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Lei Jun broke the news: SU7 gross profit is 5-10%, and the locked order exceeds 70,000, but Xiaomi mobile phone fell out of the top five, Zhijie NIO subsidized 5,000 to grab orders

车智·2024-04-23 20:33
小米汽车开了个好局,但小米手机似乎开始出现危机! Xiaomi cars are off to a good start, but Xiaomi mobile phones seem to be in crisis!

On April 23, Beijing time, Xiaomi Group held an investor conference. At the conference, Lei Jun confirmed that as of April 20, the number of locked orders for Xiaomi SU7 has exceeded 70,000 units, and it is currently making every effort to expand production capacity. The delivery target this year is 10 Thousands of units.

在小米汽车APP上可以看到,现在锁单各版本交付周期分别是1、SU7是 29-32周、SU7 Pro是28-31周、SU7 Max是32-35周,交付周期最短的是Pro版本也是7个月、交付周期最长的是Max版本8.75个月。
As you can see on the Xiaomi Auto APP, the current delivery cycle for each version of the lock order is 1, SU7 is 29-32 weeks, SU7 Pro is 28-31 weeks, SU7 Max is 32-35 weeks, and the Pro version has the shortest delivery cycle. It is also 7 months, and the Max version has the longest delivery cycle of 8.75 months.

That’s why Lei Jun said that he is making every effort to expand production capacity and expects to deliver 100,000 units this year. This means that near the end of the year, Xiaomi SU7’s monthly production capacity may be close to 20,000 units. Since the deposit for locking an order with Xiaomi is 5,000 yuan, the deposit for the previous Max Founder Edition was 20,000 yuan.

在投资者大会上,雷军还分享了小米SU7的毛利率,雷军认为在供应商给了非常好的成本和支持下,预计大概毛利率会在 5-10%。但是,今天的销量比预计还要大不少,具体数字还需要仔细核算。
At the investor conference, Lei Jun also shared the gross profit margin of Xiaomi SU7. Lei Jun believes that with very good costs and support from suppliers, the gross profit margin is expected to be approximately 5-10%. However, today's sales volume is much larger than expected, and the specific figures need to be calculated carefully.

华为智界、蔚来补贴5000抢单SU7 Huawei Smart World and NIO subsidize 5,000 yuan to grab orders for SU7

超长的交付周期,是小米SU7现在面临的最大问题。 The extremely long delivery cycle is the biggest problem Xiaomi SU7 is facing now.

This also gives friends the opportunity to grab orders. Many brands or dealers are still willing to subsidize 5,000 yuan to grab orders. Huawei Zhijie has taken the lead and can provide a subsidy of 5,000 yuan when negotiating with Xiaomi SU7 lock orders.

According to media reports, this behavior of Huawei Zhijie does not seem to be a unified action, but the behavior of individual dealers. For example, a Huawei dealer in Shandong stated that the order for the Zhijie S7 and Xiaomi SU7 was placed by the same person, providing The order screenshot and ID card must match. However, some stores in Guangzhou said that there is currently no relevant subsidy policy in Guangzhou. This may be related to Huawei's adoption of direct sales model + licensing model.

23日也有媒体报道称,直营模式的蔚来也开始抢小米SU7订单了,根据报道,蔚来汽车门店销售表示:“只要您下单,我们同样补贴 5000 元。我们的‘大定’也是 5000 元,而且即便是您锁单,工厂排产了,也随时可以退定金。”
There were also media reports on the 23rd that NIO, which has a direct operation model, has also begun to grab orders for Xiaomi SU7. According to reports, NIO Automobile store sales said: "As long as you place an order, we will also subsidize 5,000 yuan. Our 'Dading' is also 5,000 yuan, and even if you lock the order and the factory schedules production, you can refund the deposit at any time.”

In addition to the direct subsidy of 5,000 yuan to grab orders for Xiaomi SU7, more brands are involved in price wars.

Entering 2024, BYD, which sold more than 3 million vehicles last year, took the lead and launched the Honor Edition, which significantly lowered the price and required orders. Industry comments indicate that BYD is dumping old car inventory. In the second half of the year, all models in the series will be equipped with the fifth-generation DMI power system, the second-generation blade battery, and models with different pricing models will be equipped with three types of high, middle and low-level intelligent assisted driving systems.

