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How the 𝕏/Twitter Algorithm Works

How the X/Twitter Algorithm Works

X/Twitter is undergoing a ton of changes right now including Elon Musk open sourcing the algorithm. If you’re a creator it would make sense to stay on top of these changes so you can implement them immediately.
X/Twitter 现在正在经历大量变化,包括埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 开源算法。如果您是创建者,那么掌握这些更改是有意义的,这样您就可以立即实施它们。

We studied the algorithm and here is what you need to understand so that you can grow on X/Twitter
我们研究了算法,这是您需要了解的内容,以便您可以在 X/Twitter 上成长

Table of Contents 目录

Is X Premium Worth It?
X Premium 值得吗?

Before we get into how the algorithm works and how posts are ranked. It’s worth to answer this most asked question. Paying for X premium extends your reach. Paying the monthly fee give you a boost. So if you are serious about growth on X/Twitter and you can afford $8/month then we suggest that you get yourself premium.
在我们讨论算法的工作原理以及帖子的排名方式之前。值得回答这个最常被问到的问题。支付 X 保费可以扩大您的覆盖范围。支付月费可以提升您的精神。因此,如果您认真对待 X/Twitter 的增长,并且每月可以负担得起 8 美元,那么我们建议您为自己购买溢价。
x premium
It's clear in the algorithm that X premium users get a boost
在算法中很明显,X 高级用户得到了提升

Replies Matter More 回复更重要

It is clear from the algorithm that replies are prioritized a lot and they carry a lot of weight on the scale. Here is how you can boost your replies and get more engagement.

Replies carry more weight

First of all, there are two types of replies:

  1. Replies to your own comments
  2. Replies to others 对他人的回复

Replies to your own comments

You get 75 points when you reply to comments on your tweets. So you should not disregard when people reply to your tweets.
当您回复推文上的评论时,您将获得 75 分。因此,当人们回复您的推文时,您不应该忽视。

Here is a practical advice that you can follow:

  • Take 15 minutes 需要 15 分钟
  • Go to notifications 转到通知
  • Go to Mentions 转到提及
  • Reply to every comment that you get.

Bonus if you get them to reply back to you again so you keep the ball rolling.

Replies to other accounts

You get 13.5 points when you reply/comment to other accounts.
当您回复/评论其他帐户时,您将获得 13.5 分。

You need three types of accounts to reply to:

  1. Bigger accounts than you – they give you impressions
    比你更大的客户 - 他们给你的印象
  2. Same size as you – they engage back with you
  3. Smaller accounts than you – they become your loyal followers
    比您小的帐户 - 他们成为您的忠实追随者

Here is another practical advice that you can follow:

  • Make three private lists 制作三个私人列表
  • Add 10 people to each (Big, same, and smaller accounts)
    向每个帐户添加 10 人(大帐户、相同帐户和较小帐户)
  • Visit those lists daily and add value to their accounts

One thing to keep in mind when replying is to add value. If you don’t have any value to add then do not reply.

Post More Videos and Images

Elon Musk’s vision for 𝕏/Twitter is to become the everything app. From live streaming to payment. In attempts of this, X is prioritizing more long form videos.
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)对X/Twitter的愿景是成为万能应用。从直播到支付。为了做到这一点,X优先考虑更多的长视频。

If you are active on other video platforms such YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, you can repurpose your video content and share it on X/Twitter.
如果您活跃在其他视频平台(如 YouTube、Instagram 和 TikTok)上,您可以重新利用您的视频内容并在 X/Twitter 上分享。

You can use a tool like Hypefury to help you post videos on X/Twitter and cross-post as reels to Instagram.
您可以使用像 Hypefury 这样的工具来帮助您在 X/Twitter 上发布视频,并作为卷轴交叉发布到 Instagram。

If you’re not making videos already then this is your chance to dive into it.

If you can’t make videos at all then you can post tweets with images. They have a close weight to videos

How Posts are Ranked on the Timeline

Knowing how posts are ranked in social media is the number one topic that every user is interested in. With X/Twitter open sourcing the algorithm, it is no longer a secret how posts are ranked on X/Twitter.
了解帖子在社交媒体上的排名是每个用户感兴趣的首要话题。随着 X/Twitter 开源算法,帖子在 X/Twitter 上的排名不再是秘密。

X Algorithm Graph
Graph from Twitter’s GitHub repository
来自 Twitter 的 GitHub 存储库的图表

Here are the factors of how posts are ranked on the timeline:

  1. Graph Jet 图形喷气机
  2. Sim Clusters  SIM 集群
  3. TwHin  TwHin(东欣酒店)
  4. Real Graph  实图
  5. Tweep Cred  镊子
  6. Trust & Safety 信任与安全

Now all these words may seem confusing but it’s simple. Let’s break them down

1. Graph Jet 1. 图形喷射

This is a graph that maps your relationship with other accounts.

