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[ASSIGNMENT-2] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) #155
[作业 2]常见问题 (FAQ) #155

Abdul Malik Khan 阿卜杜勒·马利克·汗Staff 员工
Assignments – A2
作业 – A2

Dear FIT9137 Students, 尊敬的 FIT9137 名学生:

In this thread, we try to answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs) in relation to Assignment-2. Please make sure to read this post before you ask a question.
在此线程中,我们尝试回答一些与作业 2 相关的常见问题 (FAQ)。在提出问题之前,请务必阅读这篇文章。

If you have further questions about Assignment 2, please ask them as comments under this post. We'll do our best to provide accurate and informative answers for each one of them.
如果您对作业 2 有其他问题,请在这篇文章下作为评论询问他们。我们将尽最大努力为他们每个人提供准确和翔实的答案。

Please note that the content will be updated over time. We recommend you to check this post regularly.

-Malik -马利克

FAQ questions for Assignment-2:
作业 2 的常见问题:

Question-1. Number of Diagrams: How many diagrams we need to provide for assignment 2?
问题 1.图表数量:我们需要为作业 2 提供多少张图表?

Response: We need three main diagrams, A typical Floor plan with computer seating capacities, a typical building floor to floor cross section diagram and building to building backbone connection showing connections to the main office building.

Question-2. Stack of Switches in Floor Plan: Can we have a stack of switches in the floor plan?
问题 2.平面图中的交换机堆栈:我们可以在平面图中有一堆交换机吗?

Response: Yes, if including stackable switches in the floor plan diagram is relevant to your network design, you are certainly allowed to do so. Make sure to accurately represent the placement and configuration of the stackable switches within the floor plan to effectively communicate your network design.

Question-3. Can we have more than 10 Slides in our assignment-2 presentation?
问题 3.我们的作业 2 演示文稿中可以有 10 张以上的幻灯片吗?

Response: Yes, For effective presentation and keeping a standard across the board to convey your network design please limit your presentation to no more than 15 slides, you'll need to ensure that each slide is concise and effectively conveys the key aspects of your network design. Consider focusing on the most critical components, such as design diagrams, the overall network topology, key devices and their placement, connectivity solutions, cable types, device types, distance measurements, and any unique aspects or considerations of your design. Use visuals, diagrams, and bullet points to convey information efficiently and clearly within the allotted slides. For details please refer to the specifications.
响应:是的,为了有效地演示并保持全面标准来传达您的网络设计,请将您的演示文稿限制为不超过 15 张幻灯片,您需要确保每张幻灯片简洁并有效地传达网络设计的关键方面。考虑关注最关键的组件,例如设计图、整体网络拓扑、关键设备及其放置、连接解决方案、电缆类型、设备类型、距离测量以及设计的任何独特方面或注意事项。使用视觉效果、图表和项目符号在分配的幻灯片中有效、清晰地传达信息。有关详细信息,请参阅规格书。

Question-4. Tools for Drawing Diagrams: What tools (exactly which options available) can be used to draw diagrams?
问题 4.绘制图表的工具:哪些工具(确切地说是可用的选项)可用于绘制图表?

Response: There are several tools available for drawing diagrams, such as Microsoft Visio, Lucid-chart, and draw.io. Each of these tools offers various options for creating diagrams. More concretely, those are among the most commonly used tools for creating diagrams in network design and other technical contexts. Here's a brief overview of each:
响应:有几种工具可用于绘制图表,例如 Microsoft Visio、Lucid-chart 和 draw.io。这些工具中的每一个都提供了用于创建图表的各种选项。更具体地说,这些是在网络设计和其他技术上下文中创建图表的最常用工具之一。以下是每个选项的简要概述:

1. Microsoft Visio: Visio is a popular diagramming tool that offers a wide range of templates and shapes for creating various types of diagrams, including network diagrams, flowcharts, and organizational charts. It's widely used in business and technical environments due to its flexibility and integration with other Microsoft products.
1. Microsoft Visio:Visio 是一种流行的图表工具,它提供了广泛的模板和形状来创建各种类型的图表,包括网络图、流程图和组织结构图。由于其灵活性和与其他 Microsoft 产品的集成,它被广泛用于商业和技术环境。

