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Division of Research
Graduate School of Business Administration
The University of Michigan

Working Paper No. 307  第 307 号工作文件
Birger Wernerfelt  伯格-维尔纳费尔特
The University of Michigan
None of this material is to be quoted or reproduced without the expressed permission of the Division of Research.


Birger Wernerfelt*  比尔格-维尔纳费尔特*
The paper explores the usefulness of analyzing firms from the resource side rather than from the product side. In analogy to entry barriers and growth-share matrices, the concepts of resource position barrier and resource-product matrices are suggested. These tools are then used to highlight the new strategic options which naturally emerge from the resource perspective.

*This paper benefitted from comments by Cynthia Montgomery and George Bittlingmayer.
*本文曾获辛西娅-蒙哥马利(Cynthia Montgomery)和乔治-比特林迈耶(George Bittlingmayer)的评论。


For the firm, resources and products are two sides of the same coin. Most products require the services of several resources and most resources can be used in several products. By specifying the size of the firm’s activity in different product markets, it is possible to infer the minimum necessary resource commitments. Conversely, by specifying a resource profile for a firm, it is possible to find the optimal product-market activities.
Both perspectives on the firm are reflected in the literature on strategic management. •The traditional concept of strategy (Andrews, 1971) is phrased in terms of the resource position (strengths and weaknesses) of the firm, whereas most of our formal economic tools operate on the product-market side. While these two perspectives should ultimately yield the same insights, one might expect these insights to come with differing ease, depending on the perspective taken. The purpose of this paper is to develop some simple economic tools for analyzing a firm’s resource position and to look at some strategic options suggested by this analysis. In particular, we will look at the optimal use and growth of a given set of resources as well as ways to select and develop new ones.
关于企业的两种观点都反映在战略管理的文献中。-传统的战略概念(安德鲁斯,1971 年)是从企业的资源状况(优势和劣势)出发的,而我们的大多数正规经济学工具则是从产品市场的角度出发的。虽然这两种视角最终会产生相同的洞察力,但人们可能会期望这些洞察力因视角的不同而产生不同的易用性。本文旨在开发一些简单的经济工具,用于分析企业的资源状况,并研究分析所提出的一些战略选择。特别是,我们将研究给定资源的最佳使用和增长,以及选择和开发新资源的方法。
Looking at economic units in terms of their resource endowments has a long tradition in economics. The analysis is typically confined, however, to categories like labor, capital, and perhaps land. The idea of looking at firms as broader sets of resources goes back to the seminal work of Penrose (1959), but, apart from Rubin (1973), has received relatively little formal attention. The reason, no doubt, is the unpleasant properties (for modelling purposes) of some key examples of resources, such as technological skills. The mathematics used by economists typically require that resources obey the law of conservation and exhibit declining returns to scale, as in the
从资源禀赋的角度研究经济单位在经济学中有着悠久的传统。不过,这种分析通常局限于劳动力、资本,或许还有土地等类别。将企业视为更广泛的资源集合的想法可以追溯到彭罗斯(Penrose,1959 年)的开创性工作,但除了鲁宾(Rubin,1973 年)之外,受到的正式关注相对较少。究其原因,无疑是一些重要的资源实例(如技术技能)具有令人不快的特性(以建模为目的)。经济学家使用的数学方法通常要求资源服从守恒定律,并表现出规模报酬递减,如在

traditional theory of factor demand. By virtue of analyzing this type of resource, the economic theory of factor demand becomes a special case of the theory put forward in this paper. By dealing with the financial resources of the firm, the product portfolio theories become another special case of the theory discussed below.
It turns out that the resource perspective provides a basis for addressing some key issues in the formulation of strategy for diversified firms, such as:
  • which of the firm’s current resources should diversification be based on?
  • which resources should be developed through diversification?
  • in what sequence and into what markets should diversification take place?
  • what types of firms will it be desirable for this particular firm to acquire?
Specifically, we shall argue the following propositions:
  1. Looking at firms in terms of their resources leads to different immediate insights than the traditional product perspective. In particular, diversified firms are seen in a new light.
  2. One can identify types of resources which can lead to quasi rents. In analogy to entry barriers, these are associated with what we will call resource position barriers.
  3. St rategy for a bigger firm involves striking a balance between the exploitation of existing resources and the development of new ones. In analogy to the growth-share matrix, this can be visualized in what we will call a resource-product matrix.
  4. An acquisition can be seen as a purchase of a bundle of resources in a highly imperfect market. By basing the purchase on a rare resource, one can maximize this imperfection and one’s chances of buying cheap and getting good returns.
In Sections 2 and 3, we will examine the simple economics of different types of resources, looking first at the optimal decisions for each firm and then at the competitive outcomes. In Section 4 we will try to apply the theory to a particular type of resource and develop some generic growth strategies.
在第 2 节和第 3 节中,我们将研究不同类型资源的简单经济学原理,首先研究每家公司的最优决策,然后研究竞争结果。在第 4 节中,我们将尝试把这一理论应用于特定类型的资源,并制定一些通用的增长战略。

2. RESOURCES  2.资源

By a firm’s resources at a given point in time, we mean those (tangible and intangible) assets which are tied semipermanently to the firm. The intent is to capture the intuition behind the “strengths” concept (see also Caves, 1980). Examples of resources are: brand names, in-house knowledge of technology, employment of skilled personnel, trade contacts, machinery, efficient procedures, capital, etc.
我们所说的企业在特定时间点的资源,是指那些与企业半永久性联系在一起的(有形和无形)资产。其目的在于捕捉 "优势 "概念背后的直觉(参见 Caves, 1980)。资源的例子包括:品牌、内部技术知识、熟练人员的雇用、贸易联系、机器、高效程序、资本等。
For reasons of logical consistency, the assumption is made that each resource has a finite number of applications, in each of which marginal returns are zero above a given “capacity limit.” The capacity limit of some resources may change with time; for example, the maximum number of machines which can supply a given market. In other cases, the limit may be only a hypothetical construct which is unlikely ever to be reached in practice; for example, the maximum level of technical sophistication which can be used in the computer industry. We also assume that it is possible to measure amounts of both intangible and tangible resources on a continuous scale.
出于逻辑一致性的考虑,假设每种资源都有数量有限的应用,在每种应用中,边际收益在给定的 "能力极限 "之上为零。某些资源的容量极限可能会随着时间的推移而改变,例如,可以供应特定市场的机器的最大数量。在其他情况下,极限可能只是一个假设的概念,在实践中不太可能达到;例如,计算机行业可以使用的最高技术水平。我们还假定,无形资源和有形资源的数量都可以用连续的尺度来衡量。