Example: 例:

How many of your followers are also following Hypefury?
你有多少追随者也在关注 Hypefury?

If the score is high, you’ll see more of Hypefury’s tweets on the timeline. Even if you are not following Hypefury.
如果分数很高,你会在时间线上看到更多 Hypefury 的推文。即使您不关注 Hypefury。

This also works the other way.

If a large numbers of Hypefury followers are also following you, then Hypefury will see a lot of your tweets on the timeline even if you are not following Hypefury.
如果大量 Hypefury 关注者也在关注您,那么即使您没有关注 Hypefury,Hypefury 也会在时间线上看到您的大量推文。

2. Sim Clusters 2. SIM卡集群

X/Twitter puts you in groups with similar accounts based on your activities.
X/Twitter 根据您的活动将您分到具有类似帐户的组中。

If you engage with posts related to “NBA”, then you will be added to the “NBA” cluster.

You will be show more NBA posts.
您将看到更多 NBA 帖子。

Pro Tip: Talk about one thing (niche down) so that you’re added in a cluster and accounts on that cluster will get to see your posts on the timeline.

3. TwHin 3. 东欣

TwHin creates a document which stores all your actions such as likes, retweets, people you follow, etc.
TwHin 创建一个文档,用于存储您的所有操作,例如喜欢、转发、您关注的人等。

This document is then used to recommend posts to you and which accounts to follow.

4. Real Graph 4. 实图

This collects all the posts that you engage with (engagement data) then predicts similar posts that you are likely to engage with.

Then those posts are show more in your timeline.

Example: 例:
If you engage with your friend, no matter the topic, your friend’s posts will be show more on your timeline.

5. Tweep Cred 5. 镊子信用

This is your reputation or “score” that X/Twitter gives you based on your
这是 X/Twitter 根据您的声誉或“分数”给您

  • Avg engagement 平均参与度
  • Quality of content  内容质量
  • Follower to following ratio
  • Age of your account


The higher the score, the more you appear on the timeline.

Here is how you can increase your credibility (Tweep Cred):
以下是提高可信度的方法(Tweep Cred):

  1. Post good quality content
  2. Don’t post sensitive content
  3. Unfollow low quality content
  4. Have a mix of engagement bait

6. Trust & Safety 6. 信任与安全

As the name suggests, this filters sensitive content and shows you whatever binds to the policies of X/Twitter.
顾名思义,这会过滤敏感内容,并向您显示与 X/Twitter 政策绑定的任何内容。

We talk more about this on what to avoid down below.

Things to Avoid if You’re Serious About Growing on 𝕏
如果你真的想在 X 上成长,要避免的事情

These are things that you should work on avoiding at all costs

1. NSFW Content 1. NSFW内容

This goes without saying but X/Twitter has been ruthless about their policies. Content about sensitive topics are downgraded.
这是不言而喻的,但 X/Twitter 对他们的政策一直很无情。有关敏感主题的内容被降级。

Content to avoid

2. Getting reported 2. 被举报

If someone reports you or you get flagged as “Not interested” you get deboosted.

Now you may not be able to control the people may flag you as “Not interested” but you have control on not getting reported.

Be a good person, do not argue and spam other and do not impersonate anyone.

  • The penalty when you get reported is -369 points
    当您被举报时,罚款是 -369 分
  • The penalty for “Not interested” is -74 points
    “不感兴趣”的处罚是 -74 分

The move by Elon Musk to open source the X/Twitter algorithm is a smart one because creators know what they need to do and avoid for their posts to perform well and grow.
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)开源X/Twitter算法的举动是一个明智的选择,因为创作者知道他们需要做什么和避免什么,才能让他们的帖子表现良好并增长。

More creators are likely to join 𝕏 because of this transparency and it’s a step closer towards achieving the everything app.
由于这种透明度,更多的创作者可能会加入 X,这离实现一切应用程序又近了一步。

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加入 3,500+ 使用 HypeFury 在线赚钱的创作者

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How the 𝕏/Twitter Algorithm Works

How the X/Twitter Algorithm Works

X/Twitter is undergoing a ton of changes right now including Elon Musk open sourcing the algorithm. If you’re a creator it would make sense to stay on top of these changes so you can implement them immediately.

We studied the algorithm and here is what you need to understand so that you can grow on X/Twitter

Table of Contents

Is X Premium Worth It?

Before we get into how the algorithm works and how posts are ranked. It’s worth to answer this most asked question. Paying for X premium extends your reach. Paying the monthly fee give you a boost. So if you are serious about growth on X/Twitter and you can afford $8/month then we suggest that you get yourself premium.
x premium
It's clear in the algorithm that X premium users get a boost

Replies Matter More

It is clear from the algorithm that replies are prioritized a lot and they carry a lot of weight on the scale. Here is how you can boost your replies and get more engagement.

