(1) Read the title and the first three paragraphs of the article below. Who are 'Third culture kids'? Circle A, or . (1)阅读下面文章的标题和前三段。谁是“第三文化孩子”?圆圈 A 或 .
A children whose parents keep moving from country to country 父母不断从一个国家搬到另一个国家的孩子
B children living in a country neither of their parents come from B 生活在父母双方都不来自的国家的孩子
C children who have just arrived in a culture that is new to them C 刚进入对他们来说陌生文化的孩子
\section*{(2) Now read the whole text and answer Questions 1-13. \section*{(2) 现在阅读全文并回答问题 1-13。
In a world where international careers are becoming commonplace, the phenomenon of third culture kids (TCKs) children who spend a significant portion of their developmenta years in a culture outside their parents' passport culture(s) - is increasing exponentially. Not only is their number increasing, bu the cultural complexity and relevance of their experience and the adult TCKs (ATCKs) they become, is also growing 在一个国际职业变得司空见惯的世界里,第三文化儿童 (TCK) 儿童在父母护照文化以外的文化中度过了他们发展的很大一部分,这一现象呈指数级增长。不仅他们的人数在增加,而且他们的经历和他们成为的成人 TCK (ATCK) 的文化复杂性和相关性也在增长
When Ruth Hill Useem, a sociologist, first coined this term in the 1950 s, she spent a year researching expatriates in India. She discovered that folks who came from their home (or first) culture and moved to a host (or second) culture, had, in reality, formed a culture, or lifestyle, different from elther the first or second cultures She called this the third culture and the children who grew up in this lifestyle 'third culture kids'. At that time, most expatriate families had parents from the same culture and they often remained in one host culture while overseas 当社会学家露丝·希尔·尤瑟姆(Ruth Hill Useem)在1950年代首次创造这个词时,她花了一年时间研究印度的外籍人士。她发现,那些从家乡(或第一)文化中移居到东道国(或第二)文化的人,实际上已经形成了一种文化或生活方式,与第一或第二文化不同,她称之为第三文化,在这种生活方式中长大的孩子是“第三文化的孩子”。当时,大多数外籍家庭的父母来自同一文化,他们在海外时往往保持一种东道国文化
This is no longer the case. Take, for example, Brice Royer, the founder of TCKid.com. His father is a half-French/half-Vietnamese UN peacekeeper, while his mom is Ethiopian. Brice lived in seven countries before he was eighteen including France, Mayotte, La Réunion, Ethiopia, Egypt, Canada and England. He writes, 'When people ask me "Where are you from?" I just joke around and say, "My mom says I'm from heaven." What other answer can he give? 现在情况已不再如此。以 TCKid.com 的创始人布莱斯·罗耶(Brice Royer)为例。他的父亲是半法国/半越南的联合国维和人员,而他的母亲是埃塞俄比亚人。布莱斯在十八岁之前曾在七个国家生活过,包括法国、马约特岛、留尼汪岛、埃塞俄比亚、埃及、加拿大和英国。他写道:“当人们问我'你从哪里来?我只是开玩笑说:“我妈妈说我来自天堂。他还能给出什么答案?
ATCK Elizabeth Dunbar's father, Roy, moved from Jamaica to Britain as a young boy. Her mother, Hortense, was born in Britain as the child of Jamaican immigrants who always planned to repatriate 'one day'. While Elizabeth began life in Britain, her dad's international career took the family to the United States, then to Venezuela and back to living in three different cities in the U.S. She soon realised that while racial diversity may be recognised, the hidden cultural diversity of her life remained invisible. ATCK伊丽莎白·邓巴(Elizabeth Dunbar)的父亲罗伊(Roy)小时候从牙买加搬到了英国。她的母亲霍滕斯(Hortense)出生在英国,是牙买加移民的孩子,他们一直计划“有一天”遣返。当伊丽莎白在英国开始生活时,她父亲的国际生涯将全家带到了美国,然后去了委内瑞拉,然后回到了美国的三个不同城市生活。她很快意识到,虽然种族多样性可以得到认可,但她生活中隐藏的文化多样性仍然是看不见的。
Despite such complexities, however, most ATCKs say their experience of growing up among different cultural worlds has given them many priceless gifts. They have seen the world and often learnt several languages. More importantly, through friendships that cross the usual racial, national or social barriers, they have also learned the very different ways people see life. This offers a great opportunity to become social and cultural bridges between worlds that traditionally would never connect. ATCK Mikel Jentzsch, author of a best-selling book in Germany, Bloodbrothers - Our Friendship 然而,尽管存在如此复杂的情况,但大多数ATCK表示,他们在不同文化世界中成长的经历给了他们许多无价的礼物。他们见过世面,经常学习几种语言。更重要的是,通过跨越种族、国家或社会障碍的友谊,他们也学会了人们看待生活的截然不同的方式。这提供了一个很好的机会,可以成为传统上永远不会连接的世界之间的社会和文化桥梁。ATCK Mikel Jentzsch,德国畅销书《血兄弟——我们的友谊》的作者
in Liberia, has a German passport but grew up in Niger and then Liberia. Before the Liberian civil war forced his family to leave, Mikel played daily with those who were later forced to become soldiers for that war. Through his eyes, the stories of those we would otherwise overiook come to life for the rest of us. 在利比里亚,拥有德国护照,但在尼日尔长大,然后在利比里亚长大。在利比里亚内战迫使他的家人离开之前,米克尔每天都与那些后来被迫成为那场战争士兵的人一起玩耍。通过他的眼睛,那些我们本来会忽略的人的故事对我们其他人来说栩栩如生。
Understanding the TCK experience is also important for other reasons. Many ATCKs are now in positions of influence and power. Their capacity to often think 'outside the box' can offer new and creative thinking for doing business and living in our globalising world. But that same thinking can create fear for those who see the world from a more tradtional world view. Nelther the non-ATCKs nor the ATCKs may recognise that there may be a cultural clash going on because, by traditional measures of diversity such as race or gender, they are alike. 出于其他原因,了解 TCK 体验也很重要。许多ATCK现在处于有影响力和权力的位置。他们经常“跳出框框”思考的能力可以为在全球化世界中开展业务和生活提供新的创造性思维。但同样的想法也会给那些从更传统的世界观看世界的人带来恐惧。Nelther 非 ATCK 和 ATCK 可能会认识到可能存在文化冲突,因为根据种族或性别等传统的多样性衡量标准,它们是相似的。
In addition, many people hear the benefits and challenges of the TCK profile described and wonder why they relate to it when they never lived overseas because of a parent's career. Usually, however, they have grown up cross-culturally in another way, perhaps as children of immigrants, refugees, bi-raciat or bi-cultural unions, international adoptees, even children of minorities. If we see the TCK experience as a Petri dish of sorts - a place where the effects of growing up among many cultural worlds accompanied by a high degree of mobility have been studied - then we can look for what lessons may also be relevant to helping us understand issues other cross-cultural kids (CCKs) may also face. It is possible we may discover that we need to rethink our traditional ways of defining diversity and identity. For some, as for TCKs, 'culture' may be something defined by shared experience rather than shared nationality or ethnicity. In telling their stories and developing new models for our changing world, many will be able to recognise and use well the great gifts of a cross-cultural childhood and dea successfully with the challenges for their personal, communal and corporate good. 此外,许多人听到所描述的 TCK 个人资料的好处和挑战,并想知道为什么他们因为父母的职业而从未在海外生活过,他们会与它联系在一起。然而,通常情况下,他们以另一种方式在跨文化中长大,也许是移民、难民、双种族或双文化联盟的孩子、国际收养者,甚至是少数族裔的孩子。如果我们把TCK的经历看作是一种培养皿--一个在许多文化世界中成长并伴随着高度流动性的地方--那么我们可以寻找哪些课程可能也有助于我们理解其他跨文化孩子(CCK)可能面临的问题。我们可能会发现,我们需要重新思考我们定义多样性和身份的传统方式。对一些人来说,就像TCK一样,“文化”可能是由共同的经历而不是共同的国籍或种族来定义的东西。在讲述他们的故事并为我们不断变化的世界开发新模式时,许多人将能够很好地认识和利用跨文化童年的伟大礼物,并成功地应对个人、社区和企业利益的挑战。
Unit 2 It's good for you! 单元 2 这对你有好处!
Reading Section 2 阅读第2节
(1) Read through the article briefly. What does it mainly contain? Circle A, B or C. (1)简要阅读文章。它主要包含什么?圆圈 A、B 或 C。
A advice on healthy eating 健康饮食建议
B facts about food and drink B 关于食物和饮料的事实
C criticism of the food industry C 对食品工业的批评
(2) Now read the text carefully and answer Questions 1-13. (2)现在仔细阅读课文并回答问题1-13。
A Most of us tend not to think about what we eat. Sure, we might have our favourite recipes, or worry about whether our food has been sprayed with pesticides, but the processes and discoveries that have gone into its production remain a closed book. Some, however, think differently. Why, they wonder, is frozen milk yellow? Why does your mouth burn for longer when you eat chillies than when you eat mustard? And what would happen if you threw yourself into a swimming pool full of jelly? 答:我们大多数人往往不去想我们吃什么。当然,我们可能有自己喜欢的食谱,或者担心我们的食物是否喷洒了杀虫剂,但其生产过程和发现仍然是一本封闭的书。然而,有些人的想法不同。他们想知道,为什么冷冻牛奶是黄色的?为什么吃辣椒时嘴巴燃烧的时间比吃芥末时长?如果你把自己扔进一个装满果冻的游泳池会发生什么?
B It was for such people that New Scientist developed its 'Last Word' column, in which readers pose - and answer - questions on all manner of abstruse scientific issues, as they relate to everyday life. Many of the issues raised have simple answers. For the questions above, they would be: the riboflavin in milk begins to crystallise; it depends on your taste - the relevant chemical in mustard is more easily washed away by your saliva; and, you'd float, but don't dive in headfirst! B 《新科学家》杂志正是为这些人开设了“遗言”专栏,读者在专栏中就各种深奥的科学问题提出并回答问题,因为它们与日常生活有关。提出的许多问题都有简单的答案。对于上述问题,它们是:牛奶中的核黄素开始结晶;这取决于你的口味——芥末中的相关化学物质更容易被你的唾液冲走;而且,你会漂浮,但不要一头扎进去!
