Brushes and Sponges Aside from the makeup itself these are your most important tools! Sponges and brushes allow you to apply your makeup and there are so many differen kinds with different uses and benefits! My favorite tools are my blending sponge and angle brush 刷子和海绵 除了化妆品本身,这些是你最重要的工具!海绵和刷子可以让你涂抹化妆品,种类繁多,各有不同的用途和好处!我最喜欢的工具是我的混合海绵和角刷
- Primer - 初学者
Makeup primer helps prep your skin for makeup. It helps cover any imperfec tions in the skin, helps your makeup go onto your skin more evenly and makes it last longer throughout the day! The primer I use is the Coverall wet nn wild primer 妆前乳帮助为化妆做好准备。它有助于遮盖皮肤上的任何瑕疵,帮助化妆更均匀地涂抹在皮肤上,并使妆容在一天中更持久!我使用的妆前乳是 Coverall wet nn wild primer。
Concealer 遮瑕膏
Concealer is exactly what it sounds like. It helps cover up blemishes and dark marks Concealer can help color correct the skin and hide things like dark circles under the eyes. It is similar to foundation but often thicker so that it has more coverage. My concealer of choice is the color correct pro conceal from LA girl and the essence long lasting concealer 遮瑕膏正如其名。它帮助掩盖瑕疵和黑斑。遮瑕膏可以帮助修正肤色,隐藏眼睛下方的黑眼圈。它类似于粉底,但通常更厚,因此覆盖力更强。我选择的遮瑕膏是来自 LA girl 的 color correct pro conceal 和 essence long lasting concealer。
- Foundation - 基础
Foundation is the base of your makeup, it is used to create and even, uniform complexion on the skin and hide any flaws. Foundation comes in a liquid and powder form which are often used to gether with each other with the liquid as the base and the powder to set it, My favorite foundation is MAC studio Fix powder and fluid. 粉底是化妆的基础,用于在皮肤上创造均匀的肤色并隐藏瑕疵。粉底有液体和粉状两种形式,通常会一起使用,液体作为基础,粉状用于定妆。我最喜欢的粉底是 MAC Studio Fix 粉和液体。
Body Paint 身体彩绘
Body paint is paint that is safe for use on the skin, It comes in every color under the sun and there are various different kinds of paint including waterbased, grease based, alcohol based and airbrush paints. For my cosplay I use a combination of Grease paint and water based paint both from Kryolan. 身体彩绘是安全用于皮肤的颜料,颜色种类繁多,包括水性、油性、酒精性和喷枪颜料等不同类型。对于我的角色扮演,我使用的是来自 Kryolan 的油性颜料和水性颜料的组合。
- Eyeliner - 眼线笔
Eyeliner is used to draw around the eye and comes in various colors. Eyeliner is normally used to draw attention to the eyes by making them pop more! There are also various different kinds of eye liner including pencil liners, liquid liners and pens. My favorite pen liner is the Fineline eyeliner from LA Girl 眼线笔用于在眼睛周围描绘,颜色多样。眼线笔通常用于吸引注意力,使眼睛更加突出!还有各种不同类型的眼线,包括铅笔眼线、液体眼线和笔状眼线。我最喜欢的笔状眼线是 LA Girl 的 Fineline 眼线笔。
Lipstick and Lip Gloss 口红和唇彩
Lipstick and lip gloss can be applied to the lips to change the color, add shine or even just to moisturize. There are tons of different colors and types of lip cosmetics including the traditional lipstick, lip glosses, tube lipsticks and even lip stains which can last a few days. 口红和唇彩可以涂抹在嘴唇上,以改变颜色、增加光泽,甚至只是为了滋润。唇部化妆品有很多不同的颜色和类型,包括传统口红、唇彩、管装口红,甚至还有可以持续几天的唇染。
Lip Liner 唇线笔
Lip liner just like eyeliner is used to line and draw on the lips and make them pop or change the shape. Very often in cosplay with different characters we will need to change the shape of our lips and lip liners are very helpful and handy at having control over the shape! 唇线笔就像眼线笔一样,用于勾勒和描绘嘴唇,使其更加突出或改变形状。在角色扮演中,我们经常需要改变嘴唇的形状,而唇线笔在控制形状方面非常有用和方便!
-Blush -脸红
Blush or Rouge is a pinkish foundation which is often used on the cheeks to give them more color and give your face a glow. 腮红是一种粉红色的底妆,通常用于脸颊上,以增加颜色并使面部更有光泽。
- Setting Spray - 定妆喷雾
Once your entire makeup is complete you need to lock it in place. Setting spay will keep your makeup in place and let it last longer throughout the day ItI t also helps protect makeup agains smudging. I use the NYX setting spray. easy way to add cut and scar effects to makeup. When Collodium is painted onto the skin it dries and wrinkles the skin pulling it in and making it look like scar tissue. I use Collodium from Kryolan. 一旦你的整个妆容完成,你需要将其固定。定妆喷雾可以保持妆容不动,并让它在一天中持续更久 ItI t ,同时也有助于防止妆容晕染。我使用 NYX 定妆喷雾。为妆容添加切口和伤疤效果的简单方法。当 Collodium 涂抹在皮肤上时,它会干燥并使皮肤皱缩,拉紧皮肤,使其看起来像伤疤组织。我使用 Kryolan 的 Collodium。
False Lashes 假睫毛
False lashes are a fantastic way to make your eyes look bigger. Lashes come in all kinds of styles and sizes and re normally on a strip which can be ap plied to the top of your lash-line with a bit of lash glue. 假睫毛是让你的眼睛看起来更大的绝佳方式。睫毛有各种风格和尺寸,通常是一条条的,可以用一些睫毛胶粘贴在你的睫毛线上方。
Tooth Enamel 牙釉质
Tooth enamel is a kind of tooth paint which can be applied to your teeth for various effects including making it look like you lost a tooth or for a bucktooth effect. It comes in a few colors and is very easy to remove with a toothbrush. My tooth enamel is once again from Kryolan 牙釉质是一种可以涂抹在牙齿上的牙齿涂料,具有多种效果,包括让牙齿看起来像掉了一颗牙或产生兔牙效果。它有几种颜色,且用牙刷很容易去除。我的牙釉质再次来自 Kryolan。
Fake Blood 假血
Fake blood is normally a liquid inside of a bottle which resembles the color and consistency of blood. It is used for gore and injury makeup and there are hundreds of different kinds of fake blood available for you to choose from depending on what you want the blood to look like 假血通常是瓶子里的液体,颜色和稠度类似于血液。它用于血腥和受伤的化妆,有数百种不同类型的假血可供选择,具体取决于你希望血液看起来的样子。
Fangs 獠牙
Fangs are another neat makeup trick to change the shape and appearance of your teeth. Just like with everything else there are many different brands and kinds of fangs to choose from. My go to fangs for cosplay are scarecrow fangs which are super easy to use and come in a variety of shapes and sizes 獠牙是另一种很棒的化妆技巧,可以改变你牙齿的形状和外观。就像其他所有东西一样,有许多不同品牌和种类的獠牙可供选择。我在角色扮演中常用的獠牙是稻草人獠牙,使用起来非常简单,并且有多种形状和尺寸可供选择。
Pros aid is another kind of prosthetic and body adhesive. It is very similar to mastic but I find it much less messy and little bit less strong. I love to use a small amount of pros aid to apply my lashes. Just don’t use too much!
Contact Lenses
Contact lenses are lenses which change the colors of your eyes. Contact enses come in various different styles and sizes with some completely covering your eye for a black out effect. Be fore wearing contact lenses be sure to chat to your doctor and make sure you use a reputable lens company
Prepping your Skin
One of the most important steps when it comes to makeup is making sure your skin is prepped and ready for application! Having a good blank canvas to work on will enhance your final results!
Skin can sometimes get oily or flaky, I know if I don’t prep my face before I apply makeup I look like a lizard shedding it’s skin! So by cleaning and moisturizing before makeup is applied it will remove all the dead skin and dirt and leave your skin soft and smooth which will make applying makeup much easier.
There are several different types of skin and each skin type might need slightly different products that work best but here is a basic look at makeup prep!
The first thing I recommend doing when prepping for makeup is to gently exfoliate your skin! exfoliating will remove any dead skin cells and dry skin that make your makeup look rough.
Just make sure you don’t exfoliate too much or press too hard on your skin or you may cause some red spots, you just want to take off the outer layer of dirt and impurities.
