这是用户在 2025-1-14 18:03 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/345c4dc3-6412-4cfd-8b47-11494570992d 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?

CHINA CONSTRUCTION BANK  中国建设银行Jia 26#  嘉26#Fuchengmenwai Street,  阜成门外大街Xicheng District Beijing  北京市西城区100037, China  100037, 中国

Attn.: Mingtong Sui  联系人:隋明通
Tel.: +86 13426487901  电话:+86 13426487901
Email: suimingtong.bj@ccb.com
邮箱: suimingtong.bj@ccb.com
Gland, 12 November 2024  腺体,2024 年 11 月 12 日
Reference number: FY25/WWF-INT-CH/CC/2
Re: Update in signatories
Dear Madam/Sir,  亲爱的女士/先生,
We would like to update the list of authorised signatories with immediate effect.
Account number  帐号 Currency  货币 Account name  帐户名称
11050161900000000122 CNY World Wide Fund for Nature Beijing Office
Account number Currency Account name 11050161900000000122 CNY World Wide Fund for Nature Beijing Office| Account number | Currency | Account name | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | 11050161900000000122 | CNY | World Wide Fund for Nature Beijing Office |
This letter serves to add Jamie Craig, Arun Muttreja, Vanessa Louise Villiere Hadir and Han Bin and remove Dominic O’Neill, Jean Paul Paddack, Yang Haoran, Chang Xiaofei, and Lo Sze Ping with immediate effect.
这封信的目的是增加 Jamie Craig、Arun Muttreja、Vanessa Louise Villiere Hadir 和韩斌,并删除 Dominic O'Neill、Jean Paul Paddack、杨浩然、常晓飞和卢思平,立即生效。
Please note that:  请注意:
a. All operations require joint signatories, and no signatory can sign alone.

b. The individuals listed below are only authorised to approve withdrawals, payments, transfers and foreign exchange transactions at spot rates.

c. Any instructions to open and close accounts, amend signatory arrangements, contract loans, extend guarantees or incur overdrafts under the name of WWF - Worldwide Fund For Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund) must be notified to the bank in the form of an original letter signed by two of the following authorised signatories: Kathryn Ann Blogg, Hariklia Monoyios, Sanne Henrietta Wendes, and Jamie Craig. No one else has these authorisations regardless of urgency.
c.任何以 WWF - 世界自然基金会(前身为世界自然基金会)名义开立和关闭账户、修改签字安排、签订贷款合同、提供担保或进行透支的指示,必须以签署的原始信件的形式通知银行由以下两位授权签署人签署:Kathryn Ann Blogg、Hariklia Monoyios、Sanne Henrietta Wendes 和 Jamie Craig。无论紧急程度如何,其他人都没有这些授权。

d. This letter is not valid without the following signatory table.

e. All amendments hereby stated are effective as of the date of receipt of this letter by the bank. WWF - World Wide Fund for Nature (Formerly World Wildlife Fund) declines all responsibility for any instruction executed in violation with the terms of this letter.
e.特此声明的所有修订自银行收到本函之日起生效。 WWF - 世界自然基金会(原世界野生动物基金会)对任何违反本函条款执行的指令不承担任何责任。
Group  团体

姓名 出生日期 国籍 居住国家
Date of birth
Country of Residence
Name Date of birth Nationality Country of Residence| Name | | :--- | | Date of birth | | Nationality | | Country of Residence |
Specimen of signatures  签名样本 Joint signatures Signatory limits CHF or equivalent value (Bank Limits)
联合签名 签名人限制瑞士法郎或等值金额(银行限制)

凯瑟琳·安·布洛格 1965年2月25日 国籍:英国 居住地:瑞士
Kathryn Ann Blogg
Nationality: British
Residence: Switzerland
Kathryn Ann Blogg 25/02/1965 Nationality: British Residence: Switzerland| Kathryn Ann Blogg | | :--- | | 25/02/1965 | | Nationality: British | | Residence: Switzerland |
Signature already on file

