Fulfillment Inbound API v2024-03-20 Reference
履约入站 API v2024-03-20 参考资料
Create and update inbound inventory to Amazon's fulfillment network.
Overview 概述
The Selling Partner API for Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) Inbound. The FBA Inbound API enables building inbound workflows to create, manage, and send shipments into Amazon's fulfillment network. The API has interoperability with the Send-to-Amazon user interface.
亚马逊入站履行(FBA)销售合作伙伴 API。FBA 入站 API 支持建立入站工作流,以创建、管理和发送货物到亚马逊的履行网络。该 API 与 Send-to-Amazon 用户界面具有互操作性。
Version information 版本信息
Version : 2024-03-20 版本 : 2024-03-20
Contact information 联系信息
Contact : Selling Partner API Developer Support
联系人 : 销售合作伙伴 API 开发人员支持
Contact URL : https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/mws/contactus.html
联系 URL : https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/mws/contactus.html
License information 许可证信息
License : Apache License 2.0
许可证 : Apache License 2.0
License URL : http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
许可证 URL : http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
URI scheme 统一资源标识符方案
Host : sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com
主机 : sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com
Schemes : HTTPS 方案:HTTPS
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Operations 业务
createInboundPlan 创建入站计划
cancelInboundPlan 取消入站计划
updateInboundPlanName 更新入站计划名称
setPackingInformation 设置包装信息
generatePackingOptions 生成包装选项
confirmPackingOption 确认包装选项
listInboundPlanPallets 入站计划托盘列表
confirmPlacementOption 确认位置选项
getShipment 获取出货量
listShipmentItems 装运项目列表
updateShipmentName 更新装运名称
listShipmentPallets 列出装运托盘
setPrepDetails 设置预习细节
Paths 路径
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans
Operation: listInboundPlans
Description 说明
Provides a list of inbound plans with minimal information.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 6 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 | Default 默认值 |
Query 查询 | pageSize 页面大小 optional 可选的 | The number of inbound plans to return in the response matching the given query. 响应中要返回的与给定查询匹配的入站计划数。 Minimum : 1 最少 : 1 Maximum : 30 最多:30 | integer 整数 | 10 |
Query 查询 | paginationToken 分页令牌 optional 可选的 | A token to fetch a certain page when there are multiple pages worth of results. The value of this token is fetched from the pagination returned in the API response. In the absence of the token value from the query parameter the API returns the first page of the result.当有多个结果页面时,用于获取特定页面的令牌。该标记的值从 API 响应中返回的 pagination 中获取。如果查询参数中没有标记值,API 将返回结果的第一页。minLength : 0 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | status 地位 optional 可选的 | The status of an inbound plan. 入站计划的状态。 | enum (Status) 枚举 ( 状态) | - |
Query 查询 | sortBy 排序方式 optional 可选的 | Sort by field. 按字段排序。 | enum (SortBy) 枚举 ( SortBy) | - |
Query 查询 | sortOrder 排序顺序 optional 可选的 | The sort order. 排序顺序。 | enum (SortOrder) 枚举 ( 排序) | - |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListInboundPlans 200 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListInboundPlansResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans
Operation: createInboundPlan
Description 说明
Creates an inbound plan. An inbound plan contains all the necessary information to send shipments into Amazon's fufillment network.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 2 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to createInboundPlan .向 createInboundPlan 提出的请求正文。 | CreateInboundPlanRequest 创建入站计划请求 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | CreateInboundPlan 202 response 创建入站计划 202 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | CreateInboundPlanResponse 创建入站计划响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"destinationMarketplaces" : [ "ATVPDKIKX0DER" ],
"items" : [ {
"expiration" : "2024-01-01",
"labelOwner" : "AMAZON",
"manufacturingLotCode" : "manufacturingLotCode",
"msku" : "Sunglasses",
"prepOwner" : "AMAZON",
"quantity" : 10
} ],
"name" : "My inbound plan",
"sourceAddress" : {
"addressLine1" : "123 example street",
"addressLine2" : "Floor 19",
"city" : "Toronto",
"companyName" : "Acme",
"countryCode" : "CA",
"email" : "email@email.com",
"name" : "name",
"phoneNumber" : "1234567890",
"postalCode" : "M1M1M1",
"stateOrProvinceCode" : "ON"
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}
Operation: getInboundPlan
Description 说明
Fetches the top level information about an inbound plan.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 6 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | GetInboundPlan 200 response GetInboundPlan 200 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | InboundPlan 入境计划 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
Example HTTP response HTTP 响应示例
Response 200 答复 200
"createdAt" : "2024-03-20T12:01:00Z",
"inboundPlanId" : "wf1234abcd-1234-abcd-5678-1234abcd5678",
"lastUpdatedAt" : "2024-03-28T13:15:30Z",
"marketplaceIds" : [ "A2EUQ1WTGCTBG2" ],
"name" : "FBA (03/20/2024, 12:01 PM)",
"packingOptions" : [ ],
"placementOptions" : [ ],
"shipments" : [ ],
"sourceAddress" : {
"addressLine1" : "123 example street",
"addressLine2" : "Floor 19",
"city" : "Toronto",
"companyName" : "Acme",
"countryCode" : "CA",
"email" : "email@email.com",
"name" : "name",
"phoneNumber" : "1234567890",
"postalCode" : "M1M1M1",
"stateOrProvinceCode" : "ON"
"status" : "ACTIVE"
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/boxes
Operation: listInboundPlanBoxes
Description 说明
Provides a paginated list of box packages in an inbound plan.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 6 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 | Default 默认值 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | pageSize 页面大小 optional 可选的 | The number of boxes to return in the response matching the given query. 响应中要返回的与给定查询匹配的方框数。 Minimum : 1 最少 : 1 Maximum : 1000 最多:1000 | integer 整数 | 10 |
Query 查询 | paginationToken 分页令牌 optional 可选的 | A token to fetch a certain page when there are multiple pages worth of results. The value of this token is fetched from the pagination returned in the API response. In the absence of the token value from the query parameter the API returns the first page of the result.当有多个结果页面时,用于获取特定页面的令牌。该标记的值从 API 响应中返回的 pagination 中获取。如果查询参数中没有标记值,API 将返回结果的第一页。minLength : 0 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 | - |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListInboundPlanBoxes 200 response ListInboundPlanBoxes 200 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListInboundPlanBoxesResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
PUT /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/cancellation
Operation: cancelInboundPlan
Description 说明
Cancels an Inbound Plan. Charges may apply if the cancellation is performed outside of a void window. The window for Amazon Partnered Carriers is 24 hours for Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) and one hour for Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) carrier shipments.
取消入站计划。如果在无效窗口外取消,则可能需要付费。亚马逊合作承运商的窗口为:小包裹递送 (SPD) 24 小时,零担 (LTL) 承运商货运 1 小时。
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 2 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | CancelInboundPlan 202 response 取消入站计划 202 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | CancelInboundPlanResponse 取消入站计划响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/items
Operation: listInboundPlanItems
Description 说明
Provides a paginated list of item packages in an inbound plan.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 6 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 | Default 默认值 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | pageSize 页面大小 optional 可选的 | The number of items to return in the response matching the given query. 响应中要返回的与给定查询匹配的项目数。 Minimum : 1 最少 : 1 Maximum : 1000 最多:1000 | integer 整数 | 10 |
Query 查询 | paginationToken 分页令牌 optional 可选的 | A token to fetch a certain page when there are multiple pages worth of results. The value of this token is fetched from the pagination returned in the API response. In the absence of the token value from the query parameter the API returns the first page of the result.当有多个结果页面时,用于获取特定页面的令牌。该标记的值从 API 响应中返回的 pagination 中获取。如果查询参数中没有标记值,API 将返回结果的第一页。minLength : 0 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 | - |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListInboundPlanItems 200 response ListInboundPlanItems 200 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListInboundPlanItemsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
PUT /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/name
Operation: updateInboundPlanName
Description 说明
Updates the name of an existing inbound plan.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to updateInboundPlanName .向 updateInboundPlanName 提出的请求正文。 | UpdateInboundPlanNameRequest 更新入站计划名称请求 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
204 | UpdateInboundPlanName 204 response UpdateInboundPlanName 204 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | No Content 无内容 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"name" : "name"
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/packingGroups/{packingGroupId}/boxes
Operation: listPackingGroupBoxes
Description 说明
Retrieves a page of boxes from a given packing group. These boxes were previously provided through the setPackingInformation
operation. This API is used for workflows where boxes are packed before Amazon determines shipment splits.
从给定的包装组中检索一页包装盒。这些箱子以前是通过 setPackingInformation
操作提供的。此 API 适用于在亚马逊确定货物分拆之前包装箱的工作流。
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 | Default 默认值 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Path 路径 | packingGroupId 包装组 ID required 所需 | Identifier of a packing group. 包装组的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | pageSize 页面大小 optional 可选的 | The number of packing group boxes to return in the response matching the given query. 与给定查询匹配的响应中要返回的包装组盒的数量。 Minimum : 1 最少 : 1 Maximum : 100 最大值:100 | integer 整数 | 10 |
Query 查询 | paginationToken 分页令牌 optional 可选的 | A token to fetch a certain page when there are multiple pages worth of results. The value of this token is fetched from the pagination returned in the API response. In the absence of the token value from the query parameter the API returns the first page of the result.当有多个结果页面时,用于获取特定页面的令牌。该标记的值从 API 响应中返回的 pagination 中获取。如果查询参数中没有标记值,API 将返回结果的第一页。minLength : 0 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 | - |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListPackingGroupBoxes 200 response ListPackingGroupBoxes 200 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListPackingGroupBoxesResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/packingGroups/{packingGroupId}/items
Operation: listPackingGroupItems
Description 说明
Retrieves a page of items in a given packing group. Packing options must first be generated by the corresponding operation before packing group items can be listed.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 | Default 默认值 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Path 路径 | packingGroupId 包装组 ID required 所需 | Identifier of a packing group. 包装组的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | pageSize 页面大小 optional 可选的 | The number of packing group items to return in the response matching the given query. 响应中要返回的与给定查询匹配的打包组项目数。 Minimum : 1 最少 : 1 Maximum : 100 最大值:100 | integer 整数 | 10 |
Query 查询 | paginationToken 分页令牌 optional 可选的 | A token to fetch a certain page when there are multiple pages worth of results. The value of this token is fetched from the pagination returned in the API response. In the absence of the token value from the query parameter the API returns the first page of the result.当有多个结果页面时,用于获取特定页面的令牌。该标记的值从 API 响应中返回的 pagination 中获取。如果查询参数中没有标记值,API 将返回结果的第一页。minLength : 0 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 | - |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListPackingGroupItems 200 response ListPackingGroupItems 200 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListPackingGroupItemsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/packingInformation
Operation: setPackingInformation
Description 说明
Sets packing information for an inbound plan. This should be called after an inbound plan is created to populate the box level information required for planning and transportation estimates.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 2 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to setPackingInformation .向 setPackingInformation 提出的请求正文。 | SetPackingInformationRequest 设置包装信息请求 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | SetPackingInformation 202 response SetPackingInformation 202 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | SetPackingInformationResponse 设置包装信息响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"packageGroupings" : [ {
"boxes" : [ {
"contentInformationSource" : "BOX_CONTENT_PROVIDED",
"dimensions" : {
"height" : 5,
"length" : 3,
"unitOfMeasurement" : "CM",
"width" : 4
"items" : [ {
"expiration" : "2024-01-01",
"labelOwner" : "AMAZON",
"manufacturingLotCode" : "manufacturingLotCode",
"msku" : "Sunglasses",
"prepOwner" : "AMAZON",
"quantity" : 10
} ],
"quantity" : 2,
"weight" : {
"unit" : "KG",
"value" : 5.5
} ],
"packingGroupId" : "pg1234abcd-1234-abcd-5678-1234abcd5678",
"shipmentId" : "sh1234abcd-1234-abcd-5678-1234abcd5678"
} ]
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/packingOptions
Operation: listPackingOptions
Description 说明
Retrieves a list of all packing options for an inbound plan. Packing options must first be generated by the corresponding operation before becoming available.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 6 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 | Default 默认值 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | pageSize 页面大小 optional 可选的 | The number of packing options to return in the response matching the given query. 与给定查询匹配的响应中要返回的打包选项的数量。 Minimum : 1 最少 : 1 Maximum : 20 最多:20 | integer 整数 | 10 |
Query 查询 | paginationToken 分页令牌 optional 可选的 | A token to fetch a certain page when there are multiple pages worth of results. The value of this token is fetched from the pagination returned in the API response. In the absence of the token value from the query parameter the API returns the first page of the result.当有多个结果页面时,用于获取特定页面的令牌。该标记的值从 API 响应中返回的 pagination 中获取。如果查询参数中没有标记值,API 将返回结果的第一页。minLength : 0 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 | - |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListPackingOptions 200 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListPackingOptionsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/packingOptions
Operation: generatePackingOptions
Description 说明
Generates available packing options for the inbound plan.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 2 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | GeneratePackingOptions 202 response 生成包装选项 202 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | GeneratePackingOptionsResponse 生成包装选项响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/packingOptions/{packingOptionId}/confirmation
Operation: confirmPackingOption
Description 说明
Confirms the packing option for an inbound plan.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 2 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | packingOptionId 包装选项 ID required 所需 | Identifier of a packing option. 包装选项的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | ConfirmPackingOption 202 response ConfirmPackingOption 202 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ConfirmPackingOptionResponse 确认包装选项响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/pallets
Operation: listInboundPlanPallets
Description 说明
Provides a paginated list of pallet packages in an inbound plan. An inbound plan will have pallets when the related details are provided after generating Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) carrier shipments.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 6 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 | Default 默认值 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | pageSize 页面大小 optional 可选的 | The number of pallets to return in the response matching the given query. 与给定查询匹配的响应中要返回的托盘数量。 Minimum : 1 最少 : 1 Maximum : 1000 最多:1000 | integer 整数 | 10 |
Query 查询 | paginationToken 分页令牌 optional 可选的 | A token to fetch a certain page when there are multiple pages worth of results. The value of this token is fetched from the pagination returned in the API response. In the absence of the token value from the query parameter the API returns the first page of the result.当有多个结果页面时,用于获取特定页面的令牌。该标记的值从 API 响应中返回的 pagination 中获取。如果查询参数中没有标记值,API 将返回结果的第一页。minLength : 0 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 | - |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListInboundPlanPallets 200 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListInboundPlanPalletsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/placementOptions
Operation: listPlacementOptions
Description 说明
Provides a list of all placement options for an inbound plan. Placement options must first be generated by the corresponding operation before becoming available.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 6 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 | Default 默认值 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | pageSize 页面大小 optional 可选的 | The number of placement options to return in the response matching the given query. 与给定查询匹配的响应中要返回的位置选项的数量。 Minimum : 1 最少 : 1 Maximum : 20 最多:20 | integer 整数 | 10 |
Query 查询 | paginationToken 分页令牌 optional 可选的 | A token to fetch a certain page when there are multiple pages worth of results. The value of this token is fetched from the pagination returned in the API response. In the absence of the token value from the query parameter the API returns the first page of the result.当有多个结果页面时,用于获取特定页面的令牌。该标记的值从 API 响应中返回的 pagination 中获取。如果查询参数中没有标记值,API 将返回结果的第一页。minLength : 0 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 | - |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListPlacementOptions 200 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListPlacementOptionsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/placementOptions
Operation: generatePlacementOptions
Description 说明
Generates placement options for the inbound plan.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 2 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to generatePlacementOptions .向 generatePlacementOptions 提出的请求正文。 | GeneratePlacementOptionsRequest 生成布局选项请求 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | GeneratePlacementOptions 202 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | GeneratePlacementOptionsResponse 生成位置选项响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"customPlacement" : [ {
"items" : [ {
"expiration" : "2024-01-01",
"labelOwner" : "AMAZON",
"manufacturingLotCode" : "manufacturingLotCode",
"msku" : "Sunglasses",
"prepOwner" : "AMAZON",
"quantity" : 10
} ],
"warehouseId" : "YYZ14"
} ]
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/placementOptions/{placementOptionId}/confirmation
Operation: confirmPlacementOption
Description 说明
Confirms the placement option for an inbound plan. Once confirmed, it cannot be changed for the Inbound Plan.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 2 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | placementOptionId 位置选项 ID required 所需 | The identifier of a placement option. A placement option represents the shipment splits and destinations of SKUs. 配货选项的标识符。配货选项表示 SKU 的发货分拆和目的地。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | ConfirmPlacementOption 202 response ConfirmPlacementOption 202 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ConfirmPlacementOptionResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}
Operation: getShipment 操作:getShipment
Description 说明
Provides the full details for a specific shipment within an inbound plan. The transportationOptionId
inside acceptedTransportationSelection
can be used to retrieve the transportation details for the shipment.
