This part aims to perform a thorough PV-system design and performance analysis using detailed hourly simulations. 本部分旨在通过详细的每小时模拟进行全面的光伏系统设计和性能分析。
These are organised in the framework of a Project, which essentially holds the geographical situation and meteorological hourly data. Optimisations and parameter analysis can be performed through different simulation runs, called variants 这些数据是在项目的框架内组织的,该项目基本上包含地理状况和气象每小时数据。优化和参数分析可以通过不同的仿真运行(称为变体)来执行
Procedure: 程序:
NB: You have a step-by-step tutorial to create your first project. 注意:您有一个创建第一个项目的分步教程。
After choosing “Project Design” and the system type in the main window, the procedure is the following: 在主窗口中选择 “Project Design” 和系统类型后,过程如下:
First define the Project through the “Project/Variant” button. You can also retrieve an existing project through the “File” menu. 首先通过 “Project/Variant” 按钮定义 Project。您还可以通过 “File” 菜单检索现有项目。
For one Project (including basically Geographic Location and Meteo, with eventual Albedo data), you can construct different system variants (as many as you need). 对于一个项目(基本上包括 Geographic Location 和 Meteo,以及最终的反照率数据),您可以构建不同的系统变体(根据需要多少)。
For each variant, define the plane orientation. 对于每个变量,定义平面方向。
Define the System properties. 定义 System 属性。
The program verifies the consistency of all parameters, and produces “Warnings” in Orange (acceptable for simulation) or Red (preventing simulation) LED’s. 该程序验证所有参数的一致性,并以橙色(可接受仿真)或红色(阻止仿真)LED 生成“警告”。
When ready (all parameters properly defined, that is only Green or Orange LED’s), press the “Simulation” button. Red buttons or warnings indicate bad definitions which prevent the simulation. 准备就绪后(所有参数都已正确定义,即只有绿色或橙色 LED),按下“模拟”按钮。红色按钮或警告表示错误的定义,这会阻止模拟。
When the simulation is completed, you will enter the “Results” dialog to consult the main results on the “Report” document. 模拟完成后,您将进入“结果”对话框,以查阅“报告”文档中的主要结果。
After simulation, each variant may be saved for further comparisons (please use “Save as” to avoid overwriting your previous variants). You are advised to define a significant description for each variant, in order to easily retrieve them in the list and to obtain a suited title in your final report. 模拟后,可以保存每个变体以供进一步比较(请使用“另存为”以避免覆盖您之前的变体)。建议您为每个变体定义一个重要的描述,以便轻松地在列表中检索它们并在最终报表中获得合适的标题。
For a given project, you are advised to first construct a rough variant keeping all parameters to their proposed default values. 对于给定项目,建议您首先构建一个粗略的变体,将所有参数保持为其建议的默认值。
In a second step, you can define the required refinements: 在第二步中,您可以定义所需的细化:
In the “System” definition panel, you can modify the “Detailed losses” (soiling, IAM, module temperature parameters, wiring resistance, module quality, mismatch, 在 “System” 定义面板中,您可以修改 “Detailed losses” (脏污、IAM、模块温度参数、布线电阻、模块质量、mismatch、
unavailability, etc). unavailability 等)。
eventually define a Horizon profile (far shadings), 最终定义 Horizon 配置文件(远阴影),
Near shadings, that is partial shadings of near objects, which require a rather complex CAO 3D construction of the PV-field environment. 近处阴影,即近处对象的部分阴影,这需要相当复杂的 CAO 3D 光伏场环境结构。
Module Layout for a description of the PV modules in the system, for the detailed calculation of the electrical shading losses. Module Layout,用于系统中 PV 模块的描述,用于电气阴影损耗的详细计算。
The following diagram shows an outline of the project’s organization and simulation process. 下图显示了项目的组织和模拟过程的概述。
Project definition 项目定义
When creating a project, you have to go through several steps : 创建项目时,您必须完成几个步骤:
