Surabaya, East Java (ANTARA) - East Java became the most popular province for domestic tourism destinations in 2023 based on data released by the Statistics Indonesia (BPS).
Surabaya, Jawa Timur (ANTARA) - Jawa Timur menjadi provinsi terpopuler untuk destinasi wisata domestik pada 2023 berdasarkan data yang dirilis Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS).

In her written statement received here on Sunday, former Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa, said that she is grateful that East Java is the domestic tourists' favorite in 2023.
Dalam keterangan tertulisnya yang diterima di sini pada hari Minggu, mantan Gubernur Jawa Timur Khofifah Indar Parawansa, mengatakan bahwa dia bersyukur bahwa Jawa Timur adalah favorit wisatawan domestik pada tahun 2023.

According to the BPS data, there were a total of 207.81 million domestic tourists in East Java in 2023 or 25 percent of the total number of domestic tourism trips in that year.
Menurut data BPS, terdapat total 207,81 juta wisatawan domestik di Jawa Timur pada 2023 atau 25 persen dari total jumlah perjalanan wisata domestik pada tahun tersebut.

"The tourism sector is a mainstay sector in boosting the community's economy, and we are grateful that East Java is the most popular province for domestic destinations in 2023," she said.
"Sektor pariwisata menjadi sektor andalan dalam mendongkrak perekonomian masyarakat, dan kami bersyukur Jawa Timur menjadi provinsi terpopuler untuk destinasi domestik di tahun 2023," katanya.

She explained that there are many top destinations in East Java. One of the most popular is Mount Ijen, known for its crater that has blue flames.
Dia menjelaskan bahwa ada banyak destinasi unggulan di Jawa Timur. Salah satu yang paling populer adalah Gunung Ijen, yang dikenal dengan kawahnya yang memiliki api biru.

Located in Banyuwangi and Bondowoso Districts, tourists can enjoy Mt. Ijen's blue flames before 4 a.m. local time. The blue flame only exists in two countries in the world.
Terletak di Kabupaten Banyuwangi dan Bondowoso, wisatawan dapat menikmati api biru Gunung Ijen sebelum pukul 4 pagi waktu setempat. Api biru hanya ada di dua negara di dunia.

"Next is Mount Bromo which is very beautiful and has many interesting photo spots. Starting from the Teletubbies Hill, whispering sand, climbing spots to enjoy the sunrise," Parawansa said.
"Selanjutnya adalah Gunung Bromo yang sangat indah dan memiliki banyak spot foto menarik. Mulai dari Bukit Teletubbies, pasir berbisik, spot pendakian hingga menikmati sunrise," kata Parawansa.

She said that Mount Bromo's sunrise is really amazing and is a must-visit destination.
Dia mengatakan bahwa matahari terbit Gunung Bromo benar-benar menakjubkan dan merupakan tujuan yang harus dikunjungi.

Located in Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang, and Malang Districts, East Java, Mount Bromo not only attracts Indonesian tourists but also foreign tourists who want to enjoy its beauty.
Terletak di Kabupaten Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang, dan Malang, Jawa Timur, Gunung Bromo tidak hanya menarik wisatawan Indonesia tetapi juga wisatawan asing yang ingin menikmati keindahannya.

Furthermore, East Java has the Batu City whose main attraction is the Jatim Park. The theme park offers a large selection of recreational rides that are suitable for family vacations.
Selanjutnya, Jawa Timur memiliki Kota Batu yang daya tarik utamanya adalah Jatim Park. Taman hiburan ini menawarkan banyak pilihan wahana rekreasi yang cocok untuk liburan keluarga.

"There are educational attractions like the Batu Secret Zoo, an animal museum, and the crowd-favorite Dino Park," Parawansa said.
"Ada atraksi pendidikan seperti Batu Secret Zoo, museum hewan, dan Taman Dino favorit orang banyak," kata Parawansa.

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Translator: Willi I, Kenzu
Penerjemah: Willi I, Kenzu

Editor: Azis Kurmala
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