How to Use Geospatial Data with ArcGIS Pro 模块 1
如何将地理空间数据与 ArcGIS Pro 结合使用
Learning Outcomes 学习成果
After studying this module, you should be able to: 学习本模块后,您应该能够:
Demonstrate how to begin using ArcGIS Pro with a project template. 演示如何开始将 ArcGIS Pro 与工程模板结合使用。
Explain how a map is used in ArcGIS Pro. 说明如何在 ArcGIS Pro 中使用地图。
Explain how the Catalog pane can be used to connect to folders and move GIS data from one place to another. 说明如何使用目录窗格连接到文件夹并将 GIS 数据从一个位置移动到另一个位置。
Describe the three components of the vector data model. 描述向量数据模型的三个组件。
Describe what a datum is. 描述什么是基准面。
Explain the difference between a geographic coordinate system and a projected coordinate system. 解释地理坐标系和投影坐标系之间的区别。
Explain what is saved in an ArcGIS Pro project. 说明 ArcGIS Pro 工程中保存的内容。
Describe what a package is and what the advantage of using a project package is. 描述什么是资源包以及使用项目资源包的优势是什么。
Describe one scripting language used to customize ArcGIS Pro. 描述一种用于自定义 ArcGIS Pro 的脚本语言。
ArcGIS Pro Skills ArcGIS Pro 技能
In this module, you will learn how to do the following in ArcGIS Pro: 在本模块中,您将学习如何在 ArcGIS Pro 中执行以下操作:
Create a project using a template. 使用模板创建项目。
Use the ribbon, tabs, and various panes. 使用功能区、选项卡和各种窗格。
Access the Catalog pane to examine available data. 访问 Catalog 窗格以检查可用数据。
Add point, line, and polygon GIS layers to a map. 将点、线和面 GIS 图层添加到地图中。
Change the appearance and symbology of GIS layers. 更改 GIS 图层的外观和符号系统。
Access the geospatial characteristics of data layers, including their coordinate system, datum, and projection information. 访问数据图层的地理空间特征,包括其坐标系、基准面和投影信息。
Change a data layer from one projected coordinate system to another. 将数据图层从一个投影坐标系更改为另一个投影坐标系。
Define a projection for data layers that are missing this information. 为缺少此信息的数据图层定义投影。
Export a map to PDF format. 将地图导出为 PDF 格式。
Save a project. 保存项目。
& Introduction & 介绍
Here’s something to think about: When a wastewater treatment plant takes in raw sewage, its goal is to separate out water from the rest of the material. The treated water flows back to local streams or rivers, and the remainder is pressed into sludge. This sewage sludge is treated and then referred to as biosolids, which have the look and feel of dirt, or potting soil. Often, the final destination of biosolids is a landfill or an incinerator, but under certain conditions, landowners use this treated sludge as a fertilizer (Figure 1.1). Because biosolids sometimes contain pathogens, the Environmental Protection Agency regulates their application as fertilizer. 需要考虑以下几点:当污水处理厂接收未经处理的污水时,其目标是将水与其他材料分离出来。处理过的水流回当地的溪流或河流,其余的被压成污泥。这些污水污泥经过处理,然后被称为生物固体,其外观和感觉类似于泥土或盆栽土壤。通常,生物固体的最终目的地是垃圾填埋场或焚化炉,但在某些情况下,土地所有者将这种处理过的污泥用作肥料(图 1.1)。由于生物固体有时含有病原体,因此环境保护署对它们作为肥料的应用进行了监管。
FIGURE 1.1 Land application of biosolids on an agricultural field. 图 1.1 生物固体在农田上的土地应用。
Still, the practice of applying biosolids to the land should raise many questions, including the following: 尽管如此,在土地上施用生物固体的做法应该会引发许多问题,包括以下内容:
What are the present and past locations of the agricultural fields that have been fertilized with biosolids? 用生物固体施肥的农田现在和过去的位置是什么?
How close is your home to an agricultural field where application is taking place? 您的家离正在进行应用的农田有多近?
How close to these agricultural fields are the wells from which you get your water? 您取水的井离这些农田有多近?
If land application of biosolids took place in the past at a particular site, how is that land being used today? 如果过去在特定地点进行生物固体的土地应用,那么今天该土地是如何利用的?
All these questions involve examining locations (such as the past and present landapplied fields), qualities or attributes of those areas (such as the type of land use at the sites), and how one location relates to another (such as the distance from your home or water well to a land-applied field). Answering these questions involves working with large-scale location-based processes, thousands of location data points, and multiple types of data. For this reason, you’re going to need a powerful tool to help you conduct your analysis. 所有这些问题都涉及检查位置(例如过去和现在的土地应用田)、这些区域的质量或属性(例如地点的土地利用类型)以及一个位置与另一个位置的关系(例如从您的家或水井到土地应用田的距离)。回答这些问题涉及使用基于位置的大规模流程、数千个位置数据点和多种类型的数据。因此,您将需要一个强大的工具来帮助您进行分析。
Geographic information systems (GIS) are hardware and software that allow for computer-based analysis, manipulation, visualization, and retrieval of locationrelated data. In GIS terms, we refer to the data associated with real-world locations as geospatial data (or often simply as spatial data). GIS provides a means of solving problems and answering questions related to geospatial data and information; it is used for countless different applications (like the issues surrounding the biosolids scenario). GIS is part of a larger field of technologies, referred to as geospatial technologies, which encompasses many types of methods and techniques for the collection, analysis, modeling, and visualization of geospatial data. 地理信息系统 (GIS) 是硬件和软件,允许对位置相关数据进行基于计算机的分析、操作、可视化和检索。在 GIS 术语中,我们将与真实位置相关的数据称为地理空间数据(或通常简称为空间数据)。GIS 提供了一种解决问题和回答与地理空间数据和信息相关的问题的方法;它用于无数不同的应用(例如围绕 Biosolids 场景的问题)。GIS 是更大的技术领域(称为地理空间技术)的一部分,该领域包含用于地理空间数据的收集、分析、建模和可视化的多种方法和技术。
geographic information systems (GIS)
Hardware and software that allow for computer-based analysis, manipulation, visualization, and retrieval of location-
Hardware and software that allow for computer-based analysis, manipulation, visualization, and retrieval of location- 允许基于计算机的分析、操作、可视化和位置检索的硬件和软件-
related data. 相关数据。
related data. 相关数据。
geospatial or spatial 地理空间或空间
geospatial or spatial 地理空间或空间
Referring to items that are tied to a specific real-world location. 指与特定实际位置相关的项目。
Referring to items that are tied to a specific real-world location. 指与特定实际位置相关的项目。
geospatial technologies 地理空间技术
geospatial technologies 地理空间技术
A term that encompasses many types of methods and techniques for the collection, analysis, modeling, and 该术语包含用于收集、分析、建模和
A term that encompasses many types of methods and techniques for the collection, analysis, modeling, and 该术语包含用于收集、分析、建模和
visualization of geospatial data. 地理空间数据的可视化。
visualization of geospatial data.
Several types of GIS software are available today, ranging from expensive commercial products to freely available open-source alternatives. The industry 目前有几种类型的 GIS 软件可用,从昂贵的商业产品到免费提供的开源替代方案。行业
leader in GIS is Esri (Environmental Systems Research Institute), a company based in Redlands, California. Esri was founded in 1969 and released its first version of its Arc/Info GIS software in 1982. Arc/Info has evolved into Esri’s current ArcGIS software. A recent salary survey conducted by Geospatial Training Services showed that Esri’s GIS products are among the most popular software packages in the industry. GIS 的领导者是 Esri(环境系统研究所),这是一家位于加利福尼亚州雷德兰兹市的公司。Esri 成立于 1969 年,并于 1982 年发布了其 Arc/Info GIS 软件的第一个版本。Arc/Info 已发展成为 Esri 当前的 ArcGIS 软件。Geospatial Training Services 最近进行的一项薪资调查显示,Esri 的 GIS 产品是业内最受欢迎的软件包之一。
Environmental Systems Research Institute-the market leader in GIS software and the developer of ArcGIS.
ArcGIS is a software platform with utilities for working with GIS in the cloud, on mobile devices, and on personal computers. ArcGIS Desktop, the version of Esri’s GIS software for use on personal computers, comes in three different licensing levels: Basic, Standard, and Advanced. Although all three are the same software, the Basic level contains fewer features than Standard, which in turn contains fewer features than Advanced. This book uses the Advanced version, which contains all available features. ArcGIS 是一个软件平台,其中包含用于在云中、移动设备和个人计算机上使用 GIS 的实用程序。ArcGIS Desktop 是 Esri 的 GIS 软件版本,用于个人计算机,具有三种不同的许可级别:Basic、Standard 和 Advanced。尽管这三者都是相同的软件,但 Basic 级别包含的功能比 Standard 少,而 Standard 又包含比 Advanced 少的功能。本书使用高级版本,其中包含所有可用功能。
ArcGIS ArcGIS 技术
A software platform developed by Esri. 由 Esri 开发的软件平台。
ArcGIS Desktop ArcGIS 桌面
The version of ArcGIS that runs on a personal computer. 在个人计算机上运行的 ArcGIS 版本。
When you work with ArcGIS Desktop, there are several subprograms you can work with, including the traditional ArcGIS components ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcScene, and ArcGlobe. However, this book focuses on a program installed as part of ArcGIS Desktop called ArcGIS Pro, the newest standalone ArcGIS program that contains the functions of all these other programs rolled into one. ArcGIS Pro is not merely an extension or add-on but is a 64-bit program that is separate from the other ArcGIS Desktop programs. If you have experience with the previous components, such as ArcMap and ArcCatalog, see Appendix A for some information that can help you transition from familiar functions in those programs to their counterparts in ArcGIS Pro. 使用 ArcGIS Desktop 时,可以使用多个子程序,包括传统的 ArcGIS 组件 ArcMap、ArcCatalog、ArcScene 和 ArcGlobe。但是,本书重点介绍作为 ArcGIS Desktop 的一部分安装的名为 ArcGIS Pro 的程序,该程序是最新的独立 ArcGIS 程序,其中包含所有这些其他程序的功能。ArcGIS Pro 不仅仅是一个扩展或附加组件,而是一个独立于其他 ArcGIS Desktop 程序的 64 位程序。如果您具有使用上述组件(如 ArcMap 和 ArcCatalog)的经验,请参阅附录 A 以获取一些信息,这些信息可以帮助您从这些程序中熟悉的函数过渡到 ArcGIS Pro 中的对应函数。
The goal of this first module is to introduce you to some key GIS and geospatial concepts that will be used throughout the book as important building blocks for using GIS. You’ll be using several functions of ArcGIS Pro to see how GIS data represent real-world items such as roads, airport locations, and water bodies. You’ll also examine the geospatial characteristics of these data (such as the coordinate system in which the data are set up) and how ArcGIS Pro handles these data. Finally, you’ll learn how to present these data effectively by using various symbols and colors. 第一个模块的目标是向您介绍一些关键的 GIS 和地理空间概念,这些概念将在整本书中用作使用 GIS 的重要构建块。您将使用 ArcGIS Pro 的多项功能来了解 GIS 数据如何表示真实世界的项目,例如道路、机场位置和水体。您还将检查这些数据的地理空间特征(例如设置数据的坐标系)以及 ArcGIS Pro 如何处理这些数据。最后,您将学习如何使用各种符号和颜色来有效地表示这些数据。
Throughout the text (and in many other GIS applications you may work with), you will use many of the ArcGIS Pro skills and tools you learn in this module. “Smartboxes” within this module explain many of these primary concepts. The goal of the Smartboxes is to provide you with background on and theory related to the concepts you’re working within ArcGIS Pro as you encounter them. For example, in this module, you’ll be instructed to use the Define Projection tool to complete a task, and then you’ll be referred to a nearby Smartbox that explains why you would use that, when you would use it, and the theoretical concepts behind defining projections. 在整个文本中(以及您可能使用的许多其他 GIS 应用程序),您将使用在本模块中学到的许多 ArcGIS Pro 技能和工具。本模块中的“Smartbox”解释了其中的许多主要概念。Smartbox 的目标是为您提供与您在 ArcGIS Pro 中遇到的概念相关的背景和理论。例如,在本模块中,您将被指示使用“定义投影”工具完成一项任务,然后您将被推荐给附近的 Smartbox,该 Smartbox 将解释您为什么使用它、何时使用它以及定义投影背后的理论概念。
Also throughout the text are “Troubleboxes,” which help you troubleshoot common problems that come up in ArcGIS Pro. You may not need them, but they’re here to help you overcome issues that may turn up in ArcGIS Pro. In this first module, there are several Troubleboxes to help keep you on track with your initial foray into using ArcGIS Pro. 文本中还包含“Troubleboxes”,可帮助您解决 ArcGIS Pro 中出现的常见问题。您可能不需要它们,但它们可以帮助您解决 ArcGIS Pro 中可能出现的问题。在第一个模块中,有几个疑难解答框可帮助您顺利开始使用 ArcGIS Pro。
(2) Module Scenario and Applications (2) 模块场景和应用
This module puts you in the role of a GIS analyst for a county engineer’s office. Your first task will be to assemble a basic set of data for the county’s many features (including airports, roads, bodies of water, and locations of county structures) within ArcGIS Pro for a presentation to the general public. You will compile this dataset with an eye to creating future presentations of this material (such as making a map of the data or creating a basic web mapping application). 本模块让您担任县工程师办公室的 GIS 分析师。您的第一项任务是在 ArcGIS Pro 中为该县的许多要素(包括机场、道路、水体和县结构的位置)收集一组基本数据,以便向公众进行演示。您将编译此数据集,以便创建此材料的未来演示(例如制作数据地图或创建基本的 Web 地图应用程序)。
The following are examples of other real-world applications of this module’s theory and skills: 以下是本模块理论和技能的其他实际应用示例:
An EMT operator has been assigned to give a presentation regarding the impact of current road closures on a county’s hospitals. She will use ArcGIS Pro to show the locations of home injuries, the locations of hospitals, the county’s road network, and the locations of road closures. She will then display these data for the presentation. 已指派一名 EMT 操作员就当前道路封闭对县医院的影响进行介绍。她将使用 ArcGIS Pro 显示家庭受伤的位置、医院的位置、该县的道路网络以及道路封闭的位置。然后,她将显示这些数据以进行演示。
To prepare for a presentation to the board of trustees, a manager of a local outdoor recreation area wants to examine the property boundaries between the 为了准备向董事会提交报告,当地户外休闲区的经理想要检查
lands he manages and the neighboring properties. He’ll use ArcGIS Pro to present the rec area’s property boundaries, the local road network, walking paths into and out of the area, and the locations of “No Trespassing” signs posted on the property. 他管理的土地和邻近的财产。他将使用 ArcGIS Pro 来显示娱乐区的财产边界、当地道路网络、进出该地区的步行路径以及房产上张贴的“禁止擅自闯入”标志的位置。
A local government planner needs to present information to a group of volunteers about the new routes the Labor Day parade will take. Using ArcGIS Pro, he’ll be able to show the route boundaries, roads, and locations of emergency facilities to the volunteers. 地方政府规划者需要向一组志愿者提供有关劳动节游行将采取的新路线的信息。使用 ArcGIS Pro,他将能够向志愿者显示应急设施的路线边界、道路和位置。
For this module, you will be working with data from Mahoning County, Ohio. 在本模块中,您将使用来自俄亥俄州 Mahoning 县的数据。
(8) Data Sources and Localizing This Module (8) 数据源和本地化此模块
The data in this module focus on features and locations within Mahoning County, Ohio. However, this module can easily be modified to use data from your own county or local area instead. 本模块中的数据侧重于俄亥俄州马霍宁县内的要素和位置。但是,可以轻松修改此模块以使用来自您自己的县或本地区域的数据。
The water bodies data for this chapter were downloaded from the TIGER/Line files of the Census Bureau website at (We’ll do more with TIGER files from the Census in Modules 2, 3_\underline{3}, and 4.) If you want to use data for a different county, from the AREAWATER folder, download the zip file (containing the water polygons as a shapefile) for the appropriate county. The files are sorted by county FIPS code (for instance, Mahoning County, Ohio, is FIPS code 39099). For example, if you wish to use data from Ingham County, Michigan, you would download the AREAWATER file for FIPS code 26065. A full list of FIPS codes for each state and county is available from the National Weather Service at For this module, after downloading the AREAWATER shapefile, delete the .prj file and then import the shapefile into a geodatabase; doing so will remove the projection information that you will create later in this module, in Step 1.7. 本章的水体数据是从人口普查局网站的 TIGER/Line 文件下载的,网址为。(我们将在模块 2、 3_\underline{3} 和 4 中对人口普查中的 TIGER 文件进行更多操作。如果要使用其他县的数据,请从 AREAWATER 文件夹中下载相应县的 zip 文件(包含作为 shapefile 的水面)。文件按县 FIPS 代码排序(例如,俄亥俄州马霍宁县的 FIPS 代码为 39099)。例如,如果您希望使用来自密歇根州英厄姆县的数据,则需要下载 FIPS 代码为 26065 的 AREAWATER 文件。每个州和县的 FIPS 代码的完整列表可从 的国家气象局获得。对于此模块,下载 AREAWATER shapefile 后,删除 .prj 文件,然后将 shapefile 导入地理数据库;这样做将删除您将在本模块后面的步骤 1.7 中创建的投影信息。
The remaining data layers were downloaded (for free) from The National Map website at Step-by-step details on downloading and extracting GIS data from The National Map are provided in Module 5. When downloading data for another county (for instance, Ingham County, Michigan), the feature classes to use for this module are struct_point (the structures layer), trans_roadsegment (the roads layer), trans_airportpoint (the airports layer), and GU_countyorequivalent (the boundary layer). 其余数据图层是从 的 The National Map 网站免费下载的。模块 5 中提供了有关从国家地图下载和提取 GIS 数据的分步详细信息。下载另一个县(例如,密歇根州英厄姆县)的数据时,用于此模块的要素类为 struct_point(结构图层)、trans_roadsegment(道路图层)、trans_airportpoint(机场图层)和 GU_countyorequivalent(边界图层)。
Step 1.1 Getting Started with ArcGIS Pro 步骤 1.1 ArcGIS Pro 入门
This “Getting Started” step of each module instructs you on which data you’ll be using and preliminary things you’ll do during the hands-on portion of the module. Because this is your first time through this step, this module provides more details than other modules. 每个模块的“入门”步骤将指导您将使用哪些数据,以及在本模块的动手实践部分将执行的初步操作。由于这是您第一次完成此步骤,因此此模块提供了比其他模块更多的详细信息。
This module’s hands-on applications use the data folder called Module1. Your instructor will be able to supply you with this data, or you can download it directly from this book’s website at The text in this module assumes that you have this Module1 folder in a computer location referenced as C:\GIS; if you have it somewhere else (for instance, in a flash drive referenced as G:\GISClass), substitute that location and path to the Module1 folder throughout this module. 此模块的动手应用程序使用名为 Module1 的数据文件夹。您的讲师将能够为您提供这些数据,或者您可以直接从本书的网站 下载。本模块中的文本假定您在引用为 C:\GIS 的计算机位置中拥有此 Module1 文件夹;如果将其放在其他位置(例如,在引用为 G:\GISClass 的闪存驱动器中),请将该位置和路径替换为整个模块中的 Module1 文件夹。
Before you can get started with ArcGIS Pro, you need to obtain an Esri account. For more about Esri accounts and their importance to ArcGIS Pro, see Smartbox 1.1. 在开始使用 ArcGIS Pro 之前,您需要获取 Esri 帐户。有关 Esri 帐户及其对 ArcGIS Pro 的重要性的详细信息,请参阅 Smartbox 1.1。
What is an Esri account, and why do I need one? ᄋ) 智能盒 1.1
什么是 Esri 帐户,为什么需要一个帐户?