Wash your Face
I then wash off the exfoliator and just rinse my face with some warm water and a face cloth. The facecloth also helps remove any remaining dead skin cells that might be hanging on!
I don’t like to use a harsh face wash before I do my makeup because it can sometimes irritate my skin which is why II just use water.
I then apply a nice thick, gentle moisturizer to my face. This makes your skin nice and soft and if there are any dry spots it will fix this and make sure your makeup doesn’t catch on them! Give the moisturizer about 5 minutes to properly soak in before starting your makeup
Foundation is the basis of your entire makeup look, it will make your skin look even and glowing and fix any imperfections you may have! If your foundation is good then the rest of the makeup that you build on top of it will be much easier.
Before applying any makeup I highly recommend using a makeup primer! Primer is used to combat shine, even out the skin and create a smooth surface for you to apply your makeup onto. It will also make your makeup last longer during the day. Just apply it evenly all over your face with clean fingers or a sponge.
Once you have applied the primer you can then start applying your liquid foundation!
While most of my other makeup I’m happy to just get at a chemist or buy whatever is cheapest, foundation is something I like to make sure is really good quality as its important to get the foundation nice and smooth.
My favorite foundation is from MAC। use the Photo fix fluid and photo fix powder which both have very good coverage!
I put a few dots of liquid foundation al over my face and then using a large blending sponge I dab the foundation all over my face until lit’s nice and evenly spread.
If you make your blending sponge damp before you use it to apply your liquid foundation 1 find it goes on smoother and the sponge will soak of the product, leaving more of it on your skin.
The next step is to lighten up underneath the eyes. For many people like myself the skin underneath the eyes can be very dark, adding a lighter concealer will brighten this up and hide any dark circles. I use a color correct concealer from LA GIRL and apply it under neath my eye in a kind of banana shape.
then take a small blending sponge and just like before with the liquid foundation I dab and blend out the color until its nice and smooth.
Now that we have applied all the liquid makeup we need to set it in place and stop it smudging. To set this and add a little bit more coverage I use my Mac powder foundation I mentioned earlier and using a dry blending sponge I apply it all over my face, patting it into the liquid makeup and setting it in place
The powder foundation will also take away any shine there may be from the liquid makeup.
Start with the powder underneath your eyes right after you do your concealer. The sooner you set the concealer under your eyes the less chance there will be of the makeu wrinkling and forming lines under your eyes
One of the most defining features of a character can be their eyebrows! Whether its a villain with a super arched brows o an anime girl with little comma brows or even a blood elf with crazy brows that grow out long to the side there are so many variations! Here are some basic tips for achieving some different looks with your brows!
Basic Brows
Before I start doing my eyebrows I make sure that I have plucked out any stray hairs with some tweezers and cut the hair short with some scissors. Having neat eyebrows makes drawing over them much easier!
then used a small brow brush to brush all the hair into the right direction.
To fill in my brows for natural characters I like to use either a brown eye shadow or a brown cream based makeup. I also use an angle brush so that I can get a nice nea line
To start drawing on my eyebrows I take my brush and draw on the shape of the line I want at the bottom of my eyebrow Once I have the bottom shape I can the start to slowly fill in the brow.
I like to work from the end point of the brow inwards. So I draw out the tail of the brow and then slowly build up the color and work my way back to the base of the brow. When I get to the base of the brow I also try not to make a harsh dark line at the end. Keeping the end of the brow a little bit lighter / softer at the base makes it look more natural
To neaten up the edges of the brow II us another angle brush and my concealer, just line around the edges which makes the lines really neat and perfect
Many characters from Games and Anime’s have strange unnaturally colored eyebrows which can be hard to match especially if you have darker brows
If you do have dark brows the first thing you’ll need to do when changing your brow color is put down a white base, You can either use a white eyeliner pencil or white body paint to do this and go around your eyebrow in the shape you want it to be with an angle brush
Once your white base has been put down you can set it in place with some translucent powder and start applying the color
My favorite thing to color eyebrows with is body paint! It’s normally very pigmented and brightly colored, so I just take a bit of paint on my angle brush and start to slowly fill in the eyebrows. If you don’t want to use body paint you can also use brightly colored eye shadow.
Does your character have completely different eyebrows to your own? Or just no eyebrows at all? Here’s how you can cover your own brows and start from scratch without shaving them off
So the first thing you want to do is take some alcohol and clean your eyebrows and your skin so that there’s no oil on them.
The next step is taking your glue stick, the purple glue stick is apparently the best for this but you just need any kind of glue stick that is relatively smooth
You are then going to take the glue and apply it onto your brow and mush the glue into your hair, then using an eyebrow brush or a spoolie you are going to start to brush and flatten the hair in the direction it grows, spreading the hair out into a kind of fan so it lays as flat as possible
Once your eyebrows have been flattened you then need to take a makeup wipe and remove any excess glue around your eyebrow, this is really important so that you don’t have a seam where the glue is
You are going to let the layer of glue dry completely and then repeat. You will take the glue stick and run it over your eyebrow, flattening any other hairs and then removing the excess around the brow with the makeup wipe.
It normally takes about 5-8 thin layers before the hair is completely covered
Applying lots of thin layers will give you a much smoother look, I know it can be very time consuming to do this but it will be worth it in the end!
If you have thicker brows and need more coverage you can also use a spatula to get some extra glue from the glue stick and then flatten it over your brows to hide the texture, using the same spatula to spread the glue evenly.
Once your brows are now covered you will then let the glue dry completely. When the glue is dry it won’t feel tacky or sticky.
This can take about 10 minutes but you can speed up the process with a hairdryer on a cool setting
When the glue is fully dry you can now take some loose powder and press it onto the brows.
This is known as “baking” and will set the glue in place and remove any moisture so that you can apply your makeup over the glue without making it sticky.
Leave the powder on for about 2 minutes and then you can brush any excess powder off.
You’ll notice you can still see the color of your brows under the glue.
To hide the dark color you need to color correct before applying your base
To correct the dark eyebrows you can take an orange tone concealer, camouflage makeup or even eye shadow and apply this just over the dark color of the brow.
You will then use your translucent powder again to set the orange makeup in place. The orange makeup will cancel out all the dark tones of your brows and when you apply foundation over it will be completely concealed.
Now that the brows are color corrected you can take concealer and apply it over the brows with a makeup sponge… I recommend using a fairly high coverage concealer so that you make sure everything is hidden.
The final step is then to apply your powder foundation and set your liquid makeup in place! Now your eyebrows will be completely hidden and you will look like an alien! You can draw and paint on top of them with whatever shape you want.
This is a very hard technique to get right and can take some practice to get used it and perfect it so if it doesn’t work perfectly the first time don’t get too despondent!
color lip liner.
My upper lip is pretty small so I like to add extra volume by over lining my lips. Over lining is when you line outside of you lips giving the illusion that your lips are fuller.
Once I have drawn on the basic shape that I want I can now add some matte nude lipstick a apply a little bit onto my top and bottom lip. Don’t worry about going right to the edge or covering your whole lip with this step.
To get my lipstick all the way to the edge of my lips and make it super neat I use a small flat makeup brush.
I take a little bit of the lipstick on the brush and paint around the edge of my lips, evening out the color and correcting all the ines so that they are perfect. I have much more control with brush compared to the lipstick right out the tube.
Eyeliner is a really easy way to change the shape of your eyes and give your makeup a certain mood! Here’s 2 different eye looks to show the difference it can make!
Subtle Wing
I absolutely love winged eyeliner! Its a really easy way to elongate your eyes and make them really pop!
To do a subtle or standard wing I normally start by taking my liquid eyeliner pen and drawing out the angle of the line I want and how long I want it to be.
I then take the same pen and line around the top of mym y eye as close to the lash line as I can.
I can then come back to the wing and connect the lines and add on and make the wing slightly larger.
For this look I also use a white eyeliner pencil to line the inside of the eye.
Using white eyeliner will make your eyes look bigger and brighter! Perfect for anime characters and Heroes!
I take my eyeliner pen and draw out the angle of the wing I want and how long I want it to be. I then start to build up the wing slowly with more eyeliner, and more and more until I’m happy with the thickness
My eyes are a little bit hooded, meaning I have a very deep set eyelid which folds inwards so for my eyeliner I can’t ever do a straight wing. A trick for hooded eyes is to draw the wing into the crease of the eye and form a pointed shape, where your eyelid will fold. This way when you open your eye the wing will look like its straight but actually it is sitting in the crease of your eye and the eyelid and the crease are just matching up!
