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Master of Science in Cybersecurity

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering offers a Master of Science in Cybersecurity.  The MS in Cybersecurity provides a high quality, academically challenging, and career-enriching educational program that is responsive to industry trends, changing standards, and employer needs.  The degree develops students who are highly skilled in the field, technically savvy, and think critically about cybersecurity challenges. This is a STEM-designated master's program. Applications are being accepted.
计算机科学与工程系提供网络安全理学硕士课程。 网络安全硕士课程提供高质量、学术上具有挑战性和职业丰富的教育计划,以响应行业趋势、不断变化的标准和雇主需求。 该学位培养在该领域技术娴熟、技术精通并批判性地思考网络安全挑战的学生。这是一个STEM指定的硕士课程。正在接受申请。


To speed up processing and improve the chances of being accepted to the MS in Cybersecurity program, we strongly encourage students to submit a CV, a statement of purpose (SOP), and references to https://engineering.unt.edu/webforms/submission-graduate-application-documents.
为了加快处理速度并提高被网络安全硕士课程录取的机会,我们强烈建议学生提交简历、目的声明 (SOP) 和 https://engineering.unt.edu/webforms/submission-graduate-application-documents 参考资料。

Excellence in cybersecurity

The UNT Center for Information and Cyber Security (CICS) has been designated by the National Security Agency and Department of Homeland Security as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education and Research. As a center for excellence, our students learn from experts in the field and gain knowledge and skills that have practical applications in industry post-graduation.
UNT 信息和网络安全中心 (CICS) 已被国家安全局和国土安全部指定为国家网络防御教育和研究学术卓越中心。作为一个卓越的中心,我们的学生向该领域的专家学习,并获得毕业后在行业中具有实际应用的知识和技能。

Growing industry needs in cybersecurity

Currently, there are an estimated 500,000 cybersecurity jobs unfilled in our country, from management, scientists, architects, and administrators to every kind of technical personnel. The Cybersecurity Jobs Report 2018-2021 predicts that there will be 3.5 million unfilled jobs in cybersecurity by 2021. As new technologies enter every part of daily life due to lack of expertise, we expect the demand for people with higher degrees will exponentially increase.
目前,我国估计有 500,000 个网络安全工作岗位空缺,从管理人员、科学家、建筑师和管理人员到各种技术人员。《2018-2021 年网络安全就业报告》预测,到 2021 年,网络安全领域将有 350 万个职位空缺。由于缺乏专业知识,新技术进入日常生活的方方面面,我们预计对更高学位的人的需求将呈指数级增长。

Competitive salaries 有竞争力的薪酬

Companies hiring cybersecurity professionals are also offering lucrative salaries.

  • On average, information security professionals earn $102,600 per year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2021). That’s almost three times the national median income for full-time workers in the United States.
    根据美国劳工统计局的数据,信息安全专业人员的平均年收入为 102,600 美元(2021 年)。这几乎是美国全职工人全国收入中位数的三倍。
  • The BLS's Job Outlook for 2021-2031 estimates the Information Security Analyst profession to grow 35%, must faster than average.
    美国劳工统计局的 2021-2031 年就业展望估计,信息安全分析师职业将增长 35%,必须快于平均水平。
  • The Computer Systems Design and Services industry has the highest concentration of cybersecurity jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • As of July 2023, the average annual pay for a Master’s degree in cybersecurity in the United States is $128,870 per year. Based on our students' employment, an MS degree is considered equivalent to 2 years of experience in the industry. Many MS students are hired into leadership roles in the industry after graduation.
    截至 2023 年 7 月,美国网络安全硕士学位的平均年薪为每年 128,870 美元。根据我们学生的就业情况,硕士学位被认为相当于 2 年的行业经验。许多硕士生在毕业后被聘为该行业的领导职务。

Jobs after graduation 毕业后的工作

After graduation, MS in cybersecurity graduates will be prepared for jobs in secure software development, system test/evaluation, data security analysis, IT security project management, cyber defense analysis, vulnerability assessment, and system security engineering, security architecture, enterprise architecture, and scientific research positions.
毕业后,网络安全硕士毕业生将为安全软件开发、系统测试/评估、数据安全分析、IT 安全项目管理、网络防御分析、漏洞评估和系统安全工程、安全架构、企业架构和科学研究职位的工作做好准备。

Program Requirements 计划要求

Please review our Requirements for Admission and UNT's Graduate Admission page before you apply.  
在申请之前,请查看我们的入学要求和 UNT 的研究生入学页面。