C Other questions allow us to explore issues that are relevant to everyone. For example, what's the difference between sell-by dates and use-by dates? You might expect the answer to involve overcautious health and safety regulation. But it's more complex than that. The shelf life of food is actually determined by its manufacturers, although lab tests and government guidelines also come into play. Food is tested periodically, at various temperatures, to check the level of bacterial spoilage over a few hours or days - the warmer it is, the more likely your prawn sandwich is to make you ill. After the lab tests, producers set a use-by date or a best-before date. Fresh shellfish need to be consumed by their use-by date (the date by which you must eat them). But tinned beans will probably last long beyond their best-before date (the date by which it's best to eat them), although they might not taste as good as they once did. C 其他问题使我们能够探讨与每个人相关的问题。例如,保质期和保质期之间有什么区别?您可能认为答案涉及过于谨慎的健康和安全监管。但它比这更复杂。食品的保质期实际上是由其制造商决定的,尽管实验室测试和政府指南也起作用。定期在不同温度下对食物进行测试,以检查几小时或几天内细菌腐败的水平 - 温度越高,您的虾三明治就越有可能让您生病。实验室测试后,生产商会设定保质期或保质期。新鲜贝类需要按保质期(您必须食用的日期)食用。但是罐装豆子可能会保存很长时间,超过保质期(最好食用它们的日期),尽管它们的味道可能不如以前那么好。
D The same research explains why even bottled mineral water, which had previously lain underground for decades, needs a best-before date. The problem isn't the water, but the bottling process: either bacteria can be introduced that multiply and, over time, contaminate the water, or unpleasant chemicals, such as antimony, leach into the water from the plastic bottles. D 同样的研究解释了为什么即使是以前在地下躺了几十年的瓶装矿泉水也需要一个保质期。问题不在于水,而在于装瓶过程:要么引入细菌繁殖并随着时间的推移污染水,要么令人不快的化学物质(如锑)从塑料瓶中渗入水中。
E Sometimes, this kind of scientific study takes us to some strange places. For example, we now know that the amount of oxygen in the air inside green peppers is higher than in red (by a whopping 1.23 percent), probably due to the different rate at which green peppers photosynthesise. The relevance of this research is that green peppers will decay faster than red if kept in sunlight: higher oxygen levels provide more resources to feed any bacteria that are present. Generally, cooler environments preserve food best apart from tropical fruit. Banana skins, for example, have evolved to survive in warm conditions, because that is where they grow best. Anything below damages the membranes, releasing enzymes which lead to skin blackening. To avoid a mushy banana, keep it away from the chiller. 有时,这种科学研究会把我们带到一些奇怪的地方。例如,我们现在知道,青椒内部空气中的氧气含量高于红色辣椒(高达1.23%),这可能是由于青椒光合作用的速率不同。这项研究的相关性在于,如果保持在阳光下,青椒会比红辣椒腐烂得更快:较高的氧气水平提供了更多的资源来喂养存在的任何细菌。一般来说,除了热带水果外,凉爽的环境可以最好地保存食物。例如,香蕉皮已经进化到可以在温暖的条件下生存,因为那是它们生长最好的地方。下面的 任何东西都会损坏膜,释放出导致皮肤变黑的酶。为避免香蕉糊状,请将其远离冷却器。
F It is not just fears for our health that keep food scientists busy. They are also involved in other areas. Their precision has, for example, also been applied to bottles - in particular, to the discovery that the optimum number of sharp pointy bits on a bottle cap is 21 . Go on, count them. Years of trial and error led to the internationally accepted German standard DIN 6099, which ensures that almost every bottle cap is the same. This is because 21 is the ideal number when you take into account the circumference of the cap, the likelihood of its metal splitting, and the chances of it sticking in the capping machine. So, next time you open a bottle with a cap on it, pay homage to those who bothered to find out, starting with William Painter, in 1892. F:让食品科学家忙碌的不仅仅是对我们健康的担忧。他们还参与其他领域。例如,它们的精度也被应用于瓶子 - 特别是发现瓶盖上锋利的尖头的最佳数量是 21 .继续,数一数。经过多年的反复试验,国际公认的德国标准DIN 6099最终出台,确保几乎每个瓶盖都相同。这是因为当您考虑到盖子的周长、金属分裂的可能性以及卡在旋盖机中的可能性时,21 是理想的数字。所以,下次你打开一个带盖的瓶子时,向那些费心寻找答案的人致敬,从 1892 年的威廉·佩因特 (William Painter) 开始。
G Of course, some researchers do care about the more serious stuff, driven by fear of the future and an everincreasing population on a warming, land-impoverished planet. Sadly, New Scientist's correspondents concluded that there was no one foodstuff that could feed the world on its own. However, they did come up with a menu that could feed a family of four for 365 days a year, using only eight square metres of land. Rotating crops (so that the soil didn't lose one nutrient more than any other) would be vital, as would ploughing back dead plant matter and maintaining a vegetarian diet. After that, you would need to grow crops that take up very little space and grow vertically rather than horizontally, if possible. 当然,一些研究人员确实关心更严肃的事情,这是出于对未来的恐惧,以及在一个变暖、土地贫乏的星球上不断增长的人口。可悲的是,《新科学家》杂志的记者得出的结论是,没有一种食物可以独自养活世界。然而,他们确实想出了一个菜单,可以一年365天养活一个四口之家,只用了8平方米的土地。轮作作物(这样土壤就不会比其他任何养分损失更多)将是至关重要的,就像犁回死去的植物物质和保持素食一样。之后,如果可能的话,您需要种植占用很少空间的作物,并且垂直生长而不是水平生长。
Questions 1-7 问题 1-7
The reading passage has seven paragraphs, A-G. 阅读段落有七个段落,A-G。
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-G from the list of headings below. 从下面的标题列表中为段落 A-G 选择正确的标题。
i Why a particular piece of information is given i 为什么给出一条特定的信息
ii An unsolved problem and a solution to a problem ii 未解决的问题和问题的解决方案
iii Reasons that remain a mystery iii 仍然是个谜的原因
iv A source of information for some people iv 某些人的信息来源
v Development work leading to a conclusion v 开发工作得出结论
vi Contrasting levels of interest in food vi 对食物的兴趣程度不同
vii The need to change a system vii 改变制度的需要
viii Information connected with keeping certain kinds of food viii 与保存某些食物有关的信息
ix How certain advice is decided on ix 如何决定某些建议
Ideas not put into practice 想法没有付诸实践
Questions 8-13 问题 8-13
Choose TWO letters, A-E. 选择两个字母,A-E。
Questions 8-9 问题 8-9
Which TWO of the following are explained by the writer in the text? 以下哪两个是作者在文中解释的?
A why the 'Last Word' column was created 答:创建“最后一句话”列的原因
B why use-by dates are more important than sell-by dates B 为什么保质期比保质期更重要
C how to prevent bacteria getting into bottled water C 如何防止细菌进入瓶装水
D a way in which peppers are similar to bananas D 辣椒与香蕉相似的方式
E why most bottle caps have a common feature E 为什么大多数瓶盖都有一个共同的特点
Reading Section 3 阅读第3节
(1) Read through the article briefly and look at (1)简要通读文章,看
the second task, Questions 5-9.
In which paragraphs of the text will you find the information that you require to do this task? 您将在文本的哪些段落中找到执行此任务所需的信息?
(2) Now read the article carefully and answer Questions 1-14. (2) 现在仔细阅读文章并回答问题 1-14。
British newspaper columnist Simon Heffer talks about 英国报纸专栏作家西蒙·赫弗(Simon Heffer)谈到his new book, 'Strictly English: the Correct Way to 他的新书《严格英语:正确的方法》Write ... and Why It Matters', aimed at native speakers 写。。。和为什么它很重要“,针对母语人士
For the last couple of years I have sent a round-robin email to my colleagues at this newspaper every few weeks pointing out to them mistakes that we make in our use of the English language. Happily, these are reasonably rare. The emalls have been circulated on the Internet - and are now available on the paper's website - and one of them ended up in the inbox of a publisher at Random House about this time last year. He asked me whether I would write a book not just on what constituted correct English, but also why it matters. The former is relatively easy to do, once one has armed oneself with the Exford English Dictionary (OED) and some reputable grammar books by way of research materials. The latter, being a matter for debate, is less straightforward. 在过去的几年里,我每隔几周就会向本报的同事发送一封循环电子邮件,向他们指出我们在使用英语时犯的错误。令人高兴的是,这些都是相当罕见的。这些信件在互联网上流传,现在可以在该报的网站上找到,其中一本大约在去年的这个时候出现在兰登书屋一家出版商的收件箱中。他问我是否愿意写一本书,不仅要写一本关于什么是正确的英语的书,还要写一本关于为什么它很重要的书。前者相对容易做到,一旦一个人通过研究材料用埃克斯福德英语词典 (OED) 和一些著名的语法书籍武装自己。后者是一个有待辩论的问题,就不那么简单了。
I suppose my own interest in language started at school. Having studied French, Latin and Greek, I saw clearly how those languages had exported words into our own. When I studied German later on, I could see even more clearly why it was the sister tongue and what an enormous impact it had had on English. I saw that words had specific meanings and that, for the avoidance of doubt, it was best to use them in the correct way. Most of all, I became fascinated by grammar, and especially by the logic that drove it and that was common to all the other languages I knew. I did not intend in those days to earn a living by writing; but I was keen to ensure that my use of English was, as far as possible, correct. 我想我自己对语言的兴趣是从学校开始的。在学习了法语、拉丁语和希腊语之后,我清楚地看到这些语言是如何将单词输出到我们自己的语言中的。当我后来学习德语时,我更清楚地看到了为什么它是姊妹语言,以及它对英语产生了多么巨大的影响。我看到单词具有特定的含义,为了避免疑问,最好以正确的方式使用它们。最重要的是,我对语法着迷,尤其是驱动它的逻辑,这是我所知道的所有其他语言的共同点。在那些日子里,我并不打算通过写作谋生;但我热衷于确保我的英语使用尽可能正确。
Studying English at university forced me to focus even more intently on what words actually meant: why would a writer choose that noun rather than another and why that adjective - or, in George Orwell's case, often no adjective at all. Was the ambiguity in a certain order of words deliberate or accidental? The whole question of communication is rooted in such things. For the second part of my degree I specialised in the history 在大学学习英语迫使我更加专注于单词的真正含义:为什么作家会选择那个名词而不是另一个名词,为什么那个形容词——或者,在乔治·奥威尔的例子中,通常根本没有形容词。某种词语顺序的歧义是故意的还是偶然的?整个沟通问题都植根于这些事情。在我学位的第二部分,我专攻历史
of the English language, studying how words had changed their meaning and how grammar had evolved. Language had become not just a tool for me, but something of a hobby. 的英语,研究单词如何改变其含义以及语法如何演变。语言对我来说不仅仅是一种工具,而是一种爱好。
Can English, though, ever be fixed? Of course not: if you read a passage from Chaucer you will see that the meaning of words and the framework of grammar has shifted over the centuries, and both will continue to evolve. But we have had a standard dictionary now ever since the OED was completed in 1928, and learned men, many of whiom contributed to the OED. wrote grammars a century ago that settled a pattern of language that was logical and free from the danger of ambiguity 但是,英语可以被修复吗?当然不是:如果你读乔叟的一段话,你会发现单词的含义和语法的框架在几个世纪以来已经发生了变化,两者都将继续发展。但是自从 1928 年 OED 完成以来,我们现在就有了一本标准词典,并且有学问的人,其中许多人都为 OED 做出了贡献。一个世纪前写的语法,解决了一种合乎逻辑且没有歧义危险的语言模式
It is to these standards that I hope Strictly English is looking. Our language is to a great extent settled and codified, and to a standard that people recognise and are comfortable with. All my book does is describe and commend that standard, and help people towards a capable grasp of the English tongue. We shall always need new words to describe new things; but we don't need the wrong word to deseribe the right thing, when the right word exists. Also, English grammar shouldn't be a matter for debate. It has a coherent and logical structure and we should stick to it. 我希望Strictly English能够按照这些标准进行研究。我们的语言在很大程度上是固定和编纂的,并且是人们认可和适应的标准。我的书所做的只是描述和赞扬这一标准,并帮助人们熟练掌握英语语言。我们总是需要新词来描述新事物;但是,当正确的词存在时,我们不需要错误的词来解释正确的事情。此外,英语语法不应该是一个有争议的问题。它有一个连贯和合乎逻辑的结构,我们应该坚持下去。
Some groups of people - state officials, academics, lawyers, certain breeds of scientist - talk to each other in a private language. Some official documents make little sense to lay people because they have to be written in a language that combines avoidance of the politically incorrect with constant use of the contemporary jargon of the profession. Some articles written by academics in particular are almost incomprehensible to those outside their circle. This is not because the outsiders are stupid. It is because the academics feel they have to write in a certain stilted, dense way in order to be taken seriously by their peers. 一些人群——国家官员、学者、律师、某些种类的科学家——用私人语言相互交谈。一些官方文件对外行人来说意义不大,因为它们必须用一种既要避免政治不正确又要不断使用当代专业术语的语言来编写。特别是学者写的一些文章,对于他们圈子之外的人来说几乎是无法理解的。这并不是因为外人愚蠢。这是因为学者们觉得他们必须以某种生硬、密集的方式写作,才能被同行认真对待。
Many officials seem to have lost the knack of communicating with people outside their closed world. 许多官员似乎已经失去了与封闭世界之外的人交流的诀窍。
Some academics, however, are bilingual. If asked to write for a publication outside the circle - such as a newspaper - they can rediscover the knack of writing reasonably plain English. They do not indulge themselves in such a fashion when they write for learned journals. It is almost as though the purpose of such writing is not to be clear: that the writer is recording research in order to prove to peers or superiors that he has discovered something. It does not seem to bother such people that their style is considered ugly and barbaric by anyone of discernment. It is repetitious, long-winded, abstract and abstruse. Those who write in such a way probably will not easily be discouraged, unless what is considered acceptable within their disciplines changes. 然而,一些学者是双语的。如果被要求为圈子外的出版物(例如报纸)撰稿,他们可以重新发现写出相当通俗易懂的英语的诀窍。当他们为学术期刊写作时,他们不会沉迷于这种方式。这种写作的目的几乎不明确:作者记录研究是为了向同行或上级证明他发现了一些东西。任何有眼光的人都会认为他们的风格丑陋和野蛮,这似乎并不困扰这些人。它是重复的、啰嗦的、抽象的和深奥的。那些以这种方式写作的人可能不会轻易气馁,除非在他们的学科内被认为是可以接受的改变。
The ideal style is one comprehensible to any intelligent person. If you make a conscious decision to communicate with a select group, so be it: but in trying to appeal to a large audience, or even a smal one that you wish to be sure will understand your meaning, writing of the sort mentioned above will not do. This sort of writing used to be kept from the general public thanks to the need to find someone to publish it. The advent of the Internet means that it is now much more widespread than it used to be; and the fact that it is now so common and so accessible means that this sort of writing is having a harmful effect on the language and causing it to be corrupted. 理想的风格是任何聪明人都能理解的。如果你有意识地决定与一个选定的群体交流,那就这样吧:但是,在试图吸引大量的听众,甚至是你希望确保能理解你的意思的微不足道的听众时,上面提到的那种写作是行不通的。由于需要找人出版,这种写作过去一直不向公众开放。互联网的出现意味着它现在比以前更广泛;事实上,它现在如此普遍和容易获得,这意味着这种写作正在对语言产生有害影响并导致它被破坏。
Questions 1-4 问题 1-4
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in the reading passage? 以下陈述是否与作者在阅读文章中的观点一致?
