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Popular science as inter-epistemic translation: a case study

Karen BennettORCID Icon
Karen BennettORCID 图标

Pages 407-421 | Received 20 Sep 2023, Accepted 28 Apr 2024, Published online: 09 Jul 2024
第 407-421 页 |接收日期 20 Sep 2023, 接受日期 2024 年 4 月 28 日, 在线发布: 2024 年 7 月 9 日

Cite this article https://doi.org/10.1080/13556509.2024.2350221 CrossMark LogoCrossMark
引用本文 https://doi.org/10.1080/13556509.2024.2350221 CrossMark LogoCrossMark

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Responding to a challenge raised by Douglas Robinson in the conclusion of his book Translationality (2017: 200–202), the recently launched EPISTRAN projectFootnote1 uses concepts, methods and theories from Translation Studies to investigate the semiotic processes (verbal and nonverbal) involved in the transfer of information between different ‘epistemic systems’. This paper, produced under its auspices, analyses a popular science article from the National Geographic magazine as an instance of inter-epistemic translation. Taking as its source text a research article previously published in the scientific journal Child Psychology, it compares the two with a view to determining the strategies used by the author to re-package the research for a new readership. It concludes that these are no different, in essence, to those employed in conventional interlingual translation, and argues that consideration of the processes involved can shed light not only on the ‘operating norms’ at work in the production of popular science but also on the construction of (specialised and non-specialised) discourses more broadly.
为了回应道格拉斯·罗宾逊 (Douglas Robinson) 在他的著作《转化性》(2017:200-202) 的结论中提出的挑战,最近启动的 EPISTRAN 项目脚注1 使用翻译研究中的概念、方法和理论来研究不同“认识系统”之间信息传递所涉及的符号学过程(语言和非语言)。这篇论文在其主持下完成,分析了《国家地理》杂志的一篇科普文章,将其作为认识间翻译的一个例子。它以之前发表在科学杂志《儿童心理学》上的一篇研究文章为源文本,将两者进行比较,以确定作者使用何种策略来为新的读者重新包装研究。报告的结论是,这些在本质上与传统的跨语言翻译中采用的没有什么不同,并认为对所涉及的过程的考虑不仅可以阐明在科普生产中起作用的“操作规范”,还可以更广泛地阐明(专业和非专业)话语的构建。

KEYWORDS: Inter-epistemic translationpopular sciencescientific discoursereframingDescriptive Translation Studies (DTS)translationality
关键词: 认识间翻译科普科学话语重构描述性翻译研究 (DTS)翻译性

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


1. EPISTRAN is financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, through CETAPS’ strategic programme, references UIDB/04097/2020 and UIDP/04097/2020.
1. EPISTRAN 由葡萄牙科学技术基金会通过 CETAPS 的战略计划资助,参考 UIDB/04097/2020 和 UIDP/04097/2020。

2. ‘Where the everyday “mother tongue” of commonsense knowledge construes reality as a balanced tension between things and processes, the elaborated register of scientific knowledge reconstrues it as an edifice of things. It holds reality still, to be kept under observation and experimented with; and in doing so, interprets it not as changing with time (as the grammar of clauses interprets it) but as persisting – or rather, persistence – through time, which is the mode of being of a noun’ (Halliday and Martin Citation1993, 15).
2. “常识知识的日常'母语'将现实解释为事物和过程之间的平衡张力,而精心设计的科学知识记录则将其重新解释为事物的大厦。它保持现实静止,被观察和实验;在这样做的过程中,不是将其解释为随时间变化(正如从句的语法所解释的那样),而是通过时间持续存在——或者更确切地说,持续存在——这就是名词的存在方式“(Halliday 和 Martin Citation1993,15)。

3. For the purposes of this article, popular science is defined as specialist knowledge reconstrued using ‘popularization discourse’, itself defined as ‘discourse in which academic insights are communicated to a broad, non-expert audience in understandable language and in the context of everyday life’ (Sterk and van Goch Citation2023, 135). However, it should be pointed out that this is not a simple category. As Myers (Citation2003), Bucchi (Citation2008) and others have emphasised, there are many degrees of popularisation, requiring different registers. See Olohan (Citation2016, 174–5) and Wright (Citation2011, Section 17.2.2.) for a list of some of the most important, and Navarro (Citationforthcoming) for an overview of the changing attitudes to science popularization from the perspective of History of Science.
3. 就本文而言,科普被定义为使用“大众化话语”重新构建的专业知识,其本身被定义为“在日常生活的背景下,将学术见解传达给广泛的非专家受众的话语”(Sterk 和 van Goch Citation2023, 135)。但是,应该指出的是,这不是一个简单的类别。正如 Myers (Citation2003)、Bucchi (Citation2008) 和其他人所强调的那样,普及程度很多,需要不同的注册。参见 Olohan (Citation2016, 174-5) 和 Wright (Citation2011, Section 17.2.2.) 列出了一些最重要的内容,以及 Navarro (Citationforthcoming) 从科学史的角度概述了对科学普及态度的变化。