All students applying for the Master's program must have completed a 4-year bachelor’s degree.  In addition, international applicants who do not have a previous degree from a U.S. institution must provide proof of English language proficiency (ELP). It is the student’s responsibility to have official scores sent to the University of North Texas Graduate Admissions Office.   If a student has not submitted proof of ELP at the time the application is reviewed, they may be conditionally accepted to the MS program, however, they will be required to provide proof of ELP before they will be permitted to enroll in classes.  If you do not meet the minimum English requirements, you will have the option of registering for the IELI program.
所有申请硕士课程的学生必须完成 4 年制学士学位。此外,没有美国机构学位的国际申请人必须提供英语语言能力证明 (ELP)。学生有责任将官方成绩发送到北德克萨斯大学研究生招生办公室。如果学生在申请审查时没有提交 ELP 证明,他们可能会被有条件地接受 MS 课程,但是,他们将被要求提供 ELP 证明,然后才能被允许注册课程。如果您不符合最低英语要求,您可以选择注册 IELI 课程。

A prior Computer Science and Engineering degree is not required for admission to the Master’s program, but the admission committee will look for evidence that the applicant has a good chance of thriving in a scientific graduate program.  Admission is competitive and based on the number of positions available in our program.
进入硕士课程不需要先前的计算机科学与工程学位,但招生委员会将寻找证据证明申请人有很好的机会在科学研究生课程中茁壮成长。 录取是竞争激烈的,并且基于我们计划中可用的职位数量。

Program Curriculum 课程设置

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering offers two Master's Degree options:

Option A: Thesis Option with 30 credit hours. 
选项 A:论文选项,有 30 个学分。

  • 15 credit hours of Core Courses
  • 9 credit hours of Elective Courses
  • 6 credit hours of Master's Thesis

Option B: Course Option with 33 hours.
选项 B:33 小时的课程选项。

  • 21 credit hours of Core Courses
  • 12 credit hours of Elective Courses

NOTE: Leveling and internship courses cannot be counted toward the degree plans of either Options.

Please view breakdown of Cybersecurity, M.S. (Option A & Option B) below:

Cybersecurity, MS 网络安全,理学硕士
Option A:       Thesis 选项A:论文 Option B:             Non-thesis
CATEGORY 类别 Hrs Course Name 课程名称 CATEGORY 类别 Hrs Course Name 课程名称
Core Courses 核心课程 15   Core Courses 核心课程 21  
Required Group 所需组 9 CSCE 5550 - Introduction to Computer Security
CSCE 5550 - 计算机安全简介
Required Group 所需组 9 CSCE 5550 - Introduction to Computer Security
CSCE 5550 - 计算机安全简介
(Must take ALL courses) (必须参加所有课程)   CSCE 5565 - Secure Software Development
CSCE 5565 - 安全软件开发
(Must take ALL courses) (必须参加所有课程)   CSCE 5565 - Secure Software Development
CSCE 5565 - 安全软件开发
    CSCE 5552 - Cybersecurity Essentials
CSCE 5552 - 网络安全要点
    CSCE 5552 - Cybersecurity Essentials
CSCE 5552 - 网络安全要点
Applied Group 应用材料集团 3 CSCE 5050 - Applications of Cryptography
CSCE 5050 - 密码学的应用
Applied Group 应用材料集团 6 CSCE 5050 - Applications of Cryptography
CSCE 5050 - 密码学的应用
(Choose 1 course) (选择1门课程)   CSCE 5555 - Computer Forensics
CSCE 5555 - 计算机取证
(Choose 2 courses) (选择2门课程)   CSCE 5555 - Computer Forensics
CSCE 5555 - 计算机取证
    CSCE 5560 - Secure Electronic Commerce
CSCE 5560 - 安全电子商务
    CSCE 5560 - Secure Electronic Commerce
CSCE 5560 - 安全电子商务
Networking Group 网络组 3 CSCE 5520 - Wireless Networks and Protocols
CSCE 5520 - 无线网络和协议
Networking Group 网络组 6 CSCE 5520 - Wireless Networks and Protocols
CSCE 5520 - 无线网络和协议
(Choose 1 course) (选择1门课程)   CSCE 5575 - Blockchain and Applications
CSCE 5575 - 区块链与应用
(Choose 2 courses) (选择2门课程)   CSCE 5575 - Blockchain and Applications
CSCE 5575 - 区块链与应用
    CSCE 5585 - Network Security
CSCE 5585 - 网络安全
    CSCE 5585 - Network Security
CSCE 5585 - 网络安全
Elective Courses 选修课 9 CSCE 5170 - Graph Theory
CSCE 5170 - 图论
Elective Courses 选修课 12 CSCE 5170 - Graph Theory
CSCE 5170 - 图论
(Choose 3 courses) (选择3门课程)   CSCE 5210 - Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
CSCE 5210 - 人工智能基础
(Choose 4 courses) (选择4门课程)   CSCE 5210 - Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
CSCE 5210 - 人工智能基础
    CSCE 5214 - Software Development for Artificial Int.
CSCE 5214 - 人工智能软件开发
    CSCE 5214 - Software Development for Artificial Int.
CSCE 5214 - 人工智能软件开发
    CSCE 5215 - Machine Learning
CSCE 5215 - 机器学习
    CSCE 5215 - Machine Learning
CSCE 5215 - 机器学习
    CSCE 5216 - Pattern Recognition
CSCE 5216 - 模式识别
    CSCE 5216 - Pattern Recognition
CSCE 5216 - 模式识别
    CSCE 5290 - Natural Language Processing
CSCE 5290 - 自然语言处理
    CSCE 5290 - Natural Language Processing
CSCE 5290 - 自然语言处理
    CSCE 5300 - Intro to Big Data & Data Science
CSCE 5300 - 大数据与数据科学导论
    CSCE 5300 - Intro to Big Data & Data Science
CSCE 5300 - 大数据与数据科学导论
    CSCE 5380 - Data Mining
CSCE 5380 - 数据挖掘
    CSCE 5380 - Data Mining
CSCE 5380 - 数据挖掘
Master's Thesis 硕士论文 6 CSCE 5950 - Master's Thesis
CSCE 5950 - 硕士论文
(Must take ALL Courses) (必须参加所有课程)   CSCE 5950 - Master's Thesis
CSCE 5950 - 硕士论文
TOTAL HOURS 总小时数 30   TOTAL HOURS 总小时数 33  

