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sections 1-8 of the Restatement (Second) of Contracts
《合同重述(第二版)》第 1-8 节

How those general provisions impact your understanding of what a contract is—and what it is not.

Introductory Note

Problem of Multiple Meanings

Words often have different meanings to the speaker and to the hearer.

Definitions in the Restatement are used to avoid confusion, even though words can have various connotations.

Objective of Definitions

To reduce ambiguity and circumlocution in stating rules.

To use familiar legal terms where possible, ensuring each term has a single core definition in this Restatement.

Limits of Definitions

Complex institutions like “contract” or “promise” cannot be fully captured in a single definition.

Operative facts and legal relations are further explored in subsequent chapters.

§1. Contract Defined
§1. 合同定义

“A contract is a promise or a set of promises for the breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes as a duty.”


a. Other meanings
a. 其他含义

“Contract” is often used more broadly or differently (synonym for “agreement,” “bargain,” or including executed transactions).

This Restatement’s definition focuses on promises recognized as enforceable, excluding executed transactions with no continuing promise, and obligations imposed without a promise.

b. Act and resulting legal relations
b. 行为及其产生的法律关系

“Contract” refers to the act(s) of promising which have legal effect.

The term also is used for the resulting legal obligation or overall legal relationship.

Compare Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) § 1-201(11), which defines “contract” as the “total legal obligation” resulting from the parties’ agreement.
比较《统一商法典》(UCC)§ 1-201(11),该条款将“合同”定义为当事人协议所产生的“全部法律义务”。

c. Set of promises
c. 承诺集

A contract may include one or multiple promises made by and/or to various persons.

Promises need not be simultaneous if they are treated as a single contract or sufficiently related.

d. Operative acts other than promise
d. 除承诺外的操作行为

Definition does not specify which additional acts (e.g., consideration, delivery) might be needed to form a contract.

Those are discussed in other sections (e.g., §17 for formation, §71 for consideration).
这些在其他章节中讨论(例如,§17 讨论形成,§71 讨论对价)。

e. Remedies
e. 救济措施

Legal remedies for breach include damages, restitution, and specific performance (see Chapter 16).
违反法律的救济措施包括损害赔偿、返还和特定履行(见第 16 章)。

Indirect recognition (e.g., restitution) can also reflect a legal duty, thus making the agreement a contract (illustration given about Statute of Frauds).

f. Varieties of contracts
f. 合同的种类

The term is generic and includes “voidable,” “unenforceable,” “formal,” “informal,” “express,” “implied,” “unilateral,” “bilateral,” etc.

g. “Binding promise”
g. “绑定承诺”

A “binding” promise is one that meets contract definition, although the remedy may vary or be limited by other facts.

The word “binding” is used to indicate a duty arises unless other defeating facts exist (e.g., lack of capacity, illegality).

§2. Promise; Promisor; Promisee; Beneficiary
§2. 承诺;承诺人;受承诺人;受益人

(1) A promise is a manifestation of intention to act or refrain so as to justify a promisee in understanding a commitment has been made.
(1) 承诺是意图采取行动或克制的表现,以使承诺人理解已作出承诺。

(2) Promisor = person manifesting the intention.
(2) 承诺人 = 表示意图的人。

Promisee = person to whom the manifestation is addressed.
(3) 受诺人 = 向其表达的对象。

(4) Beneficiary = person, other than
promisee, who will benefit from performance.
(4) 受益人 = 除了承诺人之外,将从履行中受益的人。


a. Acts and resulting relations
a. 行为及其结果关系

“Promise” denotes the act of the promisor; not limited to legally enforceable acts.

A promise can also be used to refer to the resulting complex of human relations and expectations.

b. Manifestation of intention
b. 意图的表现

Objective standard: “external” expression.

Promisor’s words or conduct must be such that a reasonable person would interpret them as a commitment.

If more than one inference is possible, other contract interpretation rules apply (see §§19, 20, 201, 219).
如果可能有多个推论,则适用其他合同解释规则(见 §§19, 20, 201, 219)。

c. Promise of action by third person; guaranty
c. 第三方的行动承诺;担保

Language that literally promises a third person’s action usually implies the promisor commits to cause or ensure that action (e.g., guarantor).

The promise is valid only if it justifies the promisee’s expectation of promisor’s conduct or responsibility for failure.

d. Promise of event beyond human control; warranty
d. 超出人类控制的事件的承诺;保修

A statement about an uncontrollable event may be interpreted as a promise to answer for harm if the event does not occur (e.g., a warranty).

Warranties can concern present or past facts, not just future occurrences.

Must be interpreted in context to determine if it is really a promise.

e. Illusory promises; mere statements of intention
e. 虚幻的承诺;仅仅是意图的陈述

If performance is entirely optional to the promisor, there is no real promise.

A conditional promise is still a promise if the condition is outside the promisor’s unfettered discretion.

f. Opinions and predictions
f. 意见和预测

Distinguish a promise from mere opinion/prediction (no commitment is manifested).

Under UCC § 2-313(2), a mere seller’s opinion is not a warranty.
根据《统一商法典》第 2-313(2)条,仅仅是卖方的意见并不构成保证。

g. Promisee and beneficiary
g. 受益人和受益者

Promisee” = the addressee of the promisor’s manifestation.
“Promisee” = 承诺人的表现的受领人。

A third person benefiting is a “beneficiary.”

A beneficiary may or may not have a legal right to performance.

§3. Agreement Defined; Bargain Defined
§3. 协议定义;交易定义

“An agreement is a manifestation of mutual assent on the part of two or more persons. A bargain is an agreement to exchange promises or a promise for a performance, or to exchange performances.”


a. Agreement vs. bargain
a. 协议与交易

“Agreement” is broader than “contract,” “bargain,” or “promise.”

Some contracts do not require an agreement (e.g., §§82–90).

Agreement implies no inherent legal consequences.

b. Manifestation of assent
b. 同意的表现

Can be by words or conduct (including silence in some cases, see §19, §69).

Compare UCC § 1-201(3).
比较 UCC § 1-201(3)。

c. Bargain vs. agreement
c. 交易与协议

Bargain is a narrower type of agreement involving exchange.

Includes even unenforceable or invalidated transactions if they were intended as an exchange.

Covers fully executed exchanges (barter, sale) if a promise was made.

d. Offer
d. 提供

A bargain typically arises from offer and acceptance, specifying the items of exchange (§§22, 24).
交易通常源于要约和承诺,具体说明交换的项目 (§§22, 24)。

e. Contract vs. bargain
e. 合同与交易

Not all contracts are bargains (e.g., gifts under seal, §§82–94).

Bargain requires manifestations of mutual assent in a particular exchange form.

§4. How a Promise May Be Made
§4. 如何制定承诺

“A promise may be stated in words either oral or written, or may be inferred wholly or partly from conduct.”


a. Express and implied contracts
a. 明示和默示合同

Distinction: mode of manifesting assent (words vs. conduct).

“Express” = language; “implied” = conduct, usage, circumstances.
“Express” = 语言; “implied” = 行为,使用,情况。

No difference in legal effect; only in how assent is shown.


Ordering flour by phone → obligation to pay.
通过电话订购面粉 → 付款义务。

Picking up an apple in a store with a price tag and nodding → promise to pay.
在商店里拿起一个带价格标签的苹果并点头 → 承诺付款。

b. Quasi-contracts
b. 准合同

Different from implied-in-fact contracts.

Quasi-contracts (aka contracts implied in law) are obligations imposed by law to prevent injustice.

Not based on the parties’ manifested intent (see Restatement of Restitution).

Illustration: Spouse’s necessary supplies purchased without actual authority → duty is quasi-contractual, not contractual.
插图:配偶所需物品在没有实际授权的情况下购买 → 义务是准合同性质的,而不是合同性质的。

§5. Terms of Promise, Agreement, or Contract
§5. 承诺、协议或合同的条款

(1) A term of a promise/agreement = portion of manifested intention relating to a particular matter.
(1) 承诺/协议的条款 = 与特定事项相关的表现意图的部分。

(2) A term of a contract = portion of resulting legal relations relating to that matter,
whether or not the parties intended those relations.
(2) 合同条款 = 与该事项相关的法律关系的部分,无论当事方是否意图这些关系。


a. Agreed terms
a. 同意的条款

Expressed in words/conduct, considering context (usage of trade, course of dealing/performance).

If promise is binding, these terms usually become contract terms unless invalidated.

b. Contract terms supplied by law
b. 法律规定的合同条款

Many rules fill gaps or override parties’ intentions (public policy).

These can be viewed as “implied terms,” but often reflect policy rather than manifested intent.

c. Statutory contract terms
c. 法定合同条款

Some statutes prescribe mandatory or optional contract terms (e.g., UCC).

Contract law may treat them as if the party had promised in the statutory terms.

Illustration: UCC disallows certain disclaimers (excludes an implied warranty) → that implied warranty is treated like a contractual promise.
插图:UCC 不允许某些免责声明(排除隐含担保)→ 该隐含担保被视为合同承诺。

§6. Formal Contracts
§6. 正式合同

Certain types of contracts have special rules due to formal characteristics:

(a) Contracts under seal
(a) 密封合同

(b) Recognizances
(b) 保证金

(c) Negotiable instruments and documents
(c) 可转让票据和文件

(d) Letters of credit
(d) 信用证


a. “Formal contracts.”
a. “正式合同。”

Traditionally labeled “formal” vs. “informal.”

This Restatement avoids that label since many contracts also have partial formal requirements (e.g., Statute of Frauds).

The special rules for (a)-(d) are mostly not stated in this Restatement; UCC and other statutes govern.
(a)-(d) 的特殊规则大多未在本重述中说明;适用《统一商法典》和其他法规。

b. Contracts under seal
b. 密封合同

Chapter 4 deals with formation under seal.

Many states have modified or abolished seals by statute.

UCC often disregards the seal (e.g., §2-203).
UCC 通常忽视印章(例如,§2-203)。

c. Recognizances
c. 保证金

Acknowledgment in court of an obligation (e.g., bail).

Historically to secure attendance, prosecution, or payment.

d. Negotiable instruments

Drafts, notes, certificates of deposit, etc., in bearer or order form.

Governed by UCC Articles 3 & 8 (or older uniform acts).
受 UCC 第 3 条和第 8 条(或较早的统一法案)管辖。

e. Negotiable documents

Warehouse receipts, bills of lading, documents of title, recognized by UCC Article 7 or federal statutes.
仓库收据、提单、所有权文件,受到 UCC 第 7 条或联邦法规的认可。

Provide for transfer of rights by endorsement or delivery.

f. Letters of credit
f. 信用证

Promise to honor drafts or demands for payment within UCC Article 5.
承诺根据《统一商法典》第 5 条尊重汇票或付款要求。

Developed from law merchant; partially codified in the UCC.

Some unique formal requirements.

§7. Voidable Contracts
§7. 可撤销合同

“A voidable contract is one where one or more parties have the power, by a manifestation of election, to avoid the legal relations or to ratify them.”


a. “Void contracts”
a. “无效合同”

If the law gives no remedy or duty to perform, it is not truly a “contract” under §1.
如果法律没有提供救济或履行的义务,那么它在§1 下不是真正的“合同”。

“Void contract” is a contradiction in this Restatement’s terminology.

b. Grounds of avoidance
b. 规避的理由

Typical grounds: infancy, fraud, mistake, duress, breach of warranty.

Sometimes only one party has power to avoid; sometimes both (e.g., mutual mistake).

c. Consequences of avoidance
c. 避免的后果

Legal relations may revert to pre-contract status, or the party may recover property or value.

Some cases allow a party to avoid without restoring status quo (e.g., infants in many jurisdictions).

d. Promptness of election
d. 选举的及时性

Some situations require timely avoidance or return of benefits; others allow waiting until suit.


Party induced by fraud must tender back goods within a reasonable time.

Infant can avoid but must ratify or disaffirm upon reaching majority.

e. Power of ratification
e. 批准权

“Voidable” means the contract is effective until the power to avoid is exercised.

Ratification ends the power to avoid, making it fully enforceable.

Action may be needed to prevent ordinary legal consequences (e.g., disaffirming upon discovery of fraud).

§8. Unenforceable Contracts
§8. 无法执行的合同

“An unenforceable contract is one for which neither damages nor specific performance is available, but which the law recognizes as creating a duty of performance in some other way, absent ratification.”


a. Distinction between “voidable” and “unenforceable.”
a. “可撤销”和“不可强制执行”之间的区别。

Both lack a judicial remedy, but in “unenforceable,” there is no single party’s election that can make it enforceable.

Unenforceable contracts still have some legal consequences without further party action.

b. Types of unenforceable contracts
b. 无法执行的合同类型

Arise from illegal bargains that are not entirely void or voidable, or from remedial limitations (e.g., Statute of Frauds, statute of limitations).


Illegal but partially recognized bargains (public policy).

Contract unenforceable under Statute of Frauds but has other legal effects (e.g., property/ownership recognized).

c. Government contracts
c. 政府合同

Sometimes unenforceable due to sovereign immunity.

The duty may be recognized (e.g., can offset in a government suit), but no direct remedy in court.

Some statutes waive immunity, making such contracts enforceable in specialized courts.


A foreign government’s notes, used only as an offset.

Contracts with U.S. government subject to Court of Claims: if a judgment is rendered, it may still need Congressional appropriation.

How those general provisions impact your understanding of what a contract is—and what it is not.


a nuanced picture of what a contract is (a legally enforceable promise or set of promises) and what it is not (promises or agreements that do not or cannot give rise to legal duties). Below are a few key takeaways showing how these sections shape our understanding:

1. Defining “Contract” Narrowly and Broadly
1. 狭义和广义地定义“合同”

Narrow, Core Definition

Section 1 defines a “contract” as “a promise or set of promises for the breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes as a duty.”
第 1 节将“合同”定义为“一个承诺或一组承诺,因其违反而法律提供救济,或法律以某种方式承认其为义务的履行。”

This emphasizes legal enforceability and a recognized obligation to perform or remedy a breach.

“Promise” vs. “Agreement” vs. “Contract”
“承诺” vs. “协议” vs. “合同”

A “promise” (Section 2) is simply a manifestation of intent to act or refrain from acting in a certain way that justifies another party’s understanding that a commitment has been made.
“承诺”(第 2 节)仅仅是以某种方式采取行动或不采取行动的意图表现,这使得另一方理解已经作出了承诺。

An “agreement” (Section 3) is a manifestation of mutual assent by two or more persons (they intend to reach a common understanding).
“协议”(第 3 节)是两个或更多人之间相互同意的表现(他们打算达成共识)。

A “contract” (Section 1) arises only when that agreement or set of promises is also recognized by law as enforceable or giving rise to a legal duty.
“合同”(第 1 节)仅在该协议或承诺的集合被法律认可为可强制执行或产生法律义务时才会产生。

Impact on Understanding: This structure clarifies that not every promise or agreement is a contract. Instead, a “promise” becomes a “contract” only if the legal system will step in and provide a remedy for its breach.