An Esri account is a free online account with Esri that you’ll use for a variety of things, including publishing web maps through ArcGIS Online (see Module 4) and, more importantly, licensing ArcGIS Pro so you can run it properly. Before beginning work with ArcGIS Pro, you need to have a license to work with it. Licenses for running ArcGIS Pro are managed through your organization’s ArcGIS Online setup. Esri 帐户是 Esri 的免费在线帐户,可用于各种用途,包括通过 ArcGIS Online 发布 Web 地图(请参阅模块 4),更重要的是,获得 ArcGIS Pro 许可,以便您可以正确运行它。在开始使用 ArcGIS Pro 之前,您需要拥有许可才能使用它。运行 ArcGIS Pro 的许可通过您组织的 ArcGIS Online 设置进行管理。
In order to get a license, you need to acquire a free Esri account and then log in with your Esri account to allow ArcGIS Pro to verify with your organization that you have been assigned a license to run the software. If you don’t have an Esri account or don’t have it set up so that you can run ArcGIS Pro properly, follow these steps: 要获取许可,您需要获取一个免费的 Esri 帐户,然后使用您的 Esri 帐户登录,以允许 ArcGIS Pro 与您的组织验证是否已为您分配了运行该软件的许可。如果您没有 Esri 帐户或未对其进行设置以便正确运行 ArcGIS Pro,请执行以下步骤:
To get your account, point your web browser to and select the option Create a Public Account. Follow the onscreen steps to set up your Esri account. 要获取您的帐户,请将 Web 浏览器指向 并选择选项 创建公共帐户.按照屏幕上的步骤设置 Esri 帐户。
Next, submit your account information to your instructor or the administrator in charge of your organization’s ArcGIS Online setup. That individual will work with you to get your account established with your organization’s ArcGIS Online setup and then activate your license to use ArcGIS Pro. The good news is you’ll only have to do all this once. After the instructor or administrator has assigned a license to you, ArcGIS Pro will work just fine until the administrator chooses to take that license away from you. Note, however, that the license is tied to your Esri account. 接下来,将您的帐户信息提交给您的教师或负责组织 ArcGIS Online 设置的管理员。该人员将与您合作,使用您组织的 ArcGIS Online 设置建立您的帐户,然后激活您的许可以使用 ArcGIS Pro。好消息是您只需执行所有这些操作一次。在教师或管理员为您分配许可后,ArcGIS Pro 将正常工作,直到管理员选择从您那里夺走该许可。但请注意,许可与您的 Esri 帐户相关联。
In addition to needing to have a license to run ArcGIS Pro connected to your Esri account, you will want to use 除了需要具有连接到 Esri 帐户的 ArcGIS Pro 运行许可外,您还需要使用
extensions in ArcGIS Pro. Extensions are add-ons that contain additional tools and features, and your ability to use them is also tied to having licenses for them connected to your Esri account. In this book, you will be using the extensions Network Analyst, Spatial Analyst, and 3D Analyst. For ease of use, when your organization sets up your Esri account with a license to run ArcGIS Pro, licenses for these three extensions should also be activated for you as well. 扩展模块是包含其他工具和功能的附加组件,您使用这些扩展模块的能力也与将它们的许可连接到您的 Esri 帐户相关联。在本书中,您将使用扩展模块 Network Analyst、Spatial Analyst 和 3D Analyst。为便于使用,当您的组织使用运行 ArcGIS Pro 的许可设置 Esri 帐户时,还应为您激活这三个扩展模块的许可。
extension 外延
An add-on set of functions for ArcGIS Pro. ArcGIS Pro 的附加函数集。
Start ArcGIS Pro by clicking its icon, which is a blue-and-white version of the globe. 通过单击其图标启动 ArcGIS Pro,该图标是地球的蓝白版本。
When ArcGIS Pro prompts you to do so, enter your Esri account username and password. If ArcGIS Pro does not prompt you, click on the Sign In option on the upper-right side of the ArcGIS Pro screen and then enter your username and password. 当 ArcGIS Pro 提示您执行此操作时,请输入您的 Esri 帐户用户名和密码。如果 ArcGIS Pro 没有提示您,请单击 ArcGIS Pro 屏幕右上角的登录选项,然后输入您的用户名和密码。
Once you have logged in, ArcGIS Pro starts prompting you with options related to projects, such as asking you to open a recent project or to create a new project. If you are creating a new project, you’ll be using a project template. For more information about projects and templates, see Smartbox 1.2. 登录后,ArcGIS Pro 将开始提示您使用与工程相关的选项,例如要求您打开最近的工程或创建新工程。如果要创建新工程,您将使用工程模板。有关项目和模板的更多信息,请参阅 Smartbox 1.2。
ArcGIS Pro treats all the maps, functions, tools, and so on that you’re working with in one session as a project, which is a file that ends with the extension .aprx. When you start ArcGIS Pro, you can either open a previously saved project (.aprx) or start with a new blank project. Think of a blank project as a blank workspace to which you can add data in order to start creating maps or doing data analysis. ArcGIS Pro 会将您在一个会话中使用的所有地图、函数、工具等视为一个工程,该工程是一个以扩展名 .aprx 结尾的文件。启动 ArcGIS Pro 时,您可以打开之前保存的工程 (.aprx) 或从新的空白工程开始。将空白工程视为一个空白工作空间,您可以向其添加数据以开始创建地图或进行数据分析。
project (.aprx) 项目 (.aprx)
A file that contains information about where all the data layers used in a session are located, as well as their 一个文件,其中包含有关会话中使用的所有数据层的位置及其
appearance and settings. 外观和设置。
ArcGIS Pro allows you to choose a template to start with for a project-whether you want to begin with a map, the catalog, a local scene, or a global scene. (We’ll explain what the map and catalog are in this module, and we’ll talk about the scene options in Modules 15 and 18.) A template establishes how ArcGIS Pro will open and what options will be available to you as you begin working with the software. ArcGIS Pro also allows you to start working without a template if you don’t want to work with a full-blown project but just want to do some quick analysis; however, you can save your work as a project later if you want to. ArcGIS Pro 允许您选择从工程开始的模板 - 无论您是要从地图、目录、局部场景还是全球场景开始。(我们将在本模块中解释地图和目录是什么,我们将在模块 15 和 18 中讨论场景选项。模板将确定 ArcGIS Pro 的打开方式以及在您开始使用软件时可以使用哪些选项。如果您不想使用完整的项目,而只想进行一些快速分析,ArcGIS Pro 还允许您在没有模板的情况下开始工作;但是,如果需要,您可以稍后将工作保存为 Project。
template 模板
The ArcGIS Pro project function that establishes what will be available when a new project is created. ArcGIS Pro 工程功能,用于确定创建新工程时可用的内容。
When you create a project based on a template, the folder containing that project has two additional things created for you: a file geodatabase (see Module 6) for that project and a toolbox (see Module 20). These items can both be used to hold data layers, models, or tools that you create over the course of a project, and they enable you to keep all these items centralized with the project. 当您基于模板创建工程时,包含该工程的文件夹中将为您创建两个附加内容:用于该工程的文件地理数据库(请参阅模块 6)和工具箱(请参阅模块 20)。这些项都可用于保存您在工程过程中创建的数据层、模型或工具,并且它们使您能够将所有这些项与工程集中在一起。
When you save your work to a project (.aprx) file, note that you are not saving all your work into a single file. The .aprx file contains reference information about where your data are, what format they are in, the colors used in your map, and so on. It does not contain the actual data you are using but just references to where your data can be found. This means that if you save your work on a GIS project, copy the .aprx file to a flash drive, go to a different computer, and then try to open the map again, it will not open properly, and you will not have your data. The layers and files you used will appear in ArcGIS Pro’s Contents pane but with a red “!” next to them, indicating that the pathway to that particular layer cannot be found (or that the path to these files is broken). The project holds information about the path to the files that are located on your computer, but it does not hold the files themselves. 当您将工作保存到工程 (.aprx) 文件时,请注意,您不会将所有工作保存到单个文件中。.aprx 文件包含有关数据位置、数据格式、地图中使用的颜色等的参考信息。它不包含您正在使用的实际数据,而仅包含对可以找到数据的位置的引用。这意味着,如果您将工作保存在 GIS 工程中,将 .aprx 文件复制到闪存驱动器,转到另一台计算机,然后再次尝试打开地图,则地图将无法正确打开,并且不会获得数据。您使用的图层和文件将显示在 ArcGIS Pro 的内容窗格中,但旁边带有红色的 “!”,表示找不到该特定图层的路径(或者这些文件的路径已损坏)。该项目包含有关计算机上文件路径的信息,但它不包含文件本身。
For instance, say that you save a project, and it is using all the files on your flash drive (which is mapped on the computer as a G: drive); then if you move to a different computer (which maps your flash drive as an H : drive) and attempt to reopen the files, ArcGIS Pro will be unable to load all the data. It will search for files with a pathway to a particular folder on a G: drive, but those files are now inside a folder on an H: drive. In this case, you see your files in the project’s Contents pane with the red “!” symbol next to them. In essence, ArcGIS Pro knows that those files should be in that project, but it can’t find the correct pathway to get to them. 例如,假设您保存了一个项目,并且它使用了闪存驱动器(在计算机上映射为 G: 驱动器)上的所有文件;然后,如果您移动到其他计算机(将闪存驱动器映射为 H : 驱动器)并尝试重新打开文件,ArcGIS Pro 将无法加载所有数据。它将搜索具有指向 G: 驱动器上特定文件夹的路径的文件,但这些文件现在位于 H: 驱动器上的文件夹中。在这种情况下,您会在工程的 Contents 窗格中看到您的文件,旁边有红色的 “!” 符号。从本质上讲,ArcGIS Pro 知道这些文件应该位于该工程中,但它找不到访问这些文件的正确路径。
When the project was saved, it understood that those files were on a G: drive. However, when the project was opened again, ArcGIS Pro does not see them on a G: drive (because the flash drive is now mapped as the H : drive on the new computer) and thus cannot find the path to those files. When you move your projects from machine to machine, you have to take all your files with you and place them on the new computer in the same path that the project is looking for; alternatively, you can rebuild the links and references stored in the .aprx file on the new machine. 保存项目后,它知道这些文件位于 G: 驱动器上。但是,当再次打开工程时,ArcGIS Pro 在 G: 驱动器上看不到它们(因为闪存驱动器现在在新计算机上映射为 H : 驱动器),因此无法找到这些文件的路径。当您将项目从一台机器移动到另一台机器时,您必须随身携带所有文件,并将它们放在新计算机上,以项目正在寻找的同一路径排列;或者,您可以在新计算机上重新构建存储在 .aprx 文件中的链接和引用。
When prompted, select the Map option and click OK. 出现提示时,选择 地图 选项,然后单击 OK.