2. Lucidchart (Good option): Lucidchart is a web-based diagramming tool that offers collaborative features, making it easy for teams to work together on diagramming projects in real-time. It provides a wide range of templates and shapes for creating network diagrams, flowcharts, mind maps, and more.
2. Lucidchart(不错的选择):Lucidchart 是一种基于 Web 的图表工具,提供协作功能,使团队可以轻松地实时协作绘制项目。它提供了广泛的模板和形状,用于创建网络图、流程图、思维导图等。

3. draw.io: draw.io is a free, web-based diagramming tool that offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of shapes and templates for creating diagrams. It's popular for its simplicity and ease of use, making it suitable for both individuals and teams.
3. draw.iodraw.io 是一个免费的、基于 Web 的图表工具,它提供用户友好的界面和用于创建图表的各种形状和模板。它因其简单易用而广受欢迎,使其适合个人和团队。

Each of these tools has its advantages and is suitable for different use cases and preferences. Depending on your specific requirements and preferences, you can choose the tool that best suits your needs for creating diagrams in your network design project. Please note that some of these tools are not free, they are paid versions.

Question-5. Representation of users in Floor Plan: Do you have to draw all users sitting in each and every floor for the floor plan diagram?.
问题 5.平面图中的用户表示:是否必须为平面图绘制每个楼层中坐着的所有用户?

Response: The requirements specify that for a typical floor plan, you need to draw just for one typical floor and show all the users with computers in the diagram, then yes, you should include level of detail. In such cases, you would typically represent each user's desk location and associated computer, Switch location, AP location, Cabling connection to the switch etc.. within the floor plan diagram.
响应:要求规定,对于典型的平面图,您只需绘制一个典型的楼层,并在图表中显示所有使用计算机的用户,那么是的,您应该包括详细程度。在这种情况下,您通常会表示每个用户的桌面位置和关联的计算机、交换机位置、AP 位置、交换机的布线连接等。在平面图中。

Here are some considerations for including users with computers in a floor plan diagram:

1. Accuracy: Ensure that the placement of users and their computers accurately reflects the layout of the physical floor space. Use appropriate symbols or icons to represent users / computers.
1. 准确性:确保用户及其计算机的位置准确反映物理楼层空间的布局。使用适当的符号或图标来表示用户/计算机。

2. Labeling: Clearly label each user's computer location.
2. 标记:清楚地标记每个用户的计算机位置。

3. Scale: Maintain a consistent scale throughout the floor plan diagram to provide an accurate representation of the space. This helps users visualize the physical layout more effectively.
3. 比例:在整个平面图中保持一致的比例,以提供空间的准确表示。这有助于用户更有效地可视化物理布局。

4. Clarity: Avoid overcrowding the diagram with excessive detail. Balance the level of detail needed to convey the information effectively while ensuring the diagram remains clear and easy to understand.
4. 清晰度:避免图表过于拥挤,细节过多。平衡有效传达信息所需的详细程度,同时确保图表保持清晰易懂。

5. Legend: Consider including a legend or key to explain any symbols or icons used in the floor plan diagram, particularly for network devices if there are specific conventions or representations unique to your design.
5. 图例:考虑包括一个图例或键来解释平面图中使用的任何符号或图标,特别是如果您的设计有特定的约定或表示,则对于网络设备。

By following these guidelines and adhering to the specified requirements, you can create a floor plan diagram that accurately represents all users with computers in the designated building floor space. Please note this must be done for one typical floor plan diagram, and you do not need to do it for all floors.

Question-6. Lift and service-well area is given in Assignment specifications.
问题 6.扬程和服务井面积在 分配规范 中给出。

Response: Yes, all the cables will be drawn and laid out via these service wells. The Figure 1 shows and clearly marked for that purpose.
响应:是的,所有电缆都将通过这些服务井进行拉动和布置。图 1 显示并清楚地标记了为此目的。

"In the context of a new building construction project, 'service wells' and 'lift area' are integral components designed to facilitate the installation and maintenance of essential utilities and vertical transportation systems of cables and pipes.

