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I AM” 活動



The "I AM" Activity represents the Original, Permanent, and Highest Source of the Ascended Masters' Instruction on the Great Laws of Life, as first offered to the western world by the Ascended Master Saint Germain, through His Accredited Messengers, Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Ballard.
“我是”活動代表了揚升大師關於生命偉大法則的教導的原始、永久和最高來源,由揚升大師聖日爾曼通過他認可的使者 Guy W. Ballard 先生和夫人首次提供給西方世界。

In the early 1930s the Ballard.s established Saint Germain Foundation and Saint Germain Press, Inc. which under Saint Germain's Guidance, have expanded into worldwide organizations that offer to mankind the true Ascended Master Teachings on the Great Cosmic Words, "I AM"! Saint Germain Foundaüon strives to keep the "I AM" Ascended Master Instruction in Its pure, unadulterated form, free from any human interpretation, personal monetary gain, or proselytizing, as It is a Gift from the Great Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings to bring Illumination and Perfection to mankind.
在 1930 年代初期,巴拉德成立了聖日爾曼基金會和聖日爾曼出版社,在聖日爾曼的指導下,它們已經擴展到全球組織,為人類提供關於偉大宇宙詞語「我是」的真正揚升大師教義!聖日爾曼基金會努力保持「我是」揚升大師教學的純粹、純粹的形式,不受任何人類解釋、個人金錢利益或勸誘,因為它是偉大的揚升大師和宇宙生物的禮物,為人類帶來光明和完美。

Hundreds of "I AM" Temples and Sanctuaries exist throughout the world, where the Teachings are applied in "I AM" Decree Groups. The Books of the Saint Germain Series are available in many libraries, bookstores, or directly from Saint Germain Press (address below). For further information, please contact:



1120 Stonehedge Drive
1120 斯通對沖路

Schaumburg, Illinois 60194
伊利諾伊州紹姆堡 60194

United States of America

(847) 882-7400 or (800) 662-2800 www.SaintGermainFoundation.org www.SaintGermainPress.com
(847) 882-7400 或 (800) 662-2800 www.SaintGermainFoundation.org www.SaintGermainPress.com


This series of books is dedicated in deepest Eternal Love and Gratitude to our Beloved Ascended Masters, Saint Germain, Jesus, Nada, the Great Divine Director, to the Great White Brotherhood, the Brotherhood of the Royal Teton, the Brotherhood at Mount Shasta, the Great Ones from Venus, and those other Ascended Masters whose Loving Help has been direct and without limit.


It is with sincerest gratitude that I acknowledge the blessed assistance of Lotus Ray King, whose untiring effort has enabled me to bring forth Unveiled Mysteries, The Magic Presence and The "I AM" Discourses in their present, splendid form.
我懷著最誠摯的感激之情感謝Lotus Ray King的加持説明,他的不懈努力使我能夠以現在的輝煌形式呈現出《揭開神秘面紗》、《魔法存在》和《我是》的論述。

All credit is given Lotus for editing these books. By her great tenacity in holding so closely to her "Mighty I AM Presence, " she has called Perfection into action.
所有功勞都歸功於 Lotus 對這些書籍的編輯。憑藉她如此緊緊抓住她的「強大的我是臨在」的巨大毅力,她已經將完美付諸行動。

I wish to thank Betty Mundy for her gracious assistance in perfecting the manuscripts, and Arthur Brooks and Mae Da Camara for their painting of the "Magic Presence. "
我要感謝 Betty Mundy 在完善手稿方面的慷慨説明,以及 Arthur Brooks 和 Mae Da Camara 對「魔術存在」的繪畫

I am also grateful to the many Students who have so earnestly called the "Mighty I AM Presence" into action for the success and Perfection of this Transcendent Blessing to mankind.


Chicago, Illinois — December 7, 1939
伊利諾伊州芝加哥 — 1939 年 12 月 7 日


The Words of Beloved Jesus as quoted throughout this series of books by Godfré Ray King and the Ascended Masters are the Authentic Statements He uttered, although they do not always agree verbally with some versions of the Christian Bible.
戈弗雷·雷·金 (Godfré Ray King) 和揚升大師在這一系列書籍中引用的摯愛耶穌的話語是他所說的真實陳述,儘管它們並不總是在口頭上與基督教聖經的某些版本一致。

This fact should not surprise the Truth-Seeker, who understands the difficulties encountered in translation and realizes how many times the Bible has been translated in the past sixteen hundred years.

Beloved Jesus has spoken again on the Visible Light and Sound Ray and made this point clear, saying:

"It is unfortunate indeed that some of the Scriptural Statements have been clouded by human concepts; yet I am thankful indeed that many have remained unaltered. "
“確實很遺憾,一些 Scriptural 聲明被人類的觀念所蒙蔽;然而,我確實很感激,許多經文沒有改變。"



AT the present time the attention of mankind is being drawn to the conscious understanding and use of the Words "I AM" by the Ascended Masters, Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Jesus, and others of the Ascended Host—who are pouring out ceaselessly the Great Light to release Freedom, Peace, and Perfection. The Cosmic Command for the Permanent Golden Age has been given and must now manifest on this planet.