The Create a New Project dialog box opens. Under Name, type Module1 as the name for this project file. Under Location, tell ArcGIS Pro where you want to store this project file; in this case, click the yellow folder button and navigate to the C:\GIS\Module1 folder. Do not put a checkmark next to the Create a new folder for this project box. When all the settings are correct, click OK. ArcGIS Pro now creates a project file called Module1.aprx and saves it to the C:\GIS\Module1 folder. It also creates some other things in the C:\GIS\Module1 folder, such as a geodatabase called Module1 and a toolbox called Module1. (We’ll get to those items later.) 此时将打开 Create a New Project 对话框。在 Name (名称) 下,键入 Module1 作为此项目文件的名称。在位置下,告知 ArcGIS Pro 要存储此工程文件的位置;在本例中,单击黄色文件夹按钮并导航至 C:\GIS\Module1 文件夹。请勿在 Create a new folder for this project (为此项目创建新文件夹) 框旁边打勾。当所有设置都正确后,单击确定。ArcGIS Pro 现在将创建一个名为 Module1.aprx 的工程文件,并将其保存到 C:\GIS\Module1 文件夹中。它还会在 C:\GIS\Module1 文件夹中创建一些其他内容,例如名为 Module1 的地理数据库和名为 Module1 的工具箱。(我们稍后会讨论这些项目。
Create a New Project 创建新项目
Name 名字
Module1 模块 1
Location 位置
C:IGIS\Module1 C:IGIS\模块 1
◻\square Create a new folder for this project ◻\square 为此项目创建新文件夹
Create a New Project
Location C:IGIS\Module1
◻ Create a new folder for this project
| Create a New Project | |
| :--- | :--- |
| Name | |
| | Module1 |
| Location | C:IGIS\Module1 |
| | $\square$ Create a new folder for this project |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Finally, ArcGIS Pro opens (Figure 1.2). 最后,ArcGIS Pro 打开(图 1.2)。
FIGURE 1.2 The basic ArcGIS Pro layout. 图 1.2 基本 ArcGIS Pro 布局。
The large area in the center of the screen is the view, which is where you can visualize your data and create map layouts; the view will be the central point of your work with ArcGIS Pro. When ArcGIS Pro opens, the default view is a map with a blue tab at the top of the view that says “Map.” The blue of this tab indicates that the Map tab is the active view. As you add more items to the view, you’ll be able to move back and forth between them by using the tabs. 屏幕中央的大区域是视图,您可以在其中可视化数据并创建地图布局;视图将成为您使用 ArcGIS Pro 的中心点。当 ArcGIS Pro 打开时,默认视图是一张地图,视图顶部有一个蓝色选项卡,上面写着“地图”。此选项卡的蓝色表示 Map 选项卡是活动视图。当您向视图中添加更多项时,您将能够使用选项卡在它们之间来回移动。
view 视图
The window serving as the central work area in ArcGIS Pro. 在 ArcGIS Pro 中用作中央工作区的窗口。
The large rectangular box on the left side of ArcGIS Pro is the Contents pane. It lists all layers and content available for use in the active view. As the name indicates, this box is a pane, or a movable window that can be resized. ArcGIS Pro 左侧的大矩形框是内容窗格。它列出了可在活动视图中使用的所有图层和内容。顾名思义,此框是一个窗格,或可以调整大小的可移动窗口。
Right now, the Contents pane is showing items related to the Map tab as that is the currently active view (as indicated by the blue tab). If another view were active, the Contents pane would show information about that view instead. 现在,内容窗格显示与 Map 选项卡相关的项目,因为这是当前活动的视图(如蓝色选项卡所示)。如果另一个视图处于活动状态,则 Contents (内容) 窗格将显示有关该视图的信息。
Contents pane 内容窗格
A component of ArcGIS Pro that shows all items or layers that are being used in a project. pane ArcGIS Pro 的一个组件,用于显示工程中正在使用的所有项目或图层。窗 格
A movable and dockable window that contains items or commands used in ArcGIS Pro. 一个可移动且可停靠的窗口,其中包含 ArcGIS Pro 中使用的项目或命令。
The large rectangular box on the right side of ArcGIS Pro is the Catalog pane, which you use to manage your data, available folders, tasks, and other items. Like the other panes, it’s movable and can be resized as needed. ArcGIS Pro 右侧的大矩形框是目录窗格,可用于管理数据、可用文件夹、任务和其他项目。与其他窗格一样,它是可移动的,并且可以根据需要调整大小。
Catalog pane 目录窗格
A dockable window component of ArcGIS Pro that you use to manage your data. ArcGIS Pro 的可停靠窗口组件,用于管理数据。
The ribbon contains numerous items that you will use in ArcGIS Pro. Each tab has different groups to organize similar items together, and each group features different buttons; some buttons activate items directly, and others allow you to access pull-down menus. (See Figure 1.3 for the organization of the ribbon.) 功能区包含许多您将在 ArcGIS Pro 中使用的项目。每个选项卡都有不同的组来将相似的项目组织在一起,并且每个组都有不同的按钮;一些按钮直接激活项目,而另一些按钮允许您访问下拉菜单。(有关功能区的组织,请参见图 1.3。
ribbon 丝带
The section of ArcGIS Pro that contains tabs, groups, and buttons for various functions. ArcGIS Pro 的这一部分,包含用于各种功能的选项卡、组和按钮。
FIGURE 1.3 The basic layout of the ribbon. 图 1.3 功能区的基本布局。
Finally, the Quick Access Toolbar, available above the ribbon, provides several basic functions (Figure 1.4). 最后,功能区上方的快速访问工具栏提供了几个基本功能(图 1.4)。
Quick Access Toolbar 快速访问工具栏
The section of ArcGIS Pro that is available to perform basic functions such as opening or saving projects. ArcGIS Pro 中可用于执行基本功能(例如打开或保存工程)的部分。
FIGURE 1.4 The functions of the Quick Access Toolbar. 图 1.4 快速访问工具栏的功能。
When you start to work with ArcGIS Pro, be sure to have the Catalog pane and the Contents pane available to use. See Troublebox 1.1 for information on accessing panes and views when they’re not already available. 开始使用 ArcGIS Pro 时,请确保目录窗格和内容窗格可供使用。请参阅疑难解答 1.1,了解有关在窗格和视图不可用时访问它们的信息。
(2)TROUBLEBOX 1.1What happened to the panes and views I was using in ArcGIS Pro? (2)TROUBLEBOX 1.1我在 ArcGIS Pro 中使用的窗格和视图发生了什么变化?
If you close a pane or view in ArcGIS Pro, don’t panic: Getting them back again is easy. From the View tab, within the Windows group, click Catalog pane to reopen the Catalog pane or Contents to reopen the Contents pane. Other windows can be accessed and reopened from this menu as well, such as the Python window or the Tasks pane (see Module 9). 如果您在 ArcGIS Pro 中关闭窗格或视图,请不要惊慌:再次恢复它们很容易。在视图选项卡的 Windows 组中,单击目录窗格以重新打开目录窗格,或单击内容以重新打开内容窗格。也可以从此菜单访问和重新打开其他窗口,例如 Python 窗口或 Tasks 窗格(请参阅模块 9)。
To access the data you’ll be using in this module, in the Catalog pane, expand 要访问您将在此模块中使用的数据,请在 Catalog 窗格中展开
the Folders item, and you see that it contains a single folder called Module1, which is the folder of data you added on page 7. Expand the Module 1 folder, and you see that it contains several items: Folders 项,您会看到它包含一个名为 Module1 的文件夹,该文件夹是您在第 7 页上添加的数据文件夹。展开 Module 1 文件夹,您会看到它包含几个项目:
A red box icon (called a toolbox) named Module1.tbx 名为 Module1.tbx 的红框图标(称为工具箱)
A gray barrel icon (called a file geodatabase) named Module1.gdb 名为 Module1.gdb 的灰色桶形图标(称为文件地理数据库)
Another file geodatabase named MahoningCounty.gdb, which you can expand to see the following GIS layers, each with its own gray icon: 另一个名为 MahoningCounty.gdb 的文件地理数据库,您可以展开该数据库以查看以下 GIS 图层,每个图层都有自己的灰色图标:
airports: the locations of airports in the county Airports:县内机场的位置
areawater: the locations of lakes and rivers in the county areawater:县内湖泊和河流的位置
boundary: the outline of Mahoning County 边界:马霍宁县轮廓
roads: the roads within the county roads:县内的道路
structures: the locations of many different kinds of buildings (schools, colleges, fire stations, bridges, and so on) in the county 结构:县中许多不同类型建筑物(学校、学院、消防站、桥梁等)的位置
Catalog 目录
D Toolboxes D 工具箱
D 自 Databases
D Styles D 样式
4 Folders 4 文件夹
4 Module1 4 模块1
D ImportLog D 导入日志 4⊖4 \ominus MahoningCounty.gdb 4⊖4 \ominus 马霍宁县.gdb :'\because airports :'\because 机场
國 boundary 国家边界
4 roads 4 条道路 :'\because structures :'\because 结构
D Theta\Theta Module1.gdb D Theta\Theta 模块1.gdb
D 寝 Module1.tbx D 寝 Module1.tbx
1)Locators 1)定位器
- If you do not have access to the MahoningCounty.gdb file or the other items described here, see Troublebox 1.2 for help in getting things set up correctly before proceeding. - 如果您无权访问 MahoningCounty.gdb 文件或此处描述的其他项目,请参阅 Troublebox 1.2 以获取有关在继续之前正确设置的帮助。
Why don't I have access to my data in ArcGIS Pro? (2)疑难解答 1.2
为什么我无法访问 ArcGIS Pro 中的数据?
It’s important to correctly set up your project location when beginning to use ArcGIS Pro to make sure that your data and your project are together in the same place for ease of use. If you don’t do so, you may begin using ArcGIS Pro with your project in one location on your computer and then become unable to see your preexisting data without taking further steps. 在开始使用 ArcGIS Pro 时,正确设置工程位置非常重要,以确保您的数据和工程位于同一位置,以便于使用。如果不这样做,您可能会开始在计算机上的一个位置使用 ArcGIS Pro 和您的工程,然后如果不采取进一步的步骤,则无法查看预先存在的数据。
In this book’s modules, you will begin with a folder full of data, such as Module1. On the computer’s hard drive, you’ll place this folder in its own dedicated location, such as C:\\GIS\\\mathrm{C}: \backslash \mathrm{GIS} \backslash. Then when you create a project, you’ll place it within that folder. Figure 1.5 shows an example in which a new project called Module1 is being created in the C:\GIS\Modulel folder. When the project is created, it will be in the same folder as the preexisting data being used in the project, and the project file and the datasets will all be in the same folder. 在本书的模块中,您将从一个充满数据的文件夹开始,例如 Module1。在计算机的硬盘驱动器上,您需要将此文件夹放在其自己的专用位置,例如 C:\\GIS\\\mathrm{C}: \backslash \mathrm{GIS} \backslash .然后,当您创建项目时,您需要将其放置在该文件夹中。图 1.5 显示了一个示例,其中正在 C:\GIS\Modulel 文件夹中创建名为 Module1 的新工程。创建工程后,它将与工程中使用的预先存在的数据位于同一文件夹中,并且工程文件和数据集都将位于同一文件夹中。
FIGURE 1.5 The Create a New Project dialog being used to keep a project called Module1 in a folder also called Module1 that contains preexisting data. 图 1.5 Create a New Project 对话框用于将名为 Module1 的项目保存在一个文件夹(也称为 Module1)中,该文件夹包含预先存在的数据。
When you create a project, make sure the box next to Create a new folder for this project is not checked. When that box is checked, ArcGIS Pro creates a separate subfolder at that location. Your data ends up in C:\GIS\Module1, but your project has a separate C:\\GIS\\\mathrm{C}: \backslash \mathrm{GIS} \backslash Module1 \\\backslash Module1 folder created, which throws everything off. 创建项目时,请确保未选中 Create a new folder for this project 旁边的框。选中该框后,ArcGIS Pro 将在该位置创建一个单独的子文件夹。您的数据最终位于 C:\GIS\Module1 中,但您的工程创建了一个单独的 C:\\GIS\\\mathrm{C}: \backslash \mathrm{GIS} \backslash Module1 \\\backslash Module1 文件夹,这会丢弃所有内容。
At this point, if you can’t see both the Module1 project you’ve made within the Module1 folder of data, go to the Project tab, choose New, and then choose the Map template and begin this module again but make sure to use the proper settings in the Create a New Project dialog. 此时,如果您在 Module1 数据文件夹中看不到您创建的 Module1 项目,请转到 Project 选项卡,选择 New (新建),然后选择 Map 模板并再次开始此模块,但请确保在 Create a New Project (创建新项目) 对话框中使用正确的设置。
When you created a new project, you chose the Module1 folder to place your project in. The Module1 folder already contained the MahoningCounty geodatabase (the data you’ll be working with), and creating the new project also created a new empty geodatabase called Module1 and a new empty toolbox called Module1 in which you can store any new data. Right now, this is the only data you have access to for your project. For more information about how to access other folders and data to use when working with ArcGIS Pro, see Smartbox 1.3 . 创建新项目时,您选择了 Module1 文件夹来放置项目。Module1 文件夹已包含 MahoningCounty 地理数据库(您将使用的数据),创建新工程还会创建一个名为 Module1 的新空地理数据库和一个名为 Module1 的新空工具箱,您可以在其中存储任何新数据。目前,这是您项目唯一可以访问的数据。有关如何访问使用 ArcGIS Pro 时要使用的其他文件夹和数据的详细信息,请参阅 Smartbox 1.3 。
SMARTBOX 1.3 智能盒 1.3
How can I access other folders and data through the Catalog pane? 如何通过目录窗格访问其他文件夹和数据?
In ArcGIS Pro, the Catalog pane can be used to examine all the available folders (whether local on the computer’s hard drive, on a USB drive, or on a network drive) and the data they have available. You can use the Folder Connection function to select new folders (such as your computer’s C: or D: drives, a mapped network drive, a data server, or your USB drive); simply right-click on the Folders option in the Catalog pane, and the Add Folder Connection button appears. By clicking this button, you can select a new folder, which will be added to your available folder options. 在 ArcGIS Pro 中,目录窗格可用于检查所有可用文件夹(无论是在计算机硬盘驱动器上的本地文件夹、USB 驱动器上的文件夹还是网络驱动器上的文件夹)及其可用的数据。您可以使用文件夹连接功能来选择新文件夹(例如计算机的 C: 或 D: 驱动器、映射的网络驱动器、数据服务器或 USB 驱动器);只需右键单击目录窗格中的文件夹选项,即可显示添加文件夹连接按钮。通过单击此按钮,您可以选择一个新文件夹,该文件夹将添加到您的可用文件夹选项中。
By expanding the folder options, you can see the data contained in the folders. You can then copy, paste, and remove items as in Windows. In this way, you can move geographic data from one location to another. Moving files in this fashion instead of using utilities like Windows Explorer ensures that any extra or ancillary files associated with your data are properly moved or deleted. 通过展开文件夹选项,您可以查看文件夹中包含的数据。然后,您可以像在 Windows 中一样复制、粘贴和删除项目。通过这种方式,您可以将地理数据从一个位置移动到另一个位置。以这种方式移动文件而不是使用 Windows 资源管理器等实用程序可确保正确移动或删除与数据相关的任何额外或辅助文件。
Important Note: Although you are working with the Catalog pane in this module, the same functions can also be used in the catalog view as well. The catalog view contains many more data management functions than simply being able to browse your data in the Catalog pane. If you had a project focused on managing your data rather than on creating maps, you would use the catalog view instead. 重要说明:尽管您使用的是本模块中的目录窗格,但也可以在目录视图中使用相同的函数。目录视图包含更多的数据管理功能,而不仅仅是能够在 Catalog 窗格中浏览数据。如果您有一个专注于管理数据而不是创建地图的工程,则可以改用目录视图。
catalog view 目录视图
A view used in ArcGIS Pro to manage data. ArcGIS Pro 中用于管理数据的视图。
You probably saw each of your layers represented in the Catalog pane by an icon that either showed a set of dots, a set of lines, or two-dimensional shapes. These icons are a shorthand for how your data will be represented in GIS by using vector data. See Smartbox 1.4 for more about what GIS vector data 您可能在目录窗格中看到每个图层都由一个图标表示,该图标显示一组点、一组线条或二维形状。这些图标是使用矢量数据在 GIS 中表示数据的简写形式。有关哪些 GIS 矢量数据的更多信息,请参阅 Smartbox 1.4
What are the types of vector data, and how are they referenced in ArcGIS Pro? 智能盒 1.4
矢量数据类型有哪些,如何在 ArcGIS Pro 中引用它们?