Service wells typically refer to designated vertical shafts or channels within the building structure, specifically engineered to accommodate various utility conduits such as electrical cables, network, telecommunication, CCTV, plumbing pipes, and HVAC duct-work. These wells serve as conduits for the safe and organized routing of these utilities throughout the building, ensuring efficient distribution and accessibility for maintenance purposes.
服务井通常是指建筑结构内指定的垂直竖井或通道,专门设计用于容纳各种公用管道,例如电缆、网络、电信、闭路电视、管道和 HVAC 管道系统。这些井充当这些公用设施在整个建筑物中安全、有序地布线的管道,确保高效分配和可访问性以进行维护。

The lift area, on the other hand, refers to the space allocated for elevator installation and operation. Elevators, or lifts, are vital for vertical transportation within multi-story buildings, providing convenient access to different levels for occupants and facilitating the movement of goods and materials. The lift area encompasses not only the physical space occupied by the elevator shafts and cabins but also includes the necessary infrastructure such as control rooms, machine rooms, and associated safety features.

In the diagrams figure-1, these service wells and lift areas are typically identified and marked for clarity, ensuring that contractors and stakeholders understand their purpose and can effectively incorporate them into the building design and construction process."
在图 1 的图表中,这些服务井和电梯区域通常会被识别和标记以清晰明了,确保承包商和利益相关者了解其目的,并能够有效地将它们纳入建筑设计和施工过程。

Question-7. Is the New network design for Increased Employees?
问题 7.新网络设计是否适合增加员工?

Response: Yes, you will be designing the new network to accommodate the increased number of employees in Melbourne office.

Question-8. Consideration of Network Traffic: The average network traffic is estimated to be around 25-30 Mbps per node, so should they consider the minimum or the maximum?
问题 8.考虑网络流量:平均网络流量估计每个节点约为 25-30 Mbps,那么他们应该考虑最小值还是最大值?

Response: It's advisable to consider the maximum estimated network traffic of 25-30 Mbps per node to ensure the network can handle the peak loads.
响应:建议考虑每个节点 25-30 Mbps 的最大估计网络流量,以确保网络能够处理峰值负载。

Question-9. Use of Cisco or Generic network Devices: Can we use Cisco devices or generic devices in our design?
问题 9.使用 Cisco 或通用网络设备:我们可以在设计中使用 Cisco 设备或通用设备吗?

Response: You can use either Cisco devices or generic devices in your design, depending on the requirements and constraints of the assignment requirements. Exactly, the choice between using Cisco devices or generic devices in your network design depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the assignment, as well as other factors such as budget, compatibility, and availability. Ultimately, the decision between using Cisco devices or generic devices in your network design should be based on a careful assessment of the Assignment requirements, constraints, and other relevant factors to ensure that the chosen solution effectively meets the objectives of the assignment.
响应:您可以在设计中使用 Cisco 设备或通用设备,具体取决于 assignment 要求的要求和约束。确切地说,在网络设计中使用 Cisco 设备或通用设备的选择取决于分配的具体要求和约束,以及其他因素,例如预算、兼容性和可用性。最终,在网络设计中使用 Cisco 设备或通用设备的决定应基于对 Assignment 要求、约束和其他相关因素的仔细评估,以确保所选解决方案有效地满足 Assignment 的目标。

Question-10. Making Assumptions: Can we make assumptions for any information that may not be available, like the Main office building has a router/gateway?
问题 10.做出假设我们能否对任何可能无法获得的信息做出假设,例如主办公楼有路由器/网关?

Response: Yes, you can make assumptions for any information that may not be available, such as the main office building has a router/gateway or underground cable conduits/pathways, as long as they are reasonable and clearly stated.

Question-11. Number of Fiber Optic Cables: Can we make assumptions for underground cable fiber optic conduits/pathways etc.
问题 11.光缆数量:我们能否对地下电缆、光纤导管/路径等做出假设。

Response: Yes, If the number of fiber optic cables used in the design is not specified, you can make assumptions based on best practices and requirements.

Question-12. Employees' Devices Needing Wired Connection: What are the employees’ device types? that need wired connection design?
问题 12.需要有线连接的员工设备:需要有线连接设计的员工设备类型有哪些?

