| Profile of the school/Institution 学校/机构简介 |
1.1 | Institution name that you are teaching 您所任教的机构名称 |
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1.2 | State and country of the institution 机构所在州和国家 |
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1.3 | What are the demographic details of your students you are working with? 与您一起工作的学生的人口统计详细信息是什么? |
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1.4 | What is the name of the curriculum/programme you what to analyse? 您要分析的课程/项目的名称是什么? |
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1.5 | What is the name of the module/course/subject (ONLY ONE) you want to analyse? 您要分析的模块/课程/主题(只有一个)的名称是什么? |
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1.6 | What is the institutional vision and mission? 机构的愿景和使命是什么? |
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1.7 | What is unique of this institution in terms of their approach to education? 该机构的教育方法有何独特之处? |
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1.8 | What is unique about the institution in terms of: i) geography, ii) social economic status, iii) language and iv) other unique features? 该机构在以下方面有何独特之处:i) 地理位置、ii) 社会经济地位、iii) 语言和 iv) 其他独特之处? You are required to only think about those factor that affect the student’s learning. 您只需考虑那些影响学生学习的因素。 |
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1.9 | What are the biggest challenges you faced as well as the uniqueness working with students mentioned in 1.3? 您面临的最大挑战以及1.3中提到的与学生合作的独特之处是什么? |
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| Philosophy/Curriculum Foundation 哲学/课程基础 |
2.0 | Provide ONE (1) practical example of how each educational philosophy can be applied in the classroom. ONE (1) practical example for ONE (1) educational philosophy (<200 words) 提供一 (1) 个实际示例,说明如何在课堂上应用每种教育理念。一 (1) 个教育理念的实际例子(<200 字) |
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2.1 | Provide examples of how approaches to curriculum can be used in combination to create a more comprehensive and holistic approach to curriculum (<200 words) 提供如何组合使用课程方法以创建更全面和整体的课程方法的示例(<200 字) |
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2.2 | State which approaches to curriculum and educational philosophies is most suited to explain the curriculum/programme mentioned in 1.4? 说明哪种课程和教育理念最适合解释 1.4 中提到的课程/项目? |
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2.3 | Please provide justification for the answer above. (<150 words) 请为上述答案提供理由。 (<150字) |
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2.4 | Briefly describe how are the other foundations of curriculum such as psychology society, history have shaped the curriculum you have encountered in your own educational experiences. For example, how these foundations have influenced the goals, content, teaching methods, and assessment strategies of the curriculum/programme mentioned in 1.4? (<200 words) 简要描述其他课程基础(例如心理学、社会、历史)如何塑造您在自己的教育经历中遇到的课程。例如,这些基础如何影响1.4中提到的课程/项目的目标、内容、教学方法和评估策略? (<200字) |
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| Constructive Alignment- Curriculum/Programme Level 建设性的协调——课程/项目水平 |
3.0 | What is your Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)? 您的计划教育目标 (PEO) 是什么? Write your answers in point form. You are encouraged to take the answers from the curriculum document if you have any. 以点的形式写下你的答案。如果您有的话,我们鼓励您从课程文件中获取答案。 |
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3.1 | What is your Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) in terms of knowledge, skills and predisposition? You are encouraged to take the answers from the curriculum document if you have any. Please keep your brief and in point form. 在知识、技能和倾向方面,您的计划学习成果 (PLO) 是多少?如果您有的话,我们鼓励您从课程文件中获取答案。请保持您的简短和要点形式。 |
Ans | Knowledge (at the programme level) 知识(程序层面) | |
| Skills (at the programme level) 技能(程序级别) | |
| Predisposition (at the programme level) 倾向(在程序层面) | |
3.2 | What are your module/course/subject Learning Outcomes (LOs) in terms of knowledge, skills and predisposition? You are encouraged to take the answers from the curriculum document if you have any. Please keep your answers brief and in point form. 您的模块/课程/科目在知识、技能和素质方面的学习成果 (LO) 是什么?如果您有的话,我们鼓励您从课程文件中获取答案。请保持您的回答简短且要点形式。 |
Ans | Knowledge at the module/course/subject level 模块/课程/学科级别的知识 | |
| Skill at the module/course/subject level 模块/课程/学科级别的技能 | |
| Predisposition at the module/course/subject level 模块/课程/科目级别的倾向 | |
3.3 | How does module/course/subject Learnings Outcomes (LOs) is different from the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) of the same curriculum/programme mentioned in 1.4? 模块/课程/科目学习成果 (LO) 与 1.4 中提到的同一课程/项目的项目学习成果 (PLO) 有何不同? |
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Constructive Alignment- Classroom Level 建设性的一致性——课堂层面 |
4.0 | Based on the module/course/subject stated in 1.6, identify the 根据 1.6 中所述的模块/课程/主题,确定 learning outcomes (LOs) 学习成果 (LO) teaching and learning activities, and 教学活动,以及 assessments that relate to these LOs. 与这些 LO 相关的评估。 You are encouraged to take the answers from the lesson plans if you have any. Please keep your brief and in point form (<200 words) 如果有的话,我们鼓励您从课程计划中获取答案。请以要点形式保存您的摘要(<200 字) |
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4.1 | In your opinion is there an alignment between the: 您认为以下方面是否一致: learning outcomes 学习成果 teaching and learning activities 教学活动 assessments that relate to these LOs. 与这些 LO 相关的评估。 Please justify your answers. (<200 words) 请证明你的答案合理。 (<200字) |
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4.2 | Evaluate your module/course//subject Learning Outcomes (LOs) using the S.M.A.R.T goals (min 3 LOs) and determine whether it meets the criteria for a S.M.A.R.T goal 使用 S.M.A.R.T 目标(至少 3 个 LO)评估您的模块/课程//科目学习成果 (LO),并确定其是否符合 S.M.A.R.T 目标的标准 |
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4.3 | Evaluate your module/course//subject Learning Outcomes (LOs) using the ABCD method (min 3 LOs) and determine whether it meets the criteria for ABCD method 使用 ABCD 方法评估您的模块/课程//科目学习成果 (LO)(至少 3 个 LO),并确定其是否符合 ABCD 方法的标准 |
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| Moving forward 向前进 |
5.0 | If you were to improve on your current set of module/course/subject Learning Outcomes what changes would you make? Please specify by re-writing the Learning Outcomes (LOs) and justify your changes 如果您要改进当前的模块/课程/主题学习成果,您会做出哪些改变?请通过重写学习成果 (LO) 来指定并证明您的更改的合理性 |
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5.1 | If you were to improve on the current Constructive Alignment- Classroom Level, what changes would you make? Please specify by re-writing the 如果您要提高当前的建设性一致性 - 课堂水平,您会做出哪些改变?请通过重写来指定 learning outcomes 学习成果 teaching and learning activities 教学活动 assessments that relate to these LOs. 与这些 LO 相关的评估。 |
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