Items from the real world are modeled or represented in GIS. For example, the Mahoning County dataset used in this module contains representations of airport locations, roads that pass through the county, and the locations and sizes of county lakes. In the discrete object view of the world, each of these things can be considered a different entity with a specific location, length, size, or area. In this way, the world can be observed as a series of objects. For instance, each lake in the county has a fixed boundary, just as each road has definite starting and stopping points. If there are multiple lakes in the county, then each one is considered its own object. The same is true with each leg of a county road. 现实世界中的项目在 GIS 中建模或表示。例如,本模块中使用的 Mahoning County 数据集包含机场位置、穿过该县的道路以及县湖泊的位置和大小的表示。在世界的离散对象视图中,这些事物中的每一个都可以被视为具有特定位置、长度、大小或面积的不同实体。通过这种方式,可以将世界视为一系列对象。例如,该县的每个湖泊都有一个固定的边界,就像每条道路都有明确的起点和终点一样。如果县中有多个湖泊,则每个湖泊都被视为其自己的对象。县道的每一段也是如此。
discrete object view 离散对象视图
A conceptualization of the world in which all items can be represented by objects. 世界的概念化,其中所有项目都可以由对象表示。
Each object can be represented in ArcGIS Pro in one of three ways (Figure 1.6): as a point (such as an airport location), a line (such as a road), or a polygon (such as a lake). A point is a zero-dimensional object that represents just a simple set of coordinate locations. A line is a one-dimensional object created by connecting the starting and stopping points (and any points in between that give the line its shape). A polygon is a two-dimensional object that forms an area from a set of lines (or that defines an area from a line that creates a boundary). 在 ArcGIS Pro 中,每个对象都可以以三种方式之一表示(图 1.6):点(例如机场位置)、线(例如道路)或面(例如湖泊)。点是一个零维对象,它只表示一组简单的坐标位置。线条是通过连接起点和终点(以及两者之间赋予线条形状的任何点)创建的一维对象。多边形是一个二维对象,它从一组线条形成一个区域(或者从一条创建边界的线条定义一个区域)。
FIGURE 1.6 Representations of the three vector objects: points, lines, and polygons. 图 1.6 三个矢量对象的表示形式:点、线和多边形。
point 点
A zero-dimensional vector object. 零维向量对象。
line 线
A one-dimensional vector object. 一维向量对象。
polygon 多边形
A two-dimensional vector object. 二维矢量对象。
These points, lines, and polygons are referred to as vector objects and make up the basis of the GIS vector data model. By using these three vector objects, you can represent any real-world phenomena. For instance, the locations of stop signs, water wells, or groundwater testing sites can be modeled as points; streams, railroads, or power lines can be modeled as lines; and residential neighborhoods, congressional districts, or watershed boundaries can be modeled as polygons. 这些点、线和面称为矢量对象,构成了 GIS 矢量数据模型的基础。通过使用这三个矢量对象,您可以表示任何现实世界的现象。例如,可以将停车标志、水井或地下水检测点的位置建模为点;河流、铁路或电力线可以建模为线;住宅区、国会选区或分水岭边界可以建模为面。
vector objects 矢量对象
Points, lines, and polygons that are used to model real-world phenomena using the vector data model. vector data model 用于使用矢量数据模型对真实世界现象进行建模的点、线和多边形。矢量数据模型
A model that represents geospatial data with a series of vector objects. 使用一系列矢量对象表示地理空间数据的模型。
In ArcGIS Pro, there are different data storage formats for the vector data model (and we’ll go into more depth about them in Module 6). For now, however, you need to know about only two common ones that we’ll use in this book: 在 ArcGIS Pro 中,矢量数据模型有不同的数据存储格式(我们将在模块 6 中更深入地介绍它们)。但是,现在,您只需要了解我们将在本书中使用的两个常见方法:
A shapefile is a simple data structure composed of several computer files that can store points, lines (referred to as polylines), or polygons. A shapefile can hold only one type of data. Thus, a line shapefile would hold roads data, while a polygon shapefile would hold county boundary data. shapefile 是一种简单的数据结构,由多个计算机文件组成,可以存储点、线(称为折线)或面。一个 shapefile 只能包含一种类型的数据。因此,线 shapefile 将保存道路数据,而面 shapefile 将保存县边界数据。
A file geodatabase is a single folder that can hold one or more feature classes, and each feature class can hold a different type of data. For instance, a line feature class could hold walking path data, while a point feature class could be used to mark a trailhead. 文件地理数据库是一个文件夹,可以保存一个或多个要素类,每个要素类可以保存不同类型的数据。例如,线要素类可以保存步行路径数据,而点要素类可用于标记小径起点。
shapefile shapefile 文件
A series of files that make up one vector data layer. 构成一个矢量数据层的一系列文件。
file geodatabase 文件地理数据库
A single folder that can contain multiple datasets, each as its own feature class. 一个文件夹,可以包含多个数据集,每个数据集都作为其自己的要素类。
In this module, the MahoningCounty.gdb file that you are using is a file geodatabase, and each of the layers you’re using is a feature class. The airports and structures layers are point feature classes, the roads layer is a line feature class, and the boundary and areawater layers are polygon feature classes. 在本模块中,您使用的 MahoningCounty.gdb 文件是一个文件地理数据库,并且您使用的每个图层都是一个要素类。airports 和 structures 图层是点要素类,roads 图层是线要素类,boundary 和 areawater 图层是面要素类。
You’ll be working exclusively with vector data in Modules 1 through 11 of this book. There is a second type of data storage, called raster data, that is completely different from vector data. You’ll begin incorporating raster data into ArcGIS Pro starting in Module 12. 您将在本书的模块 1 到 11 中专门使用矢量数据。还有第二种类型的数据存储,称为栅格数据,它与矢量数据完全不同。从模块 12 开始,您将开始将栅格数据合并到 ArcGIS Pro 中。
Step 1.2 Working with Maps in a Project 步骤 1.2 在项目中使用地图
It’s time to add data layers to ArcGIS Pro to start making a map and doing GIS analysis. In order to do so, you’ll have to use a map in the view to hold your data. When you began the Module1 project, you told ArcGIS Pro to start you with the Map template so you have one available. 现在是时候向 ArcGIS Pro 添加数据图层以开始制作地图和进行 GIS 分析了。为此,您必须在视图中使用地图来保存数据。当您开始 Module1 工程时,您告诉 ArcGIS Pro 从 Map 模板开始,以便您有一个可用的模板。
Note that if you hadn’t done this or if you wanted another map, you could easily access one; on the Insert tab, within the Project group, click the New Map button and choose New Map. For more information about what this map is in ArcGIS Pro terminology, see Smartbox 1.5. 请注意,如果您尚未执行此操作,或者想要另一张地图,则可以轻松访问一张;在插入选项卡的工程组中,单击新建地图按钮,然后选择新建地图。有关 ArcGIS Pro 术语中此地图的详细信息,请参阅 Smartbox 1.5。
What is a map, and how does it work in ArcGIS Pro? 智能盒 1.5
什么是地图,它在 ArcGIS Pro 中是如何工作的?
In ArcGIS Pro, map is the term used for the view that contains all the data and layers being used in a single project. There is also a corresponding tab called Map that is added to a view. You can change the name of the map view to something more distinctive by right-clicking the Map icon in the Contents pane, choosing Properties, and then, in the Layer Properties dialog box that opens, choosing the General tab and typing a new name for the map to replace Map. 在 ArcGIS Pro 中,地图是用于包含单个工程中使用的所有数据和图层的视图的术语。还有一个名为 Map 的相应选项卡,该选项卡已添加到视图中。您可以通过右键单击 Contents 窗格中的 Map 图标,选择 Properties (属性),然后在打开的 Layer Properties (图层属性) 对话框中,选择 General (常规) 选项卡并键入地图的新名称以替换 Map,将地图视图的名称更改为更独特的名称。
map (view) 地图 (查看)
The area used for displaying GIS data in two dimensions. 用于以二维方式显示 GIS 数据的区域。
When you inserted a new map into your project, not only did ArcGIS Pro give you a new view to work with, but it also added a backdrop image to the map. A corresponding item called Topographic also was added to the Contents pane. This image is intended to help give your data layers context and display them using a particular real-world coordinate system. Whenever you add data to ArcGIS Pro, the available layers in the project are listed in the Contents pane and are then displayed in the map. If you change the color of a layer in the Contents pane, those changes will then be displayed in the map. Whatever is listed in the Contents pane is then available to be displayed in the map. 当您将新地图插入工程时,ArcGIS Pro 不仅为您提供了一个要使用的新视图,而且还向地图添加了背景图像。名为 Topographic 的相应项目也已添加到内容窗格中。此图像旨在帮助您的数据图层提供上下文,并使用特定的真实坐标系显示它们。每当向 ArcGIS Pro 添加数据时,工程中的可用图层都会在内容窗格中列出,然后显示在地图中。如果您在内容窗格中更改图层的颜色,则这些更改将显示在地图中。然后,内容窗格中列出的任何内容都可以显示在地图中。
One advantage to working with ArcGIS Pro is that you can have multiple maps available in a project. If you inserted a second map, and then a third, you would have three different maps available to you that you could access by choosing a different tab in the view. For example, Figure 1.7 shows three maps: one called Mahoning County, a second just called Map, and a third called Map1. Only one of these maps can be active at a time; as mentioned earlier in this module, the active map’s tab is blue to distinguish it from the other map tabs. In Figure 1.7, the active map is the Mahoning County map. The Contents pane lists the layers that are part of the active map tab. 使用 ArcGIS Pro 的一个优点是,您可以在一个工程中使用多个地图。如果您先插入第二个映射,然后再插入第三个映射,则将为您提供三个不同的映射,您可以通过在视图中选择其他选项卡来访问这些映射。例如,图 1.7 显示了三个地图:一个称为 Mahoning County,第二个称为 Map,第三个称为 Map1。这些地图中一次只能有一个处于活动状态;如本模块前面所述,活动地图的选项卡为蓝色,以区别于其他地图选项卡。在图 1.7 中,活动地图是 Mahoning County 地图。内容窗格列出了属于活动地图选项卡的图层。
FIGURE 1.7 The Contents pane shows the layers in the active map. 图 1.7 内容窗格显示活动地图中的图层。
Note that ArcGIS Pro considers a map to be a 2D view. This is because it shows your layers flat on the map in two dimensions. In Module 15, you’ll create other views, called scenes capable of showing your data in three dimensions. 请注意,ArcGIS Pro 将地图视为 2D 视图。这是因为它以二维形式在地图上显示您的图层。在模块 15 中,您将创建其他视图,称为场景,能够在三维空间中显示数据。
By default the Map tab contains an image of a map of the United States. This image serves as a backdrop on which you can place your own GIS data layers. You’ll also see that the Contents pane shows what is in the map view. If you ever close the map (by clicking on the X in its tab) and want to get it back, see Troublebox 1.3. 默认情况下,Map (地图) 选项卡包含美国地图的图像。此图像用作背景,您可以在其上放置自己的 GIS 数据图层。您还将看到 Contents 窗格显示了地图视图中的内容。如果您曾经关闭地图(通过单击其选项卡中的 X)并想将其取回,请参阅 Troublebox 1.3。
(2)TROUBLEBOX 1.3 (2)故障排除框 1.3
What happened to the map I was using in ArcGIS Pro? 我在 ArcGIS Pro 中使用的地图发生了什么变化?
If you close a map tab in ArcGIS Pro, getting it back again is easy. In the Catalog pane, you can see an expandable Maps option. Expand it, and you see a listing of all the maps in this project, including the one you closed. Doubleclick the map listing in the Catalog pane, and the corresponding map tab reopens. 如果您在 ArcGIS Pro 中关闭地图选项卡,则很容易将其恢复。在 Catalog 窗格中,您可以看到一个可展开的 Maps 选项。展开它,您将看到此工程中所有地图的列表,包括您关闭的地图。双击目录窗格中的地图列表,相应的地图选项卡将重新打开。
To examine the properties of the map, in the Contents pane, right-click Map and select Properties. 要检查地图的属性,请在内容窗格中右键单击 Map,然后选择属性。
In the Map Properties dialog box, click the General tab and type the new name Mahoning County for the map. 在地图属性对话框中,单击常规选项卡,然后为地图输入新名称 Mahoning County。
Also under the General tab, look at the information about the units of the map and the units of display. Map units are the units of measurement in which the data were created, such as decimal degrees, feet, meters, or miles. Display units represent how you are measuring things on the map. Answer Question 1.1. 此外,在 General 选项卡下,查看有关地图单位和显示单位的信息。地图单位是创建数据时使用的测量单位,例如十进制度、英尺、米或英里。显示单位表示您在地图上测量事物的方式。回答问题 1.1。
Question 1.1 问题 1.1
In what measurement units was the initial map made? 最初的地图是用什么测量单位制作的?
You can’t change the map units (how the map was originally made), but you can change the display units to measure things differently. Select US Feet for Display Units and click OK. Now when you make measurements on the map, you will receive distances in feet. Note that the only thing that has changed is the way ArcGIS Pro reports results to you. It does not change what units the data were created in. 您无法更改地图单位(地图的原始制作方式),但可以更改显示单位以不同方式测量事物。为显示单位选择美制英尺,然后单击确定。现在,当您在地图上进行测量时,您将收到以英尺为单位的距离。请注意,唯一改变的是 ArcGIS Pro 向您报告结果的方式。它不会更改创建数据的单位。
Return to the map and move the cursor around the screen. In the lower-right portion of the screen, you can see distances and coordinates reported in US Feet. 返回到地图并在屏幕上移动光标。在屏幕的右下角,您可以看到以美尺为单位报告的距离和坐标。
Go back to Map Properties and change Display Units back to Decimal Degrees. Now, in the map, you see measurements in decimal degrees. 返回 地图属性 并将 显示单位 改回 十进制度 。现在,在地图中,您可以看到以十进制度为单位的测量值。
Step 1.3 Adding Data to a Map 步骤 1.3 向映射添加数据
Now that you have your map set up, it’s time to add your GIS data to it. To begin, on the Map tab on the ribbon, within the Layer group, click the Add Data button and choose Data. 现在您已经设置了地图,是时候将 GIS 数据添加到其中了。首先,在功能区的地图选项卡上的图层组中,单击添加数据按钮,然后选择数据。
In the Add Data dialog box, navigate to the C:\GIS\Module1 \\\backslash folder and doubleclick the MahoningCounty.gdb geodatabase to access the feature classes it contains. 在添加数据对话框中,导航到 C:\GIS\Module1 \\\backslash 文件夹,然后双击 MahoningCounty.gdb 地理数据库以访问其包含的要素类。
Select the boundary feature class and click OK to place it on the map. 选择边界要素类,然后单击确定将其放置在地图上。
The layer corresponding to the boundary of Mahoning County, Ohio, appears in the Mahoning County map on top of its proper location on the map of the United States. Also, the layer appears in the Contents pane. Note that there is a checkmark in the box next to the layer’s name in the Contents pane. By clicking in this box, you can check and uncheck it. When the box has a check in it, the data layer is displayed. When there is no checkmark, the data are not displayed. 与俄亥俄州马霍宁县边界相对应的图层显示在马霍宁县地图中其在美国地图上正确位置的顶部。此外,该图层将显示在内容窗格中。请注意,在内容窗格中图层名称旁边的框中有一个复选标记。通过单击此框,您可以选中和取消选中它。如果框中有复选标记,则会显示数据层。如果没有复选标记,则不会显示数据。
Note that another way of adding data to the map is to drag and drop it from the Catalog pane into either the Contents pane or the map itself. Either by using this method or by clicking the Add Data button, add the other four feature classes (airports, areawater, roads, and structures) to the map. You then see the layers added to the Contents pane. 请注意,向地图添加数据的另一种方法是将数据从目录窗格拖放到内容窗格或地图本身中。通过使用此方法或单击添加数据按钮,将其他四个要素类(airports、areawater、roads 和 structures)添加到地图中。然后,您将看到已添加到内容窗格的图层。
Data layers are displayed in ArcGIS Pro by their placement in the Contents pane. (See Smartbox 1.6 for more information.) 数据图层在 ArcGIS Pro 中按其在内容窗格中的位置显示。(有关更多信息,请参阅 Smartbox 1.6。
O SMARTBOX 1.6 O 智能盒 1.6
How do I display data layers in the Contents pane in ArcGIS Pro? 如何在 ArcGIS Pro 的内容窗格中显示数据图层?
