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Private Equity & Principal Investors Practice

The secrets of outperforming family-owned businesses: How they create value-and how you can become one

Family-owned businesses that combine four critical mindsets with five strategic actions have a chance to quadruple their value in the next decade-while maintaining resilience.
This article is a collaborative effort by Eduardo Asaf, Igor Carvalho, Acha Leke, Francesco Malatesta, and Jose Tellechea, representing views from McKinsey's Private Equity & Principal Investor's Practice and its Family-Owned Business Special Initiative.
本文由 Eduardo Asaf、Igor Carvalho、Acha Leke、Francesco Malatesta 和 Jose Tellechea 合作撰写,代表了麦肯锡私募股权与主要投资者业务部及其家族企业特别行动的观点。
These days, organizations across industries and geographies are doing everything they can to bounce forward from recent economic, geopolitical, and technological disruptions.
For them, resilience may be a relatively new concept.
For family-owned businesses (FOBs)-companies in which founders or descendants hold significant share capital or voting rights-it's just business as usual. Regardless of what the world throws at them, many of these companies have survived and thrived over multiple decades. Some, such as Levi Strauss and L'Óreal, have been operating for well over a century.
对于家族企业(FOBs)--创始人或其后代持有大量股本或投票权的公司--来说,这不过是家常便饭。 无论世事如何变幻,许多家族企业都能在数十年间生存并发展壮大。有些公司,如 Levi Strauss 和 L'Óreal,已经经营了一个多世纪。
FOBs have long played an outsize role in the global economy-a role that often goes unnoticed or underestimated. They account for more than 70 percent of global GDP, and they generate turnover of between trillion and trillion annually. They are responsible for about 60 percent of global employment, and they play a critical role in supporting education, healthcare, and infrastructure development across their communities around the world.
长期以来,离岸外包在全球经济中发挥着举足轻重的作用--这种作用往往不被人注意或低估。它们占全球 GDP 的 70% 以上,每年产生的营业额在 万亿至 万亿之间。它们创造了全球约 60% 的就业机会,在支持世界各地社区的教育、医疗保健和基础设施发展方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
McKinsey's own recent research confirms FOBs' adaptability, resilience, and impact: they have the structures and best practices required to withstand business challenges in uncertain times. And in general, they exhibit stronger performance than businesses that are not family owned, although the extent and drivers of that outperformance vary (Exhibit 1).
麦肯锡最近的研究证实了家族企业的适应性、复原力和影响力:它们拥有在不确定时期抵御商业挑战所需的结构和最佳实践。总体而言,它们比非家族所有企业表现出更强的绩效,尽管表现优异的程度和驱动因素各不相同(见图 1)。
To understand FOBs' history of outperformance and how the best among them create value and impact, we analyzed 600 publicly listed FOBs, compared their performance with that of 600 publicly listed companies that are not family owned, and surveyed another 600 primarily private FOBs around the world. Additionally, we interviewed leaders of more than 20 FOBs globally.
为了了解家族企业的超额业绩历史,以及其中的佼佼者是如何创造价值和影响力的,我们分析了 600 家公开上市的家族企业,将它们的业绩与 600 家非家族所有的公开上市公司的业绩进行了比较,并对全球另外 600 家主要为私营的家族企业进行了调查。此外,我们还采访了全球 20 多家家族企业的领导者。

The findings were surprising.
For instance, while it has been widely known that FOBs deliver higher total shareholder returns (TSR) compared with non-FOBs, the root causes of this outperformance have been less well-known-until now. Our analysis shows that the higher TSR results from better underlying operational performance by FOBs, as compared with non-FOBs. The research also demonstrates how the performance and value creation strategies of FOBs shift as these businesses get bigger and older.
例如,众所周知,与非外资银行相比,外资银行的股东总回报率(TSR)更高,但这种优异表现的根本原因却鲜为人知--直到现在。我们的分析表明,与非外商独资企业相比,外商独资企业的基本运营业绩更佳,因而获得了更高的 TSR。研究还显示了外商独资企业的业绩和价值创造战略是如何随着企业规模和历史的增长而发生转变的。
The data tell a compelling story of outcomes and impact, but they also begin to reveal what the highest-performing FOBs are doing differently when compared with peers, in two areas: mindsets and strategic actions.
They demonstrate four mindsets that are common to all FOBs but that take on outsize importance within the high performers, allowing them to gain and sustain a competitive advantage. The critical mindsets are a focus on purpose beyond profits, a long-term view and emphasis on reinvesting in the business, a conservative and cautious stance on finances, and processes that allow for efficient decision making.
The high-performing FOBs then combine these mindsets with five strategic actions in ways that others do not. Specifically, they actively diversify their portfolios, and they dynamically reallocate resources to the most promising businesses, regions, and channels. They are both efficient investors and operators. They maintain a relentless focus on attracting, developing, and retaining talent, and they continually review their governance mechanisms to ensure strong business performance across generations.
We'll unpack this " " formula further in this article. It's important to note that the formula and the lessons it imparts are applicable to both FOBs and non-FOBs alike-and our research suggests
我们将在本文中进一步解读这个 " "公式。值得注意的是,该公式及其所传授的经验既适用于外商投资企业,也适用于非外商投资企业,而且我们的研究表明

Family-owned businesses have survived and thrived over decades because they are adaptable and resilient.

McKinsey & Company 麦肯锡公司
that deploying it effectively can pay off over the long term. When we applied the formula to the family-owned companies in our research base, we estimated that it could create a 2.5- to 5.5-times increase in economic profit for them.
从长远来看,有效运用这一公式可以带来回报。当我们将这一公式应用于我们研究基础中的家族企业时,我们估计它可以为这些企业创造 2.5 到 5.5 倍的经济利润增长。
Indeed, FOBs around the world that successfully follow this formula have an opportunity to quadruple their value over the next five to ten yearsbolstering their market performance, sharpening the resilience edge that has allowed them to keep the lights on for generations, and making an even greater impact across their communities.

