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Design 设计

Just as we can assert that no product has ever been created in a single moment of inspiration . . nobody has ever produced a set of requirements for any product in a similarly miraculous manner. These requirements may well begin with an inspirational moment but, almost certainly, the emergent bright idea will be developed by iterative processes of evaluation until it is thought to be worth starting to put pencil to paper. Especially when the product is entirely new, the development of a set of requirements may well depend upon testing initial ideas in some depth.
正如我们可以断言,没有任何产品是在单一的灵感时刻中创造出来的... 没有人曾以类似的奇迹般的方式为任何产品制定一组需求。这些需求可能起初是由灵感而来,但几乎可以肯定,这个新颖的想法会通过迭代评估的过程不断发展,直到被认为值得开始动手落实。特别是对于全新的产品,制定需求集很可能取决于对最初的想法进行深入测试。
The Plan is the generator. Without a plan, you have lack of order and willfulness. The Plan holds in itself the essence of sensation.
Le Corbusier 勒·柯布西耶
Towards a New Architecture, 1931
走向新建筑,1931 年


4.1 Introduction 4.1 简介
4.2 Organizational Support for Design
4.2 设计的组织支持
4.3 The Design Process
4.3 设计过程
4.4 Design Frameworks 4.4 设计框架

4.5 Design Methods 4.5 设计方法

4.6 Design Tools, Practices, and Patterns
4.6 设计工具、实践和模式
4.7 Social Impact Analysis
4.7 社会影响分析
4.8 Legal Issues 4.8 法律问题

4.1 Introduction 4.1 介绍

Design can be loosely defined as the outcome or the process of creating specifications for synthetic artifacts, such as products, services, and processes. All manufactured objects in the world - objects that were made by people and are not found in nature-are the result of some form of design process, whether a deliberate one or otherwise. User interfaces, which are very much synthetic and decidedly do not occur in nature, are no exception. However, while early computer manufacturers were quick to enlist industrial designers to shape the physical form factors of the first computers, they were much less agile in recognizing the need for interaction design (Moggridge, 2007): the design of the digital interface itself. Now an established design discipline in its own right, interaction design is defined as making plans and specifications for digital objects, which include devices, interfaces, services, and information.
Every time designers create a new digital artifact, they make decisionsunconscious or not-on how the artifact will look, feel, and function. If they carefully consider how digital products and services are created, they can make appealing products and services that respond to human needs with user interfaces that are easy to learn, comprehensible, and efficient to use. Early computer applications were designed by programmers to be highly functional for the programmers themselves and their peers, but this approach quickly failed when the audience for computers grew to non-technical fields. Bill Moggridge (2007) calls this phenomenon being "kind to chips but cruel to people," and it was an early failing of interaction design.
每当设计师创建一个新的数字产品时,他们会在无意识或有意识的情况下决定该产品的外观、感觉和功能。如果他们认真考虑数字产品和服务的创建过程,他们可以制作出吸引人的产品和服务,这些产品和服务能够满足人们的需求,使用起来界面简单易学,易于理解和高效。早期的计算机应用是由程序员设计的,旨在对程序员自身和同行来说功能强大,但当计算机的用户群扩大到非技术领域时,这种方法很快失败了。Bill Moggridge(2007)称这种现象为“对芯片友好对人类残酷”,这是交互设计的早期失败之一。
The current generation of users for smartphones, social media, and ecommerce have vastly different backgrounds from programmers and engineers. They have no interest in obscure interfaces but are more oriented toward their professional or recreational needs and are less dedicated to the technology itself. Therefore, effective interaction design takes the intended user as its starting point and focuses on facilitating the function of the artifact. As a result, professional interaction designers carefully observe their users, iteratively refine their prototypes based on thoughtful analysis, and systematically validate their interfaces through early usability and acceptance tests. However, as for any design discipline, function is not the only important aspect of a digital object. Form is another aspect, and it sometimes comes in conflict with function. While on the one hand it can be argued that good form will facilitate function (since an aesthetically appealing artifact can invite use), it is also true that a highly convoluted form may inhibit it. Consider a kitchen cabinet door with no handles: slick and appealing according to contemporary design sense but lacking visual indications of how and where to open the door. In fact, it may not even be immediately obvious that a door
智能手机、社交媒体和电子商务的当前用户群与程序员和工程师有着截然不同的背景。他们对于晦涩的界面不感兴趣,而更关注他们的专业或娱乐需求,对技术本身的执着程度较低。因此,有效的交互设计以目标用户为出发点,专注于促进工具的功能。因此,专业的交互设计师会仔细观察用户,通过深入分析逐步完善原型,并通过早期可用性和接受性测试系统地验证界面。然而,就像任何设计学科一样,功能并不是数字产品的唯一重要方面。形式是另一个方面,并且有时会与功能相冲突。一方面,可以说良好的形式会促进功能(因为一个审美吸引人的工具会吸引使用者),但同时也可以说,过于复杂的形式可能会阻碍功能的发挥。 考虑一个没有手柄的厨柜门:根据当代设计理念,它可能很光滑和吸引人,但缺乏说明如何以及在哪里打开门的视觉指示。实际上,可能甚至不会立即显而易见地意识到一扇门

with no handles is in fact a door, let alone that it can be opened! The same is true for interfaces: It often makes sense to let form follow function (Sullivan, 1896). Tradeoffs between form and function are discussed in Chapter 12.
没有手柄,更不用说它可以被打开了!对于界面来说也是如此:让形式服从功能常常是有意义的(Sullivan, 1896 年)。形式和功能之间的权衡在第 12 章中讨论。
If there are several similarities between interaction design and other design disciplines, what is particularly unique about interaction design? One of the key characteristics of digital media is that they are freely reproducible without consuming the original copy or costing additional resources. They also have few of the physical requirements that real materials must obey, such as cost, ease of manufacturing, or physical robustness. In essence, information technology is thus a "material without qualities" (Löwgren and Stolterman, 2004). For software engineering, this fact has led to the global open source movement, where programmers, even professional ones, are willing to give away the results of their hard work for free. In the context of interfaces and interactions, digital media mean that designers work under few physical constraints compared to tangible artifacts. A digital button can be arbitrarily large or small, or it can be entirely gold- or diamond-plated, with no added or reduced cost to the overall project. In fact, the designer can freely experiment with any number of alternate designs during the process without incurring any other cost than time. However, this added freedom is a double-edged sword in that constraints can often be helpful in reducing the space of potential designs (also known as the design space) and even boosting the creativity of the designer; after all, necessity is said to be the mother of invention. With no such helpful constraints to reduce the design space for digital interfaces and objects, interaction designers are often left with a much more daunting problem than industrial designers working in the real world.
如果交互设计与其他设计学科之间存在一些相似之处,那么交互设计的独特之处是什么?数字媒体的一个关键特征是,它们可以自由复制,而不会消耗原始副本或产生额外资源成本。它们也没有真实材料必须遵守的一些物理要求,比如成本、制造便捷性或物理强度。实质上,信息技术因此成为了一种“无质量的材料”(Löwgren和Stolterman,2004)。对于软件工程而言,这一事实导致了全球开源运动,程序员,甚至专业程序员,愿意免费分享他们辛勤劳动的成果。在界面和交互的背景下,数字媒体意味着设计师在与有形物品相比工作时受到较少的物理限制。数字按钮可以任意大或小,或者可以完全镀金或镶钻石,而整个项目的成本不会增加或减少。事实上,设计师可以在过程中自由尝试任意数量的替代设计,而不会产生除时间之外的任何其他成本。 然而,这种额外的自由是一把双刃剑,因为约束通常有助于减少潜在设计空间(也称为设计空间),甚至可以提高设计师的创造力;毕竟,必需品被认为是发明之母。在数字界面和物体的设计空间中没有这样有用的约束,交互设计师通常面临比在现实世界中工作的工业设计师更为艰巨的问题。
The key to good design starts in the organization itself. The primary reason for this is that design is unpredictable, which requires an agile organizational structure as well as a comprehensive business strategy oriented around diverse design processes. In fact, some companies, such as Apple, Pepsi, Philips, and Kia Motors, have hired chief design officers (CDOs) in recognition of this unpredictability. Section 4.2 offers examples of such structures and strategies that managers can adapt to suit their organizations, projects, schedules, and budgets.
良好设计的关键在于组织本身。这主要原因在于设计是不可预测的,这需要一个灵活的组织结构以及一个围绕多样化设计流程的全面业务策略。事实上,一些公司,如苹果、百事可乐、飞利浦和起亚汽车,已经聘请了首席设计官(CDOs)来认识到这种不可预测性。第 4.2 节提供了这些结构和策略的示例,管理者可以根据自己的组织、项目、进度和预算进行调整。
This unpredictable and dynamic nature requires a robust and flexible design process. Section 4.3 describes a four-phase iterative design process consisting of requirements analysis (Phase 1), preliminary and detailed design (Phase 2), build and implementation (Phase 3), and finally evaluation (Phase 4, described in Chapter 5). This cycle is repeated until the outcome from the evaluation phase is acceptable given the requirements. The design cycle itself is part of a larger cycle that incorporates the entire life cycle of a product, including deployment, maintenance, and new updates to the system.
这种不可预测和动态的特性需要一个强大而灵活的设计过程。4.3 节描述了一个由需求分析(第 1 阶段)、初步和详细设计(第 2 阶段)、构建和实施(第 3 阶段)以及最终评估(第 4 阶段,第 5 章描述)组成的四阶段迭代设计过程。此循环将重复进行,直到评估阶段的结果符合要求。设计循环本身是整个产品生命周期的一部分,包括部署、维护和系统的新更新。
Design frameworks are discussed in Section 4.4 and permeate the entire design philosophy and design methods used in the process. Three specific frameworks are of particular interest to interaction designers: agile and rapid prototyping, user-centered design, and participatory design. The exact choice of which design framework to use depends on the organization, the project team, and the product being designed.
设计框架在 4.4 节中讨论,并贯穿了整个设计哲学和设计方法。对互动设计师而言,三个特定的框架具有特殊的兴趣:敏捷和快速原型制作,以用户为中心的设计,和参与式设计。选择使用哪种设计框架取决于组织、项目团队和正在设计的产品。
If frameworks provide the high-level structure, then the design methods are the building blocks that are used to populate the structure. Section 4.5 reviews popular interaction design methods for each phase of the design process, including ethnographic observation and sketching (Phase 1), storyboarding and scenario development (Phase 2), and paper mockups and prototyping (Phase 3). Evaluation methods for Phase 4 are described separately in Chapter 5.
如果框架提供了高层次的结构,那么设计方法就是用来填充结构的构建模块。第 4.5 节回顾了每个设计阶段流行的交互设计方法,包括人种学观察和素描(第 1 阶段)、故事板和情节发展(第 2 阶段)、以及纸质模型和原型制作(第 3 阶段)。第 4 阶段的评估方法在第 5 章单独描述。
Design is a challenging activity and is difficult to learn in a purely theoretical setting, particularly for newcomers but also for seasoned designers entering a new domain. Section 4.6 offers several practical, hands-on best practices to facilitate the design process, including UX prototyping tools, UX guidelines documents, and the notion of design patterns for interaction design and UX. Originally derived for as disparate areas as urban planning (Alexander, 1977) and software engineering (Freeman et al., 2004), design patterns are concrete and reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems. The section shows how such design patterns can be applied to interaction design.
设计是一项具有挑战性的活动,在纯理论设置中学习起来很困难,尤其是对于新手来说,也适用于进入新领域的经验丰富的设计师。第 4.6 节提供了几种实用的,动手操作的最佳实践,以促进设计过程,包括 UX 原型工具,UX 指南文件,以及交互设计和 UX 的设计模式概念。最初来源于城市规划(Alexander, 1977)和软件工程(Freeman 等,2004)等不同领域,设计模式是常见问题的具体可重用解决方案。本节展示了这些设计模式如何应用于交互设计。
This chapter concludes with Section 4.7, which describes legal concerns that should be addressed in the design process, including topics such as privacy, safety, intellectual property, standardization, and certification.
本章以第 4.7 节结束,描述了在设计过程中应该解决的法律问题,包括隐私、安全、知识产权、标准化和认证等主题。

See also: 另请参阅:

Chapter 5, Evaluation and the User Experience
第 5 章,评估与用户体验
Chapter 12, Advancing the User Experience
第 12 章,推进用户体验