2. Excluding Non-Enforceable Transactions
2. 排除不可强制执行的交易

Executed Transactions With No Ongoing Promise

The comments (e.g., § 1, Comment a) exclude wholly executed transfers (like a simple conveyance of property or a gift with nothing left to promise) because there is no unperformed promise left to enforce.
评论(例如,§ 1,评论 a)完全排除了已执行的转让(如简单的财产转让或没有任何承诺的赠与),因为没有未履行的承诺可以强制执行。

Void” vs. “Voidable” vs. “Unenforceable”

Void: No legal effect at all under § 1’s definition of contract (it’s not recognized as a contract if it creates no duty or remedy).
无效:根据第 1 条对合同的定义,根本没有法律效力(如果没有产生义务或救济,则不被视为合同)。

Voidable (§ 7): A contract that one or more parties can later avoid (e.g., due to infancy, fraud, mistake). It exists legally unless and until the party exercises the power of avoidance.
可撤销的 (§ 7):一个或多个当事方可以在后续避免的合同(例如,由于未成年、欺诈、错误)。它在法律上存在,除非当事方行使撤销权。

Unenforceable (§ 8): A contract that the courts will not enforce with usual remedies (e.g., under the Statute of Frauds or after the statute of limitations has run), but which the law “otherwise recognizes.” It still has some legal effect (like affecting property ownership or providing a defense in some situations).
不可强制执行 (§ 8):法院不会以通常的救济措施(例如,根据《欺诈法》或在诉讼时效已过后)强制执行的合同,但法律“以其他方式承认”该合同。它仍然具有一定的法律效力(例如影响财产所有权或在某些情况下提供辩护)。

Impact on Understanding: These distinctions highlight that not all agreements with legal consequences are freely enforceable in damages. Some may carry partial or indirect legal effects without providing the full arsenal of contract remedies.

3. Recognizing “Illusory” and “Mere Opinions” as Non-Contracts
3. 识别“虚幻”和“仅仅是意见”为非合同

Illusory Promises (Section 2, Comment e)
虚幻的承诺(第 2 节,评论 e)

If performance is “entirely optional” to the promisor or left solely to the promisor’s whim, it is not a promise at all—hence, no contract arises.

Opinions / Predictions vs. Commitments (Section 2, Comment f)
意见/预测与承诺(第 2 节,评论 f)

Mere statements of opinion or future predictions do not constitute enforceable promises.

A buyer cannot treat a casual statement (e.g., “I think your house will never burn down”) as a contractual warranty or promise unless it manifests an intent to be bound.

Impact on Understanding: The Restatement’s emphasis on the objective requirement of a manifested, non-illusory commitment helps distinguish mere talk or “hype” from actual contractual obligations.

4. Formal vs. Informal Contracts and Additional Requirements
4. 正式合同与非正式合同及附加要求

Formal Types (§ 6)
正式类型 (§ 6)

Contracts under seal, recognizances, negotiable instruments, letters of credit may carry special rules or forms.

Most modern “simple contracts” are informal; they can be oral, written, or implied from conduct.

What May Be Required Beyond Promise

Section 1 (Comment d) notes that additional acts (e.g., consideration, delivery) may be essential for enforceability.
第 1 节(评论 d)指出,额外的行为(例如,考虑、交付)可能对可执行性至关重要。

Some statutory or public-policy rules supply or modify terms (see § 5) or impose formalities (e.g., the Statute of Frauds).
某些法定或公共政策规则提供或修改条款(见§ 5)或施加形式要求(例如,欺诈法)。

Impact on Understanding: Even if parties agree on a promise, certain formalities or statutory rules can shape whether that promise counts as a contract or remains unenforceable. Thus, “contract” status depends on both the parties’ manifested intent and the legal framework (formalities, statutes, etc.) under which the promise arises.

5. The “Binding” Quality of Contracts
5. 合同的“约束”性质

“Binding” in Context (Section 1, Comment g)
上下文中的“Binding”(第 1 节,评论 g)

A promise is “binding” if it is recognized as enforceable—but that does not necessarily guarantee a specific remedy will be available in every situation (because of possible defenses, public policy, discharge, etc.).

Remedies Are Key

If a promise is one “the law in some way recognizes as a duty,” then at least some remedy or legal consequence exists.

This can be direct (damages, specific performance) or indirect (e.g., restitution if one party has conferred a benefit).

Impact on Understanding: The hallmark of a contract under these sections is not just the existence of a promise, but the possibility that, upon breach, the law will react by granting or acknowledging some enforceable duty or remedy—even if limited.


Overall, Sections 1–8 of the Restatement (Second) of Contracts clarify that not every agreement or promise is a contract:
总体而言,《合同重述(第二版)》的第 1 至 8 节澄清并非每个协议或承诺都是合同:

A “contract” must involve a promise (or set of promises) that the law will recognize as creating a duty or providing a remedy for breach.

Certain agreements remain outside contractual scope (e.g., void promises, illusory promises, purely gratuitous transactions already carried out).

Others might be recognized only partially (voidable, unenforceable) yet still carry some legal effect.

These definitions establish a structured lens through which to identify when a promise truly gives rise to legal duties and when it fails—thus showing exactly what a contract is (an enforceable promise or set of promises) and what it is not (a mere statement of future intent, gratuitous act, or a promise lacking legal recognition).

Week #


American Contract Law


Introduction; Mutual Assent

Units 2 & 3
单位 2 和 3

Unit 2
单位 2

Key Takeaways from In re Baby M
《Baby M 案》的主要要点


Mr. and Mrs. Stern, unable to have a child on their own (partly due to Mrs. Stern’s health concerns), engaged Mary Beth Whitehead as a “surrogate” through the Infertility Center of New York (ICNY).

Under their contract, Ms. Whitehead would be artificially inseminated with Mr. Stern’s sperm, bear the child, and then surrender the baby to Mr. and Mrs. Stern upon birth, relinquishing her parental rights so Mrs. Stern could adopt the baby.

A fee of $10,000 would be paid to Ms. Whitehead upon surrender of the child and completion of other obligations.
在交还孩子并完成其他义务后,将向怀特黑德女士支付 10,000 美元的费用。

Trial Court Holding (Superior Court of New Jersey, 1987)
初审法院裁定(新泽西州高级法院,1987 年)

Judge Sorkow upheld the surrogacy contract, finding it a valid and enforceable agreement.

The trial court concluded that Ms. Whitehead had changed her mind post-birth and thus breached the contract.

Although surrogacy was a novel situation, the judge applied contract principles, ruling that Ms. Whitehead was obligated to surrender the child and renounce her parental rights.

Importantly, the trial court also considered the best interests of the child. It concluded that custody should remain with the Sterns and that Ms. Whitehead’s parental rights be terminated.

Supreme Court of New Jersey Holding (1988)

The Supreme Court reversed and held the surrogacy contract invalid under New Jersey law.

Chief Justice Wilentz explained that the contract conflicted with:

Adoption statutes that strictly prohibit paying money in connection with a private placement.

Statutes requiring proof of parental unfitness or a valid surrender through proper channels before terminating parental rights.

Public policy, because it undermines the best interests of the child by predetermining custody without a proper best-interests inquiry and effectively “sells” a child.

Public Policy Concerns

The payment of $10,000 to Ms. Whitehead was viewed as tantamount to paying for a child (even if the contract labeled it “compensation for services”).
向怀特黑德女士支付的 10,000 美元被视为相当于为一个孩子支付(即使合同将其标记为“服务补偿”)。

Irrevocable surrender of parental rights was contrary to New Jersey statutes, which require parental consent to be revocable in private-placement adoptions.

The Supreme Court found that the best interests of the child were subordinated in a commercial surrogacy arrangement that lacked adequate safeguards, counseling, and a full statutory adoption process.


Although the Supreme Court ultimately gave custody of the child to Mr. Stern (the biological father), it voided the termination of Ms. Whitehead’s parental rights and the adoption by Mrs. Stern.

Ms. Whitehead’s legal status as the child’s mother was restored, and the Court remanded for further proceedings on visitation.

The Supreme Court clarified that the Legislature could enact new laws governing surrogacy, but under existing law, such a commercial surrogacy agreement was invalid and unenforceable.

How the Parties Argued

The Sterns’ Position

Enforceable Contract

The Sterns argued that the contract was voluntarily entered into by both sides, with clear obligations. Both Ms. Whitehead and Mr. Whitehead had experience with a similar earlier agreement, indicating they understood the nature of surrogacy.

They claimed the $10,000 was compensation for Ms. Whitehead’s services (pregnancy and childbirth) rather than a fee for surrendering a child.
他们声称这$10,000 是对怀特黑德女士(怀孕和分娩)服务的补偿,而不是放弃一个孩子的费用。

Best Interests of the Child

They insisted that granting custody to the biological father (Mr. Stern) and allowing Mrs. Stern to adopt was in the best interests of the baby, noting their stable home, education, and ability to provide medically and financially.

They emphasized Ms. Whitehead’s actions after birth—fleeing to Florida, defying court orders—and argued that these behaviors indicated that Ms. Whitehead could jeopardize the child’s future stability.

Consent and Capacity

They pointed out that Ms. Whitehead had been examined psychologically and was cleared to act as a surrogate. The Sterns claimed that Ms. Whitehead knowingly consented to give up her parental rights from the outset.

They argued that Ms. Whitehead’s later regret did not negate her informed consent at the time of making the contract.

The Whiteheads’ Position

Invalid or Unconscionable Contract

The Whiteheads contended that the contract was unconscionable—that is, it was a lopsided agreement effectively paying Ms. Whitehead for her child.

They alleged it was a “contract of adhesion” offered on a “take it or leave it” basis and that Ms. Whitehead lacked equal bargaining power.

Public Policy Violations

They argued that the surrogacy arrangement violated adoption laws and public policy by requiring a pre-birth surrender of parental rights, circumventing the statutory safeguards to protect both the child and the biological mother’s rights.

Ms. Whitehead maintained that the statute prohibiting money in exchange for adoption directly barred the arrangement.


They insisted Ms. Whitehead was not fully informed of the emotional consequences she would feel after giving birth and that her alleged “consent” was not truly informed or freely given.

They claimed she was misled by the Infertility Center’s promises and the repeated insistence by all parties that she would be fine simply walking away.

Best Interests of the Child

Despite acknowledging Mr. Stern’s paternity, the Whiteheads argued that the best interests analysis should not have so quickly favored the Sterns and that Ms. Whitehead, as the natural mother, deserved a full hearing on custody.

They highlighted the bond Ms. Whitehead had with the baby and insisted that the arrangement effectively sold that bond for money.

In Short

Trial Court (1987): Enforced the surrogacy contract, terminated Ms. Whitehead’s parental rights, and awarded custody to the Sterns.
初审法院(1987 年):执行了代孕合同,终止了怀特黑德女士的监护权,并将监护权授予斯特恩夫妇。

Supreme Court (1988): Declared the surrogacy contract invalid on statutory and public-policy grounds (largely because it circumvented adoption law, required pre-birth surrender, and involved payment in violation of adoption statutes). The Court restored Ms. Whitehead’s parental rights but ultimately awarded custody to Mr. Stern, subject to further consideration of Ms. Whitehead’s visitation rights.
最高法院(1988 年):基于法定和公共政策的理由宣布代孕合同无效(主要是因为它规避了收养法,要求在出生前放弃权利,并涉及违反收养法规的支付)。法院恢复了怀特黑德女士的父母权利,但最终将监护权授予斯特恩先生,待进一步考虑怀特黑德女士的探视权。

The controversy in In re Baby M thus illustrates the inherent tensions between (1) private contractual freedom and the desire of infertile couples to have children, and (2) the strong legal safeguards around adoption, parental rights, and the best interests of the child.
在 Baby M 案中,争议因此揭示了(1)私人合同自由与不育夫妇渴望拥有孩子之间的固有紧张关系,以及(2)围绕收养、父母权利和儿童最佳利益的强大法律保障。

Review Question 1
复习问题 1

The trial court states that it “was further told by the parties that they all understood their obligations under the contract.” Why can’t we just end the inquiry there? What, based on this opinion, do you now understand to be the elements of an enforceable contract?

Why We Can’t Just End the Inquiry

Merely stating that the parties “understood” the contract is not sufficient for a court to enforce it when broader public-policy and statutory considerations are involved. In Baby M, the issue was not only whether the parties had “a meeting of the minds” (i.e., mutual assent), but also whether the contract itself violated adoption statutes, involved illegal consideration, or otherwise went against the best interests of the child. In other words, courts look beyond basic contract formation issues when public policy and statutory compliance are implicated.
仅仅声明当事方“理解”合同并不足以让法院在涉及更广泛的公共政策和法定考虑时强制执行该合同。在 Baby M 案中,问题不仅在于当事方是否“达成共识”(即相互同意),还在于合同本身是否违反了收养法、涉及非法对价或以其他方式违背了儿童的最佳利益。换句话说,当公共政策和法定合规受到影响时,法院会超越基本的合同形成问题进行审查。

Elements of an Enforceable Contract (as illustrated by the opinion)

Offer, Acceptance, and Mutual Assent: Both parties must voluntarily and knowingly agree on the same terms.

Consideration: There must be something of value exchanged—though in Baby M, the courts scrutinized whether the $10,000 was illegal consideration for adoption.
考虑:必须有某种有价值的东西被交换——尽管在 Baby M 案中,法院审查了 1 万美元是否为非法的收养对价。

Capacity and Voluntariness: Each party must have the legal capacity to contract, and they must enter the agreement free of fraud, duress, or undue influence.

Legality / Public Policy: Even if the above elements are present, a contract may be unenforceable if it violates statutory requirements or public policy (e.g., buying and selling children, irreversible surrender of parental rights without legal safeguards).
合法性 / 公共政策:即使上述要素存在,如果合同违反法定要求或公共政策(例如,买卖儿童、在没有法律保障的情况下不可逆转地放弃父母权利),该合同可能是不可执行的。

Hence, a simple acknowledgment that “everyone understands their obligations” does not dispose of the more fundamental legal questions—especially whether the contract itself is legal and consistent with public policy.

Review Question 2
复习问题 2

The court notes that “Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead had consulted with an attorney” when they signed the 1984 agreement with a prior couple. Why does that matter? Can’t parties enter into contracts without attorneys being involved? What value—if any—can attorneys add to the process of contracting?
法院注意到“怀特海德夫妇在与之前的一对夫妇签署 1984 年协议时咨询过律师”。这有什么重要性?当事人不能在没有律师参与的情况下签订合同吗?律师在合同过程中能增加什么价值——如果有的话?

Why This Matters

Contract law does not mandate that an attorney must be present in order for an agreement to be valid. However, the fact that the Whiteheads had previously consulted an attorney (in their 1984 arrangement) went toward showing:
合同法并不要求律师必须在场才能使协议有效。然而,怀特海德夫妇之前咨询过律师(在他们 1984 年的安排中)这一事实有助于表明:

潜在后果的意识: 他们大概至少在一般情况下理解代孕的法律含义。

Opportunity to Negotiate / Avoid Adhesion: Having an attorney suggests the Whiteheads had some professional input on whether the contract was fair, thus undermining claims of unconscionability or that they “didn’t know what they were signing.”

