a PV project can be more readily moved to meet changing geographic demand; in addition, its scope can be readily altered, or, it can be sold; the modules may not fetch their original cost but will at least fetch some respectable proportion. Hence, under the VU environment a new option set emerges, created by the modular capability of new generating alternatives including small gas turbines, PV and other renewables. This capability can be seen in several different ways.

First, it means that these technologies can be installed in small increments as load grows, much the same way the local telephone company installs central-office equipment. It also means that projects can be scaled back or moved geographically, should conditions change.

The rapid response to changing load and other conditions reduces uncertainty associated with the long lead-times of traditional, lumpy central-station technologies. It also greatly reduces the enormous overhead costs of planning and implementing lumpy central-station investments.
Flexibility/reversibility therefore means that modular PV installations, though they are highly capital intensive, may actually have lower sunk costs and hence can be salvaged at some reasonable fraction of their original cost [e.g. see Hoff in this volume].

This is in comparison to inflexible technology, say a coal plant, where the sunk costs of, for example, engineering design and (literally) bricks and mortar mean that once completed, such plants will generally have a negligible or even negative salvage value.

The ability to move or scale-back generating projects reduces risk, and, moreover, enhances the likelihood of demand-supply equilibrium.
Figure 1 showed the set of strategic/capability options provided by new technology.
图 1 显示了新技术提供的战略/能力选择集。

This option-set suggests that by adopting a new process technology, firms may develop certain capabilities which Baldwin and Clark (1992), define as "groups of expenditures, which, when taken as a whole, represent an investment for the firm." This suggests that process technology should be adopted under certain situations, even where the present values are relatively low, because the investment is needed to stay on the learning curve, i.e.
这个选项集表明,通过采用新的工艺技术,企业可以发展出鲍德温和克拉克(1992 年)所定义的“一组支出,当作为一个整体时,代表了企业的投资。”这表明,在某些情况下应该采用工艺技术,即使现值相对较低,因为需要投资以保持在学习曲线上。

to create the options for subsequent technology adoption in the future. New technology generally also provides a different set of environmental attributes which are often more benign. Our tools for measuring these benefits are poor.

Even poorer is our ability to value the results intertemporally, where theoretical as well as practical impediments exist.


Valuing electric resource options in an environment of rapid technological change presents special challenges not traditionally faced by utility planners.

In such an environment, traditional, relatively static valuation models do not generally allow managers to properly evaluate radical and architectural innovations.
Figure 2 illustrates this problem. It shows the expected output or performance level relative to the required investment for two hypothetical process technologiesan established, dominant technology and a "challenger"-a new innovative process.
图 2 说明了这个问题。它展示了两种假设的工艺技术(一种是已经建立起来的、占主导地位的技术,另一种是一种新的创新工艺)相对于所需投资的预期产出或绩效水平。

The established technology, which is depicted as being in the middle range of its - shaped curve, i.e. it has not yet fully matured, is "challenged" by a radical or architectural innovation. We assume that managers have continually improved the established process over time, and, through experience, have found that a investment in process improvement raises output from Q1 to Q2, an increase in output of . The quantity can be thought of as an increased physical quantity produced, a quality improvement, throughput enhancement or cost reduction.
被描绘为处于其“b0”形状曲线中间范围的已建立技术,即尚未完全成熟,受到了一项激进或架构创新的“挑战”。我们假设经理们随着时间的推移不断改进已建立的流程,并通过经验发现,对流程改进的“b3”投资将产出从 Q1 提高到 Q2,即产量增加了“b4”。数量“b5”可以被视为增加的物理产量、质量改进、吞吐量增强或成本降低。
Figure 2. The Capital Budgeting Problem-Cost and Performance: New vs. Established Technology.
图 2. 资本预算问题-成本和绩效:新技术与成熟技术。
Adapted from Richard Foster, Innovation: The Attacker's Advantage.
Let's say that managers are aware of the new process but are reluctant to adopt it because it seems "too risky" relative to a strategy of continued incremental enhancements to the existing process.

Kaplan (1986) and others have criticized the managerial tendency to undertake incremental improvements over major, radical ones, but, as Figure 2 illustrates, such a strategy may indeed make good sense from a manager's point of view.
Kaplan(1986 年)和其他人批评管理者倾向于进行渐进式改进而非重大、根本性的改变,但正如图 2 所示,从管理者的角度来看,这样的策略确实是明智的。
Indeed, the basis for managers' reluctance to adopt radical innovation may be seen quite directly: observe that in order to attain an output level of Q2 with the new process, managers will have to make a much larger initial investment, '. Using standard, accounting-based capital budgeting procedures this investment appears too risky and the incremental improvement to the established process (represented by ) seems a much safer bet.
事实上,经理们不愿采用激进创新的基础可以直接看出:观察到为了通过新的流程达到 Q2 的产出水平,经理们将不得不进行更大规模的初始投资, 。使用标准的、基于会计的资本预算程序,这种投资似乎过于冒险,而对已建立流程的渐进改进(由 表示)似乎更为安全。
But this view is static: it ignores efficiency gains likely to be attained by each technology as it progresses along a learning or experience curve (see for example: Utterback and Kim, 1985; Abernathy and Wayne, 1974).
但这种观点是静态的:它忽视了随着技术在学习或经验曲线上的进步而可能实现的效率提升(例如参见:Utterback 和 Kim,1985 年;Abernathy 和 Wayne,1974 年)。

While this view is therefore defective as Kaplan (1990) and others have argued, the failure does not necessarily reflect an inherent weakness in the discounted cash flow (DCF) model.