The Great Ascended Masters have worked for centuries preparing for the expansion of Light that is now flooding the entire system to which this earth belongs. The Great Cosmic Law has begun the release and increase of that Light which compels all things to come into Perfect Divine Order wherever It flows.

These Great Ones have always been the Custodians of the Eternal Inner Understanding concerning the use of the Great Creative Word, "I AM." They, and They alone, have been able to give the complete Understanding concerning what occurs when those two Words, "I AM," are used.

They have been the Elder Brothers, Protectors, Guardians, and Infallible Teachers of mankind throughout the centuries. The Ascended Masters are the only Infallible Source of Instruction to the humanity of this earth, because They are Wholly Divine, and One with the God Self of every individual. They are the Living Fulfillment of the Law They teach, and are the only Ones who have manifested Complete Victory over so-called death.

They are the Full Manifestation of that Light and Love which rule the Universe and which maintain Divine Order throughout Infinity.

The release of Their combined Light is taking place and flooding the earth at the present time. All that is not of the Light is consumed thereby. Their Light will continue to expand throughout this planet until all its humanity has made the Ascension also— and the earth itself becomes a Blazing Sun, whirling in its appointed path in space.

To these Great Ascended Masters mankind owes all the good it has ever received or drawn forth, because They are the way and means by which the Infinite God Self expands Its Perfection through the finite activity of personalities.

This earth and its humanity are entering into the "I AM" Age, and therefore the full use of this "I AM" Knowledge must be understood and utilized by the individuals who live here in the present and near future.

The Great Cosmic Beings, the Ascended Masters, and Angelic Host have given tremendous Protection to America and her people —especially over the last x five years. To all individuals who will call unto Them in the Name of the "Mighty I AM Presence," keep their feelings harmonized, and pour out intense Love continually to their own "Mighty I AM " will be given Assistance without limit.

This book is especially charged with Beloved Saint Germain's Ascended Master Consciousness and Love, and that of the other Ascended Masters concerned with this Activity, to bring Protection, Freedom, Illumination and Perfection to all who read or contact it, that all may express Mastery and also make their Ascension.

It is the privilege of every student of Light at this time to call in the Name of the "I AM Presence, " with all earnestness and Love to these Great Ones, to protect America, the government and her people, to illumine all officials of the government, to Perfect all within her borders, and to compel obedience everywhere unto "The Light of God that never fails. "



THE thirty-three Discourses contained in this book were dictated over a visible Light and Sound Ray in our home during 1932 by the Ascended Master Saint Germain and those other Ascended Masters directly concerned with this Activity. The sound of His Voice was physically audible to everyone in the room. At times, His Visible, Tangible Presence also stood within the room, when He radiated the Power and Energy of the Light Rays to accomplish special work.
1932年,本書中包含的 33 篇演講是由揚升大師聖日爾曼和其他與這項活動直接相關的揚升大師在我們家中通過可見光和聲射線口述的。他的聲音對房間里的每個人都能聽到。有時,他的可見、有形的存在也站在房間里,當他輻射光線的力量和能量來完成特殊的工作時。

The training and preparation for Him to do this at the present crisis of the outer world was given us over a period of thirty years, that it might be accomplished at this time, and assistance from the Ascended Masters come forth in this way to protect and free all individuals who make conscious effort to correct themselves and attain Mastery over all things on this earth.

Never before, except in the Retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, has such intensified, transcendent Instruction concerning the "I AM" been given to individuals. Not for thousands of years have the True Inner Instruction and Use of the Sacred Flame been taught to mankind as Saint Germain and others of the Ascended Masters have revealed. Permission for Them to be explained to students as given forth in these Discourses has been granted to us by these Great Ones. Such Instruction as is herein contained has never been given to students until after a three year probation in the Retreats.

The condition of the outer world at the present time is such that those who sincerely seek the Light and want the constructive way of Life must hate more than human help if they are to survive over the present period of chaos—which is the accumulated discord generated by humanity en masse through the centuries, and which is pressing heavily upon the outer experience of individuals today.
當前外部世界的狀況是這樣的,那些真誠地尋求光並希望獲得建設性生活方式的人,如果他們想在當前的混亂時期中生存下來——這是人類幾個世紀以來集體製造的不和諧,那麼他們必須憎恨更多的人。 它嚴重壓迫著當今個人的外部經驗。

The need of protection and help for the children of earth is so great at the present hour that the Great Ascended Masters and Legion of Light have "let the bars down, " so to speak, and have released this Inner Understanding of the "Mighty I AM Presence" into the outer Life of mankind, that all who want the Light and will make conscious effort to attain their own Freedom and Mastery may have the Assistance which will give them the Eternal Victory.
此時此刻,地球之子對保護和説明的需求是如此之大,以至於偉大的揚升大師和光明軍團已經 “放下了障礙”,可以說,已經將這種對 “強大的我是存在 ”的內在理解釋放到人類的外在空間裡,所有渴望光並願意有意識地努力獲得他們自己的自由和掌握的人都可以擁有這將給他們帶來永恆勝利的説明。