提供进货计划中特定货件的全部详细信息。 acceptedTransportationSelection
内的 transportationOptionId
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 6 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | GetShipment 200 response GetShipment 200 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | Shipment 运输 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
Example HTTP response HTTP 响应示例
Response 200 答复 200
"destination" : {
"destinationType" : "AMAZON_OPTIMIZED"
"freightInformation" : {
"declaredValue" : {
"amount" : 5.5,
"code" : "CAD"
"freightClass" : "FC_50"
"inboundPlanId" : "wf1234abcd-1234-abcd-5678-1234abcd5678",
"placementOptionId" : "pl1234abcd-1234-abcd-5678-1234abcd5678",
"selectedDeliveryWindow" : {
"availabilityType" : "AVAILABLE",
"deliveryWindowOptionId" : "dw1234abcd-1234-abcd-5678-1234abcd5678",
"editableUntil" : "2024-01-05T20:00:00.000Z",
"endDate" : "2024-01-05T20:00:00.000Z",
"startDate" : "2024-01-05T14:00:00.000Z"
"shipmentConfirmationId" : "shipmentConfirmationId",
"shipmentId" : "sh1234abcd-1234-abcd-5678-1234abcd5678",
"source" : {
"sourceType" : "SELLER_FACILITY"
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/boxes
Operation: listShipmentBoxes
Description 说明
Provides a paginated list of box packages in a shipment.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 | Default 默认值 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | pageSize 页面大小 optional 可选的 | The number of boxes to return in the response matching the given query. 响应中要返回的与给定查询匹配的方框数。 Minimum : 1 最少 : 1 Maximum : 1000 最多:1000 | integer 整数 | 10 |
Query 查询 | paginationToken 分页令牌 optional 可选的 | A token to fetch a certain page when there are multiple pages worth of results. The value of this token is fetched from the pagination returned in the API response. In the absence of the token value from the query parameter the API returns the first page of the result.当有多个结果页面时,用于获取特定页面的令牌。该标记的值从 API 响应中返回的 pagination 中获取。如果查询参数中没有标记值,API 将返回结果的第一页。minLength : 0 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 | - |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListShipmentBoxes 200 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListShipmentBoxesResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/contentUpdatePreviews
Operation: listShipmentContentUpdatePreviews
Description 说明
Retrieve a paginated list of shipment content update previews for a given shipment. The shipment content update preview is a summary of the requested shipment content changes along with the transportation cost implications of the change that can only be confirmed prior to the expiry date specified.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 | Default 默认值 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | pageSize 页面大小 optional 可选的 | The number of content update previews to return. 要返回的内容更新预览次数。 Minimum : 1 最少 : 1 Maximum : 20 最多:20 | integer 整数 | 10 |
Query 查询 | paginationToken 分页令牌 optional 可选的 | A token to fetch a certain page when there are multiple pages worth of results. The value of this token is fetched from the pagination returned in the API response. In the absence of the token value from the query parameter the API returns the first page of the result.当有多个结果页面时,用于获取特定页面的令牌。该标记的值从 API 响应中返回的 pagination 中获取。如果查询参数中没有标记值,API 将返回结果的第一页。minLength : 0 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 | - |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListShipmentContentUpdatePreviews 200 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListShipmentContentUpdatePreviewsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/contentUpdatePreviews
Operation: generateShipmentContentUpdatePreviews
Description 说明
Generate a shipment content update preview given a set of intended boxes and/or items for a shipment with a confirmed carrier. The shipment content update preview will be viewable with the updated costs and contents prior to confirmation.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to generateShipmentContentUpdatePreviews .向 generateShipmentContentUpdatePreviews 提出的请求正文。 | GenerateShipmentContentUpdatePreviewsRequest 生成装运内容更新预览请求 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | GenerateShipmentContentUpdatePreviews 202 response 生成装运内容更新预览 202 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | GenerateShipmentContentUpdatePreviewsResponse 生成发货内容更新预览响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"boxes" : [ {
"contentInformationSource" : "BOX_CONTENT_PROVIDED",
"dimensions" : {
"height" : 5,
"length" : 3,
"unitOfMeasurement" : "CM",
"width" : 4
"items" : [ {
"expiration" : "2024-01-01",
"labelOwner" : "AMAZON",
"manufacturingLotCode" : "manufacturingLotCode",
"msku" : "Sunglasses",
"prepOwner" : "AMAZON",
"quantity" : 10
} ],
"packageId" : "pk1234abcd-1234-abcd-5678-1234abcd5678",
"quantity" : 2,
"weight" : {
"unit" : "KG",
"value" : 5.5
} ],
"items" : [ {
"expiration" : "2024-01-01",
"labelOwner" : "AMAZON",
"manufacturingLotCode" : "manufacturingLotCode",
"msku" : "Sunglasses",
"prepOwner" : "AMAZON",
"quantity" : 10
} ]
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/contentUpdatePreviews/{contentUpdatePreviewId}
Operation: getShipmentContentUpdatePreview
Description 说明
Retrieve a shipment content update preview which provides a summary of the requested shipment content changes along with the transportation cost implications of the change that can only be confirmed prior to the expiry date specified.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | contentUpdatePreviewId required 所需 | Identifier of a content update preview. 内容更新预览的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | GetShipmentContentUpdatePreview 200 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ContentUpdatePreview 内容更新预览 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/contentUpdatePreviews/{contentUpdatePreviewId}/confirmation
Operation: confirmShipmentContentUpdatePreview
Description 说明
Confirm a shipment content update preview and accept the changes in transportation cost.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | contentUpdatePreviewId required 所需 | Identifier of a content update preview. 内容更新预览的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | ConfirmShipmentContentUpdatePreview 202 response 确认装运内容更新预览 202 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ConfirmShipmentContentUpdatePreviewResponse 确认发货内容更新预览响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/deliveryChallanDocument
Operation: getDeliveryChallanDocument
Description 说明
Provide delivery challan document for PCP transportation in IN marketplace.
为五氯苯酚在 IN 市场的运输提供交货证明文件。
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 6 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | GetDeliveryChallanDocument 200 response GetDeliveryChallanDocument 200 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | GetDeliveryChallanDocumentResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/deliveryWindowOptions
Operation: listDeliveryWindowOptions
Description 说明
Retrieves all delivery window options for a shipment. Delivery window options must first be generated by the generateDeliveryWindowOptions
operation before becoming available.
读取货件的所有交货窗口选项。交货窗口选项必须先由 generateDeliveryWindowOptions
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 | Default 默认值 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | The shipment to get delivery window options for. 要获取交付窗口选项的货物。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | pageSize 页面大小 optional 可选的 | The number of delivery window options to return in the response matching the given query. 与给定查询匹配的响应中要返回的交付窗口选项的数量。 Minimum : 1 最少 : 1 Maximum : 100 最大值:100 | integer 整数 | 10 |
Query 查询 | paginationToken 分页令牌 optional 可选的 | A token to fetch a certain page when there are multiple pages worth of results. The value of this token is fetched from the pagination returned in the API response. In the absence of the token value from the query parameter the API returns the first page of the result.当有多个结果页面时,用于获取特定页面的令牌。该标记的值从 API 响应中返回的 pagination 中获取。如果查询参数中没有标记值,API 将返回结果的第一页。minLength : 0 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 | - |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListDeliveryWindowOptions 200 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListDeliveryWindowOptionsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/deliveryWindowOptions
Operation: generateDeliveryWindowOptions
Description 说明
Generates available delivery window options for a given shipment.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | The shipment to generate delivery window options for. 要为其生成交货窗口选项的货物。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | GenerateDeliveryWindowOptions 202 response 生成交付窗口选项 202 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | GenerateDeliveryWindowOptionsResponse 生成配送窗口选项响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/deliveryWindowOptions/{deliveryWindowOptionId}/confirmation
Operation: confirmDeliveryWindowOptions
Description 说明
Confirms the delivery window option for chosen shipment within an inbound plan. A placement option must be confirmed prior to use of this API. Once confirmed, new delivery window options cannot be generated, but the chosen delivery window option can be updated before shipment closure. The window is used to provide the expected time when a shipment will arrive at the warehouse. All transportation options which have the program CONFIRMED_DELIVERY_WINDOW
require a delivery window to be confirmed prior to transportation option confirmation.
确认进货计划内所选货件的交付窗口选项。在使用此 API 之前,必须先确认放置选项。一旦确认,就不能生成新的交货窗口选项,但所选交货窗口选项可在货件关闭前进行更新。窗口用于提供货物到达仓库的预计时间。所有具有 CONFIRMED_DELIVERY_WINDOW
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | The shipment to confirm the delivery window option for. 确认发货窗口选项。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | deliveryWindowOptionId 交付窗口选项 ID required 所需 | The id of the delivery window option to be confirmed. 待确认的交付窗口选项 ID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | ConfirmDeliveryWindowOptions 202 response ConfirmDeliveryWindowOptions 202 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ConfirmDeliveryWindowOptionsResponse 确认配送窗口选项响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
Example HTTP response HTTP 响应示例
Response 202 答复 202
"operationId" : "1234abcd-1234-abcd-5678-1234abcd5678"
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/items
Operation: listShipmentItems
Description 说明
Provides a paginated list of item packages in a shipment.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 | Default 默认值 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | pageSize 页面大小 optional 可选的 | The number of items to return in the response matching the given query. 响应中要返回的与给定查询匹配的项目数。 Minimum : 1 最少 : 1 Maximum : 1000 最多:1000 | integer 整数 | 10 |
Query 查询 | paginationToken 分页令牌 optional 可选的 | A token to fetch a certain page when there are multiple pages worth of results. The value of this token is fetched from the pagination returned in the API response. In the absence of the token value from the query parameter the API returns the first page of the result.当有多个结果页面时,用于获取特定页面的令牌。该标记的值从 API 响应中返回的 pagination 中获取。如果查询参数中没有标记值,API 将返回结果的第一页。minLength : 0 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 | - |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListShipmentItems 200 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListShipmentItemsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
PUT /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/name
Operation: updateShipmentName
Description 说明
Updates the name of an existing shipment.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to updateShipmentName .向 updateShipmentName 提出的请求正文。 | UpdateShipmentNameRequest 更新装运名称请求 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
204 | UpdateShipmentName 204 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | No Content 无内容 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"name" : "name"
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/pallets
Operation: listShipmentPallets
Description 说明
Provides a paginated list of pallet packages in a shipment. A palletized shipment will have pallets when the related details are provided after generating Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) carrier shipments.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 | Default 默认值 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | pageSize 页面大小 optional 可选的 | The number of pallets to return in the response matching the given query. 与给定查询匹配的响应中要返回的托盘数量。 Minimum : 1 最少 : 1 Maximum : 1000 最多:1000 | integer 整数 | 10 |
Query 查询 | paginationToken 分页令牌 optional 可选的 | A token to fetch a certain page when there are multiple pages worth of results. The value of this token is fetched from the pagination returned in the API response. In the absence of the token value from the query parameter the API returns the first page of the result.当有多个结果页面时,用于获取特定页面的令牌。该标记的值从 API 响应中返回的 pagination 中获取。如果查询参数中没有标记值,API 将返回结果的第一页。minLength : 0 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 | - |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListShipmentPallets 200 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListShipmentPalletsResponse 列表装运货盘响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
PUT /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/selfShipAppointmentCancellation
Operation: cancelSelfShipAppointment
Description 说明
Cancels a self-ship appointment slot against a shipment.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to cancelSelfShipAppointment .向 cancelSelfShipAppointment 提出的请求正文。 | CancelSelfShipAppointmentRequest 取消自我送货预约请求 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | CancelSelfShipAppointment 202 response 取消自我出货预约 202 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | CancelSelfShipAppointmentResponse 取消自我送货预约响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"reasonComment" : "OTHER"
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/selfShipAppointmentSlots
Operation: getSelfShipAppointmentSlots
Description 说明
Retrieves a list of available self-ship appointment slots used to drop off a shipment at a warehouse.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 6 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 | Default 默认值 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | pageSize 页面大小 optional 可选的 | The number of self ship appointment slots to return in the response matching the given query. 与给定查询匹配的响应中要返回的自运预约时段的数量。 Minimum : 1 最少 : 1 Maximum : 100 最大值:100 | integer 整数 | 10 |
Query 查询 | paginationToken 分页令牌 optional 可选的 | A token to fetch a certain page when there are multiple pages worth of results. The value of this token is fetched from the pagination returned in the API response. In the absence of the token value from the query parameter the API returns the first page of the result.当有多个结果页面时,用于获取特定页面的令牌。该标记的值从 API 响应中返回的 pagination 中获取。如果查询参数中没有标记值,API 将返回结果的第一页。minLength : 0 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 | - |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | GetSelfShipAppointmentSlots 200 response GetSelfShipAppointmentSlot 200 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | GetSelfShipAppointmentSlotsResponse GetSelfShipAppointmentSlotResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/selfShipAppointmentSlots
Operation: generateSelfShipAppointmentSlots
Description 说明
Initiates the process of generating the appointment slots list.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 2 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to generateSelfShipAppointmentSlots .向 generateSelfShipAppointmentSlots 提出的请求正文。 | GenerateSelfShipAppointmentSlotsRequest 生成自助出货预约舱位请求 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
201 | GenerateSelfShipAppointmentSlots 201 response 生成自助出货预约舱位 201 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | GenerateSelfShipAppointmentSlotsResponse 生成自助出货预约时段响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"desiredEndDate" : "2024-01-06T14:48:00.000Z",
"desiredStartDate" : "2024-01-05T14:48:00.000Z"
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/selfShipAppointmentSlots/{slotId}/schedule
Operation: scheduleSelfShipAppointment
Description 说明
Confirms or reschedules a self-ship appointment slot against a shipment.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 2 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | slotId 槽 ID required 所需 | An identifier to a self-ship appointment slot. 自我预约时段的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to scheduleSelfShipAppointment .向 scheduleSelfShipAppointment 提出的请求正文。 | ScheduleSelfShipAppointmentRequest 计划自助出货预约请求 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ScheduleSelfShipAppointment 200 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ScheduleSelfShipAppointmentResponse 计划自助运送预约响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"reasonComment" : "OTHER"
Example HTTP response HTTP 响应示例
Response 200 答复 200
"selfShipAppointmentDetails" : {
"appointmentId" : 1000,
"appointmentSlotTime" : {
"endTime" : "2023-03-09T13:15:30Z",
"startTime" : "2023-03-08T13:15:30Z"
"appointmentStatus" : "ARRIVAL_SCHEDULED"
PUT /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/sourceAddress
Operation: updateShipmentSourceAddress
Description 说明
Updates the source address of an existing shipment. The shipment source address can only be updated prior to the confirmation of the shipment carriers. As a result of the updated source address, existing transportation options will be invalidated and will need to be regenerated to capture the potential difference in transportation options and quotes due to the new source address.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to updateShipmentSourceAddress .向 updateShipmentSourceAddress 提出的请求正文。 | UpdateShipmentSourceAddressRequest 更新发货源地址请求 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | UpdateShipmentSourceAddress 202 response UpdateShipmentSourceAddress 202 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | UpdateShipmentSourceAddressResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"address" : {
"addressLine1" : "123 example street",
"addressLine2" : "Floor 19",
"city" : "Toronto",
"companyName" : "Acme",
"countryCode" : "CA",
"email" : "email@email.com",
"name" : "name",
"phoneNumber" : "1234567890",
"postalCode" : "M1M1M1",
"stateOrProvinceCode" : "ON"
PUT /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/shipments/{shipmentId}/trackingDetails
Operation: updateShipmentTrackingDetails
Description 说明
Updates a shipment's tracking details.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 2 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Path 路径 | shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to updateShipmentTrackingDetails .向 updateShipmentTrackingDetails 提出的请求正文。 | UpdateShipmentTrackingDetailsRequest 更新装运跟踪详情请求 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | UpdateShipmentTrackingDetails 202 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | UpdateShipmentTrackingDetailsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"trackingDetails" : {
"spdTrackingDetail" : {
"spdTrackingItems" : [ {
"boxId" : "FBA10ABC0YY100001",
"trackingId" : "FBA10002000"
} ]
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/transportationOptions
Operation: listTransportationOptions
Description 说明
Retrieves all transportation options for a shipment. Transportation options must first be generated by the generateTransportationOptions
operation before becoming available.
