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August 6, 2024 2024 年 8 月 6 日
5 min read

Into the mind of Will Bowers

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Good taste and tech don't always go together, which makes Will Bowers an exception. His tech reviews are refreshingly clean, keen and useful. So it was a compliment when we learned he uses mymind. We asked Bowers to share what he's been thinking on lately.
品味与技术并不总是相辅相成的,但威尔-鲍尔斯(Will Bowers)是个例外。他的技术评论令人耳目一新,简洁、敏锐、实用。因此,当我们得知他在使用 mymind 时,这无疑是一种赞美。我们请 Bowers 分享一下他最近的想法。

What’s the best compliment you received recently?

Not long ago, somebody who I consider to be a bit of a “digital mentor” told me they took inspiration from some of my recent work.
不久前,一个被我视为 "数字导师 "的人告诉我,他们从我最近的一些作品中获得了灵感。

This was a person who I learned a LOT from over the past few years, so getting that type of recognition from them was a lovely feeling that has stuck with me for months.

What’s the last thing you read?

“The Creative Act” by Rick Rubin. Not only does this book look great on a coffee table or shelf, I believe the contents of it are essential for anyone who wants to be more in touch with their creativity. 
"里克-鲁宾(Rick Rubin)著的《创意行为》。这本书不仅摆在茶几或书架上很好看,而且我认为其中的内容对于任何想更多地接触自己的创造力的人来说都是必不可少的。

It's currently my go-to recommendation for any of my friends who suffer from writer's block, and I find myself re-reading sections of the book whenever I need a bit of a reset.

What do you want to read next?

A book that was recently recommended to me called “The Infinite Game” by Simon Sinek. I do a lot of business/non-fiction reading so when I heard this is similar to some of the stuff I enjoyed in the past, I had to pick it up.

Beyond that, one of my favorite relaxation books I find myself revisiting often is “The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living” by Meik Wiking. This one is great to flip through before bedtime, and was a big part in my desire to create “cozy” living spaces in my home.
除此之外,我最喜欢的放松书籍之一是 Meik Wiking 的《The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living》,我发现自己经常重温这本书。这本书非常适合在睡前翻阅,也是我想要在家中创造 "舒适 "生活空间的重要原因。

A quote that’s meaningful to you?

“Stay hungry, stay foolish.” - Steve Jobs "保持饥饿,保持愚蠢"。- 史蒂夫-乔布斯

Highlight the text, quotation marks included, and right click to save this to your mind as a quote. Right click the image to save it.

I personally think a healthy dose of delusion is necessary when chasing one's dreams, so this quote has always been a reminder to push myself forward while ignoring the self doubt that only serves to hold me back. 

Best gift you’ve ever given?

My favorite gift to give to anyone tends to be exposure to new foods and experiences. I take deep pride in being able to introduce people to new things they have never tried, and I'm always looking for personalized ways to do this for my family and friends. A delicious meal or a well thought out day trip will go a long way in my books.

Where do you want to travel to next?

I seem to have been bitten by the New York City bug in a big way as I am planning my second visit in as many years this Fall. I’m quite a big fan of the non-stop beautiful chaos that exists in the city, and after being raised in a small town in Arizona I love surrounding myself in that environment. 

Australia, Spain and Japan are also high on my list of destinations I hope to visit in the not so distant future.

What would you buy, if money weren’t an issue?

I would buy a plot of land somewhere in the Vancouver area with a view of nature and enough space for all of my family and friends to visit comfortably whenever they wanted. I’d love to build myself a studio space in the home that allows me to make videos with zero friction, and an art studio for my wife.

Big picture, however, I’m realizing as I get older that I’m less motivated by physical possessions. I want to use my resources to benefit causes to preserve the planet or provide relief to marginalized communities. 

What hobby would you take up, if you had the time?

I recently discovered that I am very inspired by interior design! I’ve started carving out dedicated time to learn more about this and the deeper I go, the more I realize I enjoy design as a whole. 

I also have a background in the streaming/gaming space that I wish I could spend more time doing, since it was such a big part of my life when I was figuring out this whole content creation thing. Maybe it's time to revisit some of that soon.

What’s an image or piece of art you can’t get out of your head?

This shot of Charles Leclerc after finally securing his first Monaco F1 win in front of his home crowd. His big win came after years of bad luck and having it slip through his fingers countless times. The headfirst dive into the marina while still in full race clothing shows the pure elation of the moment.
查尔斯-勒克莱尔(Charles Leclerc)终于在家乡观众面前赢得了他在 F1 摩纳哥站的首场胜利。在经历了多年的厄运和无数次从指缝中溜走之后,他终于赢得了这场重大胜利。他身着整套比赛服,一头扎进码头,展现了这一激动人心的时刻。

A product of any kind you’ve been appreciating lately?

Lately I’ve been testing out using an iPad as a replacement for my laptop when I travel. The Apple Pencil specifically has made me feel MUCH more creatively inspired when using this compared to a standard laptop. 
最近,我一直在尝试在旅行时用 iPad 代替笔记本电脑。与普通笔记本电脑相比,Apple Pencil 让我在使用 iPad 时感受到了更多的创作灵感。

The funniest thing you’ve seen lately?

I feel it is only fair to give credit for this one to the greatest cinematic masterpiece of my time: Shrek 2. 

If you could build an extension of your own mind, what would it look like? How would it work?

I imagine it would be similar to the waves in the ocean. My mind is constantly cycling between periods of calm and intense periods of productivity and motion, similar to the changing tides of the sea. My focus is far from linear, but the common thread is that I know the next big “wave” is often right around the corner. ⚘
我想象这与大海中的波浪相似。我的思维不断在平静期和生产力与运动的激烈期之间循环,就像大海的潮汐变化一样。我的注意力远非直线型,但共同点是,我知道下一个大 "浪 "往往就在转角处。⚘


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