FOB outperformance by the numbers

Our research shows that FOBs have created more value and impact than non-FOBs over the past decade-a dynamic that has largely held true regardless of which metrics we used to assess companies' performance and despite the unique challenges FOBs face (see sidebar, "Unique challenges on the road to outperformance").
我们的研究表明,在过去十年中,外商投资企业比非外商投资企业创造了更多的价值和影响力--无论我们使用哪种指标来评估企业的业绩,尽管外商投资企业面临着独特的挑战,但这一动态基本保持不变(见边栏 "超越业绩之路的独特挑战")。
Between 2017 and 2022, FOBs posted an average TSR of 2.6 percent, compared with 2.3 percent for non-FOBs. In that same five-year period, FOBs achieved average economic profit of million, surpassing the non-FOBs average economic profit of million. FOBs also generated (on average) an economic spread that was 33 percent higher than that of non-FOBs in the same period. 5
2017 年至 2022 年期间,离岸外包的平均 TSR 为 2.6%,而非离岸外包的平均 TSR 为 2.3%。在同一五年期间,离岸外包公司实现的平均经济利润为 万美元,超过了非离岸外包公司的平均经济利润 万美元。 在同一时期,离岸外包产生的经济利差(平均)也比非离岸外包高出 33%。5
A broader look at performance among both FOBs and non-FOBs reveals further variations based on the size, age, and maturity level of these companies.

Unique challenges on the road to outperformance

It's important to acknowledge the
unique challenges that all family-owned
businesses (FOBs) face-all the better
to appreciate how the very highest-
performing FOBs in our research base
have managed to ascend.
entrepreneurial initiatives. This challenge
can be compounded as the business
moves further and further away from
the founder's entrepreneurial vision and
prioritizes value preservation over high-
risk business bets. 风险商业赌注。
A cautious approach to finances is a
trademark of FOBs that helps them
帮助他们的 FOB 商标
weather economic shocks, although it
can also delay their recovery. An aversion
to taking on debt, for example, might
constrain an FOB's ability to enact critical
process changes, or it could hinder
expansion plans. 扩展计划。
Family-owned businesses also face
unique governance challenges relating
to their ownership. For instance, all FOBs,
regardless of size, industry, or regional
focus, are confronted with succession-
related questions as the business passes
from one generation to the next. The
founding generation may have been
Idditionally, FOBs tend to unde
R&D, which can limit innovatic
focused on aggressive growth, but
subsequent generations may wrestle
unique challenges that all family-owned to appreciate how the very highestperforming FOBs in our research base have managed to ascend.
A cautious approach to finances is a trademark of FOBs that helps them weather economic shocks, although it can also delay their recovery. An aversion to taking on debt, for example, might constrain an FOB's ability to enact critical process changes, or it could hinder expansion plans. in R&D, which can limit innovation and with maintaining or even transforming the company
It has been posited that the largest wealth transfer in history will take place over the next 25 years, with an estimated trillion moving from baby boomers to their heirs and charities. Inheritors may find themselves grappling with several new challenges, including a changing global order, a push toward sustainable and inclusive investing, and the AI revolution. How they lead through these disruptions will have a lasting impact on their companies, on business generally, and on society.
据推测,未来 25 年将发生历史上最大规模的财富转移,估计将有 万亿美元的财富从婴儿潮一代转移到他们的继承人和慈善机构。继承人可能会发现自己正在努力应对一些新的挑战,包括不断变化的全球秩序、对可持续和包容性投资的推动以及人工智能革命。 他们如何在这些颠覆中发挥领导作用,将对他们的公司、整个企业和社会产生持久的影响。
For instance, the midsize FOBs in our research base, with annual revenues between million to billion, performed better than non-FOBs by being more efficient investors. They have delivered 10 percent higher capital turnover over the past five years compared with non-FOBs. Why? These midsize FOBs face fewer of the traditional market pressures to deliver short-term results. Their focus on the long term and their streamlined decision-making processes allow them to be more effective than non-FOBs at identifying investment opportunities that are in line with their purpose and goals, acting decisively, and quickly allocating resources against those opportunities.
例如,在我们的研究基础中,年收入介于 万到 亿美元之间的中型外资银行,由于是更有效率的投资者,因此比非外资银行表现更好。在过去五年中,它们的资本周转率比非外资银行高出 10%。原因何在?这些中型外资银行面临的传统市场压力较小,不需要短期业绩。与非外商直接投资公司相比,它们注重长远发展,决策流程简化,因此能更有效地识别符合其宗旨和目标的投资机会,果断采取行动,并迅速针对这些机会分配资源。

Meanwhile, the large FOBs in our sample, with annual revenues between billion and billion, tend to be efficient operators that have delivered 1.5-percentage-point higher operating margins over the past five years compared with non-FOBs. The numbers likely reflect large FOBs' ability to take advantage of processrelated efficiencies and supply chain relationships developed over successive generations (Exhibit 2).
同时,在我们的样本中,年收入在 亿到 亿之间的大型离岸外包公司往往是高效的运营商,在过去五年中,其营业利润率比非离岸外包公司高出 1.5 个百分点。这些数字很可能反映了大型离岸公司利用流程相关效率和历代发展起来的供应链关系的能力(见图 2)。
In addition, the family-owned businesses in our research base that are 25 years old and younger tend to have an aggressive growth mindset, increasing revenues twice as fast as non-FOBs as they channel the entrepreneurial energy of the
此外,在我们的研究基础中,25 岁及以下的家族企业往往具有积极的增长心态,其收入增长速度是非家族企业的两倍,因为它们将创业者的能量引导到了企业的发展中。
Midsize family-owned businesses tend to be more efficient investors while large family-owned businesses tend to be more efficient operators.
ROIC contributors, by size, family-owned businesses (FOBs) and non-FOBs
按规模、家族企业(FOB)和非家族企业分列的 ROIC 贡献者
Capital turnover, multiples
Operating margin (EBIT/revenue), %
Midsize companies in our sample have annual revenues of million to billion, while large companies have annual revenues of between billion and billion.
在我们的样本中,中型公司的年收入在 万到 亿之间,而大型公司的年收入在 亿到 亿之间。
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founder. As they mature and transition into new generations of leadership, however, some FOBs start thinking less about big bets and more about preserving value. Others just lose the founder's entrepreneurial edge. Their growth slows, falling more in line with that of non-FOBs (Exhibit 3).
创始人。然而,随着企业的成熟和向新一代领导层的过渡,一些外商独资企业开始减少对豪赌的考虑,而更多地考虑如何保值。还有一些企业则失去了创始人的创业优势。它们的增长速度放缓,与非外商独资企业的增长速度更加一致(见图 3)。
Younger family-owned businesses target aggressive growth-at first. The focus changes to value preservation as they mature.
McKinsey & Company 麦肯锡公司