检索货物的所有运输选项。运输选项必须先由 generateTransportationOptions
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 6 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 | Default 默认值 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | pageSize 页面大小 optional 可选的 | The number of transportation options to return in the response matching the given query. 与给定查询匹配的响应中要返回的运输选项的数量。 Minimum : 1 最少 : 1 Maximum : 20 最多:20 | integer 整数 | 10 |
Query 查询 | paginationToken 分页令牌 optional 可选的 | A token to fetch a certain page when there are multiple pages worth of results. The value of this token is fetched from the pagination returned in the API response. In the absence of the token value from the query parameter the API returns the first page of the result.当有多个结果页面时,用于获取特定页面的令牌。该标记的值从 API 响应中返回的 pagination 中获取。如果查询参数中没有标记值,API 将返回结果的第一页。minLength : 0 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | placementOptionId 位置选项 ID optional 可选的 | The placement option to get transportation options for. Either placementOptionId or shipmentId must be specified.要获取运输选项的位置选项。必须指定 placementOptionId 或 shipmentId 。minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Query 查询 | shipmentId 货件编号 optional 可选的 | The shipment to get transportation options for. Either placementOptionId or shipmentId must be specified.要获取运输选项的货物。必须指定 placementOptionId 或 shipmentId 。minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 | - |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListTransportationOptions 200 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListTransportationOptionsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/transportationOptions
Operation: generateTransportationOptions
Description 说明
Generates available transportation options for a given placement option.
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 2 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to generateTransportationOptions .向 generateTransportationOptions 提出的请求正文。 | GenerateTransportationOptionsRequest 生成运输选项请求 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | GenerateTransportationOptions 202 response 生成传输选项 202 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | GenerateTransportationOptionsResponse 生成运输选项响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"placementOptionId" : "pl1234abcd-1234-abcd-5678-1234abcd5678",
"shipmentTransportationConfigurations" : [ {
"contactInformation" : {
"email" : "email@email.com",
"name" : "John Smithy",
"phoneNumber" : "1234567890"
"freightInformation" : {
"declaredValue" : {
"amount" : 5.5,
"code" : "CAD"
"freightClass" : "FC_50"
"pallets" : [ {
"dimensions" : {
"height" : 5,
"length" : 3,
"unitOfMeasurement" : "CM",
"width" : 4
"quantity" : 2,
"stackability" : "STACKABLE",
"weight" : {
"unit" : "KG",
"value" : 5.5
} ],
"readyToShipWindow" : {
"start" : "2024-01-01T00:00Z"
"shipmentId" : "sh1234abcd-1234-abcd-5678-1234abcd5678"
} ]
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/inboundPlans/{inboundPlanId}/transportationOptions/confirmation
Operation: confirmTransportationOptions
Description 说明
Confirms all the transportation options for an inbound plan. A placement option must be confirmed prior to use of this API. Once confirmed, new transportation options can not be generated or confirmed for the Inbound Plan.
确认入站计划的所有运输选项。在使用此 API 之前,必须先确认投放选项。一旦确认,就不能为入境计划生成或确认新的运输选项。
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 2 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to confirmTransportationOptions .向 confirmTransportationOptions 提出的请求正文。 | ConfirmTransportationOptionsRequest 确认运输选项请求 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | ConfirmTransportationOptions 202 response ConfirmTransportationOptions 202 回应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ConfirmTransportationOptionsResponse 确认运输选项响应 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"transportationSelections" : [ {
"contactInformation" : {
"email" : "email@email.com",
"name" : "John Smithy",
"phoneNumber" : "1234567890"
"deliveryWindow" : {
"start" : "2024-01-01T00:00Z"
"shipmentId" : "sh1234abcd-1234-abcd-5678-1234abcd5678",
"transportationOptionId" : "to1234abcd-1234-abcd-5678-1234abcd5678"
} ]
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/items/compliance
Operation: listItemComplianceDetails
Description 说明
List the inbound compliance details for MSKUs in a given marketplace.
列出特定市场中 MSKU 的入境合规详细信息。
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 6 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Query 查询 | mskus required 所需 | A list of merchant SKUs, a merchant-supplied identifier of a specific SKU. 商家 SKU 列表,由商家提供的特定 SKU 的标识符。 Min count : 1 最小计数 : 1 Max count : 100 最大计数:100 | < string > array(multi) |
Query 查询 | marketplaceId 市场标识 required 所需 | The Marketplace ID. For a list of possible values, refer to Marketplace IDs. 市场 ID。有关可能的值列表,请参阅市场 ID。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 20 | string 字符串 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListItemComplianceDetails 200 response ListItemComplianceDetails 200 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListItemComplianceDetailsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
PUT /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/items/compliance
Operation: updateItemComplianceDetails
Description 说明
Update compliance details for a list of MSKUs. The details provided here are only used for the India (IN - A21TJRUUN4KGV) marketplace compliance validation.
更新 MSKU 列表的合规性详细信息。此处提供的详细信息仅用于印度 (IN - A21TJRUUN4KGV) 市场合规性验证。
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 6 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Query 查询 | marketplaceId 市场标识 required 所需 | The Marketplace ID. For a list of possible values, refer to Marketplace IDs. 市场 ID。有关可能的值列表,请参阅市场 ID。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 20 | string 字符串 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to updateItemComplianceDetails .向 updateItemComplianceDetails 提出的请求正文。 | UpdateItemComplianceDetailsRequest 更新项目合规性详情请求 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | UpdateItemComplianceDetails 202 response UpdateItemComplianceDetails 202 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | UpdateItemComplianceDetailsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"msku" : "Sunglasses",
"taxDetails" : {
"declaredValue" : {
"amount" : 5.5,
"code" : "CAD"
"hsnCode" : "hsnCode"
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/items/labels
Operation: createMarketplaceItemLabels
Description 说明
For a given marketplace - creates labels for a list of MSKUs.
对于给定的市场 - 为 MSKU 列表创建标签。
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to createMarketplaceItemLabels .向 createMarketplaceItemLabels 提出的请求正文。 | CreateMarketplaceItemLabelsRequest 创建市场物品标签请求 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | CreateMarketplaceItemLabels 200 response Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | CreateMarketplaceItemLabelsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"height" : 25,
"labelType" : "STANDARD_FORMAT",
"localeCode" : "en_US",
"marketplaceId" : "A2EUQ1WTGCTBG2",
"mskuQuantities" : [ {
"msku" : "msku",
"quantity" : 5
} ],
"pageType" : "A4_21",
"width" : 100
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/items/prepDetails
Operation: listPrepDetails
Description 说明
Get preparation details for a list of MSKUs in a specified marketplace.
获取指定市场中 MSKU 列表的制备详细信息。
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Query 查询 | marketplaceId 市场标识 required 所需 | The marketplace ID. For a list of possible values, refer to Marketplace IDs. 市场 ID。有关可能的值列表,请参阅市场 ID。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 20 | string 字符串 |
Query 查询 | mskus required 所需 | A list of merchant SKUs, a merchant-supplied identifier of a specific SKU. 商家 SKU 列表,由商家提供的特定 SKU 的标识符。 Min count : 1 最小计数 : 1 Max count : 100 最大计数:100 | < string > array(multi) |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | ListPrepDetails 200 response ListPrepDetails 200 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | ListPrepDetailsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
POST /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/items/prepDetails
Operation: setPrepDetails
Description 说明
Set the preparation details for a list of MSKUs in a specified marketplace.
为指定市场中的 MSKU 列表设置准备细节。
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Body 身体 | body 机构 required 所需 | The body of the request to setPrepDetails .向 setPrepDetails 提出的请求正文。 | SetPrepDetailsRequest |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
202 | SetPrepDetails 202 response SetPrepDetails 202 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | SetPrepDetailsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Consumes 消耗
Produces 生产
Example HTTP request HTTP 请求示例
Request body 请求正文
"marketplaceId" : "A2EUQ1WTGCTBG2",
"mskuPrepDetails" : [ {
"msku" : "msku",
"prepCategory" : "NONE",
"prepTypes" : [ "ITEM_NO_PREP" ]
} ]
GET /inbound/fba/2024-03-20/operations/{operationId}
Operation: getInboundOperationStatus
操作: getInboundOperationStatus
Description 说明
Gets the status of the processing of an asynchronous API call.
获取异步 API 调用的处理状态。
Usage Plan: 使用计划:
Rate (requests per second) 速率(每秒请求次数) | Burst 爆发 |
2 | 6 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table contains the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
如果可用, x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
响应标头将返回应用于所请求操作的使用计划速率限制。上表包含此操作的默认速率和突发值。业务需求需要更高吞吐量的销售合作伙伴可能会使用比此处所示更高的速率和突发值。有关详细信息,请参阅销售合作伙伴 API 中的使用计划和速率限制。
Parameters 参数
Type 类型 | Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
Path 路径 | operationId required 所需 | Identifier of an asynchronous operation. 异步操作的标识符。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 | string 字符串 |
Responses 答复
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
200 | GetInboundOperationStatus 200 response GetInboundOperationStatus 200 响应 Headers : 页眉 : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串) :唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串) :此操作的速率限制(每秒请求次数)。 | InboundOperationStatus 入站操作状态 |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Produces 生产
Error Responses and Schemas
This table contains HTTP status codes and associated information for error responses.
本表包含 HTTP 状态代码和错误响应的相关信息。
HTTP Code HTTP 代码 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. 请求缺少参数或参数无效,无法解析。 Headers: 页眉: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串):唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string):Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串):此操作的速率限制(每秒请求数)。 | ErrorList 错误列表 |
403 | Indicates that access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. 表示禁止访问资源。可能的原因包括 "拒绝访问"、"未授权"、"令牌过期 "或 "签名无效"。 Headers: 页眉: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier.x-amzn-RequestId (字符串):唯一的请求参考标识符。 | ErrorList 错误列表 |
404 | The resource specified does not exist. 指定的资源不存在。 Headers: 页眉: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. x-amzn-RequestId (字符串):唯一的请求参考标识符。x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string):Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (字符串):此操作的速率限制(每秒请求数)。 | ErrorList 错误列表 |
413 | The request size exceeded the maximum accepted size. 请求大小超过了可接受的最大大小。 Headers: 页眉: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier.x-amzn-RequestId (字符串):唯一的请求参考标识符。 | ErrorList 错误列表 |
415 | The request payload is in an unsupported format. 请求有效载荷格式不支持。 Headers: 页眉: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier.x-amzn-RequestId (字符串):唯一的请求参考标识符。 | ErrorList 错误列表 |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. 请求的频率高于允许的频率。 Headers: 页眉: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier.x-amzn-RequestId (字符串):唯一的请求参考标识符。 | ErrorList 错误列表 |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. 发生了意外情况,导致服务器无法满足请求。 Headers: 页眉: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier.x-amzn-RequestId (字符串):唯一的请求参考标识符。 | ErrorList 错误列表 |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. 服务器临时超载或维护。 Headers: 页眉: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier.x-amzn-RequestId (字符串):唯一的请求参考标识符。 | ErrorList 错误列表 |
Definitions 定义
Address 地址
Specific details to identify a place.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
addressLine1 地址行 1 required 所需 | Street address information. 街道地址信息。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 180 | string 字符串 |
addressLine2 地址行2 optional 可选的 | Additional street address information. 其他街道地址信息。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 60 | string 字符串 |
city 城市 required 所需 | The city. 这座城市 minLength : 1 maxLength : 30 | string 字符串 |
companyName 公司名称 optional 可选的 | The name of the business. 企业名称。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 50 | string 字符串 |
countryCode 国家代码 required 所需 | The country code in two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. 以两个字符的 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 格式表示的国家代码。 minLength : 2 maxLength : 2 Pattern : "^[A-Z]{2}$" 图案 : "^[A-Z]{2}$" | string 字符串 |
email 电子邮件 optional 可选的 | The email address. 电子邮件地址。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
name 名字 required 所需 | The name of the individual who is the primary contact. 主要联系人的姓名。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 50 | string 字符串 |
phoneNumber 电话号码 optional 可选的 | The phone number. 电话号码 minLength : 1 maxLength : 20 | string 字符串 |
postalCode 邮政编码 required 所需 | The postal code. 邮政编码 minLength : 1 maxLength : 32 | string 字符串 |
stateOrProvinceCode 州或省代码 optional 可选的 | The state or province code. 州或省代码。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 64 | string 字符串 |
AddressInput 地址输入
Specific details to identify a place.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
addressLine1 地址行 1 required 所需 | Street address information. 街道地址信息。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 180 | string 字符串 |
addressLine2 地址行2 optional 可选的 | Additional street address information. 其他街道地址信息。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 60 | string 字符串 |
city 城市 required 所需 | The city. 这座城市 minLength : 1 maxLength : 30 | string 字符串 |
companyName 公司名称 optional 可选的 | The name of the business. 企业名称。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 50 | string 字符串 |
countryCode 国家代码 required 所需 | The country code in two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. 以两个字符的 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 格式表示的国家代码。 minLength : 2 maxLength : 2 Pattern : "^[A-Z]{2}$" 图案 : "^[A-Z]{2}$" | string 字符串 |
email 电子邮件 optional 可选的 | The email address. 电子邮件地址。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
name 名字 required 所需 | The name of the individual who is the primary contact. 主要联系人的姓名。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 50 | string 字符串 |
phoneNumber 电话号码 required 所需 | The phone number. 电话号码 minLength : 1 maxLength : 20 | string 字符串 |
postalCode 邮政编码 required 所需 | The postal code. 邮政编码 minLength : 1 maxLength : 32 | string 字符串 |
stateOrProvinceCode 州或省代码 optional 可选的 | The state or province code. 州或省代码。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 64 | string 字符串 |
AllOwnersConstraint 所有业主约束
A constraint that applies to all owners. If no constraint is specified, defer to any individual owner constraints.