There are seven ways of presenting your data in the Contents pane (Figure 1.8): 在内容窗格中显示数据的方法有 7 种(图 1.8):
FIGURE 1.8 The different ways of displaying data layers in the Contents pane. 图 1.8 在内容窗格中显示数据图层的不同方式。
List by drawing order: This is the default setting. The layer at the top of the stack will be drawn on top of all other layers, then the layer underneath it is drawn, and so on. By using this option, you can drag layers from all sources to different positions in the Contents pane. 按绘制顺序列出:这是默认设置。堆栈顶部的图层将绘制在所有其他图层的顶部,然后绘制其下方的图层,依此类推。通过使用此选项,您可以将图层从所有源拖动到内容窗格中的不同位置。
List by source: Layers are listed according to their source. For instance, all the layers from one folder will be listed, then all of the layers from a second folder, and so on. List by source(按源列出):根据层的源列出层。例如,将列出一个文件夹中的所有图层,然后列出第二个文件夹中的所有图层,依此类推。
List by selection: Layers will be listed by how many objects are selected in each layer and which layers are unavailable for selection. (See Modules 2, 8_\underline{8}, and 9_\underline{9} for more about selection.) List by selection:图层将按每个图层中选择的对象数量以及哪些图层无法选择列出。(请参阅 模块 2 和 8_\underline{8}9_\underline{9} 有关选择的更多信息。
List by editing: Layers will be listed by their editing status. (See Module 7 for more about editing.) List by editing:图层将按其编辑状态列出。(有关编辑的更多信息,请参阅模块 7。
List by snapping: Layers will be listed based on their snapping status. (See Module 7 for more about snapping in relation to editing.) 按对齐列出:图层将根据其对齐状态列出。(有关与编辑相关的对齐的更多信息,请参阅模块 7。
List by labeling: Layers will be listed based on their labels. List by labeling(按标签列出):图层将根据其标签列出。
List by perspective imagery: Layers will be listed according to whether they contain oblique imagery. (See Module 13 for more about using imagery in ArcGIS Pro.) 按透视影像列出:图层将根据其是否包含倾斜影像进行列出。(有关在 ArcGIS Pro 中使用影像的详细信息,请参阅模块 13。
Select the List by Drawing Order option. The layer at the top of the Contents pane is displayed first. The layer displayed second from the top is displayed next, and so on. The top layer is displayed "on top of " the other layers. Thus, if you have two layers that cover the same area, the one at the top of the Contents pane list will be displayed on top of the others. 选择 List by Drawing Order 选项。首先显示内容窗格顶部的图层。接下来显示从上倒数第二个显示的图层,依此类推。顶层显示在其他层的 “顶部”。因此,如果有两个图层覆盖同一区域,则位于内容窗格列表顶部的图层将显示在其他图层的顶部。
You can move a layer by clicking on the name of the layer and dragging it to another place in the Contents pane. 您可以通过单击图层名称并将其拖动到内容窗格中的其他位置来移动图层。
Rearrange the layers on your map so that water bodies are displayed at the top, then the structures next, then the airports, then the roads, and finally the county boundary at the bottom. 重新排列地图上的图层,以便水体显示在顶部,然后是建筑物,然后是机场,然后是道路,最后是底部的县边界。
Step 1.4 Examining GIS Data and Working with Coordinate Systems, Datums, and Projections 步骤 1.4 检查 GIS 数据并使用坐标系、基准面和投影
When using geospatial data in ArcGIS Pro, it’s a good idea to keep all the data you are using in the same projection, coordinate system, and datum to avoid any computational or analysis problems. For more information about working with these topics, see Smartbox 1.7; for more in-depth technical details, see Appendix B. 在 ArcGIS Pro 中使用地理空间数据时,最好将您正在使用的所有数据保留在同一投影、坐标系和基准面中,以避免任何计算或分析问题。有关使用这些主题的更多信息,请参阅 Smartbox 1.7;有关更深入的技术详细信息,请参阅附录 B。
What are datums, coordinate systems, and projections in ArcGIS? ArcGIS 中的基准面、坐标系和投影是什么?
Each layer of data used in ArcGIS is a piece of geospatial data-that is, it’s tied to a specific location on Earth’s surface. Earth is not perfectly round; it’s more of an ellipsoid (or spheroid) shape, meaning it’s slightly larger at its center than at the poles. To create geospatial data, you need to have a datum, which is a reference for coordinate systems used to determine locations around the ellipsoid. The problem is that there’s no one universal datum used for all measurements. Literally hundreds of different datums exist; some of them reference the entire globe, and others are used for more local references. Because a datum is the starting point for determining coordinates, measurements made in one datum won’t necessarily line up with measurements made in another datum. If you’re determining the coordinates of a manhole cover using a system derived from one datum, and a friend is measuring the same location but using a different datum, the two sets of coordinates (for the same object) will be different. ArcGIS 中使用的每一层数据都是一段地理空间数据,也就是说,它与地球表面的特定位置相关联。地球不是完美的圆的;它更像是椭球体(或椭球体)形状,这意味着它的中心比两极略大。要创建地理空间数据,您需要有一个基准面,该基准面是用于确定椭球体周围位置的坐标系的参考。问题在于,没有一个通用的基准面用于所有测量。从字面上看,存在数百个不同的基准面;其中一些引用了整个地球,而另一些则用于更本地的引用。由于基准面是确定坐标的起点,因此在一个基准面中进行的测量不一定与在另一个基准面中进行的测量一致。如果您正在使用从一个基准面导出的系统来确定井盖的坐标,而朋友正在测量相同的位置但使用不同的基准面,则两组坐标(对于同一对象)将不同。
Some common datums that you’ll encounter with geospatial data in GIS are: 在 GIS 中处理地理空间数据时,您会遇到的一些常见基准面是:
NAD27: the North American Datum of 1927. This datum was used for large-scale mapping of the United States and North America. Its center is at Meades Ranch in Kansas. NAD27:1927 年的北美基准面。此基准面用于美国和北美的大规模制图。它的中心位于堪萨斯州的 Meades Ranch。
NAD83: the North American Datum of 1983. This datum is used for much of the current data measured in the United States and across North America today. Measurements from NAD83 are very different from measurements from NAD27 (differing by up to a couple hundred meters). NAD83:1983 年的北美基准面。此基准面用于当今美国和整个北美测量的大部分当前数据。NAD83 的测量值与 NAD27 的测量值非常不同(相差几百米)。
NATRF2022: the North American Terrestrial Reference Frame of 2022. This new datum is being established to eventually replace the more common NAD83 data by the year 2022. NATRF2022:2022 年北美陆地参考框架。这个新基准面的建立最终是为了在 2022 年之前取代更常见的 NAD83 数据。
WGS84: the World Geodetic System of 1984. The Global Positioning System (GPS) uses this datum for its measurements. Its coordinates are very similar, but not exactly the same, as those you’d get using NAD83. WGS84:1984 年世界大地测量系统。全球定位系统 (GPS) 使用此基准面进行测量。它的坐标与您使用 NAD83 获得的坐标非常相似,但不完全相同。
NAD27 NAD27的
The North American Datum of 1927. 1927 年的北美基准面。
NAD83 NAD83的
The North American Datum of 1983. 1983 年的北美基准面。
The North American Terrestrial Reference Frame of 2022. WGS84 2022 年北美陆地参考框架。WGS84 系列
The World Geodetic System datum of 1984. 1984 年世界大地坐标系基准面。
Having a reference model allows you to determine the coordinates of locations. ArcGIS Pro references coordinate systems in two different ways (see Appendix B for further information): 拥有参考模型可以确定位置的坐标。ArcGIS Pro 以两种不同的方式引用坐标系(有关详细信息,请参阅附录 B):
Geographic coordinate system (GCS): This is the system of measurements made in latitude and longitude and measured in degrees. In ArcGIS, this reference model is commonly listed as GCS with the datum that was used when the data were created. 地理坐标系 (GCS):这是以纬度和经度为单位并以度为单位的测量系统。在 ArcGIS 中,此参考模型通常列为 GCS,其中包含创建数据时使用的基准面。
Projected coordinate system (PCS): Often, GCS data are transformed (or projected) into a flat twodimensional grid system that allows you to make measurements in units such as feet or meters (rather than degrees) with consistent angles or lengths. Because a PCS is a flat grid system, coordinates are measured as an xx (such as an east and west measurement) and yy (such as a north and south measurement). As is the case with datums, there are a multitude of different projections, and measurements of distance, area, or perimeter made in one projection will not necessarily match up with measurements made of the same locations in another projection. 投影坐标系 (PCS):通常,GCS 数据被转换(或投影)为平面二维网格系统,允许您以英尺或米(而不是度)等单位进行测量,并具有一致的角度或长度。由于 PCS 是平面网格系统,因此坐标以 xx (如东西测量) 和 yy (如南北测量) 的形式进行测量。与基准面一样,存在多种不同的投影,在一个投影中对距离、面积或周长进行的测量不一定与在另一个投影中对相同位置进行的测量相匹配。
geographic coordinate system (GCS) 地理坐标系 (GCS)
A set of global latitude and longitude measurements used as a reference system for finding locations. projected coordinate system (PCS) 一组全球纬度和经度测量值,用作查找位置的参考系统。投影坐标系 (PCS)
A set of measurements made on a flat grid system, initially derived from a GCS. 在平网系统上进行的一组测量,最初源自 GCS。
Some common projected coordinate systems you’ll likely encounter with geospatial data and GIS are: 您在使用地理空间数据和 GIS 时可能会遇到的一些常见投影坐标系包括:
UTM: the Universal Transverse Mercator. This system divides the world into 60 zones, with each zone being 6 degrees of longitude wide. It covers all of Earth except for the poles. Measurements made in each zone are independent of measurements in other zones, so (for example) coordinates for zone 17 cannot be compared with coordinates from zone 16. UTM uses meters for its units of measurement. UTM:通用横轴墨卡托。该系统将世界划分为 60 个区域,每个区域宽 6 度。它覆盖了除两极以外的整个地球。在每个区域中进行的测量独立于其他区域中的测量值,因此(例如)区域 17 的坐标无法与区域 16 的坐标进行比较。UTM 使用米作为其测量单位。
SPCS: the State Plane Coordinate System. This system is used only for the United States. It divides a state into different zones that correspond to county boundaries or similar lines. For instance, Ohio is divided into a north zone and a south zone, while Arizona is divided into an east zone, a central zone, and a west zone. Measurements made in each zone are independent of those made in another (so Ohio north zone measurements won’t match up with Ohio south zone measurements). There are two types of SPCS coordinates - an old one based on NAD27 that uses feet and a modern one based on NAD83 that uses either feet or meters. SPCS:美国国家平面坐标系。此系统仅用于美国。它将一个州划分为与县边界或类似线相对应的不同区域。例如,俄亥俄州分为北部区域和南部区域,而亚利桑那州分为东部区域、中部区域和西部区域。在每个区域中进行的测量独立于在另一个区域中进行的测量(因此俄亥俄州北部区域的测量值与俄亥俄州南部区域的测量值不匹配)。SPCS 坐标有两种类型 - 一种基于 NAD27 的旧坐标使用英尺,另一种基于 NAD83 的现代坐标使用英尺或米。
SPCS2022: the State Plane Coordinate System of 2022. This updated version of the SPCS 83 version of the State Plane Coordinate System is set to debut in 2022. It is currently being designed so that each state will consist of just a single zone for measurements. SPCS2022:2022 年美国国家平面坐标系。美国国家平面坐标系 SPCS 83 版本的更新版本将于 2022 年首次亮相。目前正在设计中,每个州将仅包含一个用于测量的区域。
Transverse Mercator: This projection is commonly used for data with a north-south orientation, and UTM uses this projection as its basis. Units are usually measured in meters. 横轴墨卡托投影:此投影通常用于南北方向的数据,UTM 使用此投影作为其基础。单位通常以米为单位。
Lambert Conformal Conic: This projection is commonly used for data that have an east-west orientation at middle latitudes (such as the United States). It keeps the shapes of locations the same as they are in the real world, and its units are usually meters. 兰勃特等角圆锥投影:此投影通常用于在中纬度地区(例如美国)具有东西方向的数据。它使位置的形状与现实世界中的位置形状相同,其单位通常为米。
Albers Equal Area Conic: Like Lambert, this projection is used for east-west data at mid-latitudes, so it’s commonly used with U.S. data. It keeps the areas (sizes) of locations the same as they are in the real world, and its units are usually meters. 亚尔伯斯等积圆锥投影:与兰伯特投影一样,此投影也用于中纬度地区的东西向数据,因此通常用于美国数据。它使位置的面积 (大小) 与现实世界中的面积 (大小) 相同,其单位通常为米。
WGS84 Web Mercator: This projection is a standard projection used for web maps, and in particular it is the standard used for ArcGIS Online. Its units are meters. WGS84 Web 墨卡托投影:此投影是用于 Web 地图的标准投影,特别是它是用于 ArcGIS Online 的标准投影。其单位为米。
The Universal Transverse Mercator projected coordinate system, which divides the world into 60 reference zones with measurements in meters. 通用横轴墨卡托投影坐标系,它将世界划分为 60 个参考带,测量值以米为单位。
The State Plane Coordinate System projected coordinate system, which divides states into zones with measurements made in feet or meters. 美国国家平面坐标系投影坐标系,用于将州划分为多个区域,并以英尺或米为单位进行测量。
The State Plane Coordinate System of 2022, a revised and updated version of SPCS. 2022 年美国国家平面坐标系,SPCS 的修订和更新版本。
Transverse Mercator 横轴墨卡托投影
A projected coordinate system used for north-south data. 用于南北向数据的投影坐标系。
Lambert Conformal Conic Lambert 等形圆锥
A projected coordinate system used for east-west data. 用于东西向数据的投影坐标系。
Each data layer you’re using in this module comes with information about the geographic coordinate system and the datum it was created in, as well as the projected coordinate system that each layer was projected to (and the units of measurement that this projected coordinate system uses). To examine this information about your data, do the following: 本模块中使用的每个数据图层都附带有关地理坐标系及其创建基准面的信息,以及每个图层投影到的投影坐标系(以及此投影坐标系使用的测量单位)。要检查有关您数据的此信息,请执行以下操作:
In the Contents pane, right-click on the layer and select Properties. 在内容窗格中,右键单击图层,然后选择属性。
Click on the Source tab and then scroll down and expand the Spatial Reference portion. 单击 Source 选项卡,然后向下滚动并展开 Spatial Reference 部分。
Look at the coordinate system information for each of your five feature classes and answer Question 1.2. (Hint: Think carefully about the information you’re getting about the datum and the coordinate system.) 查看 5 个要素类中每个要素类的坐标系信息,然后回答问题 1.2。(提示:请仔细考虑您获得的有关基准面和坐标系的信息。
Question 1.2 问题 1.2
Fill out the following chart with the information on the datum, projected coordinate system, and units of measurement of each of the five layers. 使用五个图层中每个图层的基准、投影坐标系和测量单位的信息填写以下图表。
Layer 层
GCS Datum GCS 基准面
Projected Coordinate System 投影坐标系
Units of Measurement 测量单位
airports 机场
boundary 边界
roads 道路
structures 结构
Layer GCS Datum Projected Coordinate System Units of Measurement
structures | Layer | GCS Datum | Projected Coordinate System | Units of Measurement |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| airports | | | |
| areawater | | | |
| boundary | | | |
| roads | | | |
| structures | | | |
As you go through the layers, you’ll find that one of them (airports) is in a different projected coordinate system than the rest of your data, and another 当您浏览这些图层时,您会发现其中一个图层 (airports) 与其他数据位于不同的投影坐标系中,而另一个图层
layer has no defined coordinate system at all. layer 根本没有定义的坐标系。
To make sure all of your data properly align, you’ll want to make these two data layers match the rest of your data in terms of their datum and projected coordinate system. This involves two different tasks: changing the projection of the airports layer (in Step 1.5) to match the others and establishing a coordinate system for the layer that’s missing that information (in Step 1.6). 要确保所有数据正确对齐,您需要使这两个数据图层在基准面和投影坐标系方面与其余数据相匹配。这涉及两个不同的任务:更改 airports 图层的投影(在步骤 1.5 中)以匹配其他图层,并为缺少该信息的图层建立坐标系(在步骤 1.6 中)。
Step 1.5 Changing a Data Layer to a Different Projection 步骤 1.5 将数据层更改为其他投影
To get the airports data to match up with the other layers, you have to change its projection to match your other data sources. See Smartbox 1.8 for more information about changing projections. 要使机场数据与其他图层匹配,您必须更改其投影以匹配其他数据源。有关更改投影的更多信息,请参阅 Smartbox 1.8。
O SMARTBOX 1.8 O 智能盒 1.8
How do I change projections in ArcGIS Pro? 如何在 ArcGIS Pro 中更改投影?