Write YES if the statement agrees with the 如果语句与
views of the writer 作者的观点
NO if the statement contradicts the views of the writer 如果该陈述与作者的观点相矛盾,则不
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this 如果无法说出作者对此的看法,则不予
1 The mistakes made by his colleagues are minor ones. 1 他的同事们所犯的错误都是小错误。
2 It is difficult to explain why using correct English is important. 2 很难解释为什么使用正确的英语很重要。
3 English grammar has a different function from the grammar of other languages. 3 英语语法具有不同于其他语言语法的功能。
4 Word order may be as important as the choice of words used. 4 词序可能与所用词语的选择一样重要。
Questions 5-9 问题 5-9
Complete the summary using the list of words, A-H, below. 使用下面的单词列表 A-H 完成摘要。
The rules of English 英语规则
According to the writer, the English language should not be considered something 5 and this will always be the case. However, there have been accepted reference books for over a century that were produced by 6 ......... people, and these have established a system for the language that enables people to express themselves in a completely clear way. 根据作者的说法,英语不应该被认为是 5 的东西,而且情况总是如此。然而,一个多世纪以来,已经有公认的参考书是由 6 .........这些人已经建立了一个语言系统,使人们能够以完全清晰的方式表达自己。
In his own book, the writer aims to describe and support the established rules of the language that are in use and that people are accustomed to. He also wants his book to be 8 ......... as a way of improving people's ability at the language. He believes that there is no reason why someone's use of vocabulary should not be correct and that grammar should not be a 9 ........ subject. In his view, a system of grammar rules exists and people should always obey those rules. 在他自己的书中,作者旨在描述和支持人们 正在使用和习惯的语言的既定规则。他还希望他的书是 8 .........作为提高人们语言能力的一种方式。他认为,没有理由认为某人对词汇的使用不应该是正确的,语法不应该是 9 ........主题。在他看来,存在一个语法规则系统,人们应该始终遵守这些规则。
A simple
E knowledgeable
B general
F compulsory
C controversial G historic
D permanent H useful
Questions 10-14 问题 10-14
Choose the correct letter, or 选择正确的字母, 或者
10 The writer says that some groups of people use a 'private language' because 10 作者说,有些群体使用“私人语言”是因为
A they do not want outsiders to be able to understand them. 答:他们不希望外人能够理解他们。
B they want to show their superiority over other groups. B 他们想展示自己优于其他群体的优势。
C they want to impress other members of their group. C 他们想给小组的其他成员留下深刻印象。
D they do not want to use the same language as other groups. D 他们不想使用与其他群体相同的语言。
11 According to the writer, some academics are capable of 11 根据作者的说法,有些学者有能力
A making sense to people outside theirgroup. 对他们群体以外的人来说很有意义。
B writing very clearly for learned journals. B 为学术期刊写得很清楚。
C changing the way they communicate within their own group. C 改变他们在自己团队中的沟通方式。
D explaining other people's work to the general public. D 向公众解释他人的工作。
Unit 4 New media 第四单元 新媒体
Reading Section 1 阅读第 1 节
(1) Read through the article briefly. Then read Questions 1-6 and answer the following question. In which paragraphs will you find the information that you need to do this task? (1)简要阅读文章。然后阅读问题 1-6 并回答以下问题。您将在哪些段落中找到执行此任务所需的信息?
(2) Now read the text carefully and answer Questions 1-13. (2)现在仔细阅读课文并回答问题1-13。
The power of modern electronic media - the net, mobile phones and video games - to capture the attention of the human mind, particularly the young mind, and then distract it, has lately become a subject of concern. We are, say the worriers, losing the ability to apply ourselves properly to a single task, like reading a book in its entirety or mastering a piece of music on an instrument, with the result that our thinking is becoming shallower. 现代电子媒体——网络、移动电话和电子游戏——吸引人类思想,特别是年轻人的思想,然后分散注意力的力量,最近已成为一个令人担忧的话题。忧虑者说,我们正在失去将自己正确地应用于一项任务的能力,例如阅读整本书或掌握乐器上的一段音乐,结果我们的思维变得越来越浅。
Nicholas Carr, the American science writer, has explored this theme for his new book, The Shallows, in which he argues that new media are not just changing our habits but our brain too. It turns out that the mature human brain is not an immutable seat of personality and intellect but a changeable thing, subject to 'neuroplasticity'. When our activities alter, so does the architecture of our brain. 'I'm not thinking the way I used to think,' writes Carr. 'I feel it most strongly when l'm reading.' Years of internet use have, he suspects, dented his ability to read deeply, to absorb himself in books: 'My brain wasn't just drifting. It was hungry. It was demanding to be fed the way the net fed it.' He describes getting fidgety when faced with a long text: 'When we go online, we enter an environment that promoles cursory reading, hurried and distracted thinking, and superficial learning.' 美国科普作家尼古拉斯·卡尔(Nicholas Carr)在他的新书《浅滩》(The Shallows)中探讨了这一主题,他认为新媒体不仅改变了我们的习惯,也改变了我们的大脑。事实证明,成熟的人类大脑并不是人格和智力的一成不变的座位,而是一个多变的东西,受制于“神经可塑性”。当我们的活动发生变化时,我们大脑的结构也会发生变化。“我不再像以前那样思考了,”卡尔写道。“当我阅读时,我的感受最强烈。”他怀疑,多年的互联网使用削弱了他深入阅读和沉迷于书籍的能力:“我的大脑不仅仅是在漂移。它饿了。它要求像网喂它一样喂食。他描述了面对长篇大论时会变得烦躁不安:“当我们上网时,我们进入了一个促进粗略阅读、匆忙和分心思考以及肤浅学习的环境。
Carr cites research by Gary Small, a professor of psychiatry at UCLA, who concluded that constant exposure to modern media strengthens new neural pathways while weakening older ones. Just five hours of internet use is enough to awaken previously dormant parts of the brain's pre-fontal corlex, concluded Small. 卡尔引用了加州大学洛杉矶分校精神病学教授加里·斯莫尔(Gary Small)的研究,他得出的结论是,不断接触现代媒体会增强新的神经通路,同时削弱旧的神经通路。仅仅五个小时的互联网使用就足以唤醒大脑前區以前休眠的部分,Small总结道。
For Carr, this is proof that the net can rewire the mind. He sees dangers. Deep thought, the ability to immerse oneself in an area of study, to follow a narrative, to understand an argument and develop a critique, is giving way to skimming. Young users of the Internet are ̧ood at drawing together information for a school project, for example, but that does not mean they have digested it. 对于卡尔来说,这证明了网络可以重新连接思想。他看到了危险。深入的思考,沉浸在一个研究领域,遵循叙述,理解论点和发展批评的能力,正在让位于略读。例如,互联网的年轻用户热衷于为学校项目收集信息,但这并不意味着他们已经消化了它。
But is a changling mind a more stupid one? Jake Vigdor and Helen Ladd are researchers at Duke University, North Carolina. In a study spanning five years and involving more than 100,000 children, they discovered a correlation between declining test scores in both mathematics and reading and the spread of home computers and broadband. 'The decline in scores was in the order of one or two percent but it was statistically significant, says Vigdor. 'The drop may not be that great but one can say that the increase in computer use was certainly not positive.' The cul-off year for the study was 2005, when socialising was more primitive. Since then, social networking sites have become enormously powerful consumers of young people's time. Vigdor and Ladd concluded that the educational value of home computing was best realised when youngsters were actively supervised by parents. 但是,一个的头脑是更愚蠢的吗?杰克·维格多(Jake Vigdor)和海伦·拉德(Helen Ladd)是北卡罗来纳州杜克大学的研究人员。在一项为期五年、涉及10万多名儿童的研究中,他们发现数学和阅读考试成绩下降与家用电脑和宽带的普及之间存在相关性。“分数下降了大约1%或2%,但在统计学上是显着的,”Vigdor说。“下降幅度可能没有那么大,但可以说,计算机使用量的增加肯定不是积极的。这项研究的终点是2005年,当时社交活动还比较原始。从那时起,社交网站就成为年轻人时间的强大消费者。Vigdor 和 Ladd 得出结论,当青少年受到父母的积极监督时,家庭计算的教育价值才能得到最好的实现。
This tendency to skim is compounded by the temptation of new media users to 'multi-task'. Watch a youngster on a computer and he could be Facebook-ing while burning a CD or Tweeting on his mobile phone. Modern management tends to promote multi-tasking as an expression of increased efficjency. Science, on the other hand, does not. The human brain is, it seems, nol at all good at multi-tasking - unless it involves a highly developed skill like driving. David Meyer, a neuroscientist 这种略读的倾向因新媒体用户对“多任务”的诱惑而变得更加复杂。在电脑上看一个年轻人,他可能一边刻录 CD 一边在 Facebook 上发推文,要么在手机上发推文。现代管理倾向于促进多任务处理,以此作为提高效率的一种表现。另一方面,科学则不然。人类的大脑似乎根本不擅长多任务处理——除非它涉及像驾驶这样高度发达的技能。大卫·迈耶(David Meyer),神经科学家
at the University of Michigan, says: 'The bottom line is that you can't simultaneously be thinking about your tax return and reading an essay, just as you can't talk to yourself about two things at once. People may think otherwise but it's a myth. With complicated tasks, you will never, ever be able to overcome the inherent limitations in the brain.' 密歇根大学的他说:“最重要的是,你不能同时考虑你的纳税申报表和阅读一篇文章,就像你不能同时谈论两件事一样。人们可能不这么认为,但这是一个神话。对于复杂的任务,你永远无法克服大脑固有的局限性。
Paying attention is the prerequisite of memory: the sharper the attention, the sharper the memory. Cursory study born of the knowledge that information is easily available online results, say the worriers, in a failure lo digest it. In addition, the brain needs rest and recovery time to consolidate thoughts. Teenagers who fill every moment with a text or Tweet are not allowing their minds necessary downtime. All rather worrying, but is it that bad? 专注是记忆力的前提:注意力越敏锐,记忆力就越敏锐。粗略的研究源于知识,即信息很容易在网上获得,担心者说,在消化它的失败中。此外,大脑需要休息和恢复时间来巩固思想。每时每刻都用短信或推文填满的青少年不允许他们的大脑出现必要的停机时间。一切都相当令人担忧,但有那么糟糕吗?
We have been here before, of course. The Ancient Greeks lamented the replacement of the oral tradition with written text, and the explosion in book ownership resulting from the printing press was, for some, a disaster. In the 18th century, a French statesman railed against a new device that turned people into 'dispersed' individuals, isolated in 'sullen silence'. He was talking about the newspaper. 当然,我们以前来过这里。古希腊人哀叹口头传统被书面文本取代,而印刷机导致的书籍所有权的爆炸式增长对一些人来说是一场灾难。在18世纪,一位法国政治家抨击了一种新装置,这种装置将人们变成了“分散”的个体,在“闷闷不乐的沉默”中被孤立。他说的是报纸。
The net is supposed to consume the lives of young people, yet the only reliable studies about the time spent online, collated by the World Health Organization, suggest children spend between two and four hours in front of screens, including television screens, and not six or seven, as often suggested. Moreover, there is evidence that youngsters who use soclal networking sites have more rewarding offline social lives than those who do not. 网络应该消耗年轻人的生命,但世界卫生组织整理的关于上网时间的唯一可靠研究表明,儿童在屏幕前花费两到四个小时,包括电视屏幕,而不是像人们经常建议的那样花六七个小时。此外,有证据表明,使用社交网站的年轻人比不使用社交网站的年轻人拥有更有价值的线下社交生活。
A study on children and new technology in the UK included a 'study of studies' by Professor David Buckingham of the University of London's Institute of Education. He concluded: 'Broadly speaking, the evidence about the effects of new media is weak and inconclusive and this applies to both positive and negative effects.' 一项关于英国儿童和新技术的研究包括伦敦大学教育学院的大卫·白金汉教授的“研究研究”。他总结说:“从广义上讲,关于新媒体影响的证据是薄弱和不确定的,这既适用于积极影响,也适用于消极影响。
Certainly the 'old' media don't-seem to be doing that badly An annual survey shows that sales of children's books this year were 4.9 per cent greater than last year, with more than 60 million sold. The damage, if any, done by excessive computer time may not be so much to do with what is being done online as what is being missed - time spent with family or playing in trees with friends. 当然,“老”媒体似乎并没有做得那么糟糕:一项年度调查显示,今年儿童读物的销量比去年增长了4.9%,销量超过6000万册。过多的计算机时间造成的损害(如果有的话)可能与在线所做的事情没有太大关系,而是错过了什么 - 与家人共度的时间或与朋友在树上玩耍的时间。
Questions 1-6 问题 1-6
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? 以下陈述是否与阅读文章中给出的信息一致?
