这是用户在 2025-1-6 16:33 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/04e6db79-5376-40fb-a37a-70a44bf83627 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?

Banked cloze  倾斜的完形填空

5 Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable words
5 通过选择合适的单词来填空

from the word bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.
A anticipate  预料 F diminishes  F 减弱 K mutual  K 互惠
B approval  批准 G furnishes  提供 L obsession  迷住
C attain  达到 H immersed  沉浸 M removal  M 移除
D concentrate  集中 I lure  诱惑 N scenario  场景
E continual  持续 J maintain  保持 O succession  继承
A anticipate F diminishes K mutual B approval G furnishes L obsession C attain H immersed M removal D concentrate I lure N scenario E continual J maintain O succession| A | anticipate | F diminishes | K mutual | | | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B | approval | G | furnishes | L | obsession | | C | attain | H | immersed | M removal | | | D | concentrate | I | lure | N | scenario | | E | continual | J | maintain | O | succession |
Through online interactions, young people can share ideas, acquire information, and be exposed to many opportunities out there. Social media gives them the avenue to make new friends and allows them to 1) qquad\qquad contact with their old friends.
通过在线互动,年轻人可以分享想法、获取信息并接触到许多机会。社交媒体为他们提供了结交新朋友的途径,并允许他们 1) qquad\qquad 与老朋友联系。
However, too much social media also leads to addiction. We are quite familiar with the

2) qquad\qquad of people sitting next to each other, not talking, but just staring at their phones. Young people are more likely to be 3 ) qquad\qquad in social media rather than spend time with their families and friends. They may check their social media accounts first thing in the morning and check social media updates last thing before going to sleep. With too many distractions, they cannot fully 4) qquad\qquad on their tasks.
2) qquad\qquad 人们挨着坐着,不说话,只是盯着手机。年轻人更有可能 3 ) qquad\qquad 在社交媒体上,而不是花时间与家人和朋友在一起。他们可能会早上第一件事就是查看他们的社交媒体帐户,睡前最后一件事就是查看社交媒体更新。由于有太多的干扰,他们无法完全 4) qquad\qquad 完成他们的任务。
Social media also leads to 5) qquad\qquad Some people are crazy about likes and comments and they will do anything to get them on a daily basis. Everything they do, they want to post on social media to get some form of 6) qquad\qquad from strangers. They work tirelessly to buy the latest clothes, eat expensive meals, and visit unusual places, just for a show. They even do things that they would never do in real life just to impress people. Since they cannot get the same popularity in real life as they do in social media, they yield to the 7) qquad\qquad of social networks. However, many of them live in 8) qquad\qquad fear of being less popular. Everything falls apart when
社交媒体还导致 5) qquad\qquad 有些人对点赞和评论很着迷,他们每天都会不惜一切代价来获得它们。他们所做的一切都想在社交媒体上发布,以便从陌生人那里获得某种形式的 6)。 qquad\qquad 他们不知疲倦地工作,购买最新的衣服,吃昂贵的饭菜,参观不寻常的地方,只是为了一场表演。他们甚至做一些在现实生活中永远不会做的事情,只是为了给人们留下深刻印象。由于他们在现实生活中无法获得与在社交媒体中相同的受欢迎程度,因此他们屈服于社交网络的 7)。 qquad\qquad 然而,他们中的许多人生活在 8) qquad\qquad 害怕不那么受欢迎。当

their popularity really 9 ) qquad\qquad , and they may even get into serious psychological problems.
他们的受欢迎程度真的是 9 ) qquad\qquad ,他们甚至可能陷入严重的心理问题。
The creators of social networks perhaps did not 10) qquad\qquad that their creations would bring these problems. Doing away with social media may not be practical, but some form of regulation should be put into place to ensure that people can really benefit from the technology.
社交网络的创建者可能没有 10) qquad\qquad 他们的创造会带来这些问题。废除社交媒体可能不切实际,但应该实施某种形式的监管,以确保人们能够真正从该技术中受益。

Expressions in use  正在使用的表达式

6 Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. Each expression can be used only once.
6 用下面给出的表达式填空。必要时更改表单。每个表达式只能使用一次。

add up to dumb… down

in the company of lay … out make room for pick… up plunge into wipe … out
在莱的陪伴下......出去 腾出空间供挑选...向上跳入擦除......外
1 The cheerful guy who wore virtual reality glasses qquad\qquad the virtual world.
1 戴着虚拟现实眼镜的开朗小伙 qquad\qquad 子在虚拟世界中。

2 It has been the tradition in China that elderly people live in a familiar environment, preferably qquad\qquad their children.
2 中国的传统是,老年人生活在熟悉的环境中,最好是 qquad\qquad 他们的孩子。

3 Chinese isn’t a subject that can be
3 中文不是一门可以的学科

qquad\qquad in a month, and you
qquad\qquad 一个月后,而您

can’t accomplish your goal of mastering the language unless you work at it for years.

