Unit AMPMSY413 Recognise diseases and conditions during inspection of food animal: 第AMPMSY413单元 在检查食用动物时识别疾病和状况:
The test is 20 questions. 测试是 20 个问题。
Need to pass. 需要 通过。
Each question has a photo of a disease/condition and the student will need to state what the disease is and what parts can be affected. 每个问题都有一张疾病/病症的照片,学生需要说明疾病是什么以及哪些部位会受到影响。
The test will cover things like emaciation, fever, pleurisy, arthritis, Ovis, Liver Fluke etc. 该测试将涵盖消瘦、发烧、胸膜炎、关节炎、Ovis、肝吸虫等。
Because this is a Core unit it has to cover multiple species but TAFE tried to keep it as generic as possible. 因为这是一个核心单元,所以它必须涵盖多个物种,但TAFE试图使其尽可能通用。
Nature, signs and causes of pathology 病理的性质、体征和原因
Part 1 - Inflammation 第 1 部分 - 炎症
Part 2 - Physical abnormalities, emaciation and growth disturbances 第 2 部分 - 身体异常、消瘦和生长障碍
Part 3 - Pigmentations and neoplasms 第 3 部分 - 色素沉着和肿瘤
Part 4 - Poisons, fever and other miscellaneous conditions 第 4 部分 - 中毒、发烧和其他杂项
Acute - develops quickly, is intense or severe and lasts a relatively short period of time 急性 - 发展迅速,强烈或严重,持续时间相对较短
Inflammation of mammary gland & udder tissue 乳腺和乳房组织的炎症
Caused by: 引起:
various species of streptococci 各种链球菌
Signs: 招牌:
Udder swelling, heat, hardness, redness or pain 乳房肿胀、发热、变硬、发红或疼痛
Milk takes on a watery appearance, flakes, clots or pus is often present 牛奶呈水样,经常出现薄片、凝块或脓液
Mastitis 乳腺炎
Inflammation of mammary gland 乳腺炎症
Mastitis 乳腺炎
Name of the condition: Mastitis 病症名称:乳腺炎
Part/s affected: 受影响的部件:
Metritis 子宫炎
Inflammation of the uterus 子宫炎症
Cause: 原因:
Develops after giving birth (usually difficult births) 产后发生(通常是难产)
Signs: 招牌:
Animals have fever, depression, anorexia, reduced milk yield with foul smelling, reddish brown discharge from vulva 动物有发烧、抑郁、厌食、产奶量下降和恶臭、外阴分泌红褐色分泌物
Metritis 子宫炎
Inflammation of the uterus 子宫炎症
Name of the condition: Metritis 病症名称:子宫炎
Part/s affected: Uterus 受影响部位:子宫
Myositis 肌炎
Inflammation of voluntary muscle 随意肌炎症
Caused by 引起
Injury 损伤
Infection 感染
Types 类型
Acute - inflammatory changes 急性 - 炎症变化
(congestion & exudative) (充血和渗出)
Chronic - increase fibrous tissue 慢性 - 增加纤维组织
Mild cases - muscles or part of muscles are pale/white 轻度病例 - 肌肉或部分肌肉苍白/白色
Chronic Inter-myositis 慢性间肌炎
Eosinophilic myositis 嗜酸性粒细胞性肌炎
Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell with a role to defend the body against parasites 嗜酸性粒细胞是一种白细胞,具有保护身体免受寄生虫侵害的作用
Pentastomes are the larvae of tiny mites that live in the noses of dogs & can affect cattle. (Travelling throughout the muscles) 五口虫是生活在狗鼻子里的微小螨虫的幼虫,可以影响牛。(遍布肌肉)
Parasites provoke an eosinophilic reaction- hence the greenish spots 寄生虫会引起嗜酸性粒细胞反应,因此会出现绿色斑点
Affects individual or groups of muscles 影响单个或一组肌肉
Appears as well defined greenish foci 出现明确的绿色病灶
Eosinophilic myositis 嗜酸性粒细胞性肌炎
Eosinophilic myositis 嗜酸性粒细胞性肌炎
Eosinophilic myositis 嗜酸性粒细胞性肌炎
Name of the condition: Eosinophilic Myositis (E.Myo), 病症名称:嗜酸性粒细胞性肌炎(E.Myo),Myositis 肌炎
Part/s affected: Muscle tissue 受影响部位:肌肉组织
Nephritis 肾炎
Causes 原因
Chemical irritant 化学刺激物
Bacteria 细菌
Renal calculi 肾结石
Acute nephritis 急性肾炎
swelling & infiltration of white blood cells resulting in white foci 白细胞肿胀和浸润导致白色病灶
capsule can be stripped 胶囊可以剥离
Chronic nephritis 慢性肾炎
shrunken & shrivelled 萎缩和萎缩
capsule cannot be stripped 胶囊不能剥离
Nephritis 肾炎
Inflammation of kidney 肾脏炎症
Nephritis 肾炎
Name of the condition: Nephritis 病症名称:肾炎
Part/s affected: Kidney 受影响部位:肾脏
Hydro nephritis 肾积水炎
literally "water inside the kidney" - refers to distension and dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces, usually caused by obstruction of the free flow of urine from the kidney. 字面意思是“肾内的水” - 指肾盂和肾萼的膨胀和扩张,通常是由于肾脏尿液自由流动受阻引起的。