This can take some practice but if you have hooded eyes like me it will help so much with your final look!
For this look I also used a dark eyeliner on the inside of my eyelid. This make the eye look a lot slimmer and super sultry.
Eye Shadow
There are endless possibilities when it comes to eye shadow! Here are 3 very different looks and techniques for bright colors, cut creases and super smokey eyes!
Super Bright
For very bright looks I like to use body paint because it is very opaque and pigmented but you can also use a bright eye shadow instead! 对于非常明亮的妆容,我喜欢使用身体油漆,因为它非常不透明且色彩饱和,但你也可以使用明亮的眼影代替!
I start by taking some of my pink body paint and an angle brush and applying it on the corner of my eye. I then take a small blending sponge and some more paint and blend it out. 我先取一些粉色的身体颜料和一把角刷,涂在我的眼角。然后我拿一个小的晕染海绵和更多的颜料,进行晕染。
Small blending sponges are fantastic for eye shadow because they can get the shadows very smooth and perfect! 小型混合海绵非常适合眼影,因为它们可以使眼影变得非常光滑和完美!
then take some blue paint with an eye shadow brush and apply it to the inner corner of my eye and again use my blending sponge to add more blue to the top of the eyelid, blending the colors together by dabbing and patting the sponge against my skin 然后用眼影刷取一些蓝色颜料,涂抹在我眼睛的内角,再用我的晕染海绵在眼睑上方添加更多蓝色,通过轻拍和拍打海绵与我的肌肤混合颜色
You can also use an eye shadow brush or any small brush to add cool effects like tear stains with paint really easily! 您还可以使用眼影刷或任何小刷子轻松添加像泪痕这样的酷炫效果!
The final step is to apply some false lashes and pop in my contact lenses! 最后一步是贴上假睫毛并戴上隐形眼镜!
I’ll be explaining more about false lashes as well as contacts later in this book! 我将在本书后面详细讲解假睫毛和隐形眼镜!
the lid look larger. 盖子看起来更大。
So I’m taking my concealer and an angle brush and I’m painting on the light color all around my eyelid and creating a hard line just above where my eyelid crease is 所以我拿着我的遮瑕膏和一把角刷,我在眼睑周围涂上浅色,并在眼睑褶皱上方画出一条明显的线
ou will probably need to open your eyes and check where the crease is falling while you do this. 你可能需要睁开眼睛,检查折痕落在哪里。
Just work slowly and build up the light color, carefully creating your line for your crease. 慢慢工作,逐渐加深浅色,仔细为你的眼折线勾勒出轮廓。
Once you are happy with your crease you can then take some shimmer or highlight powder and apply it to the light area to make it pop even more! 一旦你对你的褶皱满意,就可以取一些闪光粉或高光粉,涂抹在亮部,让它更加突出!
If you want to define the crease further you can also go back in with an angle brush and more dark eye shadow and draw around the crease to make a darker line and create more con rast. 如果你想进一步定义眼折,可以使用角刷和更多深色眼影回去,在眼折周围描绘出更深的线条,以增加对比度。
To finish up the look I’m adding some dark eyeliner all the 为了完成这个造型,我在眼睛周围加了一些深色眼线
way around mym y eye with mym y eyeliner pen. 用 mym y 眼线笔在 mym y 眼周围。
I’m bringing the corner of my eye into a point to make the eye look elongated 我将眼角聚焦成一个点,以使眼睛看起来更长
I can then add my false lashes and my contact lenses and the look is complete! 我可以然后加上我的假睫毛和隐形眼镜,造型就完成了!
Dark and Smokey 黑暗而烟雾弥漫
Istarted this look after I did my really dramatic eyeliner earlier but you can also save the win for the end! 我在做完非常戏剧性的眼线后开始这个妆容,但你也可以把胜利留到最后!
The first step is to take some black eye shadow primer and apply it liberally to your eyelid. 第一步是取一些黑色眼影打底膏,充分涂抹在你的眼睑上。
I can’t apply the eyeliner primer very smoothly out the tube so I take another makeup brush and blend it out. 我无法很顺利地从管子里涂抹眼线打底,所以我拿另一把化妆刷把它晕开。
I’m then taking some black eye shadow and my eye shadow brush and building the shadow onto the eye shadow primer, building up the color so that it goes super dark! 然后我用一些黑色眼影和我的眼影刷,将眼影涂抹在眼影打底上,逐渐加深颜色,使其变得非常深!
I then go back in with even more black eye shadow and a sof brush and blend the shadow out. 然后我再用更多的黑色眼影和一把柔软的刷子,把眼影晕染开。
This is now 3 layers of black so its super dark 现在是 3 层黑色,所以非常黑暗
Working with dark eye shadow sometimes you may drop some powder on your cheeks so I’m also taking my blending sponge and applying more foundation over any powder I may have dropped to cover it. 使用深色眼影时,有时会在脸颊上掉落一些粉末,所以我也会拿起我的美妆海绵,在我可能掉落的粉末上涂抹更多的粉底来遮盖它。
The last step is to add some white highlight under my brow and add a little bit of light gray to my eyelid to give the eye shadow more dimension, sometimes flat black can look a bit boring so adding in a few more tones can make the eye shadow more dynamic! 最后一步是在我的眉毛下添加一些白色高光,并在我的眼睑上加一点浅灰色,以给眼影增添更多层次感,有时平坦的黑色看起来有点无聊,所以添加更多的色调可以使眼影更具动感!
Contouring and Highlighting are great tools to help shape and sculpt your face to be perceived in a certain way, whether its raising your cheekbones, making your nose look thinner or just adding a little bit of glow to your cheeks it can take your makeup to the next level and really make it pop! 修容和高光是帮助塑造和雕刻你的脸部,使其以特定方式被感知的绝佳工具,无论是提升你的颧骨、让你的鼻子看起来更纤细,还是仅仅为你的脸颊增添一点光泽,都能将你的妆容提升到一个新的水平,真正让它更加出彩!
Highlighting 高亮显示
Highlighter powder is a super shiny powder used to brighten up parts of the face and draw attention to them!
Highlighter is normally used to emphasize the cheeks, the inner corner of the eye, the top of the nose as well as the upper lip and under the brow.
If you want a certain part of your face to be brought forward or have attention drawn to it highlighter is the way to do it!
It’s perfect for adding a really bright glow to your face
Contouring the face is normally done with colors a few shades darker than your own skin depending on how dark you want the shadows to be
It’s hard to say where you should contour as it will always depend on the character you are doing, you will need to look at their features to understand how you wish to change your own but a few standard contouring tricks are to contour under the cheekbones to make the face look slimmer or more structured. Contouring under the jawline and neck to make the jawline look more pronounced and change the shape of the jaw. Contouring around the nose to make the nose look slimmer or fix any asymmetry in the nose and contouring under the bottom lip to make it look fuller.
To apply the contour shadow I use a big fluffy brush and build up the color slowly.
Once the shadow has been applied you can also use a blending sponge to help even out the color or make the shadow
less pronounced
To the left I have contoured the sides of my nose with a bit of shadow to make my nose look more structured and slightly thinner.
Just be careful not to go to dark as the shadows can build up very easily. You want the contouring to be subtle and an illusion but not a noticeable shadow.
Another thing to keep in mind is the color of your shadow Very often contouring products can be very orange which doesn’t look very natural especially if you have ashy skin like mine!
I prefer to use eye shadow for contour as you can pick the colors you want and choose the tones for your skin.
False Lashes
False eyelashes are a great way to make your eyes look bigger and there are so many different kinds of lashes that can add different effects to your eyes!
There are more pointed ones that I love to use for anime characters because they look a bit more stylized and super voluminous ones which are perfect for sultry characters. But applying eyelashes is the bane of my existence! It has taken me ages to learn some tricks to apply them and I’m going to share them with you now!
In order to apply your lashes you will need some eyelash glue and either eyelash applicators or tweezers. If you do not have eyelash tweezers I would also recommend using lens tweezers which have a soft silicone end on them so that you wont hurt your eye
Standard strength lash glue has never really worked for me, so instead I prefer to use something called Pros aid which is meant to be a prosthetic adhesive,
I apply a little bit of pros aid all the way along the lash and along my lash line on my eyelid. Don’t apply too much, you do want it to come off at the end of the day!