Rather, the problem centers on mechanical application of DCF which often omits technological progress and learning considerations that might highlight the ultimate efficiencies of the new process relative to the established one.
相反,问题集中在对 DCF 的机械应用上,这往往忽略了可能突出新工艺相对于已建立的工艺的最终效率的技术进步和学习考虑。
And this goes to the heart of the problem described by Kaplan (1990): over time each incremental investment to the established process is made by managers on the basis of the static view since little reliable information exists about the future.
这正是 Kaplan(1990)所描述的问题的核心所在:随着时间的推移,每一次对已建立流程的增量投资都是基于静态视角进行的,因为对未来几乎没有可靠的信息。

Given such information about future performance and price managers would recognize that it is in their interest to adopt the new process early so that they can develop capabilities which will better position them to fully exploit the new technology before competitors make their switch.
The manager's problem, of course is that information of the type presented in Figure 2 is not available ex ante, but only with hindsight, where it does little to help the decision process.
经理的问题,当然是因为图 2 中呈现的这种类型的信息事先是不可得的,只有事后才能得知,而这对决策过程几乎没有帮助。

Absent such decision information in real time, it is difficult for managers to know when to adopt the new technology so they wait until it becomes the "least cost" on a static, accounting basis.
With perfect information managers would recognize the future limitations of the established technology, which would suggest that continuing to invest solely in it is wasteful. If they continue to make investments each year they will end up at point , whereas by switching early to the new process they will attain the higher output level . The result is that while each individual investment appears to be the "least cost" (and lowest risk) at the time, when viewed in total, such "piecemeal" investments in a mature established process only worsen the ultimate outcome: they yield obsolete processes and systems which have been incrementally enhanced over time with no cumulative benefit (Kaplan, 1990).
在完美的信息下,管理者会意识到现有技术的未来限制,这表明继续单纯投资于它是浪费的。如果他们每年继续进行投资,最终会达到点 ,而如果早期转向新的流程,他们将达到更高的产出水平 。结果是,尽管每个个体 投资在当时看起来是“最低成本”(和最低风险),但从整体上看,这种对成熟的现有流程的“零散”投资只会恶化最终结果:它们产生过时的流程和系统,这些流程和系统随着时间的推移逐步改进,没有累积效益(Kaplan,1990)。
In valuing the VU and other innovations in electric production and delivery it is important to avoid simplistic, static models to represent more complex dynamic processes.
在评估 VU 和其他电力生产和传输方面的创新时,避免使用简单、静态的模型来代表更复杂的动态过程是很重要的。

While this suggests the need to devote resources to the measurement of technological progress, in order to develop a set of technology cost/performance expectations over time, it also must serve to underscore the limitations of accounting-based capital budgeting models.

While current capital budgeting procedures project to the future, they reflect only the past. To make things worse, they are se- verely hampered by the limitations of the accounting vocabulary they employ. These issues are explored next.


We have suggested that entrenched mentalities, which are based on the characteristics of traditional, active, expense-intensive technologies, influence the way in which capital budgeting techniques are constructed and applied.

In this section we further argue that accounting vocabularies and measurement systems additionally reflect and reinforce entrenched mentalities.

In this respect new accounting vocabularies and accounting based information support systems become an important component the educational process of organizational learning.

Different accounting vocabularies enable problems to be conceptualized in very different ways and allow entrenched ways of thinking to be challenged.
Utility accounting and reporting systems have evolved little since the early 1930s.
公用事业会计和报告系统自 20 世纪 30 年代初以来几乎没有发展。

They are geared primarily to the regulatory need to precisely determine which costs are to be capitalized and subject to depreciation and which are to be expended in the current period; they are intended to report the utility's financial performance position.

Like the financial reports of commercial organizations, utility accounts are of little value for management planning, control and decision making in a rapidly changing regulatory and market environment.

And while utility managers are facing increasingly complex pricing decisions and are under pressure from regulators and competitors to monitor and control the costs of generation, transmission and distribution, they posses inadequate cost information for decision support.

Accounting systems designed for one purpose, i.e.: reporting to regulators, are inadequate for management planning and control.

The FERC chart of accounts [Federal Power Corporation, 1973], though very elaborate in defining assets, categorizes generating costs into only Fuel, Operation and Maintenance and Depreciation, thus representing a huge agglomeration of different cost types whose relationships to output is only poorly understood.
联邦电力公司(1973 年)的 FERC 账户图表,虽然在定义资产方面非常详细,但将发电成本仅分为燃料、运营和维护以及折旧,因此代表了各种不同成本类型的巨大聚集,其与产出的关系仅被了解得很差。

While some utilities have begun to disaggregate cost information, these systems typically fail to recognize even the simplest notions of fixed and variable costs making it difficult if not impossible to construct cost models for standard costing, planning, and control.

In addition, it is difficult if not impossible to perform incremental analyses or to evaluate alternative technologies. In short, traditional utility accounting systems fail to identify the nature and behavior of individual generating costs.

Given the relatively underdeveloped state of utility cost and management accounting, considerable work is needed in order to provide the cost information necessary for the VU.
鉴于公用事业成本和管理会计的相对不发达,需要进行大量工作,以提供 VU 所需的成本信息。

Activity-Based Costing in Manufacturing

For these accounting issues as well, there are lessons to be learned from other industries such as manufacturing, companies have developed sophisticated cost control techniques in response to competitive pressures.

Traditionally, manufacturing costs were separated into their fixed and variable components using statistical analyses that, for much of this century, assumed that output volume-the number of units produced-is the only meaningful cost driver which implies that the manufacturing process generates costs only in direct proportion to the volume of units produced.