A组无限制 A、B 组最高 500'000 瑞士法郎 A、B、C 组最高 200'000 瑞士法郎
Without limits with group A
Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B
Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C
Without limits with group A Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C| Without limits with group A | | :--- | | Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B | | Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C |

杰米·克雷格 20/02/1975 国籍:加拿大 居住地:瑞士
Jamie Craig 20/02/1975
Nationality: Canadian Residence: Switzerland
Jamie Craig 20/02/1975 Nationality: Canadian Residence: Switzerland| Jamie Craig 20/02/1975 | | :--- | | Nationality: Canadian Residence: Switzerland |
Without limits with group A Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C
A 组无限制 高达 500'000 瑞士法郎。- A、B 组 高达 200'000 瑞士法郎。- A、B、C 组

阿伦·穆特雷贾 27/05/1959 国籍:印度 居住地:香港
Arun Muttreja 27/05/1959
Nationality: Indian
Residence: Hong Kong
Arun Muttreja 27/05/1959 Nationality: Indian Residence: Hong Kong| Arun Muttreja 27/05/1959 | | :--- | | Nationality: Indian | | Residence: Hong Kong |

不受团体限制 A A AA A、B 组最高 500'000 瑞士法郎。A、B、C 组最高 200'000 瑞士法郎
Without limits with group A A AA
Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B
Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C
Without limits with group A Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C| Without limits with group $A$ | | :--- | | Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B | | Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C |

凡妮莎·路易丝·维利埃·哈迪尔 28/07/1983 国籍:法国 居住地:法国
Vanessa Louise Villiere Hadir 28/07/1983
Nationality: French
Residence: France
Vanessa Louise Villiere Hadir 28/07/1983 Nationality: French Residence: France| Vanessa Louise Villiere Hadir 28/07/1983 | | :--- | | Nationality: French | | Residence: France |
Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C
A、B 组最高 500'000 瑞士法郎。A、B、C 组最高 200'000 瑞士法郎

卢论彦 22/05/1975 国籍:中国 居住地:中国
Lu Lunyan 22/05/1975
Nationality: Chinese
Residence: China
Lu Lunyan 22/05/1975 Nationality: Chinese Residence: China| Lu Lunyan 22/05/1975 | | :--- | | Nationality: Chinese | | Residence: China |
Signature already on file
Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C
A、B 组最高 500'000 瑞士法郎。A、B、C 组最高 200'000 瑞士法郎

刘东新 1980年10月25日 国籍:中国 居住地:中国
Liu Dongxin 25/10/1980
Nationality: Chinese
Residence: China
Liu Dongxin 25/10/1980 Nationality: Chinese Residence: China| Liu Dongxin 25/10/1980 | | :--- | | Nationality: Chinese | | Residence: China |
Signature already on file
Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 50'000.- with group A, B, C
A、B 组最高 200'000 瑞士法郎 最高 50'000 瑞士法郎。- A、B、C 组
C Zhou Fei 31/07/1962 Nationality: Chinese Residence: China
周菲 1962年7月31日 国籍:中国 居住地:中国
Signature already on file
Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 50'000.- with group A, B, C
高达 200'000 瑞士法郎 - A、B 组 高达 50'000 瑞士法郎 - A、B、C 组

韩斌 1976年11月18日 国籍:中国 居住地:中国
Han Bin
Nationality: Chinese
Residence: China
Han Bin 18/11/1976 Nationality: Chinese Residence: China| Han Bin | | :--- | | 18/11/1976 | | Nationality: Chinese | | Residence: China |
f | s s | f | s s | f|*ss|f|\cdot s s| Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 50'000.- with group A, B, C
高达 200'000 瑞士法郎 - A、B 组 高达 50'000 瑞士法郎 - A、B、C 组
Group "Name Date of birth Nationality Country of Residence" Specimen of signatures Joint signatures Signatory limits CHF or equivalent value (Bank Limits) A "Kathryn Ann Blogg 25/02/1965 Nationality: British Residence: Switzerland" Signature already on file "Without limits with group A Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C" A "Jamie Craig 20/02/1975 Nationality: Canadian Residence: Switzerland" https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_14_402686b5f4b8a0df8b89g-2.jpg?height=199&width=315&top_left_y=781&top_left_x=848 Without limits with group A Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C A "Arun Muttreja 27/05/1959 Nationality: Indian Residence: Hong Kong" https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_14_402686b5f4b8a0df8b89g-2.jpg?height=144&width=413&top_left_y=1017&top_left_x=848 "Without limits with group A Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C" B "Vanessa Louise Villiere Hadir 28/07/1983 Nationality: French Residence: France" https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_14_402686b5f4b8a0df8b89g-2.jpg?height=210&width=345&top_left_y=1212&top_left_x=892 Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C B "Lu Lunyan 22/05/1975 Nationality: Chinese Residence: China" Signature already on file Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C C "Liu Dongxin 25/10/1980 Nationality: Chinese Residence: China" Signature already on file Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 50'000.- with group A, B, C C Zhou Fei 31/07/1962 Nationality: Chinese Residence: China Signature already on file Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 50'000.- with group A, B, C C "Han Bin 18/11/1976 Nationality: Chinese Residence: China" f|*ss| Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 50'000.- with group A, B, C| Group | Name <br> Date of birth <br> Nationality <br> Country of Residence | Specimen of signatures | Joint signatures Signatory limits CHF or equivalent value (Bank Limits) | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | A | Kathryn Ann Blogg <br> 25/02/1965 <br> Nationality: British <br> Residence: Switzerland | Signature already on file | Without limits with group A <br> Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B <br> Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C | | A | Jamie Craig 20/02/1975 <br> Nationality: Canadian Residence: Switzerland | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_14_402686b5f4b8a0df8b89g-2.jpg?height=199&width=315&top_left_y=781&top_left_x=848) | Without limits with group A Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C | | A | Arun Muttreja 27/05/1959 <br> Nationality: Indian <br> Residence: Hong Kong | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_14_402686b5f4b8a0df8b89g-2.jpg?height=144&width=413&top_left_y=1017&top_left_x=848) | Without limits with group $A$ <br> Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B <br> Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C | | B | Vanessa Louise Villiere Hadir 28/07/1983 <br> Nationality: French <br> Residence: France | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_14_402686b5f4b8a0df8b89g-2.jpg?height=210&width=345&top_left_y=1212&top_left_x=892) | Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C | | B | Lu Lunyan 22/05/1975 <br> Nationality: Chinese <br> Residence: China | Signature already on file | Up to CHF 500'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B, C | | C | Liu Dongxin 25/10/1980 <br> Nationality: Chinese <br> Residence: China | Signature already on file | Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 50'000.- with group A, B, C | | C | Zhou Fei 31/07/1962 Nationality: Chinese Residence: China | Signature already on file | Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 50'000.- with group A, B, C | | C | Han Bin <br> 18/11/1976 <br> Nationality: Chinese <br> Residence: China | $f\|\cdot s s\|$ | Up to CHF 200'000.- with group A, B Up to CHF 50'000.- with group A, B, C |
and wildlife.  和野生动物。
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by returning this document duly signed and stamped to co.banking.support@wwfint.org. Wang Minghua (mhwang@naturefriend.org ) remains at your disposal should you need additional information.
请将已正式签名并盖章的本文件寄回至co.banking.support@wwfint.org ,以确认已收到本信函。如果您需要更多信息,王明华 ( mhwang@naturefriend.org ) 随时为您服务。
Yours faithfully,  此致,
Chief Operating Officer  首席运营官
WWF-WORLD WIDE FUND FOR NATURE (Formerly: World Wildlife Fund)

Kathryn Ann Blogg  凯瑟琳·安·布洛格

Senior Director, Finance  财务高级总监
WWF-WORLD WIDE FUND FOR NATURE (Formerly: World Wildlife Fund)
Acknowledgement of receipt by the bank:
Name:  姓名:
Position:  位置:
Date:  日期:
Please send to: co.banking.support@wwfint.org
请发送至: co.banking.support@wwfint.org
Working to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people