Hydronephritis 肾积水
Name of the condition: Hydronephritis 病症名称:肾积水
Part/s affected: 受影响的部件:
Uraemia 尿毒症
A raised level in the blood of urea and other waste compounds that are normally eliminated by the kidneys 血液中尿素和其他废物的水平升高,这些废物通常被肾脏排出
Three categories: 三类:
Pre-renal uraemia - decreased blood flow through the kidneys due to low blood pressure, congestive heart failure or dehydration 肾前尿毒症 - 由于低血压,充血性心力衰竭或脱水导致肾脏血流量减少
Renal uraemia - decreased kidney function caused by damaged kidneys by disease 肾性尿毒症 - 由疾病导致的肾脏受损引起的肾功能下降
Post-renal uraemia caused by obstructions such as calculi, tumours or severe infection 由结石、肿瘤或严重感染等梗阻引起的肾后尿毒症
(Carcases affected by uraemia smell like urine) (受尿毒症影响的胴体闻起来像尿液)
(3) greyness affecting lobes(can form pus) (3)影响肺叶的灰度(可形成脓液)
Enzootic chronic Pneumonia 地方性慢性肺炎
Enzootic Pneumonia active 地方性肺炎活跃
Enzootic Active Pneumonia 地方性活动性肺炎
Enzootic Chronic Pneumonia 地方性慢性肺炎
Enzootic Active Pneumonia 地方性活动性肺炎
Pneumonia active 肺炎活动
Pneumonia 肺炎
Name of the condition: Pneumonia 病症名称:肺炎
Part/s affected: Lungs 受影响部位:肺
Pleurisy 胸膜炎
Pleura is a double-layered structure made up of an inner membrane, which surrounds the lungs, and an outer membrane, which lines the chest cavity. 胸膜是一种双层结构,由环绕肺部的内膜和排列胸腔的外膜组成。
Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleura 胸膜炎是胸膜的炎症
occurs when pleural surfaces rub against one another, due to irritation and inflammation. 当胸膜表面因刺激和炎症而相互摩擦时发生。
Pleurisy 胸膜炎
Caused by range of bacteria and viruses including: 由一系列细菌和病毒引起,包括:
Mycoplasma pneumoniae (pneumonia in pigs) 肺炎支原体(猪肺炎)
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (pneumonia in pigs) 胸膜肺炎放线杆菌(猪肺炎)
Pleurisy 胸膜炎
Pleurisy 胸膜炎
Pleurisy 胸膜炎
Name of the condition: Pleurisy 病症名称:胸膜炎
Peritonitis 腹膜炎
Inflammation of the peritoneal 腹膜炎症
Caused by: 引起:
Organisms entering the cavity from diseased tissues and organs or rupture of the intestinal tract 病变组织和器官进入腔内或肠道破裂的病原体
Often followed by septicaemia 常出现败血症
Peritonitis 腹膜炎
Name of the condition: Peritonitis 病症名称:腹膜炎
Part/s affected: Peritoneum or whole carcass if generalised. 受影响的部分:腹膜或整个胴体(如果泛化)。
Nature causes of physical abnormalities 身体异常的自然 原因
Physical injury 身体伤害
Circulatory disturbances 循环障碍
Immaturity and growth disturbances 发育不成熟和生长障碍
Emaciation 憔悴
Haemorrahage 出血
Escape of blood from blood vessels 血液从血管中逸出
External haemorrahage - blood escapes to surface of the body 外部出血 - 血液逸出到身体表面
Internal haemorrahage - blood escapes into the tissue or body cavities 内出血 - 血液逃逸到组织或体腔中
Caused by 引起
injuries or wounds 受伤或受伤
increased permeability of vessel walls caused by damage from toxins 毒素损伤导致血管壁渗透性增加
Examples of circulatory disturbances include: 循环障碍的例子包括:
Anaemia - lack of red blood cells in blood caused by diseases, parasites or metabolic conditions 贫血 - 由疾病、寄生虫或代谢状况引起的血液中缺乏红细胞
Thrombosis - blood clot in a blood vessel caused by injury, disease or abnormal endocrine gland activity 血栓形成 - 由损伤、疾病或内分泌腺活动异常引起的血管血凝块
Hematoma - localized bleeding outside of blood vessels which is caused by disease or trauma & which forms a blood clot 血肿 - 由疾病或创伤引起的血管外局部出血,形成血凝块
Examples of circulatory disturbances include: 循环障碍的例子包括:
Anaemia - lack of red blood cells in blood caused by diseases, parasites or metabolic conditions 贫血 - 由疾病、寄生虫或代谢状况引起的血液中缺乏红细胞
Thrombosis - blood clot in a blood vessel caused by injury, disease or abnormal endocrine gland activity 血栓形成 - 由损伤、疾病或内分泌腺活动异常引起的血管血凝块