2.1 Classifications  2.1 分类

Resources can be classified according to several criteria. The first we will consider here is (1) whether or not they obey the law of conservation (e.g., machinery vs. brand names.) While this example seems reasonable on first sight, there is a good deal of evidence to suggest that stretching a brand name too far will diminish its effectiveness; in other words, it does in some sense obey the law of conservation. It is alleged, for example, that Scotch paper fell into this “line-extension trap” (Ries, Cappiello, Colwell, 1978), and lost market share as a result. Also, a resource such as “in-house knowledge of laser technology” is in some sense subject to the law of
资源可以根据几个标准进行分类。在这里,我们首先要考虑的是:(1)资源是否遵守守恒定律(例如,机器与品牌名称)。虽然这个例子乍一看似乎很合理,但有大量证据表明,品牌名称的过度延伸会降低其有效性;换句话说,它在某种意义上确实遵守了守恒定律。例如,据称苏格兰纸业就曾陷入这种 "产品线延伸陷阱"(Ries, Cappiello, Colwell, 1978),并因此失去了市场份额。此外,"内部激光技术知识 "等资源在某种意义上也受 "守恒定律 "的制约。

conservation, since the (finite) number of people who embody the resource can be in only one place at a time. In order to simplify the analysis, however, we will consider the above as a two-way classification rather than a continuum. For purposes of illustration we think of “in-house knowledge of laser technology” as a noncon- servative resource, whereas “skilled assembly labor” will be a conservative resource. This division is clearly judgmental and based on some idea about the likelihood of the capacity constraint being binding. The reader can substitute personal judgment if desired; all that matters for the following is that we will limit our attention to a discrete rather than a continuous classification.
由于体现资源的(有限)人数在同一时间只能出现在一个地方,因此保护资源也就成了一 个问题。不过,为了简化分析,我们将上述情况视为一种双向分类,而不是一个连续统一体。为了便于说明,我们将 "激光技术的内部知识 "视为非保守资源,而 "熟练的装配劳动力 "将是保守资源。这种划分显然是判断性的,是基于对能力约束的可能性的某种想法。如果读者需要,可以用个人判断来代替;对于下文来说,重要的是我们将把注意力限制在离散而非连续的分类上。
Resources can also be classified according to (2) whether or not they can be bought unbundled in perfect markets (e.g., unskilled labor vs. a good organization). By a perfect market we mean one in which a buyer can get as much as he (for practical purposes) would want, without delay, at a given price. In imperfect markets, then, bigger volumes can be bought only after search over a period of time and/or at higher prices. The raison d’etre for the unbundled condition is that mergers and acquisitions, which constitute an important vehicle for resource procurement, can be seen as purchases of resources in bundles. Again here, we can be accused of forcing a judgmental two-way classification on something which is truly a multidimensional continuum.
A third method of classification is (3) how they are produced; that is,
第三种分类方法是 (3)它们是如何生产出来的;也就是说、
  • jointly with products (learning by doing of productions),
  • from themselves (managers training other managers), or
  • from other resources (development of own machinery).
Here again, it would be difficult to find a resource which falls squarely in any one category. Analysis in terms of these categories can, however,

highlight the effect of different phenomena in relation to the relative importance of the three production modes.
The final method of classification considered here is (4) whether conservative resources have strictly increasing or strictly decreasing returns to scale in all uses. Again, we simplify by assuming that returns to scale are either:
这里考虑的最后一种分类方法是 (4)保守型资源在所有用途中的规模收益是严格递增还是严格递减。我们再次简化,假设规模回报率为
  • strictly increasing from zero to the capacity limit in all uses, or
  • strictly decreasing from zero to the capacity limit in all uses. Intermediate or mixed cases must again be handled by inference from the properties of the polar situations studied here.

2.2 Exploitation of Existing Resources
2.2 利用现有资源

Let us look first at what essentially amounts to a static, monopolistic situation in which the firm faces given marginal returns in each application of each resource and has the sole objective of maximizing profits from those. For simplicity we will assume that the marginal returns for each resource in each application are independent of the allocation of the other resources.
For conservative resources with declining returns to scale, the optimal allocation is clearly one which equalizes marginal returns among all applications at the point where the entire stock is used. This simple case is the one

Figure 1  图 1

treated in the economics literature. It is hard to think of examples where it applies, but the allocation of supervisory labor might be one such case.
Conservative resources with increasing returns to scale are significantly more tricky to deal with. It is not even clear that you want to put as much as possible into the application with the highest maximum payoff, since other applications might have higher payoff at the level you can attain

by focusing your resources there. In general, one has to search over several configurations to find the optimal one; however, this will always have the property that at most one application is nonexhausted but utilized. The case with increasing returns to scale thus entails a much more focused use of resources. Because this case is so prevalent in practice, focusing of resources has become almost a general law in business strategy.
Nonconservative resources are not used to varying degrees, but are either used or not used in any given application. Since use in a particular application doesn’t affect our ability to use them in other applications, we should use them in all cases where the return, given the amount of the resource we have, is positive. Technological skills are primary examples of this type of resource.

2.3 Acquisition of Resources in Perfect Markets
2.3 完美市场中的资源获取

For conservative resources with decreasing returns to scale, one should clearly buy until the marginal return equals the unit cost.
Figure 2  图 2
Conservative resources with increasing returns to scale are again more tricky. One should clearly buy enough to exhaust the most attractive applications and continue buying until one reaches applications which even at their full use can’t justify the cost of the resource. The rareness of perfect markets and the workings of competitive pressures to depress the returns in cases like this (see below) explain why this pattern is only rarely, if ever, executed.
Nonconservative resources should also be bought and used in the most attractive applications until one reaches those which cannot justify the resource cost.

