Full Summary of John Vervaeke’s “Awakening from the Meaning Crisis”
Полное резюме книги Джона Вервике “Пробуждение от кризиса смысла”
John Vervaeke’s 50-episode lecture series “Awakening from the Meaning Crisis” tackles our modern-day sense of despair, depression, and meaninglessness, which seem especially pervasive.
Цикл лекций Джона Вервике из 50 серий “Пробуждение от кризиса смысла” посвящен нашему современному чувству отчаяния, депрессии и бессмысленности, которые кажутся особенно распространенными.
(Now, trying to summarize 50 hours of lecture content into one article is probably a fool’s errand, and I think Vervaeke would appreciate my use of the word “fool” here, but it’s the most reliable way I have to metabolize information for myself, and I certainly wanted to deeply internalize the lessons from this series. I hope it’s a helpful summary for you too.)
(Попытка обобщить 50 часов содержания лекции в одной статье, вероятно, является глупой затеей, и я думаю, Вервеке оценил бы мое использование здесь слова “дурак”, но это самый надежный способ, который у меня есть, усвоить информацию для себя, и я, конечно, хотел глубоко усвоить уроки из этой серии. Я надеюсь, что это краткое изложение будет полезным и для вас.)
EPISODES 1-25 – Mythos and Historical Factors
ЭПИЗОДЫ 1-25 – Мифы и исторические факторы
Mythos and crisis Мифы и кризис
A mythos is a story you tell yourself about the world that shapes the relationship you have with it – that dictates how you make sense of things and what projects you find meaningful. But a mythos is not a myth, as we’ve come to understand it; a mythos is a worldview. Consider these: the world and its resources belong to man, or the world and its resources belong to all living things. You can see how the mythos the modern Western world occupies is the first (but many cultures have and do occupy the second). A mythos, then, is not a set of false beliefs, but rather a cosmic perspective that deeply shapes how we connect to the world and ourselves.
Миф - это история, которую вы рассказываете себе о мире, которая формирует ваши с ним отношения, которая диктует, как вы придаете смысл вещам и какие проекты считаете значимыми. Но миф - это не миф, как мы привыкли его понимать; миф - это мировоззрение. Подумайте об этом: мир и его ресурсы принадлежат человеку, или мир и его ресурсы принадлежат всем живым существам. Вы можете видеть, что миф, занимаемый современным западным миром, является первым (но многие культуры занимали и занимают второе). Таким образом, миф - это не набор ложных верований, а скорее космическая перспектива, которая глубоко формирует то, как мы соединяемся с миром и самими собой.
The first step in creating a meaning crisis is to disrupt the mythos of a culture, to make it untenable or unlivable. Vervaeke argues the mythos under pressure in our present meaning crisis is our two-worlds mythos, given to us and shaped by the Axial Revolution. Prior to the Axial Age (the Bronze Age and earlier), humans lived within a one-world mythos, where the divine and natural realms were united (think back to our ancestors who believed that Gods lived among us, that spirits inhabited places and objects and animals). The Axial Revolution dis-embedded these realms (for several interesting reasons that you can discover in the series), separating them into the everyday world and the higher-order world. It was the latter that was the truer reality, which we could only reach by overcoming the self-deception that kept us tethered to the former. To illustrate, think of the Axial religions, like Buddhism and Neoplatonic Christianity. In Buddhism you have man living in a world of suffering created by his own self-deception, needing to awaken to reality, to enlighten himself. You see it in early Christianity too: the earthly realm is not our true home; to re-home ourselves within the divine realm, we need to be radically transformed by love and humility. Even on the more secular plane, the two-worlds mythos reverberated. We see it exemplified by the Greek philosophers, who advocated several ways to self-liberate through rationality and wisdom. (For these philosophers, you achieved enlightenment using reason; there was no disconnect between rationality and self-transcendence). One world was split into two, but these two worlds existed on a continuum, one you could move along from deception (our ordinary, everyday experience) through to a truer, more ultimate reality, if you were wise enough.