Write 写
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information 如果语句与信息一致,则为 TRUE
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information 如果陈述与信息相矛盾,则为 FALSE
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 如果没有这方面的信息,则不给出
1 Some people believe that modern electronic media only have a negative effect on young people. 1 有些人认为现代电子媒体只会对年轻人产生负面影响。
2 Nicholas Carr's book on the subject is a bestseller. 2 尼古拉斯·卡尔(Nicholas Carr)关于这个主题的书是畅销书。
3 Nicholas Carr believes that electronic media have affected his enjoyment of reading books. 3 尼古拉斯·卡尔(Nicholas Carr)认为,电子媒体影响了他读书的乐趣。
4 Gary Small's research supports Nicholas Carr's beliefs 4 加里·斯莫尔(Gary Small)的研究支持尼古拉斯·卡尔(Nicholas Carr)的信念
5 Management beliefs on multi-tasking are proved correct by scientific research. 5 科学研究证明,管理部门对多任务处理的信念是正确的。
6 David Meyer's views on the limitations of the brain have caused controversy. 6 大卫·迈耶(David Meyer)关于大脑局限性的观点引起了争议。
Questions 7-10 问题 7-10
Complete the notes below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR 完成以下注意事项。选择不超过两个单词和/或
A NUMBER from the passage for each answer. 每个答案的段落中的一个数字。
Vigdor and Ladd's research 维格多和拉德的研究
looked at over 7 看了超过 7
found that lower 8 and home computer use were linked 发现 8 岁以下 和家用电脑的使用是有联系的
indicated that the effects of greater home computer use could not be described as 9 表明更多的家用计算机使用的影响不能被描述为9
concluded that 10 should be involved in home computer use 结论是 10 应涉及家用计算机
Reading Section 1 阅读第 1 节
Exam information 考试信息
Reading Passage 1 is usually a factual text. 阅读第 1 段通常是事实文本。
You need to find specific information. 您需要找到具体信息。
It is usually easier than the other parts, so it's a good idea to do it first. 它通常比其他部分更容易,所以先做是个好主意。
(1) Work in small groups. Look at the list of things people do when they live or study in a different country. Which do you think are quite easy and which are more difficult? Why? (1)小组工作。看看人们在不同国家生活或学习时所做的事情清单。你认为哪些是很容易的,哪些是比较困难的?为什么?
eating different food 吃不同的食物
understanding people 了解人
getting to know local people 结识当地人
using public transport 使用公共交通工具
missing family and friends 失踪的家人和朋友
obtaining the correct papers 获得正确的论文
You are going to read a passage about culture shock. Read the title of the passage and the subheading in italics. What do you think culture shock is? 你将读到一篇关于文化冲击的文章。阅读文章的标题和斜体字的副标题。你认为什么是文化冲击?
(3) Read the whole passage quickly. Which stage of culture shock seems to be the most uncomfortable? (3)快速阅读整篇文章。哪个阶段的文化冲击似乎最不舒服?
Australian culture and culture shock 澳大利亚文化与文化冲击
by Anna Jones and Xuan Quach 作者:Anna Jones 和 Xuan Quach
Sometimes work, study or a sense of adventure take us out of our familiar surroundings to go and live in a different culture. The experience can be difficult, even shocking. 有时,工作、学习或冒险精神会让我们离开熟悉的环境,去不同的文化中生活。这种经历可能很困难,甚至令人震惊。
Almost everyone who studies, lives or works abroad has problems adjusting to a new culture. This response is commonly referred to as culture shock. Culture shock can be defined as 'the physical and emotional discomfort a person experiences when entering a culture different from their own' (Weaver, 1993). 几乎每个在国外学习、生活或工作的人在适应新文化方面都有问题。这种反应通常被称为文化冲击。文化冲击可以定义为“一个人在进入与自己不同的文化时所经历的身体和情感不适”(Weaver,1993)。
For people moving to Australia, Price (2001) has identified certain values which may give rise to culture shock. Firstly, he argues that Australians place a high value on independence and personal choice. This means that a teacher or course tutor will not tell students what to do, but will give them a number of options and suggest they work out which one is the best in their circumstances. It also means that they are expecied to take action if something goes wrong and seek out resources and support for themselves. 对于移居澳大利亚的人,Price(2001)已经确定了某些可能引起文化冲击的价值观。首先,他认为澳大利亚人非常重视独立和个人选择。这意味着老师或课程导师不会告诉学生该做什么,但会给他们一些选择,并建议他们找出最适合他们情况的选择。这也意味着,如果出现问题,他们有权采取行动,为自己寻求资源和支持。
Australians are also prepared to accept a range of opinions rather than believing there is one truth. This means that in an educational setting, students will be expected to form their own opinions and defend the reasons for that point of view and the evidence for it. 澳大利亚人也准备接受一系列意见,而不是相信只有一个真理。这意味着在教育环境中,学生将被期望形成自己的观点,并为该观点的理由和证据辩护。
Price also comments that Australians are uncomfortable with differences in status and hence idealise the idea of treating everyone equally. An illustration of this is that most adult Australians call each other by their first names. This concern with equality means that Australians are uncomfortable taking anything too seriously and are even ready to joke about themselves. 普莱斯还评论说,澳大利亚人对地位差异感到不舒服,因此将平等对待每个人的想法理想化。一个例子是,大多数成年澳大利亚人都用他们的名字来称呼对方。这种对平等的关注意味着澳大利亚人不愿意把任何事情看得太重,甚至准备拿自己开玩笑。
Australians believe that life should have a balance between work and leisure time. As a consequence, some students may be critical of others who they perceive as doing nothing but study. Australian notions of privacy mean that areas such as financial matters, appearance and relationships are only discussed with close friends. While people may volunteer such information, they may resent someone actually asking them unless the friendship is firmly established. Even then; it is considered very impolite to ask someone what they earn. With older people, it is also rude 澳大利亚人认为,生活应该在工作和休闲时间之间取得平衡。因此,一些学生可能会批评他们认为除了学习什么都不做的人。澳大利亚的隐私概念意味着财务问题、外表和人际关系等领域只能与亲密的朋友讨论。虽然人们可能会自愿提供这些信息,但除非友谊牢固地建立起来,否则他们可能会憎恨有人真正问他们。即便如此;问别人赚多少钱被认为是非常不礼貌的。对于老年人来说,这也是不礼貌的
to ask how old they are, why they are not married or why they do not have children. It is also impolite to ask people how much they have paid for something, unless there is a very good reason for asking. 问他们多大了,为什么他们不结婚,为什么他们没有孩子。询问人们为某事支付了多少钱也是不礼貌的,除非有很好的理由问。
Kohls (1996) describes culture shock as a process of change marked by four basic stages. During the first stage, the new arrival is excited to be in a new place, so this is often referred to as the "honeymoon" stage. Like a tourist, they are intrigued by all the new sights and sounds, new smells and tastes of their surroundings. They may have some problems, but usually they accept them as just part of the novelty. At this point, it is the similarities that stand out, and it seems to the newcomer that people everywhere and their way of life are very much alike. This period of euphoria may last from a couple of weeks to a month, but the letdown is inevitable. Kohls(1996)将文化冲击描述为一个以四个基本阶段为标志的变化过程。在第一阶段,新来的人对来到一个新地方感到兴奋,所以这通常被称为“蜜月”阶段。就像游客一样,他们对周围所有新的景象和声音、新的气味和味道都很感兴趣。他们可能有一些问题,但通常他们接受它们只是新奇事物的一部分。在这一点上,突出的是相似之处,在新来者看来,世界各地的人们和他们的生活方式都非常相似。这段欣快感可能会持续几周到一个月,但失望是不可避免的。
During the second stage, known as the 'rejection' stage, the newcomer starts to experience difficulties due to the differences between the new culture and the way they were accustomed to living. The initial enthusiasm turns into irritation, frustration, anger and depression, and these feelings may have the effect of people rejecting the new culture so that they notice only the things that cause them trouble, which they then complain about. In addition, they may feel homesick, bored, withdrawn and irritable during this period as well. 在第二阶段,即所谓的“拒绝”阶段,由于新文化和他们习惯的生活方式之间的差异,新来者开始遇到困难。最初的热情变成了恼怒、沮丧、愤怒和沮丧,这些感觉可能会产生人们拒绝新文化的效果,以至于他们只注意到给他们带来麻烦的事情,然后他们抱怨这些事情。此外,在此期间,他们也可能感到想家、无聊、孤僻和烦躁。
Fortunately, most people gradually learn to adapt to the new culture and move on to the third stage, known as 'adjustment and reorientation'. During this stage a transition occurs to a new optimistic attitude. As the newcomer begins to understand more of the new culture, they are able to interpret some of the subtle cultural clues which passed by unnoticed earlier. Now things make more sense and the culture seems more familiar. As a result, they begin to develop problem-solving skills, and feelings of disorientation and anxiety no longer affect them. 幸运的是,大多数人逐渐学会适应新文化,并进入第三阶段,即“调整和重新定位”。在这个阶段,过渡到一种新的乐观态度。随着新来者开始更多地了解新文化,他们能够解释一些之前被忽视的微妙文化线索。现在事情变得更有意义了,文化似乎更熟悉了。结果,他们开始发展解决问题的能力,迷失方向和焦虑的感觉不再影响他们。
In Kohls's model, in the fourth stage, newcomers undergo a process of adaptation. They have settled into the new culture, and this results in a feeling of direction and self-confidence. They have accepted the new food, drinks, habits and customs and may even find themselves enjoying some of the very customs that bothered them so much previously. In addition, they realise that the new culture has good and bad things to offer and that no way is really better than another, just different. 在科尔斯的模型中,在第四阶段,新来者经历了一个适应过程。他们已经适应了新的文化,这导致了一种方向感和自信。他们已经接受了新的食物、饮料、习惯和习俗,甚至可能发现自己享受着一些以前困扰他们的习俗。此外,他们意识到新文化有好有坏,没有一种方式比另一种方式更好,只是不同。
(4) Read the paragraph in blue in the passage and say which of these statements is TRUE, which is FALSE and which is NOT GIVEN. (4)阅读段落中蓝色的段落,并说出这些陈述中哪些是真的,哪些是假的,哪些不是给出的。
1 Culture shock affects most people who spend time living in another country. 1 文化冲击影响着大多数在另一个国家生活的人。
2 Culture shock affects certain types of people more quickly than others. 2 文化冲击对某些类型的人的影响比其他类型的人更快。
3 Culture shock only affects how people feel. 3 文化冲击只会影响人们的感受。
(5) Use the underlined words in Questions 1-6 below to find the relevant part of the passage. Then read those parts of the passage carefully to answer the questions. (5) 使用下文第1-6题中带下划线的词语,找出经文的相关部分。然后仔细阅读经文的这些部分来回答问题。
Questions 1-6 问题 1-6
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? 以下陈述是否与阅读文章中给出的信息一致?
Write 写
TRUE if the statement agrees with the 如果语句与
information 信息
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information 如果陈述与信息相矛盾,则为 FALSE
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 如果没有这方面的信息,则不给出
1 Australian teachers will suggest alternatives to students rather than offer one solution. 1 澳大利亚教师会向学生提出替代方案,而不是提供一种解决方案。
2 In Australia, teachers will show interest in students' personal circumstances. 2 在澳大利亚,教师会关心学生的个人情况。
3 Australians use people's first names so that everyone feels their status is similar. 3 澳大利亚人使用人们的名字,这样每个人都觉得他们的地位是相似的。
4 Students who study all the time may receive positive comments from their colleagues. 4 一直学习的学生可能会得到同事的积极评价。
5 It is acceptable to discuss financial issues with people you do not know well. 5 与你不熟悉的人讨论财务问题是可以接受的。
6 Younger Australians tend to be friendlier than older Australians. 6 年輕的澳洲人往往比年長的澳洲人更友善。
Exam advice True / False / Not Given 考试建议 对 / 错 / 未给出
If the passage expresses the same information, write TRUE. 如果这段话表达了相同的信息,请写成 TRUE。
If the passage expresses the opposite information, write FALSE. 如果这段话表达了相反的信息,就写成 FALSE。
If the passage does not include the information expressed in the question, write NOT GIVEN. 如果文章不包括问题中表达的信息,请写 NOT GIVEN。
Reading Section 2 阅读第2节
Exam information 考试信息
Reading Passage 2 is divided into paragraphs or sections: , etc 阅读文章 2 分为段落或部分: 等
The paragraph headings task comes before the passage. 段落标题任务位于段落之前。
(1) Work in pairs. You are going to read a magazine article about organic food. First, read the title and the subheading, then discuss what you expect to read about in the rest of the article. (1)两人一组工作。您将阅读一篇关于有机食品的杂志文章。首先,阅读标题和副标题,然后讨论您希望在文章的其余部分阅读的内容。
(2) Quickly read the article. Are the writers for or against organic food? (2)快速阅读文章。作者是支持还是反对有机食品?