Only fragments of the real understanding of the "I AM Presence" have been given to the outer world until now. The Ascended Master Saint Germain says: "It is the most important Understanding mankind can ever have, and there is no Freedom nor Perfection for the individual, except through this conscious application. " He considers it of such paramount importance that He dictated more than thirty-three Discourses in which He explains what happens in the outer Life of the individual when one says "I AM." He also says: "Nothing will bless the individual to so great a degree as the Conscious Understanding of this 'Creative Word.' "
直到現在,只有對“我是臨在”的真正理解的片段被賦予了外部世界。揚升大師聖日爾曼說:「這是人類所能擁有的最正確的理解力,個人沒有自由或完美,除了這種有意識的應用。他認為這是如此重要,以至於他口述了超過 33 篇演講,在這些演講中,他解釋了當一個人說“我是”時,個人的外在生活會發生什麼。“他還說:”沒有什麼比對這個'創造性的話語'有意識的理解更能造福個人了。

When the phrase, " 'Mighty I AM Presence' come forth," is used throughout this series of books, it is always a call to the God Presence to pour forth or release the Outpouring of Perfection which the one making the call desires.
當 “'我強大的存在' 這句話貫穿於這一系列的書籍中時,它總是在呼喚上帝的臨在,以傾瀉或釋放發出呼召的人所渴望的完美澆灌。

It is always thought, felt, written or spoken with the feeling of intense LOVE. It is always a call to God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," to establish Perfection everywhere, and thus let God's Will— Perfection— be made manifest on earth. When a command is given, it is always the outer self calling unto God, and in the Name of that "Mighty I AM Presence," commanding substance and energy to obey the Decree given— which is the Self-conscious effort required in order to open the door for the Intelligence of the "I AM" to release Its Perfect Manifestation.

This book not only carries the Ascended Masters' Understanding of the "I AM," but 'is charged with Saint Germain's Ascended Master Consciousness and the Ray of Light and Love from His Heart which is the Ascended Masters' Feeling and Comprehension of Its full Power, forever Self-sustained.
這本書不僅承載了揚升大師對 “我是” 的理解,而且 “充滿了聖日爾曼的揚升大師意識和來自他心中的光明和愛的光芒,這是揚升大師對其全部力量的感受和理解,永遠是自我維持的。

May this book of "I AM" Discourses anchor the at-tendon of all who read or contact it so powerfully upon each individual's own Divinity, that the full Ascended Master Consciousness of the "Mighty I AM Presence" shall fill the earth, and release with the Power of a Thousand Suns the Eternal Dominion of "The Light of God that never fails."


54“淩晨 1 點”的論述





1932. .
1932 年。。




1932. .
1932 年。。





1932. .
1932 年。。














1932. .
1932 年。。










1932 . .





1932. .
1932 年。。

. 101


November 3, 1932

. 114


November 7, 1932

. 125

November 10, 1932

. 136


November 14, 1932

November 17, 1932 . .

. 149


November 21, 1932 . .


November 24, 1932.



November 28, 1932.






December 1, 1932


December 5, 1932 . . . . . . . . . . . 219
1932 年 12 月 5 日 . . .219


December 8, 1932

. .226

December 12, 1932. .

. .242


December 15, 1932 . . . .
1932 年 12 月 15 日 . . . .

. . .254


December 19, 1932

. .266


December 22, 1932. .

. 277


December 25, 1932

. 287


December 29, 1932. . . . . . . . . 300
1932年12月29日。. . . . . . . .300


December 24, 1933
1933 年 12 月 24 日

. . 311


December 25, 1933. . . . . 321
1933 年 12 月 25 日。321

August 19, 1934
1934 年 8 月 19 日

. . . 329


November 29, 1934.
1934 年 11 月 29 日。

. . 335


December 25, 1934. . . . . 339
1934 年 12 月 25 日。 339


January 1, 1935 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
1935 年 1 月 1 日 . . .348


July 4, 1932

. 357

Beloved Saint Germain's Description of

New Year's Eve Conclave at the Royal

Teton — January 1, 1935
提頓 — 1935 年 1 月 1 日

. . . . . . 361



DISC OURSE 1 (光碟 1)

October 3, 1932


INVOCATION: Thou Infinite, Mighty Presence, Thou All-Pervading Principle of Life! We give praise and thanks for Thy Wondrous Activity through all outer presence. Out of Thy Mighty Essence comes all that is, and oh! that humanity might understand, Thou art ever and forever Self-sustained. Thou Mighty, Active Principle of Life, surge forth in the outer activity of mankind and manifest Thy Supreme Justice now in all places.

Mighty Presence of Light— God in Action! govern the minds of mankind, holding them to Truth and Justice, and see that Thy Messengers are placed in all official positions. Let naught of the outer interfere, that none of humanity may accept any thought of deception.

Mighty Presence of God in Action, surge forth in the minds of all, expressing Thy Conquering Presence.

Greetings: I bring you Greetings from the Perfected Ones, who are watching closely over and ministering to all.
問候: 我為您帶來來自完美者的問候,他們正在密切關注和服侍所有人。


Life, in all Its Activities everywhere manifest, is God in Action; and it is only through lack of the understanding of applied thought and feeling that mankind is constantly interrupting the pure flow of that Perfect Essence of Life which would, without interference, naturally express Its Perfection everywhere.