equals outperformance
等于 超越业绩

Our research also revealed a notable gap in performance among FOBs and non-FOBs on our economic profit power curve, with a performance edge appearing across all quintiles. And the bestperforming FOBs fared much better than the best-performing non-FOBs: the top two quintiles show a performance gap three times larger than the average of the lower quintiles. What's more, the highest-performing FOBs capture the largest share of economic profit and drive outperformance across the entire FOB category (Exhibit 4).
我们的研究还发现,在我们的经济利润能力曲线上,外商直接投资企业和非外商直接投资企业之间存在明显的业绩差距,在所有五分位数中都出现了业绩优势。而且,表现最好的外商独资企业比表现最好的非外商独资企业要好得多:前两个五分位数的表现差距是后五个五分位数平均值的三倍。更重要的是,表现最佳的离岸外包企业获取了最大份额的经济利润,并推动整个离岸外包企业类别取得了优异表现(见图 4)。

The highest-performing FOBs capture the largest share of economic profit and drive outperformance across the entire FOB category.

Exhibit 4 证据 4

The gap in performance between businesses that are family-owned and those that are not grows across quintiles.

McKinsey & Company 麦肯锡公司
Who are these outperformers? They comprise more than 120 FOBs in our research base, with ages ranging from under a decade to several centuries. They span ten sectors and operate across the world. Their average annual revenues range from billion to billion, with average economic profit of million and average EBITDA margin of 20 percent.
这些绩优股是谁?在我们的研究数据库中,这些公司包括 120 多家 FOB,年龄从不到十年到几个世纪不等。它们横跨十个行业,业务遍布全球。它们的平均年收入从 亿美元到 亿美元不等,平均经济利润为 万美元,平均息税折旧摊销前利润率为 20%。
Through our analyses, we learned that these top FOBs display four mindsets that are common to other FOBs but that are more pronounced in the outperformers. And, unlike most other FOBs, the outperformers combine the four critical mindsets with five strategic actions that help them achieve and sustain top-quintile performance that truly differentiates them (Exhibit 5).
通过分析,我们了解到,这些顶级外资银行表现出其他外资银行共有的四种思维方式,但在表现优异者身上更为明显。而且,与大多数其他外资银行不同的是,绩优外资银行将这四种关键思维方式与五项战略行动相结合,帮助它们实现并保持真正与众不同的一流业绩(见图 5)。

Four critical mindsets of outperforming FOBs

Traces of the following four critical mindsets can be found in the DNA of all family-owned businesses, but these mindsets are more pronounced in the highest-performing FOBs relative to others.
  1. They focus on purpose beyond profits
Our research shows that 93 percent of respondents from the highest-performing FOBs believe their company has a clear purpose beyond creating value for shareholders, as compared with 86 percent of the overall group of FOBs we surveyed. This sense of purpose can take many forms. It can be inward looking and focused on building the company's legacy-for instance, by maintaining a strong reputation, protecting the brand image, or nurturing a strong company culture. Or it can be outward facing, focused on maximizing value for customers or generating positive impact in their communities. Whatever its nature, FOB respondents say they are willing to spend the time and resources needed to bring this purpose to life. Of the respondents from the highest-performing FOBs, 91 percent say they have formal mechanisms to ensure that employees understand, appreciate, and role model their purpose and values, as compared with 84 percent of the overall group of FOBs surveyed.
我们的研究表明,93% 的业绩最好的外商独资企业的受访者认为,除了为股东创造价值外,他们的公司还有一个明确的目标,而在我们调查的所有外商独资企业中,这一比例仅为 86%。这种目标感可以有多种形式。它可以是内向型的,侧重于建立公司的传统--例如,通过维护良好的声誉、保护品牌形象或培育强大的公司文化。它也可以是外向型的,侧重于为客户创造最大价值或在社区产生积极影响。无论其性质如何,FOB 受访者都表示,他们愿意花费必要的时间和资源来实现这一目标。在表现最出色的外商独资企业中,91%的受访者表示,他们有正式的机制来确保员工理解、欣赏他们的宗旨和价值观,并以身作则,而在所有受访的外商独资企业中,这一比例仅为 84%。
Family-owned businesses can apply a value creation formula.
家族企业可以采用 价值创造公式。
One place where this mindset is most strongly reflected is in the highest-performing companies' efforts to support their communities. In our survey, leaders in 58 percent of the outperforming FOBs strongly agree with the assertion that their companies "embrace social responsibility and sustainability," compared with 39 percent of leaders of other FOBs. One example of community support is a family-owned financial-services company in Latin America that tracks its environment, social, and governance efforts as closely as it does its financial performance. To foster transparency and accountability, it participates in all major market indexes that monitor sustainability and governance-both domestically and abroad.
这种心态体现得最强烈的一个地方,就是表现最好的公司在支持社区方面所做的努力。在我们的调查中,58%表现优异的外资银行的领导者非常同意他们公司 "承担社会责任和可持续发展 "的说法,而其他外资银行的领导者只有 39%。社区支持的一个例子是拉丁美洲的一家家族金融服务公司,该公司像跟踪财务业绩一样密切跟踪其在环境、社会和治理方面所做的努力。为了促进透明度和问责制,该公司参与了国内外所有监测可持续发展和治理的主要市场指数。
The purpose-driven mindset is also reflected in the outperforming companies' approach to hiring, promotion, and retention. Loyalty is a key value in most of these companies and, in our interviews, leaders revealed an ability to look "through the cycle" and avoid layoffs in crisis periods. One Indian conglomerate with roots dating back to the 1800s has basically adopted a "never fire" approach to talent management.
以目标为导向的思维方式还体现在表现优异的公司在招聘、晋升和留任方面的做法上。忠诚是大多数这些公司的重要价值观,在我们的访谈中,领导者透露出一种 "穿越周期 "的能力,在危机时期避免裁员。有一家印度企业集团的历史可以追溯到 19 世纪,它基本上采用了 "永不解雇 "的人才管理方法。
  1. They take a long-term perspective and reinvest in the business
Leaders of outperforming FOBs cite their longterm perspective as one of the top three reasons for their success, alongside the ability to innovate and to expand into new markets and regions. They ruthlessly optimize for the longevity and resilience of the organization, even if it comes at the expense of short-term performance.
Ownership structure plays a critical role in the outperformers' ability to maintain this longterm perspective: 92 percent of outperforming businesses in our research base have at least a 40 percent family ownership. Since they are not beholden to the demands of shareholders or the
所有制结构在绩优企业保持这种长远观点的能力方面发挥着至关重要的作用:在我们的研究基础中,92% 的绩优企业至少拥有 40% 的家族所有权。因为他们不受制于股东的要求或

