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One Page Summary  一页摘要

The current international Application builds on our previously granted international patents to achieve several novel inventions:
I. Firstly, this patent covers the instantaneous production of stem cells using "physical means" that do not require any nucleic acid e.g. DNA, RNA or other biological material.
I.首先,本专利涉及利用 "物理方法 "瞬间生产干细胞,不需要任何核酸(如 DNA、RNA 或其他生物材料)。
The process is fast, inexpensive, and eminently scalable.
Stem cells produced in this way exceed FDA standards for immediate use in the United
States and abroad in clinical applications.
They are maximally safe and can be produced from an individual's own cells -even cheek cells or cells isolated from their urine.
This is the holy grail with respect to regenerative medicine. Using other methods described in the application, the cells can be adapted for use in CRISPR, gene therapy, immunotherapy, tissue engineering, etc.
这是再生医学的圣杯。利用本申请中描述的其他方法,这些细胞可用于 CRISPR、基因治疗、免疫治疗、组织工程等。
II. Even more significantly, the application covers a fundamental, generational breakthrough: the instantaneous production of entire embryos from individual cells.
The ability to produce embryos from individual cells has enormous implications for animal husbandry, fisheries science, endangered species preservation, as well as laboratory based food (especially meat) production, and ultimately replacement organ production for humans.
Both Technologies are certain to drive the drug development, drug testing, and toxicological studies of the near future.
Figure 1. Successful Generation of Embryo Clones by Novel Means. Brightfield photomicroscopy (20X) depicts embryos generated from a mouse cell line floating in cell culture at high density (A). The inset (B) features a magnified view of of these embryos, each of which demonstrates a similar, hatched-blastocyst stage of development.
图 1.通过新方法成功生成胚胎克隆。明视野显微镜(20X)显示了高密度细胞培养中漂浮的小鼠细胞系产生的胚胎(A)。插图(B)是 这些胚胎的放大图,每个胚胎都显示出相似的孵化-囊胚发育阶段。

Figure 2. Embryos derived from a mouse cell line show various morphologies consistent with peri-implantation stages of embryonic development. Morula (A) and early egg cylinder (B) are depicted in high power (40x) micrographs along with paired, phase contrast and HDR brightfield images of late blastocysts (C-F) and hatched blastocysts ( and ).
图 2.从小鼠细胞系中提取的胚胎显示出与胚胎发育近着床阶段一致的各种形态。高倍(40 倍)显微照片中描绘的是 Morula(A)和早期卵圆柱(B),以及后期囊胚(C-F)和孵化囊胚( )的配对、相衬和 HDR 明场图像。

1.2. Novel Method of IPS Cell Production
1.2.生产 IPS 细胞的新方法

We have patented a scalable "physio-chemical" means of cell reprogramming and IPS cell production that delivers the near perfect efficiency, predictability, and reliability that
我们已经为一种可扩展的 "物理化学 "细胞重编程和 IPS 细胞生产方法申请了专利,这种方法具有近乎完美的效率、可预测性和可靠性,而这正是我们所需要的。