The natural tendency of Life is Love, Peace, Beauty, Harmony, and Opulence, for Life cares not who uses It, but is constantly surging to pour more of Its Perfection into manifestation, always with that lifting process which is ever inherent within Itself.

"I AM"

"I AM" is the Activity of "That Life."

How strange it is that students with sincere interest do not seem to get the True Meaning of those two words.

When you say and feel "I AM," you release the spring of Eternal, Everlasting Life to flow on Its way unmolested. In other words, you open wide the door to Its natural flow. When you say "I AM not," you shut the door in the face of this Mighty Energy.
當你說並感受到 “我是” 時,你釋放了永恆、永恆生命的泉水,讓它不受干擾地流淌在路上。換句話說,你敞開了通往它自然流動的大門。當你說“我不是”時,你就在面對這股強大的能量時關上了門。

"I AM" is the Full Activity of God.

Having placed before you so often the Truth of God in Action, I wish you to understand Its first expression in individualization. The first expression of every individual, everywhere in the Universe, either in spoken word, silent thought or feeling, is "I AM, " recognizing Its Own Conquering Divinity.

The student, endeavoring to understand and apply these mighty, yet simple Laws, must stand guard more strictly over his thought and expression—in word or otherwise; for every time you say "I AM not," "I cannot," "I have not," you are, whether knowingly or unknowingly, throttling that "Great Presence" within you. This is just as tangible as if you placed your hands about the throat of an outer form, only with the outer form, your thought governing the hand, you can release it at any time; but when you make a declaration using the words "I AM not," you set in motion Mighty, Limitless Energy that continues to act, unless it is recalled and the imperfection consumed and transmuted.

This shows you the enormous power you have to qualify this Mighty Energy of God, and I tell you Beloved Students, dynamite is less dangerous, for that would but liberate you from the body; while these thoughts sent forth ignorantly and ungoverned bind you upon the wheel of re-embodiment indefinitely.

Thus you can see how important it is for you to know what you are doing when you thoughtlessly use wrong expressions; because you are using the Most Divine Principle of Activity in the Universe— "I AM."

Do not misunderstand me— this is no idle, foreign, or Oriental expression, but the Highest Principle of Life used and expressed throughout every civilization that has ever existed—for the first expression every Self-conscious form of Life gives is "I AM." It is only afterwards, in its contact with outer, wrongly qualified activity, that it begins to accept anything less than "I AM."

Now Dear Students, do you not see that when you say "I AM sick," you are just reversing this Principle of Life, which is naturally all Perfection; thus requalifying it by your willful ignorance with something which it never naturally possessed?
現在,親愛的學生們,難道你們沒有看到,當你說 “我生病了 ”時,你只是在顛倒這個生命的原則,它自然是完美的;從而,由於你故意的無知,使它與它從未自然擁有的東西重新定性?

Through long centuries of willful misunderstanding, humanity has charged the very atmosphere about them with falsehood and unreality, for I need not say to you that when you say "I AM sick," it is an abject falsehood in respect to your Divinity, which cannot be sick.

Does this sound harsh to you?

Then I say, think it over, and you will see what a blessing and release it can be to you.

I say to you, Dear Students, in the Name of God,stop using these wrong expressions of your Godhead, of your Divinity, for it is impossible for you to have Freedom as long as you continue to do it. I cannot speak of this to you too often: that when you really recognize and accept the Mighty Presence of God in you, there are positively no adverse conditions.

STOP! I say to you, giving power to the outer conditions, persons, places or things, and in the Name of God, every time you find yourself starting to say "I AM sick," "I AM broke," "I AM not feeling well," instantly reverse this fatal condition to your progress; and declare silently with all the intensity of your being —"I AM" —which is all health, opulence, Perfection, happiness, peace, and the power to recognize Perfection in yourself and everywhere else.
停! 我告訴你,賦予外在條件、人、地方或事物力量,奉上帝的名,每當你發現自己開始說“我生病了”、“我破產了”、“我感覺不舒服”時,立即將這種致命的狀況逆轉到你的進步;並以你存在的所有強度默默地宣佈——“我是”——這就是所有的健康, 富裕、完美、幸福、和平,以及認識到自己和其他任何地方的完美的力量。

When you think of the expression "I AM," it means that you know you have God in Action expressing in your Life. Do not let these false expressions continue to govern and limit you. Continually remind yourself: "I live, move, and have my Being and all outer expression in the full opulence of God, made manifest every moment. "
當你想到 “我是” 這句話時,這意味著你知道你的生命中有 上帝在行動。不要讓這些虛假的表達繼續支配和限制你。不斷提醒自己:「我在上帝的豐盛中生活、行動、擁有我的存在和所有外在的表達,每時每刻都顯現出來。

In thus reminding yourself of this Invincible, Unconquerable Presence, you keep the door open for Its pure, Invincible Essence and Intelligence to weave into your outer expression that wondrous Perfection. I plead with you, Dear Ones everywhere, do not continue to use these wrong expressions thinking that in some hocus-pocus way you may slide past reaping the result. IT SIMPLY CANNOT BE DONE.
在這樣提醒自己這個不可戰勝、不可征服的存在時,你保持了大門敞開,讓它純粹、無敵的情感和智慧編織到你外在的表達中,那奇妙的完美。 懇請你們,世界各地的親愛的人們,不要繼續使用這些錯誤的表達方式,以為以某種惡作劇的方式,你可能會滑過收穫的結果。這根本不可能做到。

Many of you know that they use the branding-iron on the Western Frontier as a recognition of ownership by the ranchmen. So great is my desire to have you recognize and hold fast to the active Presence of God in you, that I almost long for a branding-iron to brand those words — "I AM" —into your consciousness for constant use; that you could not be drawn off the recognition, acceptance, and use of that Mighty, Glorious Presence of God, which you are.

