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28 The dreamjourney

The other reality that must be acknowledged is that the authors of this

book are male,and males of a particular generation and class.In the chap- ter titled“The daimon within,”one of the authors has described adverse experiences with women in his life.Might these cultural roles and past experiences cause bias?Of course,the answer is yes.We must strive to become aware and vigilant regarding our own biases and to remember that the symbolic world is not the real world,though the real (i.e.,external)and symbolic worlds interact in significant and meaningful ways.

Anais Nin's dream

In Nin's dream,she finds herself humiliated and forced to crawl.She is put into smaller and smaller boxes,compartmentalized.Her full self cannot grow and express itself.She was perhaps bound by societal expectations of her time and by the roles imposed on her.She tried to crawl throughand out of those tunnels or roles.On the surface,her life was one of great freedom from societal restrictions:two husbands and many lovers,both male and female.Yet,this Hetaira role was limiting in its own way.She was an object of desire but felt lonely and unloved,asher extensive diariesreveal.She probably adopted this Hetaira role as a reaction to the abuse and exploit

tion that she suffered.

Yet,this passage through smaller and smaller rooms and tunnel

suggests birth.Nin is struggling to rebirth herself,outside of the images ha bind her.Perhaps we can learn from her and be born to a new understanding of gender.Dreams may offer guidance in this journey
暗示着重生。Nin 正在努力重生自己,摆脱束缚她的形象。也许我们可以从她身上学到,以一种新的性别理解诞生。梦境可能在这段旅程中提供指引


Domhofl,G.W.(2005).The dreams of men and women:Paterns ofgendersiml
Domhofl,G.W.(2005 年)。男性和女性的梦境性别模式研究

ties and diferences.htp//drcamrescarch.net/Library/domhol_2005c.html Moore,R.A,&Douglas.G.(1990).King.warrior,magician,lover:Rediscowrl the archelypes of the mature masculine.HarperCollins.

Nin,A.(1969).The diaries of AnaisNin,1944-1947.HarperCollins Williams.W.(1986).The spirit and the fesh.Beacon Press.

Wolf,T.(1956).The struchral Jorms ofthe female psyche.C.G.Jung Institute

4 Befriending your dreams

The anthropologist Loren Eiseley described a dream which depicted her hesitancy to encounter her unconscious."The dream was of a blured bear- like shape emerging from the snow against the window.It pounded on the glassand beckoned importunately toward the forest.I struggled against the import of that message.”The dream continued,more clearly,“Suddenly I lifted the telephone beside my bed,and through the receiver came a mes- sage as cryptic as the message from the snow...the voice I heard,a long way off,was my own voicein childhood.Iam sorryto have troubled you.. lam sorry to have troubled you atall.”(Eiseley,i978).
人类学家洛伦艾斯利描述了一个描绘她潜意识接触的犹豫。“这个梦是关于一个模糊的熊的形状从雪中对着窗户出现。它敲打玻璃并向森林急切地招手。我挣扎着抵抗那条信息的重要性。”梦继续着,更清晰地,“突然我拿起床边的电话,通过听筒传来一条信息从雪中传来的信息一样神秘...我听到的声音,从远处传来,是我童年的回声。我很抱歉给你添了麻烦……我真的很抱歉给你带来了困扰。”(艾斯利,1978 年)。

Encountering thedream

To understand the meaning of dreams,you need to move,comfortably and gracefully,from the language of science to the metaphorical language of poets and mystics.In this chapter,we will ask you to think like a poet.Sus- pend whatever you believe about dreams and try to think of them as wise messages from deep within.These messagesmust be nurtured.The source of these messages,the dream maker within us,needs to know that we are ready to listen.Dreams can be friends,teachersand mentorsif we pay atten-

tion to their wisdom and listen.

Dreams are like bears,powerful,friendly and dangerous,all at the same time.Dreams are those special friends that boldly tell us the truth about Ourselves.They are gifts from within.

In the sleep lab,when a subject is awakened during REM sleep,they

remember a dream about 80%of the time,but,in everyday life,many peo- ple have litle or no recollection of their dreams (Schredl,2018).For one thing.our society may be sleep and dream deprived (Naiman,2006).We sleep too little,and especially we wake up too early.We don't give our- selves enough time to dream.Also,many of us take medications like anti- depressants and sleeping pills,which suppress REM sleep.
记得一个关于80%的时间,但,在日常生活,许多人几乎没有完全没有记忆关于他们的(Schredl,2018)。对于一方面,我们的社会可能睡眠剥夺(Naiman,2006)。我们睡眠少,并且特别是我们醒来早。我们给予自己够的时间做梦。此外,我们中的许多人服用药物,如抗抑郁药和安眠药,这些药物会抑制 REM 睡眠。


30 The dream journey
30 梦境之旅

Figure 4.1 Twelth-century fresco of a bear:mysterious,powerful and cryptic.The Cloisters Collection,1957.Metropolitan Museum of Art.
图 4.1 十二世纪的壁画一只熊:神秘、强大且隐晦。克罗伊茨收藏,1957 年。大都会博物馆。