Value Attorneys Add

Clarifying Legal Rights and Obligations: Attorneys can explain complex contractual terms, statutory requirements, and potential consequences.

Ensuring Voluntariness: Legal counsel can help confirm that no fraud, duress, or undue influence taints the agreement.

Negotiating / Drafting / Spotting Illegality: Competent counsel can identify potential conflicts with statutes (e.g., adoption laws) and public policy, and propose changes or safeguards.
谈判 / 起草 / 识别非法性:合格的律师能够识别与法规(例如,收养法)和公共政策的潜在冲突,并提出修改或保障措施。

Reducing Future Litigation Risk: Well-informed clients who fully understand the contract’s terms tend to lead to fewer disputes later.

Thus, while it is legal to enter into contracts without attorneys, in Baby M, the presence or absence of legal advice was central to whether the surrogacy agreement was fairly negotiated and enforceable.
因此,虽然在没有律师的情况下签订合同是合法的,但在 Baby M 案中,法律建议的有无对代孕协议是否公平谈判和可执行至关重要。

Review Question 3
审查问题 3

The court observes that the “remedies that exist for breach of a contract are an award of money damages or specific enforcement of the terms of the contract.” Which type of remedy does the trial court enforce and why?

Type of Remedy Enforced at Trial Court

The trial court (Judge Sorkow) ordered specific performance of the surrogacy contract. In other words, the court required Ms. Whitehead to surrender the child (and her parental rights) according to the contract’s terms, rather than awarding money damages to Mr. Stern.

Why Specific Performance

Uniqueness of the Subject Matter: The “subject” of this contract was a child, and the court reasoned that monetary damages would be inadequate to compensate Mr. Stern for the loss of having his own biological offspring.

Contractual Intent: Judge Sorkow determined that the parties had entered a binding contract with clear obligations and that “performance” (transfer of the baby) was the central objective—not simply a financial exchange.

Best Interests of the Child: The trial court believed placing the child with Mr. Stern (and terminating Ms. Whitehead’s parental rights) aligned with the child’s best interests. Because money damages do not address child custody at all, the court found the only meaningful remedy was to carry out the contract’s original purpose.

Ultimately, although the trial court ordered specific performance, the New Jersey Supreme Court reversed that portion of the judgment—holding the contract invalid—but that is how the lower court reached its remedy decision in the first instance.

Review Question 4
复习问题 4

Compare the first paragraph of the Supreme Court’s opinion with the story told in the trial court’s findings of fact. To what extent does the way the story is framed impact the way you think about the case? Do judges have an audience for which they are writing, and if so, who is it?

Differences in Storytelling / Framing

Trial Court’s Version (Judge Sorkow)

The trial court’s narrative is relatively detailed, focusing on the chronology of events: how the Sterns and Whiteheads met, what they each hoped to achieve, and the detailed “findings of fact.”

Emphasis is placed on contract principles and best interests of the child. The trial court’s writing style often highlights the parties’ intent and how the agreement was formed.

Supreme Court’s Version (Chief Justice Wilentz)

The first paragraph zeroes in on what the Court sees as the essence of the arrangement: “a contract that purports to provide a new way of bringing children into a family,” under which a woman, for $10,000, is to become pregnant, carry a child, and surrender it irrevocably.
第一段聚焦于法院所认为的协议的本质:“一份声称提供将孩子带入家庭的新方式的合同”,根据该合同,一名女性将以 10,000 美元的价格怀孕、怀胎,并不可撤回地交出孩子。

Impact of Framing on Perception

The Supreme Court’s stark, almost starkly critical framing (“forever separated,” “the wife is to adopt the child,” “perhaps criminal”) places the agreement in a more ethically and legally fraught light.

The trial court’s factual recitation reads more like a straightforward contract case (albeit about surrogacy), whereas the Supreme Court’s opening paragraph signals serious concern about baby-selling, coercion, and public policy.

Readers may find themselves more sympathetic to the “child as commodity” critique when the facts are framed in moral or policy-heavy language, versus the trial court’s emphasis on the parties’ free will and explicit promises.

Judges’ Audiences

Multiple Audiences: Judges write for several audiences, including:

The Litigants: The parties need to understand the outcome.

Lower Courts / The Legal Community: The opinion becomes precedent and guides future decisions.
下级法院 / 法律界:该意见成为先例并指导未来的决定。

The Public / Legislature: Especially on matters of first impression or strong public policy, courts speak to broader societal values.

In Baby M, the Supreme Court’s tone and style suggest it is addressing not just the litigants but also the public and the legislature, recognizing that surrogacy arrangements may call for future statutory guidance.
在 Baby M 案中,最高法院的语气和风格表明它不仅是在对当事人发言,还在对公众和立法机构发言,认识到代孕安排可能需要未来的法定指导。

Review Question 5
复习问题 5

Under the heading “Public Policy Considerations,” the New Jersey Supreme Court articulates reasons not to enforce the parties’ agreement. How do these policy concerns differ from those stated by the trial court? What explains the fact that two trained and experienced opinion-writing judges reached such different results based on the exact same facts? Is “public policy” just another way of saying “in my opinion”?

Differences in Policy Concerns

Trial Court

Focused on enforcing valid contracts and ensuring that the child’s best interests would be served by living with the Sterns.

Treated the $10,000 fee more as compensation for “services” (pregnancy) than an improper baby-selling arrangement.
将 1 万美元的费用视为对“服务”(怀孕)的补偿,而不是不当的婴儿贩卖安排。

Acknowledged some broader criticisms of surrogacy but concluded that no explicit statute in New Jersey banned it; hence, the trial court largely approached the case through contract law plus a “best interests” inquiry.

Supreme Court

Emphasized that such an arrangement undermined adoption laws, potentially violated criminal statutes prohibiting payment for a child, and violated parental rights/consent laws.

Expressly stated the arrangement contravened public policy because it involved permanent separation of a child from the birth mother, used money in connection with adoption, and bypassed statutory safeguards.

Explaining the Different Results

Statutory vs. “Contractual” Lens

The trial court saw the case primarily as a contract enforced unless explicitly barred. The Supreme Court saw the same facts as implicitly barred by adoption statutes, the prohibition on baby-selling, and the best interests standard.

Scope of Inquiry

Judges Sorkow and Wilentz each weighed “public policy,” but the Supreme Court’s role is to ensure all relevant statutes and the broader legal framework are vindicated. The highest court took a more sweeping, big-picture view of surrogacy and its social implications.

Role of Precedent / Institutional Concerns
先例的作用 / 机构关注

A trial judge might be more cautious in declaring a novel arrangement void if no direct precedent says so. The Supreme Court, with the final word on statewide law, felt empowered to articulate a broad public policy against commercial surrogacy.

Is “Public Policy” Just Another Way of Saying “In My Opinion”?

Not Exactly

“Public policy” is grounded in statutes, case law, and well-established legal principles—even if it can appear open-ended or somewhat subjective. In Baby M, the Court anchored its policy analysis in existing statutes criminalizing baby-selling, the rules governing private adoption, and the principle that parental rights should not be permanently surrendered without formal procedures.
“公共政策”是基于法规、案例法和成熟的法律原则——即使它看起来可能是开放式或有些主观。在 Baby M 案中,法院将其政策分析建立在现有的禁止婴儿买卖的法规、私立收养的规则以及父母权利不应在没有正式程序的情况下被永久放弃的原则上。

Inevitable Judicial Discretion

Judges do exercise judgment in deciding whether a set of facts violates “public policy.” That does not mean it is purely personal preference; rather, it reflects how judges interpret the underlying fabric of laws and societal values.

Still, Room for Interpretation

Reasonable minds may differ, as occurred here: the trial court recognized fewer explicit policy barriers, while the Supreme Court identified broader or stronger policy prohibitions.

In short, “public policy” is not just a placeholder for “I personally don’t like this.” It is a recognized legal doctrine requiring courts to consider whether enforcing a contract would conflict with fundamental legal principles and statutory mandates—even if judges do bring their interpretive lens to bear on those principles.

Problem 2.1
问题 2.1

Hypo: Patricia (a wealthy executive who needs a kidney) pays Donald (an unemployed factory worker) $100,000 plus medical expenses to donate his kidney.
假设:帕特里夏(一个需要肾脏的富有高管)支付唐纳德(一个失业的工厂工人)100,000 美元加上医疗费用,以捐赠他的肾脏。

Question: Under the Baby M trial court holding as controlling law, would this contract be enforceable? And would the answer change if the Baby M Supreme Court opinion controlled?
问题:根据 Baby M 审判法院的裁决作为控制法,这份合同是否可执行?如果 Baby M 最高法院的意见起主导作用,答案会改变吗?

1. Under the Baby M Trial Court Opinion
1. 在婴儿 M 审判法院意见下

A. The Trial Court’s Rationale in Baby M
A. Baby M 案中初审法院的理由

Core Holding: Judge Sorkow enforced the surrogacy contract, primarily because (1) he found no explicit statutory prohibition against surrogacy at the time; (2) the parties had capacity and voluntarily entered into the agreement; (3) consideration (the $10,000 payment) did not, in his view, violate any express law (the trial court treated it as compensation for “services”); and (4) the child’s best interests were aligned with specific performance of the agreement.
核心持有:索尔科夫法官执行了代孕合同,主要因为(1)他发现当时没有明确的法律禁止代孕;(2)各方具备能力并自愿签订协议;(3)对价($10,000 的支付)在他看来并不违反任何明确的法律(初审法院将其视为“服务”的补偿);以及(4)孩子的最佳利益与协议的具体履行是一致的。

No Express Ban: The judge noted that New Jersey law did not directly prohibit surrogacy contracts. Therefore, absent a clear statutory ban, he applied ordinary contract principles plus a best-interests analysis.

B. Comparing to Kidney Donation
B. 与肾脏捐赠相比

If we analogize kidney donation-for-pay to Baby M’s surrogacy-for-pay, the crucial question is whether there is any explicit prohibition on selling kidneys under the trial court’s approach. In actual U.S. law, federal statutes (the National Organ Transplant Act) make the sale or purchase of organs illegal—but let’s assume we are only applying the trial court’s Baby M logic in a vacuum.
如果我们将有偿肾脏捐赠类比于 Baby M 的有偿代孕,关键问题是根据初审法院的做法,是否存在任何明确禁止出售肾脏的规定。在实际的美国法律中,联邦法规(国家器官移植法)使得器官的买卖是非法的——但我们假设我们仅在真空中应用初审法院的 Baby M 逻辑。

If the Baby M trial court were faced with a transaction lacking a direct statutory prohibition (again, ignoring real-world organ-sale bans), it might reason:
如果 Baby M 审判法院面临一项没有直接法定禁止的交易(再次忽略现实世界的器官销售禁令),它可能会推理:

Capacity: Donald and Patricia each have the capacity to contract.

Consideration: $100,000 is the payment offered in exchange for a kidney.
考虑:$100,000 是为换取一个肾脏而提供的付款。

Voluntary Agreement: Both parties freely consent.

No Explicit Law: Under the hypothetical that our jurisdiction has no direct law banning organ sales, the trial court might treat it as a personal-services contract with a significant bodily/health component.

Outcome Under Trial Court Logic:

The Baby M trial court might well find it enforceable if it believed no statute prohibited the kidney-for-pay arrangement.
如果婴儿 M 案件的初审法院认为没有法律禁止肾脏交易安排,它很可能会认为该安排是可执行的。

However, in reality, the court might still balk on strong public policy grounds even if a statute were silent. But strictly paralleling the trial court’s Baby M reasoning, and ignoring real organ-sale bans, the contract could be deemed valid and enforceable.
然而,实际上,即使法律条文没有明确规定,法院仍可能基于强烈的公共政策理由而犹豫不决。但严格按照初审法院的 Baby M 推理,并忽略真实的器官销售禁令,该合同可以被视为有效且可执行。

2. Under the Baby M Supreme Court Opinion
2. 根据 Baby M 最高法院意见

A. The Supreme Court’s Rationale in Baby M
A. 最高法院在 Baby M 案中的理由

The Supreme Court voided the surrogacy contract primarily because it contravened multiple statutes (e.g., the adoption laws’ prohibition on payment) and offended public policy.

Chief Justice Wilentz emphasized that the arrangement amounted to “baby-selling,” was potentially criminal, and circumvented the statutory processes designed to protect birth mothers and children.

The Court found public policy reasons—rooted in statutes and deeply held legal principles—that strongly outweighed normal contract-law enforcement.

B. Comparing to Kidney Donation
B. 与肾脏捐赠相比

The Supreme Court’s Baby M opinion recognized that even if parties knowingly consent to a transaction, the arrangement can still be invalidated if it:
最高法院的 Baby M 意见承认,即使各方明知同意交易,如果该安排仍然可以被撤销,条件是:

Violates a statute (in real life, organ sale is indeed a federal crime), or

Seriously violates public policy by commodifying a fundamental human interest (such as “buying” a person or a bodily organ).

By analogy, paying $100,000 for a kidney is likely to be viewed by the Supreme Court as similarly repugnant to public policy—and would be invalid.
通过类比,支付 100,000 美元购买一个肾脏可能会被最高法院视为同样违背公共政策——并且将被视为无效。

Even in the hypothetical absence of a specific statute, the Baby M Supreme Court signaled a broad willingness to void a contract that “sells” something fundamentally tied to human dignity and bodily integrity.
即使在假设没有具体法规的情况下,Baby M 最高法院也表明了广泛的意愿去废除一项“出售”与人类尊严和身体完整性根本相关的合同。

Outcome Under Supreme Court Logic:

Likely unenforceable for reasons similar to those used in striking down the commercial surrogacy contract: it offends deeply rooted policy values and is akin to a prohibited commodification of the human body.

Answer Summary for Problem 2.1
问题 2.1 的答案总结

Under the Baby M Trial Court Opinion:
在 Baby M 审判法院意见中:

Possibly enforceable if the court finds no explicit statutory prohibition and deems it a valid, voluntary contract—though in practice, it could still be struck down on public policy grounds. But strictly following the trial court’s Baby M logic (which looked for a specific statutory ban and did not find one for surrogacy), the contract might survive.
如果法院没有发现明确的法定禁止并认为这是一个有效的自愿合同,则可能可强制执行——尽管在实践中,它仍可能因公共政策原因被推翻。但严格遵循初审法院的 Baby M 逻辑(该逻辑寻找特定的法定禁令,但没有发现代孕的禁令),该合同可能会存活。

Under the Baby M Supreme Court Opinion:
在《婴儿 M》最高法院意见下:

Almost certainly unenforceable, as it would likely be seen as violating fundamental public policy, much like the commercial surrogacy contract was viewed as baby-selling.

Problem 2.2
问题 2.2

Hypo: Assume, contrary to real-life law, that Donald and Patricia’s kidney-sale arrangement is enforceable in your jurisdiction. One month after signing, one party breaches. What remedies are available to the non-breaching party, drawing on the remedy discussions in both Baby M opinions?
假设,与现实法律相反,唐纳德和帕特里夏的肾脏销售协议在您的管辖区内是可执行的。在签署一个月后,一方违约。非违约方可以获得哪些救济,参考《婴儿 M》意见中的救济讨论?