随后,问界M7在销量下滑后也降价2万、今天上市的新款M5定价在24.98-27.98万元。特斯拉在4月1日涨价5000后,在4月21日全线降价1.4万,Model Y各版本售价均来到历史最低。理想也坐不住了,宣布全线降价,包括3月份才上市的MEGA,其中L系列Pro版本降价1.8万、Max和Ultra版本降价2万,MEGA降价3万。
Subsequently, the Wenjie M7 also dropped its price by RMB 20,000 after sales declined. The new M5 launched today is priced at RMB 249,800-279,800. After Tesla raised prices by RMB 5,000 on April 1, it cut prices across the board by RMB 14,000 on April 21. The prices of all Model Y versions have reached a record low. Ideal couldn't sit still anymore and announced price cuts across the board, including the MEGA, which was only launched in March. The L series Pro version was reduced by RMB 18,000, the Max and Ultra versions were reduced by RMB 20,000, and the MEGA was reduced by RMB 30,000.

So far, BYD, Tesla, Wenjie, and Ideal have all completed the first round of price cuts in 2024.

For Xiaomi SU7, it is still in the early adopter period. There are too many accumulated orders and the delivery cycle is too long. There is no need to consider price cuts for the time being. However, as production capacity increases, once there is a shortage of orders, I believe Xiaomi will not hesitate. Join the price reduction bandwagon.

雷军说,我们不怕卷,从小卷到大! Lei Jun said, we are not afraid of rolls, from small rolls to big rolls!

但,真的不怕吗? But are you really not afraid?

Xiaomi mobile phone sales in China will fall out of the top five in the first quarter of 2024!

小米手机跌出中国销量前五 Xiaomi mobile phone falls out of top five sales in China

根据Counterpoint在4月23日发布的最新智能手机数据报告显示,在2024年第一季度,中国智能手机市场销量前五及市场份额如下:1、vivo 17.4%;2、荣耀 16.1%;3、苹果 15.7%;4、华为 15.5%;5、OPPO 15.3%。小米跌出了前五,但幸好与前面差距不大,市场份额为14.6%。
According to the latest smartphone data report released by Counterpoint on April 23, in the first quarter of 2024, the top five sales and market shares of China’s smartphone market are as follows: 1. Vivo 17.4%; 2. Honor 16.1%; 3. Apple 15.7%; 4. Huawei 15.5%; 5. OPPO 15.3%. Xiaomi fell out of the top five, but fortunately the gap with the previous ones was not big, with a market share of 14.6%.

从上述数据可以看到,相比2023年Q1,苹果下滑最严重,同比跌幅为19.1%,华为增长最迅猛,同比增长69.7%,这得益于Mate 60携带海思麒麟9000S王者归来,随着搭载海思9100的Pura 70的发售,华为的市场份额有望进一步提升。
From the above data, we can see that compared with Q1 of 2023, Apple has suffered the most serious decline, with a year-on-year decrease of 19.1%, and Huawei has grown the fastest, with a year-on-year increase of 69.7%. This is due to the return of the king of Mate 60 with HiSilicon Kirin 9000S. With the release of Pura 70 equipped with HiSilicon 9100, Huawei's market share is expected to further increase.

The year-on-year growth of Honor and Xiaomi was 11.5% and 8.6% respectively, while OPPO and vivo both declined year-on-year. OPPO fell by 15.5%, second only to Apple, and vivo fell slightly by 0.4%. It is worth mentioning that Xiaomi was still squeezed out of the top five despite year-on-year growth, OV both declining, and Apple declining significantly.

This is something Xiaomi should be wary of. However, since Xiaomi has sufficient cost-effectiveness advantages in overseas markets, it should still be able to defend its position. However, this may require Xiaomi mobile phone executives such as Lu Weibing and Zeng Xuezhong, who are currently mainly responsible, to spend more time. After all, Lei Jun said at the investor conference that although he always pays attention to the mobile phone business, he only devotes about one-third of his energy to it. One, and half of the energy is devoted to the automobile business.

For Xiaomi, cars have made a good start, but this good start is brought about by the Xiaomi brand or Lei Jun’s personal charm. Once it comes time to capture a larger market with product strength and product reputation, the Xiaomi brand and Lei Jun The proportion of personal charm in car purchasing decisions will drop significantly. This is when Xiaomi will be truly tested.

As for Xiaomi mobile phones, as Lei Jun said, the mobile phone business is the foundation of Xiaomi's survival. With the current scale of Xiaomi mobile phones, there cannot be any mistakes in mobile phones. The question is, if it falls out of the top five sales in the Chinese smartphone market in Q1 of 2024, will it be defined as a mistake by Lei Jun?

If so, how should Lu Weibing and Zeng Xuezhong respond, and how should Lei Jun respond? If not, will the decline continue in the next quarter? The answer to the question will be given by time.

本文来自微信公众号“车智”(ID:invehc),作者:Michael Yuan,36氪经授权发布。
This article comes from the WeChat public account "Chezhi" (ID: invehc), author: Michael Yuan, and 36 Krypton is published with authorization.









