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What are CRDTs 什么是 CRDT

What are CRDTs 什么是 CRDT

CRDT (conflict-free replicated data type) is a data structure that can be replicated across multiple computers in a network, where replicas can be updated independently and in parallel, without the need for coordination between replicas, and with a guarantee that no conflicts will occur.

CRDT is often used in collaborative software, such as scenarios where multiple users need to work together to edit/read a shared document, database, or state. It can be used in database software, text editing software, chat software, etc.
CRDT 通常用于协作软件,例如多个用户需要一起编辑/读取共享文档、数据库或状态的场景。可用于数据库软件、文本编辑软件、聊天软件等。

What problems does CRDT solve?

For example, a scenario where multiple users edit the same document online at the same time.

This scenario requires that each user sees the same content, even after concurrent edits by different users (e.g. two users changing the title at the same time), which is known as consistency. (To be precise, CRDT satisfies the eventual consistency, see below for more details)
这种情况要求每个用户看到相同的内容,即使是在不同用户并发编辑之后(例如两个用户同时更改标题),这称为一致性。 (准确来说CRDT满足最终一致性,更多详情见下文)

Users can use CRDT even when they are offline. They can be back on sync with others the network is restored. It also supports collaboratively editing with other users via P2P. It is known as partitioning fault tolerance. This allows CRDT to support decentralized applications very well: synchronization can be done even without a centralized server.
用户即使在离线状态下也可以使用CRDT。当网络恢复时,他们可以重新与其他人同步。它还支持通过P2P与其他用户协作编辑。这称为分区容错。这使得 CRDT 能够很好地支持去中心化应用:即使没有中心化服务器也可以完成同步。

The Emergence of CRDTs
CRDT 的出现

The formal concept of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) was first introduced in Marc Shapiro's 2011 paper, Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (opens in a new tab). However, it can be argued that the groundwork for CRDTs was laid earlier, in the 2006 study Woot (opens in a new tab): An Algorithm for Collaborative Real-time Editing. The primary motivation behind developing CRDTs was to address the challenges associated with designing conflict resolution mechanisms for eventual consistency. Prior to the introduction of CRDTs, literature on the subject offered limited guidance, and ad hoc solutions were often prone to errors. Consequently, Shapiro's paper presented a simple, theoretically sound approach to achieving eventual consistency through the use of CRDTs.
无冲突复制数据类型 (CRDT) 的正式概念首次在 Marc Shapiro 的 2011 年论文《无冲突复制数据类型》中引入。然而,可以说 CRDT 的基础是在 2006 年的研究 Woot:协作实时编辑算法中更早奠定的。开发 CRDT 的主要动机是解决与设计冲突解决机制以实现最终一致性相关的挑战。在引入 CRDT 之前,有关该主题的文献提供的指导有限,而且临时解决方案通常容易出错。因此,Shapiro 的论文提出了一种简单的、理论上合理的方法,通过使用 CRDT 来实现最终一致性。

(PS: Marc Shapiro actually wrote a paper Designing a commutative replicated data type (opens in a new tab) in 2007. In 2011, he reworded commutative into conflict-free in 2011, expanding the definition of commutative to include state-based CRDT)
(PS:Marc Shapiro 实际上在 2007 年写了一篇论文《设计交换复制数据类型》。2011 年,他将交换性改写为无冲突,并在 2011 年将交换性的定义扩展为包括基于状态的 CRDT)

According to CAP theorem (opens in a new tab), it is impossible for a distributed computing system to perfectly satisfy the following three points at the same time.

  • Consistency: each read receives the result of the most recent write or reports an error; it behaves as if it is accessing the same piece of data
  • Availability: every request gets a non-error response - but there is no guarantee that the data fetched is up-to-date
    可用性:每个请求都会得到无错误响应 - 但不能保证获取的数据是最新的
  • Partition tolerance: the ability of a distributed system to continue functioning properly even when communication between its different components is lost or delayed, resulting in a partition or network failure.

If the system cannot achieve data consistency within the time limit, it means that partitioning has occurred and a choice must be made between C and A for the current operation, so "perfect consistency" is in conflict with "perfect availability".