pressures of quarterly earnings reports, they can take a more patient and strategic approach to investing, which can ultimately lead to sustainable growth and success. One family-owned European retailer, for instance, had for decades remained resolutely focused on an "always buy, never sell" philosophy. In the late 1990s, it acquired an unprofitable brand, and, over a six-year period in which the acquired brand's performance remained low, the company weathered public scrutiny and pressure to sell. Over time, however, the waiting game eventually paid off and the brand became one of the company's most successful acquisitions.
在季度收益报告的压力下,他们可以采取更具耐心和战略性的投资方法,最终实现可持续增长和成功。例如,一家欧洲家族零售商几十年来一直坚持 "只买不卖 "的理念。20 世纪 90 年代末,该公司收购了一个不盈利的品牌,在被收购品牌业绩持续低迷的六年时间里,该公司经受住了公众的质疑和出售的压力。然而,随着时间的推移,等待游戏最终得到了回报,该品牌成为公司最成功的收购之一。
Our research also revealed that , in general, tend to reinvest in the business rather than extract as much as they can from the company through dividends (Exhibit 6). They are not under the same pressures that non-FOBs are increasingly under to prioritize higher dividends to meet shareholder expectations. Indeed, over the past five years, FOBs worldwide delivered dividend yields that were 12 percent lower (on average) than those of non-FOBs.
我们的研究还表明, ,一般倾向于对企业进行再投资,而不是通过分红从公司榨取尽可能多的利润(见图 6)。它们并不像非外商独资企业那样面临越来越大的压力,需要优先考虑提高股息以满足股东的期望。事实上,在过去五年中,全球外商独资企业的股息收益率(平均)比非外商独资企业低 12%。

3. They are financially conservative and cautious about debt and high-risk investments
In general, FOBs tend to be financially cautious, with leverage ratios that are, on average, six percentage points lower than those of non-FOBs. The outperforming FOBs have even lower leverage ratios, by nearly ten percentage points (Exhibit 7).
一般来说,外资银行在财务上往往比较谨慎,其杠杆比率平均比非外资银行低 6 个百分点。表现优异的外资银行的杠杆比率甚至更低,低了近 10 个百分点(见图 7)。
Interestingly, however, the outperformers say they take on more debt compared with other FOBs. For instance, about 40 percent of the outperformer respondents told us they use debt to finance more than 50 percent of their investments. By contrast, other FOB respondents told us they use debt to finance only 12 percent of their investments. Given that they are using their own money, FOBs often prefer to invest their funds in marketing, sales, manufacturing, and other parts of the business where there are clear paths for growth and some precedent for returns, rather than invest in high-risk areas such as R&D.
然而,有趣的是,与其他外资银行相比,表现优异的外资银行表示他们承担了更多的债务。例如,约 40% 的绩优受访者告诉我们,他们使用债务为 50% 以上的投资融资。相比之下,其他外资银行的受访者告诉我们,他们使用债务融资的比例仅占其投资的 12%。由于使用的是自有资金,外商投资企业通常更愿意将资金投入到市场营销、销售、制造以及其他有明确增长路径和一定回报先例的业务领域,而不是投资于研发等高风险领域。
This cautious approach to finances also helps the outperformers weather significant economic

Exhibit 6 证据 6

Family-owned businesses on average distribute lower dividends than businesses that are not family owned.

Average dividend yield, family-owned businesses (FOBs) and non-FOBs
McKinsey & Company 麦肯锡公司
Exhibit 7 证据 7

Family-owned businesses on average have lower leverage ratios than businesses that are not family owned.