4.2 Organizational Support for Design
4.2 设计的组织支持

Most companies may not yet have chief usability officers (CUOs) or vice presidents for usability, but some companies are beginning to employ chief design officers (CDOs), which may help to promote usability and design thinking at every level. A case in point is Apple Inc., which was one of the first companies with a CDO and which accordingly has been praised for its innovative,

well-designed, and usable products. Even if a company has no CDO, organizational awareness can be stimulated by presentations, internal seminars, newsletters, and awards. However, resistance to new techniques and changing roles for software engineers can become a problem in traditional organizations.
Organizational change is difficult, but creative leaders blend inspiration and provocation. The high road is to appeal to the desire for quality that most professionals share. When they are shown data on shortened learning times, faster performance, or lower error rates on well-designed interfaces, managers are likely to be more sympathetic to applying usability-engineering methods. Even more compelling for e-commerce managers is evidence of higher rates of conversion, enlarged market share, and increased customer retention. For managers of consumer products, the goals include fewer returns/complaints, increased brand loyalty, and more referrals. The low road is to point out the frustration, confusion, and high error rates caused by current complex designs while citing the successes of competitors who apply usability-engineering methods.
Collecting momentum for organizational change can come from different sources. Major corporations almost always question the return on investment (ROI) for usability engineering and interaction design. However, the business case for focusing on usability has been made powerfully and repeatedly (Karat, 1994; Marcus, 2002; Bias and Mayhew, 2005; Nielsen, 2008). Claire-Marie Karat's (1994) business-like reports within IBM became influential documents when they were published externally. She reported up to payoffs for each dollar spent on usability, with identifiable benefits in reduced program-development costs, reduced maintenance costs, increased revenue due to higher customer satisfaction, and improved user efficiency and productivity. Other economic analyses showed fundamental changes in organizational productivity (with improvements of as much as ) when designers kept usability in mind from the beginning of development projects (Landauer, 1995).
组织变革的动力可以来自不同的来源。大型公司几乎总是质疑可用性工程和交互设计的投资回报率(ROI)。然而,专注于可用性的商业案例已经被强有力地反复提出(Karat,1994年;Marcus,2002年;Bias和Mayhew,2005年;Nielsen,2008年)。Claire-Marie Karat(1994年)在IBM内部的商业报告在被外部发布时成为有影响力的文件。她报告称,每花费一美元在可用性上都会有可辨认的好处,包括降低程序开发成本、降低维护成本、由于更高的客户满意度而增加的收入,以及提高用户效率和生产率。其他经济分析显示,当设计师从开发项目的开始就考虑可用性时,组织生产力会发生根本性变化(Landauer,1995年),改善幅度高达
The necessary pressure for change may also come from the customers themselves. Corporate marketing and customer-assistance departments are becoming more aware of the importance of usability and are a source of constructive encouragement. When competing products provide similar functionality, usability engineering is vital for product acceptance. Today's customers are discerning and expect high quality, and their overall brand loyalty is steadily diminishing. Retaining as well as increasing its customer base can provide a powerful incentive for an organization to improve its focus on interaction design and usability engineering.
Finally, usability engineering is required for certification and standardization in some industries. For example, the aerospace industry has Human Systems Integration (HSI) requirements that deal with a combination of human factors, usability, display design, navigation, and so forth (National Research Council, 2007).
最后,在一些行业的认证和标准化中需要可用性工程。例如,航空航天工业有人体系统整合(HSI)要求,涉及人类因素、可用性、显示设计、导航等(国家研究委员会,2007 年)。
As a result, most large and many small organizations now maintain a centralized human factors group or usability/UX laboratory as a source of
因此,大多数大型和许多小型组织现在都保持一个集中的人因因素团队或可用性/UX 实验室作为一个

expertise in design and testing techniques. In fact, many organizations have created dedicated usability laboratories to provide expert reviews and to conduct usability tests of products during development in carefully supervised conditions (Rubin and Chisnell, 2008). Beyond internal usability teams, outside experts can sometimes provide fresh and unbiased insights on difficult design and usability decisions. These and other evaluation strategies are covered in Chapter 5.
设计和测试技术方面的专业知识。事实上,许多组织已经建立了专门的可用性实验室,以提供专家评审,并在开发过程中在仔细监督的条件下对产品进行可用性测试(Rubin 和 Chisnell,2008 年)。除了内部可用性团队外,外部专家有时可以就困难的设计和可用性决策提供新鲜和无偏见的见解。这些以及其他评估策略将在第 5 章中介绍。
Organizational support for usability testing is not sufficient, however, but should also include the creative parts of the design process. Each project should have its own user-interface architect who develops the necessary skills, manages the work of other people, prepares budgets and schedules, and coordinates with internal and external human-factors professionals when further expertise, references to the literature, or usability tests are required. Organizations with a strong design ethos understand this, and their example can be used in enacting change in more traditional corporations.
There are interaction design activities where the ROI for usability analysis during the development cycle is not immediately apparent but true usability of the delivered system is crucial for success. One familiar example is voting machines. An end result of confused, misinterpreted voting results would be catastrophic and counter to the best interests of the voting population, but the usability analysis and associated development costs should be manageable by the government contractor building the electronic voting system.
As the field of interaction design has matured, projects have grown in complexity, size, and importance. Role specialization is emerging, as it has in fields such as architecture, aerospace, and book design. Interaction design takes on new perspectives when writing web, mobile, or desktop applications, with an emerging discipline in translating the same information across each of these media. Eventually, individuals will become highly skilled in specific problem areas, such as user-interface-building tools, graphic display strategies, voice and audio design, shortcuts, navigation, and online tutorial writing. Consultation with graphic artists, book designers, advertising copywriters, textbook authors, game designers, or animators is expected. Perceptive system developers recognize the need to employ psychologists for conducting experimental tests, sociologists for evaluating organizational impact, educational psychologists for refining training procedures, and social workers for guiding customer-service personnel.
Usability engineers and user-interface architects, sometimes called the user experience (UX) team, are gaining experience in managing organizational change. As attention shifts away from software engineering or managementinformation systems, battles for control and power manifest themselves in budget and personnel allocations. Well-prepared managers who have a concrete organizational plan, defensible cost/benefit analyses, and practical development methodologies are most likely to be winners.

4.3 The Design Process
4.3 设计过程

Design is inherently creative and unpredictable, regardless of discipline. In the context of interactive systems, successful designers blend a thorough knowledge of technical feasibility with an uncanny aesthetic sense of what attracts and satisfies users. One way to define design is by its operational characteristics (Rosson and Carroll, 2002):
设计本质上是创造性的和不可预测的,无论从哪个学科角度来看。在交互式系统的背景下,成功的设计师将技术可行性的深入了解与对吸引和满足用户的奇异美学的感知相融合。定义设计的一种方式是通过其操作特性(Rosson 和 Carroll,2002 年):
  • Design is a process; it is not a state, and it cannot be adequately represented statically.
  • The design process is nonhierarchical; it is neither strictly bottom-up nor strictly top-down.
  • The process is radically transformational; it involves the development of partial and interim solutions that may ultimately play no role in the final design.
  • Design intrinsically involves the discovery of new goals.
These characterizations of design convey the dynamic nature of the process. An iterative design process based on this operational definition would consist of four distinct phases (Fig. 3.1): requirements analysis (Phase 1), preliminary and detailed design (Phase 2), build and implementation (Phase 3), and evaluation (Phase 4). This is a bare-bones process that describes its overall structure; individual applications of this process in specific design teams and for specific design artifacts will differ in terms of the frameworks, methods, and tools used. The primary feature of this process is that it is iterative and cyclical; unlike linear
这些对设计的描述传达了过程的动态性质。基于这一操作定义的迭代设计过程将包括四个不同阶段(图 3.1):需求分析(阶段 1)、初步和详细设计(阶段 2)、构建和实施(阶段 3)以及评估(阶段 4)。这是一个描述其总体结构的基本过程;特定设计团队和特定设计工件对这一过程的个别应用在所使用的框架、方法和工具方面会有所不同。这一过程的主要特点是它是迭代和周期性的;与线性。
FIGURE 4.1 图 4.1
An iterative design process for interaction design.

waterfall models where one phase of a pipeline feeds the next, our design process repeats each phase over and over until the final product is of acceptable quality. Second, there are several cross-cutting factors that contribute to each phase of the cycle, including academic and user research, guidelines and standards, and tools and patterns. Each of these is described below.
Our focus here is purely on the human and social aspects of an interactive system or product, but the overall design process encompasses also technical aspects. Many technical design processes, such as in software engineering, follow a similar four-phase cycle, allowing interaction design and engineering to be integrated with them easily.

4.3.1 Phase 1: Requirements analysis
4.3.1 阶段 1:需求分析

This phase collects all of the necessary requirements for an interactive system or device and yields a requirements specification or document as its outcome. In general, soliciting, capturing, and specifying user requirements are major keys to success in any development activity (Selby, 2007). Methods to elicit and reach agreement upon interaction requirements differ across organizations and industries, but the end result is the same: a clear specification of the user community and the tasks the users perform.
Collecting interaction design requirements is part of the overall requirements analysis and management phase and often has a direct impact on the engineering aspects of the design; for example, a finger painting app requires a multitouch display with low touch latency. Thus, even requirements documents written specifically for user experience and interaction design aspects are often specified in terms of three components (see Box 4.1 for specific examples):
收集交互设计需求是整体需求分析和管理阶段的一部分,并经常直接影响设计的工程方面;例如,一个手指绘画应用程序需要具有低触摸延迟的多点触控显示屏。因此,即使专门为用户体验和交互设计方面编写的需求文档通常也以三个组件的术语规定(请参见具体示例见框 4.1)。
  • Functional requirements define specific behavior that the system should support (often captured in so-called use cases, see below);
  • Non-functional requirements specify overall criteria governing the operation of the interactive system without being tied to a specific action or behavior (hardware, software, system performance, reliability, etc.); and
    非功能需求指定了规范整体标准,管理交互系统的操作,而不与特定操作或行为相关(硬件、软件、系统性能、可靠性等); 和
  • User experience requirements explicitly specify non-functional requirements for the user interaction and user interface of the interactive system (navigation, input, colors, etc.).
Requirements documents provide a shared understanding between the members of the product team. The success or failure of software projects often depends on the precision and completeness of this understanding between all the designers, developers, and users. What happens without adequate requirements definition? You are not sure what problem you are solving, and you do not know when you are done.
Box 4.1 gives an example of interaction design requirements for an e-commerce website, an ATM, and a mobile messaging app. Be careful not to
Box 4.1 提供了电子商务网站、ATM 和移动消息应用的交互设计需求的示例。要小心,不要
BOX 4.1
Examples of requirements regarding system behavior for three distinct types of interactive systems: an e-commerce website, an ATM, and a mobile messaging app.
对于三种不同类型的交互式系统(电子商务网站、ATM 和移动消息应用程序)的系统行为要求示例:

Functional requirements:

  • Website: The website shall allow users to purchase items and shall provide other, related merchandise based on past visits and purchases.
  • ATM: The system shall let users enter a PIN code as identification and shall ensure that the code matches the one on file.
    ATM:系统应允许用户输入 PIN 码作为身份验证,并确保该码与档案中的码匹配。
  • Mobile app: The app shall be able to send messages at all times, even when out of the service area (in which case they are saved for later sending).