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
MUST_MATCH 必须匹配 | All owners must match. 所有业主都必须匹配。 |
AppointmentSlot 预约时段
The fulfillment center appointment slot for the transportation option.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
slotId 槽 ID required 所需 | An identifier to a self-ship appointment slot. 自我预约时段的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
slotTime 插槽时间 required 所需 | An appointment slot time with start and end. 有开始和结束时间的预约时段。 | AppointmentSlotTime 预约时段时间 |
AppointmentSlotTime 预约时段时间
An appointment slot time with start and end.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
endTime 结束时间 required 所需 | The end timestamp of the appointment in UTC. 预约的结束时间戳(世界协调时)。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
startTime 开始时间 required 所需 | The start timestamp of the appointment in UTC. 预约的起始时间戳(UTC)。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
Box 盒子
Contains information about a box that is used in the inbound plan. The box is a container that holds multiple items.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
boxId optional 可选的 | The ID provided by Amazon that identifies a given box. This ID is comprised of the external shipment ID (which is generated after transportation has been confirmed) and the index of the box. 亚马逊提供的 ID,用于识别给定的箱子。此 ID 由外部装运 ID(在确认运输后生成)和箱子索引组成。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
contentInformationSource 内容信息源 optional 可选的 | Indication of how box content is meant to be provided. 说明如何提供包装盒内容。 | BoxContentInformationSource 方框内容信息源 |
destinationRegion 目的地地区 optional 可选的 | Representation of a location used within the inbounding experience. 表示内嵌体验中使用的位置。 | Region 地区 |
dimensions 尺寸 optional 可选的 | Measurement of a package's dimensions. 货包尺寸的测量。 | Dimensions 尺寸 |
items 项目 optional 可选的 | Items contained within the box. 箱内所装物品。 | < Item > array < 项目 > 数组 |
packageId required 所需 | Primary key to uniquely identify a Package (Box or Pallet). 主键,用于唯一标识包裹(箱或托盘)。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
quantity 数量 optional 可选的 | The number of containers where all other properties like weight or dimensions are identical. 所有其他属性(如重量或尺寸)相同的容器数量。 Minimum value : 1 最小值 : 1 Maximum value : 10000 最大值 : 10000 | integer 整数 |
templateName 模板名称 optional 可选的 | Template name of the box. 框的模板名称。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
weight 重量 optional 可选的 | The weight of a package. 包裹的重量。 | Weight 重量 |
Indication of how box content is meant to be provided.
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
BOX_CONTENT_PROVIDED 提供盒式内容 | Box contents have been provided by the seller. 箱内物品由卖方提供。 |
MANUAL_PROCESS 手动流程 | Box contents will be manually processed during receive. This service incurs charges. 箱子内容将在接收时人工处理。这项服务需要付费。 |
BARCODE_2D | Box contents information is provided by a barcode on the shipment. For more information, refer to Using 2D barcodes for box content information on Seller Central. 货件上的条形码可提供箱内信息。如需了解更多信息,请参阅 "卖方中心 "中的 "使用二维条形码获取包装箱内容信息"。 |
BoxInput 方框输入
Input information for a given box.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
contentInformationSource 内容信息源 required 所需 | Indication of how box content is meant to be provided. 说明如何提供包装盒内容。 | BoxContentInformationSource 方框内容信息源 |
dimensions 尺寸 required 所需 | Measurement of a package's dimensions. 货包尺寸的测量。 | Dimensions 尺寸 |
items 项目 optional 可选的 | The items and their quantity in the box. This must be empty if the box contentInformationSource is BARCODE_2D or MANUAL_PROCESS .方框中的项目及其数量。如果包装盒 contentInformationSource 是 BARCODE_2D 或 MANUAL_PROCESS ,则必须为空。 | < ItemInput > array < 项目输入 > 数组 |
quantity 数量 required 所需 | The number of containers where all other properties like weight or dimensions are identical. 所有其他属性(如重量或尺寸)相同的容器数量。 Minimum value : 1 最小值 : 1 Maximum value : 10000 最大值 : 10000 | integer 整数 |
weight 重量 required 所需 | The weight of a package. 包裹的重量。 | Weight 重量 |
BoxUpdateInput 方框更新输入
Input information for updating a box
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
contentInformationSource 内容信息源 required 所需 | Indication of how box content is meant to be provided. 说明如何提供包装盒内容。 | BoxContentInformationSource 方框内容信息源 |
dimensions 尺寸 required 所需 | Measurement of a package's dimensions. 货包尺寸的测量。 | Dimensions 尺寸 |
items 项目 optional 可选的 | The items and their quantity in the box. This must be empty if the box contentInformationSource is BARCODE_2D or MANUAL_PROCESS .方框中的项目及其数量。如果包装盒 contentInformationSource 是 BARCODE_2D 或 MANUAL_PROCESS ,则必须为空。 | < ItemInput > array < 项目输入 > 数组 |
packageId optional 可选的 | Primary key to uniquely identify a Box Package. PackageId must be provided if the intent is to update an existing box. Adding a new box will not require providing this value. Any existing PackageIds not provided will be treated as to-be-removed 主键,用于唯一标识一个包装盒。如果要更新现有方框,则必须提供 PackageId。添加一个新盒不需要提供此值。未提供的任何现有 PackageIds 都将被视为待删除。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
quantity 数量 required 所需 | The number of containers where all other properties like weight or dimensions are identical. 所有其他属性(如重量或尺寸)相同的容器数量。 Minimum value : 1 最小值 : 1 Maximum value : 10000 最大值 : 10000 | integer 整数 |
weight 重量 required 所需 | The weight of a package. 包裹的重量。 | Weight 重量 |
The cancelInboundPlan
response. cancelInboundPlan
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
The cancelSelfShipAppointment
request. cancelSelfShipAppointment
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
reasonComment 原因评论 optional 可选的 | Reason for cancelling or rescheduling a self-ship appointment. 取消或重新安排自助预约的原因。 | ReasonComment 原因评论 |
The CancelSelfShipAppointment
response. CancelSelfShipAppointment
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
Carrier 承运人
The carrier for the inbound shipment.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
alphaCode 阿尔法代码 optional 可选的 | The carrier code. For example, USPS or DHLEX. 运营商代码。例如 USPS 或 DHLEX。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
name 名字 optional 可选的 | The name of the carrier. 承运人名称。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
CarrierAppointment 运营商任命
Contains details for a transportation carrier appointment. This appointment is vended out by Amazon and is an indicator for when a transportation carrier is accepting shipments to be picked up.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
endTime 结束时间 required 所需 | The end timestamp of the appointment in UTC. 预约的结束时间戳(世界协调时)。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
startTime 开始时间 required 所需 | The start timestamp of the appointment in UTC. 预约的起始时间戳(UTC)。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
ComplianceDetail 合规详情
Contains item identifiers and related tax information.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
asin optional 可选的 | The Amazon Standard Identification Number, which identifies the detail page identifier. 亚马逊标准识别码,用于标识详细页面的标识符。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 10 | string 字符串 |
fnsku optional 可选的 | The Fulfillment Network SKU, which identifies a real fulfillable item with catalog data and condition. Fulfillment Network SKU(履行网络 SKU),可识别真实的可履行项目,并提供目录数据和条件。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 10 | string 字符串 |
msku optional 可选的 | The merchant SKU, a merchant-supplied identifier for a specific SKU. 商家 SKU:商家提供的特定 SKU 的标识符。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 40 | string 字符串 |
taxDetails 税款详情 optional 可选的 | Information used to determine the tax compliance. 用于确定纳税合规性的信息。 | TaxDetails 税务详情 |
The confirmDeliveryWindowOptions
response. confirmDeliveryWindowOptions
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
The confirmPackingOption
response. confirmPackingOption
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
The confirmPlacementOption
response. confirmPlacementOption
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
The confirmShipmentContentUpdatePreview
response. confirmShipmentContentUpdatePreview
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
The confirmTransportationOptions
request. confirmTransportationOptions
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
transportationSelections 运输选择 required 所需 | Information needed to confirm one of the available transportation options. 确认其中一种可用交通方式所需的信息。 | < TransportationSelection > array < 运输选择 > 数组 |
The confirmTransportationOptions
response. confirmTransportationOptions
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
ContactInformation 联系信息
The seller's contact information.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
email 电子邮件 optional 可选的 | The email address. 电子邮件地址。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
name 名字 required 所需 | The contact's name. 联系人姓名。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 50 | string 字符串 |
phoneNumber 电话号码 required 所需 | The phone number. 电话号码 minLength : 1 maxLength : 20 | string 字符串 |
ContentUpdatePreview 内容更新预览
Preview of the changes that will be applied to the shipment.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
contentUpdatePreviewId required 所需 | Identifier of a content update preview. 内容更新预览的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
expiration 到期 required 所需 | The time at which the content update expires. In ISO 8601 datetime format with pattern yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ .内容更新的过期时间。采用 ISO 8601 日期格式,模式为 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ 。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
requestedUpdates 请求更新 required 所需 | Objects that were included in the update request. 更新请求中包含的对象。 | RequestedUpdates 请求更新 |
transportationOption 运输选项 required 所需 | Contains information pertaining to a transportation option and the related carrier. 包含与运输选项和相关承运商有关的信息。 | TransportationOption 运输选择 |
CreateInboundPlanRequest 创建入站计划请求
The createInboundPlan
request. createInboundPlan
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
destinationMarketplaces 目的地市场 required 所需 | Marketplaces where the items need to be shipped to. Currently only one marketplace can be selected in this request. 物品需要运往的市场。目前该请求只能选择一个市场。 | < string > array < 字符串 > 数组 |
items 项目 required 所需 | Items included in this plan. 本计划包括的项目。 | < ItemInput > array < 项目输入 > 数组 |
name 名字 optional 可选的 | Name for the Inbound Plan. If one isn't provided, a default name will be provided. 入境计划的名称。如果没有提供,将提供默认名称。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 40 | string 字符串 |
sourceAddress 源地址 required 所需 | Specific details to identify a place. 确定一个地方的具体细节。 | AddressInput 地址输入 |
The createInboundPlan
response. createInboundPlan
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
The createMarketplaceItemLabels
request. createMarketplaceItemLabels
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
height 高度 optional 可选的 | The height of the item label. 项目标签的高度。 Minimum value : 25 最小值 : 25 Maximum value : 100 最大值 : 100 | number 编号 |
labelType 标签类型 required 所需 | Indicates the type of print type for a given label. 表示给定标签的打印类型。 | LabelPrintType 标签打印类型 |
localeCode optional 可选的 | The locale code constructed from ISO 639 language code and ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard of country codes separated by an underscore character. 地区代码由 ISO 639 语言代码和 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 国家代码标准构成,以下划线分隔。 Default : "en_US" 默认值 : "en_US" Pattern : "^[a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}$" 图案 : "^[a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}$" | string 字符串 |
marketplaceId 市场标识 required 所需 | The Marketplace ID. For a list of possible values, refer to Marketplace IDs. 市场 ID。有关可能的值列表,请参阅市场 ID。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 20 | string 字符串 |
mskuQuantities 数量 required 所需 | Represents the quantity of an MSKU to print item labels for. 代表要打印物品标签的 MSKU 数量。 | < MskuQuantity > array < MskuQuantity > 数组 |
pageType 页面类型 optional 可选的 | The page type to use to print the labels. Possible values: 'A4_21', 'A4_24', 'A4_24_64x33', 'A4_24_66x35', 'A4_24_70x36', 'A4_24_70x37', 'A4_24i', 'A4_27', 'A4_40_52x29', 'A4_44_48x25', 'Letter_30'. 用于打印标签的页面类型。可能的值:A4_21"、"A4_24"、"A4_24_64x33"、"A4_24_66x35"、"A4_24_70x36"、"A4_24_70x37"、"A4_24i"、"A4_27"、"A4_40_52x29"、"A4_44_48x25"、"Letter_30"。 | ItemLabelPageType 项目标签页面类型 |
width 宽度 optional 可选的 | The width of the item label. 项目标签的宽度。 Minimum value : 25 最小值 : 25 Maximum value : 100 最大值 : 100 | number 编号 |
The createMarketplaceItemLabels
response. createMarketplaceItemLabels
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
documentDownloads 文件下载 required 所需 | Resources to download the requested document. 下载所需文件的资源。 | < DocumentDownload > array < 文件下载 > 数组 |
Currency 货币
The type and amount of currency.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
amount 数量 required 所需 | Decimal value of the currency. 货币的小数点数值。 | number 编号 |
code 代码 required 所需 | ISO 4217 standard of a currency code. ISO 4217 标准的货币代码。 minLength : 3 maxLength : 3 | string 字符串 |
CustomPlacementInput 自定义位置输入
Provide units going to the warehouse.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
items 项目 required 所需 | Items included while creating Inbound Plan. 制定入境计划时包括的项目。 | < ItemInput > array < 项目输入 > 数组 |
warehouseId 仓库标识 required 所需 | Warehouse Id. 仓库同上。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
Dates 日期
Specifies the date that the seller expects their shipment will be shipped.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
readyToShipWindow optional 可选的 | Contains a start and end DateTime representing a time range. 包含代表时间范围的开始和结束日期时间。 | Window 窗户 |
DeliveryWindowOption 交货窗口选项
Contains information pertaining to a delivery window option.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
availabilityType 可用性类型 required 所需 | Identifies type of Delivery Window Availability. Values: AVAILABLE , CONGESTED 标识交付窗口可用性的类型。值: AVAILABLE , CONGESTED | string 字符串 |
deliveryWindowOptionId 交付窗口选项 ID required 所需 | Identifier of a delivery window option. A delivery window option represent one option for when a shipment is expected to be delivered. 交货窗口选项的标识符。交货窗口选项代表预计何时交货的一种选择。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
endDate 结束日期 required 所需 | The time at which this delivery window option ends. In ISO 8601 datetime format with pattern yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ .此交付窗口选项的结束时间。采用 ISO 8601 日期格式,格式为 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ 。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
startDate 开始日期 required 所需 | The time at which this delivery window option starts. In ISO 8601 datetime format with pattern yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ .该交付窗口选项的起始时间。采用 ISO 8601 日期格式,格式为 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ 。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
validUntil 有效期至 required 所需 | The time at which this window delivery option is no longer valid. In ISO 8601 datetime format with pattern yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ .该窗口交付选项不再有效的时间。采用 ISO 8601 日期格式,模式为 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ 。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
Dimensions 尺寸