Response: Typically, devices such as desktop computers, printers, servers, and VoIP phones may require wired connections.
响应:通常,台式计算机、打印机、服务器和 VoIP 电话等设备可能需要有线连接。

Question-13. Constructing the Network in CORE or Simulating: Do we need to construct the network in CORE? Or create the network for simulation etc..?
问题 13.在 CORE 中构建网络或模拟:我们需要在 CORE 中构建网络吗?或者创建用于模拟等的网络?

Response: No! The assignment 2 requirements are to create and propose a new network design solution as a response for request (RFP). The design requires showing the desktop layout of a typical floor, design of wired LAN and Wireless LAN with appropriate Layer-2 and Layer-3 devices, physical locations, cable communication pathways, wireless LAN channel requirements, new buildings to main buildings backbone connections etc. There is no need to create a network model for simulation.
响应:不!作业 2 的要求是创建并提出一个新的网络设计解决方案作为对请求的响应 (RFP)。该设计需要展示典型楼层的桌面布局、有线 LAN 和无线 LAN 的设计以及适当的第 2 层和第 3 层设备、物理位置、电缆通信路径、无线 LAN 通道要求、新建筑物到主要建筑物的主干连接等。无需创建网络模型进行仿真。

Question-14. Assignment-2, both new 2-story buildings (East side and West side buildings) are on the same side of the road but they are across the road of the main office building, which contains the main office network?
问题 14.作业 2,两座新的 2 层建筑(东侧和西侧建筑)都在道路的同一侧,但它们位于主办公楼的马路对面,主办公楼包含主办公网络?

Response: Both are opposite the main office and across the road. And you can assume the distance between the main office building and new buildings between 40 to 50 meters.
响应:两者都位于主办公室对面,马路对面。您可以假设主办公楼和新建筑之间的距离在 40 到 50 米之间。

Question-15. Do these buildings (west and east) have a common ground floor or they have different ground floor?.
问题 15.这些建筑物(西面和东面)是有共同的底层还是不同的底层?

Response: Both the two new buildings have their own ground floor. The buildings are three floors, ground floors, first floor & second floor.

Question-16. Assignment-2, "Remark for backbone connectivity building to building". I consulted the Assignment-2-Support Doc slides 22-25 but still a bit unclear about the backbone connectivity referred here.
问题 16.作业 2,“建筑物到建筑物的骨干连接备注”。我查阅了 Assignment-2-Support 文档幻灯片 22-25,但仍然不清楚此处引用的主干连接。

Response: Backbone network are used to connect between buildings, and also between floors. usually they are fiber optic cables.

Question-17. In Assignment-2, both new 3-story buildings (East side and West side buildings) are on the same side of the road but they are across the road of the main office building, which contains the main office network?
问题 17.在作业 2 中,两栋新的 3 层建筑(东侧和西侧建筑)都位于道路的同一侧,但它们位于主办公楼的马路对面,主办公楼包含主办公网络?

Response: Both are opposite the main office and across the road. And you can assume the distance between the main office building and new buildings between 40 to 50 meters.
回应:两者都在主办公室对面,马路对面。您可以假设主办公楼和新建筑之间的距离在 40 到 50 米之间。

Question-18. Note that the ground floor of the building (west and east) are not the same, they have different ground floor.
问题 18.请注意,建筑物的底层(西层和东层)并不相同,它们的底层不同。

Response: Both the two new buildings have their own ground floors.
回应: 两座新建筑都有自己的底层。

Question-19. In Assignment-2, "Remark for backbone connectivity building to building". I consulted the Assignment-2-Support Doc slides 22-25 but still a bit unclear about the backbone connectivity referred here.
问题 19.在作业 2 中,“备注骨干连接大楼到大楼”。我查阅了 Assignment-2-Support 文档幻灯片 22-25,但仍然不清楚此处引用的主干连接。

Response: Backbone networks are used to connect between buildings, and between floors. These are usually the fiber optic cables.
响应: 骨干网络用于连接建筑物之间和楼层之间。这些通常是光纤电缆。

Question-20. each floor has a wiring closet with necessary structured cabling. From the floor plan, there is an area for "lift & services wells" on each floor. Is this area the same as the wiring closet? If this is not the case, where is the wiring closet on the floor map?
问题 20。每层都有一个配线柜,带有必要的结构化布线。从平面图来看,每层都有一个“电梯和服务井”区域。这个区域和配线柜一样吗?如果不是这种情况,楼层地图上的配线柜在哪里?