McKinsey & Company 麦肯锡公司
shocks such as the 2008 global credit crisis and the recent COVID-19-triggered downturn-and emerge in better shape than other FOBs and non-FOBs. For example, a family-owned logistics business in Europe credits its financial conservatism as a critical factor in its relatively quick recovery from global supply chain shortages in 2021. Through the crisis period, the company held a steadfast focus on the long term and prioritized preserving its strong cash position, which allowed it to avoid bankruptcy the past few years while others were falling prey to industry contraction.
在 2008 年全球信贷危机和最近由 COVID-19 引发的经济衰退等冲击下,它比其他离岸承包商和非离岸承包商表现得更好。例如,欧洲的一家家族物流企业认为,其财务保守是 2021 年从全球供应链短缺中较快恢复的关键因素。在危机期间,该公司始终着眼于长远发展,优先考虑保持强劲的现金状况,这使其在过去几年中避免了破产,而其他公司却因行业萎缩而陷入困境。

4. Their internal processes allow for efficient decision making

Our conversations with leaders in outperforming
FOBs point to greater efficiency in decision making, in part because of two factors: centralized but flexible processes and engaged employees.
FOB 指出,决策效率的提高部分归功于两个因素:集中但灵活的流程和员工的参与。
Despite the existence of investment committees, for instance, the big decisions taken by leaders and teams in outperforming FOBs are usually highly influenced by a single individual or several members of the family who can act more decisively than leaders in non-FOBs. The non-FOBs usually rely on multistage, multiparty processes that can be difficult and time-consuming to navigate.
Interestingly, the outperforming FOBs distinguish between efficient decision making and fast decision making: when family members agree, they make choices quickly. But when family members disagree, the outperformers take advantage of their flexible structures and processes to consider all the different points of view. They understand that decision making can be both quick and deliberateand that the ability to adjust as needed is a true differentiator in performance.
The benefit of having engaged employees is that "once the CEO has a strategy in mind, it is easier to implement any changes," leaders at one Japanese FOB told us. This approach to decision making has allowed the company to execute major category and market expansions every ten to 15 years.
一家日本离岸公司的领导告诉我们,让员工参与进来的好处是,"一旦首席执行官心中有了战略,任何改变都更容易实施"。这种决策方法使该公司每隔 10 到 15 年就能进行一次重大的品类和市场扩张。

Five strategic actions that set outperforming FOBs apart

Through our analyses, we discovered that the very best FOBs combine the four critical mindsets just
通过分析,我们发现最优秀的 FOB 结合了以下四种关键思维方式

described with five strategic actions that truly set them apart.

1. They actively diversify their portfolios

The outperforming FOBs in our research base have highly diversified portfolios. One conglomerate reaches more than one billion customers across its consumer goods, agriculture, and real estate divisions, among others. Another FOB started in waste management but has expanded into logistics, clean energy, and mobility solutions. Indeed, our research shows that 40 percent of the outperformers garner more than half of their revenues from streams outside their core businesses. By contrast, only 7 percent of other FOBs had a similar share of noncore business revenues (Exhibit 8).
在我们的研究基础中,表现优异的外商独资企业拥有高度多样化的投资组合。其中一家企业集团的消费品、农业和房地产等部门的客户超过 10 亿。另一家 FOB 以废物管理起家,但现已扩展到物流、清洁能源和移动解决方案领域。事实上,我们的研究表明,40% 的绩优企业一半以上的收入来自核心业务以外的业务。相比之下,只有 7% 的其他外资企业拥有类似的非核心业务收入份额(见图 8)。
Moreover, 70 percent of the outperformers told us they will prioritize expansion beyond the core over the next five years by moving into new industries or geographies or by targeting disruptive businesses.
此外,70% 的绩优企业告诉我们,他们将在未来五年内优先考虑向核心业务以外的领域扩张,进军新的行业或地区,或瞄准颠覆性业务。
M&A seems to be the go-to diversification strategy for these organizations. Some 66 percent of respondents to our survey told us they pursued M&A to access new technologies, 63 percent to enter new industries, and nearly 60 percent to tap into new geographies.
并购似乎是这些企业最常用的多元化战略。在我们的调查中,约 66% 的受访者告诉我们,他们通过并购获取新技术,63% 的受访者告诉我们,他们通过并购进入新行业,近 60% 的受访者告诉我们,他们通过并购进入新地区。
Of course, not all M&A pursuits yield the same returns. Previous McKinsey research has found that programmatic M&A-that is, carefully choreographing a series of deals around a specific business case or M&A theme, instead of pursuing more organic, episodic, selective, or large transactions-is far more likely to lead to stronger performance and less risky for any organization. FOBs seem to be taking this message to heart: when asked about their M&A activity, about 40 percent of all FOBs told us they had pursued two or more small or midsize deals per year for the past ten years.
当然,并不是所有的并购活动都能获得同样的回报。麦肯锡之前的研究发现,有计划的并购--即围绕特定的业务案例或并购主题精心策划一系列交易,而不是追求更有机的、偶发的、选择性的或大型的交易--更有可能为任何组织带来更强的绩效和更低的风险。外商投资企业似乎将这一信息铭记于心:当被问及他们的并购活动时,大约 40% 的外商投资企业告诉我们,在过去十年中,他们每年都会进行两笔或更多的中小型交易。
The current findings support previous McKinsey research that shows FOBs tend to make smaller but more value-creating deals than non-FOBs. Leaders at a family-owned industrials company in Europe told us they actively try to avoid "core myopia." For years, they said, they had failed to recognize growth opportunities in recycling and sustainability. Now, they prioritize and pursue small acquisitions that they think can enhance their market position. They decide which companies they intend to acquire and for how much, "remaining patient and avoiding rushing into transactions until the opportune moment arises."
麦肯锡之前的研究表明,与非外商独资企业相比,外商独资企业倾向于进行规模较小但更能创造价值的交易。欧洲一家家族工业公司的领导告诉我们,他们积极避免 "核心近视"。他们说,多年来,他们一直没有意识到回收利用和可持续发展方面的增长机会。现在,他们优先考虑并追求那些他们认为可以提高市场地位的小型收购。他们决定收购哪些公司以及收购多少,"保持耐心,避免仓促进行交易,直到时机成熟"。
Further, many of the outperforming FOBs seemed more willing than peers to take bolder risks on occasion, with 58 percent indicating they had pursued at least one large deal in the past ten years, compared with 36 percent of other FOBs indicating the same.
此外,许多表现出色的外资银行似乎比同行更愿意偶尔承担更大胆的风险,58%的外资银行表示它们在过去十年中至少进行过一次大型交易,而其他外资银行中只有 36% 的外资银行表示有同样的经历。
Exhibit 8 证据 8

Outperforming family-owned businesses have a substantial share of revenues that come from beyond their core businesses.