Measurement of a package's dimensions.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
height 高度 required 所需 | The height of a package. 包件的高度。 Minimum value : 0 最小值 : 0 Maximum value : 100000 最大值 : 100000 | number 编号 |
length 长度 required 所需 | The length of a package. 包裹的长度。 Minimum value : 0 最小值 : 0 Maximum value : 100000 最大值 : 100000 | number 编号 |
unitOfMeasurement 测量单位 required 所需 | Unit of linear measure. 线性度量单位。 | UnitOfMeasurement 测量单位 |
width 宽度 required 所需 | The width of a package. 包件的宽度。 Minimum value : 0 最小值 : 0 Maximum value : 100000 最大值 : 100000 | number 编号 |
DocumentDownload 文件下载
Resource to download the requested document.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
downloadType 下载类型 required 所需 | The type of download. Possible values: URL .下载类型。可能的值: URL . | string 字符串 |
expiration 到期 optional 可选的 | The URI's expiration time. In ISO 8601 datetime format with pattern yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ .URI 的过期时间。采用 ISO 8601 日期格式,模式为 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ 。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
uri required 所需 | Uniform resource identifier to identify where the document is located. 统一资源标识符,用于标识文件的位置。 | string 字符串 |
Error 错误
Error object containing information about what went wrong.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
code 代码 required 所需 | An error code that identifies the type of error that occurred. 错误代码,用于识别发生错误的类型。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 256 | string 字符串 |
details 详情 optional 可选的 | Additional details that can help the caller understand or fix the issue. 可帮助来电者了解或解决问题的其他详细信息。 minLength : 0 maxLength : 8192 | string 字符串 |
message 信息 required 所需 | A message that describes the error condition. 描述错误状况的信息。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 2048 | string 字符串 |
ErrorList 错误列表
A list of error responses returned when a request is unsuccessful.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
errors 误差 required 所需 | List of errors. 错误列表。 | < Error > array < 错误 > 数组 |
FreightInformation 货运信息
Freight information describes the skus being transported. Freight carrier options and quotes will only be returned if the freight information is provided.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
declaredValue 声明值 optional 可选的 | The type and amount of currency. 货币的种类和数量。 | Currency 货币 |
freightClass 货运类 optional 可选的 | Freight class. 货运舱。 Possible values: NONE , FC_50 , FC_55 , FC_60 , FC_65 , FC_70 , FC_77_5 , FC_85 , FC_92_5 , FC_100 , FC_110 , FC_125 , FC_150 , FC_175 , FC_200 , FC_250 , FC_300 , FC_400 , FC_500 .可能的值: NONE , FC_50 , FC_55 , FC_60 , FC_65 , FC_70 , FC_77_5 , FC_85 , FC_92_5 , FC_100 、 FC_110 , FC_125 , FC_150 , FC_175 , FC_200 , FC_250 , FC_300 , FC_400 , FC_500 .minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
The generateDeliveryWindowOptions
response. generateDeliveryWindowOptions
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
The generatePackingOptions
response. generatePackingOptions
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
The generatePlacementOptions
request. generatePlacementOptions
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
customPlacement 自定义位置 optional 可选的 | Custom placement options you want to add to the plan. This is only used for the India (IN - A21TJRUUN4KGV) marketplace. 您希望添加到计划中的自定义投放选项。这仅用于印度 (IN - A21TJRUUN4KGV) 市场。 | < CustomPlacementInput > array < CustomPlacementInput > 数组 |
The generatePlacementOptions
response. generatePlacementOptions
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
The generateSelfShipAppointmentSlots
request. generateSelfShipAppointmentSlots
The generateSelfShipAppointmentSlots
response. generateSelfShipAppointmentSlots
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
The GenerateShipmentContentUpdatePreviews
request. GenerateShipmentContentUpdatePreviews
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
boxes 方框 required 所需 | A list of boxes that will be present in the shipment after the update. 更新后将出现在货件中的包装盒列表。 | < BoxUpdateInput > array < 方框更新输入 > 数组 |
items 项目 required 所需 | A list of all items that will be present in the shipment after the update. 更新后货件中所有物品的清单。 | < ItemInput > array < 项目输入 > 数组 |
The GenerateShipmentContentUpdatePreviews
response. GenerateShipmentContentUpdatePreviews
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
The generateTransportationOptions
request. generateTransportationOptions
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
placementOptionId 位置选项 ID required 所需 | The placement option to generate transportation options for. 为以下人员提供交通选择的安置方案 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
shipmentTransportationConfigurations 装运运输配置 required 所需 | List of shipment transportation configurations. 货物运输配置清单。 | < ShipmentTransportationConfiguration > array < 装运运输配置 > 数组 |
The generateTransportationOptions
response. generateTransportationOptions
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
The getDeliveryChallanDocumentResponse
response. getDeliveryChallanDocumentResponse
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
documentDownload 文件下载 required 所需 | Resource to download the requested document. 下载所需文件的资源。 | DocumentDownload 文件下载 |
The getSelfShipAppointmentSlots
response. getSelfShipAppointmentSlots
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
pagination 分页 optional 可选的 | Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page. 包含要从某个页面获取的标记。 | Pagination 分页 |
selfShipAppointmentSlotsAvailability 自我船舶预约舱位可用性 required 所需 | The self ship appointment time slots availability and an expiration date for which the slots can be scheduled. 自运预约时段的可用性和可安排时段的到期日。 | SelfShipAppointmentSlotsAvailability 自助预约舱位可用性 |
InboundOperationStatus 入站操作状态
GetInboundOperationStatus response.
GetInboundOperationStatus 响应。
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operation 操作 required 所需 | The name of the operation in the asynchronous API call. 异步 API 调用中的操作名称。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
operationId required 所需 | The operation ID returned by the asynchronous API call. 异步 API 调用返回的操作 ID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
operationProblems 操作问题 required 所需 | The problems in the processing of the asynchronous operation. 异步操作处理过程中的问题。 | < OperationProblem > array < 操作问题 > 数组 |
operationStatus 操作状态 required 所需 | The status of an operation. 操作的状态。 | OperationStatus 操作状态 |
InboundPlan 入境计划
Inbound plan containing details of the inbound workflow.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
createdAt 创建时间 required 所需 | The time at which the inbound plan was created. In ISO 8601 datetime with pattern yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ .创建入站计划的时间。采用 ISO 8601 日期时间,模式为 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ 。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
lastUpdatedAt 最后更新时间 required 所需 | The time at which the inbound plan was last updated. In ISO 8601 datetime format with pattern yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ .入站计划最后一次更新的时间。采用 ISO 8601 日期格式,模式为 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ 。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
marketplaceIds required 所需 | A list of marketplace IDs. 市场 ID 列表。 | < string > array < 字符串 > 数组 |
name 名字 required 所需 | Human-readable name of the inbound plan. 入境计划的可读名称。 | string 字符串 |
packingOptions 包装选项 optional 可选的 | Packing options for the inbound plan. This property will be populated when it has been generated via the corresponding operation. If there is a chosen placement option, only packing options for that placement option will be returned. If there are confirmed shipments, only packing options for those shipments will be returned. Query the packing option for more details. 入站计划的打包选项。该属性将在通过相应操作生成后填充。如果有已选择的放置选项,则只返回该放置选项的包装选项。如果有已确认的货件,则只返回这些货件的包装选项。查询包装选项以了解更多详情。 | < PackingOptionSummary > array < 包装选项摘要 > 数组 |
placementOptions 位置选项 optional 可选的 | Placement options for the inbound plan. This property will be populated when it has been generated via the corresponding operation. If there is a chosen placement option, that will be the only returned option. Query the placement option for more details. 入站计划的放置选项。该属性将在通过相应操作生成后填充。如果有已选的放置选项,该选项将是唯一返回的选项。查询放置选项可了解更多详情。 | < PlacementOptionSummary > array < 置放选项摘要 > 数组 |
shipments 货件 optional 可选的 | A list of shipment IDs for the inbound plan. This property is populated when it has been generated with the confirmPlacementOptions operation. Only shipments from the chosen placement option are returned. Query the shipment for more details.入站计划的货件 ID 列表。该属性在使用 confirmPlacementOptions 操作生成后填充。只返回所选放置选项中的货件。查询货件以了解更多详情。 | < ShipmentSummary > array < ShipmentSummary > 数组 |
sourceAddress 源地址 required 所需 | Specific details to identify a place. 确定一个地方的具体细节。 | Address 地址 |
status 地位 required 所需 | Current status of the inbound plan. Possible values: ACTIVE , VOIDED , SHIPPED , ERRORED .入站计划的当前状态。可能的值: ACTIVE , VOIDED , SHIPPED , ERRORED 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
InboundPlanSummary 入境计划摘要
A light-weight inbound plan.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
createdAt 创建时间 required 所需 | The time at which the inbound plan was created. In ISO 8601 datetime format with pattern yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ .创建入站计划的时间。采用 ISO 8601 日期格式,模式为 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ 。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
inboundPlanId 入站计划标识 required 所需 | Identifier of an inbound plan. 入境计划的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
lastUpdatedAt 最后更新时间 required 所需 | The time at which the inbound plan was last updated. In ISO 8601 datetime format with pattern yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ .入站计划最后一次更新的时间。采用 ISO 8601 日期格式,模式为 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ 。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
marketplaceIds required 所需 | A list of marketplace IDs. 市场 ID 列表。 | < string > array < 字符串 > 数组 |
name 名字 required 所需 | Human-readable name of the inbound plan. 入境计划的可读名称。 | string 字符串 |
sourceAddress 源地址 required 所需 | Specific details to identify a place. 确定一个地方的具体细节。 | Address 地址 |
status 地位 required 所需 | The current status of the inbound plan. Possible values: ACTIVE , VOIDED , SHIPPED , ERRORED .入站计划的当前状态。可能的值: ACTIVE , VOIDED , SHIPPED , ERRORED 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
Incentive 奖励
Contains details about cost related modifications to the placement cost.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
description 描述 required 所需 | Description of the incentive. 奖励说明。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
target 目标 required 所需 | Target of the incentive. Possible values: 'Placement Services', 'Fulfillment Fee Discount'. 激励对象。可能的值:安置服务"、"履行费折扣"。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
type 类型 required 所需 | Type of incentive. Possible values: FEE , DISCOUNT .激励类型。可能的值: FEE , DISCOUNT 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
value 价值 required 所需 | The type and amount of currency. 货币的种类和数量。 | Currency 货币 |
Item 项目
Information associated with a single SKU in the seller's catalog.
与卖方目录中单一 SKU 相关的信息。
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
asin required 所需 | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item. 商品的亚马逊标准识别码 (ASIN)。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 10 | string 字符串 |
expiration 到期 optional 可选的 | The expiration date of the MSKU. In ISO 8601 datetime format with patternYYYY-MM-DD . The same MSKU with different expiration dates cannot go into the same box. MSKU 的到期日期。采用 ISO 8601 日期格式,格式为 YYYY-MM-DD 。不同有效期的同一 MSKU 不能放在同一个框中。Pattern : "^([0-9]{4})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])$" 图案 : "^([0-9]{4})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])$" | string 字符串 |
fnsku required 所需 | A unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center. 由亚马逊分配给存储在亚马逊履行中心并由其履行的产品的唯一标识符。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 10 | string 字符串 |
labelOwner 标签所有者 required 所需 | Specifies who will label the items. Options include AMAZON , SELLER , and NONE .指定给项目贴标签的人。选项包括 AMAZON 、 SELLER 和 NONE 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
manufacturingLotCode 制造地段代码 optional 可选的 | The manufacturing lot code. 生产批次代码。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 256 | string 字符串 |
msku required 所需 | The merchant SKU, a merchant-supplied identifier of a specific SKU. 商家 SKU,由商家提供的特定 SKU 的标识符。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 40 | string 字符串 |
prepInstructions 预先说明 required 所需 | Special preparations that are required for an item. 物品所需的特殊准备。 | < PrepInstruction > array < 预习指令 > 数组 |
quantity 数量 required 所需 | The number of the specified MSKU. 指定 MSKU 的编号。 Minimum value : 1 最小值 : 1 Maximum value : 10000 最大值 : 10000 | integer 整数 |
ItemInput 项目输入
Defines an item's input parameters.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
expiration 到期 optional 可选的 | The expiration date of the MSKU. In ISO 8601 datetime format with pattern YYYY-MM-DD . Items with the same MSKU but different expiration dates cannot go into the same box. MSKU 的到期日期。采用 ISO 8601 日期格式,格式为 YYYY-MM-DD 。具有相同 MSKU 但过期日期不同的项目不能放在同一个框中。Pattern : "^([0-9]{4})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])$" 图案 : "^([0-9]{4})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])$" | string 字符串 |
labelOwner 标签所有者 required 所需 | Specifies who will label the items. Options include AMAZON , SELLER or NONE .指定由谁给项目贴标签。选项包括 AMAZON 、 SELLER 或 NONE 。 | LabelOwner 标签所有者 |
manufacturingLotCode 制造地段代码 optional 可选的 | The manufacturing lot code. 生产批次代码。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 256 | string 字符串 |
msku required 所需 | The merchant SKU, a merchant-supplied identifier of a specific SKU. 商家 SKU,由商家提供的特定 SKU 的标识符。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 40 | string 字符串 |
prepOwner 预备业主 required 所需 | The owner of the preparations, if special preparations are required. 如果需要特殊准备,则需要准备工作的负责人。 | PrepOwner |
quantity 数量 required 所需 | The number of units of the specified MSKU that will be shipped. 将装运的指定 MSKU 的数量。 Minimum value : 1 最小值 : 1 Maximum value : 10000 最大值 : 10000 | integer 整数 |
ItemLabelPageType 项目标签页面类型
The page type to use to print the labels. Possible values: 'A4_21', 'A4_24', 'A4_24_64x33', 'A4_24_66x35', 'A4_24_70x36', 'A4_24_70x37', 'A4_24i', 'A4_27', 'A4_40_52x29', 'A4_44_48x25', 'Letter_30'.
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
A4_21 | - |
A4_24 | - |
A4_24_64x33 | - |
A4_24_66x35 | - |
A4_24_70x36 | - |
A4_24_70x37 | - |
A4_24i | - |
A4_27 | - |
A4_40_52x29 | - |
A4_44_48x25 | - |
Letter_30 信函_30 | - |
LabelOwner 标签所有者
Specifies who will label the items. Options include AMAZON
指定由谁给项目贴标签。选项包括 AMAZON
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
AMAZON 亚马逊 | Amazon provides the information. 亚马逊提供了相关信息。 |
SELLER 销售商 | Seller provides the information. 卖方提供信息。 |
NONE 无 | No owner is required for the labelling. 标签不需要主人。 |
LabelPrintType 标签打印类型
Indicates the type of print type for a given label.