Then I leave it for a bit to get tacky and carefully with my lash tweezers I line the end of the lash up with the end of my eyelid and press it from the side of my eyelid to the corner of my eye.
Body Paint
Body paint is one of the coolest and most exciting parts of cosplay makeup! There is so much fun that can be had with body paint whether its completely painting yourself blue, adding on intricate markings or just doing some small details on your makeup, But Body paint can also be one of the most frustrating parts of cosplay too! Here’s a few tips for body painting including how to apply it and set it
Aqua Paint
Aqua paint body paint is a water based body paint. This means it mixes with water and can be applied with water and dries fairly quickly. Water based paint does not smudge very easily and can look very smooth! However there are some issues with water based paint. Such as cracking and coming off when you sweat.
Water based paint
Noł waterproof
Dries quickly
Can sometimes crack
Requires a few layers
Grease Paint
Grease paint is an oil based body paint. This means it is waterproof and will not come off when you sweat. Its easy to apply like other cream based makeups however it needs to be set with a powder and it can sometimes smudge and if it’s not set properly it can go onto everything you touch!
Cream paint
Does not dry, must be set
Can be messy
Very good coverage
Applying Aqua Paint
I like to apply aqua paints with a large brush. I take the brush and dip it in some water and then mix the top of the paint to activate it.
Once I have enough paint on my brush then paint on 1 layer of paint trying to keep the strokes in 1 direction. Let the layer of paint dry completely and then you can apply a second layer of paint, this time painting the strokes in the opposite direction.
With aqua paint you will need to build up thin layers to get the color you want and painting in different directions with each layer will help the paint look nice and even!
Tip :
If you want your colors to be a bit brighter start with a white base coat before applying the color over it.
Applying Grease Paint
For grease and oil based paints I like to use a sponge for application. I take my makeup sponge and wipe some paint out of the container.
I can then take the sponge and press it onto my skin, dabbing the paint around to that it spreads evenly.
Because grease paint doesn’t dry its very easy to blend colors together and make gradients with the paint. Here I combined a purple and blue and just used my sponge to dab and press the paint until it blended evenly.
The other nice thing about grease paint is that it is very opaque so you will only need about 1 layer for full coverage.
The problem however is that If you touch the paint it will go everywhere and without setting it can smudge!
To fix the paint and set it in place I use a translucent powder and a sponge and press the powder into the paint.
This will dry the paint out and stop it from being greasy and oily which is what makes it go on everything. The powder will also make the paint matter and take away the shine.
Now that the paint has been set with the powder I also like to set it with some setting spray or some hairspray. This is an added layer of protection to stop the paint rubbing off and going on stuff.
Painting Hands
Painting your hands can be really weird and a little bit annoying! But here’s a method that Phaleure Cosplay taught me to stop your paint on your hands going everywhere!
So to start you want to spray your hands with some hairspray. This sounds really weird but the hairspray will make the surface sticky and the paint will I cling to it better!
I then take some aqua paint and a sponger and start to dab and apply a thin layer of paint on my hands. Let the paint dry completely and then spray another layer of hairspray and repeat!
The hairspray is the real trick here! Not only will it lock the paint in place but because the surface is sticky the body paint will stick to your hands better and not rub off quite as much throughout the day!
Colorful Stockings
If you’re like me and your really don’t like body paint you try to avoid it at all costs! One of the alternatives to body paint is colorful pantyhose!
Welovecolors tights are fantastic for making arm stockings which you can use for cosplay!
The arm stockings will make it that you don’t have to paint your arms and your armpits, and trust me if you have ever had to paint your armpits before its not fun! I used a combination of stockings and body paint on my chest and face for my death guard cosplay. As long as you match the body paint to the stockings nobody will know the difference!
Tattoos and Tattoo Cover
This section of the book is going to be looking at tattoos and cosplay! Whether you want to quickly and easily apply a fake tattoo to your body or your want to cover one of your own tattoos up for a certain character here’s how to do it!
Tattoo Paper
Tattoo paper is a really quick and easy way to make tattoos for cosplay and it also looks really neat and professional.
You can buy tattoo paper online, I like to use the silhouette tattoo paper. The paper comes with 2 kinds of sheets. The white one which you will print your images on and the green one which is actually a sticky film.
You can take the sheet of white paper and print out your tattoo designs on it with your printer at home or you can take the paper to a print show and ask them to print onto the paper for you. The silhouette paper is 8.5 xx118.5 \times 11 inches which is a bit smaller than standard A4 paper so make sure your print settings are set to this size
Tip :
Make sure your images you print are inverted or reversed on the paper! When you apply the onto your skin they will flip and be in the right direction! So if you are doing tattoos with words you must make sure the words are mirrored or backwards on the print so that they transfer properly.
When you have finished printing your designs you can now take the green sheet and peel off the trip at the bottom exposing the sticky side. Line this up with the edge of the paper and then peel off the rest of the green film and press the sticky side against the print
Make sure you press out and air bubbles under the film. If there are bubbled the film won’t connect with the paper and won’t transfer the sticky stuff onto it.
Once the sticky film is on the paper you can cut out your tat too design, cut as close to the design as you can.
You can then peel off the clear film to reveal the sticky tattoo and press it onto your skin where you want it to be placed. tattoos your will need to use orange color correction, if you have red tattoos like my flowers you will need to add green color correction. I apply the color correction over the tattoo with a brush to cover all the blue.
Then I use a loose setting powder and a sponge to set the or ange makeup. I press the powder into the makeup until it is dry to the touch. Now I can apply the concealer. Make sure you match your skin tone, I have to use a combination of 2 colors to match my skin. I apply a thick layer of concealer over the orange makeup and then once again use the setting powder to set the makeup in place. You can repeat this step of concealer and powder a second time to make sure everything is really covered!
Teeth and Fangs
Makeup isn’t just for your skin! There’s also a few cool things you can do with your teeth!
Tooth Enamel
Tooth enamel is something I only really found out about recently! Its a make up that is safe for use on your teeth!
It comes in a small bottle like nail polis and you can dip the brush in and paint it onto your teeth for different effects! It can make you look like you are missing a tooth or you can use it to create a gap in your teeth which is perfect for characters like princess Tiabeanie from Disenchanted.
To take it off just use a toothbrush and water!
Fangs 獠牙
Fangs are another great trick for makeup effects! 獠牙是化妆效果的另一个绝妙技巧!
There are hundreds of brands and styles available. My personal favorite brand for fangs is scarecrow fangs. 有数百个品牌和风格可供选择。我个人最喜欢的獠牙品牌是 scarecrow fangs。
They sell a few different styles of fangs and they are very easy to use and each set comes with instructions for how to customized the fangs to fit your teeth with their molding powder. 他们出售几种不同风格的獠牙,使用起来非常简单,每套都附有如何使用他们的模具粉来定制獠牙以适合你的牙齿的说明。
Once you have molded the fangs to your teeth they can pop 一旦你将獠牙塑造成你的牙齿,它们就会弹出
on and off really easily and stay in snugly without glue. 很容易开关,并且可以紧密贴合而无需胶水。
You can also create your own custom fangs at home from a material called Deco art beads! Deco art is small plastic beads which can be heated up with a heat gun and when they melt they can be sculpted and molded 您还可以在家中使用一种叫做 Deco art beads 的材料制作自己的定制獠牙!Deco art 是小塑料珠子,可以用热风枪加热,当它们融化时,可以进行雕刻和塑形
Once they cool they are then hard and white again. 一旦它们冷却,它们又变得坚硬和白色。
To make your own fangs you can heat up the beads and then carefully mold and press them around your teeth to fit your mouth. 要制作自己的獠牙,您可以加热珠子,然后小心地将它们塑形并压在牙齿周围,以适应您的口腔。
Just be careful not to burn yourself! Let he beads cool down before removing them and you will then have custom fangs! I made these cool troll fangs using this method! 只需小心不要烫到自己!让珠子冷却后再取下它们,你就会有定制的獠牙!我用这种方法制作了这些酷炫的巨魔獠牙!
Contact Lenses 隐形眼镜
While contact lenses certainly aren’t compulsory for cosplay they can be a really cool edition to your makeup and costume to take your look to the next level! Cosmetic contacts come in a huge range of colors and styles, with ones that are made to make your eyes look bigger, lenses that make your eye look completely blind and even lenses that cover your entire eyeball! 虽然隐形眼镜在角色扮演中并不是必需的,但它们可以为你的妆容和服装增添酷炫的效果,让你的造型更上一层楼!彩色隐形眼镜有各种颜色和款式,有些可以让你的眼睛看起来更大,有些则让你的眼睛看起来完全失明,甚至还有覆盖整个眼球的镜片!