1. Typical Remedies for Breach of Contract
1. 违约的典型救济措施

Money Damages:

Expectation Damages: Put the non-breaching party in the position they would have been in had the contract been performed.

Reliance Damages: Reimburse costs incurred in reasonable reliance on the contract.

Restitution: Return the breaching party’s unjust gain.

Specific Performance:

A court order to perform the contract rather than just pay money.

Generally disfavored for personal-services contracts—especially those involving unique human attributes (like donating an organ).

2. Lessons from Baby M
2. 来自婴儿 M 的教训

Trial Court Ordered Specific Performance of the surrogacy contract, requiring the birth mother to surrender the child. This was justified in part because the father’s interest in having his biological offspring was deemed irreplaceable, and money would not adequately compensate him.

Supreme Court Disapproved that approach; indeed, it held the contract invalid. But if it were valid, one could still question whether specific performance is appropriate where bodily integrity is at stake.

3. Applying to Donald–Patricia’s Hypothetical
3. 应用到 Donald–Patricia 的假设

Would Specific Performance (Kidney Donation) Be Ordered?

Extremely unlikely. Courts are loath to force the breaching party to undergo surgery or to forcibly remove an organ. There are strong constitutional and ethical prohibitions against compelled bodily intrusion.

Moreover, the Supreme Court in Baby M required that best interests and fundamental rights must be weighed—human organs, like children, involve profound personal rights.
此外,最高法院在 Baby M 案中要求必须权衡最佳利益和基本权利——人类器官,如同儿童,涉及深刻的个人权利。

Money Damages?

If Donald is the breaching party (refusing to proceed), Patricia could seek expectation damages—but how does one measure “the value of a life-saving organ”? It is essentially impossible to put a dollar figure on losing the chance to survive. Courts typically will not attempt to award “infinite” or “sky-high” damages; the contract price ($100,000) might be the reference point.

If Patricia is the breaching party (reneging on payment), Donald might claim the contract price, or at least rely on restitution for any out-of-pocket medical or travel costs, lost wages, etc.

In a real contract dispute, a court might limit Donald’s recovery to reliance damages or the contract price if it decides to treat the $100,000 as the “benefit of the bargain.”
在真实的合同争议中,如果法院决定将$100,000 视为“交易利益”,可能会将唐纳德的赔偿限制为信赖损失或合同价格。

Conclusion on Remedies:

If somehow the contract is deemed valid, the most likely remedy for a breach would be money damages, not specific performance. Courts avoid compelling forced medical procedures in personal-service contexts. Indeed, in Baby M, the Supreme Court itself was wary of ordering specific performance if it contravened significant personal rights (although that case involved a child rather than an organ, the principle that bodily integrity or fundamental personal rights are at stake is comparable).
如果合同被视为有效,违约的最可能补救措施将是金钱赔偿,而不是强制履行。法院在个人服务的情况下避免强制进行医疗程序。实际上,在 Baby M 案中,最高法院本身对下令强制履行持谨慎态度,如果这违反了重要的个人权利(尽管该案件涉及的是一个孩子而不是器官,但身体完整性或基本个人权利受到威胁的原则是相似的)。

Summary for Problem 2.2
问题 2.2 的总结

Assuming enforceability:

Specific Performance (forcing the surgery) would almost certainly not be granted due to fundamental concerns with bodily integrity and the unique nature of organ donation.

Money Damages would be the probable remedy for the non-breaching party—likely limited to the contract amount ($100,000) or reliance damages, depending on the circumstances of the breach and standard contract law principles.

Unit 3
单元 3

I. Mutual Assent
一. 共同同意

A. The Imperfect Nature of Communication
A. 交流的不完美性质

Language Is Not Always Precise

Words and conduct may be interpreted differently by different parties.

Backgrounds, assumptions, and personal experiences can create misunderstanding.

“But That’s Not What I Meant!”

Illustrates the problem: People may truly believe they are communicating clearly, yet end up with different understandings.

In contract law, this disagreement can lead to disputes about whether an agreement was formed.

II. Subjective vs. Objective Understanding of Agreement
II. 主观与客观对协议的理解

A. Subjective Understanding
A. 主观理解

Difficulty in Reading Minds

Courts (and people in general) cannot reliably know another’s actual, internal thought process.

Historically Not Considered

Early American courts deemed an individual’s internal thoughts irrelevant to whether a valid contract existed.

B. Objective Understanding
B. 目标理解

Focus on What Is Said and Done

Courts look to external manifestations of intent (e.g., words, actions).

Earliest American Example: Murray v. Bethune
最早的美国案例:Murray v. Bethune

Court’s stance: A party’s private, subjective understanding cannot by itself establish a contract.

A party’s uncommunicated belief or meaning does not create or change the terms of an agreement.

III. Continental European Influence (The “Will Theory”)
III. 大陆欧洲影响(“意志理论”)

A. Growing Concern Over Voluntary, Knowing Consent
A. 对自愿知情同意的日益关注

French Jurisprudence

Shift toward asking whether a party truly understood and willed the obligation.

Influence of Robert Joseph Pothier

His writings contributed to the “will theory” of contract: Contracts must be knowingly and voluntarily entered into before they become binding.

B. Early American Adaptations
B. 早期美国改编

“Meeting of the Minds”

Emergence of the concept in American courts (e.g., Mactier’s Administrators v. Frith).
该概念在美国法院的出现(例如,Mactier’s Administrators 诉 Frith 案)。

Emphasizes a mutual, subjective agreement or concurrence of wills.

IV. The Peerless British Influence
IV. 无与伦比的英国影响

A. Britain’s Commercial Dominance
A. 英国的商业主导地位

19th Century Context
19 世纪背景

London as a global commercial hub.

British common-law decisions carried significant weight in American courts.

B. Raffles v. Wichelhaus (The Peerless Case)
B. Raffles v. Wichelhaus(无与伦比案)

Factual Background

Buyer in England contracts with Seller in India for cotton shipment via a ship called “Peerless.”

Unknown to parties: two ships named Peerless, one sailing in October, another in December.
未知各方:两艘名为 Peerless 的船,一艘在十月航行,另一艘在十二月航行。


Buyer assumed the October Peerless; Seller delivered via the December Peerless.
买方假定了十月的 Peerless;卖方通过十二月的 Peerless 交付。

Buyer refused the goods because they arrived later than expected.

Court’s Holding

Because neither party knew the other’s interpretation of which Peerless was meant, there was no “meeting of the minds.”

Court declined to enforce the contract; buyer not liable.


Marked a move away from strict objective rules like Murray v. Bethune toward recognizing that deep misunderstandings can negate a contract.

Widely cited by treatise writers, shaped American contract law to consider misunderstandings about key terms.

V. Key Takeaway for Modern Contract Formation

A. Balancing Subjective and Objective Elements
A. 平衡主观和客观元素

Courts often look both at what parties said/did (objective) and at whether a true “meeting of the minds” occurred on essential terms (subjective).

B. Future Cases
B. 未来案例

As you read case law, watch how judges weigh subjective vs. objective proofs of intent.

Raffles v. Wichelhaus illustrates that a genuine, fundamental misunderstanding can mean no contract exists at all.
Raffles v. Wichelhaus 说明了真正的、根本的误解可能意味着根本不存在合同。


Supreme Court of Minnesota

66 Minn. 94, 68 N.W. 765 (1896)


Plaintiff (Stong) agreed verbally to purchase a lot from Defendant (Lane), believing it was the one someone had pointed out on the east side of Third Avenue.

Defendant intended to sell a different lot across the street on the west side.

Each party honestly believed they were discussing the same lot, but they were mistaken about which specific piece of property was at issue.

“Meeting of the Minds” Doctrine

A valid contract requires that both parties assent to the same terms.

Where mutual assent does not exist, there is no enforceable contract.

The court references Raffles v. Wichelhaus (the “Peerless” case) and other precedents illustrating that if a key term is ambiguous—and each party attaches a different meaning—no true agreement is formed.
法院引用了 Raffles v. Wichelhaus(“Peerless”案)及其他先例,说明如果一个关键术语模糊不清——而且每一方赋予不同的含义——则没有形成真正的协议。

Objective Description vs. Subjective Misunderstanding

If parties formally and knowingly agree to a clear description (e.g., a precise lot number, legal description), one party’s private mistake usually does not void the contract.

Stong v. Lane is different. The “description” consisted of an unusual, informal reference to “the lot on Third Avenue, second north from Franklin, on the side of the street with Judge Jones’ house.” Because both parties used those words but understood them differently, there was no true “meeting of the minds.”
Stong v. Lane 是不同的。“描述”包含了一个不寻常的、非正式的提及,“位于第三大道,弗兰克林以北第二个,街道一侧是琼斯法官的房子。”因为双方都使用了这些词但理解不同,所以没有真正的“心灵相通”。

Result: No Binding Contract

The court held that the parties never truly agreed on the same subject matter. The plaintiff could therefore recover his $100.
法院认为各方从未真正就同一标的达成一致。因此,原告可以追回他的 100 美元。

This outcome, in essence, amounts to a rescission: the supposed buyer got his deposit back because there never was a valid agreement.

Contrast with Cases of Unilateral Mistake

The court acknowledges that an honest mistake by one side alone (without an actual mismatch in the contract terms) can block specific performance but not necessarily rescind a contract.

Here, though, the court views it as a mutual misunderstanding regarding the property itself—hence, no contract existed in the first place.

How Both Parties Argued

Plaintiff (Stong)

Mistaken Subject Matter

Stong claimed he thought he was buying the lot on the east side of Third Avenue (the one pointed out to him).
Stong 声称他认为自己是在购买第三大道东侧的那块地(就是指给他的那块)。

After discovering it was actually a different lot, he argued there was no true agreement; he had never intended to purchase the opposite lot.

Wants Deposit Returned

Since there was no meeting of the minds, Stong asked the court to rescind the deal and grant him a refund of his $100 deposit.
由于双方没有达成一致,Stong 要求法院撤销该交易并退还他 100 美元的押金。

Defendant (Lane)

Focus on the Informal Description

Lane pointed out that he had indeed described the lot “where Judge Jones’ house is,” which fronted west.
Lane 指出他确实描述了“琼斯法官的房子所在的地块”,该地块朝西。

He believed Stong was referring to this west-facing lot and that their agreement was for that specific property.

No Wrongdoing / Honest Belief
没有不当行为 / 诚实信念

Lane contended he was dealing in good faith, had identified the lot to the best of his knowledge, and did not realize that Stong was talking about a different parcel.
Lane 主张他是出于善意在交易,已尽其所能识别该地块,并未意识到 Stong 说的是一个不同的地块。

He insisted there was a valid deal for the west-side lot, so the plaintiff’s deposit should not be returned.

Court’s Conclusion

The Minnesota Supreme Court ultimately agreed with Plaintiff that there had been no meeting of the minds, because each side honestly but differently interpreted the subject matter of the sale. Consequently, Plaintiff recovered his $100.
明尼苏达州最高法院最终同意原告的观点,认为双方之间没有达成一致,因为每一方都诚实但不同地解释了销售的主题。因此,原告收回了他的 100 美元。

Review Question 1
复习问题 1

Is the decision in Stong v. Lane based on an objective lack of agreement, a subjective lack of agreement, or both? Are you sure that you understand the difference?
Stong 诉 Lane 的裁决是基于客观缺乏一致性、主观缺乏一致性,还是两者都有?你确定你理解这个区别吗?

Objective Agreement vs. Subjective Agreement

Objective agreement: Looks at the outward expressions of the parties—the words they use, the descriptions they give, their apparent conduct—through the eyes of a reasonable person. If those outward manifestations align, courts often find an “objective” contract.

Subjective agreement: Focuses on the actual intent or mental assent of each party. If the parties secretly interpret the same words to mean very different things, there may be no true “meeting of the minds,” even if outwardly they seem to agree.

How Stong v. Lane Applies Both
How Stong v. Lane 同时适用

The court effectively concluded that no genuine meeting of the minds took place. Although the parties appeared to agree on “the second lot north from Franklin Avenue, on the side of the street with Judge Jones’s house,” each was subjectively referring to a different piece of property.

Moreover, the language itself was so vague (referring only indirectly to which side of the street) that even an objective observer might find it ambiguous. Thus, from both a subjective and an objective standpoint, the contract collapsed; there was a fundamental mismatch in how each party understood the description.


The decision reflects both a subjective lack of agreement (each party was honestly thinking of a different lot) and an objective lack of clarity (the parties never formally agreed on a definite, unambiguous description).

Review Question 2
复习问题 2

The court uses the phrase “latent ambiguity” to describe a situation where two parties have different understandings about a contract term. What exactly is the ambiguity in this case, and why is it “latent”? What kind of ambiguity is not “latent”?

What Is the Ambiguity in Stong v. Lane?
Stong 诉 Lane 案中的模糊性是什么?

The seller said “the lot on the same side of the street as Judge Jones’s house, the second lot north from Franklin Avenue.”

The buyer believed this referred to a different lot (on the opposite side of the avenue) because someone had previously pointed out a lot to him, and he assumed the seller meant that one.

Thus, both lots could superficially match portions of the verbal description (“the second lot north of Franklin on Third Avenue”). The critical detail—“the side of Judge Jones’s house”—was not clear enough (or not emphasized enough) to ensure each party was thinking of the same lot.

Why “Latent” Ambiguity?

A “latent ambiguity” is one that does not appear on the face of the words used. At first glance, the description sounds sufficient (“second lot north,” “Judge Jones’s house,” etc.). Only when you dig deeper—learning there are actually two second lots on opposite sides of the street—do you discover that the words can apply to two different properties.

In other words, the ambiguity is “latent” (hidden) because no one realizes there is more than one plausible meaning until additional context or evidence comes to light.

Non-Latent (“Patent”) Ambiguity

A “patent” ambiguity is one that is immediately apparent from the face of the contract language (e.g., a glaring inconsistency or contradictory terms right in the text). You do not need any outside evidence to see that the language conflicts or is unclear.


United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

417 F.2d 43 (2d Cir. 1969)

1. Factual Background
1. 事实背景

Two Coin Collections

Mrs. Allen owned two separate coin collections:

A “Swiss Coin Collection,” consisting primarily of Swiss coins.

A “Rarity Coin Collection,” also containing some valuable Swiss coins.

Each collection was kept in separate vault boxes with distinct keys and labeled cigar boxes.

The Parties’ Interaction

Dr. Oswald, a Swiss coin collector from Switzerland, was shown both collections in a bank vault in Newburgh, New York.

He examined the “Swiss Coin Collection” and also took notes on some Swiss coins from the “Rarity” box.

Dr. Oswald testified that he did not realize those extra coins were part of a different “Rarity” set; he believed they were simply more Swiss coins belonging to Mrs. Allen.

Language and Communication Hurdles

Dr. Oswald spoke very little English; his brother (and an agent from Chase’s Money Museum) served as go-betweens.