I trust that all who may hear or read these words will feel the Power and the Mighty Conviction of this Truth that goes with them —leaping into action wherever expressed.

If at any time anything less than Perfection attempts to make an appearance in your experience, declare vehemently that it is not true, and that you accept only God, which is Perfection in your Life, everywhere manifest. As long as you give way to accepting false appearances, you will have them expressed in your Life and experience. It is not, Dear Student, a matter of belief on your part whether you accept these Truths or not, but they are the Law, proven through long centuries of experience, and are placed before you for your Freedom.

Awaken to the fact that your thought and feeling in the past have built—created—the inharmony of your world today. Arise! I say, Arise! and walk with the Father—the "I AM" —that you may be free from these limitations. There is only one thing in this Universe that can surround you with limitation, and that is accepting the outer appearance instead of the Mighty, Active Presence of God in you.

The Western World likes to fool itself with the idea that it refuses to accept the ancient and Eastern idea of sorcery—in other words, the misuse of the Spiritual Powers. The worst kind of sorcery is being used in the political fields today that has ever been known in the history of mankind through the use of mental power— wrongly qualified.

If this same tremendous mental force were used in just the reverse way, to know that there is only God in Action in every individual filling official Places, the sender of that quality or Truth would not only be free himself, but the political world would be filled with Freedom and Justice. Then we would experience a natural world, a world of God in Action—everywhere present.

It is today as it was at one time in Egypt. Those who misuse the mental power are binding themselves to the rack of inharmony, embodiment after embodiment.

Take the stand: "I do not take on conditions from anybody or anything about me but God— Good, and 'I AM' always God-commanded." You need to acquire the habit of stilling yourself. Sit down three or four times a day and simply still the outer self. This will let the energy be supplied. Learn to command and control the energy in your body. If you want the energy still— be still. If you want the energy active—be active. You must stand up, face a thing, and rise above it. There is no other way.

The student should watch in every way for habits and break them up. He should not have to be told, but must look within himself and uproot whatever is not Perfect. This brings a freedom not possible in any other way.

The holding on of old habits is just like wearing old, worn-out garments. The student must not wait for someone else to think these things out for him. He must do it himself. It is not possible for anyone to do it but himself.

In this Work and under this Radiation, everything that is latent in the individual is being brought forth to be consumed. Watch—that the attention does not become fixed on the thing you do not want.

It is perfectly ridiculous to keep recalling things which have not worked out. If you have built your limitations for centuries and can, by this attention and self-effort, free yourself in a few years, isn't it worth it? Is it not marvelous?

A humorous sense of getting away from a thing is sometimes the quickest and most powerful way of doing it, for a buoyant, joyous feeling releases the energy that many times enables a very wonderful manifestation to take place.

If one will buckle down to brass tacks and call on the Law of Forgiveness, he can then consume all past creations in the Consuming Flame and be free. You must be conscious that the Flame is the Active Presence of God doing the consuming.
如果一個人屈服於銅釘並呼喚寬恕法則,那麼他就可以在 Consuming Flame 中吞噬所有過去的創造物並獲得自由。你必須意識到,火焰是上帝的積極臨在,正在消耗。

The Freedom of God is here in action.

When you have a feeling to do a certain constructive thing, go ahead, stick to it and do it, if the heavens fall. Whether the manifestation comes now or not should not enter into your consciousness at all.

Even when students only know a thing intellectually, they should not allow the mind to keep recalling wrong conditions when they know what this activity does to their success. It is unbelievable that people will not conquer this enemy in their consciousness. No student can ever gain the victory until he stops turning back to the old, negative conditions he is trying to get rid of.

The whole work of a teacher is to get some means and explanation over to the student of the activity of acceptance. What the mind accepts is that which the individual agrees with through his attention, by letting the two become one. When the mind accepts and agrees with a thing or condition, the individual decrees it into his world. Whatever you let the attention rest upon, you are agreeing with and accepting, because through the attention you have let the mind become one with it.

If an individual were to see a rattlesnake coiled, would he walk right up to be struck? Certainly not! Yet this is what students are doing when they let their attention turn back to their troubles. Such habits are only past momentum given a specific quality.

There are only two activities in Life, and if you will not let the Inner govern according to Its plan of Perfection, then the outer must.

When a constructive picture is flashed to your mind, it is a reality. When you recall it as a mental picture and hold it again, it calls forth the reality.

One can become so aware of his own God Presence that at any time he can see and feel Its Radiance pouring out to him.

For things it does not want, the outer has all the confidence in the world. It is up to the student to compel it to have the same confidence for the Perfection of God that it has for the imperfection of the senses.

The student must always rely on himself. He must always think, "What can I do to intensify this activity from the hints given?"