(3) Read headings i-ix below and underline the key ideas. An example (viii) has been done for you. (3) 阅读下面的标题 i-ix,并在关键思想下划线。已经为您做了一个示例(viii)。
Questions 1-7 问题 1-7
The reading passage hasे seven paragraphs, A-G. Choose the correct heading for paragraphs from the list of heading below. 阅读段落有े七段,A-G。 从下面的标题 列表中选择段落的正确标题。
List of Headings 标题列表
i Research into whether organic food is better for us i 研究有机食品是否对我们更好
ii Adding up the cost of organic food ii 有机食品的成本相加
iii The factors that can affect food quality iii 影响食品质量的因素
iv The rich and poor see things differently iv 富人和穷人看待事物的方式不同
v A description of organic farming v 有机农业的描述
vi Testing the taste of organic food vi 测试有机食品的味道
vii Fear of science has created the organic trend vii 对科学的恐惧创造了有机趋势
viii The main reason for the popularity of organic food viii 有机食品流行的主要原因
ix The need to remove hidden dangers from food ix 消除食品隐患的必要性
1 Paragraph A .......iii....... 1 A段.......第三。。。。。。。
2 Paragraph B ........ 5 Paragraph E 2 B段........5 E段
3 Paragraph C ............. 6 Paragraph F 3 C段.............6 F段
4 Paragraph D ............. 7 Paragraph G 4 D段.............7 G段
Now read the article and choose the correct heading for each paragraph. 现在阅读文章并为每个段落选择正确的标题。
Exam advice Matching headings 考试建议 匹配标题
Read the headings, underlining the key ideas. 阅读标题,强调关键思想。
Read each paragraph carefully, one by one, to choose the best heading. 仔细阅读每个段落,一个接一个,选择最佳标题。
by Rob Lyons and Jan Bowman 作者:Rob Lyons 和 Jan Bowman
Today, many governments are promoting organic or natural farming methods that avoid the use of pesticides and other artifical products. The aim is to show that they care about the environment and about people's health. But is this the right approach? 今天,许多政府正在推广避免使用杀虫剂和其他人工产品的有机或自然耕作方法。目的是表明他们关心环境和人们的健康。但这是正确的方法吗?
A Europe is now the biggest market for organic food in the world expanding by 25 percent a year over the past 10 years. So what is the attraction. of organic food for some people? The really important thing is that organic sounds more 答:欧洲现在是世界上最大的有机食品市场,在过去10年中每年增长25%。那么有什么吸引力呢?对某些人来说有机食品?真正重要的是有机听起来更
'natural'. Eating organic is a way of defining oneself as natural, good, caring, different from the junk-food-scoffing masses. As one journalist puts it: It feels closer to the source, the beginning, the start of things.' The real desire is to be somehow close to the soil, to Mother Nature. “自然”。吃有机食品是一种将自己定义为自然、善良、有爱心的方式,与嘲笑垃圾食品的大众不同。正如一位记者所说:感觉更接近源头,事物的开始,事物的开始。真正的愿望是以某种方式接近土壤,亲近大自然。
B Unlike conventional farming, the organic approach means farming with natural, rather than man-made, fertilisers and pesticides. Techniques such as crop rotation improve soil quality and help organic farmers compensate for the absence of man-made chemicals. As a method of food production, organic is, however, inefficient in its use of labour and land; there are severe limits to how much food can be produced. Also, the environmental benefits of not using artificial fertiliser are tiny compared with the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by transporting food (a great deal of Britain's organic produce is shipped in from other countries and transported from shop to home by car). B 与传统耕作不同,有机耕作意味着使用天然而不是人造的化肥和杀虫剂进行耕作。作物轮作等技术改善了土壤质量,并帮助有机农民弥补了人造化学品的不足。然而,作为一种粮食生产方法,有机食品在劳动力和土地的使用效率低下;粮食产量受到严格限制。此外,与运输食物排放的二氧化碳量相比,不使用人造肥料的环境效益微乎其微(英国的大量有机农产品是从其他国家运来的,然后用汽车从商店运到家里)。
C Organic farming is often claimed to be safer than conventional farming - for the environment and for consumers. Yet studies into organic farming worldwide continue to reject this claim. An extensive review by the UK Food Standards Agency found that there was no statistically significant difference between organic and conventional crops. Even where results indicated there was evidence of a difference, the reviewers found no sign that these differences would have any noticeable effect on health. C 有机农业通常被认为比传统农业更安全 - 对环境和消费者来说。然而,对全球有机农业的研究继续拒绝这一说法。英国食品标准局的一项广泛审查发现,有机作物和传统作物之间没有统计学上的显着差异。即使结果表明存在差异的证据,评价员也没有发现这些差异会对健康产生任何明显影响的迹象。
D The simplistic claim that organic food is more nutritious than conventional food was always likely to be misleading. Food is a natural product, and the health value of different foods will vary for a number of reasons, including freshness, the way the food is cooked, the type of soil it D 有机食品比传统食品更有营养的简单化说法总是可能产生误导。食物是一种天然产品,不同食物的健康价值会因多种原因而有所不同,包括新鲜度、食物的烹饪方式、土壤类型
is grown in, the amount of sunlight and rain crops have received, and so on. Likewise, the flavour of a carrot has less to do with whether it was fertilised with manure or something out of a plastic sack than with the variety of carrot and how long ago it was dug up. The differences created by these things are likely to be greater than any differences brought about by using an organic or nonorganic system of production. Indeed, even some 'organic' farms are quite different from one another. 生长在,作物接受的阳光和雨水量,等等。同样,胡萝卜的味道与它是否用粪便或塑料袋中的东西施肥有关,而是与胡萝卜的种类以及它被挖出的时间有关。这些东西造成的差异可能比使用有机或非有机生产系统所带来的任何差异都要大。事实上,即使是一些“有机”农场也彼此之间有很大不同。
E The notion that organic food is safer than 'normal' food is also contradicted by the fact that many of our most common foods are full of natural toxins. Parsnips cause blisters on the skin of agricultural workers. Toasting bread creates carcinogens. As one research expert says: 'People think that the more natural something is, the better it is for them. That is simply not the case. In fact, it is the opposite that is true: the closer a plant is to its natural state, the more likely it is that it will poison you. Naturally, many plants do not want to be eaten, so we have spent 10,000 years developing agriculture and breeding out harmful traits from crops. E 有机食品比“普通”食品更安全的观念也与我们许多最常见的食物都富含天然毒素这一事实相矛盾。欧洲防风草会在农业工人的皮肤上引起水泡。烤面包会产生致癌物质。正如一位研究专家所说:“人们认为事物越自然,对他们就越好。事实并非如此。事实上,事实恰恰相反:植物越接近其自然状态,它就越有可能毒害你。当然,许多植物不想被吃掉,所以我们花了10,000年的时间发展农业,并从农作物中培育出有害的性状。
F Yet educated Europeans are more scared of eating traces of a few, strictly regulated, man-made chemicals than they are of eating the ones that nature created directly. Surrounded by plentiful food, it's not nature they worry about, but technology. Our obsessions with the ethics and safety of what we eat - concerns about antibiotics in animals, additives in food, GM crops and so on - are symptomatic of a highly technological society that has little faith in its ability to use this technology wisely. In this context, the less something is touched by the human hand, the healthier people assume it must be. 然而,受过教育的欧洲人更害怕吃一些严格管制的人造化学物质,而不是吃自然直接创造的化学物质。在丰富的食物包围下,他们担心的不是自然,而是技术。我们对所吃食物的道德和安全的痴迷——对动物抗生素、食品添加剂、转基因作物等的担忧——是一个高度技术社会的症状,它对自己明智地使用这项技术的能力几乎没有信心。在这种情况下,人手触摸的东西越少,人们就越认为它一定是健康的。
G Ultimately, the organic farming movement is an expensive luxury for shoppers in well-manicured Europe. For developing parts of the world, it is irrelevant. To European environmentalists, the fact that organic methods require more labour and land than conventional ones to get the same yields is a good thing; to a farmer in rural Africa, it is a disaster. Here, land tends to be so starved and crop yields so low that there simply is not enough organic matter to put back into the soil. Perhaps the focus should be on helping these countries to gain access to the most advanced farming techniques, rather than going back to basics. 归根结底,有机农业运动对于修剪整齐的欧洲购物者来说是一种昂贵的奢侈品。对于世界发展中地区来说,这是无关紧要的。对于欧洲环保主义者来说,有机方法比传统方法需要更多的劳动力和土地才能获得相同的产量,这是一件好事;对于非洲农村的农民来说,这是一场灾难。在这里,土地往往非常贫瘠,农作物产量如此之低,以至于根本没有足够的有机物可以放回土壤中。也许重点应该放在帮助这些国家获得最先进的农业技术上,而不是回到基础。
(5) Look at Questions 8-13 below and underline the key ideas in the questions and the options (A-E). (5) 查看下面的问题 8-13,并在问题和选项 (A-E) 中强调关键思想。
6 Now scan the passage to find where the key ideas are mentioned. Read those parts carefully and choose the correct options. 6 现在浏览这段经文,找出提到关键思想的地方。仔细阅读这些部分并选择正确的选项。
Questions 8-13 问题 8-13
Choose TWO letters, 选择两个字母,
Questions 8-9 问题 8-9
Which TWO of the following points does the writer mention in connection with organic farming? 作者提到了以下哪两点与有机农业有关?
A the occasional use of pesticides A 偶尔使用杀虫剂
B using the same field for different crops B 使用同一块田地种植不同的作物
C testing soil quality C 测试土壤质量
D reducing the number of farm workers D 减少农场工人的数量
E the production of greenhouse gases E 温室气体的产生
Questions 10-11 问题 10-11
According to the writer, which TWO factors affect the nutritional content of food? 根据作者的说法,哪两个因素会影响食物的营养成分?
A who prepares the food 准备食物的人
B the weather conditions during growth B 生长过程中的天气条件
C where the food has been stored C 食物存放的地方
D when the plants were removed from the earth D 当植物从地球上移走时
E the type of farm the food was grown on E 种植食物的农场类型
Questions 12-13 问题 12-13
Which TWO negative a spects of organic farming does the writer mention? & 作者提到了有机农业的哪两个负面因素?&
A Consumers complain about the extra cost. 答:消费者抱怨额外的费用。
B Organic food may make people ill. B 有机食品可能会使人生病。
C Farm workers have to be specially trained. C 农场工人必须经过专门培训。
D It requires too much technological expertise. D 它需要太多的技术专长。
E It is not possible in some countries. E 在某些国家/地区是不可能的。
Exam advice Pick from a list 考试建议:从列表中选择
Use the key ideas in the questions to help you find the right place in the passage. 使用问题中的关键思想来帮助你在文章中找到正确的位置。
Underline the answers in the passage and match them to the options. 在文章中给答案加下划线,并将它们与选项相匹配。
The answers may come from one section of the passage or from several paragraphs. 答案可能来自段落的一个部分或几个段落。
(7) Work in pairs. (7)两人一组工作。
How popular is organic food in your country? 有机食品在您所在的国家有多受欢迎?
Do you think people should be encouraged to eat organic food? Why? / Why not? 你认为应该鼓励人们吃有机食品吗?为什么?/为什么不呢?