En route back to New York City, the parties discussed a price of $50,000, referring loosely to “Swiss coins” but never clarifying whether that included both sets of Swiss coins or only the Swiss Coin Collection.
在返回纽约市的途中,各方讨论了 50,000 美元的价格,模糊地提到了“瑞士硬币”,但从未澄清这是否包括两套瑞士硬币,还是仅包括瑞士硬币收藏。

Subsequent Letters

April 8, 1964: Dr. Oswald wrote to Mrs. Allen confirming the purchase of “all your Swiss coins.”
1964 年 4 月 8 日:奥斯瓦尔德博士写信给艾伦夫人,确认购买“您所有的瑞士硬币”。

April 15, 1964: Mrs. Allen simply replied about meeting again in Newburgh on April 24, never explicitly confirming Dr. Oswald’s broader interpretation.
1964 年 4 月 15 日:艾伦夫人简单回复了关于 4 月 24 日在纽堡再次见面的事,从未明确确认奥斯瓦尔德博士的更广泛解释。

April 20, 1964: Mrs. Allen realized she had miscounted the Swiss Coin Collection and offered a reexamination, implying she was talking about that single collection.
1964 年 4 月 20 日:艾伦夫人意识到她错误地计算了瑞士硬币收藏,并提出重新检查,暗示她是在谈论那个单一的收藏。

Ultimately, Mrs. Allen decided not to proceed, influenced by her family’s wishes.

2. The Dispute and Confusion
2. 争议与混淆

Dr. Oswald’s Understanding

Believed the $50,000 offer was for all Swiss coins owned by Mrs. Allen, encompassing both the Swiss Coin Collection and the Swiss coins in the Rarity Collection.
相信 50,000 美元的报价是针对艾伦夫人所拥有的所有瑞士硬币,包括瑞士硬币收藏和稀有收藏中的瑞士硬币。

Mrs. Allen’s Understanding

Believed she was selling only the distinct “Swiss Coin Collection.” She never intended to include the Rarity Collection’s Swiss coins.

When Dr. Oswald wrote “all your Swiss coins,” she did not realize he was including the Rarity coins.

Trial Judge’s Finding

Both parties were sincere but fundamentally mistaken about what “Swiss coins” referred to.

There was no true “meeting of the minds”—the essential term “Swiss coins” was ambiguous as used by each side.

3. Legal Issue: Was There a Valid Contract?
3. 法律问题:是否存在有效合同?

Core Question: Does an agreement exist when each party interprets a critical term (here, “Swiss coins”) in a materially different way, and there is no reasonable way to prefer one interpretation over the other?

4. Court’s Reasoning and Application of Law
4. 法院的推理和法律适用

Restatement and the Raffles Principle

The Second Circuit cites Raffles v. Wichelhaus (the “Peerless” case), reaffirming that if a contract term is ambivalent and each party honestly but differently understands it, there is no binding contract if there is “no sensible basis” for choosing one interpretation over the other.
第二巡回法院引用了 Raffles v. Wichelhaus(“Peerless”案),重申如果合同条款含糊不清,且各方诚实但不同地理解它,则如果没有“合理的依据”来选择一种解释而非另一种,则没有具有约束力的合同。

Restatement of Contracts § 71(a) similarly endorses the notion that no contract is formed in such a scenario of irreconcilable ambiguity.
合同重述 § 71(a) 同样支持在不可调和的模糊情况下不形成合同的观点。

“No Sensible Basis” Criterion

Professor Young’s explanation: when neither side knows (nor should have known) the other’s different interpretation, and the term is genuinely ambiguous, no contract arises.

Objective vs. Subjective

Though contract law generally looks to objective manifestations of intent, if an essential term is ambiguous in a way that no reasonable observer could resolve, the law deems there to be no mutual assent.

Dr. Oswald’s letter referencing “all your Swiss coins” and Mrs. Allen’s reference to the “Swiss Coin Collection” highlight that mismatch. Each party was acting under a different assumption.


Affirmed the district court’s decision: no contract existed because the “Swiss coins” phrase was fatally ambiguous—one party reasonably understood it to mean all Swiss coins, the other to mean only the Swiss Coin Collection.

5. Significance
5. 重要性

Mutual Mistake vs. Ambiguity

This case is a classic example of mutual misunderstanding—not simply one party’s unilateral mistake. Both parties used similar language but assigned different scopes to “Swiss coins.”

Practical Lesson

When negotiating specialized assets (like coins in multiple sets), it is crucial to specify exactly which items are included. Vague references can lead to no enforceable contract if the misunderstanding is fundamental.

Broader Contract Law Principle

Oswald v. Allen joins Raffles v. Wichelhaus in demonstrating the “no contract” outcome if an essential contract term is subject to different, equally plausible interpretations, and neither party had reason to suspect the other’s meaning.

Bottom Line

Outcome: Dr. Oswald cannot force Mrs. Allen to sell all Swiss coins because there was never a meeting of the minds on that specific point.

Legal Doctrine: Even if outward language appears to form an agreement, if a term is genuinely ambiguous and each party understands it differently without fault or notice, the contract fails for lack of mutual assent.

Review Question 3. Oswald refers to section 71 of the original (sometimes later called “First”) Restatement of Contracts. The Restatement (Second) of Contracts phrases things a little differently in its section 20. Review that provision. Assume that it governs the facts in both Stong and Oswald. How would you analyze these cases under section 20? What results would you get from each case and why? You may also wish to consult sections 18 and 19 while considering these questions.
复习问题 3。奥斯瓦尔德提到原始(有时称为“第一”)合同重述的第 71 节。合同重述(第二版)在其第 20 节中以稍微不同的方式表述。复习该条款。假设它适用于斯通和奥斯瓦尔德的事实。你将如何根据第 20 节分析这些案件?你会从每个案件中得到什么结果,为什么?在考虑这些问题时,你也可能希望参考第 18 节和第 19 节。

Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 20
合同重述(第二版)§ 20

Section 20 provides, in essence:
第 20 节实质上规定:

No Contract if:

The parties attach materially different meanings to their manifestations, and

neither party knows or has reason to know the meaning attached by the other, or
(a) 双方均不知道或没有理由知道对方所附加的意义,或者

each party knows or each has reason to know the meaning attached by the other is different.
(b) 每一方都知道或有理由知道对方所附加的意义是不同的。

Contract According to One Party’s Meaning if:

One party does not know (and has no reason to know) that the other party is attaching a different meaning, while the other party knows (or has reason to know) of the first party’s different meaning.

Because §§ 18 and 19 simply explain that assent may be expressed by words or conduct and that there must be a genuine manifestation of mutual assent, the crucial section for “different understandings” is § 20.
因为第 18 条和第 19 条只是解释了同意可以通过言语或行为表示,并且必须有真实的相互同意的表现,因此“不同理解”的关键部分是第 20 条。

1. Stong v. Lane

Facts Recap

Seller (Lane) described a lot as “the second lot north of Franklin Avenue on the side with Judge Jones’ house.”

Buyer (Stong) thought the description matched a different lot across the street (the one previously pointed out to him).

Each honestly believed they were talking about the same property, but in reality, they had two different parcels in mind.

Applying § 20
适用第 20 条

Materially Different Meanings: They used the same verbal reference (“the second lot north on Third Avenue”), yet each had a different lot in mind.

Knowledge or Reason to Know:

The court found that neither party realized—nor had reason to realize—that the other party’s lot description referred to something else. Each side was innocently mistaken.

That scenario fits § 20(1)(a): “neither party knows or has reason to know” the other’s different interpretation.
该情形符合§ 20(1)(a):“任何一方都不知道或没有理由知道”另一方的不同解释。

Conclusion Under § 20
根据第 20 条的结论

Because neither side knew or should have known of the other’s meaning, no manifestation of mutual assent existed.

Result: No contract. This aligns with the court’s holding that “the minds of the parties never met.”

2. Oswald v. Allen

Facts Recap

Mrs. Allen owned two coin collections: the “Swiss Coin Collection” and the “Rarity Collection,” which also contained some Swiss coins.
艾伦夫人拥有两个硬币收藏: “瑞士硬币收藏”和“稀有收藏”,后者也包含一些瑞士硬币。

Dr. Oswald offered $50,000 believing he was purchasing all her Swiss coins (i.e., including both collections’ Swiss coins).
奥斯瓦尔德博士出价 50,000 美元,认为他是在购买她所有的瑞士硬币(即,包括两个收藏的瑞士硬币)。

Mrs. Allen believed she was only selling the “Swiss Coin Collection,” not the extra Swiss coins in the “Rarity Collection.”

Applying § 20
适用第 20 条

Materially Different Meanings: The phrase “Swiss coins” was understood in two different ways, leading each party to think a different group of coins was being sold.

Knowledge or Reason to Know:

Neither party appeared to suspect the other’s interpretation (there was a language barrier, plus an agent and limited discussion on specifics).

Therefore, each party innocently attached a different meaning to “Swiss coins,” again fitting § 20(1)(a) (no reason to suspect a discrepancy).
因此,各方无意中对“瑞士硬币”赋予了不同的含义,再次符合§ 20(1)(a)(没有理由怀疑存在差异)。

Conclusion Under § 20
根据第 20 条的结论

No objective way to reconcile whose meaning should control, and no indication one side “knew or should have known” of the other’s different interpretation.

Result: No contract, mirroring the Second Circuit’s conclusion.

Summary of the Outcomes

Stong v. Lane: No contract under § 20(1)(a) because neither party had reason to know the other’s different meaning about which lot was being sold.
Stong v. Lane:根据§ 20(1)(a)没有合同,因为双方都没有理由知道对方对出售哪个地块的不同含义。

Oswald v. Allen: No contract under § 20(1)(a) because each side believed “Swiss coins” referred to a different set of coins, and neither knew or should have known of the other’s interpretation.
Oswald 诉艾伦:根据§ 20(1)(a)没有合同,因为双方都认为“瑞士硬币”指的是不同的一组硬币,且双方都不知道或不应知道对方的解释。

In both cases, a critical term (the lot location in Stong; the scope of Swiss coins in Oswald) was so ambiguously used that there was no mutually agreed-upon subject matter. Thus, applying § 20 leads to the same result each court reached independently—namely, that no enforceable contract arose.
在这两种情况下,一个关键术语(Stong 中的地块位置;Oswald 中的瑞士硬币范围)使用得如此模糊,以至于没有达成一致的主题。因此,适用§ 20 导致每个法院独立得出的相同结果——即没有产生可强制执行的合同。


Supreme Court of Virginia

196 Va. 493; 84 S.E.2d 516 (1954)

Rule of Law

The objective, outward expression of a party’s intent to be bound in an agreement, as opposed to that party’s subjective mental assent to the agreement, is all that matters when determining the existence of a valid and enforceable contract.


On the evening of December 20, 1952, A.H. Zehmer (defendant) was drinking alcohol in a bar and was approached by his acquaintance, W.O. Lucy (plaintiff). Lucy was also drinking, and bought additional drinks for Zehmer. The two began conversing, and Lucy offered to purchase a farm owned by Zehmer for $50,000. Lucy had offered to purchase the same farm several times on previous occasions, and Zehmer always refused. On this particular occasion, Zehmer and Lucy spoke for forty minutes about Lucy’s purchasing the farm, and Zehmer expressed doubt that Lucy could come up with the $50,000. Lucy stated he could, and invited Zehmer to write out a contract for sale. Zehmer drafted an agreement on the back of a bar receipt stating his intention to sell the farm to Lucy for $50,000. Lucy examined it, and requested that Zehmer rewrite the agreement to include his wife’s agreement to sell the property, and have his wife signed it. Zehmer obliged and asked his wife (who was also in the bar) to sign the agreement. When she initially refused, Zehmer whispered to her that the whole matter was merely a joke. Zehmer’s wife signed the agreement, but neither party communicated to Lucy that they intended it to be a joke. The agreement also contained a provision for examination of title, and a description of what would be included in the sale. Zehmer completed the agreement and gave it to Lucy, who offered Zehmer $5 to close the deal. At this point, Zehmer realized Lucy was serious and stated that he intended the agreement to be a joke. Lucy left the bar, and enlisted his brother to help him raise the $50,000 pursuant to the agreement. They were successful and upon completion of a title check, Lucy again stated his intention to purchase the farm from Zehmer pursuant to their agreement. Zehmer refused, and Lucy sued for specific performance. The trial court held Lucy was not entitled to specific performance, and Lucy appealed.
1952 年 12 月 20 日晚上,A.H. Zehmer(被告)在酒吧喝酒,遇到了他的熟人 W.O. Lucy(原告)。Lucy 也在喝酒,并为 Zehmer 买了额外的饮料。两人开始交谈,Lucy 提出以 50,000 美元购买 Zehmer 拥有的一块农场。Lucy 之前曾多次提出购买同一块农场的请求,但 Zehmer 总是拒绝。在这次特别的场合,Zehmer 和 Lucy 谈了四十分钟关于 Lucy 购买农场的事,Zehmer 对 Lucy 能否凑出 50,000 美元表示怀疑。Lucy 表示他可以,并邀请 Zehmer 写一份销售合同。Zehmer 在酒吧收据的背面起草了一份协议,表明他打算以 50,000 美元将农场出售给 Lucy。Lucy 检查了协议,并要求 Zehmer 重新写一份协议,以包括他妻子同意出售该财产的条款,并让他的妻子签字。Zehmer 同意了,并请他的妻子(她也在酒吧里)签署协议。当她最初拒绝时,Zehmer 对她低声说整个事情只是个玩笑。 泽默的妻子签署了协议,但双方都没有告知露西他们打算把这当作一个玩笑。协议中还包含了对产权的审查条款,以及对销售内容的描述。泽默完成了协议并交给了露西,露西则向泽默提出 5 美元以完成交易。此时,泽默意识到露西是认真的,并表示他打算将该协议视为玩笑。露西离开了酒吧,并请他的兄弟帮助他筹集根据协议所需的 50,000 美元。他们成功了,并在完成产权检查后,露西再次表示他打算根据他们的协议从泽默那里购买农场。泽默拒绝了,露西因此提起了特定履行的诉讼。初审法院裁定露西无权要求特定履行,露西上诉。


Whether the actual mental assent of the parties to an agreement is necessary to form a valid and enforceable contract.

Holding and Reasoning (Buchanan, J.)