Non-functional requirements:

  • Website: The website shall give users the ability to access their user account at all times, allowing them to view and modify name, mail address, e-mail address, phone, etc.
    网站: 网站应始终使用户能够访问其用户帐户,可以查看和修改名称、邮寄地址、电子邮件地址、电话等。
  • ATM: The system shall permit the ATM customer 15 seconds to make a selection. The customer shall be warned that the session will be ended if no selection is made.
    自动取款机: 该系统应允许自动取款机客户 15 秒钟进行选择。如果客户未做出选择,系统应会提醒客户会话将结束。
  • Mobile app: Messages should send within 2 seconds, returning the user to the new message window (continuing in the background if necessary).
    移动应用: 消息应在 2 秒内发送,并将用户带回新消息窗口(必要时在后台继续发送)。

User experience requirements:

  • Website: The website shall always have a visible navigation menu in the same position on the screen.
  • ATM: On-screen prompts and instructions shall be clear and accessible. The ATM should return the user's commands within half a second.
    ATM:屏幕提示和指示应清晰易懂。ATM 应在半秒内返回用户的命令。
  • Mobile app: The mobile app shall support customization such as color schemes, skins, and sounds.
impose human operator actions (requirements) onto the interaction design requirements. For example, it is best not to specify a requirement like this: "The user shall decide how much to withdraw from the ATM within 15 seconds." Rather, allocate that same requirement to the computer system: "The ATM shall permit a user 15 seconds to select a withdrawal amount ... before prompting for a response."
将人工操作行为(要求)应用于交互设计要求。例如,最好不要指定像这样的要求:“用户应在 15 秒内决定从 ATM 机中取出多少钱。”相反,将同样的要求分配给计算机系统:“ATM 机允许用户在选择取款金额之前有 15 秒的时间...然后提示输入。”
While it is possible to write functional requirements as simply an informal list of actions (as in Box 4.1), the concept of a use case from software engineering can come in handy here because of its direct connection to users and interaction. Put simply, a use case is a formalized scenario that captures an operation between an actor and the system (in general software engineering, the actor could be
虽然可以将功能要求简单地写成非正式的操作列表(如框 4.1 所示),但软件工程中的用例概念在这里非常有用,因为它与用户和交互直接相关。简单来说,用例是捕捉一个参与者和系统之间操作的形式化场景(在一般的软件工程中,参与者可以是

another system, but the focus is on human users here) in a step-by-step manner. The rule is that a system should simply be a sum of its use cases: No functionality should be implemented that does not explicitly support at least one use case. This also gives a straightforward recipe for evaluating the system (in Phase 4); if all use cases can be completed successfully, the system is correct and valid.
另一个系统,但重点是人类用户,在这里以逐步方式。规则是,系统应该简单地是其用例的总和:不应该实现任何不明确支持至少一个用例的功能。这也为评估系统提供了一个直接的方法(在第 4 阶段);如果所有用例都能成功完成,系统就是正确和有效的。
Several methods exist for actually collecting and analyzing interaction design requirements, including ethnographic observation, focus groups, and user interviews. Common among all of these is that they are intended to monitor the context and environment of real users, either in action or in their own words. Section 4.5 describes these methods in detail. Tradeoffs between what functions are done best by computers versus humans in human-computer interaction (Section 3.3.6) should also be discussed at this point in the development process.
实际收集和分析交互设计需求的几种方法存在,包括人类学观察、焦点小组和用户访谈。所有这些方法的共同之处在于它们旨在监视真实用户的环境和背景,无论是在行动中还是用他们自己的话语。第 4.5 节详细描述了这些方法。在开发过程中,应该讨论计算机与人类在人机交互中哪些功能做得最好之间的权衡(第 3.3.6 节)。

4.3.2 Phase 2: Preliminary and detailed design
4.3.2 阶段 2:初步和详细设计

The core of the design process is realizing the requirements from the previous phase. The design phase in turn consists of two stages: a preliminary stage, where the high-level design or architecture of the interactive system is derived, and a detailed stage, where the specifics of each interaction are planned out. The outcome from the design phase is a detailed design document.
The preliminary design is also known as architectural design, and in engineering settings this stage often entails deriving the architecture of the system. For user experience and interaction design, preliminary design consists of mapping out the high-level concepts such as the user, controls, interface displays, navigation mechanisms, and overall workflow. Preliminary design can also be called conceptual design, particularly in software engineering, because it is sometimes useful to organize the high-level concepts into a conceptual map with their relations. Overall, this activity is about developing the mental model that users should have about the interactive system when using it. Is your system focused on a central view, such as a map or a table, or is it a sequence of forms or a set of linked displays? Is it an app that integrates with other apps to pop up on demand, or is it intended for focused, sustained use? These are questions to answer and refine during this stage.
The high-level concepts and their relations provide a starting point for the detailed design. This stage entails planning out all of the operations that take place between user and interactive system to a level where only implementation and technical details remain. Regardless whether you are using the use case concept discussed in the previous section, this can be done by creating and refining a step-by-step list for the exchanges between the user and the system.
One difficulty in designing interactive systems is that customers and users may not have a clear idea of what the system will look like when it is done. Since interactive systems are novel in many situations, users may not realize the implications of design decisions. Unfortunately, it is difficult, costly, and

time-consuming to make major changes to systems once those systems have been implemented. Although this problem has no complete solution, some of the more serious difficulties can be avoided if, at an early stage, the customers and users can be given a realistic impression of what the final system will look like. Suitable methods for the design phase should thus go beyond eliciting the needs of the users and instead find ways to fulfill these needs.
Examples of suitable design methods include sketching, paper mockups, and high-fidelity prototypes. Furthermore, all methods can be informed through the use of tools, patterns, and best practices. For example, guidelines documents give direction on specific design choices, such as menu design, display layout, and navigation techniques. Patterns suggest effective ways to design an interface, such as single-page applications for websites or multi-document interfaces for desktop tools. Dedicated wireframing tools allow for rapidly creating mockups of a design. Section 4.6 discusses these tools and patterns in depth.
适当的设计方法示例包括草图、纸质模型和高保真原型。此外,所有方法都可以通过工具、模式和最佳实践来提高。例如,指南文件指导特定设计选择,如菜单设计、显示布局和导航技术。模式建议设计界面的有效方式,例如网站的单页面应用程序或桌面工具的多文档界面。专用线框工具可快速创建设计的模型。第 4.6 节深入讨论了这些工具和模式。

4.3.3 Phase 3: Build and implementation
4.3.3 第三阶段:构建和实施

The implementation phase is where all of the careful (or not very careful at all, depending on your design approach; see the agile development framework in Section 4.4.1) planning gets turned into actual, running code. The outcome from this phase is a working system, albeit not necessarily the final one. The actual software and hardware engineering needed to achieve this are outside the scope of this book. It is worth, however, briefly mentioning some suitable software development platforms for interactive applications based on your computing platform:
实施阶段是所有谨慎(或者根据您的设计方法也可能是不太谨慎;请参见第 4.4.1 节中的敏捷开发框架)规划转化为实际运行代码的阶段。这个阶段的结果是一个运行系统,尽管不一定是最终系统。实现这一点需要的实际软件和硬件工程超出了本书的范围。值得一提的是,根据您的计算平台,一些适合互动应用的软件开发平台:
  • Mobile: Building mobile apps typically requires using the SDK (software development kit) and development environment provided by the manufacturer of the operating system: the Android SDK in Java, the Apple iOS SDK in Objective-C, and the Windows Phone/Mobile SDKs. Most of these SDKs require registering as a developer to have access to the app exchange for making your app available to general users. Since mobile app development typically is cross-platform-the development is actually conducted on a personal computer-all of these SDKs include emulators for testing the app on a virtual phone residing on the personal computer itself.
    移动端:构建移动应用通常需要使用操作系统制造商提供的 SDK(软件开发工具包)和开发环境:Java 中的 Android SDK,Objective-C 中的 Apple iOS SDK 和 Windows Phone/Mobile 的 SDK。大部分这些 SDK 需要注册成为开发者才能访问应用交流,这样才能让您的应用对一般用户可用。由于移动应用通常是跨平台的——开发实际上是在个人电脑上进行的——所有这些 SDK 都包括模拟器,以便在个人电脑上模拟测试应用程序在虚拟电话上的表现。
  • Web: The browser has become a ubiquitous information access platform, and modern web technologies are both pervasive and full-featured to the point that they can emulate or replace traditional computer software. Web applications and services typically consist of both client and server software: Client-side software runs in the user's browser and is accordingly built in JavaScript-the programming language of the browser-whereas server-side software runs on the web server or connected hosts and is often implemented in languages such as PHP, Ruby, Java, or even JavaScript (using Node.js).
    Web: 浏览器已成为一个无处不在的信息访问平台,现代网络技术在功能上异常强大,可以模拟或取代传统的电脑软件。Web 应用程序和服务通常由客户端和服务器端软件组成:客户端软件在用户的浏览器中运行,并且通常使用 JavaScript 语言进行开发;而服务器端软件运行在 Web 服务器或连接的主机上,并且通常使用 PHP、Ruby、Java 甚至 JavaScript(使用 Node.js)等语言进行实现。
A recent change in web development has been to build mobile apps using web technologies; the resulting app runs in a dedicated browser instance and is almost indistinguishable from a normal app built using the native SDK yet has the benefit of being cross-platform across different mobile operating systems.
最近,在 Web 开发中出现了一种使用 Web 技术构建移动应用程序的方式;由此产生的应用程序在专用的浏览器实例中运行,几乎和使用原生 SDK 构建的普通应用程序无法区分,同时又能够跨不同的移动操作系统进行平台适配。
  • Personal Computers: Developing dedicated applications for a personal computer typically requires using the native SDKs for the specific operating system. Development environments such as Microsoft's Visual Basic/C++ are easy to get started with yet have an excellent set of features. C# and the .NET Framework are other good candidates for your project. For cross-platform software development that works regardless of operating system, Oracle's is a popular choice. People who want to write their own Java programs can use the Java Development (JDK).
    个人计算机:为个人计算机开发专用应用程序通常需要使用特定操作系统的本机 SDK。开发环境,如微软的 Visual Basic/C++,易于入门,同时具有出色的功能集。C# 和 .NET 框架是您项目的其他不错选择。对于跨平台软件开发,无论操作系统如何,Oracle 的 都是一个受欢迎的选择。想要编写自己的 Java 程序的人可以使用 Java 开发 (JDK)。
Regardless of platform, make sure to evaluate tool capabilities, ease of use, ease to learn, cost, and performance. Tailor your tool choices for the size of the job. Building a software architecture that supports your user-interface project is just as important as it is for any other (particularly large-scale) software development activity.

4.3.4 Phase 4: Evaluation
4.3.4 阶段 4:评估

In the final phase of the design cycle, developers test and validate the system implementation to ensure that it conforms to the requirements and design set out earlier in the process. The outcome of the validation process is a validation report specifying test performance. As discussed above, a straightforward approach to validate a system specified using use cases is simply to check that each use case can be completed successfully. Since an interactive system is the sum of all of its conceivable user operations, such a test covers all of the system functionality. Depending on this outcome, the design team can decide to proceed with production and deployment of the system or to continue another cycle through the design process.
Validation is a vital part of the design process. Theatrical producers know that extensive rehearsals and previews for critics are necessary to ensure a successful opening night. Early rehearsals may involve only the key performers wearing street clothes, but as opening night approaches, dress rehearsals with the full cast, props, and lighting are required. Aircraft designers carry out windtunnel tests, build plywood mockups of the cabin layout, construct complete simulations of the cockpit, and thoroughly flight-test the first prototype. Similarly, website designers know that they must carry out many small and some large pilot tests of components before release to customers (Rubin and Chisnell, 2008). In addition to a variety of expert review methods, tests with the intended users, surveys, and automated analysis tools are proving to be
验证是设计过程中至关重要的一部分。剧场制作人知道,为了确保成功的首演,需要进行大量的排练和面向评论家的预演。早期的排练可能只涉及主要演员穿着便装,但随着首演日期的临近,需要进行全体演员、道具和灯光的彩排。飞机设计师进行风洞测试,制作飞机舱布局的胶合板模型,构建驾驶舱的完整模拟,并对第一架原型机进行彻底的飞行测试。同样,网站设计师知道他们必须在发布给客户之前进行许多小型和一些大型的组件试验(Rubin 和 Chisnell,2008)。除了各种专家审查方法外,与预期用户的测试、调查和自动分析工具正在证明其价值。根据可用性研究的目标、预期用户数量、错误危险性和投资水平的不同,程序会有很大的变化。第 5 章深入介绍了这个阶段的一系列适当的评估方法。

valuable. Procedures vary greatly depending on the goals of the usability study, the number of expected users, the danger of errors, and the level of investment. Chapter 5 covers a range of suitable evaluation methods for this phase in depth.
有价值的。程序的具体步骤会根据可用性研究的目标、预期用户数量、错误危险性和投资水平的不同而有所不同。第 5 章详细介绍了这个阶段适用的一系列评估方法。

4.4 Design Frameworks 4.4 设计框架

While the design process discussed above generally should remain the same for all your projects, the approach to performing it may vary. The concept of design frameworks captures this idea: the specific flavor and approach the design takes to conducting the design process. More specifically, interaction design practice over the past few decades has unearthed several unique approaches to conducting the design process. This section reviews the concepts of user-centered design (UCD), participatory design (PD), and the nascent idea of agile interaction design.