Reading Section 3 阅读第3节
Exam information 考试信息
Reading Passage 3 usually contains arguments and opinions as well as information. 阅读第 3 段通常包含论点和意见以及信息。
There are 14 questions. 有 14 个问题。
(1) Work in small groups. You are going to read an article about different theories on how babies learn to talk. Before you read, look at the speech bubbles below. (1)小组工作。您将阅读一篇关于婴儿如何学习说话的不同理论的文章。在阅读之前,请查看下面的对话气泡。
1 How would you express each of these utterances? 1 你会如何表达这些话语?
2 Why do you think babies talk like this? 2 你觉得宝宝为什么会这样说话?
3 How do you think babies learn language? 3 你认为宝宝是如何学习语言的?
(2) Work in pairs. Read the title and subheading of the passage quickly. What do you expect to read about in the article? (2)两人一组工作。快速阅读文章的标题和副标题。您希望在文章中读到什么?
(3) Now read the whole passage. When do children start talking in longer sentences? (3)现在读整段经文。孩子什么时候开始用更长的句子说话?
Why don't babies talk like adults? 为什么婴儿不像大人那样说话?
Kids go from 'goo-goo' to talkative one step at a time 孩子们一步一步地从“咕”变成健谈
by Joshua Hartshorne 约书亚·哈茨霍恩(Joshua Hartshorne)
A recent e-trade advertisement shows a baby speaking directly to the camera: 'Look at this,' he says, 'I'm a free man. I go anywhere I want now.' He describes his stock-buying activities, and then his phone rings. This advertisement proves what comedians have known for years: few things are as funny as a baby who talks like an adult. But it also raises an important question: Why don't young children express themselves clearly like adults? 最近的一则电子贸易广告显示,一个婴儿直接对着镜头说话:“看这个,”他说,“我是一个自由人。我现在想去哪里就去哪里。他描述了他的股票购买活动,然后他的电话响了。这则广告证明了喜剧演员多年来所知道的:很少有事情像一个像成年人一样说话的婴儿那么有趣。但这也提出了一个重要的问题:为什么年幼的孩子不能像成年人一样清楚地表达自己?
Many people assume children learn to talk by copying what they hear. In other words, they listen to the words adults use and the situations in which they use them and imitate accordingly. Behaviourism, the scientific approach that dominated American cognitive science for the first half of the 20th century, made exactly this argument. 许多人认为孩子通过模仿他们听到的内容来学习说话。换句话说,他们倾听成年人使用的词语以及他们使用这些词语的情况,并相应地进行模仿。行为主义是20世纪上半叶主导美国认知科学的科学方法,正是提出了这一论点。
However, this 'copycat' theory can't explain why toddlers aren't as conversational as adults. After all, you never hear literate adults express themselves in one-word sentences like 'bottle' or 'doggie'. In fact, it's easy for scientists to show that a copycat theory of language acquisition can't explain children's first words. What is hard for them to do is to explain these first words, and how they fit into the language acquisition pattern. 然而,这种“模仿”理论并不能解释为什么蹒跚学步的孩子不像成年人那样健谈。毕竟,你从来没有听到有文化的成年人用“瓶子”或“小狗”这样的单字句子来表达自己。事實上,科學家很容易證明,語言學習的模仿理論無法解釋兒童的第一個詞。对他们来说,很难做的是解释这些第一句话,以及它们如何适应语言习得模式。
Over the past half-century, scientists have settled on two reasonable possibilities. The first of these is called the 'mental-developmental hypothesis'. It states that one-year-olds speak in baby talk because their immature brains can't handle adult speech. Children don't learn to walk until their bodies are ready. Likewise, they don't speak multi-word sentences or use word endings and function words ('Mummy opened the boxes') before their brains are ready. 在过去的半个世纪里,科学家们已经确定了两种合理的可能性。其中第一个被称为“心理发展假说”。它指出,一岁的孩子会用婴儿说话,因为他们不成熟的大脑无法处理成人的言语。孩子们在身体准备好之前不会学会走路。同样,在他们的大脑准备好之前,他们不会说多词句子或使用词尾和功能词(“妈妈打开了盒子”)。
The second is called the 'stages-of-language hypothesis', which states that the stages of progress in child speech are necessary stages in language development. 第二种被称为“语言阶段假说”,它指出儿童言语的进步阶段是语言发展的必要阶段。
A basketball player can't perfect his or her jump shot before learning to (1) jump and (2) shoot. Similarly, children learn to multiply after they have learned to add. This is the order in which children are taught - not the reverse. There's evidence, for instance, that children don't usually begin speaking in two-word sentences until they've learned a certain number of single words. In other words, until they've crossed that linguistic threshold, the word-combination process doesn't get going. 篮球运动员在学习 (1) 跳跃和 (2) 投篮之前无法完善他或她的跳投。同样,孩子们在学会加法后学会了乘法。这是教育孩子的顺序,而不是相反。例如,有证据表明,孩子们在学会一定数量的单个单词之前通常不会开始用两个单词的句子说话。换句话说,在他们跨过语言门槛之前,单词组合过程不会开始。
The difference between these theories is this: under the mental-development hypothesis, language learning should depend on the child's age and level of mental development when he or she starts learning a language. Under the stages-of-language hypothesis, however, 这些理论的区别在于:在心理发展假说下,语言学习应该取决于儿童开始学习语言时的年龄和智力发展水平。然而,在语言阶段假说下,
it shouldn't depend on such patterns, but only on the completion of previous stages. 它不应该依赖于这样的模式,而只依赖于前几个阶段的完成。
In 2007, researchers at Harvard University, who were studying the two theories, found a clever way to test them. More than 20,000 internationally adopted children enter the US each year. Many of them no longer hear their birth language after they arrive, and they must learn English more or less the same way infants do - that is, by listening and by trial and error. International adoptees don't take classes or use a dictionary when they are learning their new tongue and most of them don't have a well-developed first language. All of these factors make them an ideal population in which to test these competing hypotheses about how language is learned. 2007年,哈佛大学的研究人员正在研究这两种理论,他们找到了一种巧妙的方法来测试它们。每年有超过 20,000 名国际收养的儿童进入美国。他们中的许多人在到达后不再听到他们的出生语言,他们必须或多或少地像婴儿一样学习英语——即通过听力和反复试验。国际收养者在学习新语言时不上课或使用字典,他们中的大多数人没有发达的第一语言。所有这些因素使他们成为测试这些关于语言如何学习的竞争假设的理想人群。
Neuroscientists Jesse Snedeker, Joy Geren and Carissa Shafto studied the language development of 27 children adopted from China between the ages of two and five years. These children began learning English at an older age than US natives and had more mature brains with which to tackle the task. Even so, just as with American-born infants, their first English sentences consisted of single words and were largely bereft of function words, word endings and verbs. The adoptees then went through the same stages as typical Americanborn children, albeit at a faster clip. The adoptees and native children started combining words in sentences when their vocabulary reached the same sizes, further suggesting that what matters is not how old you are or how mature your brain is, but the number of words you know. 神经科学家杰西·斯内德克(Jesse Snedeker)、乔伊·格伦(Joy Geren)和卡丽莎·沙夫托(Carissa Shafto)研究了27名从中国收养的2至5岁儿童的语言发展情况。这些孩子开始学习英语的年龄比美国本地人大,并且有更成熟的大脑来完成这项任务。即便如此,就像美国出生的婴儿一样,他们的第一个英语句子由单个单词组成,并且基本上没有功能词、词尾和动词。然后,被收养者经历了与典型的美国出生的孩子相同的阶段,尽管速度更快。当被收养者和原住民儿童的词汇量达到相同大小时,他们开始在句子中组合单词,这进一步表明,重要的不是你多大或你的大脑有多成熟,而是你知道的单词数量。
This finding - that having more mature brains did not help the adoptees avoid the toddler-talk stage - suggests that babies speak in babytalk not because they have baby brains, but because they have only just started learning and need time to gain enough vocabulary to be able to expand their conversations. Before long, the one-word stage will give way to the two-word stage and so on. Learning how to chat like an adult is a gradual process. 这一发现 - 拥有更成熟的大脑并不能帮助被收养者避免蹒跚学步的谈话阶段 - 表明婴儿用婴儿说话不是因为他们有婴儿大脑,而是因为他们刚刚开始学习,需要时间来获得足够的词汇量来扩展他们的对话。用不了多久,一个词的阶段就会让位于两个词的阶段,依此类推。学习如何像成年人一样聊天是一个循序渐进的过程。
But this potential answer also raises an even older and more difficult question. Adult immigrants who learn a second language rarely achieve the same proficiency in a foreign language as the average child raised as a native speaker. Researchers have long suspected there is a 'critical period' for language development, after which it cannot proceed with full success to fluency. Yet we still do not understand this critical period or know why it ends. 但这个潜在的答案也提出了一个更古老、更困难的问题。学习第二语言的成年移民很少能达到与母语人士抚养的普通儿童相同的外语熟练程度。长期以来,研究人员一直怀疑语言发展有一个“关键时期”,在此之后,语言发展就无法完全成功地流利地进行。然而,我们仍然不了解这个关键时期,也不知道它为什么会结束。
(4) Work in pairs. Look at the underlining in Question 1 below, then read the first paragraph of the passage. What is the answer? (4)两人一组工作。请看下面问题 1 的下划线,然后阅读文章的第一段。答案是什么?