Share of company revenues that come from activities outside core businesses,
of respondents
来自核心业务以外活动的公司收入份额, 受访者

\author{ \作者{

Other 其他



Outperforming  表现优异
McKinsey & Company 麦肯锡公司

2. They dynamically reallocate resources

Previous McKinsey research confirms that dynamic resource allocation is one of the best ways to achieve growth in an organization. Companies that reallocate more resources more often have been shown to generate significantly higher returns to shareholders, experience less long-term variance on returns, and have a higher likelihood of avoiding acquisition or bankruptcy.
Our analyses show that outperforming FOBs aggressively and dynamically allocate their resources toward businesses, regions, and channels they believe will drive the most growth. In fact, about 60 percent of the outperformers said that, over the past five years, they had shifted more than 30 percent of their capital across businesses or regions, targeting higher-value opportunities. By contrast only 20 percent of other FOBs had done the same (Exhibit 9).
我们的分析表明,表现优异的外商直接投资企业积极、动态地将资源分配给他们认为最能推动增长的业务、地区和渠道。事实上,约 60% 的绩优企业表示,在过去五年中,它们在不同业务或地区之间转移了 30% 以上的资金,瞄准价值更高的机会。相比之下,只有 20% 的其他外资银行采取了同样的做法(见图 9)。
In general, FOBs enjoy an advantage in this area compared with non-FOBs. Their focus on purpose along with their longer-term perspective and efficient decision-making structures allow them to avoid the politics and inertia that can drive allocation discussions off the rails.
Leaders from outperformer FOBs we spoke with say they take specific actions-in some cases, even cultural changes - to guard against inertia. A century's worth of diversification has given one family-owned conglomerate in Asia footholds across a wide range of sectors- from petrochemicals to energy, retail, and telecommunications. But to balance out its strategic pursuit of growth, the conglomerate has also built into its finance and strategy discussions formal reevaluations of business performance. It periodically divests underperforming divisions and reduces its ownership interests while reinvesting those resources in higher-growth opportunities. This culture of growth through continuous improvement is so strong that last year the company announced a multibilliondollar plan to transition from its core business in petrochemicals-which at one point accounted for more than three-quarters of the company's revenues-to new opportunities in renewables.
Leaders attribute the company's success to the founders' direct, personal involvement in identifying big bets and building the financial, operational, and talent competencies required to reallocate resources and act on those bets.

3. They are efficient investors and operators

As mentioned earlier, at the outset of their tenures, FOBs tend to perform better than others because they can allocate capital more efficiently. But as they grow and scale, their outperformance tends to come more from efficient operations. Interestingly, the very best FOBs can do both.
Our data shows that the high-performing FOBs have a capital turnover ratio of 1.4-in line with that of outperforming non-FOBs and higher than that of all other FOBs in our sample. The high performers also
我们的数据显示,表现优异的外资银行的资本周转率为 1.4,与表现优异的非外资银行的资本周转率一致,高于样本中所有其他外资银行的资本周转率。绩优外资银行还
Exhibit 9 证据 9

Outperforming family-owned businesses reallocate resources more aggressively than others.

Outperforming  表现优异
McKinsey & Company 麦肯锡公司
report operating margins that are almost 10 percent higher than that of outperforming non-FOBs and nearly twice that of other FOBs in our research base (Exhibit 10).
在我们的研究基础上,这些公司的运营利润率比表现优异的非外资银行高出近 10%,是其他外资银行的近两倍(见图 10)。
Their higher-than-average investment and operating performance is driven by three factors. First is their operating DNA, which is passed down through generations and shapes the way their businesses operate, including decision making, customer service approach, talent management, and even developing functional expertise. In South Korea, for instance, the chairman of a family-owned apparel and footwear manufacturer has visited the production line daily for decades and knows each worker by name. Such direct involvement from the company founder has helped foster a sense of loyalty and ownership among employees. Through this access, workers are also getting a first-hand perspective on the operational challenges and opportunities across the organization-and, as a result, are deeply motivated to weigh in with potential solutions.
Second, compared with the other FOBs in our research base, the outperformers use a broader set of data to evaluate organizational performance. For instance, these businesses used more key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure executive performance, including top- and bottom-line figures and valuation metrics. When we asked all the FOB respondents in our research base which of seven designated metrics they had considered in evaluating executive compensation, the outperformers were 10 percent more likely, on average, to indicate that they were tracking all the KPIs we listed.
其次,与我们研究基础中的其他外商独资企业相比,表现优异的企业使用更广泛的数据来评估组织绩效。例如,这些企业使用了更多的关键绩效指标(KPI)来衡量执行绩效,包括顶线和底线数据以及估值指标。当我们询问研究基础中的所有外商直接投资受访者,他们在评估高管薪酬时考虑了七项指定指标中的哪些指标时,表现优异者表示正在跟踪我们列出的所有关键绩效指标的可能性平均高出 10%。
The last and arguably biggest differentiator is that outperforming FOBs focus on innovation. They invest twice as much in R&D as other FOBs do, and back up those investments with performance management systems. One US-based familyowned company that provides telecommunications and automotive services established a series of programs to support the creation of a tech-venture ecosystem in a part of the country that has not traditionally been a tech hub. The company launched an accelerator for tech start-ups and a not-forprofit program to drive job creation in adjacent industries. Through direct and indirect investments in these programs and companies, the company is
Exhibit 10 证据 10

Outperforming family-owned businesses are efficient at both investing and operations.

Average capital turnover, 2017-22, multiples
平均资本周转率,2017-22 年,倍数
Outperforming family-owned businesses (FOBs) are as good as outperforming non-FOBs in capital efficiency ...
在资本效率方面,表现优异的家族企业(FOB)与表现不佳的非家族企业一样 ...
Other FOBs 其他离岸价
Other non-FOBs 其他非外商独资企业
Outperforming FOBs 优于离岸价格
Outperforming non-FOBs 表现优于非外资银行
Average EBIT margins, 2017-22,
2017-22 年平均息税前利润率、
per year  每年
and are much better than them
in operational efficiency
Other non-FOBs 其他非外商独资企业
Outperforming FOBs 优于离岸价格
helping others while ensuring its own access to top technology innovations and talent in the region.