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
The listDeliveryWindowOptions
response. listDeliveryWindowOptions
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
deliveryWindowOptions 交付窗口选项 required 所需 | Delivery window options generated for the placement option. 为放置选项生成的交付窗口选项。 | < DeliveryWindowOption > array < DeliveryWindowOption > 数组 |
pagination 分页 optional 可选的 | Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page. 包含要从某个页面获取的标记。 | Pagination 分页 |
The listInboundPlanBoxes
response. listInboundPlanBoxes
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
boxes 方框 required 所需 | A list of boxes in an inbound plan. 入站计划中的箱体列表。 | < Box > array < 盒 > 数组 |
pagination 分页 optional 可选的 | Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page. 包含要从某个页面获取的标记。 | Pagination 分页 |
The listInboundPlanItems
response. listInboundPlanItems
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
items 项目 required 所需 | The items in an inbound plan. 入境计划中的项目。 | < Item > array < 项目 > 数组 |
pagination 分页 optional 可选的 | Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page. 包含要从某个页面获取的标记。 | Pagination 分页 |
The listInboundPlanPallets
response. listInboundPlanPallets
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
pagination 分页 optional 可选的 | Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page. 包含要从某个页面获取的标记。 | Pagination 分页 |
pallets 托盘 required 所需 | The pallets in an inbound plan. 进货计划中的托盘。 | < Pallet > array < 托盘 > 阵列 |
The listInboundPlans
response. listInboundPlans
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
inboundPlans 入境计划 optional 可选的 | A list of inbound plans with minimal information. 信息极少的入境计划清单。 | < InboundPlanSummary > array < 入站计划摘要 > 数组 |
pagination 分页 optional 可选的 | Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page. 包含要从某个页面获取的标记。 | Pagination 分页 |
The listItemComplianceDetails
response. listItemComplianceDetails
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
complianceDetails 合规详情 optional 可选的 | List of compliance details. 合规详情清单。 | < ComplianceDetail > array < 合规详细信息 > 数组 |
The listPackingGroupBoxes
response. listPackingGroupBoxes
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
boxes 方框 required 所需 | Provides the information about the list of boxes in the packing group. 提供有关包装组中包装箱列表的信息。 | < Box > array < 盒 > 数组 |
pagination 分页 optional 可选的 | Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page. 包含要从某个页面获取的标记。 | Pagination 分页 |
The listPackingGroupItems
response. listPackingGroupItems
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
items 项目 required 所需 | Provides the information about the list of items in the packing group. 提供有关包装组中项目列表的信息。 | < Item > array < 项目 > 数组 |
pagination 分页 optional 可选的 | Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page. 包含要从某个页面获取的标记。 | Pagination 分页 |
The listPlacementOptions
response. listPlacementOptions
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
packingOptions 包装选项 required 所需 | List of packing options. 包装选项列表。 | < PackingOption > array < 包装选项 > 数组 |
pagination 分页 optional 可选的 | Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page. 包含要从某个页面获取的标记。 | Pagination 分页 |
The listPlacementOptions
response. listPlacementOptions
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
pagination 分页 optional 可选的 | Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page. 包含要从某个页面获取的标记。 | Pagination 分页 |
placementOptions 位置选项 required 所需 | Placement options generated for the inbound plan. 为入境计划生成的安置选项。 | < PlacementOption > array < 置放选项 > 数组 |
The response to the listPrepDetails
对 listPrepDetails
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
mskuPrepDetails required 所需 | A list of MSKUs and related prep details. MSKU 列表及相关预习详情。 | < MskuPrepDetail > array < MskuPrepDetail > 数组 |
The listShipmentBoxes
response. listShipmentBoxes
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
boxes 方框 required 所需 | A list of boxes in a shipment. 货物中的箱子清单。 | < Box > array < 盒 > 数组 |
pagination 分页 optional 可选的 | Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page. 包含要从某个页面获取的标记。 | Pagination 分页 |
The ListShipmentContentUpdatePreviews
response. ListShipmentContentUpdatePreviews
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
contentUpdatePreviews 内容更新预览 required 所需 | A list of content update previews in a shipment. 货物中内容更新预览的列表。 | < ContentUpdatePreview > array < 内容更新预览 > 数组 |
pagination 分页 optional 可选的 | Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page. 包含要从某个页面获取的标记。 | Pagination 分页 |
The listShipmentItems
response. listShipmentItems
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
items 项目 required 所需 | The items in a shipment. 货物中的物品。 | < Item > array < 项目 > 数组 |
pagination 分页 optional 可选的 | Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page. 包含要从某个页面获取的标记。 | Pagination 分页 |
The listShipmentPallets
response. listShipmentPallets
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
pagination 分页 optional 可选的 | Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page. 包含要从某个页面获取的标记。 | Pagination 分页 |
pallets 托盘 required 所需 | The pallets in a shipment. 货物中的托盘。 | < Pallet > array < 托盘 > 阵列 |
The listTransportationOptions
response. listTransportationOptions
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
pagination 分页 optional 可选的 | Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page. 包含要从某个页面获取的标记。 | Pagination 分页 |
transportationOptions 运输选项 required 所需 | Transportation options generated for the placement option. 为安置方案生成的交通方案。 | < TransportationOption > array < 运输选项 > 数组 |
Contains information related to Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) shipment tracking.
包含与零担 (LTL) 货运跟踪相关的信息。
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
billOfLadingNumber 提单号 optional 可选的 | The number of the carrier shipment acknowledgement document. 承运人装运确认文件的编号。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
freightBillNumber 货运单号 optional 可选的 | The number associated with the freight bill. 与货运单相关的编号。 | < string > array < 字符串 > 数组 |
Contains input information to update Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) tracking information.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
billOfLadingNumber 提单号 optional 可选的 | The number of the carrier shipment acknowledgement document. 承运人装运确认文件的编号。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
freightBillNumber 货运单号 required 所需 | Number associated with the freight bill. 与货运单相关的编号。 | < string > array < 字符串 > 数组 |
An MSKU and its related prep details.
MSKU 及其相关准备细节。
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
allOwnersConstraint 所有者约束 optional 可选的 | A constraint that applies to all owners. If no constraint is specified, defer to any individual owner constraints. 适用于所有所有者的约束。如果未指定约束条件,则遵从单个所有者的约束条件。 | AllOwnersConstraint 所有业主约束 |
labelOwnerConstraint 标签所有者约束 optional 可选的 | A constraint that can apply to an individual owner. If no constraint is specified, both AMAZON and SELLER are acceptable.可适用于单个所有者的约束。如果未指定约束条件,则 AMAZON 和 SELLER 均可接受。 | OwnerConstraint 所有者约束 |
msku required 所需 | The merchant SKU, a merchant-supplied identifier for a specific SKU. 商家 SKU:商家提供的特定 SKU 的标识符。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 40 | string 字符串 |
prepCategory 预分类 required 所需 | The preparation category for shipping an item to Amazon's fulfillment network. 将商品运送到亚马逊履行网络的准备类别。 | PrepCategory 准备类别 |
prepOwnerConstraint optional 可选的 | A constraint that can apply to an individual owner. If no constraint is specified, both AMAZON and SELLER are acceptable.可适用于单个所有者的约束。如果未指定约束条件,则 AMAZON 和 SELLER 均可接受。 | OwnerConstraint 所有者约束 |
prepTypes 预处理类型 required 所需 | A list of preparation types associated with a preparation category. 与制备类别相关的制备类型列表。 | < PrepType > array < 预置类型 > 数组 |
An MSKU and its related prep details.
MSKU 及其相关准备细节。
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
msku required 所需 | The merchant SKU, a merchant-supplied identifier for a specific SKU. 商家 SKU:商家提供的特定 SKU 的标识符。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 40 | string 字符串 |
prepCategory 预分类 required 所需 | The preparation category for shipping an item to Amazon's fulfillment network. 将商品运送到亚马逊履行网络的准备类别。 | PrepCategory 准备类别 |
prepTypes 预处理类型 required 所需 | A list of preparation types associated with a preparation category. 与制备类别相关的制备类型列表。 | < PrepType > array < 预置类型 > 数组 |
Represents an MSKU and the related quantity.
代表 MSKU 和相关数量。
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
msku required 所需 | The merchant SKU, a merchant-supplied identifier for a specific SKU. 商家 SKU:商家提供的特定 SKU 的标识符。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 40 | string 字符串 |
quantity 数量 required 所需 | A positive integer. 一个正整数。 Minimum value : 1 最小值 : 1 Maximum value : 10000 最大值 : 10000 | integer 整数 |
OperationProblem 操作问题
A problem with additional properties persisted to an operation.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
code 代码 required 所需 | An error code that identifies the type of error that occurred. 错误代码,用于识别发生错误的类型。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 256 | string 字符串 |
details 详情 optional 可选的 | Additional details that can help the caller understand or fix the issue. 可帮助来电者了解或解决问题的其他详细信息。 minLength : 0 maxLength : 8192 | string 字符串 |
message 信息 required 所需 | A message that describes the error condition. 描述错误状况的信息。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 2048 | string 字符串 |
severity 严重性 required 所需 | The severity of the problem. Possible values: WARNING , ERROR .问题的严重程度。可能的值: WARNING , ERROR 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
OperationStatus 操作状态
The status of an operation.
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
SUCCESS 成功 | Indicates a request has successfully finished processing. 表示请求已成功完成处理。 |
FAILED 失败 | Indicates a request has finished processing but is in a failed state. 表示请求已处理完毕,但处于失败状态。 |
IN_PROGRESS 进行中 | Indicates a request is still processing. 表示请求仍在处理中。 |
OwnerConstraint 所有者约束
A constraint that can apply to an individual owner. If no constraint is specified, both AMAZON
are acceptable.
可适用于单个所有者的约束。如果未指定约束条件,则 AMAZON
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
AMAZON_ONLY 仅限 AMAZON_ONLY | Only AMAZON is accepted as an owner.只接受 AMAZON 作为所有者。 |
NONE_ONLY 无 | Only NONE is accepted as an owner.只接受 NONE 作为所有者。 |
SELLER_ONLY 仅限销售商 | Only SELLER is accepted as an owner.只接受 SELLER 作为所有者。 |
PackageGroupingInput 包分组输入
Packing information for the inbound plan.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
boxes 方框 required 所需 | Box level information being provided. 提供箱级信息。 | < BoxInput > array < 方框输入 > 数组 |
packingGroupId 包装组 ID optional 可选的 | The ID of the packingGroup that packages are grouped according to. The PackingGroupId can only be provided before placement confirmation, and it must belong to the confirmed PackingOption . One of ShipmentId or PackingGroupId must be provided with every request.包裹分组所依据的 packingGroup 的 ID。 PackingGroupId 只能在配售确认前提供,且必须属于已确认的 PackingOption 。每个请求必须提供 ShipmentId 或 PackingGroupId 中的一个。minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
shipmentId 货件编号 optional 可选的 | The ID of the shipment that packages are grouped according to. The ShipmentId can only be provided after placement confirmation, and the shipment must belong to the confirmed placement option. One of ShipmentId or PackingGroupId must be provided with every request.货件的 ID,货件根据该 ID 分组。 ShipmentId 只能在配货确认后提供,且货件必须属于已确认的配货选项。每个请求必须提供 ShipmentId 或 PackingGroupId 中的一个。minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
PackingOption 包装选项
A packing option contains a set of pack groups plus additional information about the packing option, such as any discounts or fees if it's selected.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
discounts 折扣 required 所需 | Discount for the offered option. 所提供选项的折扣。 | < Incentive > array < 激励 > 阵列 |
expiration 到期 optional 可选的 | The time at which this packing option is no longer valid. In ISO 8601 datetime format with pattern yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ .该打包选项失效的时间。采用 ISO 8601 日期格式,模式为 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ 。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
fees 学费 required 所需 | Fee for the offered option. 所提供选项的费用。 | < Incentive > array < 激励 > 阵列 |
packingGroups 包装组 required 所需 | Packing group IDs. 包装组 ID。 | < string > array < 字符串 > 数组 |
packingOptionId 包装选项 ID required 所需 | Identifier of a packing option. 包装选项的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
status 地位 required 所需 | The status of the packing option. Possible values: OFFERED , ACCEPTED , EXPIRED .包装选项的状态。可能的值: OFFERED , ACCEPTED , EXPIRED 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
supportedShippingConfigurations 支持的发货配置 required 所需 | List of supported shipping modes. 支持的运送模式列表。 | < ShippingConfiguration > array < 装运配置 > 数组 |
PackingOptionSummary 包装选项摘要
Summary information about a packing option.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
packingOptionId 包装选项 ID required 所需 | Identifier of a packing option. 包装选项的标识符。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
status 地位 required 所需 | The status of a packing option. Possible values: 'OFFERED', 'ACCEPTED', 'EXPIRED'. 包装选项的状态。可能的值:提供"、"接受"、"过期"。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
Pagination 分页
Contains tokens to fetch from a certain page.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
nextToken 下一个oken optional 可选的 | When present, pass this string token in the next request to return the next response page. 存在时,在下一个请求中传递此字符串标记,以返回下一个响应页面。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
Pallet 托盘
Contains information about a pallet that is used in the inbound plan. The pallet is a container that holds multiple items or boxes.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
dimensions 尺寸 optional 可选的 | Measurement of a package's dimensions. 货包尺寸的测量。 | Dimensions 尺寸 |
packageId required 所需 | Primary key to uniquely identify a Package (Box or Pallet). 主键,用于唯一标识包裹(箱或托盘)。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
quantity 数量 optional 可选的 | The number of containers where all other properties like weight or dimensions are identical. 所有其他属性(如重量或尺寸)相同的容器数量。 Minimum value : 1 最小值 : 1 Maximum value : 10000 最大值 : 10000 | integer 整数 |
stackability 堆叠性 optional 可选的 | Indicates whether pallets will be stacked when carrier arrives for pick-up. 表示承运人到达取货时,托盘是否会堆叠。 | Stackability 堆叠性 |
weight 重量 optional 可选的 | The weight of a package. 包裹的重量。 | Weight 重量 |
PalletInput 托盘输入
Contains input information about a pallet to be used in the inbound plan.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
dimensions 尺寸 optional 可选的 | Measurement of a package's dimensions. 货包尺寸的测量。 | Dimensions 尺寸 |
quantity 数量 required 所需 | The number of containers where all other properties like weight or dimensions are identical. 所有其他属性(如重量或尺寸)相同的容器数量。 Minimum value : 1 最小值 : 1 Maximum value : 10000 最大值 : 10000 | integer 整数 |
stackability 堆叠性 optional 可选的 | Indicates whether pallets will be stacked when carrier arrives for pick-up. 表示承运人到达取货时,托盘是否会堆叠。 | Stackability 堆叠性 |
weight 重量 optional 可选的 | The weight of a package. 包裹的重量。 | Weight 重量 |
PlacementOption 安置选项
Contains information pertaining to the placement of the contents of an inbound plan and the related costs.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
discounts 折扣 required 所需 | Discount for the offered option. 所提供选项的折扣。 | < Incentive > array < 激励 > 阵列 |
expiration 到期 optional 可选的 | The expiration date of the placement option. In ISO 8601 datetime format with pattern yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ .放置选项的到期日期。采用 ISO 8601 日期格式,模式为 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ 。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
fees 学费 required 所需 | The fee for the offered option. 所提供选项的费用。 | < Incentive > array < 激励 > 阵列 |
placementOptionId 位置选项 ID required 所需 | The identifier of a placement option. A placement option represents the shipment splits and destinations of SKUs. 配货选项的标识符。配货选项表示 SKU 的发货分拆和目的地。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
shipmentIds 货物编号 required 所需 | Shipment ids. 货件 ID。 | < string > array < 字符串 > 数组 |
status 地位 required 所需 | The status of a placement option. Possible values: OFFERED , ACCEPTED , EXPIRED .安置选项的状态。可能的值: OFFERED , ACCEPTED , EXPIRED 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
PlacementOptionSummary 安置选项摘要
Summary information about a placement option.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
placementOptionId 位置选项 ID required 所需 | The identifier of a placement option. A placement option represents the shipment splits and destinations of SKUs. 配货选项的标识符。配货选项表示 SKU 的发货分拆和目的地。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
status 地位 required 所需 | The status of a placement option. Possible values: OFFERED , ACCEPTED .安置选项的状态。可能的值: OFFERED , ACCEPTED 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
PrepCategory 准备类别
The preparation category for shipping an item to Amazon's fulfillment network.
