Solo Max-Level Newbie
Solo Max-Level Newbie

Solo Max-Level Newbie   单人最高级别新手

I'm the Max-Level Newbie!

作者: Maslow
RANK 377  排名 377
342 Chapters   402K Views  视图 3.11K  3,11K Bookmarked  已添加书签 Ongoing  持续 Status  地位

Solo Max-Level Newbie novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Comedy genres. Written by the Author Maslow. 342 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.
Solo Max-Level Newbie 小说是一部流行的轻小说,涵盖动作、冒险和喜剧类型。作者马斯洛 (Maslow)。已经翻译了 342 章,其他章节的翻译正在进行中。

Summary  总结

Jinhyuk, a gaming Nutuber, was the only person who saw the ending of the game [Tower of Trials].
游戏 Nutuber Jinhyuk 是唯一看到游戏 [Tower of Trials] 结局的人。

However, when the game’s popularity declined, it became difficult for him to continue making a living as a gaming Nutuber.
然而,当游戏的受欢迎程度下降时,他很难继续以游戏 Nutuber 的身份谋生。

Since he already saw the ending of the game, he was about to quit playing. But that day, [Tower of Trials] became reality, and Jinhyuk, who knew about every single thing in the game, took over everything faster than anyone possibly could! “I’ll show you what a true pro is like.”

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The novel is translated by Yong Library (Translator: newbie).

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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 1 comment on Chapter 79: The Womb of the Dead, ‘Pendariel’ (1)
1 条评论 关于第 79 章:死者的子宫,“Pendariel”(1)
: 1 comment on Chapter 74: The Five Great Martial Families (1)
1 条评论 关于第七十四章 五大武家 (1)
: 1 comment on Chapter 97: The Grey Temple (1)
1 条评论 关于第 97 章:灰殿 (1)
: 1 comment on Chapter 340: The Gods’ Auction House (1)
1 条评论 关于第340章 众神拍卖行 (1)
: 1 comment on Chapter 64: Mage Association (2)
1 评论 上 第 64 章 法师协会 (2)
  • TheWatcher77 3

    After checking the wiki which has FINALLY been updated and the official site for solo max level newbie (the korean site) It ended at 868 Chapters all together in October of this year (2024) It has a Main ending and a Sub ending (I won't spoil unless someone asks as I only know one thing about it idk how it actually ends) So currently we are still quite far away from the end
    在查看了终于更新的 wiki 和 solo max level newbie 的官方网站(韩国网站)后 它在今年(868 年)2024 年 10 月结束,共有 2024 章 它有一个主要结局和一个副结局(除非有人问,否则我不会剧透,因为我只知道一件事,不知道它实际上是如何结束的) 所以目前我们离终点还很远

    • zDattyGamer 1

      Who does he end up with in the end?

      • TheWatcher77 3

        One ending is just alice another ending is alice and Teressa I'm pretty sure

  • Swordlover33 1

    What chapter is the recent webtoon(183) equal to in the novel. The chapters don't seem to match up. There should be a huge monster invasion in Korea shortly after the Yaksha, but the novel is totally different.

  • sayocean 1

    Will MC ends up with Alice and Teresa?
    MC 最终会和爱丽丝和特蕾莎在一起吗?

    • Ekzarcun 12


      Edited: 12d  编辑时间: 12d
    • noDragonFly 1

      Alice from what i've read in the comments of the manhwa

    • 6IX 2

      He will end up with Beatrice

      • YanirFp18 2

        May I ask who is she I just looked up in wiki and I didn't find the name also should I make this comment spoiler hidden
        请问她是谁,我刚刚在 wiki 上查了一下,我没有找到名字,我也应该把这个评论剧透藏起来

      • 6IX 2

        Brother chill!! I was just trolling 😭😭😭
        兄弟冷静!!我只是在挑衅 😭😭😭

      • YanirFp18 2

        Ohh ok  哦,好的

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  • Hexetia 2

    What novel chapter is the latest manhwa chapter? I wanna try reading this

  • JeremiahJJH 12

    Lowkey might read just for Alice
    Lowkey 可能只为 Alice 阅读

    • Crimson_Red 4

      I'm reading it just to see if he ends up with alice

      • Ekzarcun 12

        Alice ~700 ch teresa ~900ch

      • SecrtOp 1

        bro where did you read it all the sites i checked have max upto 800 chap
        兄弟,你在哪里读的,我检查的所有网站最多有 800 个小伙子

      • sayocean 1

        I thought Teresa would end up with MCs rival? Almost dropped this because of that misinformation
        我以为 Teresa 最终会成为 MC 的竞争对手?因为那个错误的信息,我差点放弃这个