Core Courses 核心课程

There are 3 different groups of Core Courses: Required group, Applied group, and Networking group.  
核心课程有 3 个不同的组:必修组、应用组和网络组。

Required Group: ALL Cybersecurity, M.S. students are required to take these courses regardless of chosen option.

Applied group: Option A (Thesis) students must take 3 hours (choose 1 course) from the group. Option B (Non-thesis) students must take 6 hours (choose 2 courses) from the group.
申请小组:选项A(论文)学生必须从小组中学习3小时(选择1门课程)。选项 B(非论文)学生必须从小组中学习 6 小时(选择 2 门课程)。

Networking group: Option A (Thesis) students must take 3 hours (choose 1 course) from the group. Option B (Non-thesis) students must take 6 hours (choose 2 courses) from the group.
网络小组:选项 A(论文)学生必须从小组中学习 3 小时(选择 1 门课程)。选项 B(非论文)学生必须从小组中学习 6 小时(选择 2 门课程)。

Students must earn a grade of B or higher on all core courses taken in order to qualify for Cybersecurity, M.S.
学生必须在所有核心课程中获得 B 或更高的成绩,才有资格获得网络安全硕士课程。

While the Applied and Networking group have several courses to choose from, students must discuss their selections with their advisor prior to semester enrollment.


Elective Courses 选修课

Option A (Thesis) students must take 9 hours (choose 3 courses) from the group.
选项 A(论文)学生必须从小组中学习 9 小时(选择 3 门课程)。

Option B (Non-thesis) students must take 12 hours (choose 4 courses) from the group.
选项 B(非论文)学生必须从小组中学习 12 小时(选择 4 门课程)。

Master's Thesis 硕士论文

ONLY Option A (Thesis) students must take 6 hours of CSCE 5950 - Master's Thesis. 
只有选项A(论文)学生必须参加6小时的CSCE 5950 - 硕士论文。


Financial Assistance 经济援助

Currently, UNT has an SFS (scholarships for service) program for MS students pursuing a PhD program. Students interested in scholarships can find information at https://cics.unt.edu/sfs-phd-program.
目前,UNT 为攻读博士学位的 MS 学生提供 SFS(服务奖学金)计划。对奖学金感兴趣的学生可以在 https://cics.unt.edu/sfs-phd-program 上找到信息。

Teaching Assistantship or Teaching Fellow (TA/TF) positions are offered to current Cybersecurity majors who are attending classes at UNT.   Prospective students are welcome to apply, but these positions are very rarely offered to potential new students.  Research Assistant (RA) positions are selected by the individual professors from their current students.  Students must submit a completed Assistantship Application, separate from the Admission Application form, in order to be considered.  
助教或助教 (TA/TF) 职位提供给在 UNT 上课的当前网络安全专业学生。  欢迎未来的学生申请,但这些职位很少提供给潜在的新生。 研究助理 (RA) 职位由个别教授从其当前学生中选出。 学生必须提交一份完整的助学金申请,与入学申请表分开,才能被考虑。

If you have any questions about the MS in Cybersecurity program, please contact us at csegrad@unt.edu
如果您对网络安全硕士课程有任何疑问,请通过 csegrad@unt.edu 与我们联系