Tools 工具
Lenses 镜头
Contact lenses are small plastic lens that can be placed onto the eye. Lenses are normally used to correct visual defects but can also be used to change the color of the eye. 隐形眼镜是可以放置在眼睛上的小塑料镜片。镜片通常用于矫正视力缺陷,但也可以用于改变眼睛的颜色。
Lens Case 镜头盒
Lens cases are small plastic containers with a spot for each lens (Left and right) to be stored with lens fluid to keep the lenses clean and safe 镜片盒是小型塑料容器,每个镜片(左侧和右侧)都有一个存放位置,里面装有镜片液,以保持镜片清洁和安全
Lens Fluid 镜头液体
Lens fluid is used to both clean and store contact lenses. Lenses need to be kept wet so they do not dry out and shrivel up. 镜片液用于清洁和存储隐形眼镜。镜片需要保持湿润,以免干燥和收缩。
Lens Tweezers 镜头镊子
Lens tweezers are soft tipped tweezers that can help with picking lenses up and taking them out your eyes without using your fingers. 镜头镊子是软头镊子,可以帮助您在不使用手指的情况下拾起镜头并将其取出。
Lens Plunger 镜头活塞
Lens cases are small plastic containers with a spot for each lens (Left and right) to be stored with lens fluid to keep the lenses clean and safe 镜片盒是小型塑料容器,每个镜片(左侧和右侧)都有一个存放位置,里面装有镜片液,以保持镜片清洁和安全
Lens Safety 镜头安全
There is an inherent risk associated with wearing contact lenses so we would suggest that you do seek advice from a qualified professional about wearing contacts. Wearing the wrong lenses, wearing them incorrectly or even wearing lenses when you shouldn’t could cause irreparable damage to your eyes, so please make sure you are doing everything you can to be safe 佩戴隐形眼镜存在固有风险,因此我们建议您向合格的专业人士咨询佩戴隐形眼镜的事宜。佩戴错误的镜片、错误佩戴镜片或在不应该佩戴镜片时佩戴,可能会对您的眼睛造成不可逆转的损害,因此请确保您尽一切可能确保安全。
Standard Lenses 标准镜头
These are your average size contact lenses that cover the Iris or the color of your eye. They come in a large variety of colors and designs. 这些是覆盖虹膜或眼睛颜色的普通尺寸隐形眼镜。它们有多种颜色和设计可供选择。
Circle Lenses 彩色隐形眼镜
Circle Lenses 彩色隐形眼镜
Mini Sclera
Mini sclera lenses are about 17-19mm17-19 \mathrm{~mm} in diameter, they are larger than your circle lenses but still smaller than a full covering sclera
Sclera Lenses
Sclera lenses are very large lenses that are made to cover most of your eye, they are normally about 22 mm in diameter They are also slightly thicker than normal lenses.
Mesh lenses are lenses that cover that completely cover your pupil giving your eye a blind effect. They have a fine mesh texture with small holes throughout the lens so that you can still see through them while wearing them. You will not be able to see through them completely. It’s almost like looking through a white mist.
Putting Lenses in
Learning how to put lenses in and getting your eyes used to wearing them can take a bit of dexterity and be a little difficult at first but with some practice it will become really simple! The first time I put lenses in my eyes it took me at least 10 minutes to get one of them in and my eyes started to water and I couldn’t keep them open! But now I can even get sclera lenses in within seconds and wear them for most of the day at a convention no problem!
So the first step before putting your lenses into your eyes is to make sure you have thoroughly cleaned your hands or your lens tweezers and plunger. You do not want any dirt going in your eyes or on the lenses. The next step is to lightly clean and rinse your lenses with some lens fluid before you put them into your eyes.
You are going to take your lens tweezers and lift the lens out of the solution, Then you can take the lens and put it onto your lens plunger.
Pull down your bottom eyelid and gently push the lens against your eye. Make sure the lens is against your eyeball properly and then you can remove your plunger and carefully blink the lens into place.
Cleaning your lenses regularly is very mportant, lenses should be cleaned once a week and the solution should be changed. Lenses need to be cleaned because protein builds up on them as they sit in their cases.
Before cleaning make sure you have thoroughly washed your hands and dried them with a lint free towel.
Take the lens and place it in the palm of your hand, then pour some lens solution into your hand with the lens. Do not use anything other than lens solution or lens cleaner, things like water or saline will not disinfect the lenses properly.
Once you have poured the solution into your palm use your finger to gently rub the lens for a few seconds.
Once you finish rubbing the lens you can then rinse it with more lens fluid and then place it back into your clean, contact lens case with more clean lens fluid inside it. Do not use old lens fluid, always replace it with new fluid and make sure the lens case has been cleaned too
Cleaning lenses can be quite a task if
you have many sets, but properly caring for your lenses can ensure that they last longer. Keep your lenses sealed nice and tight in their cases and store them in a cool area so that they do not dry out.
Cleaning Devices
There e are also some devices availabl to help with the cleaning and care of lenses. Including ultrasonic lens clean ers and USB powered cleaners. These little devices essentially vibrate and shake the lenses in order to help re move the proteins and assist in the cleaning process
Sclera Care
Sclera lenses are cleaned the same way as standard size lenses, just use a bit of luid to gently rub the lenses and replace the fluid in the case. Sclera lense will normally come with a slightly larger ase with cages to keep the lenses in place. You can open the cages, place the lenses inside, then close the cages again and put it into the bottle with lens luid to store them
KDA Ahri Makeup
Glam Makeup
KDA Ahri’s makeup look is very glam with lots of highlighter, dramatic eyes and even some whisker!
For Ahri’s makeup look I did some minimal contouring and a lot of highlights! I added some contour in a few shades darker than my skin just next to my nose in a pointed shape and under my chin. I then added some super shiny highlighte under my brows, on my cheeks, the inner corner of my eyes, on the tip of my nose and just a little bit on my top lip and chin.
For Ahri’s brows I did a pretty simple natural looking brow. I drew my main line at the bottom and then filled it in with some more brown eye shadow, then using some concealer and angle brush I neatened up the edges of the brows to make them look nice and clean.
Eye Makeup
For the eyes I’m using my white Eyeliner and putting it on the inner rim of my eyes to make them look brighter.
As I mentioned earlier in the highlight section I also took some highlighter and put it just under my eyebrow and the inner corner of my eye.
Now I can start to add some color so I’m taking an orange/ reddish eye shadow and a soft brush and putting a bit into the crease of mym y eyelid and just under my eye, blending it out into a pointed shape.
I then take a smaller brush with some black eye shadow and start to add a bit more shadow underneath my eye and pull it out into a wing. Once I have the base of my eye shadow done I can then add my eyeliner on top.
So I take my fine eyeliner pen from LA girl and draw on a line to determine the direction I want my wing to go and how long I want it to be. After I have my basic direction and length then draw out the rest of the wing shape I want and fill it in with the same eyeliner pen.
When the base of the wing is done I then take my eyeliner pen and draw all around the top of my eyelid and bring the shape into a point by the corner of my eye. I also line around the bottom of my eye as well stopping in the center.
I then use some mascara to apply to my lashes to make them fuller and darker but that’s not quite dramatic enough for Ahri, so I also use some big pointed lashes to add more volume and make my eyes look super feminine.
I just take the eyelash and apply a bit of pros aid to the lash, let it get tacky and then apply it onto my eyelid with my lash tweezers pressing it into place.
Once I have the line drawn on I can then start to build up the shape and make it wider at the base and more pointed towards the end.
When I’ve finished drawing out the whiskers I then use my concealer and an angle brush to add some highlights around the edges and make them pop!
She-Ra Makeup
Natural Soft Makeup
She Ra’s makeup is very light, soft, and gentle. Almost like she’s not wearing makeup at all! Here’s how to create a very subtle makeup look!
To start off I did my foundation just like I showed in the start of this book. I used my color correction concealer and put a fair amount of it under my eyes, blended it out with a sponge and then applied some of my liquid mac foundation over it with my blending sponge. I then set the makeup in place with my mac powder foundation.