Первый шаг в создании кризиса смысла - это разрушить мифы культуры, сделать их несостоятельными или непригодными для жизни. Вервеке утверждает, что мифы, находящиеся под давлением в нашем нынешнем смысловом кризисе, - это наши мифы о двух мирах, данные нам и сформированные Осевой революцией. До Осевой эпохи (бронзовый век и ранее) люди жили в рамках мифа об одном мире, где божественное и природное царства были объединены (вспомните наших предков, которые верили, что Боги живут среди нас, что духи населяют места, предметы и животных). Осевая революция разрушила эти сферы (по нескольким интересным причинам, о которых вы можете узнать в сериале), разделив их на повседневный мир и мир высшего порядка. Именно последнее было более истинной реальностью, достичь которой мы могли, только преодолев самообман, который держал нас привязанными к первому. Чтобы проиллюстрировать это, подумайте об осевых религиях, таких как буддизм и неоплатоническое христианство. В буддизме вы видите человека, живущего в мире страданий, созданном его собственным самообманом, нуждающегося в пробуждении к реальности, в просветлении самого себя. Вы видите это и в раннем христианстве: земное царство не является нашим истинным домом; чтобы вновь обрести дом в божественном царстве, нам нужно радикально преобразиться с помощью любви и смирения. Даже на более светском уровне мифы о двух мирах отражались. Мы видим, что примером этого являются греческие философы, которые предлагали несколько способов самоосвобождения через рациональность и мудрость. (Для этих философов вы достигли просветления, используя разум; не было никакой разницы между рациональностью и самопревосхождением). Один мир был разделен на два, но эти два мира существовали в континууме, в котором вы могли двигаться от обмана (нашего обычного, повседневного опыта) к более истинной, более окончательной реальности, если вы были достаточно мудры.
We continue to see the two-worlds mythos today in our aspirations toward self-actualization and becoming our “best selves.” We see it in the resurgence of interest in mindfulness practices, transcendental meditation, and psychedelic use. It even saturates our media and entertainment (think of the plot for The Matrix: what we think is real is an illusion, but we can “awaken” to reality and re-discover our truest selves).
Сегодня мы продолжаем видеть мифы о двух мирах в наших стремлениях к самоактуализации и становлению “лучшим собой”. Мы видим это в возрождении интереса к практикам осознанности, трансцендентальной медитации и употреблению психоделиков. Это даже насыщает наши средства массовой информации и развлечения (вспомните сюжет “Матрицы”: то, что мы считаем реальным, на самом деле иллюзия, но мы можем "пробудиться" к реальности и заново открыть для себя самое истинное "я").
The practices legitimized by this mythos
Практики , узаконенные этим мифом
What the Axial religions and secular Axial philosophies gave us were practices to overcome self-deception and become liberated – to grow, and transform, and self-transcend (all anchored in and endorsed by the two-worlds mythos). These practices were designed to foster insight into the systematic cognitive/spiritual errors that kept us tethered to a false reality, that kept us from self-actualization and achieving our highest potential. These were practices like Buddhist meditation and like Christian Agape; secular exercises like community dialogue (Socrates) and rational argumentation (Plato); practices that fostered higher states of consciousness, flow, and deep self-reflection.
То, что дали нам осевые религии и секулярные осевые философии, было практиками для преодоления самообмана и обретения освобождения - роста, трансформации и самотрансцендирования (все это закреплено и поддерживается мифами о двух мирах). Эти практики были разработаны для того, чтобы способствовать пониманию систематических когнитивных / духовных ошибок, которые удерживали нас привязанными к ложной реальности, которые мешали нам самореализоваться и реализовать свой высочайший потенциал. Это были практики, подобные буддийской медитации и христианской агапе; светские упражнения, такие как общественный диалог (Сократ) и рациональная аргументация (Платон); практики, способствующие более высоким состояниям сознания, потоку и глубокой саморефлексии.
What these practices all have (and had) in common is helping us achieve a deep understanding about ourselves and the world. They help us toggle between the features (details) of a situation and the gestalt (the bigger picture), constantly breaking and re-making our frames of reference. They help us enhance our salience landscaping, what we’re finding relevant, what we should be paying attention to. They create fertile ground for insight, for “aha” moments where we feel we have grasped something true and significant about reality. These practices are not just about having propositional knowledge (knowledge about facts), they are about participatory understanding… a knowing that comes from being (what Vervaeke calls the difference between the existential Having Mode and Being Mode).
Что общего у всех этих практик (и было раньше), так это то, что они помогают нам достичь глубокого понимания самих себя и окружающего мира. Они помогают нам переключаться между особенностями (деталями) ситуации и гештальтом (общей картиной), постоянно ломая и перестраивая наши системы отсчета. Они помогают нам подчеркнуть нашу значимость в ландшафтном дизайне, то, что мы считаем актуальным, на что нам следует обратить внимание. Они создают благодатную почву для озарения, для моментов “ага”, когда мы чувствуем, что постигли что-то истинное и значительное в реальности. Эти практики связаны не только с обладанием пропозициональными знаниями (знаниями о фактах), они связаны с пониманием на основе участия… знание, которое исходит из бытия (то, что Вервеке называет разницей между экзистенциальным Режимом Обладания и Режимом Бытия).