4.4.1 User-centered design
4.4.1 用户中心设计

Many software development projects fail to achieve their goals; some estimates of the failure rate put it as high as (Jones, 2005). Much of this problem can be traced to poor communication between developers and their business clients or between developers and their users. The result is often systems and interfaces that force the users to adapt and change their behavior to fit the interface rather than an interface that is customized to the needs of the users.
许多软件开发项目无法实现其目标;一些估计的失败率高达 (Jones,2005)。这个问题的很大一部分可以归因于开发人员与业务客户之间或开发人员与用户之间的沟通不畅。结果往往是系统和界面迫使用户去适应和改变他们的行为以适应界面,而不是一个根据用户需求定制的界面。
User-centered design (UCD) is a counterpoint to this fallacy and prescribes a design process that primarily takes the needs, wants, and limitations of the actual end users into account during each phase of the design process (Lowdermilk, 2013). Directly involving the intended users in the process constantly challenges the assumptions of the design team about user behavior in the real world and gives designers a much-needed understanding of what their users actually need. In particular, careful attention to user-centered design issues during the early stages of software development dramatically reduces both development time and cost. UCD leads to systems that generate fewer problems during development and have lower maintenance costs over their lifetimes. They are easier to learn, result in faster performance, reduce user errors substantially, and encourage users to explore features that go beyond the minimum required to get by. Most importantly, UCD reduces the risk of designers building the "wrong system": a system that the end users neither need nor asked for. In addition, user-centered design practices help organizations align system functionality with their business needs and priorities.
用户中心设计(UCD)是与此谬误相对立的,并规定了一个设计过程,主要在设计的每个阶段中考虑实际用户的需求、愿望和限制。(Lowdermilk,2013)。直接将预期用户纳入过程中,不断挑战设计团队对用户在现实世界中行为的假设,并使设计师更好地理解他们的用户所真正需要的。特别是在软件开发的早期阶段,对用户中心设计问题的仔细关注极大地减少了开发时间和成本。用户中心设计导致的系统在开发过程中出现的问题更少,其生命周期的维护成本较低。它们更容易学习,性能更快,大大减少用户的错误,并鼓励用户探索超越最低需求的功能。最重要的是,用户中心设计降低了设计师构建“错误系统”的风险:一种既不需要也没有被要求的系统。 此外,以用户为中心的设计实践有助于组织将系统功能与其业务需求和优先事项保持一致。
While the main premise of UCD-user involvement-is straightforward, it is also its most significant challenge. For example, finding users may be difficult
尽管 UCD(用户参与)的主要前提很简单,但也是最重要的挑战。例如,找到用户可能会很困难

because of the need to select a manageable number of representative users, because the users may be unable or unwilling to participate, and because the users often lack the technical expertise needed to communicate effectively with the designers. Even when these challenges have been overcome, many users may not have a clear understanding of what they need in the new system or product. Successful developers work carefully to understand the business's needs and refine their skills in eliciting accurate requirements from nontechnical business managers. In addition, since business managers may lack the technical knowledge to understand proposals made by the developers, dialogue is necessary to reduce confusion about the organizational implications of design decisions.

4.4.2 Participatory design
4.4.2 参与式设计

Going beyond user-centered design, participatory design (PD) (also known as cooperative design in Scandinavia) is the direct involvement of people in the collaborative design of the things and technologies they use. The arguments in favor suggest that more user involvement brings more accurate information about tasks and an opportunity for users to influence design decisions. The sense of participation that builds users' ego investment in successful implementation may be the biggest influence on increased user acceptance of the final system (Kujala, 2003; Muller and Druin, 2012). On the other hand, extensive user involvement may be costly and may lengthen the implementation period. It may also generate antagonism from people who are not involved or whose suggestions are rejected and potentially force designers to compromise their designs to satisfy incompetent participants.
超越用户中心设计,参与式设计(PD)(在斯堪的纳维亚地区也被称为合作设计)是让人们直接参与协作设计他们使用的事物和技术。支持这种设计的论点认为,更多用户参与可以带来关于任务的更准确信息,并为用户影响设计决策提供机会。用户参与建立的参与感可能是增加用户对最终系统接受度的最大影响因素(Kujala,2003;Muller 和 Druin,2012)。另一方面,广泛的用户参与可能成本高昂,可能延长实施周期。它还可能引起未参与或其建议被拒绝的人的敌意,并可能迫使设计师妥协他们的设计以满足无能的参与者。
Participatory design experiences are usually positive, however, and advocates can point to many important contributions that would have been missed without user participation. Many variations of participatory design have been proposed that engage participants to create dramatic performances, photography exhibits, games, or merely sketches and written scenarios. For example, users can be asked to sketch interfaces and use slips of paper, pieces of plastic, and tape to create low-fidelity early prototypes. A scenario walkthrough can be recorded on video for presentation to managers, users, or other designers. High-fidelity prototypes and simulations can also be key in eliciting user requirements.
Careful selection of users helps to build a successful participatory design experience. A competitive selection increases participants' sense of importance and emphasizes the seriousness of the project. Participants may be asked to commit to repeated meetings and should be told what to expect about their roles and their influence. They may have to learn about the technology and business plans of the organization and be asked to act as a communication channel to the larger group of users that they represent.
The social and political environment surrounding the implementation of complex interfaces is not amenable to study by rigidly defined methods or controlled experimentation. Social and industrial psychologists are interested in these issues, but dependable research and implementation strategies may never emerge. The sensitive project leader must judge each case on its merits and must decide on the correct level of user involvement. The personalities of the participatory design team members are such critical determinants that experts in group dynamics and social psychology may be useful as consultants. Many questions remain to be studied, such as whether homogeneous or diverse groups are more successful, how to tailor processes for small and large groups, and how to balance decision-making control between typical users and professional designers.
The experienced interaction designer knows that organizational politics and the preferences of individuals may be more important than technical issues in governing the success of an interactive system. For example, warehouse managers who see their positions threatened by an interactive system that provides senior managers with up-to-date information through digital displays may try to ensure that the system fails by delaying data entry or by being less than diligent in guaranteeing data accuracy. The interaction designer should take into account the system's effect on users and should solicit their participation to ensure that all concerns are made explicit early enough to avoid counterproductive efforts and resistance to change. Novelty is threatening to many people, so clear statements about what to expect can be helpful in reducing anxiety.
Ideas about participatory design are being refined with diverse users, ranging from children to older adults. Arranging for participation is difficult for some users, such as those with cognitive disabilities or those whose time is limited (for example, surgeons). The levels of participation are becoming clearer; one taxonomy describes the roles of children in developing interfaces for children, older adults in developing interfaces whose typical users will be other older adults, and so on, with roles varying from testers to informants to partners (Druin, 2002; Fig. 4.2). Testers are merely observed as they try out novel designs, while informants comment to designers through interviews and focus groups. The key characteristic of participatory design is that the design partners are active, first-class members of the product design team.
与不同年龄层的用户(从儿童到老年人)一起,对参与式设计的想法正在不断完善。为一些用户安排参与是困难的,比如那些认知障碍或时间有限(比如外科医生)的用户。参与的级别变得更加清晰;一个分类法描述了儿童在开发儿童界面中的角色,老年人在开发典型用户为其他老年人的界面中的角色,等等,角色从测试者到信息提供者到合作伙伴不等(Druin, 2002; 图 4.2)。测试者仅仅被观察,因为他们尝试新颖的设计,而信息提供者则通过访谈和焦点小组向设计师发表意见。参与式设计的关键特点是设计合作伙伴是产品设计团队的积极,一流成员。

4.4.3 Agile interaction design
4.4.3 敏捷交互设计

Traditional design processes can be described as heavyweight in that they require significant investments in time, manpower, and resources to be successful. In particular, such processes are often not sufficiently reactive to today's fast-moving markets and dynamic user audiences. Originally hailing from software engineering, agile development is a family of development methods for self-organizing, dynamic teams that facilitate flexible, adaptive, and rapid
FIGURE 4.2 图 4.2
Intergenerational and interdisciplinary design team from the University of Maryland's KidsTeam working on new human-computer interaction technologies using paper prototypes (http://hcil.umd.edu/children-as-design-partners/).
马里兰大学的 KidsTeam 跨代、跨学科设计团队正在使用纸质原型开发新的人机交互技术(http://hcil.umd.edu/children-as-design-partners/)。
development that is robust to changing requirements and needs. These methods are based on evolutionary development, where software is built incrementally and in rapid release cycles. Similarly, rapid prototyping comes from manufacturing disciplines and describes a family of techniques for quickly fabricating physical parts or assemblies using computer-aided design (CAD). Both methods counter traditional heavyweight processes that have plagued design and facilitate a more flexible and, indeed, agile approach to design. Taken together, the methods can also be applied to interaction design to enable the rapid creation of interactive systems to meet user needs. In fact, taking users and usability into account during agile development may help to address a common weakness of agile development methods: Constant interface changes due to continuous iterative design may lead to inconsistent and confusing user experience poorly matched to the user.
Thus, agile interaction design uses lightweight design processes that facilitate the incremental and iterative nature of agile software developments. Instead of
FIGURE 4.3 图 4.3
Professor Jon Froehlich and his students working in the HCIL Hackerspace at University of Maryland, College Park.
乔恩·弗罗利奇教授及其学生在马里兰大学学院园区的 HCIL 黑客空间工作。
costly and time-consuming documentation, high-fidelity prototypes, and usability evaluation and workshops that are common to heavyweight design processes, agile interaction design will use sketches, low-fidelity mockups, and fast usability inspections (Gundelsweiler et al., 2004). This enables practical and pragmatic design, short development cycles, and dynamic designs that are responsive to changing needs. Good resources for more information on agile interaction design and extreme usability (XU) can be found in Ambler .
昂贵且耗时的文档、高保真原型、以及常见于重型设计流程的可用性评估和研讨会,敏捷交互设计将使用草图、低保真模型和快速可用性检查(Gundelsweiler 等,2004 年)。这使得实用和务实的设计、短周期开发以及对变化需求响应灵活的设计成为可能。关于敏捷交互设计和极端可用性(XU)的更多信息,请参阅 Ambler
The contemporary "maker culture" movement on technology-based tinkering and manufacturing is a prime example of agile methods in action, where the focus is heavily on rapid and informal experimentation and prototyping by like-minded individuals gathering in so-called makerspaces, hackerspaces, or fablabs. Fig. 4.3 shows the Hackerspace at University of Maryland, College Park. For more information on maker culture, see Anderson (2014).
当代的“创客文化”运动是技术为基础的修补和制造的一个典型例子,其中重点是由志同道合的个人聚集在所谓的创客空间、黑客空间或者制造实验室中进行快速和非正式的实验和原型制作。图 4.3 展示了马里兰大学学院园区的黑客空间。有关创客文化的更多信息,请参阅 Anderson(2014 年)。

4.5 Design Methods 4.5 设计方法

Design methods are the practical building blocks that form the actual day-today activities in the design process. There are dozens of design methods in the literature, but designers may want to focus on the most common ones (discussed
设计方法是构成设计过程中实际日常活动的实用构件。文献中存在数十种设计方法,但设计者可能希望专注于最常见的方法(详见下文)。有关特定方法或超出这些方法的其他方法的更多详细信息,请参阅 Holtzblatt 和 Beyer(2014)和 Jacko(2012)。

below). See Holtzblatt and Beyer (2014) and Jacko (2012) for more details on specific methods or additional methods beyond these.
What is the relation between design frameworks and design methods? It is certainly true that specific design frameworks have an affinity to specific design methods; for example, participatory and user-centered design tends to incorporate a lot of ethnographic observation, whereas rapid and agile development employs sketching to a high degree. However, the design frameworks also provide a flavor for the overall process and each of the design methods: An agile approach to sketching will focus on collecting quick ideas from the design team, whereas a user-centered or participatory approach will let the intended users themselves be part of the sketching process. The description below discusses such variations and affinities.