        Edited: 2mo  编辑: 2mo
      • TheWatcher77 3

        Wait huh? I didn't know they each got something, I only know of that one scene in the 900 where the like kiss and such and the emotions are revealed a little clearer to the MC? But they both got stuff earlier then that? Do you have specific chapters because I couldn't survive the MTL
        等等,是吧?我不知道他们每个人都得到了什么,我只知道 900 中的那个场景,其中类似的亲吻之类的,情绪对 MC 来说显得更清楚一些? 但他们都比那更早得到东西? 你有没有特定的章节,因为我没能在 MTL 中幸存下来

        Edited: 4mo
      • Ekzarcun 12

        I just saw it on the wiki

      • TheWatcher77 3

        Oh Really I only found Alice thing not Teressa's thing maybe they updated it recently
        哦,真的,我只找到了 Alice 的东西,而不是 Teressa 的东西 也许他们最近更新了它

        Edited: 4mo  编辑: 4mo
      • Crimson_Red 4

        Thx  感谢

    • zircon 6

      not complete tho... there was mtl and i read until 400+ and he was still in level 30 ish, so its kinda halfway
      未完成...有 MTL,我读到 400+,他仍然在 30 级左右,所以有点过半

      • TheWatcher77 3

        I think the highest MTL is at 735? and hasn't updated since Feb of this Year, and the hand translated novel is like MILES away because I can't find any site thats super ahead of manhwa
        我认为最高的 MTL 是 735?并且自今年 2 月以来就没有更新过,手译小说就像 MILES 之外,因为我找不到任何超级领先于漫画的网站

    • Apollon 65

      So real  如此真实

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  • lnwUser109307 3

    What type of harem is this

  • fizonel_bhukharetsu 32

    I've read the manhwa. From what I can see, "Max-level veteran" is a more befitting title.
    我读过漫画。据我所知,“Max level veteran”是一个更合适的头衔。

  • Antelope 3

    This novel is nothing new with same game veteran mc playing in real life with same old setting that humans will be extinct if a new floor is not cleared within a time limit.Again it feels like everything is laid out for the mc . Others simply stand no chance against him.Though him perfectly adapting from game to real life playing skills is a bit over exaggerated.But the mc is a little more decisive than ur average MCs which is a plus point. Otherwise there's nothing noteworthy.
    这本小说并不是什么新鲜事,同一个游戏老手 mc 在现实生活中以相同的旧设置玩,如果不在规定时间内清理新的地板,人类就会灭绝。同样,感觉一切都是为 mc 准备的。其他人根本没有机会对抗他。尽管他完美地从游戏中适应现实生活中的比赛技巧有点夸张。但是 mc 比你的平均 MC 更果断一些,这是一个加分点。否则就没有什么值得注意的了。

    Edited: 8mo  编辑: 8mo
    • Rohen 4

      Yeah, that "Again it feels like everything is laid out for the mc" is a standard Korean trait in every Korean novel. If you are Korean, then you are the king, absolent of any rules and even world laws, but if you are not, then you are an incompetent trash (Overlord of Blood and Iron, Martial God regressed to a level 2, Pick Me Up and so on... ). But here at lest, its a bit better since female lead is french and author is trying his best to keep his nationalism to minimum and also I didn't saw any standard Korean racism which is ever-present in Korean works. So, in the end it is a good novel.
      是的,那种“感觉就像一切都是为 mc 准备的”是每部韩国小说中的标准韩国特征。如果你是韩国人,那么你就是国王,无视任何规则甚至世界法则,但如果你不是,那你就是一个无能的垃圾(血铁霸主、武神退化到二级、Pick Me Up 等等...... 但在这里,情况要好一些,因为女主角是法国人,而且作者正在尽最大努力将他的民族主义保持在最低限度,而且我也没有看到任何标准的韩国种族主义,这在韩国作品中一直存在。所以,归根结底,这是一部好小说。

      • RobotBits 19

        It’s kinda baffling to me how Korean culture is based off of American culture and yet they are racist towards Americans and other countries. There are even places in Korea where Foreigners are not allowed only local people. Segregation still exists in these countries and it’s pretty dam awful.