Hematoma - localized bleeding outside of blood vessels which is caused by disease or trauma & which forms a blood clot 血肿 - 由疾病或创伤引起的血管外局部出血,形成血凝块
Oedema is the abnormal accumulation of fluid in body tissue 水肿是体液在身体组织中的异常积聚
Oedema 水肿
According to their location, specific forms of oedema are given particular names 根据它们的位置,特定形式的水肿被赋予特定的名称
Anasarca - oedema of the connective tissue especially of subcutaneous tissue Anasarca-结缔组织水肿,尤其是皮下组织水肿
Ascites-Accumulation of oedematous fluid in peritoneal cavity 腹水-腹膜腔内水肿液积聚
Hydrothorax - Accumulation of oedematous fluid in thoracic cavity 胸腔积水 - 胸腔内水肿液积聚
Hydropericardium -Accumulation of oedematous fluid in pericardial sac 心包积水 - 心包积液在心包囊中积聚
Hydrocephalus -Accumulation of oedematous fluid in cranial cavity 脑积水 - 颅腔内水肿液积聚
Anasarca 阿纳萨卡
Caused by: Weaken heart or cirrhosis of the liver or kidneys 原因:心脏虚弱或肝硬化或肝硬化
Ante-mortem: Usually swelling of the lower parts of the animal (abdomen, brisket, udder) 死前:通常动物下部(腹部、牛腩、乳房)肿胀
Post Mortem: Fluid in connective tissue, affected areas are soggy & swollen 尸检:结缔组织中的液体,受影响的区域湿漉漉的
Anasarca 阿纳萨卡
Anasarca 阿纳萨卡
Name of the condition: Anasarca (oedema) 病症名称:Anasarca(水肿)
Part/s affected: Abdomen, thorax and brisket 受影响部位:腹部、胸部和牛腩
Thrombosis, Embolism, Infarcts 血栓形成、栓塞、梗塞
Thrombosis - blood clot formed within heart or blood vessel 血栓形成 - 在心脏或血管内形成的血凝块
Caused by injury to blood vessel 由血管损伤引起
Embolism is when a blood clot blocks an artery and cuts off blood supply to surrounding tissue 栓塞是指血凝块阻塞动脉并切断周围组织的血液供应
Infarct is the tissue (wedge shaped) that has died because its blood supply has been blocked by an embolism 梗塞是由于其血液供应被栓塞阻塞而死亡的组织(楔形)
Heart, lungs, spleen & kidneys are susceptible 心脏、肺、脾脏和肾脏都容易受到感染
Name of the condition: Infarct 病症名称:梗塞
Part/s affected: Heart, lungs, spleen and kidneys are susceptible 受影响部位:心脏、肺、脾脏和肾脏易感
Congenital Malformations 先天性畸形
Dermoid cyst 皮样囊肿
Hermaphrodite 阴阳人
Renal cysts 肾囊肿
Emaciation -signs 消瘦 - 迹象
General wasting of the musculature 肌肉组织普遍萎缩
Visceral organs look smaller 内脏器官看起来更小
Carcase will not set during chilling 胴体在冷却过程中不会凝固
Any fat visible on the carcase is brownish and jelly like 胴体上可见的任何脂肪都是褐色的,像果冻一样
Emaciation 憔悴
Emaciation 憔悴
Emaciation 憔悴
Emaciation 憔悴
Name of the condition: Emaciation 病症名称:消瘦
Part/s affected: Body and body parts 受影响的部位:车身和身体部位
Growth disturbances 生长障碍
Atrophy is the reduction in size of a body part 萎缩是身体部位尺寸的减小
Hyperplasia is the enlargement of a body part such as in cirrhosis 增生是身体部位的增大,例如肝硬化
Metaplasia is the reversible replacement of one cell type with another cell type 化生是一种细胞类型与另一种细胞类型的可逆替代
Emphysema 肺气肿
A condition where air or gas if formed in tissue 在组织中形成空气或气体的情况
Types 类型
Intestinal emphysema - condition found in mesentery intestines of pigs caused by fermentation of carbohydrates in the mesentery lymphatic vessels. 肠肺气肿 - 由肠系膜淋巴管中碳水化合物发酵引起的 猪肠系膜肠中的病症。
Pulmonary emphysema 肺气肿
Vesicular emphysema (within air sacs) 水疱性肺气肿(气囊内)
Interstitial emphysema (inside the connective tissue) 间质性肺气肿(结缔组织内)
Interstitial emphysema 间质性肺气肿
Interstitial emphysema 间质性肺气肿
Pulmonary emphysema 肺气肿
Name of the condition: Emphysema (Pulmonary and/or intestinal/interstitial) 病症名称:肺气肿(肺和/或肠道/间质)
Part/s affected: Lungs and small intestines 受影响部位:肺和小肠
Hepatitis 肝炎
Inflammation of liver 肝脏炎症
Acute 急性
(usually associated with fever jaundice) (通常伴有发热 性黄疸)
Chronic 慢性
(normal liver cells are damaged & replaced by scar tissue) (正常的肝细胞受损并被疤痕组织取代)
Portal Cirhosis 门静脉卷曲
Irritant enters liver via portal blood from alimentary tract (poisonous plants) 刺激物通过消化道门静脉血(有毒植物)进入肝脏
Affects whole liver 影响整个肝脏
