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How do digital technologies contribute to the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage?


With the rapid development of science and technology, people seem to pay less attention to cultural heritage. However, cultural heritage is an indispensable part of human civilization, so we can use the existing technology to protect the existing cultural heritage, and its role in protection and dissemination is increasingly prominent. We will explore how digital technologies can contribute to the preservation and spread of cultural heritage. Through the use of digital scanning, virtual reality, digital modeling, 3D printing and other advanced technologies, we can preserve cultural heritage in a more efficient and accurate way, while allowing more people to access and understand these valuable historical treasures through online platforms or other means. This research aims to analyze the specific application and effectiveness of digital technology in the protection and dissemination of cultural heritage, provide new ideas and methods for the sustainable inheritance of cultural heritage, and put forward feasible suggestions based on existing information.

2.Problem Statement

Many important cultural heritage sites are under threat of destruction, loss or disappearance because of their exposure to various risks, such as natural disasters, human activities or cultural conflicts. In addition, due to historical reasons, insufficient human resources and other factors, many cultural heritages are also in a state of lack of proper protection and inheritance. The traditional methods of cultural heritage protection can no longer meet the current needs. Digital technology can help cultural heritage institutions and relevant stakeholders to digitally record, store, analyze and simulate cultural heritage in order to better understand and present the value and connotation of cultural heritage. Digital technologies can also support virtual exhibitions and educational activities of cultural heritage, making it easier for the public to understand and appreciate cultural heritage. Through the adoption of digital technologies, the efficiency of the preservation, transmission and protection of cultural heritage and the enhancement of public awareness and concern about cultural heritage. In conclusion, how to use modern digital technology to effectively deal with the problems in the inheritance of cultural heritage, break through the existing difficulties, effectively improve the effect of the inheritance and protection of cultural heritage, and ensure that cultural heritage can continue to revitalize in contemporary society and be recognized and appreciated by future generations has become a key issue to be solved urgently. More specifically, the following issues need to be addressed:

1.What is the current state of cultural heritage?

2.How can digital technology be used to record and protect existing cultural heritage and to restore lost cultural heritage?

3. What are the applications of digital technology in the inheritance and protection of cultural heritage?
3. 数字技术在文化遗产传承和保护中的应用有哪些?

4.How can digital technology change the perception of cultural heritage and raise awareness of its preservation?


The goal of this study is to put forward a feasible plan to protect cultural heritage by using digital technology. Cultural heritage is complex and diverse, and each one faces unique difficulties. However, digital technology has developed to a certain extent that can give a possible solution.

Particularly, the study has the following sub-objectives:

To make clear what problem cultural heritage is facing, and what issues remain to be solved.

To review current research in this field, and determine in which areas are solutions existing

To make the corresponding problems have corresponding solutions. (Destroyed cultural heritage needs to be reappeared; Less well-known cultural heritage needs to be widely spread etc.)

The result of this study will be of guiding significance for digital technology in protecting cultural heritage.

4.Preliminary Literature Review

The literature review has shed light on the current challenges facing cultural heritage preservation, such as the threats posed by various risks (e.g. abandonment of Spanish cultural heritage due to lack of attention) and the limitations of traditional methods (as they are no longer embraced by younger generations). Innovative solutions are urgently needed, research indicates that digital technology holds potential for digitally recording, storing, analyzing, and simulating cultural heritage, thus offering a means to address the pessimistic state of cultural heritage preservation.

However, previous research often remained at the theoretical stage without formulating feasible plans for utilizing digital technology in safeguarding cultural heritage. To address this gap, specific sub-goals need to be clarified: understanding the issues faced by cultural heritage; reviewing existing research; and developing tailored solutions for different scenarios. Previous studies have identified numerous challenges confronting cultural heritage preservation. Our critical task is to comprehensively review research from all perspectives and propose context-specific solutions.

Therefore, it is imperative to conduct further in-depth literature reviews as they are essential for understanding both historical and current research trends. Analyzing case studies and methodologies employed by different countries in protecting their cultural heritage through science and technology can provide valuable insights. Additionally, qualitative investigations can aid in comprehending relevant concepts and experiences through diverse approaches.

In conclusion, digital technology holds great promise in addressing the challenges faced in cultural heritage protection and dissemination. By understanding the current state of research and exploring effective methods, we can strive for better conservation and appreciation of cultural heritage in the digital age.


The primary research methods of this study are literature review and exploratory research. By analyzing the role of current technology in cultural relic protection, it provides new perspectives and sustainable methods for cultural relic preservation. This study first outlines the current issues in cultural relic protection and the future demands for conservation, clearly indicating the significant impact of technology application in this field. Meanwhile, it puts forward the objectives of this research. In the second stage of the study, based on the review of current academic research and research papers in the field, the questions raised in the initial stage of the research are addressed.


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