Response: Yes! It is the same. Wiring closet is always located in the same area as service wells and lift area. Service area is where the network rack for switch, Servers and router and network cables are terminated.

Question-21. Please note that the ground floor of the buildings (west and east) are not the same, as they have different ground floor. Is the difference referring to the orientation of the ground floor of the builds (west and east) are different, meaning the opposite shaped floor map as shown in Figure 1?
问题 21.请注意,建筑物的底层(西层和东侧)并不相同,因为它们的底层不同。差异是否是指建筑物底层的方向(西和东)不同,这意味着如图 1 所示形状相反的楼层图?

Response: Each building (East or West) has its own ground floor.

Question-22. I submitted my slides as ppt. Is it fine or it should be submitted only as pdf?
问题 22.我以 ppt 格式提交了我的幻灯片。可以还是只能以 pdf 格式提交?

Response: Please submit a PPT or PPTX file as mentioned in the Assignment specifications. Note: check the details in the Assignment specification with text format for PPT/PPTX files.
响应:请按照作业规范中提到的 PPT 或 PPTX 文件提交。注意:请查看 PPT/PPTX 文件的文本格式作业规范中的详细信息。

Question-23. Late submission & Special Case Considerations?
问题 23.延迟提交和特殊情况考虑?

Response: All extension and special consideration requests are managed centrally. The teaching team cannot directly decide if you can/cannot have a late submission. Your request should be submitted directly to:

Please make sure to select the correct assignment from the menu provided in the system, and not enter an assignment name manually. Without an approved special consideration request, late submission penalties will apply as described above.

Question-24 Marks breakup for Assignment-2?
问题 24 作业 2 的分数分解?

Response: The marks breakdown for the Assignment-2 will be 30% for video presentation and 55% for the content on the network design concept in the presentation slides. 15% for Ethics. Please refer to the details in the Assignment specifications.
响应:作业 2 的分数细分为视频演示的 30% 和演示幻灯片中网络设计概念内容的 55%。道德学占 15%。请参阅分配规范中的详细信息。

Question-25 Can I record multiple videos and combine as single video for final submission?
问题 25 我可以录制多个视频并合并为单个视频以供最终提交吗?

Response: You can create multiple video parts at different times and combine and submit a single video at the end. Make sure that the final video is clear, total time is with in the limits and understandable.

Question-26 Can I leave the submission status in "Draft mode" ?
问题 26 我可以将提交状态保留为“草稿模式”吗?

Response: No! you need to make the submission status "Final". please make sure the submission is not left in the draft mode. Before the expiry of the deadline make sure, the submission is made final. If the submission is left in draft mode, it will be deemed as NOT submitted.

Question-27 What happens if my submission files are corrupted or unreadable after i upload it on Moodle?
问题 27 如果我的提交文件上传到 Moodle 后损坏或不可读,会发生什么情况?

Response: Important Submission check for every student: It is the students’ responsibility to check if their submitted work is markable by our teaching team. It is strongly recommended that, after making a draft submission (before finalizing it), every student immediately download their own draft submitted work (e.g., recorded video/PDF/imn file, etc) and check if the draft submission would be downloadable/readable/markable by a tutor. If the teaching team member is unable to mark your submission, 50% reduction of total marks may be applied.
响应:每个学生的重要提交检查:学生有责任检查他们提交的作业是否被我们的教学团队评分。强烈建议在提交草稿后(在最终确定之前),每个学生立即下载自己提交的作品草稿(例如,录制的视频/PDF/imn 文件等),并检查提交的草稿是否可以由导师下载/阅读/标记。如果教学团队成员无法为您提交的内容评分,则可能会减少 50% 的总分。

Question-28 I have made floor plans and floor to floor diagram and I was wondering if this is alright?
问题 28 我已经制作了平面图和楼层到楼层图,我想知道这是否可行?