Initial enlargement then shrunken 最初扩大,然后缩小
“Hobnails" appearance “Hobnails”外观
Reddish or tawny yellow (nutmeg liver) 红黄色或黄褐色(肉豆蔻肝)
Name of the condition: Portal cirrhosis 病症名称:门静脉肝硬化
Part/s affected: Liver 受影响部位:肝脏
Biliary Cirrhosis 胆汁性肝硬化
Irritant reach liver via bile duct 刺激物通过胆管到达肝脏
Usually calculi or parasites (liver fluke) 通常为结石或寄生虫(肝吸虫)
Chronic biliary cirrhosis - fibrosis & thickening of bile duct 慢性胆汁性肝硬化 - 胆管纤维化和增厚
Necrosis of the liver 肝坏死
Death of parenchyma cells of liver 肝脏实质细胞死亡
Necrosis 坏死
(i) Focal necrosis -death of cells that occurs in small, scattered patterns usually no bigger than in diameter (i) 局灶性坏死 - 细胞死亡,以小而分散的模式发生,通常不超过 直径
(ii) Diffuse necrosis - areas of parenchyma cells affected (ii) 弥漫性坏死 - 受累的薄壁细胞区域
Necrosis of the liver 肝坏死
Necrosis 坏死
Death of tissue within living animal 活体动物体内组织死亡
Common causes 常见原因
Interference with nutrition to tissue caused by cessation of blood supply eg embolism, thrombosis, pressure by a tumour 停止供血引起的组织营养干扰,例如栓塞、血栓形成、肿瘤压力
Physical agent eg heat,cold, injury 物理代理,例如热、冷、损伤
Bacteria or their toxins 细菌或其毒素
Poisons eg acids or caustics 毒物,例如酸或腐蚀性物质
Appearance: Firm, swollen, dull white or yellow in colour, Calcification can occur 外观:坚硬、肿胀、暗白色或黄色,可发生钙化
Name of the condition: Liver necrosis 病症名称:肝坏死
Fat Necrosis 脂肪坏死
Usually occurs in well conditioned animals 通常发生在条件良好的动物身上
Usually affects the omentum, mesentery & sub-lumbar fat 通常影响网膜、肠系膜和腰下脂肪
Takes form of opaque spots ( ) which join together to form large whitish masses 以不透明斑点( )的形式出现,这些斑点结合在一起形成大的白色团块
Usually occurs when fat animals are transported, there is an absences of food and there is an urgent draw on stored fat for needed energy 通常发生在运输肥胖动物时,缺乏食物,并且迫切需要消耗储存的脂肪以获取所需的能量
Fat Necrosis 脂肪坏死
Name of the condition: Fat necrosis 病症名称:脂肪坏死
Part/s affected: Fat 受影响的部位:脂肪
Caseation 凯西亚
Physical & chemical changes affecting necrotic tissue (dead tissue) 影响坏死组织(坏死组织)的物理和化学变化
Mass of degenerated cells simulating cheese 模拟奶酪的大量退化细胞
Seen in CLA, tuberculous etc 见于共轭亚油酸、结核病等
Name of the condition: CLA 病症名称:共轭亚油酸
Part/s affected: Lymph nodes some areas within the body. 受影响部位:淋巴结位于身体的某些区域。
Calcification 钙化
Calcification is the deposition of mineral salts (calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate) in dead and degenerating tissue. 钙化是矿物盐(磷酸钙、碳酸钙)在死亡和退化组织中的沉积。
Occurs as normal in old age 在老年时正常发生
Occurs in necrotic tissue 发生在坏死组织中
Particularly common in dead & degenerating tissue eg 在死亡和退化组织中尤为常见,例如
TB (gritty to cut) 结核病(坚韧不拔)
Parasitic lesions 寄生虫病变
Putty brisket (pressure causes death of tissue) 腻子牛腩(压力导致组织死亡)
Class of stock - Mainly fat cattle, sometimes fat sheep 牲畜类别 - 主要是肥牛,有时是肥羊
Caused by - Injury or pressure 原因 - 受伤或压力
Visual signs - Ranging from white cream, cheese-like consistency through to hard bony growth, depending on age of injury. 视觉体征 - 从白色奶油、奶酪状稠度到坚硬的骨质生长,具体取决于受伤的年龄。
Usually found on the point of the brisket. May involve bone, but mainly affects brisket fat 通常在牛腩的尖端发现。可能累及骨骼,但主要影响牛腩脂肪
Fatty infiltration 脂肪浸润
Storage of globules of fat within cell 细胞内脂肪球的储存
Body cells can only handle fat in the presents of and at the required level of lipotropic factors (amino-acid methionine) 身体细胞只能处理脂肪因子(氨基酸蛋氨酸)的呈现和所需水平的脂肪
Therefore cells will appear infiltrated if :- 因此,如果出现以下情况,细胞将出现浸润:
(a) In over fed animals the intake of fat exceeds the available lipotropic factors (a) 在过度喂养的动物中,脂肪的摄入量超过了可用的脂肪因子
(b) In starved animals where the lipotropic factors are deficient & cells cannot handle even a little fat (c) Pregnant animals (b)在饥饿的动物中,脂肪因子缺乏,细胞甚至不能处理一点脂肪 (c)怀孕的动物
