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the particle states ζ ϕ m ζ ϕ m zetaphi_(m)\zeta \phi_{m} is positive while the magnetic moment of the particle states ζ ϕ m ζ ϕ m ^(zeta)phi_(m){ }^{\zeta} \phi_{m} is negative. This allows us to use the magnon/antimagnon classification for the creation and annihilation operators in Eq. (38). Considering diagonalized forms of the kinetic energy and magnetic moment operators given by Eq. (A21) in Appendix A. we see that such identification is also confirmed in the framework of QFT. In particular, we see that the spectrum of the kinetic energy operator is positively defined and one-particle states ζ ϕ m ζ ϕ m _(zeta)phi_(m){ }_{\zeta} \phi_{m} represent magnons with the kinetic energy ζ E m > 0 ζ E m > 0 _(zeta)E_(m) > 0{ }_{\zeta} E_{m}>0 and the magnetic moment μ μ mu\mu, whereas one-particle states ζ ϕ m ζ ϕ m ^(zeta)phi_(m){ }^{\zeta} \phi_{m} are antimagnons with the kinetic energy ζ E m > 0 ζ E m > 0 -zetaE_(m) > 0-\zeta E_{m}>0.
Состояния частицы ζ ϕ m