2.4 Acquisition of Resources in Imperfect Markets
2.4 在不完善的市场中获取资源

We earlier defined imperfect markets by the characteristic that bigger volumes could be bought only after search over a period of time and/or at higher prices. This means that total marginal costs (of resources and search) will increase as more resources are sought in any given time interval.
For conservative resources with declining returns to scale, the presence of an imperfect market does not complicate the analysis significantly. The optimal decision is still to buy resources until the marginal revenue equals marginal costs.
Figure 3  图 3
For conservative resources with increasing returns to scale, however, the analysis is a little different. Instead of having all applications either fully used or not used at all, we might here have a situation in which one application is only partially exhausted. The reason is that the marginal cost curve might be steeper than the marginal return curve for that application, so that it could be too expensive to buy more. If the relative steepness of the slopes changes, finding the optimal degree to which applications should be exhausted is even more difficult.
Nonconservative resources should also here be bought and applied to the most attractive applications, until one hits one which does not justify the resource cost.

2.5 Production of Resources
2.5 资源生产

Production of resources is sometimes an alternative to purchase, and sometimes the only way one can get a resource. There are four logical possibilities:
  • resources which by nature can only be purchased (labor contracts with unski11ed labor),
  • resources which by nature can only be produced (brand names),
  • resources which are purchased for economic reasons (machinery), and
  • resources which are produced for economic reasons (vertical integration)
The choice between institutional frameworks for the two last types is clearly that modelled by the institutional economics (Williamson, 1975). We classified resource production into three types, according to whether they are produced:
最后两种类型的制度框架之间的选择显然是制度经济学(Williamson,1975 年)所模拟的。我们根据资源是否被生产出来,将资源生产分为三种类型:
  • jointly with products,  产品、
  • from themselves, or  
  • from other resources.  其他资源。
All three production modes clearly involve time and costs. Where the production processes have declining returns to scale, the optimal production level can be found in analogy to the imperfect market situation above.
In the case of increasing returns to scale in the production process, a new set of complications appears. The reason is that the marginal cost curve of the output resource declines in such a way that it may intersect the marginal revenue curve in several places. Fortunately, increasing returns in resource production seem rare in practice.

Figure 4  图 4

2. 6 Acquisition of Resources in Bundles
2.6 批量获取资源

Mergers and acquisition provide an opportunity to trade otherwise nonmarketable resources and to buy or sell resources in bundles. Through this

vehicle one can, for example, sell an image or buy a combination of technological capability and contacts in a given set of markets. As is well known, this is a very imperfect market with few buyers and targets, and yet with a low degree of transparency due to the heterogeneity of both buyers and targets. A key implication of the latter is that a given target will have different values for different buyers, with particularly big variance among those who can obtain some sort of fit (synergy) between their resources and those of the target.
Because of the extreme difficulties of investigating (often discreetly):
  • what resources a given target has,
  • which of those the firm can effectively take advantage of ,
  • what the cost of doing so will be, and
  • what the firm could pay for them, prospective buyers often limit their search to targets which satisfy certain simple criteria. A resource-based set of acquisition strategies (Salter and Weinhold, 1980) is:
    因此,潜在买家通常只寻找符合某些简单标准的目标。一套基于资源的收购战略(Salter 和 Weinhold,1980 年)是:
  • related supplementary (get more of those resources you already have), and
  • related complementary (get resources which combine effectively with those you already have).
Other acquisition strategies are more product-oriented and tend to focus on the firm’s ability to enter (and dominate) attractive markets.
Let us here focus on the purchase of resource bundles, taking the profitability of using different combinations for given. In this perspective, one’s chance of “beating the market” and getting a cheap buy would be greatest if one tried to build on one’s most unusual resource or resource position. Doing so should make it possible to get into buying situations with
在此,让我们把重点放在购买资源组合上,并考虑到使用不同组合的盈利能力。从这个角度看,如果一个人试图利用自己最不寻常的资源或资源头寸,那么他 "战胜市场 "并获得廉价购买的机会就会最大。这样做就有可能在以下情况下买入股票

relatively little competition. Anticipating the arguments presented below, it is also likely that one will meet relatively little competition in the market for products which use the services of rare resources. All of these tendencies are, of course, subject to a ceteris paribus condition.
竞争相对较少。根据下文的论证,在使用稀有资源服务的产品市场上,竞争也可能相对较少。当然,所有这些趋势都有一个 "比照适用 "的条件。


So far, we have been thinking solely in terms of an individual firm with a given marginal revenue curve for different resources. Let us here bring competitors into the analysis and ask the question: “Under which circumstances can a firm reap quasi rents over longer periods of time?”
For purposes of analysis, we will use Porter’s five competitive forces (Porter, 1980), although these were originally intended as tools for analysis of products only.
为了便于分析,我们将使用波特的五种竞争力量(Porter,1980 年),尽管这五种竞争力量最初只是用于分析产品的工具。

3.1 General Effects  3.1 总体效果

Under this heading, we will look at the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers as well as the threat posed by substitute resources.
If the production of a resource itself or of one of its critical inputs is controlled by a monopolistic group, it will, ceteris paribus, diminish the quasi rent available to the users of the resource. A patent holder, for example, appropriates part of the profits of his license holders. On a smaller scale, a good advertising agency will be able to take a share of the image builders’ (customers’) profit.
An equally bad situation can occur on the output side if the products resulting from use of the resource can be sold only in monopsonistic markets. If a subcontractor develops a machine which is fully idiosyncratic to one customer, he will stand to gain less than if the machine has more buyers.
Finally, the availability of substitute resources will tend to depress returns to the holders of a given resource. A recent example is provided by the way electronic and hydraulic skills have eroded the payoffs to electrical and mechanical skills.