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
ADULT 成人 | Displays potentially offensive material such as profanity or nudity. 显示可能令人反感的内容,如亵渎或裸体。 |
BABY 宝宝 | Made for a child aged three years or younger, packaging with cutouts greater than one square inch. 为三岁或三岁以下儿童制作,包装上的剪裁大于一平方英寸。 |
FC_PROVIDED | A prep type has been defined by the Fulfillment Center. This value is provided by Amazon and cannot be used as an input. 配送中心已定义预处理类型。该值由亚马逊提供,不能用作输入。 |
FRAGILE 脆弱 | Glass or otherwise fragile, or a liquid in a glass container. 玻璃或其他易碎物品,或玻璃容器中的液体。 |
GRANULAR 粒状 | Made of powder, pellets, or granular material. 由粉末、颗粒或粒状材料制成。 |
HANGER 悬挂器 | Made of cloth or fabric and intended to be put on a hanger. 用布或织物制成,用于挂在衣架上。 |
LIQUID 液体 | Liquid or viscous without a double seal. 无双重密封的液体或粘性物质。 |
PERFORATED 表演 | In packaging that has a perforated opening. 采用有穿孔开口的包装。 |
SET 设置 | Multiple items that are sold as one unit. 作为一个单位出售的多个物品。 |
SHARP 夏普 | Sharp and easily exposed, not already contained in protective packaging. 锋利、易暴露、尚未装入保护性包装的物品。 |
SMALL 小型 | Longest side less than 2 1/8 inches (width of a credit card). 最长边小于 2 1/8 英寸(信用卡宽度)。 |
TEXTILE 纺织品 | Made of cloth or fabric that could be damaged by dirt, dust, moisture, or liquid. 由布或织物制成,可能会因污垢、灰尘、湿气或液体而损坏。 |
UNKNOWN 未知 | An unknown prep category was found and needs to be updated. This value is provided by Amazon and cannot be used as an input. 发现未知的准备类别,需要更新。此值由亚马逊提供,不能用作输入。 |
NONE 无 | Does not require prep. 无需预处理。 |
PrepInstruction 预习指导
Information pertaining to the preparation of inbound goods.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
fee 费用 optional 可选的 | The type and amount of currency. 货币的种类和数量。 | Currency 货币 |
prepOwner 预备业主 optional 可选的 | In some situations, special preparations are required for items and this field reflects the owner of the preparations. Options include AMAZON , SELLER or NONE .在某些情况下,项目需要特殊的准备工作,该字段反映了准备工作的所有者。选项包括 AMAZON 、 SELLER 或 NONE 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
The owner of the preparations, if special preparations are required.
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
AMAZON 亚马逊 | Amazon provides the information. 亚马逊提供了相关信息。 |
SELLER 销售商 | The seller provides the information. 卖方提供信息。 |
NONE 无 | No owner is required for the preparations. 准备工作无需主人参与。 |
PrepType 预设类型
Preparation instructions for shipping an item to Amazon's fulfillment network. For more information about preparing items for shipment to Amazon's fulfillment network, refer to Seller Central Help for your marketplace.
将物品运送到亚马逊履行网络的准备说明。有关准备将物品运送到亚马逊履行网络的详细信息,请参阅您所在市场的 "卖家中心帮助"。
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
ITEM_BLACK_SHRINKWRAP | The item requires black shrink wrapping. 该物品需要黑色收缩包装。 |
ITEM_BLANKSTK | The item requires a blank sticker to obscure a bad barcode that cannot be covered by another sticker. 该物品需要用空白贴纸来遮盖其他贴纸无法遮盖的不良条形码。 |
ITEM_BOXING 项目_装箱 | Products may require overboxing when there are safety concerns over sharp items, fragile items, hazardous liquids, and vinyl records. For items over 4.5 kg, use double-wall corrugated boxes. 如果对尖锐物品、易碎物品、危险液体和黑胶唱片存在安全顾虑,则可能需要对产品进行外包装。对于超过 4.5 千克的物品,请使用双层瓦楞纸箱。 |
ITEM_BUBBLEWRAP | The item requires bubble wrapping. 该物品需要气泡包装。 |
ITEM_CAP_SEALING 项目封盖 | To prevent leakage, the product needs to have a secondary seal in one of the following types: Induction seal, safety ring, clips, heat shrink plastic band, or boxing. 为防止泄漏,产品需要使用以下类型中的一种进行二次密封:感应密封、安全环、夹子、热缩塑料带或包装盒。 |
ITEM_DEBUNDLE 项目 | The item requires taking apart a set of items labeled for individual sale. Remove tape or shrink wrap that groups multiple inventory units together. 该项目需要拆开一套标有单独销售的物品。撕掉将多个库存单位组合在一起的胶带或收缩膜。 |
ITEM_HANG_GARMENT | The item must be placed on a hanger. 物品必须放在衣架上。 |
ITEM_LABELING 项目标签 | The FNSKU label must be applied to the item. FNSKU 标签必须贴在物品上。 |
ITEM_NO_PREP | The item does not require any prep. 该项目无需任何准备工作。 |
ITEM_POLYBAGGING | The item requires polybagging. 该物品需要用聚乙烯袋包装。 |
ITEM_RMOVHANG | The item cannot be shipped on a hanger. 该商品不能用衣架运送。 |
ITEM_SETCREAT | Units that are sets must be labeled as sets on their packaging. The barcodes on the individual items must not face outward and must not require covering. 成套设备必须在包装上标明是成套设备。单个物品上的条形码不得朝外,也无需遮盖。 |
ITEM_SETSTK | Products that are sets must be marked as sets on their packaging. Add a label to the unit that clearly states that the products must be received and sold as a single unit. For example, if a set of six unique toy cars is sold as one unit, the packaging for each car must indicate that it is part of the set. 成套产品必须在包装上标明成套。在单元上加上标签,明确说明产品必须作为一个单元接收和销售。例如,如果一套六辆独特的玩具车作为一个单位出售,那么每辆车的包装上都必须标明它是套装的一部分。 |
ITEM_SIOC | The item ships in its original product packaging. 商品以原装产品包装发货。 |
ITEM_SUFFOSTK | Poly bags with an opening of 12 cm or larger (measured when flat) must have a suffocation warning. This warning must be printed on the bag or attached as a label. 开口 12 厘米或更大(平放时测量)的聚乙烯袋必须有窒息警告。该警告必须印在袋子上或贴在标签上。 |
ITEM_TAPING | Indicates that taping is required. 表示需要绑带。 |
Quote 报价
The estimated shipping cost associated with the transportation option.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
cost 费用 required 所需 | The type and amount of currency. 货币的种类和数量。 | Currency 货币 |
expiration 到期 optional 可选的 | The time at which this transportation option quote expires. In ISO 8601 datetime with pattern yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ .该运输选项报价的到期时间。在 ISO 8601 日期时间中,模式为 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ 。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
voidableUntil optional 可选的 | Voidable until timestamp. 在时间戳之前无效。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
ReasonComment 原因评论
Reason for cancelling or rescheduling a self-ship appointment.
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
VEHICLE_DELAY 车辆延迟 | - |
OTHER 其他 | - |
Region 地区
Representation of a location used within the inbounding experience.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
countryCode 国家代码 optional 可选的 | ISO 3166 standard alpha-2 country code. ISO 3166 标准字母 2 国家代码。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
state 国 optional 可选的 | State. 州。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
warehouseId 仓库标识 optional 可选的 | An identifier for a warehouse, such as a FC, IXD, upstream storage. 仓库的标识符,如 FC、IXD 和上游存储。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
RequestedUpdates 请求更新
Objects that were included in the update request.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
boxes 方框 optional 可选的 | A list of boxes that will be present in the shipment after the update. 更新后将出现在货件中的包装盒列表。 | < BoxUpdateInput > array < 方框更新输入 > 数组 |
items 项目 optional 可选的 | A list of all items that will be present in the shipment after the update. 更新后货件中所有物品的清单。 | < ItemInput > array < 项目输入 > 数组 |
The scheduleSelfShipAppointment
request. scheduleSelfShipAppointment
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
reasonComment 原因评论 optional 可选的 | Reason for cancelling or rescheduling a self-ship appointment. 取消或重新安排自助预约的原因。 | ReasonComment 原因评论 |
The scheduleSelfShipAppointment
response. scheduleSelfShipAppointment
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
selfShipAppointmentDetails 自我出货预约详情 required 所需 | Appointment details for carrier pickup or fulfillment center appointments. 承运商取货或履行中心预约的详细信息。 | SelfShipAppointmentDetails 自我预约详情 |
SelectedDeliveryWindow 选定交付窗口
Selected delivery window attributes.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
availabilityType 可用性类型 required 所需 | Identifies type of Delivery Window Availability. Values: AVAILABLE , CONGESTED 标识交付窗口可用性的类型。值: AVAILABLE , CONGESTED | string 字符串 |
deliveryWindowOptionId 交付窗口选项 ID required 所需 | Identifier of a delivery window option. A delivery window option represent one option for when a shipment is expected to be delivered. 交货窗口选项的标识符。交货窗口选项代表预计何时交货的一种选择。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
editableUntil 可编辑直至 optional 可选的 | The timestamp at which this Window can no longer be edited. 该窗口不能再被编辑的时间戳。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
endDate 结束日期 required 所需 | The end timestamp of the window. 窗口的结束时间戳。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
startDate 开始日期 required 所需 | The start timestamp of the window. 窗口的起始时间戳。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
Appointment details for carrier pickup or fulfillment center appointments.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
appointmentId optional 可选的 | Identifier for appointment. 任命的标识符。 | number 编号 |
appointmentSlotTime 预约时段 optional 可选的 | An appointment slot time with start and end. 有开始和结束时间的预约时段。 | AppointmentSlotTime 预约时段时间 |
appointmentStatus 预约状态 optional 可选的 | Status of the appointment. 任命情况。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
The self ship appointment time slots availability and an expiration date for which the slots can be scheduled.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
expiresAt 过期时间 optional 可选的 | The time at which the self ship appointment slot expires. In ISO 8601 datetime format. 自运预约时段到期的时间。采用 ISO 8601 日期格式。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
slots 时段 optional 可选的 | A list of appointment slots. 预约时段列表。 | < AppointmentSlot > array < 预约时段 > 数组 |
The setPackingInformation
request. setPackingInformation
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
packageGroupings 软件包分组 required 所需 | List of packing information for the inbound plan. 入境计划的包装信息列表。 | < PackageGroupingInput > array < PackageGroupingInput > 数组 |
The setPackingInformation
response. setPackingInformation
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
The setPrepDetails
request. setPrepDetails
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
marketplaceId 市场标识 required 所需 | The marketplace ID. For a list of possible values, refer to Marketplace IDs. 市场 ID。有关可能的值列表,请参阅市场 ID。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 20 | string 字符串 |
mskuPrepDetails required 所需 | A list of MSKUs and related prep details. MSKU 列表及相关预习详情。 | < MskuPrepDetailInput > array < MskuPrepDetailInput > 数组 |
The setPrepDetails
response. setPrepDetails
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
Shipment 运输
Contains information pertaining to a shipment in an inbound plan.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
amazonReferenceId optional 可选的 | A unique identifier created by Amazon that identifies this Amazon-partnered, Less Than Truckload/Full Truckload (LTL/FTL) shipment. 亚马逊创建的唯一标识符,用于识别这批亚马逊合作的零担/整车(LTL/FTL)货物。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
contactInformation 联系信息 optional 可选的 | The seller's contact information. 卖方的联系方式。 | ContactInformation 联系信息 |
dates 日期 optional 可选的 | Specifies the date that the seller expects their shipment will be shipped. 指定卖方预计发货的日期。 | Dates 日期 |
destination 目的地 required 所需 | The Amazon fulfillment center address and warehouse ID. 亚马逊履约中心地址和仓库 ID。 | ShipmentDestination 货运目的地 |
freightInformation 货运信息 optional 可选的 | Freight information describes the skus being transported. Freight carrier options and quotes will only be returned if the freight information is provided. 货运信息描述运输的货品。只有提供了货运信息,才会返回货运承运商选项和报价。 | FreightInformation 货运信息 |
name 名字 optional 可选的 | The name of the shipment. 货物名称。 | string 字符串 |
placementOptionId 位置选项 ID required 所需 | The identifier of a placement option. A placement option represents the shipment splits and destinations of SKUs. 配货选项的标识符。配货选项表示 SKU 的发货分拆和目的地。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
selectedDeliveryWindow 选定交付窗口 optional 可选的 | Selected delivery window attributes. 选定的交付窗口属性。 | SelectedDeliveryWindow 选定交付窗口 |
selectedTransportationOptionId 选定的运输选项 ID optional 可选的 | Identifier of a transportation option. A transportation option represent one option for how to send a shipment. 运输选项的标识符。一个运输选项代表一种发送货物的方式。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
selfShipAppointmentDetails 自我出货预约详情 optional 可选的 | List of self ship appointment details. 自运预约详情列表。 | < SelfShipAppointmentDetails > array < 自助送货预约详情 > 数组 |
shipmentConfirmationId 装运确认编号 optional 可选的 | The confirmed shipment ID which shows up on labels (for example, FBA1234ABCD ).标签上显示的已确认货物 ID(例如, FBA1234ABCD )。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
source 消息来源 required 所需 | Specifies the 'ship from' address for the shipment. 指定货件的 "发件人 "地址。 | ShipmentSource 发货来源 |
status 地位 optional 可选的 | The status of a shipment. The state of the shipment will typically start as UNCONFIRMED , then transition to WORKING after a placement option has been confirmed, and then to READY_TO_SHIP once labels are generated.货物的状态。货件的状态开始时通常为 UNCONFIRMED ,确认放置选项后过渡到 WORKING ,生成标签后过渡到 READY_TO_SHIP 。Possible values: ABANDONED , CANCELLED , CHECKED_IN , CLOSED , DELETED , DELIVERED , IN_TRANSIT , MIXED , READY_TO_SHIP , RECEIVING , SHIPPED , UNCONFIRMED , WORKING 可能的值: ABANDONED , CANCELLED , CHECKED_IN , CLOSED , DELETED , DELIVERED , IN_TRANSIT , MIXED , READY_TO_SHIP , RECEIVING , SHIPPED , UNCONFIRMED , WORKING minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
trackingDetails 跟踪详情 optional 可选的 | Tracking information for Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) and Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) shipments. 零担(LTL)和小包裹递送(SPD)货运的跟踪信息。 | TrackingDetails 跟踪详情 |
ShipmentDestination 货运目的地
The Amazon fulfillment center address and warehouse ID.
亚马逊履约中心地址和仓库 ID。
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
address 地址 optional 可选的 | The address the shipment should be sent to. Empty if the destination type is AMAZON_OPTIMIZED .货物应寄往的地址。如果目的地类型为 AMAZON_OPTIMIZED 则为空。 | Address 地址 |
destinationType 目的地类型 required 所需 | The type of destination for this shipment. Possible values: AMAZON_OPTIMIZED , AMAZON_WAREHOUSE .该货物的目的地类型。可能的值: AMAZON_OPTIMIZED , AMAZON_WAREHOUSE 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
warehouseId 仓库标识 optional 可选的 | The warehouse that the shipment should be sent to. Empty if the destination type is AMAZON_OPTIMIZED .货物应发送到的仓库。如果目的地类型为 AMAZON_OPTIMIZED 则为空。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
ShipmentSource 发货来源
Specifies the 'ship from' address for the shipment.