Fatty metamorphosis 脂肪
Fatty changes in individual cells of liver & kidney 肝脏和肾脏单个细胞的脂肪变化
Cells are degenerated and lose their normal function & are only capable of storing fat 细胞退化并失去正常功能,只能储存脂肪
Fatty Infiltration 脂肪浸润
Fatty Infiltration 脂肪浸润
Name of the condition: Fatty Infiltration 病症名称:脂肪浸润
Part/s affected: Liver 受影响部位:肝脏
Fatty Degeneration 脂肪变性
Fatty infiltration can change into fatty degeneration 脂肪浸润可转变为脂肪变性
Causes 原因
disease 疾病
poison 毒
prolonged or severe fatty infiltration 长期或严重的脂肪浸润
The condition affecting the cells become irreversible, the cells are filled with fat & they lose their ability to function normally 影响细胞的状况变得不可逆转,细胞充满脂肪,它们失去了正常运作的能力
The cells become degenerated & die leaving a collection of fat globules 细胞变性并死亡,留下一系列脂肪球
Fatty Degeneration 脂肪变性
Name of the condition: Fatty Degeneration 病症名称:脂肪变性
Steatosis 脂肪变性
Overfed animal can put on excess fat and become obese 过度喂养的动物会增加多余的脂肪并变得肥胖
Obese animals may deposit fat between the muscles and muscle bundles 肥胖的动物可能会在肌肉和肌肉束之间沉积脂肪
This condition is called steatosis 这种情况称为脂肪变性
Bovine Muscular Steatosis 牛肌肉脂肪变性
Muscular steatosis 肌肉脂肪变性
Muscular Steatosis 肌肉脂肪变性
Muscular Steatosis 肌肉脂肪变性
Name of the condition: Muscular Steatosis 病症名称:肌肉性脂肪变性
Part/s affected: Muscle tissue 受影响部位:肌肉组织
Abnormal Pigmentation 色素沉着异常
Exogenous pigments (greenish-yellow) are synthesized outside of the body eg 外源性色素(黄绿色)是在体外合成的,例如
carotene A 胡萝卜素A
carotene B 胡萝卜素B
xanthophyll 叶黄素
Endogenous pigment are produced within the body itself and except for melanin and lipofuscin are derivates of haemoglobin 内源性色素在体内产生,除黑色素和脂褐素外,都是血红蛋白的衍生物
Jaundice (icterus) 黄疸(黄疸)
Bilirubin & biliverdin pigments are made in liver, spleen bone marrow & excreted by liver in the bile. 胆红素和胆绿素色素是在肝脏、脾 脏、骨髓中产生的,并由肝脏在胆汁中排泄。
Jaundice is the presence of these pigments in excessive quantities in the body 黄疸是体内过量存在这些色素
Prehepatic jaundice occurs following excessive destruction of red blood cells. Tick-borne diseases such as Babesia and Anaplasmosis cause this type of icterus 肝前黄疸发生在红细胞过度破坏后。巴贝虫病和无形体病等蜱传疾病会导致这种类型的黄疸
Hepatic jaundice occurs due to direct damage to liver cells caused by systemic infections, or chemical and plant poisoning 肝性黄疸是由于全身感染或化学和植物中毒对肝细胞的直接损害而发生的
Jaundice types Cont 黄疸类型 Cont
Obstruction Jaundice occurs when the drainage of the bile pigment bilirubin is blocked from entry into the intestine and passes into lymphatic system & reach the blood system 当胆汁色素胆红素的引流被阻止进入肠道并进入淋巴系统并到达血液系统时,就会发生梗阻性黄疸
Causes 原因
Blockage of bile duct by calculi/parasite 结石/寄生虫阻塞胆管
Narrowing of bile duct by inflammation, neoplasm 炎症、肿瘤导致胆管变窄
Mechanical pressure caused by cirrhosis 肝硬化引起的机械压力
Jaundice 黄疸
Name of the condition: Jaundice 病症名称:黄疸
Part/s affected: Carcass tissues (mainly fat and cartilage) 受影响部位:胴体组织(主要是脂肪和软骨)
Melanosis 黑变病
Melanin normal pigmentation 黑色素正常色素沉着
Melanosis is deposits of melanin in abnormal situations or excessive amounts 黑色素沉积是黑色素在异常情况下或过量的沉积
Does not affect well being of animal 不影响动物的健康
Black livers in sheep occur in mulga country where bore water is consumed 绵羊的黑肝发生在消耗钻孔水的穆尔加国家
Melanosis 黑变病
Melanosis 黑变病
Melanosis 黑变病
Melanosis 黑变病
Melanotic liver 黑色素肝
Black Liver 黑肝
Name of the condition: Melanosis 病症名称:黑变病
Part/s affected: Potentially anywhere within the carcase. 受影响的部件:可能在胴体内的任何位置。
Seedy belly 肮脏的肚子
Occurs during foetal development. 发生在胎儿发育期间。
Occurs when melanin pigmentation is distributed in the belly fat or mammary tissue 当黑色素色素沉着分布在腹部脂肪或乳腺组织中时发生