3.2 First Mover Advantages--Resource Position Barriers
3.2 先发优势--资源位置障碍

In some cases, a holder of a resource is able to maintain his relative position vis-a-vis other holders and third persons, as long as these act rationally. In these situations the holder can be said to enjoy the protection of a resource position barrier. Resource position barriers are thus only partially analogous to entry barriers, since they also contain the mechanisms which make an advantage over another resource holder defensible. (Entry barriers in the traditional market context deal only with the situation between incumbents and potential entrants, not with the situation among the incumbents.)
Before we discuss this concept further, it might be useful to look at a few examples of resource position barriers, going from the more to the less traditional:
  1. Having (relative to world demand) a big capacity in a process with increasing returns to scale
  2. Having a generic brand name (e.g., BIC)
    拥有通用品牌名称(如 BIC)
  3. Having low costs in a process subject to experience effects
  4. Having a technological lead in a big field (e.g., IBM)
    在某一重要领域拥有技术领先优势(如 IBM)
  5. Having distributor loyalty and other resources to keep it
Resource positions tend to increase over time since such resources as technological capabilities and resource position barriers are essentially dynamic mechanisms which allow the firm to keep a relative lead rather than an absolute position. A good analogy is trees in a forest: although they all grow, the bigger ones tend to stay bigger, since their very bigness guarantees them the most sun.
Note that this (resource-based) concept in some sense supersedes the traditional (product-based) entry barrier concept but in another sense does not:

(a) If a firm has entry barriers towards newcomers in market A, which shares the use of a resource with market B B BB, then another firm which is strong in B B BB might get a cost advantage there and enter A A AA that way.
(a) 如果一家公司在与市场 B B BB 共享某种资源的市场 A 中对新进入者设置了进入壁垒,那么在 B B BB 中实力雄厚的另一家公司可能会在那里获得成本优势,并以这种方式进入 A A AA

(b) If the firm has a resource position barrier in resource α α alpha\alpha, which is used in market A A AA, it might still survive the collapse of A A AA if it could use α α alpha\alpha somewhere else.
(b) 如果企业在市场 A A AA 中使用的资源 α α alpha\alpha 存在资源地位障碍,那么如果它能在其他地方使用 α α alpha\alpha ,则仍有可能在 A A AA 崩溃后生存下来。
On the other hand, for a resource position barrier to be valuable, it should translate into an entry barrier in at least one market.
So an entry barrier without a resource position barrier leaves the firm vulnerable to diversifying entrants, whereas a resource position barrier without an entry barrier leaves the firm unable to exploit the barrier. There is thus a nice duality between the two concepts, corresponding to the duality between products and resources.

3.3 Quasi-rent-Paying Resources
3.3 准租金资源

Let me here try to identify classes of resources for which resource position barriers can be built up. By their nature, first mover advantages are associated with these barriers; that is, a firm which as of a given point in time finds itself in some sense ahead of others may use these barriers to cement that lead. I shall here argue that it is the properties of the resources and their mode of acquisition which allow this to be done. What a firm wants is to create a situation where its own resource position directly or indirectly makes it more difficult for others to catch up. The mechanisms

through which this can be achieved depend on the way in which others acquire (and use) the resource.
Let us now consider the possibilities. The descriptions in (1) through (5) below correspond to the examples in the above section.
  1. Resources bought in perfect markets
It is well known that conservative resources with decreasing returns to scale cannot yield quasi rents in this setting. On the other hand, economies of scale in the use of conservative resources are the prime example of product entry barriers (Spence, 1977). In resource space, the product entry barrier translates into a resource position barrier, since it will be irrational for entrants to buy the resource necessary to compete in the market. Nonconservative resources can here be looked upon as having extreme scale advantages, but it seems difficult to come up with solid examples (of nonconservative resources bought in perfect markets).
众所周知,在这种情况下,规模收益递减的保守资源无法产生准租金。另一方面,使用保守资源的规模经济是产品进入壁垒的典型例子(Spence,1977 年)。在资源空间中,产品进入壁垒转化为资源地位壁垒,因为进入者购买市场竞争所需的资源是不合理的。在这里,非保守资源可被视为具有极端的规模优势,但似乎很难找到(在完美市场中购买非保守资源的)可靠实例。

2. Resources bought in imperfect markets
Apart from the increasing returns to scale effect from above, the imperfection of the market generates a nev option. In some cases, later buyers can be forced to, or will always have to, pay higher prices than earlier buyers. Prime examples are the first mover advantages in brand positioning, government contacts, access to raw materials, etc. The other side of the coin–constituted by cases where later buyers can only receive lower returns–is covered by the increasing returns to scale effect mentioned above. In a sense, we are talking about imperfections of the resource and product markets, respectively.

3. Resources produced jointly with products
This is the celebrated experience effect, whereby later resource producers have to get their experience in an uphill battle with earlier producers who have lower costs. As is well known, if experience leaks from the early movers to later movers, the effect is to reduce the costs of the latter, so that we might approach the case of an unpatented idea for which no sustainable first mover advantage exists. This is the case, for example, with many production systems and procedures.

4. Resources produced from themselves
This is the situation with a lot of technological capabilities. Here again, two counteracting effects are at work. On the one hand, a technological lead will allow the firm to keep better people in a more stimulating setting so that the organization can develop and calibrate more advanced ideas than followers. The followers, on the other hand, will often find the reinvention of your ideas easier than you found the original invention. There is again a leakage effect which counterbalances a scale advantage type of effect.

5. Re sources produced from other resources
In this case you need a defensible position in one of the input resources, such that you can also keep a lead in the resource in question. This form is in a sense a more complex derivative of (1) through (4) rather than a basic case. Because of the complexity of real-1ife situations, however, it may often be easier to look at this type of resource. Apart from the distributor loyalty example, one could mention a lead in a multitechnology application such as fiber optics. If a firm enjoys the protection of a resource position

barrier in one of the component technologies (and no other technology is similarly blocked by others), it should be able to develop strength in the entire technology complex.
In general, one should keep in mind that most resources can be used in several products. As a result, a given resource position barrier will often correspond to several products, each yielding part of the quasi rent.


In the previous section, we looked at several situations in which firms could get quasi rents from individual resources. In general, a first mover advantage in a quasi-rent-paying resource should yield quasi rents in the markets where the resource in question is dominating. Let us now try to apply the theory to a particular type of resource–those produced jointly with prod-ucts–and look at some generic ways in which a firm can increase its pool of such resources.