When you project a layer, you’re creating a new layer that has a new datum, coordinate system, or projection. For instance, if you want to change a roads layer set up in GCS NAD83 measured in degrees and turn it into a UTM Zone 20 layer measured in meters, you have to project the data. Projection is a mathematical process that sets up your data in a new projected system (Figure 1.9). You would project your data to change them from their existing coordinate system (whether it’s a geographic coordinate system or a projected coordinate system) to a different one. When changing from one datum to another, ArcGIS Pro may ask you to specify or select a particular datum transformation method so that the newly projected layer is set up correctly. 投影图层时,将创建一个具有新基准面、坐标系或投影的新图层。例如,如果要更改在 GCS NAD83 中设置的以度为单位的道路图层,并将其转换为以米为单位的 UTM Zone 20 图层,则必须对数据进行投影。投影是一个数学过程,它将您的数据设置在新的投影系统中(图 1.9)。您可以投影数据以将其从现有坐标系(无论是地理坐标系还是投影坐标系)更改为其他坐标系。从一个基准面更改为另一个基准面时,ArcGIS Pro 可能会要求您指定或选择特定的基准面变换方法,以便正确设置新投影的图层。
FIGURE 1.9 Ohio county boundary files in the GCS NAD 83 projection and then projected into the Lambert Conformal Conic projection. 图 1.9 GCS NAD 83 投影中的俄亥俄县边界文件,然后投影到兰勃特等角圆锥投影中。
projection 投影
A process that changes a layer from one coordinate system into another. 将图层从一个坐标系更改为另一个坐标系的过程。
By default, a new map in ArcGIS Pro has the WGS 84 Web Mercator projection. The projection that is displayed in ArcGIS Pro is controlled by the coordinate system that the map is set to. You can set the coordinate system by right-clicking on the map in the Contents pane, selecting the map’s Properties, and selecting the Coordinate Systems tab. 默认情况下,ArcGIS Pro 中的新地图具有 WGS 84 Web 墨卡托投影。ArcGIS Pro 中显示的投影由地图设置到的坐标系控制。您可以通过右键单击内容窗格中的地图,选择地图的属性,然后选择坐标系选项卡来设置坐标系。
In addition, the map has the coordinate system properties of the first layer that is added to it. By default, the map has the coordinate system of the initial topographic backdrop, but if the first layer you add has a different coordinate system or projection, ArcGIS Pro changes the map to have those measurements or that appearance. Subsequent layers that you add to the map are then projected on-the-fly to match the projected appearance of the initial layer. ArcGIS Pro does this to try to properly line up the two datasets instead of showing how they don’t fit with each other. Note that ArcGIS Pro does this for display purposes only. ArcGIS Pro doesn’t actually change the properties of the layer; it simply alters the appearance to match the other data in the map. 此外,地图还具有添加到它的第一个图层的坐标系属性。默认情况下,地图具有初始地形背景的坐标系,但如果您添加的第一个图层具有不同的坐标系或投影,则 ArcGIS Pro 会将地图更改为具有这些测量值或该外观。然后,将动态投影添加到地图中的后续图层,以匹配初始图层的投影外观。ArcGIS Pro 执行此操作是为了尝试正确排列两个数据集,而不是显示它们如何相互拟合。请注意,ArcGIS Pro 仅出于显示目的执行此操作。ArcGIS Pro 实际上不会更改图层的属性;它只是改变外观以匹配地图中的其他数据。
- ArcGIS Pro contains numerous different functions called geoprocessing tools (also referred to simply as tools) that let you analyze and manipulate GIS data, including a tool to change projections. To access these tools, go to the Analysis tab, within the Geoprocessing group, and click the Tools button. - ArcGIS Pro 包含许多不同的功能,称为地理处理工具(也称为工具),可用于分析和操作 GIS 数据,包括用于更改投影的工具。要访问这些工具,请转到地理处理组中的分析选项卡,然后单击工具按钮。
geoprocessing tools 地理处理工具Specific functions in ArcGIS Pro that are used to analyze and manipulate GIS data. ArcGIS Pro 中用于分析和操作 GIS 数据的特定函数。
A new Geoprocessing pane opens on the right-hand side of the screen; it is the pane in which tools are run. In the Geoprocessing pane you can type the name of a tool to have ArcGIS Pro search for it, and you can also go directly to a tool by clicking on Toolboxes in this pane. 新的地理处理窗格将在屏幕右侧打开;它是运行工具的窗格。在地理处理窗格中,您可以输入工具的名称以让 ArcGIS Pro 搜索它,也可以通过单击此窗格中的工具箱直接转到工具。
Geoprocessing pane 地理处理窗格
A window in ArcGIS Pro where tools are run. ArcGIS Pro 中运行工具的窗口。
You see a new arrangement of red “box” icons called toolboxes. In ArcGIS Pro, toolboxes hold tools and also toolsets full of similar tools that are grouped together. Expand the Data Management Tools toolbox (the red icon that looks like a box) and select the Projections and Transformations toolset (the red and gray icon that looks like a hammer lying on top of the box). From there, select the Project tool (the hammer icon itself). 您会看到一种新的红色 “box” 图标排列方式,称为 toolboxes。在 ArcGIS Pro 中,工具箱包含工具以及包含分组在一起的类似工具的工具集。展开 Data Management Tools 工具箱(看起来像盒子的红色图标),然后选择 Projections and Transformations 工具集(红色和灰色图标,看起来像位于框顶部的锤子)。从那里,选择 Project (项目) 工具 (锤子图标本身)。
The Geoprocessing pane switches to become the Project tool’s dialog. 地理处理窗格将切换为工程工具的对话框。
Geoprocessing 地理处理
Parameters Environments 参数 环境
For Input Dataset or Feature Class, click the browse button in the dialog box to navigate to your C: \GIS\Module1 \folder and select airports from inside the MahoningCounty file geodatabase. 对于输入数据集或要素类,单击对话框中的浏览按钮以导航至 C:\GIS\Module1 \文件夹,然后从 MahoningCounty 文件地理数据库中选择机场。
For your output dataset, you will create a new feature class called airports_Project, which ArcGIS Pro will automatically name for you. By default this will be placed in your C:\GIS\Module1 folder and in the Module1 file geodatabase that was created for this project. 对于输出数据集,您将创建一个名为 airports_Project 的新要素类,ArcGIS Pro 将自动为您命名该要素类。默认情况下,该地址将放置在 C:\GIS\Module1 文件夹和为此工程创建的 Module1 文件地理数据库中。
You now have to select what coordinate system you want to reproject your data into so that it will match up with the NAD83 UTM Zone 17 coordinate system of the rest of your data. Click the button to the right of the Output Coordinate System option (its icon looks like a gray sphere) to select a coordinate system 现在,您必须选择要将数据重新投影到的坐标系,以便它与其余数据的 NAD83 UTM Zone 17 坐标系匹配。单击 Output Coordinate System 选项右侧的按钮(其图标看起来像一个灰色球体)以选择坐标系
from the Coordinate System dialog. 从 Coordinate System 对话框。
Under the XY Coordinate Systems Available heading, you see new options. From them, expand the following: 在可用 XY 坐标系标题下,您会看到新选项。从中,展开以下内容:
Projected Coordinate Systems 投影坐标系
NAD 1983 NAD 1983 年
Finally, choose NAD 1983 UTM Zone 17N. The Current XY box changes to reflect this newly chosen projected coordinate system. Click OK to return to the Project dialog. 最后,选择 NAD 1983 UTM Zone 17N。Current XY 框将发生变化,以反映此新选择的投影坐标系。单击 OK 返回到 Project 对话框。
Geoprocessing 地理处理
Parameters Environments 参数 环境
Input Dataset or Feature Class 输入数据集或要素类
airports 机场
Output Dataset or Feature Class airports_Project 输出数据集或要素类 airports_Project
Output Coordinate System 输出坐标系
Geographic Transformation 地理变换
When all options are properly set, at the bottom of the Geoprocessing pane click Run to run the tool. ArcGIS Pro reprojects your data and creates a new feature class called airports_Project in your Module1 file geodatabase. After a few seconds, you see scrolling text across the bottom of ArcGIS Pro indicating that the Project tool is in progress. A green pop-up box appears at the bottom of the screen to let you know when the tool has completed the process. 正确设置所有选项后,在地理处理窗格的底部,单击运行以运行该工具。ArcGIS Pro 将重新投影数据,并在 Module1 文件地理数据库中创建名为 airports_Project 的新要素类。几秒钟后,您会在 ArcGIS Pro 底部看到滚动文本,指示工程工具正在进行中。屏幕底部会出现一个绿色的弹出框,让您知道该工具何时完成该过程。
You can see that an airports_Project layer is added to the Contents pane. You can delete the old airports layer at this point by right-clicking it and choosing Remove. 您可以看到airports_Project图层已添加到内容窗格中。此时,您可以通过右键单击旧 airports 图层并选择移除来删除该图层。
Step 1.6 Defining a Projection for a Layer That Is Missing This Information 步骤 1.6 为缺少此信息的图层定义投影
The next step is to take care of the areawater feature class that has no coordinate system information attached to it. Unfortunately, you cannot simply project this layer as you did with the airports layer. Answer Question 1.3. 下一步是处理未附加坐标系信息的 areawater 要素类。遗憾的是,您不能像对 airports 图层所做的那样简单地投影此图层。回答问题 1.3。
Question 1.3 问题 1.3
Why can’t you just use the Project option to fix the coordinate information for the areawater layer, as you did for the airports layer? (Hint: Think carefully about what Project is really doing.) 为什么不能像对 airports 图层所做的那样,只使用 Project 选项来修复 areawater 图层的坐标信息?(提示:仔细考虑 Project 真正在做什么。
Because the areawater layer is missing its coordinate system and projection information, you need to define a projection for it. See Smartbox 1.9 for more background information about defining projections. 由于 areawater 图层缺少其坐标系和投影信息,因此需要为其定义投影。有关定义投影的更多背景信息,请参阅 Smartbox 1.9。
SMARTBOX 1.9 智能盒 1.9
How do I define a projection in ArcGIS Pro? 如何在 ArcGIS Pro 中定义投影?
Sometimes, you’ll receive geospatial data to work with (or create it yourself), and its coordinate system will be listed as “undefined.” The word undefined often indicates that the creator of a dataset did not explicitly tell ArcGIS Pro what coordinate system was used in making the layer. In the shapefile data format, a separate .prj file is required to hold this information, and other GIS data formats often have something similar-related information that goes with the layer and holds the coordinate information. If this file or information is missing (or not created), you have to supply ArcGIS Pro with the information yourself. The Define Projection tool in ArcGIS Pro allows you to do this. Think of it as a person showing up at a party but forgetting to put on a name tag; he knows what his name is, but nobody else does. Using Define Projection is like putting a name tag on a person to properly identify him to everybody else-in this case, making sure that ArcGIS Pro understands which coordinate system the layer has to try to match with other datasets. In short, Define Projection allows you to tell a layer that is missing the coordinate information exactly what its coordinate system is. 有时,您会收到要使用的地理空间数据(或自己创建),其坐标系将列为“未定义”。undefined 一词通常表示数据集的创建者未明确告知 ArcGIS Pro 在创建图层时使用的坐标系。在 shapefile 数据格式中,需要一个单独的 .prj 文件来保存此信息,而其他 GIS 数据格式通常具有与图层相关的类似信息,并保存坐标信息。如果此文件或信息缺失(或未创建),则必须自行向 ArcGIS Pro 提供信息。ArcGIS Pro 中的定义投影工具允许您执行此操作。把它想象成一个人出现在派对上,但忘记戴上名牌;他知道自己叫什么名字,但其他人都不知道。使用定义投影就像在一个人身上放置一个名称标签,以便其他人正确识别他 - 在这种情况下,确保 ArcGIS Pro 了解图层必须尝试与其他数据集匹配的坐标系。简而言之,Define Projection 允许您准确地告诉缺少坐标信息的图层其坐标系是什么。
Be very careful to provide the correct projection information when using this tool. If you define the wrong projection, you will encounter a lot of problems. Think of name tags again: If Bob arrives at the party but wears Dave’s name tag, everybody at the party will assume that Bob is Dave, has Dave’s job, drives Dave’s car, and has Dave’s characteristics. The same concept holds true for geospatial data. If a data layer should be defined as UTM but you incorrectly define it as State Plane, ArcGIS Pro will try to make measurements of the UTM layer by using 使用此工具时,请非常小心地提供正确的投影信息。如果定义错误的投影,则会遇到很多问题。再次考虑名牌:如果 Bob 到达聚会但佩戴了 Dave 的名牌,则聚会上的每个人都会认为 Bob 是 Dave,拥有 Dave 的工作,驾驶 Dave 的汽车,并且具有 Dave 的特征。同样的概念也适用于地理空间数据。如果数据图层应定义为 UTM,但您错误地将其定义为美国国家平面,则 ArcGIS Pro 将尝试使用
the State Plane system and will try to project the layer on-the-fly by using its information about State Plane. The layer will not match the others because ArcGIS Pro is working with incorrect information. Often, you’ll see all your regular data shown in one place on the map, with the incorrectly identified layer shown in a completely different location. State Plane 系统,并将尝试使用其有关 State Plane 的信息动态投影图层。该图层将与其他图层不匹配,因为 ArcGIS Pro 处理的信息不正确。通常,您会在地图上看到所有常规数据都显示在一个位置,而错误识别的图层显示在完全不同的位置。
Note: If you receive a layer that has no geospatial reference whatsoever (such as a scanned photograph, a scanned map, or an architectural diagram not drawn with real-world grounding), Define Projection won’t solve the problem (because the dataset isn’t just missing its coordinate system but had no coordinate system to begin with). In this case, a new solution-georeferencing—will have to be used. (See Module 13 for more on this topic.) 注: 如果您收到的图层没有任何地理空间参考(例如扫描的照片、扫描的地图或未使用实际接地绘制的建筑图),则定义投影将无法解决问题(因为数据集不仅缺少其坐标系,而且一开始就没有坐标系)。在这种情况下,必须使用新的解决方案 - 地理配准。(有关此主题的更多信息,请参阅模块 13。
In the Geoprocessing pane, use the Toolboxes option to see the full range of available tools and toolboxes and expand the Data Management Tools toolbox and select the Projections and Transformations toolset. From there, select the Define Projection tool. 在地理处理窗格中,使用工具箱选项查看所有可用工具和工具箱,然后展开数据管理工具工具箱并选择投影和变换工具集。从那里,选择 Define Projection 工具。
Select the areawater layer in Input Dataset or Feature Class. 在输入数据集或要素类中选择 areawater 图层。
Right now, the areawater layer has an unknown coordinate system assigned to it. To explicitly select a coordinate system to assign to this layer, click the gray sphere button next to the Coordinate System pull-down menu to open the 现在,areawater 图层分配了一个未知的坐标系。要明确选择要分配给此图层的坐标系,请单击 Coordinate System 下拉菜单旁边的灰色球体按钮以打开
Coordinate System dialog box. “坐标系”对话框。
Under the XY Coordinate Systems Available heading, you see new options. From these, expand the following: 在可用 XY 坐标系标题下,您会看到新选项。从这些中,展开以下内容:
Projected Coordinate Systems 投影坐标系
NAD 1983 NAD 1983 年
Finally, choose NAD 1983 UTM Zone 17N. The Current XY box changes to reflect this newly chosen projected coordinate system. Click OK to return to the Define Projection dialog. 最后,选择 NAD 1983 UTM Zone 17N。Current XY 框将发生变化,以反映此新选择的投影坐标系。单击 OK 返回到 Define Projection 对话框。
In the Geoprocessing pane, click Run again and wait as ArcGIS Pro defines the projection. The green pop-up box at the bottom of the Geoprocessing pane lets you know when it’s done. 在地理处理窗格中,再次单击运行并等待 ArcGIS Pro 定义投影。地理处理窗格底部的绿色弹出框将告知您何时完成。
From the Contents pane, bring up Properties for the areawater layer and look at the Source tab under the Spatial Reference heading. You should see the proper projection information in place. 在内容窗格中,打开 areawater 图层的属性,然后查看空间参考标题下的源选项卡。您应该会看到正确的投影信息。
Important Note: Luckily, the coordinate system that the areawater layer was missing happened to be the same as for one as the other layers. If it had been different (for instance, if areawater had been missing State Plane coordinate information), you would have had to use the Project tool to change it to match the coordinate and projection information of the other layers. 重要提示:幸运的是,areawater 图层缺少的坐标系恰好与其他图层相同。如果它不同(例如,如果 areawater 缺少 State Plane 坐标信息),则必须使用投影工具对其进行更改,以匹配其他图层的坐标和投影信息。
Step 1.7 Changing the Appearance of a Layer 步骤 1.7 更改图层的外观