4 He qquad\qquad the map across the table and took another look at it.
4 他 qquad\qquad 把地图对面的桌子上,又看了一眼。

5 The live music, the wild dancing, and the amazing lights all qquad\qquad an exciting theatrical experience.
5 现场音乐、狂野的舞蹈和令人惊叹的灯光都 qquad\qquad 是一种令人兴奋的戏剧体验。

6 Since space is limited, we sometimes have to say goodbye to old things in order to
6 由于篇幅有限,我们有时不得不告别旧物,才能

qquad\qquad new items.   qquad\qquad 新项目。
7 The magazine has a reputation for being very thorough, although critics claim that it has been qquad\qquad in recent years to cater to the mass market.
7 该杂志以非常彻底而闻名,尽管批评者声称近年来它一直在 qquad\qquad 迎合大众市场。

8 This marks another historic step toward
8 这标志着迈向

qquad\qquad the absolute poverty that has plagued the nation for centuries.
qquad\qquad 几个世纪以来一直困扰着这个国家的绝对贫困。

Banked cloze  倾斜的完形填空

5 Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable words from the word bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.
5 通过从词库中选择合适的单词来填充空白。您不得多次使用任何单词。

A ambassadors F F F\mathbf{F} epic
大使 F F F\mathbf{F} 史诗

K frail  衰弱 K
B appealed  B 提出上诉
G exotic  G 异国情调
L innovation  L 创新
C appointed  C 被任命
H expansion  H 扩展
M navigation  M 导航
D dense  D 密集
I foresaw  我预见到了
N pacts  N 个约定
E diplomacy  E 外交
J forged  J 锻造
O realms  O 领域
Zheng He was a Chinese explorer who led seven great voyages on behalf of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. His voyages, which aimed to promote trade and 1) qquad\qquad with other states, lasted from 1405 to 1433.
郑和是一位中国探险家,代表明朝皇帝领导了七次伟大的航海。他的航行旨在促进贸易和 1) qquad\qquad 与其他国家的贸易,从 1405 年持续到 1433 年。
Zheng He was born around 1371 in Yunnan, southwestern China. He was talented in many 2) qquad\qquad , especially in ship construction. In 1403, the emperor ordered the construction of the Treasure Fleet and 3) qquad\qquad Zheng He as the commander of this fleet. This began Zheng He’s 4) qquad\qquad voyages, some of the most impressive exploration journeys in history.
郑和于 1371 年左右出生于中国西南部的云南。他在许多 2) qquad\qquad 方面都很有才华,尤其是在船舶建造方面。1403 年,皇帝下令建造宝藏舰队,3) qquad\qquad 郑和担任这支舰队的指挥官。这开始了郑和的 4) qquad\qquad 次航行,这是历史上最令人印象深刻的探险之旅。
Zheng He’s first voyage began in July 1405. His fleet traveled to present-day Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and then crossed the Indian Ocean and sailed west to today’s India. They traded with the local people for spices, ivory, 5) qquad\qquad animals, and other goods.
郑和的第一次航行始于 1405 年 7 月。他的舰队前往今天的越南、印度尼西亚、马来西亚,然后穿越印度洋,向西航行到今天的印度。他们与当地人交易香料、象牙、5) qquad\qquad 动物和其他商品。
During the next six expeditions, Zheng He made trade 6) qquad\qquad with the rulers of different states, brought back gifts, and established friendly relationships with them. He even brought back with him 7) qquad\qquad of various states to meet with the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.
在接下来的六次远征中,郑和与不同国家的统治者进行了贸易 6) qquad\qquad 带回了礼物,并与他们建立了友好关系。他甚至带回了 7) 各个州的 7) qquad\qquad 与明朝皇帝会面。
Zheng He’s seven great voyages promoted the 8) qquad\qquad of China’s cultural and economic influence in the world. He 9) qquad\qquad new, friendly ties with many states on the Asian and African
郑和的七大航海促进了中国在世界上的文化和经济影响力 8)。 qquad\qquad 他 9) qquad\qquad 与亚洲和非洲的许多国家建立了新的友好关系

continents, while developing the trade relations with them. Zheng He’s feat (壮举) was unprecedented in the history of ocean 10) qquad\qquad . He is still remembered today as one of the world’s greatest navigators and is a source of pride for the whole Chinese nation.
大陆,同时发展与他们之间的贸易关系。郑和的壮举在海洋史上是前所未有的 10)。 qquad\qquad 他今天仍然被人们铭记为世界上最伟大的航海家之一,是整个中华民族的骄傲。