4.5.1 Ideation and creativity
4.5.1 构思和创造力

One way to think about design is as an incremental fixation of the solution space, where the range of possible solutions is gradually whittled down until only a single solution exists. This is the final product or service that then goes on to ship and be deployed. Gradually reducing the solution space in this manner is called convergence or convergent thinking, particularly for teams of designers

FIGURE 4.4 图 4.4

Illustration of how the solutions considered during a design process will grow (diverge) and shrink (converge) iteratively until they eventually fixate on a single point, the finished product. This particular design process involves three iterations, but real processes may have more or fewer iterations.

who each bring their own expertise and visions to the table. However, employing convergent thinking alone runs the risk of imposing conformance and uniformity too early in the process, yielding an end result that is a local rather than a global optimum. To avoid such local optima, there is a need to introduce divergence or divergent thinking into the design process as well (Löwgren, 2004). Fig. 4.4 demonstrates how interleaving divergent and convergent thinking iteratively can lead to a well-rounded and balanced design process that considers a large portion of the potential solution space.
每个人都带着自己的专业知识和愿景参与其中。然而,仅采用收敛思维会在过程早期就面临强加一致性和统一性的风险,导致最终结果是局部最优而不是全局最优。为了避免这种局部最优,需要在设计过程中引入分歧或分歧思维(Löwgren,2004)。图 4.4 展示了如何交替使用分歧和收敛思维迭代地导致一个全面且平衡的设计过程,考虑了潜在解决方案空间的大部分。
Ideation (or idea generation) and creativity techniques are methods for such divergent thinking in that they require designers to test their limits, abandon their assumptions, and reframe their problems. Many creativity techniques exist in the literature, including lateral thinking, brainstorming and brainwriting, improvisation and role playing, and aleatoricism (incorporation of chance) and bootlegging (Holmquist, 2008). Common among many of these techniques is that they incorporate visual aids, sketching (Buxton, 2007), and physical artifacts. For example, brainstorming often results in mind maps that show the main concepts as bubbles with links describing relations between the concepts. The mere process of creating hastily drawn visual depictions of ideas and conceptssketching (Buxton, 2007)- has been shown to facilitate both divergence and convergence by inviting both common ground and consensus as well as deviation and diversity. Fig. 4.5 shows two concept sketches of personal hovercrafts drawn by two different designers.
构思(或创意生成)和创造性技术是这种发散性思维的方法,因为它们要求设计师测试他们的极限,放弃他们的假设,并重新构思他们的问题。文献中存在许多创造性技术,包括横向思维、头脑风暴和头脑书写、即兴表演和角色扮演,以及偶然主义(纳入机会)和非法制造(Holmquist,2008)。许多这些技术中共同的是它们包含视觉辅助工具、素描(Buxton,2007)和物理工件。例如,头脑风暴经常会产生展示主要概念的思维导图,其中将主要概念显示为气泡,并使用链接描述概念之间的关系。仅仅是匆忙绘制想法和概念的视觉描绘过程(Buxton,2007)已被证明通过邀请共同点和共识以及偏离和多样性来促进发散和收敛。图 4.5 显示了两位不同设计师绘制的个人气垫船概念草图。

FIGURE 4.5 图 4.5
Concept sketches of personal hovercraft drawn by two different designers (divergence). In a follow-up step, the designers may work together to combine ideas from each separate sketch (convergence).
An in-depth discussion of ideation and creativity techniques is beyond the scope of this book. Many excellent resources on creativity exist; see, for example, the book by Buxton (2007).
对构思和创造性技术的深入讨论超出了本书的范围。有许多关于创意的优秀资源;例如,参见 Buxton(2007)的著作。

4.5.2 Surveys, interviews, and focus groups
4.5.2 调查、访谈和焦点小组

The most straightforward way to elicit requirements and desires from users is simply to ask them. Surveys-online or paper-based-are the simplest and cheapest approach and simply entail distributing a questionnaire to representative users. Online surveys can have significant reach but often yield a low response rate. Furthermore, the feedback received is often superficial in nature.
In-person interviews are more labor-intensive than surveys but will yield more accurate and high-quality responses. Interviews can take place either in one-on-one settings between designer and user or in focus group discussions with multiple users and designers. Again, the choice between individual or group interviews depends largely on cost; a group session requires less time investment but may not be able to collect in-depth feedback from all participants. On the other hand, sometimes group dynamics yield synergistic effects where one participant's response may trigger additional feedback from other participants. Thus, group interviews are often used in UCD and PD design frameworks.
Depending on the goal of the interview, the designer will take a structured or unstructured approach. Structured interviews are essentially verbal surveys, but the method often lets the designer follow up with additional questions based on the answer. Unstructured interviews have no specific questions to ask the user, only a general discussion topic. Successful designers often combine both strategies in the same session: Some questions are fixed, whereas some are more open-ended. This allows for collecting unsolicited feedback as well as getting answers to specific questions that the designer did not know to ask but that are important to the user.
A common problem with soliciting feedback directly from users is that they often don't really know what they want, either because they are too accustomed to the current way of doing things or because they don't know what is technologically possible (as well as impossible) to do. For this reason, the interaction designer often has to take the role of a therapist, trying to tease out deeper meaning and underlying motivation from the things that participants say. Furthermore, successful designers are often creative in interpreting participant responses and use them as a springboard for future ideas. For example, if several users mention that they tend to think of their job duties as a list of tasks to be crossed out one by one once completed, the designer may use the idea of a dynamic timeline of tasks as a central metaphor in future sketches and prototypes.

4.5.3 Ethnographic observation
4.5.3 人种学观察

The early stages of most methodologies include observation of users. Since interface users form a unique culture, ethnographic methods for observing them in the workplace are becoming increasingly important (Fig. 4.2). Ethnographers join work or home environments to listen and observe carefully, sometimes stepping forward to ask questions and participate in activities (Fetterman, 2009; Dourish and Bell, 2011; Bazeley, 2013). As ethnographers, interaction designers gain insight into individual behavior and the organizational context. However, they differ from traditional ethnographers in that, in addition to seeking understanding of their subjects, interaction designers focus on interfaces for the purpose of changing and improving those interfaces. Also, whereas traditional ethnographers immerse themselves in cultures for weeks or months, interaction designers usually need to limit this process to a period of days or even hours to obtain the relevant data needed to influence a redesign (Crabtree et al., 2012).
大多数方法学的早期阶段包括观察用户。由于界面用户形成了独特的文化,因此在工作场所观察他们的人类学方法变得越来越重要(图4.2)。人类学家加入工作或家庭环境,仔细倾听和观察,有时向前迈进,提问并参与活动(Fetterman, 2009; Dourish and Bell, 2011; Bazeley, 2013)。作为人类学家,交互设计师深入了解个体行为和组织背景。然而,他们不同于传统的人类学家,因为除了寻求对研究对象的理解外,交互设计师还专注于改变和改进这些界面。此外,传统的人类学家沉浸于文化中数周甚至数月,而交互设计师通常需要将这个过程限制在数天甚至数小时内,以获得影响重新设计所需的相关数据(Crabtree et al., 2012)。
The goal of ethnographic observation for interaction design is to obtain the necessary data to influence interface redesign. Unfortunately, it is easy to misinterpret observations, to disrupt normal practice, and to overlook important information. Following a validated ethnographic process reduces the likelihood of these problems. Examples of ethnographic observation research include (1) how cultural probes have been adopted and adapted by the HCI community (Boehner et al., 2007), (2) development of an interactive location-based service for supporting distributed mobile collaboration for home healthcare (Christensen et al., 2007), and (3) social dynamics influencing technological solutions in developing regions (Ramachandran et al., 2007). Box 4.2 provides some guidelines for how to prepare for the evaluation, perform the field study, analyze the data, and report the findings.
对于交互设计而言,民族学观察的目标是获取必要的数据,以影响界面重新设计。不幸的是,很容易对观察结果进行错误解读,干扰正常实践,并忽视重要信息。遵循经过验证的民族学过程可以减少这些问题的发生。民族学观察研究的例子包括(1)文化探针如何被人机交互社区采纳和改进(Boehner et al., 2007),(2)开发支持分布式移动协作的家庭保健互动位置服务(Christensen et al., 2007),以及(3)社会动态影响发展中地区的技术解决方案(Ramachandran et al., 2007)。第4.2节提供了一些准备评估、进行现场研究、分析数据和报告研究结果的指导方针。
These notions seem obvious when stated, but they require interpretation and attention in each situation. For example, understanding the differing perceptions that managers and users have about the efficacy of the current interface will alert you to the varying frustrations of each group. Managers may complain about the unwillingness of staff to update information promptly, but staff may be resistant to using the interface because the login process is tedious and time-consuming. Respecting the rules of the workplace is important for building rapport: In preparing for one observation, we appreciated that the manager called to warn us that graduate students should not wear jeans because the users were prohibited from doing so. Learning the technical language of the users is also vital for establishing rapport. It is useful to prepare a long list of questions that you can then filter down by focusing on the proposed goals. Awareness of the differences between user communities, such as those mentioned in Chapter 2, will help to make the observation and interview process more effective.
当陈述这些概念时,它们似乎是显而易见的,但在每种情况下都需要解释和关注。例如,了解管理者和用户对当前界面功效的不同看法,会使你意识到每个群体的不同挫折。管理者可能抱怨员工不愿及时更新信息,但员工可能不愿使用界面,因为登录过程繁琐耗时。尊重工作场所的规则对于建立融洽关系至关重要:在一次观察准备中,我们很感激经理提醒我们,研究生不应穿牛仔裤,因为用户被禁止这样做。学习用户的技术语言对建立融洽关系也至关重要。准备一份大量问题的清单,然后通过专注于建议的目标来过滤问题,将非常有益。意识到用户社区之间的差异,比如第 2 章提到的那些,将有助于使观察和访谈过程更加有效。

BOX 4.2 箱 4.2

Guidelines for conducting ethnographic studies for interaction design.

Preparation 准备

  • Understand policies in the target environment (work, home, public space, etc.).
  • Familiarize yourself with the existing interface and its history.
  • Set initial goals and prepare questions.
  • Gain access and permission to observe or interview.

Field study 实地研究

  • Establish a rapport with all users.
  • Observe or interview users in their setting, and collect subjective and objective quantitative and qualitative data.
  • Follow any leads that emerge from the visits.
  • Record your visits. 记录您的访问。

Analysis 分析

  • Compile the collected data in numerical, textual, and multimedia databases.
  • Quantify data and compile statistics.
  • Reduce and interpret the data.
  • Refine the goals and the process used.

Reporting 报告

  • Consider multiple audiences and goals.
  • Prepare a report and present the findings.
Data collection can include a wide range of subjective impressions that are qualitative or of subjective reactions that are quantitative, such as rating scales or rankings. Objective data can consist of qualitative anecdotes or critical incidents that capture user experiences or can be quantitative reports about, for example, the number of errors that occur during a one-hour observation of six users. Deciding in advance what to capture is highly beneficial, but remaining alert to unexpected happenings is also valuable. Written report summaries have proved to be valuable far beyond expectations; in most cases, raw transcripts of every conversation are too voluminous to be useful.
Making the process explicit and planning carefully may seem awkward to many people whose training stems from computing and information technology. However, a thoughtfully applied ethnographic process has proved to

have many benefits. It can increase trustworthiness and credibility, since designers learn about the complexities of the intended environment by visits to the workplace, school, home, or other environment where the eventual system will be deployed. Personal presence allows designers to develop working relationships with several end users to discuss ideas, and, most importantly, the users may consent to be active participants in the design of their new interface.

4.5.4 Scenario development and storyboarding
4.5.4 情景开发和故事板制作

Scenario development builds on the use case concept and allows for developing specific scenarios when a user engages the interactive system to solve a particular task. Storyboarding is the use of graphical sketches and illustrations to convey important steps in a scenario (Fig. 4.6). Several additional methods for scenario development are useful. Often, a flowchart or transition diagram helps designers to record and convey the sequences of possible actions; the thickness of the connecting lines indicates the frequency of the transitions. An easy way to describe a novel system is to write scenarios of usage and then, if possible, to act them out as a form of theater. This technique can be especially effective when multiple users must cooperate (for example, in control rooms, cockpits, or financial trading rooms) or multiple physical devices are used (for example, at customer-service desks, medical laboratories, or hotel check-in areas). Scenarios can represent common or emergency situations with both novice and expert users. Personas can also be included in scenario generation.
Some scenario writers take a further step and produce videos to convey their intentions. In 2011, Corning Incorporated released a futuristic video named "A Day Made of Glass" that showed a vision for how interactive surfaces can become increasingly incorporated into both our professional and
一些情节作者进一步采取措施,制作视频来传达他们的意图。2011 年,康宁公司发布了一部名为“由玻璃制成的一天”的未来主义视频,展示了交互表面如何越来越多地融入我们的专业和


FIGURE 4.6 图 4.6

Hand-drawn storyboard for collaborative software that allows multiple people to view a common dataset using their personal smartphones and tablets.

everyday lives in the near future. Similarly, in 2013, "Future Vision 2020" showed a similar vision of the future with integrated displays everywhere. Finally, in 2015, Microsoft released the video "Microsoft: Productivity Future Vision," which followed several individuals across the globe as they went through their day five to ten years in the future collecting, analyzing, and summarizing their data in mostly professional settings. All three videos feature large, transparent, and touch-sensitive displays as well as many personal, small, thin, and even flexible displays that are all seamlessly connected and integrated with each other. Taken together, these videos all point to an increasingly augmented digital future where computing continues to become part of the fabric of everyday life.
在不久的将来的日常生活中。同样,在 2013 年,“未来愿景 2020”展示了一个类似的未来愿景,到处都有集成显示屏。最后,在 2015 年,微软发布了视频“微软:生产力未来愿景”,跟随全球几个个体在未来五到十年的一天中收集、分析和总结他们的数据,大多数是在专业环境中。这三个视频都展示了大型、透明、触摸敏感的显示屏,以及许多个人、小型、薄型,甚至是灵活的显示屏,它们之间都无缝连接和集成。综合起来,这些视频都指向一个日益增强的数字未来,计算继续成为日常生活的一部分。