BENEDICTION: Mighty Perfected Ones! As we receive Thy Magic Circle of Protection, as we receive and are enfolded in Thy Mighty Opulent Presence, O Master Within! we accept fully that Opulence made manifest in our outer experience and use. We give praise and thanks for Thy Wisdom in Its use. We give praise and thanks that we have the full strength to accept only Thy Mighty Active Presence at all times, and to refuse acceptance to anything unlike Thee.
BENEDICTION: 強大的完美者!當我們接受祢的神奇保護圈時,當我們接受並被包裹在祢強大的華麗臨在中時,內在的主人啊!我們完全接受富裕在我們的外在體驗和使用中表現出來。我們讚美和感謝祢的智慧。我們讚美和感謝,因為我們有充分的力量在任何時候只接受祢強大的積極存在,並拒絕接受任何與祢不同的事物。

話語 11153

1 1

October 6, 1932


INVOCATION: Thou Infinite, All-Pervading Presence — Thou Mighty Master within each human form! We acknowledge and accept Thy Full Presence manifest within these forms and within the human form of every individual that God has sent forth. We give praise and thanks that at last we have become aware of this Mighty Presence to Whom we can turn and recognize the Fullness of God's Activity, the "I AM" of all things.

Greetings to you all.


When Jesus said: " 'I AM' the Resurrection and the Life, " He gave forth one of the mightiest utterances that can well be expressed.

When He said "I AM, " He did not refer to the outer expression, but He did refer to the Mighty Master Presence—God Within, because He repeatedly said: "1 of my self can do nothing. It is the Father within— the 'I AM' —that doeth the works."

Again Jesus said: " 'I AM' the Way, the Life, and the Truth," giving recognition to the One and Only Power— God in Action within him.

Again He said: " 'I AM' the 'Light' that lighteth every man that cometh into the world," prefacing every Statement of vital importance with the Words "I AM."

Contemplating "I AM" as anything and everything you wish to be is one of the mightiest means of loosing the Inner God Power, Love, Wisdom and Truth, and setting It into action in the outer experience.

Again let us refer to His mighty utterance, perhaps one of the greatest ever spoken into the outer expression: " 'I AM' the Open Door which no man can shut." Do you not see how very vital this is when you come to review understandingly these Mighty Statements?

When you recognize and accept fully "I AM" as the Mighty Presence of God in you—in action—you will have taken one of the greatest steps to liberation.

Now mark you, in the utterance of the Truth that, " 'I AM' the Open Door which no man can shut," if you can but realize it, you have the key that allows you to step through the veil of flesh, carrying with you all consciousness that you have generated or accumulated which is imperfect; and there transmute it, or in other words, raise it into that Perfection into which you have stepped.
現在,在真理的話語中標記你,“'我是'任何人都無法關閉的敞開的門”,如果你能意識到這一點,你就有一把鑰匙,可以讓你穿過肉體的面紗,帶著你產生或積累的所有不完美的意識;並在那裡轉化它, 或者換句話說,將其提升到你已經踏入的那個完美。

Too much stress cannot be laid upon the importance of contemplating as often as possible the "I AM" as the Mighty, Active Presence of God in you, in your home, in your world, in your affairs. Every breath you breathe is God in Action in you. Your ability to express or send forth thought and feeling is God acting in you. You, having free will, it is entirely up to you to qualify the energy sent forth in your thought and feeling, and determine how it shall act for you.

No one can say: "How shall I know how to qualify this energy?" for everyone knows the difference between destructive and constructive thought, feeling, and action.

The student, in receiving instruction, should constantly analyze the motive back of the question to detect if in that motive there is a feeling of intellectual pride, arrogance or stubbornness in the outer mind and body. If there is within the motive a lurking desire to argue and prove the instruction wrong rather than receive the Blessing and Truth intended, the individual has unknowingly shut the door, for the time being, to his ability to receive the good offered.

Again may I remind the students, regardless of their personal opinions as to what the Truth shall be, I have proven through many centuries, these condensed Instructions now being given forth. If one wants to receive the greatest benefit possible and the comprehension that will be absolute, certain freedom and liberation, listen with an entirely open mind, with the consciousness that the "I AM" — the Active Presence of God in you—is your certain ability to receive, accept, and apply without limit the Instruction which

is being given forth with an accompanying Radiance— which will enable certain students at this time to comprehend these simple, yet mighty Assertions of Truth to their great Blessing and Freedom.

The admonition has been before humanity through many centuries: "Ye cannot serve two masters. " Why is this so? First: because. there is only One Intelligence, One Presence, One Power that can act, and that is the Presence of God acting in you. When you turn to the outer manifestation and give all kinds of expressions and appearances power, you are attempting to serve a false, usurping master, because the outer expression can only find an appearance through the use of God's Mighty Energy.

Your ability to lift your hand and the Life flowing through the nervous system of your outer form is "God in Action" in your body, through your mind.