CRDTs do not provide "perfect consistency", but Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC). This means that site A may not immediately reflect the state changes from site B, but when A and B synchronize their messages they both regain consistency and do not need to resolve potential conflicts (CRDT mathematically prevents conflicts from occurring). Strong Eventual Consistency does not conflict with Availability and Partition Tolerance. CRDTs provide a good CAP tradeoff.
CRDT 不提供“完美一致性”,而是提供强最终一致性(SEC)。这意味着站点 A 可能不会立即反映站点 B 的状态更改,但是当 A 和 B 同步消息时,它们都会恢复一致性,并且不需要解决潜在的冲突(CRDT 从数学上防止冲突发生)。强最终一致性与可用性和分区容错性并不冲突。 CRDT 提供了良好的 CAP 权衡。

CPA CRDT satisfies A + P + Eventual Consistency; a good tradeoff under CAP
CRDT满足A+P+最终一致性; CAP 下的良好权衡

(PS: In 2012, Eric Brewer, author of the CAP theorem, wrote an article CAP Twelve Years Later: How the "Rules" Have Changed (opens in a new tab), explaining that the description of the "two out of three CAP features" is actually misleading, and that the CAP actually prohibits perfect availability and consistency in a very small part of the design space, i.e., in the presence of partitions; in fact, the design of the tradeoff between C and A is very flexible. A good example is CRDT.)
(PS:2012年,CAP定理的作者Eric Brewer写了一篇文章《CAP十二年后:“规则”如何改变》,解释“CAP特征三分之二”的描述实际上是误导性的,并且CAP 实际上禁止在设计空间的很小一部分中实现完美的可用性和一致性,即在存在分区的情况下;事实上,C 和 A 之间的权衡设计是非常灵活的。)

A simple CRDT case
一个简单的 CRDT 案例

We can use a few simple examples to get a general idea of how CRDTs achieve Strong Eventual Consistency.
我们可以通过几个简单的例子来大致了解 CRDT 如何实现强最终一致性。

Grow-only Counter 只种植柜台

How can we count the number of times something happens in a distributed system without locking?

  • Let each copy increments only its own counter => no locking synchronization & no conflicts
    让每个副本仅递增自己的计数器 => 无锁定同步且无冲突
  • Each copy keeps the count values of all other copies at the same time
  • Number of occurrences = sum of count values of all copies
    出现次数 = 所有副本计数值之和
  • Since each copy only updates its own count and does not conflict with other counters, this type satisfies consistency after message synchronization

Grow-only Set 仅生长套装

  • The elements in a Grow-only Set can only be increased and not decreased
    Grow-only Set 中的元素只能增加,不能减少
  • To merge two such states, you only need to do a merge set
  • This type satisfies consistency after message synchronization because there are no conflicting operations since the elements only grow and do not decrease.

Both of these methods are CRDTs, and they both satisfy the following properties

  • They can both be updated independently and concurrently, without coordination (locking) between replicas
  • There is no possibility of conflict between multiple updates
  • Final consistency can always be guaranteed

Introduction to the Principle

There are two types of CRDTs: Op-based CRDTs and State-based CRDTs. This article focuses on the concept of Op-based CRDTs.
CRDT 有两种类型:基于 Op 的 CRDT 和基于状态的 CRDT。本文重点讨论基于 Op 的 CRDT 概念。

Op-based CRDTs operate on the principle that if two users perform identical sequences of operations, the final state of the document should also be identical. To achieve this, each user saves all the operations performed on the data (Operations) and synchronizes these Operations with other users to ensure a consistent final state. A critical challenge in this approach is ensuring the order of Operations remains consistent, especially when parallel modification operations occur. To address this, Op-based CRDTs require that all possible parallel Operations be commutative, satisfying the final consistency requirement.
基于 Op 的 CRDT 的运行原理是,如果两个用户执行相同的操作序列,则文档的最终状态也应该相同。为了实现这一点,每个用户都会保存对数据执行的所有操作(Operations),并将这些操作与其他用户同步,以确保最终状态一致。这种方法的一个关键挑战是确保操作顺序保持一致,尤其是在发生并行修改操作时。为了解决这个问题,基于 Op 的 CRDT 要求所有可能的并行操作都是可交换的,满足最终的一致性要求。

Comparison of CRDT and OT
CRDT 与 OT 的比较

Both CRDT and Operation Transformation(OT) (opens in a new tab) can be used in online collaborative applications, with the following differences
CRDT和Operation Transformation(OT)都可以用于在线协作应用,但有以下区别

OT relies on a centralized server for collaboration; it is extremely difficult to make it work in a distributed environment (opens in a new tab)
CRDT algorithm can be used to synchronize data through a P2P approach synchronization
The earliest paper on OT was presented in 1989
最早关于 OT 的论文发表于 1989 年
The earliest paper on CRDT appeared in 2006
The OT algorithm is designed with higher complexity to ensure consistency
The CRDT algorithm is designed to be simpler to ensure consistency
It is easier to design OT to preserve user intent
更容易设计 OT 来保留用户意图
It is more difficult to design a CRDT algorithm that preserves user intent
设计保留用户意图的 CRDT 算法更加困难
OT does not affect document size
OT 不影响文档大小
CRDT documents are larger than the original document data