And what do people who participate in these practices report feeling? People in meditation say they understand themselves and the world more deeply. People in flow say time drops away and they achieve a state of effortlessness and selflessness. People on psychedelics say they feel cosmic connectedness. These practices give us a deep sense of connection and coherence; we feel like our being in the world is optimized. And, most importantly, people practicing in these ways are more likely to report their lives as meaningful. We’ll return to this in the back half of the course, but to sum so far: people from the Axial Age on lived within a two-worlds mythos, one that legitimized historical practices (secular and religious) that focused on participatory knowing, self-transcendence, and insight – a mythos that legitimized the cultivation of “wisdom” as seeing through illusion to true reality. Additionally, these practices increased reported feelings of meaning in life.
Domicide and other historical factors start to erode the fabric of meaning
A number of historical factors are going to happen now that begin to undermine our mythos and our feeling “at home” in the world. Alexander the Great plunges much of the world into “domicide,” the destruction of the physical and cultural home. Our world changes radically… people travel far and wide, begin living alongside others who don’t share the same politics, language, religion, etc. Cultures thin and lose their depth. This growing disconnect between ourselves and the world leads to an uprooting. Vervaeke goes into detail about how critical our environment is to our sense of embeddedness, our sense of fitting in and meaning (we’ll see this more later). You (the agent) and your world (the arena) co-identify, you are built and sustained by and through each other. Disrupt the environment and you confuse your existential identity. Philosophical movements like Stoicism attempted to highlight the importance of this co-identification (interestingly, Stoicism arose to address the meaning crisis caused by the fall of Alexander the Great’s empire). Gnosticism also saw the situation clearly… the existential entrapment we found ourselves in.
Then, the Roman empire falls, and we are plunged into a state of despondency that will take more than a millennia to emerge from. Add to this a changing Christianity that becomes less about Agape (a profound, creative love) and more about redemption. Thomas Aquinas observes (with growing concern) that people are becoming more science-minded… that they want things to be logical. Aquinas attempts something genius, but ultimately destructive: he uses the two-worlds mythos to re-state the separation between the natural and divine worlds, but he further asserts that we can no longer ascend to the divine realm through logic, but rather only through faith. He breaks the continuum between science and spirituality, breaks the belief that you can use rationality and reason to overcome self-deception and touch ultimate reality. Now, that “higher world” is touched only through faith – and it can only be believed, not experienced. Martin Luther will further this idea in the Protestant Reformation and convince millions that they have no agency to change their situation, that all they can rely on is faith.
But let’s back up and look at what’s happening in the secular realms. Along comes the bubonic plague, which kills a third of Europe’s population and creates incredible suffering and distress. It also produces a huge labour shortage, which empowers people to sell their labour. We can, for the first time, elevate our power, wealth, and prestige through our own willpower (no religion needed)! Trade and commercialism rise to prominence. Better sea navigation is needed, so our mathematics improve. Copernicus says: “the math works better if you put the sun at the centre,” and so we do. Galileo proves that the stars and heavens move by random forces, and, further, that mathematics is the best language to explain and understand reality. We move even further away from feeling we can participate in any ultimate reality (religion and science now agree on this, but for different reasons). Descartes adds to the growing divide by giving us a new cultural grammar, one that says there are two standards of realness: subjective realness and objective realness, and that they don’t interact. He’s giving us the cultural consensus that only science can come into contact with true reality, not our participatory knowing, not our sensory experience – not the practices that formerly encouraged and allowed us to grow, transform, and self-transcend.
By the turn of the 18th century, we are ontological orphans. The universe is lifeless, cold, and indifferent. Only science and math can make sense of anything. Beauty, meaning, goodness, and purpose aren’t felt to be features of the real world, the world of objective reality. God is more and more a matter of faith, and we have no agency to save ourselves nor to connect with any absolute reality (save for the subjective reality of what’s going on inside our own heads). Meaning has withdrawn into our own minds. Throw in two World Wars, socioeconomic, political, and environmental upheaval, and you’ve got a meta-crisis on your hands.
To sum the first half of this lecture series: certain aspects of Western religious movements coupled with an increasingly scientific worldview have collapsed two worlds back into one… either because the second world cannot be accessed, or because the second world does not exist (most of us live within the scientific worldview now, and this is the one Vervaeke is most interested in re-homing ourselves within). We have, for all intents and purposes, returned to a one-world mythos because we find the other untenable and unlivable (but that other mythos was the one that legitimized the practices that cultivated meaning). Historical factors like domicide and war have further disconnected us from a reality that feels stable and secure, a disconnect that engenders meaninglessness and a sense of nihilism. But something more is happening here, and that something has to do with the nature of meaning and the features of a relationship with the world that make it feel meaningful. What we’ll discover in episodes 26-50 is that humans experience perennial problems, problems which provoke meaninglessness – problems that were ameliorated by the practices legitimized in a two-worlds mythos, and practices that (for reasons we’ll see), use the same cognitive machinery as meaning-making.