Replies carry more weight

First of all, there are two types of replies:

  1. Replies to your own comments
  2. Replies to others

Replies to your own comments

You get 75 points when you reply to comments on your tweets. So you should not disregard when people reply to your tweets.

Here is a practical advice that you can follow:

  • Take 15 minutes
  • Go to notifications
  • Go to Mentions
  • Reply to every comment that you get.

Bonus if you get them to reply back to you again so you keep the ball rolling.

Replies to other accounts

You get 13.5 points when you reply/comment to other accounts.

You need three types of accounts to reply to:

  1. Bigger accounts than you – they give you impressions
  2. Same size as you – they engage back with you
  3. Smaller accounts than you – they become your loyal followers

Here is another practical advice that you can follow:

  • Make three private lists
  • Add 10 people to each (Big, same, and smaller accounts)
  • Visit those lists daily and add value to their accounts

One thing to keep in mind when replying is to add value. If you don’t have any value to add then do not reply.

Post More Videos and Images

Elon Musk’s vision for 𝕏/Twitter is to become the everything app. From live streaming to payment. In attempts of this, X is prioritizing more long form videos.

If you are active on other video platforms such YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, you can repurpose your video content and share it on X/Twitter.

You can use a tool like Hypefury to help you post videos on X/Twitter and cross-post as reels to Instagram.

If you’re not making videos already then this is your chance to dive into it.

If you can’t make videos at all then you can post tweets with images. They have a close weight to videos

How Posts are Ranked on the Timeline

Knowing how posts are ranked in social media is the number one topic that every user is interested in. With X/Twitter open sourcing the algorithm, it is no longer a secret how posts are ranked on X/Twitter.

X Algorithm Graph
Graph from Twitter’s GitHub repository

Here are the factors of how posts are ranked on the timeline:

  1. Graph Jet
  2. Sim Clusters
  3. TwHin
  4. Real Graph
  5. Tweep Cred
  6. Trust & Safety

Now all these words may seem confusing but it’s simple. Let’s break them down

1. Graph Jet

This is a graph that maps your relationship with other accounts.


How many of your followers are also following Hypefury?

If the score is high, you’ll see more of Hypefury’s tweets on the timeline. Even if you are not following Hypefury.

This also works the other way.

If a large numbers of Hypefury followers are also following you, then Hypefury will see a lot of your tweets on the timeline even if you are not following Hypefury.

2. Sim Clusters

X/Twitter puts you in groups with similar accounts based on your activities.

If you engage with posts related to “NBA”, then you will be added to the “NBA” cluster.

You will be show more NBA posts.

Pro Tip: Talk about one thing (niche down) so that you’re added in a cluster and accounts on that cluster will get to see your posts on the timeline.

3. TwHin

TwHin creates a document which stores all your actions such as likes, retweets, people you follow, etc.

This document is then used to recommend posts to you and which accounts to follow.

4. Real Graph

This collects all the posts that you engage with (engagement data) then predicts similar posts that you are likely to engage with.

Then those posts are show more in your timeline.

If you engage with your friend, no matter the topic, your friend’s posts will be show more on your timeline.

5. Tweep Cred

This is your reputation or “score” that X/Twitter gives you based on your

  • Avg engagement
  • Quality of content
  • Follower to following ratio
  • Age of your account


The higher the score, the more you appear on the timeline.

Here is how you can increase your credibility (Tweep Cred):

  1. Post good quality content
  2. Don’t post sensitive content
  3. Unfollow low quality content
  4. Have a mix of engagement bait

6. Trust & Safety

As the name suggests, this filters sensitive content and shows you whatever binds to the policies of X/Twitter.

We talk more about this on what to avoid down below.

Things to Avoid if You’re Serious About Growing on 𝕏

These are things that you should work on avoiding at all costs

1. NSFW Content

This goes without saying but X/Twitter has been ruthless about their policies. Content about sensitive topics are downgraded.

Content to avoid

2. Getting reported

If someone reports you or you get flagged as “Not interested” you get deboosted.

Now you may not be able to control the people may flag you as “Not interested” but you have control on not getting reported.

Be a good person, do not argue and spam other and do not impersonate anyone.

  • The penalty when you get reported is -369 points
  • The penalty for “Not interested” is -74 points

The move by Elon Musk to open source the X/Twitter algorithm is a smart one because creators know what they need to do and avoid for their posts to perform well and grow.

More creators are likely to join 𝕏 because of this transparency and it’s a step closer towards achieving the everything app.

Ready to Grow Your Audience
& Make Money on Social?

Hypefury makes it easy to create, publish

and monetize your content across social media 

Join 3,500+ creators who are using HypeFury to earn online

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