Now that all your data are properly set with their spatial reference, it’s time to make them look good. Since you’re compiling these data for future presentations, the first thing you want to do is change the color and appearance of the data. When layers are added to ArcGIS Pro, they’re assigned a random color, so you could, for example, end up with orange lakes or green roads. To alter the appearance of a layer, you need to change its symbology through the Symbology pane. You can bring up this pane for a layer in two different ways in ArcGIS Pro: 现在,所有数据都已使用其空间参考进行了正确设置,是时候使它们看起来不错了。由于您正在为将来的演示文稿编译这些数据,因此您要做的第一件事是更改数据的颜色和外观。将图层添加到 ArcGIS Pro 时,会为其分配随机颜色,因此,例如,您最终可能会得到橙色的湖泊或绿色的道路。要更改图层的外观,您需要通过符号系统窗格更改其符号系统。您可以在 ArcGIS Pro 中以两种不同的方式为图层显示此窗格:
Right-click layer and choose Symbology. 右键单击 layer,然后选择 Symbolbology。
Click once on a layer in the Contents pane to choose it and then go to the Appearance tab, within the Drawing group, and click the Symbology button. 在内容窗格中的图层上单击一次以将其选中,然后转到绘图组中的外观选项卡,然后单击符号系统按钮。
Whichever method you choose, do this with the areawater layer. 无论选择哪种方法,都可以对 areawater 图层执行此操作。
The Symbology pane opens on the right side of the screen. For the areawater layer, you see that it is being shown as Single Symbol (which means that all the objects in this layer, no matter what they represent, will be drawn with the same color, outline, or symbol). To change this to a different color, click on the colored box next to the word Symbol. Symbology 窗格将在屏幕右侧打开。对于 areawater 图层,您会看到它显示为单一符号(这意味着此图层中的所有对象,无论它们代表什么,都将使用相同的颜色、轮廓或符号进行绘制)。要将其更改为其他颜色,请单击单词 Symbol 旁边的彩色框。
Primary symbology 主要符号系统
Single Symbol 单一符号
In the Symbology pane, a new set of options appear. Under the Gallery option, you can choose from a predefined set of symbols; for instance, the predefined color for Building Footprint is a shade of tan, and Cemetery is a shade of light green. You can choose one of these presets as a color for your areawater later, but more options are available under the Properties option. There you can directly select from many different colors, choose a different outline color for the polygons, or change the width of the outline border around the polygons. 在 Symbology 窗格中,将显示一组新选项。在 Gallery 选项下,您可以从一组预定义的符号中进行选择;例如,Building Footprint (建筑物覆盖区) 的预定义颜色为棕褐色,Cemetery (公墓) 为浅绿色。您可以稍后选择这些预设之一作为 areawater 的颜色,但 Properties 选项下提供了更多选项。在那里,您可以直接从许多不同的颜色中进行选择,为多边形选择不同的轮廓颜色,或更改多边形周围轮廓边界的宽度。
Using these options, choose a new appropriate color and look for Mahoning County’s water bodies. If you chose one of the predefined choices under Gallery, the polygons automatically changes to that symbology, but if you made custom choices under the Properties option, you need to click Apply at the bottom of the Symbology pane for ArcGIS Pro to accept the changes. 使用这些选项,选择新的适当颜色并查找 Mahoning County 的水体。如果您在图库下选择了预定义选项之一,则面将自动更改为该符号系统,但如果您在属性选项下进行了自定义选择,则需要单击符号系统窗格底部的应用,以便 ArcGIS Pro 接受更改。
At the top of the Symbology pane, click on the left-pointing arrow to return to the main part of the Symbology pane. You again see that your areawater polygons are being displayed as a Single Symbol, but now with the color scheme you’ve assigned in the colored box. 在 Symbology 窗格的顶部,单击向左箭头以返回到 Symbology 窗格的主要部分。您将再次看到 areawater 面显示为单一符号,但现在使用您在彩色框中分配的配色方案。
Next, change the symbology of the roads layer to select a different color and appearance for the roads, using either the presets in the Gallery option of the Symbology pane or the Properties option. You might want to adjust the width of the roads as well as use a different type of symbol instead of the default thin line. 接下来,使用 Symbolbology 窗格的 Gallery 选项或 Properties 选项中的预设,更改 roads 图层的符号系统,为道路选择不同的颜色和外观。您可能希望调整道路的宽度,并使用不同类型的符号而不是默认的细线。
Note that the areawater and roads layers contain several different types of water bodies or road types. ArcGIS Pro allows you to display these layers according to these different types instead of displaying all objects with the same symbol-for instance, showing interstates with a different symbol than residential roads. The structures layer contains several different types of buildings, such as schools, bridges, and hospitals, and you can show the layer in ArcGIS Pro by giving each building type its own symbol. To do this, bring up the Symbology pane for the structures layer. In the Symbology pane, instead of working with Single Symbol, select Unique Values. 请注意,areawater 和 roads 图层包含多种不同类型的水体或道路类型。ArcGIS Pro 允许您根据这些不同的类型显示这些图层,而不是显示具有相同符号的所有对象,例如,使用与住宅道路不同的符号显示州际公路。structures 图层包含多种不同类型的建筑物,例如学校、桥梁和医院,您可以通过为每种建筑物类型指定自己的符号来在 ArcGIS Pro 中显示图层。为此,请打开 structures 图层的 Symbology 窗格。在符号系统窗格中,选择唯一值,而不是使用单一符号。
For the Value Field, choose FType. In the table at the bottom of the Symbology pane, you see each category with a different colored point. These points all represent different types of structures. By scrolling across the table, you see that the point associated with value 830 represents government structures, while the point associated with 730 represents education structures. You can choose a better symbol to visually represent your data than a randomly colored point. In the Symbology pane, click on one of the point symbols to change the Symbology pane to show the Format Point Symbol dialog, which has a variety of different symbols to use for points. 对于 Value Field (值字段),选择 FType。在 Symbology 窗格底部的表中,您可以看到每个类别都有不同的颜色点。这些点都代表不同类型的结构。通过滚动表,您可以看到与值 830 关联的点表示政府结构,而与值 730 关联的点表示教育结构。您可以选择比随机着色的点更好的符号来直观地表示数据。在符号系统窗格中,单击其中一个点符号以更改符号系统窗格以显示格式化点符号对话框,该对话框具有各种可用于点的不同符号。
Symbology - structures -◻xx-\square \times 符号系统 - 结构 -◻xx-\square \times
Primary symbology 主要符号系统
Unique Values quad\quad 唯一值 quad\quad
Field 1 字段 1
FType 类型
Add field 添加字段
Field 1 FType
Add field
| Field 1 | FType |
| :--- | :--- |
| | Add field |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Using these options, choose a new appropriate symbol for Mahoning County’s various structures. Not all of the classes of structures listed in the Contents pane are actually in the layer. The ones you want to change are Education (Ftype 730), Emergency Response (Ftype 740), Health and Medical (Ftype 800), Industry (Ftype 710), Information and Communication (Ftype 880), Transportation Facilities (Ftype 810), and Water Supply and Treatment (Ftype 850). If you chose one of the predefined choices under Gallery, the points automatically change to that symbol, but if you made custom choices under the Properties option (such as changing the size or outline), you need to click Apply at the bottom of the Symbology pane for ArcGIS Pro to accept these changes. (If you happen to close out of one of the symbol options, close all the preset choices in the Gallery, or have no options available in the Gallery, see Troublebox 1.4 for help getting your choices back.) When choosing your symbols, keep two things in mind: 使用这些选项,为 Mahoning County 的各种结构选择合适的新符号。并非内容窗格中列出的所有结构类实际上都位于图层中。您要更改的是教育 (Ftype 730)、应急响应 (Ftype 740)、健康和医疗 (Ftype 800)、工业 (Ftype 710)、信息和通信 (Ftype 880)、交通设施 (Ftype 810) 以及供水和处理 (Ftype 850)。如果您在图库下选择了预定义选项之一,则点会自动更改为该符号,但如果您在属性选项下进行了自定义选择(例如更改大小或轮廓),则需要单击 ArcGIS Pro 符号系统窗格底部的应用才能接受这些更改。(如果您碰巧关闭了其中一个元件选项,关闭了 Gallery 中的所有预设选项,或者 Gallery 中没有可用的选项,请参阅 Troublebox 1.4 以帮助您恢复您的选择。选择符号时,请记住两件事:
You can use the Search box under the Gallery option to find different symbols. For instance, you can type “hospitals” to select a variety of different hospital symbols from several of the different symbols available. 您可以使用 搜索 框下 图片库 选项来查找不同的符号。例如,您可以键入 “hospitals” 以从几个不同的可用符号中选择各种不同的 hospital 符号。
Additional symbol options can be added. From the Insert tab, in the Styles group, click the Add button and choose the option Add System Style. This allows you to add more symbol choices to the Symbology pane. 可以添加其他元件选项。在 Insert 选项卡的 Styles 组中,单击 Add 按钮,然后选择选项 Add System Style。这允许您向符号系统窗格添加更多符号选择。
How can I retrieve the symbol options? 疑难解答 1.4
If you find that you don’t have any preset options for symbols in the Gallery section of the Symbology pane (for instance, if you accidentally closed them), it’s easy to get them back. From the Insert tab, in the Styles group, click the Add button and select Add System Style. This allows you to select whichever types of symbology (such as styles) you want to use in your project (Figure 1.10). This includes various preset color choices or color schemes (such as Esri preset colors for parks or recreational land uses), 2D symbols (to have distinctive points for objects such as hospitals or fire stations), and 3D symbols (see Modules 15 and 18). 如果您发现符号系统窗格的图库部分中没有任何符号预设选项(例如,如果您不小心关闭了它们),则可以轻松恢复它们。在 Insert 选项卡的 Styles 组中,单击 Add 按钮,然后选择 Add System Style。这允许您选择要在工程中使用的符号类型(例如样式)(图 1.10)。这包括各种预设颜色选择或配色方案(例如用于公园或休闲用地的 Esri 预设颜色)、2D 符号(为医院或消防站等对象提供独特的点)和 3D 符号(请参阅模块 15 和 18)。
System Styles 系统样式
FIGURE 1.10 Available system styles in ArcGIS Pro. 图 1.10 ArcGIS Pro 中可用的系统样式。
Next, change the symbology of the airports the same way, using all of the Unique Values with the Ftype value in the airports layer, and display a new, more representative symbol for the airport types. As with the structures layer, not all of the airport types from The National Map are in this layer. You only need to change the symbols for airport complexes (Ftype 200) and airport runways (Ftype 201). 接下来,以相同的方式更改机场的符号系统,使用 airports 图层中所有唯一值和 Ftype 值,并为机场类型显示一个更具代表性的新符号。与 structures 图层一样,并非 The National Map 中的所有机场类型都位于此图层中。您只需更改机场综合体 (Ftype 200) 和机场跑道 (Ftype 201) 的符号。
Next, change the symbology of the boundary feature class to be transparent but still have a solid outline. You can do this either be choosing Black Outline from the Gallery on the Symbology pane or by choosing No Color under the Fill 接下来,将边界要素类的符号系统更改为透明,但仍具有实线轮廓。您可以通过从符号系统窗格的库中选择黑色轮廓,或者在填充下选择无颜色来执行此操作
Color options for the Properties part of the Symbology pane. Symbology 窗格的 Properties 部分的颜色选项。
Finally, just so there’s no confusion about what a layer represents, give the layers better names in the Contents pane than “areawater” or “airports_Project.” Bring up the Properties of the areawater layer and select the General tab. In the Name box, type a better, more descriptive name for this layer (such as County Water Bodies) and click OK. You see the name changed in the Contents pane. Give each of your other four layers better names than the defaults. 最后,为了不混淆图层所表示的内容,请在内容窗格中为图层指定比“areawater”或“airports_Project更好的名称”。调出 areawater 图层的 Properties 并选择 General 选项卡。在 Name 框中,为此图层输入一个更好、更具描述性的名称(例如 County Water Bodies),然后单击 OK。您将在内容窗格中看到名称已更改。为其他四个图层中的每个图层指定比默认值更好的名称。
When you have your new symbols changed, answer Question 1.4. 更改新符号后,请回答问题 1.4。
Question 1.4 问题 1.4
Which symbology did you choose for each of the following for your new map of Mahoning County? 您为 Mahoning County 的新地图为以下每个地图选择了哪种符号系统?
All the work that you’ve done in creating new projected layers and altering symbology is part of your project, and you’ll want to save your project. (Note that it will be saved as Module1.aprx, the name you gave it back on page 7 when you got started.) There are two ways to save your project in ArcGIS Pro: - On the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon. 您在创建新投影图层和更改符号系统方面所做的所有工作都是工程的一部分,您需要保存工程。(请注意,它将保存为 Module1.aprx,这是您在开始时在第 7 页返回的名称。有两种方法可以在 ArcGIS Pro 中保存您的工程:- 在快速访问工具栏上,单击保存图标。
Click on the Project tab and then click on Save (or, if you want to save the project under a different name, click Save As). 单击 Project 选项卡,然后单击 Save (保存)(或者,如果要以其他名称保存项目,请单击 Save As)。
As discussed in Smartbox 1.1, all you’ve saved in the project is a file that points to where your data layers are stored and how they should appear when this project is reopened. In order to place all your work, data layers, tools, scripts, and results in a single compact file that you can easily move around (to take home, take to a conference, or take to another computer lab to work on later), you would want to also create a package for your project. See Smartbox 1.10 for more details. 如 Smartbox 1.1 中所述,您在项目中保存的只是一个文件,该文件指向数据图层的存储位置以及重新打开此工程时它们应如何显示。为了将所有工作、数据层、工具、脚本和结果放在一个紧凑的文件中,以便轻松移动(带回家、参加会议或带到另一个计算机实验室稍后处理),您还需要为项目创建一个包。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 Smartbox 1.10。
A package is the term used in ArcGIS Pro for a single compressed file containing everything that you’re working with. A project package collects your project plus all the data layers that you’ve used or created in the project (as well as their assigned symbology and appearance) into a single compressed file. The project package also contains other elements that can be part of projects, such as maps, tools, scripts (see Related Concepts for Module 1 on page 32 of this module), layouts (see Module 3), scenes (see Module 15), models (see Module 20), or tasks (see Module 9). A project package is much more portable than a project because it contains all the related information in a single file. 包是 ArcGIS Pro 中使用的术语,用于表示包含您正在使用的所有内容的单个压缩文件。工程包将您的工程以及您在工程中使用或创建的所有数据图层(以及为其分配的符号系统和外观)收集到一个压缩文件中。项目包还包含可以作为项目一部分的其他元素,例如地图、工具、脚本(请参阅本模块第 32 页上的模块 1 的相关概念)、布局(请参阅模块 3)、场景(请参阅模块 15)、模型(请参阅模块 20)或任务(请参阅模块 9)。项目包比项目更具可移植性,因为它将所有相关信息都包含在一个文件中。
package 包
A single file that contains work or data used in ArcGIS Pro. 包含 ArcGIS Pro 中使用的工作或数据的单个文件。
project package 项目包
A single file that contains all the tools, scripts, tasks, and data layers used in a project, as well as their appearance. 一个文件,其中包含工程中使用的所有工具、脚本、任务和数据图层及其外观。
When you create a project package, you are effectively “zipping” up all your maps, the layers that are in them, and any other related tools, toolboxes, and data you’re working with into one single file with a .ppkx extension. You can then either save that project package to disk or upload it to your ArcGIS Online account (which you established at the start of this module). 创建工程包时,您实际上是将所有地图、其中的图层以及您正在使用的任何其他相关工具、工具箱和数据“压缩”到一个扩展名为 .ppkx 的文件中。然后,您可以将该工程包保存到磁盘或将其上传到您的 ArcGIS Online 帐户(您在本模块开始时建立的帐户)。
An advantage of a project package is that it can be reopened on another computer that does not have the same 工程包的一个优点是,它可以在另一台没有相同
path names or folder structure as the original. For instance, if you saved your Module1 project in your D: \GIS\Module1 folder and took the project to another computer, you would have to place it on the computer’s D: drive in a folder named GIS to properly reopen it and have all the links work correctly. With a project package, you could reopen the project from a different drive (for instance, a flash drive that your computer identifies as a J: drive), and all links would reopen correctly. A project package can also be uploaded to the cloud via ArcGIS Online and then downloaded to a different computer and opened there. 路径名或文件夹结构作为原始文件。例如,如果将 Module1 工程保存在 D: \GIS\Module1 文件夹中,并将该工程带到另一台计算机上,则必须将其放置在计算机名为 GIS 的文件夹中的 D: 驱动器上,才能正确地重新打开它并使所有链接正常工作。使用工程包,您可以从其他驱动器(例如,计算机标识为 J: 驱动器的闪存驱动器)重新打开工程,并且所有链接都将正确重新打开。也可以通过 ArcGIS Online 将工程包上传到云,然后下载到其他计算机并在其中打开。