Expressions in use  正在使用的表达式

6 Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. Each expression can be used only once.
6 用下面给出的表达式填空。必要时更改表单。每个表达式只能使用一次。

along with curious about  除了好奇
in charge of loaded with set off take place trade with view … as
负责装载与出发发生贸易与视图 ...如
1 We can enable our students to be
1 我们可以让我们的学生成为

qquad\qquad their own learning by creating interesting, open-ended tasks which they can finish by themselves.
qquad\qquad 他们通过创建有趣的、开放式的任务来自己完成自己的学习。

2 The festival, which falls on the ninth day of the ninth month on the lunar calendar, is
2 这个节日落在农历九月初九,是

qquad\qquad an occasion to pay respect to the elderly.
qquad\qquad 一个向老年人致敬的机会。

3 The Belt and Road Initiative raises the level of connectivity and cooperation among dozens of nations that have qquad\qquad China for years.
3 “一带一路”倡议提高了数十个与中国 qquad\qquad 合作多年的国家之间的互联互通和合作水平。

4 From the smallest birthday party to the largest concert, special events qquad\qquad every day in these parks.
4 从最小的生日派对到最大的音乐会,这些公园每天都有特别活动 qquad\qquad

5 The train was fully qquad\qquad 50 containers of goods including glass bottles, canned food, and medical supplies.
5 火车上装满了 qquad\qquad 50 个集装箱的货物,包括玻璃瓶、罐头食品和医疗用品。

6 Last month, the polar icebreaker
6 上个月,极地破冰船

qquad\qquad from the port for its new scientific expedition to the Antarctic.
qquad\qquad 从港口出发前往南极洲进行新的科学考察。

7 We have long been qquad\qquad what really goes on inside the space station and the video satisfied our curiosity.
7 长期以来,我们一直是 qquad\qquad 空间站内部的真实情况,而这段视频满足了我们的好奇心。