4.1 Single Business  4.1 单一业务

This is the case most commonly considered in the literature, and the optimal approach consists of obtaining a defensible lead in the price/performance game (Ha11, 1980, and Porter, 1980). This is often done by single resource deepening as in, e.g., strategies based on experience curves, buyer loyalty, or economies of scale. Growth of the resource will often take place along the path of most rapid approach (Spence, 1979), although cash constraints sometimes limit growth (Wernerfelt, 1982).
这是文献中最常见的情况,最佳方法是在价格/性能博弈中获得可辩护的领先优势(Ha11,1980 年;波特,1980 年)。这通常是通过单一资源深化来实现的,如基于经验曲线、买方忠诚度或规模经济的战略。尽管现金约束有时会限制增长(Wernerfelt,1982 年),但资源的增长通常会沿着最快速的途径进行(Spence,1979 年)。

4.2 Multibusiness-Single Resource
4.2 多业务-单一资源

This is the diversification pattern most often considered in business policy (Andrews, 1971). A typical example is provided by BIC’s (BIC, 1974) use of their mass marketing skills, which proved critical in pens, lighters, and razors but insufficient in pantyhose. Attempts to base firms on a single strong technology also fall into this category. Several consulting firms market concepts which exploit this growth pattern (e.g., the “shared experience” of the Boston Consulting Group and the “activity analysis” of Braxton As sociates).
这是商业政策中最常考虑的多样化模式(Andrews,1971 年)。一个典型的例子是 BIC 公司(BIC,1974 年)对其大众营销技能的运用,这种技能在钢笔、打火机和剃须刀方面被证明是至关重要的,但在连裤袜方面却不够充分。将公司建立在单一的强势技术基础上的尝试也属于这一类。一些咨询公司推销利用这种增长模式的概念(如波士顿咨询集团的 "共享经验 "和 Braxton As sociates 的 "活动分析")。
Although the general idea here is to expand your position in a single resource, it is not always optimal to go full force in several markets simultaneously. Quite often, it is better to develop the resource in one market and then to enter other markets from a position of strength. An example is BIC, which entered the markets for pens, lighters, and razors sequentially. This sequential entry strategy, an idea going back to John Stuart Mill, is also often followed by firms when they go international.
虽然这里的总体思路是扩大你在单一资源上的地位,但同时在几个市场上全力以赴并不总是最佳选择。通常情况下,最好是在一个市场开发资源,然后从优势地位进入其他市场。BIC 公司就是一个例子,它先后进入了钢笔、打火机和剃须刀市场。这种顺序进入战略是约翰-斯图亚特-米尔(John Stuart Mill)提出的理念,也是企业走向国际市场时经常采用的战略。
Let us now look at the simplest possible model of this phenomenon. (A more elaborate formalization can be found in Bardhan [1971].) A firm can operate in two markets, A A AA and B B BB, which use processes I I II and II in proportions a I a I a_(I)\mathrm{a}_{\mathrm{I}} and b I , b II b I , b II b_(I),b_(II)\mathrm{b}_{\mathrm{I}}, \mathrm{b}_{\mathrm{II}}, respectively. I will assume process II skills to be available in a perfect market, whereas process I I II skills can be developed via experience curve processes. So skills in process I are the quasi-rent-paying resource. We will look at the firm as having a two-period time horizon and consider the wisdom of developing process I I II skills in market A A AA before market B B BB is entered.
现在让我们来看看这种现象的最简单模型。(一家公司可以在两个市场上运营,即 A A AA B B BB 市场,这两个市场分别按 a I a I a_(I)\mathrm{a}_{\mathrm{I}} b I , b II b I , b II b_(I),b_(II)\mathrm{b}_{\mathrm{I}}, \mathrm{b}_{\mathrm{II}} 的比例使用流程 I I II 和流程 II。我将假设流程 II 的技能可以在一个完美的市场中获得,而流程 I I II 的技能则可以通过经验曲线流程培养。因此,流程 I 中的技能是准租金资源。我们将把公司的时间跨度看作两期,并考虑在进入市场 B B BB 之前在市场 A A AA 中开发流程 I I II 技能的明智性。
In the following, all parameters are assumed positive and subscripts A, B, I, II, 1, 2, refer to the markets, processes, and periods so named. The demand curves are assumed to be linear so that the quantity sold is a linear function of the price charged:
在下文中,所有参数均假定为正值,下标 A、B、I、II、1、2 分别指市场、过程和时期。假设需求曲线是线性的,因此销售量是价格的线性函数:
A 1 = θ A 1 P A 1 ϕ A 1 A 2 = θ A 2 P A 2 ϕ A 2 B 1 = θ B 1 P B 1 ϕ B 1 B 2 = θ B 2 P B 2 ϕ B 2 A 1 = θ A 1 P A 1 ϕ A 1 A 2 = θ A 2 P A 2 ϕ A 2 B 1 = θ B 1 P B 1 ϕ B 1 B 2 = θ B 2 P B 2 ϕ B 2 {:[A_(1)=theta_(A1)-P_(A1)phi_(A1)],[A_(2)=theta_(A2)-P_(A2)phi_(A2)],[B_(1)=theta_(B1)-P_(B1)phi_(B1)],[B_(2)=theta_(B2)-P_(B2)phi_(B2)]:}\begin{aligned} & \mathrm{A}_{1}=\theta_{\mathrm{A} 1}-\mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{A} 1} \phi_{\mathrm{A} 1} \\ & \mathrm{~A}_{2}=\theta_{\mathrm{A} 2}-\mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{A} 2} \phi_{\mathrm{A} 2} \\ & \mathrm{~B}_{1}=\theta_{\mathrm{B} 1}-\mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{B} 1} \phi_{\mathrm{B} 1} \\ & \mathrm{~B}_{2}=\theta_{\mathrm{B} 2}-\mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{B} 2} \phi_{\mathrm{B} 2} \end{aligned}
Variable costs are assumed to be zero and fixed costs, c, of selling above zero outputs are
假设可变成本为零,销售零以上产出的固定成本 c 为
C A 1 = γ A I , if A 1 > 0 C A 2 = γ A I η A I ( a I A 1 + b I B 1 ) , if A 2 > 0 C B 1 = γ B I + γ B I I , if B 1 > 0 C B 2 = γ B I η B I ( a I A 1 + b I B 1 ) + γ B I I , if B 2 > 0 C A 1 = γ A I      ,  if  A 1 > 0 C A 2 = γ A I η A I a I A 1 + b I B 1      ,  if  A 2 > 0 C B 1 = γ B I + γ B I I      ,  if  B 1 > 0 C B 2 = γ B I η B I a I A 1 + b I B 1 + γ B I I      ,  if  B 2 > 0 {:[C_(A1)=gamma_(AI),","" if "A_(1) > 0],[C_(A2)=gamma_(AI)-eta_(AI)(a_(I)A_(1)+b_(I)B_(1)),","" if "A_(2) > 0],[C_(B1)=gamma_(BI)+gamma_(BII),","" if "B_(1) > 0],[C_(B2)=gamma_(BI)-eta_(BI)(a_(I)A_(1)+b_(I)B_(1))+gamma_(BII),","" if "B_(2) > 0]:}\begin{array}{ll} C_{A 1}=\gamma_{A I} & , \text { if } A_{1}>0 \\ C_{A 2}=\gamma_{A I}-\eta_{A I}\left(a_{I} A_{1}+b_{I} B_{1}\right) & , \text { if } A_{2}>0 \\ C_{B 1}=\gamma_{B I}+\gamma_{B I I} & , \text { if } B_{1}>0 \\ C_{B 2}=\gamma_{B I}-\eta_{B I}\left(a_{I} A_{1}+b_{I} B_{1}\right)+\gamma_{B I I} & , \text { if } B_{2}>0 \end{array}
The idea is here that first period experience lowers process I I II costs in the second period. The simple linear version of the experience curve is chosen for analytical convenience and is in no way crucial to the qualitative results below.
这里的想法是,第一阶段的经验会降低第二阶段的过程 I I II 成本。选择经验曲线的简单线性版本是为了分析方便,与下文的定性结果无关。
If the firm tries to maximize the total profit over the two periods, the objective is to maximize:
( P A 1 A 1 C A 1 ) + ( P A 2 A 2 C A 2 ) + ( P B 1 B 1 C B 1 ) + ( P B 2 B 2 C B 2 ) P A 1 A 1 C A 1 + P A 2 A 2 C A 2 + P B 1 B 1 C B 1 + P B 2 B 2 C B 2 (P_(A1)A_(1)-C_(A1))+(P_(A2)A_(2)-C_(A2))+(P_(B1)B_(1)-C_(B1))+(P_(B2)B_(2)-C_(B2))\left(P_{A 1} A_{1}-C_{A 1}\right)+\left(P_{A 2} A_{2}-C_{A 2}\right)+\left(P_{B 1} B_{1}-C_{B 1}\right)+\left(P_{B 2} B_{2}-C_{B 2}\right)
By inserting the above equations, differentiating with respect to P Al P Al P_(Al)\mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{Al}}, P A 2 , P B 1 , P B 2 P A 2 , P B 1 , P B 2 P_(A2),P_(B1),P_(B2)\mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{A} 2}, \mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{B} 1}, \mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{B} 2}, and using the first order conditions, we find that, if a11 outputs are positive, the optimal levels are
插入上述方程,与 P Al P Al P_(Al)\mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{Al}} P A 2 , P B 1 , P B 2 P A 2 , P B 1 , P B 2 P_(A2),P_(B1),P_(B2)\mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{A} 2}, \mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{B} 1}, \mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{B} 2} 微分,并利用一阶条件,我们可以发现,如果 a11 产出为正,则最佳水平为
A 1 ( P A 1 ) = 1 / 2 [ θ A 1 + ϕ A 1 a I ( η A I + η B I ) ] , where η B I = 0 if B 2 = 0 A 2 ( P A 2 ) = 1 / 2 θ A 2 B 1 ( P B 1 ) = 1 / 2 [ θ B 1 + ϕ B 1 b I ( η A I + η B I ) ] B 2 ( P B 2 ) = 1 / 2 θ B 2 . A 1 P A 1 = 1 / 2 θ A 1 + ϕ A 1 a I η A I + η B I ,  where  η B I = 0  if  B 2 = 0 A 2 P A 2 = 1 / 2 θ A 2 B 1 P B 1 = 1 / 2 θ B 1 + ϕ B 1 b I η A I + η B I B 2 P B 2 = 1 / 2 θ B 2 . {:[A_(1)^(**)(P_(A1)^(**))=1//2[theta_(A1)+phi_(A1)a_(I)(eta_(AI)+eta_(BI))]","" where "eta_(BI)=0" if "B_(2)=0],[A_(2)^(**)(P_(A2)^(**))=1//2theta_(A2)],[B_(1)^(**)(P_(B1)^(**))=1//2[theta_(B1)+phi_(B1)b_(I)(eta_(AI)+eta_(BI))]],[B_(2)^(**)(P_(B2)^(**))=1//2theta_(B2).]:}\begin{aligned} & A_{1}^{*}\left(P_{A 1}^{*}\right)=1 / 2\left[\theta_{A 1}+\phi_{A 1} a_{I}\left(\eta_{A I}+\eta_{B I}\right)\right], \text { where } \eta_{B I}=0 \text { if } B_{2}=0 \\ & A_{2}^{*}\left(P_{A 2}^{*}\right)=1 / 2 \theta_{A 2} \\ & B_{1}^{*}\left(P_{B 1}^{*}\right)=1 / 2\left[\theta_{B 1}+\phi_{B 1} b_{I}\left(\eta_{A I}+\eta_{B I}\right)\right] \\ & B_{2}^{*}\left(P_{B 2}^{*}\right)=1 / 2 \theta_{B 2} . \end{aligned}