To create a project package, from the Share tab, in the Package group, click on the Project button to open the Package Project pane. In this pane, you can either choose to save the package to your own computer (as a .ppkx file) or share the project package via ArcGIS Online (see Module 4 for more about this option). ArcGIS Pro requires you to write a short summary of the project package and also include tags, which can be used for searching for a particular package on ArcGIS Online (Figure 1.11). 要创建工程包,请在 Share 选项卡的 Package 组中,单击 Project 按钮以打开 Package Project 窗格。在此窗格中,您可以选择将包保存到自己的计算机(作为 .ppkx 文件)或通过 ArcGIS Online 共享工程包(有关此选项的详细信息,请参阅模块 4)。ArcGIS Pro 要求您编写工程包的简短摘要,并包含标签,这些标签可用于在 ArcGIS Online 上搜索特定包(图 1.11)。
Package Project 打包项目
Share Module1 As A Project Package 将 Module1 作为项目包共享
Package Attachments 包附件
Start Packaging 开始打包
Upload package to Online account 将包上传到 Online 帐户
(-) Save package to file (-)将包保存到文件
Item Details 商品详情
Name 名字
C:\GIS\Module1Package1.pplx C:\GIS\Module1Package1.pplx
Summary 总结
This package contains the final version of Module1 此软件包包含 Module1 的最终版本
Tags 标签
Mahoning xx GIS xx\times Add Tag(s) Mahoning xx GIS xx\times 添加标签
◻\square Share outside of organization (1)Include Toolboxes (1) ◻\square 在组织外部共享 (1)包括工具箱 (1) ✓\checkmark Include History Items ✓\checkmark 包括历史记录项
FIGURE 1.11 The Package Project pane in ArcGIS Pro. 图 1.11 ArcGIS Pro 中的“打包工程”窗格。
At the bottom of the Package Project pane, click Analyze. ArcGIS Pro checks your work for any outstanding issues and shows you the errors with a red symbol indicating what the error is or a yellow symbol indicating a warning to 在 Package Project (打包项目) 窗格的底部,单击 Analyze (分析)。ArcGIS Pro 会检查您的工作中是否存在任何未解决的问题,并向您显示错误,其中红色符号表示错误是什么,黄色符号表示警告
be mindful of. You have to fix or address these issues before ArcGIS Pro allows the project package to be created. Finally, at the bottom of the pane, click on Package to complete the project package. 要注意。您必须先修复或解决这些问题,然后 ArcGIS Pro 才允许创建工程包。最后,在窗格底部,单击 Package 以完成项目包。
You can reopen a project package the same way you would open a project: either by clicking the Open icon on the Quick Access Toolbar or clicking on the Project tab and choosing Open. When you reopen a project package, files and items from the package load into ArcGIS Pro as a project. 您可以像打开工程一样重新打开工程包:通过单击快速访问工具栏上的 Open 图标,或者单击 Project 选项卡并选择 Open。重新打开工程包时,包中的文件和项目将作为工程加载到 ArcGIS Pro 中。
Also note that on the Share tab within the Package group, you have several other packaging options available as well. You can use them if you don’t want to package up the entire contents of a project but instead only want to package and share specific parts of what you’re working with. These options include the following: 另请注意,在 Package 组的 Share 选项卡上,还有其他几个打包选项可用。如果您不想打包项目的全部内容,而只想打包和共享您正在处理的特定部分,则可以使用它们。这些选项包括:
Geoprocessing Package: This option is used to package and share items such as models. (See Module 20 for more about creating geoprocessing packages.) 地理处理包:此选项用于打包和共享模型等项目。(有关创建地理处理包的详细信息,请参阅模块 20。
Layer Package: This option packages and shares a single layer (and its appearance). A layer package has the extension .lpkx. 图层包:此选项打包并共享单个图层(及其外观)。图层包的扩展名为 .lpkx。
layer package 图层包
A single file that contains one data layer. 包含一个数据层的单个文件。
Map Package: This option produces a package and shares the layers and contents of a single map in ArcGIS Pro. A map package has the extension .mpkx. 地图包:此选项将生成一个包,并在 ArcGIS Pro 中共享单个地图的图层和内容。地图包的扩展名为 .mpkx。
map package map 包
A single file that contains the contents of one map in ArcGIS Pro. 包含 ArcGIS Pro 中一个地图内容的单个文件。
Mobile Map Package: This option packages and shares the layers and contents of a single map but in a format that can be used with ArcGIS mobile apps. (See Module 6 for more about using these apps.) 移动地图包:此选项打包并共享单个地图的图层和内容,但格式可与 ArcGIS 移动应用程序一起使用。(有关使用这些应用程序的更多信息,请参阅模块 6。
Step 1.9 Finishing Up and Exporting Your Work 步骤 1.9 完成并导出您的工作
When you’ve finished displaying the layers the way that you want them, your task is complete; you’ve compiled your set of data layers in ArcGIS Pro for your presentation, set them all up in the proper spatial reference, and set up their appearance to match your audience’s expectations. If you have zoomed in or out of any of your layers, you should restore the view to the dimensions of your layers. To do so, right-click on a layer (in this case, the boundary layer) and select Zoom to Layer. This resets the view to the extent of the chosen layer (in this case, the extent of the boundaries of Mahoning County). 以所需方式显示图层后,您的任务即完成;您已在 ArcGIS Pro 中编译了用于演示的数据图层集,在适当的空间参考中对其进行了全部设置,并设置了它们的外观以符合受众的期望。如果放大或缩小了任何图层,则应将视图恢复为图层的尺寸。为此,请右键单击图层(在本例中为边界图层),然后选择 Zoom to Layer (缩放到图层)。这会将视图重置为所选图层的范围(在本例中为 Mahoning County 的边界范围)。
In future modules, you will usually either create a professional-looking map layout to print (see Module 3) or digitally share your finished product with others via ArcGIS Online (see Module 4). For now, however, you can save your completed display as a PDF file that you can print or share with others. From the Share tab, in the Export group, click the Map button. Give it the filename Module1 and for Save as Type, select PDF. Place this PDF file in your C: \GIS\Module1 \folder. When you’re done, answer Question 1.5. 在以后的模块中,您通常会创建具有专业外观的地图布局以进行打印(请参阅模块 3),或通过 ArcGIS Online 与他人以数字方式共享您的成品(请参阅模块 4)。但是,现在,您可以将完成的显示保存为 PDF 文件,以便打印或与他人共享。在 Share 选项卡的 Export 组中,单击 Map 按钮。为其指定文件名 Module1,对于 Save as Type,选择 PDF。将此 PDF 文件放在 C 语言:\GIS\Module1 \文件夹中。完成后,请回答问题 1.5。
Question 1.5 问题 1.5
Submit your final PDF file to your instructor, who will check your work for completeness and accuracy to make sure you get credit for this question. 将您的最终 PDF 文件提交给您的教师,他们将检查您的作业的完整性和准确性,以确保您在这个问题上获得学分。
This module introduces the basic principles of working with geospatial data in ArcGIS Pro. You have seen that things in the real world can be represented by one of three objects (points, lines, or polygons), these objects must have a defined spatial reference and coordinate system, and they can be visualized in different ways in ArcGIS Pro. In the next module, you’ll start looking beyond just the locations and geospatial coordinates of these objects and see how descriptive information can be tied to these locations as well. For instance, each of the points in the structures layer has information about the type of building the point represents (education, industry, health, and so on). You’ll begin working with these types of attributes in Module 2. 本模块介绍了在 ArcGIS Pro 中使用地理空间数据的基本原则。您已经看到,现实世界中的事物可以由三个对象(点、线或面)之一表示,这些对象必须具有定义的空间参考和坐标系,并且可以在 ArcGIS Pro 中以不同的方式进行可视化。在下一个模块中,您将开始查看这些对象的位置和地理空间坐标,并了解如何将描述性信息与这些位置相关联。例如,structures 图层中的每个点都包含有关该点所表示的建筑物类型(教育、工业、健康等)的信息。您将在模块 2 中开始使用这些类型的属性。
ArcGIS Pro is more than a bunch of predefined buttons and tools. You can do a lot of varied things with ArcGIS Pro and diversify your GIS skill set by writing computer scripts with the Python and Arcade programming languages. See Related Concepts for Module 1 for information about these types of programming resources available for use with ArcGIS Pro. ArcGIS Pro 不仅仅是一堆预定义的按钮和工具。您可以使用 ArcGIS Pro 执行许多不同的操作,并通过使用 Python 和 Arcade 编程语言编写计算机脚本来丰富您的 GIS 技能。有关可用于 ArcGIS Pro 的这些类型的编程资源的信息,请参阅模块 1 的相关概念。
ArcGIS Pro, Python, and Arcade ArcGIS Pro、Python 和 Arcade
You may often want to automate processes in ArcGIS Pro, customize activities, or create more in-depth operations. For instance, if you need to define the projection of 20 different layers, it would be easier to find a way to automate that task rather than run the Define Projection tool 20 times by hand. In ArcGIS Pro, you can accomplish automation by writing a script, or a section of computer code, and running that script in the software. Within ArcGIS Pro you can write scripts by using two different programming languages. 您可能经常希望在 ArcGIS Pro 中自动执行流程、自定义活动或创建更深入的操作。例如,如果您需要定义 20 个不同图层的投影,则找到一种方法来自动执行该任务会比手动运行 Define Projection 工具 20 次更容易。在 ArcGIS Pro 中,您可以通过编写脚本或一段计算机代码,然后在软件中运行该脚本来完成自动化。在 ArcGIS Pro 中,您可以使用两种不同的编程语言编写脚本。
script 脚本
A short section of computer code. 一小段计算机代码。
By writing scripts in the Python scripting language, you can execute command-line operations rather than use the tools; you can also create more in-depth operations. Python (created by Guido van Rossum and named for the Monty Python comedy team) is an object-oriented, open-source programming language that is very versatile and used in several different fields. In ArcGIS, the ArcPy add-in allows you to gain access to the tools of ArcGIS and use them when writing Python scripts or executing code. When using Python in ArcGIS, the first command you should execute is import arcpy, which gives you access to the ArcPy add-in (and, thus, the ArcGIS Pro commands and geoprocessing tools). 通过使用 Python 脚本语言编写脚本,您可以执行命令行操作,而不是使用这些工具;您还可以创建更深入的操作。Python(由 Guido van Rossum 创建,并以 Monty Python 喜剧团队命名)是一种面向对象的开源编程语言,用途广泛,可用于多个不同的领域。在 ArcGIS 中,ArcPy 加载项允许您访问 ArcGIS 的工具,并在编写 Python 脚本或执行代码时使用它们。在 ArcGIS 中使用 Python 时,应执行的第一个命令是 import arcpy,该命令允许您访问 ArcPy 加载项(以及 ArcGIS Pro 命令和地理处理工具)。
There are two ways to work with Python in ArcGIS Pro. The first of them is by clicking the Python button in the Python window, which is accessible from the View tab, in the Windows group. The Python window is a command prompt that 在 ArcGIS Pro 中,有两种方法可以使用 Python。第一种方法是单击 Python 窗口中的 Python 按钮,该窗口可从 View 选项卡的 Windows 组中访问。Python 窗口是一个命令提示符,用于
allows you to type and execute Python code directly; it’s best used for short statements, such as running tools. See Figure 1.12 for an example of using the Python window to run the Project tool that was used in this module. The Python code is directly typed in the Python window. 允许您直接键入和执行 Python 代码;它最适合用于简短的语句,例如运行工具。有关使用 Python 窗口运行本模块中使用的 Project 工具的示例,请参见图 1.12。Python 代码直接在 Python 窗口中键入。
Two commands are shown in the Python window in Figure 1.12. The first is the import arcpy command, which enables the various ArcPy functions and allows you to run ArcGIS Pro tools from within the Python window. The second command, arcpy.Project_management, is the Project tool and its three required parameters: the input feature class, the output feature class, and the spatial reference information. This example shows 26917 as the spatial reference information, which is a shorthand code for UTM NAD 83 Zone 17. 图 1.12 中的 Python 窗口中显示了两个命令。第一个是 import arcpy 命令,该命令可启用各种 ArcPy 功能,并允许您从 Python 窗口中运行 ArcGIS Pro 工具。第二个命令 arcpy.Project_management是投影工具及其三个必需参数:输入要素类、输出要素类和空间参考信息。此示例将 26917 显示为空间参考信息,它是 UTM NAD 83 Zone 17 的简写代码。
A second way of working with Python in ArcGIS is to use a separate program to write lengthier or more complex scripts. Keep in mind that Python scripts are simply text files, so you could use a text-editing utility like Notepad to write a script. However, a more effective means of preparing scripts would be to use a program specifically designed to aid you in writing Python scripts, called an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) note that you should use Python version 3.x because that’s the version supported by ArcGIS Pro, not the older version 2.7). Using a program like an IDE as an environment for writing scripts will help you keep your coding, commenting, and syntax clearer when you’re writing lengthy scripts. A Python script is saved with the extension .py and can be run through a program like an IDE. For more about transitioning older ArcMap Python 2.7 scripts to use in ArcGIS Pro, see Appendix A. 在 ArcGIS 中使用 Python 的第二种方法是使用单独的程序编写更长或更复杂的脚本。请记住,Python 脚本只是文本文件,因此您可以使用像记事本这样的文本编辑实用程序来编写脚本。但是,准备脚本的更有效方法是使用专门设计用于帮助您编写 Python 脚本的程序,称为 IDE(集成开发环境)请注意,您应该使用 Python 版本 3.x,因为这是 ArcGIS Pro 支持的版本,而不是旧版本 2.7)。使用像 IDE 这样的程序作为编写脚本的环境,将有助于您在编写冗长的脚本时保持编码、注释和语法更清晰。Python 脚本与扩展名 .py 一起保存,可以通过 IDE 等程序运行。有关转换旧版 ArcMap Python 2.7 脚本以在 ArcGIS Pro 中使用的详细信息,请参阅附录 A。
Python is commonly used with ArcGIS for writing scripts related to geoprocessing or running tools. In the online help for ArcGIS Pro (located at, the web page for each tool also lists examples of Python code that can be used in the Python window and also as standalone scripts. For instance, if you want to use Python to run the Define Projection tool, look up that tool in the online help, and you see examples of Python code showing how Define Projection can be implemented in Python scripting. Python 通常用于编写与地理处理或运行工具相关的脚本。在 ArcGIS Pro 的在线帮助(位于中,每个工具的 web 页面还列出了可在 Python 窗口中使用的 Python 代码示例,也可用作独立脚本。例如,如果要使用 Python 运行“定义投影”工具,请在联机帮助中查找该工具,您将看到 Python 代码示例,其中显示了如何在 Python 脚本中实现“定义投影”。
The second scripting language available in ArcGIS Pro is Arcade, which is referred to as an expression language. Short scripts written in Arcade are used in ArcGIS Pro to change the appearance of data layers you’re working with, such as altering labels, computing unit conversions, grouping multiple features together, or converting raw numbers into percentages. An advantage to writing scripts in Arcade is that they are compatible across the ArcGIS platform, which means they will work on mobile devices as well as in ArcGIS Pro on the desktop. ArcGIS Pro 中可用的第二种脚本语言是 Arcade,它被称为表达式语言。在 ArcGIS Pro 中,使用以 Arcade 编写的简短脚本来更改您正在使用的数据图层的外观,例如更改标注、计算单位转换、将多个要素分组在一起或将原始数字转换为百分比。在 Arcade 中编写脚本的一个优点是它们在整个 ArcGIS 平台上兼容,这意味着它们将在移动设备上以及桌面上的 ArcGIS Pro 中运行。
Arcade 拱廊
A scripting language for writing expressions in ArcGIS. 一种用于在 ArcGIS 中编写表达式的脚本语言。
ribbon 丝带
Quick Access Toolbar 快速访问工具栏
catalog view 目录视图
discrete object view 离散对象视图
point 点
line 线
polygon 多边形
vector objects 矢量对象
vector data model 矢量数据模型
shapefile shapefile 文件
file geodatabase 文件地理数据库
map (view) 地图 (查看)
datum 基准
NAD27 NAD27的
NAD83 NAD83的
WGS84 WGS84 系列
geographic coordinate system (GCS) 地理坐标系 (GCS)
projected coordinate system (PCS) 投影坐标系 (PCS)
Transverse Mercator 横轴墨卡托投影
Lambert Conformal Conic Lambert 等形圆锥
Albers Equal Area Conic Albers 等积圆锥
WGS84 Web Mercator WGS84 Web 墨卡托
projection 投影
geoprocessing tools 地理处理工具
Geoprocessing pane 地理处理窗格
package 包
project package 项目包
layer package 图层包
map package map 包
script 脚本
Python 蟒
Arcade 拱廊
Python 蟒
An object-oriented, open-source programming language that is used for developing scripts for ArcGIS Pro. ArcPy 一种面向对象的开源编程语言,用于为 ArcGIS Pro 开发脚本。
The Python add-in that enables ArcGIS Pro tools and settings to be used in Python scripts. 允许在 Python 脚本中使用 ArcGIS Pro 工具和设置的 Python 加载项。