Dear Students, try to use this simple means as a reminder of God in Action in you. When you start to go down the street, think for an instant: "This is God's Intelligence and Power by which I walk, and this is His Intelligence by which I know where 'I AM' going. " Thus you will see that it is no longer possible to go on without understanding that every move you make is God in Action. Every thought in your mind is God's Energy, which enables you to think. When you know this is a fact — and there is no disputing it — why not adore, give full confidence to, trust in, have faith in, and accept this Mighty Presence of God in Action in you; instead of looking to the outer expression which is clothed, qualified, and colored by the outer, or human concept of things, regardless of the One Mighty Presence which enables the outer to express.
親愛的同學們,試著用這個簡單的方法來提醒你,上帝在你裡面行動。當你開始走在街上時,想一想:“這就是上帝的智慧和能力,我靠著它行走,這是他的智慧,我知道'我'要去哪裡。因此,你會看到,如果不明白你所做的每一步都是上帝的行動,就不可能繼續下去。你腦海中的每一個想法都是上帝的能量,它使你能夠思考。當你知道這是一個事實時——這是無可爭議的——為什麼不崇拜、給予充分的信心、信任、有信心並接受上帝在你內在的偉大存在;而不是去看那被外表所覆蓋、限定和著色的外表,或者說是人類對事物的概念。 不管使外表能夠表達的 One Mighty Presence。

All outer form and its attendant expression is but the experience Life by which each individual may learn — through his own experiences — the True Source of his Being, and come again into the Fullness of Perfection, through the Self-conscious knowing thus attained.

The outer experience of Life is but a constant, changing, passing picture that the outer mind has created in its pretense (imagination) of being the Real Actor. Thus is the attention so constantly fixed upon the outer, which alone contains imperfection, that the Children of God have forgotten their own Divinity and must come back to It again.

God is the Giver, the Receiver, and the Gift, and is the Sole Owner of all the intelligence, substance, energy and opulence there is in the Universe.

If the Children of God would learn to give for the joy of giving, whether it be love, money, service, or whatever it may be, they would open the door to such vast opulence that it would be impossible to want for a single thing in the outer expression.

The unfortunate thing in humanity—which has caused such rampant selfishness and unprecedented condemnation of each other —is the idea of claiming ownership to these wonderful Blessings of God; for there is but One Love acting, One Intelligence, Power and Substance, and that is God in every individual. The Warning that should be placed before every student and individual is to guard against the desire of the outer self to claim power of its own. If in every act of the personality, God were given full credit, transformations unbelievable could not help taking place in the one thus giving full credit and power where it belongs.

There has rarely been a correct understanding of supply and demand. There is positively abundant supply omnipresent, but the demand for it must be made before the Law of the Universe permits it to come into the expression and use of the individual.

The individual, having free will, must consciously, with full determination, make the demand, and it cannot fail to come forth into expression — no matter what it is—so long as the individual holds an unwavering, determined consciousness.

This simple Statement used with sincere determination: " 'I AM' the great Opulence of God made visible in my use right now and continuously, " will bring to the individual all he can possibly use.

The limiting element so many students seem to be unaware of is that they start out declaring the Truth, for instance, as in the above Statement, but before many hours have passed over their heads, if they were to analyze themselves conscientiously, they would find in their feelings lurking doubt or fear, for both these are feelings. Naturally, this neutralizes to a large extent the constructive force that would quickly bring about the fulfillment of the desire or demand.

Once a student can become fully aware that every right desire or wish is God in Action, propelling his energy forth to full accomplishment, and is always Self-sustained, he would become aware of the Limitless Love, Power and Intelligence he has with which to accomplish any given purpose.

With this simple understanding, the word failure would be completely wiped out from his world, and in a very short time from his consciousness, because he would see that he was wielding Intelligence and Power that could not fail. Thus, students and individuals come into their Full Dominion as God intends. It was never intended by the Great, All-wise, All-loving Father that any of His children should want for a single thing; but because they allow their attention to become fixed on the outer appearance, which is like the changing sands of the desert, they have, knowingly or unknowingly, cut themselves off, to a large degree, from that Great Opulence and Intelligence.

This Great Opulence is their birthright which everyone can have who will again turn to the "I AM" — the Active Principle of God forever within himself— as the Only Source of Active Life, Intelligence and Opulence.

All through the ages there have been certain standards of conduct necessary for the student who desires to reach beyond certain attainments. This is the conserving and governing of the Life Force, through the sex.

For an individual who has been using this energy without any thought of governing it to suddenly say, "I will cease this, " cut it off as it were, without understanding the correct attitude of consciousness, would be simply suppressing a flow of energy which he has caused to flow in the wrong direction. Any student who wishes to govern this will find this simple Statement the most efficient — if used understandingly— of any one particular thing that can be given. This will normally and naturally govern the flow of the Life Energy and bring it back into its natural channels. It is the Mighty Statement of Jesus: " 'I AM' the Resurrection and the Life. "

This Statement will not only purify the thought, but is the most powerful, lifting, adjusting force that can be used for the correction of this greatest of barriers to the Full Height of Spiritual Attainment. Anyone who begins to feel the Inner Impulse to correct this condition and will use this Statement earnestly and continuously will raiæ this mawelous current of energy to the highest center in the brain, as was originally intended.

He will find his mind flooded with the most marvelous ideas—with the abundant, sustaining Power and ability coming into expression and use for the blessing of all mankind. I ask any student to try this and watch the results in his own mind and body.