Caused by - Abnormal accumulation of the pigment Xanthine 引起原因 - 色素黄嘌呤的异常积累
Visual signs - Brownish discolouration of the heart and muscles 视觉体征 - 心脏和肌肉变褐
Class of stock - Mainly old cows and bulls 股票类别 - 主要是老牛和公牛
Xanthosis 黄肿病
Xanthosis 黄肿病
Name of the condition: 条件名称:
Part/s affected: Heart and muscles 受影响部位:心脏和肌肉
Osteo-haemochromatosis (porphyria) 骨血色素沉着症(卟啉症)
Heredity condition due to recessive gene which leads to the distribution of porphyrin metabolism(haemosiderin & haematorphyrin) 由于隐性基因导致卟啉代谢(含铁血黄素和含血素)分布的遗传状况
Bones are uniformly discoloured with reddish or blackish-brown iron bearing pigmentation 骨骼均匀变色,带有红色或黑褐色的铁色素沉着
In newly born animals the teeth may be a deep pink (“pink tooth") 在新生动物中,牙齿可能是深粉红色(“粉红色牙齿”)
Osteo-haemochromatosis 骨血色病
Abnormal odours 异味
Causes: 原因:
Sexual 性的
male animals due to hormones (boar taint in pigs) 荷尔蒙引起的雄性动物(猪的公猪异味)
Dietary 膳食
fish/fish meal fed to pigs or onion weed, peppercress, some clover and brassica species 喂给猪或洋葱杂草、胡椒菜、一些三叶草和芸苔属植物的鱼/鱼粉
Contamination 污染
environment (ammonia from leaking refrigeration) 环境(制冷泄漏产生的氨)
Metabolic 新陈代谢的
physiological and metabolic upsets (ketosis where acetone is produced by the body due to insufficient feed-lactating) 生理和代谢紊乱(由于饲料泌乳不足而由身体产生丙酮的酮症)
Neoplasms 肿瘤
Growth of abnormal cells or tissues 异常细胞或组织的生长
Caused by 引起
irritations (chemicals, UV light, radioactivity or chronic physical irritations) 刺激(化学物质、紫外线、放射性或慢性物理刺激)
viral infections 病毒感染
age and inherited susceptibility 年龄和遗传易感性
Neoplasms 肿瘤
Benign 良性
grow slowly 生长缓慢
surrounded by fibrous capsule 被纤维囊包围
do not invade surrounding tissue 不要侵入周围组织
Malignant 恶性
grow rapidly 快速增长
not surrounded by capsule 没有被胶囊包围
infiltrate deeply in surrounding tissue 深入浸润周围组织
rarely resemble their tissue of origin 很少与它们的起源组织相似
metastasise (multiply & spread ) 转移(乘增和扩散)
Metastasis 转移
Means the neoplasm spreads to a different body part from where it started 意味着肿瘤从它开始的地方扩散到不同的身体部位
Malignant neoplasms metastasise 恶性肿瘤转移
Leukaemia 白血病
Involves tissue that produces white blood cells 累及产生白细胞的组织
Increase in white blood cells in blood 血液中白细胞增加
Blood may appear milky 血液可能呈乳白色
lymph nodes enlarged 淋巴结肿大
Spleen enlarged 脾脏肿大
Liver & kidneys maybe enlarged & pale 肝脏和肾脏可能肿大和苍白
Types of tissue and neoplasms 组织和肿瘤的类型
Tissue type
Glandular Epithelium 腺体上皮
Surface Epithelium 表面上皮
Connective tissue 结缔组织
Sarcoma and with pigment 肉瘤和色素
Neural sheath that 神经鞘
surrounds the nerve 环绕神经
Epithelioma of eye 眼部上皮瘤
Epithelioma of eye 眼部上皮瘤
Animals with extensive lesion like these are to be humanely destroyed. 像这样有大面积病变的动物将被人道地摧毁。
This would also be considered an animal welfare issue and authorities notified 这也将被视为动物福利问题,并通知当局
Name of the condition: Epithelioma (cancer eve) 病症名称:上皮瘤(癌症前夕)
Part/s affected: Eye, evelid, surrounding area and potentially head's Lymph nodes if spreaded out. 受影响的部位:眼睛、眼睑、周围区域,如果扩散开来,可能还会影响头部的淋巴结。
Name of the condition: Liver Neoplasm (cancer) 病症名称:肝肿瘤(癌症)
Part/s affected: Liver 受影响部位:肝脏
Name of the condition: Kidney Neoplasm (cancer) 病症名称:肾肿瘤(癌症)
Part/s affected: Kidney 受影响部位:肾脏
Renal Adenoma 肾腺瘤
Name of the condition: Kidney Neoplasm (benign) 病症名称:肾肿瘤(良性)
Part/s affected: Kidney 受影响部位:肾脏
Bovine Leucosis, Malignant lymphoma 牛白血病,恶性淋巴瘤
Cancerous growth in lungs 肺部癌变
Sarcoma 肉瘤
Malignant Neoplasm 恶性肿瘤
Lymphosarcoma 淋巴肉瘤
Lymphosarcoma 淋巴肉瘤
Neurofibroma in heart 心脏神经纤维瘤
Osteosarcoma 骨 肉瘤
Melanoma in pig skin 猪皮肤黑色素瘤
Melanoma 黑色素瘤
Melanoma 黑色素瘤
Bovine liver melanoma 牛肝黑色素瘤
Telangiectasis 毛细血管扩张症
Selective destruction of hepatic cells lining the sinusoids (capillary spaces in liver tissue) 选择性破坏窦内壁的肝细胞(肝组织中的毛细血管间隙)