She-Ra is super shiny and sparkly! So I did a LOT of highlighting and didn’t do any darker contouring for this looks so it was nice and bright!
used my LA Girl highlighter powder and put it all along the
of my cheeks, by the corn
and on my nose, lip and chin.
She-Ra’s brows have a natural look but are pretty thick! So drew in my basic outline for the shape I wanted on my brows with an angle brush and some brown cream makeup.
I lined further around my own brows and made them thicker towards the inside and then used my angle brush to fill them in with the color so they looked nice and even.
Eye makeup
For the eye makeup I wanted to keep it very light and simple! I used some mascara and applied it to my top and bottom lashes, no false lashes for this look as it just ends up being a bit too dramatic!
hen I used a small flat brush with some dark brown eye shadow and applied a light shadow at the very edge under my eye and in mym y crease of mym y eyelid. Finally II just lightly lined around the top of my eye with my eyeliner pen
Just like the rest of the look the lips are also very light and simple! I just used a nude matte lipstick and applied it onto my natural lip shape. I 就像其他妆容一样,嘴唇也非常轻盈简单!我只用了一个裸色哑光口红,涂在我自然的唇形上。
then used an angle brush to neaten up the edges. This is a very bare, very simple look but sometimes less is more and it is perfect for certain characters who are very natural! 然后使用角刷整理边缘。这是一个非常简单、非常朴素的妆容,但有时候少即是多,这对于某些非常自然的角色来说是完美的!
Just slowly and gradually build up the shadow until you are happy with how dark it is, don’t throw too much color on at once or it can look too contrasted. 慢慢地逐渐加深阴影,直到你对它的深度感到满意,不要一次性涂抹太多颜色,否则可能会显得对比过强。
Shego Makeup
Face paint 面部彩绘
Evil Makeup 邪恶化妆
Shego is one of my favorite childhood antagonists, she is Shego 是我最喜欢的童年反派之一,她是
bad-ass and she knows it! Here is how to do a makeup look perfect for any villain! 厉害的她自己也知道!这里是如何打造适合任何反派的完美妆容!
Foundation 基础
To do Shego’s face paint I used a combination of white and green grease paint which I mixed together and applied to my skin using my blending sponge 为了给 Shego 画脸,我使用了白色和绿色的油彩,将它们混合在一起,然后用我的化妆海绵涂抹在我的皮肤上
I then set the makeup in place which some white translucent powde 我然后用一些白色半透明的粉末定妆
Shego doesn’t have a lot of contouring on her face but lam going to add a shadow under my chin to make it stronger and Shego 的脸上没有很多修容,但我打算在下巴下加一个阴影来增强效果 more defined. 更明确。
I’m also adding a contour to my cheeks to make my face look a bit slimmer. 我还在我的脸颊上添加了轮廓,以使我的脸看起来更瘦一些。
I’m using a black and gray eye shadow to do the contour and applying it with a big fluffy brush to make sure its soft and blended out. Be careful when using black and gray to contour, it can be very easy to go too dark too quickly with such dark colors. 我正在使用黑色和灰色眼影进行轮廓修饰,并用一把大蓬松的刷子涂抹,以确保颜色柔和且晕染得当。使用黑色和灰色进行轮廓修饰时要小心,这种深色很容易就会变得过于深邃。
Eye Makeup 眼妆
For my eyebrows I’m using a black eye shadow and applying it with an angle brush. I’m drawing along the underneath my brow creating a nice arch, then I’m coming back from the end of the brow and filling in the color working my way to the inside again. 对于我的眉毛,我使用黑色眼影,并用角刷涂抹。我在眉毛下方画出一个漂亮的弧度,然后从眉毛的末端回来,填充颜色,逐渐向内侧移动。
Shego’s cartoony eyebrows have a small swish on the inside of them which makes her eyebrows look like she’s in a constant scowl and is always angry. Shego 的卡通眉毛内侧有一个小弯曲,这使得她的眉毛看起来像是一直在皱眉,总是生气。
I’m going to draw on the little swish with my angle brush to try emulate her brows and add more character to the look. 我打算用我的角刷在小弯曲上画一些东西,以尝试模仿她的眉毛,并为这个造型增添更多个性。
Now for the eyes, I’m going to be taking a black eyeliner and lining the inside of my eyes to make them more defined and slimmer. 现在对于眼睛,我将使用黑色眼线笔在眼睛内侧描绘,以使它们更加明显和纤细。
I’m now going to start creating some shadow around my eyes, using an angle brush and some black eye shadow I’m drawing along the bottom my eye and starting to create the shape of mym y wing for the eyeliner. 我现在要开始在我的眼睛周围创建一些阴影,使用角刷和一些黑色眼影,我在眼睛底部画线,开始为眼线创造 mym y 翅膀的形状。
I’m then taking an eye shadow brush and some more black eye shadow and applying it to the crease of my eye, the corner of my eye and blending it out into a smokey tail. 然后我拿起一把眼影刷和一些黑色眼影,涂抹在眼窝、眼角,并将其晕染成烟熏效果。
I’m making sure to avoid my eyelid and keep that section light. 我确保避免触碰我的眼睑,并保持那部分轻盈。
I’m also using the same eye shadow brush to add more shadow underneath my eye and make it dark and smokey. 我也在使用同样的眼影刷在我的眼睛下方添加更多阴影,使其变得深邃和烟熏。
Once my eye shadow is done I can now take my black eye liner pen and liner around my eye, I’m lining around the bottom of the eye, the corner, all the way around the top and coming into a wing on the side. 一旦我的眼影完成,我可以拿起我的黑色眼线笔,在我的眼睛周围画眼线,我在眼睛底部、角落、顶部一直画到侧面形成一个翅膀。
I can then apply some black mascara to my eyelashes and finally add on some false lashes to complete the look.
I’m also popping in some green werewolf contact lenses to match Shego’s super green eyes.
Then I can then come back and start adding more and more black to the lip using black eye shadow or body paint until its as dark as I want.
I don’t want my bottom lip completely white so I’m also
adding a little bit of gray to the bottom lip so it can still be seen but its not as dark as the top lip.
Ciri Makeup
Rugged Makeup
Scars and Freckles
Ciri’s makeup looks like she’s straight out of a battle! She has a very worn look with lots of scaring and subtle freckles as well as a lot of contouring and run down eyeliner.
Highlight and Contour
So I’ve done my basic foundation as always and now I have to make my face look more like Ciri so I’m going to do quite a lot of contouring.
The Witcher models have a lot of dark shadows and high lights on the characters faces so I’m applying a dark contour around mym y face, concentrating it a lot on mym y cheeks to make them more gaunt and under my chin.
I’m also contouring my nose and my inner eye and even adding a contour on the bridge of my nose to make my brows look more pronounced
Then I’m gonna be applying my highlighter on my forehead, cheeks, inner eye, top of my nose, upper lip and chin
Eye Makeup
Ciri has very dark dramatic eye shadow with tear stains underneath her eyes. I’m going to start by adding a dark brown and black eye shadow underneath my eye and in the crease of my eyelid. I’m applying it fairly dark and building up the color.
Then I’m going to take my black eyeliner and I’m applying it on the inner rim of my eye. I then take a larger black eyeline and put it all over my eyelid and a little bit underneath my eye The eyeliner doesn’t go on perfectly even so I’m also going to have to take a flat makeup brush and blend it out so that it is even and smooth
Using that same makeup brush I used to blend out my black eyeliner I can then start to draw on the tear stains and I take the brush and pull down the black eyeliner into streaks.
To make the eyeliner even darker I’m then adding even more black eye shadow on top with a soft brush and blending it out.
Finally I can take my mascara and brush it onto my eyelashes I’m not using fake lashes for Ciri because I want her to have a more natural look.
For my brows I’m using some black eye shadow and an angle brush and drawing on the outline of my brow shape.
Ciri has pretty straight eyebrows so I’m trying to keep them as close to the shape in the reference as I can. I then use the brush to fill in the brows and even out the color.
Ciri’s top lip is larger than mine so I take my lip liner and over line my lip to try match the shape of her lips. Once I have the shape of the lips drawn out I then take a darker lipstick and apply it onto my lips.
Now we are going to contour the lip! I add some additional highlights over the lipstick using more of my highlight powder and just pat it into place.
Then finally I take a bit of dark eye shadow and an angle brush and add shadows to the corner of my mouth and make the edges of my lip darker.