      • Rohen 4

        Yeah it is clearly visible in their works, not only in manhwa and novels, but also in books too. It is sad, especially when anti-racists are looking for racist in countries that they don't exists, but where they do exist, even on the national level, then no one is seeing that. Also, they are portraying themselves as best at everything, but... they are not anything special, since they cheat a lot, do you remember football championship in 2002? Yeah, Korea, build as a mirror of USA and on USA foundation, yet... they hate it, or more so, they dream of feudalism and dynastic era. You know, what they hate the most? Christianity and not as a Church but as a religion itself (Christianity God, devil and even saints existing only for Korean MC to trample them over). Its stupid and sad.
        是的,这在他们的作品中清晰可见,不仅在漫画和小说中,而且在书籍中也是如此。这很可悲,尤其是当反种族主义者在他们不存在的国家寻找种族主义者时,但在他们存在的地方,甚至在国家层面,也没有人看到这一点。 此外,他们把自己描绘成什么都最好,但是......他们没什么特别的,因为他们经常作弊,你还记得 2002 年的足球锦标赛吗? 是的,韩国,在美国的基础上建造了美国的镜子,然而......他们讨厌它,或者更确切地说,他们梦想着封建主义和王朝时代。你知道吗,他们最讨厌什么?基督教不是作为一个教会,而是作为一个宗教本身(基督教上帝、魔鬼甚至圣人的存在只是为了韩国 MC 践踏他们)。这既愚蠢又可悲。

      • Noor56 1

        Do you know what causes their superiority complex? I don't see any reason for them to think they are superior.

      • Noor56 1

        Brother, they don't just attack Christianity, they also attacked Islam and always attack the clergy. Tomb Raider King is a good example of this where the Muslim holy book is portrayed as an artifact and has the effect that whoever carries this will get the title of terrorist and will be targeted by the government.They always portray Muslims as lustful, and portray Christianity as heretics and that the church is always corrupt and hypocritical. I almost swear that they attack all religions. Oh, I forgot. Sometimes they attack Buddhism and describe them as bald donkeys. Unfortunately, this mentality is widespread. They also have a superiority complex, as they see themselves as superior beings. I don't know why they are so arrogant. Even their appearance is fake. Look at the number of plastic surgeries they do. It's disgusting.

        Edited: 3mo  编辑: 3mo
      • carbonda 3

        Wait until you understand Korean culture enough to understand why she's French

      • Noor56 1

        bro,can you explain why the heroine is French given that the novel is Korean?

      • carbonda 3

        It's basically the "easy" and "open" (sexual) trope that you see in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean writing and film. Basically, "western" girls (and boys) are viewed as extremely promiscuous. So, the characters are typically meant as faux romance interests. Like in a "I can play with you for a while" before getting married to a pure Asian maiden that will remain a virgin even after marriage and giving birth to their first child. Miraculous really.
        它基本上是你在日文、中文和韩文的写作和电影中看到的 “简单 ”和 “开放” (性) 的比喻。基本上,“西方”女孩(和男孩)被视为极度滥交。因此,这些角色通常意味着虚假的浪漫兴趣。就像在嫁给一个纯洁的亚洲少女之前,“我可以和你玩一会儿”,即使在结婚并生下第一个孩子后,她仍将是处女。真的是奇迹。

      • Noor56 1

        Thx for the explanation  感谢你的解释

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  • ChrisMichaelSalinde 1

    I tried reading but I stop.. I read 12 chapters of this novel and I lost most my braincells trying to understand it.There are things which confuse me while reading this novel..Its too poisonous for me and I still lack the will to read it fully or maybe just not my cup of tea. I'll try to read this novel again after I strengthen my braincells.. Rating for now: 2/10
    我试着阅读但我停止了..我读了这本小说的 12 章,我失去了大部分试图理解它的脑细胞。在阅读这本小说时,有些事情让我感到困惑..它对我来说太毒了,我仍然缺乏完整阅读它的意愿,或者可能只是不阅读我的那杯茶。我会在增强我的脑细胞后再试着再读这本小说.. 目前评分:2/10

    Edited: 8mo
    • ReBack 10

      Why try something you don't like, there are so many other novellas you haven't even tried reading. So why waste your time on something you already know you don't like?

      • Mr_Failure 8

        True. The art of poison testing is a dangerous career for newcomer, I suggest reading just what you like first.

  • CheonMa2704 1

    I kinda liked reading it 🙌. Op mc and and not much serious tone... Guys I know the name is similar to 'solo levelling' and similar story like orv? I really loved Orv and so will reading this... Also plz help me find novels like Reverend Insanity, Magic Emperor..

    • Wang_lin 1

      Read renegade immortal,soup land,battle through heavens,lord of the renegade immortal it's hella peak

      • Heavenly_Punishment 6

        soup land

      • Momowarrior 4

        Do you mean Soul Land? I've been searching soup land and now I'm laughing at myself😂😂😂

      • Wang_lin 1

        Lol 😅 was typing mistake 🤣🤣

      • CheonMa2704 1

        Oh! Thank you so much 🍻. I'll definitely read! Though I dropped BTTH (coz the mc annoys me a lot)

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