Also,the brain must be taught to remember dreams.Unless they are consciously rehearsed,the brain tends to retain dreams in temporary stor- age instead of in long-term memory.Remembering dreams is a skill that requires practice and the proper atitude(Harris,2002).Dreams must be approached with mindful appreciation.Since they can be bizarreand unpleasant at times,it is easy to skeptically dismiss dreams.Like friends,if we stop inviting dreams and ignore them when they do come,they will stop visiting.So,how do we befriend our dreams?
此外,大脑必须训练记住梦境。除非它们被有意识地反复回忆,否则大脑往往倾向于梦境存储在临时存储中,而非长期记忆中。记住梦境一项技能,需要练习正确的态度哈里斯,2002 年)。梦境必须专注的欣赏态度对待。由于它们可以奇异且不愉快的有时,很容易怀疑地忽视。就像朋友一样,如果我们停止邀请梦并忽视它们当它们确实出现时,它们会停止造访。那么,我们如何我们的梦交朋友?

Ten steps

1 Have the right attitude.Honor dreams,respect them and assume that they have a message to tell even if you cannot grasp that meaning

Befriending your dreams 31

2 Make the recollection of dreams a daily ritual.Dreams,even if viv- idly recalled,are easily forgotten.Some people try to write down their dreams when they first wake up.This can work,but many morn- ings the dog is barking,the kids are crying,the boss is calling and the spouse asks a question.By the time we attend to these“urgent” matters,the dream is lost.Some people keep a notepad beside their bed to record their dreams to avoid this problem.We prefer to record dreams on a phone through creating voice memos.Record them either first thing in the morning or upon awakening from a dream. Use your phone without any room lights.Bright light causes an alert- ing response and can make it harder to fall back asleep.Sometimes I am even surprised to find a dream recording on my phone that I had no recollection of
2 将回忆梦境作为日常习惯。梦境,即便被生动地回忆起,也容易遗忘。有些人尝试在刚醒来时写下他们的梦境。这方法可行,但许多早晨,狗在吠叫,孩子在哭闹,老板在打电话,伴侣在提问。等到我们处理完这些“紧急”事务时,梦境已消失无踪。有些人会在床边放一本笔记本记录梦境以避免此问题。我们更倾向于通过手机创建语音备忘录来记录梦境。无论是清晨醒来第一时间还是从梦中醒来时,都可以用手机记录。在无灯光的房间里使用手机。明亮的光线会引发警觉反应,使人更难再次入睡。有时我甚至惊讶地发现手机里有我毫无记忆的梦境录音。

3 Let the dream percolate in yourmind as you go about your routine.Play with the images,see what thoughts and memories they bring.Don't try to understand the dream,and don't try to reduce its beautiful,artistic language into commonplace truisms.Instead,enter the dream world's unique narrative flow and patterns
3 让梦想在你日常生活的点滴中渗透进你的心灵。玩耍这些意象之间,看看它们带来了哪些思绪记忆不要试图理解这个梦,也不要试图美丽、艺术的语言简化平凡的真理。相反,进入梦境世界独特的叙事流和模式中。

4 Notice connections between past and present dreams.I have attended a local dream interpretation group for many years.Dreams have their own fingerprints;each group member's dreams have their pattern over time.The same images recur,with interesting variations,and the same plot structures.We never share dreams anonymously,but it would be evident to any group member which dreamer authored the dream image

5 Remember that,like any good poem,novel or painting,a dream can mean several things simultaneously.We must hold that ambiguity and find richness instead of doubt and confusion.Explore,rather than try to interpret a dream.Appreciate its richness instead of insisting on a single simple meaning.

6 With the guidance of a therapist,consider some advanced techniques, like dialoguing with dream images and characters or “dreaming the dream forward,"that is,extending it in your imagination to enrich and amplify plot elements.We will discuss these advanced techniques in more detail in a laterchapter on active imagination

7 If you are a therapist,remember that it is a meaningful gift when a patient offers a dream in therapy.Value and honor that gift by inter- acting with the dream and taking it seriously.Therapists often cov- ertly discourage discussion of dreams because they feel inadequate in the realm of dream interpretation.They feel like they need to know exactly what the dream means themselves before exploring the dream.You don't need to know what the dream means,but you may

32 The dream journey
32 这个旅程

gain important insights by talking about the dream and valuing it.You are modeling for yourpatient an open atitude toward the whole inner world

8 Sometimes,dreams are dark and frightening.Suchdreams carry a mes- sage as well and need to be heard and understood.As Richard Rohr advised about spiritual distress,don't panic;go deeper (Rohr,2019). We will explore nightmares in a laterchapter