If we insert ( A 1 , A 2 , B 1 , B 2 ) , ( A 1 , A 2 , 0 , B 2 ) A 1 , A 2 , B 1 , B 2 , A 1 , A 2 , 0 , B 2 (A_(1)^(**),A_(2)^(**),B_(1)^(**),B_(2)^(**)),(A_(1)^(**),A_(2)^(**),0,B_(2)^(**))\left(A_{1}^{*}, A_{2}^{*}, B_{1}^{*}, B_{2}^{*}\right),\left(A_{1}^{*}, A_{2}^{*}, 0, B_{2}^{*}\right), and ( A 1 , A 2 , 0 , 0 ) A 1 , A 2 , 0 , 0 (A_(1)^(**),A_(2)^(**),0,0)\left(A_{1}^{*}, A_{2}^{*}, 0,0\right) in the maximant, we can find the conditions under which it is optimal to enter market B B BB only in the second period. These conditions are:
如果在最大值中插入 ( A 1 , A 2 , B 1 , B 2 ) , ( A 1 , A 2 , 0 , B 2 ) A 1 , A 2 , B 1 , B 2 , A 1 , A 2 , 0 , B 2 (A_(1)^(**),A_(2)^(**),B_(1)^(**),B_(2)^(**)),(A_(1)^(**),A_(2)^(**),0,B_(2)^(**))\left(A_{1}^{*}, A_{2}^{*}, B_{1}^{*}, B_{2}^{*}\right),\left(A_{1}^{*}, A_{2}^{*}, 0, B_{2}^{*}\right) ( A 1 , A 2 , 0 , 0 ) A 1 , A 2 , 0 , 0 (A_(1)^(**),A_(2)^(**),0,0)\left(A_{1}^{*}, A_{2}^{*}, 0,0\right) ,我们就可以找到仅在第二期进入市场 B B BB 才是最优选择的条件。这些条件是
θ B 1 b I ( η A I + η B I ) + 1 / 4 [ θ B 1 ϕ B 1 1 b I ( η A I + η B I ) ] 2 ϕ B 1 < γ B I + γ B I I < 1 / 4 θ B 2 2 ϕ B 2 1 + 1 / 2 θ A 1 η B I a I + 1 / 2 ϕ A 1 a I 2 η B I ( η A I + 1 / 2 η B I ) θ B 1 b I η A I + η B I + 1 / 4 θ B 1 ϕ B 1 1 b I η A I + η B I 2 ϕ B 1 < γ B I + γ B I I < 1 / 4 θ B 2 2 ϕ B 2 1 + 1 / 2 θ A 1 η B I a I + 1 / 2 ϕ A 1 a I 2 η B I η A I + 1 / 2 η B I {:[theta_(B1)b_(I)(eta_(AI)+eta_(BI))+1//4[theta_(B1)phi_(B1)^(-1)-b_(I)(eta_(AI)+eta_(BI))]^(2)phi_(B1) < gamma_(BI)+gamma_(BII)],[ < 1//4theta_(B2)^(2)phi_(B2)^(-1)+1//2theta_(A1)eta_(BI)a_(I)+1//2phi_(A1)a_(I)^(2)eta_(BI)(eta_(AI)+1//2eta_(BI))]:}\begin{aligned} & \theta_{B 1} b_{I}\left(\eta_{A I}+\eta_{B I}\right)+1 / 4\left[\theta_{B 1} \phi_{B 1}^{-1}-b_{I}\left(\eta_{A I}+\eta_{B I}\right)\right]^{2} \phi_{B 1}<\gamma_{B I}+\gamma_{B I I} \\ & <1 / 4 \theta_{B 2}^{2} \phi_{B 2}^{-1}+1 / 2 \theta_{A 1} \eta_{B I} a_{I}+1 / 2 \phi_{A 1} a_{I}^{2} \eta_{B I}\left(\eta_{A I}+1 / 2 \eta_{B I}\right) \end{aligned}
So sequential entry tends to be better when
  • market A A AA is big relative to market B B BB ( θ A θ A theta_(A)\theta_{A} is large, θ B θ B theta_(B)\theta_{B} is small)
    市场 A A AA 相对于市场 B B BB 大( θ A θ A theta_(A)\theta_{A} 大, θ B θ B theta_(B)\theta_{B} 小)
  • the loss of late entry in market B B BB is small ( θ B 2 2 ϕ B 1 1 θ B 1 2 ϕ B 1 1 θ B 2 2 ϕ B 1 1 θ B 1 2 ϕ B 1 1 (theta_(B2)^(2)phi_(B1)^(-1)-theta_(B1)^(2)phi_(B1)^(-1):}\left(\theta_{\mathrm{B} 2}^{2} \phi_{\mathrm{B} 1}^{-1}-\theta_{\mathrm{B} 1}^{2} \phi_{\mathrm{B} 1}^{-1}\right. is large)
    市场 B B BB 晚进入的损失小 ( θ B 2 2 ϕ B 1 1 θ B 1 2 ϕ B 1 1 θ B 2 2 ϕ B 1 1 θ B 1 2 ϕ B 1 1 (theta_(B2)^(2)phi_(B1)^(-1)-theta_(B1)^(2)phi_(B1)^(-1):}\left(\theta_{\mathrm{B} 2}^{2} \phi_{\mathrm{B} 1}^{-1}-\theta_{\mathrm{B} 1}^{2} \phi_{\mathrm{B} 1}^{-1}\right. 大)。
  • product B generates only little learning ( b I b I b_(I)b_{I} is small)
    产品 B 只产生少量学习( b I b I b_(I)b_{I} 很小)
  • product A generates a lot of learning ( a I a I a_(I)\mathrm{a}_{\mathrm{I}} is large)
    产品 A 产生了大量学习( a I a I a_(I)\mathrm{a}_{\mathrm{I}} 很大)
While the effect here is generated through an experience curve type of argument, a little reflection will reveal that other instances of resources produced jointly with products can also have the same effect. An example of this is brand loyalty in connection with economies of scale in process I, which will mean that a big A 1 A 1 A_(1)A_{1} guarantees sales and thus low costs of process I in period 2.
虽然这里的效果是通过经验曲线类型的论证产生的,但稍加思考就会发现,与产品共同生产的其他资源也会产生同样的效果。例如,品牌忠诚度与工序 I 的规模经济有关,这意味着一个大的 A 1 A 1 A_(1)A_{1} 可以保证工序 I 在第 2 期的销量,从而降低成本。