Managers ignored fixed costs on the assumption that they were not controllable, i.e.: they had to be incurred in order to provide physical plant and facilities for production. As a result of stiff international competition and rapidly changing process technologies in the 1970s, however, US manufacturers found it necessary to develop a better understanding of product costs.
经理们忽视了固定成本,因为他们认为这些成本是不可控制的,即:为了提供生产的物理设施和设备,必须承担这些成本。然而,由于 20 世纪 70 年代国际竞争激烈和工艺技术迅速变化,美国制造商发现有必要更好地了解产品成本。

The most touted such technique is Activity-Based Costing (ABC), which has spawned a whole new vocabulary for understanding cost behavior in manufacturing which, in turn, has taught manufacturing managers to re-conceptualize not only the manufacturing process but also the nature of their products and their relationship with customers.
Unlike traditional cost techniques which focused upon managing direct costs, principally materials and labor (Awerbuch, et. al. 1996), ABC focuses on the tracing and management of overhead costs which, by the 1970s, had risen considerably relative to direct costs. identifies manufacturing activities (cost drivers) that cause "fixed" costs-those that are not driven by output volume-and charges them to products.
与传统的成本技术不同,传统的成本技术主要关注管理直接成本,即材料和劳动力(Awerbuch 等,1996 年),而 ABC 则关注追踪和管理间接成本,这些成本在 20 世纪 70 年代相对于直接成本大幅上升。ABC 确定了导致“固定”成本(不受产量驱动的成本)的制造活动(成本驱动因素),并将其分配给产品。

Examples of such activities are machine set-ups, quality inspection, product design and the production of waste and defective units.

These costs were traditionally largely ignored; managers took them as "givens." Compared to traditional costing systems that assign overhead costs on the basis of arbitrary plant-wide rates such as direct labor hours, has revealed considerable product crosssubsidization in multi-product firms. In particular, suggests that high volume, low complexity products with relatively little waste and few machine set-ups and inspections have traditionally subsidized low volume, high complexity products which require similar amounts of direct labor, but which consume considerably greater amounts of overhead activities.
这些成本在传统上往往被忽视;管理者将其视为“已知事实”。与基于任意的整厂费率(如直接劳动时间)分配间接费用的传统成本核算系统相比, 揭示了多产品企业中相当大的产品交叉补贴。特别是, 表明,高产量、低复杂度的产品,其浪费较少、机器调整和检查次数较少,传统上一直在补贴低产量、高复杂度的产品,这些产品需要相似数量的直接劳动,但消耗的间接活动要多得多。

Indeed, understanding the nature of fixed costs-those driven by factors other than output-is important as utilities struggle to remain competitive.
Along these lines, a dimension of that is of particular relevance for utilities is its ability to identify value and non-value-adding activities.

The emphasis here is not on product costing, but rather, on improving performance by: i) eliminating or reducing non value-adding costs and ii) increasing the efficiency of value-adding activities.

Indeed the control of overhead costs, which was traditionally ignored in manufacturing, has become the factor that gives manufacturers an advantage in their increasingly competitive environment.

While ABC has become fairly well es- tablished in manufacturing, it is yet in its infancy in other industries including health care, financial services and utilities.
虽然 ABC 在制造业中已经相当成熟,但在其他行业,包括医疗保健、金融服务和公用事业方面,它仍处于初级阶段。

The Behavior of Utility O&M Costs

Utilities have made little effort to understand the nature and behavior O&M costs. While small in comparison to fuel outlays, their control nevertheless may yield potentially significant cost savings. Analysis of O&M costs requires two steps.

The first conforms with traditional managerial (statistical) cost analysis to identify O&M cost components which are fixed with respect to kilowatt-hour output and those which vary with output.

If, as our own preliminary empirical investigations suggest, a considerable proportion of costs are fixed, then or other management accounting techniques are needed to identify activities and drivers that cause fixed costs to be incurred.
如果我们自己的初步实证调查所示,相当大比例的 成本是固定的,那么需要使用 或其他管理会计技术来确定导致固定 成本发生的活动和驱动因素。
Preliminary investigations into the activities and cost drivers of electric utility maintenance costs reveal a number of interesting points. First, fossil fuel plant maintenance is not a single homogeneous activity. Rather, at least five activity centers can be identified:
  1. Planned outages and overhauls;
  2. Forced outages and repairs;
  3. Ongoing maintenance of faults in non critical components;
  4. Preventive maintenance 预防性维护
  5. Predictive maintenance. 预测性维护。
Second there exists a hierarchy of cost drivers that cause these five maintenance activities (and their cost) to be incurred. The hierarchy includes (at least) the following three drivers:
  1. Plant Design: Particular generating station engineering design and construction creates inherent or "built-in" in maintenance problems; and therefore, drive maintenance costs.
  2. Operating Procedures and Load Type: The manner in which a generating unit is operated may drive maintenance costs. Such operation can vary with the type of load, e.g. contract power for known, specified periods versus for power generation for dispatch.

    In addition, deep cycling of baseload plants to meet base, and intermediate as well and peaking demand will drive maintenance costs differently than if the units were run as baseload only.
  3. Maintenance policy: Maintenance policy itself drives costs in different ways. For example, the typical utility policy of scheduling a standard list of maintenance tasks during a planned outage, whether or not the repairs are necessary, clearly drives maintenance costs up.

    In contrast, just-in-time maintenance policies, under which repairs are conducted only on those components that need them, drive costs in a very different way.
Designing accounting systems to capture the costs of each of these activities is an important first step to monitoring and then determining whether the various maintenance activities add-value to the generating process.

Figure 3 outlines the structure of such an accounting system.
图 3 概述了这样一个会计系统的结构。
Figure 3. Map of Accounting System.
图 3. 会计系统地图。
Utility maintenance policies are undergoing frequent changes and tracing costs to activities becomes an essential element for evaluating such changes.

For example, when changing from traditionally scheduled to just-in-time maintenance, it is important to trace costs to activities so the effect of the change can be evaluated.

Of particular importance in this situation is the issue of cost shifting versus cost savings and it may turn out that revised maintenance policies simply shift costs from one maintenance activity to another or from the current to a future period without creating actual cost savings.

