Learning Objective:
Understanding the tax residence rules and the application of the rules.
Reading and comprehending information provided to prepare a tax computation for tax resident individuals in accordance with tax rules and concessions.
Maximizing deductions of expenses, personal reliefs, etc available to individuals.
[All amounts provided in the information are in Singapore dollars]
Alex Ong is a 51-years old Singaporean. He has been working at Software Inc in Country K after completing his studies in Country K. In anticipation of his elder son’s National Service enlistment, he applied for and was offered the Asia regional managing director position at the Singapore subsidiary of Software Inc. He moved back to Singapore on 15 November 2022 with his elder son. His first day of work at Software Singapore Pte Ltd was 1 January 2023. He is married to Amanda, 49-years old and a citizen of Country K. The couple have two sons, 18-years old Christopher and 15-years old Christian. Both sons are Singapore citizens. For the year ended 31 December 2023, Alex derived gains/benefits/income and incurred expenses as given below:
Alex Ong 是一位 51 岁的新加坡人。在K国完成学业后,他一直在K国的Software Inc工作。为了迎接大儿子的国民服役,他申请并获得了Software Inc.新加坡子公司的亚洲区域董事总经理职位。他于 2022 年 11 月 15 日与大儿子搬回新加坡。2023 年 1 月 1 日是他在Software Singapore Pte Ltd工作的第一天。他与阿曼达结婚,现年49岁,是K国公民。这对夫妇有两个儿子,18岁的克里斯托弗和15岁的克里斯蒂安。两个儿子都是新加坡公民。截至2023年12月31日止年度,Alex的收益/收益/收入及发生费用如下:
Monthly salary of $45,000.
月薪 45,000 美元。
Monthly entertainment allowance of $5,000.
Contractual bonus of $45,000 for employment services rendered for the year 2023 and which was paid to Alex on 2 January 2024.
2023 年提供的就业服务合同奖金为 45,000 美元,并于 2024 年 1 月 2 日支付给 Alex。
Alex and his employer make CPF contributions within the statutory limits.
Alex is provided with a car by his employer effective from 1/1/2023. The car costs $208,000 (not inclusive of COE of $80,000) and has a residual value of $60,500. The car’s annual running expenses, like road tax, insurance, repairs and maintenance, car park at office, of $28,000 are borne by the employer while Alex will bear the daily running expenses (e.g. petrol, ERP toll charges, ad hoc car park charges).
自 2023 年 1 月 1 日起,Alex 的雇主为其提供一辆汽车。这辆车售价 208,000 美元(不包括 80,000 美元的 COE),剩余价值为 60,500 美元。汽车每年的运行费用,如道路税、保险、维修和保养、办公室停车场等 28,000 美元由雇主承担,而 Alex 将承担日常运行费用(例如汽油、ERP 通行费、临时停车场费用)。
Alex was granted the option to purchase 12,000 shares at $13.50 per share. On 16 July 2023, he exercised the option and bought 8,000 shares when the market price was $14.70.
Alex 被授予以每股 13.50 美元的价格购买 12,000 股股票的选择权。2023 年 7 月 16 日,他行使期权并在市价为 14.70 美元时买入 8,000 股。
The company reimbursed/paid for the following expenses incurred by/on Alex during the year:
Air tickets costing $13,000 to Countries X, Y and Z to attend business conferences.
Air tickets costing $28,000 for the family to travel to Country K to attend Christopher’s high school graduation celebrations in Country K in May 2023.
2023 年 5 月,全家前往 K 国参加克里斯托弗在 K 国举行的高中毕业典礼的机票费用为 28,000 美元。
Car hire charges of $5,000 incurred by Alex while on overseas business trips.
Alex 在海外出差期间产生的 5,000 美元的租车费用。
Alex rented a fully furnished house (annual value of $60,000) from 1 December 2022 to 30 November 2024. 80% of the monthly rent of $10,000 is borne by the company.
Alex 在 2022 年 12 月 1 日至 2024 年 11 月 30 日期间租了一栋设施齐全的房子(年价值 60,000 美元)。每月 10,000 美元租金的 80% 由公司承担。
As Alex must attend weekly conference calls with the parent company in Country K, his residential telephone bills are paid for by the company. He estimates that 20% of his annual telephone bill of $3,000 is for personal use.
由于 Alex 必须参加每周与 K 国母公司的电话会议,因此他的住宅电话费由公司支付。他估计,他每年 3,000 美元的电话费中有 20% 用于个人使用。
Alex incurred the following expenses which were not reimbursed by his employer:
business entertainment expenses of $53,950;
商务招待费 53,950 美元;
taxi fares of $500 for commute between home-airport-home for business travels; and
出差在家-机场-家之间的通勤出租车费为 500 美元;和
car running expenses of $800 relating to travels for client meetings in Singapore.
800 美元的汽车运行费用,与在新加坡参加客户会议的旅行有关。
Alex also has the following receipts during the year 2023
Alex 在 2023 年还有以下收据
Singapore one-tier dividend of $2,250.
Interest income from OCBC Bank, an approved bank of $1,500
华侨银行(OCBC Bank)的利息收入为1,500美元
Alex remitted savings of $100,000 back to Singapore on 10 May 2023 as he intends to purchase a property for his family to live in permanently instead of rental accommodation. The savings were from his salary earned while working in the US.
