So, now you have your outline. Copy it here:
Now, write ten to fifteen sentences per outline heading to complete your paragraph. You may find it helpful to add additional subdivisions to your outline, and to work back and forth between the outline and the sentences, editing both. Use your notes, as well. Use single spacing at this point, so that you can see more writing on the paper at once. You will format your essay properly later.
现在,每个大纲标题写 10 到 15 个句子来完成你的段落。您可能会发现在大纲中添加额外的细分,并在大纲和句子之间来回工作,编辑两者会很有帮助。也使用你的笔记。此时使用单倍行距,以便您可以一次在纸上看到更多内容。稍后您将正确格式化您的文章。
Don’t worry too much about how well you are writing at this point. It is also best at this point not to worry too much about the niceties of sentence structure and grammar. That is all best left for the second major step, which is editing. You should think of the essay writing process as twofold. The first major step is the first draft, which can be relatively quick and dirty. For the first draft you can use your notes, extensively, and rough out the essay. If you get stuck writing anywhere, just move to the next outline sentence. You can always go back.
The second major step is editing. Production (the first major step) and editing (the second) are different functions, and should be treated that way. This is because each interferes with the other. The purpose of production is to produce. The function of editing is to reduce and arrange. If you try to do both at the same time then the editing stymies the production. It’s not faster to combine them, nor is it better, and it is bound to be frustrating.
Here is an example of writing associated with an outline question: (note: places where references are necessary are indicate as (REFERENCE, 19XX). How to format these references will be discussed later.
以下是与大纲问题相关的写作示例:(注意:需要参考的地方表示为 (REFERENCE, 19XX)。稍后将讨论如何格式化这些引用。
Outline sentence: How has capitalism been defined?
Something as complex as capitalism cannot be easily defined. Different authors have each offered their opinion. Liberal or conservative thinkers stress the importance of private property and the ownership rights that accompany such property as key to capitalism (REFERENCE, 19XX). Such private property (including valuable goods and the means by which they are produced) can be traded, freely, with other property owners, in a market where the price is set by public demand, rather than by any central agency. Liberal and conservative thinkers stress efficiency of production, as well as quality, and consider profit the motive for efficiency. They believe that lower cost is a desirable feature of production, and that fair competition helps ensure desirably lower prices.
The World Socialist Movement (REFERENCE, 19XX), an international consortium of far left political parties, defines capitalism, by contrast, as ownership of the means of production by a small minority of people, the capitalist class, who profitably exploit the working class, the genuine producers, who must sell their ability to work for a salary or wage. Such socialists believe that it is profit that solely motivates capitalism, and that the profit motive is essentially corrupt. Modern environmentalists tend to add the natural world itself to the list of capitalist targets of exploitation (REFERENCE, 19XX). Thinkers on the right tend to regard problems emerging from the capitalist system as real, but trivial in comparison to those produced by other economic and political systems, real and hypothetical. Thinkers on the far left regard capitalism as the central cause of problems as serious as poverty, inequality and environmental degradation, and believe that there are other political and economic systems whose implementation would constitute an improvement.
It took two paragraphs to begin to address the first outline sentence. Notice that the essay begins without referring to itself. It is better to tell the reader what the essay will be about and how the topic will be addressed than to meander around stupidly at the beginning of an essay, but it is still better to grab the reader’s attention immediately without beating around the bush.
Once you have completed ten to fifteen sentences for each outline heading, you have finished your first draft. Now it is time to move to editing.
完成每个大纲标题的 10 到 15 个句子后,您就完成了初稿。现在是时候进行编辑了。
Copy the first paragraph of your first draft here:
Paragraph 1:
第 1 段:
Now, place each sentence on its own line, so it looks like this (this example is taken from the first paragraph on capitalism, above):
Something as complex as capitalism cannot be easily defined.
Different authors have each offered their opinion.
Liberal or conservative thinkers stress the importance of private property and the ownership rights that accompany such property as key to capitalism (REFERENCE, 19XX).
Such private property (including valuable goods and the means by which they are produced) can be traded, freely, with other property owners, in a market where the price is set by public demand, rather than by any central agency.
Liberal and conservative thinkers stress efficiency of production, as well as quality, and consider profit the motive for efficiency.
They believe that lower cost is a desirable feature of production, and that fair competition helps ensure desirably lower prices.
Now, write another version of each sentence, under each sentence, like this:
Liberal and conservative thinkers stress efficiency of production, as well as quality, and consider profit the motive for efficiency.
Liberal and conservative thinkers alike stress the importance of quality and efficiency, and see them as properly rewarded by profit.