Indeed, absent adequate cost tracing to activities over time, the value-adding benefits of new maintenance policies are not determinable.

For example, a number of utilities are seeking to reduce the cost of planned outages by: i) extending the time between planned outages; ii) deviating from previous scheduled repair/replacement tasks and repairing/replacing only components that are demonstrably faulty, and iii) deferring repair/replacement of partially worn components with the expectation that they will remain functional until the next planned outage.
If we define the value-added attributes of generating station maintenance costs as those which increase the reliability/availability of the unit in the most cost effective

  1. Mr. Vesey is now a Vice President of Entergy Corporation, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  2. Sometimes called "lean production," perhaps after the usage by Womack, et. al [1991].
    有时被称为“精益生产”,可能是在 Womack 等人的使用之后[1991 年]。
  3. For an example involving the steel industry's conversion to the Bessemer process in the early 1800 's see: Kim Clark [1987].
    有关钢铁行业在 19 世纪初转向贝塞尔法的例子,请参见:金·克拉克[1987]。
  4. Awerbuch, Preston and Carayannis similarly argue that deeply rooted accounting ideas stem from the previous technological era and do not serve current-vintage technologies well.
    Awerbuch、Preston 和 Carayannis 同样认为,根深蒂固的会计观念源自于之前的技术时代,对当前的技术并不适用。
    This is analogous to Brian Arthur's recent conclusions; [see: "The New Rules of the Road,", U.S. News and World Report July 8, 1996, page 47].
    这类似于布莱恩·亚瑟最近的结论;[参见:"The New Rules of the Road,", U.S. News and World Report 1996 年 7 月 8 日,第 47 页]。
  5. Ilic, et. al. [in this volume] offer alternative prescriptions regarding stranded costs.
    Ilic 等人[在本卷中]提供了关于滞留成本的替代方案。
    Shimon Awerbuch, Alistair Preston, and Elias Carayannis "The Virtual Utility: Some Introductory Thoughts on Accounting, Technological Learning and the Valuation of Radical Innovation;" Raj Aggarwal, "Justifying Investments in New Manufacturing Technology: Implications and Lessons for Utilities;" Richard Bower, "Discussion."
    Shimon Awerbuch, Alistair Preston, and Elias Carayannis "虚拟公用事业:关于会计、技术学习和激进创新估值的一些初步思考;" Raj Aggarwal, "为新制造技术的投资提供理由:对公用事业的影响和教训;" Richard Bower, "讨论。"
  6. Chitru Fernando and Paul Kleindorfer, "Integrating Financial and Physical Contracting in Electric Power Markets;" Frank Graves and James Read, Jr., "Capacity Prices in a Competitive Power Market;" Thomas Hoff and Christy Herig, "Managing Risk Using Renewable Energy Technologies," Mark Reeder, “ Discussion.”
    Chitru Fernando 和 Paul Kleindorfer,“在电力市场中整合金融和物理合同”;Frank Graves 和 James Read Jr.,“竞争性电力市场中的容量价格”;Thomas Hoff 和 Christy Herig,“利用可再生能源技术管理风险”;Mark Reeder,“讨论”。
    8 As a case in point: nobody wants to build transmission in Argentina because they haven't figured out how to pay for it in a competitive market; Wall Street Journal, June 19, 1996.
    作为一个例子:没有人愿意在阿根廷建设输电线路,因为他们还没有找到在竞争市场中如何支付的方法。《华尔街日报》,1996 年 6 月 19 日。
  7. 9 William G.  9 威廉 G.
    Shepherd, "Monopoly and Antitrust Policies in Network-based Markets Such as Electricity," Shmuel Oren & Dennis Ray, "Services in an Unbundled and Open Electric Services Marketplace"; Bridger Mitchell & Peter Spinney, "Technological Change and the Electric Power Industry: Insights from Telecommunications"; Jan Hamrin, Discussion.
    牧羊人,“在基于网络的市场(如电力市场)中的垄断和反垄断政策”,Shmuel Oren 和 Dennis Ray,“在一个解耦和开放的电力服务市场中的服务”;Bridger Mitchell 和 Peter Spinney,“技术变革和电力行业:来自电信业的见解”;Jan Hamrin,讨论。
    This is the clear lesson that ensues from the recent debacle surrounding Canadian tele-communications deregulation: a number of the most prominent competitors went bankrupt within a year.
  8. Marija Ilic et. al., Interconnected System Operations and Expansion Planning in a Changing Industry: Coordination vs.

    Competition; Fernando Alvarado Rules of the Road and Electric Traffic Controllers: Making a Virtual Utility Feasible; Hyde Merrill, Ramon Nadira, and Steven Balser, Discussion.
  9. 12 Leonard Hyman The Bottom Line: A Summary and Analysis of the Virtual Utility Conference; Carl Weinberg The Virtual Utility and Environmental Stewardship.
    12 Leonard Hyman《底线:虚拟公用事业会议的摘要和分析》;Carl Weinberg《虚拟公用事业和环境管理》。
  10. The notion of a the electric utility system stems from discussions of technological systems by Thomas . Hughes. He argues that a system consists of a "seamless web" of elements that a casual observer might label economic, educational, legal, administrative and technical.
    电力公用事业系统的概念源自 Thomas Hughes 对技术系统的讨论。他认为,一个系统由一系列元素组成,一个随意的观察者可能会将其标记为经济、教育、法律、行政和技术。

    System builders strive to maintain their creation by "construct[ing] or ...forc[ing] unity from diversity, centralization in the face of pluralism, and coherence from chaos." (Hughes 1987, 52). See also Hughes (1983).
    系统构建者努力通过“从多样性中构建或强制统一,面对多元主义实现集中化,并从混乱中获得一致性”来维护他们的创造物。(休斯,1987 年,52 页)。另请参阅休斯(1983 年)。

    The electric utility system, therefore, consists of more than the utility industry. It includes the entire spectrum of stakeholders and interests involved in the production and use of electricity.
    In this paper, market structure refers to a business' relationship between buyer and seller. Under the utility consensus, a single firm provided electricity to numerous buyers within a geographical region.