4. In fact, Fuller’s analysis of a popular science article by Stephen Jay Gould does not invoke translation theory at all, using instead tools from rhetoric and critical discourse analysis to describe and explain the transformations involved. See also Raffo (Citation2016, 173), who calls for a ‘new metaphor of translation for the understanding of popularization, not as a direct transfer but as a task of “recontextualization” where the translator/communicator presents specialized knowledge in a new communicative situation, in a way that is relevant to the intended audience, thus giving it new meaning’. More recent studies have allowed the inverted commas to drop, suggesting that the relationship is not merely metaphorical. For example, Rizzo has a chapter entitled ‘Intralingual translation as a tool of popularization’ (Citation2015), and Sterk and van Goch (Citation2023, 14), reviewing some of the different approaches to the study of popularisation discourses, acknowledge that it can be understood as ‘a translation, or reformulation, of academic discourse into a second discourse’.
4. 事实上,富勒对斯蒂芬·杰伊·古尔德(Stephen Jay Gould)的一篇科普文章的分析根本没有援引翻译理论,而是使用修辞学和批判性话语分析的工具来描述和解释所涉及的转变。另见 Raffo (Citation2016, 173),他呼吁“一种新的翻译隐喻来理解普及,不是作为直接转移,而是作为一项 ”再语境化 “的任务,翻译/传播者以与目标受众相关的方式在新的交际情境中呈现专业知识,从而赋予其新的意义”。最近的研究允许去掉倒逗号,这表明这种关系不仅仅是隐喻的。例如,Rizzo 有一章题为“作为普及工具的语内翻译”(Citation2015),而 Sterk 和 van Goch(Citation2023,14)回顾了研究普及话语的一些不同方法,承认它可以被理解为“将学术话语翻译或重新表述为第二话语”。

5. This misconception about the nature of translation is particularly evident in authors that overtly reject the use of the term to describe popular science. For example, Peters (Citation2008, 139) states roundly that ‘public communication of science cannot be understood as “translation”’ because ‘translation would require structural equivalence of source and target language, and a shared reality serving as background for making sense of information’. Bucchi (Citation2008, 58–60), in the same volume, associates the use of ‘translation’ with the ‘diffusionist’ model of popular science (which he critiques on the grounds that ‘lay knowledge is not an impoverished or quantitatively inferior version of expert knowledge; it is qualitatively different’ 60), preferring instead the ‘continuity’ model, which envisages a continuum of contexts of communication/reception of scientific ideas (61). Curiously, he goes on to affirm that ‘the passage of a scientific notion through these various levels therefore cannot be described as the simple translation of an object from one communicative context to another’ because ‘each step … involves a change in the notion’ (62), before illustrating this transformationality with an analogy from the theatre production (i.e. intersemiotic translation) of a literary work.
5. 这种对翻译性质的误解在公开拒绝使用这个词来描述科普的作者中尤为明显。例如,Peters (Citation2008, 139) 直截了当地指出,“科学的公共传播不能被理解为”翻译“”,因为“翻译需要源语言和目标语言的结构等同性,以及作为理解信息的背景的共享现实”。Bucchi (Citation2008, 58-60) 在同一卷中,将“翻译”的使用与科普的“传播主义”模型联系起来(他批评该模型的理由是“非专业知识不是专家知识的贫乏或数量上较差的版本;它在质上是不同的”60),而是更喜欢“连续性”模型,该模型设想了科学思想的交流/接收的连续体 (61)。奇怪的是,他继续断言,“因此,科学概念通过这些不同的层次不能被描述为将一个对象从一个交际环境简单地翻译到另一个交际环境”,因为“每一步......涉及概念的变化“(62),然后用文学作品的戏剧制作(即符号间翻译)的类比来说明这种转变。

6. See Baker (Citation2004) for an overview of the arguments against equivalence.
6. 参见 Baker (Citation2004) 对反对等价性的论点的概述。