EPISODES 26-50 – Perennial Problems and Solving a Meaning Crisis
So, our two-worlds mythos is no longer a livable worldview, but it was the two-worlds mythos that gave us an account for self-transcendence, insight, wisdom, meaning, etc. In an increasingly scientific worldview, the conception of these, and the pathway to achieving them, is no longer clear (no longer legitimized in any way that grounds itself in objective reality). Vervaeke spends the rest of the series deep diving into a review of cognitive science and his own research to help provide a scientific explanation for insight, wisdom, self-transcendence, and meaning. His goal is to re-legitimize (within a scientific framework) the projects that enhance the cultivation of these things, and that’s the first step to solving the meaning crisis, to give us back a natural worldview that can afford deep meaning in life. The second step to solving the meaning crisis will be to re-engineer enlightenment, which Vervaeke conceives of as an ecology of practices that can reliably ameliorate our perennial problems, those persistent vulnerabilities that make us constantly susceptible to meaninglessness.
We’ll start with the second step first, which takes us to Vervaeke’s theory of Relevance Realization, one of his core research focuses. Vervaeke (accordingly) spends an incredible amount of time over several episodes describing this cognitive machinery (which is far more technical and detailed than I am qualified to dissect). Here’s what I boil it down to (and this is vastly over-simplified): Relevance Realization (RR) is the dynamic cognitive machinery that helps us decide what is relevant from a combinatorially explosive set of possibilities. How we do that is still somewhat mysterious, but it is a mutually constraining and affording system that integrates features like general problem solving, working memory, and consciousness to best frame our experiences. RR is how we connect with the world, how we co-construct the agent:arena relationship, and therefore how we make sense of the environment. What’s important to highlight is that your RR is not about having propositional knowledge, about having facts, or beliefs, or information, it’s about connecting and cohering with reality in a way that is skillful and participatory. One of Vervaeke’s critiques of secularism and modern religion is that they focus too much on the propositional knowing, the having of beliefs and information. What the classical Axial religions and philosophies appreciated was the importance of other kinds of knowing. There’s procedural knowing, knowing how to do something, how to enact a skill. There’s also perspectival knowing, knowing how to perceive the world… knowing how things fit together and what a situation calls for. RR is facilitating these two kinds of knowing, but RR is also a skill that we can liken to participatory knowing… knowing the right relationship with the world and having optimal fitted-ness with the environment. To illustrate with an example: Propositional knowing is knowing the rules of tennis. Procedural knowing is knowing how to swing a racket. Perspectival knowing is knowing whether to forehand or backhand. And participatory knowing is getting into the flow of gameplay, where you’re not thinking, you are just being. It’s clear why RR and participatory knowing are also about optimal connectedness.
Why does Vervaeke spend so much time developing this RR theory, articulating the different kinds of knowing that exist below the level of propositional knowledge, and emphasizing the difference between having and being? Because RR is also the machinery of meaning making. RR is the machinery that helps us make sense of the world, and that’s what meaning is, it’s sensemaking; it’s a feeling of deep connectedness, of optimal fitted-ness, of at home-ness, of belonging, of coherence… RR is the machinery of meaning-making because it’s the machinery of us, of the self, of the self and the world participating in co-creation and co-emergence. Modern ideologies and belief systems are attempts to create meaning, but they fail for an important reason: they fail because your “meaning-making machinery is not occurring at the level of your propositional knowledge, your beliefs and assertions of which beliefs you adhere to.” It’s not beliefs that give you meaning. Meaning is happening below this level, and so you cannot recover meaning by way of propositional knowledge. When we fail to appreciate that meaning is not about having but rather about being, we experience meaninglessness.
The why and how of meaninglessness – perennial problems
Почему и как возникает бессмысленность – извечные проблемы
The confusion of being vs. having is one element of meaninglessness, ‘modal confusion,’ and this modal confusion is what Vervaeke calls a “perennial problem,” something that makes us constantly vulnerable to meaninglessness. Modal confusion falls under the functional category of perennial problems; other functional perennial problems include ‘parasitic processing,’ our predisposition to negative cognitive spirals (think on the self-destructive feedback loop of depression, how that engenders feelings of despair). Another is the ‘reflexiveness gap,’ where we are behaving impulsively or with wantonness and therefore losing our agency, our ability to be a different kind of agent that couples more cohesively with the environment. The functional perennial problems of modal confusion, parasitic processing, and reflexiveness gaps all make us susceptible to meaninglessness, are a misuse (and inherent vulnerability) of our RR machinery.