The more you add the deeper the scar will look. I build it up in a few layers and then let it dry.
While the collodion is drying I start to pinch my skin together a bit to help give it a more pronounced shape
Once the collodion is dry it will pull in your skin making it look like a dent.
To add to the effect I then also add some highlights around the edges.
Ciri has some subtle freckles on her skin. So to start I’m taking a light lip liner and adding a few small spots around my face in a scattered pattern. I then use a pointed brush and some brown cream makeup and add on some additional darker spots. The combination of lighter and darker freckles will make it look more natural.
My white wig hairline looked a little bit too clean and fake. Actual hair tends to be darker at the roots so to fix this I took a little bit of gray eye shadow and a soft brush and worked it into the parting of my hair at my hairline to make it look like natural roots
Cute Anime Makeup
Changing Eyebrows
Uraraka has a really cute and soft look! She is the perfect example to show how to create a makeup look straight out of any anime or manga.
So the first thing that needs to happen for Uraraka is that I need to completely cover my eyebrows! 所以对于乌拉拉卡来说,第一件需要发生的事情是我需要完全遮住我的眉毛!
My eyebrows are long and thin and Uraraka has much smaller eyebrows so I need a blank surface to work on and draw in a 我的眉毛又长又细,而 Uraraka 的眉毛要小得多,所以我需要一个空白的表面来进行绘画
new shape! 新形状!
To see how to fully cover your eyebrows check out the sec tion for brows earlier in this book! 要了解如何完全修饰眉毛,请查看本书前面的眉毛部分!
Once the brows have been completely covered I can then go ahead and do my normal base makeup. 一旦眉毛完全遮盖,我就可以继续进行我的正常底妆。
Iapply my liquid foundation and powder foundation and now I can start adding some highlighter 我涂上了液体粉底和粉状粉底,现在我可以开始添加一些高光了
I’m highlighting just under where my brows would be, the inner corner of my eye, my cheeks and a tiny bit on my nose and upper lip. 我在眉毛下方、眼睛内角、脸颊以及鼻子和上唇的少量地方打高光。
I’m not doing any contouring for Uraraka cause her face is really soft and round and youthful and contouring can sometimes make the face a little bit harsh and older looking. 我不为乌拉拉卡做任何修容,因为她的脸真的很柔和、圆润和年轻,而修容有时会让脸看起来有些生硬和显老。
For Uraraka’s lips I’m doing the same anime lips I did earlier in the book. 对于乌拉拉卡的嘴唇,我正在做与书中早些时候相同的动漫嘴唇。
I’m using a nude lipstick on my own lip shape, then using a pink lip balm on the inside of my mouth to create a pink gradient and finally I’m using a nice shiny lip gloss to finish off the look! 我在自己的唇形上涂抹裸色口红,然后在嘴巴内部使用粉色润唇膏来创造粉色渐变,最后我用一款漂亮的闪亮唇彩来完成这个妆容!
Sylvanas Makeup 希尔瓦娜斯化妆
Body Paint 身体彩绘
Elf Eyebrows 精灵眉毛
Tear Stain Makeup 泪痕化妆
The Banshee queen herself! Sylvanas’ makeup uses a lot of body paint to get her blue/purple skin tone and of course then there’s the iconic Warcraft elf eyebrows! Here’s how I created my Sylvanas makeup look. 女妖女王本人!希尔瓦娜斯的妆容使用了大量的身体油彩来呈现她的蓝色/紫色肤色,当然还有标志性的《魔兽》精灵眉毛!以下是我如何打造我的希尔瓦娜斯妆容的。
Body Paint 身体彩绘
I did not have the correct color of body paint for my Sylvanas cosplay straight out the bottle so I had to mix my own color! 我没有直接从瓶子里得到适合我的希尔瓦娜斯角色扮演的正确颜色的身体油漆,所以我不得不调配自己的颜色!
I started by adding a bunch of colors onto my face that | 我开始在我的脸上涂抹一堆颜色
thought would create the purple/blue/gray color I wanted. 我认为会创造出我想要的紫色/蓝色/灰色。
I always like to mix a little bit of my mac foundation with my cream based body paint so that it goes on smoother and more evenly. 我总是喜欢将我的 Mac 粉底和奶油基底的身体油漆混合一点,这样涂抹起来更顺滑、更均匀。
then spread the color all over my face and added and 然后把颜色涂满我的脸,并添加了
tweaked it with more body paint until I got the color I wanted. I could then start to spread the makeup and even it out using my damp blending sponge. 我用更多的底漆调整它,直到我得到了想要的颜色。然后我可以开始涂抹化妆品,并用我湿润的美妆海绵将其均匀涂开。
If the sponge is damp it wont absorb as much of the makeup and will leave more of it on your skin. I just pat the makeup all over my face, neck and shoulders and continue to add more as I need it until I get the full coverage I want and the makeup is even in tone. 如果海绵潮湿,它就不会吸收太多化妆品,会在你的皮肤上留下更多。我只是将化妆品轻拍在我的脸、脖子和肩膀上,并根据需要继续添加,直到我获得想要的完全覆盖,并且化妆品的色调均匀。
To set the makeup and stop it rubbing off and to take away the shine on my skin I then used a translucent setting pow der. 为了定妆、防止妆容脱落并去除我皮肤上的光泽,我随后使用了透明定妆粉。
Translucent powder will not change the color of your makeup but will keep it in place so it doesn’t rub off! 透明粉不会改变你的妆容颜色,但会保持妆容不脱落!
Contouring 轮廓绘制
The makeup at this point is way too flat so I need to add a lot of contouring and shadows, especially since sylvanas is very gaunt! 此时的妆容太平坦了,所以我需要添加很多轮廓和阴影,特别是因为希尔瓦娜斯非常消瘦!
So to contour my face I then used a purple/gray eye shadow and applied it very heavily on my cheeks to make my face look a lot thinner. 所以为了修饰我的脸,我使用了一种紫色/灰色的眼影,并在我的脸颊上涂抹得很重,以使我的脸看起来更瘦。
Ithen also contoured under my jaw to make it stronger and added a lot of shadow around my nose and eyes to help define them and make the eyes look more sunken. 我还在下巴下方进行了轮廓修饰,使其更显强壮,并在鼻子和眼睛周围添加了很多阴影,以帮助勾勒出轮廓并使眼睛看起来更深邃。
contour 轮廓
Eye Makeup
Very similar to Ciri, Sylvanas has very dark, tear stained makeup. So I start by lining the inside of my eyes with a black eyeliner pencil. I then took my larger black eyeliner pencil and added a dark black shadow onto my eyelid and underneath my eye.
The eyeliner looks very lumpy and uneven so I use a flat makeup brush to bled it out and make it softer
it then take that same makeup brush which now has black eyeliner on it and use it to slowly start building up the tear stains under my eyes. I draw down the lines into the positions I want, making some spots of the stains lighter and making some spots darker. You don’t want all the tear marks to look perfect and the same shade as it looks unnatural so focus on getting a variety of shades to add depth and realism to the tears.
Once I have my tear stains I then take even more black eye shadow and apply it all around my eye to make it even darker.
Finally I can put in my sclera lenses so my eyes look super scary!
For my lips for sylvanas I kept it pretty simple! I used a dark pinkish tone lipstick and applied it onto my lips. I then used a brush to neaten it up around the edges and make my top lip slightly bigger and fuller
To make super long elf eyebrows you will need some wood glue, cling wrap, synthetic hair and a comb!
I wrapped my table in some cling film and then put a long, thick line of wood glue onto it.
I then took a trip of hair I cut off a wig and lay it into the wood glue. pushing the fibers into the glue and spreading it with he comb so that the hair is completely flat and covered in glue!
Once the wood glue has dried completely which can take about 24 hours the hair will be nice and stiff! Remove the hair from the cling wrap and now you can use some scissors to cu out your eyebrows!
To apply these onto your face you can just use a little bit o spirit gum on your eyebrows and on the elf eyebrows, let it get tacky and then stick them on. Just make sure you have spirit gum remover to get them off so you don’t rip off your actual eyebrows!
Body Paint
Stylized Makeup
The Borderlands makeup is really iconic and has a really cool effect! Here’s how I created my stylized look for Maya with the lots of outlines and body painting
For Maya’s foundation I’m going to be changing up my foundation routine a bit.