8 This is a double room and you can stay here
8 这是一间双人房,您可以留在这里

qquad\qquad your friend.   qquad\qquad 你的朋友。

Banked cloze  倾斜的完形填空

5 Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable words from the word bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.
5 通过从词库中选择合适的单词来填充空白。您不得多次使用任何单词。
A annoyances  烦恼 F F F\mathbf{F} endows  赋予 K K K\mathbf{K} offsets   K K K\mathbf{K} 补偿
B cognitive  认知 G G G\mathbf{G} immerse  沉浸 L L L\mathbf{L} positivity   L L L\mathbf{L} 积极性
C console  安慰 H H H\mathbf{H} loosen  放松 M M M\mathbf{M} recipe   M M M\mathbf{M} 食谱
D denoting  表示 I luncheon  午餐 N N N\mathbf{N} trivial   N N N\mathbf{N} 琐碎
E embracing  拥抱 J J J\mathbf{J} nuances  细微 差别 O O O\mathbf{O} tropical   O O O\mathbf{O} 热带
A annoyances F endows K offsets B cognitive G immerse L positivity C console H loosen M recipe D denoting I luncheon N trivial E embracing J nuances O tropical| A | annoyances | $\mathbf{F}$ | endows | $\mathbf{K}$ offsets | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B | cognitive | $\mathbf{G}$ | immerse | $\mathbf{L}$ positivity | | C | console | $\mathbf{H}$ | loosen | $\mathbf{M}$ recipe | | D | denoting | I | luncheon | $\mathbf{N}$ trivial | | E | embracing | $\mathbf{J}$ | nuances | $\mathbf{O}$ tropical |
The benefits of travel go beyond making memories and meeting new people. Staying away from the 1) qquad\qquad things of daily life and exploring a new place can have a remarkably positive impact on your emotional well-being and your 2) qquad\qquad powers.
旅行的好处不仅仅在于留下美好回忆和结识新朋友。远离 1) qquad\qquad 日常生活中的事物并探索新地方可以对您的情绪健康和 2) qquad\qquad 力量产生非常积极的影响。
Travel can improve your emotional well-being in two aspects. First, changing your daily routine, for example, taking a trip to a nearby town on a weekend day, can help 3) qquad\qquad your mind and deal with the daily 4) qquad\qquad Second, physical exercise is known to improve emotional well-being and travel offers plenty of opportunities to get active. Getting to know a new destination by 5) qquad\qquad the great outdoors can boost energy levels and improve your mood.
旅行可以从两个方面改善您的情绪健康。首先,改变你的日常生活,例如,在周末去附近的城镇旅行,可以帮助 3) qquad\qquad 你的思想和处理日常 4) qquad\qquad 其次,众所周知,体育锻炼可以改善情绪健康,旅行提供了很多活跃的机会。通过以下方式了解新目的地 5) qquad\qquad 精彩的户外活动可以提高能量水平并改善您的情绪。
Travel can also improve your cognitive powers due to the exposure to different cultures. Whether you venture abroad or simply to the next town over, a trip away from home can help enhance your 6) qquad\qquad and reveal a world of possibilities beyond your daily perspective. Something as simple as learning a new 7) qquad\qquad or changing the way you spend your downtime can have a dramatic effect on your well-being. It’s been proven that new experiences - particularly ones that allow you to 8 ) qquad\qquad yourself in a different culture - improve the performance of your brain, 9) qquad\qquad the restrictions, and increase creativity.
由于接触不同的文化,旅行还可以提高您的认知能力。无论您是出国冒险还是只是去下一个城镇,离家旅行都可以帮助您提高 6) qquad\qquad 并揭示超出您日常视角的可能性世界。像学习新的 7) qquad\qquad 或改变你度过休息时间的方式这样简单的事情都会对你的健康产生巨大影响。事实证明,新的体验 - 尤其是那些让你 8 ) qquad\qquad 自己处于不同文化中的体验 - 可以提高你的大脑性能,9) qquad\qquad 限制,并增加创造力。
Evidently, travel itself 10) qquad\qquad you with the freedom to do what you love, to rest, and to try something new. For many people, travel is not simply an enjoyable recreation, but an essential part of maintaining a positive mentality and improving cognitive abilities.
显然,旅行本身 10) qquad\qquad 您可以自由地做自己喜欢的事情、休息和尝试新事物。对许多人来说,旅行不仅仅是一种愉快的娱乐活动,而且是保持积极心态和提高认知能力的重要组成部分。

Expressions in use  正在使用的表达式

6 Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. Each expression can be used only once.
6 用下面给出的表达式填空。必要时更改表单。每个表达式只能使用一次。

be open to endow … with make up for mingle with more often than not on sale settle for trade … for
对捐赠持开放态度......与 Make Up for Mingle 经常在销售中结算交易......为
1 They should be more patient, and willing to
1 他们应该更有耐心,并愿意

qquad\qquad something less than their dream job at first.
qquad\qquad 起初比他们梦想的工作要少。

2 The situations these explorers face are various, sometimes unpredictable, and
2 这些探险家面临的情况多种多样,有时是不可预测的,并且

qquad\qquad , challenging.
qquad\qquad 挑战。

3 As the voyage progressed, the soft, sweet tropical air qquad\qquad the fresh smell
3 随着航行的进行,柔和、甜美的热带空气 qquad\qquad 和清新的气味

of the sea and gave the crew a delightful experience of ocean travel.

4 I bought too much milk so I qquad\qquad her my extra gallons qquad\qquad her bread.
4 我买了太多牛奶,所以我 qquad\qquad 把多余的加仑子给她买了 qquad\qquad 面包。

5 You should learn to time your purchases so that you can buy the products when they’re
5 您应该学会安排购买时间,以便您可以在产品到期时购买

qquad\qquad and save money.
qquad\qquad 并节省资金。

6 You need to let them know that you
6 你需要让他们知道你

qquad\qquad their ideas and that you will do what it takes to get things done.
qquad\qquad 他们的想法,并且您将尽一切努力完成工作。

7 Herbs have been used for centuries to
7 几个世纪以来,草药一直被用来

qquad\qquad a whole range of foods subtle flavors.
qquad\qquad 一系列食物的微妙味道。

8 The new research indicates that doing enough exercise could qquad\qquad some of the unhealthy impacts of bad sleep.
8 这项新研究表明,做足够的运动可能会 qquad\qquad 对不良睡眠产生一些不健康的影响。