Questions 1-4 问题 1-4
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in the reading passage? Write 以下陈述是否与作者在阅读文章中的主张一致?写
if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer 如果陈述与作者的主张一致
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this 如果无法说出作者对此的看法,则不予
This is a paraphrase of few things are as funny in the first paragraph of the passage. 这是一段话中很少有事情像这样有趣的转述。
1 People are extremely amused when they see a baby talk like an adult. 1 当人们看到婴儿像大人一样说话时,他们会感到非常有趣。
2 Behaviourists of the early 20 th century argued that children learn to speak by copying adults. 2 20世纪初的行为主义者认为,儿童通过模仿成人来学习说话。
3 Children have more conversations with adults than with other children. 3 儿童与成人的对话多于与其他儿童的对话。
4 Scientists have found it easy to work out why babies use one-word sentences. 4 科学家发现,要弄清楚为什么婴儿会用一个词的句子,很容易。
These words are similar to words in the passage, so they lield find the right place. 这些词与经文中的词相似,所以它们找到了正确的地方。
(5) Now underline the words in Questions 2-4 that help you find the right place in the passage. Then answer Questions 2-4. (5)现在在问题 2-4 中用下划线来强调,这些词语可以帮助您在经文中找到正确的位置。然后回答问题 2-4。
Exam advice Yes / No / Not Given 考试建议 是 / 否 / 不
You should use the same approach for True / False / Not Given and Yes / No / Not Given questions (see page 11). 对于“真/假/未给出”和“是/否/未给出”问题,您应该使用相同的方法(参见第 11 页)。
Write your answer clearly. If the examiner is not sure what you have written, it will be marked wrong. 把你的答案写清楚。如果考官不确定你写了什么,就会被打错。
The World Wide Web from its origins 万维网的起源
Science inspired the World Wide Web, and the Web has responded by changing science. 科学启发了万维网,而万维网也通过改变科学来回应。
'Information Management: A Proposal'. That was the bland title of a document written in March 1989 by a then littleknown computer scientist called Tim Berners-Lee, who was working at CERN, Europe's particle physics laboratory, near Geneva. His proposal, modestly called the World Wide Web, has achieved far more than anyone expected at the time. “信息管理:一项建议”。这是1989年3月由当时名不见经传的计算机科学家蒂姆·伯纳斯-李(Tim Berners-Lee)撰写的一份文件的平淡标题,他当时在日内瓦附近的欧洲粒子物理实验室欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)工作。他的提议被谦虚地称为万维网,其成就远远超出了当时任何人的预期。
In fact, the Web was invented to deal with a specific problem. In the late 1980s, CERN was planning one of the most ambitious scientific projects ever, the Large Hadron Collider*, or LHC. As the first few lines of the original proposal put it, 'Many of the discussions of the future at CERN and the LHC end with the question "Yes, but how will we ever keep track of such a large project?" This proposal provides an answer to such questions.' 事实上,网络的发明是为了处理一个特定的问题。在1980年代后期,欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)正在计划有史以来最雄心勃勃的科学项目之一,即大型强子对撞机*(LHC)。正如最初提案的前几行所说,“欧洲核子研究中心和大型强子对撞机关于未来的许多讨论都以一个问题结束:”是的,但我们将如何跟踪这样一个大型项目?该提案为这些问题提供了答案。
The Web, as everyone now knows, has many more uses than the original idea of linking electronic documents about particle physics in laboratories around the world. But among all the changes it has brought about, from personal socia networks to political campaigning, it has also transformed the business of doing science itself, as the man who invented it hoped it would. 众所周知,网络的用途比最初的想法要多得多,即在世界各地的实验室中链接有关粒子物理学的电子文档。但是,在它带来的所有变化中,从个人社会网络到政治竞选,它也改变了科学本身的业务,正如发明它的人所希望的那样。
It allows journals to be published online and links to be made from one paper to another. It also permits professional scientists to recruit thousands of amateurs to give them a hand. One project of this type, called GalaxyZoo, used these unpaid workers to classify one million images of galaxies into various types (spiral, elliptical and irregular). This project, which was intended to help astronomers understand how galaxies evolve, was so successful that a successor has now been launched, to classify the brightest quarter of a million of them in finer detail. People working for a more modest project called Herbaria@home examine scanned images of handwritten notes about old plants stored in British museums. This will allow them to track the changes in the distribution of species in response to climate change. 它允许在线出版期刊,并建立从一篇论文到另一篇论文的链接。它还允许专业科学家招募数千名业余爱好者来帮助他们。一个名为GalaxyZoo的此类项目利用这些无偿工人将100万张星系图像分类为各种类型(螺旋形,椭圆形和不规则形)。这个项目旨在帮助天文学家了解星系是如何演化的,它非常成功,以至于现在已经启动了一个继任者,对其中一百万个星系中最亮的四分之一进行更详细的分类。为一个名为“Herbaria@home”的更温和的项目工作的人检查了存放在英国博物馆的有关古老植物的手写笔记的扫描图像。这将使他们能够跟踪物种分布的变化,以应对气候变化。
Another new scientific application of the Web is to use it as an experimental laboratory. It is allowing social scientists, in particular, to do things that were previously impossible. In one project, scientists made observations about the sizes of human social networks using data from Facebook. A second investigation of these networks, produced by Bernardo Huberman of HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard's research arm in Palo Alto, California, looked at Twitter, a social networking website that allows people to post short messages to long lists of friends. 万维网的另一个新的科学应用是将其用作实验实验室。它尤其允许社会科学家做以前不可能的事情。在一个项目中,科学家们使用来自Facebook的数据对人类社交网络的规模进行了观察。惠普位于加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托的研究部门惠普实验室的贝尔纳多·胡伯曼(Bernardo Huberman)对这些网络进行了第二次调查,调查了Twitter,这是一个社交网站,允许人们向一长串朋友发布短消息。
At first glance, the networks seemed enormous - the 300,000 Twitterers sampled had 80 friends each, on average (those on Facebook had 120), but some listed up to 1,000 . Closer statistical inspection, however, revealed that the majority of the messages were directed at a few specific friends. This showed that an individual's active social network is far smaller than his 'clan'. Dr Huberman has also helped uncover several laws of web surfing, including the number of times an average person will go from web page to web page on a given site before giving up, and the details of the 'winner takes all' phenomenon, whereby a few sites on a given subject attract most of the attention, and the rest get very little. 乍一看,这些网络似乎很庞大——抽样的 300,000 名 Twitter 用户平均每人有 80 个朋友(Facebook 上有 120 个),但有些人列出了多达 1,000 个。然而,更仔细的统计检查显示,大多数消息都是针对少数特定朋友的。这表明,一个人活跃的社交网络远远小于他的“氏族”。Huberman博士还帮助发现了网上冲浪的几个规律,包括一个普通人在放弃之前在给定网站上从一个网页到另一个网页的次数,以及“赢家通吃”现象的细节,即一个特定主题的几个网站吸引了大部分的注意力。 其余的很少。
Scientists have been good at using the Web to carry out research. However, they have not been so effective at employing the latest web-based social-networking tools to open up scientific discussion and encourage more effective collaboration. 科学家们一直善于使用网络进行研究。然而,他们在利用最新的基于网络的社交网络工具来开启科学讨论和鼓励更有效的合作方面并没有那么有效。
Journalists are now used to having their articles commented on by dozens of readers. Indeed, many bloggers develop and refine their essays as a result of these comments. Yet although people have tried to have scientific research reviewed in the same way, most researchers only accept reviews from a few anonymous experts. When Nature, one of the world's most respected scientific journals, experimented with open peer review in 2006 , the results were disappointing. Only of the authors it spoke to agreed to have their article posted for review on the Web - and their instinct turned out to be right, because almost half of the papers attracted no comments. Michael Nielsen, an expert on quantum computers, belongs to a new wave of scientist bloggers who want to change this. He thinks the reason for the lack of comments is that potential reviewers lack incentive 记者们现在已经习惯于让数十名读者评论他们的文章。事实上,由于这些评论,许多博主发展和完善了他们的文章。然而,尽管人们试图以同样的方式对科学研究进行审查,但大多数研究人员只接受少数匿名专家的评论。2006年,世界上最受尊敬的科学期刊之一《自然》杂志尝试公开同行评审,结果令人失望。只有 与它交谈的作者同意将他们的文章发布到网络上供审查 - 他们的直觉被证明是正确的,因为几乎一半的论文没有引起评论。量子计算机专家迈克尔·尼尔森(Michael Nielsen)属于希望改变这种状况的新一波科学家博主。他认为,缺乏评论的原因是潜在的审稿人缺乏动力
adapted from The Economist 改编自《经济学人》
The Large Hadron Collider (LLHC) is the world's largest particle accelerator and collides particle beams. It provides information on fundamental questions of physics. 大型强子对撞机(LLHC)是世界上最大的粒子加速器,可碰撞粒子束。它提供了有关物理学基本问题的信息。
(2) Complete these sentences from the Listening section by writing the correct form of a word from Exercise 1 in each gap. You will have to use one word twice. (2) 通过在每个空白处写下练习 1 中单词的正确形式来完成听力部分的这些句子。您将不得不使用一个单词两次。
I phoned you earlier about an eco-holiday, you know, one of those holidays where you don't damage 1 the enviromment at all and you get close to 2 我之前打电话给你关于一个生态假期,你知道,其中一个假期你根本不会破坏 1 环境,你接近 2
You get to stay in a quite luxurious house or cabin built high up in a tree and surrounded by lovely 3 你可以住在一个相当豪华的房子或小屋里,建在一棵树上,周围环绕着可爱的3
You go and stay with a local family in their house in a small mountain village away from other 你去和当地一个家庭住在一个小山村的房子里
4 and the usual 5 4 和通常的 5
spots. 斑点。
You might like it because international 你可能会喜欢它,因为国际
6 hasn't spoilt it yet. 6 还没有剧透。
(3) Four of these sentences contain a mistake made by IELTS candidafes in the exam. Find and correct the mistakes. (3)其中四句话包含雅思考生在考试中犯的错误。查找并纠正错误。
1 As far as I am concerned, the increase in the amount of tourist is inevitable. tourism 1 就我而言,游客数量的增加是不可避免的。旅游
2 In conclusion, the nature we live in is very important to us and therefore we should all try to protect it, 2 总之,我们生活的大自然对我们来说非常重要,因此我们都应该努力保护它,
3 There is also a very positive side to tourists because it brings money and business to places. 3 游客也有非常积极的一面,因为它为地方带来了金钱和生意。
4 They live in a lovely old house surrounded by beautiful countryside. 4 他们住在一栋可爱的老房子里,周围环绕着美丽的乡村。
5 People from the city leave their rubbish in the nature and spoil it as a result. 5 城里人把垃圾留在大自然中,结果破坏了它。
Reading Section 2 阅读第2节
(1) Work in pairs. You are going to read an article about a form of renewable energy. Before you read, look at the title and the subheading and answer these questions. (1)两人一组工作。您将阅读一篇关于可再生能源的文章。在阅读之前,请查看标题和副标题并回答这些问题。
1 What do you think the article will be about? 1 你认为这篇文章会是关于什么的?
2 What problems do you think there might be with producing electricity in this way? 2 您认为以这种方式发电可能会有什么问题?
Now read the article quite quickly to find three problems with producing electricity in the Sahara. 现在快速阅读这篇文章,找出撒哈拉沙漠发电的三个问题。
Vivienne Walt reports on how the Sahara Desert could offer a truly green solution to Europe's energy problems 薇薇安·沃尔特(Vivienne Walt)报道了撒哈拉沙漠如何为欧洲的能源问题提供真正的绿色解决方案
A For years, the Sahara has been regarded by many Europeans as a terra incognita of little economic value or importance. But this idea may soon change completely. Politicians and scientists on both sides of the Mediterranean are beginning to focus on the Sahara's potential to provide power for Europe in the future. They believe the desert's true value comes from the fact that it is dry and empty. Some areas of the Sahara reach 45 degrees centigrade on many afternoons. It is, in other words, a gigantic natural storehouse of solar energy. 多年来,撒哈拉沙漠一直被许多欧洲人视为一个不为人知 的土地,没有什么经济价值或重要性。但这个想法可能很快就会完全改变。地中海两岸的政治家和科学家开始关注撒哈拉沙漠未来为欧洲提供电力的潜力。他们认为沙漠的真正价值来自于它干燥和空旷的事实。撒哈拉沙漠的一些地区在许多下午达到45摄氏度。换句话说,它是一个巨大的太阳能天然仓库。
B A few years ago, scientists began to calculate just how much energy the Sahara holds. They were astonished at the answer. In theory, a 90,600 square kilometre chunk of the Sahara - smaller than Portugal and a little over of its total area - could yield the same amount of electricity as all the world's power plants combined. A smaller square of 15,500 square kilometres - about the size of Connecticut could provide electricity for Europe's 500 million people. 'I admit I was sceptical until I did the calculations myself,' says Michael Pawlyn, director of Exploration Architecture, one of three British environmental companies comprising the Sahara Forest Project, which is testing solar plants in Oman and the United Arab Emirates. Pawlyn calls the Sahara's potential 'staggering'. 几年前,科学家们开始计算撒哈拉沙漠拥有多少能量。他们对这个答案感到惊讶。从理论上讲,撒哈拉沙漠90,600平方公里的一块 - 比葡萄牙还小,略高于 其总面积 - 可以产生与世界上所有发电厂总和相同的电力。一个面积为15,500平方公里的小广场 - 大约是康涅狄格州的大小,可以为欧洲的5亿人提供电力。“我承认,在我自己进行计算之前,我是持怀疑态度的,”Exploration Architecture的主管Michael Pawlyn说,该公司是组成撒哈拉森林项目的三家英国环境公司之一,该项目正在阿曼和阿拉伯联合酋长国测试太阳能发电厂。Pawlyn称撒哈拉沙漠的潜力“惊人”。