I’m applying my liquid foundation as usual with a blending sponge but instead of just applying concealer under my eyes I’m going to be applying concealer and a bit of white grease paint in the center of my face under my eyes, on my forehead and on my chin to bring this part of mym y face forwards. I’m blending this out with a blending sponge and then setting it all in place with my powder foundation
I’m also adding a little bit of white eye shadow to add more highlights in those same area’s I applied to concealer to bring those parts forwards more.
The next step is to apply some blush. Maya has pink tones on her cheeks like a contour, in the crease of her eyes and just a little bit on the end of her nose.
I’m taking my small blending sponge and then using a little bit of my pink blush powder to dab the color onto my skin and blend it smoothly.
I’m using a small makeup brush to paint
on my lipstick and get the edges nice and neat.
For the cartoon style on the lips I’m using an angle brush and some black eye shadow and drawing from the corners of my lips all the way around making a dark line just like a cartoon.
For the lips I’m using a nice bright purple lipstick and applying it on my lips, its not quite the right color so I’m also adding a bit of blue liquid lipstick and mixing the 2 together to get a shade I’m happy with. 对于嘴唇,我使用了一款明亮的紫色口红,并将其涂在我的嘴唇上,这个颜色不是很合适,所以我还添加了一点蓝色液体口红,将两者混合在一起,得到一个我满意的色调。
Maya’s lips also have some cartoony highlights on them so I’m using some light blue body paint and a small brush and painting the highlights on, 玛雅的嘴唇上也有一些卡通风格的高光,所以我正在使用一些浅蓝色的身体颜料和一把小刷子来涂抹高光
This combination of dark and light lines makes everything pop! 这种深浅线条的组合让一切都显得生动!
Body Paint 身体彩绘
I didn’t have a costume for Maya so I decided to paint it on! The borderlands style looks very painted anyway so it was a super fun thing to try do! 我没有为玛雅准备服装,所以我决定把它画上去!边境风格看起来本来就很像画出来的,所以尝试这样做非常有趣!
I started by first drawing on the outlines of her costume onto my body, I used my black eyeliner pen to do this and just roughly drew on where I thought everything needed to go. 我首先在我的身体上画出了她服装的轮廓,我用黑色眼线笔来完成这个,并大致画出了我认为所有需要的位置。
Once I had everything blocked out I could then start laying down the color I used some aqua paints for this. 一旦我把所有东西都遮挡住,我就可以开始涂上颜色,我使用了一些水蓝色的颜料。
I wanted the yellow to be really bright so I started by first putting down some very light yellow/white coats for the base, I did about 2 layers letting each layer dry before applying the next. 我想要黄色非常明亮,所以我首先涂了一些非常浅的黄色/白色底漆,我涂了大约两层,每层都让其干燥后再涂下一层。
Once I had my light coats I then started to build up the yellow color. I did about 2-3 more layers of yellow on top of the white, painting in different directions with each layer to get the paint nice and smooth and even. 一旦我涂好了浅色外套,我就开始叠加黄色。我在白色上涂了大约 2-3 层黄色,每层以不同的方向涂抹,以使油漆光滑均匀。
When the yellow base was don I could now start adding on more colors and patches the give the yellow sections a warn weathered look. 当黄色底色完成后,我可以开始添加更多颜色和补丁,使黄色部分呈现出温暖的风化外观。
I started by brushing on some orange paint, and also added in a few sections of black with a sponge to make it look grungy. Finally I added some white highlights with a small brush just to add a little more dimension. 我开始用橙色油漆刷了一些,然后用海绵添加了一些黑色部分,使其看起来有些脏乱。最后,我用小刷子添加了一些白色高光,以增加一些层次感。
For the tattoos on Maya’s arm I just painted them freehand. I’m right handed so It was easy for me to do this on my left arm. 对于玛雅手臂上的纹身,我是手绘的。我是右撇子,所以在我的左臂上做这个对我来说很简单。
Cleaning Up 清理
Makeup can sometimes be pretty hard on our skin so it’s important to make sure you clean and take care of your skin afterwards. 化妆有时对我们的皮肤会造成很大的负担,因此确保在之后清洁和护理皮肤是很重要的。
Not cleaning your skin properly after wearing makeup can cause your pores to get blocked and cause breakouts and we don’t want that 不正确地清洁皮肤在化妆后可能会导致毛孔堵塞,从而引发痘痘,我们可不想这样
To remove my makeup I start my using an oil based cleanser. The oil helps get rid of all the cream based and waterproof makeup on the skin that normal face wash would not clean off as easily 为了卸妆,我开始使用油性洁面产品。油可以帮助去除皮肤上所有的乳霜型和防水妆容,而普通的洗面奶则不容易清洁干净。
Once I have removed most of my makeup with the oil cleanser I then wash my face normally with a gentle face scrub and a facecloth to remove any final makeup as well as exfoliate the skin. 一旦我用油性洁面乳去除了大部分化妆品,我会用温和的面部磨砂膏和面巾正常洗脸,以去除最后的化妆品并去角质。
Finally I use a gentle toner which I apply over my skin to tighten the pores and prevent breakouts. 最后,我使用一种温和的爽肤水,涂抹在皮肤上以收紧毛孔并防止痘痘。
Then I can moisturize my skin with the Nivea Creme moisturizer I used to prep my face for makeup at the start of the book. 然后我可以用我在书的开头用来为化妆准备脸部的妮维雅润肤霜来滋润我的皮肤。
Cleaning Your Tools 清洁您的工具
It’s very important to keep your makeup sponges and brushes clean. Using dirty makeup tools with old makeup on them can cause breakouts and infections on your skin so be sure to clean them regularly and don’t let them build up! 保持化妆海绵和刷子清洁非常重要。使用沾有旧化妆品的脏化妆工具可能会导致皮肤出现痘痘和感染,因此一定要定期清洗它们,不要让它们堆积!
To clean my makeup sponges I start by wetting the sponge with warm water and squeezing out what I can… I then take a bit of soap and rub it into the sponge. 为了清洁我的化妆海绵,我首先用温水弄湿海绵,然后挤出尽可能多的水……接着我取一点肥皂,揉搓到海绵里。
Once the soap is in the sponge I then continue to rinse and squeeze the sponge to get all the soap and the makeup out Repeat this step as needed until all the makeup is removed and rinse until the water runs clear. 一旦肥皂进入海绵,我就继续冲洗并挤压海绵,以去除所有肥皂和化妆品。根据需要重复此步骤,直到所有化妆品被去除,并冲洗直到水变清。
I then squeeze the excess water out with a towel 我然后用毛巾挤出多余的水分
To clean makeup brushes is very similar to cleaning sponges You also get silicone makeup cleaning pads which can make it a liftle bit easier to get the product out the bristles. 清洁化妆刷与清洁海绵非常相似。你还可以使用硅胶化妆清洁垫,这可以让你更容易地将产品从刷毛中清除。
To clean my brushes I wet them under some warm water and then apply a little bit of soap to them 为了清洁我的刷子,我先在温水下湿润它们,然后涂上一点肥皂
Now I can take the brushes and using my silicone pad I can work the brushes into the small grooves and bumps. These bumps are made to help work the product out of the hairs in the brush and remove all the makeup. 现在我可以拿起刷子,使用我的硅胶垫将刷子在小凹槽和凸起中工作。这些凸起旨在帮助将产品从刷毛中清除,并去除所有化妆品。
Just swish the brush around on the silicone pad, rinse and re peat. You can continue to do this until there is no more color coming out of the brush when you press it on the pad. 只需在硅胶垫上轻轻摇动刷子,冲洗并重复。您可以继续这样做,直到在将刷子按在垫子上时不再有颜色流出。
Once the brushes have been cleaned you can then rinse them
with water and dry them with a towel. You can also rinse and clean the silicone pad.
Practice Makes Perfect
Just like every other crafting technique in cosplay makeup is a skill that needs to be learnt and practiced.
It can sometimes be hard and it doesn’t always turn out the way you want it to.
After 6 years in cosplay I still have bad makeup days where I just didn’t quite manage to get the look I wanted!
But with time and experience it gets easier and we learn more skills and improve our craft!
Never get despondent if you feel a cosplay or makeup did not turn out the way you hoped, use it as a learning experience and one day you can even come back to it and try again to see how you have improved!
Here are some makeup’s I did about 3 years ago vs the makeup techniques I know now.
There is always room for improvement and growth
We really hope that this book has helpful and insightful. If you would like to see more of our tutorials and patterns please check out our website