4. They maintain a relentless focus on attracting, developing, and retaining talent

Talent management is an obsession for the highestperforming FOBs. In our survey, 86 percent of respondents at outperforming FOBs agree or completely agree that their company attracts the best talent. More than 90 percent either agree or completely agree that their company successfully identifies, trains, and develops top performers.
人才管理是绩优外商独资企业的当务之急。在我们的调查中,86% 的绩优外商独资企业受访者同意或完全同意他们的公司能够吸引最优秀的人才。超过 90% 的受访者同意或完全同意,他们的公司成功地识别、培训和培养了最优秀的人才。
One family-owned luxury retailer in Europe takes an end-to-end approach to talent management. To attract recent graduates and younger workers, the company developed and launched a two-year, nine-part social media campaign-a series of "day in the life" posts filmed by and with existing employees. It also established a program to identify and train thousands of internal ambassadors to help and onboard newer workers. Partly due to these initiatives, the group has been voted a top employer among business school students for 18 years in a row in the retailer's home country. At the senior-leader level, the company focuses on offering competitive salaries, which it benchmarks constantly. It also provides leaders exclusive proximity to members of the founder family, which creates a sense of personal attachment and accountability for the company's results among senior leaders.
欧洲一家家族奢侈品零售商采取了端到端的人才管理方法。为了吸引应届毕业生和年轻员工,该公司开发并推出了一项为期两年、由九个部分组成的社交媒体活动--一系列由现有员工拍摄并与他们共同参与的 "一天的生活 "帖子。公司还制定了一项计划,确定并培训了数千名内部大使,以帮助和接纳新员工。部分由于这些举措,该集团连续 18 年在零售商所在国的商学院学生中被评为最佳雇主。在高层领导层面,公司注重提供具有竞争力的薪酬,并不断以此为基准。此外,公司还为领导者提供与创始人家族成员独享的近距离接触机会,从而在高级领导者中营造出一种个人归属感和对公司业绩的责任感。
As a result of these efforts, the company boasts an average length of service between six and seven years - about three times higher than the typical tenure for employees at luxury retail companies. Almost one-quarter of the company's workforce has been employed there for more than 15 years, and of these, more than 70 percent have been with the company for more than 20 years. The leaders' perspective is that recruiting exceptional talent and retaining them for long tenures has allowed the company to build and maintain a strong culture of artistic expression, attention to detail, and longterm vision-traits that are crucial to success in a business that hinges on creativity and reinvention.
由于这些努力,该公司员工的平均服务年限达到 6 至 7 年,比奢侈品零售公司员工的平均服务年限高出约三倍。公司近四分之一的员工已在公司工作 15 年以上,其中 70% 以上的员工已在公司工作 20 年以上。公司领导者认为,招聘优秀人才并长期留用他们,使公司得以建立并保持一种浓厚的艺术表达、注重细节和长期愿景的文化氛围,而这些特质对于一个依赖创造力和再创造力的企业来说,是取得成功的关键。
Also in our survey, more than 80 percent of outperforming FOB respondents report that their companies have built effective training programs to develop the next generation of family members. A family-owned electronics retailer in Africa, for instance, puts all family members interested in joining the company through a rigorous interview process (even tougher than their standard recruiting process) and places them in jobs that are aligned with their skill sets. An Asian FOB in the apparel industry mandates that family members do a series of role rotations, periodically tasking them with initiating new M&A deals, ventures, or resolving existing challenges to evaluate their problem-solving skills.
此外,在我们的调查中,超过 80% 的表现优异的 FOB 受访者表示,他们的公司已经制定了有效的培训计划,以培养下一代家族成员。例如,非洲的一家家族电子产品零售商让所有有意加入公司的家族成员参加严格的面试(甚至比他们的标准招聘流程更严格),并安排他们从事与他们的技能组合相匹配的工作。亚洲一家服装行业的外商独资企业规定,家族成员必须进行一系列角色轮换,定期让他们负责启动新的并购交易、风险投资或解决现有挑战,以评估他们解决问题的能力。