Alex 于 2023 年 5 月 10 日将 100,000 美元的积蓄汇回新加坡,因为他打算为家人购买一处房产,永久居住,而不是租房。节省下来的钱来自他在美国工作期间赚取的工资。
Alex has owned an apartment for the past 15 years for investment purposes. In year 2023, the apartment was rented out from 1 January till the current tenant moved out on 31 October 2023 and then from 1 December 2023 to another tenant under a 2-year tenancy agreement. In November, Alex had the vacant property deep cleaned and carried out some minor repairs and replacements. For the year ended 31/12/2023, the income and expenses from the apartment are as follows:
在过去的 15 年里,Alex 一直拥有一套用于投资目的的公寓。在2023年,该公寓从1月1日出租,直到现任租户于2023年10月31日搬出,然后从2023年12月1日起根据2年租赁协议出租给另一名租户。11 月,亚历克斯对空置的房产进行了深度清洁,并进行了一些小修和更换。截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日止年度,公寓的收入和支出如下:
Rental income for the year: $89,000
Fire insurance and property tax (annual): $9,000
Annual maintenance fee: $12,000
年度维护费: $12,000
Replacement of air-conditioners and upgraded them to energy-saving models: $15,100
Replacement of old kitchen cabinets with cabinets of similar materials and fixtures: $30,500
用类似材料和固定装置的橱柜更换旧厨柜:30,500 美元
Mortgage repayment (monthly): $3,200 (comprising capital repayment of $2,000 and interest of $1,200)
按揭还款额(每月):$3,200 (包括还款本金$2,000及利息$1,200)
Alex’s wife, Amanda, arrived in Singapore on 15 July 2023 after ensuring that Christian was comfortable living with his grandparents in Country K. Christian will continue his studies in Country K until it is time for him to return to Singapore for National Service enlistment. He will be taken care of by Amanda’s parents who will help to oversee Christian’s educational needs in Country K and his overall wellbeing. Amanda’s parents are in their seventies and have no income. Amanda has never lived in Singapore apart from the short visits to see her in-laws with Alex. Amanda derived the following income in the year ended 31/12/2023:
Amanda secured a position as a senior relationship manager at an approved bank in Singapore at a monthly salary of $15,000. Her first day of work was on 1 September 2023. Her employment pass issued by the Ministry of Manpower is valid for 2 years from 1 September.
Amanda 在新加坡一家经批准的银行获得了高级客户经理的职位,月薪为 15,000 美元。她上班的第一天是2023年9月1日。她由人力部签发的就业准证自9月1日起有效期为2年。
Amanda derives rental from two Singapore properties that she had bought many years ago. The rental derived from year 2023 are as follows:
Property 1 derived a net rental loss of $2,000 due to replacements of old and worn furniture requested by the tenant.
Property 2 derived a net rental surplus of $1,500.
物业 2 的净租金盈余为 1,500 美元。
Amanda earned interest income of USD 5,000 (SGD 6,000) in 2022 from her deposit placement with Citibank in New York. The interest was remitted to Singapore on 3/1/2024.
Amanda 在 2022 年从她在纽约花旗银行的存款中获得了 5,000 美元(6,000 新元)的利息收入。利息已于 2024 年 3 月 1 日汇入新加坡。
Amanda earned interest income of $6,000 from a loan made to ABC Pte Ltd, a company tax resident in Singapore.
Amanda 从向新加坡公司税务居民 ABC Pte Ltd 的贷款中获得了 6,000 美元的利息收入。
Other information:
Alex and his wife hired a foreign domestic helper at a monthly salary of $1,000 to help with domestic chores. The monthly levy of $60 is paid by Alex. The helper commenced employment with the family on 1 October 2023.
亚历克斯和他的妻子聘请了一名外籍家庭佣工,月薪为1000美元,帮助做家务。每月 60 美元的征费由 Alex 支付。该名佣工于2023年10月1日开始受雇于该家庭。
Christopher enlisted for National Service in August 2023. Up till the enlistment day, Christopher was engaged in volunteer work with a youth organization in Singapore and did not derive any income. He had completed his high school studies (the equivalent to pre-university studies or Singapore’s A-Levels) in year 2022 in Country K.
克里斯托弗于 2023 年 8 月入伍服兵役。在入伍之前,克里斯托弗在新加坡的一个青年组织从事志愿者工作,没有获得任何收入。他于 2022 年在 K 国完成了高中学习(相当于大学预科学习或新加坡的 A-Level)。
Alex’s parents are both in their early seventies and only his father live with the couple. Alex’s father, a retiree, derived $10,000 in lottery winnings in 2023. Alex’s mother who is handicapped.by Parkinson’s disease, lives in a nursing home. Alex pays the annual nursing home fees of $60,000.
亚历克斯的父母都七十出头了,只有他的父亲和这对夫妇住在一起。亚历克斯的父亲是一名退休人员,他在 2023 年获得了 10,000 美元的彩票奖金。亚历克斯的母亲 handicapped.by 帕金森病,住在疗养院。亚历克斯每年支付 60,000 美元的疗养院费用。
Alex and Amanda send S$ 10,000 each month to Amanda’s parents in Country K for the daily living needs of her parents and their younger son, Christian.
Alex 和 Amanda 每月向 Amanda 在 K 国的父母寄 10,000 新元,以满足她父母和他们的小儿子 Christian 的日常生活需求。
Alex was not called up for reservist training during the year. He was not a key appointment holder in the army (reservist).
Alex and Amanda have fully claimed the parenthood tax rebate on their children in prior years.