No. Zehmer’s outward actions, when interpreted by a reasonable person, indicate a willingness to be bound in his agreement to sell his farm to Lucy, and Lucy is thus entitled to specific performance of that agreement. The objective, outward expression of a party’s intent to be bound in an agreement, as opposed to that party’s subjective mental assent to the agreement, is all that matters when determining the existence of a valid and enforceable contract. If the words or actions of one of the parties has only one reasonable meaning, any undisclosed intentions have no bearing on the existence of a valid and enforceable contract unless they reflect an unreasonable meaning that is actually disclosed to the other party. The facts surrounding the creation of Zehmer’s agreement to sell his farm to Lucy, when interpreted by a reasonable person, indicate an outwardly-expressed desire by Zehmer to be bound to that agreement. It does not matter that his subjective desire was that the agreement should be a joke, as this was never communicated to Lucy. The agreement itself was discussed between the two parties for over forty minutes before it was signed, was redrafted at the request of Lucy to contain provisions for title examination and what was included in the sale, and was signed by both Zehmer and his wife with no indication that it was not complete and binding. Additionally, although Zehmer and Lucy were drinking alcohol, the elaborate and detailed manner in which they discussed and drafted their agreement suggests they were not so drunk as to be unaware of their actions. Thus, equity does not justify voiding the contract on these grounds, and Lucy is entitled to specific performance of the contract. The decision of the trial court is reversed and remanded.
不,泽默的外在行为在合理人的解读下,表明他愿意受其与露西达成的出售农场协议的约束,因此露西有权要求该协议的具体履行。判断有效且可执行合同存在的关键在于一方对协议的客观外在表达,而非该方对协议的主观心理同意。如果一方的言辞或行为只有一个合理的含义,任何未披露的意图对有效且可执行合同的存在没有影响,除非它们反映出一个实际上已向另一方披露的不合理含义。围绕泽默与露西达成出售农场协议的事实,在合理人的解读下,表明泽默外在表达了希望受该协议约束的愿望。他的主观愿望是该协议应该是个玩笑这一点并不重要,因为这从未传达给露西。 协议本身在双方之间讨论了超过四十分钟后才签署,按照露西的要求进行了重新起草,以包含对产权审查的条款以及销售中包含的内容,并由泽默和他的妻子签署,没有任何迹象表明该协议不完整或不具约束力。此外,尽管泽默和露西在饮酒,但他们讨论和起草协议的详细和复杂的方式表明,他们并没有醉到无法意识到自己的行为。因此,公平并不支持以此为理由使合同无效,露西有权要求合同的具体履行。初审法院的裁决被推翻并发回重审。

Review Question 4. In both Stong and Oswald, the parties did not understand their respective proposed deals in the same way. What, if anything, is different about the situation in Lucy v. Zehmer that leads to a different result?
复习问题 4。在 Stong 和 Oswald 的案例中,各方对各自提议的交易理解并不相同。那么,在 Lucy v. Zehmer 的情况下,有什么不同之处导致了不同的结果?

1. The Nature of the Misunderstanding
1. 误解的本质

Stong v. Lane & Oswald v. Allen
Stong 诉 Lane 和 Oswald 诉 Allen

In Stong and Oswald, both parties were honestly mistaken about a key contractual term but in different ways, and neither party had reason to suspect the other was interpreting it differently.
在 Stong 和 Oswald 案中,双方对一个关键合同条款都诚实地误解了,但方式不同,且双方都没有理由怀疑对方的解释不同。

As the courts found, there was no objective basis for deciding which side’s interpretation should prevail because both interpretations were equally plausible.

In both cases, the courts concluded there was no contract—a “mutual misunderstanding” meant no genuine meeting of the minds.

Lucy v. Zehmer

Zehmer claimed he believed the deal was a joke. Lucy clearly believed it was real.

Instead of each party having an equally plausible, good-faith misunderstanding of an essential term (as in Stong/Oswald), here only one side (Zehmer) later insisted subjectively it was a joke.
与每一方对一个基本术语有同等可信的善意误解(如在 Stong/Oswald 案中)不同,这里只有一方(Zehmer)后来主观地坚持这只是一个玩笑。

Objectively, however, Zehmer and Lucy had a signed writing, a stated purchase price, and all indicia of a serious agreement—even if Zehmer says he was “kidding.”

Courts typically apply the “objective test” in contract law: if a reasonable person in Lucy’s position would think Zehmer was serious—because everything outwardly looked like a genuine contract—then Zehmer’s private belief that “it was all in jest” does not negate the agreement.

2. Objective vs. Equally Plausible Ambiguities
2. 目标与同样合理的模糊性

Stong / Oswald:

Symmetrical misunderstanding: Each side was sincere and equally unaware that the other side meant something different.

No way to choose whose interpretation should govern, so the courts said no contract.


Asymmetrical assertion of “no seriousness”: Lucy was serious and had no reason to think otherwise.

From an objective standpoint, Zehmer’s written and signed memorandum for sale was consistent with an actual intent to sell, rendering it enforceable.

The court reasoned that a “joke” undisclosed to the other party cannot defeat the apparent, outward intent to form a valid contract.

Bottom Line

In Stong and Oswald, the misunderstanding centered on ambiguous terms where each side’s interpretation was equally valid, so there was no meeting of the minds.
在 Stong 和 Oswald 的案例中,误解集中在模糊的术语上,各方的解释同样有效,因此没有达成共识。

In Lucy v. Zehmer, the supposed “misunderstanding” was one-sided—only Zehmer claimed it was a joke. But all objective evidence showed a real contract, so the court enforced it.


United States District Court for the Southern District of New York

11 Civ. 7512 (HB), 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 149517 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 17, 2012)
11 Civ. 7512 (HB), 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 149517 (S.D.N.Y. 2012 年 10 月 17 日)

Rule of Law

An offeror makes a valid offer of a reward if an objective, reasonable person would understand the offeror’s conduct as intending to induce potential offerees to perform a specific action.


Ryan Leslie (defendant) was a musician whose laptop computer, external hard drive, and other personal property were stolen while he was on tour in Germany. The items contained valuable intellectual property including an unreleased album. Leslie announced in a YouTube video that he would give $20,000 to anyone who returned the items. Leslie later posted another YouTube video increasing the amount of the award to $1 million. A printed message at the end of that video stated, “In the interest of retrieving the invaluable intellectual property contained on his laptop & hard drive, Mr. Leslie has increased the reward offer . . . .” The increase was covered by news organizations, announced on Leslie’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, and discussed by Leslie in a television interview. Armin Augstein (plaintiff) gave Leslie’s laptop and hard drive to the police in Germany and tried to collect the reward from Leslie. However, Leslie refused to pay the reward money to Augstein, claiming that the intellectual property was no longer present on the hard drive when Augstein returned it. Leslie asserted that he and his staff had unsuccessfully tried to access the material on the hard drive. Leslie had then sent the hard drive to the manufacturer, which deleted all the information from the hard drive and sent Leslie a replacement. Augstein sued Leslie in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. Augstein asserted that Leslie made an offer of the reward for the return of the laptop and other property, and that Augstein accepted the offer and fully performed by giving the laptop to the German police. Augstein also alleged that after he asked Leslie for the reward money, Leslie caused the hard drive to be erased to avoid paying the reward. Leslie argued that the reward was an advertisement and not an offer. Augstein moved for summary judgment on the issue of whether the reward was a valid offer that Augstein accepted and performed by returning the laptop.
瑞安·莱斯利(被告)是一名音乐家,他的笔记本电脑、外部硬盘和其他个人财物在他德国巡演期间被盗。这些物品包含了有价值的知识产权,包括一张未发布的专辑。莱斯利在一段 YouTube 视频中宣布,任何归还这些物品的人将获得 2 万美元的奖励。莱斯利后来又发布了一段 YouTube 视频,将奖励金额提高到 100 万美元。该视频结尾处的打印信息写道:“为了找回他笔记本电脑和硬盘中包含的无价知识产权,莱斯利先生提高了奖励金额……” 这一增加得到了新闻机构的报道,并在莱斯利的 Facebook 和 Twitter 账户上宣布,莱斯利在一次电视采访中也进行了讨论。阿尔敏·奥古斯坦(原告)将莱斯利的笔记本电脑和硬盘交给了德国警方,并试图向莱斯利索取奖励。然而,莱斯利拒绝向奥古斯坦支付奖励金,声称在奥古斯坦归还硬盘时,知识产权已不再存在于硬盘上。莱斯利声称他和他的工作人员曾试图访问硬盘上的材料,但未能成功。 莱斯利随后将硬盘送回制造商,制造商删除了硬盘上的所有信息,并向莱斯利发送了一个替换品。奥格斯坦在纽约南区美国地方法院起诉莱斯利。奥格斯坦声称莱斯利提出了对归还笔记本电脑和其他财物的奖励,并且奥格斯坦接受了该提议,并通过将笔记本电脑交给德国警方来完全履行。奥格斯坦还声称,在他向莱斯利索要奖励金后,莱斯利导致硬盘被擦除,以避免支付奖励。莱斯利辩称奖励是一种广告,而不是一个提议。奥格斯坦就奖励是否为有效提议的问题申请了简易判决,认为他接受并通过归还笔记本电脑履行了该提议。


Does an offeror make a valid offer of an award if an objective, reasonable person would understand the offeror’s conduct as intending to induce potential offerees to perform a specific action?

Holding and Reasoning (Baer, J.)
持有与推理(Baer, J.)

Yes. An offeror makes a valid offer of a reward if an objective, reasonable person would understand the offeror’s conduct as intending to induce potential offerees to perform a specific action. Once the action is performed, the bargain is concluded, and the reward is paid. A court evaluating the legitimacy of an offer should consider what a reasonable person would have understood the alleged offeror’s conduct to convey. Here, a reasonable person viewing Leslie’s YouTube videos, other postings, and television interview announcing the reward would understand that Leslie was seeking to induce someone to return his laptop and other items. Once the property was returned, the bargain would be concluded, and the reward would be paid. The increase in the award, the valuable nature of the lost property, and the news reports further support the conclusion that a reasonable person would view Leslie’s conduct as making an offer. Accordingly, Augstein’s motion for summary judgment is granted to the extent he seeks a declaration that the reward was an offer.
是的。如果一个客观、合理的人会理解出价者的行为是为了诱使潜在受邀者执行特定行动,那么出价者就做出了有效的奖励提议。一旦该行动被执行,交易就完成,奖励就会支付。法院在评估提议的合法性时,应考虑一个合理的人会如何理解被指控出价者的行为。在这里,一个合理的人观看 Leslie 的 YouTube 视频、其他帖子和宣布奖励的电视采访时,会理解 Leslie 是在试图诱使某人归还他的笔记本电脑和其他物品。一旦财产被归还,交易就会完成,奖励就会支付。奖励的增加、失去财产的宝贵性质以及新闻报道进一步支持了一个合理的人会将 Leslie 的行为视为提出了一个提议。因此,Augstein 的简易判决动议在他寻求声明奖励是一个提议的范围内被批准。

Review Question 5. The Augstein court uses the term “unilateral contract.” What does that mean and how does it differ from a “bilateral contract”? Look up both terms and make sure you would be able to explain their meanings to a classmate or your professor. You will come across one or both of these terms in many contracts cases, so you might as well know what the courts are talking about.
复习问题 5。Augstein 法庭使用“单方合同”这个术语。这是什么意思,它与“双方合同”有什么不同?查找这两个术语,并确保你能够向同学或教授解释它们的含义。在许多合同案例中,你会遇到这一个或两个术语,因此你最好知道法庭在谈论什么。

Review Question 6. The first three cases in this unit (Stong, Oswald, and Lucy) all involve situations in which the parties seem to have reached at least some kind of agreement about something. Is that the issue in Augstein? Did the parties argue that they were mistaken about what they agreed to, or that they never agreed at all?
复习问题 6。本单元的前三个案例(Stong、Oswald 和 Lucy)都涉及当事方似乎在某种程度上达成了某种协议的情况。在 Augstein 中也是这样吗?当事方是否争辩他们对达成的协议存在误解,或者他们根本没有达成协议?

Review Question 5
复习问题 5

unilateral contract is a promise by one party that can be accepted only by the other party’s performance (an action rather than a return promise). A common example is a reward offer: “I will pay $1,000 to whoever returns my lost dog.” No one is obliged to hunt for the dog, but if someone does find and return it, the original promisor (the offeror) must pay. The contract forms when the offeree actually performs the requested act.
单方合同是由一方作出的承诺,只有另一方的履行(行动而非回报承诺)才能接受。一个常见的例子是奖励提议:“我将支付 1,000 美元给任何找到我丢失的狗的人。”没有人有义务去寻找这只狗,但如果有人确实找到了并归还了它,原始承诺人(出价人)必须支付。当受要约人实际履行请求的行为时,合同就形成了。

A bilateral contract, on the other hand, is created by an exchange of mutual promises. Each side agrees to do something in the future. For example: “I promise to pay you $500 if you promise to paint my garage next week.” The moment you promise to paint, and I promise to pay, we have a bilateral contract—even before the garage is painted.
另一方面,双边合同是通过相互承诺的交换而形成的。每一方同意在未来做某事。例如:“如果你承诺下周给我油漆车库,我承诺支付你 500 美元。”当你承诺油漆时,我承诺支付时,我们就有了一个双边合同——即使车库还没有被油漆。

In short:

Unilateral: Offer is accepted by doing the requested act.

Bilateral: Offer is accepted by promising to do something in return.

Review Question 6
复习问题 6

In the first three cases—
Stong, Oswald, and Lucy—the dispute centered on whether the parties truly reached a mutual understanding about the deal. In Stong and Oswald, each side genuinely believed the contract referred to different subject matter, resulting in no contract because there was no “meeting of the minds.” In Lucy, one party claimed the agreement was a “joke,” while the other believed it was genuine—raising the issue of serious intent to be bound.
在前三个案例中——Stong、Oswald 和 Lucy——争议的焦点在于各方是否真正达成了对交易的共同理解。在 Stong 和 Oswald 中,双方都真心相信合同涉及不同的主题,因此没有合同,因为没有“心灵的契合”。在 Lucy 中,一方声称协议是一个“玩笑”,而另一方则认为这是认真的——这引发了关于是否有认真意图受约的争议。

By contrast, in Augstein, the key question was not whether the parties misunderstood each other or lacked a meeting of the minds. Instead, it was whether Ryan Leslie’s reward announcement constituted a valid offer that could be accepted by performance. The dispute focused on whether Leslie’s statements were legally binding promises or mere advertisements—not on any confusion or mistake about the terms. Thus, Augstein turned on unilateral contract principles (offer + performance = binding agreement) rather than on arguments that “we never agreed at all” or “we misunderstood what we agreed to.”
相比之下,在 Augstein 案中,关键问题不是各方是否误解了对方或缺乏共识。而是 Ryan Leslie 的奖励公告是否构成了一个可以通过履行接受的有效要约。争议集中在 Leslie 的陈述是否为具有法律约束力的承诺或仅仅是广告——而不是对条款的任何混淆或错误。因此,Augstein 案的焦点在于单方合同原则(要约 + 履行 = 具有约束力的协议),而不是“我们根本没有达成一致”或“我们误解了我们达成的协议”的论点。

Problem 3.1
问题 3.1

Tyson is a major American producer of fresh frozen chicken. Männliches Huhn GmbH (MHG) is a German supplier of chicken to restaurants and fast-food establishments in Europe. After some telephone discussions between Tyson’s offices in Little Rock and MHG’s offices in Frankfurt, MHG orally agrees to buy 100,000 lbs. of fresh frozen chicken from Tyson, to be packed in cryovac and delivered to MHG in Germany. Tyson sends a memorandum of the offer to MHG as an invoice describing the product as “US Fresh Frozen Chicken, Grade A, Government Inspected, Eviscerated, each chicken individually wrapped in Cryovac, packed suitable for export.” When the chicken arrived at MHG, however, the company rejected it, saying that the chickens delivered were cheap “stewing chickens”—that is, chickens suitable only for things like soup and pot pies—rather than more expensive “frying” chickens which are suitable for cooking and barbecuing in restaurants. The chicken as delivered was useless to MHG. Tyson sued, claiming that it had a contract to deliver “chicken,” and that the birds delivered were, in fact, “chickens.”
泰森是美国一家主要的鲜冻鸡生产商。Männliches Huhn GmbH (MHG) 是一家德国供应商,向欧洲的餐馆和快餐店提供鸡肉。在泰森位于小石城的办公室与 MHG 位于法兰克福的办公室之间进行了一些电话讨论后,MHG 口头同意从泰森购买 100,000 磅鲜冻鸡,包装在真空袋中并运送到德国的 MHG。泰森向 MHG 发送了一份报价备忘录,作为发票,描述产品为“美国鲜冻鸡,A 级,政府检验,去内脏,每只鸡单独用真空袋包装,适合出口。”然而,当鸡肉到达 MHG 时,该公司拒绝接受,称交付的鸡是便宜的“炖鸡”——即仅适合用于汤和锅饼的鸡——而不是更昂贵的“炸鸡”,后者适合在餐馆中烹饪和烧烤。交付的鸡对 MHG 来说毫无用处。泰森提起诉讼,声称它有合同交付“鸡”,而交付的鸟实际上是“鸡”。

Is there a contract between the parties? If so, is it for stewing chickens or frying chickens? Based on what you have learned in this unit, what would you expect the arguments for both sides to be?