Путаница между бытием и обладанием является одним элементом бессмысленности, “модальной путаницей”, и эта модальная путаница является тем, что Вервеке называет "постоянной проблемой", чем-то, что делает нас постоянно уязвимыми перед бессмысленностью. Модальная путаница подпадает под функциональную категорию постоянных проблем; другие функциональные постоянные проблемы включают "паразитическую обработку", нашу предрасположенность к негативным когнитивным спиралям (подумайте о саморазрушительной петле обратной связи депрессии, о том, как это порождает чувство отчаяния). Другой - это "разрыв рефлексивности’, когда мы ведем себя импульсивно или беспричинно и, следовательно, теряем нашу свободу воли, нашу способность быть агентом другого типа, который более тесно взаимодействует с окружающей средой. Функциональные извечные проблемы модальной путаницы, паразитной обработки и пробелов в рефлексивности - все это делает нас восприимчивыми к бессмысленности, является неправильным использованием (и врожденной уязвимостью) нашего механизма RR.
Then there’s the structural category of perennial problems, and these you’ll recognize from the historical factors we discussed (like war and domicide). Structural problems threaten connectedness, the agent:arena relationship. They come in three flavours: absurdity (feeling disconnected from the world), anxiety (feeling disconnected from ourselves), and alienation (feeling disconnected from others). These are aggravated by external environmental factors that destabilize our arena (think climate change, war, pandemics, food and water shortages, the threat of nuclear catastrophe, etc.).
Затем есть структурная категория постоянных проблем, и вы узнаете их по историческим факторам, которые мы обсуждали (таким как война и домицид). Структурные проблемы угрожают связанности, отношениям "агент: арена". Они бывают трех видов: абсурдность (чувство оторванности от мира), тревога (чувство оторванности от самих себя) и отчуждение (чувство оторванности от других). Они усугубляются внешними факторами окружающей среды, которые дестабилизируют нашу обстановку (вспомните изменение климата, войны, пандемии, нехватку продовольствия и воды, угрозу ядерной катастрофы и т.д.).
What happens when you take a tennis player and drop them on a golf course? The agent (tennis player) and the arena (golf course) no longer connect, no longer cohere. Any intelligible connection to the environment is gone (absurdity); there are no shared goals or codes of conduct (alienation); their sense of themselves as a significant player with a rational purpose is destroyed (anxiety). That’s the structural contribution to the meaning crisis… it’s when your environment no longer makes sense, when you no longer feel how you fit in or how you belong. We’ve illustrated this through domicide, the destabilization and destruction of your physical/cultural home, but you can see it in other (more transient) real-world examples like homesickness or culture shock. Meaning, like biological fitted-ness, is a relationship between agent and arena; it’s not a property, it’s a relational interaction that is co-constructed. Remember, our agent:arena fitted-ness is afforded to us by our RR (re: the skill of participatory knowing), so this category of perennial problem also connects back to the machinery of meaning-making.
Что происходит, когда вы берете теннисиста и отправляете его на поле для гольфа? Агент (теннисист) и арена (поле для гольфа) больше не соединяются, больше не согласованы. Пропала всякая понятная связь с окружающей средой (абсурд); нет общих целей или кодексов поведения (отчуждение); их ощущение себя значимым игроком с рациональной целью разрушено (тревога). Это структурный вклад в кризис смысла… это когда ваше окружение больше не имеет смысла, когда вы больше не чувствуете, насколько вы вписываетесь в него или какое у вас место. Мы проиллюстрировали это на примере домицида, дестабилизации и разрушения вашего физического / культурного дома, но вы можете увидеть это и на других (более временных) примерах из реального мира, таких как тоска по дому или культурный шок. Значение, как и биологическая приспособленность, - это отношение между агентом и ареной; это не свойство, это реляционное взаимодействие, которое создается совместно. Помните, наш агент: приспособленность к арене обеспечивается нашим RR (re: навыком совместного познания), поэтому эта категория постоянных проблем также связана с механизмом создания смысла.