C At the moment, no one is proposing the creation of a solar power station the size of a small country. But a relatively well-developed technology exists, which proponents say could turn the Sahara's heat and sunlight into a major source of electricity - Concentrating Solar Power (CSP). Unlike solar panels, which convert sunlight directly into electricity, CSP utilises mirrors which focus light on water pipes or boilers to produce very hot steam to operate the turbines of generators. Small CSP plants have produced power in California's Mojave Desert since the 1980s. The Sahara Forest Project proposes building CSP plants in areas below sea level [the Sahara has several such depressions] so that sea water can flow into them. This water would then be purified and used for powering turbines and washing dust off the mirrors. Waste water would then supply irrigation to areas around the stations, creating lush oases - hence the 'forest' in the group's name. C 目前,没有人提议建立一个小国大小的太阳能发电站。但是存在一种相对发达的技术,支持者说它可以将撒哈拉沙漠的热量和阳光转化为主要的电力来源 - 聚光太阳能(CSP)。与将太阳光直接转化为电能的太阳能电池板不同,CSP利用镜子将光线聚焦在水管或锅炉上,产生非常热的蒸汽来运行发电机的涡轮机。自 1980 年代以来,小型 CSP 工厂一直在加利福尼亚州的莫哈韦沙漠发电。撒哈拉森林项目建议在海平面以下地区建造CSP工厂(撒哈拉沙漠有几个这样的洼地),以便海水可以流入其中。然后,这些水将被净化并用于为涡轮机提供动力并洗去镜子上的灰尘。然后,废水将向车站周围的区域提供灌溉,形成郁郁葱葱的绿洲 - 因此该集团的名称为“森林”。
D But producing significant quantities of electricity means building huge arrays of mirrors and pipes across hundreds of miles of remote desert, which is expensive. Gerry Wolff, an engineer who heads DESERTEC, an international consortium of solar-power scientists, says they have estimated it will cost about billion to begin transmitting power from the Sahara by 2020. 但要生产大量的电力,就意味着要在数百英里的偏远沙漠中建造巨大的镜子和管道阵列,这很昂贵。国际太阳能科学家联盟DESERTEC的负责人格里·沃尔夫(Gerry Wolff)表示,他们估计到2020年开始从撒哈拉沙漠传输电力将花费约 10亿美元。
E Building plants is just part of the challenge. One of the drawbacks to CSP technology is that it works at maximum efficiency only in sunny, hot climates - and deserts tend to be distant from population centres. To supply Europe with of its electricity needs, more than 19,300 kilometres of cables would need to be laid under the Mediterranean, says Gunnar Asplund, head of HVDC research at ABB Power Technologies in Ludvika, Sweden. Indeed, to use renewable sources of power, including solar, wind and tidal, Europe will need to build completely new electrical grids. That's because existing infrastructures, built largely for the coalfired plants that supply of Europe's power, would not be suitable for carrying the amount of electricity generated by the Sahara. Germany's government-run Aerospace Centre, which researches energy, estimates that replacing those lines could raise the cost of building solar plants in the Sahara and sending significant amounts of power to Europe to about billion over the next 40 years. Generous government subsidies will be needed. 'Of course it costs a lot of money,' says Asplund. 'It's a lot cheaper to burn coal than to make solar power in the Sahara. E 建造工厂只是挑战的一部分。CSP技术的缺点之一是,它只能在阳光明媚、炎热的气候下以最高效率工作,而沙漠往往远离人口中心。为了满足欧洲 的电力需求,需要在地中海铺设超过19,300公里的电缆,瑞典卢德维卡ABB电力技术公司高压直流输电研究主管Gunnar Asplund说。事实上,为了使用可再生能源,包括太阳能、风能和潮汐能,欧洲将需要建立全新的电网。这是因为现有的基础设施主要为供应欧洲电力的燃煤电厂 而建,不适合承载撒哈拉沙漠的发电量。德国政府运营的航空航天中心(Aerospace Centre)估计,更换这些线路可能会将撒哈拉沙漠的太阳能发电厂建设成本提高到未来40年内向欧洲输送大量电力的成本,达到约 10亿。需要慷慨的政府补贴。“当然,这要花很多钱,”Asplund说。“在撒哈拉沙漠里烧煤比制造太阳能便宜得多。
F Meanwhile, some companies are getting started. Seville engineering company Abengoa is building one solarthermal plant in Algeria and another in Morocco, while a third is being built in Egypt by a Spanish-Japanese joint venture. The next step will be to get cables in place. Although the European Parliament has passed a law that aids investors who help the continent reach its goal of getting of its power from renewable energy by 2020 , it could take years to create the necessary infrastructure. F 与此同时,一些公司正在起步。塞维利亚工程公司Abengoa正在阿尔及利亚和摩洛哥分别建造一座太阳能热电站和另一座太阳能热电厂,而西班牙和日本的合资企业正在埃及建造第三座。下一步将是将电缆安装到位。尽管欧洲议会已经通过了一项法律,帮助投资者帮助欧洲大陆实现到2020年从可再生能源中获得 电力的目标,但可能需要数年时间才能建立必要的基础设施。
G Nicholas Dunlop, secretary-general of the London-based NGO e-Parliament, thinks companies should begin transmitting small amounts of solar power as soon as the 总部设在伦敦的非政府组织e-Parliament秘书长G·尼古拉斯·邓洛普(G Nicholas Dunlop)认为,公司应该在
North African plants begin operating, by linking a few cable lines under the Med. 'I call it the Lego method,' he says. 'Build it piece by piece.' If it can be shown that power from the Sahara can be produced profitably, he says, companies and governments will soon jump in. If they do, perhaps airplane passengers flying across the Sahara will one day count the mirrors and patches of green instead of staring at sand. 北非的工厂开始运营,通过连接地中海下的几条电缆线。 “我称之为乐高方法,”他说。“一块一块地建造它。”他说,如果能够证明撒哈拉沙漠的电力可以盈利,公司和政府很快就会加入进来。如果他们这样做了,也许飞越撒哈拉沙漠的飞机乘客有一天会数镜子和绿色的斑块,而不是盯着沙子。
(3) Read the instructions for Questions 1-5 below and answer these questions. Then underline the key ideas in Questions 1-5. (3) 阅读下面第 1-5 题的说明并回答这些问题。然后强调问题 1-5 中的关键思想。
1 Will you need to use all the letters, A-G, in your answers? 1 您是否需要在答案中使用所有字母 A-G?
2 Can you use the same letter for more than one answer? 2 你能用同一个字母来回答多个问题吗?
Questions 1-5 问题 1-5
The reading passage has seven paragraphs, A-G. 阅读段落有七个段落,A-G。
Which paragraph contains the following information? 哪一段包含以下信息?
Write the correct letter, . 写正确的字母, .
NB You may use any letter more than once. 注意:您可以多次使用任何字母。
1 a mention of systems which could not be used 1 提及无法使用的系统
2 estimates of the quantity of power the Sahara could produce 2 对撒哈拉沙漠可能产生的电力数量的估计
3 a suggestion for how to convince organisations about the Sahara's potential 3 关于如何说服组织相信撒哈拉沙漠潜力的建议
4 a short description of the Sahara at present 4 目前对撒哈拉沙漠的简要描述
5 a comparison of the costs of two different energy sources 5 两种不同能源成本的比较
(4) Now read the article and answer Questions 1-5. (4) 现在阅读文章并回答问题 1-5。
Exam advice Matching information 考试建议 匹配信息
Read the instructions carefully. 请仔细阅读说明。
You will not need all the paragraphs for your answers. 您的答案不需要所有段落。
You may be able to find two of the answers in the same paragraph. 您也许可以在同一段落中找到两个答案。
Read the questions carefully. 请仔细阅读问题。
Underline the key ideas in each of them. 强调每个关键思想。
Quickly find the right part of the passage and read carefully to make sure it covers the information. 快速找到文章的正确部分并仔细阅读以确保它涵盖了信息。
The way the brain buys 大脑购买的方式
Supermarkets take great care over the way the goods they sell are 超市非常注意他们销售的商品的方式arranged. This is because they know a lot about how to persuade 安排。这是因为他们知道如何说服people to buy things. 人们买东西。
When you enter a supermarket, it takes some time for the mind to get into a shopping mode. This is why the area immediately inside the entrance of a supermarket is known as the 'decompression zone'. People need to slow down and take stock of the surroundings, even if they are regulars. Supermarkets do not expect to sell much here, so it tends to be used more for promotion. So the large items piled up here are designed to suggest that there are bargains further inside the store, and shoppers are not necessarily expected to buy them. Walmart, the world's biggest retailer, famously employs 'greeters' at the entrance to its stores. A friendly welcome is said to cut shoplifting. It is harder to steal from nice people. 当你进入超市时,头脑需要一些时间才能进入购物模式。这就是为什么紧挨着超市入口的区域被称为“减压区”的原因。人们需要放慢脚步,评估周围的环境,即使他们是常客。超市预计在这里卖得不多,所以它往往更多地用于促销。因此,这里堆积的大件商品旨在暗示商店内还有便宜货,购物者不一定会购买它们。沃尔玛是全球最大的零售商,以其商店入口处雇用“迎宾员”而闻名。据说友好的欢迎可以减少入店行窃。从好人那里偷东西更难。
Immediately to the left in many supermarkets is a chill zone', where customers can enjoy browsing magazines, books and DVDs. This is intended to tempt unplanned purchases and slow customers down. But people who just want to do their shopping quickly will keep walking ahead, and the first thing they come to is the fresh fruit and vegetables section. However, for shoppers, this makes no sense. Fruit and vegetables can be easily damaged, so they should be bought at the end, not the beginning, of a shopping trip. But psychology is at work here: selecting these items makes people feel good, so they feel less guilty about reaching for less healthy food later on. 在许多超市的左边是一个休闲区,顾客可以在那里浏览杂志、书籍和DVD。这是为了吸引计划外的购买并减慢客户的速度。但只想快速购物的人会继续走在前面,他们首先来到的是新鲜水果和蔬菜区。然而,对于购物者来说,这是没有意义的。水果和蔬菜很容易损坏,因此应该在购物之旅的最后而不是开始时购买。但心理学在这里起作用:选择这些食物会让人们感觉良好,所以他们以后会因为吃不太健康的食物而感到内疚。
Shoppers already know that everyday items, like milk, are invariably placed towards the back of a store to provide more opportunity to tempt customers to buy things which are not on their shopping list. This is why pharmacies are also generally at the back. But supermarkets know shoppers know this, so they use other tricks, like placing popular items halfway along a section so that people have to walk all along the aisle looking for them. The idea is to boost 'dwell time': the length of time people spend in a store. 购物者已经知道,像牛奶这样的日常用品总是放在商店的后面,以提供更多机会来吸引顾客购买不在购物清单上的东西。这就是为什么药店通常也排在后面的原因。但超市知道购物者知道这一点,所以他们使用其他技巧,比如将热门商品放在一个区域的中间,这样人们就不得不沿着过道走来走去寻找它们。这个想法是为了增加“停留时间”:人们在商店里花费的时间长度。
Having walked to the end of the fruit-and-vegetable aisle, shoppers arrive at counters of prepared food, the fishmonger, the butcher and the deli. Then there is the in-store bakery, which can be smelt before it is seen. Even small supermarkets now use in-store bakeries. Mostly these bake pre-prepared items and frozen ingredients which have been delivered to the supermarket previously, and their numbers have increased, even though central bakeries that deliver to a number of stores are much more efficient. They do it for the smell of freshly baked bread, which arouses people's appetites and thus encourages them to purchase not just bread but also other food, including ready meals. 走到水果和蔬菜过道的尽头,购物者来到准备好的食物柜台,鱼贩,肉店和熟食店。然后是店内面包店,可以在看到它之前闻到它。即使是小型超市现在也使用店内面包店。这些烘焙大多是以前送到超市的预制食品和冷冻原料,尽管运送到许多商店的中央面包店效率更高,但它们的数量有所增加。他们这样做是为了闻到新鲜出炉的面包的气味,这激起了人们的食欲,从而鼓励他们不仅购买面包,还购买其他食品,包括即食食品。
Retailers and producers talk a lot about the 'moment of truth'. This is not a philosophical idea, but the point when people standing in the aisle decide to buy something and reach to get it. At the instant coffee section, for example, branded products from the big producers are arranged at eye level while cheaper ones are lower down, along with the supermarket's own-label products. 零售商和生产商经常谈论“关键时刻”。这不是一个哲学思想,而是站在过道上的人们决定买东西并伸手去拿它的时候。例如,在速溶咖啡区,大型生产商的品牌产品与超市的自有品牌产品一起排列在视线水平,而更便宜的产品则位于下方。
But shelf positioning is fiercely fought over, not just by those trying to sell goods, but also by those arguing over how best to manipulate shoppers. While many stores reckon eye level is the top spot, some think a little higher is better. Others think goods displayed at the end of aisles sell the most because they have the greatest visibility. To be on the right-hand side of an eye-level selection is often considered the very best place, because most people are right-handed and most people's eyes drift rightwards. Some supermarkets reserve that for their most expensive own-label goods. 但是,货架定位的争夺非常激烈,不仅有那些试图销售商品的人,还有那些争论如何最好地操纵购物者的人。虽然许多商店认为视线水平是最重要的,但有些人认为高一点越好。其他人则认为在过道尽头展示的商品卖得最多,因为它们具有最大的知名度。在视线水平选择的右侧通常被认为是最好的位置,因为大多数人都是右撇子,大多数人的眼睛都向右漂移。一些超市将其保留用于最昂贵的自有品牌商品。
Scott Bearse, a retail expert with Deloitte Consulting in Boston, Massachusetts, has led projects observing and questioning tens of thousands of customers about how they feel about shopping. People say they leave shops emptyhanded more often because they are 'unable to decide' than because prices are too high, says Mr Bearse. Getting customers to try something is one of the best ways of getting them to buy, adds Mr Bearse. Deloitte found that customers who use fitting rooms in order to try on clothes buy the product they are considering at a rate of compared with for those that do not do so. 马萨诸塞州波士顿德勤咨询公司(Deloitte Consulting)的零售专家斯科特·贝尔斯(Scott Bearse)领导了项目,观察并询问了数以万计的顾客对购物的感受。比尔斯说,人们说,他们经常空手而归,因为他们“无法决定”,而不是因为价格太高。让顾客尝试一些东西是让他们购买的最佳方式之一,Bearse 先生补充道。德勤发现,使用试衣间试穿衣服的顾客购买他们正在考虑的产品的比率与 不试衣的顾客 相比。
Often a customer struggling to decide which of two items is best ends up not buying either. In order to avoid a situation where a customer decides not to buy either product, a third 'decoy' item, which is not quite as good as the other two, is placed beside them to make the choice easier and more pleasurable. Happier customers are more likely to buy. 通常,客户在努力决定两件商品中的哪一件最好时,最终也不会购买。为了避免客户决定不购买任何一种产品的情况,在他们旁边放置了第三件“诱饵”物品,该物品不如其他两种产品好,以使选择更容易、更愉快。更快乐的客户更有可能购买。