9 Practice good sleep habits.Our culture devalues not only dreams,but also sleep.Wesleep too little;we shorten the night with electric lights We wake up too early.The longest periods of REM sleep occur in the early morning hours,after 5 AM.If our alarm goes off at 5:30,we will miss most of that REM sleep.Remember that our ancestors in northern climates faced 16-18 hours of darkness during the winter months.They probably slept for most of that time,perhaps making cave paintings in some REM-like trance
9培养良好睡眠习惯。我们文化贬低不仅梦想,而且睡眠。我们睡得太少;我们缩短夜晚时间,电灯照明。我们醒得太早。最长的快速眼动睡眠阶段发生在凌晨5 点之后。如果我们的闹钟5:30响起,我们将错过大部分快速眼动睡眠。记住,北方气候中的祖先们在冬季面临16-18 小时的黑暗。他们大概睡了大部分时间或许梦中创作洞穴壁画处于类似 REM恍惚状态

10 Perhaps most importantly,pay attention to the emotional content ofthe dream.When we dream,we process and integrate emotions, so paying attention to the emotional content of a dream helps you understand its message.Exploring who feels what in a dream and why they feel it will help you remember the dream and be in rela- tionshipwith it.

A colleague of mine grew up in Pakistan.During her childhood,a common question over morning coffee would be,"What did you dream about last night?”We will have to compensate for our culture's neglect of dreams by making special efforts to befriend these nocturnal messengers.We must teach ourselves to dream again.

Dreams as invitations for change

When I share my interest in dreams,I usually get two kinds of responses. Some people want to hear more,while others condescendingly say,“most dreams are just nonsense.”What those people do next is always very simi- lar,as if they were reading from the same script.They report an example of a dream that seems to be nonsensical to them.Their example,however,has a patently obvious and transparent meaning to anyone else.
分享梦境的兴趣时,我通常会得到两种不同的反应。有些人了解更多,而另一些人居高临下地说:“大多数梦境不过是胡言乱语。””那些人接下来会做什么总是非常相似- 仿佛他们正在同一本剧本读取一样他们报告一个例子关于 一个似乎他们毫无意义他们的例子,然而,对其他人来说有着显而易见且透明的含义。

My own father is a great example of the second kind of response.My dear father is 100 years old.He has always had troubled relationships with women.The two important women in his life,his mother and his wife (my mother),treated him cruelly,and he had a difficult time assert- ing himself with them,but he idealized them.When I told him that I was
我的亲生父亲就是一个极好例子,属于第二种反应类型。我的亲爱的父亲已经 100 岁了。他一直女性有着困扰的关系。他生命中两位重要的女性,他的母亲他的妻子(我的母亲),对待非常残忍,他与她们相处时总是难以坚持自我,但他理想化了她们。当

Befriending your dreams 33
你的梦境为友 33

writing this book,he told me that dreams are usually just nonsense."For instance,last night I dreamt that I was mowing the lawn.Someone,either my mother or my wife,was criticizing me for not mowing right.Isn't that just nonsense!"

My father's"meaningless"dream is a succinct summary of the negative way that he experienced women in his life.These two women merge into one image and criticize him.Even now,at the time of"mowing"or harvest at the end of life,these dark figures have powerover him and demean him They are not the actual people;they are the negative aspects of thefeminine that he has internalized.He can't or won't see the dream's meaning,so the dream appears meaningless to him.Thedream,properly understood,might offer him an opportunity to make sense of his own past,but he is not ready to explore the dream and must dismiss it.

The value of understanding dreams is,after all,to change your life.The poet Rilke writes,“...for here there is no place that does not see you.You must change your life.”Change is far more important than understanding. Understanding is what the ego does.Understanding can be very helpful and can lead to change.Understanding can be superficial and intellectual.We can understand many things but never change

Dreams,because they come from outside the ego,can be powerful vehi- cles for genuine change.They offer a perspective from outside our con- scious mind,with a power that comes from their archetypal nature.Dreams candeepen the ego and confront itstendency toavoid painful truths.Yet,as my father's words show,dreams can be ignored.

The bear and the child

If you can stay in the poetic mode of thinking,you will see that the dream that begins the chapter is about dreaming and about how lovingly and patiently our deepest self is trying to awaken us to our truth.Eiseley, a prominent anthropologist,reported this dream as part of his journey toward personal growth.The dream first depicts the power of the uncon- scious as a great bear inviting the dreamer to the forest,the traditional settingwhere,in fairy tales,in plays like As You Like It or novels like The
如果保持诗意思维模式,你发现开篇梦境关于梦想本身以及关于我们内心最深之处是如何温柔耐心试图唤醒我们认识自己的真相。艾斯勒,一位杰出的 anthropologist,将这个梦境作为他个人成长之旅的一部分进行了报道。The首先描绘意识力量一只大的邀请做梦者进入森林传统故事发生地无论

Scarlet Letter,the unconscious is free to exert its power over us.In the

second part of the dream,the dream maker poignantly depicts the uncon- Scious as the dreamer himself,a child that wants to be heard and listened to.Eiseley's bear wants Eiseley to be a deeper and richer person.Dreams are,indeed,the voice of that friend inside us that wants to be heard.Part ofthat inner voice is our childhood selves,our inner potentials that want to be recognized.