The last category of perennial problems (also connecting to our RR/meaning-making machinery) is the developmental, and this is when existential inertia and existential ignorance combine to create existential entrapment. Existential inertia is when you feel stuck in an agent:arena relationship you no longer want to occupy… maybe one where you feel you’re always picking the wrong kinds of relationships, doing or saying the wrong things, or failing to live up to expectations. Existential ignorance, on the other hand, is when you don’t know which agent:arena relationship would make you most happy, would be most meaningful. Should you have kids, or travel the world? Should you live a bustling city life, or a quiet country life? Should you become a composer, or an astronaut? Existential inertia and ignorance combine to create entrapment, a state where you feel stuck, wanting to be some other way, but 1) unsure how to make that “other way” viable to you, and 2) uncertain about which way is even the right one, which existence would most fulfill you. Existential entrapment causes feelings of meaninglessness, like we’re not living the way we’re meant to be living. This can be understood within the context of our RR machinery too, because what’s missing is an “other” perspectival/participatory knowing – the failure to play at inhabiting a different worldview, a different agent:arena relationship.
Последняя категория постоянных проблем (также связанных с нашим механизмом RR / создания смысла) - это развитие, и это когда экзистенциальная инерция и экзистенциальное невежество объединяются, чтобы создать экзистенциальную ловушку. Экзистенциальная инерция - это когда вы чувствуете, что застряли в отношениях "агент: арена", в которых вы больше не хотите участвовать ... Возможно, в таких, где вам кажется, что вы всегда выбираете неправильные виды отношений, делаете или говорите неправильные вещи или не оправдываете ожиданий. Экзистенциальное невежество, с другой стороны, это когда вы не знаете, какие отношения "агент: арена" сделали бы вас наиболее счастливыми, были бы наиболее значимыми. Должны ли вы завести детей или путешествовать по миру? Должны ли вы жить шумной городской жизнью или тихой сельской жизнью? Должны ли вы стать композитором или космонавтом? Экзистенциальная инертность и невежество в сочетании создают ловушку, состояние, когда вы чувствуете себя застрявшим, желая быть каким-то другим способом, но 1) не уверены, как сделать этот “другой путь” жизнеспособным для вас, и 2) неуверенны в том, какой путь вообще правильный, какое существование принесет вам наибольшее удовлетворение. Экзистенциальная ловушка вызывает чувство бессмысленности, как будто мы не живем так, как нам предназначено жить. Это можно понять и в контексте нашего механизма RR, потому что чего не хватает, так это “другого” перспективного / партисипативного знания – неспособности играть в обитание в другом мировоззрении, в других отношениях "агент: арена".
How to solve the perennial problems
Как решить извечные проблемы
So, meaninglessness is provoked by historical factors (like domicide) and perennial problems (the vulnerabilities, especially in our RR machinery, that make us perennially susceptible to meaninglessness). We’re nearing the end now and ready to tackle the question: “how do we awaken from the meaning crisis?” Atheists and other skeptics may be slightly let down that there is no turnkey secular solution available at present (and, of course, that’s not Vervaeke’s fault), but Vervaeke can articulate what is required, and that’s: an ecology of practices that address the perennial problems, set within a mythos/worldview that legitimizes and encourages these practices. This ecology of practices is what Vervaeke calls “enlightenment.” Even though there’s no modern turnkey option, here are some examples of practices (secular and religious) that have been used to ameliorate the perennial problems (use this not as an instruction guide, but rather to approach an understanding of the ecosystem required):
Итак, бессмысленность провоцируется историческими факторами (такими как доминирование) и постоянными проблемами (уязвимости, особенно в нашем механизме управления, которые делают нас постоянно восприимчивыми к бессмысленности). Сейчас мы приближаемся к концу и готовы ответить на вопрос: “как нам выйти из кризиса смысла?” Атеисты и другие скептики могут быть немного разочарованы тем, что в настоящее время нет готового светского решения (и, конечно, это не вина Верваке), но Вервеке может сформулировать, что требуется, а именно: экология практик , решающая вечные проблемы, установленные в рамках мифа / мировоззрения, которое узаконивает и поощряет эти практики,экология практик, экология практик , решающие вечные проблемы, установленные в рамках мифа / мировоззрения, которое узаконивает и поощряет эти практики ". вечные проблемы, возникающие в рамках мифа / мировоззрения, которое узаконивает и поощряет эти практики. Эта экология практик и есть то, что Вервеке называет “просветлением".”Несмотря на то, что современного варианта "под ключ" не существует, вот несколько примеров практик (светских и религиозных), которые использовались для решения извечных проблем (используйте это не как руководство, а скорее для приближения к пониманию требуемой экосистемы).:
· Parasitic processing – practices that give you optimal fitted-ness (e.g., the Eightfold Path of Buddhism).
· Modal confusion – practices that help you rediscover the “Being” mode (e.g., mindfulness meditation).
· Reflexiveness gap – cultivating flow and applying it to the right domains of your life.
· Absurdity – practices that help you achieve a state of non-duality (e.g., Spinoza’s “Scientific Intuitiva”, Buddhism’s “Prajna”).