Caused by toxins (feedlot animals susceptible) 由毒素引起(饲养场动物易感)
Resulting in expansion in size of sinusoids 导致正弦曲线尺寸的扩大
Appears as dark bluish-black spots on surface 表面表现为深蓝黑色斑点
Empting of blood during bleeding results in the surface of the lesion becoming depressed below surface of surrounding tissue 出血时排空血液导致病变表面在周围组织表面以下凹陷
Telangiectasis 毛细血管扩张症
Name of the condition: Telangiectasis 病症名称:毛细血管扩张症
Part/s affected: Liver 受影响部位:肝脏
In what ways can food animals be poisoned 食用动物会以何种方式中毒
Biological (natural) poisons 生物(天然)毒物
plants 植物
fungi 真菌
mould 模子
bacterial toxins 细菌毒素
venom or other body fluid from other animals, birds, reptiles, fish and insects 来自其他动物、鸟类、爬行动物、鱼类和昆虫的毒液或其他体液
heavy metals in the soil such as selenium or organophosphates 土壤中的重金属,如硒或有机磷酸盐
In what ways can food animals be poisoned 食用动物会以何种方式中毒
Industrial (anthropogenic) poisons 工业(人为)毒物
medication such as foot bath chemical 药物,如足浴化学品
supplementary feeds such as those containing copper 补充进料,例如含铜的进料
equipment used such as lead from batteries 使用的设备,例如电池中的铅
Signs of poisoning 中毒迹象
sudden death 猝死
sensitivity to light 对光敏感
chronic diseases such as emaciation 慢性疾病,如消瘦
abnormal behaviour such as head pressing 按头等异常行为
respiratory distress 呼吸窘迫
diarrhoea 腹泻
hair loss 脱发
haemorrhage or bleeding 出血或出血
break down of the blood called haemolysis 血液分解称为溶血
liver necrosis 肝坏死
Fever(pyrexia) 发烧(发热)
When poisons or organisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa) enter body generally, a systemic reaction known as fever occurs 当毒物或生物体(细菌、病毒、原生动物)进入人体时,会发生称为发烧的全身反应
Symptoms of fever 发烧的症状
Inflammation of mucus membranes (gums, around eye) 粘膜(牙龈、眼睛周围)发炎
Increase blood supply 增加血液供应
Increase heart rate 提高心率
(reddening of body & increase temperature) (身体变红和体温升高)
Metabolic processes speed up 代谢过程加速
(respiration) (呼吸)
Addition fluid loss by sweating & urination (dehydration & increase thirst - mucous membranes appear dull) 出汗和排尿导致的补充液体流失(脱水和口渴增加 - 粘膜显得迟钝)
Signs of fever 发烧迹象
Reddening of carcase 胴体变红
Enlargement & reddening of lymph nodes 淋巴结肿大和变红
Enlargement & reddening of body organs 身体器官的增大和变红
Ecchymotic haemorrhages (increase heart rate & increase blood supply- leaking from small capillaries) 瘀斑性出血(增加心率和增加血液供应 - 从小毛细血管渗漏)
Carcase will not set as all glycogen used up 胴体不会凝固,因为所有的糖原都用完了
Pyaemia - pus forming organisms in blood stream forming abscesses in which ever organ they lodge 脓血症 - 在血液中形成脓液的生物体,形成脓肿,它们停留在哪个器官中
The following are other conditions that meat safety inspectors may encounter when performing their duties 以下是肉类安全检查员在履行职责时可能遇到的其他情况
Gangrene 坏疽
When tissue becomes necrotic it is no longer under the protection of body systems which allows putrefactive organisms to enter 当组织坏死时,它不再受到身体系统的保护,从而允许腐烂的生物进入
Types of gangrene 坏疽的类型
- Wet gangrene - 湿性坏疽
Gas gangrene 气性坏疽
Internal gangrene 内坏疽
Types of Gangrene 坏疽的类型
Moist or wet gangrene caused by a serious bacterial infection 由严重细菌感染引起的湿性或湿性坏疽
No evaporation, moisture assist rapid bacteria growth 不蒸发,水分有助于细菌快速生长
There is no demarcation between affected/unaffected 受影响/未受影响之间没有界限
Dry gangrene caused by lack of circulation in an injured or diseased area 干性坏疽由受伤或患病部位血液循环不足引起
Evaporation occurs, little fluid and the bacteria grow slowly 蒸发发生,液体很少,细菌生长缓慢
There is clear demarcation between affected/unaffected 受影响/未受影响之间有明确的界限
Dry Gangrenous Mastitis 干性坏疽性乳腺炎
Dry Gangrenous Mastitis 干性坏疽性乳腺炎
Types of Gangrene cont- 坏疽的类型
Gas gangrene is a bacterial infection that produces gas within tissues. Usually caused by Clostridium perfringens bacteria 气性坏疽是一种细菌感染,可在组织内产生气体。通常由产气荚膜梭菌引起