    Industry structure refers to the number and type of entities producing and selling electricity.

    Though the utility industry in the United States consists of federal, state, and municipal producers and sellers of electricity, along with federally-assisted cooperatives, it is still dominated by large, vertically-integrated firms owned by investors.

    This paper primarily deals with this last category.
  11. For the purposes of this paper, power can be defined as the employment of resources by individuals and groups to harness the agency of others to comply with one's own ends. Such a definition is based upon the work of Anthony Giddens (Giddens 1979, 262).
    为了本文的目的,权力可以定义为个人和团体利用资源来驾驭他人的行动,以达到自己的目的。这样的定义基于安东尼·吉登斯(Giddens 1979, 262)的工作。
  12. The New York law actually called for creation of two commissions, one for New York City and another for the rest of the state. In 1921, the two commissions were combined into one ("New York Goes Back to Single Commission" 1921, 952).
    纽约法实际上要求成立两个委员会,一个负责纽约市,另一个负责州内其他地区。1921 年,这两个委员会合并为一个(《纽约回归单一委员会》1921,952)。
  13. As the cost of electricity declined and as its availability increased, the customer base eventually became the general public. When the utility industry began in the , the high cost of power limited its use to factory owners, who saw productivity increase through the use of electrified machinery, and business, hotel, and movie house owners as well as street-car operators, who needed electricity to attract and retain customers.
    随着电力成本的下降和供应的增加,客户群最终扩大到了普通大众。当公用事业行业在 年代开始时,高昂的电力成本限制了其使用范围,只有工厂主们看到了通过使用电气化机械提高生产力的好处,以及商业、酒店、电影院和有轨电车运营商们需要电力来吸引和保留顾客。

    These customers of electricity viewed the commodity largely as a producer good-a raw material necessary for the production of a good or service.

    As prices declined and as utility companies promoted power usage for homes, electricity became a consumer good, being used by a larger segment of the population to offer convenience and comfort-giving services.

    Once electricity made its way to rural America in the 1930s, the customer base had been extended pretty much to all the members of the public. 6 The payments made to professors were defended in an Electrical World editorial ("Those Naughty Professors" 1929,1271 ).
    一旦电力在 20 世纪 30 年代传到美国农村地区,客户群基本上扩展到了所有公众成员。对教授的支付在《电气世界》的一篇社论中得到了辩护(《那些淘气的教授》1929,1271)。
  14. 7 Electric power had not generally reached rural areas, a fact that helped spur the Rural Electrification Administration's creation as part of President Roosevelt's New Deal programs.
    8 After the holding company abuses became well known, some state legislatures gave commissions greater power to require disclosure of operating companies' affiliations with holding companies and to improve regulation of the operating companies' securities (Marlett and Traylor 1935, 177-86).
    在控股公司滥用行为广为人知之后,一些州立法机构赋予委员会更大的权力,要求运营公司披露与控股公司的关联,并改善对运营公司证券的监管(Marlett 和 Traylor 1935,177-86)。
  15. 9 Of course, utility company managers did not necessarily view the period as "golden" at the time.

    Managers complained in their trade press of regulatory bodies' relatively slow action to decide cases, especially when it dealt with approval of accounting methods that would benefit utilities, such as the use of "fair value" as the basis for rates instead of initial cost of equipment ("What's Wrong with Regulation?" .
  16. While I argue that participants seek to retain control within the utility system, I am cautious about imputing conscious political motives to players who advocate one position or another.

    Certainly, no executive or advocate has admitted to me that his or her institution pursues policies to enhance control or diminish other players' power.

    Nor am I sure what such an admission would mean, since the intentions of historical actors, or rather their first-person accounts of their intentions, offer problematic historical evidence at best.

    Nevertheless, the effect of the participants' actions is often to seek greater control. It is the effect, and not the intent, that interests me.
    11 In its 1978 Annual Report, Pacific Gas and Electric observed that "a significant portion of US electric energy needs by the year 2020 could come from solar cells," while "[w]ind energy may some day become an economical and practical supplemental source of electricity (Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1978, 9-10)."
    在其 1978 年的年度报告中,太平洋煤气电力公司观察到,“到 2020 年,美国电力需求的相当大一部分可能来自太阳能电池”,而“风能有望成为一种经济实用的补充电力来源(太平洋煤气电力公司 1978 年,9-10 页)”。
  17. Windpower research also won support from the Califormia Energy Commission, and investors in wind projects earned state income tax credits (Serchuk, 1995, 193-206 and 241-44).
    风能研究还得到了加利福尼亚能源委员会的支持,风电项目的投资者获得了州收入税抵免(Serchuk, 1995, 193-206 and 241-44)。
    13 IRP principles were implemented by the federal government after passage of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, Public law 96-501, 1980. State regulatory bodies began adopting IRP soon thereafter, with Nevada being the first to institute it formally after legislative action in 1983 (Wellinghoff and Mitchell 1985, 19).
    通过《太平洋西北电力规划和节约法案》(公共法案 96-501,1980 年)通过后,联邦政府实施了 13 项 IRP 原则。州监管机构随后开始采纳 IRP,内华达州在 1983 年立法行动后成为第一个正式实施 IRP 的州(Wellinghoff 和 Mitchell 1985,19 页)。
  18. 14 Only in California did utilities in the 1980s have that disincentive removed. The Electric Revenue Adjustment Mechanism (ERAM), instituted in 1982, immunized utilities from the incentive to sell more power as a way to earn more profits.
    只有在 20 世纪 80 年代的加利福尼亚州,公用事业公司才取消了这种不利因素。1982 年实施的电力收入调整机制(ERAM)使公用事业公司免受通过销售更多电力来获得更多利润的激励。