4.5.5 Prototyping 4.5.5 原型设计

Prototypes, or physical sketches as Buxton (2007) calls them, are particularly powerful design tools because they allow users and designers alike to see and hold (for physical prototypes) representations of the intended interface. They also allow the design team to play out specific scenarios and tests using the prototype. For example, a printed version of the proposed displays can be used for pilot tests, whereas an interactive display with an active keyboard and mouse can be used for more realistic tests. Fig. 4.7 shows a hand-drawn sketch for a mouse equipped with a touch display, and Fig. 4.8 represents the corresponding physical prototype that has been constructed simply by attaching a smartphone to an off-the-shelf mouse.
原型, 或者如 Buxton (2007) 所称的物理草图, 是非常强大的设计工具, 因为它们让用户和设计师都能够看到和触摸(对于物理原型)所期望界面的表示。它们还允许设计团队使用原型来演练特定的场景和测试。例如, 提议的显示器的打印版本可以用于试点测试, 而带有活动键盘和鼠标的交互式显示器可以用于更真实的测试。图 4.7 展示了一款带有触摸显示器的手绘鼠标草图, 而图 4.8 则代表了相应的物理原型, 这个物理原型只需要将智能手机连接到现成的鼠标上即可构建出来。
Increasing realism, or fidelity, for a prototype governs the time investment in creating it. Obviously, low-fidelity prototypes are more suitable for early ideation and creativity because they are easily generated and as easily
增加原型的真实性或保真度决定了创建它的时间投入。显然, 低保真度的原型更适用于早期构思和创造力, 因为它们容易生成和容易


Hand-drawn concept sketch for a so-called LensMouse: a mouse that incorporates a touch display. The sketch suggests constructing the mouse by simply attaching a smartphone to a traditional optical mouse.
一个所谓的 LensMouse 的手绘概念草图:一个集成触摸显示屏的鼠标。草图建议通过简单地将智能手机连接到传统的光学鼠标来构建鼠标。

FIGURE 4.8 图 4.8

Prototype of the LensMouse. This high-fidelity prototype was created by simply attaching a smartphone on top of a standard wireless optical mouse (Yang et al., 2010).
LensMouse 的原型。这个高保真原型是通过简单地将智能手机放在标准无线光学鼠标的顶部而创建的(Yang 等,2010 年)。
discarded; in fact, the very vagueness of a "quick and dirty" sketch communicates the uncertainty of the ideation process and invites improvements or rejection. Here are some examples of prototypes at different levels of fidelity:
  • Low-fidelity prototypes are generally created by sketching, using sticky notes, or cutting and gluing pieces of paper together (paper mockups);
  • Medium-fidelity prototypes are often called wireframes, provide some standardized elements (such as buttons, menus, and text fields), even if potentially drawn in a sketchy fashion, and have some basic navigation functionality; and
  • High-fidelity prototypes look almost like the final product and may have some rudimentary computational capabilities; however, the prototype is typically not complete and may not be fully functional.

4.6 Design Tools, Practices, and Patterns
4.6 设计工具、实践和模式

Beyond the theoretical frameworks and methods discussed above, design activities today are supported by current design practice: tools that have arisen to support many design methods, guidelines and standards to inform working designers, and patterns that provide reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems encountered by interaction designers.

4.6.1 Design tools 4.6.1 设计工具

Creating prototypes beyond paper mockups requires using computer programs to prototype a specific interface or app. The simplest approach is to use generalpurpose drawing and drafting applications for this purpose. For example, prototypes have been developed with simple drawing or word-processing tools or even Microsoft PowerPoint presentations of screen drawings manipulated with PowerPoint slideshows and other animation. Other design tools that can be used are Adobe InDesign , Photoshop , or Illustrator .
创建超越纸质模型的原型需要使用计算机程序来原型化特定的界面或应用程序。最简单的方法是使用通用绘图和绘图应用程序来实现这一目的。例如,可以使用简单的绘图或文字处理工具,甚至是使用 Microsoft PowerPoint 展示屏绘图的幻灯片和其他动画来开发原型。其他可用的设计工具包括 Adobe InDesign 、Photoshop 或 Illustrator
Dedicated prototyping design tools are specifically designed for the purpose of creating interface mockups rapidly and effortlessly. Since the visual design language varies across different platforms, different tools exist for desktop, mobile, and web. Many design tools use the actual buttons, dropdown menus, and scrollbars used in the interfaces on the specific platform. However, this has the danger of looking "too polished" and suggesting to the user that the interface mockup is final and cannot be changed. To avoid this, design tools such as Balsamiq Mockups (Fig. 6.4 shows Balsamiq being used in a case study by Volvo) use a sketchy, hand-drawn look for the interface elements. Similar to a hastily sketched design on the back of a napkin, the purpose of the hand-drawn look is to convey to the viewer that a design mockup is still a sketch, that it does not represent the final version of the interface, and that it can still be changed with little cost or time investment.
专门的原型设计工具是为了快速、轻松地创建界面模型而专门设计的。由于视觉设计语言在不同平台上有所不同,因此存在着不同的工具用于桌面、移动和Web。许多设计工具使用特定平台上界面中使用的实际按钮、下拉菜单和滚动条。然而,这样做有可能使界面模型看起来“过于精细”,并向用户暗示该界面模型是最终版本,无法更改。为了避免这种情况,设计工具如Balsamiq Mockups(图6.4显示了沃尔沃案例研究中使用Balsamiq)使用了手绘草图风格的界面元素。类似于在餐巾纸背面匆匆画出的设计,手绘风格的目的是向观看者传达设计模型仍然是一张草图,它并不代表界面的最终版本,仍然可以在很少的成本或时间投入下进行更改。
Finally, dedicated design tools-so-called graphical user-interface buildersalso exist for the final implementation phase when the development team is realizing the planned interface. Many of these builders use a drag-and-drop graphical editor where the interaction designer can construct the final interface by assembling existing interface elements from a library of elements. Builders often automatically generate the necessary source code from the graphical specification, requiring the developer only to write his or her own source code to manage the events resulting from the user interaction.

4.6.2 Design guidelines and standards
4.6.2 设计准则和标准

Early in the design process, the interaction design team should generate a set of working guidelines. Two people might work for one week to produce a 10-page document, or a dozen people might work for two years to produce a 300-page document. One component of Apple's success with the original Macintosh was the machine's early and readable guidelines document, which provided a clear set of principles for the many application developers to follow and thus ensured harmony in design across products. Microsoft's Windows User Experience Guidelines, which have been refined over the years, also provide a good starting point and an educational experience for many programmers.
在设计过程的早期,交互设计团队应该制定一套工作指南。两个人可能会工作一周,制作一个 10 页的文档,或者十几个人可能会工作两年,制作一个 300 页的文档。苹果原始 Macintosh 成功的一个组成部分是该机器早期且易读的指南文档,为许多应用程序开发人员提供了一套清晰的原则,从而确保了产品设计的和谐。微软的 Windows 用户体验指南经过多年的完善,也为许多程序员提供了一个良好的起点和教育经验。
These and other guidelines documents are referenced and described briefly in the general reference section at the end of Chapter 1. The Eight Golden Rules of interface design in Section 3.3.4 are also applicable to most interactive systems.
这些和其他指南文档在第一章末尾的一般参考部分中被简要引用和描述。界面设计的八个黄金规则在第 3.3.4 节对大多数交互系统也适用。
Guidelines documents are a powerful tool for interaction design because they
  • Provide a social process for developers;
  • Record decisions for all parties to see;
  • Promote consistency and completeness;
  • Facilitate automation of design;
  • Allow multiple levels: 允许多个级别:
  • Rigid standards 严格的标准
  • Accepted practices 接受的实践
  • Flexible guidelines 灵活的指导方针
  • Industry-specific guidelines
  • Announce policies for: 公布政策:
  • Education: How to get it?
  • Enforcement: Who reviews?
  • Exemption: Who decides? 豁免:由谁决定?
  • Enhancement: How often? 增强:多久一次?
Guidelines creation (Box 4.3) is often a social process within an organization in order to help gain visibility and build support for the guidelines. Controversial guidelines (for example, on when to use voice alerts) can be reviewed by colleagues or tested empirically. Procedures should be established to distribute the guidelines, to ensure enforcement, to allow exemptions, and to permit enhancements. Effective guidelines documents are living texts that are adapted to changing needs and refined through experience. Acceptance may be increased by a three-level approach of rigid standards, accepted practices, and flexible guidelines. This approach clarifies which items are firmer and which items are susceptible to change.
在组织内创建指南(Box 4.3)通常是一个社会化的过程,旨在帮助增加可见度并获得对指南的支持。有争议的指南(例如何时使用语音警报)可以由同事审查或进行经验测试。应建立程序来分发指南,确保执行,允许豁免,并允许增强。有效的指南文件是活的文本,适应不断变化的需求,并通过经验不断完善。通过采用严格的标准、已接受的做法和灵活的指南的三层方法,可以增加接受度。这种方法澄清了哪些项目更加稳固,哪些项目容易变化。
The creation of a guidelines document at the beginning of an implementation project focuses attention on the interface design and provides an opportunity for discussion of controversial issues. When the development team adopts the guidelines, the implementation proceeds quickly and with few design changes. For large organizations, there may be two or more levels of guidelines to provide organizational identity while allowing projects to have distinctive styles and local control of terminology. Some organizations develop "style guides" to capture this (see, for example, Microsoft, 2014).
在实施项目开始阶段创建指南文件,可以集中注意力于界面设计,并提供讨论有争议问题的机会。当开发团队采纳指南时,实施过程会迅速进行,并且设计变更较少。对于大型组织,可能会有两个或更多级别的指南,以提供组织身份,同时允许项目具有独特的风格和术语的本地控制。一些组织制定“样式指南”来实现这一点(例如,参见 Microsoft,2014)。
BOX 4.3 箱子 4.3
Suggested content in user experience guidelines documents.

Words, icons, and graphics

  • Terminology (objects and actions), abbreviations, and capitalization
  • Character set, fonts, font sizes, and styles (bold, italic, underline)
  • Icons, buttons, graphics, and line thickness
  • Use of color, backgrounds, highlighting, and blinking

Display layout issues 显示布局问题

  • Menu selection, form fill-in, and dialog-box formats
  • Wording of prompts, feedback, and error messages
  • Justification, white space, and margins
  • Data entry and display formats for items and lists
  • Use and contents of headers and footers
  • Strategies for adapting to very small and very large displays

Input and output devices

  • Keyboard, display, cursor control, and pointing devices
  • Sound, voice feedback, speech I/O, touch input, etc.
  • Response times for a variety of tasks
  • Alternatives for users with disabilities

Action sequences 操作序列

  • Direct-manipulation clicking, dragging, dropping, and gestures
  • Command syntax, semantics, and sequences
  • Shortcuts and programmed function keys
  • Touch input for devices such as smartphones, tablets, and large touch displays
  • Error handling and recovery procedures

Training 培训

  • Online help, tutorials, and support groups
  • Training and reference materials
The "four Es" provide a basis for creating a living document and a lively process:
“四个 E”为创建活动文档和生动过程提供了基础
  • Education. Users need training and a chance to discuss the guidelines. Developers must be trained in the resultant guidelines.
  • Enforcement. A timely and clear process is necessary to verify that an interface adheres to the guidelines.
  • Exemption. When creative ideas or new technologies are used, a rapid process for gaining exemption is needed.
  • Enhancement. A predictable process for review, possibly annually, will help keep the guidelines up-to-date.
While creating and using guidelines documents help ensure success-to the point that we propose our own Eight Golden Rules (Section 3.3.4)-we also want to reiterate our argument from Chapter 3 that the discipline of humancomputer interaction needs to transcend specific guidelines and derive basic theories underlying these phenomena. Our discussion in Section 3.4 presents several both micro-level and macro-level HCI theories to which most practical guidelines can be traced back. While a list of guidelines can be highly useful precisely because they are practical and pragmatic, successful designers remain aware of the underlying theories from where they stem.
在创建和使用指南文件时,有助于确保成功——以至于我们提出了我们自己的八项黄金法则(第 3.3.4 节)——我们还想重申我们在第 3 章中提出的观点,即人机交互学科需要超越具体的指南,并得出潜在这些现象的基本理论。我们在第 3.4 节的讨论中提出了几个微观和宏观人机交互理论,大多数实用指南都可以追溯到这些理论。尽管指南清单可能非常有用,因为它们是实用和务实的,但成功的设计师仍然要意识到它们所源自的基本理论。