Internal gangrene can develop when the blood flow to an internal organ is blocked. It can affects one or more organs, most commonly the intestines, gallbladder or appendix 当流向内脏器官的血流受阻时,就会发生内坏疽。它可以影响一个或多个器官,最常见的是肠道、胆囊或阑尾
Gangrene 坏疽
Umbilical gas gangrene 脐带气性坏疽
Intestinal gangrene 肠坏疽
Echymosis 瘀斑
Caused by 引起
stress prior to death 死前压力
poor stunning 可怜的惊艳
agonal struggle (death throws) 痛苦的挣扎(死亡投掷)
delay between stunning & bleeding 眩晕和出血之间的延迟
high blood pressure resulting rupture of capillaries 高血压导致毛细血管破裂
Common sites 常用网站
diaphragm 隔膜
abdominal muscles 腹部肌肉
Ecchymosis 瘀斑
Lithiasis 结石
Condition in which stone like concretions (calculi) are deposited in ducts or organs. 结石状结核(结石)沉积在管道或器官中的状况。
Uterus becomes inflamed, inverted & hangs outside the vulva 子宫发炎,内陷并悬挂在外阴外
Prolapse 下垂
Bone taint 骨质异味
Class of stock All classes may be affected. Mainly found in heavy cattle, large pigs. 股票类别 所有类别都可能受到影响。主要见于重牛、大猪。
Caused by Growth spoilage bacteria, generally Clostridia, in the deep muscle as a result of poor chilling. 由生长腐败细菌(通常是梭状芽胞杆菌)引起的,由于冷却不良,在深层肌肉中。
Visual signs Usually found in boning room in deep muscle, e.g. knuckle, inside, outside, blade. Characterised by putrid, sour odours and green discolouration. 视觉体征 通常见于深层肌肉的骨骼室,例如指关节、内侧、外侧、刀片。以腐烂、酸味和绿色变色为特征。
PSE Meat - watery pork PSE 肉 - 水猪肉
Class of stock - Pigs. 股票类别 - 猪。
Caused by - Acute stress and genetic susceptibility. 引起原因 - 急性应激和遗传易感性。
Visual signs - Pale, soft exudative or dripping meat, especially loin, eye fillet, leg. 视觉体征 - 苍白,柔软的渗出或滴落的肉,尤其是里脊肉,眼片,腿。
Tutorial 13 Nature, life cycle and signs of common parasitic diseases in food animals 教程 13 食用动物常见寄生虫病的性质、生命周期和体征
Parasites affect their host 寄生虫影响宿主
Consuming the tissue of the host eg blood sucking ticks 消耗宿主的组织,例如吸血蜱虫
Absorbing food intended for the host eg tape worms 吸收宿主的食物,例如绦虫
Causing blockages eg liver fluke in bile ducts 导致阻塞,例如胆管中的肝吸虫
Causing irritation eg lice 引起刺激,例如虱子
Their general activity resulting in debilitation & possible death of the host 它们的一般活动导致宿主衰弱和可能死亡
Parasite/Host relationships 寄生虫/宿主关系
Obligate parasite depends completely on the host to complete its life cycle 专性寄生虫完全依赖宿主来完成其生命周期
Facultative parasite do not absolutely rely on any host to complete its life cycle 兼性寄生虫并不绝对依赖任何宿主来完成其生命周期
Direct life cycles involve one host 直接生命周期涉及一个主机
Indirect life cycles involve at least one intermediate host 间接生命周期涉及至少一个中间宿主
Types 类型
Ectoparasites are parasites who live on the outside of their host such as fleas 体外寄生虫是生活在宿主外部的寄生虫,例如跳蚤
Endoparasites are parasites who live inside their host such as round worms 内寄生虫是生活在宿主体内的寄生虫,例如蛔虫
Overview 概述
This session provides an overview of parasites that affect food animals 本课程概述了影响食用动物的寄生虫
A more extensive outline of parasites will be covered in the "Perform ante & post mortem inspection" units for the specific species 在针对特定物种的“进行前后验尸”单元中将涵盖更广泛的寄生虫概述
External 外部
(Ecto-parasites) (体外寄生虫)
Numerous external parasites are found in food animals and some are of practical importance to meat safety inspectors such as Arthropods 在食用动物中发现了许多外部寄生虫,其中一些对肉类安全检查员具有实际意义,例如节肢动物
Arthropods 节肢动物
Arthropods are invertebrates with jointed legs 节肢动物是具有关节腿的无脊椎动物
Two classes which are important to meat safety inspectors 对肉类安全检查员很重要的两类
Class I - Insecta (divided into head, thorax & abdomen) Class II - Arachinida (blood sucking insects) 第一类 - 昆虫纲(分为头部、胸部和腹部) 第二类 - 花莲科(吸血昆虫)
Class I - Insecta (divided into head, thorax & abdomen) 第一类 - 昆虫(分为头部、胸部和腹部)