Response: Unfortunately we cannot look into all the details of your design and surely we cannot correct or rectify them, as this will not be fair to other students, so please avoid posting it, even if it is private message. Having said that for assignment-2 diagrams like floor plans and building-to-building (inter-building) diagrams, ensuring that they clearly represent the network design, including elements like routers, switches, and the type of connections used, is vital. Your diagrams should align with the assignment's requirements as specified in the instructions.
响应:不幸的是,我们无法调查您设计的所有细节,当然我们也无法纠正或纠正它们,因为这对其他学生不公平,因此请避免发布它,即使是私人消息。话虽如此,对于平面图和建筑物到建筑物(建筑物间)图等分配 2 图,确保它们清楚地代表网络设计,包括路由器、交换机和所用连接类型等元素,这一点至关重要。您的图表应与说明中指定的作业要求保持一致。

  • Floor Plan: Should detail the layout of networking equipment within a single floor, demonstrating the arrangement of routers, switches, workstations, network cables and other relevant equipment. It should also highlight wired or wireless connections and possibly the direction of data flow or segmentation if applicable.

  • Floor to Floor/Building to Building: Should illustrate how different floors or buildings are interconnected, showing the main networking paths, the types of cables or wireless technologies used for these connections, and any central networking hubs or resources.

Your provided diagrams, for the Floor Plan and a Floor to Floor diagram, may appear to be on the right track. However, ensure they:
您提供的平面图和 Floor 到 Floor 图的图表可能看起来在正确的轨道上。但是,请确保他们:

  • Clearly label all networking components, cables, device types, topology etc....

  • Detail any relevant specifications, like bandwidth or protocols, particularly for critical links between buildings or floors.

  • Include a legend or key if you've used symbols or colors to represent different types of equipment or connections.

If the assignment guidelines specify more details or formatting requirements, please adhere to those closely. Otherwise, the key is clarity, correctness, and completeness of the depicted network design relative to the assignment's objectives.

Should you have further questions or need clarification on specific elements, don't hesitate to visit the consultations of teaching team and for advice and understanding.

Question-29: Can we please have an example of the main diagrams so we know what to expect in our diagrams?
问题 29:我们能否请提供一个主要图表的示例,以便我们知道图表中会发生什么?

Response: While we understand your request for examples of the three main diagrams to guide your work in Assignment 2, it's important to note that the aim of these assignments is to assess your understanding and ability to apply the concepts taught in the course to come up with a unique solution. Providing specific examples could limit the range of solutions and creativity that students bring to their assignments.
响应:虽然我们理解您要求提供三个主要图表的示例来指导您在作业 2 中的工作,但重要的是要注意,这些作业的目的是评估您应用课程中教授的概念以提出独特解决方案的理解和能力。提供具体示例可能会限制学生在作业中带来的解决方案和创造力的范围。

However, you can certainly refer to the guidelines provided in the assignment brief and the lecture materials for understanding the expected standards and requirements. Additionally, there are numerous resources available online and in textbooks that cover the creation of the types of diagrams required for this assignment, including floor plans and network topology diagrams. Tools like Microsoft Visio, Lucidchart, and draw.io, which were mentioned in the FAQs, often include templates and examples that could be helpful.
但是,您当然可以参考作业简介和讲座材料中提供的指南来了解预期的标准和要求。此外,还有许多在线和教科书中提供的资源,涵盖了创建此作业所需的图表类型,包括平面图和网络拓扑图。常见问题解答中提到的 Microsoft Visio、Lucidchart 和 draw.io 等工具通常包含可能有用的模板和示例。

If you're looking for more specific guidance on how to approach these diagrams, you might find it useful to reach out during consultation hours or discuss with your peers in study groups. Remember, the key to success in this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the network design principles taught in the course.

Question-30: For a typical floor plan with computer "seating" capacities, do we need to have tables and chairs? Or representative computers is fine? Also do we need to have empty tables? Since the assignment stated that employees both have PCs and personal laptops...
问题 30:对于具有计算机“座位”容量的典型平面图,我们需要有桌椅吗?或者代表性计算机很好?我们还需要空表吗?由于任务规定员工都有 PC 和个人笔记本电脑......