In this example, the meaning of the sentence has been changed slightly, during the rewrite. It may be that the second sentence flows better than the first, and is also more precise and meaningful. See if you can make each sentence you have written better, in a similar manner:
Better would mean shorter and simpler (as all unnecessary words should be eliminated). There is almost nothing a novice writer can do that will improve his or her writing more rapidly than writing very short sentences. See if you can cut the length of each sentence by 15-25%. Remember, earlier, you tried to make your essay longer than necessary. Here you can start cleaning it up.
Better 意味着更短和更简单(因为所有不必要的单词都应该被删除)。新手作家几乎没有什么比写非常短的句子更能提高他或她的写作速度了。看看你是否可以将每个句子的长度缩短 15-25%。请记住,早些时候,您试图使您的文章超过必要的长度。在这里你可以开始清理它。
Better would mean that each word is precisely and exactly the right word. Don’t be tempted to use any word that you would be uncomfortable to use in spoken conversation. Often, new writers try to impress their readers with their vocabulary. This often backfires when words are used that are technically correct but whose connotation is not, or that are unsuitable within the context of the sentence, paragraph or full essay. An expert writer will spot such flaws immediately, and see them for what they are: forms of camouflage and deception. Write clearly at a vocabulary level you have mastered (with maybe a bit of stretching, to produce improvement).
Better 意味着每个单词都是精确且完全正确的单词。不要试图使用任何您在口语对话中使用会不舒服的词。通常,新作家试图用他们的词汇给读者留下深刻印象。当使用的词在技术上是正确的,但其内涵不正确,或者不适合句子、段落或完整文章的上下文时,这往往会适得其反。专家作家会立即发现这些缺陷,并看到它们的本质:伪装和欺骗的形式。在你已经掌握的词汇水平上写得清楚(也许需要一点伸展,以产生改进)。
Read each sentence aloud, and listen to how it sounds. If it’s awkward, see if you can say it a different, better way. Listen to what you said, and then write it down. Rewrite each sentence. Once you have done this with all the sentences, read the old versions and the new versions, and replace the old with the new if the new is better. Then copy the new paragraph here:
New paragraph 1:
新增第 1 款:
Repeat for each paragraph:
New paragraph 2:
新增第 2 款:
New paragraph 3:
新增第 3 款:
New paragraph 4:
新增第 4 款:
New paragraph 5 (etc.):
新的第 5 款(等):
Now you are going to try to improve each of those paragraphs. Copy them again here, unchanged (you are doing this so that you can easily compare the improved paragraphs to the originals, so that you can be sure they are truly improved, before you keep them):
New paragraph 1 (copy):
新第 1 款(副本):
New paragraph 2 (copy):
新第 2 款(副本):
New paragraph 3 (copy):
新第 3 款(副本):
New paragraph 4 (copy):
新第 4 段(副本):
New paragraph 5 (copy) (etc.):
新的第 5 款(副本)(等):
Start with paragraph 1. Break it up into single sentences, as you did before. Now check to see if the sentences are in the best possible order, within each paragraph. Drag and drop them, or cut and paste them, into better order.
从第 1 段开始。像以前一样,把它分成几个句子。现在检查每个段落中的句子是否按最佳顺序排列。将它们拖放或剪切并粘贴到更好的顺序中。
You can also eliminate sentences that are no longer necessary. When you are satisfied with the first paragraph (which means that the sentences are necessary, short and punchy, and in the correct order) then go ahead to the next paragraph and do the same thing.
Now, copy all of the new, improved paragraphs that you have edited here:
New improved paragraph 1:
新改进的第 1 段:
New improved paragraph 2:
新改进的第 2 段:
New improved paragraph 3:
新改进的第 3 段:
New improved paragraph 4:
新改进的第 4 段:
New improved paragraph 5 (etc.):
新改进的第 5 段(等):
Now you are going to try to improve the order of those new, improved paragraphs. Copy them here, again, unchanged.
New improved paragraph 1 (copy):
新改进的第 1 段(副本):
New improved paragraph 2 (copy):
新的改进第 2 段(副本):
New improved paragraph 3 (copy):
新改进的第 3 段(副本):
New improved paragraph 4 (copy):
新改进的第 4 段(副本):
New improved paragraph 5 (copy) (etc.):
新的改进第 5 段(副本)(等):
Now look at the order of the paragraphs themselves (as you just did with the sentences within each paragraph). It may well be that by now in the editing process, you will find that the order of the subtopics within your original outline is no longer precisely appropriate, and that some re-ordering of those sub-topics is called for. So, move around the new improved paragraph (copies) above, until they are ordered more appropriately than they were.