4.6.3 Interaction design patterns
4.6.3 交互设计模式

Design patterns, originally proposed for urban planning (Alexander, 1977) and later software engineering (Freeman et al., 2004), are best-practice solutions to commonly occurring problems specified in such a way that they can be reused and applied to slightly different variations of a problem over and over again. Regardless of discipline, patterns help address a common problem for novice designers: They have very little experience of past work to draw upon when tackling a new problem. In this way, design patterns constitute valuable experience-in-a-can, ready to be used when needed.
设计模式最初是为城市规划(Alexander,1977)提出的,后来又被应用到软件工程(Freeman 等人,2004),它们是对常见问题的最佳实践解决方案,以一种可以被重复使用并应用于问题的稍微不同变体的方法规定的。无论学科如何,模式都有助于解决初级设计师的常见问题:在解决新问题时,他们很少有过去工作的经验可供借鉴。这样,设计模式构成了宝贵的经验宝库,随时可根据需要使用。
While software engineering design patterns are quite technical in nature, they are particularly useful for the interaction designer with a software engineering bent; see, for example, Freeman et al. (2004) for details. In fact, user-interface toolkits were one of the original inspirations for software engineering design patterns, and, accordingly, many of the original 23 design patterns deal directly with user interfaces, such as Decorator, Composite, and Command. As a result, several of these patterns are manifested in modern user-interface toolkits.
虽然软件工程设计模式在性质上相当技术性,但对于具有软件工程倾向的交互设计师来说尤其有用;例如,有关详细信息,请参见 Freeman 等人(2004)。事实上,用户界面工具包是软件工程设计模式的最初灵感之一,因此,最初的 23 个设计模式中的许多都直接涉及用户界面,例如装饰者、组合和命令。因此,现代用户界面工具包中体现了几种这样的模式。
The fact that patterns were originally used to solve problems in urban planning demonstrates that the pattern concept transcends specific disciplines, and the idea has further been applied to areas such as pedagogy, game design, communication policy, visualization, and even chess strategy. Analogously, a pattern approach to interaction design would suggest reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in user-interface and interaction design. While an exhaustive discussion of this topic would likely require an entire book of its own (Tidwell, 2005), here is a list of a few useful interaction design patterns along these lines:
最初用于解决城市规划问题的事实表明,模式概念超越了特定领域,并进一步应用于教学法、游戏设计、通信政策、可视化,甚至国际象棋策略等领域。类似地,交互设计的模式方法将提出可重复使用的解决方案,来解决用户界面和交互设计中常见的问题。虽然对这个主题的详尽讨论可能需要专门撰写一本书(Tidwell, 2005),这里列举了一些有用的交互设计模式:
  • Model-Viez-Controller (MVC). A so-called architectural pattern for implementing user interfaces, MVC governs how information should flow
    模型-视图-控制器(MVC)。被称为用户界面实现的体系结构模式,MVC 规定了信息应该如何在界面的三个特定组件之间流动

    between three specific components in the interface: models that represent the state (e.g., a string for an input field or a number for a dial), views that render the state on the display (e.g., the text box or the spinner), and controllers that change the models (e.g., editing the string or increasing/ decreasing the number) as well as the views (e.g., scrolling through a long document).
  • Document interface. Many applications, particularly those designed for personal computers, allow opening more than one document at the same time. Document interface patterns capture different ways of managing multiple documents for an application:
  • Single document interface (SDI). The simplest document interface pattern, each document opens a new instance of the application. Mobile apps and web applications tend to be built using this pattern.
    单文档界面(SDI)。最简单的文档界面模式,每个文档都会打开一个新的应用程序实例。移动应用程序和 Web 应用程序倾向于使用这种模式构建。
  • Multiple document interface (MDI). Here each document opens an internal window in the main frame, allowing for a single application window even for multiple open documents. Common in personal computer applications.
  • Tabbed document interface (TDI). A compromise between SDI and MDI, the tabbed document interface pattern places multiple open documents in tabs in a single instance of the application. Most web browsers use TDI.
    分页文档界面(TDI)。分页文档界面模式是单文档界面(SDI)和多文档界面(MDI)之间的一种折中方案,它将多个打开的文档以标签形式放在应用程序的一个实例中。大多数网络浏览器都使用 TDI。
  • Web application page architecture. Designing a web application is subtly different than designing an application for a personal computer or a mobile device. The page architecture is one of the most important interaction design aspects here:
    Web 应用程序页面架构。设计 Web 应用程序与设计个人计算机或移动设备应用程序有微妙的差别。页面架构是其中最重要的交互设计方面之一:
  • Multi-page application (MPA). The traditional way of building a web application is to use multiple pages, one for each specific function in the application. This mimics dialog boxes in desktop applications and is easy to implement by the very nature of HTML and the web, which is organized into separate pages but requires reloading for each page and may thus cause disruption in the user experience.
    多页面应用程序(MPA)。构建 Web 应用程序的传统方式是使用多个页面,每个页面用于应用程序中的特定功能。这模仿了桌面应用程序中的对话框,并且由于 HTML 和 Web 的本质,即组织成单独的页面但需要重新加载每个页面,可能会导致用户体验中断。
  • Single-page application (SPA). These applications fit on a single webpage, thus mimicking a desktop application, and require no reloading or mode changes, thereby making the user experience fluid and uninterrupted. Instead of page loads, the application state changes dynamically through communication with the web server using modern web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
    单页应用程序(SPA)。这些应用程序适合于单个网页,因此模仿桌面应用程序,并且不需要重新加载或模式更改,从而使用户体验流畅且不间断。应用程序状态通过使用现代 Web 技术(如 JavaScript、HTML 和 CSS)与 Web 服务器进行通信动态更改,而不是页面加载。
Further discussion of interaction design patterns is beyond the scope of this book. The reader may want to refer to Tidwell (2005) for more on this topic. Also of interest is Schell and O'Brien's review (2015) of 13 so-called anti-patternsstraightforward or seemingly good ideas that ultimately do not tend to work out-in the context of user experience.
交互设计模式的进一步讨论超出了本书的范围。读者可能希望参考 Tidwell(2005)有关此主题的更多信息。同样值得关注的是 Schell 和 O'Brien(2015)对 13 种所谓的反模式的审查-直截了当或看似不错的想法,最终并不会在用户体验的背景下起作用。

4.7 Social Impact Analysis
4.7 社会影响分析

Interactive systems often have a dramatic impact on large numbers of users. To minimize risks, a thoughtful statement of anticipated impacts circulated among stakeholders can be a useful process for eliciting productive suggestions early in the development when changes are easiest.
Governments, utilities, and publicly regulated industries increasingly require information systems to provide services. However, some critics have strong negative attitudes toward modern technologies and see only a hopeless technological determinism: "Technopoly eliminates alternatives to itself. It consists in the deification of technology, which means that the culture seeks its authorization in technology, finds its satisfactions in technology, and takes its orders from technology" (Postman, 1993).
政府、公用事业和公共监管行业越来越需要信息系统来提供服务。然而,一些批评者对现代技术持有强烈的消极态度,只看到了一种无望的技术决定论:"技术宗教化了自己,它意味着文化在技术中寻求授权,通过技术获得满足,并从技术中得到指令" (Postman, 1993)。
Postman's endless fears do not help us to shape more effective technology or to prevent damage from technology failures. However, constructive criticism and guidelines for design could be helpful in reversing the long history of incorrect credit histories, dislocation through de-skilling or layoffs, and deaths from flawed medical instruments. Current concerns focus on privacy invasion from surveillance systems, government attempts to restrict access to information, and voting fraud because of poor security. While guarantees of perfection are not possible, policies and processes can be developed that will more often than not lead to satisfying outcomes.
A social impact statement, similar to an environmental impact statement, might help to promote high-quality systems in government-related applications (reviews for private-sector corporate projects would be optional and selfadministered). Early and widespread discussion can uncover concerns and enable stakeholders to state their positions openly. Of course, there is the danger that these discussions will elevate fears or force designers to make unreasonable compromises, but these risks seem reasonable in a well-managed project. An outline for a social impact statement might include these sections (Shneiderman and Rose, 1996):
社会影响声明,类似于环境影响声明,可能有助于促进政府相关应用的高质量系统(私营企业企业项目的审查是可选的和自行管理的)。早期和广泛的讨论可以发现关切,并使利益相关者公开陈述其立场。当然,存在这样的危险,即这些讨论可能引起恐惧或迫使设计者做出不合理的妥协,但在一个良好管理的项目中,这些风险似乎是合理的。社会影响声明的大纲可能包括这些部分(Shneiderman and Rose, 1996):
  • Describe the new system and its benefits.
  • Convey the high-level goals of the new system.
  • Identify the stakeholders.
  • Identify specific benefits.
  • Address concerns and potential barriers.
  • Anticipate changes in job functions and potential layoffs.
  • Address security and privacy issues.
  • Discuss accountability and responsibility for system misuse and failure.
  • Avoid potential biases. 避免潜在偏见。
  • Weigh individual rights versus societal benefits.
  • Assess tradeoffs between centralization and decentralization.
  • Preserve democratic principles.
  • Ensure diverse access. 确保多样化的获取途径。
  • Promote simplicity and preserve what works.
  • Outline the development process.
  • Present an estimated project schedule.
  • Propose a process for making decisions.
  • Discuss expectations of how stakeholders will be involved.
  • Recognize needs for more staff, training, and hardware.
  • Propose a plan for backups of data and equipment.
  • Outline a plan for migrating to the new system.
  • Describe a plan for measuring the success of the new system.
A social impact statement should be produced early enough in the development process to influence the project schedule, system requirements, and budget. It can be developed by the system design team, which might include end users, managers, internal or external software developers, and possibly clients. Even for large systems, the social impact statement should be of a size and complexity that make it accessible to users with relevant backgrounds.
After the social impact statement is written, it should be evaluated by the appropriate review panel as well as by managers, other designers, end users, and anyone else who will be affected by the proposed system. Potential review panels include federal government units (for example, the General Accounting Organization or Office of Personnel Management), state legislatures, regulatory agencies (for example, the Securities and Exchange Commission or the Federal Aviation Administration), professional societies, and labor unions. The review panel will receive the written report, hold public hearings, and request modifications. Citizen groups also should be given the opportunity to present their concerns and to suggest alternatives.
Once the social impact statement is adopted, it must be enforced. A social impact statement documents the intentions for the new system, and the stakeholders need to see that those intentions are backed up by actions. Typically, the review panel is the proper authority for enforcement.
The effort, cost, and time involved should be appropriate to the project, while facilitating a thoughtful review. The process can offer large improvements by preventing problems that could be expensive to repair, improving privacy protection, minimizing legal challenges, and creating more satisfying work