    Likewise, it took away the penalties incurred when they pursued energy-efficiency programs.
    15 As an example, Ralph Cavanagh, a lawyer for the Natural Resources Defense Council and a primary actor in establishing the collaborative process in California, frequently joined with Pacific Gas and Electric Company officials to speak about the virtue of the utility's new DSM policies.
    作为一个例子,自然资源保护委员会的律师拉尔夫·卡瓦纳(Ralph Cavanagh)是加利福尼亚州合作进程的主要参与者之一,他经常与太平洋煤气电力公司的官员一起谈论该公司新的需求侧管理政策的优点。

    Moreover, he accepted a position as a member of the Steering Committee, along with long-time energy-efficiency advocates Amory Lovins and Art Rosenfeld, that helped manage a PG&E research and development project (Hirsh and Pruitt 1993).
    此外,他还接受了一个职位,成为了一个由长期倡导能源效率的阿莫里·洛文斯和阿特·罗森菲尔德组成的指导委员会成员,帮助管理一项太平洋煤气电力公司的研发项目(Hirsh 和 Pruitt 1993)。
    I am grateful for the assistance of my colleague, Adam H. Serchuk, who helped develop some of the themes and approaches used in this part of the paper.
    我感谢我的同事 Adam H. Serchuk 的帮助,他在本文的这一部分中帮助开发了一些主题和方法。

    We have explored these themes in greater detail in "Momentum Shifts in the American Electric Utility System: Catastrophic Change or No Change at All?" Technology and Culture, vol. 37 (1996), 280-311, April 1996.
    我们在《美国电力公用事业系统中的动能转变:灾难性变革还是毫无变化?》一文中更详细地探讨了这些主题。《技术与文化》杂志,第 37 卷(1996 年),280-311 页,1996 年 4 月。
  19. Of course, some people rightly argue that to achieve lower costs, the non-utility generators have transferred a good part of the risk in financing plants to utility stockholders and ratepayers.
  20. 18 The end of Communism in Eastern-bloc countries appears to have inspired some advocates of deregulation and free market approaches.

    However, at least one supporter of fundamental regulatory principles, Barbara James, chief counsel to the Electric Division of the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, observed that "what the failures of Eastern European Communism have to do with the provision of electric service by a productive tension between private investors and government is unclear.

    Monopoly regulation is unlike any doctrinaire governmental theory, except possibly the Founders' federalist checks and balances (James 1995, 71 note 3)."
    垄断监管与任何教条式的政府理论都不同,可能只有创始人的联邦制制衡(James 1995,71 注 3)。
    Ironically, as some nations move away from state-ownership of electric utilities, they often look to some form of regulation to discipline free market forces and ensure social welfare.

    And in the United Kingdom, which has privatized its electricity services industry, public disaffection is stimulating efforts to increase regulatory oversight (Pope 1995, A10).
    在英国,电力服务行业已经私有化,公众的不满正在促使加强监管监督的努力(Pope 1995,A10)。
  21. 20
    Free markets, argue some people, do a poor job in dealing with environmental externalities and equity issues.

    They also fail to accommodate for situations in which individuals and institutions have perverse incentives to act "irrationally," sometimes because they hold inadequate information.

    Because of these market deficiencies and market "failures," regulation needs to exist in some form to provide a way for the industry to comprehend public-interest responsibilities. This argument is outlined in Hamrin, Marcus, Weinberg, and Morse 1994.
    由于这些市场缺陷和市场“失败”,需要以某种形式存在监管,以便行业能够理解公共利益责任。这一观点在 Hamrin、Marcus、Weinberg 和 Morse 1994 年的文章中有所阐述。
  22. See Zuboff, In the Age of the Smart Machine.
  23. 2 This idea may not be entirely new.

    Nathan Bedford Forest, a now notorious calvary General for the confederacy had a military strategy along these lines, which he expressed as "Be the firstust with the mostust." Be the firstust with the mostust: the most information you can get processed the quickest.
  24. Along these lines see the discussion by Awerbuch, et al (in this volume) regarding the importance of learning around the new technology.
    请参阅 Awerbuch 等人(本卷中)关于学习新技术重要性的讨论。
  25. 4 The Myers-Briggs is a widely used personality/behavior assessment. Gifts Differing, Isabel BriggsMyers, Consulting Psychologist Press, 1989.
    迈尔斯-布里格斯是一种广泛使用的人格/行为评估工具。《天赋的差异》,伊莎贝尔·布里格斯·迈尔斯,咨询心理学出版社,1989 年。
  26. See work performed by Venture Associates for the Electric Power Research Institute.
    请查看 Venture Associates 为电力研究所所做的工作。
    • The author wishes to acknowledge assistance from Dan Cleverdon, Princeton Economic Research, Inc., in preparing early drafts of this paper.
  27. Strandable benefits describes the many public goods and private benefits afforded through regulation of utilities. The typical listing includes energy efficiency programs, research and development programs, renewable energy development, low-income programs, and others.
  28. Environmental activism is, at least partially, a function of the wealth of a society. The richer a society the more of its resources it will be willing to spend on environmental conservation and improvement.

    This implies that one of the first steps to improving the environmental quality of a society is to increase its wealth, i.e., it is hard for a people in extreme poverty to place a high value on an idea as abstract as environmental quality when their concerns are more immediate and concrete.

    This appears to be a paradox, as economic development is often associated with environmental degradation. The paradox may in fact be false for at least two reasons.

    First, continued poverty may well be even more degrading to the environment than development, as the desertification of sub-Sahara Africa shows (the substitution of fossil fuels for firewood for cooking would have a substantial environmental benefit in sub-Saharan Africa).