Response: Just the workstation PC's is enough for the floor plan for the users. No need to show laptops or smartphones.
响应:只需工作站 PC 就足以满足用户的平面图。无需出示笔记本电脑或智能手机。

Question-31: It is my understanding that the original xxx employees of the company will stay in the main office, so we will only need to accommodate spaces for the new yyy employees that have joined the company. Is that correct?
问题 31:据我了解,公司原来的 xxx 员工将留在总办公室,因此我们只需要为加入公司的新 yyy 员工提供空间。是这样吗?

Response: Yes, your understanding is right. The main office will continue to house the original xxx employees, and your network design needs to accommodate the new yyy employees in the designated buildings.
响应:是的,你的理解是对的。主办公室将继续容纳原来的 xxx 员工,您的网络设计需要在指定建筑物中容纳新的 yyy 员工。

Question-32: You mentioned that the ground floor and that this is where the dedicated server room sits. Is this floor only used for containing servers/infrastructure or does it also contain spaces for people to work from?
问题 32:您提到了一楼,这是专用服务器机房所在的位置。这个楼层是仅用于容纳服务器/基础设施,还是也包含供人们工作的空间?

Response: Usage of the ground floor/basement: The ground floor, primarily houses the dedicated server, Building router room etc. It can contain infrastructure necessary for network and server functionalities but also typically serve as a workspace for employees that are equally distributed in this floor as well.
回应: 底层/地下室的用途:一楼,主要容纳专用服务器、建筑路由器机房等。它可以包含网络和服务器功能所需的基础设施,但通常也可以作为平均分布在该楼层的员工的工作空间。

Question-33: Is the ground floor included in the number of floors that the buildings have? i.e. Do the buildings have three stories to contain people AND also a ground floor that has a server, or is there simply the ground floor and another story on top of that?
问题 33: 底层是否包含在建筑物的楼层数中?即,建筑物是否有三层楼容纳人员,还有一层有服务器,还是只有底层和另一层

Response: Yes. Counting the stories of the buildings: The ground floor, where the server & Router room is located, is also considered for user's work spaces for people as well. If we say the buildings have two stories, this means there are two floors ground floor & First Floor. Both are used for accommodating people, in addition to the dedicated server/router room in the ground floor.

Question-34: You mentioned that we must design equitable seating for the employees; I assume this means that we must equally distribute the employees over the number of floors that we have.
问题 34:您提到我们必须为员工设计公平的座位;我认为这意味着我们必须将员工平均分配到我们拥有的楼层数上。

Response: Designing equitable seating for employees: Your approach to evenly distribute the employees across the available floors is indeed the correct mindset for equitable seating arrangements. If you have four floors available for employees and need to accommodate the additional employees, allocating equal distribution of people to each floor would be a logical distribution is correct.
回应: 为员工设计公平的座位: 您将员工平均分配到可用楼层的方法确实是公平座位安排的正确心态。如果您有四个楼层可供员工使用,并且需要容纳额外的员工,则将平均分配的人员分配给每个楼层将是正确的逻辑分配。

Question-35: What is the range of the Access Points (APs), and is the frequency calculated based on channels 1 through 13?
问题 35:接入点 (AP) 的范围是多少,频率是否根据信道 1 到 13 计算?

Response: he range of Access Points (APs) can vary significantly based on the model, environment (e.g., indoors or outdoors), and other factors like physical obstructions and interference. Generally, in an indoor setting without significant interference, a common AP can cover from 30 to 50 meters. However, for precise planning and implementation, it's important to consult the specifications of the specific AP model you are using, For example look into the technical data sheet or specifications of the manufacturer of the Access points.
响应:接入点 (AP) 的范围可能会因型号、环境(例如室内或室外)以及其他因素(如物理障碍物和干扰)而有很大差异。通常,在没有明显干扰的室内环境中,普通 AP 可以覆盖 30 到 50 米。但是,为了进行精确规划和实施,请务必查阅您正在使用的特定 AP 型号的规格,例如查看接入点制造商的技术数据表或规格。