· Alienation – re-establishing community that shares attention and spirit, getting into flow with others (e.g., Plato’s authentic discourse, the CirclingTM Method).
· Anxiety – practices that help you internalize/indwell the sage (e.g., Plato’s inner dialogue, Christianity’s “Lectio Divina,” Carl Jung’s “active imagination”).
· Existential entrapment – practice that helps you “occupy” another worldview, that helps you embody a different reality (e.g., Gnostic practices, psychedelics, higher states of consciousness, certain therapeutic exercises like the empty chair technique, etc.).
Re-legitimizing spirituality within a scientific worldview
What’s needed to awaken from the meaning crisis is, in part, to re-establish a fully secular ecology of practices (a re-engineering of enlightenment) that can help us overcome the perennial problems that provoke meaninglessness. The practices must be secular, because we can no longer occupy a two-worlds mythos; our realities have forever converged on a single, brilliant, natural world, with no place for celestial spookiness. And the perennial problems, too, must be describable using scientific concepts of cognition, which Vervaeke has tried to do with his theory of Relevance Realization.
Vervaeke thinks we can (and must) go farther, though. It’s not enough to describe meaning, we must also have a scientific account for other spiritual elements, like wisdom, self-transcendence, and insight, all of which are tied to meaning, and all of which exemplify optimal functioning of RR. There’s an abundance of info to dig into from the series, but here are some of Vervaeke’s high-level proposals: knowledge is overcoming ignorance (propositional knowing), while wisdom is overcoming foolishness/self-deception, which is all about transframing (a perspectival/participatory skillfulness). Insight is converting ill-defined problems into well-defined problems with the right formulation and framing, such that you shift your salience landscaping and make novel connections that afford a new reality. Self-transcendence is the wise use of perspectival knowing to step outside self-referential framing.
Without a scientific accounting for these spiritual features, they run the risk of getting lost in the wash, of being de-legitimized. And seeing as how they all connect to the machinery of RR, and therefore the machinery of meaning… if we want meaning, we need them – not supernaturally conceived, but rationally realized.
The religion of no religion
We’ve seen why a belief-oriented return to religion won’t work, but when we rejected religion for its unscientific propositional dogma, we also lost the functionality of religion… the ecology of practices that helped us address our perennial problems… we lost the community, the forum for existential dialogue, and the legitimization of all this within a cohesive worldview (proper nod to the ancient philosophical movements that accomplished the same). What we need now is a religion that’s not a religion, a “Religio,” a pre-Cartesian approach that resurrects the other kinds of knowing, that re-instates the importance of being, that retains and encourages the critical facets of spirituality. Beliefs won’t be enough, because meaning doesn’t come from having beliefs, it comes from being in an optimal relationship with ourselves, with each other, and with the world. All of this speaks not to an objective reality or a subjective reality (like Descartes proposed), but a transjective reality, one in which the agent and arena can never be separated because the agent and arena are co-created, co-identifying, and fundamentally indivisible. It speaks to an appreciation of our meaning-making machinery as something with transjective value, something that is valuable because it is constitutive to valuing anything at all.
Recapture this – recapture wisdom, insight, and self-transcendence – re-engineer enlightenment, address the perennial problems, illuminate it all in the light of secular thinking, re-situate it within a world we want to belong to, strengthen it with community, and then we can awaken from the meaning crisis.
Comments (13)
This is a very flattering summary of the series.
In this whole series that runs 50 episodes and about 40 hours, Vervaeke cites none of the relevant clinical scientific studies on interventions for helping individuals who suffer feelings of meaninglessness. Springer International published a handbook reviewing this extensive body of research called Clinical Perspectives on Meaning: Positive and Existential Psychotherapy. And none of the scientists who contributed to this volume cite any of Vervaeke's "science", because he simply hasn't done any science on the topic.
This isn't a series by a scientist teaching a scientific understanding of feelings of meaninglessness and offering secular scientific solutions. This is a series by a charlatan pseudoscientist offering new age snake oil in the form of an eclectic hodgepodge of irrational spiritual practices and absurdly expensive courses on cult practices like "Dialogos" and "Circling".
This is supposedly to treat a clinical problem for which there already exists a scientific evidence-based solution that bears no resemblance to his "ecology" of practices. There's a 2021 meta analysis that found the evidence is beginning to point to narrative therapy as the most effective treatment for feelings of meaninglessness. These narratives aren't cosmological or religious worldviews, they're individual biographies. Essentially, a caring counsellor helps patients write an autobiography, which is an eminently sensible, rational, and secular way to make sense of ones life and find the meaning in it. It's an outgrowth of Logotherapy, which how in 40 hours on meaning did Vervaeke fail to even mention Frankl or logotherapy?