    Second, the environmental degradation due to development may be temporary and substantially reversible, as it has been in the OECD countries. But we should always remember that at a basic level, pervasive degradation inhibits growth, and extinct is forever.
  29. This view, as reported in Energy Daily, Sep. 14, 1995, was summed up as "Current U.S. global climate change policy makes no sense." The participants of a symposium of global climate change on Sep.
    14, 1995, expressed their belief that the current U.S. global climate change policy is nonsensical.

    13, 1995, sponsored by the American Council for Capital Formation's Center for Policy Research indicated that it was foolish and counterproductive to push for near-term goals of emission reductions. Instead the focus should be on long-term atmospheric concentrations of . The three major speakers at the symposium were: W. David Montgomery, VP at Charles River Associates; Alan Manne, professor emeritus at Stanford University and Jae Edmonds, technical leader of economic programs at Pacific Northwest Laboratories.
    1995 年由美国资本形成委员会的政策研究中心主办的研讨会指出,推动近期减排目标是愚蠢且适得其反的。相反,应该关注长期大气浓度。研讨会的三位主要发言人是:查尔斯河协会副总裁 W. David Montgomery;斯坦福大学荣誉教授 Alan Manne;太平洋西北实验室经济项目技术负责人 Jae Edmonds。

    The three agreed that new technology is the key to keeping costs down in the long-run when dealing with climate change. Edmonds was quoted as: "The accelerated introduction of advanced energy technologies can so substantially reduce the costs of meeting an atmospheric concentration that costs are insignificant until late in the [21st] century." He added: "A clear implication of this result is that measures which accelerate global technology cost reduction, development and deployment have substantial value in achieving [the world's global climate change goals]."
    三人一致认为,新技术是在应对气候变化时长期降低成本的关键。埃德蒙兹被引用说:“加速推广先进能源技术可以大幅降低达到大气 浓度的成本,直到[21 世纪]末期成本都是微不足道的。”他补充道:“这一结果的明显含义是,加速全球技术成本的降低、发展和部署的措施在实现[世界的全球气候变化目标]方面具有重要价值。”
  30. Moore's Law, named for Gordon Moore, Chief Executive Officer of Intel, holds that computer processing power doubles every 18 months and cost reduces by half.
    摩尔定律是以英特尔首席执行官戈登·摩尔的名字命名的,它认为计算机处理能力每 18 个月翻倍,成本减少一半。
  31. Despite the slowing growth rate, global population will not stabilize until at least 2050 , at about the 10 12 billion level, twice the current population.
    尽管增长速度放缓,全球人口直到 2050 年至少不会稳定,预计将达到约 1012 亿人,是目前人口的两倍。

    A regional breakdown of current growth rates: Sub-Saharan Africa-2.94%; East & North Africa-2.53%; Asia-1.60%; Latin America & Caribbean-1.69%; North America-1.11%; Europe-0.32%; Former Soviet Union (FSU)-0.56%; and Oceania-1.51%.
  32. Banking deregulation should be a cautionary tale of how not to deregulate, as we continue to still pay for the S&L debacle.
    7 Dematerialization appears to follow a curve, with initial trends toward using more material, often in economies of scale, peaking at some point followed by dematerialization, as the attributes that led to concentration either become their own enemy, e.g., environmental impacts of concentrated use, or are not valued by the market.
    7. 去物质化似乎遵循一条曲线,最初趋势是使用更多的材料,通常是在规模经济中,达到某个顶点后出现去物质化,因为导致集中的特征要么成为自己的敌人,例如集中使用的环境影响,要么市场不重视这些特征。

    Many industries in the U.S. are clearly on the dematerialization portion of the curve.
  33. On this point we generally agree with professor Aggarwal [in this volume].
  34. 2 This long established cost control focus may explain why other industries, including utilities are currently looking to manufacturing to adapt and enhance their own cost control and capital budgeting initiatives.
    It was in the area of accounting depreciation that sophisticated techniques were employed but this is another story.
  35. The concepts of passive, capital-intensive, and infinitely durable technologies are explained in a later section.
    5 The "busbar" ($/kWh) cost includes direct fuel and operation and maintenance (O&M) costs of a plant; it continues to be the predominant cost measure for planning, presumably as a proxy for the true costs of generating power.
  36. As discussed subsequently, these are often passive rather than active and capital- rather than expenseintensive; they tend to be infinitely durable, but exhibit rapid technological obsolescence.
  37. Additional discussion can be found in Awerbuch, et al (1996).
    附加讨论可在 Awerbuch 等人(1996)中找到。
    8 Examples: IBM missed early growth in PC markets which was captured by Apple-an upstart; Keuffel and Esser (slide rule manufacturer) virtually disappeared with the diffusion of pocket calculators-a radical innovation; RCA (vacuum tubes, large radio/TV) lost market share to Sony, which capitalized on transistors and miniaturization, an architectural innovation which RCA deemed to be "inferior technology" (Henderson and Clark, 1990: 10).
    8 个例子:IBM 错过了早期 PC 市场的增长机会,而这一机会被新兴企业苹果抓住了;Keuffel and Esser(滑尺制造商)在袖珍计算器的普及中几乎消失了,这是一种激进的创新;RCA(真空管、大型收音机/电视)失去了市场份额,被索尼利用了晶体管和微型化的优势,这是一种被 RCA 认为是“次等技术”的架构创新(Henderson and Clark, 1990: 10)。

    This legacy even follows the digital watch, an architectural innovation that Swiss and American watchmakers also judged to be inferior.
  38. These attributes, which lend themselves to the characteristics of the economic engineering mentality, were previously discussed in (Awerbuch, et. al., 1996).
    这些属性适用于经济工程思维的特点,之前在(Awerbuch 等人,1996 年)中已经讨论过。
  39. Stigler (1949) provides some insight into the marginal cost function for a technology with no variable costs: it is a vertical line at its capacity limit, i.e.: short-run marginal costs are essentially zero until the capacity is reached, at which point they are infinite.
    Passive, capital-intensive assets do not consume operating costs as do active, expense-intensive ones. The single largest cost for passive assets is depreciation, which is the rate of change in the asset's economic value. Accounting practice cannot estimate this cost reliably.