Step 1: Definition of the file name and definition of the project name. This identifies the project in the file list in your data library. Click on the icon with a green plus to proceed. 第 1 步:定义文件名和项目名称定义。这将在数据库的文件列表中标识项目。单击带有绿色加号的图标以继续。
Step 2: Definition of the project site (follow the link). 第 2 步:定义项目站点(点击链接)。
Step 3: Selection of a meteo file, in PVsyst format *. MET (follow the link). 第 3 步:选择 PVsyst 格式 * 的 meteo 文件。MET (点击链接)。
Step 4: Definition of the project settings (follow the link) 第 4 步:定义项目设置(点击链接)
Step 5: Following this, you will define your PV system in several “Variants” or “Calculation versions” (follow the link). All calculation variants attached to the project will have the same project name with extensions .VC0, .VC1, etc 第 5 步:在此之后,您将在多个“变体”或“计算版本”中定义您的 PV 系统(点击链接)。附加到项目的所有计算变体都将具有与扩展相同的项目名称。VC0、 .VC1 等
The project parameters are stored in a file with the extension.PRJ. Please note that further modifications in the file name, the project name, the project site or the project settings will generate a message ‘please save your project’. This does not occur if you change the meteo file: you may then compare simulation results - for instance starting from different years of meteo data - without being triggered by the software. 工程参数存储在扩展名为 的文件中。PRJ.请注意,对文件名、项目名称、项目站点或项目设置的进一步修改将生成一条消息“请保存您的项目”。如果您更改了 meteo 文件,则不会发生这种情况:然后您可以比较模拟结果 - 例如从不同年份的 meteo 数据开始 - 而不会被软件触发。
Project site 项目现场
(Back to Project definition) (返回项目定义)
Latitude and longitude are used to calculate the sun position each hour of the calendar year, and those coordinates are stored into a. SIT file. The project site gives the coordinates of the plant. The .SIT file of the project site also includes a fallback monthly meteo set which is used for fast and rough calculations in the design part of the program (Orientation, system). A maximum search area for meteo files (see Available meteo files and project settings) is also associated with the project site. 纬度和经度用于计算日历年中每小时的太阳位置,这些坐标存储在 SIT 文件中。项目地点给出了工厂的坐标。这。项目现场的 SIT 文件还包括一个备用的每月气象集,用于在程序的设计部分(方向、系统)中进行快速和粗略的计算。气象文件的最大搜索区域(请参阅可用的气象文件和项目设置)也与项目场地相关联。
There are 2 ways to define the project site : 有两种方法可以定义项目站点:
First Method: 第一种方法:
PVSyst show-up a message that invites you to load the geographical site. You can do it through the ‘load site’ icon marked by an asterisk PVSyst 会显示一条消息,邀请您加载地理站点。您可以通过星号标记的 'load site' 图标来执行此操作
Once transferred into the project area, PVSyst will search all the meteo files available in the defined area and automatically select the lastly edited meteo file. Any import of new meteo files from this part of the software will enrich the list (in purple). When no meteo files are available, a fast way to start a project is to directly click on the save button (marked with an asterisk): PVSyst would then generate a synthetic file from the Meteonorm DIl and_build a project ready to use 传输到项目区域后,PVSyst 将搜索定义区域内所有可用的气象文件,并自动选择最后编辑的气象文件。从软件的这一部分导入任何新的 meteo 文件都将丰富列表(紫色)。当没有可用的 Meteo 文件时,启动项目的快速方法是直接单击保存按钮(标有星号):然后,PVSyst 将从 Meteonorm DIl 生成一个合成文件,and_build项目可供使用
Example of ready-to-use project with meteo file automatically built during saving operation. 在保存操作期间自动生成 meteo 文件的即用型项目示例。
This opens the geographical site interface, with a preselection on the lastly edited site (here Hobart). From this dialog, it is also possible to define a new geographical site, with a fallback monthly meteo set (either Meteonorm or NASA). 这将打开地理站点界面,并在最后编辑的站点(此处为 Hobart)上进行预选。从这个对话框中,还可以定义一个新的地理位置,并有一个回退的每月气象集(Meteonorm 或 NASA)。