7. Lawrence Venuti’s (Citation2013) book is entitled Translation Changes Everything in recognition of this fact
7. Lawrence Venuti 的 (Citation2013) 一书名为《翻译改变一切》,以承认这一事实

8. The term ‘translationality’ is also used by Marais (Citation2019, 7), Blumczynski (Citation2023) and Vidal Claramonte, (Citationforthcoming, in slightly different contexts.
8. Marais (Citation2019, 7)、Blumczynski (Citation2023) 和 Vidal Claramonte (Citationforthcoming, 在略有不同的上下文中) 也使用了“翻译性”一词。

9. ‘1) intralingual translation or rewording is an interpretation of verbal signs by other signs of the same language; 2) interlingual translation or translation proper is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language; 3) intersemiotic translation or transmutation is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs belonging to non-verbal systems’ (Jakobson, Citation1959, 114)
9. '1) 语言内翻译或改写是同一语言的其他符号对口头符号的解释;2) 跨语言翻译或翻译本身是通过其他语言对口头符号的解释;3) 符号间翻译或嬗变是通过属于非语言系统的符号对语言符号的解释“(Jakobson, Citation1959, 114)

10. See Bennett (Citation2024) for a fuller description of this project.
10. 有关此项目的更完整描述,请参阅 Bennett (Citation2024)。

11. I am here using the term ‘equivalent’ in the sense intended by Gideon Toury (Citation2012, 85) as ‘any relation which is found to have characterized translation under a specified set of circumstances’.
11. 我在这里使用吉迪恩·图里 (Gideon Toury) 所希望的“等价”一词(Citation2012, 85)是指“在一组特定情况下被发现具有翻译特征的任何关系”。

12. This takes the form of an extensive literature review or state-of-the-art, organised into six subsections (866–869).
12. 这采取了广泛的文献综述或最先进的形式,分为六个小节 (866-869)。

13. See, for example, ‘Can you really tell if your kid is lying?’ (Vancouver, 2016), available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6diqpGKOvic) or ‘Little liars: Insights from children’s lies’ (undated) available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN8eK24e7KQ
13. 例如,请看,“你真的能判断你的孩子是否在撒谎吗?》(温哥华,2016 年),网址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6diqpGKOvic)或“小骗子:来自儿童谎言的见解”(未注明日期),网址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN8eK24e7KQ

14. ‘The science of lying’ (Wbur, On Point, June 5th 2017, hosted by Anthony Brooks), available at: https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2017/06/05/the-science-of-lying
14. “说谎的科学”(Wbur,On Point,2017 年 6 月 5 日,由 Anthony Brooks 主持),网址:https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2017/06/05/the-science-of-lying

15. ‘Why do we lie? NatGeo writer says it’s human nature’ (Wdet, Detroit Today, June 8th 2017) https://wdet.org/2017/06/08/why-do-we-lie-natgeo-writer-says-its-human-nature/#:~:text=While%20some%20lies%20can%20have,ways%20both%20big%20and%20small.%E2%80%9D
15. “我们为什么撒谎?NatGeo 作家说这是人的本性“(Wdet,今日底特律,2017 年 6 月 8 日)https://wdet.org/2017/06/08/why-do-we-lie-natgeo-writer-says-its-human-nature/#:~:text=While%20some%20lies%20can%20have,ways%20both%20big%20and%20small.%E2%80%9D

16. See Hyland (Citation1999) on the linguistic construction of scientific ‘fact’.
16. 参见 Hyland (Citation1999) 关于科学“事实”的语言建构。

Additional information


The work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia through CETAPS strategic funding [UIDB/04097/2020, UIDP/04097/2020].
这项工作得到了 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia 通过 CETAPS 战略资金 [UIDB/04097/2020, UIDP/04097/2020] 的支持。

Notes on contributors

Karen Bennett

Karen Bennett is Associate Professor of Translation at Nova University, Lisbon, Coordinator of the Translationality strand at the research unit CETAPS, and general editor of the journal Translation Matters. Her research interests include history and theory of translation; intersemiotic translation and multimodality; and ways of construing and translating knowledge.
Karen Bennett 是里斯本诺瓦大学翻译副教授,CETAPS 研究单位转化链协调员,以及 Translation Matters 杂志的总编辑。她的研究兴趣包括翻译历史和理论;符号间翻译和多模态;以及解释和翻译知识的方法。

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