Regarding the frequency and channels, Wi-Fi operates on two main frequencies: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. The 2.4 GHz band uses channels 1 through 13 in most countries (depending on local regulations). The frequency for each channel is slightly different, for example, Channel 1 is at 2.412 GHz, Channel 6 is at 2.437 GHz, and Channel 11 is at 2.462 GHz. The selection of channels can be crucial to avoid interference, especially in environments where many networks are operating simultaneously or next to each other in a large room like the one we have in our second assignment building work space.
关于频率和频道,Wi-Fi 在两个主要频率上运行:2.4 GHz 和 5 GHz。在大多数国家/地区,2.4 GHz 频段使用频道 1 到 13(取决于当地法规)。每个通道的频率略有不同,例如,通道 1 为 2.412 GHz,通道 6 为 2.437 GHz,通道 11 为 2.462 GHz。信道的选择对于避免干扰至关重要,尤其是在许多网络同时运行或彼此相邻运行的环境中,例如我们在第二个任务建筑工作空间中的房间。

It's also essential to understand that the frequency band and channel selection can affect the AP's range and performance. If you're working within a specific scenario for our assignment, consider these aspects to determine the best non overlapping channel and frequency band for your needs.
了解频段和信道选择会影响 AP 的范围和性能也很重要。如果您正在为我们的任务在特定场景中工作,请考虑这些方面以确定最适合您需求的非重叠频道和频带。

Question-36: Assignment-2 Spec: In 2.1 (f) Backbone network connectivity for the new buildings connecting with the head office building. Is the head office refer to the main office? Or each floor in the new building has a head office?
问题 36:作业 2 规范:在 2.1 (f) 中,与总部大楼相连的新建筑的主干网络连接。总公司是指总公司吗?或者新大楼的每一层都有一个总公司?

Response: Head office is referring to the Main office that is already existing in Melbourne.
回应: 总部指的是墨尔本已经存在的总部。

Question-37: Assignment-2 Spec: The RFP mentioned that It is envisaged that the new buildings in Melbourne office would support, both, wired and wireless networked office environment where each of the staff PC and their personal laptops. Does that mean every employee will have a laptop, and we should consider providing ports for those laptops in wired network?
问题 37:任务 2 规格:RFP 提到,预计墨尔本办公室的新大楼将支持有线和无线网络办公环境,其中每个员工的 PC 和个人笔记本电脑。这是否意味着每个员工都将拥有一台笔记本电脑,我们应该考虑在有线网络中为这些笔记本电脑提供端口?

Response: No! New users may or may not have Laptops, But these will be connected to wireless Wifi networks, NOT to wired networks. Wired Network for Desktop PC's for all new users.
回应:没有!新用户可能拥有也可能没有笔记本电脑,但这些笔记本电脑将连接到无线 Wifi 网络,而不是有线网络。适用于所有新用户的台式电脑有线网络。

Question-38: I'm not very familiar with Lucid, can I use other drawing software? (like photoshop)
问题 38: 我对 Lucid 不是很熟悉,我可以使用其他绘图软件吗?(如 Photoshop)

Response: Yes, you are allowed to use other drawing software if you're more comfortable or familiar with it, like Photoshop. However, it's important to ensure that the diagrams you create with the alternative software meet the assignment's requirements in terms of clarity, accuracy, and detail. For network diagrams specifically, the software should enable you to clearly represent network components (e.g., routers, switches, PCs), connections, and labels. While Photoshop can be used for creating diagrams, it might not have built-in network diagram elements like those found in dedicated diagramming tools such as Lucidchart, Microsoft Visio, or draw.io.
回应: 是的,如果您更熟悉或熟悉其他绘图软件,例如 Photoshop,则可以使用它。但是,重要的是要确保您使用替代软件创建的图表在清晰度、准确性和细节方面满足作业的要求。特别是对于网络图,该软件应使您能够清楚地表示网络组件(例如,路由器、交换机、PC)、连接和标签。虽然 Photoshop 可用于创建图表,但它可能没有像 Lucidchart、Microsoft Visio 或 draw.io 等专用图表工具中的内置网络图元素。

Always ensure your final output is in a format that is easily viewable and aligns with the submission requirements of the assignment.

Abdul Malik Khan 阿卜杜勒·马利克·汗Staff 员工

Question-39: Dimensions of the new buildings:
问题 39:新建筑的尺寸: