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除国寿外,上市同业均全面切换新准则 Except for China Life, all listed peers have fully switched to the new standards.
China Life will officially implement the new regulations on January 1, 2026, after regulatory reporting. Before that, A-share annual reports will be disclosed based on the old regulations, and H-share annual reports will adopt the new regulations.

> 除太平外,其余同业对新准则的关注度不高 > Except for Ping An, other peers have low attention to the new regulations.

Ping An elaborated on the impact of the new regulations on the company's development strategy at the performance release conference, while other peers did not express any opinions on the new regulations.

> 部分同业新准则下仍关注营运利润 Under the new guidelines, some peers still focus on operating profit

The main fluctuation item of net profit under the new guidelines is investment income. Under the operating profit system, investment income is stable, and operating profit is steady. Ping An, AIA, and PICC focus on operating profit.

年报披露 Annual report disclosure

Net profit generally declined, mainly due to the decline in underwriting profit, with the decline affected by the year-on-year decrease in investment profit.

Mainly affected by the switch of financial instrument standards and the volatility of the domestic capital market, the overall profit of listed peers decreased by about 20%.

> 个别公司的承保利润呈现个性化表现 > Individual companies' underwriting profits show personalized performance.

人保、阳光的亏损合同和营运经验金额较大,不适用技术层面 “承保利润主要来自合同服务边际释放" 的结论。
Loss contracts and operating experience of PICC and Sunshine have a large amount, not suitable for the conclusion "underwriting profit mainly comes from contract service margin release" at the technical level.

年报较半年报披露更详尽 The annual report is more detailed than the semi-annual report disclosure.

Except for China Life and Sunshine, other listed peers basically disclose the appendix as required by the guidelines. Loss contracts, operating experience, and other data can be obtained by processing the appendix.

品质与经验 Quality and experience

Insurance service revenue: Is the conclusion that individual top companies have large changes in trend still valid

The conclusion still holds. Under the condition that the revenue under the new rules is confirmed with insurance services and there is no significant change in business structure, insurance services remain stable. The increase in revenue of China Life mainly comes from the increase in the proportion of CSMSIACF㧐 sales. It is understood that China Life has made technical adjustments to the amortization ratio of CSM and IACF, accelerating the amortization speed; the decrease in revenue of New China mainly comes from the decrease in the amortization ratio of CSM. It is understood that there have been significant changes in the business structure of New China, and the amortization amount of CSM in health insurance business has decreased year-on-year.

Net profit: except for the Bank of England, the net profits of other peers have generally decreased, mainly due to the decline in investment income, in line with expectations

Due to the switch of financial instrument standards and the volatility of the domestic capital market, the net profits of peers have generally decreased.

In 2022, most peers measure the asset side under the old standards, with little impact of equity market on financial investment income, resulting in higher investment income; in 2023, financial investment income is measured under the new standards, with increased exposure of equity market, coupled with unfavorable equity changes in the same year, bringing significant pressure on investment profits compared with the previous year. (For investment profit data, see Appendix 1). In addition, the investment environment of the Bank of England differs significantly from that of domestic peers, and its substantial increase in investment profits provides strong momentum for net profit growth.
*注:除太平、平安外,同业均选择2022年投资收益数据不追溯新准则 2022 - 2023
*Note: Except for Taiping and Ping An, all peers choose not to retrospect the 2022 investment income data under the new criteria 2022 - 2023
\section*{界喵态巫 承保利润:半数公司平稳,国寿、新华的变动主要来自
\section*{Boundary Cat Witch Underwriting Profit: Half of the companies remain stable, with the main changes in China Life and New China Life coming from
一般而言,承保利润主要来自合同服务边际 (CSM) 摊销。
Generally, underwriting profit mainly comes from the amortization of the Contractual Service Margin (CSM).
The underwriting profits of China Life/PICC are on the rise/fall with the changes in CSM sales;
The amortization of CSM of Ping An, Tai Ping, PICC and CPIC is stable, and the net underwriting profits fluctuate slightly with operating experience variances.
The operating experience variances and high proportion of loss contracts of PICC and Sun Life lead to dramatic fluctuations in underwriting profits.
The new business contribution is the main driver of the marginal growth of contract services, ranking high in the Ping An list.
In terms of amortization ratio, China Life and New China have seen changes, while the rest of the industry remains stable.
The CSM amortization ratio largely determines key financial performance under the new guidelines, including insurance service revenue, underwriting profit, and contract service margins.
The new guidelines for disclosure transparency, which adjust the amortization ratio to regulate financial performance, will gradually disappear as the market deepens its understanding of the new guidelines.
Note: 1. The marginal balance of contract services is based on direct insurance contract criteria. 2. The proportion of new business contribution = new business CSM / initial CSM

New business losses: New business losses of Xinhua, PICC, and Taiping new business account for a relatively high proportion, and the impact of declining interest rates has worsened compared to the same period last year

新业务亏损占比  Proportion of new business losses
新华  Xinhua
受利率下行影响,2023年同业新业务普遍承压,多数同业新业务亏损占比上涨。 2023 上半年太寿的新业务亏损占比 ,年底忡销人事费用新业务亏损占比大幅改善。
Due to the impact of the downward interest rate, the new business of the same industry in 2023 is generally under pressure, and the proportion of losses in most new businesses of the same industry is increasing. In the first half of 2023, the proportion of new business losses of Taishou , and by the end of the year, the proportion of new business losses in personnel expenses has improved significantly.
The proportion of loss-making contracts of PICC has dropped significantly, mainly due to the optimization of business structure.
期交新业务规模显著增加 ,夏交新业务规模小幅下降
The scale of new business in the period is significantly increased , while the scale of new business in the summer is slightly decreased .
2023年度结果 太平 平安 国寿 太保 新华 人保 阳光 友邦
新业务CSM 143.6 389.5 未披露 117.3 61.7 156.0 未披露 494.2
Note: The red part is based on the economic assumption adjustment before the calculation of NBV, and Taiping, Ping An, Taibao, and Xinhua all use the 2022 economic assumption quantity to calculate the 2023 NBV in the annual report disclosure to show year-on-year data.

> 平安、太保的新业务CSM与NBV较为接近,太寿、新华、人保和友邦的新业务CSM显著高于NBV。
> The new business CSM and NBV of Ping An and Taibao are relatively close, while the new business CSM of Taishou, Xinhua, PICC, and AIA are significantly higher than NBV.

Conduct peer exchange with Ping An on the new business CSM/NBV of the new indicator, and study the relationship between the NBV based on economic assumption adjustment and the new business CSM:
调整资本成本差异新业务CSM/NBV差异分析 Analysis of the difference between adjusted capital costs and new business CSM/NBV differences
The main difference between the CSM/NBV indicators of Taiping and Ping An's new business comes from the different levels of capital costs.
业务结构、价值体系下的主动管理行为等因素也会对新业务 CSMSNBV的大小关系产生影响,不同年份、不同公司之间差异的主导因素亦有不同。
Factors such as business structure, value system, and proactive management behavior will also affect the relationship between the new business CSM and NBV, and the dominant factors of differences between different years and different companies are also different.

Comparison of new business growth rates: PICC has the fastest new business growth rate, with the CSM growth rate of most peer companies lower than the NBV growth rate.

单位:亿元 Unit: Billion Yuan
注:针对 同比,太平、平安、太保、新华采用22年假设测算23年结果; 国寿、人保、阳光采用23年假设追溯22年结果。
Note: Regarding the year-on-year comparison of , Ping An, China Pacific, Taiping, and New China Life use the 22-year assumption to calculate the 23-year results; China Life, PICC, and Sunshine Insurance use the 23-year assumption to retrospect the 22-year results.
人保新业务增速排名第一。一方面,长险新业务规模增长 ; 另一方面,结构改善,期交保费增加 新业务CSM与NBV均反映新业务的盈利能力,但在成分与计量上存在差异:
PICC ranks first in the growth rate of new business. On the one hand, the scale of new business in life insurance has increased by ; on the other hand, there is an improvement in structure, with an increase in annual premium and in new business CSM and NBV both reflecting the profitability of new business, but there are differences in components and measurements:
成分 资本成本 不考虑 考虑
所得税 不考虑 考虑
计量 经济假设 无风险折现率
计量范围 长险盈利合同 全量合同
The immediate interest rate of national bonds in 2023 fell, which had a negative impact on the growth rate of new business CSM.
The investment return rate assumption used by NBV is based on the company's asset allocation and expected return rate, and is not affected by short-term interest rate fluctuations.

蝟互而 附录2: 同业三种口径下投资收益率同比 Appendix 2: Year-on-year comparison of investment return rates under three different industry calibers.

注: 平安、太保综合投资收益剔除以公允价值计量且其变动计入其他综合收益的债权类投资的公允价值变动。
Note: The comprehensive investment income of Ping An and Taibao-Zhongheng is net of the fair value changes of debt investments whose changes are included in other comprehensive income.

> 行业净投资收益率较为稳定。 The industry's net investment yield is relatively stable.

Mainly includes stable income such as interest income, dividends, stock dividends, and rental income.

> 财务投资收益率多数同业同比下降。 The financial investment yield of most peers decreased year-on-year.

受准则切换与资本市场不利波动影响。 Affected by the switch of standards and adverse fluctuations in the capital market.

>太平综合投资收益率同比大幅上升。 The comprehensive investment yield of Taiping increased significantly year-on-year.

Due to the decline in spot interest rates in 2023, the fair value change of bonds significantly increased comprehensive investment income.