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尊敬的招生办老师: Dear Mr. Admissions Office.
您好! 我是来自广东省中山市第一中学的考生叶钰冰, 期望通过综合评价的方式进入贵校学习。非常感谢您抽出宝贵的时间阅读我的自荐信。
Hello, my name is Yubing Ye from Zhongshan No.1 Middle School in Guangdong Province. I am Yubing Ye from Zhongshan No.1 Middle School, Guangdong Province, and I am looking forward to entering your school through the comprehensive evaluation. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my letter of recommendation.
进入高中学习三年来, 我踏踏实实, 一步一个脚印, 向知识的殿堂稳步迈进。在学习上我一丝不苟, 爱好看书, 总能从所做的事情中总结出经验教训。在生活中, 乐于助人, 与同学、室友关系十分融洽。性格活泼开朗, 简洁大方, 深得老师同学们的认可。在对待师长方面, 作为一名语文课代表及团支书, 我尊敬师长, 认真履行班委职责, 树立好学生的形象,努力做好老师与同学之间的沟通, 能为老师排忧解难, 善于处理同学之间的纠纷。在高中的三年时间里, 在老师与同学们的帮助下, 我成为了一名优秀的高中生。
Entered the high school three years of study, I am down-to-earth, one step at a time, to the temple of knowledge steadily progress. I am meticulous in my studies, love to read books, always be able to summarize the lessons learned from the things I do. In life, I am willing to help others, with classmates and roommates have a very good relationship. Character lively and cheerful, simple and generous, deeply recognized by teachers and students. In the treatment of teachers, as a language class representative and secretary, I respect teachers, seriously fulfill the duties of the class, set up a good image of students, and strive to do a good job of communication between teachers and students, can help teachers to solve problems, good at dealing with disputes between students. In the three years of high school, in the teachers and students help, I became an excellent high school students.
在中山市第一中学三年的高中学习和生活中, 我发生了许多改变, 我成熟了许多, 也收获了许多课外活动经历: 高一上学期参演了学校组织的 “模拟法庭” 情景剧, 在案件模拟中体悟我国法治建设的伟大成就, 广受好评; 积极加入学校摄影社团, 捕捉校园内外风景, 在学习中发掘生活的美好; 参与策划学校元旦晚会、形象之星风采大赛等晚会幕后工作的指导,协助晚会顺利进行; 热心志愿活动, 并且超额完成了志愿者服务时长, 获得了 “2023 年度中山市第一中学优秀青年志愿者” 称号; 对艺术和创意设计也颇有兴趣, 曾在班级班旗和班徽的设计评选中获得甄选并确立使用, 长期参与班级宣传组的板报的设计和主要创作; 作为团支书主持多场团课, 并多次在团支部阵地的评比中获评优秀; 爱好体育运动, 每年都积极参加学校运动会, 曾获女子 100 米第九名、女子跳远第七名等好成绩。
在中山市第一中学三年的高中学习和生活中, 我发生了许多改变, 我成熟了许多, 也收获了许多课外活动经历: 高一上学期参演了学校组织的 “模拟法庭” 情景剧, 在案件模拟中体悟我国法治建设的伟大成就, 广受好评; 积极加入学校摄影 Actively join the school photography club, capture the campus landscape, in the study of life's beauty; Participate in the planning of the school's New Year's Day party, the image of the Star Style Competition and other parties behind the scenes of the work of the guidance, to help the party went smoothly; Enthusiastic about volunteering activities, and more than the completion of the volunteer service hours, won the "2023 Zhongshan City, the first secondary school outstanding young volunteers. " title; on the art and creative design is also quite interested in, had in the class flag and class logo design selection and established the use of long-term participation in the class publicity group of the design of the board and the main creation; as a group secretary hosted a number of group class, and many times in the group branch position in the evaluation of the rating of excellence; hobby sports, every year to actively participate in the school sports games, was awarded the ninth place in the 100 meters, the long jump, and the girls were awarded the first place in the 100 meters. 100 meters ninth place, women's long jump seventh place and other good results.
我的父母都毕业于中山医科大学口腔系, 通过不解努力都晋升了副主任医师, 他们对专业孜孜不倦的追求对我产生了深远的影响, 他们繁忙的工作还培养了我独立自主的能力。我认真地研究了贵校的相关信息, 了解到贵校是重点建设的高校之一, 师资实力雄厚, 为国内培养输送了大量优秀人才。能够进入贵校是我多年来的梦想, 如果有幸被录取, 我决心在理论知识上打下牢固基础, 结交一群志同道合的同学, 积极参与学校的社团活动, 增加自己的阅历, 锻炼自身能力。我相信通过四年的学习和导师的教导, 以及我个人的努力, 一定能够更加明确自己的人生方向。
Both of my parents graduated from the Department of Stomatology of Zhongshan Medical University, and both of them have been promoted to the rank of Associate Chief Physician through their hard work. Their tireless pursuit of professionalism has had a profound influence on me, and their busy work has also cultivated my independence. I have carefully studied the information about your university and realized that your university is one of the key construction universities, with strong faculty strength, and has cultivated and sent a large number of excellent talents to China. It has been my dream to enter your school for many years, if I am fortunate enough to be admitted, I am determined to lay a solid foundation in theoretical knowledge, make friends with a group of like-minded classmates, and actively participate in the school's club activities to increase my own experience and exercise my own ability. I believe that through four years of study and the tutor's teaching, as well as my personal efforts, I will be able to more clearly defined direction of their own lives.
如今, 我正站在人生的十字路口, 而大学将对我的未来产生至关重要的影响。大学是我实现梦想的孕育之地! 再次感谢老师百忙中阅读我的自荐材料, 真诚恩请贵校给予我一个实现人生理想的宝贵机会, 也祝愿大学能够走向更加辉煌的明天!
Today, I am at a crossroads in my life, and college will have a crucial impact on my future. College is the breeding ground for me to realize my dreams! Once again, I thank you for reading my self-recommendation materials, I sincerely appreciate your school to give me a valuable opportunity to realize my life's aspirations, but also wish the university can go to a more brilliant tomorrow!