4.3 Multibusiness-Multiple Resources
4.3 多业务-多资源

A special example of this case is captured by the product portfolio theory (Henderson, 1979), where strong businesses in a firm’s growth-share matrix supply weak ones with cash. In general, one would expect businesses to be resource-related in much stronger ways than just financially.
产品组合理论(Henderson,1979 年)就是这种情况的一个特例,即公司增长份额矩阵中的强势企业为弱势企业提供现金。一般来说,人们会认为企业与资源相关的方式远不止财务相关。
If we changed the above model, such that skills in process II were also developed by experience, we could interpret the sequential entry pattern as a process in which the strong resource (I) in period 2 supports the weak one (II). So in analogy to products, which subsidize each other through cash flows, we may look at resources as subsidizing each other through joint cost effects. Note that this captures the interrelationships between multiple businesses in a much more general framework than the financial interrelationships which drive the growth-share matrix.
如果我们改变上述模式,使流程 II 中的技能也是通过经验培养出来的,我们就可以把顺序进入模式解释为一个流程,在这个流程中,第 2 期的强势资源(I)支持弱势资源(II)。因此,与产品通过现金流相互补贴类似,我们可以将资源视为通过联合成本效应相互补贴。请注意,与驱动增长份额矩阵的财务相互关系相比,这在一个更为宽泛的框架中捕捉到了多个企业之间的相互关系。
In analogy to the growth-share matrix, a simple tool for analysis of resource portfolios could be a resource-product matrix such as that illustrated in Figure 5, where the entries represent the relative importance of a resource in a product or a product in a resource.
与增长份额矩阵类似,资源组合分析的一个简单工具可以是资源-产品矩阵,如图 5 所示,其中的条目表示资源在产品中或产品在资源中的相对重要性。
Figure 5  图 5
In the management of such a portfolio, candidates for product or resource diversification must be evaluated in terms of their short-term balance effects (as in the product portfolio) and also in terms of their long-term capacity to function as stepping stones to further expansion. In Figure 5, Product E is a better candidate than product F F FF for two reasons: it uses more of the firm’s strong resources and it develops a new one (VI), which can be used for further growth (G). An example of such a stepping stone sequence is provided by the Japanese strategy of competing in the computer market with skills developed in semiconductors (Business Week, 1981).
在管理这种产品组合时,必须根据产品或资源多样化的短期平衡效应(如产品组合)以及作为进一步扩张的垫脚石的长期能力来评估产品或资源多样化的候选产品。在图 5 中,产品 E 是比产品 F F FF 更佳的候选产品,原因有二:一是它使用了更多公司的强势资源,二是它开发了一种新资源(VI),可用于进一步增长(G)。日本利用在半导体领域发展起来的技术在计算机市场上竞争的战略就是这样一个例子(《商业周刊》,1981 年)。
In the framework above, the optimal growth of the firm involves a balance between exploitation of existing resources and development of new ones (Penrose, 1959; Rubin, 1973; Wernerfelt, 1977). Even in an uncertain setting, this does not necessarily make versatile (multibusiness) resources more attractive than more specialized resources. The reason is that although versatile resources give more options, one would expect more and bigger competition in those.
在上述框架中,企业的最佳增长涉及现有资源开发与新资源开发之间的平衡(Penrose, 1959;Rubin, 1973;Wernerfelt, 1977)。即使在不确定的环境中,这也不一定会使多功能(多业务)资源比专业化资源更具吸引力。原因在于,虽然多用途资源提供了更多的选择,但人们也会期待在这些资源中出现更多和更大的竞争。


This paper has attempted to look at firms in terms of their resources rather than in terms of their products. It was conjectured that this perspective would throw a different light on strategic options, especially those open to diversified firms.
After looking at the basic economics of different types of resources, we defined resource position barriers as partially analogous to entry barriers. On the basis of this definition we began to sketch a picture of firms as trying to develop such barriers, perhaps through products in which already strong resources support less strong ones. This mechanism is again exploited in the resource-product matrix, which is somewhat analogous to the growth-share matrix and allows us to consider different growth paths. It should be kept in mind that the theory in Section 4 considered only resources of the type which are produced jointly with products. Growth strategies for other types of resources have yet to be developed. The only general statement made about growth strategy is that in some sense it involves striking a balance between the exploitation of existing resources and the development of new ones.
在研究了不同类型资源的基本经济学原理后,我们将资源地位壁垒定义为部分类似于进入壁垒。在此定义的基础上,我们开始勾勒出一幅企业试图发展这种壁垒的图景,也许是通过已经很强的资源支持不太强的资源的产品。资源-产品矩阵再次利用了这一机制,它在某种程度上类似于增长份额矩阵,允许我们考虑不同的增长路径。需要注意的是,第 4 节中的理论只考虑了与产品共同生产的资源类型。其他类型资源的增长战略尚待开发。关于增长战略的唯一一般性说明是,从某种意义上说,它涉及到在利用现有资源和开发新资源之间取得平衡。
The paper is meant only as a first cut at a huge can of worms. Apart from the obvious need to look at growth strategies for other types of resources, much more research needs to be done on the actual process of managing a multiresource firm. We know nothing, for example, about multiple point competition, about how one can combine capabilities across operating divisions, about how one can use a broad resource portfolio to hedge against technological uncertainty, or about how one can set up a structure and systems which can help a firm execute these strategies.
The new focus on technology in strategy, the increasing tendency for firms to define themselves in terms of technologies, and the setting up of cross-divisional strategic organization (Texas Instruments, 1971), technology groups, and arenas (General Electric, 1981) seem to indicate that objectives like the above are strived for, although perhaps implicitly, in several firms.
战略中对技术的新关注、企业越来越倾向于以技术来定义自己,以及跨部门战略组织(德州仪器公司,1971 年)、技术集团和舞台(通用电气公司,1981 年)的建立,似乎都表明,类似上述的目标在一些企业中正在努力实现,尽管可能是隐性的。


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FIGURE 1  图 1
FIGURE 2  图 2
FIGURE 3  图 3
FIGURE 4  图 4
FIGURE 5  图 5