And there are actually scientifically researched "ecology of practices" that he might have reviewed, like dialectical behavior therapy skills and cognitive behavioral therapy skills. Again, how in 40 hours does Vervaeke not find the time to give the briefest of overviews of these?
He manifestly isn't interested in helping individuals who suffer feelings of meaninglessness. He seems mainly interested in stroking his own gigantic ego and secondarily in selling absurdly over-priced new age snake oil in the form of dialogos workshops. He also helps promote and marketing the Circling new age cult's absurdly overpriced courses.
And he's actually quite explicit about his goals in the series. They're not to understand or help any individual, but rather to diagnose and prescribe a cure "western" culture. I forget where he said it, but he once articulated his goal as to "steal the culture".
Think about the level of hubris behind that goal.
Consider how difficult the much easier task of diagnosing and treating an individual presenting to a psychotherapist. Very often patients see multiple therapists and none of them agree with either the appropriate diagnosis or treatment for the individual. That's in spite of the fact that it's feasible to run scientific experiments on huge numbers of individuals and despite the fact that large numbers of scientific studies have been done and huge archives of case studies have been compiled. This is the professional body of knowledge that psychotherapists get trained on and they still struggle to help individual.
But mister giga brains Vervaeke is too good to help individuals. He's going to treat the whole "west" despite the fact that no scientific studies are feasible and there is no professional body of knowledge for him to draw on. He has the magical power of Prajna which guides him as he cherry picks to tell a sickening narrative of the decay of the west from history. And, of course, his diagnosis and prescription for the culture are entirely unfalsifiable, so no-one will ever prove his magical Prajna insights wrong.
I think his primary aim with this series is to flatter his own ego with evidence that his 30 years of meditation hasn't been a waste of time, but has made him a super wise spiritual cultural expert that's able to save the west from its supposed spiritual degeneracy.
But I believe he has also gotten plenty of fame and wealth for his deceptive pretense. So, well done to Mr Charlatan, but he's not fooling anyone with any training in real cognitive science.
Nice work MA!
Initially, I was really taken by the way Vervaeke was approaching the topic and uniting different aspects of the evolution of our philosophical history - it felt like a genuinely useful "unlock".
But then about 20 or so eps in I was finding Vervaeke so rambling, jargon-fuelled, self-referential, low content-density, and on occasion uncomfortably evangelical, that I started to doubt that any substance would eventually emerge.
But your summary has brought me back from the edge, and given me some sign-posts to the logic that help me navigate where to dig into it further. Thank you.
(I still don't know where I sit on what he proposes, but at least now I feel like I can take a fairer and more "overall" perspective.)
I hope you derive a sense of meaning in what you have facilitated for others ;-).
I empathize, LA. There was definitely a hump in the middle that could exhaust even the most dedicated of listeners (especially once Vervaeke starts deep diving into RR). I'm glad you found the review helpful! I hope to tackle his Transcendent Naturalism series next.
thanks, this was very helpful!
Threading the series together while also stitching in different examples and ways of explaining Vervaeke language made for a powerful read.
This is outstanding. Thank you for your work and contribution.
You are very welcome, Vanessa. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment!
I stumbled upon this summary searching for a condensed version of AFTMC and I am very happy to have found this. Great job! It has also convinced me to subscribe to your blog. Keep it up!
Thanks, Nacho :) I too was searching for a condensed version and couldn't find one. I'm glad it's been a good resource for others!
What a blunderbuss of an article! This will from now on be my absolute first go-to when sharing what Vervaeke is all about.
Immensely beautiful, clear and concise.
Kudos en masse!
Thanks for the kind words, Jonas. I'm really glad people are finding it helpful.
I came upon your blog while doing fasting for Ramadan. I am a spiritual atheist. I adopt and practice traditions from religions and philosophies that ring true for me and also to experiment on how doing novel things affect me.
I have never heard of this series before. Your summary was so valuable to allow me to see this construct of spiritual and material world.
I wonder if you have insight into the role of Islam as a religion and how it is affecting people’s sympathies with the genocide in Gaza.
Also your thoughts on Marxism and dialectical materialism in context of this series.
Thank you. I subscribed to your blog.
Amazing work! Thank you for this. You really brought me some peace of mind. I was struggling with a deep sense of meaningless, had the suspicion that Vervaeke’s work might give me some clarity/relief, but wasn’t ready to watch the whole series. Your condensed version is exactly what I needed and I am deeply grateful.
Max, I'm happy to hear all the hours spent listening and distilling the content were helpful to someone! I was surprised not to be able to find a full summary anywhere (only summaries of each episode). No matter, I thought, I'll just do it myself ;)