Feel deeply this Statement of Jesus: " 'I AM' the Resurrection and the Life." Repeat it three times, either silently or audibly, and notice the lifting of consciousness which you will experience. There may be some who will need to try this several times in order to feel the amazing uplift that others will experience at the first trial. This will show you in a small way what can be done by its continued use.
請深深感受耶穌的這句話:“'我就是'復活和生命。重複 3 次,無論是無聲的還是有聲的,並注意您將體驗到的意識提升。有些人可能需要多次嘗試才能感受到其他人在第一次試驗中會體驗到的驚人提升。這將以一種小的方式向您展示繼續使用它可以做什麼。

There is only one means of overcoming, or rising out of anything, and that is, after you know what it is you are to rise out of, to take your outer attention completely away from it, fixing it firmly upon the above Statement. Any condition in the outer experience that one wishes to overcome can readily be accomplished by the use of this Statement, as well as using it to change the flow of the misdirected energy.

I had one student who felt the Inner Impulse to redirect this Mighty Energy, and the use of this single Statement alone enabled her with little assistance to raise her body. In one year a marvelous transformation

took place in her entire outer appearance.

It seems incredible that in the recorded Statements accredited to Jesus— which were only a part of what He really gave forth — that so few of humanity would receive the mighty import of those wonderful Words of Wisdom. At no time in the history of the world have so many Mighty Statements been given as He taught. Every one of these, when conscientiously used, holds within it the attendant Radiance and accomplishment with which He attained. You not only have this Power of the "I AM, " but individual Assistance also when these Statements are used. One should often contemplate the true meaning of these Mighty Statements of Jesus. When once you understand that your thought, feeling and expression of "I AM" sets the Mighty God Power in you into action—without any limit — then you receive that upon which the desire is fixed.
令人難以置信的是,在被證實給耶穌的記錄中——這些只是他真正給出的一部分——很少有人能接受那些美妙的智慧之言的強大影響。在世界歷史上,從來沒有像他所教導的那樣給出如此多的 Mighty Statements。這些中的每一個,如果認真地使用,其中都包含著他所獲得的光芒和成就。您不僅擁有“我是”的力量,而且在使用這些聲明時也擁有個人的説明。人們應該經常思考耶穌這些大能聲明的真正含義。一旦你明白了你對“我是”的思想、感受和表達,將你內在的全能上帝力量付諸行動——沒有任何限制——那麼你就會得到渴望所固定的東西。

It should be no trouble for the student to see and understand that the outer appearance is but man's distorted creation — by claiming the outer as a source of power — when a moment's contemplation will cause him to realize that there is but One Love, Intelligence, and Power which can act, and that is God.

The human, or outer defects or discrepancies, have nothing to do with the Omnipresent Perfection of God, for anything imperfect is the creation of the outer concept of mankind.

If man will turn to the "Mighty I AM" within, knowing that God is all Perfection, and that all outer appearance is but man's creation through the misuse of the God Power, he will see at once that if he sincerely contemplates and accepts the Perfection of God, he will cause to come into manifestation in his Life and experience this same Mighty Perfection.

There is no possible means of bringing this Perfection into your mind, body and outer experience except by knowing and accepting the Mighty, Active Presence of God in you. Such full recognition will cause this Inner Power to propel this Perfection of God into your outer visible experience.

Say to students: " 'I AM' putting forth, as a Messenger of this Truth, Statements of Truth which will positively produce results— if unwaveringly held to and used." Students think things do not work because they do a thing today and forget it all next week.

The desire for Light and Truth is the Presence of God in the desire — propelling Itself forth into action. For illumination use the Statement:

" 'I AM' the full comprehension and illumination of this thing I want to know and understand. "

The day your eyes are opened to see some of these Marvelous Ascended Beings, the joy will last through eternity.

If one does not take the attitude that: "I have the ability to do this," he never in the world can accomplish the thing he wishes to do.

The moment you express, " 'I AM' the Resurrection and the Life" —in thought and feeling—it immediately turns all the energy of your Being to the center in the brain which is the Source of your Being.

You cannot overestimate the Power in this Statement. There is no limit to what you can do with it. It was the Statement that Jesus used most in his most difficult trials.

Always know that when you decree a constructive thing, it is God in you propelling you to do it.

It is the most foolish question imaginable to ask, "Have you proved this in your own experience?" Each individual has to prove it for himself or it will mean nothing to him. Nothing ever really means anything to anyone until he uses it.

The feeling carries with it a certain coexistent sight. One often feels a thing with such clearness that he really sees it from the Inner Standpoint.

As you enter the Ascended State, thought, feeling, seeing, and color are almost simultaneously manifest.

Harmonious sound is quiet. This is why ravishing music is the most quieting in its effect, while bombastic music is just the opposite.

BENEDICTION: Thou Mighty, Majestic, Conquering "I AM," we give praise and thanks for our comprehension of Thee as God Acting in us; and with Thy Mighty Presence and Radiance, cause us to feel the Mighty Import of Thy Mighty Truth and Wondrous Presence. When we contemplate Thee, let Thy Mighty Radiance fill us with that comprehending Consciousness to know and apply Thy Assertions of Truth more and more perfectly. We give praise and thanks for Thy Mighty Perfection and Truth for all those who look unwaveringly to Thee.