5. They continually review their governance mechanisms to ensure strong corporate performance across generations

Our research reveals that outperforming FOBs take the separation of family and business matters very seriously. About 80 percent of the outperformer company respondents reveal there is formal documentation in their companies with clear guidelines on the roles and responsibilities of family members. More than 90 percent of the outperformer respondents told us there is an effective and independent board of directors in place, compared with 72 percent of respondents from of all other FOBs who say the same. And 85 percent of respondents from outperforming FOBs report that their companies have a formal forum that meets regularly to discuss family and business issues, compared with only 66 percent of all other FOBs in our research base.
我们的研究显示,表现优异的外商独资企业非常重视家庭与企业事务的分离。约 80% 的绩优公司受访者表示,他们的公司有正式的文件,明确规定了家族成员的角色和责任。超过 90% 的绩优公司受访者告诉我们,公司有一个有效且独立的董事会,而在所有其他外资企业中,只有 72% 的受访者持相同观点。85%的优秀外资企业受访者表示,他们的公司有一个定期开会讨论家族和企业问题的正式论坛,而在我们的研究基础中,所有其他外资企业中只有66%的受访者持相同观点。
In interviews, leaders in the outperforming FOBs touted the benefits of having strict guidelines about family member roles and responsibilities, especially if the business is still family-led. At a secondgeneration 100 percent family-owned healthcare services business in the United States, two siblings share leadership roles. One is the president and focuses on strategic responsibilities across three business units, while the other is the chief growth officer and focuses on sales. Their positions very intentionally intersect but don't overlap. And the siblings bring unique and complementary skills to the leadership team. Before they reached their current positions, however, the siblings spent time in different parts of the company to develop a sense of ownership and connection to the company culture, deepen their understanding of processes, develop their management skills, and most importantly, earn
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㓅 the trust and respect of the broader organization. What's more, this pathway to leadership has been institutionalized at the company: a third-generation family member is on a similar development journey and currently serves as chief of staff.
Family governance, when well-executed, can be a powerful way to build corporate culture. However, FOBs may also want to look outside blood lines for leadership. Research has shown that professional management, when well identified and given the right conditions to prosper, can produce better results than family-only structures. Indeed, FOBs are increasingly tapping into the expertise of professionals from outside the family, and our research shows that the outperformers do so even more. For instance, 95 percent of the outperforming FOBs in our research base indicated that they actively involve nonfamily executives in setting portfolio strategy, compared with 85 percent of all other FOBs in the research base.
家族治理如果执行得当,可以成为建设企业文化的有力途径。不过,外商独资企业也可能希望在血缘之外寻找领导层。研究表明,专业管理层如果能够得到很好的识别,并具备适当的繁荣条件,就能比纯家族结构产生更好的效果。 事实上,外商独资企业正越来越多地利用家族以外的专业人士的专业知识,我们的研究表明,表现优异的外商独资企业在这方面做得更多。例如,在我们的研究基础中,95% 的表现优异的外商独资企业表示,他们积极让非家族高管参与制定投资组合战略,而在研究基础的所有其他外商独资企业中,这一比例仅为 85%。
One outperformer, a CPG company based in Latin America, decided last year to break a generationslong sequence of family leadership and hire a CEO externally. A family-owned European pharmaceutical company did the same. Both organizations followed practices that would be standard for any company, family-owned or not. For example, both engaged a global recruiter to conduct their searches and asked them to focus on talent rather than cultural fit. As FOBs grapple with the question of succession, they would do well to keep their focus more on longevity of the business rather than on continuing family stewardship.

This formula of four critical mindsets plus five strategic actions can help to ensure that FOBs capitalize on the potential for significant, profitable, and sustainable growth. The value at stake is substantial: companies that have implemented this formula successfully have been able to climb higher on the economic-profit curve over the past five years, moving up one or two quintiles. Others that follow this formula can do the same and potentially realize a fourfold increase in value creation over the next decade, according to our estimates.
The implementation will of course look different depending on the organization. Companies facing imminent generational transitions may need to focus first on shoring up their governance mechanisms and succession planning. Businesses in stagnant or vulnerable industries may want to focus first on dynamic capital allocation practices to boost their investments in R&D, new business building, and M&A. The formula must be applied judiciously, and with careful attention to what will be most effective given their specific circumstances.
Regardless, the formula provides a path for FOBs (and non-FOBs), of all sizes and ages, to improve their performance and continue to do what they have done for decades-support sustainable and inclusive economic growth, raise employment, and improve healthcare and education in communities around the world.
无论如何, 公式为各种规模和年龄的外资银行(和非外资银行)提供了一条改进其业绩的道路,并使它们能够继续几十年来所做的工作--支持可持续和包容性的经济增长、提高就业率、改善世界各地社区的医疗保健和教育。
Eduardo Asaf is a partner in McKinsey's Mexico City office, where Igor Carvalho and Jose Tellechea are consultants; Acha Leke is a senior partner in the Johannesburg office; and Francesco Malatesta is an associate partner in the Dubai office.
Eduardo Asaf 是麦肯锡墨西哥城分公司的合伙人,Igor Carvalho 和 Jose Tellechea 是该分公司的顾问;Acha Leke 是约翰内斯堡分公司的高级合伙人;Francesco Malatesta 是迪拜分公司的副合伙人。
The authors wish to thank Aliyah Allie, Michael Birshan, Fredrik Dahlqvist, Gemma D’Auria, Heinz-Peter Elstrodt, Avinash Goyal, Franck Laizet, Ari Libarikian, David Quigley, Liz Hilton Segel, and Sergio Waisser for their contributions to this report.
作者感谢 Aliyah Allie、Michael Birshan、Fredrik Dahlqvist、Gemma D'Auria、Heinz-Peter Elstrodt、Avinash Goyal、Franck Laizet、Ari Libarikian、David Quigley、Liz Hilton Segel 和 Sergio Waisser 为本报告做出的贡献。
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  1. Refers to companies in which the family controls at least 20 percent of owned capital share or voting rights; note that voting rights may be controlling or noncontrolling.
    指家族控制至少 20% 自有资本份额或投票权的公司;注意,投票权可能是控制性的,也可能是非控制性的。
    2 "Empowering family businesses to fast-track sustainable development," United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, April 13, 2021.
    2 "赋权家族企业,快速实现可持续发展",联合国贸易和发展会议,2021 年 4 月 13 日。
  2. Non-FOBs are defined as any company that does not meet a 20 percent threshold for family ownership in either share capital or voting rights.
    非外商独资企业的定义是,任何公司的股本或投票权均未达到 20% 的家族所有权门槛。
    Economic profit is the difference between revenue received from the sale of goods and services and the costs of producing those goods and services, including opportunity costs.
    Economic spread is the difference between a company's return on invested capital and its weighted average cost of capital.
  3. 1 "The transfer of wealth from boomers to 'zennials' will shape the global economy," Financial Times, August 22, 2023.
    1 "财富从婴儿潮一代向'千禧一代'的转移将塑造全球经济",《金融时报》,2023 年 8 月 22 日。
    2 "Global flows: The ties that bind in an interconnected world," McKinsey Global Institute, November 15, 2022.
    2 "全球流动:麦肯锡全球研究院,2022 年 11 月 15 日。
  4. Capital that has shifted between businesses or regions, past 5 years,
    过去 5 年在企业或地区之间转移的资本、
    of respondents  受访者百分比
  5. Nicholas Bloom, Raffaella Sadun, and John Van Reenen, "Family firms need professional management," Harvard Business Review, March 25, 2011
    Nicholas Bloom、Raffaella Sadun 和 John Van Reenen,"家族企业需要专业管理",《哈佛商业评论》,2011 年 3 月 25 日。