environments. Information-system designers take no Hippocratic Oath, but pledging themselves to strive for the noble goal of excellence in design can win respect and inspire others.
As user interfaces have become more prominent in society, serious legal issues have emerged. Every developer of software and information should review legal issues that may affect design, implementation, deployment, marketing, and use. This section merely touches upon the most important such concerns. For more information, Baase (2013) gives an in-depth overview of such social, legal, philosophical, ethical, political, constitutional, and economic implications of computing.
随着用户界面在社会中的重要性不断增加,出现了严重的法律问题。每个软件和信息开发者都应该审查可能影响设计、实施、部署、营销和使用的法律问题。本节仅仅触及了最重要的这样的问题。关于更多信息,Baase (2013) 提供了计算机相关社会、法律、哲学、伦理、政治、宪法和经济影响的深入概述。
Privacy and security are always a concern whenever computers are used to store data or to monitor activity. Medical, legal, financial, and other data often have to be protected to prevent unapproved access, illegal tampering, inadvertent loss, or malicious mischief. Recently implemented privacy assurance laws such as those imposed on the medical and financial communities can lead to complicated, hard-to-understand policies and procedures. Physical security measures to prohibit access are fundamental; in addition, privacy protection can involve user-interface mechanisms for controlling password access, identity checking, and data verification. Effective protection provides a high degree of privacy with a minimum of confusion and intrusion into work. Website developers should provide easily accessible and understandable privacy and security policies.
A second concern encompasses safety and reliability. User interfaces for aircraft, automobiles, medical equipment, military systems, utility control rooms, and the like can affect life-or-death decisions. If air traffic controllers are confused by the situation display, they can make fatal errors. If the user interface for such a system is demonstrated to be difficult to understand, it could leave the designer, developer, and operator open to a lawsuit alleging improper design. Designers should strive to make high-quality and well-tested interfaces that adhere to state-of-the-art design guidelines and requirements. Accurate records documenting testing and usage will protect designers in case problems arise. 重试    错误原因
A third issue is copyright or patent protection for software (Lessig, 2006; Samuelson and Schultz, 2007; McJohn, 2015). Software developers who have spent time and money developing a package are understandably frustrated when potential users make illegal copies of the package rather than buying it. Technical schemes have been tried to prevent copying, but clever hackers can usually circumvent the barriers. It is unusual for a company to sue an individual 重试    错误原因
for copying a program, but cases have been brought against corporations and universities. There is also a vocal community of developers, led by the League for Programming Freedom, that opposes software copyright and patents, believing that broad dissemination is the best policy. An innovative legal approach, Creative Commons , enables authors to specify more liberal terms for others to use their works. The open source software movement has enlivened these controversies. The Open Source Initiative describes the movement as follows: "When programmers can read, redistribute, and modify the source code for a piece of software, the software evolves. People improve it, people adapt it, people fix bugs. And this can happen at a speed that, if one is used to the slow pace of conventional software development, seems astonishing." Some open source products, such as the Linux operating system and the Apache web server, have become successful enough to capture a substantial portion of the market share.
A fourth concern is with copyright protection for online information, images, or music. If customers access an online resource, do they have the right to store the information electronically for later use? Can the customer send an electronic copy to a colleague or friend? Who owns the "friends" list and other shared data in social networking sites? Do individuals, their employers, or network operators own the information contained in e-mail messages? The expansion of the web, with its vast digital libraries, has raised the temperature and pace of copyright discussions. Publishers seek to protect their intellectual assets, while librarians are torn between their desire to serve patrons and their obligations to publishers. If copyrighted works are disseminated freely, what incentives will there be for publishers and authors? If it is illegal to transmit any copyrighted work without permission or payment, science, education, and other fields will suffer. The fair use doctrine of limited copying for personal and educational purposes helped cope with the questions raised by photocopying technologies. However, the perfect rapid copying and broad dissemination permitted by the Internet demand a thoughtful update (Samuelson, 2003; Lessig, 2006).
第四个关注点是关于在线信息、图片或音乐的版权保护。如果客户访问在线资源,他们有权将信息以电子形式存储以供以后使用吗?客户是否可以将电子副本发送给同事或朋友?社交网络站点中的“好友”列表和其他共享数据归谁所有?个人、雇主或网络运营商是否拥有电子邮件中包含的信息?网络的扩展和庞大的数字图书馆提高了版权讨论的温度和速度。出版商致力于保护他们的知识产权,而图书馆员则在为读者提供服务和履行对出版商的义务之间犹豫不决。如果版权作品自由传播,出版商和作者将没有什么动力。如果未经许可或付费传输任何受版权保护的作品被认为是非法的,科学、教育和其他领域将受到影响。有限的个人和教育目的的限制复制的公平使用原则帮助应对了由复印技术引发的一系列问题。 然而,互联网所允许的完美快速复制和广泛传播需要深思熟虑的更新(Samuelson,2003 年;Lessig,2006 年)。
A fifth issue is freedom of speech in electronic environments. Do users have a right to make controversial or potentially offensive statements through e-mail or social media? Are such statements protected by freedom of speech laws, such as the U.S. First Amendment? Are networks similar to street corners, where freedom of speech is guaranteed, or are networks similar to television broadcasting, where community standards must be protected? Should network operators be responsible for or prohibited from eliminating offensive or obscene jokes, stories, or images? Controversy has raged over whether Internet service providers have a right to prohibit e-mail messages that are used to organize consumer rebellions against themselves. Another controversy emerged over whether a network operator has a duty to suppress racist e-mail remarks or postings to a social media platform. For example, Twitter has been commonly
第五个问题是电子环境中的言论自由。用户是否有权利通过电子邮件或社交媒体发表有争议或潜在冒犯性言论?这些言论是否受到言论自由法律的保护,比如美国的第一修正案?网络是否类似于街角,言论自由得到保障,还是类似于电视广播,社区标准必须得到保护?网络运营商是否应该负责或被禁止消除冒犯或淫秽的笑话、故事或图像?争议一直存在,关于互联网服务提供商是否有权禁止用于组织反对自己的消费者叛乱的电子邮件。另一个争议是关于网络运营商是否有责任压制种族主义的电子邮件言论或在社交媒体平台上发布的帖子。例如,Twitter 已经成为常见的。

used by racists, bullies, and terrorist organizations. If libelous statements are transmitted, can a person sue the network operator as well as the source? Should designers build systems where the default is to "opt out" of lists and users have to explicitly "opt in" by making a selection from a dialog box?
Other legal concerns include adherence to laws requiring equal access for users with disabilities and attention to changing laws in countries around the world. Do Yahoo! and eBay have to enforce the laws of every country in which they have customers? These and other issues mean that developers of online services must be sure to consider all the legal implications of their design decisions.
其他法律问题包括遵守要求为残障用户提供平等访问权的法律以及关注世界各国法律的变化。Yahoo! 和 eBay 是否必须执行每个拥有客户的国家的法律?这些以及其他问题意味着在线服务的开发人员必须确保考虑他们设计决策的所有法律影响。
The Internet Association (http://internetassociation.org/), the spiritual successor to the venerable NetCoalition, is a collective political lobbying organization in Washington, DC, that monitors many of the legal issues raised here. Founded by Amazon, eBay, Facebook, and Google, its website is an excellent source for information about privacy legislation and related issues. For the international level, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (https://www.eff.org/), founded in 1990, is a non-profit digital rights group providing support to individuals fighting corporations and governments against baseless or misdirected legal threats. There are also many other legal issues to be aware of today, including anti-terrorism, counterfeiting, spam, spyware, liability, Internet taxation, and others. These issues certainly require your attention, and legislation may eventually be needed.
互联网协会(http://internetassociation.org/)是可崇敬的 NetCoalition 的精神继承者,是位于华盛顿的集体政治游说组织,监测了许多在这里提出的法律问题。由亚马逊、eBay、Facebook 和 Google 创立,它的网站是关于隐私立法和相关问题的信息来源。对于国际层面而言,成立于 1990 年的电子前线基金会(https://www.eff.org/)是一个非营利性数字权利组织,为与公司和政府对抗毫无根据或误导的法律威胁的个人提供支持。今天还有许多其他法律问题需要注意,包括反恐、伪造、垃圾邮件、间谍软件、责任、互联网税收等等。这些问题肯定需要您的关注,可能最终需要立法。

Practitioner's Summary 实践者摘要

Interaction design is maturing rapidly, with once-novel ideas becoming standard practices. Design has increasingly taken center stage in organizational and product planning. Development frameworks such as user-centered, participatory, and agile design help by offering validated processes with predictable schedules and meaningful deliverables. Specific design methods such as surveys, focus groups, and ethnographic observation can provide information to guide requirements analysis. Usage logs provide valuable data about task frequencies and sequences. Scenario writing helps to bring common understanding of design goals, is useful for managerial and customer presentations, and helps to plan usability tests. For interfaces developed by governments, public utilities, and regulated industries, an early social impact statement can elicit public discussion that is likely to identify problems and produce interfaces that have high overall societal benefits. Designers and managers should obtain legal advice to ensure adherence to laws and protection of intellectual property.

Researcher's Agenda 研究者的议程

Human-computer interaction guidelines are often based on best-guess judgments rather than on empirical data. More research could lead to refined standards that are more complete and dependable and to more precise knowledge of how much improvement can be expected from a design change. Deriving the underlying micro- and macro- theories from which practical guidelines are drawn would have far-reaching consequences for interaction design. In particular, because technology is continually changing, we will never have a stable and complete set of guidelines, but such scientific theories will allow us to retain reliability and quality of interface design. It would also enable evolving design processes, ethnographic methods, participatory design activities, scenario writing, and social impact statements to address emergent issues such as international diversity, special populations such as children or older adults, and long-term studies of actual usage. Thoughtful case studies of design processes would lead to their refinement and promote more widespread application. Creative processes are notoriously difficult to study, but well-documented examples of success stories will inform and inspire.
人机交互指南通常是基于最佳猜测判断而非实证数据。更多研究可能导致更完整和可靠的修订标准,以及对设计变更能带来多大改进的更精确了解。从实践指南中汲取的基础微观和宏观理论将对交互设计产生深远影响。特别是由于科技不断变化,我们永远不可能有一个稳定和完整的指南集,但这样的科学理论将使我们能够保持界面设计的可靠性和质量。这还将使不断发展的设计流程、民族志方法、参与式设计活动、情景写作和社会影响报告能够应对国际多样性、儿童或老年人等特殊人群以及实际使用的长期研究等新兴问题。深入的设计过程案例研究将有助于其完善并促进更广泛的应用。 创意过程众所周知地难以研究,但成功案例的充分记录将启发和激励。

Discussion Questions 讨论问题

  1. You are the new Chief Design Officer (CDO) of a start-up, DTUI Inc. The project is to design a system for selling pottery. The aim is to develop an interface that meets the needs of both the potters and the customers. Describe in detail a design methodology of four stages to facilitate the proper design of such a system.
    你是初创公司 DTUI Inc. 的新任首席设计官(CDO)。该项目是设计一个销售陶器的系统。旨在开发一个既满足陶工又满足顾客需求的界面。详细描述一个包含四个阶段的设计方法论,以促进这样一个系统的正确设计。
Write your answer in the form of a management plan for this project. For each stage, indicate the number of weeks that should be allocated. Hint: Note the four phases of the design process:
  • Requirements analysis 需求分析
  • Preliminary (conceptual) and detailed design
  • Build and implementation
  • Evaluation 评估
For questions 2-4, refer to the following scenario:
对于问题 2-4,请参考以下情景:
The State of Maryland is developing a web-voting interface. For selecting the candidates, one design (RB) is a set of radio buttons and another is (CB) a
马里兰州正在开发网络投票界面。用于选择候选人的一个设计(RB)是一组单选按钮,另一个设计(CB)是一个组合框(在选择滚动箭头图标时下拉),两者都使用标准字体,大小为 10 点。

combo-box (drops down when selecting the scroll arrow icon), both using standard fonts at 10-point size.
  1. Compare these two designs when there are four candidates and predict the relative speed of performance and error rates. Support your choice by a thoughtful argument.
  2. An expert reviewer complains that both designs may work with young users who are familiar and expert in using a mouse, but that there will be problems for elderly and motor-impaired users who have difficulty controlling a mouse. The reviewer recommends a new design that includes a larger font (20-point size) and a numbered list to allow selection by keyboard easily. Describe a participatory design or social impact statement process that might clarify this issue with elderly users.
    一个专家评论者抱怨说,这两个设计在熟悉和精通使用鼠标的年轻用户中可能都有效,但对于年长和运动障碍的用户来说,可能会存在控制鼠标的困难问题。评论者建议采用一种新设计,其中包括更大的字体(20 点字体)和一个编号列表,以便使用键盘进行选择。描述一个可能与年长用户澄清这个问题的参与性设计或社会影响声明过程。
  3. Design an experiment to help resolve the issue brought up in question 3. Assume you have substantial resources and access to subjects.
    设计一个实验来帮助解决第 3 个问题中提出的问题。假设您拥有充足的资源和可接触的实验对象。
  4. What is user-centered design? What are its benefits?
  5. Consider a system that does not yet exist; for example, a totally automated fast-food restaurant, where customers order via touch screen interactions, pay by swiping their debit or credit cards, and then pick up their foodanalogous to the self-check-out at some supermarkets, but even more extreme. Discuss how you would conduct a contextual inquiry for a system that does not yet exist.
CASE STUDY: Evaluate an existing system where you would propose improvements to the user interface. For example, visit the local mass transit station (e.g., the subway) and observe users purchasing tickets. If possible, interview users regarding their preferences for improvements in usability. One method to facilitate user cooperation may be to solicit fellow students or colleagues who are new to your community and have not yet taken a ride on the subway system. Plan for contextual interviews by developing questionnaires. Conduct the contextual interviews, then tabulate the results and analyze them with an eye to understanding the demographics and skills of the user community. Then follow the remaining steps outlined in this list, eventually developing storyboards and prototypes to evaluate with users.
案例研究:评估现有系统,提出改进用户界面的建议。例如,参观当地的大众运输站(e.g., 地铁),观察用户购票的情况。如果可能,采访用户,了解他们对可用性改进的偏好。为促进用户合作的方法之一可能是向新来你社区的学生或同事征求意见,他们还没乘坐过地铁系统。通过制定问卷计划进行情境访谈。进行情境访谈,然后将结果汇总并分析,重点了解用户社区的人口统计和技能。然后按照此列表中概述的剩余步骤进行,并最终制定故事板和原型,以与用户进行评估。

References 参考文献

Alexander, Christopher, A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, Oxford
亚历山大,克里斯托弗,《一种模式语言: 城镇,建筑,建筑》,牛津
University Press, USA (1977).
美国大学出版社(1977 年)。
Ambler, Scott W., Agile Modeling, John Wiley and Sons (2002).
安布勒(Ambler, Scott W.),《敏捷建模》,约翰威利和儿子公司(2002 年)。