    This means that to estimate expected production costs with passive assets requires the accountant to anticipate future technological progress for a particular asset group—a tall order indeed.
    Economists view depreciation as a measure of changing economic value, while accountants view depreciation as an allocation of historic (sunk) cost in an "arbitrary but systematic" manner.

    Sunk cost bears no relevance to actual economic costs of production although the two can be made equivalent through the correct design of accounting depreciation. For discussion see Awerbuch (1992 a, 1992b).
    沉没成本与实际生产经济成本无关,尽管通过正确设计会计折旧可以使两者等效。有关讨论,请参见 Awerbuch(1992 年 a,1992 年 b)。
  40. 12 When passive, capital-intensive equipment replace traditional technologies manufacturing processes are usually altered as are throughput, quality and other factors which radically alter the cost picture.

    When passive technology is replaced with newer vintages the decision is even more complex since judgment must be made regarding capabilities, and regarding the manner in which the new technology affects other aspect of the firms process.
  41. For example see the Simmonds-Machine case in Giffi, et al (1990: 170-171).
    例如,请参考吉菲等人(1990 年:170-171)中的辛蒙兹-机器案例。
  42. Product quality and throughput are by now both widely recognized as reducing cost; see, for example, Giffi, et al. (1990).
    产品质量和产能已被广泛认可为降低成本的因素;例如,参见 Giffi 等人(1990)。
    For example, risk and flexibility attributes are a major factor in producing correct estimates of relative generating costs for renewable- as compared to fossil-based generation.
    16 This has considerable significance for conventional generation where firms will likely have incentives to use various hedging strategies to control fuel price risk. This has not been an issue for most utilities in the past because of the fuel-adjustment clause.
    17 The abandonment of PV installations at Lugo and Carissa Plains (California) illustrate this flexibility. These sites were sold by ARCO to an investor group (See: Strategies Unlimited, Solar Flare, 90-1, February ). The electric output had been sold to Pacific gas and Electric at per , although the investor group estimated it needed per to make a profit (Corwin, "Solar Energy Eclipse," Los Angeles Times, Volume 110, No. 235, Sec. A, July 26, 1991). The group, therefore, began to sell the panels, expecting to sell the entire supply over a four-year period (Strategies Unlimited 1990: 7). About of the panels were sold in the first year (Corwin, 1991), the remainder were offered in various direct mail catalogues for about Watt to Watt. The EVA encapsulation of the modules had darkened, which seemed to degrade output by a maximum of (Corwin, 1991), although retailers claim a smaller, degradation (Alternative Energy Sourcebook, The Real Goods Company, Uriah, CA, 1992).
    17 卢戈和卡里萨平原(加利福尼亚州)的光伏安装的放弃说明了这种灵活性。这些地点被 ARCO 出售给一家投资者集团(参见:Strategies Unlimited, Solar Flare, 90-1, February)。电力输出已经以每瓦特出售给太平洋煤气和电力公司,尽管投资者集团估计他们需要每瓦特才能盈利(Corwin, "Solar Energy Eclipse," Los Angeles Times, Volume 110, No. 235, Sec. A, July 26, 1991)。因此,该集团开始销售光伏板,预计在四年内销售完整供应(Strategies Unlimited 1990: 7)。第一年销售了约的光伏板(Corwin, 1991),其余的以每瓦特到每瓦特的价格在各种直邮目录中提供。模块的 EVA 封装变暗,似乎最多降低了的输出(Corwin, 1991),尽管零售商声称降低较小,约(Alternative Energy Sourcebook, The Real Goods Company, Uriah, CA, 1992)。
  43. Hoff (in this volume) values some of these flexibility options.
    19 The approach seems to rely less on traditional capital budgeting and more on benchmarking. Carayannis (1996) views benchmarking of best practices as critical in fostering an organizational learning culture that would be the foundation upon which to build a VU.
    Awerbuch (1993a) discusses the valuation of environmental externalities using the social rate of time preference.
  44. Logistic (S-shaped) curves are frequently used to describe the emergence and maturation of technologies over their life-cycle. Fisher-Pry is probably the best-known of these models. For additional discussion see Hatten and Piccoli [1993].
    逻辑(S 形)曲线经常用于描述技术在其生命周期内的出现和成熟。Fisher-Pry 可能是其中最著名的模型。有关更多讨论,请参阅 Hatten 和 Piccoli [1993]。
    22 The notion of an established process or product being "challenged"' as depicted by the S-shaped curves of Figure 2, is taken from Foster (1985).
    22 "挑战"这个词的概念,如图 2 中的 S 形曲线所示,取自 Foster(1985)的观点。
  45. This is the "strategic present value" issue raised by Bierman and Smidt (1988): it is a reason why firms adopt negative net-present-value projects. Another benefit is the information acquired from the project, which cannot be obtained through other means.
    这是 Bierman 和 Smidt(1988)提出的“战略现值”问题:这是企业采用负净现值项目的原因之一。另一个好处是从项目中获得的信息,无法通过其他方式获得。
    24 There are exceptions of course: Harrigan (1994) discusses various "Endgame" strategies for exploiting mature businesses and processes.
  46. Additional discussion on the accounting basis for these assumptions is given in Awerbuch, et al., 1996]
    关于这些假设的会计基础的进一步讨论可参见 Awerbuch 等人的 1996 年论文。