Is There a Contract?

Yes, There Is (Likely) a Valid Contract.

Offer and Acceptance: Tyson and MHG reached an oral agreement for the sale of 100,000 lbs. of “fresh frozen chicken,” confirmed by Tyson’s written memorandum/invoice. Both parties clearly intended to make a binding deal.
要约与接受:Tyson 和 MHG 达成了口头协议,出售 100,000 磅“新鲜冷冻鸡”,并由 Tyson 的书面备忘录/发票确认。双方显然意图达成具有约束力的交易。

Consideration: Tyson promised to ship 100,000 lbs. of fresh frozen chicken; MHG promised to pay the agreed-upon price.
考虑事项:泰森承诺运送 100,000 磅新鲜冷冻鸡;MHG 承诺支付约定的价格。

The dispute is not whether the parties formed some contract, but rather what type or quality of chicken is required under their agreement.

2. Is the Contract for Stewing Chickens or Frying Chickens?
2. 合同是用于炖鸡还是炸鸡?

Core Dispute: The meaning of “fresh frozen chicken.”

MHG’s Position: They believed they were buying chickens suitable for frying or barbecuing in restaurants (i.e., younger broiler/fryers). When MHG received older, tougher hens (“stewing chickens”), they argue the product is useless for their restaurant customers.
MHG 的立场:他们认为自己购买的是适合在餐厅炸或烧烤的鸡(即年轻的肉鸡/炸鸡)。当 MHG 收到较老、较硬的母鸡(“炖鸡”)时,他们认为该产品对他们的餐厅客户毫无用处。

Tyson’s Position: Tyson insists that “fresh frozen chicken” is a broad term encompassing any Grade A, government-inspected chicken, including older hens. Tyson delivered what it calls “chicken”—thus fulfilling the contract’s literal description.
泰森的立场:泰森坚持认为“新鲜冷冻鸡”是一个广泛的术语,包括任何 A 级、经过政府检查的鸡,包括老母鸡。泰森交付了他们所称的“鸡”——因此满足了合同的字面描述。

3. Potential Legal Analyses
3. 潜在法律分析

A. Ambiguity and “Meeting of the Minds”
A. 模糊性与“心灵的相遇”

Latent Ambiguity

Stong v. Lane and Oswald v. Allen remind us that if two parties use a term with genuinely different meanings (and neither knows or should know the other’s interpretation), a court could find no meeting of the minds and thus no enforceable agreement on that term.
Stong 诉 Lane 和 Oswald 诉 Allen 提醒我们,如果两个当事方使用一个具有真正不同含义的术语(且双方都不知道或不应知道对方的解释),法院可能会发现没有达成共识,因此在该术语上没有可强制执行的协议。

Here, if “chicken” is genuinely ambiguous within the trade and both sides acted in good faith without realizing the other’s interpretation, a court might say there was no true agreement on “fryer vs. stewing.”

However, courts are often reluctant to declare “no contract” when the term can potentially be clarified by usage of trade or prior dealings.

Usage of Trade

Under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) or general contract law, courts often look to industry standards and usage of trade to interpret ambiguous terms.

If “fresh frozen chicken” is commonly understood in the export/restaurant-supply trade to mean only younger broiler/fryers, MHG could argue the contract implicitly excluded stewing hens.
如果“新鲜冷冻鸡”在出口/餐厅供应行业普遍被理解为仅指年轻的肉鸡/炸鸡,MHG 可以争辩说合同隐含地排除了炖母鸡。

Tyson would counter that usage of trade includes older hens—if that can be shown to be standard.

B. Subjective vs. Objective Interpretations
B. 主观与客观的解释

Courts typically interpret the contract objectively—what would a reasonable person in the chicken export trade believe “fresh frozen chicken” to mean?

If the objective meaning in that context is “young broiler/fryers,” then MHG’s interpretation wins.
如果在该上下文中的客观含义是“年轻的肉鸡/小鸡”,那么 MHG 的解释胜出。

If the term’s ordinary usage includes older chickens (and MHG never specified “only fryers”), then Tyson’s interpretation prevails.
如果该术语的普通用法包括老母鸡(而 MHG 从未指定“仅限于小鸡”),那么泰森的解释占上风。

C. Mutual Mistake or Unilateral Mistake
C. 共同错误或单方错误

If a court finds that both parties truly misunderstood each other about a vital term and that it is equally ambiguous, the court might void the contract for mutual mistake. However, if either side had reason to clarify or should have known the other side’s meaning, the court might interpret the term against the party who failed to clarify.

4. Likely Arguments for Each Side
4. 每一方可能的论点

MHG (Buyer)
MHG (买方)

Industry Usage / Prior Dealings:
行业使用 / 先前交易:

Argue that in the European restaurant supply context, “fresh frozen chicken” means “young chickens suitable for frying.” MHG might produce evidence from industry catalogs, standard shipping specifications, or prior dealings to show that “stewing hens” are never referred to simply as “fresh frozen chicken” in such transactions.
在欧洲餐饮供应的背景下,“新鲜冷冻鸡”指的是“适合油炸的年轻鸡”。MHG 可能会提供来自行业目录、标准运输规格或以往交易的证据,以表明在此类交易中,“炖母鸡”从未仅被称为“新鲜冷冻鸡”。

Material Breach / Product Useless:
重大违约 / 产品无用:

Emphasize that older hens are inedible for typical restaurant preparation (frying, barbecuing). This is a significant difference in kind, not just quality.

No True Meeting of the Minds:

Claim that if “chicken” included old stewing birds under Tyson’s definition, MHG had no idea and would have never agreed to pay a higher price for worthless product. Possibly no mutual assent under a latent ambiguity theory.
声称如果“鸡”在 Tyson 的定义下包括老炖鸟,MHG 对此毫不知情,并且绝不会同意为无价值的产品支付更高的价格。根据潜在模糊理论,可能没有双方同意。

Tyson (Seller)

Literal “Chicken”:

Argue that “fresh frozen chicken” can refer to any properly slaughtered, Grade A–inspected bird. They delivered exactly that.
争论“新鲜冷冻鸡”可以指任何经过适当屠宰、A 级检验的鸟。他们正是提供了这一点。

Buyer’s Burden to Specify:

If MHG wanted young fryers, it should have explicitly said “broiler/fryers” or “frying chickens.” Because MHG did not specify, Tyson interprets “chicken” in the broad sense.
如果 MHG 想要年轻的炸鸡,它应该明确说“肉鸡/炸鸡”或“炸鸡”。因为 MHG 没有具体说明,泰森将“鸡”解释为广义。

No Industry Consensus:

If the trade usage is not uniform, or if the contract’s language was unqualified, “chicken” must be read broadly.

Binding Contract:

Since MHG never objected to the broad label and the invoice clearly stated “US Fresh Frozen Chicken,” MHG is bound to accept the product.
由于 MHG 从未对广泛的标签提出异议,并且发票上清楚地写着“美国新鲜冷冻鸡”,MHG 必须接受该产品。

5. Possible Outcomes
5. 可能的结果

Court Finds No Meeting of the Minds

If the court determines the term “chicken” is truly ambiguous, and both sides sincerely used it in different ways with no reason to suspect the other’s meaning, it could declare no enforceable agreement regarding the type of chicken.

Court Uses Industry Usage to Decide “Chicken” Means Broiler/Fryer

If MHG proves that in the export/restaurant context, “chicken” unambiguously refers to young fryers, the court might enforce the contract as requiring fryers—and hold Tyson delivered the wrong goods, entitling MHG to reject them.
如果 MHG 证明在出口/餐厅的背景下,“鸡肉”明确指的是年轻的炸鸡,法院可能会执行合同,要求提供炸鸡,并认为泰森交付了错误的货物,使 MHG 有权拒绝接受。

Court Enforces Tyson’s Broader Definition

If Tyson shows either (a) it is standard trade practice that “chicken” can include older hens, or (b) MHG’s own lack of clarity was at fault, the court might rule the contract allowed for stewing chickens, so MHG is stuck with the shipment.
如果泰森证明(a)“鸡”可以包括老母鸡是标准贸易惯例,或者(b)MHG 自身的不明确是错误,法院可能裁定合同允许炖鸡,因此 MHG 必须接受这批货物。


Most courts will look to custom, prior dealings, and any trade usage to decide which meaning of “chicken” is correct under the contract. If there is no single accepted usage or if the ambiguity is irreconcilable, the court may conclude that there was no true “meeting of the minds” and thus no binding deal on the type of chicken. Otherwise, the court might decide in favor of the party whose definition aligns with objective evidence of trade usage and the parties’ mutual understanding—or impose the interpretation against the party who “could have clarified” but did not.

Problem 3.2
问题 3.2

Jay the owner of an automobile body shop, has a 1962 Chevrolet Corvette convertible, all original and beautifully restored. His neighbor, Zeke, a very well-to-do investment banker, has long coveted the car and over the years has repeatedly asked Jay if he would sell. Jay has always refused. In early March Jay learns that his wife, Vera, has been having an affair with Zeke. Jay does not want a divorce, but he wants revenge. Jay purchases a rather beat-up 1994 Corvette for $3,500. Pretending that he is ignorant of the affair, Jay has a conversation with Zeke.
汽车修理店老板杰伊拥有一辆 1962 年的雪佛兰科尔维特敞篷车,完全原装且经过精美修复。他的邻居齐克是一位非常富有的投资银行家,长期以来一直渴望这辆车,多年来反复询问杰伊是否愿意出售。杰伊一直拒绝。三月初,杰伊得知他的妻子维拉与齐克有染。杰伊不想离婚,但他想报复。杰伊以 3500 美元购买了一辆相当破旧的 1994 年科尔维特。假装对这段婚外情一无所知,杰伊与齐克进行了一次对话。

“You know, Zeke,” he says, “I’m really torn about the Corvette.”

“What about it?” says Zeke.

“Well,” says Jay, “business has been off at the shop with this recession, and a lot of my investments are down. You know, the economy and everything.”

“Of course,” says Zeke. “Things are tough.”

“They sure are. Fact is, though, much as I don’t want to, I’ve got a Corvette I don’t need, and some ready cash would be very helpful.”

“You mean, you want to sell your Corvette?”

“I don’t really want to. But you know how it is.”

“Sure,” says Zeke, who really doesn’t, since his investment bank paid him a hefty bonus this year. But he says, “How much are you asking?”

Jay hesitates. “I hadn’t really decided on it.”

“Well, if it will help you out I’ll give you $65,000 for it, right now,” says Zeke.
“好吧,如果这能帮到你,我现在就给你 65,000 美元。”泽克说。

Jay shakes his head. “Thanks. I appreciate that. But I’m not sure I really want to sell. The cash is tempting, but . . . . “ He breaks off.

“But what?”

I want to think it over. It’s a tough decision.”

“Tell you what,” says Zeke. “I’ll give you $70,000 right now.” He pulls out a checkbook. “Right now,” he repeats. “That’s a very good offer, you know.”
“我告诉你,”泽克说。“我现在就给你 70,000 美元。”他拿出一本支票簿。“现在就给,”他重复道。“你知道,这是一个非常好的报价。”

“I know.” Jay hesitates again. “Actually, I feel like I’m taking advantage of you at that price.”

Zeke waves a hand. “Don’t worry about me. I can afford it. The investment banking business is still going strong.” He grins and takes out a pen. “I can write the check right now. It’s good. You can get the cash tomorrow morning.”

Jay agrees. Zeke writes the check. Jay insists on filling out a bill of sale, specifying the price and a Vehicle Identification Number of 299492033218. He tells Zeke that the Corvette (and the title document) is down at Jay’s shop, getting a new wax polishing, and that Zeke can pick it up tomorrow.
杰同意了。齐克写下支票。杰坚持填写一份销售单,注明价格和车辆识别号码 299492033218。他告诉齐克,科尔维特(以及所有权文件)在杰的商店,正在进行新的打蜡,齐克可以明天去取。

第二天,齐克来到杰伊的商店,接过钥匙和签署的标题,手里是刚打磨过但仍然相当破旧的 1994 年科尔维特。他非常愤怒。他冲进杰伊的办公室,但杰伊只是对他笑。杰伊一大早就把支票兑现了,已经把钱揣进了口袋。齐克威胁要做各种可怕的事情。

“You bought a Corvette,” says Jay. He picks up the bill of sale. “You got a Corvette. It’s VIN 299492033218, exactly what it says on the bill of sale and on the car title you’re holding there. It’s not my problem if you don’t look at what you sign.” Jay grins happily. “I think maybe you paid a little too much for it,” he says, “But as you said, you can afford it. I’m sure Vera is worth it. Have a really nice day, Zeke.”
“你买了一辆科尔维特,”杰说。他拿起销售单。“你得到了科尔维特。它的 VIN 是 299492033218,正如销售单和你手中的汽车标题上所写的那样。如果你不看你签的东西,那就不是我的问题。”杰高兴地笑了。“我觉得你可能为它支付了有点多,”他说,“但正如你所说,你买得起。我相信维拉值得这个价格。祝你有个愉快的一天,齐克。”

Zeke subsequently sues Jay, demanding the 1962 Corvette or a refund of his money. Is there a contract between the parties? If so, is it for the 1962 Corvette or the 1994 Corvette? Be prepared to make arguments on behalf of both Zeke and Jay when considering this problem.
Zeke 随后起诉 Jay,要求归还 1962 年的科尔维特或退款。双方之间是否存在合同?如果存在,是针对 1962 年的科尔维特还是 1994 年的科尔维特?在考虑这个问题时,请准备为 Zeke 和 Jay 提出论点。

Key Facts

Jay’s 1962 Corvette: Beautifully restored, not for sale (in Jay’s mind), but highly desired by Zeke.
杰伊的 1962 年科尔维特:经过精美修复,不出售(在杰伊的心中),但被齐克高度渴望。

Jay’s 1994 Corvette: A beat-up car that Jay purchased cheaply and then “prepped” to fool Zeke.
杰伊的 1994 年科尔维特:一辆破旧的车,杰伊以低价购买,然后“准备”好以欺骗齐克。

Conversation: Jay suggests he might sell “his Corvette” to raise cash; Zeke understands (subjectively) that this is the 1962 Corvette.
对话:杰伊建议他可能会卖掉“他的科尔维特”来筹集现金;齐克主观上理解这是 1962 年的科尔维特。

Price & Sale: Zeke pays $70,000 via check on the spot; Jay provides a bill of sale referring only to a VIN (which Zeke fails to inspect).
价格与销售:Zeke 现场通过支票支付 $70,000;Jay 提供了一份仅提及 VIN 的销售单(Zeke 未进行检查)。

Delivery: Next day, Zeke is given the keys and title to the 1994 Corvette (with the VIN specified in the bill of sale). Jay taunts Zeke: “You bought a Corvette, and you got one. Read what you signed.”
交付:第二天,Zeke 收到了 1994 年款 Corvette 的钥匙和所有权证(发票中指定了 VIN)。Jay 嘲讽 Zeke:“你买了一辆 Corvette,而你得到了一个。看看你签的是什么。”

Zeke sues, demanding either the 1962 Corvette or a refund of his $70,000.
齐克提起诉讼,要求要么获得 1962 年款科尔维特,要么退还他的 70,000 美元。

2. Is There a Contract?
2. 是否有合同?

A. Formation of Some Agreement
A. 达成某些协议

Offer and Acceptance

Objectively, they appear to have exchanged promises: Zeke promises $70,000, Jay agrees to transfer “the Corvette.”
客观上,他们似乎交换了承诺:Zeke 承诺$70,000,Jay 同意转让“科尔维特”。

Jay and Zeke both signed (or at least completed) a bill of sale referencing a VIN. Payment was made.
Jay 和 Zeke 都签署了(或至少完成了)一份提到 VIN 的销售合同。付款已完成。

So at first glance, it looks like an enforceable contract was formed.

