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IKEA Supply Strategy NOW - FY29
宜家现在的供应战略 - FY29


  • To successfully set ourselves up for the future, we need to learn and adapt to the world around us. The changes we see around us are constant, high paced and unprecedented. Such as elevated geo-political and geo-economical tensions, new technology advancements, climate change, biodiversity loss and resource scarcity – just to name a few. While staying true to who we are, we need to build and constantly improve on what we’ve already got, to make us even stronger and ready for the future.
  • We had to strengthen some parts of the strategy, in order to adapt to the world around us.

    One of these areas are Omnichannel and the part we play here: we can see that the omnichannel environment is changing fast and that it differs from market to market. To catch up, we need to dock our global supply planning into the local planning. We see that sales and supply planning is crucial here and is enabled through true value chain collaboration.

    We also strengthened the Material Transformation, which is now not only to be found under Circular Business, but also under Lead with Lowest Cost.

    The whole Data & Technology enabler has also been revised, as this area is moving and changing faster than others and we see the need to adapt.

  • Each business unit will look at the strategy from their own perspective and take out in which way they need and can best contribute to each movement and the enablers. It is the source for the business planning and for setting the business agenda for each business unit and function.
  • While updating the strategy we have worked closely together with the other strategy teams, aligning, and harmonising our objectives and agendas as much as possible.

    In FY25 we will write our strategies together, from a shared foundation. The three roads forward and collective insights will be the common platform for this new way of working together.
    在 25 财年,我们将在共同的基础上共同制定我们的战略。这三条前进道路和集体见解将成为这种新的合作方式的共同平台。

IKEA Supply Strategy  宜家供应策略
NOW - FY29 material
NOW - FY29 材料

Text document (word) 文本文档 (word)

Booklet (pdf) 小册子 (pdf)

One pager  单页 