指定货件的 "发件人 "地址。
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
address 地址 optional 可选的 | Specific details to identify a place. 确定一个地方的具体细节。 | Address 地址 |
sourceType 源类型 required 所需 | The type of source for this shipment. Possible values: SELLER_FACILITY .这批货物的货源类型。可能的值: SELLER_FACILITY 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
ShipmentSummary 货运摘要
Summary information about a shipment.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
status 地位 required 所需 | The status of a shipment. The state of the shipment will typically start as UNCONFIRMED , then transition to WORKING after a placement option has been confirmed, and then to READY_TO_SHIP once labels are generated.货物的状态。货件的状态开始时通常为 UNCONFIRMED ,确认放置选项后过渡到 WORKING ,生成标签后过渡到 READY_TO_SHIP 。Possible values: ABANDONED , CANCELLED , CHECKED_IN , CLOSED , DELETED , DELIVERED , IN_TRANSIT , MIXED , READY_TO_SHIP , RECEIVING , SHIPPED , UNCONFIRMED , WORKING 可能的值: ABANDONED , CANCELLED , CHECKED_IN , CLOSED , DELETED , DELIVERED , IN_TRANSIT , MIXED , READY_TO_SHIP , RECEIVING , SHIPPED , UNCONFIRMED , WORKING minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
Details needed to generate the transportation options.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
contactInformation 联系信息 optional 可选的 | The seller's contact information. 卖方的联系方式。 | ContactInformation 联系信息 |
freightInformation 货运信息 optional 可选的 | Freight information describes the skus being transported. Freight carrier options and quotes will only be returned if the freight information is provided. 货运信息描述运输的货品。只有提供了货运信息,才会返回货运承运商选项和报价。 | FreightInformation 货运信息 |
pallets 托盘 optional 可选的 | List of pallet configuration inputs. 托盘配置输入列表。 | < PalletInput > array < PalletInput > 数组 |
readyToShipWindow required 所需 | The range of dates within which the seller intends to ship their items. This is the pick-up date or 'ready to ship' date, not an estimated delivery date. 卖家打算发货的日期范围。这是提货日期或 "准备发货 "日期,而不是预计交货日期。 | WindowInput 窗口输入 |
shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
ShippingConfiguration 发货配置
The shipping configurations supported for the packing option. Available modes are ground small parcel, freight less-than-truckload (LTL), freight full-truckload (FTL) palletized, freight FTL non-palletized, ocean less-than-container-load (LCL), ocean full-container load (FCL), air small parcel, and air small parcel express.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
shippingMode 运输方式 optional 可选的 | Mode of shipment transportation that this option will provide. 该选项提供的货物运输方式。 Possible values: GROUND_SMALL_PARCEL , FREIGHT_LTL , FREIGHT_FTL_PALLET , FREIGHT_FTL_NONPALLET , OCEAN_LCL , OCEAN_FCL , AIR_SMALL_PARCEL , AIR_SMALL_PARCEL_EXPRESS .可能的值: GROUND_SMALL_PARCEL , FREIGHT_LTL , FREIGHT_FTL_PALLET , FREIGHT_FTL_NONPALLET , OCEAN_LCL , OCEAN_FCL , AIR_SMALL_PARCEL , AIR_SMALL_PARCEL_EXPRESS 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
shippingSolution 运输解决方案 optional 可选的 | Shipping program for the option. Possible values: AMAZON_PARTNERED_CARRIER , USE_YOUR_OWN_CARRIER .选项的发货程序。可能的值: AMAZON_PARTNERED_CARRIER , USE_YOUR_OWN_CARRIER 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
Contains information related to Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) shipment tracking.
包含与小包裹递送 (SPD) 货物跟踪相关的信息。
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
spdTrackingItems optional 可选的 | List of Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) tracking items. 小包裹递送 (SPD) 跟踪项目列表。 | < SpdTrackingItem > array < SpdTrackingItem > 数组 |
Contains input information to update Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) tracking information.
包含更新小包裹递送 (SPD) 跟踪信息的输入信息。
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
spdTrackingItems required 所需 | List of Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) tracking items input. 输入小包裹递送 (SPD) 跟踪项目列表。 | < SpdTrackingItemInput > array < SpdTrackingItemInput > 数组 |
Contains information used to track and identify a Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) item.
包含用于跟踪和识别小包裹递送 (SPD) 物品的信息。
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
boxId optional 可选的 | The ID provided by Amazon that identifies a given box. This ID is comprised of the external shipment ID (which is generated after transportation has been confirmed) and the index of the box. 亚马逊提供的 ID,用于识别给定的箱子。此 ID 由外部装运 ID(在确认运输后生成)和箱子索引组成。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
trackingId optional 可选的 | The tracking ID associated with each box in a non-Amazon partnered Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) shipment. 与非亚马逊合作的小包裹递送 (SPD) 货物中每个箱子相关联的跟踪 ID。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
trackingNumberValidationStatus 跟踪号码验证状态 optional 可选的 | Whether or not Amazon has validated the tracking number. If more than 24 hours have passed and the status is not yet 'VALIDATED', please verify the number and update if necessary. Possible values: VALIDATED , NOT_VALIDATED .亚马逊是否已验证跟踪号码。如果已超过 24 小时,但状态仍未为 "VALIDATED",请核实该号码并在必要时更新。可能的值: VALIDATED , NOT_VALIDATED 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) tracking items input information.
小包裹递送 (SPD) 跟踪项目输入信息。
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
boxId required 所需 | The ID provided by Amazon that identifies a given box. This ID is comprised of the external shipment ID (which is generated after transportation has been confirmed) and the index of the box. 亚马逊提供的 ID,用于识别给定的箱子。此 ID 由外部装运 ID(在确认运输后生成)和箱子索引组成。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
trackingId required 所需 | The tracking Id associated with each box in a non-Amazon partnered Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) shipment. The seller must provide this information. 与非亚马逊合作的小包裹递送 (SPD) 货物中的每个箱子相关联的跟踪 Id。卖家必须提供此信息。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
Stackability 堆叠性
Indicates whether pallets will be stacked when carrier arrives for pick-up.
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
STACKABLE 可堆叠 | A pallet that can be stacked on top of another pallet. 可叠放在另一个托盘上的托盘。 |
NON_STACKABLE 非堆叠 | A pallet that cannot be stacked on top of another pallet. 不能堆放在另一个托盘上的托盘。 |
TaxDetails 税务详情
Information used to determine the tax compliance.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
declaredValue 声明值 optional 可选的 | The type and amount of currency. 货币的种类和数量。 | Currency 货币 |
hsnCode optional 可选的 | Harmonized System of Nomenclature code. 术语统一系统代码。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
taxRates 税率 optional 可选的 | List of tax rates. 税率一览表。 | < TaxRate > array < 税率 > 数组 |
TaxRate 税率
Contains the type and rate of tax.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
cessRate 税率 optional 可选的 | Rate of cess tax. 税率。 | number 编号 |
gstRate 税率 optional 可选的 | Rate of gst tax. GST 税率。 | number 编号 |
taxType optional 可选的 | Type of tax. Possible values: CGST , SGST , IGST , TOTAL_TAX .税种。可能的值: CGST , SGST , IGST , TOTAL_TAX 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
TrackingDetails 跟踪详情
Tracking information for Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) and Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) shipments.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
ltlTrackingDetail optional 可选的 | Contains information related to Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) shipment tracking. 包含与零担 (LTL) 货运跟踪相关的信息。 | LtlTrackingDetail |
spdTrackingDetail optional 可选的 | Contains information related to Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) shipment tracking. 包含与小包裹递送 (SPD) 货物跟踪相关的信息。 | SpdTrackingDetail |
Tracking information input for Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) and Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) shipments.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
ltlTrackingDetail optional 可选的 | Contains input information to update Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) tracking information. 包含用于更新零担货物(LTL)跟踪信息的输入信息。 | LtlTrackingDetailInput |
spdTrackingDetail optional 可选的 | Contains input information to update Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) tracking information. 包含更新小包裹递送 (SPD) 跟踪信息的输入信息。 | SpdTrackingDetailInput |
TransportationOption 运输选择
Contains information pertaining to a transportation option and the related carrier.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
carrier 载体 required 所需 | The carrier for the inbound shipment. 进港货物的承运人。 | Carrier 承运人 |
carrierAppointment 运营商任命 optional 可选的 | Contains details for a transportation carrier appointment. This appointment is vended out by Amazon and is an indicator for when a transportation carrier is accepting shipments to be picked up. 包含运输承运商预约的详细信息。此预约由亚马逊提供,是运输承运商接受货物提货的时间指示。 | CarrierAppointment 运营商任命 |
preconditions 前提条件 required 所需 | Identifies a list of preconditions for confirming the transportation option. 确定确认运输方案的前提条件清单。 | < string > array < 字符串 > 数组 |
quote 报价 optional 可选的 | The estimated shipping cost associated with the transportation option. 与运输选项相关的预计运费。 | Quote 报价 |
shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Identifier of a shipment. A shipment contains the boxes and units being inbounded. 货物的标识符。装运货物包含装入的箱子和单位。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
shippingMode 运输方式 required 所需 | Mode of shipment transportation that this option will provide. 该选项提供的货物运输方式。 Possible values: GROUND_SMALL_PARCEL , FREIGHT_LTL , FREIGHT_FTL_PALLET , FREIGHT_FTL_NONPALLET , OCEAN_LCL , OCEAN_FCL , AIR_SMALL_PARCEL , AIR_SMALL_PARCEL_EXPRESS .可能的值: GROUND_SMALL_PARCEL , FREIGHT_LTL , FREIGHT_FTL_PALLET , FREIGHT_FTL_NONPALLET , OCEAN_LCL , OCEAN_FCL , AIR_SMALL_PARCEL , AIR_SMALL_PARCEL_EXPRESS 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
shippingSolution 运输解决方案 required 所需 | Shipping program for the option. Possible values: AMAZON_PARTNERED_CARRIER , USE_YOUR_OWN_CARRIER .选项的发货程序。可能的值: AMAZON_PARTNERED_CARRIER , USE_YOUR_OWN_CARRIER 。minLength : 1 maxLength : 1024 | string 字符串 |
transportationOptionId 运输选项标识 required 所需 | Identifier of a transportation option. A transportation option represent one option for how to send a shipment. 运输选项的标识符。一个运输选项代表一种发送货物的方式。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
TransportationSelection 交通选择
The transportation option selected to confirm.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
contactInformation 联系信息 optional 可选的 | The seller's contact information. 卖方的联系方式。 | ContactInformation 联系信息 |
shipmentId 货件编号 required 所需 | Shipment ID that the transportation Option is for. 运输选项的货物 ID。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
transportationOptionId 运输选项标识 required 所需 | Transportation option being selected for the provided shipment. 为所提供的货物选择的运输方式。 minLength : 38 最小长度:38 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
UnitOfMeasurement 测量单位
Unit of linear measure.
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
IN | Inches. 英寸 |
CM | Centimeters. 厘米。 |
UnitOfWeight 单位重量
Unit of the weight being measured.
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
LB | Pounds. 磅。 |
KG | Kilograms. 公斤。 |
The updateInboundPlanName
request. updateInboundPlanName
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
name 名字 required 所需 | A human-readable name to update the inbound plan name to. 一个可读的名称,用于更新入站计划名称。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 40 | string 字符串 |
The updateItemComplianceDetails
request. updateItemComplianceDetails
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
msku required 所需 | The merchant SKU, a merchant-supplied identifier for a specific SKU. 商家 SKU:商家提供的特定 SKU 的标识符。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 40 | string 字符串 |
taxDetails 税款详情 required 所需 | Information used to determine the tax compliance. 用于确定纳税合规性的信息。 | TaxDetails 税务详情 |
The updateItemComplianceDetails
response. updateItemComplianceDetails
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
The updateShipmentName
request. updateShipmentName
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
name 名字 required 所需 | A human-readable name to update the shipment name to. 一个可读的名称,用于更新货运名称。 minLength : 1 maxLength : 100 | string 字符串 |
The UpdateShipmentSourceAddress
request. UpdateShipmentSourceAddress
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
address 地址 required 所需 | Specific details to identify a place. 确定一个地方的具体细节。 | AddressInput 地址输入 |
The UpdateShipmentSourceAddress
response. UpdateShipmentSourceAddress
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
The updateShipmentTrackingDetails
request. updateShipmentTrackingDetails
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
trackingDetails 跟踪详情 required 所需 | Tracking information input for Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) and Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) shipments. 为零担(LTL)和小包裹递送(SPD)货运输入跟踪信息。 | TrackingDetailsInput |
The updateShipmentTrackingDetails
response. updateShipmentTrackingDetails
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
operationId required 所需 | UUID for the given operation. 给定操作的 UUID。 minLength : 36 最小长度:36 maxLength : 38 Pattern : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" 图案 : "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$" | string 字符串 |
Weight 重量
The weight of a package.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
unit 单位 required 所需 | Unit of the weight being measured. 测量重量的单位。 | UnitOfWeight 单位重量 |
value 价值 required 所需 | Value of a weight. 砝码的值。 Minimum value : 0 最小值 : 0 Maximum value : 100000 最大值 : 100000 | number 编号 |
Window 窗户
Contains a start and end DateTime representing a time range.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
editableUntil 可编辑直至 optional 可选的 | The timestamp at which this Window can no longer be edited. 该窗口不能再被编辑的时间戳。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
end 最后 required 所需 | The end timestamp of the window. 窗口的结束时间戳。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
start 启动 required 所需 | The start timestamp of the window. 窗口的起始时间戳。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
WindowInput 窗口输入
Contains only a starting DateTime.
Name 名称 | Description 说明 | Schema 模式 |
start 启动 required 所需 | The start date of the window. In ISO 8601 datetime format with minute precision. Supports patterns yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ , yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ , or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ . Note that non-zero second and millisecond components are removed.窗口的开始日期。采用 ISO 8601 日期格式,精度为分钟。支持 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ 、 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ 或 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ 模式。请注意,非零的秒和毫秒成分会被移除。 | string (date-time) 字符串 |
Status 现状
The status of an inbound plan.
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
ACTIVE 活动 | An inbound plan that is being worked on. 正在制定的入境计划。 |
VOIDED 作废 | An inbound plan with all shipment cancelled and can no longer be modified. 已取消所有装运且无法再修改的进货计划。 |
SHIPPED 已发货 | A completed inbound plan. Only minor modifications can be made at this time. 已完成的入境计划。目前只能稍作修改。 |
SortBy 排序方式
Sort by field. 按字段排序。
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
LAST_UPDATED_TIME 最后更新时间 | Last updated time of the inbound plan. 入境计划的最后更新时间。 |
CREATION_TIME 创建时间 | Inbound plan creation time. 入境计划创建时间。 |
SortOrder 排序顺序
The sort order. 排序顺序。
Type : enum 类型:枚举
Value 价值 | Description 说明 |
ASC | Ascending order. 升序。 |
DESC | Descending order. 降序排列。 |
Updated about 1 month ago 约 1 个月前已更新