What Is the Subject Matter?

The crux is which Corvette did Jay truly promise to sell? The 1962 or the 1994?
关键是杰伊到底承诺出售哪一辆科尔维特?是 1962 年款还是 1994 年款?

3. Zeke 的论点

Objective Understanding

Zeke would insist any reasonable person would interpret “my Corvette” as referring to the prized 1962 model—especially when the conversation is colored by Zeke’s known desire for that car.
齐克坚信,任何理智的人都会将“我的科尔维特”解读为指代那辆珍贵的 1962 年款——尤其是在谈话中夹杂着齐克对那辆车的已知渴望时。

The references to it being “beautifully restored,” or “the car you’ve always wanted,” might be implied if Jay alluded to the 1962 during negotiations.
提到“美丽修复”或“你一直想要的车”的说法,如果杰伊在谈判中提到 1962 年,可能是暗示。

Zeke can argue that Jay’s talk of “I don’t really want to sell” and “I’m taking advantage of you at that price” strongly suggests the valuable 1962 car, not a junk 1994. No rational buyer would pay $70,000 for a beat-up 1994 Corvette.
泽克可以争辩说,杰伊所说的“我真的不想卖”和“我在那个价格上占了你的便宜”强烈暗示了那辆有价值的 1962 年汽车,而不是一辆破旧的 1994 年车。没有理性的买家会为一辆破旧的 1994 年科尔维特支付 70,000 美元。

Hence, from an objective perspective, the real deal is for the 1962.
因此,从客观的角度来看,真正的交易是 1962 年。

Misrepresentation / Fraud
虚假陈述 / 欺诈

Zeke can claim Jay deliberately deceived him:
Zeke 可以声称 Jay 故意欺骗了他:

By not mentioning a second Corvette.

By encouraging Zeke to sign a bill of sale with a VIN that Zeke assumed matched the 1962.
通过鼓励 Zeke 签署一份包含 Zeke 认为与 1962 年匹配的 VIN 的销售协议。

If a court finds fraud in the inducement—that Jay intentionally tricked Zeke—the contract might be voidable by Zeke.

Alternatively, if the court sees Jay’s actions as a deliberate concealment, it could award rescission (return the $70,000) or find liability for fraud.
另外,如果法院认为杰伊的行为是故意隐瞒,可能会判决撤销合同(退还 70,000 美元)或认定其对欺诈负责。

No True “Meeting of the Minds”

Zeke might invoke the “mutual misunderstanding” line of cases (Stong, Oswald)—he believed the contract was for the 1962, Jay “pretends” it was for the 1994. So if each party truly had a different object in mind, no valid contract for either car.
Zeke 可能会引用“相互误解”的案例(Stong, Oswald)——他认为合同是针对 1962 年的,而 Jay “假装”是针对 1994 年的。因此,如果每一方确实有不同的目标,那么对于任何一辆车都没有有效的合同。

But Zeke more likely wants the 1962 car or a refund, not a finding of “no contract at all.”
但泽克更可能想要 1962 年的车或退款,而不是“根本没有合同”的裁定。

4. Jay’s Arguments
4. Jay 的论点

Strict Reading of the Bill of Sale

Jay points to the VIN in the bill of sale, which matches the 1994 Corvette. On its face, that is the unambiguous subject matter.
杰指着销售合同中的车辆识别号码(VIN),与 1994 年款科尔维特相符。从表面上看,这就是明确的主题。

“You get what you sign for.” Courts do look to the four corners of a written agreement. If the writing is clear (the VIN for the 1994), that’s presumably the “Corvette” in the bargain.
“你签的就是你得到的。” 法院确实会关注书面协议的四个角落。如果书面内容清晰(1994 年的 VIN),那么这大概就是交易中的“科尔维特”。

Zeke had every opportunity to inspect the VIN, the car title, the shape of the car, etc. He failed to do so.

Lack of Clear Misrepresentation

Jay might claim he never once explicitly said “I am selling my 1962 Corvette.” He spoke only of “my Corvette,” and “a Corvette I have,” letting Zeke assume incorrectly.
杰可能会声称他从未明确说过“我在卖我的 1962 年科尔维特。”他只提到“我的科尔维特”和“我拥有的一辆科尔维特”,让齐克错误地假设。

Argues that if Zeke was so sure it was the 1962, Zeke should have verified the VIN or at least asked for clarity.
认为如果 Zeke 如此确定是 1962 年,Zeke 应该核实 VIN,或者至少要求澄清。

If the court applies a purely objective standard and looks at the actual signed writing specifying the 1994 VIN, Jay says “This is the entire contract, unambiguous.”
如果法院采用纯粹的客观标准,并查看实际签署的指定 1994 年 VIN 的书面文件,杰伊说:“这就是整个合同,毫不含糊。”

No Meeting of the Minds or the Buyer’s Own Fault

If the court finds a mismatch in understanding, Jay might push that it’s Zeke’s unilateral mistake—Zeke just jumped to the wrong conclusion.

Under that theory, either the contract is what the writing says (the 1994 Corvette) or it is not enforceable if you need to “add terms” about the 1962.
根据该理论,合同要么是书面所述的内容(1994 年科尔维特),要么如果需要“添加条款”关于 1962 年,则不可执行。

Because Jay is not the one who made any statements about “1962,” he can disclaim responsibility for Zeke’s assumption.

5. Potential Legal Outcomes
5. 潜在法律结果

Contract for the 1994 Corvette
1994 年科尔维特合同

If the court applies a strict textual approach—the VIN is clear, the buyer’s signature is binding—then the contract is for the 1994 Corvette. Zeke is stuck with a junker for $70,000.
如果法院采取严格的文本解释——车辆识别号码是明确的,买方的签名是有约束力的——那么合同就是 1994 年的科尔维特。泽克只能花 70,000 美元买一辆废车。

Zeke’s only relief might be to argue fraud or unconscionability. But in some courts, mere “failing to read the contract” is not enough to avoid the deal absent strong evidence of misrepresentation.

Rescission for Fraud or No True Assent

If Zeke proves Jay intentionally and deceitfully lured him into believing he was buying the 1962, the court may void or rescind the contract, returning $70,000 to Zeke and the 1994 car back to Jay.
如果泽克证明杰伊故意和欺骗性地引诱他相信自己在购买 1962 年车型,法院可能会宣布合同无效或撤销合同,将 70,000 美元退还给泽克,并将 1994 年车型归还给杰伊。

The court might also see this as a classic case of “dirty hands” by Jay. Even if the writing is unambiguous, fraud in the inducement can nullify that writing.

Contract for the 1962 Corvette
1962 年科尔维特合同

Less likely unless a court holds that all evidence points to the 1962 Corvette being the real subject matter. The bill of sale VIN might be considered a “mistake,” corrected to reflect the 1962 if the court sees the objective, contextual evidence as overriding. This is possible but an uphill battle if the written contract is explicit about the VIN.
除非法院认定所有证据都指向 1962 年科尔维特是实际标的,否则可能性较小。如果法院认为客观的、上下文的证据具有优先性,销售单上的 VIN 可能被视为“错误”,并更正为 1962 年。这是可能的,但如果书面合同对 VIN 有明确规定,这将是一场艰难的斗争。

6. Conclusion
6. 结论

There is (likely) a contract in the sense that the parties intended a sale/purchase, a bill of sale was signed, and payment was made.

The big question is: Which Corvette?

Jay says the written contract unambiguously covers the 1994, and Zeke simply failed to read.
杰说书面合同明确涵盖了 1994 年,而泽克只是没有阅读。

Zeke says he was tricked into believing it was the prized 1962, and he never intended to buy a junker.
泽克说他被欺骗,以为这是珍贵的 1962 年车型,他从未打算购买一辆废车。

A court’s resolution will hinge on whether the judge/jury finds fraud or misrepresentation by Jay, or concludes that the parties truly had such a mismatch in understanding that no valid contract existed for the 1962.
法院的裁决将取决于法官/陪审团是否发现 Jay 存在欺诈或虚假陈述,或者是否得出结论认为各方之间确实存在如此大的理解不匹配,以至于 1962 年没有有效合同。

If no fraud is found, courts often hold people to the written, signed contract (i.e., the 1994 VIN). But if the judge sees a deliberate scheme by Jay to exploit Zeke’s assumption, a rescission or damage award for fraud is very possible.
如果没有发现欺诈,法院通常会要求人们遵守书面签署的合同(即 1994 年 VIN)。但如果法官发现杰伊故意利用齐克的假设,撤销合同或因欺诈而赔偿的可能性非常大。

Problem 3.3
问题 3.3

Walker is the owner of Rose, a registered purebred polled Angus descended from a long line of highly regarded stock. He buys her for breeding purposes, for which purpose she is worth about $10,000. After a few years and various veterinary examinations, Walker determines that Rose is infertile. Accordingly, he sells Rose, whom he believes is barren, to Sherwood for $500—essentially her value as meat. They sign a contract that Walker will deliver Rose this coming Thursday. On the morning set for delivery, Walker discovers that Rose is, in fact, with calf. He refuses to deliver her, claiming that neither party intended this to be a transaction for a breeding cow. Sherwood demands Rose.
沃克是罗斯的主人,罗斯是一头注册的纯种无角安格斯,来自一条备受推崇的血统。他购买她是为了繁殖目的,因此她的价值约为 10,000 美元。经过几年的各种兽医检查,沃克确定罗斯是不育的。因此,他以 500 美元的价格将罗斯出售给舍伍德,他认为罗斯是 barren——基本上是她作为肉类的价值。他们签署了一份合同,沃克将在即将到来的星期四交付罗斯。在交付的早晨,沃克发现罗斯实际上是怀孕的。他拒绝交付她,声称双方都没有意图将此交易视为繁殖母牛。舍伍德要求交付罗斯。

When Walker continues to refuse, Sherwood sues. Did the parties have a contract or not? What would you expect the two sides to argue regarding that issue?

Was There a Contract at All?

Offer, Acceptance, and Consideration

Walker agreed to sell the cow to Sherwood for $500; Sherwood accepted and presumably tendered payment (or promised it), forming a prima facie contract.
沃克同意以 500 美元将牛卖给舍伍德;舍伍德接受了,并且可能已经支付(或承诺支付),形成了初步合同。

Thus, in a formal sense, they did make an agreement.

The main question is whether that contract is voidable (or unenforceable) due to mutual mistake about the cow’s fertility.

2. Walker’s Likely Argument (Seller)
2. 沃克的可能论点(卖方)

Mutual Mistake of a Material Fact

Both parties believed Rose was barren—an assumption that drastically affected her value and the nature of the transaction.

If both sides were fundamentally mistaken about an essential fact going to the very substance of the deal (breeding cow vs. beef cow), the contract could be rescinded.

No Meeting of the Minds

The bargain was supposed to be for a cow worth $500 for meat, not for a $10,000 breeding cow.
这笔交易本应是为了价值 500 美元的肉用牛,而不是一头价值 10,000 美元的繁殖牛。

Since the real situation (a fertile cow) is entirely different from what both parties believed, Walker can argue there was no true “meeting of the minds.”

Fairness / Equity
公平 / 公正

Walker might claim it is unjust for Sherwood to get a windfall of a valuable breeding cow at a token price.

Had they known Rose was pregnant, they never would have agreed to $500.
如果他们知道罗斯怀孕了,他们绝对不会同意 500 美元。

3. Sherwood’s Likely Argument (Buyer)
3. Sherwood 的可能论点(买方)

Enforceable Agreement

Sherwood will insist the written contract for the cow at $500 stands. They signed and agreed on a price, species, and delivery date.
舍伍德将坚持以 500 美元的书面合同购买这头牛有效。他们签署并同意了价格、品种和交货日期。

Walker cannot simply cancel a completed deal because he discovered Rose’s fertility.

“Bare Mistake” Not Fatal
“Bare Mistake”并非致命

Sherwood may argue that the mistake was either unilateral (mainly Walker’s) or not so fundamental as to defeat the contract.

If the contract did not explicitly condition the sale on Rose’s barrenness, then Walker bears the risk that his own examination was incorrect.

Assumption of Risk

Since Walker owned Rose and had every chance to confirm her fertility status, he should bear the risk of misdiagnosis.

Sherwood was not responsible for verifying whether Rose was barren; thus, no basis exists to invalidate the sale once Walker discovers she is pregnant.

4. Conclusion
4. 结论

Yes, there was a contract—the parties exchanged promises and agreed on a price for “Rose.”

The deeper legal question is whether that contract is voidable by Walker because both parties mistakenly believed Rose was barren (a potential “mutual mistake” of fact).

Walker will argue no meeting of the minds on a breeding cow, while Sherwood will argue that the sale is binding and Walker assumed the risk of the cow’s true condition.

In many jurisdictions (following the reasoning of Sherwood v. Walker), courts hold that such a fundamental mutual mistake about the very nature of the goods may allow the seller to rescind. However, if a modern court deems the risk should have been on the seller, it might enforce the contract as is.
在许多司法管辖区(遵循 Sherwood v. Walker 的推理),法院认为对商品本质的这种根本性共同错误可能允许卖方撤销合同。然而,如果现代法院认为风险应由卖方承担,则可能按原样执行合同。